HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 7SEPT, 15; 1909, E BRUSSELS POST. 7 WE 1JCLE SA\( is Al. ITEMS OP INTEREST ABOUT TUB BUSY YANKBB. elieshborty Interest in His Doinite-Monera of Moment and forte Gathered front silo Delly Record, ., a A Cdhieago+ street beggar who died a tete days ago loft a forted() of $40,- 000, The damage to orops by the Texas flood le estimated at not lose than $4O,- 000,000. California. produees about one-third of the almonds consumed iii the Unit- ed! States: 7•lbe will of the late Robert C. Bil- lings,: at Boston, leaves $100,000 to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Jerome Hall Raymbwd,-the new pres- ident of the University of West Virginia, was a newsboy, in early life. ' There ark in Boston 71,571 persons Dann in•.Ireland; Ireland furnished one . prleaner+to seely 20 of hey naLive resi- dents. ". -There is more money in the United •Sttites now than there was a year ;•r •ngd'"G-yneerly "a hundred millions of dollars., The,'*nrking classes form 69 per cent. the middle class 28 per cent„ and the'eepper class aper cent., of the pap- ule/Hanof the United Status. Only in New 'York, Buffalo, Yonkers, Boston, Chicago, Brookline, Mass., Pro- vidence, Philadelphia and Worcester are public baths maintained. The Tenth Pennsylvania is coming home, but with sadly decimated ranks, the total of 1,27.2 having been reduced during the l'Jtilippine campaign to 749, Bailey Barrett who bas just passed away In Cloves, Ohio, was a school teacher in his younger days, and gave ex-Pr•sideent Benjamin Harrison his early training. The directors of ono of Pitlsburg's Publio schools have (bolded to estab- lislh, in the school 'building a spaotous ewlmmi;ng pool and shower baths for Ithc used of the pupils. A Washington friend of Admiral Dewey says the great • sailor is a eplandid wit and story teller. He can also spin a yarn of his own experience which would rival Gm strangest fie - Lion. Mrs. Stotseaberg, wife of the Ne- braska colonel who was killed by the Filipinos, was on shipboard al the time of her huebaad's- death, and did not learnn at the event until thirty days alter it took plum. Though; the Philippines are an agri- cultural country they do not produoe enough food for the consumption of the itlhabittnts, and it is the custom. to draw upon rice -producing countries snob as Cochin, Ohiva. Gov. Mount, Of Indiana, spent his vacation on his model farm, putting Iris time in in a personal inspection of his property, spending whole days in the fields, and not infrequently, lendings a helping hand to his labor - SEE PLANETS AT IYIIDDA) T. MADE THEMSELVES CHIMNEYS. THE UNDERGROUND OBSERVATORY OF PROF. WATSON,. The Impracticable S'111011' or a {Yfsronslo Crorcarair- uerlusent Hatched {Villi immerse The little building crunched an the south tilde of Observatory Hill, could Loll a story of lite eaorilieed in the cause of maim , says. the Milwaukee Sentinel. Prof, d•umes 0, Wat- son spent the last cent he bad in building it, and died oe congestion of 11113 lunge brought on by exposure, •just as the structure was martini' com- pletion. His Ideas were carried oat, but wore found to be srroaeoue. •J3y means of this observatory Astronomer Watson thought he could study the stars during the daytime and 0spe- ciaily two planets which he thought he saw dealing the sun inside the orbit of Mercury. To the uninitiated this little house looks like a very ordinary piece of masonry; but It isn't. It covers, as a lid to a teapot, a cellar that is some- thing over 'Lilly Leet deep, On the crest of the hilt anove the little house is au oblong mass and. briok, covered with a thick plank door. Lifting this door you see a tunnel eighteen inches in diameter that penetrates the hill. It you dropped down this tunnel you would land at Lha bottom of the cellar of the little house, 100 feet below. This sounds like a description of "Jacob's ladder" in Anthony :Ho'pe's tale, "The Prisoner of Zendc." Prof. Watson thought that by placing a telescope at the bottom of the tunnel in the oel- ramous Smoking t'ontests. 01 Tt 111 01 Many Cigars Were ('Onnluuril, S1110kiilg is the temi'erate 115 well as Lhe contemplative man's recreation and great smoker's 51'e loath to exhibit their tobacco -consuming abilities by engaging in smoking contests, $till, however, there have been some eurl- c,us tobacco micas. In 1720 there Wtla it great smoking contest at Oxford, lugland, a sea/fold being erected in front of au inn Lur lee accommodation of the competitors, Thu cuntlitions were that anyone, man or woman, who could smoke three ounces oe tobacco first, without cb'inklug or leaving the stage, should have a prize of twelve shillings. "Many tried," said Hearne, "and 'twos thought that a journeyman tail- lar he could seethe eters just as they ars seen at noon -day from the bottom of a deep well or canon. What he wanted in pareicular to study was two planets that he supposed he saw dur- iug a total eclipse of the sun in 1878. WATSON'S TRAGB) HEATH. This observatory is known to the scientific world as the Watson Solar Observatory, and Lhe experiment was watched with the greatest interest by astronomers ell over the world, After Watson's tragic death his successor, Edward S. Holden, tried to oarry out the idea, but he mot with only partial success. It now appears .bat the lumi- nous bodies that Watson saw wore not planets, but two fixed seal's, that occu- pied the same relative position at cer- tain periods that Watson thought his planets did. Prof. Watson was the first director of Washburn Observatory. He was a very large man, with dense black hair and beard. Prior to his coming to Wis- consin he had held the position of head astronomer at the Michigan StateUni- versity, and was considered one of the leading American scientists in his spe- oial field. Ile died in the prime of life. The other day Prof. George Com - stook, Lho present director of Wash- burn Observatory, stopped work on his report to the President as a member of the board of visitors to the United States Naval. Observatory at Washing- ton, long enough to tell the history of the unique building that sits at the foot of the hill just below the director's window. "It's a queer story," he said. "About forty years ago a Frenchman by the name of Le Verier imagined that he had discovered a planet revolving about the sun inside the orbit of Mer- cury. This, of course, attracted great attention, and search was made for it during the total solar eclipse of 1878. Prof. J. 0. Watson, a former director of this observatory, but at that time connected with the observatory of Michigan, went out to Wyoming to search for La Verier's planet, where he would be aided by the clear atmos- phere. He returned filled with the be- lief that he had discovered twoplanets where only one had been suspected. Coming to Wisconsin in the same year, he endeavored to raise funds for the oonstruation of an observatory and ap- paratus which would enable him to see and observe these planets at all times of the day instead of at total eclipses of the sun. ors. Professor Rush Rhees, of the Lao - 0197 of the Newton iThsologioal Sem- at the Rochester University, will be one of the youugostcollege presidents in the country, being but 23 years old. Prof, Benjamin ide Wheeler, the Greek scholar and Cornell philologist, well not acceptthe presidency of the IUnivorsity of Califoxnia unless the regents promise him full control of its faculty. The matter is now in abey- anoo. Miss Mary E. Wilkins is going to Europe this summer -partly to , visit in Scotland such planes as Thrums and Drum.tloahty, is wiliob she is partlou- larly ieterosted, her liking tor the books of Barrie and Ian Maolaren be- ' fag acute. The bombardment of Samoa by the British and American naval forces is going to prove a rather costly affair. Claims for damages aggregating $35,- 000lhave been filed wi.L11 the State De- partment at Washington. Most of them are by foreign residents. Miss Celia Miles, the only daughter of Major-General Nelson A. lviiles, is a great favorite is :Washington soci- elty. She is a blonde, tall, remarkably graceful, and with the frank, neat - touted waya of army girls generally. She is an accomplished musician and linguist and a splendid horsewo- man. The culture et the olive in the Unit- ed States' is increasing rapidly, and in California the 10200157 has attained thole proportions that already 5500,000 is invested in it. Olives .were fleet in- troduced into the State by the Eremite - ma missions almost a century ago. The oldest alive tames in California date from the last century. or of St. Peters in the east would have been the victor, be smoking Laster than uud being canny pipes before the rest, but at last he was sosea 'twee though he would have died and an old man that had been a builder and smoking gently came off the conquer- or, smoking the three ounces quite out, and he told me that after that he smoked three or four pipes the same evening." Ahunt forty years ago a gentleman agreed to smoke a pound weight of strong cigars in twelve hours. The 100 cigars making up the pound were all to be smoked down to one -inch butts. The match was decided on a Thames steamer, plying between Lon- don and. Chelsea, and by taking up his position well forward the smoker had the full benefit. of Lha wind. The con- test began at 10 a.m., andin the first hour the smoker consumed sixteen cigars. After nine hours smoking eighty-six had. been disposed of, and with three hours to go and only four- teen to smoke the backer of time gave in. The winner declared that he felt no discomfort during the contest and finished off the 100 cigars that even- ing. More recently a solid cigar ease and 200 cigars were offered Lo the smoker who consumed most cigars in Lwo hours. Food, drink, and medicine were dorbidden. There were seven- teen entries- After the first hour ten competitors retired. The winner, who smoked without pause without who smoked without pause from start to finish, reduced ten large cigars to ashes in the twohaurs, while his near- est competirot onlyfinished seven. The people of Lille areievsterate smoker's, and to decide the championship of the town a smoking contest was held. Each competitor was provided with a pipe, fifty grammes, about an ounce and three-quarters, of tobacco and a pot of beer. The one who smoked the tobacco first was to be the winner. At the signal the air was filled with clouds of smoke. In thirteen minutes a workingman 45 years of age had re- duced his weed to ashes, while seven minutes later the second man finished his little smoker. After such hercu- lean smoking matches it is scarcely necessary to mention the American contest, in which the winner smoked 100 cigarettes in six hours and thirty- five minutes. . DOGS THAT CATCH FISH A WOLF -LIKE BREED USED BY THE PEOPLE OF LABRADOR.. r -r -- Trained to Jump From. (tont and N1eare the nal Visit boated ep by Their gags Ell's -•11 , 011 Also In Journeys Osier 1110 Hnow+-•'l'lu+lr I'ernfity, 1uh'lligetule 117111 sealekle robes, and, regardless of pierc- ing winds and BLINDING SNOWDRIFTS, these sagacious and faithful animate will draw him securely to hie own door or to the nearest post. The cornniell- que is about thirty inches broad a ml ten or twelve tent long. The runners Etre shod with whalebone, which, by friction over the snow, soon beeome beautifully polished and locks like Jenproy, ivory. The commSLique is well floored D090 trained to catch nee are among with sealskins, over whielt bear or seal the Leatlues of everyday lite on the skills are nailed all round, with an Y Y opening for the traveller to introduce barren ehores of that distant part of his Body, The kern -RIO is made of seal Labrador which belongs to Newfound- the foremost dug, milled the guide, is laud. The valuable cod tisberies id tired about thirty feel in utlranee, aloe the 1,100 miles of Labrador's the °tilers are ranged in pairs behind gfila guide. Sometimes three, some- uoanL yield about one -filth of New- times four pairs of dogs are thus at Loundland's total catch of 005, and tacked to one oommetiquo; besides the furnish employment annually to thews- guide` ands of hardy fisher folk. 'They, fish leThe is si. shim huill oframe, bure breed, with white with lines from 150 to 200 fathoms Lur, print rd ears and huahy tail, Is rap - long, two mento a boat, and eaoh man able of enduring hunger to a far using two hand lines. The usual bait greater extent than the mixed breed. Is myelin. When fish are plentiful it But the latter heats him in long jour - Heys, even when Leel but once a day. p Lakes a vary short Limo Co fill a boat All llsleirno dog will travel for two will) cod. A number of the fishermen drays without food, one of the mixed have trained their: doge to assist them breed must be fell at the chose of the in catching fish. first day, or he is good for little Lhe The rapiditywith which the fisher- next. In winter their food often can - sista chiefly of dried capelin -the men haul up their long lines when small, smelt -Like fish used by the cod they feel a bile, robs the fish a1- fishermen for bait. An expert driver , THE APPLE'S HARDINESS. Thousands of little apple trees, some already five lathes high, have been toanclg rowing on the western shores of the istands 11of IvLull and Iona, tin the Scottish west ooast, just above high water murk, and the crofters are transplanting them to their gardens, The seedlings have grown from the ap- ples cast ashore from ,the Domielon Bee steamer Labrador, wintered last fall, The London Dally Chronicle ca11s this "a practical demonstrationof the hardiness and vitality of apple pips," bik Whether the hardiness consists in resisting elm sea water or in enduring the climate of Saatlmed it does not Say. AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. 'Minding it difficult to obtain funds, he constructed at his own expeuse the Solar Observatory, at the foot of this hill, facing the south. The distinctive feature of this structure is the very deep collar coneeeeed by an under- ground passage with the hollow -brick piers at the tap of the hill. It was Watson's intention to place a mirror on the pier and,re'flect down the tube into the cellar rays of light coming from any desired part of the sky, and by means of a telescope, in the cellar to examine in broad daylight the stars just no they are to be seen from the bottom of a deep well. He did not live to see the completion of his plan, but ho died believing in the certain soothes of hie undertaking. After his death, in 1880, his successor, Edward S. Holden, endeavored to angry out Watson's ethernet, but met with no very great degree of success. "The long tuba up which the tele- soopo was pointed was of some advan- tage in the daytime. But stars were never diecerned so faint as the planets Watson supposed he had discovered. It now appears probable that Wat- son was mistaken in regard to his planets. They have never been anon sines 1878, and evidence is strong to show that he observed by mistake two fixed stars which exist 10 the region where he euppoeod he found the planets." Now,the queerly oonatrueted little house is oecuphed by two students who got out of bed at unearthly hours of tell morning to note' the temperature the morning to note the temperature, the amount of rainfall, the velocity a the wind, and the half -hundred little routine matters that go with the running of a big astronomical ob- servatory. A part of the legendary history' of the University of Wiscon- sin 'Cells how a freshman was initiated into olds of the fraternities by being slid down the tubs from the sun -dial to the collar. i ' Silt TOAD Tiln LAST WORD. They're both sof, them polyglots, anon'. they 1 I should lay they were. Ile propos- ed to her in six languages, and she saia "yes" in seven. t WONDERS OF SURGERY. Soule T'htng.' Tlu11 MoeM'n 50111 Can Do. A month or the ago, a doctor was most entirely of life and breath by can hit any part of the leading deg he the time it roaches the surflte0 0l the chooses with the extremity of bis formidable wblp. sea. It comes to the top as completely exhausted as a salmon that has been played by an angler until he can tail it with his handl and so avoid the ne- cessity oe gaffing it. It is one thing, however, to bring a heavy cod to the surface of the water and another to got ordinary activity of mind and inean- ft into the boat. Gaffs and landing ityGenuises are opt to exhibit syrup - nets aro unknown to rheas toilers of toms of mental alienation, and, singu INSANE GENIUSES. The Vrepunderttnve ,,i 1',•511108 Intellects In 1 Ile World's ern Ins. There is some relation between extra - the sea. If they can lift the fish into the boat by the line, all is well; but this is often where they fail. If the fish is large and but lightly hooked, as is often the case, THE 1100K BREAKS away from its mouth whoa the at- tempt is made to haul it from Lite wa- ter. The fish, still quite inanimate in manner and appearance, floats away from the boat an the surface of the waves. Tbis is only for a mom- ent however/ The fisher's trained called to attend a boy whose ear had been completely bitten off by a vic- ious horse. The surgeon determined to try and replace the ear, ns failure to do so could not result in a worse de- formity. The missing ear. was duly found and handed to the doctor, who was then engaged in bathing the severedptlrt in warms water. Ho had neither in- struments nor dressings with him, and as the half-hour's delay to obtain them would have been fatal to suc- cess, he stitched the ear in its plane again with a common needle and thread. This was followed by antisep- tio treatment and in six weeks the ear completely healed, leaving no sears. Even had this been a failure, an ear made or a waxy composition and an exact facsimile,, of the other ear, could have been made and fixed, In some cases it has been necessary to remove the tongue, but by raising the floor of the mou4;h and thus in some way filling the place of the miss- ing organ, the patient bas been en- abled to speak almost perfectly. The fitting of glass eyes is well A TREASURE. Cynic -What malreo you have each unlimited confidence) in your wife1 Cheorbule-I gave her $10 to pay a bill of 54.60 for 1510, and, oho brought back all the change+ toms of menta( alienation, and. singe- lar to relate, their children are usu- ally inferior to those of average men. for instance, Cromwell was a hypo- chondriac, and had visions; Dean Swift Inherited insanity, and was himself net a little) mad; Shelley was called by his friends " Mad Shelley ;" Charles Lamb went crazy; Johnson was another hy- pochondriac; Coleridge was a morbid maniac; Milton was of a morbid turn of mind, nearly approaching insanity -modern ideas as to hales are large- ly formed on the description evolved dog, often without a signal from his by hill diseased imagination, and Byron master, leaps over the gunwale of the said he eras visited by ghosts. boat, plunges into the sea, swims after the floating fish and seizes it in his mouth. Returning consciousness, has- tened by the now sensation of being taken entirely from the water and firmly gripped between the jaws of its captor, often produces lively struggles on the part of the fish, which add con- siderably to the difficulty the dog has is swimming back with his burden to the boat. The dog rarely releases his hold upon This wriggling captive until safe within the boat. Sometimes these dogs have larger game than codfish to struggle with in the water. They are trained to plunge into the ice-cold water in the spring of the year and to act as re- trievars for their masters when seal are shot from the shore on the sur- face of the sea. The dugs employed by the fishermen The attic ignores the of Newfoundland and Labrador are by the author and dilates no means the speclmeus of canine should mean. - magnificence usually known as Naw-' foundland dogs. They more nearly re- semble Eskimo dogs than anything else, and are often quite wolfish in both manner and appearance. It i® Love tau hs at locksmiths, but the even believed by many people that theg blood of the wild brutes of the forest majority of thaw Marry just the same• fl theirveins. Ata post near' RABBIT BAIR CROCKERY. The hairs of rabbits and other ani- mals Ian Russia is converted into bowls, dishes and plates, wbielh are valued for Llsetr strength, durability, and lightness. The artiotes have the ap- pearance of varnished leather. SHORT, BUT STRONCi, is this arguments ",ice CEYLON TEA HAS THE Lead Packages.. , Railway wheels made of leather have been experimented with h in France, Kerne, Borns. There are more than one sort of kerns. Some 'kern is planted in the grown(!. and the other cert don't need planting; they grow quite nal urally on men's toes and don't need hoeing. 'Illis kind of kora has two sorts -enc gentle or tender like until 11111 Jones slops on your foot, when it gel ,t boil- ing mad and swears like everything; the other ie !hard headed and makes a row all the time, espeeialty when your boots are on. I don't like koros, and use the extracting medicine, Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor, which removes them painlessly In twenty- four hours. When a man vetarte out to cover his tracks he makes a lot of new ones. We P. C. 988 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOWY'S SOOTHING SYRUP hes boon multi b mothers for their children teething, Iteoothea the 01516, mittens the Looms allays ate, cured wind ,olio, and ie the best remedy for rllnrraea. 250. a bot. sure and ald 'k fort" druggists throughout Soothing Syrup. Be We always get more or less than we hope for, and its usually some- thing different. peaa &1 y, ,n•' Hier' new lite to rho ir., '11 Hnir. Xtmahea coI.r,• �:� tad estotbe Eko color. Sold by all druggists. sac. a bottle. meaning of on what he O'KEEF'E'S F T�F MALT W6014, T ,ton o,reENERA LLOYD \VOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. CALVERT'S carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, OInt. anent, Tooth Powdors, oto,, Mira been, awarded 100 medals and diploma for superior °seeilosoe. Titrir regular use prevent threat. ora diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lista mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANOHE8TER, - - E=NGLAND. owe in a DI L ggli ging AIt Eamilton Inn not long ago the door' La Toscana, ilio. N' oTUliY,Moatroal• of a house in which ,an infant was dl had b left open or a shoo sa during e ro abl failed to do his level best. bsenco of the other members of the P h Y sleeping in tiara a a been a The man who fails to find his level l t L d the temporary ' known, and the complete destruction of the jawbone bas no terrors for the modern surgeon. The crushed bone is removed and a pisco of silver or alum inum, the exact shape of the looso jaw, fitted in its place. Atter this has be- come firmly fixed, teeth may bo fitted to it. If a man's throat Ls defective, the operation of tracheotomy -the in- sertion of, a silver tube In the windpipe with an orifice opening to the throat, -provides him with a new breathing epparatue. Artificial legs and arms are now so perfect that with them a matt can walk, spate and even erne, There is a story also of a man, who, injuring his spine in a railway aocident, was fitted with' tt steel easing for his back- bone, and: so enabled to walk and ride, THE CHILD WAS CURED, In some parts of Italy bleeding is still considered a sovereign euro for all hinds of sickness. A story is told ref a mother who protested against Um bleeding of her sink °hill. The (looter assured her Haat one more npplioatioe of the cups would ineuro recovery, but when he came the next morning be found the child dead. "'Madam." said the dootor, "be comforted by know- ing that your' child cried aurocl.'" AN OLD ADAGE EN110]O0ED. Your remarks aro ill-timed, Mr. SloWpay; said the boarding bouso land- lady. .Chore is a time for everything yeti know. Yea,lied Mr. Slater/ay,as Ito helped kisOW I ped htrrireplied to another pinta of hash, and 0 ;On foreibly reminded that this is the trine. family. When the mother re-entered the house she found only the bones of herr child. The little one had been completely DEVOURED BY DOGS. The Labrador dogs are excessively quarrelsome, and, wolf -like, always at- ties. tack the weaker. All seem anxious e---- to take part in the fray, and scarcely Deafness Cannot bo Cured a season passes without the settlers losing two or throe dogs during the dp euteli applications o li o tion ti,a the y sr'nnot, reach oleo summer from wounds received in guar- luny 10 euro doahse0 and that is by conat1tu. rule among themselves. Peace is in- 1l,,n,t7 remedies,1)en,£nsoo is caused by an in- stantly restored even it twenty, or flamed condition of the 1111100110 lining• of ilia more are engaged in the affray, bet llestnchhln Tube. N hen ibis tuba gots lnnam• ed sou have a 1umb1l g egad or imper[cat pharaoh 1 !1 Payne, of Granby, Quo' it Plo�raoh 0 ®C. Qigar Manufacturer, A true love letter is written with utter disregard of future possibili- t11e sound, or even sight, of the ed Eskimo whip used by the Labrador - inns. These People have seldom suc- ceeded in raising any otber domesti- cated animal on the coast, cats, oDws, and pigs have all been destroyed by, the dogs. If over a dog is brought up in the house, his doom is sealed. At the first opportunity, the others will pounce upon him in the absence of his master and worry him to deatb. This is the invariable fate of any pri- vileged dog on the coast that is per- mitted to anter his master's house and to receive the caresses of the different members of the family. The peefer- encu excites the deepest jealousy in the breasts of the Labrador dogs, and they Patiently wait for an occasion to avenge themselves. In the winter these animals will dreg a commetigtle, or sleigh, fifty or sixty miles a day over the snow. They haul wood from the interior, oarry supplies to the limiters in the forests far back from 'the rooky and 'desolate ooasts; merrily draw their plasters from house to house, and with their wonderful noses pink the right path even in the most pitiless storm. If the traveller will only trust to the sagaoity of an exporieneed leader, he may wrap himself up in his bear and n boating, rind When itis entirely clrsod deafness rs i ho result, and unless the inihinunation sun 1,, taken out had this tube restored to its nor - mai osudilien, hearing will be destroyed ler- neer ; nine cases out of ten aro caused by.Ca- 1.sof tl o omoonahini�fnae an inflamed condi- Ma5'1 will give One 'Hundred Dollars for nay. case of Deafnosa (paused by catarrh) Mat can nob bo oared by Ha'l'e Catarrh Cure SOnd for roulur', Ir60. 8', ,1. CHHEENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. S.1ld by BeatEgiste, 750. HAWS P11411115, Pills are the bast. r��Ni i :�lss FLAVOR AND QUALITY . .05, 30, 40, 5o & 6oc. TORONTO cutting School Watt, epode! ndroutnges testi de,rrvu. of ,c,gatrbtg u thorough knowledge of Cutting out Pitting Centlrmmn•, Garments, Write lar partleulnra. 110 Yonge 8t„ Toronto, CARD INDEX... The only wriest eyntom for keep. - Sample tay alI DO ressea. Wore The Ottloe specialty ig iti Sty Mfg. 00.r 120 and 1241iay St., TORONTO. Factory: Newmarket) SIiOW CASES. WALL CASES Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern Store Fronts, Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., 92 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. ®R�pp� �,�0 g�do. ROYAL MAIL ®/ pEgtlSPRR �l8RV STEAMSHIPS Montreal end Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Canlbroman. Ratca of wane t -Fleet Cabin, £50 upwards; seoond Cabin, $15; Steerage, 522.10 and 585 50. For Inrther Information apply to iocalegenta, or DAVID TORR 7 St Beereutont Si. SMon1 Montreal. hoteland Saloon mon cannot afford ho bp without the Automatic Faucet Attoolf• sant, n0 Biwa for itself In one weak dram, Ingram. No drip, no waste. 1(000, 15 sell -- nbahand dne et rush ymoennhold Automate enohbaol, as the Antomatio ig alms). reedy. Tho Automatlo drawn thothmstgluss of hair art.{ 1a vied for any trade, 1115801 youkindofbricev thebearthe you vault. Price Sillpreptd-- monev rmilton H ggotaaEEloho- 10,7. k,,n[itonitieOu„Toronto Inst,untenfs, Drums, Uniforms, etc, Every town can have a hand, Lowest. priced over quoted. Fine catalogue 60 Bine• trn6Wne mulled free. Write ns for anything In hinsio or Musical 18,1,00ente. WHALEY ROYCE & CO., - Toronto, Can, Solid Gold.,..52.85 Best Gold Fill 1.60 6 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 Best Glasses,.• 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction. GLOBE tsPT IIZAL G 3l 93 Yonga Street, Toronto - ONE E IG 8•••y 5 Com Cure. Auk your Catarrhi Indian Cater Dha Clore. Scold by all reliable gg_ Garment whole&Wmep,dxaitous•up. 0Llt1tOleS 1 C. W. SUNT &C0.,Taronto. THE ost 0. Rolland, oEe agent for or tthe DomATOR oiniii n. Seand nd 301, stamp for oatalogue, 373 St. Yawl Street, Montreal, New iml littlons Onset 8$HSa�9 {'i$SIi1Pr^u--Eogl{nh FheeU :•nd Am• orlon Hag p CLAtK, BLaORbteIVCLLt , lases,. Stammerers some mea resemble the bottom nu. bar of fractions; the bigger they ap- pear the less they really aro, MONTREALHOTELDIRECTORY. The tt Raimoral,l' Free Bug gn olVtIt yI I Carsiaitie T?uropoe�e-t'inti. Rmoros fl�t� f from 21 a lay up OPP. D.T.R. Bastion, Mosidoel, Ono, Cars-lakek Co„ rope, nopeenrnYTaase Who have tailed to bemired else• where, write to Dr. Arnott, Berlin who war mune looaroa Ie can cure you The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Ocrt, Woot-Market & Colborne St., Toronto, OuY ult yea host Y and other Produee,. if you ur ship Butter, 1.0 them. a, AVEMUE Ii10USE--^F'„",Inii IIoielg rates girG4 per day. -' HOTt»6••Dnp nitaG.T.R:no1 �T. l9ft�dES Uan Uloaks from O, P' Pn0eFirst-ohne Home. 8100010 Ian. otssallRns ndr featienao 18 a 'good thing to have sod it's a wise man who knows when not to use it. • INIMMIOnstainnESKI rseweieremsessio • 41"744 444' 111 HARRIS 78•aaGr,Ee 85o00 -E0 n. LEAD, COPPER, BRASS. wholosWILLIAM oST., TOIl0NTO.anro na1720. a, -c. ,s BEAVER BRAND" Mackintosh never hardens ). in guaranteed Valet, +A. ver Rubber Clothing Coo, Montreal, 011115, 011110 & Halos, Berrister00,stcfl,�remove l to Wesley W., TereRich.. riaA l E9TS Procured In all countries. Designs, �t+rt Y R:Y7 Y Trade Marks registered, Copyrights, Caveatsrocured, Write for information. EGER'TON R. CASE, Regtatered Solleltorof Patents, Polak 'Public, Tomplo Buildiug, Toronto, Ont. Books, harries, Ori, Catholic Prayer elnxo5, h Ornaments, Religious Pictures, Statuary, or rsd Chnrreceive prompt Oratten- tion, Educational Works, &JL8501155r2. 10,Mreal 11 tion, f3 ISuge, Rate and hilcen gold by al OODa Bugs, j Druggleta, or sal Queen W. Toronto. 3ra tf fad rd Galvanized Steel Windmills and Towers, nv n Steel Flag Staffs, Crain Grinders, Iron and Wood Pumps, �RAN7FORD CAN. B”auppnee, Send for Naw Oat.Wgue. Mention thio paper. CIOLD, . l.HAPLEI M i! I R 60.I,8d REE wardedby/0001705 Yon, choice of a Violin, Guitar or autoharp for selling only 3 dozen Gold Topped Lever Collar Run tons at 10 mints eaoh, oro Moodoito or Banjo for Neu. ing 4 dox.m, No money ran naked. 01,1 write us nu, we will send the butteries postpaid. Bell then, return the money and the iuetru- ohoone will be promptly for - express, all 0h,rge0 paid. Lerar 'cotton Co., Dept. /, Toronto. HARDWARE, DRUG AND GENERAL STORES ALL SELL 1T TO THEIR 000D TRADE, ell PEERLESS 1r Machine BEOAUSE 1110 THE VERY ;BEET OIL TREY CAN GET. COSINESS SCHOOL. ALBERT COLLEGEBELLEEVILLE, ONT. t $30 neva for Board, Tui- tion, etc., ear one tuna of 10 weeps. Send for et,eclmon of pommehlp, oto. w, P. DYER, Principal. WHITE'S PHOSPMO SODA An Effervescing Phosphate, expellent cleanser for liver, kidney and stomach, taken the ph,cu of seal tar Propperty• done In came( boadeabn; Its sheets immediate. Roldby nil d,vu0esta, in 555,x550, 500 anti $1.011 minium Queen ally Drug Oa, 227y WoOingt Michigan Land for e> ,,.pp 000 AOR53 0000 FA631180 'f+a3c, t. 10O1n00 0gcanna asnedalOsa(t, wD[oertLd,AoONo0uk8nt-i-eAsn,o1htlrhintNlA0 npl Lunn Lake Railroads, at Woos retatginsMer0,0n82to55 Ler tan,. These Lando 0,0 Oloea to Entp epeeist New t0 v,1 ,nblo leans,. Ssppl,T,0t g'1�0 , and will hnnotyydl� 00 mos[ R' NOr 1'.V 0, 1R'riti, \Vl.tttemore, ISA F 158 C and Sheet Metal Werke. ROOFING RATE,in tilnok, Red or Ghia IL SLATE BLAOI{BOA11LDS (WO 0511,7 Public and .Gish Schools Toronto). hooting Pelt, Pt eh [7oal Tar, eto. Rootn a r1 LE (Bee Now 01.0 Neild, ins., Toronto done by oar0rm . Metal Collings, Ooa oi0, 0, Oto, Estimate furnished for work owepleto or fee materials+hipped to any part of the 00,01ry. Phone 1226 11. SUTHIS&SONG, Adelaide &wldmar Ste„Toronto. 327 Profits for the riionth OF ,1 uyot, Th1, Company, atter paying the 4 per pont, 1n0uthty seasons maturing Anglia let, have remaining n mains of 28 per colt, After deducting expanses, and alto amount tarried 101115 e150000 tend there remains to 610 uedlt of the tuvester0 a meatus over dividend of 50 .0 per Dent, Any ailment Ren 850 upwards received for investment. diS'Book erne, giving Pill particulate. The bomlltISn Investment Company of Toronto, Casuals 1"nrmneent 011515ora, 18 Toronto 51, 0 outer gives snob completeeatiefnetton to�F1A®RMME•R�S N gliy OIL EESlee AML nlnai 8 ..°fPS CANADA Loan and Savings Company. r eroauoliATeD 1655. Tho Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort- gage Corporation, Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - h,2oo,000 Head Otfioe-Toronto 8t., Toronto. Branch Ofloos-Winnipeg, Man., Vanoouvor, B.O. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, Interest allowed, DEBENTURES ISS6TII ES ISUE for 1, 2, 3, 4 or years, witi Ea Government anti Mn failial Bonds otestate eEntnmotgag0er Tor further particulars a.Piy to 1. HERBERT MASON • Managing Director, Toronto. ALL 4tN LIN ,®YAL M.tJL BT' ROUTE cE MOTR0AL T STEAMERS LIVENRPOOL.O THE NINIM�O & HARRISONr y� RR- INEB,,,,,R ANO �a/1 B,..l�. Oor.Yongnn11d001100 Sts., Toronto. 111VIL SERVIEE PREPARATION A RPEOIALTY, Awoll Opnipped, widely p1Eranleed Selma), liiglh Mord Inst olio I rot eeta6 ntiividlml ru n P e melts. X Dr good en -ova:oar address free. R, D, %x3ti61a and JAs, RAlhlttSOl'1, I'riaoiO0lq, EVERY THURSDAY Prom Liverpool. From Montreal 24 Aug.,..... BAVARXAN.... ... , 7Sept 31 Aug. • •ALIFORNIAN .,....,..1650,6. 7 Sept.., ............TAINUI,. 21 Supt, 1400.3. -,,,, .. PARISIAN 28 Sept 21 Rept• •. ' �BAVARIA'N 5 Oct. The new 7,010 8orew 8. S. Bavnrinn, 10,000 tone, will Ball from Liverpo.,1 /ink, 24, awl from Montreal Sept.7 Cabin Passnee-860;00 and upwards. Second Onbtn-$35,00 1loturu 556.50. Steerage -Liverpool t,n, Glosgow, Londonderry or Queenstown, 823,64.oudoint FortiOkete mill all intormotton apply to local n 04 H. SOURLIER, 77 Yong'e St., Toronto, or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal. r� �ALT.?tf�5 RESTORED w auon0Slie HHi/odteny8nnu,mImNhbe, 0,1000, Blood, nraasRevaIe1ta Arabloa Food, wddah lass: lov5nde and Ohlldrou, and oleo Beare emu oesuft[ll p Infants whose Ailmantn and Dnhlllty Age Foods ere ar teethes SO t, It dieostslvkme all tlher Foo, is rojeolod, eaves Om thee Ra 001E in medtoino. • n 8 IoarLable 50.0,,,, 400,000 lu Veer Anmtnl Cures at bonetipa. Elmo Flatulency, O)stir' Indlge Uog Cononmptton tarrh,1ns, Bronokltlo, 80111,>. onto, Coughs 5,0,1t1n0, (latent,, erpond, lalnrrborM Nervone D0611117 0loepless0ose, 0001,00 5007, n mtta,rr & Co (Limited), 77 Regent 011 Street, London, W., Mao in 17ario,11 Rue de ,1 ,1leilon, sad at all Grocers, Chemists, and Stores everywhere, NNW, e Ronl0nta'Bl,1010S8infilos 8su0,1 nah140e,leo Du Barry, Arenas forges:Ma i Tho T, Eaten bo., Limned, Toronto On Trial WE SEND TiHEE ' .A.'Y-LM�11v t=IPR.A.'SC' oh Tna ANDERSON, PoR(:E PUMP 013 these tortes No Molter, no !Making. Will last A lifetime, For II1nolrated Catalogues adtkoOe AICLMEII 1H011 Weeds sed. W, ANDERSON„ Ont