HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 8Eyeache and Headache. Eyestrain causes both. Drugs relieve only temporar- ily. Pro- perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. G. A. eadman, Druggist and Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. COME QUICK. When in Toronto I eeoured the none), o for 4w b a u aatif 1 Volumes which p 1 cap Bell for le less than the regular tri 8.. I want you to come end see them as there 1s not a family bat what would be better to have one or both, They will interest and inetract either young or old, I do not know how long they will last go OOme et ouoe and see them anyway, Prize Biscuits. We are offering a prize at the Fall Pair for bast Bisouita made with Dead. man's Baking Powder. You muet not compare the prise of our Baking Powder with nanny on the market au it is an easy matter to make a cheap Baking Powder by acing alem or some other cheap and injurious ingredient. The worst of it is these cheap Baking Powders ere called PURE, andso they may be, but they may be pore slam or pore purin, but that does not make them any better. Pure signifies nothing when applied to Baking Powders. Ours is a Cream Tartar Baking Powder rwhahsswesdhaatt 8a0noy pearkibng Podwydoeu can you van get for leas money le not as good, sot as healthful and therefore not so soon onlioai. Dendrites Drag: a Book Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & e. Trains leave Brussels Station, North end South, as follows: -Goute soma. GOING Norma. taxprese 7:10 a.m.I Mail 0.10 pantermkneed ...... 9:40 Express - 10:17 p.m rug Reba puts, A ohiePs amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Saowane. Cool weather. Warts frost Wednesday night. Tars Orange Hall is in the hands of the painters. A. 0. 13. W. Lodge on Friday evening of this week. Dotes scribble noreexpectorate toba000 jnioe upon the new sidewalks. A number of Brueselites are attending the Western Fair at London this week. AN interesting letter on a trip on the Rideau Canal, by J. Smillie, is crowded out of this issue. N. F. Gm,im's residence bas been treat. ed to a new dress of paint. David Jamieson's and Jno. 0onsley's ditto. T. P. B11ITZ, specialist optician, will visit Brussels on Wednesday, Sept. 2756, and may be consulted at Foxe drag store. Tower & Co's Evaporator commenced work on Monday of this week. They em- ploy from 14 to 16 hands. Mr. Lyman, of New York state, is in charge of the • bneinees. 25 MONTS, in advance, gets Tae POST • for the balance of 1899. For 35 cents we will mail you Tao POST and Weekly Globe to Jan, let. Now is the time to enbsaribe. HAND INru10sn.—.Last Wednesday while working at the edging saw et P. Ament's mill, Obae. Halide had the misfortune to run We left hand againet the saw and re. oeived an ugly nut on two of his fingers which will lay him off work for a while. THE thanks of the people of Brussels are due to R. Mainprice, proprietor of the Electric Light Works, for keeping the lights raining daring Exhibition week until after the night train comes in, tbvreby Baying travellers and visitors a lot of trouble. FOOT BALL MATCH,—Last Saturday evening a friendly game of football was played on Victoria Park, Bruseela, be- tween the teams from Walton and Oran - brook, the eoore resulting in 1 to 0 in laver of the latter. The dosing part of the game was played in "Ride and Seek" fashion, viz, in the dark. R, Ferguson • acted as Referee and meted out egne! juetiae to 101. Boweence—A local bowling tournament is on for the ownerehip of a pair of bowls offered through the kindness of J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank, who is an enthusiastic lover of the game. The members have drawn for plaoee and the result np to the time we go to press is as follows :—A. D. Duncan beat Jas. Ballantyne ; A. Gormley won from J. N. Gordon,; and G. F. Blair defeated J. H. Cameron. Frnex•Ceees.—Last Saturday Tas Pose Editor palled at the Co. House of Refuge at Clinton and spent a few hours. The place is a marvel of neatness and home. likeneso. There are about 80 inmates and all appear to be wall oared for and are well satisfied. The farm looks fine, especially the root crop, which would puzzle many a gardener to outdo, se new driving shed 24x40 feet has been built this Sommer, John McAllister, formerly of Brunets, being the boss carpenter on the job, ander the eupervision of Manager lreuob, Several of the inmates are in vary poor health and the death roll will shortly be added to. When the orae• mental trees and the young fruit trees get a few years more ,growth the place will be a pretty one indeed. IYIr. and Mrs. French evidently have the manage- ment down to quite a eoie000. L08TO0EL FALL P.M.—The fifth annual Exhibition of Listowel and South Wales Agriooltural Society, to be held on Tues- day and Wednesday of next week, will oodoubtedly be a great success if favored with good weather. The entries in all the.departmente are coming in earlier than ever and the exhibits promisee to be of a very superior elem. The Fair opens on Taesday evening with a Promenade Concert is tbe••ri»k, and tba Listowel Band will enliven the entertainment,. which will be in :charge of the Listowel Quartette. It will be largely of a musioal character interspersed with oomia songs, cake walks, &a. The interior department of the Exhibition will be in full swing. The geounde end track for the outdoor exhibits were never in better shape and with .the splendid show of horses for Which the Exhibition is becoming noted, Mao the very oroditable ehow of cattle, sheep and poultry, &o., together with the epeodieg,events, bloyole rages, balloon ascensions, due, will provide ample en• terteenment for the old and young on the emend day, The BWand it b e present resent in the alto n rn ode The BearebarY will be in hie offices on Saturday and Monday to receive entr100, Intending exhibitors will kindly Send in their et:R tes before" Show day to avoid the Yaeit, P. AMENT has received an order for 6,000 apple barrels from a LICknow buy - 80. A LOAD of young people drove out to the big ditch one da last week and o Y ombin• ed the outing with aio nio party. BRtasELs Fall Pair on Thursday and Friday, Oat. 6th and fhb. See list of at. tractions end special prizes. Get a prize list. Co. 0OMMIS0IONEn AN6LET, Of Wlagham, was in town on Thursday looking up the job of filling in at the South end of the iron bridge. 910.00 Lose, on Turnberry St„ between Jno. Ferguson &,Cote store and J. D. Ronald's residence. Finder will be enitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office. R. LEATHERDALE, W. Ainley, Rev. W. Norton, N. MoLanohlin and Rev, R. Paul have removed their fences and thereby improved the appearance of their respective properties. LAST week Clerk Scott took the sewer debentures to Toronto to Messrs. Stem. eon & Co. and raoeived the oaeh for them, amounting to $1,623.11. The same firm will get the new sidewalk debentures also ae their offer was in advance of other brokers. Bausem5 Voter's List Court wee held Thursday forenoon al this week before Judge Masson. The Liberate added 8 names and struck off 6, and the Oonser. vativereadded 8 and streak off 2. G, F. Blair and E. L. Diokeneon represented the respective parties, A amaze contested game of Foot Ball was played here Tuesday evening be• tween the junior teams of Brussels and Wingham, with H. Hamilton, of the lat• tar town ae Referee. The more was 2 to 1 in favor of the home team. A shower of rain militated against good play. Tae new sidewalk on Princess street was completed last Monday end the dell then shifted to Turnberry street where a 6 foot walk is being put down Trona William to George street (the latter being the street leading to the storehouses, North of the G. T. R. track. Three 6 foot crossings have also been finished on Turnberry street. Ammon SALE.—The undersigned has received instructions from the assentor of the estate of the late Daniel Hayden to offer for Bale by pablio aDOtion, at the late residence of deceased, Turnberry street, Bruseela, on Saturday, Sept. 28rd, all his hoaeebold furniture and effeote, Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. OF INTERNET TO THE LADIES.—Last Tuesday Alb), Robinson, the genial and well known representative of Comfort Soap, was in Brussels and arrauged for the giving of three valuable prizes at Brussele Fall Fair. The competition will ooneist of an 80 yard foot rase, open to ladies. A. bar of soap is to be placed every 10 feet of the dietanoe and the competitors are expected to piok np these bars and eery them in an apron to the end of the rape. Both soap and aprons will be furnished by the 00, and every contestant becomes the owner of the soap they gather. For let prize a gold watch will be given ; 2nd prize, a silver watch ; and Ord, a pair of opera glasses. The prizes will be on exhibition in Tag Pose Publishing Home window in the course of a week or so. There will be no en- trance fee to the rate which will take place on Friday afternoon, Oat. 6th. Tell year neighbor's wife about it. NEWSY NOTES FROM THS G. T. R.—Tbe ar that was used as a station house dor. ng the construction of the new depot as taken away last week.—Part of the eoeseary furniture bas arrived for the Cation house, oonsieting of seats, chairs, afe, &c. A neat ;arrangement has been ade of the bueinege offioe and every hing is very convenient for both the gent and the pulllio.-Exoursion return re to London on Toeoday and Thurs. ay of this week was 91.80. Quite a timber availed themselves of the low ate.—The G. T. R. signal man was here is week arranging the semaphore, order oard &o.—If the G. T. R. would plane n eleotrio light at the depot and have a went walk put down to connect with e 6.foot walk on Tnrnberry street, air property would look o. k.—Monday ght's train from the Eaet did not teeth ruseele until about 1 a. M. Tuesday. ear/ passenger traffic at the wind-up of e Toronto Fair said to be the dnuee. ood long boars for Agent Settop.—The (lowing are the freighb ehipmeuts out. and and inward :—W Jewitt, 8 Dare ples, to Manitoba ; D. Oantelon, 1 oar pies to Manitoba . Beaker & Vanetone, care of wheat and a double dealt of ge ; Iastorpriee Works, 3 ears of salt ; egg & Dames, a car of lambs and a nble deck of hogs ; R. Ferguson, a oar lambs ; R. Graham, a oar of peas ; onald Fire Engine Co., a fire engine for ritieh Columbia. In hamming freight ere 6 ogre of coal for N, le Gerry ; oar tile for J. N. Bendall ; Royal Paving oe 2 oars dement ; P. Amens, a oar of ops and a car of staves ; Lowry Broe„ oat of brick ; 8 care coal for Eater. rise Salt Worka,—The te)epbone von. 0t10n between the town and the depot temporarily orarii oat uo th • N Y e Instrament s' 118 use in the oar. statfon and will w bo planed in the agent's office.— :Mete ie a good ebipping point and erageo about 8 oars a day the year ufd. w m 18 fa d r th b Oe a th nh1 B 13 th G fo w ap 3 ho Cl do of R B f 0 ho a N ne is we 510 13r aV 50 TEE J3R€ SELS POST SEPT. 14, 1899 Loe .—Between Melville Church and Ie, V. Donford'a Garner, a beagle nook pin. Pinder would confer a favor by leaving at v n TUR POSY. g A 11000 N a 1 u t the Dirsotora of the Best Huron and Grey Branch Agl. Rooiotios was held last Saturday afternoon to st- range for judgee and other preliminaries in noaneotioa with the Pail Fair, GOT 1801 Dtrrolre.—Jamee Walker, of Wingham, rot unsay of Brussels, attended the Champion Collage of lembalming, in Toronto, and Net weak passed hie exam- inatlon enooeeelully and received hie diploma. PASSED SocoEeel'oLLo.-We notices in the press that one of Miss S. L. Aloore's music pupils, Mise Maggie Wlleon, of Seafortb, wee sueoeoefnl 1131 paesiug the esarninetion at the Loudon Conservatory in the principal- form. This rattans credit on bath teeeher and pupil GONE Liao Bla m ase. — Robert Rosa, formerly of Brueeeln, has purchased the tailoring business and gents' furnishings belonging to A. G. McIntyre, liinoardine, and took pos0066100 last week. Rob. tvlo- Oraoken, of town, will assist him in the store. We wish Mr. Rose chooses and will expeot to bear of Uim doing well, BEAN BEAorxEe.—Leat week Richard Williams, liveryman, Brussels, went to Toronto on a horse purobaeing trip and seamed a natty spin of blaoke. Diulo has a string of prize tickets as long as your arm won in the show ring by his new equisoe. We understand that 3. N. Gordon, Manager of the Standard Bank here, has purohaeed the older of the span and will nowhave e a fancy diver. Megan. Williams will have the enlarge menh f theirlivery 0 v r bnrll o om tet d Y P e shortly and will be in as good shape ae any livery in the country. Mise SATE SHAW PAaeEo AwAT.—Leet Monday a telephoue message wee raoeived from Teeewater intimating the sad in- teltigenoe that Hate L, 4th daughter of John Shaw, formerly of Brussels, had died that morning 44 9 o'clock. About three weeks ago else took ill with au ob• striation of the bowels and despite all that physicians and friends could do she gradually sank until death relieved her of all pain and trouble. She was oonsoioue until half an hour of her decease. Alias Shaw was born at Walton and was well known to the people of Brussels with whom she was a general favorite owing to her kind, jolly and friendly disposition. Interment wee made at Brussels oemetery, Undertaker Habbirk conveying the re. mains from Tseewater, after an 1813• propriate funeral service at the parental residence by Rev. Mr. Maloolm. At the cemetery here Rev. Joo. Rose, B. A„ 00n• daoted the service. The pall bearers were :—Jno. Ferguson, A. Rose, G. S. Rogers, W. Grower, A. Sample and Fred. Wilson. Among the relatives who at- tended the funeral were :—Joo. Shaw, now teaohing at Collingwood ; Dr. Shaw, Mayor of Clinton ; Colin Shaw, of De• troit ; Dr. W. Shaw, of Morrie, Miobigan ; Dr. Marra, of Port Elgin ;J. MoKnight, of Rullett ; Angus Shaw and Mrs. Jos. Shaw, of Grey. L, Campbell and wife, of Teeewater, were also here. The floral tributes on the casket were beautiful. Deep sympathy is expressed by the many old friends of the family with them in their bereavement. BRUSSELS Heve.—The ladies of Bru- nie Hive of the Maooabee Order gave an At Home in the Lodge room on Thurs- day evening of last week, which was a very enjoyable affair. W. H. Herr, of Tins Poex, was honored with the chair- manship and the following interesting program was presented and exeouted in finiteness [style :—Organ solo, Mise Jean MaLauohlin ; Chairman's address ; solo, "Tbe same sweet belle are ringing," by Mies Rankin, of Wiupham ; Sootob recitation, "Wauken np," by Winnie McGuire ; solo, "My old New Hampshire home," Fred. Gilpin ; address by Mioe Irwin, Organizer, on the work of the Order. She showed that the ladies may secure insurance from 9500 to 92,000 from 30 dente per month upwards, aa- oording to age and amount of insurance ; that there were 50 hivea now in Ontario with a memberobip of 1,000 ; that there ie a disability benefit as well as life insurance ; pointed out the social advent. ages, outside of monetary considerations, and oonoluded a neat talk by urging all ladies present to unite with Brussels Hive. H, L. Jaokeon contributed several eeleotione on hie gramophone, after which a abort intermission was taken, daring whiob a tasty lunch was served. On renaming the program, Mr. Jaokeon gave gramophone rendering ; Mies Jean Ritchie sang "The bonnie bonnie banks o' Looh Lomond" ; Mies Minnie Mo. Naughton read a humorous selection, "Josiah Allen and his wife rfde• a tobog. gen" 1 solo, Mies Lizzie Sample, entitled "The old home I loved long yeses ago," ; • inatromental, Mise Jean MoLaoahlin ; solo, "The song the old chimney sang," Miss Raskin ; solo, "Melinda le engaged to a coon," by T. A. Hawkins, and in re. sponse to an encore an organ Bolo was played. The meeting oonoluded with a . vote of thanks to all who took part on motion of A. MoGnire and H. L. Jaok- eon. Brussels Hive, recently instituted, bide fair to grow, as the ladies at the head of it are good workers. 011011011 01111111135. Tbe Misses Hall, evangelieta, opened tbeir Fall campaign at Burford last Sab- bath. Rally Day in the Methodist Sabbath Sohool, Brussels, on Sabbath afternoon Sept. 24, 'Unbesitating eonfidenoe fn Christ," will be next Sabbath evening's topic et Melville Endeavor. Neat Sabbath evening the regular monthly Consecration .meeting of the Epworth League wilt be held, Next Sunday Jae, Jones and A. Ross will aeeist the choir of St, Thomas' church, Seafortb, of which 'P. A. Haw. kine is organist. The Little Stars Mission Band, of Melville church, will hold their first meeting for the Fall; term, on Saturday of thiseek at w 3,m W. H. Serra of THE POST, was at Goderialr last Sabbath taking Rev. 8. J. Apia's work in Victoria street oburoh, The latter ie away on a holiday, The annual Harvest Thanksgiving eerviees will be held in Bt. John's thumb, Brusoeie, on Sunday, Sept, 24th, Rev. H. A. Themes, of Lunn, will preach at both services, Rutb let chapter and part of 19th versa, "And , they said Is this Naomi 0" was ev, r, Abe $ text last Sunday morning at Bt. John's ahuroh from which he pteaohed a profitable discourse. At the eveoieg servi00 Bt, Lake 7 and 47 wag the text, Walkerton Methodist ahuroh is eon. eidering the purchase of separate nom, manion ou Ns for norms /anted to 1 A 1r o9e e. Dr. n 1tt t fharwitos a husband was cap- tured in Thibet, will Arrive in (7hatham Saturday, September 16, when 1t will be finally arranged to have her deliver her Drat leettere in Canada there, Goderiob Dietriot Sabbath Sohool and Epworth League Convention will be held in the elethndiet church, Blyth, on Tues. day, Oat, 175h. Dr. F, 11, Stephenson, head of the Forward Missionary Move, meat, will be Ane of the speakers. Next Sabbath morning Rev. Jno, Roos, B. A„ will discourse to the obildern of Melville church on the 20518 Oentary Fond. There are 186,000 Sabbath eobool pupils in eouneotion with the Presbyter. ion thurob of Canada and 20,000 °MHoore and toaohere who are aspected to matte. buts 910,000 to thie fund. Harvest Rome services in the efetho, diet thumb on Sabbath, 24th inet, The pastor, Rev. J. Holmes, will preach. On Monday evening following a to meeting will be bold. Among others who will address the oadienoe will be Rev. Richard Hobbe, of Wingham. Mise Ames, of Ethel, and the ahuroh choir will supply the music, Rev. E. V. Smith. of Ciatakaaie, Ore. gon, U. S., has been asked by the Super- intendent of minima Jn Alaska to teach in a Methodist college that is being built in Skagway. Salary to be 91,000 a year. He has not aooepted however as the pre. aiding Elder, under whom be has labored for the last year, has intimated to him that several other places are asking for him. Our Canadian boys are in demand in the U. S. and take first places. Bev. Jno. Rose, B. A., preached last Sabbath morning from the text "Jesus answered them, do ye now believe 7" The subject "True Faith" was pointedly dealt with under the following division (1) It receives Chriet ; (2) Retains Christ; ) Resigns itself to Ohriat ; (4) Resta is Christ ; (5) 'Rejoice's in Christ ; (6) and will Reign with Christ. In the evening Matt. 48:41-45, "Christ's Tears" was the theme. They were (1) Pitiful ; (2) Patriotic ; (3) Uoreetrainahle. Daat Sabbath Rev. Mr, Holmes preach. ed two exoellent discourses in the Metho diet church. In the morning his subject was taken from Mark 6: 46-48—"A parable of Love"—and in the evening his theme was "Iagersotliem ve. Chriebian. ity," taking for hie text 2nd Timothy 1- 12, "I know whom I have believed, &o." His address was based on a comparison of the life and teachings of the late Robt, G. Ingersoll and those of Panf, bolding the rapt attention of the congregation for more than an hour. At the evening ser- vice a quartette, "Holy Bible," was rendered by Misses Sample and Kerr and Messrs. Coueley and Gilpin. Business Locals. BREWER'S Baby Day, Sept, 26th. Comae to rent. Apply to J. J. Gilpin. BnEwER takes the lead in photograph- ing. SERVANT wanted. Apply to Dirs. W. M. Sinolair, Brussels. • CotnronTAoLE boon to rent. Apply to John R. Smith, Brussels. 9 tl Fon Bale obeap. two set secondhand single harnese. I. 0, Richards. WANrED,—Batter and eggs, still the same price, 14o. The sale still goes.— Everything goes. G. E. KING, Wingham. A NutnRo of buggies, new and old, must be Bold at Ewan ee Innes'. Call and see. Priaee away down. WANTED, an apprentice, at once, to learn the drug business. Girl or boy. Excellent chance. Apply at the Peoples' Drug Store. Dr. D. F. Smith, Broeeele. We make eemi•annual viefte to the factories we desl with and personally select our stook of buggies and cutters. Hence we have no heeitenoy in reoom. mending and guaranteeing them to one tomere. Ewan & Innes. Pawnee' ATTeNTION.—L. S. Town & Co. have rented the Brussels evaporator and want 10,000 bushels of apples for which they will pay the highest market price.' Alec a quantity of wood. Call at the evaporator and get prioee or en• quire of 5. E. Lyman at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. " 9 8 Ewers & Lama have sold np to llth of Sept. 101 buggies ainae 1st of March, and have 7 new baggies on band still whioh will be sold at coat, as we must make room for 8 oar loads of cotters, which we have bought at Toronto Exhibition, We also have a few good secondhand bog. give which will be Bold at Dost. oaa:A.r xxxt= Coorsn—Bassam.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Kinoardine, by Rev. W. Rigsby, A. T. Cooper, mer- obant of Clinton, to Miee Annie, oldest daughter of Mr. Robs. Sellery, of Kincardine, Nntvcotms—BRONSO MBE.—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Petrolea, on Sept, 5, by Rey. Joe. Philp, B. D., Mr. W. H. Newcombe, merchant of Clinton, to Mies Della H„ only daughter of Mr, John B. Brousoombe, of ?etrolea, SHAW.—Io Teeewater, on Sept. 11, Kate I., daughter of Mr. Jno. Shaw, for- merly of Brussels, aged 27 years and 2 menthe. LlvnvaexoNE.—In Listowel, on Sept. 6th, John Livingetone,sr,, aged 88 years, 3 months and 22 days. .A.'CTt3'r2O310' 13.4.r433. SATURDAY, BEST. 28.—Household furni• ture, &o., belonging to the estate of the late D. Navin. Sale at hie late rest• denoe, Turnberry street, Brussels, at 2 o'olook, F. 5. Soott, auctioneer. 1am'rsmax,m a ese.xzr,:amq, Fal1 W tea Barley ...... Peas Oats Butter, tube and robe .. Eggs par dozen Four per barrel4 Pobatoes (per bus) Applee (per bag) Ray per bon Hides trimmed Hldee Tough h g Saltsr bbl, t , ra all r Sheep skins, soot Lamb eltine Hoga,Llve 1.r...1i4-.. Wool ,.,,.,1,,, 111,,.,e, 05 80 64 23 14 12 00 50 60 5 00 7 5 66 82 55 24 15 18 4 00 60 6 00 7 6 ST1LX7v.D.nu) B4N,K OF 04,N'4lDr�. mmweee x.x 183 �u:xmx7 o.e7a, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) , • 91,000,000 RESERVE FUND . . $600,000 Agencies in all principal points ivl Ontario, Quebec, kfanitoba, United Sta.tea dr Ragland, a sons ' BRAWN A General Banking 13n$ineoe Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted, Drafts Iseurd and dolleotions made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards. BrsorAL ATTENTION O1y5N TO THE Co1DEa7ION OY FAns5ERe' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Onstomers living at a dietanoe. J. N. GORDON, ACTING A000r, Toronto, Sept, 12. — Wheat, fairly steady ; Ontario red and white, 67e to 67eo, North and Weet ; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, Toronto and Weet, sold at 79o, and g. 1, 5., 80o. Flour, quiet ; straight roller, in buyers' beg, middle freights, sold to exporters at 92 65 ; same in barrels for local t 000unt, 93. Peas—Higher prices are being paid for peas, due, it le said, to the need of filling ocean freight spade ; No. 2 peas, immediate shipment, North and West, were in demad at 57e ; Oolo. bar shipment at 56c. Oats—Firmer ; new white, North and Weet, 24o, and mixed, 28o ; naw white, East, 25o. Rye, viae' oar lots t 9 , gas bio and Woes 900. Corn >} dell ; No. 2 Amorioan, track, Toronto, 40o. Barley, firmer ; No. 2 barley, North and Weet, 38o, and on i the Maitland, 40o ; No. 8 extra, 85c. TORONTO, BERT, 12,—On the Toronto live stook market a large run thio morn. ing met with a good demand, a brisk boeineee being done in all brenobee, especially bntohere' cattle. The quality of the stook offered was better than last week, but considerable unfinished stock is ati11 brought in. Export oattle—Prices remained unohanged, and most of the stook sold out. Extra Choice cattle were wanted, but few were on the market ; prices ranged trete 94.50 to 95 per awl, for heavy, and 98.75 to $4.50 for lighter stook. Butcher's cattle—There was quite natir in butchers' cattle, but prices remained oteady, at (93.75 to 94.25 per owt. for choice stook, and 92.50 to 98.50 per owt. for common and medium grades, Stockers and feeders in goad demand and steady market at 92.76 to $8.50 for stook. ere and $8.50 to 94 for feeders. Sheep and lambs—Prioee in the market were inclined to raise alightly, with a steady demand. Lambe sold at 94.25 to 94.50 per cwt., and good bntobere' sheep were wanted at from 93 to 93,50 each ; export ebeep Bold at 98.60 to 98.80 per cwt. Hogs—Prioee weakened slightly, not- withstanding a small ran. Kent, Essex and Lambton aorn•fed hogs fetch 50o less than quoted prime. To.day'a run was 60 loede, made up of 900 oattle, 660 hogs and 500 ebeep. + Eaet Buffeto, N. Y„ Sept. 12.—Cattle —There were two loads on sale, with a fair clement' at full yesterday's prides, Calves were in light ripply, good demand and steady ; choice to extra were gaol• able at 97.50 to 98; good to ohoioe, $7 to 97.50 Sheep and Lambe—The trade was rather slow, and there were about 20 loads of sales, including four loads of Canada lambs ; the basis of choice lambs prfoea was 98 ; sheep ware firm and quo. table at 92.76 for top grades ; there were a few deoke of under prade Jambe left over. Hoge—The offerings were about 10 loads ; the market ruled Blow at yea• terday's closing figures, the basis being 94 80 to 94.85 ; heavy were 94.85 ; mixed, 84.80 to $4.85 ; Yorkere, 94.80 ; pigs, roughs, 93.65 to8.90 ; ;stags, gs,93 to to 98.60 4.70 ; the aloes was weak. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. "'ANTED AT THE BRUS- SELS Evaporator, 10,000 btrehele of Ap plee,for which the highest market prion 11,111 be paid. L. S. TOWN Co. 0.8 HORSES FOR SALE.—THE undersigned hae 1 span of mares 00M- ing 4 years, and 1 mare p canning 8 years for Galey All sonJOHN LO1WE. lot 10, eon. G, 1HEEP STRAYED ON THE Con. 15, Gray, on or abouteSepta 0. LotEL may have it by proving property,paying ex- penses and taking ittaway, FLETCHER MPA'CILING, 0.9 Monari0ff P, 0, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street, Brussels. The house ie aoomfor•table one, well fitted up with collar, hard and soft water, &o. There is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden over one•gaarter sore of land. For price, tortes, &o., apply to H. FINN, Proprietor, ON W. H. 8101010 of Tsai Pon, 1841 REAL ESTATE. FIRST-OLASS FARM FOR Halo on easy terra, being Lot 81, Oon, 10. Township of Groyy, Huron 0o, 00 emscleared and in dret•olaoe state of onitivatiun and balauae in bard -wood bush, A first. g lass barn with straw abed attached, also a from a barn, and all neoeesarg out buildings. good frame houeo ; watered by 8 wells and a stream of Spring water crossing farm. Pos- eeeeion given at once. For further partion- lars apply to WM. 041r1101t0N, Oranbrook er 11,10. 13. HYDE, Ethel P. 0„ Out„ Hamm. tore of lBebt, MoLaohlan attain". FARM FOR SALE,—TRE }The undersigned offers Ida farm, be- ing E BLot 7, Con, 17, Grey, containing 00 acres, s acme being good hardwood bush, for Sale- There it a new frame house 18x28, new barn,801.00, orchard deo, Poeeeosln' would be given at any time with this season's crop if desired. Farm le two miles from Village of Walton, For further pertioulare as to prloe, terms, &o., apply on the__pramisas or C THOS,3001NSTON, Walton P.O. FARM FOR SALE. --TEE undersignedo h offers 11 1 r OO ao o farm being 8 4 eLot 27 Oon, 6, s atrfe, for sola- All ,aero and iu a and state 01 cu11 tion. Rouge, unel barn, orchard, .Re., it mhos iron(Brnaoels, and only. a mile to bobool. by Sept. t 5i abler toed t, a hot et ye Dp, tit will be 1,.180. for a torm of year,. For Defoe, terms, do„ apply Me the premises, or if by letter, to mins MUCH, Brussels le 0. HARM FOR SALE. -15o AOREB Connieting of the South t and South 1 of the North d of Lot 90 Con ,2, East Wawa. nosh, This is an oxoellent stook tornl,being well(supplied.with 600ds,riv ater, t 1 00 70 equated about0 i, 1 w , Lis c milia from the t 0 of Blyth. a largo thriving BO 65 to g y g parted it in under 25 25 etabe. 1ep ah-, J and fenOea are 01 alalr 4 00 4 25 State of repair, 1tae terms of payment will 8 18 b11'bfon (+L',BLAIit,, Bar ietta,ystnagels, �.i1AR1VI FOR SALE,—TFIE UN— deraigoed oirora Ma farm, Weet Half Lot No. 10, Gou. 4, Gray, containing 50 acres, Moro or leas. For particulars as to price and terms apply to ASCE. 5OBEI0TSON, Brueeole P. 0. on the premia00, FINE FARMSALE.—BE. FOR mei Lot 22, N 8 Can, 0, Morris township, ooutaiul ug 98 ammo of first -plass land; There is a house, barn, orobard. and good ware house, and farm is well fended. There are 85 acres in Fail wheat 1 15 soros in hay and 40 acres pastere. Possenelan could be given at owe. Farm adjoins the village of Bres- ee1e. nor further particulars as to price, tortes e., write t rut to JAMES LIv1NG8T N o, M.P., Baden. 22•51 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— Tho undersigned offer two 100 novo tares for Bale atrensonablo ;rims. The Iota are Noe. 10 and 11, Oon. 0 (Sunshine), the 0it10r0ad between them. Good brlok house and barn on lot 11, and heuoe.aud 2 barns on lot 10, orchards and all 080000ary conven- iences. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 acres now lit groes, W In be sold either separate or together to suit pur- chaser, Terme of payment reasonable. Im- mediate Losses ten. For i umber partionlaro apply to J0811 P13 CLpEGG, Brussels P. 0„ or E. L. DICKINSON', Barrister, Wingham. 151 Co, Goode. Remember is possible to get. Repairs in Shoes and Rubbers done Hoot and oheap. Gel tilti Bosti Our High -Grade Baking' Powder is warranted to contain nothing but the very best materials in the correct proportions. It is a furs Cream Tartar Baking folder simply that and nothing more. Always fresh. 25c. per pound Foz'S PY'4s'Store.. Fall Term opens Sept. ,6 CENTRAL`: t; .J J CEJ l JS rrt'f)1 ,On a Write boday for our new Catalogue. It's the finest Business College Catalogue in Canada and represents the moat pro. greesive and beet Dobool. 1*'. J. RELIOTT, IPrincIpal, J. D. KiNG'S SHOES ALWAYS IN STOCK. Our tall cff Stock ofo is complete and comprises the very latest Novelties in Ladies' Fine Laced and Button Bboee, in Cloth and Sid tope. Great Bargains in Men's Long Boots. Wonderful Values in Boys' and Girls' Sohool Shoes. Big Drivea in Obildren'e Shoes. Rubber Goode in great quantities, composed of the bees brands made of Granby and Canadian the prime in both Shoes and Bobbere are the lowest it HARNESS DEPARTMENT We are to the front with a good stook of both Heavy and Light Harness, Whips, Trunks and Satchels. If you want Harness get our Prioes before buying anywhere. It will pay you. Repairs in Ilarneso and Collars done Cheap and Good. ,t�r, C. ichards. ds TEAMS STRIGTLY CASH 6ONE PRICE ONLY. Fair Figures Are clustered about our count- ers all day long looking at and admiring our NEW FALL ESS 00008. Fair Figures, interested, astonished, pleased have been and every day increases the number admiring our New Goods, and more than satisfied are they at the fair figures at which this new line is marked. Bring your friends and look at our New Dress Goods. If you are thinkingat all of buying an thin of the kind, your 3r g a anything awn judgment and your friends advice will dictate that this is one opportun- ity in a thousand. 29 Pieces„. Of New Fall' Dress Goods, scarcely two Dresses alike, being in Dress Lengths, bought so we can and are selling them at Wholesale Prices laid down. A. R. SMITH, C,4flaTd�h ^!�' •Lille SYN CRzJ1zC 11 k.LE