HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-19, Page 66 THU BRUSSELS POST. OCT, 10, 1809
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sVo.r�a ,fid a,i�� �,, He oleverly drew from liar n dearrip- I shall not depart front it. It my THE PEERLESS JJIJSIJ OCEANIC The stokers, who perform the most DESTRUCTION OF K[IAKATOA.
tion of lsmay's home, and then said granddaughter will give up bel• )ins- t arduous labor It is pomsiblo to conceive ,.---.
�r he should like to make a drawing of band, and prutniso never to see him of, at'0 paid 01i pet mOaLh, w•hil0 Lha The Appidltug Cearal,Pors or lawre Thal
�" �t �j e p �N®_ [t,
again; .L will revolve list, hers; If not. `-" Lriutmera and greasers rocehvo a little llrapptRed alvtaeu yealls Af o, i
n„ST ®ffi I U T IX 1 G. "Nothing Dnn be ender," slxD told tea Duntut(te stranuars• Nullning will TH1a EUSINESS OP THE B4GGFST less Ulan t11is nxnuunt. '1'llo zuan fire
him. I 0. ["caldron is very amiable lnduee lav to ehouga my re, SHIP IN THE WORLD, all employed in lduropDan ports. [Steal It !s jnml. mf tont years nfnra Ibe
' By BERTHA M. CLAY, anti sweet-temporedl She will be solve;' of those are Scandinavians or Irish, must stupendous and appalling of taus
Author of "A Queoa Among Women," Wilt It End," Burden of 0 agorgi."kite, pleased to give you permission." 'Pl10 two gentlsmetl ware now, stand- It ('Dai Nearly $:moo a Day to fteop uta while the AngineorH as .1 Mule lire uonvulshons of nature which have oo-
He Want, and was mora oliarmell IIrg fnolug e.1 011lI . alkali One excit- ptighty Vessel icti a lilyllelallm Or lit[• y[+Oi(.11 alld th[ sailors •['illg 1e, 3. Curred oRhar Ill ancient, or in modern
,'l ���'�—%r%.,'a i°'"�°�"*W�r� with lsmny than lie could It vis antics. od rued anger. I'hn oulinnry operations of lila
C H AP1DR VIII. little money—to save list- from Slarve• 3ltuau[tenieul or an Daeutt ('sty'.
H y paled; tier wondrous haunt}, liar groan, "What h+ray lila mint Jona, m lord, Oreunia dwarf i:hoaD of aeon the tang- tisnes took trinco. Angus[ 1.7, 1883, at d
'S Ford and Lord Carls-i tion and death—"ever so little," or she. liar charming manner, all delighted that you should Seek 10 tempt from While the roading public has been Pat, hotels. NO loss than twonty-four 10 a,m,, the groat.or portion of the is-
Onae more .It L him a wife, he lovue? It Is not lits tolerably informed am to the size and meals are served ml shipaboard every
waocl sat together; the lawyer looked must inks her child in her arms and flim. And than, tea, she had a sen, S ! land of Krakatoa, In ilio straits oEJ+un-
?Nuzzled, the master of Bralyn uu-t lie down by the roadsido and ills• the lovely, laughing boy lie land held . fault Lhat mile in a' Carlswood. Ito spend of the groat ocean liners, there lay. `['hers are four each for the first da, lens destroyed, while two now Is-
)jAppy, That was the last—there the tragedy in his arms, a child of whom oven /,be gave her all ha had—his love, his heart, I and second onbtn pameadgors and the l
(s one feature of the immensity o[ Dffioom. Thorn are throe cash for the lands were Created b v
1. you give up all hope?" he said ended. pruud Lord Carnswooll might ho proud, bis name.; he has been proad to work Y volcanic notion,
ink there is! "If you had received flint Jotter;' IIs was surprised as well as delight- for hnr; h. laves her. Why should these ships of which very little to � sleerngo passengers, the enghnoors, We in Englund remember Lite fast
to lila aohattot. "You til ' limited Mr, Forel, "would au have re- ed. you Ptlrl thnm'd [['toile llus he done 7 known, oven by the most experienced slawards anti sailors, Bach of those mrllnly on account of ilia nrngnliioant '
no chanc+e7' S maven big famil[os has its Own sluff of
"I have ilane all that man t;ould do fupsd her help She spoke with some refinement, Why should be suffer ? travelers. Thin concerns the business.' eangels which followed the event and
and have failed" he replied, drearily;l ' Islay Ileavcu be merciful to me," bol there was no vulgarity Lu hor accent; "I have suffered ....}'Half," said the Looks, numbering between thirty Lincs
"if flier. had Leen nue resource let sald, with a drop sigh, "I believe that 11 and yet, despite the presence of the old lord, tr•Salulously—"every one suf- management of these vessels, which in forty ullogethor, '['bore aro about were wRilossod all over the world.
C shouldher not have uolna re your lord-'should liar. done Fo:' beautiful boy, ]ro wits tempted t0 wish fors." case of the largest liners has grown aevDuty dining-roam stewards—watt-..These sunsets, it is now hardly uea-
ship. It is almost testees perhaps to
"What can have happened?" quer- again and again that she lid not "How would you have fait, my lord, to be an enterprise of vast proportion$, I ars they vvonid be called on shore—and I Oman -y to state, were caused by the lm-
the Is
L useless
P note to trau.d Mr. Ford, musirt ly. "Shtl uev- been married, tf any' 0110 had sought to tempt Lady requiring the services of hundreds of aLotiL tile same number of hod-roots
ask1 „ g g stcwnrds Lind obamborlains, Ipalpable (lust and vapor particles
your daughter's letters have been er wrote ano!her letter. Did she die' "What a sensation she would have CArlswood from you?" men. 'rho vttaC tesponmibslt for suppt iia
leapt ?" ' in Ashburnham, I wonder? ; creniod I She would have made Ono of 'the Maslor of Brulyn held up Ina y supplyling which bed been ojActsd from Krakatoa I
"I have never aeon any of them,". Lord Cnrlswood's face grew white as the beat snatches in l;liglund, with that fine white hands with a warning For example, the operation of Clio I food to lila Steamship community "eat$ I to a height of twenty miles or more
&ofd Lord Cnever seeod. with the puller of death, face. and figure she would have creat. gesture. Ocennio, the largest steamer ever built, , principally upon the chief steward. fro§.. Lha snrrfta[ a f the an!rth mine[
"You did not notice the postmark on "Die,'' ha said—"die DI starvation? Do ed n perfect furore." TO Be Continued. which arrived in Now York on her i Every afternoon he cecinas to his cabin Y a
the envelopos?" pursued Mr. Forel. not oven hint at anything so terrible. Still, tboaah he was so marvelously —� and plans out the menus for the tot-
- were
still flouting in ilio ugypor air.
"1' have never seen the letters at lith I''Or Heaven's sake, lint us see about it im,r •<sod h •liar, La could not tell how maiden triplas[ week, Luvolves a mul- I lowing day—a separate oils for Loch The oruRriion caused a great meismio
I ave orders ea 'Thorpe to destroy at once I Shall we go 7 I shall a never th,� ,asod by
yof hot*,
n would all hoNv A DEVIL-INFESTED EDEN. titude of activities and is managed on ; of his numerous families from the els- wave of the sea, whish overwhelmed
g borate+ course dinners o[ tiro first cabin
them as soon as they came and never rest again." the newm or her marriage, Ile decided — a scale that seems almost incredible folks to theJinncomparatively ftsimple faro ilio villages on the neighboring alienee
to allow them to be brought to mo, i 'Phe lawyer was just as anxious, but that his would trust to no letter, but strange Exim--mesa D+' C111`01INIORIT I'll to the Itindsmon. An Inkling of their, [
thought she would be aura to write; ho loremil,c difficulties. lIe knew have would gu to Rralyu hiulseLf ilud then ista .lti.ow.v or Abvaniula of steerage And crew, and drowned upwards of 31,000 persons,
Captain 1\'elby, who ]ins recently re-, proportions may be gained tram the i Those menus aro then printed h the The height of the Brost of ibis wave
but I have never asked if aha has done hunt it would be to di,ro et, what had he could tell lord Carlswood all. y
SO, happened to a poor and Lonely vvoman� There was missing Only Ont' link in Incl that It would t0.ke it mine" Ewen- still,'-; pl'llltPr ..1111 distributed t0 the 11x3 heart Vill'iOmaly estimated, but tit
turned from an expedition throughi y_ years of steady work to get ; chefs of the various divisions. They I.
"DD you think it probable that so many years ago. the eviandat he waned to sae the Abyssinia, tells the following exlraor- i tiro I estimate the amount of various ftod I Polok Botong, in Sumatra, the water
marks may liare nod, the post- "1 will go to Ashi,l lose. myself," . I locketcours. and the ring, : Thera was he g out the coal required Co fill the bunk-
mcrrks?" asked 'Mr. Nord, said lir. Ford-, "1 will lose no time. T u,urse open to him save to tell the I din¢ry story of the haunt0d lun[l oP mnlcrtats that they will the steward
and I deached within six feet of Lite resl-
ere of Lite Oceania for a single trip, rubmit these PSl.ilnnlos to the stawnrd Jane}, +vhirll elands on a hill aevonty-
"I cannot tell, but you can ask him." will go lit once; and the moment I vicar vehat was his real errand, and he }`+alamo:
Thr bel[ was rung, and the butler discover anything I will send a tele- did .yo under protuiso of secrecy. Then "Ona of the most weird and remark- wafts the coed supplies a would
she ore for bis approval, eight feet above Jho eau, and the off
was sent tor, Ford repeated the qu,.S- gram to you•" air. Kirdell showed him the locket. Al- mauda Tor each voyage would mono I'HE NEXT STET' man-of-war ]Serou4v, anchored pff kh.- I
tion, and wandered :u the ohauge that Lord Carlswood could hardly control though he was prepared for it, still able scenes 1 over witnessed was in I than support the minor and his fain- is to mukD requisition on the store-
over the man's face. his imtathanee. the might of Lord Carlswood's well- Walamo, some fm'tni rot's journey q cattle, was carried by the wave up a I
"I should like to ask one question be- "S You think it better," he said, "that known features did startle him—it g l Y sly during the who... o[ that time. 1teaPsrm for lite various meats, rage- valley nearly
south of Adis Ababa. The p]acS had To appreciate the vastness of the, tables and other a.rtiolss necessary to !
fore I answer," he replied, rLspect- I should not 907" vv:ts the sero confirmation of all .tiler an evil reputation, unit I had frequent-I satisfy Lida sea appetites of 1000 par- TMro ARLES INLAND
fully. "Your lordship has been pleas- •`Decidedly," replied Mr. Ford, "T evidence. t business opvratious connected with ilia' sons. The extent of, this appetite may
ed to make me a confidential servant; can act mono quickly, more promptly, air. Ford hastened bank to Bralyn, 113' beard Chat any person venturing to{ greatest ocean liner it is necessary Lo, be conjectured from the fact that tile
suet was left high and dry more than
ppermit me to inquire do you want [n- and more energetically if I go alone." Lord Carlswuod was greatly agitated. i enter the country became the special rid one's mind of the idea that she is' Oceania ships for each trip some ten thirty feet feet above the son level
formation about toy young mistress?" He went that same day, and the re ,,you say she is beautiful—so like prey of demons—in face beenina pas- tons of beef, three tons of such roliter If n gentleman were to tell us that �
"1 du," said Lord Carlswood, "I +vane, suit of his journey was mare satisfac- Isar mother'? \"'bat reale they think- � a Lip as ail fathers understood that menta as nxtttton and veal, two tons of
not her; but her child or children, if tory than he had ventured to balks it ing or to let her marry so young? If manned by demons. Of course, 1 Pooh-I term. She is not manned by sailors, chickeus and nearly two tons of ducats, while walking down Piccadilly he had
she has any, living." would be. He took up his residence that could be undone[ What is her ; poohed the idea, but nevertheless IL I and the seamen form an inconsiderable turkeys and such game birds as may heard an *explosion which bad taken
'"fray would hardly be children not at the Principal betel—that was husbanti like?" mado me more determined than everl number in the make-up of bar Brew'.' be in season, place at Guildford or any town situ-
now," observed Mr. ford; slid then, not a likely place to obtain such in-"He is a true so:t of the people—; 10 go there. illy' Abyssinians did not
turning to the bullar, he added, "Tell formai.Ion as he sought—Luc at an old- handsome, strong, with a tine fno0 and Not- is she a floating hotel, as the ma- I `these Lire merely the fresh meats shed some thirty miles away we should
me, Thorpe—when ,fid the last tetter fashhoned inn; and at. night, when he a manly figure—hadustr•isus and very I oven demur when 1 told them of my gnzina writer Is tend of calling her• which are stored in one Lig rafrigerat-(probably think that he was under A
some, and did you notice the u+stwnrk lza.1 inched the landlord to join him clever, the Say, at all kinds of moth- resolve, biLL the fact really • was that I Ing room down in the depths of the
i j y > ! y There is no ]roto.. that compnros with Ship. 1'be vessel carries also two tons lnisapprehunsiun. Bu'L if !t,0 told us
on it'?" over a glass of wine, lie c•leverelyturn- anism. Ilia mania is inventions. "a they did not think I should be Pen'-' her in the extent and varier of its' Of smoked and dried meats. 1201)() dozen that he had iteard one tbat occurred
The man yurlooked r his master, ' rd the cants sudden
on the subject of Is a complete radical in eolilics, be- : ma..Led to enter' the devil-infesLed zone,' all Ocean I Oysters, with fish, green vegetables i lit ,Newcastle-ou-Tylne, at a diatmLOO
"I ho[xe your lordship Will not be'scrangr anti sudden deaths, liecrng m the right, of the w•onktrtan, activities. The Oceanic is a
angry with me," be, said; "[ hove dim-' Yhel; he heard the whole story'—Low and is eloquent after a grand, rugged On ranching the mysterious place Ii city—nothing less. When she is at1 and fruits in proportion. Of groceries, of 5Uot1 miles, we should have no doubt
obeyed you. You told me ur Jamin,} n vertu«n poor lady that had come to fashion of his own—for he makes ;found it to bn ono of great beauty. IC r unit such commO,litics as will keep in- as to the condition of tile anind. It Is,
all Miss CarIsw-oo.Ps leiter:,; but I did flu+ town load died without telling her speeches, and La looked upon as a I v+as a fertile country, wiLh luXurialaC sea mile has filled.. definitel} til. provision stores are Ire
not do so. I have lee tt them, thinking num: or saying to whom she belonged, leftist' in his own small eGclr.." A POPULATION O I` 3000, nevertheless, a tact that the explos-
1 E 6 g vegetable growth, Intersected with' lou of lirakntoa, was heard' not oil
and hoping that sum., day they would or anylhing that could throw- any Lord Carlswood held up bis hands' In another cold-slornge room the y'
be useful. 1 have them every one by light upon her history. with n gesture of hurror. i streams. It was, moreover, very as great as many a town with county shill carries 5W11 pounds of butler, 20001 thirty and 3U0 miles away, but also at
ma nave:' ":Ste really died in that strange "Entlugh!" he cried, "And what do hilly and well timbered. The inh¢bi- seat aspirations can claim. A Score of ; dozen eggs and 30110 quarts of mills i a dislance of 3,000 miles. IC was heard
A sudden light came into Lord Cnrls way ?" questioned Mr. ford, breath- you say his calling is?' lints I found to be most friendly, al different trades and occultations are' and cream. Another itein not to be in India and it was heard in Australia
wood's face. least}. ;m'l the landlord, all union-, ar. Ford looked half puzzled_ though th.y.totcd m0 they, hod never, practiced on board her. 5110 has in-I overlooked in 3003 quarts of ice cream.I
""hat is goof mews;" be sold; "I am scion's of the grent interest at stake,; "I can hardly tell you,
he replied. It will be seen from these figures and also in the island or Rodriguez,
indebted to you for your sense and, answered, "yes—that was how she "Some people called hum the squire's I seen a white man before. So Ear all, dependent lighting, heating and re-
that the cost Of operating a great which is about. 2,968 miles from lira-
prudence, Thorpe," died." steward, others his gnmekeeper—to had gone well, and I was more certain, frigerating plants, machine shops, ar ocean liner is very large; for the ves- katon !it a direct line, Moreovar, the
He tried tospeak calmly, but it was ".tnd th= child," pursued the lawyer,'me Lo seemed to hold Loth of- than ever that the evil re[mlation of printing office, a carpenter shop; in I ael that. his been dosoribed it is be-
1 twee.. 10,000 and $50,000 por month, seismic wave o[ the sea above referred
easy to see that he Was terribly ex- 'what became of the etl[ld?" fives." the )lace was only be 'it
on su ersti- short, almost all the equipment ent of an; ,
cited. tiIr, ford was more demon- ll0es his wife seem warmly attach- f S P I ml tins \" herr the cost of repairs, insurance Co was noticed not only In South Af-
H.' could hardly Lear dl moments of
ed to him?" was the next nos- fiats nonsensD. Ido not Huy Chat sub- up-to-data eomauunity, togaCiter with and ilio il0teriuratiou in the value of rtes, but also at Cape Horn, which is
st"You . eusp"use before the landlord answer- q
"You have dune the wisest and most rd Lim, I tion, sequeuL experience Las JeEc any very, much that is peculiar to herself, the ship itself aro taken into account 7,500;1 miles intent [rum Lh0 Straits
g y y 1" p The lawyer smiled. y - purposes S g ChD profit remaining represents only
sensible thin you ever did in our ••t hl, IIo ;-S ado ted her, and she is; Clear idea in m mind, and I can in To all practical ur ossa ouch vo a e of Sunda.
life," he cried. the prettiest 'rl in the whole countr • "I am a better judge, my lord, of a 0, r return on til. investment. p $4,-
B• 3 no way e.plain the marvellous pilau represents a complete business von- CUO,000 which this latest triumph of but perhaps the most extraordinary
"Le[ us see the letters, Thorpe, at ,tae. f maty ]lope they culled her:' i the 's affs of a law case than of h ; I of all the phenomena na connected with
once." The lawyer started its the Eamilar; lady's affection. 1 suppose she louse ;omens which I witnessed. I only atatat tura. All accounts are rendered sap- the shiCibuilder's skill rapresants. this cataclysm o[ �Rnturu wastha at-
andsThe duan hastened from the room, name fel[ upon his ear. him. All wives lave their hush--'the facts. acutely for each voyage. The, crew .- mus. disturbance, 0t, air wave,
and returned with a bundle of letters ••[study," he repeated—"that is a do[Lay not?" "Tho first sign of anything wrong from IMS captain down are engaged tit IS OF INTEREST. produced by the explosion. This air
in his hands. He, laid them before strange name." I "By n0 means," was the cynical re- was when one of my. Somali escort: ilia European port for each round trip, wavy it is stated, want three times
Lord Carlswood. "Her mother called her by it before Ply- "You may the buy is healthy, and rushed into camp shouting 'Walamo,'! around the earth, and it has been re-
"They' arc all in order, my lard," he she died, and she has kept it ever' likely to live'?" 'Walamo.' He was frightfully oxeit-i They are technically discharged at the A Fele I-aragrnplte lYilirir Wt" Trove marked that "the character of lhLs
said, "just as I received them; they since." "T ant uu judge of children, either; ad and shook violently and kicked liken conclusion of the voyage, and must worth atendnig, disturbance would seam almost in.
have never been touched. This was ••She is beautiful, you say, and what! but I never saw a more beautiful n madman, and In the interval between; sign now articles before they are About half of the ships in the world credible were it not for the fact [hat
the first and that was the last." age may she he?" i child. He looked strong and )veil." his shrieks he told me that he was shipped again. are British, It is attested by the barograms of ov.
And then, discretely, 'Thorpe with- "That I cannot tell—she was quite' Then there was a silence for some POSSESSED BY A DEVIL. As soon as the liner ilea tap at bar Tha parchment on ChD Last banjos is .very grant meteorological station on.
drew. Mr. Ford went over to the _young when she married." m!nutes , the old lord seemed engross- The whole of that night he was neither mode of chment , the world's meteoo. From this the
table where Lord Carlswooi sat. Cllr. Ford interrupted him somewhat' ed La thought. His Brows were knit, I more nor less than a maniac, bat the! pier at the end of one voyage the pre- Lime of iia gelid[ could easily be vale
"You must Open them, Ford—I can Queen Victoria wets her own tea. ILI
F rudely. ! his lips firmly closed tied his hands next day he was perfectly well. I had parations for the succeeding one begin. is black, and Costa about $1,15 a pound. ciliated with tolerable exactitude. It is
not," he said. His fare was white, his "When she was married—whom did, tightly clasped. Once a deep sigh been previously told that oneD a man While cargo is being discharged from r given by LLDut,-Ge1p. Strachey its two
hands trembled, ally daughter—ah, she marry ? came front him, Find then he was silent Anew photographic views of
persona lakes hours fidt six minutes, Greenwich
m daughter!" he said to himself, and l had become w ys liable
or devil-posses one slide great Largos are pouring coal five different views of a parson at enol Y
y g "Pau! Waldron, who is lila stavvaril again. He noised his eyes at last, told ed he was always liable to a second at-' , mean time, Which in local time would
DIT. Ford opened the letters. oc Squire Sarofleld; but it the matter looked to the lawyer's face. By the lntoher bankersfrom the other. The sitting. It is clone by means of mir- correspond with U.58 o'clock m, the j
interests eau, sir, ou can sae [Sirs, teak, and as a simple maestro of pre-1
Be was shard man, n cool, shrewd, rors.
Y su•ttngeuess of the glance, lTr. i'ord caulhon the moo's rile was taken Srom, OceanLc -has a caul-enrrying eapaoity of morning of August '27."
calculating lawyer, whose life had been Hope. She is a great friend of my felt sura that some difficult proposi- hhm. While on the march lie had an-13700 tons and burns upwards of '2000 Think of a man shedding his skin 1 lL may be mantioned that, although
spent among deeds and part wife'm, and she is never tired of tell- tion was coming. other access of this ourious mildness,' In forty-three of
years,.vhrs this J. 14h the explosion did not tole. place until
but as he read the tears rose to his Ln the story." l Lord Carlswoud rose from his sent. Lona on each voyage. It regattas the ser- Price, o£ Botta, 1SIout., has this exp.r- 9.58 a. m., et durin the whole of the
eyes, and more than one deep sigh I ,:D happenedy , a the course of which ea drew a kn[ED; y B
come to his lips. liairine's first let- that on this evenings He went over to the mantelpiece, and rushingabout threatened to kill' viae of sixty men working steadily for ianue. 1'h•a entire skin of ]ria body and pr.c0ding night
limbs comes off.
p \Irma Hope, came to take lea with the there w•hhoh Lite portrait of Jocelyn, everybody. It took several mot fol Earl•} boors to coal her, and the opera- A CONTINUOUS 1ZOA1i,
ter was a girlish, gay cnmpusitiOn, landlord's wife, and Mr. Ford, al- Lord Carlswood, who had fought so hold him down. It is supposed to I tion costs about $1300. The coal itself A glass chimney, 105 feet high, built
treating the whole matter of her elope- though a bachelor himself, understood bravely for the Stuart king, Charles be especially dangerous to eat food in of glass bricks, conveys the smolce like the discharge of heavy cannon, or
meat and marriage as u eat. asking p Y g costs about five times that amount. In thunder, had been heard, so that the
j g the tair sex sufficiently to feel sure; the Second, Tie looked long and ear- the presence of the 'Walamo' people,.. from a glass fucCory in Liverpool. The people
her father if he would nOL be well that if a woman was more communi-: nestl • at the pictured faea—a dark ; other words, the coal bill Df a vessel floors are also of glass, -and so are P PIc in the towns and villages of
pleased to find his daughter married i y and on one oaeaaion ono of my Sudan-' Java and Sumatra were terrified, and
g cativo at one time than another, it face, full Of noble resolve, full of Ill's I ayes saw a Walamo gazing intently up-1 like the Ooeanic while she is at sea the shingles on the roof. .
without any trouble to himself. Yet ,as during the time spent over a dish and valur—and then he turned slowly ! on him while he was havinghis meal,! did not deco a go to Lod, ;Leen on
at the end there was a little pray- of tea. I amounts to LrD tidy sum of $IOW per A clergyman a English, Ind., refuses the previous day, the 26th, the sky, we
and looked at Mr. Ford ..gam. I Nothing untoward occurred lit Cha! day. Lo PAY a Poll tax, on ilia ground that aro told, "
or for pardon. She asked him to for- He asked permission of the landlord; "The Carlswvods have fallen vary ( "presented til. most terrible
give her, and not he feel annoyed. She party—it favor vvhhch' low during Iny lifetime," he said; time, but two days later this man be-; lVhila Lhis oporat[Dtl is gotug on the ho balovga Lo 'the church, and is tbOrS- appearance, fierce flashes of lightning
to join the i[LtIe art g g
had done that which would make ,Vas mast willingly accorded him, al-1 "their came is sullied, their honor tar- Came a raving lunatic. ship und.rgoea a thorough cleaning fora church property, the slime as a penetrating ilia dense masses 0f aloud
had happy all her life. She would [hough the landlady colt some slight) visited. lint I have nut fallen so law Phe latest victim, who woe my that makes her shine like Lt new dol- church or a pastoral residence, over (lie island, clouds of black molter
write again from London, She said. embarrassment. The landlord smiled. as. Ln allow a man of that kind Co headman, had always been a peaceable, ship undergoes a thorough cleaning A German oculist declares that the were rushing across the sky, rapidly
The second later was full a praise to himself as though he would have; orNerly fellow, but he professed to swarm over her. Truck loads of pro- ordinary slates used by school children recurring detonations ware board con-
of her husband. He was so kind, so make his home here." know before the outbreak that he bad visions amounting in the aggregate to cause short-sightedness and recom- tinuousl and largo pieces o£ pumice,
said: "A man of what kind?" asked Mr. become possessed, Certain it is that! � y' g P [
good, so clever; there was no one like (here is same deeper motive hero Ford, Ln .surprise. p half a hundred Cons are put on board. mends encs white slates b0 used, with quilts warm, rained down u distance of
P he, like the Somali, kicked and yelled Iver iece of her mmohiner ever point seventy-six
him. The next contained an implor- than appears on the surface." Y p Y, y black pencils, feu ..riles. At a }-
"Thal law-born, ill-brad radical. I and exhibited similar s •mptoms t.O Lha' date And rivet is careful.. inspected,
ing prayer that her father +voulci lir. ford was shown into the little should expect all the dead and gone other unfortunates. \Without. Inter- 1 y • •The tau, e, the poor in a ams- miles cloud projected
of the i
write, She bad not meant to anger parlor where the tea drinking was to Carlawoods to rise up in wrath against m[asion he shouted 'Walamo' at the and passengers comeaboard
shipped POTLO Rico, aro convoyed to the soma- black cloud p.rojeclod £nom the volcano
bhm so deeply, Linc[ she would not be- take place. Hr could not .help think-I mss if 1 seen thuuaht of such a 4bing!' to of ilia voice and in his tnadness' a 1 g r Cary in hired coffins and there da- was est mated Rs seventeen miles."
lieve that lie intended to cast her off. Ing of the F.range aspects of life, I "Then what do you propose?" asked ! injured three men. Eventually he j A i4IATTIsIi OF $x000, posited in a pit devoted to general use. atlein who i r<lly u mutter at ti wonder., `
Then came despairing letters, telling Who would have thought: the interests the lawyer. hu 1 to bit tied up, but the next da he ankle from the cost of coal. and pro- A ball and chain adorned the leg oc vv a lire told that a Ce boats
him how hard the world wee using of the noble house o[ Carlswood would: p I +vas perfectly well, y Java, 855 miles distant., native treats
y sq.taking bring himtotht• quiet, humlbe village lois lordship mused before be rs- ivisions,gt- Crus been expended in proper- the is lunatic
as when he o.scupod from i
them, but always s .Dakin well of g 11ed, p y' ing iter for Ler voyage. the lwtalio am tum at lticbinond, hand. +veru dislrnLahocl to assist all imngtn- ,
g inn? Who would have dreamed that p "Thinking I could perhaps t1D moms- Y
liar husband, aucl always prayin for •'1'erhn is rn • lana may net: meet While the captain is of coursD the He did not admire flits marc of jewelry, any reseal In distress, incl at Aee:ril, r'
Won. The next letter came from f 3 P thing to captain the-- .�Lrnordlnar9 l y' 1073 milds distuut, it was euiyro
pp ilii>. fortunes of the only daughter of with yr:nr approbation," he said; "but aevurrences 1 resolved to eat solemn- I eupreme authority, the actual man- so hu filed it off `and mold it for enough Il sed j
LLverpeol, and tend Lord Carlswood of that illustrious race were to Ile d[s-, 1 nary tell you at once [bat• I am. indif- I 1 • a meal tali ilio reaonce of ilio \"'ill-I agement is conducted by three separ- to buy a breiAkLust. Leat: a fort vvAs Laing uLtttckad anti the 1;
ilia birth of a little granddaughter. cussed there 3 HD spent Lha evenlug! ferernt about. that.
This in my fi ail ! limo m sal£. When all was prepared i oto departments. The first of these Dur[ng the pa8L seven years 3,WU,- h It f war. pub under toms. Tho re-
to a
W. shall call her Ismay', wrote the in conversation, and that was bow Mr, resolve, and neither heaven nor earth . f had something like a hundred of concerns itself wiLb the sailing of the t1)0,00U young lobmtel'n have been pro- suitof the nruplion was lhuL the who...
hapless young mother; "and tam .sure Ford came tD know the history so well. shall lilom me from It. I will adopt IhPxL' leo 10 waL�h:n Ina. In dllDtlmD vaa8el, am{[ 19 [pl'ealdOil DV.0 Ly th0 duae(t In til. t4vunly-eight haCch.rios of the northern part of the island, sev- p
that you would love her if you saw --- p P g on square miles in extant, was Bum-
I nry daughter's child—this bright, beau- ilio meal was over, and i lhoughC no ahicf navigator under the directions of controll.d by the Department of wish- ,fetal r
her. She has my face and my hair, - CHAPTER IX, I tiiul flints l will make her it went- : Ch. ca Jtain himself. The second is L Y blown away, and vvh.rD tiler.
Dearest papa, forgive me for my little Y' more about ht. Hera I should state' I Dries of Newfoundland, suet placed fn was formert • dr land [here aro novo
daughter's sake" It seemed nimtst incredible to Mr.I thy heiress, She. shall have tae large i that I had not had a day's illness dur- the engineer's dopartment^ This is the sea. Y
FDTrl that ant'h w'an{1PTflll an['CPna- fDI'I.nilA tUlt was tU h114'e been (llVlded (n Ir. journey and was in the Lest DEI ura or the direction of the chief on- soundings D. r,,nely fnt.honts, noel in
Them Came a inasr despairing letter, beL+ceen ni Lw0 younger boys. I will; g l Y inoor, with whom the captain seldom A fox aIle a hound belonging to a moral, poll'(% 169 fathoms Or more.
written from Chester. They Were should bave attended him, True,; Y health at thu time. The next clay, � entheman in Kennebec, MO., are
af- ivloveover, the beet of the sea Some five
starving, 1SIrs, Cameron said, and lien lord C'arlswo0d m rlaughtor teas dead,', adopt ber son; he shall be my halt, i however, I felt thoroughly ill, Neecl_ utorfaros, It is all iin,Uortant to the tectionatS companions, and constantLy or six miles to the iiorL•b appears to
g strong but. his rand g. ' 1 Y less to say .I {lid not let any of my
husband war Ill. 'Tera said, adbegranddaughter daughter was living. !['he I+' shat.. be Lord Carlswood of Bral n we
and lu'ogress of the ship, but
love he would not give to [Sat rine [liter me. Bu[—listen Calms, Ford—I i people know that anything vvtts wron the Passengers sea practically nothing sport and sleep will y w other, "d to- linea ace ary t musty fathoms. t-
brvoice trembled [!cation
ti ha read the heart g i y g of its operations, 'The third depart- geLh were young they were coated Lo- is unnecessary to point out how sut-
rraken supplication that followe,l, if might, and in ill] probability would go', do all thus solely on conditfcn that she I nor can I aCtompt to explain lhecntrse• ether, out have ever since continued nmdous must liar. been the forte g.n-
Lord Carhsvvood would only send them to Ismay; he would be willing to do give up this low-bred husband of hers I was quite unable to find it [rause for ment looks after the wants of the pas- g 1
o eat—if be would but iv. for cis grnnrlchild that +which pride,; rind consents never to lire him again. I this mysterious businctss, [merely mongers and is under the direction of frDllcsom. comrades, oSLil�dy �auLiSr i{arkatwl at C1rD time
bread t g ;in•1 angesr would sok allow him to do If she will not agree, the whole matter I the chief stameard, A farmer in Colin County, Te CIS,
P'Cion, sssing Citnt it; was
[hem the crumbs from his table—the confine myself to a bar. Statement of able. to lift millions of tons end send
alms that he would throw to the poor- fill- his daughter, must end—aha Irtny remain w'he,re at,. tbPiacls. It war an anxioust.imeforme The first of these three deportmall amused litlnsalf on a rainy day by
est beggar. r. Ford lam" led that Ismay Was, 1•°, nail I will find another heir." its I did not know whether at any mo- includes the only man on shipLourcl COuting A cat with tar nod sOli:ing it tall a reiglii: of twenty miles above Clio
gg inti ed haven Gran ed;' man•ied—thus was the Dilly dritwbnekI ['hare was another silence, during meat the, whole camp might not be- Who can property be called sailors, on fir. 'llhe blazing animal sought surfaco of the earth, Wo are nntur-
"Slve must 0 6 to his, content; yet mueb, of course,' which the aintg[ng of the birds and the ,+s
said ilio Lord of. Bralyn. "She—a cam. '\Va1nmD, ''heir cYutiss, however, at,. not f.hnsa refuge unclor the baro of the cruor ally lad Co inquire what was this fora.
Bald the
Lo Leg for brand 1" would depend on Na m to alae and mar-1 whispering of the winds among the _ of the Lraditional Jnck Car, but con- man, anti in about an hour 'Clio barn anti row it was a stream, of ,putn[ee
CarAnother letter tall him that Vex Tied. .The lawysr sighrd as lie thought tree„ ct,uld be p[nrnly board, and then sist largely of scrubbing docks and was a hasp of ttsllea, His sport rosL incl repel'} particles to be g.nerntod7
husband was dead, and prayed him to of tba great gulf between Squirt- Sabo- lir. Ford's voice broke the sil.nee•, GER1S-1�fLL ING WALLS. operating hafts anti machinery. In him abouL 08;10, as there eras no in-
let her come home to die, fields steward and the proud Lord ".It. is not right, my lord," he said, The investigations of Vito 10 ,linsco, fact., about the only, Item of their work sureties, ]-Proud o LADY M. D,o
have parted with everything I had (Carlswood n gulf that it mecrosd im- abruptly. "Such a separation as that tante stow drat >a et, that recalls the old-Limo Auties at the America• shoe manufaolurars ore The, sprottd of medical woman [n
"I h [ Y g an Italian hygienist, I P
in tho world," she wrote, "except the possible to bridge. Ile could form nil is against all lave human and divine— sailor is in Ibc drill for manning Lhe rapidly acquiring tracl.r. In Cure and eDm.rarvativo Great Britain is as,
little old locket that. you gave ms,' proper astimaLe until he bad seen is- it is against the customs Of men and anti tapestry wall-aivorings in it
boats, which they aro compelled to go Porto lUco, before Clio recant war
g portrait and fro little. cin 'may. If srD was hopelessly vulgar, the will of flanvr.n."
with your t g y g , aro favorable to the [resarvution of through lit regular intervals. :Cha Spain annually sent: $5,000,000 worth of CDnishfng In London alone there tore
took from at, mother's finger If shrs had contracted such habits its "Nov'ertlL.Icam, ii must take place. I germs, On the otbor hand met under the dh•action of Che nevi- shoes to those two islands, Now Ann- nave 85 3Pglyi:crecl unrl qu'ultfied IlSadi.
that you to m y R d"'" sD g cat women, almost all of whom are in
for me; I shall have those buried with could not. he cured, if she, was n coon- will never receive the husband atom and t.heLr sub-officers number erlenit shoes aro selling, floss of. fival.
try-bred ,easant, without. taste, or to. here," walls ll not
i y reads or nod ear- g
ma' � � ' y 1 u would receive his child." Hist coli not 0nl,y be readily frond from about 7.W nde artment full quality, for GU Por .ant. loss In price, pricsLice, Stwnc of U1cse held Posta in,
The last lotter but one said alle was' fincrnont, then he. must leave the mat- "Yat. y u v In the engineering P Y dispensaries, 11Dapitn!s, ahildron s
tar entirely to Loral Carlswood's dim- "He is of m own race but his Lath- germs
pe washing, but they possessAnew snapshot etimara eunbles lbs hosp[t:alm, infirmnries,posts as o,tbal-
about to start from Chester, and would y Y. 111.. properly of uleamsing themselves 200 matt are stop '.cl. The officers nperat.or to take a picture of his via- l
walk to the town D£ Asitburnham, cretion—be. v+•ould not urge him to or is alien to it, lie bas liable, blood spontaneously from bilaterlu lodged up: include, besides the chief engineer, a Lim without urnusing suspicion ns Lo ilia surgeons, assistant alittestboUsLa,
whem.she would watt and rest for a, adopt, bar, in his veins. His Luther has nolle• Ile on them. It, hits been found tbal: the aeons of assistants, hydraulic ongin- m,diaaI examttiora, inrpectora and
t come' Ile. must. sea liar, and then form. his I blas no claim On me; nor will I ever ol.rit and of nave, rofrigcrator engineers, water LStslntc in "Cllr, apernt i stems f.o II lec(arcrs, Not only huts almost ever
few cloys, The last letter of a] a germs of typhoid, of <,h r, r
n and was dated Jul ju:lE:meut.; it would be more prudent One," tenderm, storekeepers and a clerk, lh,%g in nrintller direction, whim Inz'gn English toren a lady merlhoo
from Ashburnh m, a Y, "''In" ilia when placed on such wallet through the still,, of the [ust.rument the
a ninth. Sure.. there was never a, to see Iter ns a stramzor, Lind not to "Ity Lord," maid the lawyer, "I will ar[sh within 24 hours, wbile. on walls Thore are Sixty-five stokerst divided picture is tranamil:te{l, but avan rrmDCe Orkney Islands hero
til Y
more Idliful petition presenter..; tiers give her the lanai idea of what errand ! go mull farLheT. I will s[lcnk even covered with dried mite they Survive into three shifts, whose duty it is to qualifircl vvamAn its medical officers,
was an appeAl that would have touched he told Come. upon. IIc had taken a s more strongly, What you propose to for weeks aunt even months, DnmpnSss shovel into the twelve furnaces the I'ha average number of ehticlzon par
ilia hardest heart, incl Lord (!urlsvvood; at Df tea Willi Mrs. hope, who fm do is wicked. Pardon the word; it hS family in European countries is lowest 131;1€It.19W MAItRIAGES,
e had his Peen with Itis hnndr as he - pl[cltly het evert tLal. Ise. way what be !, simply wicked; and f will have noCh» increases anti prolongs Clio danger, 350':ONS OF COAL in France, with 3.03; Switrorland, 3,04;
co h •-- .$.—•�— required to keep the ship at full speed ,Austria. and Belgium, 4.05; Lngland,' I,1 Hebrew marriages the woman is
listened. Iratrius wrote from a eine}* representor himself to e, n traveling in to do with it," AN INSULT 1.0 'CHI: DOG, during Such twe11LY-1011V hours, Aa
c Bann artiat; lit t:he same time she thought I That is at your option," returned g 4119; Germany, 4.10; London, 4.12; 33D1- always pinced to ibe right of her mate,
stationers shore and the Inst I Y pima ver callous ontleman heasked Lord Carlswood, haughtily, "It you Mr. Newlywed—Why don't youoall many More "Lrimmsrs" pass the coal lana, 4.2'2 Scotland, 4.40; Italy, 4,06;
she had in the world was to [rap Y u g from Cho bunkars to Litefurnace doors, With ,Very other ceremony
DL ihto the
[: la so many questions, unci he, aeemecl so cl.otinm l,a manngS my affairs, theca ms a brute and Jona with it? IlylSsia, 4.83', while Ireland ha highest, her pla['o In the caromon to to the
for trD postage a£ thn la for Sl Lc Lilld thirty-five reamers look after Liao
sought bila., for car r1cLiil mot.her's sake deeply interes(ed in what she bad to , are plenty who will gladly undertake Mrs, Nowlywod—You tot that I?Jdl maeliincry of the engine rooms, with an average of G.20 children lin left. y
tot the lova of Her,ven, -o send her a I say of Cho unfortunate woman. I the office. illy resolve is madD, and Is presontl Y g each family.