The Brussels Post, 1899-10-26, Page 60 TF1H 'SRUS1 :B I,8 P08 To .__,.-,____ _ _._ __.__.. ,.._.__--_____________._ ___ _. _ - ,�-,---___ _ .:_..:_- ---. ��� ®1LrA'! W BLOWN �s and O 1Rutzliah soldbts Para 1111). d.''I from 1 rrs, tb the town tints fl t -Ing in' THE SUNDAY SC11001 WERE ( BU!'Ii� I'IIIIIt'Id !tl';J'I'I. 1,D. lthH Dtxsra thn iuhllliknnls flteang In 111111 7 Y j A doollatch from Cape Town says::. I ell drreet,nwa+mu,tly tuwurq Xu uman, When the pallea Milldrew, tilt, Capes \ 4ptcial despatch from PlaLekinlr 13oersr notified the filet to tilt, enemy, (INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT, 29 •a v a 1 i -ael r 4 s that till Was ni there a a ally J w Inviting a ., ^ 1 Possession, f,hu , 7 lh In to tar nosstss nn, r a ' +: g 3 nit dt' flight. that u 11 tai h At tit t re in, Some Lyddite Mines Fere Exploded at Mafe�,in� ) g therts was •t fearful nnin, The 1irrL- but Booaitiihad it,)( btillory een iplacng led, fightit , up, fish, tire wildly Indignant at this Bout- c' 1'sabrk+ of Lt'Ih(rinta ►'sit. ss silt With Awful Results. I ; tling, 120daldeti itxt, Na. tea, a. cioa. i !11;1x(, AUAINST TIUs' BOBAS. PRACTICAL NOTES. lecunling to these ndataes, 1.11° Ilri- —_--- - - tisk heave bbravu up the 11opetown rail- A despatch from London, says:—'Flap Verse L Thou has[ been favorablE way bridge aver 1114, Urange river, wit h 11'ar Offiu0 hits h:lndad out a despaloh; little thy htnfl. That is, the divine, rev. r r- f cul + White, u, ' 1 T a11n�L,oad of Boers Arrive at Johannesburg From Il air,,+ or ehaeklt,g the Marr aaynm+H n lanntral htta. In trmtna 1 tt or 11n.4 !!cell t'eHlUl'ed, "lha 1)Itn or J4A'w• Mafei:ing—Warlike Native Tribes Rising Against . .oui'hlnlyd• Tnlal, as follows:—"The 13nsut.as fire ' grain Cuitsburg come persistent re- Said to manifest, cit attitude hostile to sale+m Is removed." To the devout ,Ile - the Boers ---Zulus Lind Basutos Will Cause f Iteration'' of the report that the Boers the li:,sra, anal they may neutrullaa a brew, Palentine was its really tine (have attacked Alnfeking, being thrive Corwin number of, the Boers forces. Lord's land as Isrnal was Ill,, Lord's Trouble to the Orange Free State Pea le, I repulsed with heavy losses. Prom other According to i1 apocbl despatch �' from Durban,Natal, the Zulus are, Penply. Thou hast bronght back the towns n a• air. n the border NJrillhtl' reparts is _ lit) i•' I I Olt train* , 4+ 's of Jktc a With as. lit. `hof :D! i ou v + C tai A rl d e Y wonderful with them .nt received. F, g Y e '1' .'G b arm uvrr hu necessary OEIl.S ATTACKING MAFEKING. vt , ne<rsanry P r a J3 A IL 4 b /.11lU says Ila a ', l ' ' A Cafe 1'orvn uempntch rrpurls that lemgihy camp(chit SKIRMISH NrAR, I:13113F.11L1SI'• Y a unable t res inn cad br ug the government of the ,world andthe the war in expouted to last Pati!! them, It is atpeUnd (hat they will Iartd brought but ears that itha attacking ra ,ulsahl (muted that it will A despatch from London, say's: --Au ha J -,!tied by the ,S'waais, > g t about n new policy, and Y y e i +dy"ril, :and it N ev armt,ured irmin, tvhilr recapnoitCltlt A despatch from Ltdys,nith, Natal, the Persians -,acne¢! to have been as aovoruI Limas. It is admitted that If s,-ua,uvu.utal. The Government will (near Spyfunfein, tvvriuy' mIlas -pull, of dated '.Tuesday, says is native lribt+ in willing to forward the plans of those the Booire make astrung attack oullsk P:nli,uuruc tovutc immrdiatelS' a IZiu,berley, PAlg.age,1 tile, liters, several •/,ululnnd, �5'Ii ¢e p;tLLle had been raid- exLlea who wishod to return rredi• fpr S- a r - t O l S 5 I, a 0 0 °. 7, l U 0. a uta were n w .0 > i Vr bur* lit a x r ,u• it +an ° (f tile ,•' , south f JI f k i fi t h eaeua l a n, r killed. >, Y b k i n 1. b• b ed t i fly Boers, applied B iJan, ilio lookla. be withstood. liUh:llS _�1"ll:R C`litPi, Ct1IUDE5. ` The skirmish was cjuile livel,v. The Stewart While, lila British aamntau• ataliva lands as Ilia .Babylonians were An Edinburgh paper, the .cotsman,� ,A despatch to the London Dailylarmuured 11-3111, with a detachment of der in Natal, for permission to fail] to dis'porsa the.na over The empire. of Friday morning asserts ilial a battle A1ail from Cape Town. Sunday ,Ven-: the Lincashires, appl't,nvin, I 1t111naIHHt- t, !'mad I'e%lati113CP. Gt+neral \�'lllte, 7'a+ J1Aaob stood for all Ills land, has been engaged l,k!L%Veen general t`ir Ing says that the 13oors have eat the eil ,'[till )viihin ra,lge, when tilt-. Bikers fused their relluCat, a$ Ila IS ajDpaaal'1 ;khan laaa�; f01` (Yell the Iniquity George Stawurt 1Vbiu+, commanding railway u4, Belmont, U miles -oath Of opened firs, Phe ,\la:\irns were !a- to the Lisa of coloutad nuxilialios in of til g the forces in NataL and the Boers who Kimberley, and also at a paint L•' stanity set to work, and did great ex- the coming struggle, y People. :(Forgiven their wrong cataract Natal by the way of Van- miles to Lite southward of Kialberley, beulion among the hurghers. The, '1.10 rising of Ilia warlike native deeds, and, as can be seen ROHnan's pass, General What,, the The strong defending force, at Jtud- [atter also used artillery. but ineffoet- iribea adds a new and serous elulk'IV from their hisrory, Pub n new heart Se.ltsman says, is vary sung•uine of I.he der bricigH, which is .'4 miles snt,ih of hely. '(vile arntuured Ira 11 1•I, Ill art, jn the military situation, for the Brlt-; In theta, au that Crum this time an they success of the British movement. The J Kimberley, kind between the planes re Kinnberley unharmed. ish Will have to peep thew quiet, Tho did not. hunger for idols. Thou hast. for "going report is considered to e,e' where the line is cut, is likely to be The crew of the armoured I,aIit may parammrnt chief of the Bnsutoa, Lo - correct, as lata Thursday night, the attacked. the Bowra fired thirteen shells, but ruthodi, has thus far behaved well, covered all the!,. sins. A buruatlCul \ver Orfiev had flows of a British ad -1 The Boers have seized the railway their ;rim w•as vViaticbed, and not it Lha Other chlefs may follow the figure of speech. 'That which would vanee from Ladysmith, and was hourly' station at Spyfontein, )vh]ch is near single shot struck the train, whlebexample OL Dlehoko, who is reported to cull for punishment is coveredavor. expecting further inkellif:ence'. I Kimberley, and fortified it+vith earth- then made hold to approach nearer have risen against the Orange Free b, '1'l,ou last iitken away WRF121"D AN AR1IU1 RED TRAIN, works. 'rhe object Of their energetic •and upon fire with the Maxima. 't`he State, y all Lhy operation is ,believed eu ba the c•ap burghers replied with heavy riClev,' 131tI'PISII CAJIY SAQIZED, wrath, As Zone and Jupiter were L'be Il ars wrecked an armoured Brit tura of 1Lr. Cecil Rhodes, again shooting wildly. Only Ckrea Or plaLUred hurling lhunderhulis, so Lhe fish train u„rth of Vryburg MI,t i11eu The Mail's correspondent at Kimber- tour bullets struck the irain, I A despatch train Larenvo Plarques, psalmist Lbuught of God its one who shelled it. o ttai„ ,lit,, 6. rrut. b• • tole rllphln= under date of Sat says:—rrhe Volkesten, the Baer of- bad been angered by sin and had let from tape Town to 1Lates,ng, he, urlay; says:— 6 F1 VE 130E:ILS KILLED. Iflelal vegan at Pretoria, gives the loose his wral.h upon the sinners, but Boers muIt haVeIlUd,UecU:,lie IJLEC4ml. •,, Che rnys:_ scivlce northward tot `lib equontly the crew !corned Ebat; following account. of the occupation not)' that wrath is all turned back. thin fit ib� train. Two sevru-t ,.under guns, whitlh 1Varrantan. 44 miles hence, where the klllleVb d railaand l live Boershorses were ' of theWitish camp at Rtimalhlabamn, '.('hon bast turned thyself from Lhe line crosses the Vital river an.l raters;; unit horses: just north of &lafeking: fierceness of thine anger. Shown in Leaded Ito strengihel were on Lhv train, dtheatclfeme.s at .ch were 'the Transvaal, Ii -Is i•t•en suspended, �neirti;li wounded. nforced. sot :I much touched, batnae British camp ill Rnmathin- Ilia devastation of the land and the Two passenger ltilns and •t freighthas been cap.u'ad and sacked absence of the people, in the degrade- A'faf,eking, were rap,urrd by theBuers' train went tbr,uEh !era *.,)-day. The A dest,ateb from .London says:— by Gelieral Cr°nje, after severe Light- tion of the royal family, in the over, All 11r men in ,lntge 4,t the train, flatter carried ,I Ihous,lnd bags of meal 'Vta'ny repcnrts of fighting at Iafeklna, ir:g. .1fany burghers were killed or throw of the temple, and the cessation with the exception of the engine consigned ul the Transect! Govern_ 'lad in that neighbourhood c•amefroutn lvwn,ded. The British joss is not for so many years of its driver, were captured, but rio details mint frnm Cal+e Town. When the 11itet,, cad tb0sa are repealed from' known.” regular services. But uoty God as to ca,ualttrs have been received,'tria]n arrived ;tt \-ry3,urg, the officials ti(I' Town in various guises, one The Volkesten adds that ,,success has "Lurnpd himself," the pun- alt.hutigh one report states that fifteen refaased t, deliver Ire meal. The Boers ht:ueunent, «paging that 1,6UU Bern has thus Lar everywhere attended the isbment is over, Ircire important su d er y were killed. k r have threatened t4,• trike it, but they were been killed. All these must be burgleas," nithoug11 it admits that, in in the psaluniaL's t,ya than Lhis evidence The fact that another train, having ttl, late:" reail in the lightt of the offic]al a4ate th:' varices; skirmishes near A?areking Of God's favor and forgiveness were the on, b.artt SO,) )sum.ru and emiciren, re- The despatch adds that 4.00U men nre meat thin °exiling of importance has and at atner points, the Boer casual- favor and forgivonese themselves. Lagers from Mafekiug, wa., due to pasq'now available for the defence of Kitre cevuried. Thursdays report that theist,.,; nuulb r some 60 of, 70 killed and 4• Turn us, O God of our salvation, e or turn to us. aster,irg leed•itt, tthelhe ,ut'Lwsretrof that this mas''barlefident. The People are calm and eon.. su plyBoers het160ad `rlepda conft OCT irmn Un�vaterl t) -An repaesentativa of the Er«nsvanl heard raruesl,Christians Ila o wer(loci have the train that had b+e❑ cier;ckited. Late 1'h0re is flit unconfinnedrumourthat� \ lylourg' )which has been reported; Guvrrnment (las arrived hero, and is the forgiveness of sins and with the telegrams, however, announced thut.''t1e Imperial uncur lninedrum shorty:saatedetrlavaietey,aban oted,isn w abyeng uP ail t1,e Provisions obtain. Ceogivality of actual experionen Pr° - and train And passed [bel Baer camps iuf Transvaal Boers v, 110 wHi'e ahem Y Onr.. hundred anal thirt'Y per- ed at once to pray that, their sinal and arrived at KimbarlHy iu safely, Ing to juin Lha Beer forces nL !balder! Dutch inhubitapts to the Boer forces.' cone just reltRased from the Barb'r. might be forgiven. '110 phrase means veiling in thethe wrecked rain Other direction n tviaithrthe y engagement S despatch to the Daily News from ton gaol, Transvaal, kava+ hien tint continue and increase thy blessings, river, and til«L a hent engin Cape Town, states that the defenders, over the Portuguese bonder, and it means even ,more than this, b rovurred at Spytsfontein Statlun, south I of llafeki.ng, after rrpa,lsing pit attack, , Cause thine anger toward us to cense. guns, as stated. of Kimberley, MAA�iPf4 $TOC .PED BULB ftUB)3ES, , BOERS HAVE 'fII1HT5 JlASI4IS, J+urs.ed the enemy. The British then! A drsPatcl frnm PletetmarjCzlur The comfort of mercies already receiv- B(YERS ATTACK VR1'Bt RG, feinted a ret.real, whereupon the ene-I g, ad is the ground of prayer for 61.01't - A despatch from Laudon says: A dHspalch from Cape Town, spy-: m•y ralfled and pursued them. The;•sn.rs: TheskirmiebingntAeta,Elcmes or. God }acs forgiven and restored Hiram Stvv2a,s 1Ilu,;m, chief engineer' I —A despatch rider from Kimberley, Boers were thus led over mines cbarg_I gild. Dealer's on Tuesday was brisk 1'ha I;ia People, coal at. ' and director of the Maxim-Nurdrufeldt I who has succeeded in Natal m -ranted volunteers, who burp L y in spite of forgive - were through ed wiith lyddite, which were extploited Guns ;Inti Ammunition Comp:ray, I the Boer forces to the scull of that killing and tvovndin 1560 lit' til filo brunt of the rnork on the British nese and restoration much is lacking, Limited, in the course of an interview city, has reached the Orange river. He my. g • e one I 0 for full salvation! on Friday said: I reports that the troops in IZIm'berley cad lost rall i.heire Once tikitnsOne n flicer is S. 11i1C Uaou draw out Hina anger "So far Its I am aware, the Boers and the residents of the place are eon- Ne t9° � y Cnpe Town desprtch totle' m'srsing. When the men re;ua•nrd to to all generations. Who had sinned, Pusses- thirty Albxims, but the Brit- fident of their ability to hold put y that an occeintrie person ,n rump, they declam'ed that the shoo(! rig these mein or their fathers, thatthey ish need nut fear the Boer artillery,, against ally assault .-the Beers may Pretoria known as Baron tie'Guins-I at the B'srs )+•ns wretched, g 1% are so greatly Pnloished4 The sin we which has always prored a source of j make, but urges the necessity of im- berg, who was suspected of batag a The British Alnxim una sto ed the national, like some of the alas of our weakness rather than strength to the I mediately sending reinforcements to Brill ally' tvas court-martialled and I Bye,,, rusbee and killed sixteen at the own nation, and could not be separat burgher's:' i Lite, aid of the belengv'ed town. shot, It is stated that he poss0ssad'� 4;aemy. Same Rasutos are ti t th ad -by geography or chronulugy mto ,n - plans of the Forts at Pretoria. g g dividual eine. Afaaitssali, Jehoi«chin, Afcer warmly approving armoured The rider states that the Boers are with the Boers. trains and pointing out how useful attacking Vryburg, taking advantage , The, Boers bare blotva tip the bridges and %edekiah, and other lied and wick- trains had been I o that Americans in the ( of a large gathering of cllsioyal in,,_ I at Fourteen streama, and the Plodder m all kings bad led the nation into sin I river' the former north and they latter SOLDIERS ALL DRUNK. •Ind the .punisbment which closely, fol - Philippines, be went on to say: liters ttarr ce.Jrbru. Ing Noehtntaal, hop - The Boers remind me of the people Ing that these will assist them south of Kimberley. — towed R. But God has led their chil- of the Southern States of the Amagainst ari- the British. I The Isom. J. 1V. E. Douglas Saotij- knoealed Out by winshey un Route dren's children back to the holy land; can Union. They are excellent marks- Vryburg• is situated rather more ; Alomtag'n, AI.P., who is wall acquainted worship has been revived on the ruin - me and as with Alafokio to nannn. 2 good fighters as can be than half w•ay between Kimberley and g, rte cul s the, )Yale >cl altars. Is God's bund in punish- men, anywhere in the world. Iiow- yfafeking. !that the. Byars have <:ut off the water A deapEttah from Cincinnati, says:— meat note to Ile stretched out 2 Is not ever,❑ one ever fought better than the Ades.ntah w'bieh tv¢s received fare I su1"Ply Of that place. Ile says that The 46th Regiment of volunteers an the now nation justified in expecting Southerners, and at they lost. JuaL so 1 Wattles the stt,,p)y from the Alolopo Goal's favor rather $ Y before the telegraph line to Kimber -I route from Ahessaah'usato to Alrum- river, flare at,- several excellent wells 6C. Wilt thou not revive us again. will England vanquish the Boers. if Icy Pus cut slated that the towns- ( In the iown, r was delayed here by enforced drum- wide to see vvhnf. the ling,lipb- paop,H were Ignorant of the measures I Give, us now life. That thy, people, may speaking races can do, look across the to be adopted for the defence of the BOER TACTICS PAIL. head court-martial on account of an rejoice '!n thee. The relmeaited nation. Atlantic and see what America has place. It was conjectured that the Bennett Barle:gh, the London Daily epidemic of drunkenness. The first al festivals. gave a particularly ,joy - done." military authorities distrusted part of i Telegragah's correspondent at Lady'- section arrived on Wednesday over Lbe °Lia character to Jewish worship. DERAILED A HOSI'IT Al, TRAIN. the inhabitants, and therefore kept i smith, says no newspaper represent¢- Chesapeake and Oh.iq and held high 7• Show us thy! mn•cy', U Lord, and A despatch from Vrybkxl,g, Cape Cob their plans secret to prevent them tivea are allowed to proceed frnm grant us they astvntu)n, A prayer from reanhin tilers, either Co Rosters station or carnival. They had whiskey secret- repeated during several any, says:—A hospital train that start- g the snemy' fid an Lhe train. Cal. Ha le lmanediate- Offered b the generations, ed for llarib,.go, 6U miles suuth of .la- :' OMINOUS S1GN:i - CAPt: TOW Acton Homes, and adds that General g Y granclf lIhers, it ineanL [eking, has just returned after an ad- Ominous signs are already seen bare. Joubert.'s forces are moving against ly called a drum -head court-martial, salvation from lilt, salulery of the venturous journey. It had reached a The Dutch :oaulalion at. Cape, 'u IGlencov,, and Basler's slntion, on the which int of b worst PUYPtrans, Assyrians, and Babylon. journey. J k pr Colony I Harrisnrl117-Linch line. se S6 the vtl sL oLtenders I:o runs; offered by the fathers, it meant curve on a culvert 703 yards south oflare likely to develop a strong anti- the Columbus barracks• As the other salvation from the whimsical tyranny A'larib.go, and had just slackened British feeling at the first. report .of a According to the same authority,- speed, when it was ob,+erved that the Brit!all reverse, When Lite report � some volunteers who bad just come' sections arrived during the day it was of the Babylonian and Persian men. rails abead had lk,orc upturned. The reached here Ihat. the ivi,tb J,nneers into Ladysmith from .13ester's station found that there was pdenLy of wills- arehs; offered by this psalmist and brakes were applied, but the en ine hell been driven back b I and Arlon Homes before the despatch those who used his psalm in worship, it N g y gales they; tuns sent. ie P key aboard of bh•em also, and the sup- meant' activation from the tem passed on to one rail partly raised and said: "Already hod Tights as the Boer licks. the,L 390 Boers lad ply was greatly increased bare, so that elutions we% derailed. The occupants immedf- side." The F' Cal Slate Boers now see triad ineffectually local, °ffshiall tray- the four sections were all side-track- Pal dangers re the restoration rks in scaly r: hted the engine. a chance to satisfy their ranklin • l deficit British troops, but the Natal Palestine, where powerful pagans had, g b ed wast of this city at Valley Zonation far nearly a century, At the .came time it lyes a}aaerVed I longing in retake Kimberley, their me.n were try0 wary to be Caught, and for more tT]a19 by drum -bead o0U1'L- made their hom0, that a party of Biers were galloping Alsace-LoTraine. retired firing. The onlem;y, as usual, and where'wild bests prowled amld the 1 y galls to inertial, and additional instalments ruins of. once P plantations. into line east oC tae railway, tut an P1'AFI lilN(3 l0.[L'LE'rELY ISU- hid themselves behind hills and rocks, were an Tha,rsday sentenced to the Prosperous ear."What the Cape Colony side of the border. I LATED, aaarl in gullies; but were unable to ad- Columbus barracks card -house, 8 I will hear. Let me hear, 1Vhat vanee. lhoy used cannon against the awaiting f g God the Lord will speak. God is al. Sana of the persons on the train say Maf,king is naw con,j:lclely isalut- British rifleman, who, nevertheless, r , further action. Evnrythiug ways speaking, but, urea throw h the til -y cavy a conn n pt,inted ar the train, ad. 'Phe Boers are raiding cola cat-� mn.i•ntain d las been ,n readiness by the Pig Your centuries b«ve, b g The Train ran b;,ck to Vr; burg at full, Lhe. e a stout resistance.. The railway since Wednesday noon to cur- been deaf. to his voice, speed, the engine anb,I tly,ng ,white fl:Ig' A liege number vt newspaper car- firing was vary heavy. ry the regiment to St. .Louis, but. No words of the psalmist are better The country about Acton Howes be- traimt, are, lL,blursdaLy afterrnoon sLEll )worth our keeping than this text. No with, a red crass. Picks and shr,vols respondents is Cape Town are unable Ing more open, the British mounted command of Jahovah las rt ma's were seen lying alk u1, and. the Byers to get into the interior. It is reported vo'«nleers there are rWring upon held at Valley JwnctiOn, modern application t.hnn "Be still, pad aPPxrentiy hurl b•,eu disturbed •.chile lilac Gen. Joubert punitively refuses g Dew• Drop, Two thoa.samcl :Boers were • know that I are God;" no words of the removing the rails, allow allWitt, turresporlderkls (if ling- engaged of Acton Hames and raLhet Saviour are more suggestive It is learned that prevb)us to the lisb nrwafnpers to follow Lhe Boer few,,, al ,Beater's stati•an. It is .ra- OFFICIALS SENT FOR TRIAL. lowers to-do t Ike ilia fol- removing of the train Maria°go take- array, vlai„ing that they cannot but ported that', the enemy there; is hem- __ down," Ple.nytic not l\L Lake time, Lo be be sent honed Vrybur• j� sk;ulz th t'h tiair injur:r the cause of the Transvaal by mad im, and suffering severely, Pr'osiftent, w[rcr•tor•,ant e¢tefAceo,nrtaut blessed. He will speak peace unto hi j s P, s q :i,f.. fir, , giving information to the Br•illsh• A despatch to the Daily .fail from (it' Itantuie Ville nn'la Vomuau,ted, people and to Iris saints. '[.'he bulk of operator at Vryt;urg rer,(igniaed tt:e ILI:LCF I"Ilfl'1'1NG IN PR.UC,RES . Durban reports that lilt, Natal .Boers tlae history of the ancients was uvar, voice as that of an Buro„ea13 ;tare peeia! deslaoah from Pretoria' err riesi n!u to eaC rhH railwa be- A Despatch from Alenlreul, city -I— Pence b contrast carried with it the Clark. 'tit view of the su+st;uen re- t,,`,.,1 Silurday, by ,way of I)elagoa tweet• Durban end Pietermaritzburg.Messrs. William Weir, t'rederjek W. very ParfecLian of earLbl blessedness, port that the Boers were re-mo.i::q'.r,e I;3„ ,,ays:— Tbin has necsessilnted the u aSmith, and Ferdinand Lemieux, re- ani! !t is not strange, that (liegretet rails it is believed the Brwrs can j,et,cd • ,i r •ei!Ht do,gr4fich was received the line. patrolling of sieotively the !n of g the c.erk to speak througn she t� L president, a director, g the oriental alt has been r, r� frnm, Urtushol•Ir, near PI¢ImnIll, Thahavoc the Beers fire makin • will and the chief accountant o t] hi "Peace." But, let LhOm not turn again boat,, ."'t .1:: „lo.•k Sa,urda} eve.nin P Tho nearest Boer cvmnnnd "u 4'ry g, assert- the railway and telogrrtplt lintstbn will f at, sal- to folly. Nearly every parson grub° hung is a lnager north of Schvve,z•:r- r: ' i•Ii heavy fighUug h:id been in y impadH rho movement of lien- vent Banque Ville Alnrib, Were on serious! welts to serve and +hits some sin which :.rn rre4a alt clay long pori {s of Alnfe- ,.,•,II Re(ivers Buller's army corps. Alvnday afternoon oommiCtod Iorl doth easily bL'-P,C him. The sin and ranek, 0 miles distlni.:md two mi: k.n a 'File British troops on Wert nn There rile cokaltietin= re ports as t° trial on the Court of fully of I:.hH Jews tail been idolntr , inside Lhe Transvaal Che commander ,.rinoured Irwin soled as n roverin b I Queen's by 0, hila salvation a nigh y sant a message to the Vryburg rad- g what Iz+.'t the Boers brave lir have, not oo- J'u(1 a Choc uetle, on the charge of g+h them !bat way station that if the delivery uL re�rnirira millLiu•y engineers engnge.d !n ruNi,d H-1Rm,kaer. Avec)rdmg to the having furnished g fen l• .him. This is the keynote of the the I 'at• . v d 'to Lhe D t I k 1 g e artment h A it,xtn an h 7 t e P tai lh of, h I h,v. a ,' - t e Dar. di•r three waggon loads of m al and e t c aunt, v s ensic�t e two v the rue n that e J Lar. "r gli a lit Lh ib .l1nL r Y .rain f Finance itir•.t ) r• v huunce fit Ottntvrt n u a out.inu false i aLL4 rll'P. ¢tate-,. 1 glary Inn 1 u o los of 1• received blue a .y dwe 1 in our land, waggon ds all t t ra awed a Peel done so s n r e E Y gg g e t "Co, . piraous hravory w.ls rlis rin 1 u I. u., but if the mane of the pasifian of tile, bank in ,rasanre of rebovnh )vas Ilia Lor 11Of ago were refusrd kilt, B,:ery wuu:d wad' ed an both sides, It,it, iI noon beriary- Beer's) have succeeded in this mn.noeu- 1 g Y 000 man to take them. this meriting ! n:;anrenl. that Ilio rifles of Lhn nrarl'Ia_ vra they are pompinlely around the Junes. The, defendants reserved their the Tow. It. is true that !n large defence n4, until o e e u i ilia come I before Y the num ars b •ib the Jews i all the cod at t station were m , ht of.vs fa lvd o L s the a fi t a fide General Si. George rt loco g g r t c Stewu tI ni:au g g ars tvt,re r.' r 'I' In rf chi : higher coact 14, m i isL a . vi ori •a magistrate r against , n a - g onto rm g 4,L 'o;l ' g g ( in the flesh t u fit two special trucks, White's , lien he crl t position and t i + bre me lr P p 1 ourad train. 1 v 11 bt « c, or Clem until Tuesday afternoon Lo re.I ' but .BRJTAIN TO SEND 70,000 TROOPS, on Lo attack Inm• at mit advantage, or I that dans not alter. Llty Fact that "Tltt) latter, however, was 'ones Core to move, down into Natal behind ham. new t:hnlf bail bands in 110 same; the dream of the nation through all A deapntah from I.OntlOn says:— fid try retreat beftlt'C a Iearlipnlarly 'Th,+ I)tlliy NOw'e amounts as before. Ceril.Urlea Iva- Lhe n'eaanCe Ot JallOppll When the army corps reaches South strong assault, but It soon returned, points this out, natd 1 set tikl to think that it the Boers loop ---• and his reverent worship, Africa tlaa .British lraoixv thsre will; acrom[uulnd byitBritish mounted can their wa lhrourh Zulu territory or 10, Alercy and tris I are at Logoth- number over 70,UJ0 men. P1'ttn )weeks I !lite,+ni, anal thr. fighting was renew- y 6 Y MURDERED IN THE STREET, tar; ri htaan: aeas and peace have kiss. ,number t g Basutoland, the native,- ought to E a g l will elapse, however, before this large ed Iir, ;ely. fighting stili evnLlnuas, permitted to exact respect. for their — cd eacJt al ,lilt, !lite, at tour of tltn force is at the Front, as nut only l.he the Bv,rs holding their positions welt. own territory, Unknown .tan alned lit the Ntrnnl. hub- chief attributes of God, and therefore Lroo v t vast li iLle do•en ' but Lia L t.s of store A c Leers war i s e killed! v !>• q T wound - •tilt, it our oL urr nrlvo, C the r11Lef r'e v as of E g hs 300 WOUNDED U rchildren, V •N'D.CU B S. m b all h LRu list a conveyed earns- he sea a e but Lilts i'i "kissing" Y L fid l Br L sh casualties cannot.' A despatch from Winn[ feet tlmg andaare it, last' 1 then over a hundred tulles lnLo a be ascertained• A d0.patch Cram Cape, Town says:- Winnipeg, M.an' feet harmony. There, can by no IasL country which will be, generally "Ileav,V tiring can ha heard south A refugee who hila reachad Grahams- apits:--The body of an unknown man ing mercy whore thare is uaC truth ap,snking, desdt.wte of Lbe necessaries of Mafeking, where General Oronjo's town from the Rand states that: a wicks found in an outlying portion of behind it, non can the holiest trlit.)a of life. r commando is operating." ; train arrived ill J°hanne.+shurg on Mon- the western part of the city on Tues- go fur without marcy. There afcnnot t It is estimated; that, Su,000 Boers are A corps of. experienced Continental i slay from Xlerksdorp with 30U wound- day night, Ele was about thirty years be pence wit,honL righteousness, nor now in the field, but little reliance can angincers, formal, Officers, has left ed burghers. Pvery available convoy will righteousness be made Practicable I bajrla<•sd on these figures. as there are Pretoria for the south: westarn bur- anoe, the refugee says, was called into of age' Pia wns discovered by a cab wit,hOuL: peace, said to be 24,000 nowwRliln. the bor. dors, accompanied by a commando of requisition is take the wounded men driver near houses of ill -lama, in one 1.1. 'Cruth shall spring out of the data of Natal. The. Boers of the Trans picked Boer shots. It is probably in- to the boapittrl. of which the, murder may have been 0arhh, and rigbLeousnass shall 1ooir veal and Orange Free State probably tended for large dynanilting opera- T,bei Daily Mail suggemisf that those committed. He was shot in the left clown from heaven, Elv.re is continu- i number 50,000 tions, wounded were from Mafeking, Klarks. temple, (he ball lodging In the bark lit! that beautiful varladoin of thet I3egiatnIng next Friday, als trans- A Kimberley despaitch says.—"Are- dorp is about 100 Miles from Unite. of the ok. There is a suspicion I ,t last, verse. As all the root Parts will leave Southam ton dai] tislin g things t l p 9. port lyes 1rrvtigltt lure by despatnh king, robbery was the object, as tilt, polskots growing an. enrLh spring up in ra- 7 his means the despatch of over 60,- riders by way of Vryburg that, Colonel Vryburg surrendered Sunday, Thur%• were Lurnad inside out; a I, his watalI , sponst, 10 the sun and the rain, so 000 troops i.n six days. CC would be Baden-Powell made, a Bartle in force. nll clay night's despalohua from :Kurumah, enc} nhnin worx: left on his person, and ' truth shall spring out af.'bumnnit as beyond the power of any other Europ- 1Vfafaking and attacked and defnfkff.d', 90 miles west by south of Vryburg, the police are dubious as Lo the real n natural grtlwlh wlion righteousness can country, for the troops will .iarry the Boars. The Boers suffered heavily, i that¢ that, the police having withdrawn object, showers and alrines from heaven. OCT, 26, 1899 % .� k ,i� a • r 1 � i i 't. I e tl'ti .t-1 rr r. 5 i t y A � 7 { 1 5 1 i { Im LN.JoHili W. tB E L LD y B.D. ' 0A MiLTO N,OMf, C' L, I y "I yt r a 1, „1 1 1 JRP9ES A.0F_I-lt.• Dr,nVI PIT 0I`L James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont., them and especially when it becomes brother of the Itev, John 11' eaep Bell, I chronic, lie Ivlls, seemingly, the case watt B,D., prostrated by nervous heaoachos I Ain Bd17 The trouble reached such lu- A V etlm of the trouble for seoveral , tensity that last dune he was ewup:ete- years. 1y prostrated, In this condition a friend South American Nervine effected a recommended South American Nerviae. iromplete cure, heady to try anything and evrrptnly,1gr In their own particular field few men though he thought he had covered Elle :Ire better known than the Rev. .John • it., at he mediclnes, he secured Wesley Bell, B.1S, and his brother Mr. I a bottle of this great discovery. A James A. Bell. 'hie former Witt fie re- . second bottle of the medicine was taken cognized by Ilia thousands of friends all; and the work was done. Employing Ills over the country as the popular and able ' own language: "Two bottles of South missionary superintendent of the Royal American Nervine Immediately velleved 1'empLars of Temperance. Among the - my hvndaches and leave. built up my .:0,000 membgrs of this order in Ontarlo I system in a wonderful manner.•' Let us Ilia counsel is sought on all sorts of oe-'1 not deprecate the good our clergymen •anions. On the public platform he is one and social reformers are doIag Int the If the strong men of the day, nettling I world, but how 111 -fitted they g lit he .against the avlls of intemperance. for their )work were it not the relief 1,gtlally well known is Mr. Bell (la other I that South American Norrine brings to •)rovinces of the Dominion, having been them when physical ills overtukr or years a member of the Alauitoba I them; and who] the system, as a re. liethodist Conference and part of this ''suit of ha lid, en rnest and continuator lime Pitt, stationed in trVhmlpeg. Isis work, breaks down, Nervine treats the !bother, Air. James A. Bell, is a wghly ;system as the wise reformer treats the ^espected resident of Beaverton, wit:re avIts he is battling against It strilrea at +lis influence, though perhaps more cir. the root of the trouble. All dis- :fig than that of his eminent ease comes from disorganization of the brother, is none the less effective and nerve centers. This is a scientific fact, orodliCtive of ianod. Of recent yeare,t,,,.w- Nervine at once works on these nerve %)'4,r. flip worldng'nhility of :\fir. James centers; gives to them health slid vig- <t. Bell hie been sadly marred by severe or; and then there coarses throusth tiro sttacks of nervous headache, arcom- system strong, healthy, life-mantamiag psnied by indfxeatlon. Who can do fit blood, and nervous troubles Of drer,y . work when this trouble takes hold of variety are things of the past. Sold by G. A. headman, 12. The Lord shall give that which scarce and dangers are many. Thal !s good; and our land shall yield her seed -solver must himself be armed, Inerease. As a general principle good. and then the sawing issuchdiscourag- uses mnkea for true prosperity. As a ing, work that it is as much prose as Particular face (lie providence of God poetry to speak of the weeping of the repeatedly rewarded and punished be aeedra fiver• Cams agnin with rejoic- Jaws for their moral conduit, until the !ng, bringing Ills %heaves with him. dootrin.e.sprend that material prosper- Tilts 9'aduess of the harvest will chase i,y want hand in band with moral Pro- away all ihottghts of sorrow. cress. This did not always prove true _ I detail, and Job and Booleafastes ox - press the surprise Lbat it (lid not. But TO MOVE THE WHEAT. Lha prinalple rennins the same, —_, t3. Righteousness shrill .go 'before ,ta,tndearr vensele It'll, bit Allevval to Ply him; and abitll mail, us in the way of lirinvern IYtrindlau 1'erIV his sl.eps, Righteousness is the griancl marshal of Jehovah's triumphal pro- :A despatch train Oltawit says:. -Ow - cession, and his footprints tare to ht, i'ng to (lie great, qunnLit.y of wheat at our guide, a inork for as, a wny to Fort, W111him ;availing transport to, walk in. I Depot Uarbour, which it is claimorl :to 1. `rh'o Lord turned ngnia ilea rnp- tivil.y of. Zion. The population bad be impossible for Canadian vessels I:0 streamed in turbulence from Babylon move, lite Gover,t,rrilint ]Ilia suspended to JerwsnLem. Now it aaome(1 Its if the for the remainder of the season the rivers of mean had turned linea], in their seetioins of the collating latus prevent. courses, and like whole popuinlion was ]ng the muehign OC freight from one returning to lien, lire are ]lite them Canadian port to another by American that d.rettm. This refers, probably, as- vessels, tt is slatted that there are peolally to the adirt of Cyrus, we n.ow four million busrheis at hto•t Wit - could not believe our own ears and linin, and that between three and four eyes. - hundred cars tura arriving daily, d. '.Then. was cur te,luth fillet!! with — la er, u ilk and our tongue with si til n - �C g QUEEN g AIDS A FRENCHMAN. 4 r Dum.am tralive orientate •g. n + s ca Id u —� h.«1'Clly, contain I1lrmseJ van in the sud- W2,411111 1'orr,Sllbettef J4wr Killed by tte111sh den Joy of Iboir return. l.illen said shut they H 1 amour the hemtLhe, The. heathen g 7 a. taut tart A e i a iitab htmse d from Lo i lv s non. p. sn'd, .lila .bard 1n d p d sa s:. !b erne !, ,say a:. things, The thcughl. is Jehovah rho' l'�ueor has dmat.acl ft•rnnl her priv- haup done these areal things, Lhe God ate pursa the sLlm of £'1.111) to the of, the Isranlites had raaogniaead theta father of ilio N.ronal flslerinttn who and, b:essed them. S. This verse indot'se- the wonder- wast rceeently killed by a shut from it ng comment of the heathen neighbors, British gmnboat, fishing Inside the 4, Turn again cmr'captivily, O L:nd Limit. neat 1Jungatess, and when called as the streea,ms !U the south, .In a d!,'y upaaa to surrender by the gunboat 1 OU al t0 , i p a tSaa.e, 'l and. _rh'e %Doth) n g The gunboat vac it amv Ivan .a i Ilion g L g flare, 1 aC� Cl ,1 shot t.l 1)fita - utho`n ;fu t her to do n a stun • )I w o iLncl killed t place bare g , k 1 ed each win -ter d.as1 rayed every alga of fire man fit the wheat. Vegetation, 'bu't when the rainy MA, an ratans, and the parched ground wits SCORES DIE 1N NORWAY STORK rocky channels became at once strnnms I mwcti rivers, and the change was such Hnown 'Mune eat Least tall i'emooks; t•etlah- aa astonished even those aeciatomed ' ed m ntH lsmrn'lum,c. tel it. b. ,They that sow in tears shall real) A (lea to frnm Bargain, says:—It n joy, It has been woll suit! that is, now certain that In the hurricanes I. are, tears which are tholnveives that sweet aarosa Norway last P,rieltly he soad we must sow, Wells of sorrow and Saturday, tnirly persona who were Cor sin, tears at sympaLhy with the returning to their homey near Bang- atfli,ote,d Clitarch, tears of tandarnoss aurid, south-west of (;hr'.istlana, and and prayer. i ugaward of 1.00 flsllnrtnon lalong the 0, lI, tbat gootn rorth and weep- horlli-west coarct. near Chrlatransaund4 0th bearing proo]ous sued. Soed isIpmrished.