HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-26, Page 3tl
20, 1q0n.
Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of the
Beauties of Heaven.
Vast Immigration to That City, But No Emigration From It—
The Twelve Beautiful Gateways of the City—Gates on
the North, Gates on the South, Gates on the East, Gates
on the West—White or Black May Enter if His Heart Is
LA deapncoh from Watchington says:-
flager flash under the gastight.
ReV. Dr, Talmage prehe
acd from the will
following text 1 --"And the twelve gates
were twelve pearls."-Ilev. xxi., 21. 1 land dripping with tIlle!liglit.'t
Our eubject speake of a great Melte- ; Itiooniday. J1311u11 Caesar paid a bun-
Is,Urn o x r„aon of whieh ;many , :trod and twenly-five thousand crowns
have doubted. Standing on the wharf ,ici,-.notligtempellenes.teaTloeft. IlovvieurnmentgaPeorri
and Looking La upon the bettor, and larger Limn a pear. Cleopatra tiand
seeing the moron:Int [nen coming up the Phillip IL, dazzled the world's vision
bey, the flags of foreign nations
procioue stonee. But gather all
et reaming from t he 1 op -gal tants, you to ; `idielin- Li- eve -Lehi' ilol'Enihemile',11,drci
iratnedintely make 1111 y000 mind that ; fisheries, and Sot them in the panel uf
those veesels COMB from foreign ports, 1 one door, and it does not/ equal this,
. magnificent gateway. An elmighty
and you say t "That Is from Bamberg, : leuel hewed One, swung this, polished
land that is from Marseilles, and that • aus
ls from Southampton, and that fa from ; Against this gateway, on the other
Ilevanti," and your sUppOsition t10- ' aide, dash all the splendors of earthlY
'tray. It pills out the spark of folsor
lend. Bohemian dtanaoncl, You knots: -
limy mitt. little orceious stone on your
aerate. But from the city of which beauty. Agninst: Inis gain On the Mil -
I be EMMA forms?" 0, no. You might
as well deeide thal all people 811011 eat
the same kind of food without refer-
ence 0 meet it e, or wear the Same
kind of tipparel without referenee to
the shape of their bo ty. Your 11.11Vos...
Lry, you r temperament, y000 stirrotind-
togs will &eine whether you go te
title or that Church, and adopt this 00
(hilt Chureh (Atty. One Church will
hest get (me man tOt heaven, and an-
other Church anuther Man.
1 ant nut opposed to Name being
built around denominations of Chris-
tians. I am nut opposed to u Very
high relive being built around each 01'
the denominations of Christians; but
1 do any that in every fence there
ought to be bare that you ean let
,lown, and gate
Go home tberefore, to -day, and take
your Bible and get down on your knees
before God, and raake your owu ereed.
I am rue oppoeed to erectile; I believe
la them; but a ereed that (Uwe not 811,111 hear the tramp, tramp.
reach down to the depth of a inan'e ,
Immortal mature in not worth the pa- 'CROWD ALL TUE 11.4 tele V E tl AT It'e-1.
per that it is printed on. 1 de 1101 1.410/111 ,y111.. 110001 on the thrones.
care Which one of t he wiles 3700, g0 1100111 in the mansions, Room. on
through, if yeti only go through one the river bank. Lett the trumpet of
of twelve gates that Jesas lifted. invitatiun 101 sounded until all eartles
Well now, see all the redeemed of motuatains hear the shrill blunt feel
earth mining up toivard heaven , the glen.s echo: it, Let. missionaries tell
:ton think 1 hey will get in? Yeti. Gate it itt Pagoda, and: eolporteurs sound
the first : the Moravians rome up; they it across tee Western prairies, Shout
believed in the Lord jesus Christ ; they it te. the Laplander on hie swift. elect;
vase through. Gate the second: the halloo it to the Bedouin careering
Clinkers come ue; l hey have received acress the desert, News! Newsl glori-
the inward light; they have trusted in ous heaven and twelve gates to get
the I.,ord; they pass through. Gate into it! Hear. ite, 01 you thineblocelect
the third; the Lutherans eome up,
they had a great riclin•iratiun for the
tlanitemmaatdearilLlaireertywelli till? same graeo
Hong Kong. "Wield" you eay, ttj),,
you introducet all elie heal hen into
gjery?" I tell you the 1. 11 3$ that
the majerity of the imolai, in those
elimem die in infancy, and the indult, s
all go straight. Lao eternal life, and tal
the vast nuijority up 110$o who 111(1 (11
China and in India, the vest majority
of those who (lie In Africa, go straight
Me, the Miles; they die in infailey. ne
hundred fuel eiety generatiens have
been bern %nue the world was 1'00$ 1 -
ad, 011(1 No 1 0811113.11 Le that. there must
be rif Leen thousa 11 mi 1 lion eh i roil in
g100y, if id a euncert two them
tiniel children tilug, yOur soul hi rap-
t ((red within you. 01 the trautsporl
When fir teen t ascend million lit t le
((nes etand twi in white bef Ore 1)13'
1. 11 ron 0 of God, their chmting drawing
out. all the atupendous Iasi:Monies of
thisseldurf, and Leipsio, and Buteon,
Peur in through, the twelve gales. 01
ye redeemed - bannere lifted, rank al-
ter tank, $110ed battalion after saVed
battalien, until all elle city of God
nations ol eternal winter - on the
north, three gate.s. Hear itl 01 you
bronzed inhabitants, panting under
pawl thrwst. GaR't„,11e11.ivictosu, rainiid; egna,storial heats -on the south, three
er side beat the surges of eternal they
come ul" gn,143,ust: I ihneotioey when olin
I at this time speak, no weal her -beaten geory. 0) the gate 1 the watt! Lt mon,- nr [the, ,„
reerChlattimen or frigates with scarred strikes an infinite (Mann tint tert Atiibtel), lookuibtional the superstitions of mew these
bulkhead have ever come. There hes Mitry one that pitaseS it. 0n4 0161) Ch cadae, tencectreving in sa [Va. Th0y Will nYotil alwaysee("1:e(--",s'oid.° 1101.fut.3:r.
is side that gate: and Wei are paup- lion' b
been a vast innuigration into Om( city th
Pass awhile heaven
era. One step tile other side. that gale t hroug GaTiesthe
I: thc all its intended popaLatioe, and the
1 lave gathered up
but no emigration Heim it -so far as tund we are kinge.
our natural vision eau decry. "There TELE PILGRIM OP BARU:I
is no Buell city," says the undevout
astronanter, "I hate stood in high
towers with a mighty telescope, and
have swep1 the heavens, and I 111100
Seen spots' on the sun and caverns in
the moon ; but no towers have ever
risen on my Nision, no patitices, no tem-
ples, nu shining streets, no massive
wall. There is no swat city." Even
very good temple tell tue that heaven
is no1 a material organtem, bue
grand spiritual fact, and that tne
Bible detscriptions oll it are in 011 cases prmi.1,S.'" thetr gate? 331(1 yail shut all tins
guitig through sees 111 one uge
pearl all his earthly tears in crystal. „ ...
0 1 gate of light I (pate of pearl I gat e , Lim ienscopaltans pass noun 1. et e
nth. I. • t .
• he Salable. al mns pass _
garner. Ant :heaven being made up,
heaven 1 For our weary souls at last! liv'' ni
I through. Gate the tenth: the Meth- tria in, and the first gate eine:. Rus-
e! course Ote gates will be shut. Aus-
swing open: i celiste 101013 through. Oa te the eleventh: sin in, and the wound gate shut. Italy
"'When shall these eyes Thy heaven-,
, th: the R.eformed Duteh Church passes in, and the third gate shut. Egypt
built walls I through. Gate the twelfth: the Pres- in, and, thp leurth gate shut. Spaiu
And pearly gales behold • in, and the fifth gate shut. .Eranee in,
' bytertans pass through. But there I
Thy bulwarks with salvation strong,.
! are a great 11031 of other denominat- , arid the: sixth gate, shila, Vinland in,
And streets of shining gold ?" : lions who must Name in, and a'reai ' and the seven' It gate shut. Norway
0! Heaven is not a dull place. Heav-: multitudes who eonneeted themselves in, and. the eighth gate sslaut. Swit-
en is not a contrtected place. Heaven with 110 visible Church, but felt the zerlancl in, and the ninth gate shut.
is not a slutad place. "I saw Ole , 103001' of godliness in their heart, and Ili ((1 131(313 in, and the tenth gate shul.
twelve gates and they were twelve showed it in their life. Where is s belie to mad, the eleventh ate shill;
All the gales are clesed but one. :Now
to be taken figuratively. I bring in La the second place 1 want you 1.0 . remnining host out of the city ? No.
RefOrmed Church paSses tht °ugh. Gate children cif Clod will, have come linme,
the sixth: the Congregal ionn lists pasS Every crown taken. Every harp struelt,
through. Gate the seventh; the Nei- Eve 0) theme mounted. All the glories
Lista ',ass threugh. Guth the eighth:
of the universe harvested in the great
reply to this what Chile said, and lie count. the number of those gates. Ine"they may. come in at our gre.d lel go, in with, all the islands
110810 .,„„ei;;„ ot the sea and all the other nations
ought ea know: "I go to prepare"- pt•rial parks and lordly manore are apt a Go 1, if you cement go a
tives all freed. The 'harvests all
- " that have called on God. The eap-
not a theory, me1 prinriple, not a to have one expansive gateway, end. through any other en rnnee,
sentimen: : out "go to prepare v. the otherS are ordinary ; but look, ?COME 1N.11.T THE TWELFTH GATE. gathered. The nations all eased. The
place for you," aruuncl at theee entcances to heaven. No,„ tims
:eagle before the throne. eiashing eptendor of this last pearl be-
lle! te,v,i. met! body implies (1110, It and. count them. One, 1300, three, four, Looking out on the one hundred ancl gins to inave on its hinges. Let I.wo
my foot is to be reforiued from the • five, tax, seVen., eight, nine, len, forty and four thousand, and you can- m ghty angels put their shout:hers to
dustit must lin ye something to tread five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten: "10- • 0101 tell at what gate they came the (311131 (3(1(1 heave it. t111 with silvery
oil. ,
11 in.3 uand is tu 0e leconstruct- vett, twelve. neat it, 1111 ye e One Lord, One 1.ailb. Onn(0pb(sm.
Id, it mas1 have einuethieg, im handle. all the heievens. Twelve gates] I ad-. Om, glassy sm, One doxelegy. One
m • eye having gone um in death, is mit this is rather hard on sharp 8ea-i triumph. Otte heaven. "Why, Lu -
clang. 'Tie done! L. thunders 1 The
tweieth gate shut I
'('41,,gads-keepers. Once more, I
to be rekaulled, I must. have tartans 1 Here ts a bigoted 1 resbytet- titer, 11031' (11(1 you get in ? I. came want to show you the gate-kettpers,
SOME'111.1leal To GAZE ON. Lan, who brings his 11 31011010510( As- through the third gate." "Crumner, There is one angel al each tee of those
Your tun erse theory seems to imply seinbly Catechisna, end he 'mikes a how dicl yea get ((3 1' "1 eeme gates. •Yon say that is right. Of
galette ay out of thee., and he says to through the eighth gate," eAdeni-
the resurrected budy is to be hung cm ocarrse it: is. Yu know that no earth -
nothing, or to wet. on an, 1
k • . 0 . 10 the world: " You go through there 03' ram - judson, how did ;you get 1 ,
y palace, or castle, or fortress would
's a bigoted mein- through?" "I pame through the 3(0 be amid the iiatingibles. You tell lasetitnr;Yo0flit':e Vedfo11110c11 Church rend he enth gate.". "Huith 3:ILI-Lail, the mat be safe with:tee ti sentry pacing up
us that it there be material organisms, - ; . . ,,,, ,:i 1 and clown by iSght ante by day, and
makes a gate' r 1 ll' *d. 11 •
mit of 1 lo • ei e wig t yr, how: nett yea get througn f
the.n soul in heaten el] nape , .
ow hindered. all its enjoyments; hut ate:el:atm, end he says: " go came through the twelfth gate." Calory
hrough there or stay out." .And here to God! One heaven, but twelve
I answer: • Did not Adam and Eve !•
itavo 1110,1( y 00 he Gu,(1,1 Of Is a bigoted Methodist, and he plants gates.
two posta, ancl he says: " Now, you In thet third place. notice the point
Eden I Although only a few yards or
crowd in between these two pests, or of the compass toward which these
if there were no defences betere hea-
Veil, an& the doors set wide open with
no Lae to guard thetu all the vicious of
tbe earth won ga up after awhile,
and heaven, iustead bAng a world
oc: gia, aad joy, and peace, and bless -
a. few miles would have men e e
.2 518, sta y out." eend here is a bigoted Epts- gates look. they are not on one side,'
1 th oarless, would be a world of
circumference of thee cm:ellen, wit° says: " Here is a litur- or on two sides, or on three sides, but
had ample room. And do you, not sup-
ont of which I mean to make a en fou e sides. This is no eines of
pose. that God, in the immensities, Gan
gate; go 'through it or stay out." And mine, but a distinet announcement. Sol I am glad to tell you that while
(mild it ithiee large euougli 10 (31310 the
here is a bigoted Baptist, who says: On the north, three gates; on the these twelve gates stand open to Mt
‚.01(015 ratio room, even though there
• ,0 h " Here is a. water -gale; you. go through south, three gates; on the eest, three a great 'wee:thud.° im them are twelve
gates; on the west, three gates. What angels to keep seam people out. Robe -
dam that mean? Why it means that spierre cannot go through there, nor
a11 nationalities are included, and it lejldebrand, nor Nero, ner any of the
does not make any difference from debauched of earth who have not re -
what quarter of the earth a .man panted at their wiekeeness. If one of
comes up; it his heart: ie right, there these nefateous men who despised Clod
is a gate open before him. On the 1001a (0 ow guLe, Qua at the
north, three gates. That means keepere \you'd, put this hand on his
sheu der and push h'm into outer dark-
ness. There is no place in that land
tor thieves, and liars, and whoremon-
gers, and defrauders, and all those Who
d.; sg raced (1(1't r race and fought. against
thee' Gud. If a miser should get 111
there Ile aveuld pull up the gelden
puveeuene. If a honese•burner sheuld,
get. in there he WM" di See fire to the
mansions. If a libertine shceeld get
in 0000 he wou d whisper 111S 11. 13....11.311111 -
dons, standing on the white coral of
the sea -beach. Only those who are
blood -washed and prayer -lipped Will
get through.
0 any brother, if yett• should at last
mew lee 1,0 one. of the gatete and try
to: 1.1055 through, end you had not: a
pass written by the crutshed hand of
the Sent of God, the gate-kiteper would
with one gitenee wither you: forever.
.There wi a be a paes-avoild at the gran
of heaven, lei you know what that
pass -word, is? Ilene eumes a crowd; of
souls Lo the gate, and they say:
"Let me in, let 111,0 in. I was very
useful :on earth. 1 enclowed eolleges,
built churches, end wag fam:aus for
my charities ; and having clone so ninny
woadatielui things for the world, now
eutme up. to get ney reward," A
matt Leen witnin says; "I never
knew you," A no t her great: crew&
comes up, and they I ry to get through.
They Hay: "We were highly honeur-
able on earth, and the world bowed
oval:TB' cl 10%0 141 rit)1;r, 001;41 cluielnte‘WV: rOvittlere11 ltititt°11;
gin out' hutiours 111 heaven 1" end
voate fron whine says: "I never kneW
:yeti," Another crowd advanneS, and
says: "We were Very Moral, peepte on
earth, very morel indeed, and 0131 .010130
up. to get. appropr into recognition." A
votee answers. "I never knew you."
Aline awhile I See another throng ap-
peottels the gate, and one seeme to be
sllokeemen lin all the rest, althoegh
their voices eveit anci anon cry:
"Amen! ternen I" This one elands at
teet gate, 11111. 3113(0 "Let ine in, I
WaS a Wanderer frorn 00(1,
:st rhangst hy the graee of ChM, you
go. in. 1 dr, noi care where 1411
f011111, 01' '0, ho y 0111' father Wan,
,)0u0 0104)301' Wa$. what
'4110 brilliant surreundinge-unleilm
3.311 repent yinir sin, mut take Christ
fig yimr Divine Saviour, you eannot
get in. Are yeu willing there thin In
ina011, just where yeti are, to kneel
down and cry to 110 Lord A'nlighin
tor ifis deliveraime ? Veu v.ani to get
111. (1, nol ? 0, you have leillte
31.3 (1 friends there. This last year
(hero was mane one 10110 Wont 0111
l'1,01 at tir home int 41013 Ides,ed
peatm, The) till not have arty I melee,
(0011113(3 thrtingli the, goes, did they '4
No. They 1(11 ('W 1 ho 11, and,
n3 ng they said: el omils 1" and
ory WaS "lt, ft up. your horde. ye
item:law:11g gate,. and. let them 01110
in," 0, Wlien beaveu is all. ci. ne, anti
4)133 4(10' 304 of (in,' 14111M1 oast 113
;ikon, how grand .1 34.111 bo if yoll 11.1111
I are a 111041, 1.11,111. ll'essed are till
they Who enter in tbrough the maim
intti, the city,
looked into Lite heavens, Ae a Bayles that or you must stay out.' And SO
in all our C
guide puts his alpenstock between the On hurchee and in all our
glaeiers, and 0105134(0 over Irma Crag denominations there ere men who
to mg, so Herschel planted his tele- make one gate for themselves, end
then 14401011(1Data the whole world go
stops between the worlds and glided
wen he, could through it. I abhor ibis oontractect-
from star to star,
uounce to us that we live: al a Melt 13 •
ur the universe but sparsely strewn 0 I small-aouled man, when did God
with worlds; and. he peers out. into give you the 000(11901 for making 11(0(03' for Lapland, and Siberia, an
immeumity until. he times a region no gates 4 I tell you plainly wn not go Norway, and Sweden. OD the. eolith,
go in at
Larger then our solar system: in which in at thee gaLc. I will any three gates. That means pardon for
there are fifty thonsaud worlds (nee- 011e of the twelve re gates I choose, HeHindostan, and Algiers, and Ethiopia.
On the east, thr es gates. That
means salvation for China, and
jitita 0, • and Borneo, On he
west., three gates. That means
redemption for America. It
does not make any difference how
dark-skinned or how pale -faced men
may be, they will find a gate right be-
fore them, Those !plucked bananas
under a tropical 81111. Those: behind
reindeer shat across Russitai snows.
From 14:lexical.) plateau, from Roman
campania, from Chineie tea -field, from
Holland dyke, from Scotch highlands,
they 031110, they come. Heaven is not
a monupoly for n. few precious souls.
1118 not Winclsou Castle, built only
for royal families. 11 is not a small
town with stool] population. but John
saw it, and be :noticed that an angel
0141$ measuring it, and he measured it
this way, and then he measured (1 111311
401(31, and whichever way, he measured
11, 11 w
so that Babylon and, Thebes, and Tyre
and Nin.eveh, and St. Pet ereburgh (Ind
Canton, and Pekin an 1 Paris, and Lon-
don and New York, and all the dead
cities of the past, and all the living
cities of the present added together,
;would not equal the cenus of 411111
great metropolis. Wonting along a
street, you oan, by the contour of the
dress, or the fame guess where a man
time froin, Too say; "Tina is a
Frenchman; that is n Norwegian;
that is an American," But the gntee
that gather in the righteous:a will bring
them =caveat -Iva of nationality. Par-
eigners sometimes get home-siek:Sotne
of the tenderest and most pathetic
stories hare been told: of tbese who
left their native clime, and longed for
it until they died, But the Swiss,
coming to the high residence of hens
von, will not lon(3 any more fer the
Alpe, standing 111 the eternal hills. The
Russian will not long any more for the
luxurintit harvest fields he left, DOW
that. he heal% the 1111111 and the rustle
of the harvest of everlasting The
royal ones from earth will not long to
go beet egain to the earthly court now
that they stand in the Nieces or the
son. Those who once lied among the
groves of (mice and oranges will not
long to return nowt that they stand
under the tree or life that hear twelve
manner of fruit. !
While t speak, an ever -Increasing
throng is pouring through the gates,
They ere going Up from Senegninbia,
from Patagonia, from Madtae, from
Leg. And Proferisor Lang says that,
by a p:Itilogoeine reasoning, there mu%
be intriewevere a world where.there io
no darkneee but everlasting sunshine;
so thee, do not know but that :it is
simply beelines we nave no Leleseope
powerful enough that We ennnot see
iiito the land where there is no dark-
ness at all, and (well a glimpse of. ehe
burnished pinnacles. As a oonquering
army, marching on to take a tiny,
comes at nightfall to the crest of a
mountain from which, in the midst of
Lee lendscepe, they cam see ime castles
they axe to minter% rein in their war
chargers and halt to take a good look
before they pitch their tents for the
is a mall who says, "1 ean more eas-
ily and more closely approach my God
11 rough a prayer -book." I say: "My
brother, then use the prayer -book."
Here is a mom who seys: "1 believe
there is only one mode of baptism and
that is immersion." Then I say: "Let
me plunge you!" Anyhow, I say, away
with the gate of rough panel, and rot-
ten posts, and rusted hitch, When there
are twelve gates and they are
The rant Is, thait a great; many of. the
Churehee in this clay are being doe -
trilled to death. They have betel try-
ing for twenty five years to find out
all. about God's decrees, and they want
night ; SO 1103V Coining 1113 we, do us
tu Jr1lOW W110 are elected to be saved
this mountain -top of prospeet, I coax- and who are reprobated to be damned,
mend this regiment of God to rein in and they are keeping on diseussing
their thoughts and halt, and before that subject when there ere millions
they p•ieth their tents for the night
of souls who need to have the truth
1(01(0 (11143 good, long look at Lbe gates put straight al, them that unless they
of Lite great Guy, "Aud the twelve
regent they Will all be damned, They
ga les were melee pearls."
c sit coutitIng the number of teeth in
The. tieehiteolure 01 the gates. .in
the jaw -bone with which they are to
the (0131 (511000 1: went you Lo examine
elay the Philiellnes ween Only ought
the architecture of those gates, Pro -
,„i. Lo be wielding skilfully the weapon,
(3(11(10(0 ((1 huge eelal'as a" varY ''''' They sit on the beach and see a yes -
to have Gsol going to (1104305 e the offing, and
instead of getting into a boat. and
Sonettimes they spring en aroh of pulling away for the wreck, they sit
masonry; the poets of the gate flank- discussing the dilferent styles of marl-
ed with lions in statuary; the bronze looks. God intended us to know tame
gate is a re:Presentation of intertwin- things, and intemled us not to know
ing foliage, bird-litiunted, until the others. I lutve beard scores of '5811-
1(811(1 of arellitectuval genius drops ex.- mons explanatory Of Goe's deerees,
bleusted, ell its lite frozen into the but came away more perplexed than
stone. Babylon heel a hundred gate.s; when I went, The only result of Buell
so had Thebes. Guette of. wood, and disoussiort te a great fog. Here are two
iron, and Stella guarded utterly all the truths which are to eouquer the 10001d ;
old cities. Moslems 113001 inseribed Me. man, a. sinner -Christ, a Saviour. Any
011 their gateways inecriptions freln Man. 01.110 adopts 111000 1.0,(3 theories ill
the Koran of the Mehonnuedan, There his religious belief shall have my
intve been a great Many fine gateWaye, rigdt ..1 t t , ,11M 11! werm grip of Christian
but Chriet sae hatel to the work, and brotherhood, .
/or the upper Oily Lie ewang a gale , .A. Man 000110$ (101011 to 11 01Veli 111 1h110
SUCh AS 110 eye ever, gazed. 011 11111.0,U.111.1. 1 of freshet. Ile wants to get across.
ed of 108(3413(31100. With 1.1113 0" 01 He latts to swim., What does 1131 (101 The
Ills own moss. Go ((((31 11110 it wonderful . rivet thing ie to put off his heavy nee
tram:Hee, stOries a inlet sulteringS end : (3are), and drop everything he has in
of gladness to come. There IS 110 3300d i ids hando, En must go erapty-hand-
ed LC he is going to the other bank.
Mid I tell you when we have come
clown to the river of death' and find
it swift and raging we will nave to
p•ut 00 all our setterianism, and ley
cleave n11 our liniihrous 000018, end
empty handed put out for the
other ehore. " What," say you,
" woeld you reeolVe a 1 1 the
Christian Cletreh into one kind of
Church'? Would yeti make all Chris -
Gs dein winship 113 the Seine way, bet]
or stone, or bronze al that ;gate, but
tram Lop to base, and from itide Meld°,
11 10 till of peer/. Not Oile petite picked
up from Ceylon nanks, :Ind another
phew from the Persian Gull, nnd 1111 -
el hee piece from the (81(3011 01. Merger-
ette ; but one solid pearl pieked up
from the beech :IC everlasing (((31(1 (13'
he:av.enly hand% and hoisted niel
swung ulind the shouting of angelle.
Tee glories 01 tOttbastee vftee and par-
thyry pillar fade 0101 before 1111,4 gate -
Thrilling Experience or tin Aeronaut
Allegheny Mly,
When (301110 goes up in a balloun be
can never be sure where he will come
down, Jack Caenell, an aeronaut, re-
cently made an ascent at Allegheny
City:, Pennsylvania, and mune due:n-
or attempted 1.0 come down - with a
parachute. The Pittsburg news
papers tell the story of the adventure,
Cassell went up to a height of two
thuusand feet. Tb,en he dropped off
the balloon with his parachute in his
hands, Ile plunged stiaight, down-
ward a hundred feet, and the speeta-
tors held their breath in horror, sup-
Pesing that the parachute would not
open. But at this point the wind
upe.ned. it, and Casetel neared the earth
more gradually.
Soon the earnohute seemed to be
1411)11(1(3 along in a level course before
the wind, This unnamed until Cas-
sell was nearly over the top of Calvary
Church, which has twit high spires.
Here the peraehate ceased. its lateral,
muvement, and. descended steadily to-
ward the spires.
.11 bectame evident to Cassell, glanc-
ing downward, that L126 big umbrella.
was dropping straight upon one of the
steeples, which was Lipped with sevi
oral sharp-puinted lightning -rods. Ho
wondered for an Instant wby, with all
the earth to choose aorta, fate should,
have selected the sharp epear uf a
lightning -rod upon which to inipale
He escaped impalement, but so nar-
rowly that the parachute caught on
the top of the steeple, stopping him
with su suchen a jerk that nothing
but his great strength saved him from
being hurled to the earth.
des ho o old not detach the entangled
parachute, ha managed tu get his feet
mem the silt of a little Gothie window,
0110E1t4,111 70 DIM
I have ecene up Is Ode plane, not. be-
cause I deserved it, but because I have
heard: that there is a Having power in
the bleed or Jesus." The gate -keep-
er says: "That is the pass -word,
"Jesus I Jesus!" tend they pees in,
and they tenround Ole throne, end the
evy 'Woet by is the 'Intuit that was
statue reneive bletcsings and riches,
and :honour, end glory, and power,
world' 101( 1111(11 end 1"
I stand here, this lion% to invite you
into any one of the twelve gaten. I
tell you now that unitise your heart
It Is not given to every woman to
be a first wife. leu doubt ehe would
vastly prefer to eunie first, rather than
second, in her husband s affections.
lint there are little 1(31(1 1018 of destiny
that one cannot overrule. The sec-
ond wife. if she has certain drawbaelte
1" nu( un wa)), has slil1 nau.ny cum.
)1('11'411 (1005 of her 015,11.
1"ir1(1, (11(3 1101/Whalikkl. To moSt wo-
Men s minds there itc a great charm in
tieing first 10 11131 field. There IN tenne-
thing maremely discouraging in the
feeling that some ono has been there
before cute, and taken all the cream
from 01131 happiness, When Arthur
murmurs in our ear that we are the
irtst and dearest was a mum ever Pos-
seemed 1( 15 dispiriting to think tha1 he
has said the saine thing 10 the seine
onder tones to Araminte-now in the
family vault.
When he goes througb all the ways
of domestic life am if they were an
old story and bad growa a trine 010130-
I On 11 IS chilling to one cc own fresh
eat huslasin in one own hewn to feel
that he has played the part. before,
with nnother woman ia the title role.
When he looks pensive we cannot help
a private eonvietion that he is think-
ing of his loved and lost No, 1. When
we make mistakes we feel euro he te
privately thinking -though he May
have the decorum not to say it -how
nauell bet ter she managed things than
(10 We. There is always the shadow of
Araminta in the background -the feel -
that she had. the first innings, and we
have only the Se01111(1 left.
If we can't help feeling that in
many ways she was an overrated wo-
man and really didn't understand
Arthur half as well as we dm that
does not comfort us tas it. might.
And yet, perhaps, in many ways
poor Araminla would, change thaws
with us if she had the chance, If he
laughs best who laughs last, the same
may be said about maerimony •, it is
very often the second wife who lets
tbe best time. Roseession is nine
points. No memory can ever hold its
own against the actuality of to -day.
Evert if the consoled widower gives a
tender thought to Araminta, and if a
soft veil drews itself in his mind over
all her faults and failures, she cannot
stand in rivalry against the living wo-
Then he wurked himself into a sitting
posture, and clung there, There was
no means of getting down, nur of get-
ting through the window, or eseaping
in any way without helm
11 WaS an hear. benne relief, in the
shape of his wife and his assistant, ar.
rived, anti during this hour Cassell,
perched, on his narrow window -seat,
Lived an age. Ile then 0111 his para-
chute repes, and tying them end to
end, let the cord down to the ground.
Hyde attached a heavier rope to the
ourd, and Cassell pulled this up, Lied it
to the spire, and slid down in safety
to the street.
Next his precious parachute bad to
be rescued. Five fire department
ladders were lashed together, but they
were found to be too short. Cassell
then wen1 out on the roof of the
church, and making use of the rope
which he had left dangling, climbed
once mere to the top., tbre the
parachute away, and. let it float to the
Then he slid clown again, and was
ready for another ascent,
$10,030 A DOZEN.
Cog' Come Wilkey 01 '111111,
"That is a ridiculous peice for suoh
an egg as this," sald a London a(1ra-
tioneer the other day, when a man bid
151) guineas for an egg, One of the
cempany bid anotber ten guineas,
and as nobody could be persuaded to
go higher the egg wits knocked down
for 160 guineas.
The egg which fetched suet' an ex-
traordinary price was an egg of the, of the first..
(-4-4-e-ce-te - • - eect
I Young Folks.
:Many boys and girls w1n.+ have tried
rabbite, equirrels and birds as pole,
may be glad to hear of something new
in this line. If they '(31111 1(111001 01.11
direetions they may, wi111 very little
trouble and expense, catch and ()age
the pretty little mice whteh sometimea
gnaw young fruit trees and steal
corm Titeee biLLle fellows are smaller
in (dee and haVo shorter MHO ihall
house mice. Examine am of theete
olvsely wad yuu will he edgier:nod with
ite grae,eful form, its sett fur and the
trirnuees el its general makeup.
When you have found a nest of these
mice in a low field, perhaps near 44,
fodder stack, place near it any guod
trap made to eutcle rats or mice alive'.
Bait wile corn meal, and the next
morning you will be pretty tiare tatt
Lind one or more occupants. Take for
the floor of your one a piece of inch
plank about 12x1.8 inches, and set up
on each corner of i1 a post one inch,
equare and 8 or 10 high. Cover the
flour with fresh sods, and. on one side'
mem up a piece of plank under which
the mice may make their nest. Lay
Wine soft dry grass underit to make'
limpet moxe comfortable. Set in One
corner a small Lin or earthen pan and
keep it supplied with fresh water.
Mar surround the four sides with'
cheap wire mesh, and lay en top ot
the fintr.posts either a board or a namr-
able frame cevered with wire mesh'.
The miee should be fed with corn meal
and whole corn, apples and green vege-
tables. Thus provided fur, a pair will
be quite at leene and will soon raise
a family. Wten they bec,ome rest-
less and seem disoontented with their,
quaeters, it is time toe remove the sodt
Lift off the top of the Gage and lay,
sumething around their hiding place to
prevent their esecipe while you are
putting in fresh sod. LC this is at,
tended to, perlaups once in tome months,
they will continue to thrive.
Instinct teaches nearly all kinds of
rats and mice to aade and sleep dur-
ing the daytime, and come out at night
of food. Therefore the best time to
watch their motions is after sunset;
or under a shed or in a cellar on ,a
cloudy day. At such, times they wine
Gut from. their retreat and. scalnper
aboui even more actively and much
more gracefully than house mice. It
is a. pretty sight at such times to
watch, one of these tiny pests as be sits
up on his hind legs with his forepaws
benging down in the style of a prairie
dog, or eating like a squirrel, and af-
terwards cleaning his face, like the
neat little fellow that he is.
men who fills her place.
And remember the educational Power
of metrimony I Think how riauch nicer
e man always becomes after marriage
has subdued his spirit and tamed his
viewit of life. When he has learned
that women have: nerves that must be
respected. and has found his proper
subordinate plaC0 in the universe.
When he has fathomed the enormity
of supposing he nifty possess anything
in life to which his wile has not an
equal right. When his views about
dress allowance and bachelor friends
an1 a daily indulgenee in pipes have
been enlightened, and when be :has
learned thab old-faehionece ideas about
mothers-in-law are vulgar and de-
testable, and that a woman in these
days 001118 a latch key and a club. ,
How mueh his mind and his man-
ners thrive by a few years on patient,
firm breaking -in on a wifees part
How agreeable for her sueeessor not
to have to embark on new bachelor
material when she makes Iter own
first matrimonial venture, but to be
the, Inheritor of another woman s labo-,
and to enter into cultivated land as
her heritage I
The man who has onoe been mar-
ried has learned, something about the
sex. Pie knows when it is wise to keep
silence and, when it is best to speak,
if he is not an ignorant and thick-
headed idiot, whom no amount of pain-
ful experie.nce will ever teavia. He
has learned 'that women must be
humored if life: is to be ngreeable; he
has conceived a respect for the power
of remenstrance, of determination, of
will power that he never had before.
If Araminta hag done her duty by
(.1)0 1)11(0 who DONN, deplores her we shall
have an easier time than 0110, poor
excellent woman, had.
lf she wee It bad. wife to him, what
a power she has put into her hands 1
lif she made Arthur miserable anal
his hem, wretched, and drove the
hunted man to seek peace remote
from his own fireside., what a chance
is ours otne of shining by brilliant con -
tenet, without any particuleet effort of
our own I Poor Arthuit will la, reedy
to be our :grateful elave for derent
dinners and a pleasant emile, Ile will
spend his days in thanking heaven for
the virtues of 11 10 50110041 Wife till he
almost creses to dwell on the faults
Great Auk, of. whieli there are Only 'But if A.raminta was a model among
seventy 111 existenee. '1'he last Great
Auk died halt a boutury ngo, and
wives our task Is not made hard, It
is easy to find 0014 what he thought
her chief exeelleneies and. (limy them
,1110013 11.0e therefure no birds left to 'eel with a lavish hand,. Tie will have so
sake that he will be ready to give (thr-
one sold the othee day Wits pleked up
selves a nwhe in her temple without
in leeliind stxty-seven y:ears ago, and
any more of these preeleue eggs, The high 811 opinion of we're -intend for her
01113 811(311(13' creaked, which detracted
somewhat from its value.
Probably the higheat pries ever paid
for ono of these eggs was $1,575, which
was given three years ago in England,
Another went for S810, and a third for
4918, Earlier in this year as muolt as
$1,470 Wila paid for one. Fifty of the
seventy eggs in existenoe are the pro.
perty oi priVate collectors in England,
who have tinid for them many times
their weight in gold, The eggs are
abeut this size of a man's closed fist,
The MUG value oft the seventy eggs
is about $70,000 or considerably more
than 1)10,0013. duet. Thus their mar -
throe and a halt million MINV laid eggs
at two 001115 apieee,
Mrs. Takeni-Inult 1 .1?retty eondition
for you to C01110 d0011.1 in 1 Been deink-
ing, have you ?
Mr. Taltem-All, (hit), mislitake, m'
clear. I'm all 71' (hie), dash Wbash
Mrs. Tekettl-littla 1 Haven't been
drinking, et "Then why do you talk
as if your In WaiS fall of mash'
Mr. Tett in .Causli a short ansher
1113118511 away wrath, in' dear,
a protest, and promote us to her vacan1
shrine with the least. eneouragement.
It ought to be no subject of regret
to a wise woman that she is to run
second in the race far supremney 111
her huhend's affections since the
other hOrse IS Sera felled,' On the
whole, Wife No. *2 need not have at
ell a bad time of it if she issensible.
enough to face the situation before her
and to play her cards well enough to
secure the game. n 18 so etisy 11
(rune after all 141,1.1 .11 is a wonder any
one ever loses at it.
"Sea say bool"
Laughing Elsie tilted her little head
sidewise and listened. Out there some.
where in the d.ark was the sea, the
wonderful big sea she had, never seen.
She could hear it, though, booming
softly all the whole Lime.
"Sea say boot" repeated Laughing
Elsie, tilting papa's head to listen,
This was her very first visit to the
sea and even now she couldn't see it!
It was funny to go to the sea and only
just be able to hear it say "boo." But
next morning there it 'was, dancing
and shining in the sun. Why it never
stood stitll When Laughing Elsie ran
on the beach in her little "bare shoes,"
it came riming up and. said "boo" at
her toes. It was like a mischievous
little playmate trying to make her
jump-bool boo! And 11010 it kept
laughing all over itself in the sun-
One day there was a big storm and
papa took Laughing Elsie down to see
the waves. She watched tbem a long
time without speaking. She thought
the Sea Was crying; poor seal Then sucl.,
denlY she said, "Sea say boo-hoo now,
A Frenchman who was not regarded
as one of the sort of men who would
seek the field of honor averred, in the
presence 011 a group who were talking
about doelling, that he heel onee par -
1181015d in a duel.
Tell Ala about it, they called out.
Well, you see, he said, they give 115
01.10 pirltalS. Mine appeared to be n1 1
right. t looked at the eap, the trigger
-everything Watil in order. BM it
didn't go off
Why didn't It?
Becanse 31 went off 1
There aro parts of rural England
where they atilt set aside a day for
whipping -dogs. Dog -whipping Day
is October 18. The.n every boy in the
neighborhood is privileged ,to arm
himself with sticks and lashes and
beat every dog he meets to his heart's
(mama. There are different stories
as to the origin of this strange cus-
tom. in 'Yorkshire tradition has it
that a priest, when going his rounds
many, years ago, dropped the holy
wafer used in oommueion sea:vele. A,
deg that ,happe•ned to be near by
awallowed it, and was promptly whip-
ped for his gluttony, and in commem-
oration of this event it has been deem-
ed expedient to thrash the entire dog
family On this day throughout the sue-
ceeding years, In the vicinity of IVIan-
cheater the tale gees that the good
fathers in a ceetain monasthey used to
set platters of food outside the gates
for the poor pilgrims that infested the
evuntry at certain seasons. On one
occasion, a dog, whose stomach was
probably as empty as any pilgrim's,
very selfishly ate the food himself„
Helves caught in the lawless tun 0.14
whipped soundly, and his crime and
its punishmeet have been vented up-
on his de,seendants these many genera-
Queen Victoria learned in a curious
way that sho wits to he Queen of Eng-
land. Six years before her accession
-whoa she WaS 12 -her mother insert-
ed 10 her history book a genealogical
table tracing the descent of rulers of
that eountry from the time of
1,, and on reading through this
she saw her own name Wooed, as the
next ()eminent of the throne.
BefOre beginning to lintel a pigeon
lays two eggs, and they inveriably
produee a male and a female. Bever?,
meats have demonstrated 4bat the
egg first laid prodnets a malt