HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-19, Page 5OCT. 10, I33 i BUSINESS CARDS. ivioNNY TO LOAN AT 5 PER . 11 uant. 10, 8, 800'1"P, Mueslile. WT If. fll.a(i1lAOK1$N, Islet 'or o f of ar:Mtge l,leonnoa, 011100 at his Gr000'v, 1'urubnrry otrout, 11ruanelo. 1.) N. BA1UU TT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Nest door North of the 80101,801.8 Hans, f.adlao' 01111 e1111(ll'une11LLO aottutg 1enoetelt) If'nRMS FOR 5nrai' ='1'zii UN• 1110011108100 hos several good Farina for on!" 01141 to Toni, easy bonus, In 'townships ,., 11urrin and Croy. 1r 8, 81004"1'. Britannia M. MORRIUON, IR:ll01' Or ]tlill'PL'1go LicenS@S, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TN1108(10010 01P - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, oecRV armEm9, OSTT. ROBERT CUNN•INGHAM tnaoaaxaa, FIRE AND MARINE. — GUELPH. T. FLETCHER IEstef of Marriage Licenses, OFFfaa Ar .inwa6ey RT°nx. VIP -A° Witness Regnir"d, T. VLF:'I'(1111i;R, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUiSE MOORE, L. C. M.. Academie graduate of London Conserva- toryof a(nalo, also Member of the Assooloted Musicians of Ontario, is (monorail to receive a. limited number of penile for instruction on the piauo. Qualified to prepare pupil for the Plduulpal'e Form in Lha Ooueorvatory of A10818, Brnasels, Ontario. MiSS CARRiE MOORE, 01 London Coteervalory of Music. '1'eacber of Violin and Guitar, Will receive alimited. number of pupils for iuetructicn at Brussels. Close 0140441 101 of September. For further 111fer11111ttnn apply to biles S. L. Usama, umsio teacher. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth I)Iv,nlou Cour 0o, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurnuce Agent. Funds Invested and to loan. Collections made Omae in Graham's Stook, Brunets AUCTIONEERS. T41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - x. • ENO, w111 troll for bettor prices, to bettor men 4.0 time mud lege oherg ea thancu other Auctioneer c 4.0 East Huron 00 ho won't charge anything, Dates and orders can alwuya be arranged at this omoe or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIoa, I'S • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent veterinaryy dent e4. try. Callarticular e promptln y at- tended to, °ince. and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge 'rurnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CDNVEYANCING. '%7 T M. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER V Y • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPob- lio, &o. 01100-Va11ltOne'a Black, 1 door north of Central Rote Solicitor for the Standard Bank, G • F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, r Stand- ard &o. iltice 01 aril Bank, aolloltor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt to Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godotioh, Out. Olnco'-Ramilton St„ Opposite Col borne Rotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 1Lf. D„C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Thy, McInnis and Sergeoue, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physiolaue and Licentiate of Midwifery,Edinburgh. tS"L'elophone No.14. Residnce, MillSt., Bruseele, D. F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., • Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &o., &a, A11.apoolalby work satiofaotm'lly treat- ed, Residence, Elisabeth alreot, late Steele roaidenoo. t000ao in mao 0! ]1,,g Store, Smola Block, Brussels, Out. E. T. SNIDER, ALD., 0. Sl., suaooesor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal Oolloge of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of PDyefainns and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a opoolalby. blight yeare'oxperienee. t 'Ottloe and res. Mamie that formerly occupied by Dr. 14(8. Kelvey,Turuberry et'eot,Brueeels, 28 - DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH 01 85I01AN, anitenao8 AND Aa00U0rrIDn, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let 011080 Aonor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) and of Trinity Modleal College; Fellow of Trinity Medical College end member of the College of Phyeioiane and Surgeons of Outer- io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chioogo,1800. Speotal attention paid to die• eases of Nye, 111141',Nose and Throat, and 1118• ea00001 Womcn, tB'Coueliltation in Mug' fah and Gorman. Telephone at residence, STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will troop for service on Lot 28, OOH, 8 Morrie, the thoro'•bred Im- gflow, Yo, 2486, ed br, "01111 Lodge thon Long. 60111, 10 whi2h9a, 111'011by.7, ber01 0 112 33113• ford, to whish a limited number of sows Will be taken. Terms, 91,00, to bo paid at time of Ber8(0e WW1 privilege of returning if nth. 000ary. A ititntber of choice young 0ow0 for sate dor breeding purpoers width wilt be sold at prices to 01111 tho times. el- WAIT, 8101101,,11roprietor. 1:1 if (r ct .Cllil , /1.. tWoo(1. A1'rr.y Tnt,t+. -Samuel Petrie 1811 been re engaged to tenult in S. S. No. 0, for 11100 at au Mamas of Hickey.- -Gant-men and Silver Comore ehippoi the last half of Qn8Ha1 Ohe40e from Listowel, Werl nee• day of last weep. It was Held to Mo. levee for 1same rule wig bo adopted Gila year in oonueetio) with the 041111 aliali of taxes it) Him% 08 was fntinwer] in 181)8, viz, 5 per omit, will be aide.) to ell ninnluna not in (lalleetor'e hoed on 1)ru. 14' h. J. A. ICloip OBE pttioneead lien, 1610,,!'11 11,00,, 101111 Int, awl will m0001110 -house to the rear of 11,e 1111 0,18 utilize it for ,Isl •nehterhonse. (:nnfirmniun eersloo will be held in Rt. Albttn'o,rn,rnit, Atwood, on Monthly avenins, 23rd i..ot•, •,t 7:30 O'01ook, end• dueled by Bishop '11,ldwin.-R. R. tial. lantyne hue pnoi,ased Cleo. Alamo 180 acre farm eon ..a the rued, paying 90,1100 for the plane, we bode. and. This tr. ul Mee 1t. S. 200 .tree of fine lend, with splendid building0. Alr. Adams has pnrohased Wm. Hanoo'a 130 more farm on the 12th non , paying therefor some• thing like $6,5"0. Ponsesnion given Jam let, next. Mr. IIance 1e coming to Atwood to live. v I 100120 VS 111CKttLne.-This Case., W11101, has been befaie the worth for the Mat two nr three t ears, Mut been decided by the Supreme thin rt in favor of the town. nhi of 1)lo i 1 t l 'f p hp, he MOM of notion arose net of an euoineer'e award. The engine, r directed certain work to he dote by the Coleman estate, and estimated the coat at about $300. The rspreeonbatives of the Coleman estate claimed that they had not been duly notified of the pro oeedings, and refused to do anything The engineer then lot the work at some. thing like $800, end on oompletinn of the work the township of Logan paid over the money and made a demand on the town. ship of Moll iop for repayment. The township of McKillop, in consequence of u0110e received from the Ooloman estate that !hey would resist all attempts to collect the same, refused to pay the amonut. Theo the township of Logan onmmenced the present action. It waI tried at Goderiah before Chief Justine Armour and the township of McKillop euooeeded, the tuition being dismineed with costs. The township of Logan then osrried the case to the Court of Appeal, when the apart reversed the decision of the trial j,189e0 and gave judgment in favor of the township of Logan for the fall amount claimed with coats. The township of McKillop, on the advice of their oouneel, decided to appeal to the Supreme Oonrt, with the result above mentioned. Geor1-ic'1. Newsy GLr:ANINO•,-A delegation of 1:pwort1 Leaguers from Isere attended the Convention in rseawater Thureday of Inst week. Rr•v, and Mra. Garbutt were in the number. The Convention will be held in Gorrie next year. Mies Mouth was chosen one of the officers. Odra. M. Carson who has spent the Sum• mer in Toronto has returned home. -J. G. Edgar left on Tuesday morning of last week for Windsor to work in a flour mill. -Miss Annie Gibson, of Alpena, Mich., who has been spending the Sum• mer with J. R. and Mrs. Williams, re. turned home on Monday of last week. Mins Minnie Williams accompanied her WEDDING BELT/9.-011e of those events which oast a flutter of excitement over a oommnnity took plane on Wednesday evening, Oct. 4th, when Mies Grace Andiron, end R. J. Mutob were united by the Rev. R. J. Garbutt in the bonds of holy matrimony. Mies Mary Mutoh sister of the groom noted the part of bridesmaid, while 11. J. Andison, of Alton, brother of the bride assisted the groom. About seventy guests were prey eat to witness the ceremony and at i1e oloee they eat down to uuntptnous repast, Among those from n distance were Mr. and Mre, Match, grandparents of the groom, also guests from Fordwiob, Harrieton, Wroxeter and other pointe. Many and costly were the presents received by the bride evidencing the high esteem in which she is held. The young oouple settled down in Wroxeter and all Join in wishing them a happy end pros. peroue journey through life. Story of a Slave. To be bound band and foot for yeate by Amine of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man - attester, Mich., tells !tow such a slave was made free, Re says ; "My wife hag been 0o helpless for five years that she oould not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Eleotrio Bitters, Mae f0 wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervous- ness, eleeple0sne00, melancholy, head• mho, backache, fainting and dizzy rpelle. This miraole working medicine is a god• send to weak, aiokly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 saute. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Clinton. Newel 0=T:tn.-Clinton was ebooked on Friday morning when it became known that J. P. Doherty had passed away during the night. The deceased was around as usual attending to hie duties Thursday, and a great gloom has been oast over the town by snob a sudden tall. He was the son of the well•knowo organ manufacturer of this place, and was oleo a member of the firm. Ile was but a young man of 26, but by the popu• lar and great interest be has taken in this plooe be was made a town councillor for the peat two years, and also occupied a head position in all sporting events. He loathe a wife and one obild.-William Wheatley is building 60 Leet of coal sheds on the G. T. 11, grounds near those of Ilarland Bros;-Inopeotor Tome says that in the first half of the present year there were nearly 30 changes of teaobere in his inopeotorate.-Anotuer death occurred at the House of Refuge Sunday night, 8th inst. when Wm. Webb, of the township of Ueborne, passed away at the age of 80 years and 6 menthe, Hie friends took the corpse to Kirltton on Monday for in. torment, -Jae. Ford left for Manitoba With a couple of oar loads of apples, pare and stook. He intende visiting several pointe lit the prairie provinnes, but is immediately going to Indian head. Juts, Holmes, of Huron Road, accompanied him, -Will. Millyard, of,Exeter, has ki- dded to 10890115 hie arta otiose in Toren. to 'University and has adopted dentistry dt hie profee0ion. Ile is now attending the Ontario Dental 1 )Lt 'Tornuto.-.• ,lflaa if 4100 Rmnl n", 11..44.„ daughter of Prod, Rumball, of town, ru0eived n t ln• gram offering her a po0013nn 111 '1'oronta, bt the Olio of the Publishing Syndicate of Ontario. She left for the oily In no. nape the ',motion. '1'hie 11rut 314 one of the hu'geot honk publisllittg and import, ing firms in (lanade. Preen fut'1It. Suw111AII .-'rha usual Thtutkegiving Nerviao will bo held in St. 'Phonies church 0.1 Thursday. -'1', 0. Kemp, who has been ill formunetime past, l,ad n stroke of peral,vele early Sunday morning, Nth Motown] for Bunte lame his life woe despaired of but at present is doing lie W, -II HS (fai, he expentod, -Teo", J, Wil 0011, son of I). 1), Whnnn, arrived hone lamb week from Ca'ber,,34, illcnitolei.--- Andrew Onrris, of 1tarpurhuy, hoe arriv. Ori hone from his vi'.lt to Manitoba. - What might have proved a fotnl anodent oonnrrerl on linnorty N11111100(1 of last weep in Mr. Fowler's bash. I). McLeod and two or three friends were eatha,iog he0olt nuts, whet] Dan., In attempting t0 climb nue of the truth, stepped 00 a weals brittle') and fell to the ground, a 8mut etre of thirty feet. The unfortunate boy was carried by his (clank to J. Curris'a and medical aid summoned. It was felled the I1 1 sl i' t e wan ,ffert , from internal in. k juries butwe aro p10,tsud to learn that he Is now reoavering.-John Watson, sou of Josiah Watton, of this town, has return. ed from Chimlgo.-'l'hankpgiving dinner will be elven in the basement of the Met.hodiet (Morel( on Thanksgiving even- ing, Oat. 11)11,, after w11ioh an entertain meet will he held in the body of the elinroh..-A, Il. Ingram and .1. Rankin, of this plaue, were in St. Joseph and 4ol(1 141r. Contin a mew olect'ie plat.,, which is to be 0 thunsa0d lamp moohiue. The p111141 ,s to be installed loud in working order before the twentieth of this mouth, -J Hotsie Thomson, who has spent the past Ove months in Tex4N, returned last week and has taken obergs of W. Thom• Wife oat meal mill here. -A. new addition 1110 been erented on 1.111 South side of the More of Broadfoot,t Box and is the full length of the man, bedding which is ninety feet in Ieugt11. 11114111111•Cltte Ire,0 .Ner,'1• Was the result of hie splendid health, Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want chase qualities and the enooeee they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25o at Deadman'a drug store. Et`el, vjeh. F,,u'rxnns.-The delivery of apples hes been almost a daily occurrence at the station here. The local braver, Isaac Wade, has purollased some 5,000 barrels this season,-Fordwich branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will hold the annual meeting in the Methodist ohuroh on Friday evening, Oct. 20tH, Address.s will be delivered by resident de t ministers, and ID 11810 furniehad by a combined ohoir.-Wesley and bars, Wel. Moe, who have been residents of this township for quite a number of years, left 00 Tuesday morning of last week for Miohigan, where they will talcs up their resideuoe on a farm in the neighborhood of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Wallsos was up in that 000t)on during the Rummer wad likes the country well. -While play. ing in his fatbe,'s .shop, Clifford Ma - Curdy bad the elieforrtute to get one of hie fingers into the tin squaring machine, receiving a bad out. When healed, the finger is apt to be somewhat crooked, as the tendon on the back was severed. - Edward Graybiel'e new house at the North end of the village is fast nearing oompletion and will soon be fit for 000u- pancy.-Frank. Davidson, jr., left on Monday afternoon of last week for De- troit, where he will seek his fortune. We understand that he will follow up the drug business.-Juo. Hennebarg, of town, hos been busily engaged for the past weak and over potting in 8,000 feet of Dement flooring in the stables of a gentle. mac near Mount Forest. -Orlando Wade has disposed of his driver to Ino. Mo - Kelm, of Molesworth, for n gond figure. -Those who went to Trinity nhuroh on Sunday morning of last weak to hear Rev. T. A Wright were disappointed, ne the rev. gentleman tniesed the train at Orangeville and wee thus not present. Wm. Mose, of Gorrie, took obarge of the eervioes and conducted them in an able manner. -F. A. Donaghy and David Wilson have returned from a two months' visit to Manitoba, but do not seem to have fallen in great love with that country.- The pupils of Fordwioh school have al. ways been able to hold their own with all oompetitore, and the present gener- ation give good promise of not lowering the standard. At the Fall Show in Gor- rie where prizes were offered for two verses of "God Save the Queen," written by boy or girl under 14 years of age, Blanche Grant and Bertie Becker, of this village, won let and 2nd prizes, respect. ivoly, and the copies entered were numerous, c oBic rich. GOLDEN GD,iN000,-If the management of the Grand Trunk Railway wieb to popularize the line in this district they will have to make some better arrange- ment for morning train service to Goode• rich, -The Oddfellowe Hall is nearing oorpletion and the bretbren expect to bold the opening in November. -A special train of thirtyone empty oars arrived at the station on Monday morning of lath week -not half the number that were in 1 demand for the shipping of grain, salt and apples. --Mrs. Logan has left for Montreal, having received word that her little eon had been taken down with scar- lot fever. -Hester Hayes it ill with 1y phoid fever. -A very enjoyable oonoort was held in Victoria street Methodist church on Tuesday evening of last week. Ruthveu McDonald, of London, wee the bright star of the evening 2018 fully eau• tained his reputation as an entertainer, Vooal Bolos were given by Mr. Belabor and Misses Ausebrook, Rosk, Bowlby and Brown, toil of whom acquitted themselves well, Mr. Simpson acted as pianist, -.D. F. Hamlink shipped two oars of evapor. aced applee to Hamburg, Germany, and hereafter he will be making regular ship• menta to Enrope.-The section of grano- Ht11io pavement on Hamilton deed is oompletod and the men aro now working on Emit street where an eight foot walk is being laid to extend from 3. W. Smith'e to just below the bicycle factory. --A handsome briak dwelling is to be emoted for Dr, A, (3. hunter at the 0oeuer of Vie- , toric and Nelson str0otm, It is to be a 1-:t) l.1 1't)RUSS L8 POST 1'014idenr.0 and ,,dire combined, tool will le. two stories high and of 1t,od diun•neiw.+. --The kenning fat:nay is now lightrd by eleatrioity, 11 dynamo having been iuslull• ed during the pant tveelt. About forty lights are used. -The Ootober aittinge of the County Court, for the hearing of uou• Jury oaese, were held at the wart house !fere, Judge 1118814011 presiding. 'There was only one case on the lett, but it 110• angled a lot;( titne, the court sitting through the eltern0ue mud until 10.50 at night on Thursday and two hours the next morning, The 0110 wail that of Carlisle vs, the villous of 1leneall, the pleintif5 ening for $200 demette8 for the handing of hie cellar and bakeehoe, the raeni, n 11311 plaintiff alleged, of the 111 IS Roust rust inn of a drain by the d, fondant nnrpnraum,. W. Prnudh,ot end 14...1. I), Ooul", (Menson) for !Animff ; Philip Holt, (3 0 , lulrl J. (1. Si on bury (Exotet) for defendant. 41 ndgmeet was givou for the/)/110115 for $47 and lull 00100 of action. At the 1egne01 of defsudant'e nonnsel proceedings were stayed for 80 days, If.tr+row est. NEWSY LoNxe.-S. E. Smith, (;nonoil. Mr of Wellaas, hat returned hums from Manitoba, after spending a month or two out West, ---Rev, Mr. Kelly, of ,he C,m• gregn0iomtl chinch, hue resigned his paatnrate here and will shortly rem we to the vicinity of Barrie, -'Phe C. P. R. has der.idod to reach Lisinwei tvi'11 its telegraph line, and the line is now being hu31t from Harrieton to title totes. C. !Tacking will ho the lona) manager, and will have 11114 office in the postnffiae, It is expected to he open for hnsineas in 2 nr 1 weelca, Rev. R B. Meekav, more. tare of the Foreign Miseion Board of the Presbyterian ohnroh, delivered an inter• eating address at the anneal meeting of the W. F. 51, S. of Knox nhuroh on Monday evening of haat weep. -John Watson, of this town, and Henry Zinn, of Wellaos, were highly anooeooful in showing their fine string of lieht horses both at the big and smaller Faire, as the following list of prizes taken testifies :- Mr, Watson, at Toronto, took 1 8rd And 2 4th prizes, and at London, 2 lets, 1 2nd and 1 3rd. He took let on his road. star team et Lietoavel, Milverton, Brue. eels end Gorrie and 2nd at Palmerston, Mr. Zinn capttred 37 prizes in all at the local Faire on his Wilkes stook, as fol. lows :-Listowel, 4 lets and 2 2nde ; Palmerston, 7 .lets ; Milverton, 0 lets and 1 2nd : Brussels, 4 lets end 4 2nde ; Gorrie 7 lets and 1 2nd. -Archie Robert. son has closed his blacksmith shop and intends 'hardy taking a trip West. - Frank Yeigh, of Toronto, will give his popular Picture Travel Talk on Imperial Canada from Halifax to the Yukon, in the Methodist ohurob on Thanksgiving evening. -An unfortunate aooident oo• ourred on Tuesday morning of last week at the home of F. Nenert, his 0 year old eon having an eye knocked out by his brother. who was twirling a sling shot anti a,loidentally let go the string, strip ing the young lad in the eye end breaking the evehall,-The retiremente ' of B n a• mitt Bothwell from the poeition of Prn• cipgl of the Listowel Public school, after a service of 40 years, was felt by the oitizene of the town to be deserving of some kind of public recognition, and the matter was placed in the bends of a comp mittee, whose labors culminated in the presentation to Mr. Rothwell of an ad. dress and a gold watch and chain. The presentation tusk plaoe on Saturday evening in McDonald's mnate hall, there being a large aid representative gather. ing of the oitizene, both ladies and gauge. men, present B. F. Brook, ohairman of the committee, occupied the chair, and on Mr. Bothwell Doming upon the platform, he was cordially reoeived. When the Iapplauee had subsided Col. Campbell stepped forward and rend the address, A most fitting and reminiscent reply was made by the recipient. It eenceltuble ltcaeme. liire. 111iohael Pertain, Plainfield, Ill., makes the statement, that she caught cold which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for n month by her family pbysioian, brit grew worse. He told her she was a hopeleee victim of eonsump• lino and that no medicine could sure her. Her druggist enegeelod Dr. King's New Diecovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself beoelitted from liret done. She continued. its nee and after taking six bottles, found herself Bound and well ; nbw does her own housework, and is as well its she ever was.—Free trial bottles of this Great Disoovery at Deadman'e Drug Store. Only 50 cents and $1.00, every bottle guaranteed. 1131-vtlt. NEWBY Banuzes; Wm. Campbell has been appointed a Notary Public for On. tnrio.-Sas.lm,Ioidurahie was in Toronto last week and was an interested spectator at the cricket match between the English and Canadian teams. The English team is oapteined by Prince Ranjitembji, this year's champion batter, -On Tuesday of lest week while T. Swartz and W. Lee, of Goderiob, were driving into Blyth a wheel Dame off their boggy just at the tura South of the town. Both were thrown out, Lee getting somewhat hurt. The horses ran with the rig into the village, where they were stopped before they had done tnuull danoge.-The total receipts of the Fall Fair were a little better than $1,100.-W. W., Mre.iSloan and daughter left for the Southern States on Tuesday of last weep. Mr. Sloan is engaged in the timber business in that country, and they intend to remain in that part for the Winter, -There were two oonoert8 in Blyth on Show night. Industry Hall was crowded to the doors to hear the KennetyHnrvey entertainers. Matt. Floody wart ohairman mud made a good one. An excellent program was presented and 180801e. Kenney and Har- vey did exceptionally good work, every ono in the large 'udienoe being well pleased, The eetertainere were aselated by the Blyth Young People's orchestra, whoso meth) was moth appreciated. The Clinton amateur minstrels held forth in the Temperanoe Hall. They ale° bad a full house and 9)005 a good show. -Mies Edna Cader, who fs at present teaching in Ethel eohool, hoe been engaged to teach the first division of Blyth school, cont. menoi05 January next, at $225 per annum, Mise Mamie Campbell, of Clim ton, nefoe of our townsman, Wm. Camp. bell, J. P., has been engaged to tench the third division for nest year at the above mentioned salary.••-laollowi11g 4.8 the prinoipnl'e report of our Publio 0011001 for September 1 No. on roll, 182 ; aggregate attendance, 2788 ; average attendance, 147, --John And Win. Bennett did great 1h^reehing on the hum of A. W. Noun the elleo. day, With 10 Nov llen.butg 15110101ns tli"v throallod 2255 buellale 111 n hou,.L 'There were 100 buahele of wheat, 151) of oats and 1555 of barley. Ext. -Hetet) alteretioue have been made to the main entrance to St. Aodrow's ohureh.--peeve Carter is asking for 60 curds of gravel. -••Reeve Loohart, of Wewau tali, looping the picture of good health, has returned from his trip to llanitoha.--Major Josoph Beck, of Hall. ford, was 111110509 the mnuy visitors to Blyth Fair. 1.01111,111' 9rtipi ,5,10 Aro grand, hot Skin Isrnptiune rob life of joy. ilueklrn'a AI'nlull. Salve enres them, slag Old, gunning and Fever Sures, Ulcers, Bolls, b'oIm,s, Corns, Worts, Cute, Bruises, Berne, f4. .41.10, Cheep+d Heeds, Chtlblaine. Beat Pile cure on earth, L.iYOH 0110 Paine and Aches. (JulyWiets. It box. (lure guaranteed. Sold by (1. A. Deadman, Druggist. Mre. Catherine Johnston, a Indy 53 years of age, re.n.lil„ a at UJ.oner'a Corm era, neer Peterbarti , whfta in a clasp et dent acnditton from ill•health, too, a large quantity of carbolic acid and die I a few boors after in great agony. 'rho trouble between the Cmuladian Pacific wt) Ra, t Railway and the 4.0 ercolonial hos been settled by the Internoluuial with. drawing the order whish impo•ed local rates on all frright carried over the Cansdian Pacific Railway to St. John. Mrs. Oliver Rogers, a reepeeted widow of Brookvil.e, was found drowned in the St. Llwreuoe. It le believed that she throw herself in after nu interview with a man who, report nays, jilted her. The Bra,tford pock companv propnae erecting a bn)Iding at a cost of $15,000 or 917,000 and equipping it thoroughly, spending some 820,000 in plant. The oapaeity of the history would be 2,000 hogs per day, and the establishment, it is said, will give employmeut to about 85 hands, Hart's ART GALLERY It•tho best place to have your Photo. taken. We guarantee all our work to be FIRM' GRADE.- Complete satisfaction given t0 all. WE DO NOT ADVERTISE OUR MODESTY. Neither is it neceaeary for no to Brag. Oun Womc eaves no the trouble. Large work of alt kinds promptly attended to, and finished to the best satiefection. Don't foreet to oall and the our wolf and also get our prices. A kind welcome to all. E. HART, T, ARTIST, Stretiou Block, Brussels. E A.nd A.pplo Butter. Have everything ready for the Fall tade iu the manufacture of Cider and Apple Batter. Factory on Mill street. Satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. EDWARDS TILI RING! ML G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. la -Skop lm Garfield Block. trs-7. At Your PostPor Office d f 1 1 ,1 .cal ,a ww,t)a1y t Y1 k+ -u ;free it GJ ee jib A aa% C „ ° ..YR 4.t NJ ress ...YEAR• • • (SECOND EDITION) It contains all the latest news by cable and othor- Wiso; nomplete market re- ports from Liverpool, London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Toronto and elsewhere; full notes of sporting events and Western Ontario District news. News from the Trans- vaal full and fresh. The largest, best and most popu- lar daily newspaper in West- ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per year. ar. Subscribe nowr IOC 100400 ROB Press Pig, CO., lid, F7/ 4.0 141 14/ 'u 1®l l,! ode l8i 14l {4/ Oil 108008, ORT, Nte N ' 't. PROPOSITION 11cauty and style without comfort ily obleiu0111a, comfort with - (11,t appearance is equally simple. u never silty an ugly ,air of „1' 1' Shoes,” vet many of them c. t: r comfortably most unlovely ci. '11tH combination of these two-. collate t anti beauty -are only to he bud in the "Slater Shoe.” Ma.le in tt' t've t-.11:•)res, on lasts mrxlelletl fr•,111 actual f•-.-), ell widths and Niue, leathers, styles viol colors, livery p.ar (n.alyrar we)lt11, name turd price stamped on th,' sole, $2,C0 AND $6.CO, 'f li01J.: ►t h` fd° 4 "g®,b Dowding Bros., - Sole Local Agents B S TS _., ES. heavy, strong Shoos that will wear All sizes. Our Men's Long Boots are the and $3.00, and sure to please you. In 14fen's Finn Boots we are $1.00, $2.00, $13.00 and $3.50. 1001.119, We desire this week to call your attention to our Boot and Shoe Department. We have the latest, Styles, A 1 Qualities and best Values in the trade in Children's, Misses', Boys', Ladies' and Gents' wear from tile finest Kill to the heavy whole stock Kip, We are showing special lines in good, well and keep your feet dry. very best in Canada at $2.25 showing up-to-date leaders at Ou,r Stoeh is Large and well ,dssorted in all Departinents. -4,11"--- November ' '-November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices. Strachan. Our Grocer is Up -to -Date. We are in a position to supply the wants of the general public with up•to•date Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas, Coffees, Meals, Spices and General Household Necessaries. Our aim is to sell only the Beet and Freshest Goode on the market at the lowest living profit on a Caeli,basis. Xhosa who deal with us will come again. Farm produce taken and the very be,t value given. Call and asoartain what we can do for you. "Your money's worth ell the year roend," is our motto. tiee-Choice Confectionery. C. 13. Bartliff, GROCER and CONFECTIONER. The Standard Bank of' Canada. 11/Ioney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any °bartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Die. triol. RATES Under $10 $10 to 20 . 20 to 30 30 to 50 . $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 J. N. 001I)034, Agent, BRUSSELS SHNCLES British Colombia Red Cedar Shingles AND. -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TRIO Brussels Planing Mills Aioo Doors and Slush of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notioe. Estimates Fnrninhed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMEN'''. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS All orders for new Pumps or Repairs promptly attended to. Contraots taken for new Wella and Cisterna. 1' "Lown Mowers sharpened and repair. ed. Pruning Shake and So1seol•e ground. All work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on M311 Street, BRUSSELS. RONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan T on Farm or 'VillagePro- perty r - ' g Po er at ) t 1 Y 6 (1}' 61 Per Cent., Pearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. AlcLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND 0001,11— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesnese, 1Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diaeaaee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities mod General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by don, l+ox, Ttruggltt, 0tr0000Ie, Spectacles -OF ALL RINDS' - Fitted to Correct all Paillares of Eyesight, and your Eyee tooted PREF by (Meet Optical mothode at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS.