HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-9, Page 88 Tile War Ness eaueeS AB FOUND IN THE DAILY PAPERS' CAN 13E HAD EACH DAY OR BY THE Week or Month AS REQUIRED, AT �.y DEADMAN' Drug and Bookstore. P. 8.—We 'supply any Daily or Weekly Paper or any Magazine at Publisher's Prices, books I Books! David Harum The Teller, by the author of David 7ua Hararo 150 Ben Hur, by Lew WRllaoe 25o Roughing It, by Mark Twain 25o Under the Devdare, by Kfpliug .,., 100 IYlfne Own People, by Kipling 10o John a iug'e Question Class by She! i0o Sheldon'° In His Steps 150 " Robert Hardy'° Seven Days 150 " Oruoifixion of Pbilly Story 15o All others of Sheldon's .........,15o We have Ripling'e in oloth at 50e. as follows :—Light that Felled, Plain Tales from the Hills, Phantom Riok. thaw, Soldier° Three and Barraoks Room Ballade. We have or can eup. ply you with almost everything in the book line. G. A. Deadman, I'lruggistand Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. soueemaxi ESTENBION W. 0. & e, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GOINe 800TH. GOING SORTIE. &sprees 7:16 a.m. I 51a11 2:10 p.m afrxed.....,... 0:40 a.m. Express ..•...10:17 p.m T.oxl z Pips Diems, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. DELIOHTF°L weather. Semen Boean Friday evening of this week. CATTLE 828 fetohiog good prioee at auction sales. YoUUG COW wanted, newly calved. Ap. ply at TRE POET. DAYS have grown short, the eon rising at 7 and setting at 5 o'olook. A COME of Italians with violin and harp were in town on Wednesday. • Mona Dol, is improving his residence on Cypress street andadding to its com- fort. WANTED AT ONaE.—One ton Dried Apples. Get our prioee before you sell. J. FERGUSON & GO. TRE Lnoknow Sentinel bas changed its form from the 4 page to the more modern 8 page. Saoceee to you Bro. Bryan. FOUR oars of lambs were shipped der. lug the past week by Clegg & Dames, T. Roddiok, Geo. Beet and Ferguson & Mo - Donald, of Walton. A FEW oases of scarlet fever in town. The Health Meer oalle attention to the fact that the same Dare is to be observed for 21 days after the rash has disappear- ed a8 during the fever. Pease lost between Brussels and Wm. Oakley's, last week, containing about 928, The Soder will be rewarded by leaving it at once at TRE Pose, Brussels. Was. Bien, R. LEATHERDALE, undertaker, bas had his hearse overhauled. New wheels have been put on, a new dress of paint given, new drapes, &o., eo that it looks about as good as new. W. 0. Smith did the brash wielding, Trios. A. Hammes begs leave to an. nounce that be will not be absent from Brussels in the future, Be wishes to re. turn his sincere thanks to the public for their patronage in the past, and reepeot. fully solioie a continuance of the same. De, D. F. Sui1H has engaged offioe rooms upstairs in the Stratton blook to afford more eatiefaotory accommodation. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., and 7 to 10 p. m. Specialist work, snob as for eye, ear, throat, &o„ in the odloe at hie residence, Elizabeth street, from 2 to 6 p. m. All medicines will be dispensed personally by the Dr. or under hie direeta0pervi8ion, TRE funeral of the late Peter Imlay, who died at Whiteohnroh on Wedneeday of last week, took place from the G. T. R. depot here on Friday afternoon at 1,80 o'elook. Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oran• brook,whoas w the pastor of deceased a at Ethetook ha e o r of the service. g e The pall bearers were Wm. Spence, L. Dob• son, W. Hall, W. Lake, Jno. Grant and 5. Jamieson. Inerment was made at B208881e cemetery. BnussELe Odd Fellows talk of making a visit to their Atwood brethren in the near future. They will take the Degree Team along, goat and all. A lodge of I. 0. 0. F. has been recently instituted there and the visit will be made with the purpose of giving it a "boost." An ener. getio effort will be made to persuade Robb. Johnston to go with the boys ea he is about the only competent hand to take proper oare of his goat.ehip. How To Cools,—Pope sage ;—"The vulgar boil, the learned roast an egg." Bat if he had lived until now he would know there are twenty other ways of cooking one. Marion Harland tells them all in the volume of "Cooking Hfnte,"the fourth volumn of "Bite of Common Sense Series." Yon 088 obbain these books and The Weekly Globe, which has been for over 55 years, and is now, Can. ado's leading family newspaper, from now to January 1, 1901, for one dollar, and Marion Efarlaxd's latest work, "Bits of Common Sense," in four volumes. Sent free ; postage prepaid. Bonne TOIMANOE PASSES AWAY.—After an Slimes of the past 0 montba, a part of whioh was one of great anffering, Robert Torrance, of Harpnrbey, passed that bonen° from whenoe no traveller returns last Sunday, aged 67 goitre, Deoeaged was born in Ireland, and was a brother to Mee, David Rosa, er„ of Brnssele, The twee of decease was canner, raver. al took plaoo on Tuesday to Harpnrbay cemetery. Reeds. Messrs. Musgrove and Barr conducted the service. The pall bearers were 6 nephews, viz, ;—J. T. and ( D, 0. ROSS, of Brussels ; Robt, Dods and Geo. M°Clnt°, of MoRillop ; and Chas. Dodds and Fred. Hayoroft, of Bru05018, Denea585 was a brother to John Tommie, of Deloraine, Man., who formerly owned the Bail 100 aoree on oon. 10, Grey ; Mrs. Boss, of Br050810 ; Mre, Chas. Dodde and Mee, Geo, Mo0lure, Cif bIo$illop. Two :adore, Mitsee Tor. ane 0eeicod with thea r brother at Harpuhey, 509x5. Root and Miss Lizzie atteodsd the fuherdlr BRUSSELS Balt Works are advertising for 1,000 cords of hard and soft cordwood. "PEcx'a Bad )toy" bold down the boards at the Town Hall on Saturday evening of this week, Go. COMMISSIONER LINSLEY wee in Bruit. Bele nu Monday inspecting work that had beendoneat the iron bridge and road. way South of it. MONTNLY Florae Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday, 80th. This will be the first Fair for this season. Keep the date in mind, Jolitf PUTIAND baa pnrohssed the bougie and lot on John street bnlonging to W. Tames and will move to i6, Mr. James having removed to Seaforth. Tan bottom has fallen out of the apple market. Snow apples were sold at Brus• eels depot at 75 cents a barrel that met more than twice that. Some people say that there was a lot of bad packing done. THE plate glass front 18se put in its place at James Fox's drug store this week and is quite au improve. merit. If the dose were repeated at A. Straohao's dry goods store the job would be complete. Tag 4 books offered with TEl Pose and Weekly Globe for 1900 may be seen at TUE Po8T Publishing House. 91.75 pays the bill, or 91.50 for both papers without the books, Balance of year free to new snbseribers. THE Palmereton paper says :—D. Alm Callum, G. T. R. conductor, met with an aooident Monday last In Palmerston yard, While passing between two oars he missed his footing and fell to the ground, bruin. ing himself badly. T. P. SMITH, the well known specialist, will pay bis regular visit to Brnsesls on Wednesday, Nov. 290h, and will be pleased to wait on all desiring to have their eyes tested at Jas. Fox's Drug store. Keep the date clear. Comeau MOLeeromaN is on the look- out for persons who drive over the new sidewalks or out the corners. There is a Bylaw governing these oases and the penalty from $1 to $20, Cross on the regular crossings or abide by the noose. maims. Furter Nov. let, 1898, to Nov. let, 1899, there were 50 interments made in Brae• sets oemetery, 46 of them being adults. It is sorely a fact of man's mortality, a record like the above, an average of near- ly one buried for every week;for the year mentioned. AN unusual oiroumetanoe marred on Tuesday afternoon at Brassele cemetery, viz., the meeting of two funeral prooes• slops, that of Joo. Fulton, of MoKillop, and john Arkin, of Grey, The pro0e5- alone followed one another from the 14th of Grey ,and Caretaker Wright had a buy time of it dor a little while. SAM. BUSED 18108 awarded the contract of filling op the big ditch on Turnberry street, from Queen to George streets, where tile was pat in this Summer. The job was sold by ,notion, the lowest figure being $68.00. The completion of this work will be a big improvement and the removal of a dan0ero08 place on a public thoroughfare, Mr. Burke will get the earth from some of the grades being out down on a couple u of streets p e e preparatory tottin pn g down new walk neat season. CHANGE OF BUsoNEse, As stated in the last issue of THE POST, P. W. Twaddle, who predicted hi8 profession saooessfully for 9 years in Seaforth, selling out a abort time ago, has pnrobased the dental busi- ness of Dr. Davidson, Brussels, and took possession on Tuesday. Hie ward will appear next week, Mrs. Twaddle i5 B daughter of a well known Seaforth gentleman—D. D. Wilson. THE Posy extends a cordial wslobme to Mr, and Mrs. Twaddle in becoming residents of 005 of the tidiest and smartest villages in the Provinoe. Dr. Davidson has not yet decided where be will Iooate, we ttnderstand. IIs has followed his pro. cession here for the past 5 years. Both be and Mrs. Davidson will take with them the good wishes of a large oirole of friends, A. 0. U. W. "AT Houn".—Tbe heavy rain on Friday evening of last week mili. fated against the atendanoe at the "At Home" tendered by the membere of Brussels A. 0. U. W. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a goodly number assembled and an enjoyable tins wag spent. Mester Workman atm Craoken occupied the chair and filled the bill, exteoding true Iri8h hospitality to all. The program was as follows :— Opening ode ; prayer ; obairmania ad. dress ; reading, "He's an empty beaded beggar," G. F, Blair; inetrxmental, Mira Fsnnie Thomson ; address, Rev, Jno, Rose, B. A. 1 solo, "Bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond," by Allis Thomson ; reading, "Mr. and Mrs. Bowser," T. A, Hawking ; reoese and lunoh ; solo, ',The Emigrant's'long," Mies Maggie Soott; address, by G. F, 131alr; instrumental, T. A. Hawkins ; reoitation, "Only the brakesmen," Miss Minnie MoNaughtoo ; harmonica and morgan selection, H, Meta torr and H. MOQrao ; eel°, "Beautiful Star,' Allis 'Thomson ; °losing ode and Benediction, The lunch served ooneieted of eandwiohes, oak's, pies and ooffee, and Wag earefuily attended to. The Hall Wag tastefully decorated with flags, a mate "Welcome," and a portrait of the Queen, A, 0. •U. W. meet semi.Inonthly in their Lodge in ° roots the Nesbitt block and beanie, large membership, Ask for par. ti0ula90 from any member. TRY,' B4U08ELS POST Bnuss ' errs Fifoan d Dram Bata Bend book part in the program of the 6th of Novena. bar entertainment at Belgrave last Mon- day evening, They play well. Sam or Cows, --Last Saturday after. noon F. S. Sootb, auctioneer, sold 20 mi101u tam at the ,lmeriban Waal, Brute' eels, for N. G. Olenr, of Ingersoll, who brought a oar load here ou Fridtty owing to 805201ty of feed In his looality and the dairy reason being over, '.Che oowe aver- aged 928.75, a very good figure for drove of 20. Sows of them were extra good and were purchased by the farnier5 of this s00ion. kir, Clear will dispose of another oar load et Wingham on Beane, day afternoon of next week, 18011 inst. The sale will be Held at Jas. O'Lenry's hotel ut 2 O'olook, F. S. Seat, auction- eer. Brussels Council, The regular monthly meeting of Brut. eels Council was held last Monday even. ing. Preesot, the Reeve and Councillors. Mivatoe of last meeting read and pass. ed, Following were the amounts presented; F. S. Boort, inspsating sidewalk950 50 J. N.Keudell, tile 86 Robt, Denbow, work on grader12 00 G. T. R., rent for softie ground 59 Lowry & MoKay, filling excavation 10 00 W. Denbow, work on grader 19 87 Bsotbie Bros., drawing Fire Engine 1 00 D, M. Scott, Engineer 3 00 8, Burk, gravel and earth 88 40 A. MoLanoblin, salary 25 00 Ontario, sewer pipe, tile 76 20 W. Bird, gravel and hauling engine 8 50 G. F. Blair, legal 19 00 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. T. Ross, that above accounts be paid.— Carried. There being no appeals against Bylaw No. 21, re sidewalk on Catharine street, the assessment was confirmed on motion of J. T. Ross and S. Wilton, It was ',greed that the job of filling in the ditoh on East aide of'Pnrnberry street be let by public auotiou on Tuesday evening, between Queen and George streets. After disoaesing the foot bridge and other matters the Board adjourned. People We Talk About. P. Hogg is reoovering nioely. Roland Beattie, of Wingham, was in town on Monday. Miele Jennie Brine, of Seaforth, is visiting Mrs. P. Scott, Mies Mosier, of Blyth, was the guest of Mise Maggie Barker. Alex and Miss Mary Roe"t were visiting friends at Seaforth and Olinton. Lawyer Sinolsir WOG in Stratford on Tuesday attending to legal basiness. Miss Geddes, of Wingbam, was visiting Mies Clara MoOraoken during the past week. 0. Zilliax and wife and daughter San dayed with Mrs. Zilliax's relatives at Belmore. R. H. Green and wife, of Trowbridge, were visiting in town on Thursday of last week. Ivtiee Tanis Sample and Mre. J. K. Blain were visiting at Wingham during the past week. Eli and litre. Moore, of Atwood, were palling on relatives aid friends last Sat• urday and Sunday. Mrs. Wilber, en, has returned from a three months' visit with friends as Galt, Waterloo and Berlin. A. Sample has gone to Harriston where he has a job of finishing up a lot of cat. tare. He's a good painter and keeps moving. Philip Ament is away to Muskoka on a business and pleasure trip combined. He is on the outlook for timber supplies for hie factory and mill, DeWitt Holmes hes been bothered for the past few weeks with the unpleasant companionship of Job's oomfortere, lo• oated on the cordo of hie neck. J. D. and Mrs. Ronald arrived borne last Friday from an enjoyable and ano. easeful trip to the Pooifio coast, dispos- ing of two of his celebrated Fire Engines while absent. Miss Fannie Sample has taken a posi- tion in the photo. studio of W, W. Bar- gees, formerly of Brussels, now of Mit- chell, as retoucher, Mies Sample ie a competent hand. R. Holton and wife. of Drew, spent a few days visiting D. A. Lowry and family, of Brussels, Mr, Holton is the Reeve of Minto township and ie a wide- awake business man. S. Crawford and wife attended the funeral of the late Jno. Fulton, of Mo. Killop, who was buried on Tuesday. Mr. Crawford's brother in MoHillop, married a daughter of the deoeaeed gentleman. J. Friendship and family have moved to Brussels from Wingbam. Mr. F. has taken charge of the wood work depart- ment of Messrs. Ewan & Ianes' Carriage Works in town. THE Pose bide them welcome. Peter McDougall, is home from an extended stay in Manitoba and British Columbia. Mr. Mao. rented his farm in Algoma and went Westward for a trip. He is visiting hie mother and eiders on Albert street. Jno. MoNaugbton, wbo ie in ab hie brother's, Robb, MONanghton, John street, Brussels, is well advanced in life baying passed bis 86th mile post and hag not the vigor necessary to fight off a long siege of illness. Bruce, the 2?•year.old son of Sanford Leppari, of Toronto, was scalded by fall- ing into a bath tub last week. He is a grandson of Walter Jaokson's, Brussels. We hope the lad will suffer no injurious results from hie hot bath. J. N. and Mrs. Kendall loft town on Monday morning on a holiday outing for a few weeks, They intend visiting at Detroit, Chicago, Batis, Seattle and other pointe where relatives and friends 828 located, Mr. Kendall is being retie . ed at Bluevale G, T. R. by a Mr. Brent, We wish Mr. and Mts. Kendall an enjoyable time. In 13. C. Dnnford's two months' trip through the West ho met with many former residents of Brussels and looality among the number being W. B„ R. M, and Harry Dickson ; A. Bold ani family ab Langdon, Dak., R. Work and W. Mo Lean, of the slams looality ; Jas, Wright, Boissevain, Man, ; Alex, Halliday and the Hanna boys at Midway ; Jas. Dark, Neepawa ; D. McLauehlin, D. Campbell, W. McLeod and A. Sample, at Cypress ; Jno. Smith, Alf. Town, A, Mo0atoheon,. Gomer Green, D.MoXntosb, of Winnipeg, and 130505 of °there. Mr. Danford did a good stroke of bosinose in taking Orders for spite and will be busy for tome time getting then ready for shipment to the OustOmerS, Little G o 11ora poo 1t'[oNaq b ou be oon• siderably improved in health, we are pleased to state ranee last week Monday of this week Will. James and wife removed to Seaforth, where they purpose reeldfn9, The best wishes of a large oirole of friooila go with tbesn, Mr, James is a drst•oisss meohanio and will fill a position in the new foundry. Mrs, James, sr, has gone to Blyth to visit liar eon, Barry, Business Locals, SECOND hand organ for sale or to rent. Apply to B. Gerry. Ootronxaerzs house, with seven good rooms, to rent, Apply to R. Leatherdale, Dna ou of Photo's at thea Fall Fair ? They Brewerat woo the red ticket. T worn give with every 12 cabinet Photos„ one extra Photo, tinted in Water Oolor,Enameled on Glass, and one beanti. fol mantel saeel and frame from this date. H. R. Brewer, Artist. SAw.FILEn MoGREoon is doing a fair, steady business. You can have your money back if be fails to snit you, T. MoGuneon, saw gummer and filer, Bras. seta, Fiala present date until Jan. 1st, 1900, we are giving FREE with every doz, cab- inet photos., a first•oless hand worked °rayon portrait. Work done by our. selves. Now is your chance, E. Henn, artist, Stratton Block. WANTED.—One bon choice roll better weekly. Price 20o. Also any quantity of dried apples and fowl. We pay oath for butter, If you have not a plaid or homespun skirt you're not in it. Our range of dress goods, jaokets and furs are not surpassed. G.30. KING, Wingham. Mrs. Wm. Wells, of Rotbesy, dropped dead while talking to a neighbor. There is a probability of s niokel.steel Works being started in Hamilton. Tbe Hudson .Bay Company will send a splendid p exhibit of Oaundian fure to the Paris Exhibition. The Hamilton Markets Committee will recommend the Council to adopt the outface bell bylaw. =OXEN MITOHer.t.—In Wingbam, on Oob, 26th, Mre, Albert Mftohell of a eon. Se:ARiesx=r . Donsten0—HonGeoN..At the residence of the bride's parents, on Oot. 80th, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. White Does - burgh, of Napanee, to Miss Jean Lawrie, only daughter of Mr. Ralph Hodgson, Wingbam. MoWUo9NE2—Waeset8,—At bbe residence of Dr. A. J. Irwin, on Tuesday even- ing, Oot. 81st, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Richard McWhinney, of Ashfield, to Mies Eliza Wabson, Wingbam. RA3ISAr—RouTLnnan.—At the residence of Mr, Wm. Deyell, Wingbam, on Nov. let, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr. W. J. Ramsay to Miss Mary Jane Rout- ledge. SA01IR10En—BLADE.—At the Methodist parsonage, Wingham, on Nov. let, by Rev. Riobard Hobbs, Mr. Ed- ward Saokrider, G. 1'. R. agent, Bel. grave, to Miss Isabella Black, of Blytb. ax=a. Asa:N. In Grey, on Nov. 5011, John Askin, aged 68 years, 8 months and 7 days. BERmELTz.—In Grey, on Nov. 8th, Her. mina, beloved wife of Albert Ber. feitz, aged 60 years, I month and 10 days, FOITON: In MoKfllop, on Nov. 6th, John Fulton, aged 99 years, Tomato as.—In Harpurhey, on Sunday, Nov..Sth, Robert Torranoe, aged 67 years. THOMraoN.—In East Wawanosll, on Oat, 29th, Robt.. Tbompeon, aged 70 years. W nv01T2osr s �I x xn. FRin22, Nov. 10TH,—Lot 25, eon. 7, Grey. Farm aback, implements, &o. Sale unreserved at 1 °block sharp. Andrew Sharp, prop.; F. S. Scott, ano. TUESDAY, Nov, 14.—Farm stook, im- plements, &o„ S d• lot 26, con. 10, Grey, Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. Jas. Travis, prop, ; I'. S. Soott, ano. TRnme0AY, Nov. I6th.—Farm stook, implements, household furniture, &o., at lob 8, con. 10, Grey. Sale unreserved at 10.80 a, 113. Lauth at l P. m. Jno. Hill prop.; F. S. Scott ano. FRIDAY, Nov. 17.—Farm, farm stook implements, &o. N i< Lot 15, Con. 14, MaKillop. Salo unreserved, at 1 o'olook sharp. Daniel McMillan, Prop. Thos. Brown, Axe. ?9R TTSS}xx,s fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butber, tube and rolls .. Wiggs per dozen Flour per barrel. ....• Potatoes (per bus) Apples {per bbl) . . • Hay per ton .... Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl„ retail Sheep skins, wails Lamb skins each Hoge, Live Wool 00 64 80 85 55 55 24 25 14 13 14 4 00 50 25 4 25 1 25 2 00 5 00 6 00 7 7a 5 6 1 00 70 80 65 25 25 375 890 8 18 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon general eervant wanted. Apply at THE POST, Goon working horse for sale, Apply to R. HENDER80N, llrusssle. THono' BRED Jersey Cow, with register. ed pedigree, for role. a years ole. 18.0f THOS, NE W SOME, Brunel°. 5 x1820 old driving mare for Bale, Good driver, Will be Bold reasonable, D. EWAN, llruseels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, DURT3ANI BULLS FOB SALE. from 8 to 20 menthe oIt1. The dam of two of them was got by "Boyar Sailor,"imp. Can and roe them, Lot 8eon, 0, Grey. 5,1'tOBEERTSON 17-4 Brussels 11 0. A HUNTER, LICENSED AUG. M T oiElnit for the Oonnty, Bxptr, tonne ofor ev iyears, aknowledgea f whoto sell to. Will ',guarantee 'metafiction. If :you want to sell 02 May ,a farm 0811 on too. Money to loan et 49 per Dent, ST✓1 XD4 RD Bed.NE C.4 ✓Y'4 D4, >=^sm,,hi3i,xax$F"a 0-2972. HEAD OFFICE, - TORQNTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 81,000,000 RESERVE FUND 8000,000 4921(8ies in ail principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Elates t8' Afspland, 'X+brSallikS . siaJsow . A General Banking Bueinese Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Piscounted, Drafts I050011 and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards, BFEOoAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRE 0oLLoOTIoN Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Ouetomore living at a distance, J. N. GORDON, ACTING AGENT. WOOD WANTED. 10 0 porde r 1,ord prepared d softkwood, to Ue de- livered at the Brussels Salt Works, Par - Menders may be had there. THE OOLBMAN 8ALT COMPANY. TEACHER WANTED. Female bencher wanted, bolding 'Shh'd• Mass certi0oabe, for the Junior division of the Ethel Pnbiio School, duties to cern. mance 9rd January1000. State salary ex. Peeled. Applications received up till 24th Noyember,1809. WM. SPENCE, 18.9 Secretary,B Wel P.0, SHEEP FOR SALE. — THE und0Shia ling Ram and 7 Ram Sale be,, Shrop- shire breed. The lambs were gob by a non of Lord Newton," let prize winner at the World's Pair. Also a number of Bronze Turkeys and Toulouse Geese, 18b0 J100. SMITH, Lot 8, Con, 0, Grey, NOT/OE ! Notice is hereby given that a Bylaw mass- ed by the g Township the Mubio 1 0 of Grey, on the Municipal day oft Bs et m,5 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of 81,02000, for the purpose of Mun- icipal drainage for a certain drain known es the Fraser Drain, and that molt By-law was registered in the registry of8oe for the Coun- ty of Huron, on the 180h day of October, 1806. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must bemade within three mouths from the date or regiseretfou and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the let day of November A.D. 1800. war , 5PE1f010, 18-9 Clerk, Grey. REAL ESTATE. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned oiler two 100 acre farms for sale at reasonable prides. The lots are Nos.. 10 and 11, Con. 6 (Sunshine), the sideroad between thou. Good brick hones and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 10, Orchards and all necessary conven- iences. Well wateredand suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass. Will be trrasalpuahaeeold r, Tether rms of payyeparate menreasonable. Xn- el8pFor JOSEPH 0LGG, BreP Or El. L. DIOXIN SON, Barrister, Wingham. 10! PEREMPTORY SALE OF A GOOD FARM,--Th5 "Wbite farm,' lot 7, eon, 2,, Grey, 100 acmes, 19 reiloe from James- w1ll of the late owner. (00031 Old,il pings the chard and never failing water supply, The land is Olean and in goad stats of cultivation, 5 aoree of Fall wheat now In. This is a tie- sirobie pprgolpperty and a cheap bargain can be or to A. HONTBR BruiN se a Executors Jamestown, r 10R SALE,—I OFFER FOR 14, Coo, 1, Turnbboriy los farm is one rails from Wingham ; f mile from ;wheal 1 oon• sista of 074 acres, 85 aimed. Bank barn, brick house, good orchard, neverstailing halftime seeded tdown. ns,A bargain tor atq wheat, sale. W. 3. DUFF, 1311159We. 16 9 'WARM EOR SALE.—BEING Let 7, Pon, 11, Grey, containing 100 8.01'05. Thera aro about 75 acres cleared, balauoe hush. Frame hone). largo barn with atone stabling, maimed, good Levees, ,bo, A11 seeded to grass. 04 miles from Brussels a good market town. Desirable farm for either stook or grain, Possessiou at any time. For further particulars apply to or write STEPHEN LAMB, lfrop, Seaforth, INE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- .L. we Lot 20, N i Oon. 0. Morrie towuabip, conte08 house,lulu, barn, rwrae of and hurl, ware - h u s, and fmorchard2,511 and good a are house, and facres in ll wheat s well 5 amen There and Ag35 .ores pastae. Possession could be hay iven ab once. Farm.adloiue the village of Brea - 001s. For further partioulare as to price, terms, &u„ write to JAAIE8 LIVINGSTON, Al, P., Baden. 92.05 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of John Jacob Gorealfiz, late of the Township of Grey, in the Qoan0y of Huron, Farmer, deoeaeed. N0tio0 is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Onutria,1809, Ohap. 120, gand others any aluo5ain the estate of John Jacob Gorsulitz, tato of rho Townabfp of Grey,.in the County of Hum, Farmer, deoeaeed, who died ou or about the 22nd day of March, A. D.1800, in. the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, are hereby requested to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to John Jacob 008501itz and Whilm inn Gorsulitz, rf Oranbrook, Executors of the said ostate, or to G.0', Blair, of the Village of Brussels. their Solicitor, on or before the 174h day of November, a. D. 1800, their full names, ad• dresses, and descriptions and the rill par- ticulars oftheir claims, (verified by affida- held y tare. .And notioe isufurth`er fgiv n thabafter the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dirtribute the ttssebe 01 the said deceased amo0g the per. 0005 entitled thereto. baying regard only to the claims of whioit nob,ae shall have been give ae. above required, and the said Bx. enters will not be responsible for the a5 - sets, or any pert thereof, to any person of Whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time of Snob distribution, G.F. BLAIR, Brussels, Out, Solicitor for Executors, Dated at Brussels, Nov. 1st. 1800. Nov. 9, 1899 lieii Yeii au1 Your animals to thrive well, work welt and look well, feed ahem HERBAGEUM, If your horse ie oub of condition feed him HERBAGEUM. If yon are tattooing °elves, cattle or bogs, feed thein HERBAGEUM. If you are keeping sows for mills, butter, or cheese, feed them HERBAGEUM. In feeding Herbagenm animals get about one fifth more nourisbment out of the food—fatten one fifth sooner, and weigh ono fifth more than other's the same atze. Whou you went Herbageum come to Poz's Drug Store. '.(IAM FOR SALE. --1.01:1E UN-. dorslgued offers his farm, West Half Lot No. 10, (hos,. 4, Grey,.bon teiniog 00 tares, mors er less. For parioulare as to prise and terms apply t0 Ai1OH.ROBERTSON, Brunie P. 0. on the premises, IN THE CATALOGUE OF THE CENTRAL fr ,- r r.l �g You will find abundant evidence of our enperiority over other Canadian eobools. Stadente admitted at any Gime, Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Glasses for Near by And Glasses for Distance. Some find Glasses perfeot for reading but mime for dia. Mime. We snpplj double vision Glaosee. When lookiogoat you see through the upper section, which is jnet right for die. tenor, and when looking down, you sea through the lower, which is suitable for neat Satiefaotlon guaranteed, MRS. T. FLETCHER, 010211074TH OPTIOIAN. tv0211. ,STRICTLY' ONE PRICE. 0 THE LOWEST. Profita For Dry Goods' Buyers. No exaggeration, but plain telling of every day prices. Goods that are dependable in every way and prices that are right 'down to rock bottom. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. There is a difference in Underwear. Some are poorly made from poor metal. ale and are a constant source of annoy - 'woe from the first time they ars put on. But °there, again are good ; oare has been taken in the making, the yarns have been thoroughly s000red and cleaned, and the garment when completed is just what it should be—oomfortable in every par. tionlar. We have been very oareful About the kind of Underwear we Have gathered together for this Fall business, and thus we have a stook unmatched in this section. Obildrene' Ribbed Hygiean Vests, long sleeves, ootton ribbon around neck ; all eizee, 10o. to 180. Obildrene' fine Ribbed Vests, soft finish, nearly all pure wool,. just enough ootton in them to keep them from shrinking ; all sizes, 180. to 870. Obildrens' Hygiean Drawers, assort• ed glees, 22o. to 25o, Ladies' Ribbed Vesta, long sleeves, good weight, eat finish, olosed !route, iso, Ladies' Ribbed Hygeian Vesta, open front, long sleeves, 20o. Boy's 4 s Hose.J The average boy needs gomething extra strong when it aortae to hosiery. We think we have the best Boys' Hoge to be had, both in the medium and higher priced qualities. We would draw par. tioular attention to the line made from fine Rng(feh Worsted yarn, fine hard twist and finish, doable knees, at from 80o. to Goo. OS1E We are very partionlar about the kind of Hosiery we sell. Selling only re. liable qualities has built us up one of the biggest Hosiery businesses in this sem tion. If you do your Tloeiery buying here you can depend on getting good goods. These few prioee will do to judge them all by. . Ladies' Seamless Ribbed Cashmere Hose, all wool, speoiaivalue, 25o. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, made from pure, strong yarn ; will give good wear, 87io. Ladies' strong Cashmere Ewe, plain, full fashioned, made from eat wools, eeamlees, 40o. Ladies' heavy Woolton Hose, plain Or ribbed, seamless feet, 25o, Ch.ildrene' sizes in proportion. LEN A collection of everyday prioee from the Linen department, and you clan get no better values than these anywhere. 60•inoh, beavy, half bleached 'Table Damask, good pattern, special ea 25o. Very heavy weight half bleached pure linen Table Damask, 65 inoh6s wide, a splendid oloth for everyday wear, 40o. 66•inoh pure linen Ila!! bleached Fable Damask, good pattern worth 50o,, our special, at 46o. S APLES 1 There is nothing ektmped about our stook of staples. The everyday needed goods are here in abundanoo, Big selling moans big buying, and we are able to take advantage of the oloae prioee that big buying secures. We give good values on these goods and you oa0 save money by doing your staple baying ,here. Just a few Mete to remind you of,the;wey we sell Staples, The everyday needed goods are sold bare all the time for Less money than you would buy their same quality for in most stores. 80-inoh Shaker Flannel, goad weight, eof6, fluffy finish, dark and light, fancy stripes and checks, 5o. 82.inch Heavy Shaker Flannel, strong servioeable quality, assorted fancy sttipee ; a regular 80. quality, 7o. Very heavy Shaker Flannel, 29 inohes wide, splendid rouge in dark pat- terns, 9o. 86•inoh heavy soft Shaker Flannel, very flue quality, assorted stripes, extra special value, 10o. 25.ioob, soft finish Union Flannel, Will not shrink, plain or twilled, dark or light gray, 123c, 27'inoh Gray Flannel, very thick, Pure wool, soft finish, will give good wear, 20o. 28.inoh Gray Flannel, very thick, pure eon wool, unshrinkalile, plain in dark or light gray, the beet Ramie( value we have ; sold epeeist at 25e. SPECIAL POP SATURDAY! 3 doz. only Men's Shirts and Drawers, made from fine Scotch wool guaran- teed pure wool, real value 75c, special for Saturday's selling, 60c. ' J. FE S'IN.. Co.