HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-16, Page 1Vol. 28. No. 19
W. H . KERR, Prop,
rfor9t010, enmities Asp Aconuennun,
(Successor to Dr. F. II. lialbitelecil)
1). Bellevue hospital Mo& Col., Now
York ;DOOD Viotoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Physiolitue and
aurfleOne of Ontario. Bimetal attentiou paid
to Mimeos of 'women, eye, oar, nose and
'throat. 1041
For0 long
time Glaases
were used only
to Desist in
reading or
near work, but
with increased
knowledge of
the eye, we are
able to adjust
Glenn to im•
prove the eight,
thereby ouring
chronic, head-
aches, neural.
gia end many
baryon aftlio.
tions moused by eyestrain. The theueands
who wear properly adjested Glasses are
the living testimonials to the truth of it.
Examination free.
Ontario Business
Listowel College
A thorough, complete and practical train-
ing in all beano:thee of Commercial work,
at 000siderably lees than regular ratee.
For full information apply
Rooms or college over Post Office.
You will find abundant evidence of our
superiority over other Canadian schools.
Students admitted at any time. Write
for ntalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
New Advertisements
Lneal—A, Currie.
Doming—T. 1 Smith.
Specials—McKay d 0o.
For you—G, A. Deedmen.
Organ for aale—B. Gerry.
Spectacles—Aire. Fletober.
Rooms wanted—Tun Posp,
Oard—Dr. Win, L. Helene.
19o, for butt( r—A. R. Smith,
Boar for serviee—Jno. Straohan.
Bull strayed—Donald McDonald.
Settle Anounts—Dr. Kalbfleisoh.
A growing time-1,1°101mq ta Co.
30istritt gebos.
Pars, Wilbee, of Brussels, is visiting
her eon here,
Menitzem—On Wednesday of this week
Robert J. Sharp, formerly of Ethel, wae
married at Oryotal Oity, elan., to Miss
Minnie Robinson, formerly of Orange
villa, Mr. Sharp's many old friende here
will be a unit in wishing himself and
bride happiness end sunless.
Mrs. Henry Kaye, who lives West of
Ethel, has sold her 50-aore farm to
Malcolm Lamont, whose 100 aerea lies
aoroes the side road from it, for g2,400.
This will give Mr. Lamont as fine a farm
aa is to be found in , Grey. Mre. Keys
has bought the farm of Henry Mooney,
1 miles Weet of Brussel°, 6th line, Moe -
roe township, and will get poeeeeeion next
Coming 1 Coming 1
T. r. SMITE,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto:Optical Colleges, will be at
Wednesday, Nov, 29th.
M-Oall early and avail yourself of
his valuable services.
March. The prices paid woe 45,000. It
30 said to bo tin extra gond 100 acres and
in a epletelid locality. F. S. Sootb ar.
ranged the sale% We will be sorry to
lose Mre, Keys and family from this
community as they are most worthy
Mrs. Dan, Eokmier is able to be out
again after a long and aware illness.
El, F. PaoAllister delivered a load of
flour to Belgraveand one to Settforth.
On Monday morning 5 dog bounded
through one of the large lights in Mo.
A.Ilister's nom. At home is the plain
for dogai.
On Saturday Wm. Bentley received
word from Windom that hie mother was
dyiog: Will went to Windeor on Monday
John Mmellieter has moved back to his
property on the lit oon„ and hie eon
Alex., is taking °barge of the Eamon
farm here.
Dr, Rivers", of Orediton, °caopied the
pulpit of the Methodist church on Bab.
bath evening, and spoke very ably from
the worde, "Take my yoke upon you."
While we do not approve of all the
"innooent Woks" that oar boys played
on the night of Hallowe'en, and while
we agree that it is time for a change, yet
we would inform the Rev. gentleman that
he has not taken right etope to reform
our boye.
8:80 °Weak last Saturday night tbe
building formerly Bonged aa a hotel and
owned for eeverul years by Mrs. Sarah
Hall, was destroyed by lire as well as the
stable adjoining. 13 11 had not been for
energetic work J. EL Thorason's store,
residence and other buildinge would also
have fallen a prey to the devouring isle.
ment, Mr. Thomson has been holding
nightly sales of store geode eo that
more people than usual were about.
There were four meu in tbe hotel at the
time of the fire but they knew nothing of
it until the smoke mime into abs room
where they were. When they got into
the ball it was so dense tbat nothing
could be done and they bad to make a
dash for the door to get out, except that
Jae, Taylor neared Mrs. Hall's trnnk.
Fire is supposed to have started in a son
of cellar and spread quickly under tbe
floor so that the buildiug was almost in.
etantly a man of flame. It is reported
that Mrs. Hall intended removing to
Stratford where her daughter ie living
now and where part of ber goods were
said to hale been moved and other thine
ready for removal. There is said to be
insurance but amount or Co. holding 11) 30
not known to the writer at preeent. No
doubt there will be a thorough ex.
amination and enquiry made before
money is paid over. The fire was a hot
one and some of those helping save
Thomson's buildings had their faaee
blistered with the intense heat, driven
Eastward by tbe stiff breeze. Had the
store gone the ehurohee would have had a
6110.1121912.131 -
For Dry Goods' Buyers. No exaggeration, but plain telling of every day
prices. Goods that are dependable in every way and prices that are right down to
rock bottom.
There is a differenoe in Underwear.
Some are pooily made from poor materi-
als and are a constant num of annoy-
ance from the first time they are put on.
Bnb others, again are good ; oare hae
been taken in the making, the yarns have
bean thorotighly scoured and cleaned, and
the garment when oompleted is just what
it should be--nornfortable in every par-
ticular. We have been very careful
about the kind of Underwear we have
gathered together for this Fall business,
and thus we have a etook unmatched in
this eeotion.
Ohildrene' Ribbed Hygiean Veen,
long sleeves, cotton ribbbn around neok ;
all sizee, 10o. to 180.
Childrens' fine Ribbed Veete, soft
}kith, nearly all pure wool, just enough
cotton in them to keep them from
ehtinking ; all sizes, 120, to 87o.Childrens' Hygiean Drawers, anort.
ed elms, 22o, to 25o.
Ladies' Ribbed Veete, long steno,
good weight, soft fiolob, closed fronts,
Ladle's' Ribbed Elygelan Veen, open
front, loug sleeves, 20e.
Boy's Hose.
Tbe average boy needs something
extra, strong when it comae to hoelery.
We think we have the best Boye' Hon to
be had, both in the medium and higher
priced (petition. We would draw per-
tieulttaattention to the line Made from
fine English Worsted yarn, fine holed•
twin and finish, double kneee, at item
301. to 000.
We are very particular about the
kind of Honer), we sell. Selling only re.
liable qualities has built us up one of the
biggest Hosiery businesses in this sec-
tion. If you do your Hosiery buying
here you can depend on getting good
goods. These few prices will do to judge
them all by.
Ladies' Seamless Ribbed Cashmere
Hose, all wool, epeoial value, 26o,
Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose,
made from pure, strong yarn .will give
good wear, 870.
Ladies' (strong Cashmere Hose, plain,
full Whined, made from tooth wools,
seaming, 40o.
Ladies' heavy Woollen Hose, plain
or ribbed, seamless feet, 25o,
Childrente eine in proportion.
A. collection of every -day prime from
the Linen department, and you oan get
no better values then these anywhere.
00 inob, heavy, half bleaohed Table
Damask, good patteen, oopeoial at 25o.
Very heavy weight half bleached
pure iioeu Table Denlask, 05 inches
wide, a eplendid cloth for every -day wear,
65.tholo pure linen half bleaohed
Table Damaek, good pattern worth 80o.,
our 000101, at 45o.
There is nothing ekim pad about our
stook of gamin. The every -day needed
geode are here in abundance, 13ig selling
means blg buying, and we are able to
take advantage of the close pekes that
big buying snores. We give good values
on these goods and you oan save money
by doing your staple buying here. Just
a few hints to retnind you of the:way we
sell Staples. The every.day needed
goods are sold here all the time for leas
money than you would buy their same
quality for in most stone.
80-inob Shaker Flannel, good weight,
soft, fluffy finish, dark and light, fancy
stripes and cheeks, 6a.
82 -thole Heavy Shelter Flannel,
etrong gervinabla quality, aesorted fanoy
attipee ; a regular 80. quality, 7o.
Very heavy f3haker Flannel, 29
inohes wide, splendid range in dark pat-
terns, 9o.
80•inoh heavy soft Shaker Flannel,
very fine quality, assorted stripes, extra
epeeist value, 10o.
26,ineb, eel finish 'Union Flannel,
will not shrink, plain or twilled, dark or
eight gray, 12ao,
27.1noit Gtay Flannol, very thick,
pure wool, soft finish, will give good wear,.
28.inoh Gray Flannel, very tbielo,
pure soft wool, unshrinkable, plain iu
dark or light gray, the beet flannel value
we have; geld spaniel at 25o.
.....otarino=simoirarontarmama, amomemi;manowsmarom.
3 cloz. only 1VIen's Shirts and Drawers, made from fine Scotch wool, guaran-
teed pure wool, real value 75e, special for Saturday's selling', 60e,
J. F
u s oN
elan shave. Inepeotor Miller bad ells.
Hall before the magistrates recently for
sellim; liquor without lions° aud after-
ward for leaving liquor on her premien.
Hhe was fined to tbe latter instance,
People in [hie community for miles
rouudare glad the hone 10 gone tte ice
influenee Wad bid in the extreme. Mrs,
Hall is still in this locality but will go to
Stratford it is said. She was a former
resident of Brunets where her husband
kept the Revere House.
[eine eon 1se.
Additional Bluevale newa on page 4 of
this lune.
Ohm Coultas returned from the Wen
Monday night.
Weil Farnham, of Milburn, id visiting
Mrs. GTO.
J, J. Messer, of Hamilton, wee visiting
in the village Ian week.
Ohm, Robertson, of Bolesevain, Man.,
ie visiting hie parents in the village.
John Munro, and two Bone, John and
Dan., returned from Manitoba Ian week.
Mee. Stocker and little daughter, Bella,
ore visiting at her brother's, Tom
Anation Bele of John Roberteon's farm
nook, implemeats, 'toe on Wednesday
afternoon of next week. The Sale will be
without ieeerve, as Mr. Roberteon has
old his farm, F. S. Scott, of Brussels,
will be Use auctioneer.
CI riais r °Olt -
A windmill hoe been put up on the
barn of Wm. Elsoher, near here, to be
utilized for °hopping, pumping, &o.
Bervioe was held iu tbe Lutheran
church last Friday afternoon in 000000.
bion with the fnueral of the late Mrs.
Miss Irvin will be Mies Calder's Imo.
eeeeor in the 2nd Department of our
eohool after New Years. Miss Calder
will attend the Normal eohool at Toronto.
Miss Jennie McNair is having a most
enjoyable time across the briny. Shehae
visited in England, Ireland and Scotland
and hae seen some of the notable eights
of those weenies. Alin McNair may
be home for Ohrietmae and will probably
return by New York.
Tuwnebip Council on Wednesday, 29th
Oar congratulations are vxtenned to
Oonnoillor Livingston. It's a daughter.
John 13rown, 10th con., familiarly
known as "Thresher John" is a grand-
Mies Isabelle, Simpson hae been re -en.
gaged ae teaoher of S. B. No. 8 fc 1900.
She is doing good work.
Last week Ohms. Love moved from the
14th oon. to the 12th where be took pos-
session of the Henry farm. We wish
him moons.
S. Atkin and wife have returned to
• their home at Teeewater. They were
here owing to Mr. Aeltin's father's illness
and subsequent decease.
A. Thompson, who is teaoher in
Bryan's eohool, lat con., will go to To-
ronto next year to attend the Normal
soliool for higher qualilioation. We wish
him success.
The argon Sabbath schools at Shine's
and Smith's schools and at James
Straohan's residence have oloeed for the
Winter months after snooessful and en-
joyable terms.
The trustees, of S. S. No. 2, have re.
engaged ebe eervioee of Miss Maud
Wiltsie as teaoher for 1900 at an advances
of 530.00 on salary. Mies Telltale is so.
ing well in the sobool.
The eleotion of new offieers in Roe'e
ohuroh League will not be held until
another 6 months owing to, a obange in
the Constitution. Mise Bryan nose-
quently oontinues ae President.
We are sorry to hear that Hugh
Stewart, 16th oon., hi not convalescing ea
quickly as his friende would wieb and
bie physioian says he must take a oom.
plate rest to insnre complete recovery.
It is a heart wealonese. Mr. Stewart
may retire from farming for a time in
following out mediai
e netruotions. We
hope he will soon be all right.
Dr.nnd Mrs. Rivera, of Orediton, were
visiting at John Hill's this week. The
Dr. returned home on Monday but ktre.
Rivers is here yet. Mr. Hill he still
quite poorly and to not gaining very fast.
He intends visiting with his ohildren ae
soon as Mr. Armstrong, who has purehas.
ed the farm, moves on the place, which
will be in a few weeke, it is said.
The 60.aore farm of Mrs. John A.
Latnont, con. 6, hae been purchased by
Jae. Douglas, 16111 eon. of Grey, the
prioe being 52,700. Mr. Douglas gets
poeeeeeion next Meech. Mre. Lamont
will likely take a visiting tour with role -
fives and friends. Lest Friday evening
the people of that neighborhood enjoyed
a farewell social evening at Pars. Lam-
°a's. The evening was spent in goomea,
sooial alma M., and a very pleasant
time pub in by all.
OBIT.—Last week Tato POST made brief
totemic:10 to the deoeaee of ears. Albert
Berfeltz, of the flth oon. Demand was
born in Casten, Germany, where ehe wag
married to her now bereft partnet about
29 years ago, They came to Stratford
in 1889 and 7 yeare ago bought lot 12,
eon. 0, Grey, and moved here where they
have since reeided. Mrs. 13erfeltz, who
was a very healthy woman never baying
been under the dootor's care prior to this
illness, took ill on Oat. 6th, taking to he
bed three days later. Inflammation of
the lungs was the initial ailment followed
by other troubles from which ebe died on
Wednesday enuing of laet melt. She
was a kind hearted woman and an ener•
getio busy little body and will be sadly
missed. The funeral took plan on Fri.
day afternoon. Rev, Mr, BeAtenberget',
the Lutheran minister, of whose oburoh
donned was a member, concluoted the
mein, and tater the intetment at Oran -
brook oemetery, prenhed a 'Armen in
German in the •olouroh at OranbroOk.
The pall bearers Were ;—D. MoQuerrie,
R. Mmory, H. Porter, J. V, Stein, V.
Voerster end 13, Dunn, In addition to
Mr. Sabine three Gone antvive, Vie :—
Mill, Feenit and Otto who eliare lo the
syttspelby Of the atennotthity in Unit
lonelinees and smitten,
Hiving neighed tit rsehing Jno. Brown
ie now ready to attend to °bopping.
The dootor has Mani in attendance on
31. J. eloPerthur, Oth non., during the
past weelt. We hope he will non be
We are sorry to 1)003 03 the serious 111.
nese of Mrs. A, D. MoCoelt, of Pine
River, daughter of Joh o Straoban, ard
core, but we hope she will soon be con-
Mre. Ohas. Bozell and daughter, Hazel,
are back from a trip to Paw PAW, Math.,
where they spent 0 weeke visiting Mrs.
Jam Engel, Mrs, le izell's daughter.
They also vieited Win. Bozell et Hut.
ford end relatives in Detroit.
More than once the fan was deplored
that there were eo few little Mc on the
lath con. of Grey, but tbero le a ebange
for the better. A baby girl nine to the
home of Oliver Harris a few weeks ago
and last Sunday hie neighbor, Raba
Douglas, became a papa—the nieeet baby
on the line,
Ferrnerma TtEHEMBERED — Monday
evening of this week a sooial time was
spent at the home of James Straohan by
the members of the Union Sabbath
Reboot, vthiah is held during the Sum'
mer months at Mr. Straohan's residentie,
pins a number of other friende, The
following addreee was read by Charles
Simeon and Minn Ina Bryan and Eliz0.
Coombe, preeented Mr. Straohan with 0.
gentleman's secretary and fare. Straohan
with a line set of dinner diehee :—
To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strachan.
Dunn TEAOSOMPI,—The scholars and friends
of this eohool take this opportunity of ex-
pressing to you their stagers and hearty
appreolatiou of the manner in which you
have given them the 000 of your commodious
residence for the past quarter of a century,
and WO without any wish for reward. Wo
bog to give 000 1109 assurance that your nu
tiring efforts and labor of love on our be-
half nave boon highly appreciated. As a
slight token of our appreciation we would
;Lek Mr. Straohum to accept tide fient'a Soc..
rotary, and Mrs. Straohan this Dinner Set.
We tram, that von will by them be reminded
from time to time that your generosity has
000 11000 unnotioed and will not be soon
forgotten. Hoping that you will still grant
us the privilege of meeting here as a Sob.
bath school and that you will be long
spared to advise, instruct and counsel us in
the future as you hove in the mut, and also
time when you aro called to give an aecount
of your stewardship you may hear the Mae.
ter say "Well done good and faithful ser-
vants.' Signed ou behalf of wheel,
EL/ZA Comm.
An appropriate reply was made by Mr.
Straohan in expressing the thanks of
Mre. Straohan and himself for the
generous gifte and kind words. An en.
joyable program was rendered in which
instrumental selections were givsn by
Misses Ina and Berva Bryau, Milton
MaEwen, Palmier Broe, and E. D. Mo
Intosh. Vocal music was given by
Misses Taylor and Straohan and Means.
Eokmier and Straohan ; D. Taylor and
daugbter ;
• and a nue by the jeoion of
tbe school. Recitations from Allis Mo-
Iielvey and Berva Bryan, Robert
Strachan and Saratiel Shine. The chair
was ooaupied by Thoe. Straetian who also
gave en address. A. very enjoyab'e eveu-
ing was spent by all. The sehool hae
o'osed for the Winter to be re opened next
Some are wondering will we have any
eleotion in Morris this year.
A lot of hay is being pressed now and
00300ie going to Beath Africa.
The next meeting of Morrie Ounnoil
will be held on Monday, 20th inet,
Baxter eloArter and Wm. Fear are
home from their trip to Manitoba.
A. Campbell, of Bruce oonety, is
working for Ed, Meiklejohn, 6th line.
Butterflies were seen Ian week also a
snake, eo we have fine November weath-
5. eohool entertainment is being pre-
pared for in S. S. No. 9. It will be held
on Dec. 14.
Jno. Bewley will remain in the West,
having engaged for the Winter at Ellis.
bore', Ana,
Geo. Parker has gone to the island of
Manitoulin for some ponies. We wish
him success.
We never knew of so few tricks played
on Hellowe'en. The people are learning
better sense.
Miss Annie Agen hae gone to 81.
Agusbine on a, visit to her sister, Para.
Joseph Kernagban.
The 100 acre farm of James Petoh, 5
lot 27, non. 6, has been leased to John
Jaokeon, now of ktoKillop, for a tem of
three years. He gets posseesion on
Meade let. Mr. retell and family talk
of going to Manitoba.
The Henry Mooney farm, 5611 line, bee
been sold to Mee. Keys, near Ethel, for
the stun of 55,000, possession to be given
next Maroh. Mr. Mooney and family
will remove to Weyburn, AM., where
Ur. and Mre. Mooney and two daughters
have spent the pan Sommer ou their
new farm. Many will regret the removal
of the Mooney family. The sale was el.
footed by F. S. Soobt, auotioneer, Brae -
Wanneo m TOBONTO.—The Orillie,
Times, of November Oth, gives the follow.
ing interesting partioulars of people wall
known here :—"Yesterday afteruoon one
of Orillia'e most estimable young ladies,
Mise Phyllis Pepper, eldest daughter of
Mrs, Pepper, Scott etteet, was united in
Ilymen'a holy bonds with DI. Seller%
of Morrie township, County 03 Huron,
The ceremony took plaoe in Toronto, and
was performed by liev. Wm. Patterson,
pastor of Cloolte'a church. The bride
wee very beoomingly gowned 13) 0. °esthete
of dove grey, with dream satin yoke, and
trimmed with ribbon, and wore a baguet
of white obeyeanthenthms. She was at.
tended by her aister, Min Mabel Pepper.
Min Pepper only reoently returned from
New York, where she luta been taking 01
(mum of training ea mine in one of the
boomitale, and the entounoomene of her
manage was a serpent) to her many
friende hen, Before leaving Orillia for
Western Ontario ebe was made the re-
oipient of many latnagoine atilt useful
promote, ad oetriee with her to her new
home the hearty felioitetions of lo boat of
Mende, and in the pineal good Wtebes
tloe Times desires to join." TIM roST
extends oongratelatiens and seeonde the
good wishes exprestioa.
A. wolverine in said to be prowling
through the swamps of the Northern part
of Worrie. Ito name will be "Donnie"
31 10 '10114 watoh
ii•Mpet Brett 11)00 sold hie 100-aore
1001 )1), rAli line, to John Black, of thie
OWIIShip. J110, Amon, Mr. Soott'e son.
in.law, who is living on tbe farm, will
probably move to the Alex. Grant farm
whiolo he is working, ou the same line.
ENTERED INTO .11EST.—After a severe
and flOinowliat extended illusee, Martha
daibillir-r of George and Grace
Grigg, lot 21, insipid away on
Tuesday oveninf, abort 8 30 o'clock, to
that land whore the inhabitantnever
say I'm aloft. For the past 5 or 6 year,
deonaed woe ailing at times, sometimes
real eiolo but for several months prior to
her death she was constantly under the
pbyeleiau'a Care, her ailment being
eardieo.renal dropsy from whioh ebe
suffered intensely 01 11300, The sobjeot
of this notion wee a Christian young
woman, a Ineinher of the Methodist
°Much, and gave unmistakeable evidenoe
of the hope that reaohee beyond, and ex -
evened a deeire to be freed from the
sufferings of this life. Her death was
another triumph added to the long roll of
believers in the Saviour. 3110, Grigg was
21 years of age and was beloved by a
large Wrote of friends who will mourn
her demise and yet rejoin in her enter-
ing into rest. The funeral took plan on
Thursday afternoon, Rev. A. 0. Timo,
deoeaeed'e pastor, oonoluotiog en appro-
priate Berme. Iotermenb watt made at
Brume cemetery. Deep eynepathy is
accorded to Mr. and Mre. Grigg. and
family in their bereavement.
NOTES.—The frost wee pretty severe on
Sunday moroing.—Mrs. W. Wallis is
vieiting in Tarnberry townehip.—Milton
Watson leas a new wire feuoe put up and
11) 19 a good substantial one. Messrs.
Ruesell ev McGill have the right to build
the fenoe.—The box social at Belgrave on
the Oth was a little rough. It is a won-
der that some of our young men cannot
behave better.—No aervin ab Sunshine
next Sabbath. Belgrave and Brick
Ohuroh, East Wawaooeb, will have no
service either on amount of the opening
of Knox oburob, Belgrave. No doubt a
very large audience will be present if the
day is line. Rev. Mr. Hobos, of Wing.
ham, will preach 9.4 2.30 p. m. and Rev.
Olark, of London, will speak at 11 a.
m. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening a
fowl supper will be held and addressee
given by a number of clergymen. .A.
ohoir from Weagbam will be prenut.
Everything is being done to make tbe
opening 09000000. On Sunday last Rev.
W. T. Hall preached the last sermon ho
the old. church at Belgreme. The build-
ing Wee pot up in 1866,—The Mesere.
Monition, of Hallett, took home a large
number ef eattle on Wednesday- of this
week whioh they intend feeding for the
Old Country market.—We think it a
great pity that "Ratepayer" had nob been
a school teaoher in No. 4, then the young
idea would know how to shoot. A. good
motto : "Never say anything behind e
man's back that you would not like to
Bay before hie fame '
and friends of the 4th line Union Sab-
bath eohool on Thornsy evening of last
week, bad a pleasant social gathering at
the residenee of John Speir, where the
Sabbath school meets. The ladies pro-
vided a bountiful repeat which all present
thoroughly enjoyed. After the tables
were cleared an interesting program was
presented, (translating of vocal and instro.
mental mnsio. Musioal selections were
given on the organ, violin and harmonies
by Misses Jennie and Aggie Speir,
Frankie Mae:ranee and Mrs. Jas. Shed-
den and Wm. Wilson, Wm. Kerney and
Alex. Stewart ; vocal mune by the
school, Mrs. F. MoOraoken, A. and Mrs.
Speir, Mitts Ella MoOraoken and Jae,
Kerney. A pleasant feature of the even•
ing was thepreeentation of an address, a
reeking chair and a gilt framed pioture
to Kr. and Mrs. Speir as a alight aoknow.
lodgement of the zeal and interest they
have manifested in the welfare of the
school. Min Rate Bleak read the ad-
dress and Misses Lily Kellington and
Laura Keye made the presentation. The
pupils also presented M. Black, the faith.
ful Superintendent, with an address and
a valuable Teachers' Bible as ot reoog.
nition of his services in the Bohm!. Min
Aggie Speir read the addreee and Min
Jaen Shedden made the presentation.
Suitable replies were made by the recipe'
ants, heartily thanking the donors for
their kindly gifts. This eohool is in a
prosperous condition. There are 42
pupils enrolled, the average attendance
being 25. During the Summer 512 were
expended in books and 58.55 contributed
by the pnpile for Missionary purposes.
To the Editor of TUE rent
DEAR Sin,—In answer to on Nem in the
last wook's Pon in regard to J. ILE, Henry,
late teacher in 9. B. No.4, Morris, As True.
tees of 0. S. No. 4, Morris, when J. D. B,
Henry was engaged as teacher, and as
ratepayers who believed then and still believe
that 81) 1108 in the interest of the sohool
both from an oduciational and a financial
ataudpoint, that he should realain there
we ask for sone° to reply to the letter of
Pliatepayer" in above issue. That the high
salaried teacher ie not always the dear
timelier is shown plainly in Mr. ilenry'a 0)109,
This year a grant of 000 le reeeived for 0 on -
tinned= work. wean tole by the Insp000
tor thee NO, 4 la the only eohool in the
township that (iota this grant. The Le gie-
halve grants this eohom received were
notate in the townehip, being an average
for 3 yours while 118 taught there of $46.
These largo grants reduced the toucher's
salary by that amount and while the rate.
payers only pay out of their own 1,00110b
Mall salary they got the benefit of it lirst•
class timelier, the briltinoci of whose eatery
cornea from County and legislative grants,
With oopoor Mather, they would not got
these grants and tho section would jnet pay
about ea 1111011 as it dime now. illatepayer"
speaks of Mr. Henry'a few friends. If he
had said his fow enemies he would he mrioli
nearer oho truth, Out of about fifty tate.
Mersin the sonans all hub nine have put
01) 111 black and white that were his friends
and wanted hint to stay. He mu too that
he speaks for the broad minded mon of the
notion. If he and 1110 eight friends are the
only broad 021113011 10)01) iu the Mitten it is a
pity for the section ; but it la ninth mom
likely that ho is 001)good Judge of what is
it broad minded man, fio het no man with
much mind of any kind Would 11101)031 thell o,
1011)01 11 "Batoliat'er" 0006 to 1110 Mega,
La regard to the surplus of Met enter al 3 -
went it wee well known 111103 160. Henry, did
with it, after the 001) 00(00 were p1'1, 11 10)10
applied te purchase some plotting for liba
0010301, 300. If "Betel) ,oyer" wants It more
detailed 110 0011 supply tarn with the infor-
Signed on behalf of 8, 10,310,1, Moils,
Jowl Moouey, Sec,-Treas,, Trustee Ileard,
Walter 111009, 101)0 Trectee.
11.13,—In proof of above the following
testimonial speaks for Mien
W. Miss,
Dour Sir,—In reply to your lioulry, 1
beg leave to say that at 011 110 visits to tlie
school in S. B. No, 4, Morris, while in charge
of Mr. floury, I always Mind the order,
discipline, ntanag oment and progreigi of the
Mile very satisfeetory and so reported to
the Trusteee. 1 think that he ie a good
teather. Indeed during 1110 1)091 eight years
this seliool has been well conducted and its
management reflects credit on the various
Boards of Trustees who have had °hero of
it, Yours respectfully,
limos eta, Npv,111h, '90. D. Beim, P, S.
Mrs, Jae. Putland le vieitieg in Wcox.
Min Clare, Peebles Sandayed in At.
Ad, Varooe was visiting at Paieley this
Tag. Clark, of Seaforth, spent Sunday
in towu.
Mies Orme Gerry was on the sick Het
last week.
George Currie, of Atwood, wag in town
last Sunday.
W. Jewitt end wife were visiting at
Exeter and Renall thie week.
Mrs. Friendship and daughter were
visiting at Wingham this week.
13. Gerry and wife spent last Sunday
with N. B. Gerry and wife, of Wroxeter.
Mies Bina Edwards baa been on the
sick list for a month but ie improving
Charlie ?Alba was laid up Mole week
with au attack of Guiney but is improving
Miss Pones Mitchell hae taken a poei.
tion in Toronto. She IS a bright young
Miss Ethel Jiokling, of St. Marys, was
visiting Miss Leo Curry during the past
Jno. Wright will oombine boldness and
pleasure in a trip to Chioago in the near
IL Rogerson and Bliss Wheatley, of
lionderbero',Sendayed with Mrs.Baines,
Mill street.
Min Maggie Meadows, of Myth, spent
eeveral days at home with her mother
this week.
Mies Josie Fair and Mise Nettie Mo.
Rao, of Clinton, visited Mrs. Peter Scott
this week.
Geo. MoOlure and wife, of Maintop,
have been spending a weak with D. Rose
and family,
Miss Vern Walker 10 00 the sick list
with scarlet fever, but we hope ebe will
soon be better.
Charlie Beam is off work in the mean-
time from a disabled hand, blood poison•
ing being the amuse,
Hugh MoOrae and Mre. Jae. MoCrae
and son, of Trovvbridge, were visiting et
John BloOrea's this week.
Rev. A. MoKibbin, 13. A., of Stre-throy,
was in town for a few days this week
visiting his mother and sisters.
Will. Brydon arrived home from
Manitoba, where he spent the Summer,
this weelo. He will remain here during
the Winter.
W. E. Coleman, of Woodstock, and Ed.
Leonard, of Brantford, have taken posi-
tions lo E. 0. Dunford'e tailor shop as
The Mitchell Reoorder eaye :—Adam
Koenig has purchased another property
in the North ward so he may not leave
town this Winter.
The relatives of Jam F. McCrea are a
trifle anxious about bim ae they have
only beard from him onee since he exiled
for the Old Country.
Mrs. John Ilayoroft leaves on Friday
for Detroit where ebe intende spending
a while with her daughter, Mrs, 13.
R. Grundy, formerly of Brunets.
Stealth MoOrae was down street a
couple of days Iasi; week and was warmly
greeted by his many old friends who
were glad to see him able to get about.
Iffre. D. Ewan and Miss Maggie Booth
were vieiting at Thomas Oakley'9 00
Thursday of last week. Mr. Oakley took
them to see tbe dredge. It was in good
working order and well worth ening.
Hugh Grant, of High Bluff, Man., ie
visiting his uncle, D. Stewart. His wag
a load mission to Ontario as hie little eon
was killed at Paisley, while visiting rale,
tivee there with his mother and the
father was summoned to the funeral.
Bobt. W. Ross, eon of Wm. Ross, of
Brussele, who is engineering on the
"Leopoldville" steamship, running from
Antwerp to the Congo river, South Afti.
oa, has written from the later and ie en.
joying himself. Bob's menet Of an
equator dousing is vary Dnning,
The Stratford Herald eaye "John
Herron has resigned his position with
the Stratford Mill Building Company, of
this city, to accept a situation ae mana.
ger of a breech house al Winnipeg, for
the Waterloo Manufaaturing Co., of
Waterloo. Ile will remove there early in
the new year. During their residenoe
here, Mr. and Mre. Marron and family
made many Mende who will sin:wrote,
regret their departure." Mee. Herron
was formerly Mrs. Alex. Webster, of
Brunelle Ur. Webster being manager of
the Livingston ties mill at the time of
bis donne.
Mitchell's tag rate this year is 20 mills
on the dollar.
Jae. Buenas, a Well known Toronto
contractor, and a member of the public
school boaed, died Sunday after a long
Lyons, the Berlin pastel:doe dare.
taker, who Wee !maenad to two years
for robbing the mails, was let out for good
The direotore of the Huron Control
Pair, held at Clinton, finding themselves
behind in finenees, have deoidea to pey
only 70 per oent. of the prize money.
The body of Michael Lambe of Rat.
wae found lying beneath 'the ban.
adian Paeiflo Railway bridge on the bank
of the McGregor Creek. Tho neck was