HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-2, Page 7M1.7,1999. THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 in Ada and pearlH. Al it repl'11L nlognf^ Thlsrla lived a mald clung to tile it I'll rill, !n. yan(O-Now a very Taellltby .flan In ly ,orrea ,torN.s w•,1R t.l.iood tit t 1 ._ r'vf L iu Dublin, By Lho twinkling ,ea, ato fight for their liven, all tlll'Ungll !'1,111.11, Car•11111:11-vii le 4.111' ills sourvi, wil.holo result. 11wil Mrs. Mr. _ llront fuuation bl 1.r __.... _ _ �.. Ass a maid tho night. 1st. 'towards 'morning. when. Ihalefnvine n i�r� .ten.,od lost' ttorlu. I.ay rawyed Lose ll All of a k'vy ll:l- lndyship tvnro $1101.1,000, or d6Q000 As maid can be; g osis lawyer whom All'. L;allwIE had .The e hung bub bn, ennss! and gone, worth uL swan,. d This inr,ludad filo Choy wore all but exh(rnaSUod, they Truth is elrungr.r than tittle"" is an ir1f•n, io»e 1'to her as being a f, end of but lose huntLug is Over WIIII Oil. j Tigsung in song, untold in rhyme, saw a little bout coming to thorn ado o aft quoted and frequently Yeri-��' dbldem. 'Thal fairer far Ilion the A'Tuses n,nr g y Lis family. an wr- Bari lac was notified ted11 surrounded by Delon of '1'r" or Venue aivinp, from lose shore, leasing liltO u stein On Me[I In every'•ulny axistencea, It. ix of 4ki,• and wrens 1.h++ lawyer, w•!w re- It Is as EmOY to Love Square -out emeralds, y the angry waves. to their surpri3O m Which 19111 hue, girl alone in the strongly esnlrkxsizOd la the lStu story plied, slating than Mr. tktll an had Your ,,r is ;I pre yourself whin you, dlanlON[la £pl'm 4110 dlaat t, 130?Y' ayes 15'eTe Of Ve10Hli 1.L i , �ost any i Young g "olue frU111 I.ixhUll, l'r,ll.¢ga 1, x71,1 had as OIabur IH ,1 nr o 11f 1L Le Ilxt lend of liar grace Bar locks %veto drawn in u Shirting bout coming to l.hulr rusuu@. With of Mr. \G"illivan 4ltchat@1 G(illtvey of 11 we, ustrle thorn, 1'o thin gen_ I " Y g j Lora upon lila fait I s8 easy to stere yourself of Cafns•rla, the Counlass of. Aberdeen. one- great skill she guiderl liar beat to the C!intra, Porhigal, a gentleman 0f tiemays 'Mr. Hartman wrote, giving 'It' Bronchials or Aslhiria, Lf. You IIHe C':t- f die- Dainty of toot, in wooden shoe-- wrecked shop and was able to carry yyenith and d Ntinetion, whist earlier clearly aw t,osHLbl8 ttls facts Of I lie t:arrhozone, the vow »loddaltad' air .. A tit able diudam, farmed o Poor untamed To Wit 7.o Woo. tho Stolons, in safety, back to her fa- I case, and 111 () it a certificate of Mr. t st"u"n Inlighthouse;Lor It was lose light- life, spent. In Canada, was Marked by (lallwcydx loath, which had been for- trewmenL for till ddsesis;es (,if the Mande, is olid of s@vas, 1 Chars oatsal and respiratory Iasi tg.aH cousod aro ill beaus rare in grace who had hardshi, and misfortane. rose story war at from Ouba, In rotor", 1.11 to 1.b@ Duchess oC Aturlba- 1L Y, kpsper's Young daughter h I w by gurm life. Cul.nrrh<»pnu sassy by Crrnaue Of figure and feature, form unit face, .nU•e'1 dopa this bravo deed, was recalled lately by a lienor from uncle, niter a &nv further Enquiries, inhnlalion witkoul dxingur or risk ton is ough's, repertOlre-why not repurL b'LL Lo burn uuuLhssr Cray Gl'nCe Darling's "Ohne act W0., SOOn Mr. Ga11\V0 LO LL gentlCm.tl1 in '1'Ul'-- anal. 1.0 AIT. ll:ls'tm:ln a check fel' fifty tiro sufferer. it trues wherever air 1111" ' un umbar of to destroy, and Y ! ndsivith tbO rrquDst that Lhe lad T -01 jewels, UL y n known throughout .England, owns a crown of rubies, tend But alas I she lived by an unknown oumacous letters of congratulation on who hod befriended hiM, and in be properl\• eeluOnlc•(t and noted fpr, ad and naves is is to reach lose .treat. She also all parts. This is why it excels trout- et diamonds, which in reserved for extra $ea, tar Chinos, and many boauLLCul medals were sent wblob the writer twoposax a trip llhtr j,rolmisu, 1.11,aL mar;o Monaly'monts requiring the use of sprays, 8 u ro alt Is great- in a Lor gong past, in f her, around the world tit, his expense TO- i would be forthrom:ng ar rcegulnr in- ' Occasions, Say who Y Y -- But, our your heroine was n trio y dr,aahas, powdcl•s, ointments' at O.' 1 in ovidenoo, BALLOON SPIDERS. Y du Mr. Gallwey enjoys rightful pos- I torvals: '1'll!N promise was kept and which cannot resell the seat Of. the B1 y girl anti Said, "she had only done bar Suasion o£ vast estates and great I the request wax "am piled with. '"O ldisaase and are theref„ro useless. For - 7`he Marchioness or Tweoddale Or- The ordinary California buzzard, and duly, and that she was glad She had I uncle died in 1889, leaving the boy heir Sell,L diadem of diamonds In a been taught to row and swim and so wealth; years ago be was an Inmate; to estates in C`intra, Lisbon, and else- prja ,1 Ill cLuggisls, or direct s mail, feels a high l rriOo $1.00, Send 100. in stamps to N. Greek key pattern; Wit OnLirely 'On- the, singular ravens of Santa Catalina Was strong and fearless On the water, of Chu Orpbaus' Home on George St., wbero in Portugal' C• Pnlann & Co., Box 618 Kingston, circles her head, and is absolutely Island, often give MaxVelOus exhlbi-_-_ in Toronto, and later worked as a farm I VALUED AT $1,000,000; Out., for sample Outfit. stunning in appearance, its wall as be- tions of soaring or rising into the air I + , hand in Collingwopd Township, For- � a large portion of the, Island of 'Gene- - an is --- coming in without moving their wings, and when �r��f117L�g1 CI pl�l a Innately for himself, persons who did' Toff, one of the Canary islands, be- When a wulnsn is in novo able's a self- 10 ITS GIAST 1N1NG SPLENDOR. it IS remembered that their bodies are veteran's (All 1J A not dream that he was an heir to mil-' sides several millions in crash and appointail detective, The Duchess of. Ruxburghe wears O rodlbced to u mimilnum of weight, uud bonds, old family plate, diamonds, eta I towering crown of diamonds, which lions, or was anything but what he "P- William Michael came into possession POR OVP.R FIFTY YPARS hits marl 0 inches t0 'Le• height. Lhat even the bones are filled with air, A'T'TACKED WITH KIDNRY TROUBLE geared, to be, frlonldless and deserted, !I of tho estates at ouf•.e. He has visited MRs. WINa1AW'R a00TRIN0 8YR17P haA behi en r a Y Our Countess of Craven, fptulerlY Lt• is almost scientifically and literally 1N AN AGGRAVATED FORM. became Interested in him, and through America and Canada several Llmos "ted by moth."far I,.. ,as agya .n, vue winthi*q p nut e'lld, aotLens the gm,ro nllnye ppcin, mire. win e Aiiss Cornelia Brad1O.V-Marlin, wears a true that they are tieing balloons. As -- their devotion he a.Ltained Iris awn. i sines Chun and has always knlyt ED rUn- 00110, and Ie the bmtrnmedy for dinrrt ,,h 2oc. u Lot t coronet assigned by ber mother'. !\Vo- ¢ atzoller huS clescendod lost, flunk by Ills t1lxeAtinu Iter., n,e leu palrrd and NIA Stant communication with Chose who ale. Boldby ail drugelatn throupiluut ,he world. ns 1 men wha are tick enough to afford such41%llop'_ ,.he chain of circumstances loading up I befriended him in his early days. In eur...4.1 kloz"ifre. wi-aetowu8got h(as Ryrun• regal luxuries as coronots, often have a little flail, crouched In the aha- Dr. IT111olus,IIIJOL Atli Itrat red HIM to this happy result were nothing less 1897 he was married to a Chicago lady. distinct indivfduul ideas as to L'heir dq\v of a w[Id lilac, he saw agauDsC �,'hau quiet ylydle,nrA lyltled, than remarkable. I Tho Gallveys, as stated, are the Some people aro squally as itis construction, and have Lhem made to the dark green bank of the opposite In Marsh 1876, a Collin wood 'Town- , descendants of a family of that nano:, agreeable as the truth. ardor. Tbo Qouineaa of Craven's die- own. iuu a cobweb afloat; then another, from the Telegraph, Welland, Ont. f g and once ata of 1.118 most powerful '"^"�" dem of diamonds, each to !flawlnsS gear, Y Am ng thaeresldenta of Puri Rabin- ship farmer offered to adopt one Of the � families in Ireland. They took I he side TO COVINA COLD IN ONF DAT a that each steno dr:fling dawn we aortae obauncl on the sort there are few bettor known than boys at the George street home. The of lung James 1[. in his atteml,i. ao Take torot, vo Aroino Quinine Tablets. All Ie made in such a fn Y being wend, Others foilowod--1.t pxoceSsaon druggis[e refund toss money ft it fails to cora. Shows to the best advantage, b 1vEr.Scutual Ruelnards, witches resided offer was ilenepted, and the farmer's regain tits PSnglish crown, and several Pau N. W. firovo'n signature teoneach box, mrnnted on a fine spirul;of gold wire, o0 avebs was passing; same were long ilnthat vicinity for some twonty-Seven ' of the family fought against King tole whale surmounted on a trawl' of and; formed of a single thread of Silk;hoiao was William Michael Gallwey, r. yeses. Air. R,iuhards cLtIII@ Coto Canada William at the battle of the Boyne. 1'110 The stereopticon man is always Lila read gold. It La said. k. inose way, oohors had a delicate mass of fabric I.I.lllinais,and Sseueefthe veterans a bright, result of.that contest m^.ant to them, Co Ua worth £S'l"oU,000, As any lady LULaohdd. PresenLiy Ont, of them came of the Analfl'ancivil ivar,lt¢ving been. HANDS LITTLI: FELLOW, as many other Irish families, extorm- changing his vfeWe_ Mo about the spirals quiver to and Set noal' uhaL lie put cut his bund find [I member of bhe 7th Llliuo,s regiment. then eight ears of age, who bad been Illation or exile. '1'bev choHe the latter I GireA ne,v life to the lo, formiag a wavering halo of light' caul;.hlfa LL•. Air. Richinrds is also one of the, vast pissed in �l home by Rev. lv£r. Carl-, and made their way to the continent.LUB Y9 pair. It."meseitgrew fle f her. It was a periect ba.11oom, and the army who ])our willing and cheerful Ona of them settled in Lisbon, Port u- sad reat0n .: lost color, Sue Wings a la .Russe ;have become aeronaut -a t�mt1L sp'dcr-sal c.mplae- lest i,mony to the value oe Dr. \VLI_ -right of Aneastar, The lad, who bad gal, and laid there the foundation of Sold by all drugg,sLs, Sac, a bottle. so much' in vogue, thelgrand dames of sillily oil its Ilasket, a fluffy M SS Of lilrins' Pink YillsforPale Boo -pie. To alwaysdis'played thegreatest fondness the fortune now enjoyed by Dir. Wil- --- pngland particularly, and aL other wcfa half an inch in length, light as a reporter who recently t.nterviewod for horses, was delighted at the. pros- liam Michael Gallwey. ,A dog is never a hypocrite; when he cou'nt.rtes also, have ordered crowns a feuLhur, amd supported , by a Igng him he said: "I very gladly, testify to ---,- wage his tail he always mans LL•, for their hands fashioned entirely • in thruad which retched away, umdulat- the great merit. of Dr. Williams Pink POO of living on a farm, and once set- �! Russian fashion. This is a shape with i,ng and curving upward. Spores of P1Iis. A rely years ago I fall avfetirm fled in his n@1.Y halms Lhla partiality lY e f `gg r „rayna,atGrnnhr,tlue. winch pictures oI' 1.b@ Czarina -have ,lheso uetumnwts Urised by, drifting up to Ont, Of the \vorst £orals u4 kidney developed to a degree remarkable in ( LMl 161& REPORT It ���f•�®� {OQ.0 pigorMunufuataror. made as familiar. It is quite thigh in ohs little canyon, borne aloft by the trouble. I was Lortured witdi Lerrible one so young. Between school terms he creat, Sloping to the aidOS, and fiords upward ourreiaL of att. The stroller pains across the back. I could roved of great assistance to his --� Some men seek foreign shores for a back. This Style of diadem is owned sioticad It number of spiders on the neither sit up or lie clown with any P' rest• and some to avoid arrest. by lose VisaounCOss T.Al0, and that .Eng- laaveas emit baurwhos in singular atti- degree of ease. I corisultad II dee- adopted parent, and at ten years of City oY TOrOnto Shoaling Marked i h beauty, Lady Warwick- Ludes, wild Ilion It occurred to him that tot, and dee gave ¢no medicine which age could handle horses ¢s wall as n Decrease in Deaths Prom La Toscana, 100. BtAO UItY,bIontGreaRL la Y Sophie, Crown Princess of Greece, theta was a solder migration, and that L Look from time 1.u. time, but instead mall who laid spent his whole life on Bright's Disease. �­ has It beautiful coronet or turquoise Instead, of walking or crawling away, OP hel'Iiig me I was growing worse. the farm. He also displayed a great -- and diamonds, one of hert\vedcling pre- the dffieC1.a, ty0t'0 going, like An(lree, Aiy dlgeatl Ml beDIIilbe impaired and I deY1Te 1.0 master the details of ag't'i- NOL only Itl'1^ht'A DlsraAe nal All ILidney If properly managed One gond bpPDT- s@ala from her brother, We LTOl'nlan by balLorn. Afore on the leaves of the suffered tram adahtianal pains in the cultural machinery. This trait of his DlsPales drerenning-Dodds Kidney tinily will last for a lifetime. Cmperor, ft is composed of three rows wild lilac w•era preparing for the jour- stomach. I would feel cold along the nature cost him dearly, his left arm be- Pills Lho Cause of Decrease -F. --- of turquoise, all suporl, Spoolui ns of coy across the chasm, forming, build- spine and in the region of the kidneys;, ing so badly crushed while, he was at- Borland Cored. Q'KEEFE_S i.R'ov k1Ales the gem, each separated from the ing and launching their balloons. A Sllal'tc13 wtlhtld apparently float before Lemgting to oil a borse-power thresh- Inrl.rm.tenundgt",` t m,.. Other by dtumands, U Iow'Of the Is toter Spider that had actively been climb- my eyes, and Iwould halve fr'equ'ent Or that it had to be ampULatad. Dr. I Toronto, Oct. 23. -There has been a LLOYTi WOOD, Turo,- ito, tlE�F.RAL AGENT. surm innting the other atones. The ing up a branob of a neighboring oak, headaches. I then betg'an using ams-• hunt of Clurksburg, since deceased, marked falling off in the number of largest oP the turgUOiSO is spear -shaped now stood on an outer leaf and Pro-diclne advertised to auto kidney trou" puriormad the operation, and attar the deaths due to Bright's Disease in the Sometimes a girt refuses a man In emit forms the pared to make its balloon. It had a ble, blue to no avail.; it left me poor- arm was hauled the lad returned to pity of Toronto of recent years. This wonderful arrangement of spinnerets haste and repents at leisure, CENTRA: OF THE DIADRYI. fa which the balloon-makingtmaterfat, or It lsoIfel twat', Iflety worse mn the George street Loma. He was Kidney it ascribed solely to Dicine A great coronet was made ;for the w•hi h is also employed to oonstruut height I fell scarcely in flesh . Intil my than eleven yours ole. w-bichy fills, 1.h@ marvellous medicine e r- 7`horytamers Catarrh in thi, stiction et the Countess of Castellani by a ,Nets York nuts, and. Craps, is stored. neighbors acutDelY knew me. In my Lk£rs• Dr. Hunt, who had been very wkich has performed s0 many wonder- reentry than all other aiaeaecA nut together, Jeweler at the time of :her marriage. Same of t'he apiders made little plot- day I have. undacgdne many hardships kind Lothe 11LLlp fellow dosing his ill- fut cures throughout 1.116 country. audua'll thotast few yetrawassupposed to be j a .nicloent, being Dna fiery and fluffy web as they went; 0th- and al y5rant Ileal of pain having been costs, P@rsuaded her husband to give Formerly, within recent years, Sncurablc, coraFrpu1. merry, scribe 'a pro - It ms m g farms of flu y Y tibranigls that American waif ; but tot all hem a hems wlLn them. Thiswas done, Bright's Disease clnfinecl a cunstont "ousted it a Ioeal hese axe, and ascribed ru tacai But- "' mass of brilliants, each ,gem ors merely clung to the thread; but• i I over experienced the dread ramedlce,andbyco sranttye;iling to ru•awuh been s ecinlly soleatad. OT• bhe other scores Of CbaM this r'r p and William tuns well treated, being saariftos of unforLanate victims, and boat breat.ID9nt, pronaunood iL insurable. But- havi.ng Pr resides in LII one wIY that I new hAYe when I recall tills pant to school, and lacked nothing of wherever it Struck, death was sure to once ties prays” catarrh to be a const tnticg4l Airs. Sarah Whiting, whoa crossod the canyons and traveled tat 1 rlS not tyen the hour when I beautiful diamond tiara the the essentials necessary for the won- follow, (`tow Bright's Disease itself 19 lTeoa o®nCal�n�isOftrwrhrCuce n nufuciu�e� Boston, ID+tS a beaus through the air; aeronauts in all was pligyture(t and drasigea within lwO rowing boy. IIs comparatively rare, ¢nit deaths there- of uncommon form. It is very hIE;b name Implies' tare of ¢ healthy, g by F.; ti Cheney r oy., the r et. i the snit and shaped like a huge comb of an- - loon miles of Libby prison. My Sufferings was from almost unknown in this city, r •n ti tit tlonnl rnrc on lose market. 14 ie taken tique Fashion. THE BUTTE7I.L'LY. were intensified by the stomach troll- BRIGHT AND INTELLIGENT, ' Dodd's Kidney Pills have coma into intornally io doses from 10 drops to a teA:.puon- birs. William L,LOx's flora of itis- Dle. I Goland not eat and ryas bent and a great favorite with all who universal hourxhold use suit disorders anoint" Of thersyetem. the offortone bond lands is famous; besides this Site line There fa something really pathetic to nmust double from pain, in fact I knew hom. Not long after his adop- in the kidneys are rectified early, ao red do tart for any naso it. Y• till to cure, Send ianumerohle combs Set N%Itb diamonds, the way a mother butterfly builds O Abbey, genera .1.v rreuk. One day R. e, tiara b the Hunts, aamuly, in the yanr Bright's Di ease is seldom allowed to for olrmatarsand toitij.C1I ,,1Ey. as well ase small aoruneC foe everyday Abbey, genera! Merchant, advised ma Y develop, address, F.J.C1iItNICY1tC0.,Tolado,U nest for her children, In the first to tro, Dr. Will,alns' Pink Pills and, 1878, AIr. C. SV, Hartman, now a Prf- Sold byDru gist°ileo. wear. \\'list's Is idney Disease kis bOen ne- John Jacob Astor's tiara Ss on- place the little home where the eggs Lis he highly recalmaranded themIPur- vita beaker of Olarksburg, commune- Hnd1'alamlyPau,nr�_tbeboat. AT.rs' chased throe boxes, and before the ad business as a ebemist at that place, p e prejudice hor, care owing 1.p Ignorance, Briht's tire ly of diamonds. She has a string aro deposited reprosewts a great deal Y Mr. Hartman was Airs. Hunt's broth- Prejudice ar carelessness, and Bright's The hidden hand in politics Is the of pearls which she sometimes Moore ot,aacr•itice, for it is ltned with several were used I could feel in,iProvemsnt. at, and consequently often visited his lhsLelse kis 'ensued, Dodd's Kidney hand that fools the World. coilati in bhe bright beide ,of her hair, layer's of doer" plucked from lite mock- 1: keP't bol taking them until I used brother -in-laws home, Here be met. Pills are In the and rolled into requital- - send again You silo them -Dither drawn er's own Soft body. The eggs, having twelve boxes p,nd am now, ad well, and young Gallway,'aud, like everyone else tion nine Lots times put of a Iribe serosa one bare shoulder Or 'twisted in bean laid carefully upon this lnxnrt- atrom'g' that I can tl0 two days' work yho had counts in contact with the lad, cissa. Doctors fhnmsetvaa prescribe H'DNTREAL t1nTE4 DIREOTORT, and out of the lace -in her corsage. ous pretty conch, are protected by an in one and wuib"71 22 to everyone grew to be fond of hien. Airs. Hunt Doid's IILdnay Pills Ln (heir a i%l Uoths u Mrs. Delancey IZUne's crown of ,gems P Y cure was a sw'rp, Y or En bulk, so Bright's Pills ise wd the The 4�aIm0Yal," rir0o Bull'a.. P. . h h@ molt' boll crown O ores equally pretty coverlet made of the the community, as all thought my Case diad In 1870, after a short illness, Be- ofd I olk I{iduOy Pills Ls held ppm- ,} snropnns elan. Ron» is said to e t Y en 'in New York same maternal. These butterfly bed_ hopeless, i feel so gratified that I Lore death she asked her brother to iot.el at bay itt Toronto. N®Lin{ Casslak% fru,n$1. d" u . ol+n mend: of its kind .1.e clothes are often arranged with an in make an eeriest effort. to find Gull- P Y rooms. .Lt uvlaua emit or- uonsidei this testimony compensates way a parents, if living, at' his 1`0111- Mr• Fred Borland, U77 Aturkham G.m.R,stutlon,Mm, %„•,!• a ,4011 koIll'x o., repo. ball tr,caoy( Uhat is quite c P only Llpariy Por what this medicine kis Street, writes; "1 have been a sufferer ���NCE 16bUSE- , nein bctof r a $1.4 CONTAINS 26D FIND STONES. plosumg. Somatimesl a bad ,a mads so tives. She said lit) had once or twice s I. Hotel _ - $1.6 1 • d Stanford h separate delicate hair stead, (IDne, far me, and I believe 1 would told her that he could remember liv- from Bright's Disease and impure p r dor. - The jewels of Airs. Le an that: eap p have been dead if 1 had not taken blood. I could not get anything to i” Opp. sae fi m.'it: I)epo ars famous, but they are ,never worn upright, thus giving the entire nest frig in a bountiful Ikcuve wL•th'' kis isr- twc one.. [ram a. 1 b their owner, and it is 1.h@ appearance of a little break oP Dr.,M llligms' Pink Pills. encs, who seemed to have everything help me until I had taken two boxes �T, t1�111�)C$ 1112T�L�• nowadaysY The experience pt years ins graved of your Dodd's Kidney Pills; Raliwy. I-iret-ola.. Can,uwroial ounce, erode:" lu Surmised that the lady's will evill bo- downy rut•. Thorn again the eggs are that money cuwld buy, avis. Hartman nraromouta-Rotas muderatu, quenLh them to the no She and laid'spirally tetanal a tiny branch, and that lthere is absolutely no disease due lxrom'sed to carry out hill sister's T am IIaw cured of tyle disease her hush LOd knee founded. She hos, as 1.h@ aovertng follows their course to a vitaked condition of the b'ooa or wishes, and offer her death took R'il- w hich I um told has always been con- rlll men are not kern equal; onl indeed, already Bald many and , given tho effect resembles the bushy tail of shn'ttered nerves, that Dr. Williams' lisnu to hie own IDous@, sidered incurable. Publish this letter. twins are born that way. Lose proceeds 1.p CIDe college. The grown a fax, only the nest is more beautiful Pink Pills yviil act Promptly cure, n.ud. ,LngWries were SOL oil foot first fn '1'0- It may help others." p. the all, do two senses ;o1. LGIe word; is those who are suffering from such - -o-- t. (_N• 89�_ than the "brush" of the finOSt fon trallNiets would avoid much hisarY ¢nit tanto, loosen in Ane(tstsr, New York, the tiara of rose -Pink, yellow and tllixt ever roamed over country. The philadelluhfa, Cuba and Lisbon, Portu- I THE 131CYC1rE LOOT. _�_„___----�w=_ - =-- w.hite diamonds, earthily labor Of the mother butterfly; savtl money by ptmmptly resorting to gal, and alawlY The "bicycle foot" is a complaint m a eq p� 9 11drs. Oliver Goelet has a Aomb which buildt' of this downy neat is the last this treatment. Get the. genuine Fink , 'I`HE WHOLE STORY , . 01+�(g '1.f ERT S is quite as effective in appearance as ills every liana and rte not be Per- ut which the ligaments are gradually for by the time it is completed IDf>,T Oarnolic Dief n�ockants, t ., h a, T' a crown; it Is a Roman gold, SOL own delicate body is denuded of its sum,dsd to talrLran om a a ilei" �hoo or cameLtatt�[gkn parentage tlappeared ptlhatkhis sttOtckOd by the shock and Strain of ,tont, Tooth Powders. ntc„ have toe wiLili five beautiful pear-shaped pearls Natural covering, Rud there is nokh- tbe,other remedy is constant) or her to do but die --a Sao- eke' sake enL the a era profit lu hLmseLC, father, aka favorite son of ti Porta--' frequent downward motion until they i ux eltee»oe D Ttinirlrogularivseprovulas onL tnrcal of Brig l size. bf% The lar Y Lug left # g y, cease to support the arch of LIDO in-' one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain adding ilo lose glortos of'bar jewel box, rtCaoe which she promptly and heroic- may say is ,,just as gaud." r, tIlov -ase Cantil whose forefathers it a acme not so much for love of gems., ,parbaps, all makes LOL the Interest of the com- drams' pink Pella ours when vilest lroatt Ireland, hurl marrE.Od a Protest- step The bones, thus deprives of their supply. Lists mailed tree on application. as a plaasLng way -of Spending some ung butterfly generation. macticiaes Eaft, ane lady against the \u sRo Of kis peo- of hail income of $260,000. She *has a - �- 1pie,it" whose religion ,gi waa porGol Cf tile natural sup -port, ores$ opal the MANCHESTER, cR�€RT EPlGLAND, tiara -of diamonds and rubies which ab- iia. Ha was ,given u costive pP aha nerve$, causing intense test and in- Spebad a good Shure of n year's ,in- SKATE ,S. SMOKE 1S COMMENDED. to Now property and Euuue business went PlammutTh t the muscles C ause.d ly byscene. To "necessity's Shap pinch," not Co New YoTh, entering n t yen- follows. Thu trouble is often caused by 9 7o sone for of Two 11118 .Advice-Soudce 01'ith Moder tuns Ln that ally, which was 11 seC- >A p1i �Ar, complete SHE[ One fortunaLe women is said ,to have Co ¢ desire for amusement, we owe the &7M{N$.Y�.yh ueetD and SPEOIA, RAT four camplofa sets of ,jewels, •eaah set iton And aot'1'na CLcnply, eessfut and by whtah be lost consider- Weluinb alines with lou thin Soles, and MUSICCATAL1LOG n its necklace, tints, bracelets, ' is.,ventIon of sl;ateis and Chair early Tobacco certainly seems to satisfy this money. Following this expert- therefore rvonen are aures frequent ., DISCOUNT. y having Once he went to Toicinto, and taught sufferers than alai, '.Pose treatment for aro afaipped { rings and broorhos, It was bought of use, 11lolland, is Conceded to be the some UhYsiologio need in Osteal" con- classics in a school there, vesid,ug m " bit cls. foot" is rest anti an artifi- Lvuccc��;aaa rt suppl evorr MUS Ox-Ou@On Isabella u1. the time she ]acme and birthplace pC skating, and y� TEaCrHERInCana "stud with bar royal Jcwels,to pay diti.ons of the system, for persanawho thadven, the, ay AVI l 1.m i and two sial Steel arch Woconstructsid to tit thick- whakly,�Eaw p It teras slndoubLed�y first practiced are Oua'ble to smoke at certain timeslchililrau, I.ke boy �\'i1tLUm tinct a girl, Install. This 1.S wa•n Inside a ncans liar debts. an Church street. AI'rx. GaI1wOy's Salad boot until. the strained tendons �d W., Airs, Alnrshnll Roberts Vivian Poo- there and in the, far North' con do so with; pleasure ..nil benefit an falling, a return to Now �:ork regain their' normal strength. I 68 Yontio St., sasses a crown of pearls, but the In a comntry of lakes and Oanals lho at some OLktlr period in their lives, as yens mado, where, however, she died. I Wanted TORONTO, ON beduCY of bar jowel ox IN a f:Tipl0 necessity oS walking anti running on , hived of diamonds which was always (b@ ice must have been Celt from I.hO was the case with Huxley. Certainly left ft with it Lu the c ay of heel been CALLA LILY CREAM ' DDLDEASE Ice. (ane.M jiffs', ria oP the delights of any function earnest. days, and, tad,eed, they show In no habit. is so common or so gene rally who tnot thearing McKay rom�the parents for ' Carters tion»,,.k k Vo„ Ag, ata, Tlonke-l. - ano „cud wi b 'bar res^ one skates whfah were found h the lady bis t P Holland b hal'mlesa, enys a writer inn aka Phtla-anon time, consulted Rdty„Ali. Cart- egnlresaro»n,rul dorcPratlin, Sk11d26g0ntefartrial __ whit g bottle, or o.1. enrd for efroulm• on side cud oamPlailoa. -- ---- - ' elleti, anti her diamonds, when she re- In one of the mounds on which a Fries- aOlpyia Madicai J'arunol. Gompnracive- yvr[ght, yY1tk 1:bu lrasltll: khat fk@ b0y Addraul�.J.uaeosA,aV,489QnoenSt.W.,4'cronte, hDAIMON SENSE KILLSRosahos,Bod sl.dod i;n New fork. Another Amari- Land village was built. 7.ha skates g' - + - C Bt%Rs,RldsandMlee. 8uldbyail U. cam lady, Lily, Duchess of Marlbor- \vert, restarted. to the [cot by straps ly few use tobacco in such excess as was placed h ethic nen Guelphs On MISSED OPPORTUNITY, Druggists, or Sel Quoin W. Toronto. awl4h, oC Course hag 'gems do regal pnSscd through holes maclo in eke to suffer been effects, no doubt fewer rea itedhlili by people bundatipO, to tensa pf d,amande and reaahitlg yvomnnbootl Miss UallYey p, hawse, A DanlSh kisturtell mentions than suffer from the overuse of coffee niltrried swell -known Gnallkh tualne,s Did you kaOty there is a oamern=I, 9 / , t fit .rubies among 1.k@ uumbsr. T.hc bone tltates was also the kind and tea, and Infinitely fewer than man. Subsequently it was ascertain- Lhtat trill take pictures at a distutueMTw---� first used inEn91and,. ;l''itzSL(sphen, in Lhoso who Stiff@r 'trot” Overeating.NOed tkai after his w[fe's death Mr. Gall- of Llti.rly miles3`FUNI)1RALS IN PEf�U. bra account of los@ amus@mentos of the ens will gnesLion the harmfulness of wey weri( 1.b Cinbn and accepted .cosi- AVhy didn't'. 1 knots that? iVhat uItiIleus ]awe pP Peru Lor Ypnn$peopleon lose ice ill Moncton hut- the tisd of tobacco fn the yang br in tion tvflh an owner of a larg'n sugar lot of. baCLIO scones Iw'ould .have pho--___ One of the cu ing the loiter part of the twelfth nen women to attend funerals, and that it, was usual for them excessive amotints, particularly with plantotion. He seems to have mot tpgraphecl if 1 had known there yens Cook.,Roonrlos e bids v fury, notesnervous people, AL no Lima is the eL wlt.h eoins,derablen success in this work, I N safety cameral {ral�{R63{Iri pf"�y81 olfien, sorptliar they do not: appear at weddings un- to fnsten the leg hones Of animals un toot at the weed' more pleasant and Religious materna, stain rr1 mid Choral .r. 1..U, less thou are very intimate friends, (11@ ,part in tt8•,, -- — - - s;dmuti.uol works, arae 11fanr. Arose[ arm- r not soothing than aftor dinner In the ---.. - vPlin❑ a fwneal pTOc098tOn passes list' We sOLOa Of their feet, by tylilg * flan. D.&J. 9ADLI. 1k OI Mon real through the Streets, the coffin is not thein around their anitles, and then Owning; TL helps eons id to digestion,a hard _.-.. riecl upon Lhe shoulders Of the pall- taking a Po11ef Shaft with tion, Into dayls work; ik is an and Co withthA�'d'yll� ,f - f FOR SALE ? Ins,tr cot iAl rocs tubo sip f011ownd by an empty I,lyeir hands, they pushed thumseives Nott mantes one rosin at i}oaae with CSI, if !r�4(d CP/ � FARMS . , ,:r�,ftu rgn�aso An ly . JAit ilea world; than, in I:he aeaausion of one's �j �, Ld'a s'rlrwAlt a Drawrr 10 h;giallb I' P.p„ Oct, hearse ii nnwn hy' two, four or six harass forward by striking against 1.k@ ice, own quarters it cannot offend the hph 471��s �t�G ,� t�R�f+ �1tS�a� according to 'too means of the mourn- and moved with greal. rapidity, user, and the one or two cigars or ��.I�� � �� � ��� Hua$ � 1�7i,B a1+s find their dealre for display. All the — pipes can work no great personal in- ���/ _y /+�,, male members at aha family and lSG� f d( 9L�P" '�� t��g friends of the ductiasad follow all font, GI3'ACI1 DARLING, il'Cyo bits of advice should be follow- n •rile book a,Inaia, .na hundred with a ,Ent: o£ empty carriugos behind Mgeo 1..n or ane at ora, Y.10 r.IT11h tire in Llto xis- It is ¢ bravo thing tordsk ones lifn all if pia is to enjoy tobacco: Sluolte r ep ail im s 9O a. r. t nk.e, mob diem. As tang as tkey a P 71/4v. 4� � noir. aAl.nN,m°Inlunraa.nnart ns I 11 1 0 »a r In edtiem n i;on wan tie i m d apt stn ko - unre ifE the dead it IS oonsiderad a pro- to save that of anol:lier-anti t:hak is ]toll) Oae.Cion and a ` tovary kine ..I anmrnet, sone, t Per and nuce6xary evidence of respoot what A young girl, Grace Darling, (lien, � 1 d, with aur ratans ,'or a eatoe.gu many ynal'a ago. r.1,16 .),it u.vatttea rot .10ytan r. Lo wallt, Arw toile body hall been von- ,file Fall Rivas ool:i:on mills n,m hint- A_�V;� 00111'"tON a A1eBArkane mittod to lose grrl va tliase who al- Green I)arling's C¢thpr wa, n light- ing tet c.nntbinnLion with a capital at 71A antfast. Tar onto. Ca Cnndkilo funeral art brought battle In house keeper and kept the FOIkStDnO $.101000,000. the aIll'rioges. wl',�; Solid Gold,,,,$2.811Boat Guld FLIT I,60 IN 6 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 aS Beet C11ablifti . 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction, u4 iLOBIE OPTICAL PY 93 Yonge $treat, Toronto, IATARADYS (without Wit,), arou.•idnl Asthmn,-1111 ! pv r 1ntn1'ea nn all urn U y a f n ire ml l plwtn, ants n,•,li AI t trly, 1 un rg .,a Ad. York. A blI URAM1I 71 n,•,an( li It ,, New Y _ NE DES MOINES INOODATOR Best and cheapest U. Rolland t Ie agent forth D.miniOn Rend got, ,ml, for colaio4ua. 878,t, real Street, MontmaL __.,_ __..__-_ ._..__...-- ausapye Casio s-^Naw(mpartutionaenget t� b Fa,aHalt hheep and Am• loan Hog Caelugs—ralinbl,« gnod" at rioet price., PA1EIt, ;nLAU1L1Yy..I,L A a0., Toronto, Mills, Mille & Halos, Barrhatim,atrf„ removed be Woulay Rive., Rich. LAWmond S4 W„ Tcreate. ­ who n. a �a�rgyq�,l�rers woo lar. to tel A tlEgE®grit® ® tole:, "it. In rtberq writ. Eo r. Amot1. Beth- who will e0-vine0youh.oan o.r.you a.pq p.rmnonntly camp IE Cat. b ""n f q.se, ,., b tie tiwnnt, .temaall .dbladder. 600aitabux. wrlto for purtioulare.Th. ❑d,un (.'nturrh l:gra On., 14a St. Jnmosrot„ Moubmul. HARRIS' s� COPP12P, BRASS, wholeaWILL1W nSt ,stTORONTtO Qa1720. The Dawsop Commission Co., Lilgited, Oor. West -Market & Dciborne SL, Toronto UAPoultr 'aid oGlier Dreduo if yent ship iB6 to thine. r, to -.- Dyean 0 Cleaning I ,. elf.• try hove au11•1 ymfr work t•• the "BRITISH AMERICAN OYEIHC 00" Lock for 49-1, in ynur town, or nand direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. CROKOO tTDre1 4Uo 0080 ',',t?,l5etb.,nr2lhv.f.r25o ROXral9ugllldttl M t+a•"rar H,dn l+y 011 Graver., or asLcetnd 100Ior L -Ib. pa0lfngo I,, 'he availed 1.x every lloc.I,,, a. E., Toronto. ,SHOW CASES. VIIALL CASES Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern Stole Fronts, Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., 92 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. - Michigan Land f®r Sale. IS,1.a000 ACRES GOOD FARMPIO LANDS-ARENAC , Too.. Oge,now and Crawford OounLien. Tltleper, fact On 00hlgnn Central, Dmmoit A Muuk"ito an Toon Lake Ra(Iro-da, at pita.. ranging from 82 to Ewesmom Those Schools ands Teta,Close an will be soldion moM rMa.onnblo terms. APPIY to WOR1t'Wtlallitak.R' 10rr PIERCE. Uehie- Wall, BOYS AND GIRLS1, WE ARE GIVING AWAY ,II 1I—.­m"._"re:u,:evoi,:w , I i 4 oowmon sumL, noise, a-tha , ver, $ ,emum.a.rs ROYAL MAIL Dominion LineSTEAMSHIPS Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. 1 Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. (116fn $3.1; 9toeingo, A2980 and'42Cable 350.p,rarde; a000nd Par further tuforination apply tolocnlat.nts, or DAVID TORRANCE k CO., Orn ral Agent", ,i - „17 -it-Snnrnmltu 3t., Montre." nit I THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. = EPP S'S. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. s L_ COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. it GO TO a • I , 6, ()alif ornla Evin.,.... 0 o Personally conducted Ener �11�(�dag a California Excurbions via MISSOURI PAC9F'IC R'V and r, IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TIIROU L04VF., RIS T SLEEPERS. S. no- For Loll inrormnaton and reservation ofsleeping out b,abit, nddmit H. C. TOWNS 19Na G r. AT.A.. St, lmnis, 110. ((t •1I. D, AI,ll%TAM.I•a, T 1.'A Tw l„abet., Detroit, MEOW +.1 4livaxLr, w'luvoN, D.1, A.;111 Adums•st, Chleago, IW A AS, R, ARNETT, Manager, JOHN J. MAIN, Supt and Troon. xi' The Canadian i Heine 0 Safety u fE��s, ����@p LRt*,a typ�cq�'� ,- Esplanade, pad, O � - E e ® A Esplanade, T®i"®lC�to :;s Opp, sherbONrne 8t., .,,,,,,�,a,,.,,n m �, High Class Water Tube Mart, Boilers, for i°rll Pressures, Tlutles and Fuel. ma +I", SkiND FOR DGSCRIP1'I'v8 OATALOOUB. 1. 101 T ro to Medlin Ll�g��tOo., Limited, of Tiro IDaWf1ti Q��aee•'""��jj��nfltoqq. 1.1t • j� Q T �a( n69a piwahD,Railiboratb Ai R: C 11 U I G� i elf 1.a, 111 (44 en n Co.,0JtnitoA 9T'I1s Nllaon T?abll I t b., n.. CAA1 of vote" whore boners m,.Y bn man w6rki.14 _ -__::. _ __.___ ___ -__.. _- -- . . _ _ 1, 11 an o»a of the txinnda, off ( FROM PEI TO WEALTH b»1 w'h`o al=,pnrrntty o» the high road to for!lIt was r�{ lE 5UPC + ,�� JLW>aLS UGIL7:Y'S CROWN "d7fpt! 7 �."OLKS. '�• darns the co;lrt af. L»gl,lnd. ltttt71:A1.laX 'Si CT1t.111;ttI:I) lnerdern' tQ:1glicnller ]t 4P11J -_.,.,h,,, Ulla night a heves storm drove a v[ loses" ill. �-,.. 'IHL1 ROMANCE OF WILLIAM MIC H- by Una Of rhe lahor,-rs on lhw plan- _ LUDELLA 41O CorulteA„ of ""teltIc"I"" Nl.rlelend, "IVn;ue, Aller I". TITI. DiAID 41 CA'Il1AYe wetisol Oil the 1'anita of (»lo .lands and a1muHL out L6 to pietas, ALL GALLWE'�OF POII'i'Ud;,AL. tul.Lavi ilavfnl; gave so :P,ir, thin efforts of the •+••�°^ "-"""'•"""°fav A is the most convincing argumem Fit its frivol. 4i:u•Ina'„ e'nuauar 1'n.uu»,, Oslco upon a time l'ka i7apr HrlilUrH, ISIIIe in nnIT11l1iY', thu'o Pligagsd u1 an;fki»g isvaar,•11 S,v, speaks for itself, trial lit Don. 1,0.tIy 1,Ut1dUI1,1L•t'['y'x diadem lH of (Ila- in LII' C1111an[f }' L 'Ida u drnfl,f r. Unen n 1l+ry I». Ou• Orphu hl;' Ilouu+lu Ta• ro,ma,i tob, ba(flod. sal at parent. , , , Lead laacknAes, , zS, 300 qo, ba in Ada and pearlH. Al it repl'11L nlognf^ Thlsrla lived a mald clung to tile it I'll rill, !n. yan(O-Now a very Taellltby .flan In ly ,orrea ,torN.s w•,1R t.l.iood tit t 1 ._ r'vf L iu Dublin, By Lho twinkling ,ea, ato fight for their liven, all tlll'Ungll !'1,111.11, Car•11111:11-vii le 4.111' ills sourvi, wil.holo result. 11wil Mrs. Mr. _ llront fuuation bl 1.r __.... _ _ �.. Ass a maid tho night. 1st. 'towards 'morning. when. Ihalefnvine n i�r� .ten.,od lost' ttorlu. I.ay rawyed Lose ll All of a k'vy ll:l- lndyship tvnro $1101.1,000, or d6Q000 As maid can be; g osis lawyer whom All'. L;allwIE had .The e hung bub bn, ennss! and gone, worth uL swan,. d This inr,ludad filo Choy wore all but exh(rnaSUod, they Truth is elrungr.r than tittle"" is an ir1f•n, io»e 1'to her as being a f, end of but lose huntLug is Over WIIII Oil. j Tigsung in song, untold in rhyme, saw a little bout coming to thorn ado o aft quoted and frequently Yeri-��' dbldem. 'Thal fairer far Ilion the A'Tuses n,nr g y Lis family. an wr- Bari lac was notified ted11 surrounded by Delon of '1'r" or Venue aivinp, from lose shore, leasing liltO u stein On Me[I In every'•ulny axistencea, It. ix of 4ki,• and wrens 1.h++ lawyer, w•!w re- It Is as EmOY to Love Square -out emeralds, y the angry waves. to their surpri3O m Which 19111 hue, girl alone in the strongly esnlrkxsizOd la the lStu story plied, slating than Mr. tktll an had Your ,,r is ;I pre yourself whin you, dlanlON[la £pl'm 4110 dlaat t, 130?Y' ayes 15'eTe Of Ve10Hli 1.L i , �ost any i Young g "olue frU111 I.ixhUll, l'r,ll.¢ga 1, x71,1 had as OIabur IH ,1 nr o 11f 1L Le Ilxt lend of liar grace Bar locks %veto drawn in u Shirting bout coming to l.hulr rusuu@. With of Mr. \G"illivan 4ltchat@1 G(illtvey of 11 we, ustrle thorn, 1'o thin gen_ I " Y g j Lora upon lila fait I s8 easy to stere yourself of Cafns•rla, the Counlass of. Aberdeen. one- great skill she guiderl liar beat to the C!intra, Porhigal, a gentleman 0f tiemays 'Mr. Hartman wrote, giving 'It' Bronchials or Aslhiria, Lf. You IIHe C':t- f die- Dainty of toot, in wooden shoe-- wrecked shop and was able to carry yyenith and d Ntinetion, whist earlier clearly aw t,osHLbl8 ttls facts Of I lie t:arrhozone, the vow »loddaltad' air .. A tit able diudam, farmed o Poor untamed To Wit 7.o Woo. tho Stolons, in safety, back to her fa- I case, and 111 () it a certificate of Mr. t st"u"n Inlighthouse;Lor It was lose light- life, spent. In Canada, was Marked by (lallwcydx loath, which had been for- trewmenL for till ddsesis;es (,if the Mande, is olid of s@vas, 1 Chars oatsal and respiratory Iasi tg.aH cousod aro ill beaus rare in grace who had hardshi, and misfortane. rose story war at from Ouba, In rotor", 1.11 to 1.b@ Duchess oC Aturlba- 1L Y, kpsper's Young daughter h I w by gurm life. Cul.nrrh<»pnu sassy by Crrnaue Of figure and feature, form unit face, .nU•e'1 dopa this bravo deed, was recalled lately by a lienor from uncle, niter a &nv further Enquiries, inhnlalion witkoul dxingur or risk ton is ough's, repertOlre-why not repurL b'LL Lo burn uuuLhssr Cray Gl'nCe Darling's "Ohne act W0., SOOn Mr. Ga11\V0 LO LL gentlCm.tl1 in '1'Ul'-- anal. 1.0 AIT. ll:ls'tm:ln a check fel' fifty tiro sufferer. it trues wherever air 1111" ' un umbar of to destroy, and Y ! ndsivith tbO rrquDst that Lhe lad T -01 jewels, UL y n known throughout .England, owns a crown of rubies, tend But alas I she lived by an unknown oumacous letters of congratulation on who hod befriended hiM, and in be properl\• eeluOnlc•(t and noted fpr, ad and naves is is to reach lose .treat. She also all parts. This is why it excels trout- et diamonds, which in reserved for extra $ea, tar Chinos, and many boauLLCul medals were sent wblob the writer twoposax a trip llhtr j,rolmisu, 1.11,aL mar;o Monaly'monts requiring the use of sprays, 8 u ro alt Is great- in a Lor gong past, in f her, around the world tit, his expense TO- i would be forthrom:ng ar rcegulnr in- ' Occasions, Say who Y Y -- But, our your heroine was n trio y dr,aahas, powdcl•s, ointments' at O.' 1 in ovidenoo, BALLOON SPIDERS. Y du Mr. Gallwey enjoys rightful pos- I torvals: '1'll!N promise was kept and which cannot resell the seat Of. the B1 y girl anti Said, "she had only done bar Suasion o£ vast estates and great I the request wax "am piled with. '"O ldisaase and are theref„ro useless. For - 7`he Marchioness or Tweoddale Or- The ordinary California buzzard, and duly, and that she was glad She had I uncle died in 1889, leaving the boy heir Sell,L diadem of diamonds In a been taught to row and swim and so wealth; years ago be was an Inmate; to estates in C`intra, Lisbon, and else- prja ,1 Ill cLuggisls, or direct s mail, feels a high l rriOo $1.00, Send 100. in stamps to N. Greek key pattern; Wit OnLirely 'On- the, singular ravens of Santa Catalina Was strong and fearless On the water, of Chu Orpbaus' Home on George St., wbero in Portugal' C• Pnlann & Co., Box 618 Kingston, circles her head, and is absolutely Island, often give MaxVelOus exhlbi-_-_ in Toronto, and later worked as a farm I VALUED AT $1,000,000; Out., for sample Outfit. stunning in appearance, its wall as be- tions of soaring or rising into the air I + , hand in Collingwopd Township, For- � a large portion of the, Island of 'Gene- - an is --- coming in without moving their wings, and when �r��f117L�g1 CI pl�l a Innately for himself, persons who did' Toff, one of the Canary islands, be- When a wulnsn is in novo able's a self- 10 ITS GIAST 1N1NG SPLENDOR. it IS remembered that their bodies are veteran's (All 1J A not dream that he was an heir to mil-' sides several millions in crash and appointail detective, The Duchess of. Ruxburghe wears O rodlbced to u mimilnum of weight, uud bonds, old family plate, diamonds, eta I towering crown of diamonds, which lions, or was anything but what he "P- William Michael came into possession POR OVP.R FIFTY YPARS hits marl 0 inches t0 'Le• height. Lhat even the bones are filled with air, A'T'TACKED WITH KIDNRY TROUBLE geared, to be, frlonldless and deserted, !I of tho estates at ouf•.e. He has visited MRs. WINa1AW'R a00TRIN0 8YR17P haA behi en r a Y Our Countess of Craven, fptulerlY Lt• is almost scientifically and literally 1N AN AGGRAVATED FORM. became Interested in him, and through America and Canada several Llmos "ted by moth."far I,.. ,as agya .n, vue winthi*q p nut e'lld, aotLens the gm,ro nllnye ppcin, mire. win e Aiiss Cornelia Brad1O.V-Marlin, wears a true that they are tieing balloons. As -- their devotion he a.Ltained Iris awn. i sines Chun and has always knlyt ED rUn- 00110, and Ie the bmtrnmedy for dinrrt ,,h 2oc. u Lot t coronet assigned by ber mother'. !\Vo- ¢ atzoller huS clescendod lost, flunk by Ills t1lxeAtinu Iter., n,e leu palrrd and NIA Stant communication with Chose who ale. Boldby ail drugelatn throupiluut ,he world. ns 1 men wha are tick enough to afford such41%llop'_ ,.he chain of circumstances loading up I befriended him in his early days. In eur...4.1 kloz"ifre. wi-aetowu8got h(as Ryrun• regal luxuries as coronots, often have a little flail, crouched In the aha- Dr. IT111olus,IIIJOL Atli Itrat red HIM to this happy result were nothing less 1897 he was married to a Chicago lady. distinct indivfduul ideas as to L'heir dq\v of a w[Id lilac, he saw agauDsC �,'hau quiet ylydle,nrA lyltled, than remarkable. I Tho Gallveys, as stated, are the Some people aro squally as itis construction, and have Lhem made to the dark green bank of the opposite In Marsh 1876, a Collin wood 'Town- , descendants of a family of that nano:, agreeable as the truth. ardor. Tbo Qouineaa of Craven's die- own. iuu a cobweb afloat; then another, from the Telegraph, Welland, Ont. f g and once ata of 1.118 most powerful '"^"�" dem of diamonds, each to !flawlnsS gear, Y Am ng thaeresldenta of Puri Rabin- ship farmer offered to adopt one Of the � families in Ireland. They took I he side TO COVINA COLD IN ONF DAT a that each steno dr:fling dawn we aortae obauncl on the sort there are few bettor known than boys at the George street home. The of lung James 1[. in his atteml,i. ao Take torot, vo Aroino Quinine Tablets. All Ie made in such a fn Y being wend, Others foilowod--1.t pxoceSsaon druggis[e refund toss money ft it fails to cora. Shows to the best advantage, b 1vEr.Scutual Ruelnards, witches resided offer was ilenepted, and the farmer's regain tits PSnglish crown, and several Pau N. W. firovo'n signature teoneach box, mrnnted on a fine spirul;of gold wire, o0 avebs was passing; same were long ilnthat vicinity for some twonty-Seven ' of the family fought against King tole whale surmounted on a trawl' of and; formed of a single thread of Silk;hoiao was William Michael Gallwey, r. yeses. Air. R,iuhards cLtIII@ Coto Canada William at the battle of the Boyne. 1'110 The stereopticon man is always Lila read gold. It La said. k. inose way, oohors had a delicate mass of fabric I.I.lllinais,and Sseueefthe veterans a bright, result of.that contest m^.ant to them, Co Ua worth £S'l"oU,000, As any lady LULaohdd. PresenLiy Ont, of them came of the Analfl'ancivil ivar,lt¢ving been. HANDS LITTLI: FELLOW, as many other Irish families, extorm- changing his vfeWe_ Mo about the spirals quiver to and Set noal' uhaL lie put cut his bund find [I member of bhe 7th Llliuo,s regiment. then eight ears of age, who bad been Illation or exile. '1'bev choHe the latter I GireA ne,v life to the lo, formiag a wavering halo of light' caul;.hlfa LL•. Air. Richinrds is also one of the, vast pissed in �l home by Rev. lv£r. Carl-, and made their way to the continent.LUB Y9 pair. It."meseitgrew fle f her. It was a periect ba.11oom, and the army who ])our willing and cheerful Ona of them settled in Lisbon, Port u- sad reat0n .: lost color, Sue Wings a la .Russe ;have become aeronaut -a t�mt1L sp'dcr-sal c.mplae- lest i,mony to the value oe Dr. \VLI_ -right of Aneastar, The lad, who bad gal, and laid there the foundation of Sold by all drugg,sLs, Sac, a bottle. so much' in vogue, thelgrand dames of sillily oil its Ilasket, a fluffy M SS Of lilrins' Pink YillsforPale Boo -pie. To alwaysdis'played thegreatest fondness the fortune now enjoyed by Dir. Wil- --- pngland particularly, and aL other wcfa half an inch in length, light as a reporter who recently t.nterviewod for horses, was delighted at the. pros- liam Michael Gallwey. ,A dog is never a hypocrite; when he cou'nt.rtes also, have ordered crowns a feuLhur, amd supported , by a Igng him he said: "I very gladly, testify to ---,- wage his tail he always mans LL•, for their hands fashioned entirely • in thruad which retched away, umdulat- the great merit. of Dr. Williams Pink POO of living on a farm, and once set- �! Russian fashion. This is a shape with i,ng and curving upward. Spores of P1Iis. A rely years ago I fall avfetirm fled in his n@1.Y halms Lhla partiality lY e f `gg r „rayna,atGrnnhr,tlue. winch pictures oI' 1.b@ Czarina -have ,lheso uetumnwts Urised by, drifting up to Ont, Of the \vorst £orals u4 kidney developed to a degree remarkable in ( LMl 161& REPORT It ���f•�®� {OQ.0 pigorMunufuataror. made as familiar. It is quite thigh in ohs little canyon, borne aloft by the trouble. I was Lortured witdi Lerrible one so young. Between school terms he creat, Sloping to the aidOS, and fiords upward ourreiaL of att. The stroller pains across the back. I could roved of great assistance to his --� Some men seek foreign shores for a back. This Style of diadem is owned sioticad It number of spiders on the neither sit up or lie clown with any P' rest• and some to avoid arrest. by lose VisaounCOss T.Al0, and that .Eng- laaveas emit baurwhos in singular atti- degree of ease. I corisultad II dee- adopted parent, and at ten years of City oY TOrOnto Shoaling Marked i h beauty, Lady Warwick- Ludes, wild Ilion It occurred to him that tot, and dee gave ¢no medicine which age could handle horses ¢s wall as n Decrease in Deaths Prom La Toscana, 100. BtAO UItY,bIontGreaRL la Y Sophie, Crown Princess of Greece, theta was a solder migration, and that L Look from time 1.u. time, but instead mall who laid spent his whole life on Bright's Disease. �­ has It beautiful coronet or turquoise Instead, of walking or crawling away, OP hel'Iiig me I was growing worse. the farm. He also displayed a great -- and diamonds, one of hert\vedcling pre- the dffieC1.a, ty0t'0 going, like An(lree, Aiy dlgeatl Ml beDIIilbe impaired and I deY1Te 1.0 master the details of ag't'i- NOL only Itl'1^ht'A DlsraAe nal All ILidney If properly managed One gond bpPDT- s@ala from her brother, We LTOl'nlan by balLorn. Afore on the leaves of the suffered tram adahtianal pains in the cultural machinery. This trait of his DlsPales drerenning-Dodds Kidney tinily will last for a lifetime. Cmperor, ft is composed of three rows wild lilac w•era preparing for the jour- stomach. I would feel cold along the nature cost him dearly, his left arm be- Pills Lho Cause of Decrease -F. --- of turquoise, all suporl, Spoolui ns of coy across the chasm, forming, build- spine and in the region of the kidneys;, ing so badly crushed while, he was at- Borland Cored. Q'KEEFE_S i.R'ov k1Ales the gem, each separated from the ing and launching their balloons. A Sllal'tc13 wtlhtld apparently float before Lemgting to oil a borse-power thresh- Inrl.rm.tenundgt",` t m,.. Other by dtumands, U Iow'Of the Is toter Spider that had actively been climb- my eyes, and Iwould halve fr'equ'ent Or that it had to be ampULatad. Dr. I Toronto, Oct. 23. -There has been a LLOYTi WOOD, Turo,- ito, tlE�F.RAL AGENT. surm innting the other atones. The ing up a branob of a neighboring oak, headaches. I then betg'an using ams-• hunt of Clurksburg, since deceased, marked falling off in the number of largest oP the turgUOiSO is spear -shaped now stood on an outer leaf and Pro-diclne advertised to auto kidney trou" puriormad the operation, and attar the deaths due to Bright's Disease in the Sometimes a girt refuses a man In emit forms the pared to make its balloon. It had a ble, blue to no avail.; it left me poor- arm was hauled the lad returned to pity of Toronto of recent years. This wonderful arrangement of spinnerets haste and repents at leisure, CENTRA: OF THE DIADRYI. fa which the balloon-makingtmaterfat, or It lsoIfel twat', Iflety worse mn the George street Loma. He was Kidney it ascribed solely to Dicine A great coronet was made ;for the w•hi h is also employed to oonstruut height I fell scarcely in flesh . Intil my than eleven yours ole. w-bichy fills, 1.h@ marvellous medicine e r- 7`horytamers Catarrh in thi, stiction et the Countess of Castellani by a ,Nets York nuts, and. Craps, is stored. neighbors acutDelY knew me. In my Lk£rs• Dr. Hunt, who had been very wkich has performed s0 many wonder- reentry than all other aiaeaecA nut together, Jeweler at the time of :her marriage. Same of t'he apiders made little plot- day I have. undacgdne many hardships kind Lothe 11LLlp fellow dosing his ill- fut cures throughout 1.116 country. audua'll thotast few yetrawassupposed to be j a .nicloent, being Dna fiery and fluffy web as they went; 0th- and al y5rant Ileal of pain having been costs, P@rsuaded her husband to give Formerly, within recent years, Sncurablc, coraFrpu1. merry, scribe 'a pro - It ms m g farms of flu y Y tibranigls that American waif ; but tot all hem a hems wlLn them. Thiswas done, Bright's Disease clnfinecl a cunstont "ousted it a Ioeal hese axe, and ascribed ru tacai But- "' mass of brilliants, each ,gem ors merely clung to the thread; but• i I over experienced the dread ramedlce,andbyco sranttye;iling to ru•awuh been s ecinlly soleatad. OT• bhe other scores Of CbaM this r'r p and William tuns well treated, being saariftos of unforLanate victims, and boat breat.ID9nt, pronaunood iL insurable. But- havi.ng Pr resides in LII one wIY that I new hAYe when I recall tills pant to school, and lacked nothing of wherever it Struck, death was sure to once ties prays” catarrh to be a const tnticg4l Airs. Sarah Whiting, whoa crossod the canyons and traveled tat 1 rlS not tyen the hour when I beautiful diamond tiara the the essentials necessary for the won- follow, (`tow Bright's Disease itself 19 lTeoa o®nCal�n�isOftrwrhrCuce n nufuciu�e� Boston, ID+tS a beaus through the air; aeronauts in all was pligyture(t and drasigea within lwO rowing boy. IIs comparatively rare, ¢nit deaths there- of uncommon form. It is very hIE;b name Implies' tare of ¢ healthy, g by F.; ti Cheney r oy., the r et. i the snit and shaped like a huge comb of an- - loon miles of Libby prison. My Sufferings was from almost unknown in this city, r •n ti tit tlonnl rnrc on lose market. 14 ie taken tique Fashion. THE BUTTE7I.L'LY. were intensified by the stomach troll- BRIGHT AND INTELLIGENT, ' Dodd's Kidney Pills have coma into intornally io doses from 10 drops to a teA:.puon- birs. William L,LOx's flora of itis- Dle. I Goland not eat and ryas bent and a great favorite with all who universal hourxhold use suit disorders anoint" Of thersyetem. the offortone bond lands is famous; besides this Site line There fa something really pathetic to nmust double from pain, in fact I knew hom. Not long after his adop- in the kidneys are rectified early, ao red do tart for any naso it. Y• till to cure, Send ianumerohle combs Set N%Itb diamonds, the way a mother butterfly builds O Abbey, genera .1.v rreuk. One day R. e, tiara b the Hunts, aamuly, in the yanr Bright's Di ease is seldom allowed to for olrmatarsand toitij.C1I ,,1Ey. as well ase small aoruneC foe everyday Abbey, genera! Merchant, advised ma Y develop, address, F.J.C1iItNICY1tC0.,Tolado,U nest for her children, In the first to tro, Dr. Will,alns' Pink Pills and, 1878, AIr. C. SV, Hartman, now a Prf- Sold byDru gist°ileo. wear. \\'list's Is idney Disease kis bOen ne- John Jacob Astor's tiara Ss on- place the little home where the eggs Lis he highly recalmaranded themIPur- vita beaker of Olarksburg, commune- Hnd1'alamlyPau,nr�_tbeboat. AT.rs' chased throe boxes, and before the ad business as a ebemist at that place, p e prejudice hor, care owing 1.p Ignorance, Briht's tire ly of diamonds. She has a string aro deposited reprosewts a great deal Y Mr. Hartman was Airs. Hunt's broth- Prejudice ar carelessness, and Bright's The hidden hand in politics Is the of pearls which she sometimes Moore ot,aacr•itice, for it is ltned with several were used I could feel in,iProvemsnt. at, and consequently often visited his lhsLelse kis 'ensued, Dodd's Kidney hand that fools the World. coilati in bhe bright beide ,of her hair, layer's of doer" plucked from lite mock- 1: keP't bol taking them until I used brother -in-laws home, Here be met. Pills are In the and rolled into requital- - send again You silo them -Dither drawn er's own Soft body. The eggs, having twelve boxes p,nd am now, ad well, and young Gallway,'aud, like everyone else tion nine Lots times put of a Iribe serosa one bare shoulder Or 'twisted in bean laid carefully upon this lnxnrt- atrom'g' that I can tl0 two days' work yho had counts in contact with the lad, cissa. Doctors fhnmsetvaa prescribe H'DNTREAL t1nTE4 DIREOTORT, and out of the lace -in her corsage. ous pretty conch, are protected by an in one and wuib"71 22 to everyone grew to be fond of hien. Airs. Hunt Doid's IILdnay Pills Ln (heir a i%l Uoths u Mrs. Delancey IZUne's crown of ,gems P Y cure was a sw'rp, Y or En bulk, so Bright's Pills ise wd the The 4�aIm0Yal," rir0o Bull'a.. P. . h h@ molt' boll crown O ores equally pretty coverlet made of the the community, as all thought my Case diad In 1870, after a short illness, Be- ofd I olk I{iduOy Pills Ls held ppm- ,} snropnns elan. Ron» is said to e t Y en 'in New York same maternal. These butterfly bed_ hopeless, i feel so gratified that I Lore death she asked her brother to iot.el at bay itt Toronto. N®Lin{ Casslak% fru,n$1. d" u . ol+n mend: of its kind .1.e clothes are often arranged with an in make an eeriest effort. to find Gull- P Y rooms. .Lt uvlaua emit or- uonsidei this testimony compensates way a parents, if living, at' his 1`0111- Mr• Fred Borland, U77 Aturkham G.m.R,stutlon,Mm, %„•,!• a ,4011 koIll'x o., repo. ball tr,caoy( Uhat is quite c P only Llpariy Por what this medicine kis Street, writes; "1 have been a sufferer ���NCE 16bUSE- , nein bctof r a $1.4 CONTAINS 26D FIND STONES. plosumg. Somatimesl a bad ,a mads so tives. She said lit) had once or twice s I. Hotel _ - $1.6 1 • d Stanford h separate delicate hair stead, (IDne, far me, and I believe 1 would told her that he could remember liv- from Bright's Disease and impure p r dor. - The jewels of Airs. Le an that: eap p have been dead if 1 had not taken blood. I could not get anything to i” Opp. sae fi m.'it: I)epo ars famous, but they are ,never worn upright, thus giving the entire nest frig in a bountiful Ikcuve wL•th'' kis isr- twc one.. [ram a. 1 b their owner, and it is 1.h@ appearance of a little break oP Dr.,M llligms' Pink Pills. encs, who seemed to have everything help me until I had taken two boxes �T, t1�111�)C$ 1112T�L�• nowadaysY The experience pt years ins graved of your Dodd's Kidney Pills; Raliwy. I-iret-ola.. Can,uwroial ounce, erode:" lu Surmised that the lady's will evill bo- downy rut•. Thorn again the eggs are that money cuwld buy, avis. Hartman nraromouta-Rotas muderatu, quenLh them to the no She and laid'spirally tetanal a tiny branch, and that lthere is absolutely no disease due lxrom'sed to carry out hill sister's T am IIaw cured of tyle disease her hush LOd knee founded. She hos, as 1.h@ aovertng follows their course to a vitaked condition of the b'ooa or wishes, and offer her death took R'il- w hich I um told has always been con- rlll men are not kern equal; onl indeed, already Bald many and , given tho effect resembles the bushy tail of shn'ttered nerves, that Dr. Williams' lisnu to hie own IDous@, sidered incurable. Publish this letter. twins are born that way. Lose proceeds 1.p CIDe college. The grown a fax, only the nest is more beautiful Pink Pills yviil act Promptly cure, n.ud. ,LngWries were SOL oil foot first fn '1'0- It may help others." p. the all, do two senses ;o1. LGIe word; is those who are suffering from such - -o-- t. (_N• 89�_ than the "brush" of the finOSt fon trallNiets would avoid much hisarY ¢nit tanto, loosen in Ane(tstsr, New York, the tiara of rose -Pink, yellow and tllixt ever roamed over country. The philadelluhfa, Cuba and Lisbon, Portu- I THE 131CYC1rE LOOT. _�_„___----�w=_ - =-- w.hite diamonds, earthily labor Of the mother butterfly; savtl money by ptmmptly resorting to gal, and alawlY The "bicycle foot" is a complaint m a eq p� 9 11drs. Oliver Goelet has a Aomb which buildt' of this downy neat is the last this treatment. Get the. genuine Fink , 'I`HE WHOLE STORY , . 01+�(g '1.f ERT S is quite as effective in appearance as ills every liana and rte not be Per- ut which the ligaments are gradually for by the time it is completed IDf>,T Oarnolic Dief n�ockants, t ., h a, T' a crown; it Is a Roman gold, SOL own delicate body is denuded of its sum,dsd to talrLran om a a ilei" �hoo or cameLtatt�[gkn parentage tlappeared ptlhatkhis sttOtckOd by the shock and Strain of ,tont, Tooth Powders. ntc„ have toe wiLili five beautiful pear-shaped pearls Natural covering, Rud there is nokh- tbe,other remedy is constant) or her to do but die --a Sao- eke' sake enL the a era profit lu hLmseLC, father, aka favorite son of ti Porta--' frequent downward motion until they i ux eltee»oe D Ttinirlrogularivseprovulas onL tnrcal of Brig l size. bf% The lar Y Lug left # g y, cease to support the arch of LIDO in-' one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain adding ilo lose glortos of'bar jewel box, rtCaoe which she promptly and heroic- may say is ,,just as gaud." r, tIlov -ase Cantil whose forefathers it a acme not so much for love of gems., ,parbaps, all makes LOL the Interest of the com- drams' pink Pella ours when vilest lroatt Ireland, hurl marrE.Od a Protest- step The bones, thus deprives of their supply. Lists mailed tree on application. as a plaasLng way -of Spending some ung butterfly generation. macticiaes Eaft, ane lady against the \u sRo Of kis peo- of hail income of $260,000. She *has a - �- 1pie,it" whose religion ,gi waa porGol Cf tile natural sup -port, ores$ opal the MANCHESTER, cR�€RT EPlGLAND, tiara -of diamonds and rubies which ab- iia. Ha was ,given u costive pP aha nerve$, causing intense test and in- Spebad a good Shure of n year's ,in- SKATE ,S. SMOKE 1S COMMENDED. to Now property and Euuue business went PlammutTh t the muscles C ause.d ly byscene. To "necessity's Shap pinch," not Co New YoTh, entering n t yen- follows. Thu trouble is often caused by 9 7o sone for of Two 11118 .Advice-Soudce 01'ith Moder tuns Ln that ally, which was 11 seC- >A p1i �Ar, complete SHE[ One fortunaLe women is said ,to have Co ¢ desire for amusement, we owe the &7M{N$.Y�.yh ueetD and SPEOIA, RAT four camplofa sets of ,jewels, •eaah set iton And aot'1'na CLcnply, eessfut and by whtah be lost consider- Weluinb alines with lou thin Soles, and MUSICCATAL1LOG n its necklace, tints, bracelets, ' is.,ventIon of sl;ateis and Chair early Tobacco certainly seems to satisfy this money. Following this expert- therefore rvonen are aures frequent ., DISCOUNT. y having Once he went to Toicinto, and taught sufferers than alai, '.Pose treatment for aro afaipped { rings and broorhos, It was bought of use, 11lolland, is Conceded to be the some UhYsiologio need in Osteal" con- classics in a school there, vesid,ug m " bit cls. foot" is rest anti an artifi- Lvuccc��;aaa rt suppl evorr MUS Ox-Ou@On Isabella u1. the time she ]acme and birthplace pC skating, and y� TEaCrHERInCana "stud with bar royal Jcwels,to pay diti.ons of the system, for persanawho thadven, the, ay AVI l 1.m i and two sial Steel arch Woconstructsid to tit thick- whakly,�Eaw p It teras slndoubLed�y first practiced are Oua'ble to smoke at certain timeslchililrau, I.ke boy �\'i1tLUm tinct a girl, Install. This 1.S wa•n Inside a ncans liar debts. an Church street. AI'rx. GaI1wOy's Salad boot until. the strained tendons �d W., Airs, Alnrshnll Roberts Vivian Poo- there and in the, far North' con do so with; pleasure ..nil benefit an falling, a return to Now �:ork regain their' normal strength. I 68 Yontio St., sasses a crown of pearls, but the In a comntry of lakes and Oanals lho at some OLktlr period in their lives, as yens mado, where, however, she died. I Wanted TORONTO, ON beduCY of bar jowel ox IN a f:Tipl0 necessity oS walking anti running on , hived of diamonds which was always (b@ ice must have been Celt from I.hO was the case with Huxley. Certainly left ft with it Lu the c ay of heel been CALLA LILY CREAM ' DDLDEASE Ice. (ane.M jiffs', ria oP the delights of any function earnest. days, and, tad,eed, they show In no habit. is so common or so gene rally who tnot thearing McKay rom�the parents for ' Carters tion»,,.k k Vo„ Ag, ata, Tlonke-l. - ano „cud wi b 'bar res^ one skates whfah were found h the lady bis t P Holland b hal'mlesa, enys a writer inn aka Phtla-anon time, consulted Rdty„Ali. Cart- egnlresaro»n,rul dorcPratlin, Sk11d26g0ntefartrial __ whit g bottle, or o.1. enrd for efroulm• on side cud oamPlailoa. -- ---- - ' elleti, anti her diamonds, when she re- In one of the mounds on which a Fries- aOlpyia Madicai J'arunol. Gompnracive- yvr[ght, yY1tk 1:bu lrasltll: khat fk@ b0y Addraul�.J.uaeosA,aV,489QnoenSt.W.,4'cronte, hDAIMON SENSE KILLSRosahos,Bod sl.dod i;n New fork. Another Amari- Land village was built. 7.ha skates g' - + - C Bt%Rs,RldsandMlee. 8uldbyail U. cam lady, Lily, Duchess of Marlbor- \vert, restarted. to the [cot by straps ly few use tobacco in such excess as was placed h ethic nen Guelphs On MISSED OPPORTUNITY, Druggists, or Sel Quoin W. Toronto. awl4h, oC Course hag 'gems do regal pnSscd through holes maclo in eke to suffer been effects, no doubt fewer rea itedhlili by people bundatipO, to tensa pf d,amande and reaahitlg yvomnnbootl Miss UallYey p, hawse, A DanlSh kisturtell mentions than suffer from the overuse of coffee niltrried swell -known Gnallkh tualne,s Did you kaOty there is a oamern=I, 9 / , t fit .rubies among 1.k@ uumbsr. T.hc bone tltates was also the kind and tea, and Infinitely fewer than man. Subsequently it was ascertain- Lhtat trill take pictures at a distutueMTw---� first used inEn91and,. ;l''itzSL(sphen, in Lhoso who Stiff@r 'trot” Overeating.NOed tkai after his w[fe's death Mr. Gall- of Llti.rly miles3`FUNI)1RALS IN PEf�U. bra account of los@ amus@mentos of the ens will gnesLion the harmfulness of wey weri( 1.b Cinbn and accepted .cosi- AVhy didn't'. 1 knots that? iVhat uItiIleus ]awe pP Peru Lor Ypnn$peopleon lose ice ill Moncton hut- the tisd of tobacco fn the yang br in tion tvflh an owner of a larg'n sugar lot of. baCLIO scones Iw'ould .have pho--___ One of the cu ing the loiter part of the twelfth nen women to attend funerals, and that it, was usual for them excessive amotints, particularly with plantotion. He seems to have mot tpgraphecl if 1 had known there yens Cook.,Roonrlos e bids v fury, notesnervous people, AL no Lima is the eL wlt.h eoins,derablen success in this work, I N safety cameral {ral�{R63{Iri pf"�y81 olfien, sorptliar they do not: appear at weddings un- to fnsten the leg hones Of animals un toot at the weed' more pleasant and Religious materna, stain rr1 mid Choral .r. 1..U, less thou are very intimate friends, (11@ ,part in tt8•,, -- — - - s;dmuti.uol works, arae 11fanr. Arose[ arm- r not soothing than aftor dinner In the ---.. - vPlin❑ a fwneal pTOc098tOn passes list' We sOLOa Of their feet, by tylilg * flan. D.&J. 9ADLI. 1k OI Mon real through the Streets, the coffin is not thein around their anitles, and then Owning; TL helps eons id to digestion,a hard _.-.. riecl upon Lhe shoulders Of the pall- taking a Po11ef Shaft with tion, Into dayls work; ik is an and Co withthA�'d'yll� ,f - f FOR SALE ? Ins,tr cot iAl rocs tubo sip f011ownd by an empty I,lyeir hands, they pushed thumseives Nott mantes one rosin at i}oaae with CSI, if !r�4(d CP/ � FARMS . , ,:r�,ftu rgn�aso An ly . JAit ilea world; than, in I:he aeaausion of one's �j �, Ld'a s'rlrwAlt a Drawrr 10 h;giallb I' P.p„ Oct, hearse ii nnwn hy' two, four or six harass forward by striking against 1.k@ ice, own quarters it cannot offend the hph 471��s �t�G ,� t�R�f+ �1tS�a� according to 'too means of the mourn- and moved with greal. rapidity, user, and the one or two cigars or ��.I�� � �� � ��� Hua$ � 1�7i,B a1+s find their dealre for display. All the — pipes can work no great personal in- ���/ _y /+�,, male members at aha family and lSG� f d( 9L�P" '�� t��g friends of the ductiasad follow all font, GI3'ACI1 DARLING, il'Cyo bits of advice should be follow- n •rile book a,Inaia, .na hundred with a ,Ent: o£ empty carriugos behind Mgeo 1..n or ane at ora, Y.10 r.IT11h tire in Llto xis- It is ¢ bravo thing tordsk ones lifn all if pia is to enjoy tobacco: Sluolte r ep ail im s 9O a. r. t nk.e, mob diem. As tang as tkey a P 71/4v. 4� � noir. aAl.nN,m°Inlunraa.nnart ns I 11 1 0 »a r In edtiem n i;on wan tie i m d apt stn ko - unre ifE the dead it IS oonsiderad a pro- to save that of anol:lier-anti t:hak is ]toll) Oae.Cion and a ` tovary kine ..I anmrnet, sone, t Per and nuce6xary evidence of respoot what A young girl, Grace Darling, (lien, � 1 d, with aur ratans ,'or a eatoe.gu many ynal'a ago. r.1,16 .),it u.vatttea rot .10ytan r. Lo wallt, Arw toile body hall been von- ,file Fall Rivas ool:i:on mills n,m hint- A_�V;� 00111'"tON a A1eBArkane mittod to lose grrl va tliase who al- Green I)arling's C¢thpr wa, n light- ing tet c.nntbinnLion with a capital at 71A antfast. Tar onto. Ca Cnndkilo funeral art brought battle In house keeper and kept the FOIkStDnO $.101000,000. the aIll'rioges. wl',�; Solid Gold,,,,$2.811Boat Guld FLIT I,60 IN 6 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 aS Beet C11ablifti . 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction, u4 iLOBIE OPTICAL PY 93 Yonge $treat, Toronto, IATARADYS (without Wit,), arou.•idnl Asthmn,-1111 ! pv r 1ntn1'ea nn all urn U y a f n ire ml l plwtn, ants n,•,li AI t trly, 1 un rg .,a Ad. York. A blI URAM1I 71 n,•,an( li It ,, New Y _ NE DES MOINES INOODATOR Best and cheapest U. Rolland t Ie agent forth D.miniOn Rend got, ,ml, for colaio4ua. 878,t, real Street, MontmaL __.,_ __..__-_ ._..__...-- ausapye Casio s-^Naw(mpartutionaenget t� b Fa,aHalt hheep and Am• loan Hog Caelugs—ralinbl,« gnod" at rioet price., PA1EIt, ;nLAU1L1Yy..I,L A a0., Toronto, Mills, Mille & Halos, Barrhatim,atrf„ removed be Woulay Rive., Rich. LAWmond S4 W„ Tcreate. ­ who n. a �a�rgyq�,l�rers woo lar. to tel A tlEgE®grit® ® tole:, "it. In rtberq writ. Eo r. Amot1. Beth- who will e0-vine0youh.oan o.r.you a.pq p.rmnonntly camp IE Cat. b ""n f q.se, ,., b tie tiwnnt, .temaall .dbladder. 600aitabux. wrlto for purtioulare.Th. ❑d,un (.'nturrh l:gra On., 14a St. Jnmosrot„ Moubmul. HARRIS' s� COPP12P, BRASS, wholeaWILL1W nSt ,stTORONTtO Qa1720. The Dawsop Commission Co., Lilgited, Oor. West -Market & Dciborne SL, Toronto UAPoultr 'aid oGlier Dreduo if yent ship iB6 to thine. r, to -.- Dyean 0 Cleaning I ,. elf.• try hove au11•1 ymfr work t•• the "BRITISH AMERICAN OYEIHC 00" Lock for 49-1, in ynur town, or nand direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. CROKOO tTDre1 4Uo 0080 ',',t?,l5etb.,nr2lhv.f.r25o ROXral9ugllldttl M t+a•"rar H,dn l+y 011 Graver., or asLcetnd 100Ior L -Ib. pa0lfngo I,, 'he availed 1.x every lloc.I,,, a. E., Toronto. ,SHOW CASES. VIIALL CASES Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern Stole Fronts, Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., 92 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. - Michigan Land f®r Sale. IS,1.a000 ACRES GOOD FARMPIO LANDS-ARENAC , Too.. Oge,now and Crawford OounLien. Tltleper, fact On 00hlgnn Central, Dmmoit A Muuk"ito an Toon Lake Ra(Iro-da, at pita.. ranging from 82 to Ewesmom Those Schools ands Teta,Close an will be soldion moM rMa.onnblo terms. APPIY to WOR1t'Wtlallitak.R' 10rr PIERCE. Uehie- Wall, BOYS AND GIRLS1, WE ARE GIVING AWAY ,II 1I—.­m"._"re:u,:evoi,:w , I i 4 oowmon sumL, noise, a-tha , ver, $ ,emum.a.rs ROYAL MAIL Dominion LineSTEAMSHIPS Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. 1 Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. (116fn $3.1; 9toeingo, A2980 and'42Cable 350.p,rarde; a000nd Par further tuforination apply tolocnlat.nts, or DAVID TORRANCE k CO., Orn ral Agent", ,i - „17 -it-Snnrnmltu 3t., Montre." nit I THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. = EPP S'S. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. s L_ COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. it GO TO a • I , 6, ()alif ornla Evin.,.... 0 o Personally conducted Ener �11�(�dag a California Excurbions via MISSOURI PAC9F'IC R'V and r, IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TIIROU L04VF., RIS T SLEEPERS. S. no- For Loll inrormnaton and reservation ofsleeping out b,abit, nddmit H. C. TOWNS 19Na G r. AT.A.. St, lmnis, 110. ((t •1I. D, AI,ll%TAM.I•a, T 1.'A Tw l„abet., Detroit, MEOW +.1 4livaxLr, w'luvoN, D.1, A.;111 Adums•st, Chleago, IW A AS, R, ARNETT, Manager, JOHN J. MAIN, Supt and Troon. xi' The Canadian i Heine 0 Safety u fE��s, ����@p LRt*,a typ�cq�'� ,- Esplanade, pad, O � - E e ® A Esplanade, T®i"®lC�to :;s Opp, sherbONrne 8t., .,,,,,,�,a,,.,,n m �, High Class Water Tube Mart, Boilers, for i°rll Pressures, Tlutles and Fuel. ma +I", SkiND FOR DGSCRIP1'I'v8 OATALOOUB. 1. 101 T ro to Medlin Ll�g��tOo., Limited, of Tiro IDaWf1ti Q��aee•'""��jj��nfltoqq. 1.1t • j� Q T �a( n69a piwahD,Railiboratb Ai R: C 11 U I G� i elf 1.a, 111 (44 en n Co.,0JtnitoA 9T'I1s Nllaon T?abll I t b., n.. CAA1 of vote" whore boners m,.Y bn man w6rki.14