HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-10-5, Page 1P.
Vol. 28, No. 18
:Pain in the Eye
At night or
when doing
uuy One work
Is a sure indi
cation that
Glasses should
be worn. But
then only pro•
perly fitted
ones. Having
been very sac.
oeesful in these
oases we guar-
antee perfect
Batista° t ion,
For all differ•
ant oases of
eyeeighb that can be corrcoted by proper.
ly fitted Glasses tall and consult.
S1.' n
itt4SYST E M.
The Great Tourist Line
to Northern Ontario,
The Famoue hunting Grounds.
The Sportsman's Paradise.
The Muskoka L.kes Dieiriub,
Huntsville and Lake of Bsye,
Georgian Bay, Moon River,
Magnetnwan, Parry Sound,
Penetang, Midland, Cobuoouk,
Haliburton, Severn and North Bary.
.441 nre situated on the Grand
Trunk System.
Full partiaulare as to rate., time Ilutite
and train service to the Northern Districts
Of Ontario.
Folders awl Hunting Guides from all
agents G. T. R. System.
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Bruesele.
Loan and.
The undersigned is prepared
to attend promptly to all Busi-
ness in this line at very reason-
able rates.
Money to loan.
Insurance risks written.
Conveyancing carefully at-
tended to.
Books posted and accounts
Ira'Satisfactiou assured in
every transaction.
Headquarters for Bicycles
or Repairs.
New Advertisements
Gard -A, hunter,
Lanais -IL It. Brewer,
Furs -H, F. Mat1Hiner.
Local -Thos. MaCregor.
Local -Booker R Vanetone.
Winer good... -J. G. Shane.
Sheep for aide --John Smith.
A gond Oahe- G, A, Deadman.
Northern Lxanrelon--G, T. R.
Cow for sale -Thus. Newsome.
Housekeeper wanted -John Hill,
Notice to Creditors -A, Hunter.
Organist wanted -Rev, John Rose.
Loan is Collecting agency -A. Coueley,
istri.ct Ceti L
BuuoLAnx.-F, Wheeler's shop was
entered Monday night and his full kit of
valuable tools taken, No ole tut yet but
it is to be hoped that the thief will be
NoTEe.-Editor Holmes, M. P., and
Editor Kerr took in the Show. So did a
snow aquall.-Our pathmaeter le having
e new walk constructed up the hill to the
Presbyterian church.
Me'rnonreT Ommitce.-Tho eorvioe will
be of epactal interest Sunday evening, as
the claims of the Twentieth Century
Tbaokegiving Million Dollar Feud will
be preseuted by the pastor.
OLD BEMENT GosE.-On Thursday of
last week Mre. J. Grigg passed into rest
after a protrcoted illness of months in
whioh the natural forces gradually burn•
ed out. With her husband and family
eke tante to East Wawanoeb among the
O,et settlers. By her life of kind hearted
neighborliness she won the esteem of
many. Her husband and 5 ohi'dren
survive and have the sympathy oft wide
oirole of friends. The remains were in
tetrad in the Brandon cemetery, lfar',
Mr. Oaten oonduoting the service. He
oleo preached an appropriate sermon
Sunday evening in the Methodist ohurah,
Brussels Pair is all the talk.
Misses Clara Hunter and Lizzie Mo.
Rue have returned from Toeoubo,
A. Raymaun left lest week on a holiday
visit to Detroit. Mr, 13,ayman¢ has two
eons there.
Among those who took advantage of
the excursion to Detroit are Mre, Redden
and A. Raymaun.
Last Sabbath Mr, Weliwond, of Wbibe-
chureb, preaohed in the Methodist ohurob
and quite acceptably to.
Warden Cook was in Cranbrook on
Monday while en route to Clinton to
attend a meeting of the House of Refuge
Tanis or o. KIND: A short time ago,
on the farm of John Kuighb, Etat of this
village, a rather unusual 000nrrence took
plaoe. They were drawing in oats and
barley and stacking it. On the stack in
obarge of the banding was Jae. Knight,
in his 84th year ; his first assistant wan
Joseph Knight, in his 74th year, and the
third band at the job was John Knight,
abut 8 a.ed 72, lbrothers.l
and was ooplebed by early
evening. 800 shooks, of from 12 to 14
sheaves were naked, the nap sheat
reaching well to the top of the barn. It
is not often three brothers attain to mush
royal old age and lees often that at such
years they are able to do a big day's
work. Their oombined ages foot up to
about 230 years. They all reside in this
locality and are well known.
1-1.A. T D.
Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings,
Silks and Satins,
Ladies' and Gents' Under-
Grocery Department.
Full line of new Teas and
Now Fruits,
New Canned Goods,
Fresh and Pure Spices.
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Get ReaUy for ColU lVeailior
To Hander -,--
Men's Fur Coats
Ladies' Fur Jackets
Ladies' Mantles..
McAllister t
Produee taken in exchange for
Goods and highest price allowed.
Menace, Kreuter .li Ritehio aro going
into the timber business, having bought
the bush on n pertinent Duncanson Bros.
Sarni, Minh eon, $1,000 is Bald to be the
print paid.
Was Lizzie Calder has resigned"her
position as testator in Cho jollier depart,
meat of our eohool, with the intention of
attending the Toronto Normal. The
Principal ban been re ongaged.
Iuepootor fiohb visited qur sellout on
Monday and expreaeed himself se well
satisfied with the progress made aanaider•
ing the small and irregular ettendaece-
Pntrente surely do n..t realize the inlnatio°
done to the eohool by allowing their
children to absent themselves, sometimes
even for trilling exonese. If the teaohcre
were at fault in this particular how Boon
the people would eomp'ain. Cannot
something be done to remedy this evil ?
Ernest Maunders, of Brussels, Sunday•
ed in the village.
Mr. Ballantyne, of Atwood, was in the
village this week,
H, F, MoAllietor delivered a load of
flour at Seaforth
Mr, Danbrnnlr, of Atwood, was in the
village on Tuesday.
Geo, Menden, of Constance, spent
Sunday in this village,
J. A, and Mrs. Ole spent a few days
at Oonetanoe Inet week.
E. F. McAllister received a oar of
Manitoba wheat this week.
Joe. Querrin is occupying the Zieman
property. Joe deserves a root.
Mrs. Thos. Davidann will return to her
home in Trout Creole next week
J. A. Cole hat started work again
after being laid off for 5 weeks with e.
broken arm.
Sunday evening Mr. Wellwood, of
Whiteoburoh, preaohed in the Methodist
church here.
Inspector Robb visited the school this
week and was well satisfied with the work
that is being done.
Mrs. Van Egmond, of Shinwallt Home,
Sault Ste Marie, and 0. Frazer, of B'ytb,
Sundayed at S. S, Cone's,
Mrs. Ben. Pierce, a former resident of
Grey, now of Portage•la•Prairie, Man., is
visiting Mre. Wellington Fogel.
Last week Jesse Wilbee was at Gods -
rich as a juror. Their duties were light
and he arrived home Thursday night.
Philip Gordner, of Mitchell, has taken
nossassion of the Hotel B iyal, and we
hope he will keep as good a house as
Mr. Querrin did.
Constable Lang was oallyd to
Brussels twine this week as a witness in
a liquor case from HetSfryn that oame op
for trial at that place.
The new advi. of H. F. McAllister, the
well known Ethel merobant, should be
read by everybody. He carries a large
and well assorted stock.
John Carrick, who has been working
for S S. Cole for several years, leas gone
to Clinton. and Alfred Cole, brother of S.
S. Cole, has arrived in our village, and ie
going to work for his brother.
Priem MEE'rrno.- Monday evening,
10th -Inst„ a public meeting will be held
in the Township Hell, Ethel, to be
addressed by Dr. McDonald, M. P., Arab.
Hielop, M. P. P. ; G. F. Blair and W.
H, Kerr cm the questions of the day.
A mneionl program will else, probably, be
given. Seeds reserved for ladies. Meet.
leg: opens at 7:30 o'clook.
BOnooL REPORT. -The following shove
the standing of the pupils in the senior
department of Ethel Public eohool for
the month of September :-5th class,
Bernice Slernmon, Helen Barr, Howard
MoAllietor, Mamie Hansard, Willie
Balmier. 4th olase.-Emmalmlav,, Carl
MnAilieter, Eva Cole, Maudie Querrin,
Willie Coate, Stella Dunbar, Gordon
Imlay, Willie Lindsay, Willie McDonald,
Henry Qcarrin, Maud Badgley, Willie
Freeman. Sr. 3rd. -Geo, Bokmier, Ida
Faulkner, Mamie McAllister, Lily Simp-
son, Eva MoAllietor, Oliver Lindsay,
Minnie Bateman, Olive Raynard, Diok
Davies, Avon Elliott. Jr. 8r'd.-Ella
Hensuld, Eva Giber, Grover Gill, Leslie
Fogel, Mina Elliott, Maggie Osborne,
Stanley Dunbar, Emma Kerr. 2nd
class. -Wilfred McAllister, Geo. Hamil•
ton, Millie Fopal, Ceoil Lindsay, Willie
Badglev, Lily Dowdell, Russell Dilworth,
Willie Brown, Lizzie McLeod, Geo. Dun.
bar, Bert. Eokmier, Geo. Wanner, Athol
MnDonald. Geo. Denson, Teacher.
Mies Munro is the guest of her brother,
A. Munro.
Deno. Campbell, of Mildmay, was in
town on Sunday.
Dunn. Stewart, of Wingham, spent a
few days in town.
Mrs, Wm. Gregg, of Exeter, is the
guest of Dr, Brawn.
A. H. and Mre. Moffitt spent Sunday
at the latter'e bone on the Boundary.
ono. MoLuo
a Klin and Oldie Stewart
agent Thursday evening of last week in
Robb. Blank shipped a one of flour to
Mb. Forest and also received a oar of
Manitoba wheat.
Miens Latta Hazlewood and Kate
Robinson spent a few days with friends
in Harrieton and Gifford.
Six sports from Tesewater ammo down
to Wroxeter vioinity on the band oar on
Sunday last bunbing beech nuts.
Wm. Sandereon shipped a load of
Iambs and a oar of cattle to Buffalo. On
Wednesday also a load of tattle and hogs
to Toronto.
Mise Minnie Hemphill and Mee, T.
Hemphill, jr., took in the Palmeretou and
Harriston Fall shows on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week.
T. Hemphill d1 Son shipped three oars
of oatmeal to the Lower Provinces ; three
earn peas to Liverpool and one oar belle
to New York this week.
Mies Alberta Smile has returned from
her two months' visit with friends in St.
Oathariuee. She has been on the trick
list the last faro days but we hope to see
her around again soon.
C. W. Andrews shipped a air load of
Doli apples to Teamster on Monday and
W. S. Holmes also shipped two ter loads
of apples to Gloegow. The 0. P. R. is
doing a land offing businsse at this
The town roads have been undergoing
a great improvement. 'Theread machine
hag been in 055 this hist few days on
Queen West and Slain attest ; moron the
the dam has beau canted and widened
with grave'.
Stearin Light is all the ory of the town
at present. Heverel meetings have been
held by the ener,oil and ratepayers. Si a
meeting held In the Town Hall on Fridsy
night all bet 12 were in favor and left it
to the Council an push it along.
The 0. P. le. has merle a change in the
time on this lime whioh is a greet beret):
and maoh appreotated by our village
people, Our mail train from Toronto is
now due at 1:07 p. m, and our mall to
Toronto at 3:25 p, m. These bruins as
well no our morning and evening trains
are all fest express trains, the freight
being married by a regular way freight
each way per day, The amount of bust•
netts done at Wroxeter elation during
Sept. 18114 was 5 times greater then hi
Sept. 1898, both in passenger and freight
and speaks well for the manner in whioh
our village is steadily forging ahead.
lEiste:C Wetwxiiso711.
Bnicx Cnunen.-The Epworth League
of this ahuroh hail Re annual rally on
Sendai: and Monday, Cot. let and 2nd.
The floral deooratione were very lastefnl.
The morning service Hendee: was eon.
ducted by the pastor, Rev. F. J. Oaten,
and was made bright with song by ohoir
and oonareiation. Rev. A. I. Brown,
of Whiteoburoh, preaohed a helpful die-
oonree to a full hottee in the evening.
On Monday the ohoroh was again filled,
extra seats being required, A program
of high merit wee presented. The mneia
by three choirs, Bethel, Calvin and Ep•
worth Loathe, was well rendered. Rev,
Mr. Kennedy, of Auburn, (as also the
audienoe) was happy in the delivery of a
practioai address on Epworth League
fundamentals. J. Wellwood, though as
yet a student, gave a well balanced ad•
dress on the necessity and value of good
Literature. The League here is progres-
sing and amply demonetra'es its right to
exist. The free will offering amounted
to 515.00. The trustees of this ohurob
are having the outside and inside of the
ohurob painted, and will have the sheds
re-oonetructed before the snow flies again,
so they hope.
A number of farms are ohanging hands
in Grey,
John Robertson is haying a logging bee
this week.
Township Council minnles are crowded
out of this issue.
Jas. MoEwen, of Belmore, was visiting
ab home lest week.
Mrs. N. M. Riohardsou, of the 7th eon.,
was visiting on the 411.
Hiss Sarah V. MoLauahlin spent Sat.
urday and Sunday at home.
Fall apples are cleared ont and the
paakere are at the Winter frnit.
Mies Sahneohale, of Niagara Falls, is
visiting at F. M. Smith's, let con.
Jas, Mann, 11311 oon , oarried off 1st
prize with his oolt at Milverton Fair.
Marshall Harrison is improving his
residence by putting a stone wall under it.
D. Oampbell, 10th oon„ had a bee on
Thursday of this week with a party at
Miss Guesie Smith is home from an
extended visit in Seaforth and other
ivfrs. Geo. Hanley has been on the sick
list lately but we are glad to say etre is
getting better.
77iss Isbister has been re-engaged as
teaaher of S. S. No. 9, for 1900, at an
advance in salary.
Last Sunday morning Mr. Well wood,
of Wawanoeh, nocupied the polpit of
Boe'a clturah ver vacetabl.
Jno. B. Hyde and Coatedyaliobel were
among the Greyitee who visited the
Stratford Fall Fair ilia week,
Peter J. Bishop and Jacob Kramer
will be the tax collectors for Grey again
this year at a salary of 540 snob.
The dredge le working now near Mr.
Carmiobael'e farm and 1s making good
headway, having batter ground to operate
Mrs. John Strachan left on Tuesday
for Kincardine where she will visit her
daughter, Mrs. A. D. MoCosh, for a few
Bartter's new school hone, 5th oon
was opened for school purposes Monday
of last week, It is a very comfortable
Quite a number from Grey will attend
the pablio meetings held by Dr. Math
douald, M. P. at Brussels and Ethel on
the evenings of Friday 18th and Monday
16th insts,
Duncanson Broe, have sold the timber
on the Wen side of their lot, 16th eon.,
to Meagre. Kreuter ce Ritchie, of Oran•
brook, The price paid was 41,000. It
good piece of bush,
is n
Lest Sabbath evening J.C. Curry,
theological student, oouied
the pulpit at
Bethel oburch and gave a good dieoonree.
He left on Monday for McMaster College,
Toronto, to oomplete his aonrss in Theo.
logy. We wish him euaoeee,
Miss Maggie Donovan, of Desboro',
who has been visiting in this oommuntty,
and Miss Maggie Taylor have gone nn a
visit to John Wilson and family at Har•
row, Essex Co„ and will else holiday
with other friends.
While Frank Smith was removing,
earth from a well on Tneeday evening of
last week his right hand got naught in a
pulley and was severely crushed, nenessi•
bating the amputation of part of the
front finger and badly jamming the
Wednesday morning E. Hollinger, sou
of John Holliager,106h oon., left Beue•
eels for Grenfell, Assinaboia, N. W. T.,
where he bas seemed a pnsibion in the
drug and jewelry store of R. B. Taylor.
We wish Mr. Bollinger ent058e in his
Weeteen home.
Last Saturday John Hlll, 1011 oon„
drove over to Clinton where he visited
hie eon and from there went to Crediton
to sae hie daughter, Mre. (Dr.) Rivers,
who was quite ill with threatened inllam•
matiou of the bowels, We are pleased
t0 hear that she is improving quite ninth
S. 1t. Creme here been re themes t as Mire:Annie McKenzie is spending a
teacher of S. H. Ni, 1 at all aivanee of few hnlid.rve at hums,
350.00 nn hie eatery. Mr. Cnrar is do (1' 'gri Candler anti fetidly were visit•
tug guod work, ins; friends in Atwood last weak.
Thursday of last week 13. Laing, 5th Rev. (1. Sl. Pdrr'c topie neat Sabbath
con., left for a vied 1 llickaon and will 1. ',The Wear of a Mighty Gospel.'
other points in Wisoouein, 1;. S. Ile Sums Of the Manitoba exonrsiontete
will be away for a few weike. hove returned. They report good crops.
Wenesen BE]a,n.--In Not week's issue \ars. D. McCuatg, whose arm was
of Ten Prier there was brief 3.040 relit- fractured recreantly, is improving steadily.
tive to the m'rriare of Thos. Simeon and Revival servicae are beidg oarrivd on at
Mies Isabel Wright The ceremony war. the Bethel sppointtnent of the Methodist
performed by Rev. Mr. Andereon, of ohnrah with good suuoese.
Wroxeter, in the preeeuoe of 120 curets, We wnu'd respectfully suggest the
at the comfortable heath of \Villi m advisability of orgauiziug a Literary and
Wright, Turnbe ry. Mise Jennie Sin] rot, Musical slob for the Winter menthe.
played the Wedding Meech as the inter Robt. Wray le again blaokeinithtng for
ested quartette and the parson took their W. H. Humphries .0 Son. His work
places for the knot tying. The triples• given general satisfaction in this locality
maid was Miss Rebecca Wright, slater to We are elates• d to report that W. J.
the bride, and the groomsman Chas. Smith is meeting with MOSES and ire•
Simeon, brother to the groom. A very proved health in his work in Nepigon,
teetotal ooetnms of navy bine serge, Ont.
trimmed tsi'h peerle, was worn by the Rev. II. 19. Curry, of Brooke, has been
bride and the brideemaid was dressed in visiting at Rev, A, C. Tiflin's for the plat
brown, Thera wan a large number of week, Fie filled the pulpit of the Metho•
valuable and useful wedding gifts whioh diet church la.t Sabbath very Acceptably,
bespoke the popularity of the prinoipala. 1'711 McLaughlin has added metal Biding
After heertycongretulationsa somptuous and a coat of paint to his blacksmith
weddiug dinner was served. An erloy. shop, Thioaoualudeeaserieeofimprove:
able program was presented efterward meets, and he has cow o.e of the best
consisting of Bongo by A. Stranban and shops to be found an a unitary stand.
Geo, Eokmier ; recitation by Robb. Frank C. Neal and Mies Maggie Ma-
Straohao ; duet by Darman Taylor and Dansid left for Toronto tact week, the
It11.e Taylor ; dn.trumental mesio and former to take a medioal course in Torous
not tt few tripped the light fantastic, to ifediaat College, and the latter an Arts
The good wishes of a large (deals of Course do Toronto Uuiveraity. Suwon
relatives and friends go with Mr. Simeon to them both,
and bride for their future success and Rev. John El -'Imes, of Brunets, address
happiness, sed the Epworth League of 0. E„ in
Waken on Tneeday evening, on "The
Twentieth Century Fund." Next Bath
bath Rev. A. L. Russell, of Seaforth, will
preach at Providence appointment in the
morning and Walton in the afterno.in, on
the same subject. Rrv. A. C. Tiffin will
supply the latter's pulpit in Seaforth,
i lturrl t.
Chao. Wheeler was visiting bis eon, W.
Wheeler, at Alma.
Morrie Town -hip Voters' List Court on
Friday, Oat. 0, before Judge Mason.
John Coulters has broneht a oar load of
Iambs Pram Annetta to pat out to pas•
Miea Jemima Garniss left last Friday
for Detroit where she will ep-nd the
Airs, J :he Hopper, of '1'hessalon, ie
visiting her mother, Mrs. Gregg, who is
very ill.
Gavin Bewley is attending Brussels
Publio School. Ile is a good student and
will get along well.
Jas. Speir, Robt. Nichol and W. 11.
MoCutoheoo, 0th line, tools a good share
of prizes at Belgrave Fair last Friday.
Dan. Wheeler bas given up the farm
owned by Jno. Brandon, of Manitoba, on
account of ill health. It is reported JSd.
Wightman will lease it.
We are pleased to hear of Mrs. Dora
Bnohanao's safe return after a lengthy
trip rip the lakes visiting her friend, Mre.
M. Hughes, at Escanaba, and also friends
at the Soo.
Joseph Parker, eon of Geo. Parker,
Snnebice, who bas been tailoring in
Wingham, left last week for Seaforth
where he has secured a situation with L.
Stark. Mr, Parker is a steady goer and
we with him success.
HOilte n'nooi TUE WE T. -Jas. Petah
arrived home last week from a trip to
alauitoba. He says while grain is the
otap!e produot of Southern Manitoba a
good many farmers in Dauphin distriot
are going in for stook. Cattle pens are
built at the stations and a good business
will be done, AP: delay, Ont., buyer pur-
chased 10 oars of cattle in the West and
shipped them Eastward. Wheat is a
great prop and was selling at 54 cents a
bushel when Mr. Petah left. Hs saw 16
threshing machine at work about Delo
mine, averaging about 2,000 bushels per
day. 25 new machines were shipped in.
to Neepawa this seaeou. Many of the
elevators are full and no oars are short
about IIartney the farriers were piling
their wheat en the ground awaiting ship•
went. At Cowan
about 50 families are
camped on the road Dauphin to Swan
Lake, awaiting the completion of the
new railway. Furniture is piled in heaps
and the disoomfort must be great. In
the most of oases the,}}�]usband or father
has gone on in advar{,oe and are holding
the farms. The railroad was 24 miles
from Swan Lake when Mr. Petah was
there. Road will run to Edmonton.
Dauphin, whose site was a wheatfield 3
years ago, is a neat town about the pope•
dation of Brussels and is growing well.
There is fine soil in that looality and all
the land taken np. Mr. Petoh met many
old friends in the West sad had an en.
joyable trip. They were only 48 hours
coming from Winnipeg to Brussels. Ho
bas not yet decided what he will do as to
moving to the West or remaining here.
Jno, MoGavin is on the eiok list,
Watch for the box sooial in McKillop.
Rev. R. Paul preaohed in Duff's ohurob
last Sabbath.
Several of our residents are taking in
itlie of IIullett
141re.eese 1]le . MOV , was in
town last week.
Parer Clarkson, of Seaforth, was in
town last week.
MIss Addie Crisp, of Loudesboro', is
visiting relatives iu Walton.
Miss Jennie Ferguson has returned
from a two-wrelts'visit iu Hallett,
L. McD.meld is improving his residence
by the addition of new siding and a coat
of natnt,
Mr. Langford, a divinity student from
Granton, preaohed in St. George's (thumb
last Sabbath afternoon.
Rev, 1), Forrest will oeonpy his own
pulpit in Duff's cburoh next Sabbath,
having arrived home from Manitoba.
The Ladise' Aid Society of the Metho.
dist oheroh bald their regular meeting
Wednesday afternoon ab Mrs. (Dr.) Arm-
1YIr.gClayton, organizer for 0, 0. F., is
in town this wesit, reviving interest in
the society work and adding new mem-
bers to Court Walton.
Mrs. Geo. Christopher and Herb, re-
turned on Saturday from Weodetook,
whore they have been visiting relatives
for the past two weeke,
Dr. McDonald, M. P., and othere will
marinas it public meeting in Brussels
Town Hall on Friday evening of text
week, A musical program will also be
Following is the report of the standing
of the pupils of Brussels Public school
for the month of September :
itoou 1.
Patty 1 Jnnoa Emin
Arith., History, Botany and Grammar.
Total 500.
M Lamout
G Ross 876
7 Coosley 324
R Taylor 315
Penal; Smoot, LEavono.---Examined in
Arith., Hist„ Bot., Geo. and Comp.
Total 500.
F Buchanan ,.315 M Forbes 979
F Armstrong 340 0 7.illiax 201
14f Skate 2411 N McGuire ....259
H Johuston895 B Scott 211
I Williams ....313 J Innes 200
D Watt 300 0 Riohards ..,.142
L Holmen 281 L Herr 180
Fore vni.-Examined in Leith., Hist.,
Gram„ Lit , Reading and Writing.
Total 500.
H Gooding ....349 D Moore 174
13 Howe ......831 M MoLanoblin, 173
B McKelvey, ...3'21 E McCracken -173
A Rose 311 W Zilliax.... , .168
J Good 300 II Ainley 18('1
L Rosa 998 S Scott 149
W Amt 281 II Smith 148
J Peebenles 278 F Oliver 138
G Thomson. -..213 H Watt 114
0 Mainprioe....2011 W Hayorof193
E Funston ,,,.201 0Baelter 88
W Rnahe 188
J. H. Cal1E11on, Principal.
noon 2.
JiNton :Jan. -Examined in Arith,, Geo.,
Comp , Hist. and Spelling. Total 581.
N Irwin 541 M Scott 470
P Richards ....580 M Thompson ,405
Pe MclCsnzie...,483 E Wilton 4h-
OMnCraclten .,470 S Maxwell ,451)
J Bartliff 472 E Beaker 489
A Currie 470 G Muir 481
Jmxron 31:v. -Examined Arith., Geo.
Gram., Comp. and Spelling. Total 500.
N Forbes 481 E Good 432
E Currie 401 M Amet'it 482
L Danford ,,458 R Sinclair 426
J Armstrong .,458 12 Lowry 421
A Forsyth . , ..4.47 R Deadman380
R Pugh 441
SEN1on 3nn.-Examiuod in Spell., Geo.,
Hist, Arith. and Comp. Total 584.
R Plum 493 17 MnDongall ,.428
E Denbow ,488 B Beattie 420
111 Grower -.488 , .488 0 Mooney. 412
M MaArter ....481 W MoGuire800
V Danford ,...470 J Thomeou
A MoMillan, , ..4711 11 Ainley 874
G Ross 466 B Kingston ....367
E Pngh 469 0 Hingston ,.. •1180
B Henderson ,45a DInnes 334
M Adams 440 JohnstonI..,.822
M Ross 444 M Hunter 310
P Lowry 137 H Sh 254
M]es 117. L. Bmibnoox, Teacher.
Juvton 3nn.-Exam]4ine3
d in Arith„ Geo.,
Dict., Gram„ Wr. and Dr. Total 500.
A Ross 425 M McKay 828
B Roes 406 A MoQuarrie..1123
L Turnbull , 390 A Soott 306
W Roche 381 W Williamson -304
Thomson.. -309 0 Wilbee 287
B Strachan ....3.47 J Mooney 282
H Richards , .330 T Meadows 238
G Zilliax 833 S Lindsay 164
IIighesb in each subject • - Arith, W
Rothe, 80 ; Dict., B Ross and W Roche,
100 ; Goo., A BOBO, 84 ; Gram., A Ross,
SENmn 2Nn •-I'Sxednined in Arith., Geo.,
Spell., Lit., Wr. and Dr. Total 500.
E Colvin 858 0 Avory 209
L Sinclair , .384 J Doll .. 257
z1 Sager 327 N Peebles 260
1, Leathordale,.823 I] Amain 240
H Lowry 311. J Wilton ......218
G Rosa 995 L Blaehill 212
W MOQttarrio ..204 W Berko 191
J Bloomfield .,2813 V Blashill ,120
V Barrett '292 13 Mcltibbin.. ,116
G Ewan ' 275 I, Adams 78
J Moore 270 M McNichol.... 68
highest marks in each subject t Atithe ,
E Colvin and V Blashill, 70 ; Goo„ Geo
Rosa, 87 ; Lit., 3 Sinclair, 52 ; Spell., 1;
Colvin, 07.
J Straohan ....240
G Bewley 220
L Sinolair 219
W. H.KERR, Prop.
Jrot.N 2N1t.-4xamiued in Arith., 050.,
Spell., Bit., Dr, and Wr. Total 500,
M Miller 439 1 Baeker 302
L SMoCracken,.:1119 F Carnpbell..,207
W Turnbull.... ate F Malianzie.,,`294
F Hbretbon ,...311. V Wilbee 293
A Thomson -.335 F Boon 283
(: Scott 834 W Soot[ 258
W Ilendersu,.321 L MOArter ,246
G Armstrong ..396 Ia MoKay 238
II Brothers ....821 A McMillan .,931
1' Millar 309
Highest marks in each subject :-Arith ,
L MoCraokeu. 90 ; Geo., M Miller, 99 ;
Spell., 31 Miller, 90 ; Lit., 83.
Moe M. T, Dowene, Teacher.
swots 4,
('Lass V. -Examined in Read., Diot.,
Arith., Draw. and Writ. Total 300.
if Deadman271 0 Gerry
0 Bell 254 S Walker
V McKenzie233 AJaokeon
KIaoee 245 S Ament
L Strachau 243 0 Sutton 198
W Richardson,239 W Me0rooken..107
AJaukson 235 J Wilbee 196
E Ewan 232 J Amsnt 165
W Htrachau....231 E McKay 168
Class IV. -Examined in same subjects.
Total 2.50.
T Armstrong ..'22.4
C Biminons ...3111
W Bella 2112
E Currie 181;
A 13artliff 152
C Denbow 144
E Snider 83
T Berke 80
Absent. -M Birt, H Moore.
Crease III.- Excellent - N Watt. H
Barrett, J Wilton, W Rogerson, F Main -
price, E Wilbee, D Smith, E Colvin.
Good -E Forsyth, W McKay, E Good,
J Burke, J Nichol. Fair -0 Service.
CLASS II, -Excellent -II Rogerson, F
Gerry, L Denman, 0 Ament, F Scott, N
Ewan, M Walker, K Ament, T Lindsay.
Good -B Currie, J Henderson, W Lott,
R Mo0nackeu, L Innes. Fair -3 Cooper,
R Service, 0 McMillan, P Bremner.
Class I. - Excellent -A Nichol, W
Adams, C Lowry, 0 Jaokeon, A Rose, E
Holmes, I Barclay, W Miller. Good -17
Peebles, W Long, R Rothe, •W Long, W
Ainley, W Burton, R Haien. Fair -H
Mooney, G Jamieson.
Mtn JEen R:ToxoE, Teacher.
People We Talk About.
11. W Farrow Sundayed in town.
Mindy McLennan, the drug traveller,
was here this week.
Mies Annie, daughter of Dr. Smith,
has gone to Detroit.
Dr. and Mre. Graham, of Clinton, were
in town on Thursday.
Victoria, daughter of Wm.Blasbill,Bae
been ill during the past week.
Rich. Williams is bothered with mue-
oular rheumatism these days.
Mages Doll is laid up with typhoid
fever but is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Alex. Hunter is visiting her
daughter, Sire. Moore, se Atwood.
Miss lieby, of Wingham, was the
guest of Miss Trona Fraliok over Seedey
Harry, eon of Watson Ainley, was on
the sink list hut is getting all right again.
Geo. Watt returned to Toronto on
Monday after an enjoyable holiday here.
Councillor Wilton and wife cud Philip
Amens and wife visited ab Mildmay this
Mies Alice Campbell is home from
London on a visit to her parents and
Mies Sara Forbes is bome from a heti.
day visit with relatives and friends in
J. D. and Mrs. Ronald are visiting at
Grand Forks, B. 0., on their way to
Alex. Straohsu was in Toronto for a
few days this week on the look out for
seasonable bargains.
Miss Minnie Moorere
arrived home last
week after an enjoyable trip to Manitoba
o0cupying several weeks.
Rev. G. J. Abey was visiting at Detroit
and Windsor during the past week,
returning on Tuesday eight.
Wm. Newsome and wife, of Queen
street, went to Obioago last week to visit
their daughters resident there.
Mrs. Thos. Thomson and Muir, of Lis-
towel, were visiting Mrs. Jno. Tait and
other friends in town during the past
W. Moors, son of D.13. Moore, is visit-
ing in town. He has been living in
Winnipeg for some time and is pushing
life insuronae.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart was at London
this week attending the anneal Oonven•
bion of the Woman's Missionary Society
of the Methodiet church.
G. N. MoLaren is in town tide week.
Mao, has been up to Northern Ontario
sinoe be left Brussels and books as if the
climate agreed well with him.
Mrs. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, former-
ly of Breese's, has been laid up from
poisoning her face from ivy, but is
able to be around
the house again.
n where
Fred. Gilpin has gone to Toro
lie will attend the Ontario Dental College:
TICE POST wishes him suooess and ex -
peas to hear of his doing well,
Mrs. Griffith has been dangerously ill
dining the past week with neuralgia of
the stomach but is somewhat improved
now. We hope she will soon be all right
Jacob Wilton and family, of Conestoga,
have moved to town. Mr. Wilton has
been it poor health for some time but is
somewhat better cow. He is a brother to
Sam. and Wm. Wilton, of Brussels.
Miss Annie Rose, a former Br¢eselibe,
wee one of the graduating nurses at
Stratford Hospital last week. She is a
daughter of Robb, Roes, of Guelph, and
it nolo of Wm. Roes, William street,
Brussels. We wish her an00555 1.111 her
mission of mercy.
Among the resound passengers from
the Sooteman, was Rev. 3.0. MoOraoken,,
of Mosley, formerly of Morrie township,
and once a school teacher in Bervie. He
arrived in Toronto on Saturday. Hp
bad no shirt on. Re was wrapped in a
waterproof. He tells a graphic story of
the hardships endured- and the shameful
coedito6 of the grew, Another resorted
passenger was H.H. Mo1{agne, a traveller
for NV. J. Gage fez 0o., ono a eebool•
teaoher at Tee8watee,