HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-19, Page 14. • Vol. 28. No. 15 Leeeeire. "-Seiereeeee_ New Advertisements Liao -1t. 11. Brewer. Local -Thos, MaGregor, Mere for sale -D. Ewan. Speoiale-MoKinnon 2i Co. Bargain V. McAllister. The eyes -Mrs. T. Fiedler. Dressed poultry -a. G. J011011. Court of Revision -Ir. S. Scott. Syrup of White Pine, dm. --Jas, Fox. Postponed sale -Jae. Jolson and T. Straohan. 1E)istrict 13118V'1104. Township Council lamb eiontisty. Rev. 0. 0. Keine and wife were visit- ing friend's in this locality haat week. Alex. Forrest and A. Kirkpalriek's dogs worried a sheep for 0. 13, Forrest last Monday night. Voters' List Oourb at the Township Hall on Thursday forenoon of this week. There are some 20 appen'e to be heard, A good many from Morris township haled Dr. Meradonald, 31. l'„ and bhe other evokers at the meet Me held in the Brussela Town Hall lest Friday evening. The trustees al Btiterm's school, 8th line, have re engaged Min Kirkby as teacher for 1900 at an Mot ease of 025.00 in her salary, which le the beat evidenoe of her value RR EL =ober. Mrs. Wm. Robb, who wits visiting relatives and friends in the Wee', arrived home Tuesday of last week. She wae detained at her old homn, near Toronto, on her homeward journey, ovine to the illness of her mother. elm. Robb had n most enjoyable visit. ..101111:J61.131.6,11,10 tsetse e. Mrs. P. Ritchie is visiting at Forgna. Township Council will ee held on Wednesday of next week, 25•11 inet. Mies M. fl. Ball is home from Toronto where she ham been for the peat month. Thos. and Miss lifeLnughlin, of Gerrie, were visiting at Duncan MoLauchlin'a during the past week, Thos. and Mrs. Davidson, 124h oon., have gone to Berrie on a visit to the letter's brothers, one of whom le not in very good health. Mre. Gorsalitz, having sold one of the farms on the 2211) none will dispose of farm nook, implements, see. 'Tuesday afternoon of next week, F. S. Scott will ha the auotioneer. An addition o[ 16 x 84 feet, oonneeting two barns, WEIS raised on Henry Bate - mane, farm, 5th eon., last Saturday. Stone etabling MS put ender barn and straw shed last Summer. A large number attended Dr. Menden ald's meeting at Ethel Monday evening. In addition to the Dr., 2V. R. Kerr and A. Maim M. P. P., spoke. There was a large attendanoe and good meeting. LOCAL I,UP ROY E3f ENT Court of Revision! PUBLIC N0T1010 is hereby given of the sitting of the Court of Revision at the Town Hall.Brussels, on Monday, the 4101) day of November, 18992 at the hour of 8 p. m„ for the hearing of appeals pursuant to the Sta- tute in that behalf respecting the proposed cement sidewalk on the South side ot Cath- erine street between Turnberry and Lithe - beth streets, and the simile] assessment of the cost thereof upon the lands immediately beneiltted, 450148411102 10 the report ol the En- gineer, dated Oct. and, 2800, now on Me in 15)10 01814150 oflloe. The estimated cost 01 21)8 Reid improvetnent 18 slmee, Payable in fif- teen aqua] annual instalments of prinelpal and Interest oombined, interest being at 4 per mint. per amount, and the lands 'propos- ed to be specially assessed theretor ,consist of as set Out 111 sellouts hereto attached, Brussels, Oct.14t11, 3000. V. 8. SCOTT, Clerk, ASSESSMENT SOH E (JULE. Description of Fractional Lot or property 314 081114 1,1112 01 1,5(01 01 Lot of owner. Total A salt W 100 john Wynn 988/104)0 se 112 410 Robert Burns 144/1050 W pt 412 Peter MoQuarrie 884/1.050 Municipal 0Orporation of Brusselli 240/1060 TILE .EYES AT FORTY .REQUIRE ASSISTANCE. When you are this age, read- ing or near work becomes an exertion, and Glasses of just enough etrength to re. lieve all strain ehould be ob. Mined. We are experts in this line. We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaation. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. 113H1i. Paul WANTED. NV. J. and Mrs, Jenkine, and Master Ilex., or s hirable MIMI., were the Mints I of Ig . 51, anti Mre. Riehardson dor= the pest web, Mr. Jenkins is Mrs, Reilierlison's brother. le I). MoIntosh, teacher of R. le No. 13, lute been raeogaged for 1901 et an inure:Ise of $60.00 in salary. He is a tiood teaeher, RR 415I50 evidenced by the 911014880 02 )48 eletrenan elan last Snm• mote when the whole nember, six, was suaceseful, 891 YE.111/3.-Fi ye men met et e, thlash• ing the other day and were deputed to work in the strew mow whose Aggregate ages footed np 1o381 years. They were ; -John Bishop, Peter Bishop, Wm. Ino. Lamont and V7m. King, all enjoying a good degree of bodily vigor. Owing to a downpour of rain on Tees. dny afternoon the combined atiotion sale of nook belonging to Jas. Jolson end Thos, Straohan was not held but will take place on Wednesday afternoon of next week A big let of good animals, n list ot what) laity be read eleewhere. esse 491 8012. • MSS Nowee is visiting at Geo. McKim 'e. Mr. Olayton, the 0 0. P. organizer, it again in town. L. McDonald hes built a new verandah to his residence. Dr. Armstrong has had the roof of his residence re painted. Miss Annie Ferguson paid a eying ole. it to Hallett on her wheel. Services will be held in St. Georee'e church Thanksgiving Day. 13. and Mre. Moon, of Hallett, were visi ine relatives in Walton on T uesclay. Some Of our Dproorth 'magnum attenti• eti the Convention in Blyth on Tuesday. The weekly meeting was hold on Wed needay evening. Wm. Simla= bac putehased the regi• deuce formerly owned by Miss Jennie SioDoneld, and will shortly remove with his [limey to our burg. A. union Thanksgiving service will be held in Duff's ohuroh on Thersday, whet] Rev. A. C. Tan will preeoh an appro. priate memo to the two congregation's. 5.0 inaccurate report was published in last week's paper, dating 'the necktie social at No 7, MoKillop, for Friday of this week. The oorreot date is a week later, Freshly, 970.1) inst. Several from this neighborhoed will ettend the Liberal rally in Winglam, on Prides, to hear the Premier. Special teeth leavea Brussels et 11,28, a. m., stile 'attune in the evening, leaving et 7 30 o'olock. A0 soon as the weather gets a trifle cooler the undersigued will be prepared to pay the higheet Mali market pries for any quantity of properly dressed poultry. J. G, JONE'S, BRUS SELS. tei"Purther informetion may be obtained by applying te Won,Jowill or 13. Gerry. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 19, 1890 elicited in the question.% end ttnewere. The point of divergence itemise ed to be thit Mr. Yellen,' thenght the Govern merit ;Mould have given Prohibition ott the Plebisoite vote Mid the Dr. thought temparenee REIrtlilllellt RR expressed by tile pitibismite in which 56te, of the Men torate did not trim out wee not solTioient, to gunmen= the tarrying mit prohibitory logiiiation. The &nine speeth was given by Arch, Diatom M. P. 1'. for the Maine, who brielle, pointed r, re' ferred to both Dominion and hone Logi' Inture doings. liming the evenine three fine solo were rendered by A. lloee, of Brunets, in good style which were greet. ad WWI loud applatme. Min :lean Mo• Limekiln west ecoompaniet. .A. vote of thanks was paseed to Mr. Ross and Min MoLanchlin and also to Mr. Straoluin. The meeting was brought to a oleo by singing the National Anthem, Special truth will leave hero on Friday for the Laurier Denionsteation in Wing. ham at 11.15 a, 01. Hotel keeper Gortner WRR oiled to Mitchell owing to the Innen and oho (mem decease of hie brother TAMP, who died geite suddenly. Tee fu ueral molt place hist Friday. This is a great year for potuton A sample, grown On 010 Rept) arm, name into oseession of Tema PORT that weighed close to 2 pountiii. Tho Emerald fele pee. Me should be happy. eire. (Dr ) Honey, of Owen Sound, ito• companied her father, Dr. Modonald, to ] Ethel on Monday. This lady is (mite a traveller, having v hilted ()1,inu a couple of titnee with her husband. Ora ale Mr. Tuokey, who is to assist Rev. Mr. Yelland, preached his initial sermon here last Sabbath, end wae highly appreciat- ed. Two Brusiele lights paid the village R business visit Monday evening end re. turned quite happy as seen by the light ppnu their countenances. Rev. Mr. Yelland proposes reading a letter of apology wbioh he has its hie possession, to the young men of thie neighborhood, hoping to give the14 kindly waruing. The Leerier demonstration at Wing ham on Friday afternoon will attraot 11 goodly number from this loeality. Spool al train leaves Ethel at 11.15 a. m , and Brussels 142 11.28 for Wingham. Return• mg leaves at 7.30 p. m. A number from here attended the Rt• form political meeting at Ethel on Mon day evening, which they eujoyed Mune ought) and returned lilted with enthusi- asm for the work done by the Giveru meet. Dr. klaodouald is an able speak. er and a oonacientioue politioian. The Yonne People's Society of Chris. 21540 12012980014 held a business meeting 111 the church on the evening of the 16th, at which it Wag decided to give the sum of $2.00 in aid of the eooiety known as !Me Lord's Day Alliance." The Seeretary was also instructed to purchase 50 tiepin of the new Book of Praiae. The Society has a long list of energetio workers who are anxious to promote its intereste. Several are honored with an invitation to the wedding in Hewett( whioh •happy event takes plant on Wednesday at 4 p. m. We wish the young couple continued lumpiness. Judging from appearances other eve= of a similar nature are not far distant, but then "wheels" are not to be relied upon at this season of the year, and perhaps the weather is mountable for Fred's return in the early morning, ketleol. II. P. MoAlliater delivered a load of flour to Belgrave last week. Thanksgiving service in the Presby. teriau church at 2.80 Thursday afternoon. Mre, Dan. Ilokmier is very poorly at present. We hope for her speedy n- o every. The beef of Sabbath servioe in the Methodist church Mae been changed from 7 to 6.80 p. in. Miss Carder, who is the junior teaoher here, has been engaged as let assistant on Blyth Puhlio School staff for 1900 at a salary of 8225. Charlie Rupp returned to Ste Thomas on Monday morning after n visit of u few weeks here. Elia brother, W. G., is still hero but will bo leaving shortly. Bin Cnown.-Mondtty evening of this week the Township Hall watt filled to the doors with an iuterested e,udienoe, gather- ed to hear the public questione of the dam dieeueeed. T. Straohan, President of the B0.86 Huron Liberal Association, boon. pied the (their and opened the meeting with a brief addreas. W. H. Kerr, of Tun POST, ORM next and ha wae MUM - ed by Dr. Modonald, the olever M. P. for this riding, who for upwards of two hours dealt with the various matters: um pertaining to Dominion politicise showing what the Laurier adtnintetration had am ootnpliebed aod what they still had in view. ITC( addreee was ably presented and wee most attentively listened too, Before the Dr. took his seat an intereat- ing dienission took plan between Rev. lier. Yelland and himself relative to the Peohibition gention and the action of the Governenent end the wores credited to Hon, Mr, Tarte ae to Fox Bay inhabii tents. A good deal of information Was Lett ell le tura. . Don't forget the neck tie eolith John Crawford has sold his farm to Thos. Looming. The farm (mutates 75 scree and wee Aoki for $2,050. Revival meebing' ere still being held in Bethel cherish by Rev. Mr. Tiffin. A. number hive deoiderl to lead better lima. John Stafford hag had a well drilled. Be got a Bering at 250 feet, Mr. Staf- ford ',till ootitin ties to improve hie place. Robt. Gray is having o new kitchen bet to hie home. When completed Mr. Grey will have a very comfortable dwell ing. Lao Bolton d• ea the frame work. A. neck -tie shoal will be Mid in S. S. No.9, MuKillop, on Friday, Oot. 97113. A gond program is being prepared and everything is fevorable for a high time. The blest will be sold on the ticket plan at the door. Twenty•five wedding e are reported between now and Obrietrnas by Dame Rumor, and she knows of twenty five more yonug ladies getting ready RR they expect invitations to take mire ot mon any day. Next Winter will be all boney•moon and next year a growing time. John Berry sold hie farm, lot 84 se 35, cote 12, containing 127 flares to John Shannon, for 55,900, Rod Mr. Shannon sold hie farm, South part lot 82, con. 11, oonteiniug 80 ores to Richard BVKII, a neighbor, for $4,000. John M. Goven. look bought 25 aoree, part of lot 20, ROIL 8, from W. G. Motepaciden, for $1,50e, and is oing to move his tile plant there from Walton. David I. Om ter, Godo. rib, has rented pars of lot 32, ean. 9, from Jaime A. Smith and is going to make brick and tile next moon. Mo. Leillop hes the olay, the men and money. 13 Ill0V8 1(1. MATRI)COMAD.-Aeery pretty wedding took place at the residence of 3, K. Gord. on, barrister and aolialtor, of Whitby, MI the llth of October, when his young- est daughter, Miss Victoria Pentland Gordon, Wan married to Rev. W. J. Weet, M. A, of Bluevale. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Abraham, of Whitby, Ruined by Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, brother•inlaw of the bride. The bridesmaid was Miss Linda Hirris, of Toronto, and the groomsman wae W. S. West, of Osoode Hall, brother of the bridegroom. Miss Oamridge, of Whitby, played the wedding march as the bride entered the room escorted by her father. She wore El. pretty gown of while orgendie mune over white silk, with the custom. ary veil and orange blossoms, and carried e. 'shower bouquet of stream roses and car- nations. The bridesmaid was dressed in a pretty costume of pink and white muslin end carried a shower bouquet of pink roan and oarnatious. After the oeremony o dejeuner 45150,8 8011403, at whioh over 50 guests were present, and at the conclusion of whioh some very apt and congratulatory toaste were proposed and responded to. Mr. and Mrs. West left on the 8 p. m. train amid thowers of rioe and oongratulatione, for Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mts. Wen was • mode the recipient of numerous valuable presents from her many friends and well wisbere. Tens Pose throws an editorial slipper after the reverend gentlernat and his einnitia RINilie.-The following refers lothemarriage of George Burgess, of Orapand, Tribe Edward Island, former. ly of this plan, who with his bride, is at present vieiting at the home of his father, John Burgess t -A very pretty wedding tools places at the resideuoe of 11. G. Oameron, (impend, in whioh hie daughter, Mies Myrtle, and George 13nr- gess, manager 02 3)19 Orapaud Creamery Go., were united in merriage. Rev. Thos, flicks was the abating clergy- man. The beide wae supported by be eousin, 'Min Mary Gaineron, .Agustine Core, and the groom by R. 112. Spillet, Charlottetown. Ae the party entered the parlor the wedding moth was grab. hilly rendered by Mrs. Aloes. The bride wae dressed in white silk and carried a beautiful bouquet. • The bridesmaid wore white mnstlin. The bride was gine away by her father. Many valuable gifts were presented to the bride, and the groom was the recipient of a beautiful present front the direolore of the Crap - and Creamery Company. After the ceremony many relations and friends of the bride and groom set down to an ens joyable repast. The happy couple left MI the morning train foe 13111eva1e, foe wedditur tour, followed by the good when. ee of their many Monde. 37,0. Bell I= b,15n steeled Alderman for the Second Ward at Winnipeg. Einvortit Leaguers in Convention. NYtughent Dietriet Workers 1114502 111. Teesevater,--.1 11 eel Sueeesseul 1114512 (18' Thereby of last week, was a ree letter day in the history of the Wingham District lepworth League,. On that (lite their third anneal convention was held in the Methorliet ohuroh, Teessvater. In point of numbers, enthnsigsm, and a flue program it allowed a distinct advance over their previous conventions and proved that the young people on thin dearest are in totinh with the forward movement which has token hold of all the churchee ab the clan of the nine. teenth century. Over one hundred dale - gates were pi etsent from mite= pointe, and there was nob a siugle break in the program. Nearly env pram whose name appeared was present and those who were not able to be present sent their papers. This fob epee's.; well for the district, The altar of the ohuroh wag neatly banked wish flowers while over the organ Mum an immense Maltese cross, six fret in Night, blaring the motto of the E. , "Look Isp ! Lift up!" The basement was also nicely decorated with lags and bunting. The billetting arragements, whioh were ender the charge of Alin Minnie Staples, were complete, and the large delegation was well handled 14012 supplied with comfortable homes for the day. The whole soled, stirring music at both day and evening [sessions was an inspiration. The different addresees and papers were of a high order and most of them were vary praoticel in their nature. Rev. F. J. Oaten presided at all the services. The climax wasreach- ed at the evening session when eloquent addreeses were delivered by W. H. Kerr, of THE BRT'SSIMEI Pose ; Rov. D. A. Moir, 13. D., of 'Walkerton ;a,nd Hobbe, of Wingham, the music being provided by the ohoir of Teeswater church, and G. J, A. Bony, of Salem. The conven- tion was brought to a close by the large audience joining in singing, "When the roll is called rip yond.r." The conven- tion next year will be held ab Gerrie. The reports from the different leagues wore emouraging. The report of the Seoretary showed that there were on the district 87 soior leagues and 6 junior leagues with a total membership of 1590. The amount of money raised for missions during the pan year wItEi about $350.00 and the total amount raised 41300.00. This shows an incense of over $200 fur missions and $400 on the total amount raised. upon which true Christian elattroter its to be built. The piney of prevention is better than that of emu. The Diego 15 a great help to the ehildren and they are a great help to the church, '1118 League tritium them to active work and also to 211011101115 in business ; it wise to Inmate high ideals of Ohrietigh manhood and womanhood ; it interests them it5 mission work, and i1 will give to the choral' good members. Methods in junior League work, Min Motel), (Merin Method es a foundation on which we build or a system by which we are guided. God controls everything by method and we should instill into the mind of the child the moonily of method in everything. The junior Logue ie the drill tilled of the church whore the children aro not only 0110'140d lint exercised, not only Wight but drilled. The objects are to build up Obrietian character and to train to active work. The superintendent should be a whole- hearted Christina who loves all children. The aim (Mould be definite, the work well planned, and then the plan should bo carried out. Meet each chtld on hie own platform, study the inclividuel, find out what 1)0 01414 do, and get him to do it. Be calm, gentle and loving. 'Mein on purity, reverence, obedience, kindness and pohtenese. Make wrong seem mean and good noble. Teach from the known to unknown. Be simple, vary your method's don't attempt too much, do welt what yon do attempt. Make your ineetiegs ehert, spicy, sunshiny, ample, ental and spiritual. Encourage, never discourage. Drill on the pledge and in the use of the bible. Trete them in business methods. The League is not for more intellectual training but to train epiritnally ae well. The President in his address nrg-el upon the delegates the necessity for greater effort in miesionary giving for the support of onr migionnary et Kit. amaat, B. 0., and urged upon oath League the importance of he ving 114 01411)8 on the historic roll of the 20th Century Thanksgiving Fund. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, A. Botched, Tees - water ; 1st Vice, W. A. Kerr, Brussels ; 2nd Vice, G. H. Awde, Wingbarn ; 3rd Vice, Miss T. Fitzell, Kincardine; sith Vice, Miss M A. Mutoh, Gorrie ; Supt. of Junior Work, Mrs. A. I. Brown, Whitechurch ; See..Trears., M. H. Gitlin, M. D., Teeswater; Rep. to the Goof. Com., Rev. 0. 0. Keine, Pioe River. The additional members of the Executive ere ; Rev. F. J. Oaten, Bel. grave ; Messrs. MeElhanney, Ripley ; Thompson, Fordwiela ; Miens Land, Salem, and BloNaughton, Brussels. The attendance at the sunrise prayer meeting tette not large but those who were present enjoyed it good service. Tho attendance at all the other notions was large, the body of the thumb being comfortably filled both morning and afternoon. A bad eynopsis of the tame and addresses follows, as we believe there are a groat many of our readers who wore not ',resent who will be interested and profited in reading tho report. The synopsie must necesseelly be short to 0014 091408 is limited. Rev.)/ Rogers in speaking of the baptism of the Holy Ghost said We must =sive the Holy Ghost if WO are to have power. The Holy Ghost is not an influence but a person. We have not honored the Spirit therefore WO are weak. Wo must get batik to first] principles and clot as the disciples did when twelve men turned the world upside down bemuse they wore filled with the Spirit, The reason why ao many young people are so backward is because they lack this power, W. Hall, Whighans, said we had eons. mitten so that out: work might bo oerried on syetematioally. The Look Ont own, was the League's right area, If it was not a good ono the League Wee 20 a large extent paralyzed. Its duty ie to be on theme* invite strangers' to the League, get thorn to take the pledge, bring in new members, look after members who are not living up to their pledge, hoot np absentees and do personal work. He urged the neciessity for purely personal individual work. 80i0s Treleaven's] paper on One Talent Members was read by the See'y. .A, one talent 1110011)05. 10 one who 1E4 1.106 partied. larly gifted. Every person has some gifte. God holds tia responsible for their UM. One talent well used is bolter than many whioh aro not developed. Tho talent ghouls"( be entirely conseorated to God. Fitton is more than size. Be willing to work when God wants us. Idlers and grumblers are like a pebble they have no life, We should rather bo like the acoen. God holds tts eesponsible, not for what we have, but what eve might have I not for what we are but what we might be. 17vory one can do something. Mrs. BrOW11, of Whitecheroh, dealt with the question of why wo should take up ;Meier Logue week, Because of the object -to bring the boye and girls 10 Christ, Do the same in the oberoh ae tee do in publio echo% train them in childhood. Children ere the feundation Rev. W. Rigsby, Kincardine, said that World inese was using everything for this world (Mine ; using 14 110 an end, not RR a means. The church must be in the world but not of it ; it must have 8. great deal to do with the world. One way to counteract worldliness was to feel that sve are 'meteors with the Lord in our work and to have our MOILlli consecrated to the Lord's cause. He =light busi- ness men had greater temptations towards worldliness than preaohers. Be had a great deal of reenact for the men who pay liberally; it 40140 easier some- times to pram than to pay. It is not enough to tell our young people that they should not do certain things, we should tell them what they ought to do, Miss Mary Stewart, Ripley, read a paper on the ',Contagion of Satiability." Our happiness in life and our success its securing the love and frteudehip of our fellowmen, depends to agent degree on our temperament. Life is what we make it ; we carry into life the influences which make or mar it. Each mind makes its own little world, finding it bright or gloomy as be is bright or gloomy. Our temperaments are reflected in the disposi- bions of those about us. The desire for the eooiety and friendship of our fellow men is implanted within us. 11 we would have friends we can win them only by the warmth and Woof our own hearts. Sooiability can be el:titivated, Some of the essentials are cheerfulness', charity or brotherly love, courtesy sod kindness, sympathy and oordiality, Rev. J. Hohnes, of Brussels, in speak. ing of the Forward Movement said it was the mosb impotent movement lo League work. Our efforts should not be anilines( to our own ohuroh but we should obey the Saviour's command to "Go into all the world." If we Gannet go we should help to send others. The missionary ohuroh is the live church. MIS siouary work has been very successful and fields are now open for much more extended work. Giving to missions has a reaotionary effect On the givers. Obedience to Gag commands means spiritual strength ; disobedience, epiritual poverty. Systematic. Giving was the topic, of a paper read by Miss T. 11=11, of Kilmer - dine. The Systematic) Giving plan is simply laving :smear method in paying out: Heavenly Father what wo owe Him. Is not one of the best moans to boom. plish this to "try and trust."? Seltigh. nese should be forgotten and God'e claims reoognized. Money should be (stimulated to flow more easily away from the owner out upon the divine tenni= of aiding a needy world. We should feel that we owe a proportion of our mous to God and pay that just proportien regulerly, Love for God is the motive posver. Wo should bo consecrated to God, purse and all. The Saviour teaches that it is more blessed to give than to renOlVe. Wo should lay es= some, proportion of our inoome for God's work, 11 10 not enough to give until wo feel it for some 09 110 feel it when we give very little in proportion to what God las Riven as. "The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that water. eth shall be wittored also himself," G. N. A. Reany's paper had for its topic, "Why ehould young men and wonsen be interested iu Missioneey Work ? " ti) Bemuse Christ csommanded us ; (2) From a eon of gratitude ; (3) Because God has opened up the field and we cou now natty the gospel messag0 to almost every pan of the globe ; (4) Be. MIRO it makes tie 0o -workers with God ; (a) For the sake of the heathen. Yong women should be particularly interested when they think whet the gospel hes done for them and bombe their position with that of their sisters in heathen amis. 13. 1'. Paulin, Winglatre threw out some points on "Business methods in League Work." All meetings should bo. gin on time. Have a plan and as nearly as possible conform to that plan. Be 1111 od with love and lames to suffer defeat 151 diseunion with good grace. Learn to control yourself and not "fly off tho hen. dle" if your way is not the approved way. Cultivate the "give and takeemrin- oiple. A well aoucluot ea business meet. ing le a, good pace to cultivate an all W. H . KERR, Prop, 4014 15113' ether ladeEven the apparently oat'. matters 'hold be attended to just ISO triPliVidit:ally as what ma3. appear larger tame. Nothing ie smell in God's eight. Have a monthly businese meeting. lunette the entire evening to businags. Have en motive meetiug lost before the regular hushing meet This meetirig ehould have plenty of time te deacon thoroughly matters of interest to the league. Vice Prourientg should re] port and enough time should be spent with each to br tig out plans and helps for their 942. tionlar kind of work. Each committee should hairs an evening once a mouth to plan for Rework. If the been cite, tied euentnittee meetinge aro five then the regular business meeting wilt be an intspiration. The Preeideut should follow parliamentary usages as far as possible and 11115150 55. definite order in which heel. 11800 011011111 be taken up. The league shuttle be welt mforined on the pars of the executive. A. Butaltart, Teeswater, 10 15401809 with the "Epworth League Reading Churn" nal Methodism had always been to the front in educational linos The church direct her young people in acquit, ing 01 mete for gaud literature. God's Spirit speak.' through enlightened intel. lento. The claims width he niede for the "Reading 00110180" wore, (1; It gives goal cloce of books -books which will (stimulate and edneate. The bootee this year deal with Christian • Citizemillip, PhYslieleele, Science and Beacon lights of the Reformation. (2) Tho books are cheap -four new, up to•date bootie, nni form in binding, for only. 52. (3) They are written in language ample enough for any person and attractive enough to make them RR faseinatiug as 0. story. (41 1 he course provides for reading oirales whore the young people are drawn out of themselves' and learn to express their thoughts. (5) It provides for a definite con= and outtivates methodical habits. it does away with a haphazard method of reading, therefore a person will do more and better work. (te It enables young people to start a library of their own. Choice passages oh be narked so that they can easily be referred to. If you eau get two persons to get bathe start a Circle. Have a delluite evening for meet eng es well as a stated time for opening mad closing. Don't let other Olive in. teller° with this evening. Have a time - tale and do things orderly. Divide your books up into a, stated number of lessons according to the number of meet. logs you intend to hold. Pau your work for the whole year or season before you start work. Have the members write out one or two 45)0111 00 on tholes= for the evening, then= these up and pass them around to be answered. If the party who receives the question cannot answer it, let the party who wrote it do so. Have members write a synopsis of a chapter and occasionally Gallon some person to read his synopsis. Have oral readings of choice passages. Spend a short time in dealing with current events. Let the roll oall be answered by quotations from oue of the books of the obese or from some particular author. Make the meet- ing short, but waste no time ; fill up every moment. A. great deal can be ac- complished in an hoar and a half. Rev. W. Rigsby took barge of the question drawer end answered a large number of questions on every phase of the work Ma terse, practical manner. W. H. Kerr, Brussels, got hold of the Convention at ono by his Inunoroue in t rod tottery words. He gave te very vivid desormtion of his trip to the great Inter. national Convention et Indianapolis in July and the reception which the dde- gabos recteived. The city was beautifully decorated and the citizens vied with each ether in entertaining the visitors, The city is laid out very much like the town of Goderioh, having a central circular block which forme the hob and from which the streets radiate like the spokes of a wheel. The meetings wore fine, the singing magnificent, and the topics die - Massed were practical. Canadian speak. ers stood well to the front and did honor to 05.113 country. of the physinel and spiritnal, and some the spiritual at the expense of the other two. We onnot live a proper life by nogleotiug any part 09 1)18 triangle. Nee should be equilateral triangles. Ood luta provided an abundance 09 90012 for the de- velopment of all sides of the man but these ottn only become ours legitimately by labor. We must have legitimate 814014- 0/He as well as food. The speaker warned Epworth Leaguers to he very careful in the selection of their diet, whether WO food was of the physic's!, intelleutual or epiritual nature. PERSONA l'Alteel l29I»I IS. Nies Lizzie Moore is visiting at Blyth, klieg Brock, teacher, is visiting at Exeter. Mrs. Annie Weaker is holidaying at Tor onto. leev, R. Paul and Mrs. Paul are vieit. ing itt lituevate. Airs. 0e0, 30. mere is holidaying at Walkerton and Paltnereton. Mies Armstrong, Milliner, will :mend Thisultegiving Day in Listowel. D Rose and elre. Ruse are visiting Robt. Iton end wife at Kincardine. Mrs. Guyer Smith, of Wroxeter, was renewing old friendships in Bennis. The elieges Ann and Jane Kelly are viseing et Listowel aod Toronto reepect- ively. Albert Denny, of Buffalo, ie vieiting his mother, Mrs. S. Seale, Catharine =Pet. Mra. T. W. Gilman, of Wroxeter, was the guest of Mrs, Jae. Fax during the past week. Rev, 111r. Auderson and Mies Anderson, of Wroxeter, were 10 Brussels on There- by of Ian we. k. Mee. Neil Molatichlin is on the Mak list but wo hope she will sob be fully restored to her usual good health. Mrs. 11..1. Morden, of Stouffyille, aod Mrs. Morrison, of London, are vieiting their mother, Mrs. W. R. Wilson, Mill street, Brunets. Miss Hattie Downing is home from Goderioh for a few day'e visit. She is accompanied by Fernie and Dlayfrid Allies, of the Go. town. Principal and Mrs. Oemeron will upend 0. few days in Lookome. Mr. Cameron's father is not enjoying very good health, but we hope he will goon be all right. Alexander and Mrs. Mark, of Wood. stook, were visiting at H. Williams' and H. 11. Brewer's this week. MrS. and Mr. Meek are sister and brother. Rev. H. le. Kellington, who has been supplying at the Nile oirouit, was in town last week visiting hie =ter, Mee. Fred. Adams. The reverend gentleman has gone to Victoria Uuiversity, Toronto, to complete MB own. A. D. Duncan, who has been the Pin= in the ettanderd Bank here, 11011 arempted a lucrative position in the Imperial Bank at Winnipeg, and left Brussels on Wed- needey. Mn. Darman made =my friends while here and wae a general favorite. Ma will be accompanied by the good wishes of all for his future happinen and 80004588. In dealing 'with the subject of Christian Citizenship, Rev. D. A. Moir, B. D., of Walkerton, compared leaguers to mores which were full of great possibilities( that only required development. We belong to the gene nation whose annals reach back through 1 thousand years of proat aohievementa. Rome, Carthage, Greece and other great natione once swayed the world but they were now 42 thing of the pasb, Shall Britain decay as they have done? Not if she is true to God and the teachings of His Word. We shou'd be• ware of temptation and sin lest wo fall into the same errors as these other great nations and fall as the result. The more we are likee0hrist the better citizens We shall be. The more we study Ohrist, tho more um shall become like Him. We must study the Bible to study Christ. We should do our best to got information from 1411 1891210)0.20 sources so that we might be intelligently informed. We should do oar boot to Glob to our ooun. oils, 80=1 boards and legislative halls, men who houor God aod will stand by that which is right. The speaker closed with a brilliant peroration in which ho pictured June Chad as gathering to Himself, at the last great day, those who were true to Him and bidding them wet. come home with the words, "Well done good and faithful servant thou hash been faithfol over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things ; outer thou into the joy of thy Lord." The subjeoft of Rev. W. Hebb's address was "The Trimignlar Men." Mr. Hobbs is MI enthusiastio speaker and every part of his miskomp from the crown of his hoed to the setae of his feet, is used to emphasize his 'remarks. Man is the groat problem of human life. The.proper life le a thremf old struggle for existence. The three angles 09 21)18 triangle are the physioal, themtelleottuti and 2110 891459111141. Hygienic law and mental law are es di- vine es the dooalogue and cannot be trampled on with impunity. IC we ere to live a proper life we amt enve a proper proportion of our time, thought, energy and money to the development 01 eaoli of these three angles. Some onitivate the round Christie's character. The business physical mb the expense of the mental and part of leagno work is jueb M iinpertant spiritual, some the mental at the expenee t' II I Rill CH tells:, . Next Sabbath evening the League topic will be "An cld time Missionary." Thankegiving (service in St. John'e church on Thursday at 10 80 a. 01. ",An old time Missionery" will be the Babied at Melville Endeavor next WI- bathha Tnksgiving services will be held in Melville church on Thereby at 10 30 e. m. The pastor will preaah. Miss Lizzie Sample ablated as organ. id in Melville ohnrah last Sabbath and Miss Jean MeLituohlin will render eimilar service next Sabbath. Next Sabbath the anniversary services of the lepworth League will be held in the Methodist church. The pastor, Rev. Jno. Holmes, will preach at 10.30 and 7 o'olook. Lest Sabbath Rev. Mr. Ron' text in the morula was Matt. 8 and 10, "Great Feith, its oliarmiteristios and attain. meets," and in the evening, "Paul's Heroism." "At Home" Thursday evening of this week 142 204 Methodist ohuroh, ander the auspices of the League, Musical and literary program and refreshments. Everybody made weloome. Come and find Oat who you are. Rev. J, Elolmee, Mre. Baines, Missals Minnie MoNteughton, Jennie Howe, Carrie !Benton, num Ainley and Mary Beattie, and W. IL Kerr attended the Epworth League Convention at Tees. water on Thursday of last week from Brunets. Rev. Mr. Elolmes' text last Sabbath morniog was "Stir up the OR of God that is in thee." (1) Stir up the Natural Gifts such aa (a) Efappinese ; (h) Im- agination and Memory ; (o) The prineip. les of Friendship and Sympathy ; (d) Righteous and Moral prinaiples. (2) Stir up the Spiritual 131.es0ing8, Graoe, Faith, Godlike Nature. (3) Appreciate the Gifts. Do the beet yo) on and feel your respousibility. Work in every righteoue one. The evening topic wae "Christ in Death." At the Sabbath sohool in the afternoon Postettaster Far- row gave an interesting address on ",Robert Raikes and early B. S. den." klissioxene.-Mies BUR='who hag spent 7 years in the Minion field in Oen. teal India, gave a very interesting addend on her work Mendel evening of last week in Melville ohuroh to a large and. Inn. She dealt with the mammon, One* toms, religions beliefs and showed how the Gospel is winning its triumghe. She exhibited a number ot ouriogities soh as idolat prayer wheel, ear, nose finger and toe rings, sem Ming Campbell, who went to India from Moleewortb, is enemata with Min Duncan in her week. Rev, J, Ron, B. A., (templed the chair and gems f2 brief address, A. collection was taken •emonnting to $15.00. Mines Lyda Crooke and Minnie Stewart, A. Straohan and 3. H. Cahoon rendered a good quartette, lie A. Hawkins preelding at the organ. Min 13unean ie a bright, pleatiog apealter and maim Mende whatever dhe goea,