The Brussels Post, 1899-10-5, Page 44
(�1�ht 11.1:5s.d.0 PlSt.
Tune—"Bonnie Dundee,"
To each other, on board ehip, the paesen•
gen; spoke,
There's one thing we mnst do e'er our
farewell we taste ;
We must give there good chore, and right
hearty ones too,
For our good CeptairlFairfell, his ship
and hie Drew.
Cao.—So here's to our captain and three
times three,
For the way he has weathered the
boisterous sea ;
And the good ship, "Pomerarian," is
second to none
For keeping her head 'gainrt all odds
as she's done.
We've had much against no, cold, wind,
rale and fog,
And to odd to our troublee, our coal
turned out bad ;
So mueh so that oar speed, as revealed
by the log,
Was jest abont half what we ought to
have had.
Other veeeels Bail, d pest us with boasting
and pride,
And scoffed to themeelv.s at our slow.
nese of pace ;
But our ship, unrutlled, with dignified
Came in easily first at the end of the
Other vessels, if they'd met the same
ohoppy seas,
Would have pitched, rocked and rolled
like a light, empty hell •,
But ours very solidly "eat on the breeze,"
And worked her way steadily, Barely
and well
Bad noel made ue lose full two days in
our Bail,
But our captain remarked (goodnatnr-
edly funny)
"Two dei a in a lifetime's a mere email
The logger the voyage the more for
our money."
Of course we had sickneee, 'tie fallen
man's lot ;
And the oold rain and wind kept ue
prisoners below
And thine did not turn out as 8ne ae
we thought,
Bat often in life the oaee is lust so,
We nigh•: all have grumbled, bet what
could that do 9
It wooed not have bettered one frek
meet oar tot ;
So we tot Is from the ehip and captain our
And jn.'t made the best of what we
had got.
Some of no had been told before we set
That the broad, deep Atlantio like a
"mill pone" could he ;
But do rot believe in any such tale,
You've only to try it yourself for to
Sp is of ell our discomforts and trials
end pains,
We're epproeehing the hewn we've
wearied to see •
And our heat teheat wish joy ae we see
after all
we're hearing in aaf,ty Montreal.
le .w a word for the company—the crew,
to a man,
Have clone for our comfort all that
emote a ehip can ;
And with hearts full of gratitude, gladly
we'll telt
Whate', chanced on the voyage, all's
ended quite well.
So here's to our captain and three times
For the way be has weathered the
boisterous sea ;
And if e'er we want back to our dear
dative land,
We'll gladly embark under his good
S. S. Pouterariar, Sept. 6th 1899.
Huron County Assizes.
The Fall Aeeizee for the County of
Heron opened at the Court House on
Tuesday afternoon of last week at 2
o'clock. The Honorable Cbancellor Boyd
There were one criminal and four oivil
cages on the list, but as the Grand Jury
brought in "no bill" in the criminal
charge and two of the civil osaee were
allowed to stand over the business of the
Court was practically oonoluded by six
J. C. Ilegler, of Ingersoll, anted as
Crown counsel.
Tbe following were sworn in as the
Graud Jnry ; James 13. Jones, foreman ;
Edward Beloher, Samuel Bennett, Jobn
Day, James Davidson, James L. Grant,
Thome Ginn, James Hiller, Andrew
Moban, David Maok, John IBIa/Taboo,
William Yearly, Patriok Ford.
Hie Lo,•dehip briefly addressed the jury
and instructed them as to their duties.
The only male they would have to deal
with wee that in which William Goa was
charged with manelaogleter in shooting
and killing Frederick Beattie last year,
The Attorney.Genertl'e Department had
directed that thio matter be placed before
the Grand Jury, to decide whether Cox
should be put on trial for manelaugbter.
The only jury case on the docket, Small
vs. Bradford, was postponed. Me Lord.
ehip then heard the non jury oases,
Murr ve, Squire et al.—Action to have
a trust of the late Valentine Pframmer'e
will declared in favor of plaintiff, Mary
0. Murr. J.1'. Mabee, (Stratford,) and
L. E. Danoey for plff. ; J. T. Gaerow, Q.
0., and F. H. Thompeon (Mltobell,) for
deft., Squire ; 11. F. Handing, (Stratford,)
for deft., Pframneer. The notion wag
taken by Mrs. Marr against her sieter,
Mre. Squire, and mother, Mre. Pframmer,
to reoover the interest on 91,000 under
the will in question, Judgment wee
given for he plaintiff for 9800, being five
years arrears of interest, with out of wit.
name to rove that plaintiff wae.fn need,
and at, a nual pa went of 900 every year
by the wi-low daring her life, and after
her death, amok annual payment to be
made to the plaintiff by the defendant,
Sarah Squire, as long ae the pled
lives, the flrat of such animal pigments
of 4100 each to be paid ou the 1111
October, 1899. Interlocutory Ouch
stand as already determined, six pee'aeut
prime, facie Interest oil 91,000; if any
doubt about this, rate Can be settled
registrar. I'roceedinge stayed for
Coleman vs. Jn0111in. -- Interpleader
lime, Philip Holt for p ff. ; le. L. Millie.
eon, 4Wingham,) for deft. Judgment for
the plaintiff declaring that lie bee a
charge on the note in ggeetion for 9200 18and interest from this date and that he
is entitled to hold the sante until
meet thereof with Duets of levee. 0
appointing Philipp Molt, withent sea
and salary, to nolleot the said note
after payment of plainttff'a Mann as
above to pay the balance thereof to the
Murray vs. Mc/von—Action to recover
a legacy, Philip Holt for plff. ; W. C.
Loscowbe, (I{inoardit 0,) for defeodaut.
By Consent of co fusel, stands till 0ext
nun jury eittinge of Court, pending settle
A few miuntee before ex o'clock the
grand jury return,d to the conn room
and deotared "no bill" in the C x orae,
The grand jury .vent down to Chetan
'rhnredav to examine the House of Refuge
and at the tune 01 writing bars not made
their preseutineut.
1 of
to _
Dim, John Dryden, Mihfeter of :Agrl-
by cnitnre, was burn in the township of
one Whitby, Ontario County, tent., 5th June,
1040, Elle father, the tato James Dry
den, was a native of einuderland, r'.ng ,
who came to Canada with hie widowed
mother in 1020, and who afterwards
married the father of the late Sheriff
Paxton, for ninny years a prominent
resident of Ontario county, James eon
I Untied to live with his mother and step.
rrder i father until coming of nge, when he put,
urity chased a farm fur himself, subsequently
and purchasing another 3uu acres, which
formed the nueleue of the uow Pamine
Maple Shade Farm, of 920 acres, the
property of the EIon John Dryden,
The subject of this sketch was prim.
The arnnnl Fall Feir of l4net Wawa
nosh Arrleultaral fincieby wan held al'
Belgrave On Thursday and Friday of
last week. Old Prnbs, did not smile
very b• nitnly upon them, rain, bail and
cold interfering with people getting there
and consequently reducing the number
of entries. The Officers of the Sooiety
were on the alert ae Lionel, however, and
left nothing undone to add to ,rte comfort
and onnvenienoe of three attending.
Financial receipts about 890 The news.
piper men present were Bros. Holmes,
11'I. P., Clinton ; Bradwin, Blvth ;
Elliott and Halt, Winghnm; see Tee
and Kerr, Brnseele. Following is t
list of prize winners ;—
ROn0ps --Heavy Draught — Brand mare
rod foal, ,Tae Sp Mr, Robt Nesbit: horse foal,
R Nesbit : more fool. Jas 9nelr. Tis running -
ham : 2-vear-old 012,, .Tae Forster, w Fl
Cruickshank 1 2•yeer-o1d gelding, W H
Crniokehank 1 1 -year-old fill,, Jae S)0)1
teem horses, W R frruiek0h Knit, Jn s Forster.
General Purpnaa—Frond mare and fnal.,Tas
Owens. ('1100 Proctor & Sona ; mare font.
Gen Robertson „Tea Owens; horse foul, Jun
reeemnre 1 & 2; 2 -veer cid 0)2,, gun E
Pens. 7n', rasemore ; 2 year-old seldine,
Juo 01 1''elO, R Scott • 1•yenr-nl$ filly, 0 Pule..
tor & Sons, A Robertson ; team horses, goo
rasemore.,Tuo Taylor. Read and (arringe-
2-year•ohi Allv,.T Oster ; Swear -old gelding,
Scott & Warwick 1 & 2 ; 1 -year-old aliv, Scott
C Warwick, Jas Speir; 0it'gr0 driver, R
Willieme, Jon Ai Fisher; hook bonen in sad-
dle, A Rnhertson 1 & 2: team. Joe Br00,1nn,
Ten 11 Fells. Judges—Juo Senrlett, Me Till•
lop ; C liuddeli, T.ondeeboro'.
CAOTLO--Tbnrobred—Ca"',R Corley, roc
Sowlnr,R Cellar ; 2•veer-old better, R Cnr-
lev 1 & 2 ; heifer calf R rorloy, l & 2; bull
calf, It Corley, Geo Rowlar; bull, two years
or over, R Corley; bull. under two. It Corley,
(.4•'n Rowlnr. Grade—Cow, TI H Harrison, P
Gibbons. M H Harrison ; 2 -year-old heifer.
D Scott & Sons, AI H Harrison ; 1.rear-old
heifer, lr H Harrison, W Sentt; heifer calf,
Al H Harrison 1 & 2 ;.2-vear old steer, D Scott
& Sone 1 & 2 ; year old ether, Juo Barr; D
Scott & Sons ; steer calf, M H Harrison. Juo
Barr. Jndgee—W Iebister, Morrie ; H Clow,
SSE&P. — Le(Oeatera and Grades — Aged
ram, T 71 Taylor. jr, N Coming; shearliug
ram, Too Ran, It,, Coultes,jr; ram lamb,
Ino Barr, Jots Ceuites, jr ; aced ewes, baying
raised lambs in 369s, •foo Barr, Geo Henry ;
sbearling ewes,. Jun Coultes, fr, N Cumiog;
ewe lambs, goo Coultas, Jr, J Barr. —Down,
and their Grades—.Aged ram, P Reid 1 & 2 •
eh earllng rain, P Reid, Bf H Harrison ; rani
Iamb P Reid, M A Benison ; aged ewes
having raised lambs in 1092, P Iteid ; shear.
Ilug ewes, P Reid ; ewe lambs, P Reid, G
Plus—Largo Breed—Aged boar, W R Mo-
rutobeen, 18 Nichol; brood sew having
littered in 1000, R Nic11o11 & 2: hoar littered
101000,11 Nicholl & 2; sow littered fn 1000,
F M Henderson, W. H. taeCn Mk eon. Small
Breed—Aged boar, Geo Robertson ; brond
sow having littered in 1009. 0' Scott, P Gib.
bons ; hoar littel•e,1 in 1500, P Gibbons 1 & 2 ;
sow littered In 10011, P Gibbons, Geo Robert-
son, Judges—Jag M Carrie, L Tasker, H Ed-
PnnLTRY.—Oaonn, 1100 Robertson, T M
Henderson ; tm•lrhya, T AI Henderson;
dunks, T 1022 Henderson ; Plymouth 'Rocks,
TMHenderson 1 &^_: L0ahnrns, T M Hen-
iernno 1 0.2' Spaniels, T Al Henderson 1 & 2,
Judge—T Pn (teronu.
TMPLRH$NTo,—Fgrm gate, H Ed.vards;
lumber wagon. Jro Campbell ; buggy. Juo
fin mpbell ; cutter. .Teo Campbell ; ulow, goo
L Geddes. W Gannett ; gang plow, Jho L
Geddes, gun Campbell ; iron harrows, Ino
Campbell, W Gannett ; disc harrow, Inc;
Campbell. .Tudge—T L Jobb, Wiugham.
Gnarv,—White Fell wheat. R Scott, T Ii
Tnvlor. fr ; rod Fall wheat, T H Taylor, Jr, H
Edwards; Spring wheat, R G M0Gowap ;
six -rowed barley, R Scott, H Edwards ;
white not., W Scott. R McMurray ; small
peas, R Scott, 0 Proctor & Soon ; large
Rae Was Spetr, R G McGowan ; Rax seed,
Gen Bowler, 11 G McGowan ; Timothy, Joe
Speir, R Soott, Judge—gun Anderson.
Form AND FLowrna.— Golden Russet
apples, goo Brandon, M B Harrison ; Bald.
wins, R C> McGowan, A Robertson ; snows,
W Geddes, R Corley; Rhode Id. Greeninos,
A B Carr,J Speir; Scott's Winter, TAT Hen-
derson, W B Andereoo; North ern Spies.P
Gibbons. AR Carr; Bon Davn s, R G M0-
Gowan,Joe Brandon ; (iahed% retie, J Speir,
R G TloGoww; Kits of Tompkins, M H
Harrison, Joe Brandon ; ynriotiee Winter
apples, Soli Speir, 0 Proctor es Sons;
vnrietiee hall apples, 0 Procter & Snne,B
Scott 1 Fall pears, R Corley, jam Snell* ;
Winter pears, Jnn E Fella A B Carr'
variety Of grapes, (1 Proctor .4 Sons, TTL'
Anderson ; plums, apples.
Caro T rat0 Holder -
son B; pneones, Jun h; Pelle ; collection of
holt, Prorte• & Sous, 11 Corley; table
boquet, Mina T Henry, F Saolrrider • band
briquet of {lowers, Miss 11 Fleury, lit Seab'
rider; flower in pot, te Saolrrider ; eollecbion
of house planta, E Saolrrider ; cnnection of
foliage plants, S Saokridar. Judge—Goo
Fothergill, Marnoch.
0IAr0VPACTnn0a.—Union flannel, T hI Hon.
derma, Atre Owens; blankets, Mre Owens,
Afro' Robertson 1 home ma,1e wine, Mrs P
Gibbons, 0 Proctor & Sone.. Judge—W
ltobmrte0u, Wtngham.
Roars ANn VrG1tTARL,,'A._Elephant porn.
toes T 10
Henderson, on
; mat.
lees Cnnrlien, 0 PmM
otnY & Sens, T Render-
; Empire State, E Saekrider, 0 Proctor
& Sous; any other variety, 11 Snakridem, R
Scott; cabbage, 71 Saokrifier, T Ai Mender.
; pfolrting cabhnge 11 Snekrider, 7! M
blood heels, To 11 71 Anderson 3 8nakrider
turnip beets, W Gadd as. 0 Proctor at Sons
mango/anwurtzole, 19 Saekride•, 0 Proctor
& Sone; Swerle turnips, 0 Proctor 8, Smrs,
W Scott ; Sold 0001010 1(1 Saolu'idor, E Fells ;
early horn c0rrote, E Seeltrldor, 0 ?rooter &
Sons;o aronlpe,E 8aoltrider 1 onions from
seed, ISankridor. oolong of any abhor
kind, E Snoltrider, r Ai Henderson ; celery,
11 flaolfri,ler; corn, H Edwards, T At Ron.
dernon ; water melon, E Saekrieer, T M Hen=
dereon; musk melon, E Saolrrider, T M
1tenderton; punppkin, E Saokrtdor, T M nitrn8npdoosHe00021o,2oterr mote,Il Render,
rider; beans,R Scott, A. ltobortsoa ; colleo'
Mon of garden vegetables, T M Hendoreon,
Judgos-1' Metcalf, Blyth; 0 W Lawrence,
DAIRY PnODnc11.--Dairy butter, 1trs A
Carr Mrs G Robertson • omit of butter,
Aire 13 Rohnrteen, Tates llfoOleitand ; butter
10 rolls or prints, Btre 0 Proctor, Miss Scott ;
home-made breed, Mrs A Carr T M Flender.
Son ; ma n10 eyrop,10 Scott, A lj Carr. Jud-
ges -1) sprout, fielgrave; 1t A Graham,
1'11M Ariree--raintingStill tile, Mies Owens;
Wo may also brlelly nleutiou that his
imported "G11dy Clare" and her !illy,
"Lady Gordon," have been equally elm
easeful, It ie needl020 toeay crowds visit
the Maple Shade Farin from all parts of
the country, where they are always sure
of a 0l'lU'teutie 2ece91iotl, whether !lir.
Dryden is there or nob, But while he
hie paid go much attention to this model
farm, he has not forgotten his public
duties, and has found time to interest
himself in other platters for the welfare
of the entire community.
The part he has taken in these affairs
may be briefly eummarized as follows :—
Was secretary and treasurer of the local
School Board for many years. In 1863,
at the early age of twenty three, was
arily e,lecated at the common school, in
the neighborhood, subsequently flnishiog
at the Whitby Collegiate, At the nge of
nineteen he retnrued home and entered
iuto an arrangement with his father to
work the farm on shares. Later 11e add-
ed by rental his uncle's farm and another
lot, all of which he eventually pnrohased.
As a thorough fanner in every Detail, not
only in the proper cultivation of the laud,
but also in stock raisinghe has long been
known to have no superior and few equals
in America. His splendid farm is under -
drained throughout, and is known far
and wide as the beat onitivated in the
country. Hie special forte, however, is
stook raising. Ile 13 a constant importer
of the choicest Shorthorns, Clydesdale
horses, and Shropehioe sheep. He pos.
sasses to -day probably the finest herd of
Cruickshank Shorthorns on the continent,
while his imported horses are equally
celebrated. It would take a volume to
give oven a cursory record of these fine
animals Sol oe it to say, Bir. Dryden,
among many others, bred the woll•kuown
bull "Barupton Hero," who was never
beaten in taking first prize in any ring in
Can ada.
elected councillor ; served hie township
and county as Deputy Reeve and Reeve
continnonely until 1871, when he volun-
tarily retired. In 1879 was nominated to
represent the Liberal party in the Pro-
viucial Parliament, to whish he was
eleoted by a large majority, and re elected
ever since, despite the most strenuous
opposition. Was chosen by Sir Oliver
Mowat to succeed Hon, 011as., now
Sheriff Drury, ae Minister of Agricul-
ture, 1890, the duties of whish are etill
most efficiently performs. Indeed, it is
universally auknowledged that it would
be almost impossible to 111 his place. He
has also held many important offices, ae
president of associations for the advance.
ment of the farming community, a direo•
tor of the Whitby and Port Perry rail-
way, of which his father was president
and one of the chief promoters.
In religion he is a Baptist, of which
°hereto he ie a liberal supporter, as well
as to many charitable societies.
In 1867 Iver, Dryden married !Mary
Lydia, daughter of Thomas .Holman, a
well known publisher of New York.
Eight children have blessed this union—
only one eon and five danghtere survive.
Mrs lDrl Corder; pencil drawing, Tars 10)0)
Carder ; oil paint ung, Airs t Dr) Carrier, Tire D
B Andersrm ; collection oil paintings, Mise
Owens, Airs Rlashill ; collection photo.
graphs, M 1•:/,nrhrigg, Mies Edwards.
LADII1e DarenTrrall'r —Tatting, AIrs 131as-
hill; , croobet work, \Its Dr Carder, Mrs
Fells ; bead work, Mise McClelland ; hooked
&kirk, wo, ilea, Aire Geo Robertson ; fancy
knittle: , Mire Dr Carder, Mrs W Mefieozie
gent's linen shirt, Mrs W McKenzie ; Gent's
fancy flannel shirt, Mrs W McKenzie ; brtdd.
iug, Miss Tf00IelIaud; leather Monate, Mre
Blenhilln Tore Owens ; woollen stockings, Aire
McKenzie, Miss McClelland ; socks, Mrs Me.
Renee Mise MaOleltand ; woollen gloves,
Mrs McKenzie ; woollen mitts, 2100 AfoKeu-
zie, Mies Owens; tog cabin Quilt, Miss Mc-
Clelland, Mrs BlasUrll; knitted quilt, TL'a
Dr Carder,Mrs P Gibbous ; patched quilt,
Mre Geo Robertson, Mrs Dr Corder; rag mat,
Mre Saokrbder, Mre Blusbill; Berlin wool
work raised, Mre Dr Carder, Mrs 1310011111;
Berlin wool work flat, Miss McClelland, lire
Dr Carder ; sofapillow, Aire Dr Oarder, lira
Slaebilr ; etlk quilt, Mrs Blashill, Aflss Mo -
(Helfand • painting on satin, 3112 or velvet,
Mrs Dr Carder, Aire Blashil1 ; lair flowers,
8101111111 McClelland
ul'dery on linen, MIrssDr Oar.
der, Miss Moalelland ; lace work, lira ]tlas-
hill ; twine lace, Ariss Moclollaud ; rag our -
pat, mise 12 Henry, airs Owens; collection of
ladles, work, Aries alootellaod, urs Dr carat•,
Judges -22100 Henderson, Winghnm ; misses
Harrison and Ha11, I3elgrave,
r C11Ca-a[ News.
The Street Railway Cumpany, through
their solicitors, Messrs. Ilellmuth & Ivey,
have entered ichor against Mayor Wit.
sou and Police Magistrate Parke, Lon•
don, to recover 920,000 for damages alleg•
ed to have been sustained through the
issuing of lionises to the etrikere' 'base•
A meeting of the Guelph Presbytery
was held in Galt on Wednesday of last
week. Rev. Mr. Taylor was ordained,
and will go to India. Tbe call of St.
Andrew's congregation, Berlin, to Rev.
air, Bradley, of Mitchell, was taken up,
sustained, and wiil he forwarded fur
R. J, Gray has sold his 100 acre farm
in the 4111 oonoeesion of Elma to Wm.
Cleland for 96,400, There ie a good
brink house and excellent bank barn on
the property, Mt. Gray has purchased
D. Dipple's 125 acre farm on the Elma
boundary West, paying 95,700 for it.
Mr. Dipple is retiring from farming.
Mre, Sweet, of Owosso, TJ. S., wife of
Rev. John Sweet, who is vieiting i0
Detroit, took a trip to Belle Isle, Satur.
day, Sept. 11. While standing in front
of the bears' oage her pocketbook slipped
from her hand into the nage, It was
pinked up by ono of the bears who started
an inveetlgabioo. By the time the keeper
WAS found Mre. Sweet's poaltetbook was
n thread
e her mane
wee nattered oatt &red on
the ground, and the bear was pondering
over Mrs, Sweet's return tioket l0
to still in the Ring,
Our Hall Fir is the next on the
list. A good opportunity to get a Photo.
of yourself or family,
We do number ono work end our
Prides are Right,
Cell and get the Latest.
H. R, E3R E F,
The Stratford friends of William M,
Doul!, of Montreal, are just now discuss.
iug a big streak of good Inok which is
said to have fallen to this young man
through the death of hie grand•fatber in
Halifax. It is said that young Doull
00mee in for 11150,000 in his own right.
OCT. G 1899
'Strictly One, Price.
.2lr.rcAJJs the Lowest.
All Departments of our store are ready fur fall business, months of prepara-
tion have brought forth their fruit, and we are ready with the biggest stocks, t11e
finest range of New and Stylish Materials and the best Values we've ever gathered
together for a season's selling. There's no standing still dere ; past successes have
but nerved us to greater efforts ; there has been no time, no trouble, no expense
spared to get the best in every way, and it is here—Bright, Attractive New Goode
are to be seen all over the store.
Waist Silks
.New Black„ .Dress Goods
.New Colored Dress Goods
New Dress Trimming's
New Plaid Dress Goods
New Mantles
Nezv Shir'tz.n4s
.New Cottonacles
New Table Linens
.Neto Sheetings
New Flannelettes
fitost of them our own direct importation, are fresh out of the eases, and you are welcome to
come and look at any time. Here are some of our Fall values which will do to judge stocks by :—
Two Specials
in, Flannelettes.
Two lioee in good Flannelettes
that are underpriced. Values you Will
not find elsewhere.
26 inch heavy Flannelette, fast oolore,
atripee of pink, blue and white, good
value at 12,io, we sell it at 8,}e.
30 inch Flannelette, heavy weight, in
light and medium dark colors, moot
ly pink and greys, real value 7e,
special at 60,
�. Bargain
in Dress Goods.
A sample of the 001000 of our
New Drees Goode etook. No snob ool
tcation of high ekes Drees Goode as is
here oan be seen anywhere in these parte,
and from the lowest to the highest priced A bargain in Table Linen fon
values are hard to equal. Judge them anima afford to pave, bought direct from
by this ;— the maker. We page it on to you et a
44 inch all pure wool Serge, due Frenchsmall advance on his price.
finish, good weight, in Navy, Cardin-
al, Myrtle, Grey and Brown, lots of 70 inch flue Satin Damask Tab's
stores would Bell it at 40e and would Liner), good value at 76e per k
41_ G
be good value anywhere at that price. yard, We will sell it at., , , tl
We eell it at 25e.
Table Linen
DON'T be afraid to look and compare because yon feel that you are not one of our
Customers. We want New Customers tnd we want to sell more tou ld
0 Custom-
ers and we're going to sell goods so cheap that we'll accomplish both.
Dry Goods and G-roceries.
Begs to announce that her Millinery
and Mantle Openings will take place
on Thursday and Friday,-.ot OCT. 5th & 6th,
When will be shown all the Newest and
Leading Styles for the coming season.
IIas been re-engaged for the Fall
Season and we feel confident that every lady
placing her orders with' us will receive entire
satisfaction both as regards Style and Work-
Thanking the Ladies for their past pat-
ronage 1 solicit a continuance of their favors.
BRUSSELS, Sept. 28th, 1899.
& Co.
v �
We have taken the agency for one et' the best Manufac-
turers of Harness in the Dominion, viz. :
G -EO. RUDD (Sc Co., Toronto.
We can therefore supply anyone with the Best and
Cheapest Harness in the market today. Parties who have
seen them say decidedly they are the Best and Cheapest
value they ever saw. Come and see for yourselves
Guaranteed all hand sewed,
Ewan & Innes,
Carriage Builders, Brussels.
i6 t �: �,
We have a fine stook of best Owen Sound Portland
Cement that always gives satisfaction. A car and a half
sold already this season for cellars, stable loors, Svc., &c.
It is the same grade as is being used in the new walks in
Call and get Prices.
*atcrura nb 1.
� l