HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-9, Page 44 lxeUlteouts p5t. THURSDAY, 210V. 9, 1899. Tangai le no shortage of deer hnntere this Fall ve over 8,00011oenses and pax - Mite have been issued, 363 of these were Bent out from Toronto office. If there le not more than deer shot it will be the next thing to a miracle. Ix is hinted that Sir Charles Topper, leader of the Conservative party in the Oommoee, may visit Walkerton and Wingham and deliver addreeses from the Opposition standpoint. He would draw a big crowd no doabt as he fills a large place in the public eye and for a man of his yeare poeseeeee wonderful vigor, We hope he may Meg be epered to 000upy the position he now fills, Axomnen railway projeob will be dis- cussed at the next session of the Ontario Legislature to ran from the French river through Parry Sound District and Nip• feeing to Pembroke and thence to moa. nectione to 0. P. R It is said the road is a great neoeaeity in the development of that motion and would prove a great blessing. While this may be true a clear and definite understanding should be arrived at before help is granted es many a dollar hae been badly used by the buy. log up of minor linea by the big com- panies. Clntrexraa people are apparently de- termined that the closing of the 1911 aeotury—the beet century in the history of the world—will be marked by an event that will be historic) in its character, ae the response to the call for money in oon- neotion with the 20111 Century Thanks. giving Fend has been little short of mar- vellous in commotion with both Presby. tartan and Methodist oburobee. The latter denomination in this dominion ie aiming at a Million dollars, and toward that the sum of 5445,000 has already been subscribed and the plan is really on. ly in its initial stage, R000gnizing our stewardship and making aatione apeak instead of words is God honoring and at the same time clearing off old debts ; endowing worthy enterprises ; and giv. ing a grand stimulus to wider usefulness and service. The object lesson should bave a benefloial effect upon the tieing generation. Let the good work go on, THE London street oar strike still drags along although the oars are now receiving paying patronage. In some oases the cause of the strikers has not been strengthened by the boycott worked on bueioee people who, for their000venieooe, patronized the oars. It ie a little doubt. fol on whish side there is the most tyranny --the Company or the strikers. Tbe drebractioo of oar windows by briok• bats and atones and the attempt to frighten the public from using the various linea hasr recoil c e Bao action t a the leads many to tbink other means shock] be employed to accomplish m 1 s4 the end in view and has p lost much support at first a000rded the men. In our opinion, while strong and outspoken opinion was expressed fur the etrikers, the tide, to a large extent, bas turned and the Street Railway Company will win, It bas been an unfortunate experience for London and au expensive one as well that should have been settled by arbitration. A little give on both aides would have accomplished it. Is General White were at liberty to take a few days off from Ladysmith he oould easily be loaded up with pointers es to how to conduct a military campaign in South Alvin, judging by the newspaper criticisms. We are well aware, of course, that journalists are remanded to give advioe on almost any subject bat when some of them demand that Gen. White be beheaded at once because be did not hammer 20,000 Boers with 12,000 British they are probably a trifle gay. It ie true we expect Britian and the Union Jack to always win, and the record has been a worthy one, but 000aeionally reverses come, sometimes attributable to too great daring in the face of overwhelming odds. We'll bask Mr. White yet and expect shortly to hear tell of Uncle Paul Kruger climbing down from his perch and realizing that he's not the only planet in the broad heavene. Tbe eilua- tion at the present is not the most en- couraging, however, to the soldiers of the Queen. Tao terrors of war are forcibly brought to the notice of the public by the official statement team the United Btatee adjutant -general who affirms that during the year, May 1698, to Jane 30111, 1829, the casualties totalled 10,076. If these Agoras are 0orreot when a good portion of the time i0 taken up in ekirmiebing What must it be when weeks and months are spent in real active warfare, One of the British Commanders says "War fa legalized murder" and we think he is not far out in hie definition. We hope the rule that "when e. civilized Nation gees to war with one lees civilized the uiti, mate reoblte far outweigh any temporary lose at Sreb suffered," may be speedily fulfilled with the Boor -British entangle - rabbi and that true liberty will seemed tyranny and obetinaay, 11 may be intere0ting news, of a sad eha08818 , to know that 2,835 British ealdiers have been killed) wounded one taken prlsaner, sboae hoetilitieo commenced. There is no definite information to hand ae to the losses sustained by the Boers but 11 mast Mtn into the thoneande ae the artillery Wed by John Bell hits been particularly destructive. PneeIDewgao, affairs are looming up in the neighboring Republic and W. J. Bryan, who was defeated at the last con. teat by Preeideot McKinley, is making a regular tour in pushing his oandidatgre for the next eleotiou. Mr. Bryan (bill etioke to the tree silver doctrine and combs Mr, MaKiuley'e whiskers aver the Philippine war and other matters of administration, He says he wants the Amerioao flag to be loved rather then feared, With all the boasted liberty and freedom of our U, S. magus, we imagine the people of this Dominion are fully as well off staler oar present mode of goy ernmeub, MR. BOLGER ON THE SITUATION. To the Editor of THE Poem: DEna SI11,—Atter reading in '100 Poor of Oat. 10th part of the petitions address eiveo in Brussels by Dr. McDonald, M. P., I feel inclined to say a few worde on the other side if you will kindly allow me a small space. The Dr. pointed. out many things that the Liberals had done in making good their pre election promises. First, the set. tltOg of that vexed Manitoba school tluea tion. It pertainly is news for me to near that the Manitoba school question was ratio- fastorily settled, for we all know that after the settlement the Roman Catholics of Man• i tu baero very much displeasedlesea d with the terms l1 settlement, somit h eon that akott• ly atter, if Iremomber rightly, over 20 private schools were opened. I thought that did not took like a settlement. The Quarantine of 2 mouths on Canadian catte going into the U. S.wae removed by skillful management, and thereby a market opened whereby 00,000 head of stook Is anaaally de• livered, the cattle now being examined on the border. That was a good move on the part of the Government, and we must give them some credit for ib, for they did assist with the Americana, in making the change, But we must not give them all the credit, for if We did it would be like saying they were running the Amertoan Goverhmena The fact of the matter is the Americans wanted our cattle, for, according to reporlo then, the Americans lost 100,0.10 head of oat. Me the Winter before with the inclemency of the weather, and many tkuueands were lost (ase Whiter from the same cause. Then came Free Trade relations, not Free Trade, for that 0anno1 be so long ae revenue is rale. ed from Customs Duties. Just so, and 10 these worde the Dr, supporta my former statements when I said the N. P. came to stay. Now we will tee how the Liberals car- ried out their p re-election promises. For 18 77yyliears the advanced part of the Reform party apparentlyave been lywerelyoto Free Trade they ready ['hod oceans tion -stricken • tears for the poor, with the heavy pro tea. of tariff d farmer, wrtn the their burden of ttriff added to thewinefcs of theft combin- ations with the country filled with oombin- atlons and monopolies, gotag to the dogs with the horribly increasing National es. pendIlure, and the 1hotisands fleeing to that free South would sus ay get d of the ill - motion. Theyy put as into 01180 and we will change all these wrongs and make them right ; we will do away with the villianous tariff; then the people iu general and the farmers in particular, will get the bene5 t of low mines ou their requirements ; we will also reduce the expenditure by pay- ing more attention to economy. Well, the Liberals did get into office, and, Mr, Editor, What do you suppose they did as soon as they got in, atter knowing for 18 yeare ex• n obly what was needed? Why, air, they just appointed Com,nlesiinera to find oat what was wanted ; then apparently, Mao eon olueion arrived at wee that Free ')tirade was not wanted, bot instead, revised the tariff, lowering on some lines and raising o1 oth- ers, putting two new articles ou the free list and leaving the much abused and deer old N. P. about the same as they got ft, it name h crdndearly a e stn . showing y 9 Ae- explhdb y THE Poet, the Dr. ung dealt very twine sly with hs Labe, rotor tee binaur si- tion. and coal oil bugbear for the r ao l a Opposi- tion. The Dr, is right, it is a bugbear and a a for the farmers and n badn° o t a Eo kers have to pay dear for the bear. Tan )10 noes tnot wine lque how the Dr. diked the lamed t u Lion but most likely h° wi a question, Y Sifted the Government twarlied n the ries top Pons. It the thine last year had not sold the Penitentiary the quest oast your at 41e soots per pound, the question could be solved moot easier. We got good protected binder tame at from 7 to 8 cents per pound, but It wee put on the free flat; then We had to pay as high as 15 aen10 per pound for it. We gob good protected l• s for about 80 cencorn s perdbushel then corn wee put on the free net. and up jumped the price to about 50 cents per bushel. Last year nearly 20 million bushels came into the country without paying even 1 dollar dully. The tariff on coal oil was rodueed by I/O and now we have to pay about double the prise for that article. The duty was rodeo - ed on farm implements, and'in lose than 1 year about 51,500,000 worth moo in riots the States, thereby taking the work away from our people and causing a higher pride to be Paid. Plows are up in price and other implements are getting up, Fencewire rubber wear, stoves and nearly all. kinds of manufactured articles, up in prise or getting lip, Coal is up in pride and the national ex. penditure is up. We aertainly live 10 a time when there ie a prosperous looking Drop of growing prices. Now I will leave it to the readers of THE POST to figure out whether the Reformers have carried out their pre- election promisee or not. Arch. mem, M. F. P. when closing his address at the Bann time and place, said he had no °souse to of- fer for those who tranegreee the law, refer- ring to eleotion trtale end chargee ofbrib- ery, but thought that before the Opposition were so free with their denanelation of Liberals they should turn up the remade of their own party and notice the palliation of, fared when the boot is on���� the other foot. New i• ng. It is like slaying "You ere or They are as bad as we are." it Mr, Meier) had said the Reform party for many years, had tried bo pose as a party of puri- ty, to make the world believe that w0 are Moe very 0000000 of purity, honesty and economy, and that the Opposition, or Oun- eervative party, have beet a Yery bad lot, that they were (hook full of bribery and cor- rupt acts; Wo have loaded them with every yile epithet whiob the lilnglish language oan produce, and now the world can see that we ere tar worse then they have been, as shown by the working of the machine. I say right here it Mr,Hlslop had said these words, or worde similar, he would have hit nearer the mark. Yours truly. 40.8. BOLGER, Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Coattail of the township of Grey, met at the townehip ball, 001. 25th, pursuant to adjournment. Mem- bers were all present, Reeve is the chair. Minnbes of lief meeting were read and passed. Moved by Robert Livingstone, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that George Oliver be paid the cum of 51,358.00, et acoonnt of No. 2, Govern- ment drain contract, s,0 per Engineer's oertifioate. — Carried, Complaint was made to the Colwell that the line fano( at lot 6, on the sideroad between lots 5 and 6, con, 0, was oat on the road allow- ['nae several feet musing an obstruction to the road, and ['eking to have amid teres romb,ed. Moved by Livingetone second. ed by 1ll&Donald that the Clerk be authorized to notify the owner of lot 6, con, 0, to remove hie line hum from off the road allowaobe se soon ae possible,— berried. Moved by Adam Teri bit% T H soesseesessa seconded by Isaac Lake that the Olerk be authorized to auk the township Engin. ear to make a supplementary award to hie named, anted 7th January, 1803, for the deepening of the eat vert aarosa the G. T, Ry„ at lot 8, oou, 9.--Oarried, Amara. Turnbull and Livintietone report. ed having let the oantraot of digging the Prager drain to John Curtain and Win. Oonnelly, for the sum of 51025 00, they befog the lowest tender. Moved by Isaac Like, amended by Adam Turnbull Ghat Rebert Livingstone be appointed iospeator on the Fraser drain.—Carried, The following accounts Wore presented, viz 3W iu, Mitchell, gravel, 521.92 ; James Luoae, rep des to b.iaudary Grey, 31ulRtllop end Logan,$18.85 ; W. Krrwter, gravel, $2 ; Geo. Dunlop, repairing cul• vertu lot 93, oou, 15, 51.50 ; Jae, Brown, repairing uulvertlot 20, oon. 16, 75 conte; Robt. Coutts, repairs to aide road 6 and oetting brush, 511 86, and repairing Dui. vert( tole 20 and 80, oon, 12, 52 ; Wm, Maobau, oleariog road at lot 33, oon, 18, $2 ; Arch. Lamont, grading ou side r,ad 2, oon, 7, 55 ; Geo. Sm illdon, diaoh and oulvert ou side road 3, eon. 9, and culvert on blind line, 520;Jacob Reymann, ditch at lot 14, oou. 9, 511 ; Douald McDougall, drawing tile from Brussels, 51 ; Wm. Pollard, culvert lot 19, eon. 6, and two converts on side road 3, con. 6, 515 ; John Smith, grubbing stumps and putting stone on road at lot 5, cin. 6, $12.50 ; Robt. Hoy, gravelling at lot 5, eon. 6, 55.- 60 ; A'rgne McKay, sewer pipe f Ir cul. tart, 57 16 ; Ifulh Lamoua, repairing culvert 'at 5, oon. 10, 75 Dente ; Jae. Fer- gaton, gravel, $14 60 ; Walter Yule, gravelling on Morris boundary, 516 80, add gravel 51.12 ; Jae. Oats, oleariog award ditab lot 2, oon. 2, 52; Ltobt, eerie, oulvert and dituh at lot 62, Gun. 4, $9.93 ; Jobe McDonald, repairiug outvort ou side road 4, oou 2,ward ;feels. $1 • E 7 d oke 1' r . m, re airing road at lot 7,oon 2,.,L. P5 50 ; Copeland Stocks, grael, 96 menta ; Tae. Strachan, calvert on Morris boundary con. 2, $15; J. N. Kendall, tile for culvert lot 2, oon. 2, 52 48 ; Go.i. Eck- mier, rag bolts, 50 cents ; 4Vm- Riddetz, rag bolts for cu'vert, 60 mute ; Samuel Dann, gravel, 52.60 ; Geo, Olark, gravel, 012 40 ; Win. Oakley, gravel, 53.92 ; Jos. Sevens, diaoh on aide road 6, 000. 6, 522.• 88 ; J•,hn Gainer, cleaning out branoh of Saver Corners drain, 550 12 ; Henry Foga, gravelling and dltonrog on booed - (try Grey and Elm t, Grey abate, 533.28 ; H. Sperian, jr., gravel, 52 63 ; N. 0 N. Gerry, wire and elap'ee for wire feud at lot 15, con. 14, 513.10 ; A. Reymann, se- lecting jarore, 041 J >hn Smith, tile for drain lot 15, oon. 6, 51 62 ; Jae. L1gae, °teauing oat d,ain boundary Grey and Elms, 54.75 ; Andrew Melanie, repairing culvert on aide road 4, eon. 15, 52,25, Move by Jas. MuDonald, seconded by Jodie Lake, tbeb the above a000uate be paid.—Carried. Council then adjourned to meet again at the Township Hell o3 Wedues lay the 290 of November. War. Spseaa, Clerk. >rordwitch. Neeez F,urorze.—Tuesday evening of last week belug Hallowe'en, some of the boys ware out for •1 few Imre' sport, but moat of them kept themselves pretty well within bounds. No tricks of a serious nature were committed, a few gates be. ing rem,vei by the smeller b,ys, and some of the store entrances and sidewalks blocked by the larger element wes about the extent of the night's depredations. A number did g, rather far, though, and threw 0om0 eggs (cob rotten ones) around M. G. Harris' preneisea.—Rev. A. B. Dobson atle0ded Ole meeting of Seugeen Presbytery, at Durham, on Tuesday of last week, when Rev. Wm, Farquharson ind t was qo ori intoa 0 the pastorate e the unurah there.—A concert under the aua- pioes of the Fordwioh Free Pabllo rary was held in Donagby'e Hall on Thursday evening.—The Public School Board here is asking for tenders far the furnishing of about b 25 cards o!d goo building stone, whioh they wish deliver- ed at the school grounds before the 16th day of February next for the proposed new school ha0se.—Andrew Wilson, of y&looretiald, is in town looking after the repairing of the breakage that was made in the dam by the water working its way under the woodwork of the overflow.— Wm. Wade, jr., of the 4110 eon., has leased his farm to Christopher Walker, of the same line, and will shortly move to town,—Tae 0olleotor Wiggins has been going hie annual rouude in the vil- lage.—Some 20 members of the Metho- dist ohoroh invaded Mise Jennie Sander• eon's home and presented her with a cloak and &Ire. R. I. Hooking reed an ad. dress. Miss Sanderson made a suitable reply, thanking the members for their great kieduesr, and remarked that thoughte of the people of Fordwioh would always bring pleasant remembraoaee, Complimentary speeches were made by several of those pfoeenb and after sing. ing a hymn, all deparbee to their reape01. ive homes. 131.v Mi. Bitterne Tono.—Blyth was in darkness Monday and Wedneeday nights of last week owing to an accident at the electric light station.—Wm. Moser has accepted a position in Oampbell'e hardware store, Mitchell, and leaves this week 10 enter upon his duties.—The anniversary ser• vioes in connection with Blyth Methndiet church will be held on Sunday and Man. day, Nov, 1211a and 1311. Sermons will be preached on Sunday et 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. by a former pastor of the chareh, Rev. A. W. Tonge, of Platteville. Oa Monday evening there will be a tea'meet. ing after which Rev. R, Hobbs, of Wing. ham, will give his celebrated lecture, "Triangular Man." A good musical pro. gram will else be furnished,—Dr, Milne has erected a windmill at his residence. It will be need for supplying the stables with water and in the Summer ter lawn eprinkling,—George Quinn and Hugh McQuade have returned from their two mouths' trip to Manitoba.—Rev, Dr. Henderson, 0,8011etant missionary seem bury of the Methodist ohureh, delivered an interesting address on mieeione in the Blyth lt•Iethodiet church on Teeoday seining of last week. At the olose of the address Chore was a special collection taken up in mold of the missionary oaaea, —Mies Jameson has returned from her oven weeks' visit with friends at Boston, Albany and Baffale,—T, H. Ashbury was in Brenttord last weep attending the funeral of his brother Wln„ who died of typhoid fever. — Rev. Wm. Nisbail 90816018d to the Orangemen of Blyth and vicinity itt the Methodiet ohureh on San. day evening. On Monday evening an Orange sipper was held at the Central Hotel,—Hon, Andrew Willard, one of the moot prominent bedtime meta of Beaver Darn, Wieoonein, died reoentIy its the age BRUSSELS POST Nov, 9 1899 of 74 years, leaving a wife, one 000 and two daughters to mourn his lose. Ooe of the latter is the wife of Dr. J, L, Scott, 01 Beaver Dam, brother of T, W. Scott, a! Blyth. Mr, IViliard was an ex -mem. bee of the Wieoonsin Slate legleletere and the Beaver 1)i; 0630011, and s,0 the time of his death held office in the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F,-Tbe Direotore of the Morris Branch Agricultural So. piety met at the Genteel Hotel nn Men. day afternoon of last week, A motion ivae intend that the Agricultural Park be rented to the municipality of 131ytb for a nominal figure, the M. B, A. 13. to have the use of the Park whenever they re- quire it, and the munioipality to keep the race braok in proper order. Complaints were made egainetemne parties who took prizes for apples at the late Fair and did not poems an apple tree. A motion was made and passed that rules 4 and 6 of Morrie Branch Agrioulbural Soniety be enforoed and that the prize money won by the parties oomplained againet be withheld until due consideration has been given the complaints, It Wag also decided to plow end level the Park. 1) -lore -15a Samoa Rzronr.—The following rep rt gives the standing of S. S. No. 8 Inc October and reaalt of promotion exam.— Sr, 4th.—Total, 400 Alioe Paul, 379 ; Ettie Agar, 375 ; Martha Ingram, 229 ; Ohae, Garnies, 221 1 Vena Knox, 196 ; Roby Forbes, 135. Sr. 3rd, promoted to jr. 4th.—Total. 830 ; to pave, 425.—Eva Sonob, 619 ; %arifa Fraser, 530 ; Jno. Garnier 462 1 remaining, 0. Sr. 2nd, promoted to jr. 3rd.—Total, 600 ; to pass, 000. -Emma Jermyo, 499 ; Hazel Embury, 480 ; Annie Garniee, 388 ; re- maining, 0, Sr. Pt. 2nd. --Total, 800.— Willie Forbes, 280 ; Harvie Knox, 173. MiddleP t 20 — i g, 3 d. Y000 a Rutledge, 2 8 Huldaha led R fie, 260 ; Lizzie Knox, 248 ; Tommy Jermyn. 140. Jr. Pt. 2.— Mildred Sawitt, 283 ; Roy Tarvey 285 Sarah Agar, 262 ; Norman Bomb, 256 ; Fred. Agar, 160. Se. let.—Hazel Stamp or, 283 ; Nelson Agar, 275 ; Stanley Rutledge, 210. Jr. let.—Willie Agar, 260 ; Terea Jermyn, 175. D. L. StneoaaN, Teacher. Bit'in —h, errs. NEWSY WaINItLBe.—Mr. Colleens has bad the inoandeeoent lights plead in his new resideooe.--Ben. Grey had the end of one finger out off by a shaper knife at the Upholstery Works. After he bad gone back to work again he had a close Dell, The knife flew off the machine that he was working at and lett a noticeable mark in the briok wall where it struck,— Rev. R. Hobbs hae a nephew in the Lon don portion of the Canadian oontiogent go0e to the Transvaal war.—Mrs. T. Abraham is still suffering from the ef• Mots of paralysis. One band is almost useless.—The egg dealers of town are shipping their Bummer gathering of eggs —Mise K. M. Wisher, Provincial Super- intendent of W. C. T. U., and Mrs. (Rev.) Goffio, County President, were in Guelph last week attending a convection. —John Allenby had a bad fall. He was oroeeing the dam on the foot bridge, and (lipped, falling,into the water. With the aeeistanae of Robt. Lookridge he got out safely, but was laid off work for a day by the fan.—Mrs. Guest met with a painful accident on Monday of lest week. She was stepping off the sidewalk and slipped, spraining an article, and breaking the emelt bone of one leg. The accident will oonflce her to her room for some time.— On arriving at Paeadena, Cal., from their Eastern tont, J. H. and Mrs, Hall were tendered a reception ; a presents. tion and address were iotereetiog parte of theP C Cam.—'T h ell a ere is s lik ' g hood of the town band being reorganized if proper and auffioient support will be giv- en.—Work iven.—Work on the new salt a wellt the e Batt blook 10 now moving along nicely. They have now drilled to a depth of over 625 feet and have sunk the iron os, ' o smga to about the same depth.—Mise Cline, of Hamilton, i0 visiting with the Misses Olins,—the Wingham shooting party, oompoeed of Jno. Olegg, G. B. Roe, Chas. Kneohtel, J. 0. Bell, A, I)ineley and Dr. J. R. Macdonald, left town for a 2 weeks' deer boot iu the Muskoka district.—Dr. Chisholm is having a telephone pat in his offioe,—Mie( Page and Mies Aikens Neve opened a dressmaking eetablieb- ment in the Chisholm block.—J. H. Dui - maga is elowly recovering.—A quiet bet interesting wedding took place at the residence of Dr. A. 3. Irwin on Tuesday evening of last week. Rev. D. Porrie performed the marriage ceremony be. (ween Richard McWhinney, of Ashfield, and Mile Eliza Watson, of Wingham. Mies Watson has been Dr. Irwin'( as. Blatant in his dental rooms for the past 3 yeare, The newly -married couple left for their home in Ashfield, Cnnadia5Z1 N'ewao. The Sun Oil Refinery at Hamilton was burned. Albert Mertens was found dead in the hoee tower at Iregooie. Brakeman, Peter Smack, of Sarnia, was killed near Watford. Brakemen Tho. Bryne, of St. Thom - cm, was fatally injured at IIagereville. London Ont. labor mea have nominat- ed a municipal ticket and published a platform. Inspeotor Ballard, of Hamilton, re. porta that out of 7,000 eohool pupils 418 aro short-sighted, Tbe Goldie Milling 0o. has pnrobaeed the Stookwell mills at Ayr, formerly owned by the Todd Milling Go, The Conservatives of Lincoln and Niagara have nominated E. A. Leneaeter, of St. Catharines, for the Oommone. 500th Renfrew Conservatives have nominated T. W. MaGarry to oppose Hon. Mr, Latchford for the Legislative Assembly. H. Oarsoallen, M. P. P., 0.4. Myles and P. E. W. Boyd, of Hamilton, propo0e to ereot a blast farnaoe at Port Selborne if the town gives them a free into of twenty agree and a cash bonus of 526,000. The Ontario Government received init./lily over 510,000 in fees for the grant- ing of charters to new companies during October. This is the greatest sum ever reached in a eingle month, and morethan the annual rbeeipts a few years ago. On Saturday last a young man, a stranger, entered a Galt store. He prided everything in the shop, haggled over e omit, and eventually made a pnrohase. A day one 00 later he was back and this was his song 1 "3rou owe met a dollar. I s ant 2, s 60 i era and ave you54,52 P � g a note and two 51 biilfs, teoeiving 50 bents instead of 51,50," The merchant, not Wanting notoriety, paid the dollar and showed the gentleman the door, with the request not to return again, OttamarMergenthaler, the inventor of the Iinotype machine, is dead. Ata meeting 01 orodltore of 9, W. Witt. kine, of Hamilton, a statement was sub. milted ['bowing areeta of 5126,528 and liabilities of 5140,400, In addition to the ordinary assets there is real estate worth 584,500 over the mortgages, The stools will be sold by auction at Ilnmii• ton, on Nov, 13111. The creditors have refuted Mr. Watkins' offer of a Com. primiae fit 50 Conte on the dol'er. The wreaking of the Boatsman on the coast of Belle Isle on the morning of Sept. 22, was the means of creating a 00' mance. Among the passengers on the steamer were Henry 8weriz, a German, bound for the United States, and ,Edith Davie, a young English lady, en route for Hespeler, Ont, During the terrible scenes wbiob followed the wreaking of the boat, Swartz saved Mies Davis' lifo twioe at the risk of losing hie own. In- stead of going on to the States the gallant German accompanied Mies Davis to Iles• peter, and last Saturday at 4 o'olook, the life which he twice saved was, by the holy bonds of matrimony, united to hie until death doth part. rli'1e Ontario Susi ness Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train- ing in all branches of Commercial work, at considerably lees than regular rates. For full information apply Rooms of College over Post Office. L. HARTT LIBTOWEL PRINOIPAL, Brewer's RELIABLE PHOTO. STUDIO Ie the place to get s good Photo. I offer from this date until Jan. 1st, 1900, one doz. Cabinet Photos., one Mantle Easel and Frame with one extra Photo. tinted in Water Color, FOR $2.50 Family Groupe a Specialty, Pioture Frames of all kinds. Crayon Portraits and Water Oolore done to satisfaction, H. R. BREWER, ARTIST, UtAI UURU1:N.I(. S S EAM. THE GREAT Transcontinental Route To Chicago, St. Louie, Omaha, Denver, Lae Angeles, Ban Diego, San Francisco and pointe in California, Arizona, New Mexi- co, Colorado, and other Paoiao Coast Poidto, If you are contemplating a trip for Health, Pleasure or Business to the land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers, take the G. T. R. Through tioketa to all Foreign points. For Desoripbive Guides, Time Tables, eto., apply to Agents G.T.R. System. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Bruosele. This may look like poetry, but It only demonotratee how smelly The eye may be deoeived. The ear be Sometimes deceived by the ory of Low prices ; and, when it refers to Photoe., the eye detente the bungling boboh Only after you have parted with your Good stuff and had a holy show Made of your features. If kind Providence has bestowed facial come- liness On yon, and yon expect further favors From K. P., then permit HART, the Brussels Photo. Artist, to embalm your Beauty in his Superior Cabinets before The "hen's clown" settle around your eyes Thioker than snipe tracks in a mud flat. E. HART, ARTfsT, Stretton Block, Brussels. WESTERN ADVERTISER LONDON. Brightest Weekly in the West, Reliable Market Reports. All the Home News. Lateet General Cable Nowe, Bright, short and continued stories. A glean Family Newspaper—twelve sixteen pages. 75 Certs per `Year The Post & Weekly Advertiser For $1.40 in Adyanco. DAILY ADVERTISER Treat Clubbing Offer, "Daily Advertiser" AND "Brussels Post" One Year Bath, for $2.00 Either Callon your looa1 paper, or names orders to Advertiser Printing Co., LONDON, 01.1T, Co., I-31, =Pi UP GO rl- H E PRICES. The prim of all linea of goods have advanced, inoluding Fore, Dress Goods, Bills, Cottons, Linena, Hosiery, Clothing, Boole, Shoes and Rebbero. We swain. patod this advance, and aommonaed about 4 menthe ago, to plane orders for geode at old prime. Our store is now filled Irom ocher to garret with new goods bought before the advonoe in price, and will bo Old et old prices as long as they loot. We notice thrifty housekeepore are buying goods very freely now, knowing they will have to pay higher pleas later on, We still ee11 firet.olaoe goods at prions lilts these 1- -Heavy Wool Blankets, worth 51.35, for 51.55, —Heavy Super Wool Blankets, worth 52 50, for 51,85, —Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 4o., for 30, —Bleaohed 0o11on, 37 inches wide, worth 70,. for 6o, —Heavy Cotton Ticking, wide aid1h, worth 26a., for 203, —Heavy Flannelette Shirting, stripes and checks, 10e, —Heavy Amerioen Shirting, feet colore, worth 14o„ for 12a. —.Extra Heavy All Wool Tweeds, worth 75o., for 50o. —Table Linen, half bleach, 60 Inches wide, worth 85e„ for 25o. —Linen Towelling, 18 inobee wide, striped border, special, 25o, —Men's Lined Kid Gloves, worth 750„ fir 600, —Ladies' Vesta, long sleeves. at 200., 25o., 30o, and 500. —Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, worth 50e., for 450. —Bhorey'e Waterproof Uletere, worth $8 75, for 57, Doing business one strictly cash basis puts as in a position to sell at prices which we meld not do if we did not buy and Bell for spot Dash. Poultry WANTED. Any quantity of Tnrkeye, Geese, Decks and Chickens for which the ruling pride will be paid. My agents, W. Jewitt and B, Gerry, Brussels, will give doe nobles) of pries and time of delivery. We expect to be shipping Poultry from about the 20th Nov to let Jan. followiug, and would advise all who have Poultry to dispose of to ooneult above parties before Belling. 16.8 J. G. JONES. Pomp Wor! Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Saris. faction assured. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sois- eors and other edged tools in mato date style. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED, ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. FALL AND WINTER C000S TO Pi AND. Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Silks and Satins, Flannelettes, Ladies' and Gents' Under- wear. Grocery Department. Full line of new Teas and Coffees, Newt Fruits, New Canned Goods, Fresh and Pure Spices. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. SKENE. ARNESS I ¢ v GE ,. a ,'i y. r t. x � F ! We have taken the agency for one of the best Manufac- turers of Harness in the Dominion, viz, : GEO. RUI?I? & Co., Toronto. We can therefore supply anyone with the Best and Cheapest Harness in the market today. Parties who have seen them say decidedly they are the Best and Cheapest value they ever saw. Come and see for yourselves. Guaranteed all hand sewed. Ewan & Innes, Carriage Builders, Brussels. SICG-N OP "THE TIN TEA KETTLE" awingrattielestnagnaeneilYSIIIIMINFIGIONDIanik CE ENT! We leave a fine stock of best Owen Sound Portland Cement that always gives satisfaction. .A. car and a half' sold already this season for cellars, stable floors, &o., &c. It is the sameg -rade as is, being.used in the new walk b 13 in Brussels. Call and get, Pikes, Wilton Turnbull �1 BRUSSELS.