The Brussels Post, 1899-10-12, Page 8A
os, pax
Do your eyes tire easily?
If so, You need Glasses.
Do your eyes burn?
If so, You need Glasses.
Does the type become blurred in reading?
If so, You need Glasses.
1)o you suffer from frontal headache?
If so, Glasses Will Help You.
Do you know if you have perfect eyesight?
If not, We can Inform You.
G. A. Deadman,
Iruggist and Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
23and, Mirrors.
We have a nine asaal•tmeut of
Band Mirrors, and So sheep tan, It
NTH' eUrpriee you the prioe we sell
these for. No lady need be without
one, and no gentleman either.
X'air Brushes.
Are you in need of a HairBrush?
We have an extra assortment in now,
and never such values), from 20e. up.
Tooth Brushes.
A line line of Tooth Breslau
imported for us, and also Sonia bought
epeolal. It you require a soft brush
for obildren or a paean with tender
gums then we can sell you a Badger
Hair Brush that soil! suit.
G-, A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician et Bookseller.
Trains leave Braasele Station, North
and South, as follows:
GooleSoOTer. GoINeonTw.
express 7:19 a.m.; Mall 2n0 p.m
timed 9;42 a.m. Express 19:17 p.m
rota' Stirrs btu,
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TUE apple market bee gone to pieoes,
TNANReen'xNG Day Tbureday, Oat, 1.9th.
A NEw floor will be put on the bridge.
resat milk cow wanted. Apply to
Geo. Backer,
Josh WALTER said a Dominion piano to
Philip Ament.
TUE road grader bag been at work on
Tarnberry, Thomas and John streets.
TUE young people of St. John's church
intend braving a social on Thanksgiving
Jno. A. ("Moron== has been appointed
Tax Collector of Brussels; for 1899, et a
salary of $40 00.
FALL Faire have the floor this week to
the excitation of a number of interesting
matters that will find place next week.
Bareszes Band was engaged by the
Gorda Liberals to play at a political
gathering held there Wednesday evening
by Dr. Macdonald.
Sr is said that partridge will be re-
markably plentiful this I•all, as the dry
weather was favorable to the batching
and rearing of young birds.
SDnscmmRns will please examine their
label and if there ie any error in the date
notify ne, and we will make correction.
If in arrears kindly pay amount.
W. H. M°O0ACEEN keepe piling np the
prizes. He took 50 at Brueeele Fair, 26
at Gerrie on Saturday and 27 at Blyth.
He went on to Dungannon tram Blyth.
QtendedEBtyth number
Fall Fair on this
"Texas Guy," J. B. Stretton's pacing
etailion took 4th money in the free for
A DAY EARLren,—Owing to Thanks.
giaing Day ooming next Thursday THE
PUT will be issued on Wednesday. Will
our advertisers and correspondents kindly
make note of this fact.
Soar & WeiexOx took five let prizes
and freer 2od prizes at Blyth Fair on
Tuesday. They cleared the light horse
olaee excepting two entries, one of which
they did not compete for,
Jams McMuLLEN, the olever M. 6'. of
Wellington Go., may be one of the speak -
ere at Dr. Macdonald's meeting in Bruit.
eels Town Hall on Friday evening of this
week. He's a fine speaker and an old
Now that the long evenings have again
rolled expend, we kindly ask all oar oor•
respondents to gond us in good bndgete of
news each week, If supplies are wanting
a poet card to TUE Pen will oaoee your
wants to be supplied.
IF yoo intend to bold an auotion sale
this Fall get your bills printed at this
office and advertise your sale with ue.
Tim Poor goes to nearly every home in
Feet Efurom and a free local is given
every time a bill is issued from oar job
The sidewalk ooetatruation gang were
delayed last week by the non -arrival of
cement bat it came this( week and the
walks on Elizabeth and Ellen streets will
soon be completed. These and the areas.
ing0 will likely complete the season's
next week, 17th inst., at 2 o'olook, a
meeting of the Directors of East Huron
Grey Branch Agricultural Societies will
be held ie the Town Hall, Brueeele, for
the purpose of revising the list of prize
winners, beariug protests and attending
to any other business. Every member
asked to be present.
Femora moved lively during the past
week. The shipments were :—Clegg &
Dames a oar of lambs ; Beaker & Van.
Mone a car of bogs, 1 of oats and 3 of
peas ; D. M. Soots, 2 oars of applee ; R.
Graham, 3 oars seal of oats and peas
W. Jewett, 4 oars of apples ; Ferguson &
McDonald, a oat of cattle ; Frank Stret.
ton and J. Iiiekley, a oar eao11 of applee.
Bone AND Cruets.—Leat Friday night
after the routine buainese at the A. 0. U,
WV. Lodge was completed, a lively die.
mission of interesting topica took plane,
followed by a toyal'treat of honey, Dream
and brae 't
aI a to biofi '
w It le needless odleae t
the mach
ererewont did
p ample
justice, and then departed homewards,
Voting Bro. Farrow, who furnished the
enjoyable feed, a epl9ndid fellow,
BRueermo Lodge of the A. 0, U. W.
have now opened their Fall and Winter
entertainment ooaree and a most enjoy.
able time ie promieed to all attending.
O'bose abeeuting will mise a treat. Next
night of meeting, Friday, Oob, 2001i, a
good program, oonsiating of eonge, recite.
tion, readings and inetrrlmeoral Annie
will be given, also addressee en '"Kruger"
and other tapiee of interest. .8.11 mem.
bees aro requested 00 be pr90000, fig thee°
ig important biathlon; on hand, The"At
}Tome" will be held on fleet meeting of
FRIDAY wag a good day far business.
Near Thursday will be a public holi-
Bonnets School Board Friday evening
of this week.
Dr. Sierra's Drug store has been grant.
ed a government license to sell postage
Oen arthta had a basy day haat Friday.
They are hard to beat and the people
know it.
WALTER Wrenn has built a new frame
stable on his property, North Tarnberry
D. A. Lawn: hes the brink worlr of
Fred. MoOraoken'e new residenoo wall on
toward completion.
TUESDAY evening tbeyonng bachelors of
town gave a party in the Town Hall end
report a good time.
A mem Wass front is being put in Dr.
Graham's Block at Jas. Fox's drug store
which will be a big improvement.
Tien Wroxeter stage arrives back to
Braasele now about 3 o'clock owing to the
change in the 0. P. R. time table.
SINGLE &rat -Claes fare on G. T. R. for
round trip Thanksgiving time. Tickets
good going Oot. 18th and 19th, returning
on 28rd.
MILLINERY opening report is crowded
out of this issue. Both Mrs, Rogers and
Mies Roddick met with great eaooees we
are pleased to hear.
Bnincee chain loet, with hook on one
end and ring on other. Lost between
Braasele and the bridge North. Finder
please leave at TUE Po -T.
Filename ExAne. Owing to Thursday
Oat. 19th, being appointed to be observed
as Thanksgiving Day, the Promotion
Examinations for Huron will be held on
Oot, 2511 and 27111.
Tam licenses for deer hunting have
been forwarded by the Department to
Deputy Game Warden Watt and all those
desiring same may obtain them by apply•
ing at the o6loe of W. M. Sinclair.
5eoaeeta! STEWART has been in the
country this week judging the turnips
entered for competition in connection
with East Huron Agricultural Society
prize list. The mammals will be judged
next week.
Tem Evaporator proprielare say: We
would kindly advise the ono who steals
apples from the Evaporator grounds not
to till their baskets so full that they roll
off the top of the basket in crooning the
potato field next to it, as that gives them
ARuANoxarmxme are expected to be made
whereby a special train will rue from
Palmerston, to Wingham and return to
convey people to the Laurier meeting in
the latter town on Friday of next week,
20th inst. A large number will go from
this locality if the train is secured.
llrexT.—Last Friday evening as the
Wroxeter stage was entering Brussels,
near &meet's fectory, an outgoing rig
oollided with It. The stege horse jumped
and the rig waa°upset, destroying the top
and doing other damage. Saturday the
offender put up $10.00 to repair the thee.
INSPECTaR SCOTT meaon red the new
cement walk laid down this 0099on on
Monday and found 80,044 feet. This 19
exolusive of the private walk. At 10 ants
per foot, the contract prioe, it amounts to
$8,004, a big Summer's work. There is
15 years to pay for it, Commencing in
AC0mmar.—While P. MaQaarrie and
family were returning from Blyth Fair
on Tuesday evening, the hold -bake broke
and allowed the buggy to run into the
horse's heele with the result that it kiok•
ed violently over the dash board, striking
Willie McQaarrie, who was Bitting with
hie beak to the animal, in the back of the
bead, inflicting an ugly ont which
nece0oitated two atitobes to close it. He
is getting along well. It was a close nail,
Houma or REFDaE OolrttieTEE,—The
House of Refuge committee met at the
House of Refuge, Clinton, on Tuesday of
last week, Present, Messrs. Miller, Tor-
ranoe, Shall, the Warden, Commissioner
Ainsley and the County Olerk. The
committee made a thorough inepeotion
of the building and found everything in
apple pie order. The driving, store and
the house was foand to be nearly finished,
and the job, go far 0g completed, wag
ooneidered to be a good one. Jno. Mo•
Allister, an inmate, has done nearly all
the carpenter work, and so well was it
done that the committee gave McAllister
oonaiderable praise. Shortly after the
June Seesion Meagre, Miller and Torrance
traded the house team for a lighter and
more useful one, giving $40 to boot, and
the oommittae considered that the conn.
oillore had made a good bargain. The
bush 1 andfie
w closer i e
n sot d n
o and i
Y , t
was found that there were about t
u 8
res. included a small amount a�
good timber, bnt was meetly iamb and
thiok uoderbrngh. Ag 15 oords of wood
are needed annually for the hones, it
wag decided Ea to sell any timber, and
the keeper was inatruoted to otear rap the
hearth and seed down the Land as the
wood was out down. It wag found that
of the three °owe only One was giving
milk, so the inope°tor and keeper were
instructed to sell the two dry ones and
purobage a good milker, as milk wag
Headed for the inmates. 82 inmates
erste found at the visit of the committee,
and it has been a difiiotlt matter for the
inspector to find peeper etoornmedatien
for them,
.I3.aU 3SSaCt L$ POST
$1,50, in mimeo, gots TUE POET and
Weekly Globe to January let 1901.
LISTEN,—have you heard of oar re.
markable clubbing arrangements with
the weekly Globe 7 We ere giving Tout
Poor and Weekly Glebe frons now netfi
Jan. 1, 1901, for only $0,50 (over 15
mouths) ; or THE loser and Weekly
Globe for the Baca period, together with
a set of Marion. Harland'S- works, 4 vole,,
postage paid to oubeoribers, for only $1,.
75. Don't delay now. You will not get
a better offer than thio.
Business Locals,
Jar received a oar of Manitoba flour
and bran. Basilar & Vanstone.
ANY one needing their taws gummed
and filed dret•olaos can have this work
done by T. McGregor, saw gummer and
filer, Bruaoels, Out,
I wiLL give with every 12 oabilet
Pbotoo., one extra Photo. tinted in Water
Oolar,Euameled on Glace, and one beauti-
ful mantel easel and frame from this
date. H. R. Brewer, Benet.
Foot present date until Jan. let, 1000,
we are giving mime with every doz. cab-
inet photos., a 0rst•olaee hand worked
crayon portrait. Work done by our.
selves. Now is your cabana. E. HART,
artist, Stratton Blook.
1 li
.Epworth League Anniversary on Sab.
bath, Oct, 22,
Mies 8. L. Moore officiated as organist
at Melville ohuroh last Sabbath.
Rev, Mr. Roes was at Molesworth on
Thursday, preaching in connection with
Communion services.
A load of Epworth Leaguers from
Brusseis drove over to the Oonvention at
Teeswater on Thursday,
The Epworth League will give a sooial
on the evening, ot Thanksgiving Day in
the Sabbath sohool room. Good program
of tannic, recitations, &o.
Miss Duncan, of India, gives her inter-
esting lecture in Melville cburoh on
Thnreday evening of this week, com-
meaoing at 7 30 o'olook. She is well
worth bearing.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Rose
read a sermon of Rev. Dr. Campbell,
Moderator, on the 20th Century Thanks.
giving Fund. The evening subject was
"The eufferinga of Paul," Acte 9 16.
The thanks of the Brasses Methodiat
ohoir are dos Dr. Cavanagh, of Owen
Sound, formerly of Brussels, for a gen-
erous donation of $11,00 witb which 20
new anthem books ware purchased, No
kicking would be done by the choir if
somebody else repeated the dose.
I Ohron. 22:14, wee the Soriptare
chosen by Rev. Jno. Holmes last Sabbath
morning as the foundation of a flee die;
course in ooaneotion with opening up the
campaign of the 2056 Century Thanks-
giving Fend, In the evening addressee
on the same subject were given by B.
Gerry and Rev. R. Paul, and the plan of
raising $1,000 on the ohuroh debt fully
The Secretary Treasurer of the Trustee
Board, of the Methodist church, Brussels,
has reoeived $5.00 from Rev. Mr. Rogers,
of Bluevale, as a contribution toward the
indebtedness of the ohumb. On two or
three former omissions, during the past
few years, this gentleman hoe remember-
ed us in the name way. May the number
be increased to lift the $1,000 aimed at is
the wish of the Board.
The statement that "ministers' sone
do not generally amount to muoh" ie
denied by a. writer who finds, to the con•
teary, a list including the namoe of
Richard Watson Gilder, Henry James,
George Bancroft, Oliver Wendell Tfoltnee,
Presidents Cleveland and Arthur, Levi
P. Morton, half a dozen members of the
next American Senate and forty ado•
"Foreign missions in this century,"
ears Dr. Henry J. VanDyke, "have
drawn a multitude of at least 4,000,000
human souls out of the darkneas of
heathen superstition into the light and
life of the Christian religion. Of these
1,900,000 have become communicants and
confessions of Ohriet, often at the cost of
martyrdom, always' at the prioe of
aoarags and saoridce greater than we oaa
estimate. Every year at least 100,000
converse are added to the church in
heathen lands. That makes 274 new
Christians every day, almost 12 per hour
—e new life joined to Christ for every
five minutes that pass."
We observe from the Guelph Daily
Herald of Monday that a new and modern
primary class room has base opened in
connection with Ohalmer's Presbyterian
cburoh in that city, The report says :—
"The room, which is of the most modern
oonetruotion, was beautifully deoorated,
and the sixty small chairs were all filled,
each with rte little bright occupant, who
was also gotten up for the occasion,
being deoorated with an appropriate
00avenlr badge, and together with their
faithful teacher, Mies. Jessie Ross, looked
charming." Mies Rose wag a former
Bruesolite and we are always pleased to
hear that our young ]adios and gentlemen
are Oiling their plane in the vineyard
wherever their lot may be past.
Convnxrrog,—The following is the pro-
gram of the Goderioh District Sabbath
Sohool and Epworth League Convention
to be held in the Methodist church,
Blyth, on Tuesday, Oot, 17111 :--Morning
Session—Opening oxeroisoe, oondnobed
by Rev. J. Kennedy, B. D.; Bible °lase
lesson for Oot. 22nd, laeght by Rev. S. J.
Arlin ; "Tho Superintendent and how to
superintend," 3. H. MoOlioton ; "How
to make S• 8, eiaging the most effective,"
Rev. F. 5, Oaten ; "How may the 5. S.
assist the scholars to at comprehensive
view of the Bible 7" Mose E. Wilson
"3110w may oar children and young peo-
ple be trained in Methodist doctrine,"
Rev. 13. Clement; appointment of Com.
mitteoe. Afternoon Seosiod—Devotional
exeroise0, Rev. W. Penhell; report of
Secretary ; verbal reporte and discus.
Men ,Round Table Coaf
seance led by
Rev. v J ire
,W on 111,
, ;()aura
a larger attendenos of young men," Geo.
Barrows; report of the Literary and
Social Departments and dieoaosion there.
en, introduced by Vice Preeideato of De,
partmonte ; report 01 the Missionary De.
partmeot, 2nd Vioe President; "How
beet to keep every League in the District
interested an the Forward Movement for
Missions," Rev. H. Graham, B. A. ;
one League and Methodist Oonnesional•
Ian," Rev. M. J. Wilson, B. A„ ; report
of Janice Magee Deportment and discus•
;don relating thereto, 6151 Viae President;
"The outlook Of ,'Epworth League work --
are there shale, and how to avoid them,"
Mise Maud King ; report of Nominating
(3ommittoei a0lleotion, Evening Sotelon
--Opouing examinee, Rev, J. Wilson, M.
A, ; introdnatiod of of&cero•eleot ; address
•-•,"Koboce of the Indianapolis Qoovon•
tion," W. H. Kerr, Brinson ; address—
"t'eatnroo of the young people's Forward
1Iovometlt and its outlook," Rev, H.
Graham, 33, A. ; pinging °aerating•
Maio by the 131) 01 Methodiet choir.
Oldt Sabalder took soma holidays,
A 'reek or dreg ago,
(lad he toughs he'd go and see some
At de Bruaeala Fall Fair Show.
So be harnessed ub hie vaggon,
Und he started off in etade,
Mit all hie vire and familia—
About elefen or eighdt.
De veddor it bebafed first rade•-
Dyes nelder oold or hot,
Uad de peoblea oomed from near and far,
Und larder too as dot.
Dere vas nine or Die from Ford vial',
Und Beoohvioh too I guess,
Mud I dink perhaps, a whole led more
From Valdon, more or lees.
Und eferybody day ehookod hands,
More dime as. I could tell—
"Wie gable" De set, and "How am I 7"
Und "I hope you're Imaging wall 7"
Dem grocery stores rand dry goods folks
Vas bleaeed to see him bare
For Schneider he vas first rate off,
Und paid oath vouoe a year.
Und van day got nb to de gado
110 arowdt vas abuat immense
I guess tree tonsend bnndret folks
Vas peaked bebittdt dot fence.
Mad van Katrina make dot choke,
Olds Sohneider smiled outd loadO—
She set "dere vas so many folks
She aoaldu't see de orowdt."
Und oh 1 de aaddlee and de cows
Mit elicit end shiny Wee,
Mad sheep nod pigs end hogs and dings
Und homes too, besides.
Thad Berkshire bane, nud Spanlob Rook
Und all dem oder breeds,
Und Turnips also too besides
Und oder kinds of seeds.
It made Oldt Schneider smile too seg
"Sidoeer" get up and dust, •
By Creaky t van King Ardur drifee
Somediugs has gob to beet.
Und Fancy Vork 1 goot graoioaane-e I
'Twould almost gif you fits—
Dem fanoy knitted oferalls
Uod doubled•breaated mitts.
Pianos and podadoes too,
De Early Rising Rose,
Und oabbaahee end undershirts,
Und efery ding dot grows.
Und pillow shams nod pillow ebbs,
Embroidered, pooty goot
Und parsnips, pear; sand pronging too,
Und oder kinde of froidt.
tied onions and phodograpbe
Und flowers and pork and beans
Geraniums and bome•made smoke
Und cauliflowers and greens,
Tomadoeses and blanget quilts
Und cheese and landeoabee rare,
All words of guriosossidies
Vas ad de Brussels Fair.
Uud Schneider set ven ;oma von asked
"Vot you going to stow die year 7"
"I dink I'll show some home made
"I haf mein 'kids' all here 1"
Too soon alas I de nigbdt oloeed down,
Und dot dosed uh de show,
Und Hnron'e Greatest Fair wee o'er,
Mad Schneider hat to go.
Goot.bye Oldt Schneider your de staff,
Vo like to hat you here,
Bring all your vife and familye
To our Big Show nest year 1
Goot look Oldt Sohneider—lank to vile
Und ladle man and Miss,—
Id's men lige you dot makes do Town
Und Ooundry vat it is 1
OTTO KWITT, Seafortb.
DEAR 801700,—This beautiful Summer
afternoon with just a gentle cooling
breeze cannot but bring memories of a
September day in the vioinity of Brum.
sale. Coupled with thio your subscriber
noticed your "little essay" on the front
page of your esteemed paper, the 00m.
bivation drawing forth a voluptuous out-
break of thoughte of "home affairs." It
15 quite unnecessary to tell you anything
about tttis part of the continent and of
Vanoonver—the greatest Liverpool of the
Wast—by the way, I was in Liverpool, B.
0., the other day. What a °entreat 1
Vancouver le, I think, certain to be the
greatest city in Canada, Its surround.
ing0 guarantee this. It ie the centre of
the mining, fishing and shipping index•
tries and, as well, possesses the finest
]]arbor on the coast. Building is pro.
grassing at a rapid rate, The business
blocks are of a mateive and substantial
character, proving that the investors
have great faith in the future proepeoto
of this great fair city. The residences
are mostly frame but of very modern
arohiteoture and I am told that at gree•
ent there are 700 new places under course
of erection. The farming in the immed.
fate vioinity ot Vancouver does not
amount to much, although garden farm.
ing le carried on to genie extent by the
Chinese population. On my recent holi•
day trip (3 days) I took the train, oleo.
trio, to New Westminster, a distance of
about 14 miles, where I beonme the guest
of R. Stein, known to many of you.
After looking through the big Mill in
be le
employed, d we took
our gang
Indian pony and awned the Fraser river
on the ferry, then olimbing the road up
the aide of the doodads monntaine for a
dietanoe of about 8 mflea. Here we were
suddenly ooafronted by an immense
street of prairie, known as Delta Flats.
This land was 000e aebmorged beneath
the water of the bay but wag dyked ode
by Government contract. The rent of
those lands is very high, but any one who
wag go fortunate as to become Bale pro.
Initiator could not mitts the marls es the
yield ie exceedingly abundant. We
hatted at the teetdence of Mr. Weaver
for whom Neil Livingstone works, and. having dinner, we get together all
the abating instrumento on the place—
the farmers here are very 'sporty. We
OCT. 12 1899
,ST.4ArD4RD :Barns: 011e i t.4J1.4Dr9,
=nx'a.7ax-amxxt a 0.e7m.
OAPI1'AL PAID UP (One Million Dollen) . $1,000,000
RESERVE L'11ND . • $800,000
Agenda, in ail principal points in Ontario, Qualm°, Manitoba, United States td F,nyland,
A General Banking llusinose Transacted. Farmers' Notoo Disoonntod.
Drafts Issued and Collations made on all points,.
.interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards,
Spttcuo ATTENTIon man TO TEM OoLLicOTION Or FAMIEne' SALE Norte,
Every facility afforded Oaatomere living at a dietanoe.
found 4 breech loading guns and 5 wheels
on the farm and went out for a few duoka.
I was wishing some of our Brussels sponte
could gat out here for ()few weeks. There
were dnoko in flocks of from 10 to 50 fly-
ing about as all the time, though it was a
little early in season for the large mallard
duoka to come iuto the sloughs, which run
through the farms., bat nevertheleae we
succeeded in getting 16 ducks, a grave
and 2 rabbits in :about 1} hours, 01
course it ie ooneidered ueeportemenlike
to shoot the dttok whop sitting, you mast
give it a cbabnoe for life but I shot when
sitting and gave it a ohanoe to ily after.
wards. We then "hooked up" our pony
and started for home, reaching the river
just in time to catch the last ferry and
thus saving ourselves a camp out on the
side of the Cascade mountaine for
n night. Since doming out here I have
met a goodly number of ex•reaidente of
Brussels vicinity, among them being
Mise Ball, Alex. Stewart, Wm. MoNeil,
and Mr. King, of Grey ; J. Kendall, Mr,
Persona, of J. D. Ronald's Eugine Work,
We have had a peculiar Summer, it being
very cold and backward. The reason
, given wee that the Japanese current had
got twisted Northward in its ooaree—I
hope it gate another twist Boon. I have
s said nothing about onr Klondike trade
but time will not permit. The train, Im•
perial Limited, will soon be going out and
I am also anxious to read home news in
Tan Por which has just cow reached
me. I am now managing the Branch of
the Nelson Drug Store (Jo., and getting
on very well. There are great oppor-
tunities for steady young men in this
0000507. I remain, yours truly,
Jour; McRae.
P. S.—Give my love to all 5110 giltls and
boyo and remember me to Mrs. K.
Canadian New ,.
Ex•Deteabive MoKee ie dead at Wind•
Robberies of letters are reported ,again
in the Kingston poetofce,
Floods in the Province of Salerno, in
Italy, have drowned 40 persona.
Hamilton ohuroh mud temperance
workers have formed a Citizens' League.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will speak at Kin.
oardioe on the afternoon of Saturday,
Oat. 210.
The aeeesemeot returns make Lan -
don's population 88,902, an Moran of 827
in a year.
Hon. David Mille was banquetted by
the Calgary bar, and spoke on the parka.
cautery eyetetn,
Philip McPhail, a farm laborer, shot
Mise Doyle, his employer's daughter,
near Wardeville, and then went home
and ehot himself fatally. The young
lady may reoover.
PEEDLEo.—In Elmo, on Oot. 3rd, the
wife of Mr, John Peebles, of e, son.
MoNTGomsax.—In Atwood, on Sept. 27t11,
the wife of Mr. Joseph Montgomery,
of a daughter,
MmTOU—ANnteoN.--Ou October 4th, Mr
13. Match, of Wroxeter, to Mies M
Andieon, of Gorrie.
Went—HALLIDAx,--In Detroit, on Sept
80, Mr. W. 0. Wise, of Chioago, to
Mies Marguerite Halliday, formerly
of Wingham.
DAYEY—GANNETT.—At the residence Of
the bride'e father (B line), on Oot.
41h, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Fred.
Davey, of Listowel, to Miss Elizabeth
Gannett, of Turoberry,
PREew1LL—WIOUT.—At the residence of
Mr. Gavin Davidson, Tarnberry, on
Ootober, 4th, by Rev, D. Perrie, Mr.
Geo. Fretwell, of Wingbam, to Mise
Elizaboth Wight of Tarnberry.
MoDolum—Doteovn5.—In Toronto, on
Sept, 25511, by Rev. Z. F. Ookley, Mr.
Joe. E. MoDonogh, formerly of
Wingham, to Mise Maud Donovan,
of Toronto.
Tn1DAs, Ooe. 18.—Farm stook, imple•
manta, &o., Lot 24, Con. 8, Morrie,
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Thos,
Bone, Proprietor, P. S. Scott, Anotioneer.
Tonenae, Oar. 17.—Farm etuok, Lot 9,
Con, 8, Grey. Sale at 1 c'olook. Jae,
Jackson, Prop,, F. S. Soott, Ano,
TuEoDAY, OCT. 17th.—Farm etooly at
Jot 9, Con. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1
o'clock. Thos. Strachan, proprietor ; F.
S. Soots, anationeer,
WEDNESDAY, Oar. 18.—Farm, farm
stook, implemonte, &c„ W } lot 18, con.
6, Grey. Sale, at 3. o'oloolr. Margaret
Lemont, adminiotratrix, F. S. Scott,
33xe O 0S2:7T,M :A61..zeT m2TVO.
Fall Wheat............
Butter, tube and rolls
per dozen
.,6s .,.
Flourr 7
a ......
Potatoehairs s (per bus)
Apples (per bbl)
Slay per ton ••,
Hides trimmed
E'ides rough
Salt per bbl,, retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb eking each
Hoge, Live
CO 65
82 35
58 59
24 25
4 00 4 50
26 26
(25 2 00
600 500
5 fs0
100 70
80 65
4 no 4 00
8 13
Talent,' MUSD Jersey yCy�ow, witb,FegiStor.
odll9l(. tTii0S,N10WSOM17 ,enols,
darn, Lib nal 1tvogos t ioupab]o'po aooat Lou.
ply at Tam IuoW, J3ruesolo.
several ram ruche—Leicester—tor sale,
F ram regletored s0•e. Al] good stook,
JAS. SPEAR, Lot s0, Don, 0, Morris,
Brussels P. 0. 14 (if
for Melville Ohnreh, Brussels. Ova
competent to iustruet bha choir preferred.
Applications, stating salaryy, reoeived 01111st
Nov ,REV. JOHN ROSS, Brassele.
• T1oottm for Oho °minty, Exper•
fence of 090,14 years, and knowledge of wbo
to sell to. Will guarantee satisfaction, If
you want to sell or buy a farm call 01.1 me.
Money to loan at 45 per cent.
for sale
LING, Store
rtyy is Stable good cepa rand
the best eountiy stand in Oho county of
Huron, No opposition. Posted:Me i0 con.
ne0tiou. Easy terata. Apply to 308EPH
WHEATLEY, Lot 2, Con. Hullott, or Har -
lock P, O. 14.4
tJ undersigned has for sale 1 registered
Sbeawling Ilam nud 7 Item Lambs, Shrop-
ebh•° breed. The lambs wore gob by a eon of
hord Balaton," let prise winner at the
World's Fair. Alen a number of Bronze
Turkeys and Toulouse Goeso,
1002 290.8001TH, Lot 8, Con. 8, Grey,
Leicester Sheep for Sala.
The undersigned has for sale 4 registered
Leicester rams and 10 owns, l imported, All
will be sold at a bargain Se proprietor is go-
ing out of sheep bueinees. Apply to
Harlock P.O. J Lot o, Oon. 8, HHu1letb,
of the undersined, Lot 34, Con. 14,
Gr()nib, The on or abeut owneSept,ietretquestedwto rind
property, pay expenses and take them away,
Venereal' P. 0.
6To0x,-1111., F, 8. SCOTT, Auctioneer,
has been instructed by the undexetgued to
Boll bV nubile auction at Lot 5, Oen- 3. Grey,
on TUESDAY, OCT, 171'3.0,1880, Commencing
e 1 o'olook sharp, the following valuable
property. viz, ;--1 Moro in foal ; 1 Horse, 8
years old • 1 span of youug horses ;
8 Farrow Cowo ; 7 Cows, supposed to be
in calf • 13-year•old Heifer with calf ; 1 0.
yearold Heifer ; 8 2-yoar.old Heifers ; 11
year-old Honore ; 8 e•year-old Btsers ; 12 2-
7000.0ld Steers t 7 Year-old Steers ; 10
Caivee' 7 P4wes; 1 Brood Sow; 11 Store
Pigs. Scale witboub reserve as proprietor is
oyorstookoti, Terms,—All Bums of $5,00 and
under cash ; over that amount 12 Months
credit will be 01900 on furnishing Approved
Joint Notoe,
Auctioneer Proprietor,
Notice to Creditors.
TIL the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron.
Pursuant to the Statute in that behalf all
McDonald late of trio the
G2005h clay of August au,1800,1 are who on to send
or deliver to James McDonald, Township of
Grey, Walton P.0„one of the Executors, on
or before the 5th day Of November, 1890,a
etatemeut of their claims, duly verified, and
distribute mentioned
assets of Ee esgtate
among11such clews entitled hiohh having
have been received, and the 1ilxeoutois will
not boilable tor the assets of the eebateor
any part thereof to any person of whose
claim notice shall not then have been re,
JAB, MoDONALD 1Executors.
A. HUNTER, Agpent for Exocu tors.
D ated of Brussels, Aug. Oh, 1890.
Notice to Creditors.
Pursuant bo B. S. 0„ Chap, 120, all portions
having olaims againstthe estate of James
Menzies, We of the Township of Grey Lithe
at the Huron,
Townshipn00 or �labout the
Tenth day of January, 1808, Intestate, aro
notified to gond Or dellyer to AA:touter,
Broesels P. 0. agent for the Admiuistratrix,
cm or before the 27th day of 0otobor, 1898, a
atatomenb of their claims, and after the last
mentioned date the Administrabtdx will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of Otto estate
among those entitled thereto having regard
only to snob claims of which noticeshall
have then been received. And the Adminis-
tratrix wilt net be liable for the ()meets of
the estate, or any part thereof, to any parsed
of whose claim notice shall nob then baye
been roaoived. A, HUNTER, Agent for the
Adminfetratrlx,Julia lhfonem/. 112
Dated Brtteeolo, 001.12,1800,
North hall of Lot 18, 000.2, Morris, dll•
ply to ADAM 1030ID, Wingham, or to B. W.
BRUCE, 140 Borden etroeb, Toronto,
tlersign0d;o&er's hie farm, Wooh Half
Lot No,1o, Con. 4, Grey, °outaioing 50 auras,
more or less. For par(ioularo as to prior,
and terms
a !
ppy 00
Brussels P, 0. on the promisee,
on lkifil Wont, Entenole. The hopes
i0 a oomtorbablo one, wolf fibbed no, with
collar, hard and soft water, do. 'There 10
alae a good atabio, Fruit trees In garden :
Over O110•00artea acre of laud, Sl'o't seine,
terms &o., apply to D. PINE, Proprietor,
or W, H, HERB of Tug Poor, 113.55
Lot 7
Com te Ib Gro7, acme ing ed.
aoroa. There ate about 75 norms domed.
benne°buds. Fri/Mahouts),largo barn with
0tono stabling, orchard, gooteasel, deo. All
seeded toems. 81 ranee from Emulates, a
good relcet town. Desirable fetor for
either stone or grain, Poasos0ion at any
time. Poe further partioulare apple to or
writotn SILP1430N LAD613, Prop,
We guarantee to
be Absolutely
Pure and
Strictly 011e Price,
25c. per pound
Pot's Drub' Store.
The undersigned offers his farm, be-
ing E 1 Lot 7, Con, 17, Grey, oontainnlg 60
twee, nacres being good hardwood bush, for
sale- Thera is a now frame house 18x2$, new
both, 80050, orobard &o. Possession would
be given at any time, with this season's crop
if desired. Farm Is two miles from Village
of Walton, For further particulars as to
price, tome,,vo, apply on the promisee or
to TILOS, JOHNSTON, Walton P. 0,
sale on eaey terms, being Lot 21, Con,
10. Township of Gray, Huron Co, 00 dorsa
()leered and In fit'st•clase abate of cultivation
and balance in hard -wood bush. A first.
class barn with straw shed attached, also a
frame barn, and all necessary out buildings.
stream 0! Opring watercrossingJfarm. end a
session given at Dame. Icor further portion -
late apply to W10, OAILERON, Oranbrook,
or JNO, B, HYDE, lithe] P. 0., Out„ Exam.
tore of ltobt. MOLaohlaa estate,
ING Lot 29, N 1 Con. O. Morris towtloltIP,
containing 08 acres of eras -class land. Thera
is a 1100se, barn, orchard and good wave -
holm, and farm is well feuded. There are
85 sores in Fall wheat ; 15 nares lo hay and
45 acres pasture. Poseession could bo given
at once, Farm adjoins the village of ]true.
gals. For further particulars as to pries,
terms, ,4o., write to JAME6 LIVINGSTON,
M, P., linden. 22.05
no undersigned otter two 100 ante
farms for sale at reasonable prices, Olio ]obs
aro Nos. 10 and 11, Con. ° (Sunshine), the
sideroad between them. Good brink hopes
lot 10 barn on
ul d alt n010senry boalven
ieuoes. Well watered and suitable for grate
or grazing. 100 acres 0010 in grass. Will be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chas9r. Terme of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate name eon, For furtber partioulare
apply to JOSEPH CLNGG, Breseole P. 0., or
31. I,. DIOXIN ON, Barrister, WMecham, 111
Yoe will find abundant evidence of our
superiority over other Oauadinn eohoole,
Students admitted at any time. Write
for oatalogue,
iv. Jr, t:Laeo'rT, 1'riuclpnl.
Pain in. the Eyes
At night or
when doing
'tiny &ne work
is a ears indi•
cation that
Glasses should
be worn. But
then only pro-
perly lilted
ones. Having
been very eerie
°cesfe!in these
00099 we guar.
antes perfect
For all differ.
ant onees of
eyesight that can be corrected by proper.
ly fitted Gleans call and consult.
aiL °'U iK Al TEM
OCTOBER /9, 1899.
'ricitels valid going October 18th .tt Fila',
Valid for return leaving destination on or
before °ember 213rd, between ell stations in
itaotoinf Detroit
uRmo,FrOvgton Ito Moanpg
inclusive, and Ito stations on Central Ver.
moot in Vermont up to and including Bur-
lington, also to 01110 not from Buffalo BMWsoo
Bak, Mame Palls endSueponoioa ,f3ridge.
Putt iuformatlou from all agontg et, T. It,
1£ T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels.
Turkeys Geese,
Two oar loads of Turkeys, Geese,
Chiokone and Dhaka wanted for Thanks•
giving. g. They mast be orate dry picked
and undrawn, and delivered 0°t, 16th or
17th. Why eon your Turkey; oliva when
lyoatuercan, et cue -third more for them now 7
Why sell two and give one away it
now and avoid a gluted find lots' mKarket