HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-11-2, Page 1Vol. 28. No, 17 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899 New Advertisements, Leant -13 wan & In nee. Local—Mre, II. James. Books -0, A. Deadman. Balls for sale—P. Robertson, Notice to Oroditora—O. F. Blair, Transcontinental lionte—G, T. R. Up go the primes—McKinnon & Co, Double vision Glasses—Mre, Fletcher, Vistrict ljth3s, Oraul:)l•ook. The cider mill is still running. Hallowe'en jokes wore played ae usual and a few parties held to oommemorate the day. A lady teacher from St. Marys will snowed Miss Calder in our Publio eohool for next year. Fon SALE.—One good improved Berk. shire sow with 10 pigs, with orose of Tamworth. Apply to A. BATMANN, Cranbrook. V. Gramm has puronased about 90 oords of cordwood for the lime kiln from P. Amen*. Tbe wood ,vee ant last Win- ter on Mr. Antenb'e farm by Jacob Longe men. Glasses for Near by And Glasses for Distance. Some fled Glasses perfect for reading but useless for din - tam. We supply double vision Glaeeee. When lookingout yon see through the tipper section, which is just right for dis- tance, and when looking down, you eels through the lower, which is suitable for Satiefaotion guaranteed. near work. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. x RAILWAY i . tUNrSYSTEM THE GREAT Transcontinental Route TO Chicago, St. Louie, Omaha, Denver, Loe Angeles, San Diego, San Franoieoo and pointe in California, Arizona, New Mexi- no, Colorado, and other Pacific Coast Pointe. If you are oontemplating a trip 100 Health, Pleasure or Business to the land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers, take the G. T. R. trough tiakete to all Foreign pointe. For Deeoriptive Gaidee, Time Tables, eto., apply to Agents G.T,R. Syetem. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brueeele. Poultry WANTED. Any 4uantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens for which the reline prioe will be paid. My agents, W. Jewitt and B. Gerry, Brueeele, will give dee notice of price and time of delivery. We expect to be shipping Poultry from about the 20th Nov. to let Jan. following, and would advise all who have Poultry to dispose of to consult above parties before s dling. 15.3 J. G. JONES. TheBusiness Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train- ing in all branches of Oommeroial work, at considerably lees than regular Woe. For full information apply Rooms of Oollcge over rest ORlee. L.. .HARTT, LISTOWI0L, ,PRINCIPAL. This may loop like poetry, but It only demonetratee how eaeily The eye may be deceived. Tbe ear is Sometimes deceived by the ory of Low prioee; and, when it refers to Photos., the eye detente the bungling botch Only atter you have parted with your Good stuff and had a holy show Made of your features. If kind Providence has bestowed fsolal come• lineae On you, and yon expsat further favors Prom K. P., then permit HART, the Brussels Photo. Artist, to embalm your Beauty in hie Superior cabinets before The "hen'e claws" nettle around your eyes Thieiter than snipe tracks in a mud flat, E, HART, ARrfsr, Sil'eetelt 33loek, Brunnelg. Wal ton. Miss Alio° Sage le vieiting in Wing. ham. Mrs, Ingraham will remove to Brant- ford shortly, Tne POST and Weekly Globe to the end of 1900 for 61,60, in advance, Adam Sholdioo and eon, of Paisley, were visiting in Walton last week. Next Sabbath eaorament service will be held in Walton Methodiet church. Alex. and Mre. Smith, of Seafortb, were visiting friends in this vicinity last week, MoKillop Council msete in Sage's hotel, Walton, on Monday l8th Nov., et 10 o'clock. There has been five new brick and one frame reeidenoe built in MoKihop Towo• ebip thie Summer, Rev. 0. M. Filer le in Maneewood as- sisting in the installation eervioe of the inooming minister there. Tbe cheese factory closed the season's run on Monday, the obsess that day be- ing made for the patrons. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. George's thenen will be held at the residences of Jae. Bolger next Wed- needay. The reeidenoee of Dr. Armstrong and 11. H. Foreseen were the scenes of two pleasant informal gathering's on There day evening of last week. Daniel MoMillan will offer hie 60 acre farm, on the Boundary, and his farm stook, implements, &o., for sale by pub. lie auction on Friday, 17th inet., at 1 o'aloek. If the farm ie not sold Mr. Mo• Millan will give a Tong lease to a suitable tenant. Wt'oxo ter. S. 13. MuKelvie is in Mildmay this week. A new sidewalk has been built on Anne street. Tboe. Rae is on the roads these days buying fowl. Oliver Stewart spent Sunday at hie home near Brueeele. Richard Miller spent a few days at his home here this week. Geo. Leckie and Joe. Heyworth were in Brneeels on Monday. Mr. Holmes shipped two oat's of apples to Glasgow this week. Mies Annie McDonald spent Sunday with her sister in Grey. Geo. Mair and Alex. Dodds are work- ing on the dam this week. R. Black shipped 25 hundred of flour to Wingham on Monday. John Hapfer is building a new kitchen to the book part of hie house. Duna. MoLaaohlin and Henry Stew• art, of Brueeele, spent Sunday evening in town. John Thompann, of the Fordwioh Record staff, was in town on bueineee on Monday. J. A. Walker ie out of town these days and Wm, Greer ie beet man at the Walk. er House. T. Hemphill &Son teamed two loads of oatmeal to Wingbam on Saturday and Monday. Miss Katie Robinson, who has been vieiting friende in Wingham, returned home on Friday. Miss M: Taylor, who has been vieiting Mise Annie McDonald for the past week, returned to her home in Morrie on Settle - day. Geo. and Mre. Spotten entertained a number of young ladies on Thursday evening fast who report having an noel. lent evening's enjoyment. Jno, Fortune, who has spent the Fall months in the Western provinces, return• ed home on Saturday last. He seems to be struck on that country. R. Black se busily engaged fixing the He is making gates longer dam. H g it 2 g ger and plaoiug a new timber along half of it to make it more secure for the heavy floods of Fall and Spring. The annual meeting of the Wroxeter Branch of the Bible Society was held In the Metbodiat church on Monday even- ing. Rev. Mr. Hance, of Mount Foreet, together with the resident minietere, gave addressee. Time, Gibson, ex•M, P. P., was in the chair. The meeting was largely attended. F�theal. Tan Poo and Globe to end of 1900 for 91.50 in advanoe.i Don't fail to read McAllister's adver- tisement in this fame. Mr. Tuokey will ocoapy the pulpit of the lvlethodiet church on Sunday even. mg. ack and Maria made several calla on Taeeday night. They were olothed fn notable attire. Regular Quarterly service of the Meth• odiat church at Whitfietd's appointment next Sabbath morning. By a letter from Manitoba we learn that one of our former Ethel boyo in. tendo "committing" matrimony before long. Good luok to you R. J. An naotion Bale of farm stook, imple• meete, &a, will be held on Friday after- noon of next week at Andrew Sharpie. F. S. Scott' will be the auctioneer. A few peouliar eights could be seen on Mill street Wednesday morning. Among other innocent tricks that our boys play- ed on Tuesday night, Rev. Mr. Yelland's buggy was pot on top of the grain store. PETER hada DeAn.—Wednesday of thie week a former resident of Ethel passed away at Whiteohuroh in the person of Peter Imlay, at the age 01 69 years. De (teased was a native of Aberdeenebire, Scotland, and lived here a number of yeare, running for a time the Carter water mill. From here he went to Mioh• igen and was book here afterward. De- ceased met with an injury 2i years ago wbiab resulted in hie death. For some time he had been a great sufferer. Mr. Imlay was married twine, hie second wife surviving him, The ohildren are John, of Ethel ; Peter, George and Alex., Of Michigan ; and Mrs. Fisher, of Hamli• ton. Geo. Imlay, a well known Ebhelite, ie a brother to deoeleeed. The funeral will take plaoe from Brussels G. T. R. depot on Friday of this week at 1,80 o'oloolr, and interment will be made at Brueeele cemetery. Mr, Imlay was a member of the Preebyterian ahurah. He was only confined to bed three weeks. Mre, Elliott bee retnrned from a visit et Galt and St. Marys. B. 0. Duulord, of Brussels, made a mialake and got off at Ethel instead of waiting till he got to Brueeele on Monday might. He wag just getting home from the West and must have bean nverly anxious. On Saturday night while Jas. Leleb man wee driving a horse belonging to Robt. McKelvey the anima( tools fright and ran into the ditch, breaking the buggy to a certain extent, and giving Jas. a few bruises, Principal Dobson bas been re•engaged at an advanced salary. May he con- tiuue the gond work that he is now doing, Owing to Mise Oarder'e engagement at Blyth school, the trueteee have decided to advertise for a teacher for the Junior Department. 111 Isiah E. Pease finished up threshing last week. W. and L. Miohie wore in Taroberry last week. A. Targe number of apple barrels are on the move yet. Samuel Love has teaeed the Agar farm and will move to It. The weather has been very fine and a lot of farm work has been done. Turnip pulling bee commenced. Tbe crop is not ae good as last year. R. G. Caeetnore, wife and Mies Olive spent Sunday at AIr. Caldbeok'e, Mise Gerrie Duncan, of the 4th, spent Sunday with Will. and Mre. Sellers. Mre. Richard Armstrong, 3rd line, ie home from a visit to relatives in Mani. bobs. Tett POST and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st 1991 for the smell earn of $1.50, in ad. vanoe. The Mines Bryan and brother, of Grey, were visiting at H. Mooney's last Sunday. Little Florence Vincent, of Hanover, ie vieiting her grandparents, E. and 'Mre. Beeman. Jno. MoOallum and wife, of Brussels, were visiting at Wm. Shedder's 4th line. They are old friends. Alex. Walker, 6th line, and Geo. Card• iff, 5th line, arrived home from a trip to the West last week. The kissing bog is spreading rapidly all over the township. So far no serious results have taken place. Jae. Budd, of the Ord, has returned from hie trip to Manitoba. He seems quite taken up with the Prairie province. Next Sabbath being the Quarterly meeting service in Bluevale, the eervioe at Ebenezer will be in the evening at 7 o'clock. There is no marked improvement in Millard Cardiff's health but hie many friende hope to soon Bee a ohenge for the better. A. T. Cole sold a dwelling house to P. Ellison, and will have it moved away to the 7th line ae soon as enough snow comes. A Stratford windmill wee put up et Lew. Eakmier's 2nd line, last week. Mr. Eokmier is determined to have his farm in np•to date shape. WnAT WE MAY Exieor.—Tea meetings, box sooials, muddy roads, municipal talk, and last but not least the Tax Oolleobor, who never fails to pall around. Thie week Rev. J. 19. Hunter, of Bervie, wee vieiting under the parental root. He preached in Brussels last Sabbath. Mr. Hunter is well pleaded with his am pointment to the Bervie airoait. Last Monday Richard S. Armstrong and Fraser Embury left Brussels on a deer hunting trip to Haliburton District, Northern Ontario. They're old heads at the bueineee and make this trip annually, Robert Mannders leaves on Friday of this week to resume hie Oollege coarse which be was compelled to drop last Spring owing to ill health. He kae quite recovered and we hope be will have a smooth octane henceforth. Thos. Bone and family, 3rd line, have moved to Brussels, where they have 'saraband a home on Turnberry street, North. The many old friende of the family wish them many happy years in Brneeels. Mr. Bonnie eon ie taking charge of the farm. Chas. Ritchie returned a few weeks ago from an enjoyable visit in Michigan with his brother in Sanlaa Go., who has resided there for 26 years, and hie slater, Mre. Arnott, a resident of Huron 0o. Mr. Ritchie has not ohanged his opinion, however, that Ontario leads thein all. The trustees of S. S. No. 4, known as Barrie's school, have engaged the services of Mies Lizzie J. MoLauohlin, of Grey, for the balance of J. D. E. Henry's term in 1899 and for the year 1900 at $275 per annum. Mies MoLauahlin is a good worker and will no doubt do well in the eohool. She commenced her duties on Wednesday of this week, We regret to hear that there ie little, if any improvenent in the condition of Mies Martha, daughter of Geo. Grigg, 9th line. Inflammatory rheumatism has been suooeeded by dropsy and at times she is a great sufferer. Her two brothers, Fred, of Hensel], and Wm., of Melita, Manitoba, are here. If good wishes would aid in her reoovery she would soon be oonvaleseent. Wednesday of this week J. D. E. Henry, teacher iu Barrie's school house for the past 3 years, left fon Brantford where he has secured a position in one of the schools in, that oity. Mr. Henry ie a good teacher ; bolds a let•olaee oar. tifioate ; took up Continuation class work in the eahool, and some of NB think the Trustees made a mistake in not ooneult. ing with him before advertising for a new teaoiler, We wish Mr. Henry (mosses. During the Fall Fairs this season, Robb. Nichol, the well known breeder of improved Yorkebire hogs, was very sno- oeesful in the face of keen competition, which op f coarse adds to the value of the prizes won. He took 5 tiakete at Bel. grave, viz. -8 lets and 22ods ; 7 at Brite - sale, 8.lete, 2 2nde, and 2 diplomas for beet sow and herd, any age or breed, on the ground. At Blyth be was awarded 5 prizes, 2 late, 2 2nds, and a diploma for the best herd on exhibition. 'Total prizse 17, a good, showing foe bis Yoeltu, and comparing favorably with records of pant years. Bert. Mose, of Brussels, was visiting old friende on the 2nd on Sunday. Jae. Fraser, of Lower Meade, was visiting hie brother, L. Fraser, of the let con„ who ban been quite ill of late. The Browntown "heat ring" has On. fished its course for this year. Mr. iter. Iend, the manager, is to be congratulated on the eatisfentlon he bee given its members. They have all agreed to ooatioue it next year. Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Elimville, preaohed at Jackson's ohuroh last Sab• bath afternoon. Rev. Mr. Pennell was taking Mr. Waddell's work, Next Sab. bath the quarterly services will be held at Blyth, e0 there will be no eervioe at Jackson's. Mise Bella Wardle, of Sealortb, has been engaged by the trueteee of S. el. No. 8, for 1899, aasooeeeeor to D. L, Straohan, who bee resigned to attend a Collegiate with the object of malrianlating next July. Mien Mardie ie to reoeive $275 per annum. Simon Foreytb, 8th line, wee so much taken with the appearance of (hinge in the West that be has taken up and bought 1,000 corse in the Biding Moon. tain eeolion, Aesinaboia, and will move there next Spring. Unleee he Belle hie farm bene one of the sons will stay and take oharge of it. Jau, MoCaboheon, of the Otb, tae also invested in farms in the some locality and will try farming there next year. Tbe land is eaid to be good, within easy reach of railway, coal, &a., and is rapidly settling up with a good class of people, It ie in this iooslity that the Hislop families from Grey township reside. They have done well. Jae. Petah talke of moving towards the setting eon, If all these folks get away they 'should call their settlement Morrisville. /i n-e:a•- Turnip lifting is in order. Roc's ohurah Sabbath school has closed for the Winter months. Mice Maggie TSylor was vieiting in Wroxeter during the past week. A number of farms are changing hands this year in Grey and priests are looking u A large area of land hue been turned over with the plow this Fall owiog to the floe weather. Tbe new residence of Mre. W. Hogg, 4th cote., ie nearly oompleted and will make a very comfortable home. It ie hinted that, there may be e few new aspirants for Beate at the Connell Board at the next Municipal election. Peter McArthur ie beak from a trip to Manitoba. He was ae far West as Grit'. wold and was well pleased with his visit. We are sorry to state that E. J. Mo. Arthar'e health ie not first aloes this Fall but we hope the means used will prove effioaoious. The roof of the wing to Hugh W. Mo - Key's residence, 9thaon., has been raised giving more room and making consider- able improvement. There is joy in Councillor Lake's home over the arrival of a baby boy. We hope the young lad's life will be ,'pared to prove a blessing to hie relatives and friends. Mr. and Mre. Levis and children, of Holmeeville, were vieiting John Hill this week. Mre. Levis is Mr. Hill's daugh- ter. Mr. Hill is somewhat improved in health. The contract for the Fraser ditch was let to the lowest tenderers viz., John Our. tain and W. Connolly at $1,025. Conn - oilier Livingston has been appointed In. speotor of the job. Mre. Dungan Livingston has been at Lucknow nursing a Mr. Reid, who has been ill with typhoid fever. She intends vieiting friende at Tiverton and Port Elgin before she retnros to her home. Archie Lamont and John Bishop left Ethel on Monday morning's train for a deer hunt in Haliburton. This is an annual outing with them and one that is greatly enjoyed by these veteran epode - Men. John Askin, a well-known resident of the 14th con„ bas not been hiving the beet of health lately, but we hope a change for the better will soon set in. His aou, Sam. and Mra. Askin, of Teee- water, are visiting here this week. The Trustees of S. S. No. 6, Grey, have engaged the Bervicca of Mise Mo. Tavish for next year, to take the pines of Miss Nellie Turnbull, who leaves to go to the Toronto General Hospital in January to take a course of training as a nurse. Last Friday evening an address was given at Roe's Epworth League by W. H, Kerr, of TIM POST, OR "The Inter- national Epworth League Convention at Indianapolis." In addition a good read. ing entitled "Shake Hands," by Mise Julia Frain ; a eeleation of mnefo by the choir were on the program. A vote of thanks was passed on motion of Messrs. Frain and Bryan, Mise Lizzie Bryan, the energetic President, presided. MATRIMONIAL.—Laeb week's Fordwioh Record gives the following particulars of the Oster—Jaagoee wedding that will be of Internet to people of this locality :— "The residence of Chipman end Mre. Jacques, of the' 2nd con. of Howiok, was crowded to its utmost capacity with in. vited guests from Norwich, ',shale, Gor• rie, Fordwioh, Cranbrook, Brueeele and the surrounding community, on Wed• nesday evening, Oct. 18th. The mansion of the assembling together of so many friende was to witness the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mies Ray, to Joseph Ogler, of Cranbrook. The intereetiog ceremony took plane at 4 O'clock, when Rev. Mr, Hamilton, of Palmerston, pro- nounoed the happy ooaple man and wife, Miss Oster, Mabee of the groom, noted the putt of bridestnaid, and little Mabel Jaequee, a niece of the bride, was maid of honor, while the groom was ably sup- ported by Oliver Jacgaee, a brother of the bride, After the usual oongratula, Bons and well wishes, the next few blur's were spent in attending to the physical wants of those preeeot. Before this pare of the program was finished some 280 had sat down and 'satisfied themselves with the taety productions of the Winery art that were solaoantilully supplied. A very enjoyable time was apent in playing gaines of various kinds, indulging in imolai conversation, &o., till the early boure were passing away. The bride was the recipient Of many beautiful and W. H. KERR, Prop, ooetly preemie, which tend in a email degree to show the high esteem in wltioia SIM IS held by her many lrieuds, The young couple purpose settling down to the sterner realities of life in the village of Brussels. The Record jbiae with all in extending to them their !Nat wishes for a long and prosperous journey down the stream of life." 'PRE POST wishes Mr. and Mrs. Oster happiness and pros- perity, BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. Following is the report of the standing of the pupils of Brueeele Publio school for the month of October : Roots 1. Pnauasoz. Examined in Lab , Comp., Arith., Read. Total 600 : J Coualey 390 G Ross 325 J Strachan, —.346 R Taylor 305' M Lamont ....338 G Bewley 270 P. S. L.—Examined in Dr., Aribh., Oomp., Geo„ Read. Total 500 : L Holmes 390 I Williams....298 H Johneton8112 J Innes.....,..290 D Watt 359 0 Richards ....28.1 M Skene 330 0 Zilliax 248 F Buchanan ..813 L Kerr246 T Armstrong ..805 13 Scott 218 ENTRANIE.—Examined in Hist., Comp., Arith„ Dr. and Spell. Total 500 : L Ross 885 W Roche 056 E Funetou 377 E McCracken -260 H Gooding 873 M Wilson 249 A Roes 370 J Good 287 B Howe 341 W Ament 925 B MuKelvey....324 0 Busker 223 G Thomson....815 0 Meinprioe 216 W Zilliax 812 F Oliver 209 S Soatt 811 FI Ainley 193 J Peebles 804 H Watt 182 D Moore 291 P Birt 140 M McLaucblin 272 A Smith 131 J. H. CAMERON, Principal. ROOM 2. Jn. 4TH.—Maximum 600 : R McKenzie ..477 P Richards 390 N Irwin 448 0 MuOraoken ..850 E Beaker 435 el Thomson ..325 A Carrie 428 S Muswell ....283 J Bartliff 399 G Marr 174 E Wilton 394 M Scott 116 SR. 3Rn, Maximum 500 M MOArter ....425 R Ainley 316 V Danford ....416 W McGuire., 811 M Adams 414 0 Hingston ....809 G Roes 397 K MoDougall..803 A MoMillan397 A Lott 288 E Denbow ....894 J Thomson 287 B Hendarson ..388 D Innes 283 M Roes 888 P Lowry 276 R Plum 350 I Johnston ....284 0 Mooney 347 M Hunter ....223 E Pugh 325 L Colvin 218 M Grower ....321 H Smith 218 B Beatty 820 B Hingston ....210 Jut. SRR.—Maximum 600 : E Currie 480 E Good 447 E Cameron ....473 N Forbes 445 J Armstrong ..475 R Pugh 440 L Duulord ....472 R Lowry 241 R Headman— ..454 Miss M. L. Baleen, Teacher. nom 3. Se. Um—Examined in Arith., Spell., Geo., Comp., Wr., Dr. Total 500 : A Sager 326 L rBlaehill ....250 Id Lowry 320 13 MoXibbin ... .252 L Siaolair 320 J Wilton 248 G Ewan819 AMartin 289 L Leabberdale..310 0 Avery 216 J Bloomfield ..308 E Ament 208 E Adams 307 M McNichol ..206 J Moore 298 W MoQuarrie ..197 V Barrett 296 J Doll 159 E Colvin 201 N Peebles 120 G 231 Roee Highest in each subject.—Arith., W MoQuarrie, 60 ; Spell., E Colvin, 94 ; Geo., L Leatherdale, 92 ; Comp., L Sin. olair, 69. Jr:, ann.—Examined in Arith., Lib„ Gram., Diob., Wr., Dr. Total 500 B Ross 410 H Richarde....311 L Turnbull 407 W Roche 303 J Mooney 388 A Scott 278 A Ross 388 W Williameon,.243 B Strachan 352 M McKay 243 G Zilliax 880 5Lindsay 192 F Thomson....823 0 Wilbee 138 A MoQuarrie , .319 T Meadows86 Highest marks in eioh subject.—Arith„ J Mooney, 85 ; Lit., B Roee, 78 ; Gram., L Turnbull, 98 ; Diet,, B Ross, 100. Jn. 2ND.—Examined in Aribh., Spell., Geo., Comp., Wr., Dr. Total 500 : M Miller 899 W Henderson -278 W F Miller ......352. Brothers WScott 2583 A Thomson ....844 F Stratton 243 P Baelror 821 L MOArter ....238 F MaKenzie320 A MoMillan....224 0 Soobb 819 F McKay 223 F Stott809 V Wilbee 212 G Armstrong ..289 le Campbell190 Highest in mob enbjeot,—Arith, W Turnbull, 100 ; Spell., M Miller, 100 ; Geo„ A Thomson, 88 ; Comp,, M Miller, 75. Mess M. T. DOWNEY, Teacher. Roost 4. 5eu ClLAse,—Exalnimed in Arith., Dr„ Read., Diet., Wr. Total 800 : K Deadman....286 G Sutton 205 J Ament 255 J Wilbee 192 A Jackson ....247 V McKenzie, .,100 Klnnos........245 S Walker 150 W Straohan....240 W Riobardson,158 A Jeekeon ....236 5 Amoot 156 0 Bell 262 M Brothers ....148 L Straohan 221 0 Gerry 110 E Ewan 214 5 Campbell.,,. 77 E McKay 211 W MoOraaken.. 71 4Tar Cr,.tss.—Examined in game sub - jade, Total 800: T Armstrong 259 W Bell 217 CDeubow 281 Birb 107 33 Curcio 228 E 1VISnider 12(3 A Bartliff ...,220 d Berko 124 0 Simmons ....217 Ban Onsys,— Exoelleut -- N Watt, F Mainpprico, 11 Barrett, ;Milton, J Burke, E Wilbee, J Nichol, E Colvin, W Roger - ' D Smith. Good — E Wilton, le Good, V Walker, E Foreyqbb, W Malay, b' Vanstone, Fair—L Service, hen Oi.ase,—Exeolltuab—C Molvfillan, H Rogerson, L Denman, 0 Ament, li Currie, le Scott, N Ewan, P Bremner, M Walker, AI Jones, Good—John Cooper, le Gerry, J Ilendereon, W Lott, 11 Mo. °reckon, X Ament, T Lindsay. Fair - 16 Servios. 1sT GLAM. — Excellent—Ii Peebles, R Roche, W Ainley, A Nichol, W Adams, A Ross, 0 Jaekeou, 1 Barolay, W Miller. Good—Willie Long, Winans' Long, W Barton, 0 Lowry, R Haiste, E Holmes. Fair—G Jamieson, H Campbell. Mass JEAN RITciIIr, Teacher. 20th Anniversary Commemorated. Lest Sabbath wee the 20th Anniversary of Rev. Joo. hose' incumbency of Melville oburob, and was followed on Monday evening by a congregational social. A fine supply of edibles and steaming tea was served to a large and jolly company in the epaoions school room of the ohuroh. This enjoyable part of the pro- gram over an adjournment was made to the "upper sanctuary" when Elder Thos. Straohan took the chair and the congregation joined in singing "Bleat be the tie that binds," after which prayer wee offered. The chairman referred to the happy relations existing between the pastor and oougregacion ; to the able manner in which Rev, Mr. Roes did his work, and urged all to be faithful i0 at• tandem at the Sabbath services and the weekly prayer meeting. Mies Jennie MOArter gang "Don't leave poor Grandma, now she's old," in good voice. Rev. Mr, Roee end Mrs. Ross were asked to the platform when A. M. McKay read the following address, Elders Alex. Stewart and 0, A. Deadman making the preoentabioo of the gifts :— To Bev. John Rosa, 13. 4., Pastor of gel. villa Church, Brussels. DEAR PASTOR,—Melville Church con- gregation think this 20th anniversary of year pastorate a fitting occasion to thankfully make refereooe to a few of many poiute worthy of oommendation fn connection with these pleasant but swiftly passing years. 1st, Your ability in pulpit ministration. The olear•oat, praotioal and withal able dieooaraes preaohed from Sabbath to Sabbath have been a means of great profit to us in en- couragement, development, admonition and searching of heart and life. 2nd, In your multifarious duties as paetor, your visite to our homes have been wel- come, helpful and faithful, and year in. teres( and forethoagbtin casae of sickness or bereavement indellibly stamped on the families ooneerned. 3rd, If Melville Church has prospered along floaaoial Hues no small credit is due to your methodical arrangement, prompt and business -like management and the agree ability abaraoterizing the transaatioo of church affairs in both Session and Con- gregation. We have learned many lea - sous on Stewardship from yea by both preoept and example. Kind words may be more than coronets bat we wish to go a step further and give yon a more tangi- ble evidence of our friendship and love, and therefore ask your acceptance of this Fur Lined Overcoat ae a gift from the congregation, commemorative of your happy and eoaoeseful paetorate. We trust as you enjoy its warmth and tom. fort it will itluearet° the genuineness and heartiness felt by all toward you and yours. It also affords Os mush pleasure to present Mre. Ross, your amiable part- ner, with this Perlin Lamp, Silver Fruit Dish and Silver Fruit Spoon, a000m. panied by our beet wishes. May these pleasant associations be long continued t last mayon ae the Ceder. 1 and a Shepherd and e, ,representing your flooh, be safely brought to the Heavenly Fold. Signed in behalf of thTaos. SregTRe congation by acnaor, A. STEWART, A. M. MoKAT, J. B. MuLAIXFILIN, W. Inas. Rev. Mr. Ross' reply wee oharaoteristio of him. He thanked the people for what be termed their too kind expressions. The address set out the portrait of what a faithful pastor should be but he was afraid he fell far short of it. This wee nob the first time his heart had been gladdened by words of encouragement as all through hie 20 year pastoral term they had never been lacking. The splen- did gifts would be tbenkfully received by both Mre. Rosa and himself and would be highly prized. Did not think Mrs. Roes had an enemy in the oongregation and was sure she felt most cordially to• ward all. Their anxieties had often been lightened and their way smoothed by the faithful and lovingtnsnuer with which the congregation had dealt with them, He was not optimistic, but it was not likely possible that his pastorate could be lengthened to another 20 years, as some one had said, bat ha believed as long as (hay were associated together there would be manifested the same good feel. ing, in feat he would stay in no plans where there was strife. Thereatness of the work gives labor bo all both for time and eternity. His heart was made to rejoice by the feat given him by a rela- tive, that bis feral service in Melville ohuroh wag the means of pointing a per. eon to the way of salvation, who is now enjoying the everlasting rest, Xu oom. ing to Brussels Chore seemed to be a Peovidenoe in it, as be supplied for a fellow student who wag taken ill. For the time to Dome be would strive more than ever to do his part faithfully— would do his best, The oongregation deearve the hest that Inn be given them. He and Mrs. Rose would alwaya cherish their hind words and expreagioue.! Rev. David Forrest, of Walton, spoke briefly, owing to a throat trouble. He congratulated the pastor, and oougrega• tion on this 200) annivoreary and the address and preeentation. Thought a long pastorate the proper thing and rendered more blessed by the harmony existing. Mr. Forrest wiebod all oon- asrnad success, The next speaker was Jae. Irwin, who complimented the people on their Area. entetion, The address woe marred in ite reference to Rev, Mr. hose' olear.out- style of preaching tie he remembered a sermon preached by him at Atwood quite a few years ago on "Tbe Burning Buhl' A quartette, "The Nouse of Prayer," wee well rendered by Misses Lyda Crooks and Minnie Stewart and A. Straohan and J, H. Cameron. T. A. ilawkins presided et the organ. W. H. Kerr, of The POST, said a few things, after which hymn 237 was sung. The closing address fell to the lot of Eider Stewart who reooanted hie exper- iences with Melville church for a good many years and gave their preeeot pastor a full meed of praise for bis excellent work both in and out of the pulpit. Thought the addreea quite oorreot and it might have gone further. Advised the Genera. Kation to be faitbfrtl to their duties and thereby aid the pastor in the extension of the work. The Benediction was pro. nounoed by Rev. Mr. Ross, bringing to a oloee a moat enjoyable and long to be re• membered occasion. Melville ohuroh has set a worthy example that many another congregation might oupy with pleasure orad profit. Both the pastor and the congregation are to be heartily eon- gratulated over the 20th anniversary. P eople We Talk About. Ray Ainley was visiting relat Ives in Seafortb. Geo. Cline, of Wingham, was visiting in town this week. Mise Alice Sage, of Walton, was visit- ing Mies Mary Beattie this week, Mre. Brett, of Seafortb, is visiting her daughter, Mre. (Dr.) MoNanghton. Thos. Dennison keeps vary poorly and Mise Dennison is also 0o the eiok list. Mrs. J. T. Rose and Mise Lizzie Rosa spent last Sunday with relatives at Harpurhey. S. T. Plum is not yet enjoying very robust health but we hope improvement will continue. W. Hogg and wife, of Wellesley village, are here this week visiting their son who is on the sick List. Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy and daughter, of Wingham, were the guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Snider for a few days. Last Saburday Jae. Peebles had a ant initiated ma bis arm by a knife while working at the Evaporator. Mre. A. McLennan ie at Sealorth taking Dare of Mrs. McLennan, sr., who has had a stroke of paralysis. Tan Pose weloomee Thos. Bone and family, of Morris, to Brussels as red - dente. They moved in last week. E, 0. Danford arrived home this week after a 7 weeks' sojourn in the West in whish business and pioneers were nom. binedt Pater nogg has been on the sick list for the pest week, at the central Hotel. We hope he will soon be able to be about again. Mies Mary Varooe, formerly of Brueeele, but a resident of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., for several years, is now a citizen of Chicago. Mise Ella Inman, who has been em. played in a Guelph Dry Goods Store, has taken a situation in a Chicago Depart- mental establishment. Mise E, Zilliax, of Elmira ; Miss L. Zdlies, of Listowel ; Jno, Livingston and P. Herr, of Listowel, were vieiting at 0. Zilliox'e, Brassels, last Sunday. Dr. Holmes, who has purchased Dr. 1.albfleisoh's practice is in town and is being introduced by Dr, K. We welcome Dr. Holmes and family to Brussels. Misses Bessie and Tesaie Kellner, of Ethel, were vieiting the Mieeee Sample last week. One of the Mise Kellner's has been a resident of Ban Francisco, Cal„ until reoeutly. Jno. Wilbee has taken a situation with Mr. Job, carringe maker, of Wingham, going there last Monday. He will not move his family in the meantime from Brueeele. Willie Ainley has taken a position in Bellows & Alexander's furniture store, Listowel. He is an active youth with a good education and'should do well as no doubt be will. A. D. Duncan, reoeatly of the Standard Bank, Brussels, bas commenced work in the Imperial Bank, Winnipeg. E. 0. Danford celled on him as he was return- ing from his Westward trip. Mre. Thos. McGregor arrived home after an enjoyable visit of two weeks with her sisters at Chicago. Mre. Mao. thinks the aity is all right but is better pleased with a quieter order of things in Brussels. R. 0. Sperling, of Dauphin, Man., for- merly of Brueeele, was called to Blanch. and township recently owing to the de• cease of his mother. In a conversation with him over the telephone line, he ap. pears to be well pleased with the pros• peobe of Dauphin. We regret to state that Florence, the_ year and a half old adopted daughter of Dr. and Mrs. McNaughton, is seriously ill from a stroke of something like paralysie and recovery is doubtful. She took ill on Friday and everything that medical skill eau suggest its being tried. We hope a favorable turn will ensue. The death recently occurred in Eng• land, of Fletcher Salton, of Belle Avenue, West Hartlepool, at the age of 78 years. Deoeaeed was for 40 years a class leader in the Wesleyan Methodiet chetah and munh esteemed. Elle illness was short and hie death peaceful. He wag the father of Rev. Gee. F. Salton, of Hemil. ton, formerly of Brussels, and Rev, S. Salton, of Centralia. Harry Hewitt, who bae for some time had charge of Eumbnll'e jewellery store, Clinton, hag accepted a situation in St. Thome, and leaves in a few clays. He is a steady, induetrioue young man, a good workman, and only leaves beaches he is bettering hie oironmsbanaee, Mr. Hewitt is a brother to Sao. Hewitt, ton. serial artist, Brueeele, and served hie apprenticeship with Jas. Jones, jeweller, of this place. 'lure. Jean Blowetb, the web known Whereas, wee entertained ab Blenheim, at a banquet andreen eted with two well filled purses by Chatham and Blew helm friends, Friday night. She isabotib to take np her residence in 'Toronto,