HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-21, Page 8' 4 - lto it Cheap.
Sight Restored
Science points
out the way to
the restoration of
If your vision is
defective we can
by scientific
n'letliods measure
the defect and
supply the
necessary glasses
to restore it.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist and Graduatm Optician,
Brussels, Cine,
There aro three waya ofy teeting
oompetitiou of low grade goods, One is
by using cheaper materials ; another is
by using lees of the expensive ingredients ;
and another is by recanting the profte.
We have been steadily reduoing the prise
of our Baking Powder as the materials of
whioh it is composed have been owning
down in prioe. In order, however, to
better compete with the many low grade
and therefore low priced Baking Powders
on the market we Lave deoided to sell our
high grade
for 25o. per ib. and atilt retain the high
standard of quality as before. The prioe
is too low but we hope to make by in.
creased sales. As we said before it is an
eaey matter to make a pure Baking Pow•
der and yet be a very injurious one. We
olaim that there are none better or more
healthful than Deadman'¢ Baking Pow.
der, Try for the prize at the Fall Fair
beet biscuits made with this Powder,
Manufactured and for sale by
Druggisb, Optician d: Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Rxoree...,.. 7;10 am, 1 Mail 210 ppm
Flixad .......•. 0.45 a.m.) Espreee ..•...10:17 p.m
A obiel's amaog ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
EAST HURON Fair leads them all.
RABn a hunting is on the program.
Tanen deliveries of apples this week.
T P. Sln±n here Wednesday o1 next
Sosto of the town girls eay "Hutch is
all right."
SEE list of Fall Fair Speoial prizes end
1tonssei a Fair is the talk of the country-
side. Don't miss it, Oct. 5 and 6.
Was. JEwxxT will complete the ebip.
m'•nt of 12 oars of Fall apples this week.
Tan sidewalk gang had holiday on
Mouday owing to the heavy and contin-
ued rain.
MESSRS. CLEaa & DASIEs shipped a car
of bogs and a oar of sheep from Brussels
on Monday.
T. P. Saaxa, specialist optician, will
visit Brussels an Wednesday, Sept. 27th,
and rosy be consulted at Fax's drug store.
Bnasenes Fail Fair on Thursday and
Friday, Oot. 5th and 600. See list of at-
testations and special prizes. Get a prize
Tat Mxeene MaARTEi, of Brnesele, have
opened a Dreeemaker's shop over Mre. J.
Y. S. Ilirk's store, Turnberry street,
where they will be ready to Attend to the
wants of the ladies.
Taxa week W. H. MoOracken divided
hie exhibits between Listowel and Wing -
ham Fa11 Faire, both coming on the
same days. At the former he took 39
prizes end at the latter 15.
Hoax WILLmowa sprained one of his
ankles on Wednesday by getting hie foot
caught in a wheel on the stage. Mr.
Witlfame ie driving the stage bat the
ac'ideut necessitated a holiday.
A me push should be made in tidying
up the streets and attending to the nines.
eery banking of the Dew walks as the
Fall rains will poen preclude the work
being done and the negleot may play
bathe with the walk foundation.
Aac' roN A
r S tE —TLe undersigned a
received inetraatione from the haexecutor
of the estate of the late Daniel Hayden
to offer for sale by public auction, at the
late residence of deoeaeed, Turnberry
street, Bruseele, on Saturday, Sept, 28rd,
eh his household furniture and effeote.
Sale to nom auntie at 2 o'clock.
F. S. SCOTT, Anotioneer,
Tao Pon is in receipt of a very neat
illuetrated edition from the Superintend-
ent of Immigration, Ottawa, entitled
"Book of Views in Weetern Canada."
It will answer the purpose for whioh it is
intended, viz,, to illustrate to the people
of other lands the productiveness of the
soil, the healthfulness of the climate and
the many opportunities offered the work.
ingman to secure a farm for himself at
a email coat.
Dien. -0o Tuesday of thia week Adam
Mulholland, who was a former resident
of this locality, died et his home at
Holmeeville, having attained the age of
86 years. Deceased was an honest,
straightforward man who had some hard
battiee to fight in life, He moved to
Holmeeville about 8 years ago. The
funeral took place on Thursday, inter.
meat being made at
home of deoeaeed. Mre. Mulholland 2
eons and 2 daughters survive.
Ann. Tnony, of Guelph, in writing up
an 000000t of hie trip over the proposed
0. P. R. railway roote from Goderioh to
Guelph, wbiob may be rend on page 4 of
this £sous, dubs Tam Poen Editor as
Reeve of Brussels, This honor was his
foe 7 years but haat January be woe sue -
ended by Reeve Becker who now fills the
chief Magistrate's ohair while the for-
mer 10 one of the represaetativee of this
Dfstriot in the Co. 0ounoil.
Go To Gonenxoa.—Everybody (that
Moieties you) ehould go to the G. N. W.
Exhibition at Goderioh, on Tueeday,
Wedne'day and Tbdreday, Sept, 26, 2728,
Five Great Speeding Oonteete, Military
Demonstration by six oompanios, 88rd
Battalion and two Co's Collegiate Ineti.
tube Cadet Corps, instituting Bayonet
Attack, Field and Drill Exercises, and
1'41aroh Past, with Sham Battle and
Attack on a fort, and Grand Fireworks
Display in the evening, The Presents.
tion of Medals to the Huron Veterans of
1866, will be made by .Hon. Dr. Borden,
Minister of Militia, and other military
entboritiee. Tile will be the Greatest
Military event ever geed fn the Huron
District, The fine Band of the 88rd
Batt. and the Goderioh Marine Band
will both be in attendance, You can't
afford to mise these sights, and spend Si
day at the most Popular Fair of the
Huron Tract. Sobool children admitted
for 10 dente at any time. Prize Line
and ober information on application to
I, SALluEr.1),31t...F', reeldent, or to JAMES
biXT0135aa, Seerotaryl Godeeich P, 0.
THE Pose sabeoription diet continues to
Bennie Pall Fair Thursday and Fri-
day, Oet. 5 and 0,
MEeos BAERett & VANoToNE shipped a
doable decked our of
hogs on Tuesday.
Some of our townspeople took in the
Wingham Fall Fair on Wednesday of
tbie week.
Tun kissing asxng bug is said to have been
seen by some Brunie young ladies. No
serious damage reported.
TRE legal squabble between two Bras.
eels medicos is likely to be brought up on
appeal at Toronto this ball.
Mns. 3No. SINCLAIR, Princess street, ie
having a Gement wallt put down from
the sidewalk to the front door of her
TRE PORT 40 in receipt of a enpy of the
New Wee'minter Columbian, a Fire
Anniversary cumber, printed in red ink,
from R. Steles, formerly of Grey.
25 00008, in advance, gets TEE POST
for the balance of 1899. For 35 cents we
will mail you Tan Pon and Weekly
Globe to Jan. 1st. Now ie the time to
NEIL MOLAacwLIN had a sheep worried
by dogs one night last week in a field
North of the G. T. R. yard. If half the
canines in the county were sent to dog -
done the Co. would be the gainer.
be received by the Village Oeunoil, up to
Monday evening, 2510 inst., at 6 e'olook,
for gravel, tenders to state pries per
square yard, F. S. Scorn, Clerk.
A BOWLING competition is of the pro.
gram among those who have never bowI-
ed, A. Ooneley having secured 20 new
members for the stoutest. A pair of
firet.olase bowls will be awarded to the
Tun Weetern Excursions, taking is
Port Heron, Detroit, Cleveland, Sagi•
naw, Bay Oity, Grand Rapids, 001000•
bus, Chicago, Oieeinnati, St. Paul and
Minneapolis, rue on Sept. 28th, 2900 and
3000. Good to return to Oct. 18th.
25Th ANNrvans.mr.—Thursday evening
of tbie week F.13. Soots is to be presented
with a Veteran's Jewel for his continuous
membership of 25 years in connection
with Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0.
0. F., Brussels. lir. Scott ie one of a
few of the early members of the Odd
Fellows' Lodge in this plane.
DIED IN CALiyoaxxA.—Rev. Ino. Holmes
received the sad news of the deoeaee of
hie older brotherDante!, whioh event
tools place in California on Sept. 5. Sir.
Holmes went from Canada to Brainerd,
Minn„ about 80 years ago and engaged io
business. Finding the Winters interfer.
in with hie health he
ea h and i
g his family xa•
moved last April to California hoping the
change would restore the failing energies.
Be was 53 years of age aid leaves a wife
and 3 ohildren to mourn his demise.
ON rat GREEN.—The bowling oonteet
for the ownership of the pair of bowls
offered by J. N. Gordon is atilt on the
program, although the play is narrowing
down to a few. The victors in the first
draw were A, D. Duncan, A. Ooueley, G.
F. Blair, D. O. Roes, B. Coobrane, G. B.
McLellan, Jae. Fox, R. Loatherdale, T.
Farrow and Geo. Beet. Some of the
games were very close and were genuine
surprises. In the second bout G. F.
Blair, G. B. MoOlellan, A. D. Duncan,
Jae. Fox and T. Farrow beat their op-
ponents. In the 8rd draw A. D. Duncan
and G. F. Blair won and the winner
between Mr. Farrow and Mr. Blair play
Mr, Duncan for the final.
Fewer Sam—The -The Fenton Indepen.
dent, of Sept. 16, pablishee the following
partioulare of a sad and fetal aooident
that befell Edgar Veal, formerly of Brus.
Bele :--"EdgarVeal, the 19-year.oldSon of
Arthur and Mre. Veal, met with an ant.
dent Tpee
daY morning that
fatally, In oompaoy with Lloyd Dale.
beefy, be went to a oornfield where the
boyo filled several bage with porn and
loaded them on to Delehanty'e buggy.
Edgar had taken hie 22oalibre rifle with
bim and this was laid upon the hang of
oorn, On reaching the barn the boys
prooeeded to unload the porn and as the
rifle lay on top of the load Edgar grasped
it by the muzzle and pulled it toward
him. The hammer naught on one of the
bags Baffiolently to pull it back and as it
snapped down the charge in the gun was
fired and the ball streak the young man
in the left side, a few inches below the
heart in a downward direction. Young
Veal fell to the ground, and ae quickly
as possible his oompanion lifted him into
the boggy and took bim to Dr. linapp'o
where Dre. Knepp and Sne did all that
medical aid could do to ease the pain.
It was impossible to probe for the ballet,
and the unfortunate boy gradually sank
away until the end came Wedneedey
afternoon. Edgar was a large-beartod
boy, generous and kind, but seemed to be
an nufortenato, as he had been seriously
injured several time in aeofdeete, Th10
final termination of a young life le ear.
rounded by great eadieee, as be was en.
tering upon his lifework, with much that
was bright in bis future, The effiiated
family have the heartfelt sympathy of
the community. ,'1'£to funeral seevinos
were held Friday afternoon from the
residence. Elle parents, two brothers,
harry and Fred, end two elates, Mre,
R. M. Murdoch and Ethel Veal, survive
him." The old friends of the family
here eympkthize with the bereaved fn
their leadneee.
A erecter, meeting of B,'neeole Commit
will be held next Llondey eveutog to let
gravel eontrnot, hear Mr. Coleman on the
Salt Wor kaue tion &e.
q a
Owrtre to a hitch in one of the dynamos
nt the Electrio Light Power house the
inoaudeeeentlights were only in nee a
short time Monday and Wednesday ev00.
A t•n.,r RAL, tnllt011 wws tallied of for
Saturday evening nn Viotoria Park,
Brunets, botweeu the junioro of town
and a team Irons Cruuhrook. It did trot
TUE ue'v sidewalk le oompleled as far
as the Nortou termite on Tureberry
street and the foundation laid for sou,
Womble more. Workmen are busy on
Catherine street, walk will be put down
on both sides of the street.
11. WILDIA1i' and J. N. Gordon were
driving on Turnberry street Thursday
evening of last week when their horse
shied tet a pile of bags containing oemeut
covered over with canvas. The animal
jumped into the deep ditch opposite Nell
63oLenohlin's and dumped the oeo0panto,
but nobody was barb and the bares did
not get away. Had anything seri..ue hap
petted the town would have stood a good
obauoe to be stook for damages, ae it was
anything but 0 safe condition of affairs
The lives of the publio mast be guarded
00 matter whet else may come or go,
Mlevxouamm. — Thateday afternoon of
last week the annual eleetiou of officers
in oonnection with the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of the Methodist cherub,
Brussels, took plana as foliates :—Pres.,
Jiro. J. L. Kerr ; 1st Vioe free., Mre, 11.
Paul ; 2ud Viae Pres„ Mre. (Rev.)
Holmes ; Rem -See., Mre. J. Tait ; Oor,•
Sen„ Mre. S. Walker ; Trees„ Mrs. W.
F. Stewart. 6 a The amount of money rais-
ed daring the past year was 049.60.
Mrs. W F. Stewart w
ae chosen as the
delegate steno to the Ooiveotion, which meats
iu London on Oct, 3rd, 4th and 5th.
w0LOane ANn Pnso±a''A''IoN—A moat
enj labia time was spent to the Y. M. 0.
A. ro„me, Poria, on a reoeut evening at a
reception to Mr. Doyle, the sew souretary,
and a farewell to S B. Wilson, giv, n by
the Ladies' Auxiliary. The Y. M. C. A.
Oroheetra, whioh bee lately been arganie-
ed, furnished the rondo for the 000a.ion,
An interesting program was provided,
ouneistiog of a speech by President J. R.
Inkeater, song by Mr. Speuldiog, reaita•
tion, Mr, Cummings ; epeeohee, Rave.
Silcox, Cookburn sad Cline ; also Messrs.
Wilson and Doyle. During the evading
Mre. Jeffereon read an appropriate ad•
dress and Mre. Dodson presented a
beautiful gold watoh to Mr. Wileou, from
the Ladies' Auxiliary, as a token of their
esteem for him, to which Mr, Wilson
matte a suitable reply, The ladies also
provided an excellent repast of whioh all
partook. The young men surely are in-
debted to the ladies for their kindness.
The meeting closed by singing aid
prayer Mr. Wilson intends gotug to
Spriugfield, Massachusetts, where he will
take a oonrse with the intention of bo.
teeming a trained Y. M. 0. A. Secretary,
Hie old friends at Brnesele and locality
wish bim 0000000.
Hesenex Hoene SEnvioE3 AND Fns±IVsh.
—Next Sabbath speoi,.l Harvest Home
sermons will be preaohed by Rev. Joe,
Holmes in the Methodist church, at 10.80
u, m. and 7 p, m. Special collections
will be asked id benelf of the Trust Fund.
Go the following Monday evening the
Harvest Home Festival will be beld.
After tea, which will be served from 6 to
8 o'clock, ad interesting and lnetruotive
program will be preeented, oonelatiog of :
—Addressee by Bev. R. Robbs, of Wing.
ham ; Rev. S. J. Attie, of Goderioh
Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of Brunets.
Reoitations, "The first Settler's Story,”
by Mise Brook ; and "Lento's Message,"
by Mise Minnie MoNnughton. Ine1ra•
mental dnete, violin and organ, "The
last Roee of Summer," and 'The Blue.
belle of Scotland," by Mines Carrie and
S. L. Moore. Solos, by Miss' Ames,
of Ethel, end Mies. L. Sample, of Brne.
eels. Anthema by the oburoh choir.
The church will be appropriately
d r.
ated for these eetvioee and Festival. A
eordiai welcome will be extended to all,
Rev. Mr. Holmes will preeide on Monday
evening. Miss Ames, and W. H. Willis,
of Seatorlh, are expected to Bing solos at
the Sabbath servioee,
GBAND TRuni Poem Sceres.—Shipping
rtlnuee lively, the apple business cane -
g quite a boon, Among the ehipmeute
daring the past week were :—W. Jewitt,
8 ears applee, export and to the Weet ;
D. Oeutelon, 1 oar applee, export ; W. S.
Holmes, 1 car apples, export ; Baeker &
Vanetone, 4 oars peas, a oar of oats and a
double deok of hogs ; R. Graham, 2 oars
peas ; Ferguson & Beet, a oar of hogs ;
J. Scott, double deok of export ebeep.
In inward freight there was a slacking up
during the week the arrivals being t-8.
oar of coal for W. F. Stewart ; a car of
dement for sidewalk ; a oar of marble for
Ooohrane & Johnston,—The telephone
connection with the Central office is com-
pleteonoe more.—A coal stove was re•
oeived thie week to be used in heating
the waiting room and office, This will
be an improvement on the old wood
stove, eepeoially on oold mornings.—
There were 50 tickets Bold last week to
London excursionists.—The enquiry now
is for information relative to Fall ex-
oureione to Weetern States. They run
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
next week, tickets good to return to Oct.
18. Quite a number from this locality
will go.—A new gateway will be out to
correspond with the new oemeot Bide.
walk on Prinoese etreet.—A large quantity
of grain is being delivered at the grain
elevators at the station these days. -175
barrels of apples is the average quantity
put in a oar,
Business Locals,
Beeman's Baby Day, Sept, 2600.
Bnogon takes the lead in photograph.
SERVANT wanted. Apply to Mre. W
M, Sinclair, Brueeeie.
COMMItTAIME bones to rent, Apply to
Jobe R. Smith, Bruseele. 9 tf
Fon Bale cheap, two set eeoond.band
single harness. I, 0. Eitherde.
WANTED—Butter and eggs, still the
game price, 14o. The Bale etiil goeo.—
Everything pee,
0.33. Eine, Wingham.
WANTED, on approntioe, at once, to
learn the Song buskins. Girl or boy.
Exoellent chanes. Apply at the Peoples'
Drug Store. Dr. D. F. Smith, Bennie,
Homme Fon S1.1,03,—The undersigned
has one span of mares comingg 5 years
old, one dark hay, sired by "Wetlgeblook,"
Listowel, the other light bay, sired by
"Bonar," broke to go Bingle or double,
Sound and good tratellero, Apply to W.
Innen, Carriage Werke, Bruseele,
FnnuNne' ATTEST/on, L, S. Town &
00. have rented the Bruseele evaporator
Mid want 10,000 hesitate of applee for
wOto they will
lh 4 payft U'�
the 1 Ue market
Y 6 st ar et
price. Also n quantity of wood, Gall
at the evaporator and got prices or 5D•
quire of 13. R. Lyman ab the Queen's
Hotel, Brueeols, 9 8
}Leon±ee AOUNC±.—Ewan & Innes,
Carriage Buildere, Brunetti, have taken
the Agency from one of the beat Manu.
reamers of Humes he the Dominion,
viz,, Geo. Rudd & Co., Toronto, We eau
theeeforo supply anyone with the beet
and cheapest .ltarneoe in the market
today, Parties who have seen them eay
deoidodly they aro the beet and oheepest
value they ever saw. Come and see for
yonreelvss, Guaranteed all hand sewed.
Toronto's new city hall was formally
opened on Monday.
A bush fire did great damage in Bever.
ly township, near Westover.
The 0. A. College at Guelph will re.
open on the 2500 inet, Already the num.
ber of applioablone is over 40 more than
can be a000mmodated in the residence.
Thee. H, Rayburn, the famous rifle
shot who won the Queen's prize at Bieley
4 or 5 years ago, now of the Inland Rev.
euue Department at Hamilton, was mar.
vied Monday to Mies Mary E. Wilson, of
Dundee, daughter of J. H. Wilson.
Aline Cornell, about 19 years of age, of
Stratford, who was visiting' her slitter, a
domaetio, at 543 Jarvis street, Toronto,
took carbolic acid Tuesday morning with
suioidal intent. Dr. Sylvester Ws called
in time to save her life and she IS now et
Grape hospital.
The remains of Rioherd Robbins and
Ohne. Hunt, the lads who were killed at
St. Marys, were interred at Groeuwood
oemeter r f
Bout otd on M oda
o and
Y, w the
funerals were largely attended. Two
bouquets from S'. Marys were plaoed on
each of the coffins,
E. A. Weldon, a well.known commie -
Bion merchant, died Saturday night in a
dab, while thing driven to hie home from
the shat,on hence at Winnipeg. He was
toke,t ill at Regina on Friday with ton.
sflitie ; an abscess broke while he was on
the train, and death from suffocation re.
salted while in the crab. He was a for.
mer resident of Palmerston.
Constable Larry Hunterarreeted a man
on Ottawa street on Mous-fay for stealing
B. anat. While the prleoner wee being
taken to the station he took out a dyne.
mite cartridge and exploded it, severely
injuring the policeman. The prisoner
wee recaptured, and it ,41/ae found out
that he was a dangerous oharaoter, known
as "Fenian" Pendergast, who tae josh
been out of Yingetou Penitentiary a few
Aeen,—Iu Morrie, on Sept. let, the wife
of Mr. David Agar of a eon.
INaLxs—In Elma, on Sept. 8th, the wife
of Mr, Walter Inglie of a eon.
Nionon,—In Elma, on Sept. 11th, the
wife of Mr. Geo. Nichol of a eon.
sxa.R. xx>✓a
BELDEN—ANDEnsoN.—AE the reeidenoe of
the bride's parents, Belmore, on
Sept. 19, by Rev. 0. V. Lake, Mr.
Jae, Belden, of the Grey and Howiok
Boundary, to Mies Addie Anderson.
Bnowo—MoQueenzo.—At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Sept. 20,
by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Thomas
Brown, youngest eon of the late
Robert Brown, to Mies Janie, eeoond
daughter of Mr. Daniel MaQuarrie,
an of Grey.
Bnowo.—In Lookport, N. Y., on Sept. 17,
Noble Brown, formerly of Ethel, aged
70 years.
ELLroTT.—In Ethel, on Sept. 18, William
Elliott, aged 78 years, 11 months and
9 days,
Boutros.—In Pueblo, Cal., on Sept. 500,
Daniel Holmes, brother to Rev. Jno.
Holmes, Bennie, B u ee aged g years.
HEPINSTALL.se—In St. Thomas, on Sept.
910, Peter Hepinetall, of Fordwioh,
aged 69 years.
KENNEDY.—In Ethel, on Sept. 16, Anna
33. Kennedy, aged 21. years, 4 montbe
and 14 days.
MIILNOLLAND.—Iu Holmeeville, on Sept.
19, Adam Mulholland, formerly of
Brunie, aged 86 years.
VEAL,—In Fenton, Mirth., on Sept, 12,
Edgar, son of Arthur Veal, formerly
of Brussels, aged 19 years.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 23.—Household furni-
ture, &o., belonging to the eetate of the
late D. Hayden. Sale at hie late regi•
dance, Turnberry street, Brunets, at 2
o'clock. F. S. Scott, euetioneer.
FRIDAY, 00T. 12.—Farm, Farm stook,
implemente, &e„ Lot 21, con. 10, Grey.
Sale et 1 o'clock sharp. Jno. B. Hyde,
and Wm. Cameron, executors of the late
Robert MoLaehlan, Ie. S. Scott, Auction-
F'Ai+L 7-7X1--;2032TiOTTiR•
Woodeto k,
o Sept, t, 21-23.
North Brant,Paris Sept, -
pt. 5 26,
Center Brun, Peieley, Sept. 26-27.
South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26-27.
Atwood, Sept. 26-27.
Ripley, Sept, 26-27.
Harrieton, Sept. 27-28.
Teeewater, Sept. 27-28.
Goderiob, Sept. 26-28.
Milverton, Sept. 28-29.
Belgrave, Sept, 28-29.
Waterloo South, Galt, Sept. 28-29.
Luekoow, dot. 3•.4
Stratford, Oot. 8-4
Brussels, Oat, 6-6.
Gerrie, Oot. 7.
Blyth, Oot. 9-10,
1?:inonrdiee, Oot, 10-11
Dungannon, Ont. 11-12,
Fat Stook Show, Guelph, Deo. 5-8
0:31112't1SS m,ot aS.A.1''v=:E7'S'8.
Fall Wheat,........... 05
9500 66
bate 23
Better, tube and rolls .. 14
Eggs per dozen ........ 12
Flour per barrel- 4 00
POtat0ee (per hue)...... 40
Apples (per 001) 1 25
Hay per ton .....,5 DO
Hides trimmed 7
Hides rough 5 6
Salt per bbl., retail.„,1 00 70
Sheep skins, each . 80 ' 65
Lamb skins enol,..,.,., 25 25
Iioge,Live 4 00 4 25
Wool 8 13
4 00
2 00
5 00
STtND,4R,1) B44Xl 0 " Ct.2✓Y;4D,il,
o�5'�.t��x.SSz o= D ILOI'2.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) •
Agendas in an principal points in Ontario, Quebec,iliauitoba, United Stater d•IJteytand,
A General flanking Bueinrbe Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Altmann -led,
Drafts Issued and Oolleotiouo made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 ttnd upwards.
Every facility afforded Customer's living at a dietetic'',
T01;014To, Sept. 19.—Tbe run was 70
loads, representing 1,100 cattle, 1,500
sheep and tombs and 1,300 hogs. Export
cattle,—The minimum price paid was
about $4 85 per cwt„ but a few toads of
1,800 -pound rattle Bold considerably
lower ; prices ranged from $4. 60 to $4..
85 for ohoioo, and $4 to 34.50 for lighter
cattle. Betobere' oattle.—Demand not
SO good ae 10,1 week, and prices a trifle
easier ; pinked lots brought a little over
the 40, a pound mark, but the bulk of the
run 'old for lees; good mixed selling for
from $8 40 $8.50 per cwt. Stockers and
feeders.—The market was fair ; stook
bulls for Buffalo sold at $2 to $2.25 per
owl,and bulls for feeders
weighing from
1,00 to 1,300, at $2,75 to $8 per cwt. ;
heavy £sedate brought from $8.50 to $4.
Sheep and Jambe.—Fair demand at
steady prices ; exporters gold at $8.00 to
$4.10 per cwt ; lambs, $4 to $4.40. Hoge.
—Pride' remained the same ; a medium
run and fair demand ; ranee, $3 ; elags,
Toronto, Sept. 19. --Wheat nompnra•
Lively dull and easy ; Ontario ted and
white eaeier, et 670 North and West ;
Manitoba lower, at 79e for new No, 1
hard g. i. t., and 78o Toronto and West ;
sales were made at 68a afloat Port Wil
Liam. Flour quiet ; rotted lots straight
roller in buyers' bags middle freights
were In demand by export agents at $2..
65 ; some, oar lots in barrels for (coal
accounts, $8. Peas—Canadian active
and firm ; No. 2, immediate shipment,
North and West, are wanted by exporters
et 58o is asked. Oats firm ; new white,
North and West, 244o and mixed 280 ;
new white East, 254o. Rye quiet ; oar
lots East, 524o and 510 West. Corn dull ;
No. 2 American on traok Toronto, 40e.
Barley firm ;No. 2 North and Weet, 39e
and East at 40o. No. 3 extra, 39e Wee6
and 370 East.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept, 19.—Oat.
tie.—There were only 2 loads on sale, and
with a good demand the poeition of the
market was unoltanged ; choice butchers'
are steady. Sheep and lambs.—The of.
feringe were 30 loads inoluding 4 loads of
Oanada lambs ; the market was Blow on
the common kinds, with fair demand for
the moderate supply of choice ones ;
ohoioo to extra native ware quotable at
$5.40 to $5.60 ; good to choice, $5 to $5..
40 ; common to (air, $4 to $4. 75 ; sheep,
choice to extra, $4.25 to $4.60 ; good to
choice, 34 to $4 25 ; there were several
Made left over at the close ; Canada
lambe were quotable at $6.50 to $5.70.
Hogs.—The offerings were 10 leads;
there was a fairly active demand at the
quoted prioee ; heavy, 34.75 to $4.80 ;
Yorkers, $4.80 ; pigs, $4.65 to $4.70 ;
grassers, $4.60 to $4 70 ; roughs, $3.90 to
$4.05 ; stage, 32.75 to $3.50 ; the close
watt steady with a fair clearance.
Parer toot belonging to a straw terrier
of a threshing machine, on 0th line, Morris,
Pinderwi11 greatly
tt oblige by leaving tn at T
aPoT, Brussels.
oEvaporator, 000 oApploe,frwhiohe tlgbeb marketprice
will be paid, L. S, TO WS & Oo, 9.8
LJ premises of the undersigned, Lot 20,
Ooo. 10, Grey, on or about Sept, 0. Owner
may have 10 by proving property, payin g ax -
/mimes and taking itraway.
9.4 MonOriofr P. 0.
0,1 Mill etreot, Brussels, The bongo
is a comfortable one, well .IItted up, with
cellar, hard and soft water, &a. There 10
also a good stable. Fruit trees In garden
over one.quarter acre 61 land. For price,
terms &o., apply to 17, I1NN, Proprietor,
or W.1E, 5±511911 of TEE Poo, 1841
100 or 150 acres, good buildings. Poe
onion to bo given about 1000 lamb., 1000
11-2 Leadbury P. 0.
IR i•0LA
saloon easy time, being Lot 21, GM
10. Township of Grey, Huron Oo, 00 a00ea
cleared and in flrOt•clss state of onitivation
and balance in bard•wood bush. A first.
olase barn with straw shed attaohod, oleo n
frame barn, and all necessary out buildings.
good /Tame house ; watered by 8 wells and a
stream of Spring water 010001ng farm. Pos.
session given at once. For further particu-
lars apply to Wltf, CAMERON, Cranbrook,
or J140,B, AYDE, Ethel P, 0„ Out,, Ereou.
tors of Bob t. McLachlan estate.
tundersignedre,ot�'bInn E Oo, py,his
sere, limes being god hardwood bush, for
barn, Sexed otohaid &o. Possession wo 1d
begivon at any time, with this season's crop
if desired. Farm is two mile from Village
of Walton, For further partldnlare as to
prior,theme, een„ appply on the promises or
to TR 08. JOHN8TON, Walton P, 0.
undereigned often hie 100•aoro farm,
being 8 e Lot 27 Oen. 0, Morris, for pale,
A11 o eared and in a good State of cultiva•
Mom noun. bank barn orchard, &o„ 14
mllesfrom Brnesols, and only 4 mile to
Scheel. Ponooeelon Molt a0001 harvest, If
not Sold by Sept, lob will be leased for a
term of years. For prloe,terms, &o , apply
on the promisee, or if by letter, to
JAMES PETOH', Brunets 9, d.
Ll Ao M FOs rSt SALE. -150 a CRES
of the North 4 of Lot 00, 00u.2, 151400 Wawa=
naob. This i0 an ozo011e11t stook tarm,being
to d
Spring g
water. 10
Situated about miles from 0120 thriving of B1Y6h, A lige pme gVil-
Ituttii and femme in fair
state repair. lt terms fpayment,win
nteplto1tii3OLdB,, BarrisJxunett.
_. _ .... , .mm,aw
doreignod offers Ole farm, West Flalf
Lot No. 30, Onn, 4, Grey, containing 00 00re0,
more or lees. For particulars a0 to price
and terms imply to
Brussels P. 0, on the promisee,
DIG Lot 00, N 1 Oen, 0. Morris bownehip,
containing 96 acres of arst-olaee laud. There
is a house, barn, m'obard and good ware-
house, and farm is well fended. O'bere are
05 acre iu Fall wheat; 25 acres in hay and
45 mores pasture. Possession mild be given
at nude. Farm adjoins the village of Brus-
sels. For further particulars 00 to price,
& write o. wit to JA➢i
io .
, 22 -he
The undersigned offer two 100 acro
farms for sale at reasonable prides. The iota
are Noe. 10 end 11 Oen, 0 (Sunshine), the
Edelman between them, Good brick Louse
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barna 00
lot 10, Orchards and an necessary conven-
iences, Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 mores now in grass. W111 be
sold dither separate or together to suit pr•
chaser, Terme of payment reasonable. Im-
modiatopossossion. For fu1th er particulars
apply t0 JOSEPH 01,010G, Brussels P. 0„ or
E, L. MORIN ON, Barrister, Wingham, 1t1
Co. Goods. Remember
le possible to got.
Repairs iu Shoes and Rubbers done neat and cheap.
Sem. 21, 1899
G�fi the BeS� �
Our fligh-Grade
Baking Powder
1e warranted to contain nothing
but the very bust materials in the
oorroat proportions. It is a Jure
Cream Tartar Baking Powder --
simply that and nothing more.
Always fresh.
25c. per pound
'oz's Drug Store.
fti j9
You will fed abundant evidence of our
superiority over outer Canadian eobools,
Students Admitted at any time. Write
for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpul.
Our Fall
Stock of noes
is complete and oomprisee the very latest Novelties
in Ladies' Fine Laood and Button Shoes, in Cloth
and Kid tops. Great Bargains in Men'e Long
Boots. Wonderful Values in Boyo' and Girls'
School Shoes. Big Drives in Children's Shoes,
Rubber Goods in great ettentities, oompoeed of
the best brands made of Granby and Canadian
the prio0s in both Shoes and Rubbers are the lowest it
HA1.lr.S.V .Lt.! S S
We are to the front with a good stook of both Heavy and Light Harness, Whips,
Trunks and Set:heta. If you want Harness get out Prides before buying anywhere.
It will pay you.
Repairs in Harness and Collard done Cheap and Good.
L C.
. 1 of a Mouth Ago,
there was a meeting of the principal Boot and Shoe Man-
ufacturers from all over the Dominion. They met in the
City of Quebec and put a heavy advance on the prices of
Boots and Shoes,
Good Luck to our Patrons,
Our Boots and Shoes are on the shelves and
counter, not scattered all over the country. We bought
before the advance and will sell at old prices. We are
carrying a heavy stock and now to reduce them will sell
at old prices. Look to your health and protect your feet
from the cold and wet which will be therind al i
Tents of the weather froxn this on.
l r unveil_
t .cLovilaucits