HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-19, Page 88
tt:d' ? 'r ".t,ys'< p tis
'd'1,rM N•..y wM
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a . gee.C. x
DO y,ittr uyea ti'•.• v:tsily?
12 S0, You Heed Glasses,
Do your eyes burn?
If So, You need (Basses.
Does the tyle 1 : stele hfarred in reading?
It so, Y,; : noted Glasses.
Do you suffer free: frontal headache?
If so, Glasses will Help You.
The you know if you have perfect eyesight?
If net, we con inforrn You.
G. A. Deadman,
Iruggist and Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
eland Mirrors.
%Ve have a nice aeeortment et
Hand Mirror'', and so Oheap ton, it
will eurpriee you the price we sell
these for. No lady need be wtlhout
one, and no gentiewen either,
lair Brushes.
Are you in need of a Mair Brush?
We have au txtea assortment in now,
and never euoh values, from 20e, up.
Tooth Brushes.
A line line of Tooth Brnehee
imported for us, end also eonls bought
spades. If you regnire a soft brush
for children or n person with tender
game then we eau sell you a Badger
Nair Brush that will snit.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Opbician tt Bookseller,
'traine leave Braseela Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gem Sowe . Elmo Soars.
sprees 7:10 a.m. I Mail 2:10 p.m
timed ......... 3:40 a.. EEpreee ......le:17 p.m
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
"Ir in a good thing to give thanks unto
the Lord."
A CASE of scarlet fever in town but fav
orable progress is being made.
LARGE goantities of grain are coming
to town. Brussels market leads.
Ranee hunte are being arranged for
Thanksgiving day if the weather is
Tom Reeve, Clerk and Aseeeeor seleot•
ed inrare one evening last week and
earned $4.00 apiece.
P. SCOTT was a judge on implements at
Blyth Fell Fair. Miss Pipe otfioiated rte F
one of the judges in ladies work.
Feta show prize money will be paid 8
out by Treasurer Stewart on Saturday 0
efternoon of this week at Brussels Town b
Menses. Backer & Constants Whipped a t
oar of hogs from Braseela nn Monday to t
Toronto, the latter acoompanying the t
fiscal. train to the Laurier demon- 0
titration at Wingham on Friday. It 8
leaves Brussels at 1128 a. m. and return-
ing leaves Wingbatu at 7.80.
C. Zraezos is having a piece of cement F
walk put down along the Booth side of 1
the Central Hotel. Croesinge on Turn- It
berry Street are o mpleted and also one
On •J hn etreet at the intersection of
Market street, b
Roans :I1cKExzrn had a otoee call the a
other day nt the G. T. R. yard whi'e
aiding in unsealing apple berreie. He r
Wee ee ont
ripest n of a wagon and
p g the wagon
wheel grazed hi' head. 1t was a mirao'e w
th .8 be was not killed.
.1. 0, Jeans has instructed Wm, Jew.
itt to puroha•e alt the properly dressed
pntltry delivered to him at Brusseis, at
the highest market price, as worn as the
wea•her nets a little cooler, Mr, Jones
ie a big dealer and did a big trade in
this locality last Winter. He's a square
d. aler and will do a good business this
INDIAN 021101(8.
Pol'rorFICE hones on Thanksgiving day
will be from 8 to 9 a. m., 280 to 3.80 and
6 to 6.30 p. 01.
WATCH nut for hargain8 in THE POST
advertisements. If 3308ineos men have
snaps they will let yen know.
WALTER Lowav is resuming the livery
business in town and will nae the stable
on Wm. Aiuley'e lot, William street.
BRn888L8 .'Hale Quartette srae invited to
Bing at the Laurier Demonstration at
Wingham on Friday afternoon but can.
not go.
THE residenoe of F. 8, Scott is being
improved by new aiding and the removal
of the verandah that stood to the Sottth
of the building.
Tan POST is indebted to the Editor of
the Teeswater News for an advance
proof of the Epworth League Conveotion
held in Teeswater on Thursday of last
W. H. KERR attended the Goderioh
Dietrict Epworth League Convention at
Blyth on Tuesday and gave a talk on the
International Convention held at Ie-
dianapolis last July. Rev, 8, J, Allio, of
Godetiah, is the new President.
Board has allowed the teaching etaff
riday of this week so as to afford tbern
he opportunity of having three days in
nooees,on for holidays. School will
pen a day earlier in the new year there -
y making up for Friday.
Coa800T303 —Io our sketch of the On
ario Agrionitural College last week in
he second column, page 3, the opening of
he Dairy Sobool should be early in Jan-
ary instead of June, and on page 4, col.
Inn 3, the word "liberal" as referring to
stories paid should read "illiberal."
"Taxes Gas," J. B. Stratton's pacing
tallion, woo 8rd money et Blyth on
air day in fast company. He was 2nd
o the lst beat. Last week the prize
'et said he got 8rd but by a misprint a
opal gave him only 4th. The lest heat
n the race, which was open, was Raid to
e v ..,going 19good In for a new Irak
c and
t a Fall Fair.
SPECIAL TRAIL—A epeoial train will be
nn from Palmerston to Wingham on
riday to the Laurier Demonstration. I t
III leave
Onlr.—As will be seen by notice glee.
where, Ann Meldrum, relict of the late
James Bruce, and aunt to Mre. Fnneton,
of Brussels, died et the residenoe of her
son, Robt. Brune, on the 4th con. of Peel
township, Wellington Co., on Sandav
leer, Oct. 15th, at the advanced age of 81
years and 'd months. The funeral took
place at Hellen cemeiery on Tuesday
Tors week the Royal Artificeal Pave.
ment Co., who have been working here
all Summer complete their labors and
disperse to their several homes. After a
big season's work, over 80,000 square
feet of walk have been put down in
addition to several thousand fact of pri-
vate walks and on the whole an exoellent
job hoe been done. This ie particularly
noticeable when oomparisone are made
with work done in other towns, Mr.
Oonery will have his staff bank next
Spring to complete a piece of walk at
the bridge where filling in hae bo he done
before the walk oao be laid.
Tun Durham Chronicle of last week
says ;—"Tbe Middaugh House, has
changed kande, having last week been
pnrehased by Samuel Beattie, of Bug.
eels, who took charge of the place on
Salnrday lest. The business will be
managed by James I3eattie, brother of the
parohaeer, who, with hie family, will
more to town shortly.—J. D. Gunn,
proprietor of the Middaugh House op to
last ween, died here Wednesday morning.
For some time be complained of heart
trouble, and his sudden death was not
altogether a eurpriee. Be was twenty
eight years of age, and leaves a wife bub
no children, Much sympathy is felt for
Mfrs. Gunn, who is highly respected in
the community, The ramming were
taken to Rosemont, Wednesday afber-
FALL MILLINEIIa. — The semi-annual
Millinery openings are always periods of
iutereet to the feminine hearl and milli.
nere and millinery art nater to thefanoiee
and 'merino of fashion, in a way that ie
both pleasing and profitable. 1Mre.
Rogere held her opening on Beuseeie Fair
days when Mies Dunbar had everything
tastefully arranged for the nameroue
callers. Hate, bonnets, eeiiors, feathers,
plumes, quills, wings, ribbooe and the
many n8w neoeesaries that go to nom.
pieta the newest evolutions of millinery
art were there and were duly examined,
tried on and praieed. A goodly number
who oame to Bee borne purobasere,
the bast part of a millinery display and
Mee, Rogers was well pleased with the
Fall and Winter outlook. A neat die -
play of ladies' mantles W880150 made and
before sending out of town for those
geode, a onil should be made on Mrs. R,
rte we believe elle Oen suit you,
Palmerston at 10.80 a. tn.
Gowanetown 10.40
Listowel 10.45 "
Atwood 10.50 '
Henfryn 1105 '
Ethel 11,15 "
Brussels 1128
Bluevale 11.43 "
Returning will leave Wingham et 7 80 p.
m. The meeting will open at 2 o'clock.
There will be no eveuing gathering.
Premier Laurier will speak in Ki"oardine
on Saturday afternoon,
Fell display of millinery end millinery
geode at Mise Roddioli's ie firet cease and
elicited many words of approve) from
those cornpetent to judge, and the in•
creased sales is the best evidence of the
satistaotion afforded. Castors, browns,
mulberry, raspberry, gray, black nod
white, paradise green, &0„ are the pre -
veiling colors tbie season, and the leading
shapes are Direotor, lblaraboo and Em.
pire, to which sailor shapes, "Rough
rider," "Outing," and "Out for a time"
may be added, Large hats are worn
this season and with the pretty, natty
trimming of glebe, mink fur, fees, honey
comb, plumes, feathers, foliage, long
quills and lake pigeons go to make up
headgear that is the pride of both the
milliner and customer. A neat display
of mourning goods was also made. Mies
Roddiok and Mies Armstrong have been
kept very busy and a Large number of
their beet bate were Bold the lint day of
their openiog. Mies Roddick parries a
fine stook and gives the latest in style at
comparatively low prices.
DIuocTone MEET,—Tuesday afternoon
a meeting of the Directors of the East
Huron and Gt'ey Brandi Agl, Society
was held in the ()outsell Chamber, Bras,
gels, A protest was heard coneerning
Beattie Bros, and R. Williams' roadeter
horses taking prizes in the 15e hands and
under when they should have exhibited
in the class over 15} hands. Thos. Mo-
Lauohlin was appointed to measure the
said bonne and it over the height prizes
be withheld and the let prize be given
to Dr. Ilaibfleisoh who was awaeded 3rd
prize. A protest was also entered
against 1st prize being awarded to Metiers,
Ewan ee Innes for lumber wagon as it
was manufactured out of town and the
rule oaile for borne manufa0ture, let
prize was given to 8. T. Plum who show.
ed a wagon of his own manotaoture.
The following loorreotione in the prize
list were made let prize far mare foal in
carriage close to Chas. height inetead of
A. Stewart. 2nd prize in horse dolt
roadster goes to Jae. Oardiff instead of
Jae. Shaw, and Bed Wilton & Terobnll
in the same ohm instead of Jas. Cardiff.
In 2 year old filly roadsbee J. Oster took
Ord Instead of 3. 3, Bail, Itt carriage
olaee 2 year old gelding Soott et Warwick
had let ; Cameron Bros. 2nd, In year.
ling fillie, Jan. Split got let ; A. Currie,
2nd and Cameron Bras, 3r1, Board Ad-
journed to meet on Saturday, Nov, 18, at
2 o'clock when re financial statement will
be promoted by Treasurer Stewart and
the proposition of erecting a new Agricul-
tural Hall on the Fair ground dieon5sed,
11. Ifdnr's change of advt, came to
hand too late thio week far change,
Watch for It in one next ieane. Ib ie
Mee. Wet. I3i.I'1J1.1, errlt/'e,l 21) primo
aG Listowel ; 31 ,11 Atwnnd ; Iv et Orn'.
sele, and Sl at myth, making a Intal of 70
in el on Ladies' week.
A'ncasptr-'-Thaultegivu,g Day --being
a holiday tee pnblieh a day earlier thin
week and consequently copy COmt,lt,' at
the usual time is not need in this leeue,
Co. ()ost,1INeonroo i AINeuoc, Of Wing.
ham, 0500 10 lawn n0 Tuesday ineneoting
the stone wall built at the South Western
abutment of the iron bridge to save the
roadway, The enntraut for I0:ling in with
earth has been let to Oteeero, Lowey ,t
McKay who will attend to it forthwith.
8031E peranne, %vim didn't know what
they were teking about, said the large
audience at 1)r. MoDunald'e meeting in
Brusaele, last Friday evening, did not
contain 12 farmers'. A liet from menory,
hart been made ont in Which the names of
04 well known tutees of the Boit le given
with the probe.bility of additions being
made to it. The skeptioel may see this
list at THE Poll' If they call, and prove
its oorrOOtneeB.
THE Teeswater News' of last week 'says
of a former well known Brnsoolite :—The
new stable and driving boons emoted by
ll, Ferguson in the rear of the old herd
ware store nest the 1'. 0. ie one of the
finest in the village.—At the Walkerton
High Sohool eplrte which were held
Friday, Oot. 6, Bert Ferguson, of Teas.
water, took first in the half mile bicycle
race and was abs one of the three riders
oho won first p,ize in the relay biovcle
21510 Arm.—Note that the Fall Fair
camp•ten i$ over we give a summary of
the prizes won by \V, 11. Mo(lraoltei, of
Brussels, at the seven Faire he attended.
It is ee follows :—
Lietowel 40
iViugltum 19
Atwood 32
Brussels 00
Gonia 26
Blyth 27
Dongaun,n 21
1Vingham end Atwood Fair's were held
on the Baum. days hence the exh,bte heel
to be divided. When the keen opposi-
tion is taken into r oaunu. the record is
a go' d cue, averaging 30 tickets at each
Mer'nraro'NIar,—The Livingston (Mon.
tette) Post of O.ttober 51.11 eeye ;—"Wed.
nesday evening at 8:30 o'olook a quiet
wedding ueremuny ruse per:nrm d at the
residenoe of May 'Thompson which
united in the bond.; ,•t matrimony Alva
Mayne and Mese Mary Fergneen. The
ceremony was performed by Rev, V. 1.
Olark and only the immediate friends
and relatives of the bride and groom
were present. A wedding 'supper teas
served at the conclusion of the ceremony
and the bride and groom were heartily
congratulated on their morrireee and
made the raoipiouta of many kind wishes
from their friends. Bath tit,, ocutraot•
ing parties are well known in Livingston.
err. Mayne ie one of the loading business
men of the place and the estimable young
lady who beoatne his wile has a host of
friends in this oily. Mr, Meyue has re•
aided stere melee years and ie ooneiderel
one of the molt oon•ervntiee and 8800088•
ful dealere in general merchandise that
the Eeetern part of the elate aff redo and
he has a very romieiug future. Mie
y p a
Fru r le th t
e 801 a eta er of r
g Mrs, Floyd
Thompson and i0 a native of Onneda.
She has resided in the city bot a oompar-
ativel abort time t hasw
y but ons bosh of
warm friends who wilt gladly welcome
her to social circles here. The couple
have begun housekeeping in the new
residenoe reoently erected by the groom
on the Weet aide. The Poet joins with
their friends everywhere in wiebing them
a long and happy married life." The
bride is a daughter of airs, Fergneoo,
Alexander street, Benssele, end her many
old friends here will be a unit in wiehiog
her nod her husband many happy pros.
perous years,
No DfscaratroATION,—Olerk Soott re
waived the following latter from Montreal
on Monday in reply to his letter relative
to freight rates to Brussels. It speaks
for itself :—
F. 8. Scott, Eng , Village Clerk, Bros
sale, Ont,—Deer Sir,—Your letter of the
28th ult., addressed to our General Men.
ager, has been referred to me, and the
delay io replying thereto has been owing
to my absence from the city. On looking
into the conditions oomplaioed of by you,
I fail to fled that there ie any diaarimin•
ation whatever against Brusaele. Our
retest are arranged on a mileage belie, and
soder these oiroametanoea we are unable
to extend the same rates to that point, as
are extended to Seaforth. For instance,
the distenoeefrom the Niagara frontier
10 the pointe mentioned by you are ee
follows :—
Brussels 150.G9 miles
Seaforth 128,54
Blyth 148.53 "
Clinton 130.81 "
Yon will oheerye, therefore, that the
distance from the Niagara frontier to
any of those points is Aortae than to
Brussels, the difference being particularly
apparent in co0neetion with Seaforth.
Were we to maks any rednotion in the
existing rates to Brussels, it would un-
doubtedly mean that we would also have
bo ccrreepoodiugly reduce our rates to
Seafortb, Blyth and Clinton, and all
other stations in that vicinity. There is
euoh a slight difference in the distance
from the frontier to Blyth, as against
Brupeele, tbat the game coal rate, viz„
$1.80 per ton applies, and to the other
points mentioned in your letter one rate
is $1,10 per ton, Yon will see, therefore,
that in the one 0809 the raters are equal,
and in the other a difference of merely
20 armee per ton exists, although I notice
io your oommnnioation you state that
the rate to Bennett! is 80 (sante per ton
higher than any of the other eases men.
tioned, I ooneider that the rates at
present in exlstenoe are perfaobly reason.
able, for the service performed, and as a
matter of fact, I think with the general
inotease in the valva of bommodittee that
fa taking place throughout the entire
000033y, there is no reason why the rail-
way companies should nob be entitled to
a corresponding inoreaee in their freight
rates. The discrimination referred to by
you in oonoeotioo with better shipments,
is a matter that oomea under the juriedfo•
tion of the Canadian Express Company,
and in thin respect I would refer yon to
thole Manager, Jas, Bryce, whose bead.
snorters are in tills city, Yours taffy,
GEo, B. Root/ r,
General Traffic Manager.
Montreal, 000, 10th,1500
L'nliu,en Ileni,v has retired from Pro.
vinoial politics and SOIL (1. W. lose will
be his euncoseor, It is snit( 3. R. Stoat•
ton will be called to the Cabinet.
IN Blyth Fall Pair prize liet, publieh.,
ed in last wine's' I'n"r, W. Iterbry wag
eredlted with 2nd price Inc beet dressed
doll. 11A'a, A'w. lilaehill, of Brunel8,
informs ns thea elle received the blue
tioketfor Ude entry.
Snnmtx,l Noolcm,--2 earn of wheat, 2 of
peas and 2 01 aura have been enippod thio
week by Robert Grgltatn, Aleo 4 oars
spit ; :1 care of apples by J, G. Jonse ;
1 ear apples by W. F. Stratton ; 2 care
Apples by Dir, Eioltley ; Breaker & Van -
stone, q oar of oate, 2 oars of peas, and a
oar of bogs ; Clegg & Dames, 2 oars lambs
and a oar of cattle ; MoDonald, Ferguson
ee Beet, a car of nettle and a oar of hogs ;
J. Roddick, a oar of lambs ; Jno, Scott, a
oar of cattle, 5 caro of opal came in, 2
for Enterprise Salt Works, 2 for Wilton
et Turnbull and 1 for N. F, Gerry.
Business Locals,
OD, you eee Brewer's collection of
Photo's at the fall Fair ? They won
the red ticket,
1 tame. give with every 12 cnhinet
Pbotoe., one extra Photo. tinted in Water
Color,Enameled on Giese, and one beauti•
fol mantel easel and frame from this
date. H. R. Brewer, Artist.
SAW -FILER AloGnxoon le doing a fair,
ateedy business. You oan have your
money beak if he faile to suit von. T.
AIcGJteoon, 8850 gutnmer and tiler, Brus-
noel present dale until Jan, let, 1900,
we are gtviug Faetr with every doz. cab•
iuet photos., a 1iret•olaee hand worked
(raynn portrait. Work dopa by our-
selves. Now is vntrr obanoe. E. Beni,
nrtlot, Stratton Block.
DR, 41AODON,4LD, M. P.
Before (lis Constituents.
Theeecoud meeting in a series of four
arranged by Dr. Macdonald, the well
known 331. P, of East Huron, for th
purpose of dismissing the leading clues
tions of Dominion politics, was held in
the Town Hall, Brussels, ou Friday
evening of last weak, and was largely at.
tended, Grey and Morrisitee joini-g with
our townspeople, while a few farmers
iron the neighboring townships of Mo-
Killop and Turnberry were also noticed.
President Strachan took the ohair and
gave a brief opening speech, a good share
of it being lost to the audience owing to
the town Band rendering a seleotion
near the Hell.
Barrister Blair was called upon and
gave a neat address of 10 or 15 minutes,
after whiolt a Male Quartette, composed
of Jae, Jones, A. Strachan, A. Ross and
J. H. Cameron, sang in good voice "The
merry sailor boy," Mies Jean MoLauch-
110, pianist.
The next speaker was Arch. Hislop, M.
P, P. for this Riding. He dealt exolneo
ively with Provincial questions, touch-
ing on the right of Constables to vote, the
new Revenue Bill, subsidizing the rail-
ways in Northern Ontario, bemusing the
lnaoufeaturiog of iron, and closed with
reference to election trials and chargee of
bribery. In referring to the latter, he
said lee had no exouee to offer for those
t o l
aw but thought th t
be o e the Opposition are so free with
their denunmation of Liberals they
should turn up the record of their own
art and notice thepalliation
p y offered
when the boot was on the other foot.
The Chairman called upon W. H. Herr
Soldiers of the Queen" was rendered
with good e7eot by Ales Rose.
Dr. MoDoneed was warmly greeted,
and after expressing his pleaenre at see
ing 8o many present, be at once launched
into hie snbjeat, A large mecums of
praise was bestowed on Sir Wilfrid
Laurier for his booesty, ability, etatee•
manehip and oarefoi adminiotrabion of
public affairs, and his wisdom, as die.
played in the choice of his capable and
experienced Cabinet. He pointed out
many things that the Liberate had done
in malting good their pre•eleotion prom.
ieee. First the settling of the vexed
Manitoba School question, which the
Liberals fought for 129 hours in intones -
Mon, and succeeded in ehelving a Goer -
teen Bill thee would have wrought end•
lees misohief. The guaranties of 2
months ou Canadian cattle going into
the U. S. was removed by skillful man•
agement, and thereby a market opened
whereby 90,000 head of stook is annually
delivered, the cattle now being examined
on the border. Then acme free trade re.
lotions—not Free Trade, as that oannot
be so long as revenue is raised by angoras
duties, Reciprocity, et one time feasible,
i8 not so now, as the McEinley and
Dingley sews caused Canada to look 30
the British market. Reciprocity ie no
longer a necessity, our barley, cattle,
eggs, poultry, etc., now finding a good
market across the ocean, The exclusion
of oar barley from the U. 8. was a blow
to Canadian farmers when 18 Dente a
bushel duty wag pot on, but the Ameri•
Gan brewer now uses corn and rice large.'
ly in the manufaotore of pale beer, and
our barley trade with the U. S. will
probably never be a$ large, even with
duty off. There were 200,000 sores in
barley in Ontario last year, Next came
theInbercolonial railevay extension to
Montreal. 1,250 miles of this road hod
been built by former Governments from
Halifax to Point Levis, at a cost of $55,•
000,000, but as it did not reach Montreal,
the head of ocean navigation, the G. le
Il„ and C. P. It, took all the trade, and
the Inberoolonfal showed a deficit of halt
a million do110r0 for petit 18 years. The
Laurier Government determined to get
the road to Montreal. and purchased the
Drummond Oo. railway, 172 milds, pay-
ing $1,600,000 for it, and then 'secured
evening powers over the Grand Trunk
from Roealee to Montreal, for $140,-
000 per vet with all the privileges and
advantagee as the owners. Inetead of a
deficit last year, there was the large sum
of $05,000 to the good art earnings. Our
canal eyeteon wag also deepened from 0
to 14 feet, malting lightening anneeeseaay
and inereasing trade assured, cutting off
what went by the Erie Canal to Buffalo,
The catiai lmpeovemente eget 1111,000,000,
but it was money well expended. Then
the Government allowed their ability in
building the Orow'e Neet railway, ran-
ning from Fort McLeod to Kootenay, a
distance of 380 miles. Amor'tOane had
dieoovered gold in our eoentry, and ow-
ing 00 want of Canadian railway fools(.
ties, the emelting and suppliers wag all
being done by Spokane and the State of
ST,4Nall? D 134 NE OF a l A'',11).:1,
=-yT—eeeza x. •3Sv= a.e 'rn.
(IAPITAI, 1'A II) (11' (line Million Dollars)
IIJOSER\'11 1" 11N11 ,
Agencies in all principal points In Ontario, Qu,'beo, Alan itel,a, ignited Atatee it Ragland.
A General f3anking Buein„se Trenoaotod. Farmers' Notes Dieomtnted.
Drafts Isom d and Colleobions made on ail pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietance.
Washington, They bulli a railway top•
ping the Northern Paoilio, and thereby
out off trade that rightfully belonged to
our Norbh•west farmers. The 0, P. R,
was given the 0onbroat of building the
Crow's Neet road at a coat of $8,600,000,
but in addition, the 0, P.'R. agreed to
Rive outs of from 10 to 88% on old freight
rates, they handed over to the Govern-
ment 50,000 80rea of coal land' the B, 0.
Government had siren the 0. P. 1t., and
bind themselves to sell their anal at $2
per ton on board the care, thereby en.
abliog the miners to emelt their ore et
much lees coat. Also any other new rend
may eeoure running power over the
Crow's Nest railway by negotiating with
the Government. An instance of freight
reduotione was given by Dr, bine.
donald in which John MeV Olen,
the well known South Huron 00.
P., shipped n oar of apples to Prince
Albert, N, W. T., a few years ago et a
Deet of $518 but by the new rate there
would be a rednotion of $171.00. No
Government nor people ebonld be oppos.
ed to innnrring debt if the oompeneation
is greater than the expenditure. The
Dr. also dealt very explioity with the
tariff, solving the binder twine end cons
oil bugbear for the Opposition. He also
dealt with the •
question of expenditure,
emigration, sobeidfee to railways, acid
storage, the Franchise Act, the Gerry•
mender and Yukon railway and admin.
ietration of whioh we will give fuller
report next week as our apace is limited
this issue.
The clever doctor epoke for npwarde of
la hones and gave a splendid address in
hie free and agreeable style. "God
Save the Queen" was sung and the
audience diepereed.
a30a axe .
NEvino,—In Blyth, on Ootoner 10th, the
wife of Mr. J. F. Bering, of a eon.
WEST — GonnoN. — On Wednesday,
October, iltit, at the residenoe of
the bride's father, by Rev. John
Abraham, aeeieted by Rev. T. Hall,
brother•in law of the bride, Mise
Victoria Pentland, youngeet daughter
of Mr. J. K. Gordon, barrister and
anlicitor of Whitby, to Rev. W. J.
Weet, M A., Presbyterian minister
at IIloevale. _- . _
McTAeatno.—In Ohieelbnrst' on
Dr. James son of Mr.B
Oct, M i
N. o.
Taggart, aged 89 years.
RnTnnnroRD. — In Biala, ou Oot. 3rd,
1899,Mr. John Rutherford aged 80
year, 9 months and 8 daye.
HILEe,—In Elms, on Oct. 12th, 1890,
Mr, Samuel R, Hiles, aged 75 years,
8 menthe and 12 days.
Bnuco—Io Peel, on Oot, 1501,, Ann Mel.
drum, reliot of the late James Brnoe,
aged 81 years end 3 months.
—. ererCTSOIS , _�
WEDNESDAY, OoT. 18 —Farm, farm
Stook, implements, its., W e lot 30, con.
0, Grey. Sale, at 1 o'olook. Margaret
Lamont, admiuistretrix. F. B. Scott,
TUESDAY, Ont. 2011,—Farm 00011, im-
plements, eta, at lot 21, con. 12, Grey.
Sale, without reserve, at 1 o'niools, Sharp.
Wbilamina Gorsalitz and J. J. Gorealitz,
Exesutore ; F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25.—Farm stook, at
lot.9, con. 3, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1
o'clock. Jas. Jackson and Thos. Stra-
ohan, proprietors ; F. 0, Scott, ane,
Toone' noon Jersey Cow, with register-
ed pedigree, for sale. 0 years old,
18•t TH05,NEWBOME, Brusaele,
5 YEAn old driving mare for sale. Good
driver. Will be sold reasonable. D, lilWAN,
Girl to take position to home al Lon-
don, Liberal wages to oapablepernm,, Ap-
ply at Tnn Poem, Brussels.
several ram lambs—Leioestor—for sale,
5YOm registered sore, All good Moak,
JAS. M8111,1,011 00, Oon. 0, Morrie.
Brussels P.O. 14.30
for Melville Church, Brussels, . One
competent to instruct they choir preferred.
Nov, iaatlone,1007. 30IIN1RION,o1Br seole let
LING, Store and Sdable in Ilarlook
for eale, The property is In good repel' and
the beet country stand in the eohaty of
Huron, No opposition. 1'oeto0oe in con-
nection. (easy terms, Apply to JOS17P13.
Wl'1 JOATL7, y, Lot 2, Oon,18, .Ilut3ott, or Har -
lock P, 0. 14.4
o1, VAna1 sicca.—F. S. Sooft, aaetlen.
eee, has received in0truotioue from tbe un-
dersigned to sell by pttblto emotion at Lot 9,
Oen. 8, Grey, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26.1'H,
1800, cmnmeneiige 1 o'oloak sharp owing to
sale on former date being ean0elfati on se-
oopnt of rain, the following valuable ttnok,
Vi,. 1 Itlaro in foal ; 1 Norma Wens oht ;
1 span 01 70005 )iornae ; 3 Parl'ow Cows ;
17 0ow0, supposed to bo In salt ; 1 II.year-old
Heifer with calf ; 1 altar -old meat ; 0 2•
roar -old Hoifere ; 1 thoro'•brod Bethnal 0511
1 veer old, took let prism at eruesele Pate ; 0
year-old Helfe3's ; 8 8-6ear.oid Stew's ; 12 15-
seer -old Stoor0 1 7 Year-old Steore ' 16
Calves ;7 )Owen; 3. Brood 8ow1 11 Store
Piga, Salo without reservo as proprietors
are OVeretookod. Terme—Ail 0um0 of $0 an0
under Dash • over that amab03 12 Menthe.
credit will be elven en fernioltng Approved
Joint Buten, 0 por cont ori' foe cash on
credit umoal
3A8, JAO3380N
t, 8.800TT, 501105, STIOA07•IAN,
Auotloteete proprietors,
♦ mmwonn for the County. )/aper.
came rot over 14 }roam end knowledge of who
Co Bell to, will guarantee a ,tislactlon. If
loll runt to 0011 or buy a fare, call 3u 0110,
Money to lora at 41 nor pent,
nnde•nipnod hoe for sale 1 registered
Shnarllug lawn and 7 Item yd,ml,,,, Shrop-
shire breed. The Lambs wore got by a non of
Lord newton," I0t prize winner at the
World's ruin. Also n number of browse
l'urk070 and Toulouse Geese.
3.310 JNO, 81/1't'I1, Lot 8, Colt. 5. Grey,
Leicester Sheep for Sale.
The 0nderslgued lues for sale 4 registered
Loicoeter rams and 15 ewes, 1 imported. All
will bo sold at a bargain as proprietor 10 330-
log out olsheep bushrlee• y In
P.O.Harlo0k Lot 2, Com 1Bla, Hu11o3t.
of the undersigned. Lot 34, Con, 14,
Grey, oe or about Sept, 4th, n 05.0 and a
lamb, The owner is reettoated 00 prove
property, pay 0011011800 aril take them away,
12.1 MouerelA P. 0.
Notice to Creditors.
In the ,Surrogate Coast of the Count
of Enron.
Pursuant to the Statute In that behalf it'll
peraoue haviup claims &eldest the betide of
Peter AfeDnuald, late of the Tnwnsblp of
Grey, Gentleman, de conned, who died on the
Mb day of August,15011, are nOttOed to send
or deliver to Jam ee McDonald, Township of
Grey, Welton P, 0., one of the E0oou1o'e,na
or before the 5013 day of November, 1800,0
statement of heir claims, duly verified, ami
after the )net mentioned date no Execs tors
will distribute the Resets of tbo woe
among Ulnae entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims of which notice shall
have beau received, aid the Executors will
1100 be liable for the assets of the estate or
any part thereof 00 nay person of whose
claim notice Minn not then have been re'
J,tO OJrDO ALD IExecutors,
A, F reerPB, aeons fnr Executors.
Dated ut Brussels, Aug. 4th, 1009.
Notice to Creditors.
1'areucnt to It, S. 0., Chap, 190, ell persons
shaving claims against the estate of James
Metoto0, late of the Tote :nip of Grey, to the
County of Hurott Yeoman, deceased, whodied at the sold 7iownehip on or about tbe
Tenth day of Jenuery. 1808, intestate, are
notified to send or deliver to A. Hunter,
Brunets P. 0 , agent f0,' the Adnitnlat,'atrix,
on or bolerotb _ l ,
0 rt Maims,
of October, she• 0
Y 0 , 1 a
statement o! theirethe A me, antra rix pre -
ditto the asset of wille estate
to distribute the assets of the estate
0mong those entitled thereto having regard
n I to ,m
u euoh ob 1 e 'a which notice otico u33n11
have then boon rbe liable
A0,' the Adwtuls-
tratrix will not be liable for the assets of
the oetate, or any part thereof, to any person
of whose claim notice shall not then have
been received. A. MINTER, Agent for the
Admiuistrattix, Julia Monet GR. 14 3
Dated Brume's, Oot.12,1890,
ri1ARl1I TO RENT,—loo &ORES,
Nertl halt of Lot 1:1, Onu. 2, Morrie, Ap.
plyy to ADAM ItEID, Wingham, or to 11, W.
1310TI0)0, 240 Morden street, Toronto,
Lot 7, Con, I4, Grey, conbainiug 100
acres , There um about 75 acres cleared,
balmier, bush, Prams house large baht withatone stabling, orchard, good fences, &o. A11
seeded to 0r1ts0. 83 Milos from B10ssele, a
good market town. Desirable farms for
either stock or 018010, k'osseotiou at say
time. For further particulars apply to or
write STEPHEN LAMB, Prop.
I4 2m Sonfortb.
Bale 00 easy terms, being Lob 91, Con,
10. Tow00hip of Grey, H0,00 Co, 00 sores
cleared anti iu first-class state of cultivation
and balance in bard -wood bush. A first.
oleos barn with straw Merl attached, also a
frame barn, and all necessary out buildings,
good frame house ; watered by 8 wells end a
Stream of Spring water crossing farm. Peg-
s0sston given at once. Por further particu-
lare apply to WM. CAMERON, Cranbrook,
or JNO. B. HYDE, Ethel P. 0., Out., Bxoou-
tore of Robt. McLachlan estate,
OcT.11) 18 99
Pleasant to take.
Results Satisfactory.
oz's Syrup of
White Pine & Tar
23c per bottle.
Fogy's Drug Store.
deraignrd offers lila farm. Went Hsif
Lot No.,0,s10t, aGnuppl,yy 4,bo Groy, containing 60 ac' -e,
more or lees. For particulars as to price
0011 t,
81030010 1', 0. 00 the promises,
The undersigned Offen .life )arm, 13n.
lag E t 5,00 7, Oen, 17, Grey, coutaiulug 60
nem, 3 acme being good hardwood bush, for
sale- There 19 a now frame 330,03 180.8, 11010
barn Ms 00, oral to. Possession won) I
Im given at any time, with 1hi0 88neou'e crop
it desired. Farts is two miles from Village
of Wta ton, ear further pnrtioolare e0 to
price , Lerma, to , apply on the promisee or
to THOS, JOHNSTON, Walton P.0.
Dm Lot 20, N I Con. 0, Morris township,
containing 08 sores of Oret•olaen land, There
is house, burn, orchard and good ware-
house, and farm is roll feeeed. There Ore
30 Beres in 11OI wheat; 16 acres in hay nett
45 nose pasture. Possession could be given
at once, Farm adloius the vllinge ni Drun-
sole,P„ LlFor fm•lhec particulars as to price,
terms, tc„ write to JAMES LIV1000I'ON,
udo3. ... tf
The nude signed offer two 100 caro
farms 30,' 81010 lit reasonable prices. The lets
are Nee, 10 and 11, Con, 0 (Sunshine), the
shimmed between then. Good brick house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 bares on
lot 10, Orchards nod al] neeeeeary conveu-
i0uees, Wellwatered end eui table for grain
or grazing, 100 acres now iu grass. Will be
sold either separate or together to stilt pur-
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im•
mediate (possession. For further partloulars
1 . apply IOliIN SON, B 1'rriistEPH eBrussels
r,Wiogbao,, Itf
2Stratford., Ont.
You will find abundant evidence of our
enpe,iori3y over other Canadian soboole.
Students admitted at any time. Write
for int tutoe up.
59'•.1. ELLIOTT, f'rincilral,
OCTOBER /9, 1899.
Tickets valid going October 18111 .0 Mb.
Valid for return leaving destination ou or
before October 28rd, between all station's in
Cauude, also to and from Detroit aud Port
Huron, Port Covington Ito Mosinee. Springs
ivoluetve, and Ito etattone ou Central Ver-
mont iu Vermont up to and including Burr
1lugton also to, but not from Buffalo Black
Book, Niagara Falls and Suspension Buffalo,Black
Pull iaforwatlou from all agents G. T. 1t.
R, T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels.
Fur Yourself
ttm ..AT..
Ea P. oAllister's
A. large and complete stock of Furs now to hand, such as....
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
Ladies' Far Capes, prices from $7' to $20,
Men's Siberian Wolf Coats, Men's Coon
Coats, Men's African Buffalo Coats, Men's No. 1 Wallaby Coats,
also a complete stock of Gentlemen's and Ladies' Fur Gauntlets.
We also have a complete stock of Flannelettes, a large assort.
went of colors and prices.
We have the Agency for the Saskatchewan Buffalo ,ttobe and if
you are buying a robe this season it will play you to inspect before
buying. This robe is interlined with rubber throughout and lined
with a superior quality of Astrachan cloth. g
,ead3ratonwear O]othin.�q1
Well cut, well trimmed., Weil made—made to fit.
Prices from $4.00 to $10.00.
Itfen's Underwear, all Prices and Weights.
Ladies' Mantles a Specialty.
I Vl M c Mister,