HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-21, Page 1Vol. 28. No. 11
New Advertisements,
Pally lost—Tun PooT.
LOoale—Ewan & Innes.
Mantles—McKinnon & Co,
Western Exouraion—G. T, R.
Make it oheap—G, A. Deadman.
Tenders for gravel—F. S. Scott.
Go to Goderiah—Jameo Mitchell.
Farm wanted—H, E. Burkholder.
On the 28th August—A. R. Smith.
Oabalogue—Stratford Bueinees College.
xsixi'zf Pips,
Sete a tve.
The annual report of Belgrove Metho.
diet church for the year ending May 61,
1899, has just. been ieeuee. There aro
three appointments, Belgrove, Sunebine
and Brick ohurob. Belgravo congre-
gation oontribated 9450.08, Sunebine,
$832,82, Briok dumb, $279.22, or total
of $1,062.12. This was expended in pay-
ing the pastor's salary, the local expenaee
of the °herohes, and euebaining the
various Conference feuds, ouch as
Missionary, Educational, Superannu-
ation, eta. For elle-downy purposes
$113.61 was reload, An Fie •rt will be
mads to advance the pu.tor's salary to
$700. Belgrave ohurob will be renovated
thoroughly. The oiroait ofiicielo and
poster are looking far a suoaessfnl year.
Leuclbrt t. v.
Fall wheat is doing well
Miss Ida Bnrkh,dder has gone to
Woodbridge on a visit for u few weeke,
R. Pollard will have a very oonvonient
and oommodione home in his enlarged
and improved reeideuoe.
Bruarele market is oatahing Targe
quantitive of the grain, sheep and hogs
from thio section. They have a dandy
Council met in Jones' Hall, Leadbury,
on Monday, Sept. 11th. Members all
present. Auolauts were passed and paid
'for gravel, lumber, jobs and bridges,
amoaoting to $138.10• F. Guttridge was
paid for three cement abutments for two
steel bridges $1,178 00, and at a
epeoial meeting on the 15th Paschal
Pigeon, contractor of drains, was paid
9836.00 on Engineer's certificate for
work done on drain. Council adjourned
to meet in Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on
Monday, Oot. 90h, at 1 o'clock p, m.
JNo, 0. MORRISON, Clerk.
J. R. Wendt spent Sunday at Orange
Whirs. N. B. Gerry is vieibiug in Brus-
sels for a day or eo.
Jno. and Mre. Putland, of Brussels,
were in Wroxeter on Saturday.
T. Hemphill & Son shipped four oars
of peas to Toronto on Saturday.
A number from Wroxeter and vicinity
intend taking in the Bruarele Show.
Dr. D. Gillies, of Montreal, was the
i:uest of Dr. W. H. Brawn over Sunday
Rev. Mr. Reeking, of Fordwioh, will
exohange with Rev. Mr. Lake on Sunday
Wm. Sanderson shipped a oar load of
stook to Torouto from Teeawater on
Hunting is the cry of the eearon. The
dogs in town are Inept on the run nearly
all the time.
The Bishop preached in the Lptoco.
patina ohurob on Sunday evening last to
an extra large audience.
0. W. Andrews is buying apples for
the Teeswater evaporator. He shipped
two car loads on Tuesday.
David Rae, jr., while loading loge at
Ball's woods had the misfortune to get
his leg badly hurt. He has been laid up
but is able to be out now with the aid of
a orutab.
Why Glasses are Worn
For a long
time Gleans
were used only
to assist in
reading or
near work, but
with increased
knowledge of
the eye, we are
able to adjust
Glasses to im-
prove the
eight, thereby
curing ohronio
neuralgia and
many nervous
affliotione caused by eyestrain. The
thousands who wear properly adjusted
Glasses are the living testimonials to the
truth of it. Examination free.
., '' ,F1 Al LWAY
Port Huron, Detroit, Grand Rapitlo,
Bay City, Saginaw, .
Cleveland, Oolumbne, Chicago,
Oinoinnati, St. Paul,
Minneapolis and return,
Set. 28, 29, 30, '99
Good to teburn leaving destination until
Monday, Oot, IGb, 1899.
Full partioulare as to Mee from
R, T. 5•t1TTON, Agent, Bruneule,
Mies Millie Playford, who liar been
indispoeod this last aouplo of weeks, we
aro pleased to report is able to be outagain.
Rev. Mr. Regent, of Bloevele, preaebed
in the Methodist ohnroh Isere on Sunday
laeb, while Rev. Lake took hie work iu
Blnevale, ,
Wm. Sanderson is (hipping two oar
loads of lambs from Teeswater and a
load of cattle from Wroxeter to Buffalo
on Friday.
Wannrno,— At the bride's home, Sept.
19th, Jae. Belden, of the Boundary be•
tween Howiok and Grey, and Mies Addis
Anderson, of Belmont vicinity, were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
by the Rev. Mr. Lake. Mies Laura
Brawn acted the part of bridesmaid while
Tony Sample, of Brussels, ably assisted
the bridegroom. The happy young
oonple, followed by the beet wishes of
all the community, leave for their future
home in Winnipeg.
Rev. R. Paul, of Bennis, was fn our
village on Mou0ay.
Last Sabbath Rev. 0. V. Lake, of
Wroxator, preached hero.
Revival services are being held at John-
aton'e church, let non.,Morris.
Chester Pugh, son of Joseph Pugh, has
been dangerously ill with inflammation
of the bowels but is improving now we
are pleased to hear.
DIexoucm MEBTINa.—The financial meet-
ing of the Wingham District was held in
the Methodist church, Blnevale, on Sept.
0th, Nearly all the ministers and a
goodly number of laymen were present.
Rev..D. Rogers presided and Rev. S. W.
Muxworthy acted a0 flnanoial seoretary,
Tiverton ie the only minden on the dfs-
triot. It was recommended to the favor-
able consideration of the Missionary
Board. The assessments on circuits and
ministers for General Conference and
Superannuation fund were accepted with.
out change. Arrangements were made
for Missionary meetings on the various
circuits. In the afternoon B. Gerry, of
Brussels, and Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wing -
ham, gave earnest addresses on the 20th
Century Thanksgiving Fund. In the
evening there was a very good audience,
which wee addressed by Rev, N. S. Bur-
waoh end Rev. R. Hobbs. These were
capital addraeeeo, full of interest and
fervor. The delegates were royally en-
tertained by the people of Blnevale who
very much enjoyed the presence of their
8. Walker is filling his silo this week.
W. Breckenridge, 1st con., is visiting
in Michigan.
Wee Walker, 7110 line, was vieiting on
the 5th this week.
Mre. Clark, of Chicago, le vieiting the
Misses Mooney, 5th line.
Last week Robert Niobol, 6th Hue, at-
tended the Fair at London.
Joe Robb and Alex. Moffett were virile
tors at the Western Fair last week.
Jno. 0. Cook was away to London,
Bothwell and other pointe loot week.
A. Nichol, Oth line, rau a rusty nail
into hie foot, causing o painful wound.
James Peacock, 1st 000., was away to
London last weak taking in the Western
Threshing bees are all the go at pres-
ent. Owing t0 the many machines the
threshing won't last long.
Jno. MoArtsr, who went West from the
4th 11ne, hoe harvested a good Drop, 90
sores of fine wheat and 20 acres of oats.
Robert Niobol, 6811 line, has purchased
the W. H. Oloakey house and will move
it to hie farm and add it to hie residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Purvis, of Teeswater,
were visiting at Jae. Dunoan'e last week,
Mr. Purvis is the owner of 265 urea of
This week Jno. Cook, Oh line, disported
of his lot on Queen street, Blyth, to Jae.
Moon, of Morrie, to be utilized for bhe
site of a new livery barn.
Robert Young will have his buildings
moved to the farm he purchased lately
from Mr. Clegg. A gentleman from near
Londesburo' has the contract.
Mre. Wm. Hodder and daughter, Mre.
Bronson, who have been vieiting Mre. S.
Hodder and other relatives on the 2nd,
returned last week to their home in Blue
Island, Illinois.
Special religious services are being
conducted each night this week and will
be held eaoh night next week, excepting
Monday, at Johnston'a ohurob by the
pastor, Rev. D. Rogers, and other help,
A large number attended London Fair
loot week. Wingham Show took plane
on Wednesday of this weak. Some are
wondering which Fair to go to this Pall.
Why the World's Fair at Bruesele, to be
Jae. Duncan, 4th line, has put in 16
acres of Fall wheat this season on his
200 agree. It is said that Jno. Elebon,
2nd line, has 65 awes in wheat. With a
good season theme gentlemen ehoold not
be short of breadstuff in 1900.
A ehart•time ago Wm. Harkness bad
the misfortune to have hie two ribs
broken by a kink from a plow while work-
ing for Wm, Oakley. He went to Oul.
rose township on a visit to ble mother
who bas been an invalid for some menthe.
The old lady died last week while her
eon was there.
The Browntown people intend having
an anniversary and tea•meetiog next
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 24th and
25th. On Sunday afternoon, at 2.80,
Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of Wingham, will
preach and there will be a eervioo in the
evening at 7 o'olook. On Monday even.
ing tea will he served from 6 to 8 o'olook,
after wbioh an exoollent program will be
given in the ohurah. Mueio by the choir.
Everybody welcome.
The Weetern Prairie—a newspoper
published at Cypress River, Man., in its
issue of September 8th snake of the de.
clean of Mrs. (Dr, J. Fyfe (formerly
Mies Mary Ainkene) as follower—"Mre,
(Dr.) J. Fyfa died at leer home in Stook.
bon on Tuesday. The funeral took place
to the Cypress cemetery yesterday and
woe very largely attended. The deceased
was well known in this dietriab where
she formerly reeided and wag esteemed
by ell On %amni t of her amiable attract.
tar and many goad qualities."
Chris. Millie has returned to Heepeler
where he hail spent several years with
Mr, Phan, a well known sheep breeder,
Mr. Michie visited the Western Fair et
London before returning to work,
HEAVY AND. PECIMIAn Lo's.—Three or
four weeke agoJohn Barr, 4th line, miss-
ed hie flock of sheep, '21 in cinnabar, tbat
had been paeturiug on his property across
the oonooeeton from bis home. Diligent
eearuh was made but no information wee
received tie to their whereabouts and
where the whole flunk had disappeared to
was a mystery. On the side of the gravel
hill ie a hoose, with a cellar basement,
about 18x24 feet, that was built several
yeare ego by W. A, Tbotnpeon, the then
owner, for a hennery. A terrible stink
was noticed in this looality and when an
investigation was meds the lost sheep
were found in the. cellar, 12 of the num-
ber were dead and the (there were nearly
famiebed after their starve of nearly
three weeke, without food or water. It
is supposed that the sheep had gone into
the house to get awey from the heat and
files and lied crowded the door shut, thus
malting themselves prisoners. It will
be a seriou0 lase to Iter. Barr rangtug
from $50 to $75 according to how many
of the maned 0 pull through.
Mise L. Spence ie visiting in Atwood,
Jo'. Querrin Bays "Just one more week."
Andrew Sharp attended the Weebern
Mre. (itev.) Yellaud has been indisposed
this week.
Township Council meeting here on
Saturday of this week.
Mre. Eph. Gober is home from a three
weeks' visit at Prescott.
hire. Robb. Dilworth is home from
London and St, Thome(.
Mre. Wm. MaAllister and Mies Nellie,
are visiting at Kincardine.
Quite n quantity of apples are being
delivered at Ethel station for shipment.
Jno. Ferguson and Mr. MoKenzte, of
Harrieton. Sundayed oe Dr. Ferauson'e.
Rabt, McAllister felt on Tuesday morn-
ing for Bt. Paul where he will visit for to
few weeke,
Mr. Wallwood, of Wbiteohurah,
preached in the Methodist obaroh last
Sunday evening.
The foundation for J. Eokmier's new
blaokemith shop is completed and the
framers are at work.
No service will be held in the Presby-
terian ahurob on Sabbath owing to Sao.
roman at Oranbrook.
Mise Carder, of Blyth, has been engag-
ed as assistant teaoher for the balance of
1899. She will oommenoe work on Fri•
Richard Pearson is confined to the
house this week owing to an attack of
pleurisy. We hope he will 0000 be
Mies Ames will sing at the Harveet
Home services of the Methodist Church
at Brussels next Sabbath and at Monday
evening's Festival.
Geo. and Mrs. Morgen returned to
their home in Brantford on Wednesday.
Mr. Morgan has a position in the Bicycle
factory of thet oily.
A. M, Patterson and wife, of Galt, were
here this week attending the funeral of
the late Wm, Elliott. Mre. Patterson is
a daughter of the deceased.
Bennis Fall Fair will see a large at-
tendance from this locality if the weather
ie favorable. Some of our ladies may
take a foot in the Comfort Soap raoe for
the gold watch.
Mr. Osborne is having his honee over-
hauled and moved bauk as it was very
close to the street. When the work ie
oompleted Mr. Oaborne will have a com-
fortable borne.
One day last week Jeeeo Wilbee was
over to the ltitb con. of Grey and when
returning one of his horses dropped dead
on the sideroad South of Oranbrook and
found a burial plaoe alongside the road.
OoIT.—On Saturday morning last
Death called away Mies Anna B.
Kennedy, whose illness was mentioned in
last week's POST. Deceased wee' the
assistant teacher in our Public) sohool
and taught until two weeks before
her death. She was a painstaking and
suooessful teacher and was beloved by
all. She will be greatly minted by her
pnpile and in the Methodist church
where she was a regular atbeudant and
an active worker in the Sabbath school
and Woman's Missionary Society. The
remains were taken charge of by Under.
taker Leatherdale, of Brussels, and taken
to the family residence iu Stanley town-
ship on Saturday evening. A short ger.
viae was held by Rev. Mr. Yelland at Mr.
Chamber's home, where she boarded,
after which about 70 of the school child.
ren followed the hearse ae far as the
Methodist (thumb. The coffin was adorn•
ed with pretty boqueta and wreathe of
fiowere, a wroath made by Miss Ethel
Mitchell and one presented by the pupils
of the eshool were particularly beautiful.
SEPTEMBER WEnnsso.--The Petrolia
Topia contained the following :—A. happy
event in the social oiroleg of Petrolia took
plaoe on Tuesday at the residence of
the bride's father, Dufferin avenue, when
William H. Newoombe, one of Ulinton'e
leading young bueineoe men, was united
in marriage to Mies Della Browneoombe.,
The oeretnony was performed by Rev.
Mr. Philip, of the Methodist ohurob, the
marriage being witnessed by the irnmed.
into friends of the oontreating parties.
Victor Browneoombe supported the
groom„the bride having the neeisbenoe of
Min Minnie Joyce. The bride looked
charming in a gown of white taffeta, with
an Overdress of silk organdie, ornamented
With true lover's knots and wearing a
flout de lie of pearls, the gift of the
groom, The bridesmaid wee beoomingly
attired in mouoaeline de sole over green
Bilk, and also wore a handsome pearl pin,
the groom's gift. After the ceremony e
sumptuous lunoboon was partaken of,
after which the happy oouple left on the
2:90 train for Clinton, via Toronto and
Niagara. A number of handsome and
costly presents were received by the
bride, who wee a teacher in the Metho.
diet Sunday snhool, an active worker in
the Epworth League and a general favor.
its, She will be greatly mined in Petro.
AN Orn Tootolt DEAD.—Loot Sunday
night Noble Brown, who lived here many
yeare ago, died ab Lockport, N. Y. He
wee a well known resident of Grey in the
bygooee. Deceased drifted to the United
Staten end into the Civil war. He was
interred by hie comrades in terms with
military bonen at Lockport.
OBITOanx,—William Elliott, who peer
ed away last Monday, was burn in the
Pariah of Oannobie, Dumfriesbire, Soot.
land, in the year 1820 ; same to Canada
in 1814, end cabbed in the Township of
Downie, Perth County, where he took an
active part in the municipal affairs of ttre
County, filling the offices of Oounoillor
and Reeve of that Township for eleven
years. He came to Grey In 1868 and
settled on lot 25, con. 8, where his know-
ledge of municipal work soon brought
him to the front. He served as Counoil•
for for a number of years, being elected
in 1885, against his will, apd at the end
of that year bo retired from active mun-
icipal life. Mr. Elliott, who Dame of the
bold border clan of the Elliott'(, of
Misto, bad many of the obaraoteriatise
of that uoted family. A staunch Pres-
byterian ; melon and upright Reformer;
a suacesolnl farmer ; and o man of un•
tiring energy and force of purpose, he
filled up an Reties and useful life of near-
ly four sone years. Deceased had a
paralytic stroke about the 1st of July
from which, atter a few days, he ren0ver-
ed. A eenond attack same on the 7th of
September, from the effeote of whioh he
passed puerility
ideaway nthe leaves at widow,
three sone and three daughters bo mourn
his demise. The eons are William,
Thomas and Robert, farmers iu Manitoba,
and the daughters are Mre. A. M. Patter•
eon, of Galt ; Mre. Jas. 13. Menzies, of
Hawick ; and M ;a. J. P. McKay, of Grey ;
and Maggie, deoeaeed. The funeral took
ploae on Wedneeday afternoon, Rev. D,
B. MacRae °Deducting an appropriate
service at the home of deceased. Inter -
meet was made at Brussels oemetery,
The pall bearers were L. Dobson, 0.
Bernath, W. Cook, Wm. Spence, W. Hall
and S. Chambers. The visiting friends
from a dietanoe were John Oliver, of Pal-
merston ; Miss M. A. Ballantyne, of
Stratford ; Jas, Melanie and Andrew
Elliott, of Downie ; Dr. McKelvey, of
Mb. Forest, and Mr. and Mre. Patterson,
of Galt. Mre. Elliott ie sot iu very
robust health but we hope she will soon
be convalescent. Thus, after a residence
of over 80 yeare here, another of the
pioneers has gone away from earth. Mr.
Elliott had many warm, true friends and
those who knew him best reepeoted him
Brussels Fair lo the talk of our town.
Next Sabbath the regular Communion
service will be held in Knox church.
Some of our footbellers were in Bruo.
eels last Saturday but no game was
Mise Watson, of Blyth, and Mies Belle
Pearson were visiting at the Mange last
Rev. D. B. McRae arrived home on
Thursday of last week from Ripley where
he spent an enjoyable week's holidays,
fishing, &o,
J. Wellwood, of Whiteohurah, occupied
the pulpit of the Methodist church here
last Sabbath afternoon, The young
preaoher has not put in an appearance
Giosn,—Tin.Cranbrook Cider Mill has
aommenoed operations. Apple butter
will also be maottfaetnred for those
desiring it. CAMERON Bnoe„
9.4 Proprietors.
A large number from this !native,
attended the wedding of Thos. Brown, of
Oranbrook, to Mise McQuarrie, 10th con.
of Grey, on Wednesday evening and re-
port a good time. We weloome Mr. and
Mre. Brown to ourlillage.
E. MoClemeut, who livee;noar here, is
very low with dropsy.
Mre. J. Davison is very ill at present.
We hope to see her soon restored to her
usual health.
Rev. A. B. Dobson and J. Johnston at-
tended a Presbytery meeting in Holstein
on Tuesday of last week.
A load of our young people attended a
Harvest Home supper in Trowbridge on
Wednesday evening last.
Harvest Home eervioes were bold in
Mayne Methodist ohuroh on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Tillie had charge of both morn•
ing and evening eervioee. There wee a
large attendanoe. A supper was held ou
Monday evening. A load of young paw
pie attended and many more would have
gone but for the rain.
A Harvest Thanksgiving Garvin was
held in Trinity aburmb on Sunday morn.
ing when his Lordship, the Bishop of
Huron, preached an able sermon in hie
oettol convincing style from the text,
"How much Qwest thou auto my Lord 9”
to a congregation of over 800 people,
Tbank•offering was about $40.
A Goon MAN DIES,—Peter Hepinetall,
an old and moat highly esteemed resident
of this locality, died at the St. Thomas
hospital, whither he badged° for a made,
cal operation. on the 9th int), aged 69
years, He WAS an Englishman by birth,
ooming to this ootentry when a babe.
Elie early Canadian home was Whitby
township, Ontario Co., and then Darling-
ton township, Durham Co., moving to
Howiok township in 1866 wkere be nen•
binuouely resided, although a resident of
Fordwiob for the past 22 yeare. He was
a more than ordinary man, possessed of
ebrewdnese and tact and an indomitable
spirit of work. In the Ohnroh, Agrioul-
tural Sootety, Grange, Insurance Co„
Temperance, Sabbath Sobool, Bible 80.
May, doe he appeared to be equally ab
home and was always a cheerful and will.
ing worker. Mrs, iiepinetall wag a Mies
Williams, of Bowmanville, and she and
three SODS, two in Sb. Thomas and one in
British Columbia, survive. blre. Hepin.
stall will dontin00 to reside here. The
Methodist church lost a most worthy and
beloved member when Peter He pineball
died but hie death wee a triumph and the
God of hie youth was hie Support tat e
oloae and there ie no doubt Lout he will
receive the oommmodetlon "Well done:'
W, H. KERR, Prop,
B. 8, (Jo,lt was in Goderialt last week
attending to his duties as Werdau.
E. Pharr has returned from the Prairie
province where he was visiting hie son.
Wm. Flutters has been appointed Sea.-
Treas, of the IIo,vielt Agricultural So.
oiety for the retnakndnr of thie year by
the Board of Dirootore. All entries and
oomnrnnisatioug ehoold be sent to him.
The walla of the Methodist ahurob have
been p,duted by Seburger Bros., of Listo-
wel. The coke is a light terra one% with
a beautiful border. In the alnove is an
open Bible tied some other de'carations.
The worktnanehip ie txaellsnt end the
Methodists are to be congratulated
having such a fine edifies to worebip 1,1,
Jae. Carter ie ou the sfok lint,
Angue oloCuaig le under the weather.
Mre. (Dr,) Armstrong was in Fordwiob
last week.
Andrew Turnbull with a friend Sun
dayed at home.
Misr M. Scott, of Bennis, was vbeft.
tug at W. Neal's.
11. and Mrs. Moen, of Hallett, were in
town on Tu•eday.
Brofsele Fall Fair will catch the crowd
from this locality.
Mier McPherson, of Hilton, is vieiting
friends in Walton.
Will. Waugh, of Teeswttter, is vieiting
friends in Walton,
Meier Anderson ie in this ',Unity on
one of his periodical hunting exeurelone.
Thoth Arohibald be again Buffering
from an attaok of inflammation but is
gradually recovering.
A em ell and eeleo, party of guests en•
joyed a plenavnt evening at W H, Sbul•
dioe'e last Thursday.
A Harvest Home service will be held
in St. George's ohurah next Sabbath,
Rev. Mr. Themes, of Tanen, will affioi.
Rev, and Mrs. Tiffin were in Fordwiob
last week where be preached Harveet
Home sermons. Rev. 0. M. Filer sup-
plied the Methodist pulpit in his absence,
While Mre. Mo0uatg and daughter
were returning from Beneath on Mouday
the horse ebied and tweet both ladies
into the ditch, fracturing Mrs. MoOuaig'e
arm at the wrist.
Dave Fargnharacu reports that the
protection of ottere is haviug a good ef-
fect, a email otter cub having beau
captured in his looality lately. It is a
most interesting pet, being so tame that
it will fish for itself and then return to
its owner.
A eacneeoful box social was held at the
residence of Geo. Grigg on Friday even-
ing. The fact tbat the evening's enter
tainment was under the management of
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist enrol) pre-
supposed a high standard of exoelleuae
in the literary and gastronomio depart.
manta, and there expectations were Jolly
satisfied by the program of music, sing-
ing, &o., which was Oreo presented, and
by the variety and munifioenoe of the
boxes which ware afterwards explored by
the different coupler to whose lot they
fell. A most enjoyable time was spent
by all, and the proceeds of the evening
fully reaompe00ed the Society for the
trouble in preparing it.
e•: res'.
Township Council on Saturday of bhie
Mies Dolman, of Clinton, who was vis-
iting at Jas. McNair's, 10th 0011., retu,n•
ed to her home last week.
Mies Maggie McNeil, 14th con., bee
been on the siok lief, but ie able to be
about again we are pleased to notice.
Mrs. Jae. Spatting, of Henry, III., is
vieiting relatives and friends in this
tonality. She was a former resident.
D. D. Fergue0n, sou of James Fergu-
son, 9th con., has located at Calgary, N.
W. T., and will make his home there in
the meantime.
Mrs. Chas. Bozell and daughter, Hazel,
left Thursday morning of this week for
Paw Paw, Miob., on a visib to Mrs.
Bozell'( daughter, Mre. Jno, Bagel.
A week ago Saturday a bear hunt
occupied the attention of a 5th oonoeesion
farmer, and his son. They must have
killed poor bruno, ae he bee not been
heard from eiaee.
A letter from Hugh Stewart, 16th con.,
who went Weet this Fall, said he bed
been quite poorly, occasioned by the de-
lay in making the brip, but ie quite smart
again. He will be baok in the course of
a month or so.
Mrs. Wm. McNabb, 14th oon„ hoe
been quite ill during the past three weeke,
but is improving quite nicely we are
pleased to state. Her fabher, Mr. Stew-
art, of Stratford, was here ou a visit,
HYMENEAL, — Miss Martha Laing,
daughter of B. Laing, 5th con., was unit•
eel in marriage to Joseph R. MoOounell,
of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, U. S., on
Tuesday, Sept. 5th, The many old
friends of the bride will be a unit iu wish.
tug her and her huoband many happy
and prosperous yeare. They will oou-
tinuo to live in Pittsburg.
WEDDING BELLS.—The oomforbable res•
idenae of D. MnQnarrie,. 10th oou,, was
the mane of a very pretty wedding on
Wednesday evening of flag week when,
in the preoenoe of 115 guests, Rev. D. B.
McRae, of Oranbrook, performed the
menage aeremouy between Thos. Brown,
a well known young man of tbie locality,
and Mise Jegeie, the second daughter of
the host and hostess. Daniel MoQuarrie,
je., wag groomsman and Bias Maggie
Brown, eietor to the groom, wag brides-
maid. The bride wore teeny b000miug
ooetumit of °ream brocade22bblustre, trim-
med with ohiffon and pearls, and looked
flue, while the brideemltid wag most
neatly attired in a oream Bedford oord,
trimmed with ohitfon. After hearty
000gratulatione the oontpany eat down
to an elegant) spread prepared in
Mrs. Mo uarrie'e best style, wbioh is
guying a good deal, and after supper the
evening was spent in soofal oujoyment,
oomprieing vocal and fnebrntnontai music,
&o. The wedding presents write fine
and oonsieted of negates both valuable
and useful, bespeaking the popularity of
the eoutrocting parties. After an en.
joyable time the guests eeperated, wish.
ing Mr, and Mre. Brown many years of
heppinese and prosperity. Tint Pose
fieaoude the motion. rho happy young
auuul:, will reeido io Cranbrook. It is
Quid good wont was done toward another
wedding et Mr. loloQtarrie'o on Wednee•
day nv,nin:4. but kitn0 will tell whether
the rum ,r Is oorteet or not.
People We Talk About.
191. 11 ,re .Sundayed in Seaforth.
I, 0, Itieharde Snudnyed i❑ Bayfield,
Sika irilie% Oliver in b,rne from Toron-
tine Laura Poeblee its home from To.
roe to,
Harry James, o1 Blyth, eva0 in town on
Mies Murrey, of Seaforth, Sundayed at
A. Coulee's,
Chris. Geimaldby, wife and son are
visiting at Alton,
3. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank,
is in Toronto thio week.
Mies Thut'ett Meadows spent a few
days in the Forest City.
II, L. Jaokaoo was in T ,rbnto titin
week on a business trip.
Councillor and Mre, Wilton wore vis-
iting in London last week,
Mise Clara Peebles was huiidayfog fo
London during the past weeir.
Mira Jessie McCaw is ateiting relatives
and iriende in the Royal City.
Mise May Oanbelon waa visiting her
sister at Seaforth last Bewley.
Charlie Leckie, of Toronto, is visiting
at Jae. Oliver'%, Tnroberry street.
Robt. Green and wife, of Trowbridge,
were visiting in town over Sunday.
J, M. Fotberingbam, of Harrieton, was
visiting Mise Douglas, Elizabeth street.
Mre. N. 13. Gerry and daughter, of
Wroxeter, were visiting in Brussels this
Jas. Clark, o£ Seaforth, and mother
were visiting in town this week renewing
old friendships.
Wee Jennie Grieve is not enjoying
very gond health but we hope she will
soon be fully restored.
Mise Maud Peebles and Slier Mamie
Semple were away on a wheeling tour to
Wingham and Walkerton.
Richard Roche, who is melting his
headquarters in Wingham, wee home
with his family last Sunday.
Donald Stewart was a judge at Wing -
ham Pair on Tuesday of this week. He's
an old band at the business.
Mrs. Alexander and daughter, of Pink.
er.ton, ware vieiting Mre. W. H. Mo-
Orauken daring the past week.
W. Fenwick, Mre, Fenwick and child•
ren, of Montreal, are the gnats of Mrs.
Jomee Wilson ,Elizabeth street.
Mies Lizzie Ferguson is book from an
enjoyable trip to Manitoba. Mies Cora
Ferguson, of Teeswater, also returned.
Mise Lizzie Sample bee been under
the dootor'e care tine week. We hope
she will Boon be fully restored to health,
J. M. Thompson, of the Fordwiob
Record, was vieiting under the pareutal
roof, Elizabeth street, last Saturday and
George Watt is home on a holiday for
a few weeke from Toronto. Lie is
draughtsman for the Polson Werke and
is pushing to the front.
W. 13. McCracken will attend Goderioh
Fair next Tuesday to judge the roots.
What Mac don't know about garden saes
there are few in Heron can teach bim-
Alex. Thomson, of Guelph, was renew-
ing old friendships in Brussels this week.
He is a brother to Robt. Thomeou, of the
egg and butter emporium, Graham block,
D. Frain, a former resident of Bene•
gels, was renewing old friendships fa
Wirt locality. He has not been very
robust of late and tools a run over from
the U• S. to brace up.
Tony Sample was groomsman at Jae.
Belden's wedding, near Belmore, on
Tnesday. Thio is Tony's 8rd experience
and it wonld serve him just rigbt if he
gets nabbed next thin.
Mrs. Leatherdale and Min Lizzie
were at Harrieton, on Wednesday attend.
ing the wedding of Mies Maud Grills and
a Harrieton marabout. The bride is a
0ieae to Mrs, Leatberdole.
Word was received Monday morning of
the death of Mise Aggie Livingstone,
danghtor of Jas. Livingstone, M. P., of
Baden, whish took place during Sunday
night, Several of the members of this
family have died recently.
Mies Belle Johnston, a trainee nares
of Chicago, is vieiting Mre, W. H. Kerr.
Mies Johnstone home was Goderioh,
where she has been vieiting for the past
few weeke. She lived once on the 120b
con, of Grey so has a warm spot in her
heart for this locality.
Mre, R. Servide and family moved from
Mount forest to Brussels last week to
join husband and father who is foreman
on the amen sidewalk building. They
have taken up house on Thomas street.
Hr. Service has been here for the past
three months.
Mre, W. M. Sinclair did not get to
Sault Ste. Marie owing to the blockade
caused by the sinking of te vessel in the
St. Mary's river, and afterwards a strike
among the 0. P. R. employees at Owen
Soiled, She turned homeward quite
well oatis0od thab there's no plane like
Will. Barker, second eon of Reeve
Booker. has been laid up for the past
three or four weeks with typhoid fever
at Cavalier, North Dakota, Miee; Dolly,
hie sister, who went West this Sutnmor,
is nureiug him and we are pleased to
hear that the patient is progressing
The Brookville Daily Recorder, of
Sept. 6th, has an aetiole on the opening
of the Collegiate Institute o£ that town
after the Summer venation, at wbioh
addressee were delivered by eeverel mem•
bare of the Board. From the Peinoipal'e
remarks we clip the following which re-
fers to Mies Bate Riobardeon, a former
well known teacher in Brussels sohool
and a eietsr to N. M. Richardson, of
Grey township : — "He oomplimenbod
Mies Ghee on her eunoeoe as a teeober
and said at the time ib was deoided to ae-
ours the serving of a Indy teacher for the
commercial eine he had many wisely.
htgs, bob wag now pleased to be able to
ray that Mies Richardson had made a
aeonesafnl teeober. Her work waa of a
very etlperior oltatteotor,"
Mrs, Walter Smith is quite ill we are
eorry to hear.
Will. James will leave for Henault on
?floridity where he bee Ronursd a pooibioe
in se fenndry. Mr. Bell, the proprietor,
be moving shortly to Seaforth and Mr,
and Mre. Jaynes will make their home
there. Both Mr. and Mrs. Janne are
members of St. John's ohurah choir and
workers in the Subbath eohoel end
Young Peoples' Chapter, heuoe their re-
moval will be regretted by the people of
that congregation while Brussels will Inge
Oret•olttse aitizeus and the writer good
neighbors. They will parry with them
the beet wiebee of a large oirole of friends
for their future prosperity.
CHURCH. ClitdlEe.
Next Sabbath evening the subject at
Melville Endeavor will be "Gideon'(
The monthly service was held in the
ft. C. chant), Brueeels, last Sabbath
"Gidoon'a Band" will be next Sabbath
eveuiug'e topic at the Epworth League,
lutroduoed by Rev. R. Paul.
Presbytery of Maltlaud will meet in
Wingham next Wednesday at 10 a. m.
Rev. Dr. Campbell, Moderator of the
General Assembly, will be present and
address the meeting on the Century
Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Luoan, will
oonduo'• the Harvest Thaokegiving send -
nee in St. Jobn's Minroh next Sunday.
The ohurah+ will be decorated for the ow
esefott. Rev. Mr. Abey will puerile at
Rally day in the Methodist Sabbath
aohool next Sabbath afternoon. It is
the 41st anniversary of the school, Good
program of addreeeee, music, reoitations,
responsive readings, roll Dalt of classes,
lettere from former Pastors and Superin-
tendents, &o.
Rev. Mr. /Inhume topic last Sabbath
morning in the Methodist ohurob wee
"Prayers said and Prayere mentioned,"
and in the evening the text wee Isaiah 45
and 8,"I have girded thee though thou
hast not known me," the discourse being
directed to the young people of the son•
Wingham Dietriot Epworth League
Convention will be held in the Methodist
church, Teeswater, on Thursday, Oat.
13th. The programa are oat. Rev. Jno.
Holmes speaks on "The Forward Move-
tnent" at the afternoon session and W.
H. Karr is down for "Ealloee from
Indianapolis," at the evening meeting.
Bros„els League will send a delegatiou to
the Convention.
evening of last week the Young People's
Chapter of St. John's church re -organized
for the Doming term with the following
ofiroere :—Geo. S. Bogeys, President
Herb, Johnston, Viae Pres, ; Miee Ethel
Campbell, Seo. ; Miss Mary Friendship,
Oor,•Sea. ; D. Kendall, Treas. ; Mies
011ie Vanetone, Organist with Mise Chris.
topher ae aseiataut ; Mre. W. James,
Misses Nina Rogers and Lila Bartliff and
G. Manning, Look•Out Com. The meet•
ing will be held eooh Thursday evening
as natal and a new program will be
Last Sabbath morning the service in
Melville ohurob waa devoted to the son.
sideration of the 20th Century Fund, in
relation to the Sabbath Sobool. Elder T.
Straoban spoke on "What the ohonne
had done in the past" ; G. F. Blair, 13. S.
Superintendent, called attention to
"What the obaroh might do" ; and Rev.
Mr. Rose gave an intereeting address on
the dream of Oliver Sahriner, Premier
of Cape Colony, Africa. The usual m-
elon of the school wee withdrawn. A
special collection will be taken next Bab.
bath afternoon for the fund. Psalm 119.
19 was the evening sabjeot, the main
divisions being (1) The Psalmist's Con.
feseion ; (2) The Psalmist's Petition.
The St, Thomas Journal of Friday ob-,e,
serves : Rave. Hunter and Crossley arrie .,
ed home yesterday from Dnunville;
where for the last four weeke they have ,,t
been holding union meetings, speaking i}};a,
a large tent and in the skating rime,,;
The audienoee numbered from 1,500.torj ,t
2,000, and a greet many of the leading: -•.'
people of the town were among those who
professed conversion. They leave to-
morrow for' Tilbury, where they will corn -
mann union meetings on Sunday in the
skating rink. After they go to Stratford
where the meetings will also be union.
Here they held meetings fourteen years
ago. From Stratford they go to Phila-
delphia, and thence to Miunoapolis on
Deo. 31, Hon. J. W. Arotander, one of
their converts, baving arranged for one of
the largest meetings they have ever held.
Bunton is the. next place on their pro•
Ata meeting of the special committee of
the Methodist General Conference last
week in the board room, Toronto, the
General Superintendent oalled the atten-
tion of the committee to the use of the
public schaol rooms for danoing, and it
was deoidrd to make representations
upon the matter to the Minister of Edu.
Dation. It was agreed that 24 delegatoe
should be sent from the Canadian Metho.
diet ohurah to the Emmenthal Confer.
euae, to be held in London, Eng., in 1901.
The delegated will be ohoaen as follows :
—4 from Toronto • 8 each from London,
Hamilton, Bay of Quints and Montreal ;
1 eaob from Manitoba, Nova Scotia and
Naw Brunswick ; and one each from
British Columbia and Newfoundland.
The question of forming an Inaaranoe
complexly in 000neotion with the church
wag dioouseed, bub the obstacles were
thought to be too many go the matter
WWI dropped.
Henry Rothe, of South Eaebhope,
brought to the storehouse of hose &
Reddaway, Stretford, a load of oats Of
40 bags, containing 154 bug. The Date
tested 40 pounds to the baehel.
There was another unfortunate death
In the dental aloe of Dr. Ohio. Thotnp.
son, Hamilton, on Motdoy last. Mre. W.
Jenninge died while under the influence of
chloroform and having teeth extracted.
The chloroform was adminietored by Dr.
Gaviller and the dead 70011041'8 mother•
in-law was preeont at the operation,