HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-9, Page 5Noy, 9, 1899
,L oaut, 0,8, SCOTT, mussels,
IaourerofAfarriageL loouse%, Office
at his Qr000ry,Turuborry otroet, Brussel'',
North TonflOran Artie b' Shop -Nes d000
North 01 the Standard liana, Ladlga' and
0 hildrons hair cutting it specialty,
-PAWS FORinimumBSALE,—THEeral good UN-
sale and to rent, easy berms in TOWOahlpe
of cords and Gray, 8' S. SCOTT,Bruseele
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
la -No Witneee Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
L, 0. M..
Academia graduate of London Conserva-
tory -of Music also Member of the Aesooiated
MUBIOIane of Music,
18 prepared to rooeive
onithe piano. Qualr ified to prepare pupils for
the Priaoipal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Of London Ooneervatory of Mueio.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar,
Will receive a limited number of pupils for
nc 1st of
September uction at For further0information apply
to Mise 8, L. Moore, music teacher.
Clerk of rho Fourth. Division Cour
Lail , Huron.
and Insurance Agent, Fublic
invested and to loan. Collocations made
O1110e 111 Graham's Block, Brussels
• mut,will sell for bettor prices,to
better menor ane oimence and less Enron
Auctioneer in Punct Humn
than any other charge t
or bo won't aysb anything. Dates and
orders can alivaye be arranged at this olnoe
or by personal application.
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
votortnaryiloilege, is prepared to treat all
a com-
maf n00r. Faartyyicularu attention yu d
to tendad Oilloo an d Inarrmary -Pour ldvoors
north to.11 UU
north of bridge 'parnberry et„ Brneaels.
• Solicitor Uonveyanoer,NotaryPnb-
north of 0 ntral Solicitor,
for the
Standard Baok,
•Solicitor, &c. 011ioe over Stand-
ardMoney to Loan at lowest rates. Brussels.
M • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Out, OMoe—Hatmilton Bt noOpp Opposite 0ol'
borne Hotel,
M. D„ 0,M., Trinity University, Fellow Trlu-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
sicians and Burgeons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal College or Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Lrdiuburgh, Fs -Telephone
880.14, Residence, mill alt., Brussels,
0. C. M.,
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &o„
&o, All specialty work eatiolaotorily treat-
ed, lteetdenee, Elisabeth street, late Smile
q.ONloe in rear of Drug Store, Smale Block,
Brussels, oat.
M. D., 0, M„ 00000/001 to Dr. A. MoRelvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeioiaoe
and Burgeons Kingston; Member of the Col-
lege of Phyeiolane and Snrgeon0 of Ontario,
Diseases of women and ohiidron a specialty.
Slight years' experience. r0111oe and res.
lance that formerly 000upied by Dr. Me-
Belvey,Tutnberry, street, B rituals, 20
PD00I0108, 6URO808 AND A000UOnnn8,
let Oleos Honor Graduate of the Univeroi.
Ceara WWII (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
andotTrinity Medical College; Follow of
TrinityMedleal College and momberof the
Graduate a Course ins Detroiitof Ontar-
hiongo,1800. Special attention paid to die -
eases. ort Eye, Dar, N oee and Threat, and die.
loh and Gorman. 'Telephone at ,0010i0nce g
The underoigued will "keep for 0017180 on
Lot 28 COn.0 Morrie, the thoro'•bred Iia -
proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
follow,'No. 2480,bred b 3.08,Brethous,nur-
ford, to which a limited number of oowa time bo talion. Terms, 41,00, to he paid at'tim
bf lerviso with privilege 08 returning if nob'
A number of oholoe gyoingOOWO for sale for
breeding parpo005 whlob will be eold at
ltrl0os„to suit the times,
21- ROM, N1O11614 Proprietor,
MistrSCi L tJ$.
Limy Liivae,—Mrs, John McGarry
wad in Berlin last week attending the
funeral of bee brother, '.Clio District
Maetor will visit L, O. L., No. 428, Look.
now, on Tueeday, November l401.—James
Cameron, of Seakatohewan, is spending a
few weeks with Ws parents, Mex. K. and
Mrs. Cameron of thie village.—Joe, and
Mrs. Memory left for British Columbia
where they intend to make their future
homo.—Mrs. Jae, Bryan, of this village,
woe attending the W. 0 T. U, Conven-
tion at Guelph last week.—George Bur.
gear left for Woodstook, where he has
armored a good situation in a large furni-
ture faotory in that town.—P.A. Malcom.
son, George Girvin, Ab, Boyd, and W, J.
Johueton, of this villiogo, and Nelson
Smith, of Huron, lett for a two weeks'
deer shooting trip to the Bruce Penineala.
—The following is a li81 of the Curling
°Inb'e officers for the onming season :—
Patron, R. E. Truax, M. P. P„ Walker.
ton ; patroaesii, Mrs. 11. 17, Truax ; Hon,
Pres., Dr. J. S. Tennant ; Pree,, M.
Corrigan ; Viae Pree., J. B. Hunter
Seo., P. A, Maloomeon ; Treas., G. A.
Siddall ; Com. of Management, Pres.,
Viae Pree., skips, and D. B. Forster ;
Rep. members, John Murohieon, J. G.
Murdoch ; skips, W. Aliin, J, G. Mur-
dock, Jae. Bryan, P. A. Maloomoon.—W.
J. Stringer, Jack Uendereou and Eiohard
Finlay left to spend tour weeks' shooting
in the Parry Sound Dietriot, near North
0xe ter.
NEWSY Norse.—The Verity Plow
Works, of Brantford, shipped 16 carloads
of plows to Auetroila.• -Tax Colleotor
Creech is again on his rounds,—The
Parsons Produoe Co, are having an ad
dition erected to the rear of their present
premises, thus enlarging the business.—
A. Rollins, after a few months in the
Prairie Province, has returned home,—
R. Mallon, who a taw months ago work-
ed for W. H, Trott, as shoemaker, suffer.
ed u severe stroke of paralysis while
working in a chop at Petrone, last week.
He is not expeoted to reoover. Several
of the younger element of the town made
themselves felt an Tuesday evening of
last week, and as a result several gates,
eine and outboildiuge oame to grief.
We understand that the end ie nob yet,
but will oome from another eouroe, 'the
law and the profits." W. J. Carliug left
Monday of last week for the hunter's
paradise, Muskoka. He will be acoom•
ponied by Reginald Elliott, of Norwich,
and Mr. Puddaoombe,—Several of our
young men got into an altercation at the
North end of the villoge with a number
of sojourners who have been holding out
in that part of the village for some time,
dealing in rage, 00rap iron etc., and as a
result a fistiout ensued. Several rounds
were fought in a way that would daunt
the epirite of either Jefferies or Fitzaim•
CD eivitiea of
mono, but the adulietia a
o ,b p p
the latter proved o0
greaty for the boe
and ooumegnently they got a severe drub
bing. This not proving eatiefaotory to
the young men, the following night they
sought to take out their revenge by mak
iog an attack on the residence of their
aotagoniete. Stones were hurled through
the windows mod the property was other.
wise damaged. On Saturday the offend-
ers received summons to appear before
Juetioe Lewis, at Crediton, on Monday,
on a charge of houee breaking. The mat.
ter, however, was eventually Bottled out
of Court by the defendants paying $.25
and ousts, amounting in all to 288.
Brave Arca Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles aa well as women, and all feel
the results in lose of appetite, poisons in
the blood, baokaobe, nervousness, head-
ache and tired, listless, run•dowo feeling.
But there's no need to feel like that.
Listen to 3. W. Gardner, Idaville, Iud.
He says : "Eleotrio Bitters are just the
thing for a man when he ie all run down,
and don't care whether he lives or dies.
It did more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything'I Could take.
I can now eat anything and have a new
10000 on life." Only 50 Dente at Dead.
man's Drug Store. Every bottle
ltdtcB mop.
NEWSY NOTES.—Matthew and Mra.
Habkirk were in Brussels on Tuesday of
last week.—Jno. and Mrs. Hioohley, near
Roxboro', celebrated the tenth anniver-
sary of their wedding on Monday of last
week. The guests, numbering about
fifty, spent a most enjoyable evening and
left feeling indebted to their kind friends
'for each a pleasant time.—Robt, Adams
has bad Vie barn newly shingled.—John
Morrison ie having verandahs put up to
hie neat residence,—Robt. Aoheson, eon
of William Aohemen, of the town line, bee
been eogoged ae teaoher for 1900 at Box.
boro' Publto Sobool. Mime N. McMillan
leaven to attend the Normal School to
complete her etadies,—The Council meets
at Sage's Hotel, Walton, on Monday,
Nov. 18th, at 10 o'olook, forenoon.—John
and Wm. Shannon have rented Duncan
MoGregor's farm, lot 17, con. 0, for five
years at $225 a year.—Making apple
butter be the order of the day. _ Tite nook
tie eooial hold in the school of S. S. No.
9, on the 27th ult., was a deoided suooesa.
The night was wet but nevertheless a fair
crowd attended. Thos. Davidson was
voted to the Chair and proved the right
man in the right place, maintaining the
beat of order throughout. The prooeede
amounted to 1118 which goes towarde
buying blinds for the sobooh—The Fall
ploughing is nearly done in this part now.
—Harry McIntosh has purchased a trap•
tion engine from John Abell, of Toronto,
—John Mann returned from Sault Ste.
Marie, where he was spying out timber
limite,-000. Sanderson, who has teamed
for Kelly Broe. tor the past three years,
has gone to Algoma to the lumber woods
for the Winter months.—Some five or
six years ago Solomon Shannon, jr., of.
the 5811 oonoeesion of MoKiliop,woe using
a jack knife, when a email piece of the
blade broke off and striking him in the
eye injured it so severely that the eight
of the eye was destroyed, A few monthe
ago be telt the eye give a crack and alter
whiob he was able t0 see with it. The
eight oontinned until to few weeks ago,
When bo felt it give anoher snap and
this time the pain suddenly Lemma most
intense. Re applied to a dootor who
11114C1 searoh for the pieoe of steel which
is animus(' to be still in the eye, but was
unable to detect it, Since then he has
been doaflned id a dark room and is
Offering snob intense pain 0.s to Beriou9-
ly effect hie physical oonditiOn in other
reepeots. The euppoeition is that the
pieoe of steel is still in the eye, and the
(lootor to now using remedies to .remove
it, and it ie board lie will not bo much
relieved until the obsttraoli•w to removed,
C7l111 to11.
CnA'l'rx NitwoLnre,--Mrs, grloh, of
Huron street, fell dowu the oeller attire
and sustained a frooture of one of her
Iimbe,—Ierael Taylor, wbo has for eom8
years wed mated a shoe store in Clinton,
Lae deoided to retire from the retail bumf.
noes to embark into the manufacture of
the sums line of goods ea Brampton where
ho will become a member of the Williams
Company. He ix 0 shrewd, energetic
man of business, and will add life as
well as oapital to the firm, The store
here will be taken over by Jacob Taylor.
-Wm. Smithson has a Bible which was
preeeoted to him by Copt, Dutton of the
Steamship Sardinian on his return trip
from England in Feb., 1879,—Dr. Turn-
bull writes be was about to leave for
Vienna to further oontinue his studies
in the hospitals of that oily and that Dr.
Agnew would pursue his 0001108 in Lon.
don, Both expect to return home about
Ohrietmes—A. meeting of the executive
of the Blnokemithm' Aseooiation was held
at the Rattenbury House on Tuesday of
loot week, when it was unanimously re.
solved to put the new 00010 of prices into
effeot on Nov. lot.—Clinton has not
allowed Ben. Webb, its representative on
the Canadian Oootingeut, to go off to the
ware without expressing in a practical
way its reoogoitiun of the manly spirit
which prompted him to offer his servioe
to help fight the Empire's battles. Cap-
tain Combe and Lieutenant Bruce palled
on a few oitizene and in a short time
retried $28 which was wired to Ben, at
Quebec) and will help him lay in a little
store of arliolee not provided by the mil•
itary authorities. Bea, has sokuowledged
receipt of tbe amount.
Wonting Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill le a sugar•aaated
globule of health, that obauges weakness
into etreogth, listlessness into energy,
brain fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health,
Only 25o per box, Sold by G. A. Dead.
man, Druggist.
Newsy Boars. --Samuel Lovu'e sale of
stook and implements went off fine, ex-
cellent prices being realized for almost
everything put up. Two mucking Dolle
brought $40 Raab, while another brought
$50. Cows averaged about 880 each.—
Doge worried to death a calf belonging to
Samuel Wherry, 12th con., one sheep be.
longing to Thomas Hurst, and Eve sheep
belonging to Mr. Heard. The latter five
sheep were not killed outright, but Mr.
Heard killed them subsequently to put
them oat of misery. Mr. Hurst also bed
several sheep badly wounded but nob
killed. There being no dog tax io Elma,
i annot be bald
the towuab p responsible D
e loss. M Wherry for th 1 r. herr naught one of
the dogeand promptly ebot it.— . F.
Forrest boa arrival home from bia visit
to Spokane, Washington, bringing with
him a number of fine epeoimene of gold,
Copper, silver and lead 0000 from mines in
the Spokane dietriot, in which his
brother-in-law, Mn', Aitohesou, is a large
ehareholder.—A large number of towns-
people saw Mrs. Wm. Dunn off to her
home in California Tuesday morning of
last week. She spent several months
here with her daughters and slaters and
had a splendid time. She will visit her
eon, Will., at Lagers -oil, Ont„ and her
daughters, tire. R. J. Gray and Alioe
Dann, of Detroit, Mich., on her way
home.—Dr. J. 0. Gibson, of New Haven,
Mieb., is renewing old friendships in this
lootlity. He lute just recovered from a
severe attack of typhoid lever. The Dr
hoe a large praotioe in New Haven.—D,
Graham and John Sanders joined the
Listowel bunting party for Muskoka last
week.—Jobn Wilson reached home from
Dawson City, Yukon District, after an
absence of several months in the diggings.
He made the trip bonne In 28 days ex-
clusive of atop -overs which ie rapid
travelling oousidering the dietanoe.
Since last July be has bean manager of a
mining camp at $10 per day and board,
and subsequently be puffed out of the
country during the three months a neat
$1,000—rather more than moat of na
make here in that period of time.
LITTLE CunuINae.—F. Jordan, has in
his show window a large Osage orange,
grown by Col. Varco°, of Colborne town.
ship. -0. Coneigney, late of Hespeler,
hoe started a hand laundry on Kingston
street, near Craig's hotel.—R. I. Strang,
B. A., Prinoipal of Goderich Collegiate
Institute, be the author of a new text-
book on grammar which is just making
ire appearmnoe.—John Morrie intends
adding 50 feet to hie plaining mill this
Fall. He Wae in Toronto a short time
ago and ordered some new machinery
whioh will be placed as soon am the ex.
tension fe oompleted.—Jae. Wilson has
annonooed definitely bis intention of
offering himself as a candidate for the
Mayor's Chair at the coming munioipal
election,—Ata opeoial meeting of the
Town Coattail the firm of Buobauan de
Rhynae was awarded d the oontraot of
building an addition to the waterworks
coal shed at 28.00 per foot, and a new
tramway a 96 canto per er foot.—The 0011.
sent of the Henderson Biayole Co. having
been obtained, the gronolithic walk 00
the South side of East street will be
extended as far as Cambria road, The
contractors, weather permitting, will.
finish Pile etretoh in a oonple of days.
Owing to the lateness of the season, they
will not attempt to go on with the re-
mainder of the work under their con•
tract this year,—A. MoD, Allan has re.
Delved the bushel boxes Bent by the Gov.
erument for the shipment of fruit for the
Paris Exposition. Growers who have
fine, clean fruit should bring samples fn
at 0000 to Mr. Allan. Good prioee will
be paid for the right kind of fruit. -Re.
vival serving commenced in North street
Methodist church on Tueeday evening.—
Wln, Cox and fatrlily, late of Goderioh
boWnehip, have moved into town and are
ode:Tying the residenoe that was built
for them this year on Britannia road.—
Frank Thompson, who was with St.
George Frio() for over 2 yeare, left loot
week for Stratford to enter into partnec-
eltip in the boot and shoe business with
a Mr. Hoffman, of that town,—llerriug
and perch are making good fishing those
days,—A. new ooal shed has been oreoted
at' the waterworks otatiou, Sunday the
Game Warden for this dietriot took some
slings from boys Who were firing at birds.
-On amount of some of the ohnrobe0
having smiles on Wednesday evening,
1,240 incandseesht lights were 111 use.—
Between 80 and 82 tbattsaud apple bar.
role were mads in Goderinh Oita 080000,
—At the annual games in permeation
with Huron College, London, on Tues.
day of lad week, a Goderich otudent,
Percy 1.1. Toin, won a geld medal. The
obampion was oboson by points made,1
and though Percy did not snore the
highest, he tied the top total, and tbe
gains committee gob out of the difficulty
by giving both contestants a gold modal.
Tom obtained 4 late, 1 2nd and 4 8rds,
18 poioto, and Brigham, 1 1st, '1 2oda and
1 Brd, aleo oounting 18, Included In
Peroy H, Tom's late were a 1.mile walk
and a }•moo ran,
B0Nnne3fe,—Oomplaint is rnade of the
the praotioe of Rome people wbo neo the
Publio Library bolding the daily papers
beyond the limit allowed by the manage-
ment -16 minutes, One man was timed
the other day, who kept the paper an
hour and a quarter.—Word baa been re-
ceived here that Nelson Hoye ie seriously
i11 in Chicago. His many friends here
wish him a speedy recovery.—Mise
Hattie Phillipe, of title place, hoe been
engaged as teacher in the Arthur Poblio
sabool. Her duties oomme000 on Jan.
lat.—Two awing doors have lately been
erected in the poetoffioe,—Robt. B. Scott,
jr., has been suffering for some time from
a severe attack of aethma, bat we are
pleased to learn that he is a little better.
—There are some very fine ohryeauthe.
mem plants on -exhibition in 0. W.
Papet'o store windows. The planta were
cultivated by Jno. Finob and Mr. Point
and are aertainly very fine epeoimeoe,—
The grasolithio sidewalk on Goderich
street is finished and the workmen have
started on Jarvis street,—Oce day lately
Mies Mary Sutherland slipped and fell on
the sidewalk, receiving a sprained arm as
the result.—Mise Kathleen Morton has
aommenoed a series of revival meetings
in the Methodist ahurob here.—J, P.
Henderson had the misfortune to fall and
sprain hie ankle.—At a meeting of the
88rd Battalion Baud a unanimous vote of
thanks was tendered to the oitizene of
Seaforth for helping the band so liber-
ally by their sabeoriptione. John Mo -
Millan, M. P. for South Huron, will ad.
dress a public meeting at Seaforth, Fri•
day, November 10th.—Mies IMay Kemp,
who left here a few weeks ago for Leip.
eio, Germany, baa arrived at her destine,•
tion safely. She had a pleasant voyage
and exaeptfor a few days' sea siokneoe
she enjoyed it very muob.—Wm. Ament
left for Muskoka on Monday of last week
to look out some timber limits Mra. J.
A. Stewart represented the Seaforth
Union at the annual meeting of the On•
tario Women's Christian Temperanoe
Union whiob was held et Guelph hod
week.—B. B. Gunn is braoobingoot. He
has leased the store, just South of M. Jor
don's grocery, and ie planing a stook of
Clothing in it.
Their Business Bonn ,1
1 n a thin boa caused Boob
Probably o one
a general revival of trade at Deadman'e
Drug Store as their giving away to their
many customers of eo many trial bottles
of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con.
mamptioo. Their trade is simply enor-
mous in this very valuable remedy, from
the fact that it always ogres mad never
disappoints. Congbe, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and
lung diseases arequiekly oared. You Can
teat it before buytug by getting a trial
bottle free, large size 50o. and $1.00.
Every bottle warranted.
GATHERED Ur,—About seven o'clock
on Monday evening of lad week as Jobn
Skilling wee driving into town he met
with what might have been a very 0018009
aooident. The night was very dark and
when jueb South of the railway traok he
met some one driving at a furious rate
and just at the culvert the riga oollided.
Mr. $killing's cart was overturned and
torn Olean from the horse. The other
party drove off in the darkness. Mr.
Skilling'e oart and harness were consider-
able broken but he fortunately eeoaped
with only a bad shaking up.—David
Watters, left for Wiugham, where be
will work for W. J. Geer,—Mre. Howard,
returned to her home in Irvona, Pa.
She was a000mpanied by her sister, Dirs.
Russell, and Mies May Jardine.—A. C.
Cummer has returned borne from Mani.
toba,-0n Tuesday morning of last week
e, telegram from Toronto conveyed the
sad intelligence of the death of Mre,
John Olegg, formerly of this village, who
died on Monday night, The remains
were brought to Gorrie for interm cant on
Wednesday after000n.—Wm. Mose was
appointed Librarian, to .fill the vaoaney
oaueed by the resignation of W. J. Greer.
The library was moved into Mr. Moae'e
$Yti0NBATa,—The Fordwloh Reoord
says :—Oce of the most pleasing events
that has transpired in the sooial oiroles
of this aommnnity for some time, took
place in the village on Wednesday even-
ing of last week, when one of Fordwioh'e
fairest daughters, in the person of Mies
Jennie Sandereou, was joined in the holy
bonds of wedlock to George E. McKee,
one of Gorrie'e most prominent young
men, and Principal of the Poblio school
there. The important ceremony was
oonduoted at the residenoe of the bride's
father, our esteemed townsman, James
Sanderson,in the presence of about
eighty.five invited snubs. When the
hands of the °look pointed out the hour
of half -past five, the time set for cera.
mony, NUN Flora James, of Gorrie,
played the wedding march, to which the
sweet strains of whioh the groom, a000m.
ponied by his able eupporter, F. Babb, of
London, entered the parlor, followed im.
mediately by the bride learning on her
father's arm, and Mies Janet Cook, who
very nicely filled the position of brides.
maid, The knob that binde the young
ample together for life w0s securely tied
by Rev. R. L Moolifog, desisted by Rev.
J. lb. Garbutt, of Gorrie. The bride
wag becomingly attired in a beautiful
gown of cream silk, trimmed with lane
and pearls, a bridal veil mud natural
flouters ; the bridesmaid oleo looked
beabtifui in a gown of Cream Berge,
trimmed with blue satin and lane, After
the beat wishes of all preprint had been
extended to the young °maple, tables
heavily laden with viands that would
satisfy the most tasty palate, were sat
down to anp the appetites of all appeas.
ed. A good program had 1e011 prepared,
and with liebening to it and playing
games, etc., a most enjoyable time wag
spent The pepnlarity of the oontrenting
Weil attested by the very large and well
aesorted oolieotioo of 'wetly and useful
presents. Among those most worthy of
mention was a beautiful Wilton -rug par-
lor suite from the bride's father, and a
handsome eigbt•day olook from the mem•
bare of the Methodist ohuroil, The bride
will be greatly miseed from the above
°huron,in wanneotwin with which she woe
always a willing, faithful worker, Having
been orgaoietfor the past Dix years, dur-
ing which time It wee a rare oeourr000e
for her to be absent from her poet ; and
elle Wee oleo a vioe•preeident in the &-
worth League, but what is our lees will
be Gorrie's gain.
Red flet From The Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman,
War. of Newark, Miall , in tbe Civil Wa . It
oaueed horrible Uleere that no treatment
helped for 20 years. Then Buoklen'e
Arnica Salve oared him, Corea Oute,
Bruises, Burne, Boils, Felons, Corns,
Skin eruptions, Best Pile ogre on earth.
26 oto, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by G. A. Deadman, Druggist.
I ,ir-.ttoweI.
NEWSY Norse.—Mrs. J. A. Hooking
has returned home after a month's visit
in Waage and Iowa. -0. M, M0lntyre,
late of tbe Listowel Business College, is
io charge of tbe Mount Forest College,
recently opened by 0. L Hartt.—S.
Brinker hoe put a typical English dray
oart on for his coal and wood delivery
bueineee.—Lewis Bolton, D. L, B., also
hie son, Eleworth Bolton, and the latter's
wife, hove arrived in town from Demean.
Mr, Bolton, jr., baa spent nearly three
years in the Klondike, having gone up
with the first government earveying
party. He was married there some
months ago, Mrs. Bolton a000mpanying
him home, and will remain in town
during the Winter. The improvements
in the Bank of Hamilton here are now
about oompleted.—D. L. MoKeand, for.
merly teller in the Baok of Hamilton
bare, and latterly connoted with the
Winnipeg branch, is one of the Canadian
Contingent for South Africa, having gone
with the Winnipeg oorpo.—The follow•
iog doer hunters left here an Tuesday of
last week, for the Muskoka runways :—
J. A. Hooking, 3. Livingstone, G. 8.
Kidd, Wm. Hooking,
D. L. Booth, R.
Boguee, P. Livingstone, J. A. Tremain
and D. Sanderson, J. Benders and D.
Graham, of Atwood, also went along with
the Listowel party.—On the eve of his
departure from Listowel, after laboring
for seven years as pastor of the Church
of the United Brethern in Christ, Rev.
J. F. Durkee was presented with a puree
of twentysix dollars by hie fellow citi•
zone and the members of the churcb.—
Tbe Bell Telephone Oo. has a gang of
men patting up higher poles on Wallace
street, under tbe anpervision of W.
Lomeden, Owen Sound. Material ie
also arriving for the new construction
and fittings for the office, which will
hove new switches, cabinets and °able°,
The latter will be put fn ander ground.
at t arrivals
the 1 u0
M. Monks ie among
in Va000uver, Ont., from Dawson. He
ie of the opinion that the output of the
Yukon will be doable that of last year.
Hanker Creek, be said, baa panned oat
exoeptionally rich, and with the maobio•
cry that i0 being pot in this Winter, it is
expected that the output' on this oreek
alone will be $000,000.
Loan and
"--•441P-- Agency.
The undersigned is prepared
to attend promptly to all Busi-
ness in this line at very reason-
able rates.
Money to loan.
Insurance risks written.
Conveyancing carefully at-
tended to.
Books posted and accounts
"Satisfaction assured in
every transaction. .
Headquarters for Bicycles
Or Repairs.
Chea Poet O
At Your
ffice t
b 0.10 �x.. LdA
•,;,. iii
Press . :.Y
n It contains all the latest iAl
news by cable and other- �A
wise; complete market re- itg
from Liverpool, portaPool, London,
11New York, Chicago, Buffalo, 2L
ri Toronto and elsewhere; full ifg
14 notes of sporting events and iU
Q Western Ontario District
news. News from the Trans-
6 vaal full and fresh. The
ik largest, best and most popu- �1A
lar daily newspaper in West= if/
1 ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per
year. Subscribe now.
Tne 1
101101A FtOO Wen Pig. CO., Its. >lAA
parka among their rimy friends Was
As it. MCC Wase
When the human foot was
first introduced to shoes it was
e acily as Mature had made it,
It has been revolutionized
from what it was to the foot of
today by sixteen centuries of
distorting tightness and freakish. styles.
" Slater Shoes " are made to fit
feet as they are to -day, comfort first,
but good appearance never forgotten,
Twelve shapes, six widths, all
sizes leathers and colors.
Goodyear welted, name and price
t^.:Sped on the soles,
$3.5o and -$5.00.
Downing Bros,, - Sole Local Agents
heavy, strong
All sizes.
We desire this week to call
your attention to our Boot and
Shoe Department. We have
the latest Styles, A 1 Qualities
and best Values in the trade
in Children's, Misses', Boys',
Ladies' and Gents' wear from
the finest Kid to the heavy
whole stock Kip. We are
showing special lines in good,
Shoes that will wear well and keep your feet dry.
Our Men's Long Boots are the very best in Canada at $2.25
and $3.00, and sure to please you.
In Men's Fine Boots we are showing up-to-date leaders at
$1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50.
Our Stock is Large and well .Assorted
in. all Departnnents.
November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand..
Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices.
is Up -to -Date.
We are in a position to supply the wants
of the general pnblio with up.to•date
Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas,
Coffees, Meals, Spices
and General
Household Necessaries.
Our aim is to sell only the Best and
Freshest Goode on the market at the
lowest living profit on a Caeblbasie.
Thome who deal with ue will come
Farm prodnoe taken and the very
beet value given.
Call and ascertain what we Can do
for you. "Your money's worth all the
year round,' is our motto.
t "0hofce Oonfeotionery.
C. I3. 13artliff
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
IVIorley Ordiers
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any ohartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branches in the Yukon Dis-
Under $10 .
$10 to 20
20 to 30
30 to 50 .
RD i.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing ills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
tame on band or made to order
at Short Nodes.
'Intimates Furnished for all
kinds 01 Buildings. Workman'
ship and Material Guaranteed.
P. dam.wt..'+, •leR wM,
And Apple Butter.
Have everything ready for the
Fall tade in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6,'�- Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
System I tenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness,. iPalpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplamt,Neur•
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Con.
sumtiu Gall Stones,
e Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus'
Female Irregalaritiem and General De.
Prop. andManufaoturer.
Sold by Jac, Fox, Druggist, lermeaelo.
Sp ectacles
—oF ALT, lascs—
}♦ itted to Correct all
Ii'ltilures of Eyesight,
and your Byte tested MBE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Curt
a O Office,