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2 THE .BRUSSELS POST, k. Nov. 9; 1699
`°�' '° "`' "
"It Shia has, left me of her awn free
will," hie to himself, "I will
+ lettga of Memnon Mature • second, it gen- A HEDOB. OW MURDERER, OFFICERS SHOPPING.
p� , RING.
l] 0 4 g t, �@1
saki not
inks her hook because the law i ."
my' favor. Lae heir du as she will."
uusfox organization and, lhird,the
__ ea'lyaclty of Inspiring Ilia subordinates." A Poor Of rer1111 crltmtH IN the Or'eab I,11911eA Iitt All flte 1lrala i1'er[[ 7'1111! iN
"'I when y0a have all Chose cola- Northern 9hril te.�-11114 curfam poll;,;, Illrvlttired..
ver s sWEDDING i ®
Nor 1VaUId its write LU accost to leer.
LS IiOW 1;E bined you have till exi:raardinary ebar-r
Shia shall not know what I have auf-
Blared-sh'e shall not Kuglt over my
MADE HIS MILLIONS, aetar. Such a man call work miracles While ]:}tie rest of the featborod One of the many unwritlon rules Of
— even if the material lit .his command tribes ¢re d1souasin ilia best air linos the sot•vioe is that a litltisll att(car nn
AQnaou®mons woosµ,""Ho,vWllllEEud;"'The Burdaµ Ota Bearol,"8ta•
pain,° ,]iii said t0 ]litn5elf+_ "I u•11I
neper writo to bar, Sba has left me,
, Ia ❑at mash nbaVa.lhe avei'Fl e, !1.'110 •.
Tile {Mint Irotllnliater say', 1 oor noym g Southward, the gr'eat'. northern Airlke beIng ordered to the .front must o
Have like elmueo neeellie Itleli great manager who will. sucecad In g
and, she shall not know what becomes
]lost to
making• millions is not a Specialist, ex. to taking cognizativo of chill skles shopping, aayH the Landon Dally
—Ito Itelleves Cil twoperatlon--Thlali5
h husband.
CHAPTER OFII,-Continued, his grur wife
"'Maur W]fa ]vas had lent of tilos
cem�ld not bring dishonor an such plenty
of me,"
What lip suffered-u-Cala dsHaven,
n IIar shlnlld ltetd•t !'real ]IINIIeNN at ee'ttitlg as far tis it is his apeaiul Luno- 1vIUlh a v}law, not to changing them lion 1tlull,
tion to understand the humlin mn
$txly, tVni'maI' anal, lull to making lllillHalf its 1lUm'ltig the p'!'eaa±nt Ortsla (JlQ V0.r-
a n to decide," he wrote, alio deputies
to leave Bralyn.
Ony by day Ismay loved bar new
0.ngltlah, desp4ll'—none but Heaven,
knew, It changed the whole nature
(Jain. You, may find m(n ]aha will eamfortable its May
Fifty ybars ago u yawing Scotch lad become famous as Specialists in malt y' IW dUl'Iltg Cris lana ataI'ea are being beaittged from
Y err
lips more and more. It was so pleas- closed Lard wish) Ismay an-
at this man -[t hardened and ambit-
was working its n "bobbin bay" in m bi`¢nahes tap life, especially In protea-, tvfntar wltlteuL shifting lila quarters, early manning till lu,to at night by
ant to wander In those splendid "It will be in confirmation of Mr.
rounds, under the shades of ancestral Ford's latter," he said.
ttvratl him -it m'ado him unlike him-
self. FTs. biapded in sullen gloom over
his wrongs, than his
cottol, fat+tory'. IIs was oscula cions Creat talents in one lint will The shrike, or butcher bird, as he is BrlLiali Uff}oorm off to South Africa,
g 1
atone for the, Lack of many other ttunli-,i appropriately called, is one of the birds They buy everything they can think 7
aowlewhat leas than a dollar and a. lies. Clue. in tEtr+ business
coos; it was so pleasant to live in
1tho5e magnificent rooms, with their She orate:
g ,and glom would
give way to passionate anguish and
career there
quarter• a week, That boy was Aa- I must I think, be an all roundness to lh„ai; stay lisle the year round. Con- at, Creta 'a oaaut of ballot -proof spall
tbiak. raft anrpots, their superb fur- I cannot expect ,you ever to forgive
me, Paul, or to think as I think. T
despa It,
drew Carnegie, who is now• one cc tbo I secure success. T.Irs decisions a Intel- staney is one of ilia few good qualities. to n portable waterproof bedstead,
mLLure, their rare pictures sad profus- know how Much you have loved me—
Only a few days after trite death
richest men in the world. . At sixty-' nese mail is called upon to make every Like masa froeboulers, he is u hardy and they lay cash on delivery, because
ion of flowers—to have servants to tit- and I have loved and do love you; still,
tend to her every wish—to have car- for my own sake and Leo's think I
blow be received a letter giving him
excellent news.
clay, sometimes every hour, are mo -
two he has retired Cram business with yellow, natal !La acid lista ]10 terrors fat' they say, you never know your look.
manlaus and involve many interests. him hs forms a plaasmnU tc+slurs of tllo T]loi'e art old oampnignars among the
fortune Is
riagea, horses, jewels, dresses, ovary ought to soohpt i Lord C of-
laaxury that her imagination could de- it
Ona of his Inventions had been adopt-
dd by a wealthy firm, and they bad
a that eSLfmnated at 1UU,- FIEs judgmeal, needs to be sure upon
ti wide range of sub t g t
tl00,000, ar an annual income of g jeota,” tv3ntar IandSoa)a in Ibis region, for officers to whom the pleasures a# oho
$C+,-' ri-
fer, i that that ndiffes
had bran different;
.vise. It was pleasant always to have I wish that you could sharp all our ad-
m purse full of ,many—to know that 'Pau
written to ask 71im in give up lila pro-
'gent occupation and accept an en-
"Yell do not. shorn the belief that all that, ha !s the must brats! our- ping tomo undiluted with wore
UW,000. Mr: Carnegie Pandered over saoleCy is about to be delivered over• y, and
docvsr that wears feathers, there
wants es., may think that I
alta ]lead never trouble about ways and g
y ori hi to have refused and have re-
means have respect, hq g
flat- turned
gngement, with them,
IC is the First step toward fortune."
the 80 to lila tendon mercies of the 'man who are other officers—daphirig young,
prohlosu how host Co lifetime, The ahrilw Is the quietest of birds, subalterns who know as muohabouti
this huge sitar during his lifetiro, so has made ti spatial study uL' one sub- q
eve n I to you; but I should never
tory, reverence her; woe S
her,have been happy at Asbburnham
he said, and then be looked round on
as to produce the maximum ,,mount of JoeL and fa ignorant of all others? keeping his plans and affairs enLiro- sJiopping as they do about darning
to be surrounded lay beauti-
surrounded e
pp again.
bis desolate ]lore,
"Na, 1 do not. There must ba di- ly to himself, except in the neeCin soaks, The old calnPai Hers enter n
good and the minimum of evil. g g
awl thefined o meet none but polished
and refined people. The little home that contents you
would not have contented me. It is
"IL she had but been here)" be
thought, and the news which two
vision of labor, of cotursa. it is said season be almost Invariably travels store, glance over the samples, choose
Flow to make- millions, not ]tow to ; ittakes nineteen mien La milks ¢pin, in
She cottage, with a shudder d, the better that I should tell you this
little pottage, the one little maid, the y !>Py ti;.ith
frank] S could not be happy
months since would ''have seemed
gtor[aus to him did not even give ]rim
spend tnean, is the g p quite true that the mechanic and r wolf sheep's clothing, who what the want, pay fox tvhnt they,
pressing roblem ! IL ie alone a g, y
1 takers adwmwts a of the Cnat that he
with the majority of man, The man the wou'kiatgmnn may only have ossa g got, and burly out of the plane sure
barely life. She pontrusted her hos- on
bawd, in his plain warJting dress, With y again, You must not think me
unkind. x always felt Chet I was not
one moment of 1
p erasure, ,The only
brigddC side he saw to It was that he
thing to do, but when( it comes to dl, possesses the innocent -looking pihtm- and certain that the
tulip has made millions can best +x- reed t y will want for
the operations of thirty thous- a of n songbird g, young ofei-
piniri h°tv millions are made, and DII. �g g I'd to deceive lti.r vie- nothing, As n rule, the
the polished gentlemen she saw around in my right place, For all the lows and
her. caro 'Have lavished I
woo d soon be away from Ashburn-
and err [arty thousand people, pcould-
Carrs le Las kind]' consented to tell, � In them with work, deciding tits
g' y g g quos- it=, Until his small, sharp, oroub eers are nccompaniod by ladies—many,
you upon me
She was weak of soul, week of pur- thank you now in bidding
pose weak of heart, weak of will, The y g You faro-
He resolved that he would tail no
brit+, that he wouldsond the little maid
"If a man has an ambition to make Cions as to markets, iuventiona, sap has bitlem into their brains. Ile of them old campaigners,too—who
millions, Cllr. Carnegie," he was ask- ply and demand, I thank that is too I mvei+ strikes like the hawk, from the I seem to know to a pinch of Salt what11
past, with its poverty and privations, So cold, so heartless] written, et
became hateful to bar. She loved the blurred and blotted with burninghimself,
hams, and RJ1en in a Pety days leave
wi'tbout! re soling whither Ile
ed, "what are the alta wi h which a wido a field to be controlled by bbe upon, but you will see him, a' bird
g' s a man lunate an active cervico, And iE
specialist. As I said haters, I I
Present; she and the thought of tears, without one word she
had gang.
fairy godmother should endow him at slightly smaller than a robin, dark
g young y
a our officer doesn't take a lad
err h
returning to liar humble home, of gdv- latter in Lord Oarlswood's hand; but
Ing up her jewels, of growing accuse- no one sate Ismay Waldron again that
"So all trace of ms will be lost,"
his said, "and if she should so far re-
I gray and blank wllll white markings friend—let }iJ be itis wife, or his cis
his birth?" an
an all round knowledge of of-; an his ruin a sad toil fl in upon 'u
"TJ1•o greatest of all advantages fairs, and aspaulally of man. g Y g g J st I ter, or somebody else's s3stex—with him j,
omed again to an obscure life. How day,
she would miss the grandeur, the lux- CHAPTER $III.
member my existence as to make tiny
inquiries about no be
with which he can begin life is that J "I think the successful concerns are i above the ground, a silent, uneven I it is a hundred oh t1
g 111 snipes Co one that
ury, the magnlfioenee of BralynI ? There come a bright, warm, sweat
me, one will
able to answrer her."
of being poor. The man who wishes lllaate whleh interest Lha largest nam [light, from lbickot to thicket, bush to he buys a bedstead and forgets all
bol' making them all of one rank, i iupbi hadge- hedge, flock I
she loved Paul—loved him as morning in August when Paul Wald-
dearly, and deeply as her light nature
• To Squire Schaflald he said merely
La make millions must not be born and Lo A of about the blankets, or does some
! partners, No one really serves; that
i little biras, pernaps culatttLaees, tire
con rase early and went out among
would allow her to love. , ]hare were
tights when her pillow was wet with the dety-laden Clovers; he had been
that be was Jeavurg Ashbmrnhnm,i
Who could know the depth at sin,
a Silver atl'oan in his mowtb, He is not tine right other
grit way! of looking at Et.
must Cool that it is sink or swim ' Lyec]ul bway in a tree.
I Every awe contribwtss some a 4luletly the sbrike EQUALLY LUDICROUS! THING.
thinking so intently about Ismay Chat
tears—when she sobbed as though her he could not sleep. It ;was a month
the anguish, the bitterness, Lite tor-
koro pt Blighted ]pVp that Came to him
with him, Iia ]nus] start his lffe quality' to the general whole. They alighgs. 'Easily rind deliberately he At the Military .Equipment Stores I.',
naturally servo each other. I do not hoLys
hence would break—when she thought since she had loft him, and he was
all the world well lost to him, !fiat
as Cue looked round u on the little
from twig to twig, attracting no in Waterloo Place, and at the Army r'
career With no bladders, no life pre-; bel[avu any one men can maks agreat special aftenLEun.
with the morning sunshine those bet- longing to look at her bright, beauti-
Name, he had once thought tin earthly
servers, no support. If in addition! success of it business nowadays. I and Navvy Storax Victoria street,
fwt face again.
thoughts would Ilea. She never She could not be annoyed now," he
forgot her when she saw
heaven? to till his bcpas
and dreafras 1 Farewell, bri h'L, b;au•
to being poor ,him'self he has witness- Inn aura never could have done so
the other day n Daily Mail re agent-
ad hits without w;y partalers, of whom I had a little flutter, and the ullsuspact}ng ,
le with mdvel- � I alive found swazms of jovial, bronze- }
spe tally said; to himself. "if I wrote and asked
would] to especially him. bee wool she her to came home; she has beau one
would long for nem. She would take g
(,fruit face that lead lured him to ]its
d•ocun 1 Fareaveil to the little child who
thirty-two, the brightest and cleverest chickadees have Lost one of .their
resolve' o driv
city sad resolve to drive the wolf from ] young fellows in Lhe world. I have frisnds. They never dreamed that , faced, eager officetn and pretty two- I
so long,"
her little child out into the grounds, g'„
had been stolen from him, whose
the door of the family he has the oftsu said that [f I had, to lose all the that quaker•eoloted plumage oonceal•d men full of solicitude and exeitemailL
tta that, by others she might had almost forgotten doften,
Ismay, had him
fender acme were to clasp him no
capital I ]raid in the works or lose m a murderer. After u few Lastsa of , The ladies do all the brain work re-
et of all amnions which lead partners I should let 1 hie victim the Shrike ors on kills
ma very often,
talk to him of his Esther. Thane was written to ver
hardly an hour in which her heart did telling him of her great enjoyment;
buq she had never given him even the
mare, ,
If the silent stars could reveal
secrats, they would tall of the who
to success. all my capitay and
la sueaese. No ambitions of n moral go g 4uirod in the arlt of shopping. If ¢
Y go and start again witlnaut n dollar, nnotluar. So bloodthirsty is be that ha , i'
personal nature can be compared with but with the orgumlzation intact. + utsett to go by the name of nine-kigarl cup is bought they take good care Chat 1.
rat turn to Paul; but she was vain, g g
weak, land of Luxury, easily persuaded; sti lightest hint of elle struggle in her
spent; tba whale- of the Con night in
P g g
this, Responsibility p Owing
spomaibilit thrown upon a' "'No, no; it is abswrdi Lo think that; n•Ih to t.ne io alar belEef that hS . a sailtper
Popular goes WIt)l It. j
and the love of self, the love of wealth mind, never bald him one word of
and Magnificence, was stronger than Lard Cartswood'a offer.
this woods—wbo wept out there the
pension of grief that was consuming
young poor man, that is the thing to i power is going into the hands of a killed! and impaled on tbo•n5 nine lit- I A dozen officers, many of them utl
fete• Ibet great concerns require' tie viol[ms small day. Of late years it eompanied by lady guides and
bring out what is in him. Such
her 1DVe of him. "I will write and ask her to arms
am in my right pleas now," she back," and as he said thio words the
him--t•ba cried aluild against the wife
WJna had forsaken him—and the proud
is ; phil-
many first class meu, All are equal is said that nis mathematical accur•
the racy materiel on, of which great i to each other. The obis£ must unl soy hos deLse located. osophera, entered the Military Equip-
y menti Stores in the space of a quarter
would say to herself; "1 never felt at son seemed to shine metre brightly, ,
home in Paul's little cottage," the flowers to look more fair,
man who had tempted liar away,
They would tell of one long night
Spe,n't' in
oapita[s of industry are made. be first among equals. i know Cheat Greed of slaugh'tar at times makes of tin hour. There are some wonderful.
THE SEGRET OF SUCCESS. every one of any plrLaers would smile I h=' very bold and instanues are cited things to be seen here, A small tin.
ut ilia idea of being Choir awparior, aI- ctgh'ere. u shrike hos flown iu al a,twin-'
Then when Lord Carlawood thought sat enjoying the sunshine, the
the Jove of present surroundings had date, and the flowers, the little maid
such sorrow as few men en-
dare, and Cbell of a cold morning dawn,
though the I vessel is laced. on the counter, it le
"I think if a young man has anibi. B principal Stockholder. The I dov, rlaspuad at u bird oage, grasped turned upside down, and it immedE-
taken deep proot, he spoke to her, He took his cup of coffee out to him, and
the l seeing him in the garden,
was calm, and decided; he told I!�t
when that same man went his way,
change embittered, reckless with lite
Civil he has the necessary qualities be- way they differed from me many a the bars with his claws and Struck tit ; ately disgorges saucepans, frying -
l time was deligbtful to bebold, i never the canary w}thin with such vit:eoua t
hind [C. The desire to succeed de- enjoyed anything more than to that be was finally dishes aknivesland
brutight the lettere to him. There
lust that nothin would ever induce the
atvw despair.
s -
get a pertinacity cap- !
I , forks, cupstandsau4 u
velops them. The secret of success sound thrashing in an argument the Lured; by the indignant owner of the e
was one
him to recognize husband, and he g the postmark of
repeated ]vie offer. Lynn.
IPareune often showers her richest
giftea an those court bar least,
at pars, sufflcient for throe oficers. A
hands of these
chiefly lies in the .datea•mination Lai Yotrmyg geniuses. No � bird. One of lbs butcher bixd's e�u-
y magician could not more
I "ali not seek to influence you," An hour afterward, when the little
he said. "I simply lay bath paths in maid went in sea rob of him she found
When Paul tVaUvon !tett Ashburn-
ham,, he was u'tter'ly indifferent to
i man will make a great buslraess who liarities is that he sometimes as I
succeed and the resolve that every Em-! g startling results. Lying on the floor
wants to do it all himself or to get though ashatned of his evil ways, at- ! is a bundle of sticks, and soma water- t
pulse, every knockdown, he in; Witter -
life before you; you shall choose as h,im Tying on his lase on the ground
you will. If you make up your mind cold and senseless as one dead. She
his faittere, Tie cared no longer to win
wealth.. What
hat do for
receives all tha eredit of doing it, ThuL Slrixit Eampts to slag, The rusulC is curious ]col stuff, all weighing 1 i t
the battle will only nerve him the is fatal and the sure proof of a small and not altogathat' tinpiealsing. IL !s Leeu l s onlynine-
to raturn and take your boy with you, tried to rotate hiuY, and after a time
so be ft. I Will not reproach you, but he looked around him with a dazed,
cautd wealth
Jtim? It not heal his wouxforils
out give beth him Lt hat he had lost,I
more, i mind:, as though the spirits of the countless stead. A combined bath and wash= !i
"He should make bis employers' iia- GENEROSITY THE BEd"1' POLICY. little song birds he had slaughtered stand, which c be folded up almosb
I shall never look capon your Ease bewildered air,
again; nor—pardon ma for speaking so Nava you been ill?" asked Clio girl,
It was Perhaps for that vary reason
that tvtmlth was showered trp�an him.
were trying to slug together inside of ,
teras( lfis own. ITS should Lake per- I "When the pear lad without a penny hiaty and his throat were too small to ' to nothing, weighs eight pounds. On 1
[n Has became ilia great captain of In a shelf you see compressed tea, eom- u
plainly—shall I leave to you or Lienal and them she Looked at him [n aur-
one shilling of my money. Do not p:Ise, for as he walked to the house
ger accepted the en ageazleut offered
to him, and the firm were to see
canal pride ilia concern with which I dusiry, wftil milliaris at his oammund,
lett the sound out, resuitlug in a woo- creased coffee, compressed sugar, oom-
as connected. He should consider : at large?,, drone bubbling and gurgling, while cc- i pressed vegetables, compressed soups,
think I shall ever change. If, on the he stumbled at every step.
that they, had, closed with no common
Dally u clear no Ce Of fine music I and compressed cocoa. Indeed every,.
tho property as his own already and I "As lwtg uS no remains a captain of from bite
contrary, you decide to remain with He went to 1119 roam, and she heard
me Iwili make you hacress of all my him lack the door. He was a strop
y g
Abler a short time he was offered a i
expend all his efforts and energy5 will escape medley of sound. ; p
tndustr ' lila business must be conduct- y thing, but the Prins, is compressed.
iC. ed on business lines. But the wisest Lt. is not often that the shrike essays I At the Army and Navy Stores a
fortune and my estate shall go to I man, brava. to sutler and endure, but
your Son. You shall have every ad- that; letter had struck him down as a ind'Ufarently
jollier paitnerahip whish ha aoceptetL
enough,. Later on one
au tiup-
This attracts tris attention of policy that an sluployar can Pursue to- this performance, but when ba does he I very brisk business was being done.,
His employers, generally delivers his cantata in the .
I}ayera, and the rest is easy. ward lids mem La to shoe by his actions and most of the officers there ware ,t
vantage that I can offer you. I shall su'd'den' and terrible blow would have
Clod same lady acouatgmed to the done,
of Caw firm' died, and he received one-
emrl mornin from the to must twh
"You can find a hundred moen who that he has a heart. ,ln cases of ne- of aytree, With brea's't thrown out and IN COMPANY OF LADY FRIENDS '!
cident, distress or any trouble, the i
usages of good society and the ways of The news bewildered him; at first
the world to give you two or three i he could not realize it. Slowly, clear-
halt of the business.
Everything he toiuched -seemed to
turn' to gold, Whom he had money of
will make pod bri• adier
g g generals; head raised in as devotional an atti-; who gave invaluable advice as to What
Len, perhaps, who can command a I Perm ttdwhe show that its heart has I Lude, as the Pharisee that stood and'. the contents of a kit should be. The I
p P ' I been latiahed and that It can be gen-
months' Instruction, and than next ly, the terrible truth came home to
season you shrill go to London. You him. Ismay had forsaken him far lass
hie awn, be s eawinted, wttert care-
as to whether he IAgt or
corps, and only one tviho can combine! eroua and benevolent. Tba firm Chat Prayed ! ware simply, delighted with wetsrpro 5
all the forces and wield them am ora I ,has a reputation for tnk]ng the heat In the spring he chooses for a nest- pillows bearing the Union ,Took, and11 1.
shall be, mistress of Bralyu House, one I mere vanity, for woaLLh and luxury,
of the. most magnificent mansions in ' Shia bad given him up and had left
ext,. Every speculation was a grand
care of its men Elan the hest chance ing Place, ona of his favorite bushy these commanded a very really sale,il
solid mass. TIlve same analogy holds thorn trees and builds a ratber -bulky i Blankets, camp) stools, and tables, can -
goad In business, The of success, because tills best men, which }
the metropolis. You shall be a I him forever. When his mind had
haven, a leader of fashion. You shall I quite grasped that truth a terrible
:Wbon his partner wished to
retire he was able to purchase the
have diseavered un bum o is the same thin nest -wherein his mats, In order triol I teens and dinner dishes warn angor- r
roan, the 'race of shrikays may grow mild ly bought up. The ladies advised tine at
p f human one who again are the
luso, though they should have done B gravi-
have wealth In abundance, and your !cry carve from his Ii s—a err to Ilea-
son—yonr beautiful boy—shall Succeed j van for vengeance. Then, unable to
whole, of the business, ,He did so, not
whsChea i res, or halled,
Hie for invention in-
ao, Late most delicate and the most I tato to that firm and stay with it, multiply, lays eggs to the goodly num- , officers what to buy, and the officers
essential place of mzeohanlalr) that a Nothing pays so well in business as . ben of six, yellowish white, thickly bo'avAt. I
to a large flushed." bear up, he fell with his Eace an the
$lei• face flushed as she listened, and *
gzcwnd, 1C hen be he
genius endo seemed
exha'u'stible; he made enormous sums
man has to dant with is the human generortia treatment, Indeed, the speckled slid dotted tvitb darker yel- I ].here bas, of course, been a very
inct.ehi•no. Unless knows- Elrm whish seas that its man make law. And inn few Weeks the young big demand for swords and revolvore. i
repoverad sat
grew dead] y pale. I for long holars in that room, that was in
of money by taking out patents, and
eight from the time he left
a man how, i
m manage those above hizn ria wall as, the highest earnings is pertain to ba pirates are traveling about the bedges AL Wilkinson p In Pall Mall, the Sup,
what is the condition of all I never again to ha bri htened b his
this g" she asked. 1 g g Y
wife's fair face, bearing the first pain
Ashburnhaom he ,was spoken of as
owe oC the the
those below him he wiLl.never achieve the most successful." and bushy by -ways becoming rapidly 11i']y of revolvers Chas not linen equal
Six conversant with Lite ways that are , to the demand. The Manson Pistol bas
premz'e success. Knowledge of hu- ,WHEN TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS
"That you give up your husband, of his agtrn In silence thet was heroic,
who—but I need not tali you what he ', Then }tut anger, fierce indignation rase
moat prosperous men of
dark, for wJlioh the rune of abrikes is ; been greatly favo•od became it takes i,
man nature is the chief element to "How long Mr. Carnegie, do you peculiar, ten cartridges instead of six; it rise
the composition of the successful buai-
Ls -that you consent to live apart from t within him -an ar Igo wild, so frau-
rim and never to see him again." g
g ! tfc, that he was for the time lllte a
Rfoh now almost beyond"'the dreams
of a vnrlce," ha devoted himself to the
4ivink a man should remain in bust- an automaLic action, and there is no
Hess man. Tana teat of any man's itbil- i
times ? At what age Should he cease to kick. Scores of swords have been :.Sharp- to
ity La rat w1ot be does himsell, but WHY PUSSY HISSES AND SPITS,
It is smelly }yard I" she murmured,' madman, Who had taken bis darlinglectured,
,,.Not so hard as you; think," he re-! from him? tVlo lead tempted liar and
aE the working clasher. He
made speeches;
p ealies; line soon
I ened and sold, sari prismatic field- I
get others to do in cc- accumulate naturally.
(what rim can glasans have been bought up by the
operation with bion," "Very naturally, I think I retired "`•
wined. "Rank always has its penal. I
j. lured Uier awe ? He stood with white
ties. How many queens have married ' Y
lipS and the destroyer
becamed, o
became known as a popular leader ofi
Radical apInianm If b9 the :use of
just at the right age -at or about six- It Is supneaed to no Cuomo to Imitate the dozen,
Siren you believe En a close con -Ly, In prateasions, perhaps, they can 5ticka Altogether, British officers are lieu--
nmation between smployer
cureed of lits keen,
far the good of their kingdom, and'tlamestle happiness with terrible
have given wp the man the real] pP have
y y He
pousitmata language Eia could I
caused all England, be would
and em- rama3rr Jun
played?" ger, but business requires ;Hissing and spitting by young ]cit- Eng a very exulting and enjoyable iJ'
all Lhe fac'uities to be alert and at time preparing for eventualities. 11
No how ik
curses. cursed the proud lord who have
loved g How many noble ladies, at had, robbed him of his treasure.
the call of slut have married mon excited
done. so, and' bave led on fiery
masses to the destruction of
matter close is!" said highest develo rawlt. Besides tens., even before thley see, was in the 1
their hE.
Mr. Carnegie, amphatically, ' it can• as a rule, business is so exacting tali first place i ` 11
g probably an attempt to
hIv darling!" be sobbed, and his all
whom, they disliked? You are not re- g,.e pearl seemaulsobbewith its
breaking a
ariatocrata. He h'atad them with
vehement, burning
not be close enough. A successful '' acaupation that a business man at
business firmv should be like aixt intimidate enemies by malting then( '
is About 200 there
quired to suffer so; you have but to' burden.
]man a man whose tastes, habits and ; ' 1R , dnrtio
S g—so beautiful, so Lander, tion,
hatred he would
devoted his like to their extin!o-
Tlreraware times be
y years ago was a
probably as old its a man who think that tiro h e where trio helpless
A BAND OF BROTHERS. bas followed a profession is at sixt - oa P queer wadding in an em'peror's Palace, ;1
Of course they be this five, y wIla, kittens resided contained
manners cannel toil to be disagreeable
to yon." g So loving --my wife i" tha•ti
Them he remembered that it was of
"I lova my husbniid," she apposed.
when wished
a revolution, like that of France,
might sweep ovary titled man tram
cannot a vano- The bridegroom, we as email as a child is
unless Il he is a wise ]nun, he will [m- maul analis. St to n vary curious and
real co-operation exists. The head,
mediate] tr 5 years old and the bride and the nom ,
swath with the others and the y y Co inCaresl' himself in remarkable fact
"CarEaiml Well her own free will she had lona Et, the
y you must think She had ]aft ilio that she might enjoy
Cage of the land,
other thumb• many different i
others with him, so that all are work- )public duties. `.L'hese of course, ant- Pang not any larger, yet this ware is
1 ktn,da of creatures have
It over, Tsmay, and Cat mo know the
result. " tvamlth, luxury 'and splendor, Sha dared,
People who listened 1:a him won
at his vehement utterances—at
iia far file common LntaresC." brace aocl work is his immediate which their
6 g all "grown-up,' people, This is nota
That is why ynai give your employes neighborhood. Whun he places hie no- human in Shallow holes have a similar
Sita tried entrealiea, axgostulatiouS,' had lefthim,bait blighted his ]ifs, his
remhonstranees, and d broken his heart, had Slighted his wondered
prayers—it I lave, far_money.
passio6late class hatred. They
at the tierce, fieryel.a uence
fair tale. A Russian princess, Nata-
iL [aruat[oal Interest in ,your huaie ?" eumail¢ted experience and ability int habit of spitting where an enemy np- y p ?"r
"Yea, that is one reason. The other the disposal o!, bis fellow men he Serves 1[e, had Chase two little people for Peter,
pr,iwlcb'es. ICuTthermowo, it is i
all a wall. The resolve he had fez°m- '
ed he would not break. He lied Coed tvllh n passion that riche
with( tvhdoh he lashed the vises at the
their ride, their indifference to
himself at the same time," prob-
was that by doing so business becomes and tvhan SElo told ]lar brother, the
a pleasure, We were a5 one, always ys _ _ able ilial the expression clE a pat s Lti
was almost terrible in its intensity; the
At first she said to herself she would bolt as he thought o4 what she had
be true to Paul. She would go home, All
gs of these beneath them„
this was bectha:se one among them
united. I would not give J czar, lataz'the Great, that, Choy were l,,'
man who was willing much for aI1Y t3EWARE OF THEM. bay Ca Dart of ilio sanvo i.ustinutiva to he ,marriacl to each other, ho orcleas
g to devote his life atratyegean, We know huw
end never mind the poverty, the pri- done, that love seemed to him to had
vations, or anything also. Peal was change into bate. Ile did not curse from
tempted his beautiful young wife
general is
to Working for others. The valuable —" ed evan� dwarf Within 2011 miles of
man is he who has proper Spirit and, Clever Aamle woracd by the Inventive the borror of the earpeot Wbe Moscow to come to the wedding. Car-
tvbrlb any sacrifice. Paul loved iter; rier, but his tips curved with a ourieus
ser dearly that nothing should fnduco'smde,
He become famous as ills leader of
detarmftaos to be, master himself, 111n1a-limn Tlilar. throughout a.11 naltu.re, and hcnoo EL 11
equal fat rank Ca any{ pilo" sepias Ifkaly that the serpentine as- ringers were sunt to bring (ham, and
y y Shia was light and vain," he amid,
her to eta, awe from him. Than she pore
she, ,.She
certain class -as the earnest, sfn-
ChowghLCui, advapate of the work-
Do ori g• 7.`hq latae+ rinilgu, which is but a re- peat of the hand of an once ori the appointed day, sovgnt3' tiny la -r
Y tivatk iYfi. Larne tc, I.hat• god cat, dins and arrived, twelve or .,
picture to herself with what hen
ha'd my heazrt in her hands; Sha
has broken it and thrown It away,
delight. he would receive her -how be rights
man—ahs the warm supporter of his
and privileges.
the, manager of a great business con- viva] of air alt] one, wfth variations, together with its threatening hiss, g I'I
aaxn shaul.d have a too m ghC discancerx an enemy suCff- 21 1Iar)TBone carriage hauled by asitt- it
practical acquaint- Is NLS Ofin result as it Is sitn-
would lawn her, bless hoz for her truth, Ott teas not worth my lave, ]Por her
Her heart Ott I wo&..tlt have bnrne starvation ; °f
Check her for the Sveror
All this time, be had heard no word
Ismay. Lqe wenu,d read the
alen,l,v to glvr an aUvantagc to the
away with all trio details' of the bust- pia Ln action. Lt you hove n grip which g Orpwds of people 1u.ughing and aheor- t
toss?" cat.
h she with a few coal words Ives ms u
grew warms with lava for him, liar ayes g p chronicles
B raw dint with tears, ]'for mucky. 1 will not curse her, but
of fashionable life lest he
"Well I ain]. not of Soil carry carefully enough 10 deltoto ('writ!usly enatlgh, cal of all neoLaa Ing, followed the procession in -
ae tvllr pawld sdp 1 to tile city. IV -he groat palate of t Cut ;'
that, because I am notbi of a that its contents are valuable be cera- have tbeir tails marked trausverssly
But She was vela and weak; lave and T' cry to Heaven for vengeance." brie
vanity struggled hoard for mastership,' raised bis right banal,
ri nld eco her mama and it should
.back lila Pain, year after year,
hgis Bitter
ltrer. f r , the f
scientific or n mtiechanionC man. VVhat Pui1 haw, ,you sat• It dove iu,u Inrotvd, fit a'waiy Which reeemb:as the marlt3ng rip n rues all lighted and them o
is importamt is that the manager of a'erplunts, and several naiwralists little bride anti groom, dressod in mag
,[,To as
and vanity wan lune day, She forgot I sweat•," ha said, 'by my loveand
y g dwiro
ricbes ccumulated his
for vengeance grew with them,
even ter a moment, Aloin comes a
sha)ulcl know the clever ntaiu who are g have ramarkstl how airnihar ora trim ilificout clothes awaited their guosts {i
mita with n good-sized grip which hs Cha ro aI t(LInlly and many noblemen
the wooingamongst the green lanes my sorrow, that I will avenge, to
g B Y Ila
of. Aiphburnham; she Forgot the early tvtroar:g--'buC T will (aka lull verge- seen)
teas never lrilawn to laugh, paver
tot +mile,
sa]ealiII 10 unld' tnik,dldaniciatusJ He sinuous, waving mDverrdehlts oil the toil y
p also sola dove beside ,you, nhilL you of till chino sae tba wedding and ever .1
ahaLticl a[tvu,ys keep his tyres upon for with the ticket' iuspector of y
tai: tc.ttie muvtto
lave of her girlhood, the bright, beau- sufEe an her rnr whit she has mods me
tiful, flaotIng rtmlmnoe; Forgot suffer."
illh;a estate and mansion of :Ctavens•
ll otY
argue, or non- v
Chyn raft tiCaana'ke fu a stale of ex- thing lois very grand, But there was ,
a genius in any branch of. the business soli ti Lima table, ilia „ much trouble afterward in getting the
and when ha Einda nivel telae him Into ° t: t.ut. 7.hi tt ue tubby eat, when
fuer wife! dui her plighted troth, Pawl Wald'ron's trouble changed
Y yr p g i thelia.
We, was for sate, and hip rchased
.Then he Csmiled and sa,id to
The( %a.n is welt dressed. chid seems
Lh'e aancarn as a partner. The taut lir 1s curled up esteep has eurtowl vo( littlu people in to auppei, .PJaoh,cne
g in s Scurry, In m moment Lnore hs nantiul t.o c, Cirst' at) the ofui held
Ser husband's love; she was careless .and warped his whole nature ; it hard-
of 'bis suffering, heedless of his de•' ened him an nothing else could have
;msetf :
I um Squire aE Ravensdale," I Will
manager is the ran Who+ knows how nilckS nit his grip and iS gene, Your semblanra! la li cniicd 5erpcnl, and 1(e l give
to surround hiausel£ with men much grip is one wirh )lint for his own vas Dame is true ai: many tvild en.ts int diC-Cbat they shonld be played by s . s,
g p '
slrair, whoa she told Lord Carlawood' diene. Yet to no man diving did he take
Iegul Steps to change mY name.
E + V Ills sm•allsst one at, t•ha bead, This did 1.
abler than himself, He inu•st lave his iaraMf variation and tomEng fi•orn (lit-
amply and itarl a trfok bottom• It not: pleas(, tlJBM arty better, for na Ono
that silo had thanghr, trim matter wall' y camptalnt. I
swot• and had decided to stay. • i H6 &aid nothing of what had hap- than
WCC] try far the next eleation, end
7 can 4clvntai'e t 1.
he tall ;dal
,Work, He must trust and respeot ilia fits), uC the fnlsc boCtum f ire .if this really is till instance of pro_ 11c d La he called the tiniest h
work, mud this will Make' his nsaociat(s twit; sliplw(L clown sq un rr, oval, yours, Ports al i;ha world'. i' r of like
L n t d tiny, untl ova wanled to go last.
His lordship sent for Mr. Ford, and Paned h11 want about Ilia work Eor
14.r, Ford receiver] instructions to write, Hamel days as usual, but with a grim,
m,essures whir•li T have at heart, r
associates, Coo, a.nrl that u'Lll milks O"' of t'ootive mtlmirr,t•, it is possible, that the
U,FI nu',tp n rotvl of hooka nn cillrer end Iinwover, 11; (vas tanull all settled
thom trust and respect him. Tho In held 11: chief far. guarder] againt4t' was the Y
to'Paul 1Valdran to inPnrhn him of dlatarmined look on his face and his
Lord Carlswood's offer and of his voice Sd9mad to have, taken Quite tin-
TO ba continued,
vourp y sspuroly. is t.ha Lroncaahly, and the company cut down
oat ro5ervo ptnver Ln men waiting to mgSl; i:nferna.11y fngnttftnrs tr.iric aver stake, Eagles title very food of pat's to supprt an smaill cholic, at a longi
be onlInd tuts motion has novel' boon flesh, au'n`t R has been remarked by
car rubbing the traveler, wary
wife's acrepttiuee of it. Ile ocelot pithea. bon.
picturing to himself the handsome, + 'FIs knew tent there was legal red•
bT.1)N4ti NAbTI,t :h'Olt 1ii)�'IL:N,
Ili !
Orv]seci low table. They ato and drank out {,
eatiminted, I have. nitvayH Or tlnWary, natuaaliata in various parts of the
found ].hal: a mann er of Ons of aur world that 'these farmldable. birds of baautdful little pintos marl caps and ,Ij
ha.ggaitd face as he had seen it last. IIremss Eor bift, Ile .could have claimed
"May Heaven pardon those who tie - his wrifes lie could have almimed his man's
spol partsalI;heislmndofSnmaai
names are pamman -among the
grant: works ]l:is ben able t.o make "" "thabit'ually make war updn the smaller saucers which had bean mado on itar-
asroailarlt mnoagerH cut oC tentorial JVIl7iVl'l3Pu.1i,'OF :1'TIE'GAMILY. are!t,tures of this kind. porn fol' thera. I)
liberatelq break a haaman heart V' hej oh[Id, But he was Lou proud, IC S1le woftiimi
Said, as he, finished the letter, , had vplulutarily left him, let her go, m°diat.elY
for if a baby girl is born rim-
afl.ell the death of a dtroth- I
Which before, his nucg'tatouch Wasquit6 --_„ �_ Attar suplsar there was a grand }1
Palin Grulf-That young Saftloigh bald, Eaala little gotttittttan ttslcad a
m's(dlcrre, Ha luslnres his sabordi, asked me for your hand to -day. „ 6ARDIN1IS. 1 , >i
littl0 lady to be than
Iia had written very Plainly, falling The taw tri tiro country mfgbl, furca Ur,
Pall! rv]1at bard Oarlstvaod had decided his hsart[ess wife to return might simply
11: ip 5111 OSad that: the .Spirit 1
r p t lima
been transferred from ona
nates to almost sufrcir-ltltmtln eEEort.' his partner, ¢ltd
Ethyl Gi.wff-An4 wTsnL tlitl yea say T]ao aamtput of sardines cin the'Maino they clanooil Vile minuet and nthOr
FDTAli CAPTAIN' (lit SNDLISI:ILY. Co hi,m, clear? is 'to
to do, slid that, a]1.hatigh trilling to caontp(l; Baal to come back to him ; but abfld
to ['llo atbcr, mad fiha newrntutr.
paha, Coma( likely he lnuransed r
"'1`a summrzrizo the nalit.ica which Papa Gruff -t told Nunn our f fI"om clilnocs aril Canned tlipmsr.lvtls W1tb I
q It p 1 y methal, 900,000 Oahe in 1808 to calls tin Pana,
ntlopt T."i ttay and: bar sail, be standfast• he dladatntd- an such assfaianpa- a
y II It�
aon n t
dntJa aft to aka Lira some bap- I
Should Cltyl.ingwisit ilia itdaYtl [•allLittn of needed em Cloth• in ilia ill but bolt Obis yAal't i1] aailaL'ullP,YttlU qr trill in- l�'TUat it not have Clean a pretty
ly refused ill any way to raoogniae Coapt the law in uanterapt, tiamml
name. industry
tire, first, an intuitive know. b(nuVrOtlifsed by $giv.ing hint 1nY.foot, trodtuatdon' of a llelw eauuing maohina, eight?