HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-16, Page 5Nov. 10, 1899
ILL Dent, F. S, SCOTT, Brussels,
Baum ofMarriage 1400noos, OMoe
at his Qr000ry, Turuberoy Street, Brussels,
1. V • Tonsorial Artiot' Shop -Next door
North of the Standard Bang. Ladies' and
ell ildrone hair outtiug a epooialIy,
11 1Rnsroxinn has several good Farms for
Salo and to rout, easy berme, 11) TOwuebills
01 'deride and Grey. P S. SCCTT.Brnseele
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
73Rv.001 01, ONT.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
OFFICE AT JEwl ,lto BTOoo.
F 'No Witness Required.
T. FLE'TOIlER, Brnesele
L.. O. M.,
Acadomto graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music. oleo Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of paella for inebruolion
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Fri:wipel's Form In the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Of London Conservatory of Music.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar,
Will receive a limited number of pupils for
instruction at Brussels. Class Went let of
September. For further information apply
to flits 8. L. Moore, music teacher.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Do, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Lund, Loan and Ineura1300 Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collootione made
0 Mee in Graham's Block, Brussels
• EEE, win 0011 for bettor prions, to
bettor 13100. In see time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer in ]Oast Huron
or he won't ;Margo anything. Dates and
orders eau 'always be arranged at this omoe
or by personal application.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary dollege, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domostioated animals lu a own-
veteriinnaryyydonttlotry, Calle promptlyttention p at-
tended to, 011100 and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge 'rurnborry et., Brussels.
• 8olioitor,0onveyan0Or ,Notary Pub-
notonO'e Block 1 door
north o. omoevauetb of Central Hote Solicitor lor tho
Standard Bank.
Solicitor, deo. 01000 over Stand-
ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loon at lowoat rates.
M • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Ont or01l.00-Hamilton Solicitor,
borne Hotel.
M. D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member Collage of Phy
eletana and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the
Royal College of Phyeioiaoe and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 19 -Telephone
Na,14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels,
M. D., O. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Ph eioiauo
awl Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lage of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of woman and children a specialty.
Dight years' experience. Ia-Omeo and res-
idence that formerly 000upiad byDr, Mo-
)Iotvoy, Turnborry street, Brussels. 26-
M. O. O. M.,
Graduate of Mceill College, Montreal, Aga.,
&a, All epeofalty work eatiefaotmdiy treat-
ed. Onloo upetairo in the Stratton Block.
Omco hours, 0 to 11n, 01., and 7 to 10 p. m.
Specialist work, mob. as for eye, ear, throat,
01o,. in the omoe at his residence, Elizabeth
street, from 2 to 0 p m, All mm 1101008 will
bo dieponeod personally by the D1'. or under
his direct supervision,
The undersigned will keep for 6e1'vioe on
Lot 20 Om 0, Morris, the thoro'-bred Im-
proved 'Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long -
follow," No, 2100, bred by J,10. Br0thou0, Bur -
101d, to whiob a limited number of sows will
be taken. . Terms, +91.00, to bo paid at time
of Service with privilege of returning if nee -
A number of ohoiae young Bowe for We for
breeding purposes which will bo Sold at
pricier' to Suit the WHIT, NICROL, Proprietor.
Hon. A, G. Blair ie holding meetings
in New Brunswick.
W. A. Wilson, manager of the Moose.
min, N, W. T„ oreamery, conducted by
the Dominion Governteent, who hat
arrived at ) ingoton, to sot ae butter•
maker at the dairyschool for the comin
00aeon, reports l4 rosperous term in the
West, having shipped over 20,000 pounds
of butter to mining dietriots of the West,
,Mistrial Etths.
Moine a'0 FonLow.-Wm, Woods is hay.
Ing a foundation laid for a new stable, -
Beane Moline has returned from visiting
friends in Psterboro', -Turnips, sales and
thre0binge seem to be the order of the
day along the Boundary, -Tho eons of W.
Hayden, who have been ill with typhoid
fever are gradually improvlag.-Harry
Edwards left far WIngham to take a
position in T. Holmes' blaakemith 011op,
---The Tru'toes of S. S. No. 10, Howlett,
have engaged the services of alias Pear -
eon for another year. She's a line teaoh-
er.'.-Mies A, Belden is ill again at Lie.
towel and it is thought an operation will
be neeeeeary before she eau recover,
Mies Belden's many friends will wish her
a speedy recovery,
:4 3101Urth.
',Timex hears -While Mr. Atkinson,
of Broadfoot, Box do 0o,'e factory, was
using a revolving machine, the board,
which he woo outtiug, slipped and hie
hand, taking the place of the board, wee
dielooated and badly out.-Oaroline
Ewart, relict of the late John Farrell, M,
D., died at the reeidenoe of Dr. Bethune,
her brother in law, on Sunday, Nov. 5111.
She came from Now York to live with
her sister about a year ago and had been
ill for some months before her demise.
The funeral took plane on Tuesday of
last week from St. Thome' ahuroh to
Maitland oemetory.-Mies Mand Bartry,
of this plane, hae been engaged ae teach-
er in Broadtoot'e eohool fur the oomiog
year. -Invitations have been leaned for
the Fireman's Ball to be held ou Friday,
Deo. 1st, in Oardno'e Hail. -Io Holy
Trinity church, Toronto, on Nov, 8th, 0.
0. Punohard was married to Miss Lillian
Hedley, daughter of J. 0. Hedley. -Mies
Morton still holds revival meetings in the
Methodist obnrob.-Several new mem.
hers have been added to the band lately.
The Appetite of a Goat
Ie envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
Stamauh and Liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. Ring's Now
Lite Pills, the wonderful Stomaoh and
Liver Remedy, gives it splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25e, at G. A. Dead•
man's drug store.
13 1.v tic.
BINGE'S NOTES.- Diviefon 0011rt was
held in Industry hall on Friday, -John
Kraehiiug has gone to Toronto, whore
he will learn the barbering, -The W. C.
T. U., of Stratford, presented Sergt.
Harry Ballard, formerly of Blyth, with
a Comfort bag, before taking the steamer
at Quebeo.-Mrs. D. 13. MoKinnon 3708
stricken with a partial paralytic stroke
on Monday of last week. We are pleased
to state that she is at present very mush
better and her complete reoovery is expect
ed eoou by her many friends. -George
MoCully, who has beau with S. H. Gid•
ley's popular olathing hones for over
three years, has gone to Galt, w13000 he
has secured a situation. -Alex. MaKen•
zia, who has been a highly esteemed reef.
dent of Blyth for many years, removed
with hie family to Heneall.--Tice young
people's societies of the English, Metho.
dist and P,eebyterian Omahas, Blyth,
held a union meeting in the latter church
on Tuesday evening of last week. A. T.
Cooper, of Clinton, was present and
gave an interesting report of the recent
Dominion Convention of young people's
societies. A good musical program was
presented and light refreshments served.
There was a good attendance. -James
Vint, of Bast Wawanoeh, fell down etaire
at hie home on Monday morning of last
week, breaking his right arm and dislo.
Dating the same arm at the elbow, Hie
faceae also o badlY a out and bruised.
Vint is 74 years of age and hie injuries
are giving him considerable pain.-
Denetedt Bros. have moved their stook
of hardware and stoves to the store
recently 0000pied by C. Hamilton. -0.
Hamilton and family have moved to the
hoose lately occupied by Alex. MoRenzie,
on Sing street.
1,0 Fooled The Surgeons,
All dootore told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, 0., atter suffering 18
mouths from Rectal Fietnls, ha would
die Unless a costly operation was per-
formed ; but he oured himself with five
boxes of Buoklen'o Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile Dore on Earth, and the beet
Salve in the World. 25 Dente a box.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist.
GATuanEn Ur. -The Oddfeliow's Hall
will be ready for occupation in a few
days, as all the tradesmen exoept paint.
ere and plumbers are through with their
part of the work. The iron fenoe plaoed
in position by Runoiman is a great im.
provemeot on the old time picket ones,
and adds ooneiderably to the appearauoe
of the Hall. The brethren propose to
celebrate the opening with a grand ball
to be given about the end of this month,
-Some two weeks since a petty thief
broke into the wood shed attached to St.
David's ward school and made off with a
considerable quantity of the pile. -The
Queen vs. James Ryle, of Sealorth, sent
up by Mayor Gunn and Beattie, J. P,, on
the charge of house.breaking and at-
tempted arson, was heard before. Judge
Masson Wednesday. Dr. Philips wee
the supposed complainant, but it turned
out to be a Hallowe'en freak, and the
young man having an excellent character,
he was honorably discharged. The warn.
ing i0 one that should be heeded by boys
and young men who innocently get into
trouble, -A, P. McLean, of the Palade
Clothing Store, hue put in three counters
and show oases combined, all of heavy
plate glass, -The financial balance of the
late G. N. W. Exhibition was not as good
as was hoped for and expected, largely
owiug to the fact that in almost every de.
partment of the prize list there was good
competition, the prize money ie. being
paid in full as utaal.-The Goderioh
Organ Co. shipped seven oar loads of or.
gone to the Old Uoonbry during October.
-In response to an inquiry, Mayor
Thompeon informed Os that he has not
yet decided whether he will again. be in
the field for the Mayoralty or not. Ho
hail been asked to stand by a number of
the ratepayers, but so far hae not given
hie friends a definite answer. -About 80
efficient and Whetters of North street
Methodist Sunday school assembled on
Monde avenin
y g of last week at the home
of William Campbell for the purpose of
saying farewell to Miss ,Lizzie Oampbell,
who 10 leaving town for a while, Mist,
Campbell for many yearn hits been one of
the most motive workers in the Sunday
school, and 11or fellow workera look the
0001801011 for an expression of their ap-
preciation of her faithful COCOON and of
the eOtoem fu w11i011 they hold her person.
ally. During the evening they presented
her with a boudoir olook and a handsome
umbrella, a000mpanied by an address ex.
proesiog their high regard for her. Mu.
Oampbell, noon behalf of hie daughter,
made an appropriate reply, The rest of
the evening was spent very pleasantly
in a imolai way.. -E, R. Watoon and L.
E, Danoey shot 21 bled; squirrels on
Harris' form, 4th con, Goderieh town.
0hip, on Tuesday; -We are glad to ;snow
that Airs. Blake, who has been laid up
for several weeps with a fraotured log, le
improving. Mrs. Blake le one of our
oldest residents, and her recovery stows
that the still poseeeres strong re0uper•
alive powers,-Mre. J. 0, Debtor, of
North Bay, formerly of Goderioh, epent
several days here laeb week with Mrs,
Ohristopberson,-Lieut. W. 15. Gundry
le attending the military wheel at Lon.
don. He will be there a month or so,
NEWRY Nonce. Joyoe, the four -3 ear
old daughter of Geo. and Mrs. Burton,
died an Thnreday, 2nd inst. Some weeks
ago the little girl had an attack of scarlet
fever, from the (Mental of which she never
fully rallied. -'there are two or three
mild oases of scarlet fever in town. -The
Y. P. S. 0. E. will have their anneal
social in the near future, -J. A. MoBain
has returned to Manitoba, where he will
travel for a Loudon wholesale grocery
house.-TheLlmafactory Have oommeu•
oed butter making operationo,-George
Ellicott, 10 h con., Elm., has pnro1a00d
Mr. William's farm for the sum of $4,000,
The farm oontoiae 140 acres and is in a
fair state of cultivation, with fair build.
Inge and fences. Mr, Ellicott will have a
good farm and in a good location, with.
in two miles of MOnkton oberohas and
school. Wm. Jury ie at present living on
it, having It leased fora number of years.
His lease has expired and Mr. Jury has
not quite decided what he will do yet.
FIRE AT FO/IT Haro.-0n Sunday morn-
ing, 5th inst., about 0 o'olook, the
evaporating establishment of D. F. Ilam•
link, on Oavin street, was completely
destroyed by fire. The lose will probably
amount to $4,000. It is reported that
there is no insura000. The building was
owned by Craig do Sone ; small insurance.
The fire is supposed to have originated in
one of the drying kilos. Hamliuk had a
large quantity of evaporated goods ready
for shipment. Mr. Hsmlink is well
known in town he having the Gerrie
evaporator rented at the pre.ent time.
KGATBF,RBD GENS.-Miee Annie Kemp
left on Tuesday of last week for Buffalo
where she will visit friends. -Mrs. Benj.
Pierce and eon, who have been visiting
W. and Mrs. Mose fur the past two
months. returned to her home in
la.Prairie, an on Tuesdayof Nab week.
Aohieon Laird's horse took fright and
pulled a verandah poet out at the Mont..
real House. -While threshing at ;Sir. Mc•
Kee's on the 7th con., Jonas Hallman fell
off the straw stank spraining his knee.
He now travels on three legs. -Ralph
Lawrie left on Tuesday morning of last
week for Elora, whore be will learn the
drug business with It D. Norrie, -Bur.
glare made an attempt to burglarize the
jewelry store of R. Knox on Wednesday
evening of last week but were frightened
away before they had made an entrance.
PI,002wrAT10N•-A farewell took place
at the home of Mre. Samuel Greer on
Monday evening of last week when a
large Dumber of friends met to spend an
evening with her eon, W. J. Greer, just
on the eve of his departure to Wingham,
where he is entering into business. A
very pleasant evenlng
was spent.ant After
refreshments re
we served vie Mr. Greer was
nailed to the floor and presented with a
magnificent plush ;ouch and Bible, and
an address. The Quarterly Board of the
Methodist chum also preeeneed him with
the following resolution :-Thio bring the
last time W. J. Greer, our Recording
Steward, will be with us in the oapaoity
of an officer of our oirouit, we beg to
move the following resolution 1 -That we
hereby express our high appreciation of
the ability displayed in the position to
whish this Board appointed him. As a
Recording Steward he has given the full-
est and most oatieiaotory reports we Have
had, and now that ho is about to leave
we would wish for him a more extensive
and enooeeeful sphere in this the ohnroh
of bis choice and trust he May enjoy
God's blessing in its entire 410lnese,
Gloflone News
Oomeo from Dr. D. B. Oargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes 1 "Font
bottles of Eleotrio Bitters bas cured Mrs.
Brewer of oorofnla, which had amused
her great suffering for yeers. Terrible
sores would break out on her head' and
fade, and the best doctors could give no
help ; but her ogre is complete and her
health is excellent." This allows what
thousands have proved, -that Eleotrio
Bitters is the best blood purifier known.
It's the supreme remedy for eozeua,
tetter, salt rheum, clean, boils and run-
ning three. It etimulates liver, kidneys
and bowels, expele poison, helps digestion
builds up the strength. Only 50 oente.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist.
NEWSY FANCIES. - Dr. Spence was
eleoted to fill the position of lieoordiog-
Steward, on the Methodist ohnroh Board,
left vacant by the death of the late Mr.
Hepinetall.-A load of the Royal Tem.
plats from here responded to an invita-
tion from 4Vooleolsy Council, Harriston,
and drove over'and paid tbom a friendly
visit on their Rally night. They all
report having bad a very enjoyable time.
-Fraooio Edwards has commenced to
learn the blackomitbing trade with
Orlando Wade.- Robert and William
Jamison, Robert Sanderson and David
Wilson have reoeived the contract of
supplying the atone for the new school.
house, at peiae6 ranging from $2.85 to
82.50 per oord.-Benjamin Cook and
John Lear, of Avon, have been visiting
their oouein, B. S. Cook and family, and
friends in the village and vicinity last
week. It is sixteen years eines the for.
mer gentleman hae been in these parte,
and he expresets himself RS Moll taken
up with the appeareno0 of the country
and bo notiee0 many ohenges for the
better, oepeolally fit the village.-Tbe
annual meeting of the Newbridge Branch
Bible Society was bold rentals,. Not.
withstanding the heavy rain and thiols
darkness,:Rev, Mr, Hanna, agent of tite
fiooiety, ncnompaniod by Rev. A, B.
Dobson, were present. '1'110 altendaaoe
was small, but the energetic Secretary,
1011100 Faille, and the Proeidoot, A.
Spence, were on baud, 'elle report show.
ed a ouooeselnl year for the Branch,
upwards of 885 having been raised. The
old (Moore were reelected and arrasge.
meats made for vigorous work during the
Doming year, Bev, Mr, IIanna gave a
ohort but very intorea4iog and inoti eetive
address, and the meeting WAS 0l0sed by
the Rev. IYIr, Dobeee.
Uloeover,'d by a Wonuur.
Another great disoovoryhao been made,
and that too, by a lady in this country,
"Dieeaee fastened rte clutches upon her
and for seven years ells withstood its
eavoreet tosto, but her vital organa were
undermined and death seemed imminent.
For throe menthe she coughed inclement.
ly, and could not sleep. She finally dis-
covered a way to 000070ry, by purohaoing
of us a bottle of Dr. Ring's New Di0•
oovery for Ooneumption, and was so
muoh ro'ieved on taking first dose, that
she slept all night ; and with two bottles,
has been absolutely oared. Iter name is
Mrs. Lather Lutz" Time writes W. 0.
Hamni041 & 00„ of Shelby, N. 0, Trial
bottles free at G. A. Deadman'e Drug
Store. Regular size 50o and •81.00.
Every bottle guarautoed.
LITTLE LIranooTa.-gyral Band ors, of
the Banner staff, left for Yarmouth, N.
B„ where he has secured a sit on the
"Light," and will operate a typograpb
maobine,-Andrew Neuort has returned
to town from Portage la Prairie,wbeee he
has been working at his trade during the
Summer, -A gang of telephone workmen
are engaged in putting in the connections
for the new metallic service at the local
central aurae, -Jacob Bricker, late of the
Bricker Hardware Co., and family have
removed to Waterloo, where they purpose
spending the Winter. -100 new hooka
have just arrived and been placed on the
shelves of the Public Library -Rev. J.
A, Morison, M. A., late of the blast Pres.
byterian church, Toronto, and formerly
pastor of Koox church in this town lute
received a call to St, David's church, St.
John, N. B.-Peroy Kerr, teller in the
Bank of Hamilton here, has been pro.
meted to the head office at Hamilton and
Lloyd Macdonald, who has fully re•
covered from his late Illness, has taken
Mt'. Rere's ptaoh in the Beak here. ---A
meeting of the Bible, Book and Treat 80.
clary was held in the Iavangolloal Munich
Monday evening of last week and was ad.
dressed by Dr, Moffat of Toronto, -Cue -
tome retorne for the out port of Listowel
during the month of Ootober was 82,(;6'4.•
85 an inal'e008 of 81,700,78 of the same
month last year. -J. Jaek000 purabesed
from Petrie 18 Gq,. Toronto, a No, 8, Nor.
they Gas Engine, whiob has been install.
0d in his workshop, -The Sunday school
anniversary 00171000 of the Methodist
choreic Sabbath sabool will he held on
Sunday, Nov. 10th. Itev, R. Whiting, of
Kitobell, will address the eohool at the
morning service,
Eight of the Scotsman's sailors (Marg.
ed with stealing effects of the passengers
were discharged from custody at Montre-
al, ae there was not ouffioiout evidence
against them.
James Smart, Deputy Minister of the
Interior, says there are in Creat Britain
end Ireland, and also on the continent,
agriculturieLs who would avail themselves
of the advantages offered to awl ere in
Canada, but who are not in posseesiou of
onfiioient meanie to warrant their leaving
their old lima and Doming to thio
Is the place to get a good
Photo. I offer from this date until Jan.
let, 1900, 000 doz. Cabinet Photos., one
Mantle Easel and Frame with one extra
Photo. tinted in Water Oolor,
POR $2.50
Family Groupe a Speoialty.
Picture Frames of all kinds.
Orayoo Portraits and Water Colors
done to satisfaction.
Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings,
Silks and Satins,
Ladies' and Gents' Under-
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Grocery Department.
Full line of new Teas and
Newt Fruits,
NewCanned C Goods,
Fresh and Pure Spices.
Some New Lines that we
have now in Stock.
'W'e cap, quote Special Prices for
Goods lleiitioriea
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, latest cut and perfect fitting.
Ladies' Furs, in all the different makes.
Ladies' Underwear, in all styles and prices ; the Vest we sell at
25c. is superior to anything on the market.
Our 88 inch Flannelettes, at 10c. per yard, are unequalled.
Our Grey Flannels are the best money can buy, and our stock
of these Goods is complete.
A Few WS Specials in MEGOODS n
Our Suitings in Tweeds are shown at a price to suit the pocket
of any man.
A large stock of Overcoats, Beadylnade Suits, Reefers, Odd
Vests, Tweed and Worsted Pants.
Oh 1 take warning men, and don't buy your Fur Coats till you
have looked through our stock, it will pay you ; and if yon are buy-
ing a Robe this Winter we can show you Robes at prices never be-
fore quoted. Remember we se]! the Genuine Saskatchewan Buffalo
Robes, which are lined with a superior quality of Astrachan cloth
and interlined with rubber throughout.
Wo sell McPherson's and J. D. King's perfect fitting shoes, and
can guarantee every pair of them to give perfect satisfaction. Our
stock of Long Boots and Plongh Shoes is complete.
In our Grocery Department
We have Blue Ribbon Tea, Salado Tea, Monsoon Tea, and we
sell 41bs. of Japan Tea for $1.00 that will make you come back and
ask for the same thing again.
Now, we want the public to come and inspect our Goods and be
convinced of what Wo taro doing. We are never too busy to show
Goods at
_ d
Pi ca,w,sr.s+000 VOA.* .0 6464.6144 .1.0.44 O,4.w+•*a.<
is 5:3015 are To=day.
finch your feet iv wrong shaped shoes ; make
port nervous, irriln' ; spoil your ternller; lose
your cnnecnlrati
You can't ev, t ho go the even tenor of your
way in a shoe that el 1,1es.
"Slater Shoes ' see imine to fit feet --to cover
every Lender joint roulfortably--make you forget
yhu 11000 a 1.-liny f
They fit it::: li: •t time they're worn, and ever
after, because t:ru ,.lrnteli and shrink has been for
ever taken out of them while six days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all Ulna, six widths, all colors,
styles and 11.1111(•37.
Goodyear \v 34..1, stamped on the soles with
name and pri.'e, i.3,50 and $5,00.
Lamm am:4a n$4,arsaa.c•m-99i ®u®ce, ®.1Homega ®so
Downing Bros., - Sole Local Agents
heavy, strong Shoes that will wear
All sizes.
Our Men's Long Boots are the
and $8.00, and sure to please you.
In Men's Fine Boots we are
$1,50, $2.00, $8.00 and $8.50.
We desire this week to call
your attention to (=Boot and
Shoe Department. We have
the latest Styles, A.1 Qualities
and best Values in the trade
in Children's, Misses', Boys',
Ladies' and Gents' wear from
the finest Kiel to the heavy
whole stock Kip. We are
showing special lines in good,
well and keep your feet dry.
very best in Canada at $2.25
showing up-to-date leaders at
Oar Stook. is Large and zvelZ ,Issorted
in all Departments.
November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices.
011 11OCOfY
is Up -to -Date.
We are in a position to supply the wants
of the general publio with up.to.date
Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas,
Coffees, Meals, Spices
and General
Household Necessaries.
Our aim is to selln]
o the Best and
F esheet Goode on the mat the
market e
lowest living profit on it Cash:basis.
Those who deal with ue will come
Farm produce taken and the very
beet value given.
Oall and ascertain what we oan do
for you. "Your money's worth all the
year round," is our motto.
t"Choioe Confectionery,
0• E. Bartliff,
Transcontinental Route
TO ---
Ohioago, St. Louie, Omaha, Denver, Los
Angelee, Ben Diego, San Franoieoo and
pointe in California, Arizona, New Mexi.
co, Colorado, and other Paaiflo Coast
Points. If yon are contemplating a trip
Health, Pleasure or Business
to the land of Sunshine, Fruits and
Flowers, tape the G. T, R.
Through tickets to all Foreign pointe.
For Descriptive Guides, Time Tables,
etc., apply to Agents G.T.R. System.
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels.
British. Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- ----�
North Shore
Pin and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notioo,
Estimates furnished for all
kinds of Buildings.Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
P. AM,: • • • N .✓<n r
And Apple Butter.
Have everything ready for the
Fall tade in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
Satisfaction guaranteed. �o
No Words!
Saw Gemming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner, Batia.
faction assured.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sole.
sore and other edged tools in up-to-date
Agent for "Morris" Pianos.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepsla, Sleeplessneoe,;Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitae' Danoe,
Female Irregnlaritiee and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sohl by lila, TDs, Druggist, Brussels.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes touted FREIE by,
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,.