The Brussels Post, 1899-10-12, Page 1Vol. 28. No. 14 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1899 W. H. KERR, Prole, New Advertisements, Local -15, Hart, i,00al—'1'II10 POST. 11001—Goo, Baehr. Local—H. R. Brewer. Girl wanted—Tun POST. Lambe for sale—Jae. Spear. Thanksgiving Day—G. T. R. Boots and shoes—A. Strachan. Sheep for sale—Jos, Wheatley. Farm for sale—Stephen Lamb. Notice to Creditors—A. Hunter. Hand mirrors—G. A. Deadman. Turkeys, geese, &a.—G.19, King. Biaokemith shop, &o., for sale—Jos. Wheatley. Illistrict ..efts. Elleee^vtalee. Robert Stewart has returned to Qaeen'e University. W, H. Stewart has been appointed Principal of New Hamburg Public School at a eatery of $650. Laadb eery. Edgerton Roe has one more of a family now to provide for. Mies Bata MaPhereon has gone to Sea. forth to learn dresenakii . Contraotor Pigeon has a number of men buoy digging the big ditch in the pine swamp. Revival meetings are beiug held in Bethel (March. They are oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Tiffin. bully Bros. saw mill was destroyed by fire one night recently, (To;v tbe fire started is a mystery. No Maureen. A. W. Forbes, the enorgetio young leaohor of No. 0, MaKlllop, ie taking a term of lessons on the guitar from Mise Moore. John Crawford bee purchased a fine driver from Wm, Cameron, of Tanker - smith. John will not need to have any dost thrown in his faoe now, G-ol•t•le. Pmt'rtoAt..—Tuesday evening of this week tbe first of a aeries of political meetings by Dr. Macdonald, M. P., was held in the Town Hall in Baia village. The chair was 000upied by the veteran Thee. Gibson, M. P. P., of Wroxeter, who also made a brief speech.The other speakers were Thos. Strachan, of Grey ; W. H. Kerr, of THE POST ; and Dr. Mac• donald. laThe latter gave a splendid ad. dress of about two hours in which be reviewed the work of the Laurier admin. ietration in a clear and concise mauner. He also answered several questions pro- pounded by persona in the audience. The meeting closed with cheers for the Queen and the Dr. Brussels Band was in at. tendanoe, renderingseleotione both before and after the meeting end between the speeches. Both epeakere and Band were treated to an elegant supper at the Brown Hoose. The meeting was It good one. 1F:t1ro1. Ethel was well represented at Brussels Fall Fair. 19. Relohard Sundayed with his brother in Baden. Mre. J. M. Davies le visiting her sister in Harley. Mr. Tnokey, from near London, will aeeiet Rev. Mr. Xelland for the balanoo of the year. J, Eakmier has aommenoed operodione in his new shop. The building ie not fiuiehed yet but when it is it will be a grand one. Mr. Clayton, of Listowel, Organizer for the 0. 0, F., is here at present and many members will be added to the Order as a result of hie work. Mies Carder, of Blyth, visited ber sister Miss E. Carder at Principal Dob - eon's last week. Mise E. Carder is junior teacher of Ethel eohool. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Yelland read an apology for disturbing prayer meeting a abort time ago. It was signed by a young man of Haig locality. It looked strange be see Geo. wheeling eo early Monday morning dressed in hie beet. Of course he acid he was getting an express paroel, probably he was. Will be patoh shoes to pay the board bill ? Don't forret the publio meeting in the Township Hall here next Monday even. ing, oommenoing at 7:80 o'olock, to be addressed by Dr. Macdonald, M. P., A. Hislop, M. P. P., G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr. One of our young gentlemen had quite an experienoo while out driving one night recently when one of the wheels suddenly stopped. We would advise him to see that the buggy is oiled next time be bakes it out as lie may nob have a lady with hien to hold the horse while he pea for help, ViTi•oatetot•. Bryon Simmons haft been visiting his parents here for the Net week. A number from town tools in the con• cent in Wingham on Tuesday night. Jno. Wendt end Geo. Harriet jr„ spent Sunday at the former'oMilne in Mildmay. Mite Knoux, of Wingham, who baa been visiting Mrs. Mair, bee returned home. ]dotard Bann and Mr. Hastings are visiting the tormer's brother in Chicago at present. Miee Carrie North, of Teviotdale, was the gent of Miee May Davidson for a couple of days. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be the drawing nerd Friday of next weak at Wingham where be will bald a meeting. Jack Brawn won the mile bioyole race, best 2 in 8, at Brunetti Fall Fair without any teonble. There were 5starters. Mieeen Laura Brawn and Maggie Mil. ler, Who have spent the last two weeks in (}oderinh with friends, returned home on Saturday last. The W. F. 11f. S. of the Presbyterian ohurah hold their annual 'Phankegiving Saralee on Wednesday evening loot in the basement of the aharoh, The meet, ing was addressed by aims Delman, of Central India, R. Farrell and hie men ere working in Galt for the next two or three weeks, The 0. P, R. tinsmith oar, Ne, 4028, has been on aiding here putting ebavee in and repairing eavetrougha. MoKelvie & Ilempbill shipped a oar load of wool to Toronto ; Jno, Hamilton two oars of cattle to Toronto ; Mr. Holmee two oars of apples to Montreal for Glaegow this week. A number of our people attended the Brussels and Ilowiek Showe on Friday and Sabnrday last. T. Hemphill wee judge of the implements, Mrs. 0. W. Andrews of the fine arta and Mre. Robin• son of the fanoy work at Brussels. B. Mulob, our popular boteber, who was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony with Mies Graoey Anderson, of Gorrle, a abort time ago, will reside on Qneen at., East., in the near future. We wish the young couple every amines. LV n l tont. Melvin 11311 ie visiting his brother, George Hill. L. MoDonald has had a furnace put in his residence. iaDirs. (Dr.) Armstrong is entertaining guests this week. Miss Alice Sage toweled to Wingham on Saturday, returning on Tumidly. John Grimoldby ie laid off work for a few days owing to an injured band. The Sanihero oontingent formed quite it peaoen)age of the Brussels Fall Fair erVtaodonald'e political meeting in Brussels on Friday evening of this week. S one of our local Gribe will attend. Rev. R, Peal preacbed in Duff's church last Sabbath. Rev. D. Forrest arrived home en Monday from the Northwest, and will occupy the pulpit next Sunday, ",'•Walton had representatives in large numbers at both Bruesele and Blyth Fall Faire. Some young ladies in this local. ity took a foot in the Comfort Soap race at Brussels. James Johnston bag secured W. Mo- A.11ieter'e share in the threshing outfit formerly owned by Williamson and Mo - Allister, and the season's work will be continued by the new firm. The outfit has been improved by the purchase of a new engine. A box Social will be held in Rae's school, McKillop, on the 20th inst. A good literary and musical program ie beiug provided, and a good evening's fan in promised. A. W. Forbea, the popular young teacher, is getting up the social for the purpose of buying an organ for the school. Moc•rrra. Brussels Fair was a sweeper. Henry Beeman, of the 2nd, Sundayed at W. J. Johneton'e. Mre, Wm. Hogg, and son Johnny, Sao• dayed ab George Pea000k'n. Wm. and Miea Elston, of the 2nd, Sundayed at G. H. Rattan's. Mre. L. W. Ruttan is at present visit- ing relatives and friends in Detroit. Wm. Thornton, of Iogereoll, was renewing old friendships on the let, for a few days last week. Will looks line. Frank Shaw is at present under the weatber, suffering from an attaok of ecnrletine. Morris Gribe will attend Dr. Maodon- ald'e meeting in Brussels Friday evening of this week. Mre, W. H. Maunders was on the eiok list last week with inflammation but is getting all right again. Mies Lucy Ruttan, of Lakelet, is at present visiting her grand parente, G. H. and Mre. Rattan, on the let. Reeve Iebieter, Clerk Clark and As - senor Watson were oenvened on Tuesday forenoon of this week selecting jurors. Quite a number from the let took in Brussels Fall Fair. Tbab they spent a moat enjoyable day goes without Baying. Peter Jackson, 8th line, is making a noticeable, improvement in the front of his farm by cleaning up a pine of low land. Quite a crowd will go to Wingham on Friday of next week to see and hear Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who is to be there on that day. The revival aervioee held in Johnston's oburoh far the past three weeks, are now oloeed, but will be resumed in Biuevele in a couple of weeks. On Saturday evening of last week an entertainment, consisting of graphophone eeleotions and megio lantern views, wan given ie the school, No. 30, The attend- ance was very email. Vetere' Ltete Court will be held on Thursday of next week, 19th inst., ab the Townabip Hall before Judge Masson, We were inoorreat in elating it to be last Friday but trusted to the aorrentnees of a contemporary. c a•ev. Miee Maud Bryan spent Sunday with Mre. Joe. Ames. Joeeph (tater took prizes at Belgrave and Brussels on 1110 roadeter Dolt. Mies Maggie Bielby, of Seaforth Col. legiate, spent a few day last week at her home, Hugh Stewart is home from Menitoba and will:give his impressions in next week's issue. Jas. Turnbull and wife, of Bruggels, spent Sunday with Reeve Turnbull, of the 41h con. D. L. Strachan wheeled to Gorrie on Saturday to attend the Fair and renew old acquaintances, Grey township holde its own with the best of them in open competition, if you don't believe it see the Fall Fair prize Bate. Mr. Steer and daughter, of Chesley, Ont., are holding entertainments through, out this township. Mr, Steer has been blind for 18 years. W. H. Stewart, who eneeeeefully taught in S. 0, No. 1 for several years, lute been engaged as Principal of New Hamburg Public school et a salary of $550, His many friends will be glad to hear of his steady promotion. John Stewart the well koowm sheep breeder, bad bit flock attacked by dogs on Thursday night of last week. Ono sheep was frilled outright and another torn so that it had to he Milled. They Were valuable animals. Ex -Reeve Thos. Rtraohau, who has gone into dairying quite extensively, baa decided bo cease from that lino so will sell his ten miloh cows, also a line Dna, ham bull, at James Jtaloon'o auctlon sale, 3rd con„ on Tuesday, Oct. 171h. In the report of the Simeon -Wright wedding which eppearert in last week's Pos'r there was omitted the mnoio for. niched by D,L. and 9ise Annie Strachan whish was unanimously pronoanoed the best of the evening by the wedding guests. The 100 acre farm of John Hill, 10th con., has been gold to Mr. Armstrong, of Wawanooh, for the enm of $7,000, It ie a One term end the pnrohaoer will no doubt do well. Mr, Hill will hold an aootion sale of his stook, implements', &o., next month and will retire from farming after a busy life. Mr, Armetrnng geto paseeaoion to do plowing ab once. air. Hill le an old resident of Grey. SLYTIi FAIR. Monday and Tneeday were Blyth Fair daya and attracted the usual large crowd of sightseers, The interior department was well filled, and on the second day there was a big display of stook of expel. loot quality. In the speofal attractions the 3 -mile bicycle rape was won by D, Sallowe, of Goderioh ; 0. Campbell, of the same town, and ;