HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-26, Page 1Vol. 28. No. 16
New Advertisements.
I,noal—G, I:, King.
65.00 lost.—A. McNeil.
Like Poetry—I:, Wart•
Heebageune—Joe. Vex.
For sale—A. Reymann.
The Western Advertiser.
Farm for sale—W. J. Duff.
Pump Works—Fred. Adams,
Wall Paper—G. A. Deadman,
Horse for sole—R. Handoreon.
Hunters' Excursions—G. T. R.
Notice of Transfer—J. M. Henry.
Cooker Spaniel lost—Alf. Beaker.
MAxasitox0A0, — On Wednesday, Got,
18th, a very pretty wedding took plane at
the reeidenoe of Alex. Rose, of Gerrie,
formerly of Grey townebip, in which hie
daughter, Miss Mary, wev united in
marriage to James Ross, of Nuristan.
Rev. A. B. Dobson, of 1'ardwioh, was the
otfieiating clergyman. de the party
entered the parlor the wedding maroh
wee gracefully rendered by Mae Roes,
stater of the bride. After the ceremony
was performed the wedding guests, num-
bering about forty, sat down to a sumptu•
one repast, prepared for the occasion
The evening wee pleasantly spent in
music and sooial chat, after which the
oompany left for their several homes,
wishing Mr. and Mre, Roos many years
of happiness and prosperity.
Uelts reeve.
Oun Srexiox AGENT,—Mr. Saokrider,
of the G. T. R., having enured a pool.
tion ou the main line of the 0. P. R.,
Last of North Day, will leave here at
the end of the month. Mr. Saokrider
has been a highly respected resident of
our town and will be mob mieeed among
other things for hie higb-elise horticul-
tural tastes. As an agent of the Railway
Company he has been painstaking and
uniformity oourteoue. Being a bachelor
he will be missed by more than the busi•
mese oommuoity. We wivh him happi-
ness and prosperity.
NOTEa.—Heavy rains on Sunday inter.
fered with the attendance on divine ser -
vine at the several aburohee.—The win•
dowe of the Presbyterian oharoh were
put in this week. The plastering was
completed Wedneeday. The furnace is
in place and the wood work nearly all
done. Now for the finishing toilohes and
then for the eloquence of the opening
services.—Methodiet eervioe at 11 o'olook
next Sabbath.—Mr. Dalgamer, of East
Wawanoeh, has taken up his residence
with ue, occupying the house recently
eurohaeed from Mrs. Brandon. Mre.
Brandon has removed to Wingham.—Phe
ahioken roost at the rear of the oheeee
factory was unusually noisy one night
lest week.
W roxnLele.
F. V. and Mrs. Dickson have returned
from Toronto,
Mrs. Johnston, of Harriston, was the
gueet of Mre. 0. Simmons.
Wm. Sanderson ehipped a oar of cattle
to Toronto on Wednesday.
Ono. Hamilton ehipped a oar of cattle
to Toronto on Wednesday.
0. Smith ehipped a oar of carpenter's
joiners to Galt on Tuesday.
C. W. Andrews shipped a oar of apples
to Teeewater on Monday last.
N. le. Gerry wee in Brussels Friday.
He has sold hie reeideuce there.
Wm. Sanderson shipped a oar of lambs
from Teeswater on Tuesday to Buffalo.
Wm, Griffith bus been working for A.
Pauliu in the abeenoe of Geo, Simmons.
Apple barrel season ie now over.
Kauko Bros. are home after theireeaeon'e
work at Brussels.
Mr. Holmes, of Luoknow, ehipped a
oar of apples to Glasgow on Tuesday
from this station.
0. W. and Mre. Andrewe attended the
0. 0. 0. F. anniversary sermon preached
in Fordwioh on Sunday a, in. last,
Alex, Campbell has returned from
Manitoba looking quite well after his
Summer's work in the Prairie province.
Thanksgiving day wee a hard one on
the poor rabbits, Nearly all the sports
in town, who are big enough to parry a
gen, were on the warpath, getting proo.
tioe for South Africa,
Any quantity of Turkeys, Geeee, Duoke
and Chiokene for which the ruling prioe
will be paid. My agents, W. Jewitt and
B. Gerry, Brunets, will give due notice
of pride and time of delivery. We expect
to be ehipping Poultry from about the
20th Nov. to let Jon, following, and
would advise all who have Poultry to
dieppee of to ooneult above parties before
selling. 15 3
Pump I
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner, Satfe•
faction assured.
I also Sharpen Horse Olippers, Soie•
eore and other edged tools in up -to date
Agent for "Mortis" Pi9a10e.
Shop on Mill Street, 33RUSSEL9,
A load of young folks attended the tea
meeting in the Methodist church at
Salam on l'hanliegiving night.
Jno. Smitb who has been hoetlering as
the Walker House for some time, baa
gone to Blyth to work for Harry James.
The eleotrio light men were in town
on Monday. They hove decided to start
at the work of patting in the wires ab
Jno. Griffith by occident ran a prong of
a fork through hie+ foot ou Sunday morn
ing last but is getting along nioely at
A oarry all load of resideute of town
and several Bingle riga attended the
Premier's demonstration at Wingham on
Friday last.
T. Hemphill & Son are running at
night now to keep up with the demand
for oatmeal. They are melting up two
oars for Quebec and Halilne thie week
and shipped about a car of oatmeal to
local customers on Tuesday
Neave wee rise teed hare on M mday
RIM Robert Forsyth, of Blyth, dropped
dead on Monday morning. Deceased isa
brother 0f David roreytb, of town, and
was here, accompanied by hie brother,
George, of Detroit, about a couple of
weeks ago looking quite strong.
Crete, t a r o t> tc
Mise Jennie McNair is visiting relativee
in Scotland.
Albert Dames was in Toronto thie week
with a oar of stock. He does a lot of
POO Sant.—One good improved Berk.
shire sow with 10 pigs, with oroee of
Tamworth. Apply to
A. RArtIONN, Cranbrook.
Quite a few from this locality beard
Premier Laurier and Finanoe Minister
Fielding teat Friday nt Wingham. They
were well pleased with the gathering.
l•Jtlist l
Council meetiug was held here on
Ell. Belched, we are sorry to say, is on
the eiolt list this week.
II. F. McAllister delivered a load of
flour to Seaforth on Tuesday.
Principal Dobson, wife and eon, spent
Thanksgiving Day in Mitchell.
Quite a number oelebrated the Laurier
Demonstration et Wingham last Friday.
A big lot of work in being done by the
farmers of this locality owing to the fine
weather this Fall.
Mies Carder, aseietent teacher in Ethel
Public eobool, anent Tbankegiving Day
at her home in Blyth.
We are pleased to state that after a
long and severe illness, Mre, Dan. Eck.
mier is improving slowly.
Wm. Rapp, who hoe been .here for
about a month, returned to hie home in
St. Thomas 00 Wednesday.
Hugh Ouuningham wee at Listowel
last Monday attending the Cheese Fair
as salesmon for our factory.
Moses Henry has purchased the Hotel
Royal from Mr, Gordaer. He takes
poeeeeeion ou Nov. 7th. itIr. Gordner is
moving beak to Miteholl to take the hotel
run by hie deceased brother.
Goon Wereae.—Henry Goreali'z, 12111
ecu„ delivered 550 bushels of oats at
Ethel grain store house that averaged
42 pouode to the bushel. He received
25 pante per bushel for the oats. It watt
a flue crop.
131. rt, r ruse.
Morrie Townehip0ounoil miuutee tnay
be react in another column.
Mieeee Martin, ofTuokeremith, are the
guests of Mies Walker, Oth line.
Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, visited at
Edward Boeman'e for a few days,
This week Mre, Moses, 2nd line, arrived
home from a trip to Northern Ontario.
Mre. Eokmier, of Ebel, has spent a
couple of weeks with her son Lew, on the
Mre. Edward Do;man spent Thanks•
giving with her daughter, Mrs. Robb.
Vincent, at Hanover.
Eli Sellers hes rented the house on the
Irving farm on the centre side road.
What does that mean Eli 7
Geo. Turvey has greatly improved hie
premises by putting a net wire fenoe
aronnd hie lawn. Geo. isa hustler.
Ed. Bryan, eon of Alex. Bryan, won
2nd place in a bicycle rape in connection
with the Goderioh Collegiate annual
games recently. He is a good rider.
Allan Cochrane, 4th line •, Simon For.
eyth, Dave Smith and Jno. Mo0uteheou,
6th line, are beck from the West after an
enjoyable sojourn of a few months.
George Eokmier, the well known
Jamestown blacksmith, is about fully re-
covered from au iodiepoeitiou occasioned
by a twist from a horse while shoeing it.
Joe Sharp baerebureed to' Toledo where
be has spent a number of yeare after a
pleasant visit under the parental roof on
the 5th line. He is a eon of Jamee
H. A, Shaw has moved Ole hoose for.
merly owned by Joo. MoVety, let line, to
hie farm on the 2nd and will soon have
it ready for ooaupation. The house is it
good one and stood the trip well.
Mise Jennie, Elliott, of Thesealon, AI-
gotna, was calling on old friende on the
let and god Done. It is 18 years sinue
Mies Elliott left Morrie with her parents
who formerly lived on lot 21, con.8, now
owned by G. W. Torvey.
Wm. Sellars' infant ohild died on
Thursday of last week, The ohiid bad
not been well for a few daye and was
Salton with convulsions from
t blah it died after a good deal of euffsr•
the sin -
Mars have
Mre. Se
Mg. M ,
it in their
cera sympathy of the community
sad bereavement.
YnONO P0110I SAN s Tnseite. The
following item, taken from Oat. 1811 To.
ronto Globe, refine to a former resident
of Morrie township, a son of Samuel
Oalbeclt, 2nd line :--Polioomen Oalbeek,
of the 5th division, a young constable,
had a long fight with George Conroy
last night, and finally secured Conroy
it set of harneee. He found Conroy
in the rear of the Rosedale Hotel on
lounge street, trying to sell the haruose,
and planed him tinder arrest. Conroy
fought hie captor, but the policemen
finally succeeded in dragging him to the
corner at Maopbereon Avonno, Hero
Conroy bolted, and Oa.Ib.'ak had n 15
tntnu'o ohase before he again captured
his man, pettily landing bite in the eta.
Ron. Conroy admitted steeling the her.
nose, but be could not say where he got
Ver alto
Mre, R, Fraser is visiting in Howlett
this week.
Mre. Jetties McMillen is ill but we hope
to Boon report aonveleeoenee,
lvl,eears. Ferguson d 313'Donald shipped
a carload of lambs on Wedneeday.
A. few from thio looility attended a
wedding in Moliillup on Wednesday,
Mr. Shier and daughter, of Kirktou,
were visiting et Dr. Waghorn'e this week.
Geo. and Mre. Christopher euterteiued
a number of friends to a Thanksgiving
0. O. F. Organizer Clayton has eco.
needed in adding several new members to
Court Welton,
MCe, (Rev.) Omens and son, De Witt,
of Weetminieber, are visiting et Dr. Arm•
etrong'e thie week.
Arrangements are being made for the
opening of a Literary end Musioal cinb
for the Winter months.
Report nye that the "bird" for the
new brick page .Emit of ue will shortly
be brought from the South,
Jae. end Chas. Turnbull were in Tem.
water on Wednesday attending the
funeral of a young relative.
Ladies' Guild, of St. George's church,
held their rogo'ar meeting oa Wedueaday
at Edward Driscoll's, Leadbnry.
E. Hart, photographer, of Breese's,
was in Walton on Tuesday, securing
views of some of 111e imposing reelienoes,
Rev. 0. M. Filer will preach at tbein-
etallation services of the new pastor, of
Manoewood, Helton Oo., on Tuesday
Query : If a fellow can get al necktie, a
square meal and a girl, all for a quarter,
at the box social in MaKillop to•
night, what is the girl worth 7
The glaee•blowere have street( Walton,
but are not atbraoting much attention.
We Dan blow an aa=aeinnal glass or two
with taste end skill ourselves.
Thanksgiving serviette were held in St.
George's and Duffel alumina on Thurs.
day of last week, the latter being a union
congregation of Methodist and Presby•
tartan, Rev. A. 0. Tiffin officiating.
Next Sabbath will be Oamesuuiou in
Duff's ohm ah here. Preparatory eervioe
on Saturday at 2 80 p, m., when Rev.
Mr, Filer will preach. There will be no
Sabbath sobool on aoconnt of the elm•
amnion. Rev. Mr. Forrest will preach.
The evening service, next Sab-
bath, will oommenae at 6.30 instead of 7
during the Winter montl' .
Council meeting on Wednesday of this
Neil MoTaggart, 0th line, spent Friday,
in Wiughom.
The next jovial night for the Grey
boys is Hallowe'en. Be careful, boys.
Miss Mitchell, of Maliillup, le the
guest of Mre. John A. Lamont, Oth eon.
A certain young men of the 12th son.,
intends running two forme next Summer.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rivera, of Orediton was
visiting her father, John Hill, 10th eon.,
last week.
Grey township was largely represented
at the Lsttrier Demonstration at Wing -
ham on Friday.
Mies B. Pearson, of 0. 8. 8. No. 16,
has been re-engaged for the year 1000 at
an increased eatery.
A great number from Jamestown and
vioinity attended the Laurier Demonstra-
tion at Wingham last weep.
George and Mies Maggie Bielby, of
Zurich and Beaf,1rlh, reepeatively, were
home for the Thanksgiving holidays.
Mre. N. M. Richardson and klieg Anna
were holidaying with friends at Exeter
and Heusail during Thanksgiving week.
Mies Jessie Liviogebone bas returned
home after a enjoyable visit with her
Mies Mary McDonald, of the 2nd
oou. of Grey.
A pertain young man of the Oth talks
of going West in the Spring. Don't take
it too maoh'to heart W. A.., faint heart
never won a fair lady.
There was prayer meeting at Whit-
fleld'e oburob, Thursday evening. Mr.
Tuohey gave an interesting address on
the Sabbath Sohool lesson, "Ezreee
Journey to Jerusalem."
Mr. Bell, of St. Thomee, Civil Engi•
neer on the big ditch, was here last week
on an inspecting tour. The work ie pro-
gressing favorably. There are a great
many visitors at the dredge.
Kim Myrtle Benuett, who has for the
past ten yenta been living with hergeand-
parents, Mr. and Mre, Belden, of the
North boundary has gone to live with her
father, in Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. John Strachan has returned from
Pine River, She is now grendmamme, a
fine hot -teeing boy being born to A. D.
and Mrs, MoOoeh. May the Ind grow up
to be a great blessing to his parents.
Deem Olt Mae. GRANT.—We have re-
ceived from Cleveland a paper of that
pity containing an anoouncemeut of the
death of Mre. Peter Grant, which outer.
red on Tuesday of last week. Deoeaeed
was the wife of a former well known
Olintonian, and her friende here will re-
gret to hear of lier demise. Mr. Grant
isa brother to Simon Grant, 5th eon.,
and J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg.
Bio SALE oir Senox.—The estate of the
late Jeremiah Belden will offer for sale
by ublic auo
tion at Lot 20 Oen,
Howiok on Thuredfty of next week, Nov.
and, 100
head of Battle 5 borne and
other artiolee, 80 prime ealvee included
in the list. This will afford a splendid
opportunity to stockmen, F. S. Soots
Brussels, will be the auctioneer.
Fnotr Mionipaw.—In renewing hie sub.
eoription to' Tato Pose last week George
Zimmer, formerly of the Oth none Grey,
aaye :—"Miohigan is going in strong for
sugar beet factories, quite a number
being put tip last Summer. Farmers at
a distance are growing from 6 to 10 acres
of beete and shipping by train while those
Mose by grew from 50 to 100 sores and
Maim there is money in them. Grain
growing in this (Kihnanagh) looalityie not
very profitable."
W, H. KERB, Prop,
At ltoe'e Epworth Leagne on Friday
evening W. 0. Kerr, of Tun L'owr, will
give an address on "The International
lepwortlt League Convention et Indian•
apelike" Special mualoal program will
&leo be rendered.
Moses Henry, having purohaeod the
Ethel hotel, will have an enreesrved
auetio0 saleof farm stools, &o,at Me
farm, lot 27, son. 11, on Friday afternoon,
of next ween, Nov. 3rd. (lime Love bus
bought Mr, blenry'e farm.
Good prima wore renlizod at the own
bitted auotion Bale of Moak held by Jae.
Jitoltoon and Tilos. Strachan on Woolen.
day of this week, 10 enws sold et en
average of 530.00, the highest being 545.
P. el, Scott wielded the hemmer.
John 11111 has even quite poorly with
eomething akin to monaster rbeom etism
but is able to get about. blr, Hill will
have his emotion sale on Thursday, Nov.
16th, trolling off all his stook, implements,
household lurnitace, S:o., as Mr. Arm•
strong, of Wawanoeh, Mee purchased the
The Robert McLachlan 100 acre farm,
eon. 10, was sold tufa week to D. Ounuleg-
ham, of Colborne towuahip, Huron Co.,
for the sum of $5,500. Mr. Cunningham
who is a brother to John Cunningham,
Soh con., will get immediate poseeeeien
of the bougie and privilege of doing work
on farm. Ne is & good" farmer and will
do well, no doubt, on his newly acquired
posaeaeiou as ho did on his former farms
to Colborne which he Bold. The death of
ties efaLauhlan, lost Summer, necessitat-
ed the Bale of the farm to olone up the
estate. We welcome Mr. Cunningham
to Grey township. _T
The Nanimo, B. C., Free Press, of
Out. 13th, speaking of the new Ronald
steamer brought by Mr. Ronald to that
plaoe from Brussels, aaye :—
Another test of the Ronald Engine
took place at the New Vancouver Coal
Oompaoy's reservoir on the Esplanade
yesterday which in some ways was more
satisfactory than any previous teat.
Steam was not raised so quickly Re on
the occasion of the first trial, Mr. Ron-
ald claiming that the kindling was nut as
dry ae it should be. The engine was
started 9} minutes after smoke appeared,
the gauge at that time indicating 70
pou,tde of steam.
The first given the engine one the
throwing of a le inch stream from is
single nozzle, the water being carried
throueh a double line of hose 500 feet in
length, and to be thrown 200 feet from
the nozzle. The engine eatiefaotorily
performed this feat, reaching the mark a
few minutes after starting and for some
time a good stream of water was falling
at a point 268 feet dietnob from the noz•
zle, At pee time the water fell 252 feet
from the end of the nozzle.
The second test wee not so satisfactory.
This was the throwing of ttvo streams of
water from one inch nozzle and the die.
Canoe to be reached was 180 feet. The
water several bimee reached a point 160
feet from the nozzle and a etrong stream
was thrown 140 feet, while the test last.
It wee said that grave and vegetation
in the tank was responsible for the
failure of the engine to accomplish the
etiot on this test. The vegetation gather-
ed around the screen of the feed pipe trod
kept the water from being takenup fast
In the capacity teat the engine took up
and delivered 550 gallons of water easily
for ten mioutee, then the weeds sad grass
got in their work again and the water
mould not be taken up fast enough.
The teats yesterday were made with e
five foot lift of water, the engine standing
about eight fent nearer the tank than ou
The same paper, dated Oot. 14, gives
further particulars as follows :—
After many teats the fire engine will
now be given a little rest and the City
Oounoii will have their innings, At six
o'olook this morning the firemen were
out and making preparation for the final
teat, and the members of the Oompany,
who thought the trial would be a abort
one, and that they would eat breakfast
when they returned, bade splendid apps.
tile for lunobeon.
The engine was fleet taken to the Mill.
stream bridge where the twenty-four feet
lift was to be made. When they arrived
there the tide wag at its lowest stage and
when the engine was ready to start it was
two inches more than twenty five feet
from the engine to the surface of the
water. Mr. Ronald appeared to have
confidence in the lifting capacity of hie
engine and gave the word to go ahead.
The torah was applied and seventy-five
pounds of steam was raised in seven
minutes and ten seconds. The engine
started and the water was lifted fourteen
Mabee more than the required eontraot
dietanae, the feat being accomplished
without the aid of a okeek valve. A
stream was thrown 140 feet through a
1 5/15 inch nozzle.
The engine was then takeu to the Ores.
Dent, two linea of hose measuring 500
feet each was laid and the engine started
to throw the water through two oue•inah
nozzles a distance of from 160 to 180 feet.
The engi0e wee to do thie stint with a
five feet Lift, but owing to the water being
low in the tank it had to be Pitted nine
and on - alF feet,
A strong stream of
venter was thrown a stetsn oe of 176 feet.
in teat and at
the concluding ,
This wee g
10 80 it was over.
T. Dobseon wee not present thio morn-
ing, as he in confined to his borne suffer.
ing from a cold, but he was ably repro -
muted by Pile eon, Jooeph Dobeson. W.
H. Wall wee on hand, end expressed him•
self ae well setiefied with tbe reeulb of the
vations tarts, Messrs. Wall and Dobeaon
will report to the oonnoil on Monday
evening, and there ie no doubt that their
Moat will be a favorable one.
The lame peper of the 17th reports
that the fire wardens made the following
report, enoloeiug the annexed report of
the experts, Messrs. Wall and Dobeeon f—
OntereentttN,--Your Fire Warden Cont.
mines beg to eohmit herewith the re•
port of Messrs, W, I1, Hall nil 'I'hee,
asbestos regarding the tasting of the new
steam lire engine. As the engiue has
filled every test required of it, and proved
to be ootiefaotory in every respect, we
beg to recommend that it be aooepted.
Respeotfully submitted,
W. ie. OV0n11,
ft. I nevon, '- fire Wardenv.
Ald, Conk[oe moved that the report be
received, the 8to'm 1`ire Engineauoepted,
and an order drawn for 51,066 in pay,
moot thereof.
Aid Planta seoonded, and Held that as
one of the leadint Makers against the
engine, he wee now pleased to learn from
the report of the experts that it mine up
to the regniremeote, and he treated it
would prove a eervioeable fire fighter for
the 100 yeare mentioned in Mr. Ronald's
The motion was then adopted.
People We 'Palk About.
W. Knoobtel was visiting at Fergus.
Geo. Miller was at Oakville Ude week.
Piles. A. Currie, er., is visiting at See.
Miss May Dennison is visiting in Mo.
Hilton Hunter is borne from Loudon
on a visit,
Robb. Rose, of Kincardine, was in town
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Will. Atoley visited with friends
at Hamilton.
Mise MoAllam, of Galt, was visiting at
Geo. Thomson's.
Mre. W. James, of flenen'I, is visiting
in town this week,
Mre. S. Beattie is visiting her eon,
Samuel, at Durham.
Mise Edith Inman, of Guelph, Wee
home for Thanksgiving.
Mre. Price, of Toronto, is visiting her
people in Grey and Brussels.
R. G. KeOraoken, of Kincardine, spent
Thanksgiving Day in town.
Mies Menzies, who was visiting at Cbi•
eago, arrived home last week.
Jae. Ward, of St. Thomas, wee renew-
ing old acquaintances in town.
Mise Mary Kerr has gone to Toronto
to visit her meter, Mre. MoBain.
Alex. McKelvey was here from Mount
Forest for Thanksgiving holidays.
Mise Belle Bawtiaheimer is visiting -
friends at Drumbo and other points.
Lincoln and Mre. Ramble., of Palmer
eton, were visiting in town last week.
Joo. and Mre. Putland spent a few
days visiting their children at Chatham.
Oboe. Miller was injured at Oakville
G. T. R. treed by a squeeze from a steel
A. E. and Mre. Treleaven, of Dungan-
non, were visiting Rev. W. Norton last
Mre. W. 11. Kerr spent a few days in
Stratford and London during the past
Mrs. Robb. Henderson and children
were visiting rale tees in M.oKillop last
Mee. Jno. Leathern, of Wingham, was
visiting Mre. Jno. Scott, Themes street,
last week.
Hies Johnston, of Jameetowu, is the
guest of Miss Jamieson fur a few daye
this week.
Mies Nellie Kennedy, of Blytb, is visit-
ing her aunt, 141re. P. MoQuarrie, Cath•
urine street.
J. W. Boots, the well Iceman private
banker, of Listowel, was in town on
Mre. D. 0. Rosa and Miss Annie Ross
enjoyed a short visit to Toronto during
the past week.
Miss Downey, teacher, visited friends
at Arthur last week. She went 0, P. R.
from Wingham.
Mies Cunningham, of Toronto, was the
guest of ber sister, Mre. (Dr.) Davidson,
for Thanksgiving.
Cleve. Attie west a winner of several
prizes in ethletioe at the annual games of
Goderioh Collegiate.
Mrs. Soolliok, of London, wee the guest
of Mre. (Rev.) Holmes at the Parsonage
during the past weep.
Mrs. D. Roes, sen., went this week to
plarpurhsy to see her brother, James
Torrance, who is quite siok.
Mrs. Jno. Grieve spent Sunday with
her friend, Mrs. Dan. Eokmier, of Ethel,
who has been dengerouely ill.
Robt. McAlpine, of Toronto, spent a
few days in I3russels Met week. Mao,
has some warm friends in town.
Mre. W. R. Wilson returned with her
daughter, Mre. H. J. Morden. to Stoaff.
ville on Monday where she will spend a
few months.
Capt. J. Y. S. Kirk oelebrated hie
67th birthday on Saturday, Cat. 14th.
He iea bright old gentleman for a man
of his years.
Mre. Joseph Harris, of Petrolia, was
holidaying with her sisters, Misses
Jeanet and Maggie Septi, during the
Tbankegiving holiday.
J. N. Gordon, al the Standard Bank,
spent Thankagfving day at Elora and
Fergus. He got some fine views at the
former place with his kodak.
Mre. J. K. Blain, of Waehago, is re.
vowing old friendships in Bruseele and
locality. She le a sister to Mre. A.
Ooneley and Miss Teenie Sample, of
Mre, A. Hueter, Mies Olara end Lena,
attended the marriage of Joseph Oster, of
Grey, last Wednesday. Miesee Annie
and Jennie Grieve were also greets at the
come wedding.
s hese last
t' o M
itahell wn
A. Renate, E ,
week combining Maluku and pleasure.
We world not be surprised to see the
Koenig family onoe more residente of
Bruseele and would be pleased to see
thorn batik.
J, Ballantyne and wife, Wm. MoFad-
zeau and wife, Jas, Shaw, Mise Shaw and
Jobe Fttlton, al this locality, attended
the wedding of Mr. 0111101 and Mies
Love, in MoKillop ou Wednesday after.
norm of this weep.
Tuesday W. I1, Kerr was in London
attending the Mleeionary Committee of
the London Cuuferenee. Rev. D. Rogere,
Chairman of the Wingham District, end
Rev. W. Rigsby, ox.Pree'dent, were else
there front 'Wingham Matelot,
Mi.aee Maud and Laura Poeblee, and
iitao Islta Ainlay left for Detroit on
Meuday morning where they expect to
melte their home for a titre. The latter
will he missed from the Methodist ohoir
and League in which she was a good
II. Donnie and Mre. Donnie, of Chat -
haul, were visiting old friends in
town, lir. !Jennie thinks the new
cement walks are "ell right" aed the
ttoee-eeery move to set off the compactly
built beemees (),mien particularly. Mr.
Dennie hoe a Il to truss in Uhetbam,
Last Monday Mrs, (Rove Jno. Holmes
received a telegram announcing the death
lier sieter•indaw, Mre. Wm. Green.
way, Oryetal City, Man. Mrs. Green.
wey died on Friday of typhoid fever
tetter a abort Mame. Other membera of
the family are aide ill.
T. A, Hawkins will officiate ae organist
at Melville churoh next Sabbath.
"Giving" will be the topic of the Et).
worth League next Sabbath evening.
Melville Endeavor will consider the
eubjeot "Giving," on Sabbath evening
Rev. G. J. Abey preached a very appro.
priate sermon on Thanksgiving Day in
St. John's oburoh, Psalm 100 and 4th
verse being the text uhoaen for the
Next Sabbath Rev. Joo. Holmes will
preaoh Anniversary eermens on the
Bervie cirouit. Rev. 0. le. Hunter, jun.
fur pastor at Bervie, will take Mr.
Holmes' work here.
Saturday afternoon of this week. at 2
o'olook, a meeting of Bruseele Branch
Bible Sooiety Direotors will be bald at
Tics Pose Publishing House to arrange
for the annual meeting.
"Let ue run with patienoe the rape set
before ae," Hob. 12-1 was Rev. Mr.
Abey'a text laet Sunday morning, and at
the evening service Be clothed with
Humility,' 1 Peter 5-5.
Qnartely communion will be held in
the Methodist oharoh, Brussels, on Sab•
bath, Nov. 511. Testimony meeting and
sacrament will both follow the morning
eervioe. The pastor will preaoh.
Among the ehareboldera of the brewing
compels), of Guinness & Co., London, are
no fewer than 178 persons bearing the
title of'•Rev." including bishops, deans,
orohdeaoons and nanous of the Church of
Aspersing to a return prepared for the
Honed of Lords, in only five dioceses in
England—Laudon, Chichester, Exeter,
Oxford and Southwell—ie anything like
a oonfeesiooel box used in Anglican
The Methodists, Presbyterians, Epis.
impatiens and Roman Catholics each
have a church at Dawson City, end it is
stated that all of these, besidee the Sal -
melon Army barracks, are tilled every
Sunday night.
Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A. will preach a
epeoialserulon next Sabbath morning, it
being the occasion of hie 20th anniver.
eery as pastor of Melville ohurah. In Ole
evening a second discourse of a series on
"The Life of Absalom," will be given.
At the meeting of the Methodist
Woanen'e Missionary Society, London
Conference, the following officers were
elected : President, Mre. G. Wright, Lon-
don ; Hon. Pres., Mre. D. Burne, St,
Tbomae ; let Viae Pres., Mre. (Dr.)
Fowler, London ; 2nd Vice Pree., Mrs.
Dickson, London ; 3rd Vioe Pree., Mrs.
Harrison, Granton ; Reo.•Sea., Mre. J.
H. McKeehan, London ; Oor..Seo., Mrs.
Cunningham, Kincardine ; Tress., Mise
L. Acheson, Goderioh ; Mission Band
Dor.-Set., Mre, Crewe, St. Thomas ;
Superintendent of eyetema'io giving Mre.
Tennant, London ; Auditor, W. R.
Robertson, Goderioh.
At the Christian Endeavor Convention
held in Montreal the following officers
were elected for Ontario for the ensuing
year : President, Rev. E. S. Rowe, of
Toronto; Vice Presidents, Rev. J. F.
Barker, of Hamilton, J. 0. Atkinson, of
Toronto, Thos. Morrie, jr., of Hamilton,
and Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Remelt ;
Provinoial Secretary, A. T. Cooper, Olin•
ton ; Provincial Treasurer, Rev. W. J
Doherty, Hensall ; Junior Superintend-
ent, Mise Whitworth, St. Marys ; Pro.
vinoial Editor, Rev. Dr. J. A. R. Dickson,
Galt ; Councillor and District Superin•
tendente, Rev. J. W. Glaseford for the
Western dietriot ; S. J. D. Clark, of
Toronto, for the centred dietriot, and Dr.
V. H, Lyon, of Ottawa, for the Eastern
The annual session of the Methodist
General Missionary Board was held in
the Young Men's Christian Association
building, Quebec, with about 40membere,
under the presidenny of Rev. A. Carman,
D. D., General Superintendent of the
Methodiet oburoh in Canada, After the
opeoiug serving the President delivered
hie address, outlining the important work
before the Board, Rev. Dr. Williams, of
Montreal, was unanimouslyohosen Beare.
tory for the ensuing year. The mission.
cry report was then read by Rev. A.
Sutherland, D. D., Toronto, General
Missionary Secretary, and he gave the
fivanaial statement. The total income
wee 5205,074 40, and the total expend'.
ture wee 5257,072.07, leaving a balance of
rdhplied to tbe
es otioh ofa debt of 510,000.
TioANltsaIvoNG.—A large noogregation
assembled in Melville oburoh on Thurs-
day morning of last week, Thanksgiving
when Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A.,
pastor, r
Preached a most suitab1o di0utas. His
text was Hosea
2nd p
aha ter and 8th and
Oth verses, The subjsot was s t tb. dfvfded
into 8 main parte, (1) God'e possession
of all wearied wealth ; (a) God explicit.
ly lays claim to absolute ownership ; (b)
God apportions material wealth to men ;
(o) Ho designs material wealth to con.
tribute to man'e welfare. (2) Mane use
of material wealth ; (n) The perpoeo of
it ; (b) Employ it in conferring needed
benefite upon our fellowmen ; (o) In
furthering, etrengtheniug and enlarging
God's kingdom on the earth. (3) The
spirit we should possess in using wealth ;
(a) With a proper sense of our indebted.
nese to God ; (b) Witi% a proper some of
oar responsibility to God,
The Endeavor World Saye that 8,008
Endeavorere have pledged thnmeelvee to
read the Bible through thie year.
At the pan Preebyterieu council at
Washington last week Rev, Dr. Coven,
Priuoipal of Knox College, Toronto, wan
elected to the highest position in the
Presbyterian body iu tits world. `L'be
eleetiou was by aoolamation.
Leet Sabbath morning, liev. Jut). Roos,
B. A., preaohed from Matt, 8:10, "Ad-
vantages of Great Faith." (1) to 'wide
to great aeeuraume ; (2) It produces great
humility ; (3) Issues in great obedieeoe ;
(4) Helpe to great serenity ; (5) Results
in great serviceableness. The evening
subjsot was "Absalom,' 1 Sam. 14;25,
the first of a ebort aeries.
LEArroo ANNivEntARL—Laet Sabbath
was the lepworth League Anniversary
day in Brussels Methodist church. The
weather was not favorable yet the sere
vioee were most iotereeting. In the
evening the membere of the League pace.
pied the oeotre seats in the oburoh. The
pastor preaabed in the morning from the
text "Let your light so shine, &o.," Matt.
5:16, The topic was "Radiant Spiritual
energy." After describing what light
was the speaker went oa to show some
of the essentials in a Christian. life. (1)
Faith iu God ; (2) Love to our fellowmen ;
(3) Obedience to God. The personality
of the text, Yenta light. It wae some.
times solidified as in anal ; liquified as in
anal oil ; and gaseous as in gee. Let
your light so Seine. There are resources
of prayer. Soriptare reading and de•
votimn that will preclude a repetition of
the foolish virgin episode. Let it So
shine, not like the headlight of the
engine but all around. Be asearoh light.
Light ie piercing, penetrating, revealing
and ennobling. II Timothy 2 chapter
and 3rd verse was the evening text, "A
good soldier," The true soldier meet
(1) Willingly enlist ; (2) Have necessary
preparation ; (3) Give unqualified obedi-
ence ; (4) Sbnw decision and courage ; (5)
Possess endurance and pereeveranoe ; (0)
Study the tactics of the enemy ; (7) Be
true to the colors. Special mesio was
rendered by the choir, "Trust in the
Mighty God," and a solo by Mise Elia
Ainley, the ohoir helping in the chorus,
were given in the morning and the
anthems "Hark 1 the Song," and "In
that day shall the Bong be sang," Mies
Lizzie Sample taking the solo in the
latter at the evening eervioe. In addi-
tion to a banner bearing the word
"Weloome" placed in the vestibule, a
Maltese arose, the emblem - of the League
ornamented tbe rear wall of the church
while flowers and planta , added to the
decoration. .. gin,.
Morris Council '.444 ing.
-Susi' -
Tbe Oounoil wet a000rdio)p:t&r adjourn-
ment, in the Connell room,:•Morrie, on
Oot. 6112, 1899. Members alle present ;
Reeve in the ohoir. Minutes of last
meeting read and 000firmed. The Col.
lector's bond was presented and examin-
ed by the Council. On motion of Code,
seconded by Cardiff said bond was a000pt•
ed ae eatiefeotory and the Clerk instruct-
ed to have the Roll placed in the Collec•
tore hands o0 or before the 81st inst.
An account from Jas. A. Bell, Civil
Engineer, re Garniee drain wae present-
ed. On motion of Jackson and Shaw
said amount was laid over and the Olerk
instructed to write Mr. Bell in connec-
tion therewith. Accounts were ordered
to be paid as follows :—M, Heal, digging
ditch, $8.00 ; Wm. Jackson, building
Phelan's bridge, $20.00 ; D. Fraser, dig-
ging ditub, $4 ; M. Kelly, ditch and oel-
vert, $8.50 ; R. Beech, gravel, $5.60 ;
D. Farquharson, gravel, $8 ; Jno. Barr,
gravel, $4.10 ; N. car. N. Gerry, stove
pipes and' repairs, e6 84 ; corporation
East Wawanoeh, grovel, 80o. ; Joseph
Leech, gravel, 53.15 ; Ira Ember, dam-
age, 51 ; D. Walker, gravel, 56.16 ; L.
McDonald, gravel, $2.50 ; Duff & Stew-
art, lumber, 637 ; B. 0. Stokes, gravel,
$3 ; O. Prootor, putting in oulvert, $2.25 ;
Jno. MoKinnon, gravelling on Northern
boundary, $4,20 ; Duff & Stewart, re•
pairing Brandon's bridge, $6,25 ; Wm.
Geddes, lumber, $3.10 ; W. H. Arm.
etrong, gravelling on lot 11, eon. 5, 683.-
31 ; W. H. Armstrong, grading, 64.50 ;
Wm. Miller, inspecting work, $2.50;
Juo. Searle, culvert, 61 ; Geo. McCall,
oulvert and burying atone, $2 ; J. R.
Miller, for Mre, Hammel, $5 ; H. Bee-
man, ditch and culvert, 55 ; Shaw &
Messer, ditch and 2 culverts, $6 ; H.
Beeman, cleaning out ditoh, $18.95 ;
P. Oantelou, repairing culvert, $6 ; selec-
tors of jurore each 54 ; Angus Ma0or•
meek, part payment re Gullies drain,
$00 ; Wm. Rutledge, digging award
drain, $8.87 ; W. J. Duff, tile, $5.18 ;
'n Hall
'1 r "leant g
T. Miller, g P
Beats, $7 ; T. Miller, repairing culvert,
$1.65 ; T. 0. Clark, damagea to orop
while repairing Hall, $2. 50 ; Mr. Grigg,
oontreat at lot 1 on let eon„ $18 ; Alex.
(Mark, repairing culvert on Bide line,
$3 ; T. Smith, graveliiug on East bound-
ary, 537.50 ; 0. Bolger, inepeoting on
East boundary. $5 ; Hunter & MoNeil,
balance for contract of Hall, $8.50. On
motion of Code and Shaw the Connell
then adjourned to meet again on the 20th
November next,
W. CLAIM, Olerk.
The Havana Traotion Co., in which
several Toronto capitaliete are interested,
wee organized at Jorsey 0103'.
The Kingston Locomotive) Works will
make additions 10 its buildings and plant
to the extent of about $50,000.
Hou A. S. Hardy been appointed
6f and
Burro ate
Was arum M
t Oa w
a gpadeHall and w
day, The offloe of Surrogate (leek was
formerly held by the late Hon, T. W.
Anglin, and that of Olerk of Proems by
the lets Alex. Maodonell,
At Kincardine, Robert Farrel stepped
on a defeotive plank and fell to the
ground, a dietanoe of fourteen feet, suse
Mining injuries whioh resulted in his
The body of Mre, McDowell, of the
Townehip of Anderson, was found with
flesh torn from ber back, arms and legs.
It is supposed she fell from a buggy end
bee foot got naught in the sidebar and
then elle was dragged for hall it mile,