HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-26, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
Flys !?tkx. ' "a£is Vrrst,
T .1171?5D:1I', OCY', '3ti, 1899.
PennIRn hose we salute you and wish
yon many prosperous years in the no.
cu lana
i y of
your exalted position so
honorably a y w on.
.A. Emmen Canadian contingent of
soldiers for the Transvaal le spoken of.
It looks as if the soldiers of the Queen
are made of the same daring courage as
characterized the veterans of olden clays
if the rent of the Boors et Glencoe and
Island's Laagro may be taken as a criter-
BYE eleetione will be held in the near
future in the ridings to be represented by
Huns. Messrs, Stratton end Latohford,
Q. C., of Ottawa, in the re•ccnsbruoted
Cabinet of the Provincial Legislature,
Elections will also be held in Elgin and
Waterloo seats rendered vacant by the
Courts for violations of the mew, By the
way ex•Prenlier Hardy's deuunciation of
corrupt practices and hie positive denial
of the Government having any cognizance
of this kind of work being done, although
asked for by the Opposition press and
speakers, does not meet with the ac-
ceptance by diem that should be given to
a man of Hon, Mr. Hardy's standing and
leads people to believe the old addage
tree "Convince a man against his will, he
holds the same opinion still," We are
glad the judges are sitting 'promptly and
forcibly upon proven law breakers and
we hope it will have a wholesome effect
on the electorate.
IT is really too bad that the Herald
Editor was not pleased with the speech
making at Dr. Macdonald's meeting in
town. It was, perhaps, an oversight that
he was not interviewed previously and
asked for an outline program or his con.
sent to hold the meeting and discuss the
public questions, It it too late now, how
ever, to nada the neglect. The audience
was too small; in the first place ; then
there wasn't enthusiaeim enough by
either speakers or auditors ; he didn't
like Mr. Blair's speech because it was
mild enough to suit both or either politi.
cal parties ; Mr. Hi31op was of "rather a
mild type" ; W. H. Kerr was too enlogis•
tio of Premier Laurier in the statement
that he filled the bill as a statesman, viz.,
"that he was a politician who had broad
and sagacious views and distinguished
ability in dealing with the questions
arising in public affairs." It will be a
long time before the compiler of a
dictionary can use the same words con-
cerning the leader of the Opposition, if
the Toronto Mail's opinion is worth any-
thing. Dr. Macdonald's address was dis.
conuted by either giving the oredit of the
work done to the former Government, or
the telliug of half truths. We are pleased
to notice that the quartette suited him so
that the meeting was not altogether in
Sia WILI•'nm LAURIER has his critics
p)sibive, comparative and superlative, and
a public man who does his duty will never
be without these but much of the so °all.
ed criticism is mere pique or bigotry and
does not to any broad extent mar the
good opinion of the public when ,the ob.
ject of the critics is considered. The un•
biassed judgment of outsiders should
have some weight, however, and here is
what the Detroit Evening News has to
say of Premier Laurier :—The speech
that created the greatest enthusiasm at
the Chicago day banquet last evening was
not made by the President of the United
States. Neither was it made by the elo•
gent toastmaster, the Mayor of the oily,
the Governor of the state, nor the senior
Senator from Illinois. It came from the
lips of the Premier of Canada, and one
might say of it that few men who have
said so little ever said it more gracefully.
It is hardly fair to apply the ordinary
tests of oratory to an after dinner speech
unless we apply the sole test of Demos•
thenas—delivery. Men who have dined
well de not care for great erudition or
profound argument. They are incliffer.
enc to logic, and on the whole prefer to
be flattered rather than "lectured at,"
The Premier of Canada, a Frenchman
fortuitously placed at the head of a great
English colony, combined business and
pleasure as adroitly as any man could be
expected to do it upon an occasion of the
kind, Obviously Canada has more to
gain through friendly relations with the
United States than the United States
have to gain through friendly relations
with Canada, and without snrrendering
any of his self•respeat or seeking to fawn
upon the greater power,Sir Wilfrid accept.
ed as his task the duty of furthering these
friendly relations so far as the thing
could be done in a half-hour speech.
How far he succeeded with his audience
is shown by the great applause with
which his speech was greeted. It is
an interesting feet that the man
who described so eloquently the ties that
unite the United States and England,
who glorified the common race, the nom.
mon language, the common literature
and the oommon institutions, is a British
subject only by the ao°ident of birth.
There is not a drop of the muoh•vannted
"Anglo•Sason" blood in bis veins. Even
the oommon language, whiob he glori•
Iles and which he speaks se eloquently, is
a foreign tongue to him. The bonde
that unite both him and big own people
to England are not those of language,
°peach, customs or religion. Even the
ties that bind the oolony to the mother
o0nntry are so loose that there is no
provocation for severing them, But for
all that, nobody can object to his trading,
in the interests of a new nation that bag
grown up to the North of tie, upon the
friendship that has brought England and
the United States closer together than
they over were before, The hands may
be the hands of Croat Britain, lett the
voice is the votes of Canada ; anti if Sir
Wilfrid Zeit/tier does 1101 6e00re to hie
own people the birthright of American
friendship, ft will net be said that he
failed because lie possessed no fitness kir
the work i11 11.111,1,
Premier Laurier
At It
1 ,
i'� lU
This is a growing 11010 for Sir Wilfrid
Laurier's meetings as well its for Canada's
trade. As the Premier progresses on his
tour the enthusiasm at each successive
meeting and the numbere in attendance
exceed those of the previews gathering.
Bowmanville opened the tour with a
splendid gathering. It was eclipsed by
Paisley with its great open ate meeting.
New comes Wiughsm with an audience
which meet have approached nearly 5,000
persons. The gathering was hold is the
gusting rinls, and although every possible
contrivance was adopted in order to give
more room, though people stood in the
aisles and climbed up on the beans over.
bead, still there was not suffie(501 accent.
modation. Many scores of persons were
left outside. and several of these repaired
to the Town Hall under the impression
that an overflow meeting would be held.
In this, however, they were disappointed.
Looping down from the platform at the )
sea of faces which confronted them and
listening to the ringing cheers which
answered their paints, the speakers must
have been altogether devoid of feeling if
they had not been deeply stirred, The 1
hags meeting was d grett tribute to the 1
personal popularity of Bir Wilfrid, and to
the successful administration of (the af• 1
fairs of the country by his Government.
Tliis was Sir Wilfrid'sfirst visit to Wing•
ham, and be has good rename to feel sobs
Pied with the reception accorded him.
A Inn 1'9050esses F911%\'.
The meeting was preceded by a pre.
cession through the gaily decorated and
motto adorned streets of W,ngham. Ib
started from the house of Dr. Macdonald,
where Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hen. Mr,
Fielding were guests, and ended at the
meeting hall. In the long triumphal line
were over nue hundred mounted horse-
men in tricoloredsashes, and somas of
buggies. Each horse's head was sdorneu
with a miniature Union Jack, and the
horsemen and occupants of carriages
carried similar tokens of welcome, The
mottoes over hanging the streets were as
follows :—"Welcome to Our Premier,"
"The Growing Time," "Cheap Transpor•
talion" and •'Imperial Penny Postage."
The chair was ocoupied by Geo, Me•
Kenzie, and on the platform besides the
distinguished visitors were : Messrs.
Robert Holmes, M. P. ; John McMillan,
31' P. ; James McMullen, ll. P. ; Thomas
Gibson, ex•M, P. P. ; M. Y. McLean, ex•
M. P. P. ; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; D.
McGillicuddy, Goderioh ; W. H. Kerr,
Brussels ; Alex. Smith, Toronto ; A.
Hislop, M. P. P., Walton ; Wm. Coats,
Clinton ; Bevs. Messrs. Freed, Artie,
Lowe, Hobbs and GoSin, and Bevs.
Messrs. Hall, Belgrave ; Holmes, Brus•
eels ; Penhall, Blyth, and McRae,
Cranbrook, The meeting opened with
the singing of the National Anthem,
in which the audience joined, producing a
grand volume of sound. William Clegg,
Mayor of Wingham, who is a Conserve,
Live, then read an address of welcome to
Sir Wilfrid Laurier from the municipal
Couuoil of the town. The address con-
gratulated the Premier on the prosperity
of the town and of the couutry al large.
It was signed by the Mayor and by the
Town Clerk, J. B. Ferguson.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier in reply expressed
the thanks of Mr. Fielding and hiln0e f
at the presentation of such an address.
They were there to present a certain side
of the politics] questions winch at this
moment divided the people of Canada,
Ld it was 50 unexpected pleasure to him
a on au occasion of this kiud the
municipal authorities should sink politi•
mal proclivities and remember that they
were all Canadians. (Cheers.) "Per-
haps," said Sir Wilfrid "if we were to
discuss certain gestations, you and I, Mr.
Mayor, would not agree upon everything,
but if we oannot agree upon everthing, we
can at levet agree to disagree. (Cheers.)
I can respect your convictions jest as you
have given evidence that you can re•
enact mine, and, however strong our eon-
vlotions, at all events we can agree in
this, that we are working for the advance-
ment of the prosperity and happiness of
the people," (Cheers )
James McMullen, M. P., was given a
cordial reception. He said every man in
the country would admit that there was a
great improvement in the condition of
things today compered with that which
prevailed three years ago. A new era
had dawned for Canada ; industries were
thriving, and the people generally were
happy and prosperous, Mr. Foster had
invited the people to read the history of
the Conservative party and its leaders,
and they would then oome to a favorable
decisioo in regard to them. Mr. M°Mul.
len aocapbes the invitation and reviewed
the scandals which, he said, had ocourred
under the Conservative Administration,
He began with the McGreevyConnolly
scandal, which had resulted in forcing
Sir Hector Langevin out of the Oabinet
and out of the House, so that lie was now
wandering about like a stray gander upon
a common. (Laughter.) Next Mr.
McMullen dilated upon Sir Charles
Tupper's connection with a railway from
Oxford to New Glasgow, N. S., and the
Onderdonk Railway, which had involved
the country in large and extravagant
expenditure. Finally, the member for
North Wellington criticized in seething
terms the diversion of railway subsidies
into campaign funds in Quebec, with
which Sir Adolphe Caron's name was
aesociated. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on the
other hand, had been identified with
politics for 2.5 years and no stigma or sus.
pinion of disgrace attached to his name.
He was not suspected of being hand in
glove with contractors, drawing money
either for the purpose of benefitting him.
self or carrying constituencies, (Cheers.)
"There be sits," exclaimed the speaker,
"a man Whom we delight to honor, and
in whom our trust is wall placed, and we
believe will do big best to advance the
future of the country." (Cheers.)
Annlmuues Fa011 WIS'enAM r,IRE8411.5.
Geo. Cline stere gang "Tho Maple
Leaf" in excellent style, the andionoe
joining in the chorus. 'Then followed
the reading by JRmcaB 011110 of au address
lr„ui the It e form ',ss ci.tti,,u „f \Vlug•
ham, ex iressiog pleatium at the nlltil(u•
ons excellent adn11111atrlttive acre of t
Government. The address contained t
tnduwiug clause . ...We highly appreeia
and warmly endorse 70nr loyal policy
a preferential tariff in favor of the moth
country, This polies. had brought Ca
ld i'
r a wt tunnitl � and favorably vorubl• b fur
p a ut
allude e t
1 of the people of yy
Great Britian at
1 t
lets given her a prestige aha never hofu
1)00005501. We have every reason
cheek yon for the popsies yen Ned yo
coallutors have inaugurated, the fruits
which are seen in the general develop•
went of our country and the prosperity
of her people. Your wisdom has guided
the ship of State so suecessfutly as hi
eaten the breeze of Canadten energy' and
indnetrt•, 15111chh iris carried lief' Intl) the
haven 6f'a growing time.." At the eon-
elu=lou of the address two pretty little
tots named Asks Bowles and Ceoil
Homuth advanced and presented hien
with bouquets.
9111 WILFRII' LAr1AElt.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who was cheers
again and again, in his opening remark
said :--"I can well wie.b that, like m
friend, Mr. 31 31,illen, I had a good pn
of Irish lungs, Inc I would require 1be1
in order to malas my voice heard an
thoroughly understood by this va't nice
ing Iu the course of a pa itical erre
which now counts something l ke 2
years it has been my privilege in elan
parts of Canada from the Atien.ic to ah
Pacific Ogen, to be the whitens of l,rg
demonstrations, but it seems to me with
out any flattery whatever that I never
eto'd before such a representative and.
ieuce as this surging sea of linmauiby
now assembled before roe." (Cheers
It was the mo'e ple,siog, Sir Wil feel
said, that the audience ryes largely 0111•
posed of ladies, of the best portion of
mankind. Ile recalled the feet that in
1800 before the general elections mauy of
the f•,ie• sex were at the Liberal meeting;.
He then regarded that feet as an ulnen of
victory, and so it peeved to be. Ile was
not, like Sir Charles Tupper, a prophet,
but lie felt sure that if the women of
Canada coubiuned to favor them with
their approval victory wou'd again be
with the Governu,ent when the time
came 10 appeal to the people. (Cheers.)
He was grateful to the people Inc sending
Dr. Macdonald to Parliament as the
representative of East Heron. The
doctor was a good man, and the Premier
could assure chem that he was as highly
appreciated in Ottawa as he wee in East
Huron Sir Wilfrid defined the Liberal
as a man who looks forward with hope to
the frame, while the Conservative o Ings
to the preseut. Tne Government, voic
ing Liberal principles held that, no
matter what the country's position was
at present, it could always be improved.
Although the Government haddouemu°h
they did not pretend to have done the
last thing, wad should do a good deal
more yet, (Cheers.) The Conservatives
had always been opposed to reform ;they
had fought respon-ible government, the
adoption of municipal system, the clergy
reserves bill, representation by population
and other measures. They were oppos-
ing today measures that were in the
interests of the country. A duty to
which the Government was committed
was the consolidation of all races and
creeds. They wanted to create a bond of
affection between the people so that all
should be proud to call themselves Can-
adians. (Cheers.) Proceeding to explain
what the Government had done in regard
to the tariff, the Premier said they bad
aimed at meeting the views of consumers
and producers, The result was endorsed
by the whole people, and the reformed
tariff had done more for the country in
three years than any other policy that
was ever enforced. Even Sir Charles
Tupper was obliged to admit that the
country was prosperous, lint he attriba-
ed it to the Meeting of the Conservative
clothes by the Liberals, That idea Sir
Wilfrid repudiated.
The charge was made that the Govern.
ment was extravagant, The Conserve.
Lives had become very economical eine°
they 00 longer bald the public: purse
strings. (Laughter.) The Opposition
press estimated the Government's ex•
penditure at $00,000,000, but Mr. Foster
fixed it at 550,000,000. Mr. Fielding
would knock off a few thousand more in
his speech that afternoon. Be that as it
may, however, the Conservatives, out of
the total vote asked for, attacked only
three items, amounting to about 530,000.
(Laughter and aura) It was said that
the Government had bean corrupt and
extravagant, but the Premier asked if his
hearers had heard of any Quebec graving
dook or any Curran bridge or any Tay
Canal scandals during the Last three
years 7 The charge of corruption had
been abandoned in connection with the
Drummond Comity Railway extension,
and the charge of fraud had not been
sustained in connection with the West
Huron election. The Government be-
lieved in pure ballots, and by that they
would stand to the end. Sir Charles
Tupper, Mr. Foster and the whole of
thein would like nothing better than to
paint the Liberate as black as they had
been painted, and say, "See, they are as
bud as us." (Cheers and laughter.) The
Government, however, would conduct al•
fairs according to the clean, honest
methods of Alex. Mackenzie, (Renewed
T11)1 PnOHIRIT0ON 1(l'E55005.
19n1 115 VAT, MINISTER.
BOIL W. S. Fielding spoke at length,
ho and dealt with every pima of the lisoel
question, heating Conservative crlbioisms
its i in regard to the pnblle expenditure, the
es su, le(atte lttitntltarilT reform, lie to Sie °Merles Tupper's
ler tenet that he had bean en anti•Confeder•
n• ' ate, pointing out that the Conservative
ul leader hod not scrupled to melee Gavot•
nota, Senators and Cabins Ministers of
re anti (',nitederates. The speaker lead
to been au anti -Confederate of the Liberal
ur stripe, and if his present hearers had
nl been in Nova Scotia they would have
held the same views es he did, Mr.
Fielding begged to toll Sir Charles Top•
per that the latter was entitled to very
little credit for bringing about Confeder•
ation, for, so far as the Province of Nova
Scotia was concerned, Sir Charles was the
biggest enemy that Confederation over
had. A man of the brunet statesmanship
and who understood the people would
have gone about Confederation in Nova
Scotia in another way. But Sir Charles
tried in Nova Scotia the same policy that
he tried hi Manitoba, and the result was
the same. Had he gone about it in the
s• way Sir Leonard Tilley did in New
Y Brunswick, and recognized that the pen
1t' pre had a right to determine the matt r
u for themselves, he would have achieved
d senses, and at the same time have caused
1- no discontent in the publia mind. When
fr ' the history of Confederation came to be
written, Sir Charles would be recognized
Y as the enemy, not the friend, of the
e movement. (Cheers ) In his remarks
e upon the public debt, Mr. Fisldirg point•
ed oat that from 1878 to 1,801 the total
increase of the debt by the Conservatives
was $118,135,000 or an average of $G,-
500,0(10 per annum. During the three
of Liberal rule, from 1800 to 1800, the
total increase of debt, notwithstanding
the great works which had been carried
out, was 57,775,000, or only about 52,501,-
000 per annum. As for the expenditure,
it teas last year 57 41 per head lower than
at any year during the lest ten years, ex.
ceps in 11108, when it was exceptional in
character. (Cheers )
Sir Wilfrid dealt at length with the
prohibition question. He was inducted to
do so by the receipt of a commnuication
from several local temperance men, and
also in consequence of a representation
made to him that morning by a deputa-
tion from the Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union, His remarks were sub.
stantially the same as those delivered at
Bowmanville, or, in other words, that
looking at the total vote east in favor of
prohibition, which was less than 23 per
cent„ the Government did not feel jnsli.
lied in introducing a national prohibitory
law. Those who had made represents -
tions bo him, Sir Wilfrid said, bad nob
indicated what kind of legislation they
wanted, When they dict so the Govern.
went svonld take it into consideration,
and do what was best in the interests of
their common country. Neither in this
nor in other matters, however, could any
man expect to carry out to the fullest ex-
tent his conception of what he believed
to be his rights, The Premier olosed
with an eloquent peroration, in whicll he
appealed to the mon of Huron to stand
by the Government and to act in such a
manner as to pause their children to feel
voila that their fathom wore Canadians,
.10150 11'0051,Ax,
John McMillan, the popular member
fee Smith Huron, kept the aciie ee in-
terested for half an hour while the dis-
cussed po•itical questions from the fare
niers' abandpoine. IIe showed that the
preferential tariff had greatly benefited
the farmers, and pointed out that the re•
moval of the quarantine regulations upon
cattle going to the United States had re.
salted in an increase of from 55 to 510
per head in the price of such live stools.
In the manner in which they had handled
the tariff the Government had fulfilled
every pledge they made. There had been
no promise made to wipe out every
vestige of protection, but were the Gov
cement to continue as they had begun
there would not be a vestige of protection
left at the and of ten years. In consider-
ing the tariff changes, the faot must not
be overlooked that the Government had
eliminated that most abominable feature,
specific deities, (Loud oheers.) The
favorable impression created by Sir Wit.
frid Laurier in Loudon, and the preferen-
tial tariff, had contributed in a great de-
gree to the prosperity which now prevail-
ed in Canada.
The meeting concluded with cheers for
the Queen, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr.
Fielding and Dr. Macdonald.
Honorable George Washington Rose
is the fifth First Minister of the Province
since Confederation, and the fourth since
the formation of the present Liberal ad•
ministration by Edward Blake, in De.
ember, 1871, Mr. Hardy has been a
member of the Legielatnre for over 20
years. a member of the Government for
ever 22 years, and Premier since Sir
Oliver Mowat's withdrawal in July 1800.
Mr. Rose, who became Minister of Edo -
cation in November 1883, had a distin.
guisbed parliamentary career at Ottawa
before entering the Provincial arena. He
WAS first elected to the Comment in 1872,
and sat there until 1888. His strength as
a debater was acknowledged by all in the
Chamber, whiob during that period con•
tanned the moat brilliant men in Parlia-
mentary history. The new Cabinet was
sworn in last Saturday and is as follows ;
—Premier and Provincial Treasurer,
Hon, Geo. W. Bose ; Attorney General,
Han. J. M. Gibson ; Minister of Educe..
Um Ilan. Richard Har000rt ; Minister
of Agri°oltnrel, Hon. Jno, Dryden ; Com-
missioner of Crown Lands, Hon. E. J.
Davis ; Provincial Secretary, Hon. J. R.
Stratton ; Minister of I'nblin Worlta,
110(1, F, 11, Letallford ; Miniature with.
out portfolio, J. 1'. (Jarrow and Wm.
A Kingston nubile echo,,l (chorines
will cooperate with the police to sup.
press cigarette smoking among eohoul
wit) se • a
t ssi (
e (1011 liquor a n
o mom at \ fmin
V r
refneed to testif on the groundb
they aright lucr�n uete t )90telveThe
case will be referred to the Attorney.
General's Departmeut,
The Canadian Pacilio Imperial Lnult.
ed bas been withdrawn. Its place ie to
be taken by the Paoiilo d: At'antio Ex
press, which requires a day more ou its
journey to Vancouver than the Imperial
William Weir, Frederic* W. Smith
and Ferdinand Lemieux, of the insolvent
Banque Ville Marie, have been commit-
ted for trial on a charge of having fur.
niched to the Department of Finance at
Ottawa a false statement of the position
of the Bank in June.
When the Pall Assizes opened at Corn-
wall before Mr. Justice MacMahon it wag
discovered that a number of the grand
jurors had failed to make train connect.
inns, His Lordship ordered the panel to
be tilled from the audience in the Court
ro.nn, which order the Sheriff carried
Court of Revision 1
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the
sitting of the Court of Revision at the 'gown
Hall, Brussels, nn Monday, flip lith oily of
November, 18811, at the hour of 8 p. 01., for
the hearing of appeals pursuant to the Sta-
tute in that behalf respecting the proposed
cement sidewalk e1 the South side of ('nth-
eriue street between Turnberry and Eliza-
beth streets, and the spools) alsossment of
the cost thereof upon the lands Mt meniat'ly
benefitted, puranaht t0 the report of bbs 'En-
gineer, dated Oct. 2nd, 180), new cn Ills in
the Cleric's office. The estimated cost of the
sold improvement is 0110.00, payable in fif-
teen equal annual instalments of principal
and interest combined, interest being at 4
per cent, per annum, and the lauds ,propos-
ea t0 no specially assessed therefor consist
of as set out 10 schedule hereto attached,
Brussels, Oct.14tb, 195:1.
F. s. SCOTT, Clerk.
Description of Emotional
Lot or property by name mut of
part of Lot 0( owner. Total Asst
W 100 John Wynn 0951)015
N pt 412 Robert Barns 144,(050
Wa5 412 Peter AloQuarrie 081;1016
Municipal Corporation of Brussels :401(050
The Buse nese
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and practical trete-
ing in all branches of Commercial work,
at considerably lees than regular retie.
For full information apply
(teams Or(lessee° over lost O111rc.
Loan and
The undersigned is prepared
to attend promptly to all Busi-
ness in this line at very reason-
able rates.
Money to loan.
Insurance risks written.
Conveyancing carefully at-
tended to.
Books posted and accounts
°'Satisfaction assured in
every transaction.
Headquarters fur Bicycles
or nepait's.
Is the place to get a geed
Photo. I offer Irons this date until Jan.
1st, 1000, one doz. Cabinet Photos., one
Mantle Easel and Frame with one extra
Photo. tinted in Water Color,
FOR $2.50
Family Groups a Specialty.
Picture Frames of all kinds.
Crayon Portraits and Water Colors
done to satisfaction.
...L O .l..i., ..E7..leT JD.
Dress Goods,
Dress Tritnmingd,
Silks and Satins,
Ladies' and Gents' Under-
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Grocery Department,
Full Iine of new Teas and
New) Fruits,
Now Canned Goods,
Fresh and Pure Spices,
(1'T. 20 1899
.ate I .L J_ .1:_;;L .
orrei Styles 1011 Fall
Our Fall trade has started with a awing and enthusiasm that is much
t0 our lilting: Visitors are delighted with the stook and obarmed with the
display, and our prices are greatly in favor of those who boy here,
Our Specialties this week are:
Black Blister Ccepone, 12 makes wide, 75n,
Black Blister Crep'ns, 41 inches wide, in polka dote and large blisters, at
51, 51,25 and $1.60.
New Deese Heide, with raised overobeoke, in all the new colors, at 50.
Box Clothe, for tailor -matte snits, 45 inches wide, in fawn, blue, castor and
myrtle, 111 $1,
Heavy Tweed Drees Goode, 40 t0 42 !noise wide, grey, brown and mixed
effeote, at 25e,
Lustre Serge, in blank and navy,' 12 Indies wide, will not spot or shrink, nt
FancyDross Goode, in Win ter weights, Lie, 20e and 25o,
Ladies' Beaver Jsokete, in bleak and brown, velvet collars trimmed with
braid, at $3.50, $1 60 and $5,
Ladies' Jackets, in rough boucle cloth, new Frani) sleeves, lined throughout,
at 55, 57.60 and 510,
Ladies' Astiaohin Caps, lined with satin, 24 inches long, regular price 515
for 1112.
Men's Fur (:oats, at $18, $20, $25 and $50,
Fur Yourself
E. F. McA llister's
A large and complete stock of Furs now to hand, such
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
Ladies' Fur Capel, prices from $7 to $20,
Men's Siberian Wolf Coats, Men's Coon
Coats, Men's African Buffalo Coats, Men's No. 1 Wallaby Coats,
also a complete stock of Gentlemen's and Ladies' Fur Gauntlets.
We also have a complete stock of Flannelettes, a largo assort-
ment of colors and prices.
We have the Agency for the Saskatchewan Buffalo Probe and if
you are buying a robe tbis season it will pay you to inspect before
buying. This robe is interlined with rubber throughout and lined
with a superior quality of Astrachan cloth.
E,eady to -wear C] othrn ,
Well cut, well trimmed, well made—made to fit.
Prices from $4.00 to $10.00.
Men's Underwear, all Prices and Weights.
Ladies' Mantles a Specialty.
Ha F. (Allister,
—.monk ETHEL,
We have taken the agency for one of the best Manufac-
turers of Harness in the Dominion, viz.
GEC , RUDD & Co., Toronto.
We can therefore supply anyone with the Best and
Cheapest Harness in the market to -day. Parties who have
seen them say decidedly they are the Best and Cheapest
value they ever saw. Come and see for yourselves.
Guaranteed all hand sewed
Ewan & Innes
Carriage Builders, Brussels.
vemw seal
We have a fine stock of best Owen Sound Portland
Cement that always gives satisfaction. A car and a half
sold already this season for cellars, stable floors, Six,, Ste.
Ili is the same grade as is being used in the new walks in
Call and get Pikes.
Wilt yi''