The Brussels Post, 1899-10-12, Page 5OCT, 12, 1899
Oat\ t, b'. N. Hl'a'1'T. il,'lletl)a
W • 11. Otu(JUA()ii1�N, -_
VV•leeIn'oro1Ala,rtagelreet."B0. 011lvo
at bl0(yrooary, Vomitory v estreat noI,,01e,
L) N. BAURETP,....... _.__.-....
)♦t. Tonsorial Artiest Shop Next door
North of tli 11tendert( Meru,. r.adlee' and
ellllrh'oa011alt entail,: 0 111,e0101ty
n0001000•.11 hue several good Farms For
e '• and to ,001, eetey terms, In Tow.n1111.0
O Nnrris,tud (trey. F '1 n. tol'l'. brit ponds
Issuer (11' M Itrlinge GMe:BO :8,
231.2,1.7.a5271'..5, OPTT,
Issue! of Marriage Licenses,
e." --No Witness Requirod.
T. FLETCHER, Brneeela
L. C. M.,
Academia graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the Aeeooiated
Mualelnne of Ontario, is prepared to reoeivo
Olimitod number of pupils for inelruition
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the principal's Porto in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Of London Conservatory of Music.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar,
Will receive a limited number of pupils for
instruotion at Brussels. Claes opens 101 of
t1l a 1. September., Moorer ,luaueielteachler.ton apply
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cont
Co. Huron. Oonvoyaneer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
Office in Graham's Block, BrUeele
• HER, will sell for better prices, to
hotter mon In ass
time and lees charges
than EastHuron
r or bo won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged
at this Emus
or by personal application,
Cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domeetiaated animals In a pont.
patent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentist,y. Calls promptly at.
tended to, Office and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge '0urnberry et., Brueeela.
• Solicitor Conveyanoer,NotaryPab-
Ile, &a. Offioo-'Vauetone'e Bleak, 1 door
north of Central Hate Soho, for for the
Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
Money to Loanafor Village
M • (Formerly• of Oameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob,
Ont. Ot1hce-Hamilton St., Opposite Ool
borne Hotel.
M. D., 0.13!., Trinity University, Follow Trio-
...ity Medley.' College, Member College of Phy-
olalane andsurgeove, Ont. Lieenttate of the
Royal Oollese of Pltyyeielane and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. OrTelephone
No.14, Residence, Mill St., Brussels.
M. D. C. M.,
Graduate of MoGill Collage, Montreal, &o.,
&o, All specialty work es, iefactorilr treat-
ed. hesitance, Nllfoabeth street, late Small)
h office in roar of Drug Store, Smile Bleak,
Brussels, Ont. .
MD., 0. M., =comer to Dr, A. Mbliolvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeioiano
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col -
logo of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Dieoaeee of women and children a specialty.
Eight yenta' experionee, 1 "Otlioe and res-
idence that formerly 010011od by Dr. it't0-
lielvey,Tur,tberry etreot,Btuesele, . 25 -
PBx8I01AN, 81300000 ANA A0001i0HEDR,
lateness Honor Graduate of the Univeral-
tie0 of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity. Medical College ; Velbovv•of
Trinity Medford .College and member of the
Gallego of Phyelelane and Surge0u0 of Outer -
lo. Root Graduate Course in Detroit and
Oliiongo,i8e0. Speolol attention paid to die -
eases of Dye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and die-
eaeesof Women. . la-Clouenitatlon in. Eng-
ish and amnion, '!Telephone at residence,
The undersigned will keep tor
Let 20, Cot.0lMorrie, the thorbdIm-
p oved Yorkdiie
130ar, "Oak Lodge Long'
felleW," No.13080,ybrod by 3.21.13rethois, Bur-
ford, to whioh. a limited number of eow0
be taken. Ter10, $1,00, to bo paid at time
Of eorvloo with privilege of returning if nee,
A number 01 0110101 young sows for Salo for
brooding purpo0es'3Vhioh will be eeld at
prices to snit the timOe.
I'1• 1100T. NICIIOLI refine -later.
ii't trict ' Tekbz,
will spend their honeymoon visitinft
points la the Nnrlher, district, The
brae wee Ole rrutpinut of it large number
of mealy and were! )n•esente, whioh
30' '1, _ tt rt m, starve to show how aha ie estoeme.I by her
W.'I'uylor, of tn;01, tnok';0 110ize'0 nb many friends. On returning from their
it dthole future
trip the will premed to e t
the Goderir.6 Jxir% home, w farm owned bythe groom about
Premier L'lnrltr will be hereon Frisky
of 11101 week, '20 h leek. 11 miles from Parkhill.
We are pieueed to inform mgr readers ,\ lh'Igblra Blunder
that John Gillespie has s, fur recovered Will (1E11 CRUSE 1!I horrible Burn,
front his recent tepee as to partly look Scald, Out or Bruise, Buaklen's Arnica
abnohfter his te,s.
,the beet In the
Megan Wood, D. 0 , of 'Por„nto, will Rely, wnrtrl, will kill the
d«'iter his cotrlre, "The Averano Man," pith. and promptly heal lo. Cares Old
in ihr UnnOieln. vt,11r,:e church on Tuesday Horst, 0'001, tinr'0, Ulcers, Rolle, Felons',
,;, 17 h.l O•,1 ns, all Slow Eruptimie, Beet Pile ours'
('.m11 Caledonia, Ro•-s of Roo land, an Earth. Only 25 ate. a box, Cure
1.. , made 110011 Ili13l'll1011 lo for the h:ddh g s.nrautead, Sold by G. A. Deadrnttn,
„r share ann..), I u,,, 0001 in the Town Hall, Druggiot•
, u 1' i•iday meant•., 1311i Met, - - _
The W e ' u I t,'nroiupe to Detroit, 1 r<l.
(:haat',, iu,d other Wares were well
patroolzed Too (1. T. R. sold forty
one Ii0hete for Western points.
Lust week the Cilia') Furniture Go,
received thre • carloads of lumber, and
T. Bell tb Ron a wielded from the Miss.
iseippi Valley, mud a carload from. Vie.
The Wingham flour mills have changed
hands. The deal which hoe been talked
of for some time between Otter Bros. and
W. Howson, of-Teeewater, and Mr.
Brookelbitnk, of Arthur, wag closed, and
the new Arm took poseeeeion on Monday.
til, rt..
William McLean left for Hamilton,
whe,e he will attend the Ontario School
of Pedagogy.
Blyth Counsel has accepted the Bank of
Hamilton's offer at par for the salt bonne
oinking fund.
Mise Logan, of Oil Oity, Pennsylvania;
is visiting at the residence of her brother;
Jae, Logan.
Denetedt Broe. are enlarging and over.
hauling the hardware store recently
occupied by 0. Hamilton.
Moliinnon dr Co. have further inoreas'
el their staff by the addition of Mies
Amelia Wateou as saleslady.
Sunday the 2001 century fund was die-
opened in the Methodist obuvoh. Rev.
W. G. Hewson, of Clinton, had charge of
the morning servioe. •
Mies Eva Bell, daughter of William
13e11, liveryman, has been a patient in
the London hoepital for the past month,
and on Monday had an operation per.
formed. She Dame through it nicely.
A political meeting in the intereols of
Dr. McDonald, M. P. for Bast Huron,
will be held in Industry Hall, Blyth, on
Wednesday evening, Oat. 18. Addres 10
will be delivered by Dr. McDonald, M.
P., Robt. Holmes, M. P., Arch. Hielop,
M. P. P., and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels.
Real estate le selling fast here and
command good advance prices.
A carload of cheese from the Fordwioh
factory wee shipped from this station.
te. Quite a number of new books have
n t ehelves f aur
placed coed o he sive o Free
Public Libraiv.
Miss Lizzie Mcliee, of town, has open•
ed tip a dress and mantle making eetab•
liebment in the Masonic bloat.
Rev. T. A. Weigh, of St. Jude's church, -
Brantford, a former rentor of this perish,
oonduoted the servioe in Trinity church
here on Sunday morning.
William Lambkin, wboghas spent the
past month or so in Manitoba, has re.
turned home. He reports the mope there
splendid, and he likes the oountry.
John 5. Montgomery reoeived two ear•
loads of fine young cattle, for feeding 'pur-
poses, from the Manitoulin Iolanda. He
went there bimeelf and purchased them.
fitlAt the last meeting of Jubilee Oounoil,
R. T. of T., John Bartley was eleoted Be'
cording Secretary, to succeed Frank
Davidson, jr., who has reeigned, as he ie
leaving town.
The many friends of Lewis Mahood,
who ie in the hospital in Toronto, effliot-
ed with typhoid fever, will be pleased to
hear that be is improving,and we hope
soon to be able to report him oonvaleoent,
At the regular monthly meeting: of the
Board of Direotore of the Howiok Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, held in Gorrie,
James Rowe, of this village was appoint.
ed the agent for the Company for the
Townships of Howfokand Wallace, whioh
position was left vacant by the death of
the late AIr. Hepinetall.
That Throbbing headache,
Would quickly leave you, if you used;ing'e New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their matohleea
merit for BM and Nervous' Headaches.
They make pure bloodand strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take.
Try thorn. Only 25 cents. Money bank
if not oared. Sold by G. A. Deadman,
Trowbrid. o.
Mies Ritchie, of Belmore, is the guest
of Mies L. McCormick.
Mies Etta Code is spending a few weeks
with friends at Princetown,
R. Willoughby has moved to our vil-
lage.. We welcome him and family.
Mies Jennie Mnrdook returned home
Friday after a two month's visit here.
L. and Mre. Adolph, of Walloe, were
visiting at the parsonage on Tuesday,
Rev. 10.1e. Brittol had a beautiful
Heintzman piano planed in the parsonage.
Wm. Irwin, B. A., public school In-
spector, paid our school an official visit.
R, Green, obeesemaloer, i0 re-engaged
for another year at an increase of salary.
Chan. Adams' and. Harry McCormick
)eft for Detroit to attend the Dental
The marriage of Miss Florence Coate
and Thomas A, Thompson took plaoe on
001. 11th.
Oce of our young bachelors, in the per.
eon of Henry Wendt deoided that it was
not well for him to live alone and as a
consequence was married to ?fee Barker.
BYAIENEAL.-The home of Mre. Soott,
Huron street, Stratford, wee the scene of
a happy event when bar daughter, Eeeie
Scott, Wee united in marriage with Steph•
en Chong, of Parkhill, The Rev. Me,
Ooeenu, of London, brother of the groom,
performed the wedding ceremony, which
took plane at 4 o'oloolr. The bride was
dressed in a handsome suit of navy blue,
trimmed with white satin, and carried a
meet beautiful bouquet of white roses.
Along with a large number of friends
and aoquaintanoe0, there were present
from a distanbe :-Mre. J. B. COMM,
wife of Rev. 5, B. Gegene, of London ,
Chas., W. Coons, Trowbridge , Abner
and Mrs, Comae, Wingham , and D.
and Mre. Niobol, Mitchell. When the
ceremony was over, the wedding supper
he 7 4G traiand nhfor the gNorth, Thple ey
N. Crean, of Milverton, has rented the
Fureaters' Ha I, Atwood, for a photo-
graph gallery.
(Morrie Wilson, of Atwood, hae loft to
attend the medical department of Toron•
to University.
A new botcher shop will open oat
shortly in the premises recently vented
by Adam Berlet.
Mrs, M. Cut•rie and son, John, are
vieiting the forruer'o daughter, Afre, lean,
of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. John Switzer left on Tuesday of
last weak to spend the Winter at Men
dooino pity, Oalifornln, for her health,
whioh hes been poor of Tate,
Rev. and Mrs. McLeod entertained the
ohoir of the Presbyterian church and a
number of the Y. P. 0. 0. E, members at
the manse the other evening. A pleasant
time was enjoyed by all present.
Reeve Knox, ex -Reeve Jae. Dickson,
ROC Otrrk,'rhos. Fullerton were in Strtt.
ford, giving evidenoe is oouneotion with
the Ellice ve, Eima drainage suit. The
verdlot of the court has not been given
out yet.
The regular semi annual meetirg of the
Rural Deanery of Perth will be held in
So Alban's church, Attwood, on Tuesday,
Oat. 1701, 9.0 follewe : Communion at 10
a. m, ; meeting of the Obapter at 11.30 a.
rn. A •
public meeting will be held in the
Town Hall at 2.90 p, m., at whioh the
public are cordially invited. Addressee
will be delivered and papers read by
Revs, W, J. Taylor, 3. T. Kerrin, D.
Williams and others. In the evening the
annual tea meeting in oonneotion with
the above church will be held in the
Town Hall, After tea a program will be
The Fall Fair attracted a big orowd ou
W. D. Hammond is away to Muskoka
on a hunting expedition.
Jae MoLauoblin arrived home from
Manitoba on Tuesday of last week.
Mise Stuernol had her band badly cut
while working in the apple evaporator.
Rev. A. B. Forney was attending the
Alumni of Wycliffe College, Toronto, last
Art• Gamble, of Port Hope, has taken
a eiteation with Found .Bros., in the
Victoria Pork has been greatly enlarg-
ad hythe addition of a strip of land par.
aliened from the eohool ground.
One night recently Phil., Harding, who
ie working on the night gang ab the
apple evaporator, while walking out in
the dark fell through a trap door reoeiv-
in1 an ugly sone over one eye.
The three year old eon of Phos. Dane,
of 11110 village, who fell off a chair about
four weeks ago and broke hie arm, fell
while out at the barn and broke his other
arm. The little fellow now carries both
arms in a sling.
The eooial held at the Bt. Stephen's
parsonage on Monday evening of last
week was a grand 0nocees in every way.
A large number were present from
Wroxeter and Fordwioh. The prooeede
amounted to $10.
Rev. and Mre. W. Johnston, of Morrie,
Mon., are at present in town visiting old
friends. It is about 17 years since Mr.
and Mre. Johnston left Gorrie for the
West. Many changes have taken place
in Gorrie daring that time.
A change in the running .time of the
trains on this branoh of the 0. P. R.,
came into effect on Monday of last week
whioh is a deoided improvement. The
time of the morning and night trains
have not been changed, the morning
train going Basil leaves Gorrie et 7:20
and the night train going West at 10:14.
The afternoon train going Haab whioh
formerly left at 1;52 is now timed for
8:80 and the train going West whioh
was timed to leave here at 2;30 is now
changed to 1:03. A' freight train has
been put on going both ways. We have
now as good traiu aervioe on this branoh
as ever existed since the the first rail was
Lits towel.
Roy Hooking has left for Toronto lo re-
enme hie studios as a medical student.
Listowel defeated Palmerston in a
match of indoor baseball, played in the
rink, the eoore being 24 to 12.
Newton Large is winning golden
opinfom' by hie singing and hie leader-
ship of the oboir of the Methodiet ohuroh.
Mies Sore. Stevenson has gone to Mil-
waukee, Wieoonein, where ehe will learn
to be a trained nurse in the Trinity Hos.
pita! in that city.
Probably the oldest oannry hied in
town died lest week, It was owned by
R. 0. Bamford and had reached the re-
markable age for a canary of seventeen
and a half yenta.
Mayor Hacking hos returned from his
trip to Chicago. Mee. Hacking will re-
main in the Wean for a couple of weella
as she purposes visiting friends to Iowa
before returning to town.
STEALINe.-On Tuesday of last week Nal.
eon Dixon and John Martin were arraign-
ed before Maeietrate Trebune on a charge
of eattle stealing. The alleged theft took
plane last Pall, bat owing to the defend.
ante keeping out of the way, warrants
were not served upon them until reeent-
ly, The prisoners were atoned of hay.
ing stolen a steer from Alexander Camp•
bell, of the Wallace boundary, and of hav-
aying sold it to a iooal bntobor. David
Campbell, eon of the owner of the stolen
beast, in hie evidenoe swore that be had
identified the )side in a town dealer's pee.
session, and also swore that he got $50
for price of steer and $20 for expene00
tram Nelson Dixon, sen„ and Martin,
The preliminary hearing lasted through•
out the day and ended in the defendants
being oomtnftted to Bland thole trial et
Stratford aesiteo, Bail wag =tested
for their appearance in two suretite of
j(1,500 Wits
. _E , wp NOal`, . & Co.,1
±3 —1,' Y Z'.Z-
eft;' • +.
AND� n•T7i.Af�'a.+Z' L Nl i
We have just reoolved our swami ebipment of Ladles' Jackets, Capes and
Mantles whioh makes 00r stool( one of the beet If not the beet, in the county today,
and ev, ry helot in our nmol, 10 new, smart, up. to date, tailor•nlarle manila, We
allow them in all the newest ootoriege, lined and unlined.
111100O•O_ -
--S,ulies' stylish Beaver Jackets, in h'aolo,'hrown rand navy, velvet collar, trim
MA with braid, $0,00,
-Ladies' nobby Boucle Jnokete, in a rant'e of o dors, lioed throughout with mer-
cerized lioiue, $6.00.
-Ladies' Junkets, in flee Alaelia Curl, very stylish, $7 50.
-Duthie' All Wool Kersey Jnokete, is one of our leading ,,unbars, lined through•
out with m, melees] Ioilhtn, Ino curved pearl buttons, 510 00,
-Ladies' All Wool, Kersey Cloth Jaokete, iu creator blaok and navy ; this is
admitted to be the gem of the e1a0on, lined with memorized Italfnn,
braes or pearl buttons, velvet collar, 012.50.
We also show a full range of Ladies' Street Elate in Rough Riders, Sailors and
the new Walking Hate.
Lietowel Btleineee College is branching
out, 0, L. Hartz, principal, staving start.
ed a oleos at Mt. Forest, with about forty
pupils,. Mr. Hattt also proposes forming
a class at Kinoardiue. 0. M. McIntyre,
assistant ieetruotor, will take charge of
the Mt, Forest class, A. B. Weber taking
Mr. McIntyre's plane here. Mr. Harll
will continue in full charge of the Lieto•
wel College.
- The residence of Dr. Bruce was taken
possession of by a happy company on
Monday evening of last week when the
teachers, otToere and the two Bible class•
es connected with the Methodist Sabbath
school met there to do honor to 111r. end
Mre. Bruns, it being the 20th anniversary
of their marriage. Mr. Brace bad been
away from home on business for the day,
and the frieede rook this as on opportune
time to make the event a reel surprise.
On Mr. Brace's arrival home by train
from the South he found his house filled
with his friends connected wi111 the
school. Mr, Bruce, had hardly time to
take in the situation when Miss Oriole
stepped forward and preeented him with
a very nioely worded address, and Mr.
Bradley, on behalf of the school, with a
beautiful clank. Mr, Binge, with eon•
eiderable difficulty on account of the sur-
prise and some emotion, thanked his
friends on behalf of himself and Mre.
Bruce. Afterwards the evening was very
pleasantly spent with social intercourse
and short epeeohes by Rev. II. Irvine and
B. Rothwell, J. E. Carson and E. Saha-
del. During the evening several mueical
selections were rendered, and after re.
Pre-hmente had been served the company
dispersed to their several homes, feeling
better for having helped to make some-
body alae happy.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling tnoidedt, of which Mr. John
Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subjeut,
is narrated by him as follows : "I was in
a most dreidtul aoodition. My skin was
almost yellow, eyee sunken, tongue °oared,
pain continually io book and sides, no
appetite - gradually growing weaker
day by day. Three physicians had given
me tip. Fortunately, a friend, advised
trying 'Eleotrio Bitters' ; and to my
great joy and emprise, the first bottle
made a decided improvement. I oontin.
ued their use for three weeks, and ata now
a well man. I know they saved my life,
and robbed the grave of auother victim,"
No one should fail to try them. Only
10o., guaranteed, at G. A. Deadman!e
Drug S tore.
re'er .
SanomL REPORT. -TUB following shows
the etnnding of the pnpile in S. S. No, 0,
Grey, for the month of September :-4th
class -Ella MoNaugbt, Hattie Frage:,
Ruesel Robertson, Sr. 3rd -Ethel Mc-
Naught, Willie Harrison. Jr. 9rd-Nellie
Harbottle, Olive Oliver, Frank Harrison,
Willie Mann. Sr. 2nd -Wilbur Bray,
George Mann, Norman MoNaught, Harry
MaNanght, Wesley McKay, Willie Mann,
Willie Hanley. Jr. 2nd -Katie Barbet-
tie, Robert Medley, Maggie Mann. Sr.
Part IL -Winnie MoNanght. Jr, Part
II• -Alfred Meehan, Katharine Brown.
Sr. Part I. -Fergus MoNanght, Willie
Hislop, Ella Bray, Rae Rose. Inter-
mediate. -Alex. Mann, Roy Cummings,
Myrtle Cummings, Olive Brown. Jr.
Part L -Lizzie Lucas, Geo. McKay,
Aline;MORay, Pearl Harrison, Methuen
Bray, Agnes McKay.
N. JEANNETTE IaDienrn, Teaoher,
Schou; REPonT.-The following is the
report of S. S. No, 1, Grey, for the
month of September, P. 8. L ; .total
800.-V. Armstrong, 205 ; G. Bielby,
200 ; 0. Armstrong, 03, 4011 Claes ; total
610,-E. Hollinger, 630 ; 1A. Dickson,.
602 ; E. Blake, 400 ; W. Switzer, 410 ;
E. Bozell, 250 ; N. Frelick, 232, Sr, 3rd,
-B. Davidson, 554 ; P. 'Davidson, 622 ;
B. Randa, 512 ,• L. Dickeon, 414 ; IDI.
Cardiff, 330. Jr. 8rd.-M. Randa, 450 ;
A. Oakley, 408 ; T. Bielby, 884; W.
Stevenson, 302 ; G. Dark, '272. Sr. 2nd.
-M. Dark, 460 ; B. Dark 161 ; M. Hog-
gard, 431; A. Glassier, 50. Jr. 2nd. -A.
Gordon, 458 ; L. Blake, 400 ; E. Oakley,
300 ; H. Rozell, 185 ; A. Glassier, 171 ;
J. Stevenson, 171. 2nd Part. -T. Durk.
854 ; Joe. Dickson, 891 L. Grant, 852 ;
Jas. D1010000, 352. Sr. 1st. -11. Craig,
18G ; A. Dark, 150 ; B. Stevenson, 145 ;
F. Oakley, 114 ; F. Lawson, 78 ;• F. Al.
cool,, 65. Jr. let. -P. Dark, L. Switzer,
3, McCallum, F. Al0001.
S. R. Omuta, Teaoher.
Sawn Marone,-The following report
gives the standing of pupils of S. S. No.
8, for September and determines position
in olaes for Ootober :-Total 400. Sr. IV.
--ratio Agar, 381 ; Allis Paul, 870 ; Ruby
Forbes, 174 ; Martha Ingram, 148 ;
Charlie Eternise, 70, So. III.-Xarifa
Frasier, 870 ; Eva Souoh, 804 ; John
Gaenise, 201. Sr. II, -Emma tlermyn,
802' ; Annie Gerniee, 315 ; Elehe1 Embury,
012. Sr. Pt. II.-Barvte Knox, 871 ;
Willie Forbes, 848; Tommy >hertnyn,
125. Jr. Pt, II Total 800-Vonnie
Rutledge, '277 ; Huldah Rutledge, 270 ;
Lizzie Knox, 250. Sr. I. -Mildred
Jewitt, 280 ; Fred Agnr, 275 ; Norman
Souob, 250 ; Sarah Agar, 250 ; Roy 0.
Turvey, 213. Jr. I -Nelson Agar, 207 ;
Hazel Stamper, 206. Low 1. -Willie
Agar, 200 ; T, ase Jermyn, 220.
D. L. BToACHAN, Teacher,
Sanmar. RETORT, -The following 10 the
report of the standing of the pupils of
S. S. No. 0, Morrie, for the mouth of
September :-P. S. L, -Annie Gray.
Sr. Fourth. -Maggie McCall, Mary Mo.
Arthur, Willie McCall, Rosa Searle,
Edith Jackson. Jr. Fourth. - Maud
Jaokeon, Lily Bewley, Emma MCOall,
Harvey Skelton. Sr. Third. •- Alex.
Farquharson, Lyle Jaokeon, Jr. Third.
-Willie Farquharson, Coral MoArtbur,
Manson Taylor, Geo. Skelton, Wesley
Searle. Sr. S000nd: Oarrie Jeokeou,
Leslie Fear, Richard Gray, Minnie,look-
son, Roee Jackson, John Wagon, Carrie
Shortreed. Jr. Second.- Mary Fear,
John ihfoArthur, Nellie McArthur, David
Jackson. Sr. Part II-D.ivid McLean,
Stella Stubbs, Eddie Farquharson, John
Taylor. Jr. Part IL -Frank MoCeughey,
Ella Evans, Arthur MOOnl), Ida Me.
Outoheon. First Olaee.-Vina MoOnt
oheoo, Rath Gray, Norman Jackson, Jos.
McCaughey. Miss JENNIE B. Ko caner,
J. Thousand Tellgllee
Could not expreee the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Phila-
delphia, Pa., when the found that Dr.
Ring's New Dieoovery for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made life
a burden. All other remedies and doctors
could give her no help, but ehe nye of
this Royal Cure -"It goon removed the
pain in my cheat and I can now sleep
soundly, something I oan ooaroely re-
member doing before. I feel litre sound-
ing its praiere throughout the Universe."
So will everyone who tries Dr. Ring's
New Dieoovery for any trouble of the
Throat, Chest and Lunge. Price 500 and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at G..9.. Dead•
man's Drug Store ; every bottle gnaran•
teed. -
o -
It the beet plaoe to have your Photo.
taken. We guarantee all our work to be
FIRST GRADE, - Complete satisfaction
given to all.
Neither ie it necessary for us to Brag.
OUR Wenn eaves us the trouble. Large
work of all kinds promptly attended to,
and finished to the beet satisfaction.
Don't forget to ooll and see our work
and also get our prices. A kind welcome
to all.
Strottml Block,
Aid A 1ple Butter.
Have everything ready for the
Fall tade in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
L G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line,
Good Workmanship and
Good Pits Guaranteed,
Suits hada for $4 and upwards.
1'8110() its Iln1'iteh5 (leek.
s sAle ani Today.
Pinch your feet i 1 wrong shaped shoes ; ,hake
you nervous, it u• ; spoil your temper ; lose
your collard' i'nl i, •e.
You c;;n't l : + , y;.i the even tenor of year
vv'ny in a shoe that 0i ii pleS.
"Slater Shoes" Fuc glade to Et feet -to cover
every tender joint cotntortably-make you forget
you have a p: i1 t fact.
They ft Cle f.: t time they're worn, and ever
after, beeane0 tae ,.U•.'trlt and shrink has been for
ever taken out 0 l' them while six days on the 1ni,t_:.
Twelve shape., all sixes, six widths, all colors,
styles and lcathcts.
0oodyonrw•.4te.1, stamped on the soles v.itli
name and se, ;,i Lu ;11:(1 $,
®.>a®.4t)-00010444000o.s0=4 14' 4e:m®r.0u..444s a,.wuomadl
Downing Bros„ - Sole Local Agents
heavy, strong Shoes that will wear
All sizes.
Our \Ion's Long Boots are the
and .$3.00, and sure to please you.
In Men's Fine Boots we are
$1,50, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50.
Wo desire this week to call
your attention to our Boot and
Shoe Department. We have
the latest Styles, A 1 Qualities
and best Values in the trade
in Children's, Misses', Boys',
Ladies' and Gents' wear from
the finest Kid to the heavy
whole stock Kip. We are
showing special lines in good, -
well and keep your feet dry.
very best in Canada at $2.25
showing up-to-date leaders at
Our Stool?, is Larose and well 4ssor'ted
in, all Departments.
November Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices.
Dur Grocery
is Up -to -Date.
We are in a position to supply the wants
of the general public with
Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas,
Coffees, Meals, Spices
and General
Household Necessaries.
Our aim is to sell only the Beet' and
Freshest Goode on the market at the
lowest living profit on a Oaeh,baeis.
Those who deal with us will Dome
Farm produce taken and the very
best value given.
Call and ascertain what we oan do
for you. "Your money's worth all the
year round," is oar motto.
S '0hoioe Confeotionery.
On E. Bartlif,
511001010. and OO1013OTIONIOR.
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Toney Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by thio Bank, payable at par at
any obartered Bank in Canada, with the
exoeption of Branohee in the Yukon Dis-
Under $10 . $0.08
$10 to 20 . . 0,10
20 to 80 . . 0.12
80 to 50 . . . 0.14
J. N. (50115)0;', Agent, BRUSSELS
British Columbia
Iced Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Dome and Sash of all•Pat
terns on hand or made 10 order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kfnde of Bnildiage. Workman•
ship and Material Guaranteed.
�.+ ,, AMENT,
ra... �.I.r�4
All orders for new Pumps or Repairs
promptly attended to. Contracts
taken for new Wells and Cisterns.
ta-Lewn Mowers sharpened and repair-
ed. Pruning Shears and Soiseors
ground. All work guaranteed.
Agent for "Morris" Pianos.
Shop en Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brusaela.
System nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
131001, Dyepepaia, Sleeplessness, tPalpita'
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neut.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stonee, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dieeaoee, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and •General De-
bility. -
Prop. and Manafaoturer.
Sold by Jas, (lox, Druggist, Rruoeole,
-x401' ALL BINDS -
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes, tested ERrIE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,