HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-2, Page 5V. 2, 1599 BUSINESS CARDS. I'239 LOAN AT t; PER 0001, 1'',S, sU0't'T, lirunaula• 1r'ordwlch, T�TI, to(1tACi�EN, • Ineorer of marriage Licenses, 00100 at bio Groeery, rurnhorry street, ilruoselo. N. BARRRETT, 'I'onemgal Artiot' Shop—Next door North of the Standard had,, Ladles' and children') hair cutting a epooialty, 7ilARMS FOR SALE,—TUE UN• JL imasmsrtn lice several good Farms for atllforrIeadrent, e9 Ct h. nSCJOJT'T Urusaele M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. • MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TIDACHlul OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, n=i1z 7 sM ,m, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INB Meson, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• T. FI–ETCHER issi,el of Marriage Licenses, 0171011LT JMwWL,ty BTOait, M't O Witness Required. T. FLI;TOITGR, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUiSE MOORE, L. C. M., Academie graduate of London (lo000r,e- tm'y or Muele, also Member of the Associated hIOeioians of Ontario, r of pis preparedls for . to receive on limited piano. Qualifie(l to prepare instruction a for othe Principal's Form in the Coueervatory of bluets. Brussels, Ontario,. MiSS CARRIE MOORE, Of IT ndon acher of 'ViolinandGulleof t, Music. Will receive a limited number of perils for instruction at Brussels, Class Montle let of September. For further information apply to Mire B. L, Moore, music teacher. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineure00e Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Colleotioue made Cake le Graham's Block, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - rices to lbettor l soli for be P • EEn wiJ d lees charges amoo, inr time au than any won't charger Auctioneeranything. BeetDates Huron or he wontwas this orders can always be arrangedat thio osioe or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, t.P , Heuer Gr, pre of theOntarioOntario dieVeterinary College, to prepared to treat all diseases of domestioatic animals in a com- to tveterinaryy manner. Calle pular romptly at- tended on 6 tended to. Office and Inermary Fonr deers north of bridge 'rurnberry at,, Srneeele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCIN4. -W M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER • Solioitor, Conveyancer ,Notary du - lie, ko. Office—Vanstone's Block, l r north of Oen Ina Bole solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solioitor, ke. Crone over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels, Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG�. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Barrietor and Solicitor, Goderiub, Out. O1Bee—Hamilton St., Opposite Col 'borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M, D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, plumber College of Phy- Royalsand College of Physicians and tLicentithe te of Midwifery, Edinburgh. larTelephone No.14. Reeidenoe, Miilst., urocoele, D. F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., Graduate eG College, it' , All cialtryYForkeatlsftorly Montreal, • Iesidonoe, Elizabeth etraet,late Statile residence. ▪ Ounce in rear of Drug Store, Small Block, Brussels, Out. • E. T. SNIDER, M. D„ O. M., successor to Dr. A. Moltolvey, Lioentiato of Royal College of Fhyeioia❑e and surgeons Itiugeton ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeon') of Ontario, D ieeaeee of women and obildren a epeoialby. Eight years' experience, t?SOisoe and gee - Rely yTux formerly e ry etreet,ldrueeeie yD126 0 - QUI. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, HVROEON ANP A000nOHlnnn, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Univerei' ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Modioal College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Port Graduate Course in Detroit and Chieego,1806. Special attention paid to. Ma- thew; of Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and die- eases ie- 1 h and Qo eln. an. Telephone at residetion innce,g STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. Rawer ITltale.—Jae, Rowe bee roaeived the appointment of Ismer of Marriage Mosinee for title diotriot.---Wm. Coggin returned borne on Monday evening of loot week after a two.monthe' trip to Atanitobe,—Miss M. E. Jobnebon, repro. senting the Vi via Company, delivered en addl.(es to women in Donaghy'e Hall.— Cyrus IIepinetall, of at. Thermo, spent a couple of days in the village visiting hie mother and attending to bueineee ire conueetion with the estate.--Lowis Ma- hood returned to Toronto on Monday of last week to resume hie position behind the counter in W. A, Murray & Co.'e store, after an absentia of some weeks re• oruiting hie health.—Couuoll meets on the 3rd Wedneeday evening in November in the Albion Hotel, Pordwiah, The undoroignedwill'keep for service on Lob le Don. 6 Morris, thea thorn -bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, 'Oafs Lodge Long- fellow," No, Me, bred b J..B. Brethoue, Bur - be Taken, Tenth, atom, i$1.00 to be po.1Bbattime of aet'vlde with privilege of returning it nee. canary, A number of okOlao young eowe for sale for breeding parPoOes 'whlail will be hold at prtooe,to suit the Minos, 21. ItOltT, NIOROi1, Proprietor. Carries. Newer GLrntantne,—,(1.ftne job of gravel. ling has been done on our main street.— Ethelbert King, the veteran thresher of title section, treated himself to a brand knew separator built by the Waterloo Mennfaeturing Co.—A new pipe Scribner organ has been placed in the Methodist ohuroh.--John Donaghy was in Hamilton Ian week attending the Fall assizes.— Mies Lizzie B, own ie able to be around again after her severe illness,—W. El. Arden hue returned from Manitoba.— Mrs. Carlisle, of Hensen, was visiting her daughter, Mrs, G. A. Found.—C. Diebel, of Hanover, has purobaeed the alae stook of W. J. Greer.—While thresh• tog at Edward James' a spark from the engine set (ire to some chaff that bad been blown out by the duster and for some time it was thought that the barn would he burned hat it was put out be- fore any material damage was done.— Manton Roy Mose, son of our popular heruees-maker, met with an accident which might have proved serious. He was at Hueeton Bros., near the village, and was in the field with ' the men who were Molting stones. It is supposed that the had reached down to piok up a stone fns: as the team started to move, with the result that the wheel paseed over hie grin, Fortunately no brume were broken although the arm is badly bruised. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of hie splendid health. Indomiteb'e will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the thanes they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 26o at Deadman'e Drug Store. i toatorCh. Bornane.—Lloyd Hodgins entertained about twenty of his friends at hie home on John et. Each guest wore some thing to represent the name of some town in were a eembied o and when alle Ontario, t they guessed the places thee represented. Other eooial amusements were indulged in.—A very painful eooident 000urred in Broedfoot re Box furniture factory by which Mr. Melville had the end of hie thumb and three fingers smashed so bad• ly that they had to be amputated, and the little linger of his right hand broken, while operating at the fader.—On Thanks. giving Day about twenty Royal Arch Masons from Mitchell, Kincardine and Wiugheeu, were in town, and together with the members of the Malioob Chapter held a Chapter of Inetruotiou in the Masonic ball. A noteable feature of this meeting was the presenoe of the most ex• aellent Gd. Z. of the Grand Chapter, W. G. Reid, of Hamilton.—John MnNab is comfortably located in hie new residence on John street,—Sergeant Alex. Bothuue, eon of Dr. Bethune of this town, who has been attached to the Mtilitary School in London for the past three or four years, has enlisted in the Canadian ooutiugent bound for South Afrioa.—A. Hays has rented Strong's office, next hie livery stable, and has taken poeseseion.— Wednesday evening of last week Mr. Wilkie, a returned missionary, delivered an excellent addrese to a very large audienoe in the Preebyterian church. — The appearance of the oreantery has been greatly improved by a coat of paint. G oderf OPH. NevveY Gendaiene.—G. House, of Eder. ton, took over the stook and bueineee of W. J. Downing, and is now running the business, --The Central Prison bailiff called at the county jail and took away the prisoner, Stevens, who was recently sentenced to Dix menthe hard labor for laroeny.—J. Hyslop, who was committed to the county jail some months since as the effect that mnnry was horned In Oodorieh recently. It happened, it is said, in the following order :-.A resident who ie well known, had got We pay, $12 00 On the road home he spent 50 oente, anti when he reached hie domicile handed the balance, $11.60, to hie better half, who thus orose•queetiooed him :-- "Where ie the balance 7" "Well, I got 10 00nte worth oftobaoao," lie answered, "And what did you do with the 40 sects I" seined hie oroes•gneationer, "I mat a few of my oomradee down town and I Mond a treat." Then without hesitation the good wife opened the above door and threw in the $11.50 saying, "And there goes the balance," volcanic Iirn 'MORN Are grand, but Skits Eruphione rob life of joy. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve aurae them ; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, 'Moen, Bolls, Felons, Clothe, Warts, Ones, Bruises, Burns, Saalde, Chapped hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure ort earth. Drives nut Patna and Aches. Only 26 ata, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. A, Deadman, Druggist. 11Eoles:twOr-Ilt. MEnnx NOTES: -William Woods is hating the foundation laid for a new stable. --E vane MaKen has returned front vieiting friends in Peterboro', — The Huron Uniform Promotion Examinations were held in the school on Thursday and Friday. — William Mitchell, who ie attending Stratford Model School, spent Thankegiving Day vieiting his parents here.—Hurry Edwards left for Wingbam to tithe a position an blacksmith in T. Holmes' blaoksmith shop.—This town was well 'represented at the Laurier demonstration in Wingham. — D. H. Campbell, S. Smith and H. Armstrong have returned from Manitoba,—The sone of W. Hayden, who have been ill with typhoid fever, are gradually improving. —The word "success" is hardly sufficient to describe the Harvest Home held by the Methodist (Mural], on Thanksgiving Day. Dinner was served in the Orange [gall, after whish au exoellent program, consisting of speeches, musical seleotioue and reoitationa, was rendered in the Presbyterian ohnrch, their own church building not being large enough. The proceeds amounted to over $90. Exeter. EYanrcos.--Ilfre, Samuel L'aneoo, who has been mentally deranged for some time, was taken to the London Hospital. -Mrs. J. V. Croaker spent Thanksgiving with friends in Holmeevitle,--W. H. Lovett, who recently purohased the old Niece property on Mam street, has made great improvements in the building and surroundings. The dwelling on the North hae been removed,end a new high board fenoe has been erected in front, while a large addition has been placed onto the rear end of the building, a new plate glass front pat in, the interior re- modelled, beautified and much improved. —During the h heavy thunder storm ou Monday morningof week betweenen 0 and 7 clock, the large bank barn of Henry Isaac, of Hay township, on the Lake road, was struck by lightning and before anything could be done, the build- ing, together with its contents, ooneist- ing of hay, straw, a quantity of grain, &c., were destroyed. Fortunately he saved all his stook. The loss is indeed a heavy one, and Mr. Isaac will be subject to great inconvenience until be tram erect a new barn.—The annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Eon. ter branch, was held in the Town Hall Friday evening, at S o'olook, when the report of the branch was presented and a lecture delivered by the Rev, T. B. Aylesworth, of Kintore, agent of the So. piety. Subleot, "England and the Bible," —The anniversary of the Cavern Presby- terian ohuroh was held on Sunday when the Rev, Alex. Gilroy, of Toronto, con- ducted the servioee at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ne, On Monday evening a ooncert was given in the audience room of the church, daring which Rev. lir. Gilroy delivered a lecture on the subject of "The World's Greatest Evangelist and His Work."— While Madeline, infant daughter of T. B. Carling, was playing around the house, the little tot got hold of a small screw nail, and being unnoticed, the put it tip into one of her nostrils. She was of once taken to a physician and the troublesome little piece of metal was re- moved.—Rev. S. J. Allis preaohed rale. sionary sermons in James Street ohuroh last Sunday morning and evening. No Right 'Fe lttgttncee. The woman who in lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would he attraotive must keep her health. If stein weak, sickly and all ran down, she will be nervous and an inane person, was taken by the asy. irritable. If abe has constipation or (uo warder to the London iueatation for kidney trouble, her impure blood will the insane.—Sunday of lust week a nam• cause pimples, blotohee, skin eruptions her of boys smashed the windows in the hod a wretched complexion. Eleatrio depot steak scale office, entered the build• ing, and turned things upside down gener- ally.—Some few years since a well known reeidant left town to join hie parents in British Columbia, and for a long time afberwarde he oorresponded regularly with his old friends, Wm. Rnbeon and Walter Shannon. The other day Cbae. Shan- non, who reoently reached that distant part of the world, in a letter to hie rela- tives, stated that he had met this old townsman, Frank Petty, who was quite well, and being the owner of 8 or 9 good mining claims, wao also doing well.—As Mee. D. MoDonald, who resides with her eon, Malcolm, on Lighthouse street, was passing down the front steps from the house, she slipped and fell to the ground, the result of the fall being a rather bad break of the email bone of the left arm.—A nine collie belonging to Robt. J. McLean, was poisoned somewhere around the Square. A number of dogs were poieoned Thursday, inolnding the one owned by A. M. Polley and those be- longing to Dr. Holmes and Jae. Mobil. tosh.—Austin Chisholm, who has gone to the Transvaal, was a graduate and recent employee of the Star office, having left here in Auguet last for Manitoba, where he hag joined the Winnipeg do. taohment; The pacing match between MaDaVilt'e "Mand S." and Miiler'e "Payrook" Dame off on the agricultural park on Thanksgiving Day, and attract- ed 8 or 4 hundred people, The match was won by "Maud" in 8 straights, though in the 2o4 'it looked as though "Payrook" would soon ea he came down the atreteh, but the mare reached him at the tape and wen by a head. The other beats were fairlywell aonteetod, though the finish was not so close, It wee said by many judges of hone flesh on the ground that had "Payrook been in non. ditiee the reeult would have been allied. ant,—There is a story in circulation to forced, 00 those who have been In the Bitters is the beet medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good. looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 oasts at Deadman's Drug Store. THE BRUSSELS POST 131.17'111-1. UP GO TEM PRICKS. The priori of all lines of goods have advanced, inoloding Pure, Dress Goode, Silks, Cottons, Linens, hosiery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Robbers, We antiei- gated thie advance, and oommenoed about 4 menthe ago, to pleas orders for goods at old prises. Our store in now filled from cellar to garret with new goode bought before the advance in price, and will be sold at old priors as long tie they last. We notice thrifty housekeepers are buying goods very freely now, knowing they will have to pay higher prices later on. We still sell lirstolaa gooda at prices like these :-" —Heavy Wool Blankets, worth $L85, for $1.96. —Heavy Soper Wool Blankets, worth $2 60, for $1.85. —Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 4o., for Bo, es' —Bleached Cotton, 37 incites wide, worth 7o.. for 60, —Heavy Cotton Tioking, wide width, worth 250„ for 20e. —Heavy Flannelette Shirting, stripre and aheaks, 10c, —Heavy American Shirting, feat oolore, worth 110., for 12o. —Extra Heavy All Wool Tweeds, worth 75o., for Po, —Table Linen, bait bleach, 60 inches wide, worth 360„ for 25e. —Linen Towelling, 10 inches wide, striped border, special, 25o. —Men's Lined Kid Gloves, worth 76c,, for 50o. —Ladies' Vests, long sleeves. at 20o., 28u., 80e. and 60o. —Men's Heavy Fieeoe Lined Shiite and Drawers, worth 50s., for 45o, —Shorey's Waterproof Uietere, worth $876, for $7. Doing business on a strictly dash basis puts no in a position to sell at which we could not do if we did not buy and sell for spot cash. prime 'Ki N & MTh. habit of infringing, (even members of Parliament,) will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. — The many friends of J. W. Hill will be sorry to learn that he has hada relapee and is again unrefined to the house.—A. A. Knox, B. A., M. B., of Toronto University, a for. mer St. Marys boys, iotende epending the Winter in Clinton.—F. R. Hodgins and wife, who extended their trip beyond the meeting of the Tiolret Agents' Aeeo• elation at Winnipeg, to Denver, returned home on Tuesday of last week, having had a very enjoyable trip. At Denver they ware the guests of A. S. Fisher, who has done welt there. They also met John Callender, late of town, who is seeking health, but cubo, while no worse than when he left for the West, does not seem to be much better. file Lire wan Sieved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia, My longs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed, Nothing helped me, I expeoted to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of De, King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. • I continued to use it, and n can't saytoo strong. I o well and s m K now a much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the threat and quickest ours in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Deadman'e Dreg Store; every bottle guaranteed. Olin Bon. NOWAY OLurINe9,---The name of John Wiseman has been submitted to the Minister of Customs as suooeesor to the late W. T. Whitley, colleotor at this point.—While at the Laurier meeting in the skating rink at Wingham, both W. Tiplady, er., and James Cornish had the misfortune to have their pockets picked, the former losing $6 and the latter 69. Several other losses were also reported.—The Shively committee met and decided on oertain electric light fixtures for the hall. Mayor Shaw, and Mesere, Plummer and Johnston were appointed to procure furniture and other furnishings for the hail, which will be formally opened its soon tie fitted ale.— Janus Steep last week eeoured a Cana- dian patent for his combined Cohen and Shoe Drill—Tony Gardner carries hie hand tied up, owing to blood poleoniog ; he simply prinked it with a pin, and some foreign substance gob in—Datid Donnell, who bought the Fanning Mill buildings, is pulling them down for the thither that is in them 1 excepting one sold to George Lavie, and one to James Marlon' net, of Hullett,who are removing both.-- The oth.—The Store in the Beaver block, owned by John Jackson, and formerly occupied by W. H. Beesley, in being overhauled, de will have plate glass front on one ei • It Will likely be occupied ill January by A, J, Grigg' --The by -low, prohibiting bicycling 6u the sidosealke, will be on- Bl.v El.. r BRIEF Norm.— Anniversary services will be held in the Blyth Methodist ohuroh on Sunday and Monday, Novem- ber 12th and 15th. Rev. A. W. Tongs, of Platteville, will be the preacher. A, tea meeting will be held on Monday evening.—An orchestra of 16 members hos been organized in Blyth with H. 0. Smith as leader. Captain H• Torr Rance and Dr. Tait are prominent members.—Our citizens received a severe shook on Monday afternoon of last week, when the news spread that Robert Forsyth, an old and esteemed citizen of Blyth, had been suddenly nailed to his eternal home. Deceased was enjoying his usual good health and about two p. m. was walking in his garden when the sudden summons name. He fell to the ground, dying a'moat immediately. Medioal aid was sent for, but he was beyond human skill, heart failure having caused hit death. He was in the 80th year of hie age.—Henry Il, Ballard, who was an insurance agent in Blyth last Spring, is a member of the Canadian contingent for South Africa. — The Orangemen of Blyth and vicinity will attend divine service in the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday evening, November 6th, when a suitable sermon will be preached by Rev. Wm. Penhall. A large meeting of Birtle, Man,. Lib- erals was addressed by Hon. Clifford Sifton and others. An address was read speaking in very high terms of Mr. Sifton's administration of his depart- ment. BRUSSELS Loan and Collecting A gency, The undersigned is prepared to attend promptly to all Busi- ness in this line at very reason- able rates. Money to loan. Insurance risks written. Conveyancing carefully at- tended to. Books posted and accounts collected. i 'Satisfaction assured in every transaction. Headquarters for Bicycles or Repairs. A. COUSLEYV BRUSSELS. -At Your - 9 Che Post Office For ani, LL I� Freei 1b/ +? .- .%�ip ass :::YEAR. 6X (SECOND EDITION) i\ It contains all the latest lk news by cable and other- wise; complete market re- lj% ei ports from Liverpool, London, ft New York, Chicago, Buffalo, al 9 Toronto and elsewhere; full >�I ilk notes of sporting events and 0i 9 Western Ontario District 1 news. News from the Trans- veal full and fresh, The >i Pt largest, best and most popu- lar daily newspaper in West- lei IN ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per ill ft year. Subscribe now. A�! 1110 10110011 Free Press Plg, CO„ Ud. LONDON. . ONT. /� S'.tir .w .m .,oil ,ys, 4 " a6J BARGAINS .ia 71.1.1' Yourself ..AT.. I. F. McAllister's A. large and complete stock of Furs now to hand, such as.... Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Ladies' Fur Capes, prices from $7 to $20, Men's Siberian Wolf Coats, Men's Coon Coats, Men's African Buffalo Coats, Men's No. 1 Wallaby Coats, also a complete stock of Gentlemen's and Ladies' Fur Gauntlets. We also have a complete stock of Flannelettes, a largo assort- ment of colors and prices. We have the Agencyfor the Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe and. if you are buying a robe this season it will pay you to inspect before buying. This robe is interlined with rubber throughout and lined with a stinerior quality of Astrachan eloth. eady-to-wear Clothing, Well cut, well trimmed, well made—made to $t. Prices from $4,00 to $10.00. Men's Underwear, all Prices and Weights: Ladies' Mantles a Specialty. cAllister. O w�..t:.. THEL. D%..tiny Changed. The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched dur- Rlg the process( f manufacture. Every shoe undergoes it calt•1',l examination after leav-, ing the hank . f cat•il operator. The slightest f1:w in the leather or work- mansllip–a stitch missed–a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that Ftarted toward the " Slater " goal to the ordinary,/•: 'I'IM SLAVERc5'oE: nameless, unwarranted army of footwear —_ sold to whoever will buy them. The ((Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, r:iz's and styles. Every pair Goodyear Welt- led, name and,price stamped on till soles. $360 AND $6,00, Downing Bros,, - Sole Local Agents S AND SHOES. heavy, strong Shoes that will wear All sizes. Our Men's Long Boots are the and $8.00, and sure to please you. In Men's Fine Boots we are $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $8.50. We desire this week to call your attention to our Boot and Shoe Department. We have the latest Styles, A 1 Qualities and best Values in the trade in Children's, Misses', Boys', Ladies' and Gents' wear from the finest Kid to the heavy whole stock Kip. We are showing special lines in good, well and keep your feet dry. very best in Canada at $2.25 showing up-to-date leaders at Our Stock, is Large and well Assorted in all Departments. -1010.-- November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices. 1111 EffilC0111 trac7an. is Up -to -Date. L.nd Apple Butter. _._–_._.-- Have everything ready for the .—____- Iall tade in the manufacture of Cider and Apple Butter. Factory on Mill street. Satisfaction guaranteed. GL O. EDWARDS We are in a position to supply the wants of the general public with up•to•date Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas, Coffees, Meals, Spices and General Household Necessaries. Our aim is to sell only the Beet and Freshest Goode on the market at the lowest living profit on a Caehibaeie. Those who deal with us will come again. Farm produce taken and the very beet value given. Call and ascertain what we oan do for you. "Your money's worth all the year round," ie our motto. t Choioo Confectionery. O. Baitli , GROCER mud CONFECTIONER. The Standard Bank of Canada. Mosey Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and ender issued by this Bank, payable at par at any obartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Dis- trict. RATES r Under $10 . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . . 0.10 20 to 80 . 0,12 80 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles ANA•—•• North Shore Eine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Tun Brussels Planing Mills Alto Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand oe made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Fhrniehed for all kinds of Buildings. 'Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMENT, 1 1VIONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk,Brussels. McLEOD'S System Bienovator —AND oTHnn— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepeia, Sleeplessness,. lPalpita- lion of the Heart, Liver complaint, Nenn- aigia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioo, liciney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vilna' Dunne, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, IIODERiCH, ONT. S. M. MoLEOD, Prop• and Maunfactnrer. Sold by doe, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Spectacles —02 ALL HINDS– . Fitted to Correct all Failures o£ Eyesight, and your Byes tested FREE by lateet Optical methods at Division Court Office,