HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-12, Page 7k)OT, .12, 1%)11,
— _____ ._ __-
F,t JGU'Y WARS ,�,� svlll not dry Jit atrealut. When poor a� ngg cutuap,nsandrotwu 9'0.1. IJhIIAL AFTI:II`.LIlOUGIIT, THE P1200F OF A TEA IR IN THB DRIUIUNO.
.••�• 8U to u,, wlti, roto. of -r Ta PIIDYR THE HIOLt QUALITY OF
_ Wood has been round, a tensor quantity {71 your apanvt a u r -mce pfficiul, wildly, -1 want to saes rhesIn N
of lye is Sometimes needful before a midc_fll -,axth� wAt.b
'Plant 111vr Hell Th"lr R144' hyena the ironD Y l LL ro f, rep to loam[-& 1e 1r An owner of that. burned building in witch
proper erersulC is obtained. Alo map ,add•ri.ted d„rt &prood fort peO,le ,eilaher]. yesterday,
1, fDlup, i'n luH•a,he Home � —.-- i carp ba„ ora y qnp11114 PL e Y 1 1 E
Great warn, l:rrgunnl w'ilh blood-vtl',a!
nito.'rind.4µaotTlJBwelEtld Servant^Ifs is nut in.
A73plJ'I` PIES. # ' atrm,nna-u aatmovmnpoi• Where is ha?
Jody'- or nti a Nl cl in a a
htsl and till tile. horrors aeorulng N`ew Pni;land Pumpkin Pier-ThTeD o_uwnlpt,.ce, 090 1, t.l. II(OR gone ill inquire tilts price of. fire ”
nrnruure GI n ire cu watoEi.
COOK, t. na a PA nm win• n,r escapes• Leaf) acka es, Cf YLOR TEA TRY IT, r 0 & 800,
t.hpreto, Jlnvu very often bncn the out- A 130iLZN' eggs, th1•en-fuurtha app Of sugar, Puur ocelot[ uurpo,e., hon �_,�„_•,_.,_ packages, 2„ 30, 40, 5
come of trifling incideuls, whiehmight p raw monGlls ago there was a now larges tablespoonfuls of Pumpkin, ar %? f e'lliv'inreup1ii',iu si°iw°vo"ia
r aro neat have i a into our not ;hsoihoad, squash, that has bean put through a .�/ non r-rm-rr umn no a -k, The office boy Only l.11ree, more ,, a wl.-n medaendh Wu. wl a u- nom° fir aur
htul kllcy bolo LrOa.tal t L y, family nzlvad g stove. and u ,int of rich milk, s0usuned Q- p sh-..p11I ogo,t a.e5 s � �� n- .t-r,r Apo- ana,t� wit 1, yon tion' R,iti
n i hear I v rosounchan in I pit -xgop- din p-nod}}Ftp ;days brfuro Icy vucuCionl The fix- § ryr.q withOat6ELytlxpr-Y-,onto,[ n wNnanon, c.
Claim rmtuup.hed over nn l Lll sit ug nod the loon Eo ks t e g g with halt and one teaspoonful of gin- < .. s-ur., �lyrry 1oietch (u„ ILure-lou 0uirht nut, lu wish away �f tt , ;t n uminpitaew-c4`ojne ohtita b a,ulrclYcilry-pltj (aojorYx7,pylia
averted. work with the neighbors as Che others ger find cinnamon. The pumpkin or flex z, lulnuw, tau, i your Lifne. '1'130 (Alice l,oy-I ain't. „r,; . sr .'' aL z ,`��. > e.pr-pop
A, Ore often was this flip onan in car- (lid, writes Mary L. 1Simmorly. Every Hquash will be better if it is bakeCt , , o ,,� .,d. til. m only wishing away the boss! limo # 1. a "A4�I y I'll, r`
liar Llmlln thafll It la naw, RVpl'y0110 Iran who bad eaten tit Me, B's table Instead Of boiled. SO that my Limen na I,Tagiri, � (•+•tt"� 3P r .,,,,4 017 ,[ ; y }2.PP rk�dy m
knows that \1'klllula the Conqueror, loaf DlfnaH Pia-Tbo mines Ilio is often HE WAS A lIff MAN DIONKE - 6 and nr-,
1 was laud ]n Lhapraise of blas, Il'a i s f? bow ext -.-i
lits life in flrltnea thlpu h itis horse fearfully and wonderfully made, and � bargola at the price, Huy db.ct tram un a.
g cooking, saying everything was the A ON PAOR Johnston & INerarlano, Oar
treading on u red -bot cinder while ha best they ever ate. This very natur- l.lvo "story mince p[s'" we tong to for- REMAItI{ABLE CASE AT THE TO- U U �l
TO -
was superintending Llie burning of Ally made every lady in the neighbor- gest-but plan made Paolo the Follow- RONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL, it will. always do to change for the
Mantes, but few people know Lha facL l hood who had the least' pride do culla- Ing recoipt are Hwre to be good: T:lko - ---
six pounds of beef hearts or a cheap -' One Of a Thousand Sueh Como t0 better.-T13omsun.
which gave rise to the campaign and trey matters look to her laurels. One 1 Tale or at wnndarfng .10w—Nts'leken ITIM '-
cost William hie life. During the tat- lady ventured so far as to ask Mrs. B. cook piece, or, uye halt beef and half sclerodeavus unit 'IT'na 1.11,6 it Suttue Light in the Qtieen City, MONTREAL HOTEL PIREOTORY.
tar paa•t of his reign he bectnrne ab- for her recips Por making a certain pork; boil gently In water to cover Iny Blore 171au T•wo Yenta,. •
the d been the talk of the until vnry teudor, sklmmiug from line Amon the dents now ill the 9`a bill. •101111 toot., Cf Pi-naecss st., Toronto, The i1 Salmoral," !Free hull: Am. PPlan.
normally stout and consequently lake which ba L � pa _ .
+ I O time and adding 0. LICCle more Cored oC 1rtUni,nts6 and DslnheteA-An
laugpling stock, not only of. kis sub -i community. To this request she tie t g In 't Door peculiar diseaselospi tat, Is past vYitven Hotel Calrelake, f;o ,siN',�n, n �oin
when necessary, also turning 1 1, l A,lerCslnlg B.Ci t.r-1I1,;4 1'rn15e liar
jeeLa, but his neighbor's across the plied; "I eannoL possibly _ tell you, ,b DOdd'A Kidney Pills. G:r.lt.,itution,M6 .yea:. Oee.Cuel kobLu.,lrop-.
coil for I never measure a thin I aat occasionally, 'Pbe next dny when cold him a somewhat wide newspaper r.ele-I
water, One du his a t 1 Y, g• d brit and who, contrary to all expea-I Toronto, Oct. 2.-TIlls cit iv one of VENUE liOUGE^•hi7oil cua,•o Aremte
y y, y 9 A Fm-ily Rotel rateo $1.50
Philip of. France, compared him Lo a put the ingredients together and Ilia chop iL very fine, then shop LhreO ! tatiuns, is gradually regaining hds for- the finest in f'arinda and nmong the pe', ay.
o f• on 00.sLOrs and su oat -I result is generally oil right." 1'hia P„undH of beef soot, removing all the I liter SLltte of health. healthiest on the continent of Amer -fillet f cal gg I g 8T. JAMES' �90TEL••�,u bio- fl froma"r
skills and stringe, very fine, also Chop Between two and three years ago the lea, but, like everywhere, else, It has
ed that he should h0 exbibitod lit a, the lady believed to be only a way nallwny, airpuohwe a"mmemint lrouao. Modern im
a6 final. its possible about ton Pounds I Now York -newspapers and medical its victhnra Of kid awy disease, Never- proyeme.a.-ltutesmmlerato.
prize monarch show. This so enraged' she hurl Of refusing to give others bar Y I 1 ,journals devoLed columns of space to tbPInss, it is safe to rmy. however, Ihut r_
William that lie Straightway mads, recipes. Of good Saar cocking apples, peeled the description of a strange disease, those comes are sovetity'-five per cent.
� war on his ridiculer, and the loss at One da I met Biro. B. at the !home and cored of course before they are with which a Polish Jew, named Win. less common now than ten years ago, They that know no evil will suapeoL
y 1 IIOne, Ben JOIIHOII,
thousands of Rlrea wits the.reSult. of another neighbor, where we had chopped, four boiling water an four Davis, was affected. At th, time Dav-' and but few of those that do exist are
The greatest of modern wars --the both one to assist about the work as pounds of raisins and then seed Lhem I is was an inmate of the rheumatism' anything like no severe as formerly. 64a P. C. 992
g I g ward of a New \'ark ]nospitul, but in This is duo wholly and solely to the
lance Gorman -was the'ou$c0mo of a hero was slakcess in the family. a,nd add to the other materials, Atter DOaembHr last 'he camC to the Toronto,!POpn1711' use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. �q ¢
I 111�lsVf�
vary insignificant affair, A :Prince of 11'hen Airs. B. asked loin[ she could they have been all chopi,ecl separately t General hospital, where 13o vow is. IIe; Dadd•s Kidney Pills have been found
the German IICuao of Hohenzollern was do for 'them the mother said jibe and then all chopped together, add I Jilts been examined, by many of Cho to be, the only medicine thn(. will cure carbolic Disinfectants. soaps, oint•
four pounds of, Well tstshed currents medical experts of the Dominion, all of Bright's Dinease, the only mire for mens, Tooth Powders, oto., have been
extremely anxious to wed a young would like some baking done for a whom pronounce This case the most' pe- Diabetes, the only radical cure for &wilyded a0u-modald and diplomas for duporior
Princess, belonging Lo Ilia Spanish) lunch for tbosB who would sit up at and one of citron kC you choose, two 0uliar the have ever seen. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, etc, e:rellenoe. Their regular Ilse preventinteeti.
u g g Y one diseases. Ask your dealer to abtatn a
royal family but Plauau, Winking riot night, This Mrs. B. said she would do, ouncse of cinnamon, pulverized cassia DUE TO EXPOSURE. and equally efficacious for Heaat Die- supply, Lixts mallddfree on upplieation.
marriage would make Gormany oven and T went to prepare the vegetables buds if you can get. thilm, ono of cloves, ease, Dropsy, Paralysis, 'sadder and
Davis, who is a peddler, was owns to F. C. C4iLVERT & CO.,
more powerful than she was already, for dinner, and in the metal) Lima I ad' one of gingor, four );rated nutmegs, endure all kinds of hardships to the Urinary Troublca, d any of Weakness, o,
as Blood I]ism•drrn and any other fnrm� of MANCHESTER, - ENGLAND,
raised an objection. With till deference my oyes open. The first. thing Mra. the grated yellow rind and the juice way of exposure to this weather while Kidnpy Disease. --
o he wisdom o£ the, ]'ranch nation B. did was to go at the stove, She of two lemons, a teaspoonful of salt in the pursuit of his calling and about Conoern:ng their virlup for Lum- "
t C I and two pounds of sugar. Now place sawn years ago he £011 a tightness bago and Diabetes, Mr. John Blow, 07 ';.r„
Germany withdrew the Claim, and the' cleaned it thoroughly of ashes from in a large porcelain kettle, or better across his chest When he breathed. The
1 Princess jia gra T Sufferer
says: -"I _a{, i uy
Princes was Cold that he would have Lop to bottom, than built a good fire still, a granite iron dib pan, one quart ; Lips of his fingers were also constant- bnv0 been a [;rent sufferer with Ddu- �N' QJ' 4 0 d
to look elsewhere fur a mate. France, � and closed the oven duurs. wban all of boiled cider, or older vduagar if you ; ly cold. His fingers then became stiff halos and Lumbago for years. Every
haven't the boiled cider, one quart of I and the skin fitted them so closely that remedy I could haler of wase given a InstmoYnents, Drions, Ungfornas, etc.
however, was met prepared to lot the of the materials for the bilking were canned currents, or grape or cherry they looked as though carved from fair trial in bopea it would, help m('. Every town can have a b .
matter rasp there, but atoted that brought to the table she began as fol- juice or any other kind of fruit juice ,�marhlo. In tims'his entire body, with But unit(L I began to use'D) uld's I�id-
nothing short of Laws: She scooped some sugar Into a that On Duly l7Appe+n to have, One the exception of the abdomen, his arms, Y LoiInte once --ver gnoWd. Fine catalogue 500 RIu-•
y i L 110 Pills my hopes Were all in vain, trntious ina,icd,'m., writ. us far un,•LJ,ing iu
cart of molasses, and all the water legs, head .'and neck, were in the same ldusio or btu -tool Inattumr-L8.
A WRITTEN OATH largo bowl, than broke in the whites q and my facture night and da.y unhear- WHALEY ROYCE & Go., - Toronto, Can.
of three eggs, cu Lu good slice of but- that the intsat was boiled in. Boil'state as his fingers, and his skin be- able. No one could imagine the sur- _______..
from Germany that the claim should. gently unl.il the apples are cooked, came blacker that of the darkest forings I endkued; night: and day any , COLD ouRr loc. Caren In allay. P. ble,
ter from n roll, poured in some milk adding anon) sugar if necessary, and negro, In this condition he Went i.nLo ins kept me in miser !t seemed CarterIS
uot'nr again- be raised would suffice. pa p Y• Cormack s Co., Agntta, MontrrN.
Naturally enough, thu Germans rates- ; out of a pitcher, dipped some baking a 1tLLle more Sanaoning if you ohaose, one of the New York hospitals, and as if there 'teas neither relief nor
This may be pecked in,rucks and cov- was mored from one to the ocher, un tl cure. Garment who wtot, to fmld,06 amt 11. up
ed Lo account for their future doings powder out. of Cho can with a knife, ta•d:tt.me&Cb.a"riteus.
orad when cold with moiassea; cover it was discovered that 700 was avtclim •'\Mian I began acing Docld's Kid- �1-03hG1.r,,,,. � C, W. BUNT &CU.,Toronto.
to livenaa, no war was declared, andl poured in some vanilla, sifted in well and keep frozen if possible. It of what is known as scleroderma, in the I ney Pills I hlid lost fitith in all medi-
over 5100,Ou0,o0Uo of money wasted, tui flour. Than she begun beating or will keep all winter and •you can make diffuse form. cines. But from the first. one of these
soy nothing of nearly l iU,000 lives and stirring all these together briskly un- your pies al. leisure, with two crusta The disease is re¢lIy Lhe result of rho Indian Catarrh Cure.
stroked un homes al proportion. . Heaven-sent Dodd's Kidney Pills, I Catarrh,
Il I Lal it Was a smooth mass; then butter- i of course. I'he pies will keap for skin of the victim shrinking and hard- ,� �!. Sold barallreliahlu Druggieta,
Every one knows of Lila Koh -J -Noon, eid it tin and put in the batter, She weeks after bakingif kept fnD%en and experienced relief. mole succeeding _ _ ___
� L ening', until it becomes too small for Base hastened my complete CDTa.-Newtmportattone8nott
said IC be the largest and most veto -I tried Line heat of the coon by holding should be warmed slightly in the oven his frame, and fits so closely that ill "I 11nva used to all five boxes and Sausage CasingsNo"
Sh"Poeut Am•
able diamund in the world, but Cowl her band in It a short time, thon lidd- before serving. Of Course the fruit cannot be picked up. The fingers be or
juices may be dispensed with, at, you g nm thoroughly cured -a strong, heal- ertonn Hog Oapings-r,il3-b:e gg-mk at rlyyht, T.,I.
.are aware that over u. quarter Of omit- ed amOLh07• stick of wood to (he, fire, PAttK, BLAOR t% ML CI Tm•onW.
1 re Lives haat been ' IVua fol' elle sake) thea o r s Dake to the oven, ifi 20 J y come prolonged and the wrists twist thy, hearty, vigoronv man, whereas be-
g may use the ayruli of sweet: piakecl in- out of shape. The hands assume the for; I starter) to use your Dodd's Kid -
of Lha stone. The history of this jew- minutes she opened the oven, tried the stead• shape of the claws of an ape, and this HO DES MCINE$ INCUBATOR -Beet and eheapost
of reads like a romance, and the blood- Dake with n bream straw, removed it Hey PI -11s: 'f ons a const ani And miner- T o. Rouand, auto agent for the Dominion. Baud 3ot.
shad d Like
to appalling to the
from the oven, turned it out of the Custard Pie -This is an excellent re- led to the newspapers christening Dar able sufferer. I cannot find words to stamp for octal no. 373 St. PaulStmot,Montreal.
plate. At one period in its career it tin and put it to 0001 on the r¢ottom cipe, for custard pie, and if one has vis " Cha human monkey." express my entire Confidence in Dodd's
fell lento the hands of an Indian Prince, of tiro Cin in which it was Uaked. plenty of eggs and milk, this delicious A 1ZARE DISEASE. Kidney Pills." C sage, Rate and Mice. Sold I all -,•
who had 'anything but a peaceful Then she made doughnuts in iso I dish nilly ba of Len indu]ged in: Heat According to medical authorities but , --e-- DrnRglste,0reslQuaenW_Toronto. -�
in the head of all adjoining same offhand way. The only thing she I r i milk in our rice boil- 508 cases of this disease were known UP � Cynthia - What position do you „ vE BRAND" ao intoe
neighbor J a qua t Of rich y
state. This pugnaciou's monarch at, seemed at all particular about was the or, beat six or seven eggs well, add to 1895, and of these only 32 were from hold in the engine works, Nfr..'Xricity? dl z -a eev nbAr,lene SlagunruneedWater,
once mada sway upon+the owner of the fire, and the heat of the lard in -which i five large tablespoonfuls of sugar, North America. Of the total number, Alex Trioity-I just do odd jobs -sew- proof, Ask Lra,takenu other, Ben -
diamond, and for five years an inaes- the cakes were, to be fried. Then she flavor with nutmeg or a small tea- only 60 affected the whole body as in Ing on electric buttons and water the I.,RubherDlothing Go, Montreal,
sant campaign was kept up. Ullfor- made pie -crust. She sifted some flour Spoonful of vanilla, and While hot pour the case of Davis. I steam plant, upe-mnr*a--a
tunately, the aggressor at length got into a pan, scooped some lard into it I into your crust and bake slowly, Do 'o The disease is said to us chronic, last- _ ta9 � mereros whob-velolled
his own way, for the stone Wets, wrest- poured to a little water, added a pinch not forget to add a little salt, ing in some instances for years. Au- i,8a W®® 8 ,h.r., ea e W
ad away from the Prince and the War of salt and In less time than 1 ,can Giyne naw uta t. the bar-• write al
The victor, However, did not write about it, it tuns ready for the Pie Crust -Ono and one-half cups of Charities say that recovery may occurLU p ( Hair. Itmake. it rum Ue drnott, Berlin whowilloonvWenyon hear -aura you
ceased. Th or tho.disease m'ay be arrested, but it'• alb a0dreator--th-oa�or.
live Long to en joy Iiia i11 -gotten wealth, tins. IAfter three pies were mode flour and a generous one-third cup of is not usually regarded as a curable Sold by all druggists. Sec. a bottle. hooka Roeerles, Oru
for soon uttorwaTda, hes tuna foully mor- there was a little crust left, so she 1"d will make the crust for one pie. disease. It is therefore somewhat of s Catholic prayer m"..., soapulare,
a 'bot 1fteligioue Pietnm, SLct-cry, and Churcb orumuente,
scooped a Ii LLIe sugar into bowl, r ris a Din to the treat works. & J.
SA.rdem receive, in and the itch -i -Noor eventually bAddald g pt and one-half ma to teaspoonful t. surprise Chat g I Edua-tion ntreaL
fell into. the hands of the Singh[ Pam- sifted in a little flour, added the yolks baking powder to make the crust light. went Which he is Davis,� undergoing at the Mrs. Chippendale - BuC, Jamal, you tion. D. & J. BADLIER & 00,. too
fly, who subsequently presented it to Of the eggs she had used for the cake, If a strictly hygienic crust Is desir- Toronto General hospital, is rapidly im- have already been out two nights this _
the Queen of England. poured in some milk, beat it a mo- ed, discard lard and water and use proving.Only bls ,hands, forehead and weekl Mr. Chipppendal i - Yes, I know; ORONTO cutting School offers speoi-1 mheli tagee
Likewise a golden mouse once set ment, and added a little [nutmeg, and Sweet cream instead. eet are now effected, and his skin is but I'm going to see if I oan't win V. nit dairntq of ncgittring a thorough knowledge of
two kingdoms int strife. ',Phis strange a custard pie was made. .Chars was no longer dark, It ie believed that some of it back t0 -night! nutclna and Fitting Geutlemon'a Garment.. write for
article could be purchased for v5'6c0, but not as much flour left on the board — o pm%uoutam,
_ with a cantiuuation 0f the troatmant I tta vonge ski Toronto.
the Greeks evidently sot a greater as would dust over one hand, nothing 1-i T u , he, will, in the, course o0 afew months,i POR OVER FIrTV YEARS
I value Upon it, for when the Turks laid but the egg Shells left to allow the AFTER M ' 'OTS Or FEVER become entirely free from the disease.; MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTFITNG SYRUP has been
a elnkm La it as having, t some for amount of baking which had been The Dawsoq Commission Co., Linlited,
b 0. Should this prove true his cure will' the
for schildrenteothi6g. so
mer Period belonged to the Ottoman done, and when I came CO out oP,those -� the -hue, -the he the some, r dear ppolo, core- wiod Dor.West-Market&Oelborno Sb, Toronto
be no lass remarkable than his disease collo, and is the 6esh comedy for alarrh"a 25-. a hot, OAn gat you boot pe for your Apples, it t 2 'Eggs,
Eanpirs, the holders refused to iY0 iL' goodies, I said with the rest, they are Mrs. Angle, of Merrittma, SDlrered so i No, Soldbyy 11 dn,ggi-ts thronghout the world. Be Pout try andhenother Prices duoe,iryouchap ltttehem.
g is peculiar. puremadw for" Kra. Window's soothing Bymy.
up, preferring rather to go to war, as perfect as can be made -no matter Severely That leer Friends (Feared t3h0
which they did. Allbough many thou- how much weighing and measuring was I.Iti lT 1.0 be aPermanent Invalid. - -- M1Be, R7111s A Wales,
semis they
lives iAlt spent by ethen- any cook may flu, the result cannot be CALLA LILY CREAM And is Rockford so much of an ora -LAW Barriatorg,ete., removed
d' aide in trying Co acquire its possession,_ any bettor. 1 held paid clave attention Iu Cine picturesque, vilhige of 1VIerrit- to 4Vealo old a Rich•
Y Lo till hoe work, but With 011 S had ton resides Mrs. William All 10, WhO, Picture, a youthful emit doxion. Bend 26Conte for trial ,Cor? Man, 110 could describe a Board- mond 9t, W.,''Toronto.
noilher nation can lay claim Co having ing-house dried beef supper in such
come out victor, for t Lai an sod- tried I could not toll how much she aftex Incintha. of suffering, sus foundu naae'se v✓.ti,iinoUa T.t494Gneon96 N,Toeontan '
daily disappeared, nor was it ever had used of anything except the eggs. cure from the end of Dr, Williams' language that your mouth would wit-
a ����� 30aay® E1to-m36a,.
heard di again -whether it was stop- Now I have come to the conclusion Pink Pills. Mrs, Angle relates as fol- .O`ter with, desire. LEAD, COPPER, BRASS.
an, or ].est again
-wa t mystery to this that the must important things nbuuL lows Cho experience through which By Lha collapse of a new building at � Wholosed.only. Lang Distance TeloPhonel7'20.
Cl making is flue ELTO, and, to get sire has passed. "Your years ago this Cologne, ten lives were lost. ' L3 TOSoana, 11110. Na0U9.ORX ltd ntG®t WILLIAM ST., TORONTO.
dap: _ the cake made and in the Oven -in His spring, [unite a resident Of Buffalo I �_ _ --11 MA
® least time possible. had an attack of typhoid fever and When Adcun was a Dolt, j Mae --Both George and Harry are : ? r ®7 g
CHAINING DOGS. the disease left me in a worn out and Ivory attentive to Bess, I wonder moi. a Wt. Q. ' I
I30\V TO 1liAIZiB HARD WATER SOA T 'extremely ne,rvoes condition, so that - This was years ago, fox Adam has svlticli of the two she will AacaptP Etllep s' , . 1 . o
Reasons whd T11e,Y 5hodlft be AItOn�et1 Put a. weigh -Boiler three-quart'
ore full the least noise startled me, I could not been dead Hotta a whLlge� athOtlghl lt0 be '-If I knew which would Propose
n1nr6 Preed,nea - steep at tunes foil a Weela on account euro he ]las I'It a 'pro eny;'that keeps p' p Plast '
of clear well -water over a brisk fire of terrible attacks of heart trouble• up o' be y watt the family charaoteris- Q could tap) you,
Chaining dogs and keeping them to heat, Take three quarts of wood 7:'hren again tiny bead woulfl trouble mo ala There are wise mien' to-cta.y who' ��fti Solid Gold,,,,$2.85
confined. is extremely cruel at any sea- ashes Bad put: them in an iron kettle, and I hint ball dreams. I had no l delve into Chre misty 'past And tell us �I� � 1 Et'im.0F ���"� cP ` zsq; Bost Gold Eit1 1,50
son of UltO year. Dugs hood plenty of and after covering them With water- appetite and lost twenty-two pounda all sorts of things, but they ,are silent Tn,•OOD,eenndatre1uthens, �. 5 yrsGold.Fill 1,00
exorcise, and Chose who cannot allow Ln weight and had become so very thin On those events that would maks LLOYD WOOD,
Toronto, GhNERAL AGENT. i TlfM 13
hot is best-s-ir. Remove a griddle on tbaL my friends were alarmed. While Adam interesting to the modern man. --- �*� Bosb Glasses.,. 100
their dogs ,comparative freedom should Ilya sally of the stove and sot the )rat- in this condition I was treated by two What did Adam do When he ran a all- Airs. Flynn - Is Alderman Clancy We guarantoe perfect satisfaction.
alslroni of them. Keeping a dog chain- till in and let it boll for not,ltss: than Physicians but With no avail. I tried ver under his finger nail? Had he to a friend of your family? Mrs. Grogan GLOBE OPTICAL G(Dtip
ad makes him cross, stiffens the joints ten minutes. Than remove to a block Ieverylhing reeunlmended but: still take measels and whooping eougli? If, -1-1(3 is not. Befoor election he pro -
and mscles, and sasses stomach and found no reltof. Finally a relat'iveplea- lie hand Corrie did he out: thsan with a mised to git me boy Patay a govern- 43 Yonge Street, Toronto.
oil Ole floor, or some convenient place, goaded mo t0 tr' Dr. Wil.liama" Pink razor or dill ire stretaN forth a hand ment job, and after election he direct -
livers disordom When it is naoeasary to cool, as otheravlse, the lye will not Pills. After I hnfl taken the first box In Cho future and,get a bottle of Put- ed me boy to a recruiting office. GO TO
to chain ,a dog, a wiry on Which a ring settle. Fill with sola water, as full as I ecdild see a change for the salter, so nnkn's painless Corn Extractor? Put- _
has been plaaod should be tightly possible. In about five minutes skim x continued the use• of the pills untilI Ham's is the, best, is aty_e, safe, pain- There is more Catarrh in this creation of the
leas, uvd oats in twenty-four hours. •I e �Fl n4irenIador-11
stretched between and fastened Lo two hull finished six boxes and the resuita country than ull other (useasea pot to;ether, E o
With a Skimmer. When the Water in were most ,gratifying. I now have m tad until the last feu' years was supposed to b. . ,
posts or'trees and the dog chain fag- the Boiler becomes as warm as you can narru al sleep, thele fa no more twitch_ ho Incurable, for a8disoralab ntauy doers orlbdocors pro• .
boner your hand LC be in, and the dye A giant mowing machine. is in use remedies, n local dtsoaso, andlp jig to 0111 local vin' ' ' ' ' ' Y
iI toned thereto; the dug will then he ills in my d I have
the palpitations w have In at fifty
Cal. It lute n strip of rotasdiog,tndltycoostnneediLlingtorne, So
Personal) Conducted Qp �jj (�j�
i able to xual the length of the Wire, the in the kettle has aerated •clear, take and strength.
and I have ole s tv weight wheat fifty Poot in width. once
ties Proven
calarr �oo be a carnbte, Scl• y I TNIVU�j
g a bowl and dip pyo into the "bolter, and streugtll. 1Vly whole system seems . -a+s once sae proven reforrtrto it s emtatitutilon California Excursions Y J
rdng freely sliding its whole length, stirring with u clean stick. Do this toned up, and I feel entirely well. I To 4101RE A o61,n IN ONE DAT tisoase, and MPR Catarrh
requires uirea iftnuf uturtul y
e wire may be p1sood along the fence aatll endill substances that look like feel grateful to the, Dr. Williams' tiv0 Blame Quinine Tablets. All � by lttimolt, Flail's 0V., Th Curs mnnofuc c.nly -.Yin t��9gS®C�� I�AC���C C � and
`it'll Y I 6" g T6lro Laxa by F, J. 0itonoy& 0y., Toledo, bhlo,ds tho,�nly
Simply fastening the two onds,which pieces of wool rive in the water, Let Kedicino Co., and hope; they will keep druggists refqqudthemoney it it fails to cure. Icoestltutioneaours onthe uaarket, Itis tniten IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE.
will allow the ring to slide freely along Cho .boiler remain on the sf:ovo ten up the good World of administering to ',Lye, Ie,. W, 4rovo's signature is on each box.internally In doses from 1e, drops to a teaspoon•
ilio wire, Evon when chained in this minutes longer, or until a thick scum the afflicted:'- ( fill. It cots divenbly on the blco'1 And muoaus THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS.
manner rho dog should hes a1loWvd a has risen on the Water and been re- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure,by go- Bachelors in ilio Grand Duchy er ! 26surfaces tars for any ono 1, f,ilsto cure Sons LOWEST RATES•
good run at least once a Clay for an moved with a saucer two Or three Ing to the foot at the disease, , They MOSSO ars compelled to pay ?,5 pax for airenlars and tlaatilllonIRIA, For cal Information and resorvotion of slooping our
1 hoot Dr over. Animals should always times• ,Then till into earthen jars or renew and hnild up the blood, and cent -morn taxes than married men. Address, F.J. CREINEY& 00., Toledo, 0, bertho, addroo
'eT 8 01,' Ila a d thelT gra til LB pails, ]f OPV have them, Ili- atrOD then the n0TV0s I:haS dTiVltl. — gold by DCI16glgtp. 76c. H. C. TaVINa19ND G.Y. 6e, T.A., al. Lnitlp, bfp,
have fresh wait V y y, n g g )3 all's Famti3y Pttls Aro the boat, (kI, D, Amm�mnosO, T,�.n„7 W. IV rt a6., Dot,oiC, Alioh,
dish should be washed dally. Dogs though others oil do, if done right disease from ilia system. AVPlIl Im- 8{ q DD Payne, of Graabs, alae' �4iseALL IV n.NUN, D. P, d„111Adams•et., Chicngu, Ill.
should be supplied with clean strc.W ly, the water will be so clear that a stations by insisting t.:hiat every? bos pharaoh
�pC' oifoa maaulaatnrer. .
Eine, white sediment Dan be seen at JAg R, ANNaTT, Manager.
$tutee or three times a wank to troop youpurobass iscnclosed in a Wrap_por ,-_ solin -Say) but you please about
Chem In good condition and prevent an- the bottom. beaAn$' the fall trado mark; Dr. Wil- MoSwat - Me son,) Tim, Vass five' gasoline staves, but the one do our JOHN J. MAIN, Supt, and Trans.
noyanae from fleas. Just imagduO your- Whore the water requarIng to be lifuns' Plnk Pills for Palo People. hundred man workin' under him, kitaboo bus plenty of nerve. Penn -In
Solt n the poor dog's position, and 130 Softened is heated as directed above, a what wag? Stubb-Why, it's tile, only The Canaftin
will undoubtedly receive batter treat- ao halo lye is required as to be Ihard- Ma'Puah-PhalJs he doiu'? PutCin' a root thing in our house that dares to slow
men,[. ly perceptible, and, if perfectly skim THE OLD MAN'S OPINION, on a tfnoment house? up the cook. C�
--- -a-- med and given Sufficient: time to vet- Mr. Sorimpa-1 asked your daughter t==-=-•--"'-'•'-"-•' - ” - �-`-- Mine 6 Ay.
1'FIEATED BY ELECTRICITY, tle after being remavecl from lho fine, a very important question last night, 6 �
i The first theatre to be .heated by teeny be used fall every purpose, toil and she referred me to you, �l - BOILER
elecLglelL,y s the 0riitgnzh in Buenos wbioh soft water is desired except the Old. Gentleman Uump$ i What did "v ,,, i f 0 ,Ve A ”, " W,tot, 4 t
iyashing of flannels or bright cali- you ask her; stat Bert -
Ayr.es. %o proprietors asked a local cols. y � _ haplauade, �®)''��,atn
company if it Would hoot their prom- I asked her it she'd marry me, Gepp. shorbo," at,, ftp
[Sas by electricity, and although the As (his recipe gives directkona for the Well, she won't. r - 0r&41 Z 0 --_._.,
softening of but one boiler 0f Water,
m,p,nagurnont had many misgivings, so tlH process may be repeated until as Ih? Has she said so?
sanguino was the electrical hllgineer p No, but from what I know of the 0 � High Class Wafter Tube Steam
of Litn Concern, that lie could devise a mttCb as in required is obtained. girl, I don't believe she would have � °�dfd+� o o�,pyi � °y
Y 8, ore not obtainabl.o, a little "o0ncon- h ROlf01'Sp fOd' i4i0 PI"OSS11r081
ppraetaoal s af:nm of electric hoatin.
Where coal is used, and woud ashes bot.horad hersolf about me if she had kala �
lie was given carte blanche and tra,tad lye," that can be bought in really wanted you. �f. aUtlee and Fuel.
procaeded to work Put his scheme, small bares may be disolvod and made -as al BOND POI[ DESCRIPTIVE! CATALOGUE.
w,bfob hit lasts done SUCOOssfUlly, 1118 SPECIALTY. t -
LO AnBWOr" instead. a 10to
h a cot 1 nd 11 �L,mlto,L
Whon using Lhis wntcr for wpshing Cupid's always auttiltg vapors, pfp'rpp�1 Q g i �AAnna gho'a awfully Afraid of Down, the best, wn,y Iv to give 0130 clothes(an Monding hearts that otliors break; fi IilblUllUU�,a(} nay�ea t D„ltaltgt,%lino-No wonder I Sho"'s got the ba extra rinsing fit lulrrlwater, shaking But when it comes 'to making+ matches tapdf�: -� sd Wlfoon�,itit�t➢�g0a" ,,4
lever. tJiDln vyeh after wringing, so that I;hOy Little cupid ,takes thvD aalte, d I, iArieA�owt6tL'slhstliidttaramaYbasocatvatklYl
An Ennr,eeoing Phoophatu oxosllent elemaer for ItyeM
kidney nand stmuuch, taken the Piece of cool tar propard•
oha,It..ff.thnme,Nute. Sohl '
nlldruggiate inloo,25..60cand$I.00paokeges,
Queen City Drug Co„ 271 W911Ington.et. C., T9r9nt9G
Dyeing 8 Cleaning !
For the very beat -end your work t, the
Look for agent in your Wun, or.nn4 direst.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebeg,
ROOFING &nd Shoot Metal Wbrks.
i1 O JFING 9LAT% In E4xok,
Rod or Green. SLAT] BLAAOKnOAAR 8 Dve TP24
PubII.m,1 Hoch Hchuo n Tcnm,to). Roofing alt, lt�tl
Ccal Tar, oto. ROOM G TILE Bae Nl .w Olty Ru1 1D,
ings, Toronto door byy cur8rm! �atal Gelling., ,.
noel., etc. E.hra.tee Iurulsbed or c ori co tta odea
materia7e,blppe$ to any VVartaf the country Phone IV.
C, UUTHIE&8ON8, Adeialdo AMIld,nor Ste„Toronto.
re,, _
I l5r 11,,, or 3 lh..fnr20c. Rear o ls,qualto Joe coffeel
Por auto bi' al! GI.cere, or a nd Sec 1'or 1.lb, paoRmi
a rho ROKUU AIF4. CO., 164 Ila en Lr., Toronto.
Agents wautud,n awry loco ply
Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
Store Fronts. Mirrors and Plate
Glass. For low prices write
Et$9Dt@�drouse-RO _L Aland
In every rillage to procure list- of noes, and ,rork in
a, aro tine, Remuneration, $2 for every 13 num0q
Michigan Land for,Salo.
, Iaeco, Ogd.mn• and Crawford Counties. T,tlell -
fact. On biialugan Central, Detroit $ Mackinac and
Loon Lwko Ruilroada, at prince lnnglogg from 82 to 18
per sore. Three Lands are Got. to ll Wacrleing Now
Porn., Churohea, School., etc., and wlll bo—old,. nosh
ren.madle term. Apply to
R. 67. PIERCE, Aggant, West Bngg City, bitch.
Or.D.W. CUR 18, Whittem6to. hinoh.
AGENTS WANTED to sell the Acmo
Pot and Kettle Strainer in .,any Conn.
tyand Townahtp In Canada. The de.
Tice is invaluable fur-trainhigthewata
from bollingve9e1ablo,0thout scald.
Inc the handa or sppfilling the contents
Of the pat. Exo•usive territory given
W flnt.olas. agents. For parthud,re
. tSf"r apply Eo the
Acme Pot & Kettle Strainer Do.
This Oompnny after paying the 4 per cont, monthly
Conpone maturing September let, have remaining o our.
lus of 32 per cent, After dodueting expense-, and (he
amount carried to the mse...femd, thero rompiva to thy
errdit of the Investors a surplus oyer dividend of 10 4)6
ppe�r pont. Any amount from $50 upn•ards reocived Pok
mvestmant, Book free, giving full flair oulms.
The Dominion Investment Co. of Toronto,
Canada Permanent Chambers, 18 Toronto -8t,
Galvanized SteelGOLD,Windmills and 4 owers, A
L,. steel Flag Stafta, 0raln
Iron antl WndnWro,
ood Punipe,
Bea. Suppflcn. BRANTFORD CAN.
Bend for Nan C.Wt,irua. Mention this paper.
Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rate. of p.seage t—Firat Oohbt 0 ilpwnrds; Second
oebin,$35; Steerage, "11.60 and 2350.
Por further tnfonnatlon apply to lariat agents, or
DAVID TORRANCE & CO.. General Agent.,
17 St. Secrnmem st., Montreal.
O. P P S
0 0 0 0" A
Loan mud Savings Company.
IN,'61tronlTND 1885.
The Oldest and Largest Canadian MOM.
gage Corporation,
Paid-up Capital, , - $2,600,000
Reserve Fund . • • 1,200,000
Head Offloo-Toronto at„ Toronto.
Branch Offices-wlnnipeg, Man., Vancouver, B.O.
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. InteretIt allowed.
DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, % S. J or $ Sacra„
with interest coupons attached.
MONEY LENT on oeaorltg of rent (Aetamortgagoe.
Goyorumont and Municipal Bonds, ate
For further partieulnrs apply to
Alema_ning Olreactor, Toronto.
%Ilio y gaga) p't �aq�,ryg� 0y- indite t m6 lie p
{"i S,P3Ia 9 eN tfL v'8 N elti9 0 'I'All neo IV
nostdl.ordered stomach. 14114, NJVV,. bar, Itod,
,I",dder, Kiduoya, Drain and Bwallaby
u Barry's Arai o"eva0a"ta
50 Years'
Qe poll
� t y, 7ltngan6
g. H(l1•Rtol,
s, 14 Rn- du Ty,,Hgltol , dd
nd SEor t tvergwhor-, (p EQtiF
gent varAlgo ileo. Alae D�
is, I_n rias d. 04. nnil6q
0., Eaton o6..l,hnitpd,'reNiw
M - :_