HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-26, Page 7- _ .. .
OCT, 241 1499. THE BRUSSELS POST. 7'
._ --_ _ __.. __:.: _ __
-'...,-"'-r.:'_ - -'e-"-:`. __.._..r_-i--�.'.....:...-_..�..y.._..._,.-_•._.,,...__..•__--.� apart, 1(snvin a marrow ,utl,w:, r
TP I PP I1'6 �,r11 �1C� iA�l� �A�i�� wS T�� 1list through Lhe P<lge oCuna nE lits pied blear, g pathway ( M1sAi+l RIN(= TtiL 1:AR'Ptf. I THE SUPERIOR QUALITY (?
Is tIayl K - ,l , Cho Og oa acrgaunlr ,toil 1'hH CiarrlatlN eniHVHd hbH fnestirnnbla OnH hundred and hist:-fUui' :aero w s 1-E rn�aw rtorr ■ w m
- --. --t
It was it lucky ac,eddeut [hal. my TLE BY AN EYE WITNESS,.
friend Solan Ureon-that was slut his "
real name, but will do ae wall as any 'An JAWA ratlon or Mo lttttbtntg tlualltdes
other - SBOUVId fur the winter a very or err 1111je46y's and/aa Torres-4,31eaf
desirable residence at a surprisingly Bravery or ane Gordon Its gill
low rent, 'Pile rensuw at it was Chili While we Nat below In reserve f1- cry
the dwelling wits said to his lluutaLed, oohs down of "More amtnunition for
,tyllore thele is a gaunt, thorn asust this 17orsots," says a writer Liu Mae -
be It ghust story, and the Lille coria"OL_ m[llan's Magazine. The message, was
ad with the mansion Luken by Illy fbrsbed down accordingly, and soon
friend Ut•OULL was so udd Mail absurd t.hrae nuralttaitiun mulea appeared at
that 1 feet ubtigod to Left it in all few Lha foot of the steep climb about half
wurds as ponslblo'
A cortllio ilipl(mmt coa,lcLD(I with it mile below us, where the track skirt -
the Uurutau, or perhaps the AusiLrinn, ad Lim Side, of it very pruo)pitous ]till.
lflnabaesy, as it second of third 1,0017(ir rl.'be leading male came to a very, bad
Cary, [tad beau appointed to itis place bit Of fruits, did not .like the look of it,
through the influence of cartltin nubla iil,bed, uaeked, got tits bind logs aver
relatives at home who ware anxious to
got rid of him, JIe was the sort, of lifts edge, made frantic efforts to ro-
man who, Lu an eartior agu, would cover hill fooling, was dragged down
have pursued the oumppraLivulY Jucru- by the weight of Life ammunition boxes
Live prufteslml or M rubber baron, anti and called avec and over down out of
would have done well Dt it, but in
Lhasa later days he was a failure, anti, sight, The second mull promptly fol-
whita eviaoing� It daddedly predatory luwod his example, deliberately and
Lnolination, wits evontuatly redueed w without any foss, nearly dragging a
b.irruwing money wherewith to n1a,a- driver down with him. Transport offi-
tuln himself, cars and others familiar with the ways
Under those circumslancea, it Is not
surprising that his influential klafo)k at Life mule will Loll you that, instances
Should have been glad to Sea him pro- are not uncommon when mules, weary
vided with prutitaule employment in a at carrying hativy loads over frightful
foreign land. Lrnuka r y
,Being possessed of u title, an aristo- , grow nick of life and purpose!
oraCio manner a sd asuparb mustache, commit sulodB oven• the nearest proof -
much waxed at Lha oudS, this high- pine. This looked remarkably like on
burn adventurer head no difficulty in instance of it. The third beast., which,
Scouring it wealthy bride, I by the way, was not a mala, but u
The nexVstep, was Lo get rid of bar,
with it view to obtaining posseasi0n of long -logged wood of a pony, lot itself
the fortune which he had persuaded be coaxed along at little further, then
her to leave to him, by will, and this he Look fright, retired up close to the
accomplished by huldinir her head un- edge, fell backward cad went down
der water in the bath.
The Lecurvonoo wits attributed to a HEAD OVER HELLS,
fit, and nobody thought of suspeodag niter Lite mules, with [lie las,, of the
the robber baron, who soon afterward Dorsots' reserve ammunition. Itered-
left for his native country, buying con-
vorLLA his wife's astute hitu ready ibis as it may appear, both the mules
muuny, were got up subsequently, little tato
This is the story of the origin of the worse for their fill], riot, was any of
ghost, as it was told to me, For )fly the tamnlnnition on ib!s occasion )aft
own ,part, I considered JI: wholly nun- ns a presoiL for tile enemy,
sons[cal, and was surprieed to find
Chat my friend Green's daughtera, Shortly atter this A Company of the
Agnes and Katherine, believed Ln it Derbys, under Captain A'Tenzies, and C,
thoroughly, Anyhow, the mansiou,'as under Maj. Wylly, were ordered Lo re-
t +hast said, wits ranted astonishingly [lava the Do•sets in the firing line, Cov-
alseup by reason of, the ghost, find to
the latter on this account the Greens ering the advance or attempted lid -
bad every reason to feet Indebted. venue through the gap. "They have
I have to thank them for the frank- our range all right," Said the. Dorset
nese which they axl)ibiled in telling officer whom Captain Menzies relfov-
me that the room alloLLed to ms, au
the occasion, when I became their ed, as he sbowed him 'a 'bullet hole
guest for if night, was the particular through his belmot. Any man expos -
haunted ohambur. It was rattler a pe- ing himself for one moment there was
oui[ar kind of u "haunt," judging tram im'medinlely fired tit, while the, Afridis
their description, though it ought to above had made so excellent a use of
Ile explained that none of Chem had
ever seen it, or heard, it or telt it, cover Chat not a man among them wits
The account of it, indeed, came to visible, the smoke of their rifles offer -
Chem from other sources -from Lieu- lag the only guide fo• the direetton of
ple who know tile. family which hall
once Lultabited the dwelling'. None of our Lira. Next B, D and Ill companies
the Greens had ever dared to occupy were ordered up to the gap, B, bad
the room. , J']1oy, were kind enough to mutrohu(L out of oa np• to tilt: rear of
tell me, however, Chat the ghost was the battalion, and L immediately pre-:
reported to be entirely harmless. Defied them, rl'his order bad been
They described it its baing nothing malnLaisled throughout, so that D
more serious than a phantom hand, I `vent up first, followed at intervals by
which, in the SLlcnt watches of the 11: and B.
night• upraised itself iota the view of AS these eom'ptinfes scrambled up to
the occupant of the bed at the foot, reach the point where the slope lessen -
That was idl. I confess that I thought ed, fifty yards or so beneath the gap,
it rather gruesome, they came within view, for the first
,But 1 am not: a superstitious man, time at alone quarters, of the enemy's
It was with no, nervous qualms that I position and of 1,118 state of things at
undressed myself fur bed find put out the ga.p. Right opposite, only three
the light. I like the moonlight to handrail and fifty yards away, rase a
come into my chamber, when thele is line of almost shear ol!ff tour hundred
a moon, as there wits on this Gaeasibn, feet above us, listed for a length of
kat value is elqual, to that of nearly soma four hundred yards with an ]n-
and so t drew aside one, of the window visible enemy whose rifles and josails,
Curtains. Mo. Lly rifles, were all
'Phan, just its it slight mark of dater- LEVELLI:ID AT THIP GAP.
once to the alleged ghost, I took my Away to our right, out of sight from
revolver out OL my, nag and put it till- this spot, the cliff tock it sharp turn
der my p!ttow. 1t, tiny spook should bitckward and became less precipitous,
be au imprudent as to present and it was round this turn that the
itself. 1 m tau up my mind that I track eventually followed led to the
would have a shot at Lt. Lop, The gays itself, formed by the
It must have been not long lifter watercourse narrow!og to a funnel and
Midnight' when 1 Suddenly became -I at the top, was bounded on the, left by
don't know why -as wide awake its it large perpendicular piece of rook,
ever 1 was in my life. Perhaps and on the right by a jagged, ifLouy
without my being consofous of it, the crost with an impossible doelo at on the
ghost was in my mind. At all events, further side. .But the most hopeless
it was the first thing I thought of, part of the whole thing was the irfgh,t=.
and I .Ilegaa to recall the ciesm'iption ful block in the gap. Thei a muss
of it which: bad been given to mo. hfave been some three hundred or tear
1 looked toward the. foot of the bed, handred men jammed together there,
half-expaciting, though my goo+il sense aevoral wounded among tnam. Right
repudated the notion, that something in the mouth at the gnp, and plastered
might- happon, against the rook on the left, squatted
1 remained awake for it while, and it number of Gurkhas, olhoorless, dog -
found my attention fixed Somehow ged and sullen, thirsting to revenge
upon the Loot of Life bed though I the'elnughlor of their comrades.
Ivied my best to divert my thought to WINNING A VICTORIA CROSS,
utbor objects and ideas. Presently my The heroism of Colonel Travers'sgal-
sharp attention was suddenly, attract- lant regimaut, who bore the brunt of
act, 'There wits no mistake about it; it the first assault and Suffered more
was it finger which projected about an heavily than any other regiment on -
itself above the top- -of the rail, as if gagml, had nut boon so generally re -
feeling for a boldl cogstized as it doserved. [mntediatelyt
The finger, another finger, and then behind them, completing' the blok,
another rose very slowly into view, All was a Sivass of Dorse(s, Sa densely
digits. ware lel sL htl I ooknoa•-
Pive 11 these n so,on-
g peaked were a Los n, and
ledge that my little stood on and. cumbared with wounded, [hal until a
But I retained my presence of mind, line tbtoul 11 them was cleared, as was
and as the wholo hand -a white and done for Lhe Cordons, it was only pos-
ghostly band like Lha( of a Copse- sible for any fresh Croatia to elbow a
lifted itself above the footra[l, ,t reacbv way tbrough slowly one by one, and
Oct geutly and qutatly beneath my pil- the continuous sLretm necessary to
low and grasped my revolver, p ions carry the place with a rush, the only
ah trusty weapon, unci courage oarnu chance of success, waa then a phys,col
back to me as I Look hold of Ji, Yeti, imp ossibil[ty. Nevertheless Captain
I I:;hought of what use is it pistol .Smith 'Who commanded D Company,
against it ghosty the first of ours to song up, foa'ced
Nevertheless, as caaLiousl'y as I his way through the mass, and, follow -
could, 1 levelled the revolver tit the ad by his subaltern Pennell and three
phantom blind and took careful aim, or four more mon of the Gompany who
I may any Incidentally that: I out amAtnugad to Struggle through tit Short
very good pistol shot, kntorvals, ""'do a dash across the gap
(Bang! into tike opon, under a. murderous hall
I fired -and an instant later f was of; buffets. Before he hand- gone there'
writhing in agony on the floor, my Ilhtan a few yards he fell, shot through
yobs of anguish quickly bringing the the head, and than (non behind hien
family to my ossistatae, in Spite of were mowed down, Private Dunn be -
their belief in the ;ghost, fn gkilled on Lhe spot and Private, Pom-
It was my own Coot Chat I had shut• berth mortally wounded. Pensioll, not
ils,o bullet went oloan through it, bet, knowing his captain was dead, won a
tween the bones oL; the great and soo» Victoria Cross by makimg gallant. Dr.
fond toes, I hell not, missoct my Milli, forts t0 aarry him, back under cover,
I found L11e 8xh)lanation after a Lime, all
ote him some way with diticulCy,
the Poottail was very low and (he mat- adgsi[some non .lying on the
tress a little too long. The result: ground, eillled to them to anstst. No
was that the bottom of the bed wits (tnswar cnrece nL first, until a Loan of
"bumpy," almost like a pillow, and the tba DOrSOL'S lifter[ his head; ane[ answer•-
sleeper's feet were Be high Lhat Ills ecl, "We are all wounded, Sir, except
Loon were likely lie atick u[n fine] Show, those flint are dead," Then mooing
I have a habit, when lying a-valoo that it. was hopeless, lie, placed poor
of placing lila I1Ge1 of one Enut nal lire Smil:h'S helnvat over his Paso, the
instep Of the Other. I ontst have done I:NEkNtY'S BULLETS.' WHIZZING
this unconsciously. hence the slow around lido ,all tho Utile, unit madn for
rising ififo view of the Shadow -hand. the Shelter of the gill$ again. Anotias,
TAY excited itnngiltatinn must bavo fill- small party with Llautcallat Way fill'-
oilin the dotal' -s, ed Ila boiler, Way osanped wiLbi a but -
both severely wounded almost am soon ttc.•IIa.LILKa lit uetAtK +u a eerLaur """" i to measure "an arc of morld[an:' 'J'he( �1�y �11 �"�
Ica they orosslod life gill). lioLhl the familiar whh the gruuli(l, train having I purpose at such arca, whfals have been J s t
marl wuro mabse[ ueatty awarded the deNeoudad from J)argai two days beforfs'
I j measured on varloue parts of the globe,
by the voty path which they were slow
O1rL1unknown igisitshed ('reasuas,G1a 411 u h Ile about, to ).laced. They therefore knew 1 Ira, eu and
a dnf. liar aatnulaLh. tn e Ilia speaks for itself. A trial is the most convincing' argument in Its favor.
name, with (base of other officerrs, was lh at when ohoo Lite dnngeruus Spo±e hlfal'n ulwas�ahuutill4 utiles in length, Lead Packages. , , , ...ZSr 30, 40, 50 & GOc.
brou *ht, forward, never won even men- I11 this rout at the ei,LP was crossed i
b and with flee exception of u short are
tiorfed In dinpaLehes. (118 heights could ba Cordd.ons'
Moreover, I in South Africa, it. is, Chs only one lever '"�'---_______.._._...._.____.___ -----
-__ ___._.�T_--_-_-.-
shortly before the Gardena' adorn(+o THi+. FUTURE UNFOLDED. Solid Gold, _V2.86
Mon grow disue+Mrtanad, .Such Lire llaneral Kenapslar had .asked 1vr• It measured in the Soulbarn Heuaisphera,
could be Plead no more, There wits a rapid artillery fire to be cuncen(ruted This year a COMMISSiun, )leaded by hba-Suppose I didn't diens as well Bomb Gold Fill 1.50
dreadful pause, for a full half hour, on ilio onemy'a Nungus, and al this mo- i nrmy officers, has been sent frur)1 as I do note, would you love me its G rSUoldPill 1.00
during which ilia attack stood still. A want. a perfect civil of shot and h`rilnes to 1-llnetlsure the old me in lnuobtiAlk P y
m'essago was flualied doom to General Shot brake from life eighteen goon un' Peru, The rvineasurtimant. In regarded n • BestGlaawa.. 100
Biggs Chat the troops could not nil- the ILuLal and swuPG over our ]toads nn of great se.entfffa Ina )ortance on ae- IID. Certainly, dear. 1Vify, that
L We guarantee perfect satisfaction,
Vance, Tho engagement hod lasted upon this position, tinder cover of count of ilia advances (lint. have be<.ff is its mush as to sea that L won't ��,�� ®a
now four hours find cocoons neemed no this, oombhwil with a torrent of In- mado since the first measure wan laic_ Pare for you rifler we, aro married. �I.��� �� is
nearer than at the beginning. The chipo that. fire from the DorsoLit, Der- on, — - 93 Yonge Street, Toronto•
aseault so far bud failed, and failed b S and Gurkhas, the Gordons Straiten- —®— ai "Pay,te,otOrnaby,rtne.
completer It was 2 o'clock; none uP y Plial aQ)h 11]G. Oignr 6fauueaaturur.
y ed through the gap one after unntbetr (�� �a pp��ppggqq is tam® 0aareay.,
the second division had advanced it as fast as they could clamber up, and + r"tAr- RIS LEAD, COPPER, BRASS.
step beyond the KoLal toward Khor- ditelaed across the open spuce be- AFTER 20 YEARS It is Said that mieary !twin company, Wholesateonly. Loeg Dlstanne Tuleplo 7
appal and things looked remarkatly yond, but it doesn't entertain itis oompany WILLIAM ST„ TORONTO.
ugly' Blrl,LETS \3'BASTLUID AND SJ?AT I very well. ._�______--.•-.--
"THE CORDONS WILL 'CAKE IT J' I John Nicholas Babcock, of Sharbot �—+
all around them as thick e,3 sworn but, ' LaIC9, Released La Toscana, 100. fill LA() tY 1yfoDlteeoui;
But the time and the men were now though a large number were wounded,
at. hand. More than an hour before the forLune so far favored them that only -^ "" '
R 0 KC a )`0
Gordons bad been ordered up' from Aln- one officer find two men wero actually I A i'rtnoner fo -rola Caused by tarnyel A man finds bimself In Lhe hands of
ma khan, where their long range vol- killed, a smaller number than that lost I and Otter ludney Trouble -Til en ty a hard creditor when he borruWa li Ou- Cnranl Cnaee Nc,lth Drink. Plrtytvllele.."'e, Nourl.h,
logs can hardly have been very effew by ally of life other regiments. 'Yrob- I Yrnrs u1- 5nlrrrmg-ltoloaac tit 61sT h,gg 1.54 ib., n1- •Z a+ie. Pnr'lia. Ruaru lite,Iup1 to 90d aoa'oqq
it+1i'I,or Q- ig nn fin,enrs, u, send 11%- Iia, [-Ib. paella,/
Live, to reinforce the attack, and the ably the ,enemy's fare grew wilt( and i Last by potid's r:ldary 1-1114, __ t„ the ROlc+:o nor". Co., 151 t1uesn E., Toronto.
Sed Sikhs flat long after Them. These imlceurate under Lha storm of shrap ltarhot Take, Urt. Jfi,-it was w[l.h A¢entAwanted inevcrylocality.
fresh troops had now climbed up to net that rained upon their sanras, aid- 1 Q'IfGE:Es'FE'rs 1 rTVtho YIdNgPAL.T — - ---
6 feelings like tbtr.�e Of sotnn f,UOr prithat TnvOOD.esand n,011S RA IOW CASES. ALL CASES
Within A Paw hundred yards of the gap, ed by the sight of the now a /last e1- released from u�njuNl, raptiviLy ilial LLOYD woOD,Taroato,okINERAZAGRNT.
and a signaller brought a message to continuous Stream of men pouring Nrr. J. N. BQIa'o'•k, of lbL.e pinee, rvaliz- r
our colonel from the general to say-, through the gap; for in quantity at cid hr was cured-froa at, last from the Perfection is made up of trifles, but Office and R°nk Fixtures, Modern
!Tile Gordons and the Brit Sikhs will least int had not abated one whit. In ,.iapt.ivity of disease. -For twenty it's as trifling mutter to attain perfec- Stole Fronts, Mirrors and Plate
attack; Derbys and Gurkhas in cup- a momeatary pause, altar the first I leo years, hr had been !n the depths of tion, Glass. For low prices write
port; Dorsets in third line." Soon groups of Gordons had passed, a com- Ilie dungoon of pain caused by Gravel -- I
after the red tabs of a staff officer
pony of the Derbys stared up and fol- }and of her forms of Kidney Disease, There is more Catarrh in this soctiDn at ill, TORONTO SHOW CASE Co.,or two appeared, Start officers up to lowed Chem, and then anoLbor, and For Lwenty v, -ac's hes her[ been strug- ' ountry then all other diseases put together,
this point had been Luumpinturimly ab- thin, Ile Learn a dam let loose, the long' glln(.r to esrnpe Ju. vain. '!'here woe undlunb�lt1ornQt.Eow �nnrivvearadon4 it to
sent, and too were ordered to. with- pont up mites as the gap bruke through no door left untried, no look not cars-
�' __ ... _-_.--
draw our companies aside. Than aruse and an indiscriminate crowd of Got rennoedl n by colsoasc,andi,rescrlbml loll 8��
fully examined. real britmenty nronatnceditlin{;la (:•'will, �t�aav„t,rs„a�ww sod
a. arrear from, the spot below where does, Derbys, Dorsets, Sikhs and Gm k- 1 T•iaty at ]est he seta the light of da local troatmon4, pronotmoad JL incurab;e. Sri +� lj tl �pfllj Gr
Colonel A[athias, very muoh the right has were rushing pollmell across the I The. prison is behind him, forever. He encu has prcven catarrh to be a conetilwi^ G-LRZIti7
moa in the right pines, hod halted and open. disease, and therefore requires cuflAituttunut
I is Bane ]Vida pain. ,End ,tile key 'lay treatment, I1airs Catarrh Caro, manufacture(: in every vinage to pronnra lists of oameik pml work in
closed up his regimen;t.. and addressed The day was won. Whetber it was, to his hand for this Jost ten years and by P. J. CLODDY &Uy„Tate d o, 01)to.rsi.laoonly trnro time. Remuneration, 82 for ovtry 12 Doom
them Jit that famous speech which will its some think, that the enemy's supply ! !ie never knew. The key was Dodd's I ii'.n-tituliolallouro.on b la market. Ib ]sat ken A,Ply' THEENTERPRISE
ever be connected in history with the of ammunition was running short aft- ; Kidtist' P[Its. internally in osestrom rop pCO.,
name of Dargal.; "Hi hlanders, the er the five hours' fight, at, whether I Cul• It ac!d directly on the bl,+o l (ind muoou+ 67 YONG)=, ST„ TORONTO.
g g g Dodd's Kidney Pills (fere given to i surraces of the syAom. They caller one bond -
general says the position must be Ink- they were oowed by their failure to mankind ten pears ago. Sines then I red,iohar, furan: cute Ir. fsfls to Dare. Send -'- `
e,u al. all costs. The Gordons will take stay the advance to the toot of their I they )Cove been she m-ister key in for oarcu)ars and Iovtimnnials.
it,,” If ever ono man's cool ant ranca osilion, they broke and fled when the i Address, N.J.CIIHN5:Y&CO.,Tulodo,0, Michigan land for Sale.
P thnusunrls of cam Ilrighl'a DiNease. Sold by Dru6• tet•, Mr.
and unbounded confidence in Itis regi- Leading troops -were still two hundred, Diabetes,, Rheumatism, Elearl Disease, Hall'dFarestyPLINarethebest. $DegAOREB CeOa FARMING TCNAd
ment helped to turn frspanding disan- yards below them. The final storming i loom). Nfigmna,v and Central,
Cranford It ,% Counties, Tale per
g , Dropsy, 131atlklFT �fellil l'Pinnl'y' ('am- �— feet On M.inhigsn ODntnd, Do•rntt & lluckinno aa�
(:or into brilliant SUOUSS, rt was (10718 of the Steep track to the crest, which plaints, Woman's Weakness and Blood Same things should lie curtailed„ but Loon L.ke Roam"Is, at prices ,argils from 92 Eo.
by Colonel Mathfa's fete strong words a few resolute men amply supplied Disorders. if Mr. Baecnnk had known tidings of joy are not in that category. racro. These Lauds aro Class to ltntorpneing Now
Chat. afternoon. 7taused to Pierce en- with ammunition might still have g - g Y• liew°s,oltnmile.$schonls..m,a°dwlllbeautdonnloat
g he might have been liberated Long re4.onM1bletmne, Apply to
thnalAAm by Choir leaders stirring made impossible, was accomplished un- a,go, R. M.PIEROB. Agent, West Bay City brah,
spseeb and by tate familiar skirt of the S'esfsLed. '"then, at three O'clock pre- i 'But better late than never," runs MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. Or 3. W. OUR'r1a, tVhlEtomuro, Mloh.
pipes, Life Highlanders leaped to the afsely, the heights were crowned, be- l The proverb, and Air. Babcock is grate- Th® tt Balmoral " tre0 Bu 3 Am PI..
aaanwlt. Up Choy come, a long, thin yond some sPltaahes of blood and ]leaps rill at. escaping from the dulcites of _.._—._ _ __ '_. -. _. S1.50&ur _ - -
stringg of man with stern, set faces, of empty eargidge cases, no sign was Kidney Diwmw at all. Ho wnyn: Fnrnp... Pine,. Roca.,
stumblin Scrambling up the steep, visible of Afridi or Orakzai, alive or ; I Hotel Carslake, Irmns1sa day up. ovp. 3 BOYS AND CII LSI,
g> g "After Lwonty years of pain caused' G.T.R,Station,Mowrral. Geo.Corslake&Co„Propa. d GIP
a frenzy of courage, not to be gain- (Lead. This seems to preclude Cha be-' by Gravel and othe[ Kidney Trouble, - ----- --- -- WE ARE GIVING AWAY
P Iam leased to make it that I AVENUE HOUSE-mnfou-C.tainge Avenue.
sn[cl, amid oeoaeional spasmodic gasps lief that their losses can have 'been � o='••+•+•” 1-»p.,..
p Fsmd,• FloLel intoe :1.50 mneoam,
from the pipes and cheers trim any very heavy. Ours amounted all told hnye been eampietely anted b}' Dodd's ],or day. l n ^'^.. , ., -�". _. I t
who had breath to utter, a sight for LU A hundred and ninety -nice, ]naiad- Kidney Pills. 'During lheae years 1 t ���oppnau.aa.T.R.Depav 5 �_ W;"" .1s:. :gym N
those who witnessed it to in three officers killed, ten wounded, ST. JAMES' HOTE two fdaoka from G. ih 9 `°" `"" '
g lin Ve Spell hold reds of d01111r9 but 1WItrny. Flret•atnse Onmmeralnl Fouae. Modem lm wMastoN 4uPPLv "Does "npae.a a.a I
R.11IARIVIBER ALL THEIR LIVES. one fatally, and thirty-three men kill- 1 (without any testing relief." pro..manta-Itatea moderate. � ' -'I
But no huger was the attack to be ad' I "Yours respectfully.
"iOH'4 Nil'HUI,AS BAB('U('K." Everything comas to those tylia wnJC, �����1®� ���q ROYAL Mgll
attempted by the fruilaehs valor of e
Stovall cletachmemts and driblets of. men ROENTGEN RAYS. � -- It is now ilio autumn leaves' turn. STEAMSHIPS
i t ruggling through a crowded mass. I BOILING IN LIQ1.TID AIR, W. P. C. 994 Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
As the Gordano )reared the gap the rbclr Growing Use ht Medlcla* end I Liquid air Js so cold that' mercury Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
word wits passed up and shouted along Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
to "clear a liaise for the Gordons," and lsllrger'y I Immersed in it turns solid and can be ��°' ,
�ALVE•R 1 S .Rates of passnae:-First Cabin, $50 upwards; Second
the moss above surged and swayed From time to time the records of the employed to hammer a nail. Yet, Oabtn,s35; steerage, $2z.s0%nds2s50.
medical profession give evidenoa of. wife,¢ a lass lobe containing li aid Carbolic Disinfectants, soaps, (lint- For further Information apply toloeatastonts,or
p B B q malt, Tooth Po -dors, etc., have been DAVID TORRANCE & CO., Coaernl AgenE
the important place which "the RoenL- hydrogen is 'immersed in liquid lir, awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior 17 St. Sacra,nanL^at,. Maetrtl.1.
Ili,, hydrogen gently boils, and grade- excellence.. Their regular use prevent inteoti•
T„�jy n ], jp� p�1 . gen rays have permanently Laken in ,,its diseases. Ask your denier to obtain a
L 11,e1 Rel tlllg Pains both medicine and surgery, The, fluor- I ,�(.ingl overtta slotwrtfilre. water The tPm- supply. Lists mailed free oa application.
ascent soreen has now reached such a perature of liquid air is, 318 degrees F. C. GALVERT & CO., 0 610E E w9 �/ICHAPLEY
-- 'degree of perfection that, with fluoro -I Fa+hreahelt below zero; but that Is MANCHESTER, - ENGLAND, Galvanized Steel
THE VICTIM AWELL-KNOWN AND scone in hand, the physician can detect hot" compared with the temperature Windmills andPOPULAR HOTEL CLERK. Cha minutest moQ menC oP the heart I oI liquid hydrogen, which is about LO ■ To send for our TDWers. .1- 0 degrees below zero. Professor Dewar 11810 complete or our. and lungs, and the least change in the finds it Impossible to prevent an open MUSIC CATALOGUE Bross Flag Staffs,
and SPECIAL RATE Craln Brindons,
kftcr Other IGuIIDlnot Felled Ile waw alCiou of the diaphragm can be watch- vessel containing liquid hydrogt+n from CF DISCOUNT. we [ran and Wood Pompe,
Cased by Dr. wlltlitnl5' r111k 1'111+— blaving a whitish deposit of solid, air I are equipped to see supplies. BRANTFORDCAN-
ad and studied at leisure in the liv- qqq,q���� supply every MUSIC
aavery Doie Ceaatml Ila the RAti IC At 1110 bottom, because' t,]]0 n1011nent r{.� Band for Now Catalogue. MooEion tlnla paper,
or rata. ing subject. In short, there is scarce_ the air comes in contact with; the 8 lYhale RICO RoCanadyce ly any change in connection with Lbe I liquefied hydrogen it i, frozen hard yr y THE MOST NUTRITIOUS.
From the News, Alexandria, Ont, lungs and the heart and great vessels I and sinks through the hydrogen. F, Go.,
There is no more popular hotel clerk which can not now be seen and photo- • lesTonflisSo
Ln Eastern Ontorio than Mr. Peter Wanted TORONTO+ ONT. 1= P ,,Lfth lfflmhl
McDonel1. of the Grund' Union Hotel, graphed, and scarcely a disease of the CAVA LILY CREAM
P %J %J
Alexandria. Ab the present time Mr. chest or the organs which it contains' ctnurea a youthfulcamt loxton. nend26e+intsfor trial COLD OURS lo.. Carl-, to °Jiffy. P. AID.
MCDarcell is in the ' enjoyment of ' per- ' bottle, or est mad for airaucar on skin pad complexion. Carter's p concerning whish the most wLtlaable;Addreee-'.J,VRQUVAnT,489QueenSt.w.,Torouto. Cnmmek&Co..Ascot.,nrnntr... GLATEIrUL-COMFOP�TING.
face health, and a stranger meeting information can not ba obtaimed. A; J Nawimponationesneat . IN 0 ,110,111% 0
him for the first limo could not imagine —'� -- $aUSage C1SIngS-E„gosh sh.ep+,ua Am
that if mean with the healthy glow and Surgeon can now Loll whether injured \then a mon does ittke your advice eriaan Hog Ca4tnga-rca+ble 6•ooasatrib•]rt prices,
energetic manner of Air. MoDonell bones are in their proper relative Sit- I he Dots no though he had done you A PARIC, BLACK ELL & CO.. Toronto.
C k.ffi A
c:)DId ever have felt a symptom of (lis- Dation without touching the splints or great favor, -mss T14E DES MOINES INOUBATOR-Beat and cheapest BREAKS AST-SUPPLR.
ansa, tfhere is t1- story, however, !it, ]vin the patient n moment's lain, O.Rolland, Dole agent for the Dominion, Send Bot,
connection with the Splendid degree of giving 1 Trlley'S FOOL. anmp Lnr outnlegue. 3733t. Paul Street, fi[ogtraa4
Ob` of the must beneficent reaulls of
health attained by hiin; that la w01'Lll •1'hU 9Lep •tiwlxt lila ailblimH ttnd 1'I[li- +tl,-p "BEAVER BRAND” MAD4.intoeh Cr(] TO .moi '
telling, It is it walk known, foot that radlograpllio progress is the fact that! Cttlous is quirkly .mndLr Sural,v, lit- ;Rf , aevor hnrdrns&is in
Ma"i water.
tl fe\\" years ilg0 he -vna l}]e Vlatlln Cho (10IOOtltln Of rOnAl onlculi ono IIO-Y-erolure 1;Tesenls ria Snore, roteaque, Proof, Ask: E.1-lt,tnke no other. a, ° D�
of tiro most exoruaiuting pfunaoLrheu- g varxNborOloEhln,Ou.,Moatroal, a�� ®�U1i�N�
'•oaths Knowing those facts oaNews be looked forwaard to. witha fair degree idealization Ihan Trilby's fool, unit the _.._
Of certainty, Dr. C. Af. IVloulin believes numerous worsh,i[)pers that have Pig- CagNTo oolong school oRsre sneoml Advtsntnsra via..... .
rrenorter culled on Mr. McDonell for uratvely speaking heat knees and TEo.ldn.iruu""S` Suh•inga '"m s thorough knowledge ,.r
the ryurpose.UP elictkngfuller piu•Cfeul- that before long the examination at, n' kfesed the. big toe Df the foot, when(%,,tEinyandbtEtleg(lentivirensGnrments. Write for Personally conducted
are. Without basiLation he attributed patient's chest through the fluoro- re((son glee more comes to their res- partf 1111 IMI 11101SM
his presao , m, state of health to g ttavongost„ Toronto, California Excursions IMI I
\• 1-i knit ]illi '1 0 • soopo twill be considered its much a l coon will fuel Its if t}le kprn(luaian of
the use o'L Dr, t l to P Pills for this genus Ass were perennial. 11y peomnytaa.a via MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y and
Pale Pe• Lite. "I lin" said he 83 matter of course In. all doubtful cases 1 the way. did y+tnt entice wben readln (� � ��'��� wife hove tailed
sill's of are, hitt three years ago 1. did Ile an examination with the slotbo,l •how g enbcouredalao•
not expect6 to live this long• it, that Scope is a[ the present time, :Elle 1-; cam's Cornlllxltactor whichdrmiders Dr,ArnoLt,serannhowilloo°,i...youheasno ...ou IRON Iii®tINTAIb'I ROUTE.
time .1. wits connected with the Cam- ray Is now employed for the detection im ress[ble, tho discordant excrescence, ----- TI-IROCUH TOURIST SLEEPERS.
martial here and nsparLofmv duties at incipient pneumonia, also in cnsenjeoiZ. '.trilby's foot Would not be nermnnenttyoarop LO\\!EST RATES,
C.naan"h ,13 nes+•, For Colt Information and reservation or 41ct+ping ap+
was to drive the 'busses to tied from where the Symptoms suggest tuber-; worthy of homage if marred by corns; ® a� as tbrent, atmnnoli bortha, Address t
the C. A, R. Stiatlot, I was exposed to Cable meningitis, and in pleurisy with; neJlhor would yours. Ude Putnom'm 'ttILA;I(blor• 50
o&y,abex, write for partim,Iars,Tho 14.0. 7•avrxsarp G,P.&T,A.,St. Lcnds, to.
alt kinde (if iventlten Land anbjeeled to effusion Or' OulPyemit, A cure Is re-; Coria Extractor, Indian Catarrh Lura Cu.. 146 St. James st., Almrtn+pt,. --DTA nAn�•tau,NtLT i',A„7'N .dalasEit. trh ncpy. Iii
the Sodium extremes of bent and cold, corded of tuberculosis of the elbow I BiddaLL-y1L4DN, D, P. A., 113 AJM1In&eLn ahiattgo, Ili
PAlong }n life ear'lY• spring 1 loos cudjoint. Tho joint Wtte exposed to the; 'L'he in(livldunl -chorobs Petert,0plyEM-11
B, R. ANNETT, Ntanagar.
denly attaoked with tho most terrible ray two or three times a week for' Paul Usually strikes Paul for a larger ,r =` JOHN J. MAIN, Supt and recall,
pains in my limbs axiJ body, I sought two, hours each Limo, until the total i Latta Intel,. .- o • B 1
i about twelve hours Aft- .__ % _ Q� till
.relief in (loaWra incl then in pft.enl: exposure will b r I -- --- -- -- -- - - The ed�•rpi'Usdan
Inled[eines, but all to no purpose; notb- ter each e'xp[isltr0 to W0t dressing \va6 , FOR OVER FIPTY YEARD '- ”-''�`.` _ '...
Ing seemed to afford orlief. 1+'ur LWo applied. Soon till sign of inflam-; 00TE1NG SYRUP has been OM MON SENSE KILLS Reaches, Body
Months 1 was a hal ]lass invalid ,outlet-- !nation had disappeared, and [here was used b smother, farstti Ir rhildrnn teething, Itsoothen � Oulta, Ruts and bnee, suW by all ��� � � (S ;v a' ff et
L used y Druggists, or 881 Queen \Y'. Toronto. ,ai
n( return of the disonae. Extl'aordlll-' the obild, nations the gmto$ nllayll ±pin, aures rvi. .
ing s, JA ha the nloat a aruaal iltg a mil, a.;o• a t a
l e
olio Iola In dna ha9t. relax t for r putt
to have beets recorded in lh
r r u] v Ba
-a.- n es world .
•ill he cora
a a. lvl' haenda -and lin stye led is throughout t
p Y L 1 Y . tie. 'Boldo all dr,l..I L g LAW mills'
Mlit �,•
0 Halos. +,
yy BOILER and I was txsitivo the and ]oils tip-,u'ealmout by X-rays ct lupus i nntl',.urenndeator"Mia.winelvw'aSosthing8ymp' Bnrrtators,atD.,removBd
'p'roaching• Ar.y heitrt tva.s effect:edand varinua skin diseasBs, chruniC entiema,' to 4Vo'dn Bla e.,Rleh•
Indeed I won utmost in cle8pair, when 1 favus, psoriasis, ate., and now children' 'There is poetry iii'. flowers, but the mond St, vV.. Toronto. F5planade,
torLsiantely a friend of. Our fondly re. are regularly examined by the sante:vorsvoloicers Light shy at this chtysan. Opp+ShorbouraeSt,
e iz n nsiCiot o the
Books Rosaries, G
+ meclivan ih s o u d t
aolmnr.ucled life Use Of DT. \Fi IlfLllla � P nam athOlic Pra e1-
Pink Pills. 1. began using them in A'Iay, I liver and spleen, as welt as of the. the t l04 y affixes, so,u4nio a,
rnaelmm 1'iworas eMa1l6,y, mid receive Oipt%tb4s' Lal h Class �Wptor Tube Steam
1,890, and had token three 1]0x03 be- kidneys, being eVOII Iliol'a readily de- T/1 CIIICR A CI11,6 is OYIt I/AY Cdnnndomd works. Moil,mdore rocuivD prompt niton•
fore I noticed tiny cha,uger, but iron [ermined Chan with adults. By giving ( Take Laxative Broino Qahlino Tablokq, All Eton. - 0, &J. SADLIEll & CO.. Montreal. Boilers, for All Pressures,
that time every (lose aourtLed. 'L'he-subnitrate at bismuth with brand and druggists school 1110 Money if•it fella to cure.
c, IL, lv, Growe'a wg•itituro is on each box. The Dawso Commission it, Ited Duties and Fuof.
blood seemed to thrill through my milk, changes in ilio size Dncl shape of 7e, % Co.,t n a
veins, and by the. thncs I hall .finished, the stomach after it Meal slay be fol- — Car. West.Markot& Colborne St., Termite, SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOCUE,
Che fifth bee every tendo of the tile. lowed. It is n filly the average pian Can't Call got yon bent PtWofl for your Apples, Better, Nggs,
h(17•raw motto Ila olictily as Ile cart' bar- Poultry, and other ptodaae, if you ship It to thorn. Toronto Weotdo Lfaht Cm, Lauitod.
elL3e lltl,d Vatllahecl LVP-1' 41nn0 than I •---F-- y �f(��,ip(lrp(1i�(1Q Tho T, Daton Oo., Ltill too.
have been working hard and Ire cant- REFLECTIONS OF A BACHEL01t. Tow trouble. 'tf ' � iIIU1I IUIIUUU o lUns.eyto-Io, Go, Limttod.
�y�tt� �� �,�'��� ii1 1111 11U "rho6uttnPerohihingimied,
ly long ovr.,ftinre, but have coni: need ,u a n I 1 The Wilson Publisiiing Co.,Oa., Limited,
In exeallent itcul:th. Whenever Ifool Some people keep the Sabbatb so B ' 9 91 Gives nmv uta to ChD Par the very bostaond r.ar,vork t, Elie I(Nltdmaroutu,whereboilorsmnyttoasanwarklu,,)
.lite, Slightest. Symptom of [Ile troublo holy that they don't ivorlt an Lor L,'b,A' � `lvdohair. lEreakcacolor, GsRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00.11
p y �, amt root makes It grow
I uses the pills for it dayl or so and soon three day). before or throe days nPtor. t Sold by all druggist -q, Soc, a bottle. Loolc for agent Iuyour town, or yond direct, y PERMANENT t - •a 1
feet its well nyi'ever. It feel that' Lowe Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, CA ���i�l A P �y��i,��i�dN' �(iN
mV, health Ila Dr. Williams' Pink Pills __- -- --•-•------`- • -. __ -_ _I��-
an(1 never lune an op ortunit of to R O 0 F )I H C and Sheet Metalworks. Loan and. Savings Company,
P Y (y ROOV NG Sr,ATM to slack, r a.¢)i[I•,GeAI'aD I8f,5,
conintondi.ng thorn to oiliers suffttril tt . y/� / - Ited or (moon. SLATR BLAniCBonitDR 11vp anptdy
an I -Fila, I/r>'t/ /�vft, {'%'%�,�°y ,{,.$�{£/ f se". Public And High soh.0,11.ranta). RDamtgrau,l'atch, The Oldest acid Largest Canadian Mort,
p eat Tar, oba. ROOF1hia Tlldu(tSeo Nnw linty Bal id+ gage Corporations
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills elute by r In,LTnrnnto, danohyuurflrm11. I[eLnl Ceiltng4, car.
• deaAata. Eatimatnshruhhodtar workmmpllya sa"stl Paid-up Capital - - $2,000,Uo0
91C r n.: f h disease,. at I 1
goirog to t. oto (lie disc .e y
q+�,,, O- pia toiTHle (l1- ,Dd to Ad miter rdladmmtry. Phnnvltt.J l caelNn Flmd 1,200,Uop
a'e41eW rI1lC1 build illy '!'.he blood, tl,n<l at•4a..rt/ ��, ��>}�"t�'r•'✓ �°'�a. D. DUTNIB&ONS, Adelaide&wldmar3E9,rTOronte
slev,ll their the nerves tlhus driving /�`''��°(,°�,g .. . •r t Nona gfflcs-Toronto St„ Tol'onto,
g 6 / ,
disease :front Lh•e sysLem. Avoid inti u � � s Draaoh .mium--vllnalpag, Men., vaeoonver, R.0,
t:nt',ionn by insisting thtgt ovary box 16, J � tABAp �Aahpt ap gm�^A�6g "tV,BT.,._ . T
o A1rc1 nye •S enclosed in writ t int da ® IItH® D biI Y�GY�b+ St lbrnerrs RNt,t9rVt b. L,Iorrat allowed.
Yup , , l u wrappet
�1, 1?BRNTURI;N 15471Et1 for 1, 2, 8,.4 n1- d :acres
Tlda book rnnfnina ono roltftt end D
bearing ilio full lrttdc mark, 111-. Wil- ��/ Al� e,
,, ,, / U,pa., Inn or Lho hDnt humoman rrcltml„as, with tutorest roapmrs nNatehed.
Li Rllta' Plait ]')ills PDP 1'nln People. TP. �g ,., � �'^ ' ✓Z. ,v t4�' /' `iE�. <li PP bWb� wbmemg ills No,tre enol,,-,, Irish And
(%�,� SCA ' /% t „ il10Na,V1,P3 1'on octtrlEqupromostatemort6ng(K
OW,.,w;,„• nutuh dlnlDnts, hath in n1- a amt versa povurmnuut nod 111aniaipnl U nap, rte,
your dealer does not kir+p' thont Chr3' �py� ('p(Q�.... +- as woo an h"" is m'NAaonn n[' _- ._. - .,..--
iyih b1- Soni pttxhpa.Jtl nl..,ll ecntn a. hex, ��f�,, •Ga„ a ovary kind end rl,nhtohir, sent. gnat,
�'�J���®� p
6 p,91d,, with Dm' 111uatmtaa u+ad„ 1-o nt Vor tardtar pfttlWah n9 Apply to
at. nix boxes fol` Z,l-))' ly a(1(11'eaailtR` BN.'d,r'n'4.& ' • /" " h7t1. itonl(a And noV0141DA for nnlytoncsnU. -
(Ill, Dr. \\'il.liatna' CedtcineCo.,Braclt- �;;� r..,ay�m .wohnitam tthperariato ane in Dlreotar,Toronto,
Ville, Ont. ® 4 Itrongostau Toronto. ow" M g [