HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-5, Page 66
00T, 6, 1899
The News
Briefly Told
g,toreattng Haplpenings of Recent Data -Th
Latest News of Our Own Country -Doing
In the Mother Lend -.Whitt le (Ioing on I
the United States -Notes prom tiro 'War!
and he was too ill from scurvy to o1
orate on the frozen member for 4
days, Then he re.meved the toes of
the tight foot.
the runway mileage in Manila
will be increased eonsitleralily thi
Year. the, work under rootra84 111
completion before winter sets in ex
needing three hundred [Hiles. Some a
the linos in course of 0 nstrutfon wit
in the no distant future form sec
tions of import 111t railway sy et ems
sand their pt'ogr8$8 is being w:tteher
s with mus b i111 8(01 by 111e people. '1'h
e [oat mile:1,41e of railways in the Prov
d lure at 1 110 ems Of. the year is cum
• puted at 2,10.
(trent Allen, the author, is ill a
The ultimate result of the Dundee
weavers' iac•koul looks like victory fo
the employers.
Jllor n'e 11181-rvat, Ml's. Francis
• La111. a he novelist, is dying at
Brighton, England.
It is annuli 014' i that 1 110 MEDIC 10.03
080110, embracing 1 110 Lakes or Killar-
ney, will be sunt at auction November
' An attempt to hold a pro -Boer anti-
• war meeting in Hyde Park on 48U1 -
day, vols an titter failure, the crowd
tweaking it up,
r •, llauuut'), flet Agablvt ate 40t1 s," Relh.
a. 441. Golden 'Pett. lions, 8. 111,
1 1'11:1Cr1CAL NOT1i$.
Vets: 1. Haman the son of Deanme-
i da1Le the Aga gtta'. Haman is net
s known aside from this story, neither
_ is ll:emmedatha, and there are nouns-
- veered questions concerntrite the mean-
ing of "Aga get e," The Septuagint
calls Hewett "the Pugaeen," but the
t meaning of that also is uncertain.
Probably both names are local 01105,
✓ now disused, of the One of 1launau's
birth. But Professor Acleney thinks
that ' regagite' is tt nielelame of ten -
tempt given by 11w Jew's, derived from
gig, the king of Auutlek whom Sam-
uel heli ed in pieces. Set his sea
above all the 1'.rineve. _Nearer to the
throne, and probably also higher from
the floor. This advancement would
1•e unders10011 10 be a type of 14118141180
ut ()Ghia" 1 tree tun. There eau be nu
real`1'at1ge 111e,tt 14 seats at table its al
court withuut a great socia( turning
u1W1 lend raising' up, Princes. Cuur-
2. The king's servants. The king's
sieves the tuner officers of the court
porters and others. The king's gate
The open spaces before the palace
where the crowds gathered for the ad-
lni11isl ration of justice, and were am-
bassadors in foreign 140388 5 were en-
tertained. Bowed, and reverenced 11a -
man, This Wits the ordinary oriental
practice. The king had so command-
ed. if we are to understand that a
special under of title sort site given, the
lllu51 assume Ural, liaman's advance-
ment was uup0pular, and that royal
1uthurity was required to eldorce the
respect w111811 went with his office;
but the statement may mean merely
that the king had bestowed on him
certain dignities which carried with
there these Marks of honor, Mordecai.
An elder cousin of Esther, ]chum he
had brought up n5 a daughter.
3, Why transgresses[ thou the king's
commandment! Why. shuuld Morde-
cai be exempt from a universal rule?
Apparently 3lordecai's answer was a
statement that the rules of his reli-
gion would nut permit him to offer re-
tigious honors to a mortal,
4. When they spake daily unto him, ,
Reminding him of his disobedience of
the cuunmand they felt euund to obey.
Ile heerken.e.1 net unto them. Did not
cheep: bis conduct. They told Haman
to ,wee whether Mordecai'$.matters
would stand, That, is, actuated by
jem11u.y, they "informed" malicluusly,
(1('14104 to see Whdthel• or not his
course would be tolerated. 17aman
eteelnl net t0 h:1ve uolteed Mordecai's
disrespect till these fellow -slaves told
h.m. Ile had told them that he 101S it
Jew, Wh'ch may even then have
celled a prejud.ce ot dislike, See note
1111 verse 8.
5. then was Haman full ot wrath.
3lordeca.'s 0(uree maddened Haman;
for if, 1eeau;e he was u Jew, he need
neat bow, then no Jews need bow.
6. He lhe.igbt scorn to lay hands
on Mordecai along. 1f Haman had in-
formed the king that one of the slaves
had presumed to disobey the royal.
edict and t0 insult the court favorite,
the king would have said at once, "Put
h m to death;" but Mordecai had in-
nulted hen '15 nr
Jew, awl Haman was
determined 11(11 the Jews Oh.1(ld pay
the penally. 110 sought to destroy all
the Jews that there sero throughout
the whole kingdoum of Ahesu,sru.s,
1'h's scheule to exterminate an entire
race spread throughout the great em-
pire is sten line ; but those (8110 halve
read hstore- k0(118 how the Persians
eoughi to destroy all the i141ag1, and.
hew evert iu the Christian era the
French Celhckics sought to destroy all
the 1'14:eslants on Seint BerLhalo-
mew's Day, and can understand how
hater passions could formulate such a
scheme as this.
7. fire first month, that is, the
month Niw1(1, The first month of the
Jewish religious year, which begins
near the close of 1e. u. 1011 and covers me. st
0.1: April. They cost Pur. A word
width the writer goes on t0 translate
as meowing elm lel.. From it is derived
Purim, the name of the least commem-
orating the deliverance wrought by Es-
ter. From clay 10 c1a', and trona
mouth to 100n114, t0 the twelfth month.
They shared the superstition about
lucky day's, and sought Lo ascertain
1110111 ns the 'lateens did in inter years
by nueuries and the flight of birds.
Our plu•ttse does not mean that every
day of the eleven months they cent
tote, but that they cast lois to try
the good or ill Ratline of onah dey in
the twelve mmlllls, and that the result
of this lottery was the choice of the'
111irluenth day of the We 2e. month.
This result of Persian superstition tees
advantageous to the Jews, for
it gave them time lo contravene
he plans of Haman. The "twelfth.
ne:ntlt" was culled Adar, and carre5-
ponde nearly wile (5114• 1148811.
8. A certaind leo ale ,dispersed
temente .all the provinces, HI re
131 one of the earliest Automats of
that terrible hatred of the Jews which
lens led to odioux erten,s4 in n11 coun-
tries, t0 bitter pe(seetitio114 in leu8silt
and Aitestria, to the strange Droy'fure
r.r.mpIi(n,1i0n5 in h'ranee, and, to grow-
ing prejudice in Germany, England,
and 1110 United 8tLn5, (''erhapy the
51rongcsi reason for this prejudice 114
not vengeance because the Jews kill-
ed, ,IPSt(4, nor dislike of their peculiar
finite, nor file ignorance and filth of
14 (Hain degraded elesse5 01 the Tamer,
not' jealousy because their superior
mental powers make it comparatively
easy for LJoem to attain prominent
place to 4)41( 51. every hritnch of act -iv.,
Hy; It includes all these and more;
butt back of all lhiese is the feat that
they ere scattered abroad, and (115-
la?l:sed among the people or all the
anationa, and yet do,nol mix with any.
The empire of the 'Version kings loan
In 'Ate all of the setups and fringes of
•t 'coat of manarellieS, 'Nineveh; and
13.lrylon and Persia, one after the.
Galt is to have a park.
Woudstoek's p0lrui1tiun is close to
The 21019 two -cent .stamp has been
issued, It is similar to the old threes
John Wall, a Wolfe Island fisher-
man, caught a sturgeon weighing 17
General Button proposes to organize
several companies of mounted rifles in
the North-west Territories.
Lady 1Iinto and Capt..Lascelles, 1.
D. C., leave for England via New Sark
the first week in October,
It has Leen decided by the Govern
mens to appoint an Assistant Commis
eioner to Mr. Ogilvie in the Yukon.
Ayoung Middlesex farmer made the
funny mistake of going iota a London
undettdeer's estahliellmen t to secure a
marriage license.
The Yukon Overland Express and
Transportation Company, with a capi-
tal of half a million, has been intor-
poratel at Ott alre.
James Rogers, a .London, Ont., man
with steady employ-1nent and a bank
account of 0''2,000. has Leen sent to the
penitentiary for two years for steal-
Munroe & Belemata, :clove. Scotia,
vesselmen, charged with sinking two
schooners, for the insurance have been
committed for trial et Whitehead,
N. S.
The Government steamer Stanley
will be used to carry the Canadian ex-
hibits to the Paris Eel °sihri n. Ship-
ments must he in Montreal by Novem-
ber 1st.
It is expected that between 150 end
200 members of the Canadian Ticket
Agents' Association will visit Winni-
peg for the annual convention to be
held on Oct. 10.
The meetng of the creditors of Mow-
ar & Son's private bank was held at
Stratford. Tne statement presented
estimated the 1s1•ets at $25,1100 and the
liabilities at 850,700.
The Klondike Sun, reports the find-'
!ng on claim 31 of Eldorada of the
biggest nugget yet recorded for the
Klondike. It weighs 73 ounces 81-2_
grains, and is worth $1,150.
Mr. John McCrae, E.A., MB., late
Fellow of Biol„gy at 'Toronto Deutal
Hospital, has been appointed to the
research and teaching fellowship Ln
p81hu10gy at McGill College.
The C. P. R. are taking about nine,
trains of from 40 to IN ears each of'
wheat to Fort William rladly. They
expect to increase• the number of
trains to 12 or 13 per day this week,.
Dr. A. 11. Peel, son of Mr. John B.
Peel. of Lon,b,n, has returned home
after three years' absence in South
Africa as army surgeon. Dr. Peel was
granted x15 months' leave of absence.
It is reported that J. J. iiernert,
the missing teller of the Bangn.e Vi:1e
Mare, has offered to return and give
08(441(118 in the else ;,gsrnst. Presi-
dent We'r and the other officers of
the Lank.
G. W. Mitchell }las just returned to
Winnipeg from the Peri Biver. IIe
has made t1 good map "I the river
courses in the hit heito uneepbnrd.
country lying i,etween the Mackenzie
and the Yeilton rivers.
While Herbert Cavanagh, a lumber-
man at 'Trout Creek, Muskoka, vvas a1
work in the bush the head of his axe
came off, and striking his footjust
below the ankle, completely severed'
that member from the leg.
An agitation has been see rt"1 1(i'
have the Kingston R Pembroke Ry..
extended into the mineral belt of
Quebec, in the vicinity of Brvsan. This
°emeral cannel he developed on ac-
count of the jerk of trensportnDon.
Supt. Olborne of the Canadian Pa-
cific Ry„ his received instructions
from Hoot real, reg:crding the 1111:50411
of wheat to be loaded its cue. All
new eel's haling steel trucks 1,10 now
he to Med with 70,03.1 lbs., instead of
60,01(0, as formerly.
Corp. 'Trotter has arrived at fort
Saskatchewan, Alberta, with an lnd:an
prisoner, chu't;,<i with wife murder,
The murder is alleged, to have occur-:
red at Fort Prove:erne, a short dis-j
tame down the Mack,•nzie 1ltver from
Great Slave Lake ,
Miss 'Wilson, private secretary to
Lady Aberdeen, and corresl.unding,
secretary' to the National Council of
Women, ,las arrived in Ottawa, The
annual meeting of the Council will be
held thin year in ITamilton, opening 0n,•
1120 18111 00tOber.
Chas. A1ian. the thirteen -year-old sun'
of Richard Alien, of Cornwall, while
leaning over the balustrade of the
second story of the high school lost his
bate nee and fell headlong to the
ground, breaking Loth arms, dislocat-
ing his shoulder and receiving severe
injuries about the head.
The Welsh delegates in Manitoba
were greatly impressed with the conn
try, and frankly admitted Ihnt its ex-
tent and resources were a revelation In;
them, and that. they would not have
believed what they have been permit-:
tell to see had they reed of it in
papers or pamphlets,
Icon. J. 11. Moss, member of the
Northwest Executive, says that t lin
Terri1oe:es were never in a betterp0af-
tion than they aro to -day, Wheat net-
ting is practically finished all over 1he
Territories, and the groat bulk has'
hi enhIry stet Inti ely flan fromf.oet,
:l'he cattle have done well. ;
Mr. .Archer, an 4ngli5h gentleman
who ,has taken all twiner part in the
c0:onfzal(on of. the IJookhobors, says
they are not so badly off, Its nearly
a thousand m,.n are at work for w•sge14,
and their earnings will be turner} into,[
the common fund to buy the neves-
Sarie5 o1 lire for the hinter.
Mr,'Ldwnrd Harris of Hamilton has
returned from the Edmonton trail,
where he suffered hardship and had
one foot frozen. Dr. Mason or Chi-
sago was the only surgeon in tamp,
.1n old 01.0ra•glass maker 1111(1(811
1l tIbler died in a Lundun infirmary,
where he was taken after being found
starving in his rooms. He 41'as al
miser, and had hundreds of Founds in
gold hid in his place.
The new Cunard Line SS. Ivernia,
for the Liverpuul-Euston service, was
launched un the 'Pyne 'Thursday even-
ing in the p went e of 20,000 people.
The steamer 11153 christened by the
Countess of 11avenseorth,
The British battleship Lundun was
launched at Purt.emoutlt 'Thursday, in
tint presence of large crowds of peo-
ple. '1'he main feature of her c'on-
sCl•uol,ion, is the turner belt, which is
carried the entire length of the ship.
The 1,opularity or card playing in
England is evidenced by the foot that
stamp duty w'as paid during the last
financial 4ear.on 31,953,156 packs of
cards. Including the sum received in
puym8nl of duty 011 imported yards,
ht,• exchequer received £30,785 sterling
trona this :ounce alone.
Sheet iron has advanued from 33.10
to 153 °5 a ton.
John Ilurget, millionaire distiller, is
dead at Peking, Ill.
The late Roswell P. Flower 0f New
Fork left $3,781,909 in stocks.
ANew fork firm has offered Drey-
fus 83015,000 to write his mem side of
bis ease.
Fire did 3275,0041 damage to build-
ings in the stock yards district at Chi -
B, the explosion of molten metal at
• Sh.enbergens steel works, Pittsburg,;
four men were dangerously injured.
The French-Canadian Society 0f 0h1-
cugo will tenceer a reception of Sir
\V'ilflid Laurier' on Oct. 10 at the. Great '
Northern Hotel,
The Canadian Club of New York,'
composed of the influential Canadians
the[ city, bas been organized, D, F.
Cameron, 20814)erly Assistant Treasur-
er of the Province of Ontario, was.
81Jent; C. Montgomery McGovern, sec-
retary; Dr. Austin W, 11151115, treas-
urer; and Mrs. K. 3T, Jodan, finun-'
dist secretary,
The i'r,no of Wales, in presenting
neve c..lors to the Gordon Highlanders
at Braekley, Scotland, referred to the
capture of Darghat Heeights, in the
northern part of Afghitutstan, by the
troops as a memorable and splendid
itch`:evement, Than, amid great enthu-
siasm, the Prince said: "I trust it will
be 5.. ur part to carry the colors to
victle y."
The Czar and Czarina are at Kiel.
Planters in Hawaii will Import (0,-
000 Japanese laborers.
Employes 01 the Creugot Iron Works
at Paris are on.st rike tor higher (('ages.
Many marine disasters, with hies of
life, 14111'6 ocour.red on the (oast of
Hong Kong bad 20 deatbs from bu-
bonic plague last week, and 18 now
Secret n1..bilizal(on documents have
b'en sleleu tram the German army at
Wu.: tzhurg.
The Empress Dowager of China is
rlangertmely ill, and Li Ilung Chang
leis been invited to 'Tenni(' power.
JFile at Lima, Peru, destroyed the
101.504 and beautiful church of San
Ey:invitee founded by Pizarro in 1535,
The Emperor and Einpress of Ger-
merry have c,ontriLuted 197,5(10 for the
relief of the entree -ars of the floods
in Bavaria,
The sitrerm+ster act 3110' pa 11110 of ,
Quem Wilhelmina at The Hague IS
511 881nl8-81141) a qutautity of the Queen's
toilet articles.
An attempt was made to mrh and
perhaps lynch ten Spaniards nt Regia,
had arranged a dinner. and t he na 514
a suburb of Havana. The Spaniards
got the impression iha.t the dinner
was being given for political purposes,
The bubonic. pingue has broken met
ei Assumption, Ai(•unclon, capital of
Paraguay. The City of Assumption or
A. •unvi0n is on th- Paraguay River,
b ,ut six hundred miles north of
Humes Ayres, with which it is con -
fleeted by railway.
The rests of the Rennes. 001101-mar-
t:nl lbleb Dreylos will have to pay
will amount to 154,010. In nddilion to
this, Dlcyruv will of tamest, have to
pay les legit acivieer5. The generals
who appeared al the court martial and
merle speeches against Dreyfus re-
reived ab:lut $6 a day.
\Eesti ndvicee from West Africa . re-
port that tele imposition of 1 head -
tax in 3JJnhmney has ('nosed many
natives to rem•eve to British territory,
('11e 1''rOneh nut lluri1lee ore jealone of
this nligralf0n and serion; trouble is
likely to (incur. Further cannibalistic
I be' ' N Ives are (eporled from
he French Congo,
She .-. Ile's such a quiet anti una11.,
(lesiva petsen that no one would take
rim to be an actor.
The Critio - That is just whet I
have always pointed out,
the world lies tender rho provinne of
Gnllcie, Austria. It is known to he
500 miles long, 20 broad, and 200 feet
in tbickneae.
outer, had 111u;rnod and mixed up lbs
1(11111111(0(1>,1111 true+pealed inhaint -
atits be' the hundred ehousaml Irene
one province to another. had buildetl
e'1t0$ toll pupuiaeecl them with ruetl-
leys of recce', To forward the muds
of statecraft 1114+y had mit pulverized
all tribal dextro 1liens that hardly
any 1,1 the natla0,5 they emiquered re-
tuned its individuality at the lime of
the owning of CIneet, eacelat the
Jews, . wlt0 wend Marry w,t11
none but Jews, atut whose
laws we 1n diverse from nfl people.
Neither keen they the kiug's latus. Pro.
halm this Was literally true while
really false. 1t Is difficult for (Tette
to keep ou8 Subb(8111 haws, for iustuuee,
and 10 other hays their 14elieee null
customs n1ake. them (bjeetionnblo;
nevertheless, as a elites they (1'e a
law-IlI;L;liug People, and doubtless were
iu 11111 11 it day, ll i5 not fur' the
king's tomtit to 5trfle8 them. Iranian
dues not make any suggestion con-
cerning the prtotit 0f the kingdom. lie
would have been couspieuuusl3' out of
t place as an oriental courtier if the
I rosperity of 111e kingdom had been
Of wue11 aeeeu01 t0 him; but if he
could prove Abet the king himself was
to be 1Jvnnteged by the destruction of
any, destroyed they would be.
0. Let it he written that they may
he destroyed. .See note on verse Il. 1
will 1•1ty ten thousand talents or silver
to the. lands of those that Moe' the
charge. Estimates of the value of
great ancient .1:aymen15 and treasures
are necessarily uncerutin.'Phissum hats
been estimated all thus way from ten
millions to t moue' mill}, nsl Perini 118
seventeen mill. ons Is a 8110 guess.
\Vhal was the. money :to be paid for?
Notwithstanding tate 141101ion its the
j close of the phrase to the king's (88(8-
, suries, it is pa 03,15111: that Hannan knew
• well that he woul.l not he 'asked fou
• any money, the. be was a sufficient.
favorite. 11,th lb-..801'0reign to merle
su:h ani offer safe; hut Lis wits tut age
when th• meeker( ruled, and the maxilu
"to the vlr:or1 belong, the spoils" was'
nowhere disputed; and if he were given
the right to kill the jews„ their tree,:
sures would be given to him, so that:
out of them ho could pay* this money, i
Those 111.11 have the charge of the I
business refers not. to the. ln.urder'er:1;
who were to be employed to kill the j
Jews, but to the tax 8ollec;urs, "those'
4(1ao had the charge of superintending,'
r, ceiving and depositing the revenues
of the kingdom," in Dr. 'ferry's phrase-
10, .the Xing took his ring from his
hand, and gave it unto Ilaman. In
those days men did out write their,
sigkntures, but stumped them with a
signet or seal, from which eusUnn, in
lineal, the wo:d "s:gu.ature" is derived.
'I'h: ring was given, to Kaman) for the
surpass of settling wale ray it author-
ity letters 1-1111411 Ha1na11 Was to ',send
to the rulers, of the provinne.
11. The silver is given to thee,
nests also. Xerxes regarded
es a wen( mam 1'841, and at gree
arch should give greatly.
th0u311111 s we'd su0.eede1 douhiles
lq' feasting and laughter, the king. o
Persia, emperor of millions, had con
sensed to the slaughter and pellage 1:
nn iono!ent farce. The utter levit
of auoient despots is .shown by h
loan of the signet rink, which lemin.1
one of the old, story of the court ie
who, being given the royal Signe
ring for one afternoon, took advnn1«g
of his opportunity to sign a war
rant for the arrest and death
of the king, andi reigned in, hi
stead. The delay until the following
March was due not to any weakness of
the king, hut, as We have seen, Oahe
superstition of Haman. There lens
throughout the great empire a sort of
P 6 himself
By a
:Stilt People on Honed sore- Sir. Meat tort
though l I',4 44eage r4 10 111 ma nn l.l,
A despatch from Montreal snys:-
The long overdue Ouutinion line steam-
ship Seolsman, for the surely of whittle
there has been so 1)1119'.(4 aur 1'15' for
the past week, was reported 0(1Thurs-
day morning as being t18hur6 on Belle
fele, fire• miles east of 110 lighthouse,
Her Ttnssengers and (new, numbering
in all 350 souls, are reported all safe,
063 of them being on the .Elder-Deimp-
stel' & Co.'s steamship Montfort, whish
trussed Beath Point Thu rsday morn-
ing at 8 o'elo;k, and signalled the
nevus, which was conveyed to Messrs.
Torrance, the lora} agents of the Do-
minion lino, Later in the day Messrs,
Torrance received an unsigned do-
spatchlrom Change Island, Newfound-
land, a point in Notre Dame hay, about
140 miles south of the point where the
14011 is sueposed to be lying, as fol-
Scotsmun ashore on ledge close in
shore five miles els, of Belle Isle light,
Passengers all lauded, but 110 provis-
ions on the island depot, All boils
lull. Ship lying even. Immediate as-
sistance In1perativa, Reply.
Thee following reply Was sent al once
to Change Island:-
Aseis1nnee will be sent. Have ask-
ed Government protection,
It is not 1411014311 ("11111 day the strip
went ashore, but hi all probability it
was about Friday, as the ship Would
be in that vicinity, !laving been re-
ported 300 miles east of Beetle Isle on
The distance from heath Poiut to
Father Point is 3de utiles, The Mont-
fort passed Heath Point at 8 a, m.
Thursday, so that, barring lugs or oth-
er obstacles, she will reach Father
Point early Friday morning. llimuuski
is but as Jew miles distant, and here
it is intended to laud the Seotsmaa's
passengers, Arrpngemeuts have been
perfected with the Inlereolonial rail-
way by 1'111111 they will be brought
with all possible speed to Montreal.
The first breakfast of the passen-
gers on shore after their exciting 0x-
periences of the past week, will, Irina -
sent arrangements are carried out be
enjoyed at Rimouski.
The Scotsman's cargo is a very valu-
able one. ,But it would he absurd to
Peven guess at its value. The cargo
WAS the largest which had been loaded
for this port during the present season.
There is quite a considerable portion
of it of a more or less perishable na-
u tare when exposed to water. At pre-
') sent the possible loss is a mere matter
r of speculation, but ELS far as the Scots-
man herself is coneernod, if she goes to
e pieces, it w1(1 mean not less than 3750,-
000. She was built originally at a cost
of 8500,000, but since she was floated
s 3250,000 extra has been spent in fitting
her for the place she held on the Do-
minion line.
noital system, [nen un horseback tak-
ing messages .for miles to stations
vvh:ch had, been established in all till`- Sunned Wood. clad a 101 or WEDDED, and
ec1.0.14. \\'e can imagine lianlan tlra.w- Ills \1I1411 14 Rupp„„„ io stelae Ilocome
mg • ua the decree sealing i 'i
1 g a with; the
king's seal, passing it ever t0 the
royal secretu'(es. to duplicate, tend
then sending it by these postmen along
every lane of travel? And what was
thl news? That all On Jowl were to
be put to death on the day mentioned,
not their property seized. And so the
plot seemed to he well InId and ,&access
certain. H.:rribte, indeed, are the
vices of envy and jealousy 1 But God
sal among 111' shadows, keeping 41201013
above be own,
The ,awful Dead 151' a m'cuuu. Neter Si.
A despatch from St, Catharines, says:
-Mrs. Ezra Book, aged 40, the mother
of seven children, who resides with her
husband in Gainsborough township,
near Silverdale, on 1481(1ay morning
carried her infant child lo a 12011 on
the farm and deliberntoly drowned it.
She then walked to the home of ' her
11101 bin., four utiles away, whither elle
Wits followed by other rnemllers of 1 h
f:emily 1210 missed 1101 and the child,
,Asked its to what; had become of the
baby, She cal ally replied that she had
drowned it in the well, adding t11n1 she
had intended to kill herself, but the
(votes in the well was oat. deep enough
for the purpose,
Mrs, Book had previnitsly shown
signs of slight attach of Insanity.
Three yenta ago Mrs, 13ook wandered
away from home while insane, leav-
ing an Infant towered for', end eves
found hiding in n grain chest In pig-
pen on her mother's place in Petition,
Her mental condition Is thought to be
due to trouble with her eyes, A few
years ago she underwent an operation
for the eyes, apiece having to be
taken out of the lid to allow her to
open it, 'This (lensed intense suffer-
ing which afleeted her greatly,
Sneru's4rcll hep(rint,vas C'etuluOleel In
A despatch from London says:-•-Sinra
his t'o1!1'men!, from the General Post -
office, Sir W. 1.1. Preece has made sn0-
cess2ul experiments with wireless tele-
graphy at Carnarvon, Jus native town.
Sir William within the past few days
has turned his attention to the tele-
phone, and has succeeders in establish-
ing telelr1onl0 oonitnuniention without
wires between Varyd and Belton
point, a distance of a utile on the
shores of the Menai straits.
(:'onversatfone; have been conducted
without interruption, the sounds be-
ing Title distinct, 41 is proposed to
experiment over a wirier arra.
fele( aged..
A despatch from Brantford, Ont.,
says -Weld Peached this city on
Thu red ety morning of a mel (umbel y
tragedy whittle occurred on W'ednesduy
near the village of Kelvin, in Burford
township, A man named! Samuel
\Wood, tired of life, 11r51 shot his faith-
lel dog dead and then blew out his men
Mains, Wood was 011', years of age,
' anti unmarried, He had had a lot of
trouble, and his mind is supposed to
have been unhinged, Wednosd.ay he
MA his shotgun, and, calling his dog,
!walked towards a woods not far from
l his ]home in search of small gnrne. The
maul must have been brooding over his
Crou1I- far just before len ae,ached 1111
! woods he turned un 111e dog at his
becks and shot him dead, Ile then
walked ila0 the bush, where he crone
!upon some omen at fork. 11'11e men
asked him what he had shot at, and
he replied that he' had killed his dog,
huh would give no reason except that
' it tva8 better dead, \Vo:•d then strol-
led back to where the dog lay, and be-
fore anyone noticed wine he was do-
ing pbeoed the muzzle 01 the gun to
his head and pulled the trigger by
means of a stick, The wlr,le top of
site muel'S head ens blown off, and he
tell dead instantly close beside the
body of his four -fooled companion.
The 00101104' was notified, but dial not
deem an inquest necessary,
Average Shipments Venni Manitoba to
4,n10' l'o1n'r,
A deepaI011 from Winnipeg, spays: -
:The C.P,.R„ announces at reduIlion in
elevator charges at Fort William to
11,1112 a cent a bushel, including 15
days' storage and (met of cleaning and
spouting to vessels,
An average of 300 oars of wheat per
deny tire being shipped io lake points,
The 118(0Y numbed 60 cents at country
points on Wednesday,
Vea1'ftlt Lass of tire by l(nrlhgnntce in
Asia 741nnr.
A despatch from Constantinople,
says: -;Thi district of Aidin, in Asia
M nor, WAS 22511ed by an earthquake
On September '20, and according to the
latest advice, over 200 persons per-
ished, The chief 011ie5 of the vilayct
or Prnvinoe, or Aldine aro simply ruin-
ed. The city of Aldin is 80 miles
south of Smyena, It. is the rts;tidenoo
of the. Pasha, and a focus of a flourish.
Ing trade in grain,0arpets, figs opium,
and sponges.
`111E` 131 LriOrIE :1E"rtr.
Leu and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable
Cures Wrought by South American Norville Tonic.
Newspaper edit -ors are alined as
soeptical as the average physician on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
most remarkable and well authenti-
cated cures will incline either an
editor or a doctor to seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed for a
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South American Nervine Tonic
were received from men and women
all over the country before physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, siok
headache, and es a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of sick-
During his expeffenee of nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a gracefully -
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, hot in only a
single instance, and that one warrant-
ed by his own peesonal experience,
has he given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
snob a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonic. Ib has never failed
in its purpose, and it has cured when
doctors and other medicines were
tried in vain.
"I was prostrated with a particu-
larly severe attack of 1 La Grippe,' "
says Mr. Colwell, "and could find no
relief from the intense pains and dia.
tress of the malady. T suffered da
and night. The doctors did not help
me, and I tried a nutnber of medm-
eines, but without relief. About this
time I was advised to try the South
American Nervine Tonio. Its effects
were instantaneous, The first d0ae I
took relieved me, I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day. Your
Nervine Tonic oured me in a single
The South American Nervine
Tonio rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nervus and the
nerve °entree, and it is this notable
feature which distinguishes it from
every other remedy in existence. The
most eminent medical authorities now
concedethatfully two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity arise
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Tonio
acting direct upon the nerve centres
and nerve tissues instantaneously
supplies them with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why its
invigorating effects upon the whole
system are always felt immediately.
For all nervous diseases, for general
debility arising from enfeebled vital.
ity, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy can possibly
take its Oiler
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Thrilling Story of 111e Deslenelion or a
!Digs' School to 1101114.
IA despatch Crown Calcutta, says: -1
The story of the destruction of the
Ida Villa -"ranch of (he Calcutta girls
school, nupPOrled by the American
Methdklisl.a, is related .by Miss Stehle
W.110 saved molly of the children. A
landslip compelled the occupants to
leave the buildings, and Mise (1113111,
guiding the childreu, 0ummencecl a
perib,u( (.limb, finit.1,9 gaining the. Mall
road, All llie time rain was pouring
down in tor:tents, the 001111 WON 51111 110
and the children Were lerrilied,
The bleakness of the night, faking
boulders, the crashing all trees, an111
Beals of the earthquake, finally rim -
pelted the party to return to the Ida
Villa. Even Then Miss Stahl bard n
struggle with. the children, wine, fear-
ing the melees(' of the house, sought
to fly into the night.
Misses Reid and Nuundry finally
Made another attempt and escaped
with the children. They were, how-
ever, overwhelmed le, a landslip. ,The
Ceae11605 escaped, 'but many of 1110
Chi Idren perished. In the meantime
the I:dn Villa had been also 1l esttoys( l,
Will (Burle0, the solo survivor, says
that when 11 W11.8 000(1 111111 esenpc was
impassib.0 n sister mach Ihemrill 1; nerd
(n ;moan, and while kneeling the
house was swept away,
it i5 445(4)nat8(1 that elle loss to 111e
lea00ga3,000,i'de.n,pronrie(ons alone is about, ;
Queen Victoria on hearing of (11e disc
aster telegraphed her prols.Und teem-
enthy, to the bet caved families,
'1TIL1 OD011. 0.10 RAIN.
Nuttall has determined that. the
emelt of freshly turned earth is clue
to the 'growth of a bacterium, the
0141thadrix odorfera, which multiplies
in decomposing vegetable matter, and
more rapidly h1 the presence of heat
and moisture. Hence the odor Is es-
peci1lly marked after a (1111)1ve1', Or
when 0101st earth is dist robed. , In
dry soil the tlevelo)mont of the bac-
terium 10 arrested, but it is immedie
alo1,y re51med 'with vigor as weir as
moisture is restorede
'('11e lveiepou Was Dlachorged and Minnie!
Wits Hilted.
A despnlcll from G ravonhurst, Ont.,
says: -Fred Shunter, of Glen Orchard,
while out hunting, shot n fox, t Jule
mediately after shooting he reloaded
his rifle, but neglected to put clown the
Mummer. Ile luuad the fax wee not
quite dead, and struck it a blow with
the buil end of his gun, lvhich dis-
charged, The ball pierced his right
hand and entered his right side, pass-
ing clean through his body just bolmv
the heart. Although In groat agony,
be managed to crawl to his, hums, a.
, diseau08 of about Ea quarter at (1 101113,
but expired Shortly, atterwerds. Ile-
: teasel was about. '27 years of age, and
((owes 11 wlcliew and one child to mourn
1115. 14,448,
r' -
liar t'nuhQ> (11111 Crow or ('14n Drowned.
A de831teh from Kingste11, Ja„ 5ny51
-T be .3Lles St en inside Company's
steamer /[dela, which wee 5eieed its a
prize by 1 b United States [luring 1110
war with Sptuln, has been sunk in deep
water to the east. 0f Jamaica. Her
chief offieoe, Cnptnin Perry, of New
York, w'ns drowned with the crow of
five. She was bound for Baltimore;
with n cargo of oranges.
Mrs, IIIct5innosse-01 hear y'r weird
do be sick, Mr, MoCulhthnn.
121', 11feeminhan-air, site cru be very
sick, ibl'1N Metlinnesse.
Is she tirin3erotls 4
Nicer a bit. She do be paceeble 0110
oug'll now,
The meet singular eltfi> in the world
is the Polyehcrrtets, et the lb-R(8h navy,
IL is elnt1ly a long steel tube, deeply
buried in 1110 venter, the dock rising
only tear feet ((hove (11e sea, It 04(8"
ries no lanais or stile, and is used
es a ram and tm'pedo beat,