HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 5SEPT.' 14, 1899 TR USSELS POST BUSINESS CAROB. ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER mint, L8. SOOTT, 13 ueeole, v11.MoOBAUIt.EN, • ur ZRturrla'e louuBoa, Omoo 100 oxo t L atnie Gr0a0ry,' �Pknbel'1'y Atl'Oab, Bl'neaele, p N. BARRETT, LU. Toneot'ialArtist• Shop -Next doer North of the Standard Bane. Ladies' and ebildrene hair 011tting a specialty, M. MORRISON, 1.4stJer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ' 'LAUCHLIN MISS JEAN M , -T31&OHBR OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM neeneex00, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. PLETCHER Issue' of Marriage Licenses, Omen AT JeWeLao STOIIB. ItSeallo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L., 0. M., Academic graduate of London Conserva- tory of Must°, also Member of the Associated Mesio lane of Ontario, is tu•opared to x000100 a limited number of pupils for iestruc1lon on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Porta in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. MISS CARRIE MOORE, Of London Conservatory of Music. Teacher of 'Violin and Guitar, Will receive a limited number of pupils for inetruoth0c at Broseels. Class opens 1st of Sep)tember. For further information apply to Mies S. 1,, /there, music teacher. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth 0lvlslon Oonr Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan nand loan �inCollecttons made Office In Grabam'e Block, Brneeolc AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LIC.GNSED AUG. • Troxoon, Money to loan. Varma to sell. • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - A. • EBB, win sell for better prices, to better men, in ass time and lose chargee than any other .Auctioneer in 'Bast Huron or he won't °harge anything, Dates and orders eau 'always be arranged at this ogles or by personal application, VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOIt, 01 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared 10 treat all diseases of domestinated animals in a com- petent manner, Particular attention pail to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Pour doors north of bridge 'Purnberry et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER V • Bolioitor, Conveyancer,NotaryPab• 110, ko, Office-Va0etone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Bete Solicitor for the 8Landaad 13 auk. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, deo. OMMoe over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. G. CAMERON, M• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, •odorieh, Ont. Olpoa-Hamilton St., Opposite Col borne Hotel.. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity 1fodioal College, Member College of Pby- elaiane and Burgeons, Out. Lieentiabe of the Royal Oollege of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. t3Telephone N0,14, Residence, Mill B tt,, 'Brussels. D, F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., Graduate of McGill Collogo, Montreal, Cc., de. All epeelaltyy work satisfactorily brent- ed. Residence, Elizabeth street, late Smola residence. Ofllee in rear of Drug Store, Swale Block, Brueecla. Ont, E. T. SNIDER, M. D„ C. M., successor to Dr, A, MeT elvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Ph sfoiaus and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physician and Burgeons of Ontario. D10eaees of women and children a specialty. Bight years experience, to -Office and reit- Mantle that formerly occupied by 1)0. Mo. KoLyey,Turubolry etreet,Bruesele, 25 - DC. F, H. KALBFI,EISCH, PB08101AN, 801100100 AND A0000011 110, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM: BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, 10101aen Honor Graduate of the'Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) and' of Trinity Medical 0011890; Fellow of Trinity Modica College and member of the Gallego 01 Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohiengo,1006, Opoolal attention paid to dis- eases of Women. CouB Natter.' inn dis- eases• fah and Gorman. Telephone at. r081100uc0,, STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAi2 POR SERVICE. The nndoreignedwill 110011 for service on Lot 26 Coo.6 Morrie, the t1oro'•brod 110' • pxovorl •Xorkslllro Boar, "Oak Lodge tong - fellow," No, 2400, bred b 7.11. Brethoue, Bim. lard, to pbi011 a Mescal number of sows Will be taken, Toren:, 01.00, to be paid nt thole of servicepith privilege of ro1uruing knee' °Seery. A number of 010100 young smell for sale for breeding pert00000 whioh will bo sold at prices to 8tilt IIID 010000. 21- 11015,2. N10110f,, Proprietor, TSt ct eros. (xa1.0tt, Nnwsv GLIN•i•e, lid, !larding hae been very ill, -Mise liamiltou, of Blyth, is 1110 901001 oi Mise Edith Perkins, -Mrs. 'Piero° and son Poroy, of Portage.la- 1Prairie, Man., are vioiting at Wm. Mose'e,-Geo. McMillan, who has been in 0htarge of the DomIniot mill here for a number of years, lute gone into partner. ship with 1t G. Obapman, of'Teeoweter, and have rented a mill in Hanover. -- Mies Carrie James, who hag oonduoted a dressmaking bneinngs in Wroxotor all Summer, has moved to Corrie and open• ud up bar establishment over I). F. Jar• dine'g store. --Mrs. W. Doig, who has been an an extended visit to [Honda in different parts of Ontario and Quebec, returned home on Monday of last week, -John M. Keine, prinoipal of Sault Ste, Marie Public school, who has beau °pond• ing his 00ta1(0)1 with hie parents here, baa rotnrned to resume tads duties. Found Broe, have now got their stove and tin business eetabliehed in the now stand one door North of Edgar's bard. ware store. -Geo, Brown and daughter, Mise Lottie, were attending the Exhibi• tion. -Mb, Welsh, of Palmerston, has se- cured a situation in the Dominion mill here. -Mrs, Wm. Moth was visiting friends in Amberly.-Goo, Found, ohne new tinsmith, moved hie houeebold Weeds tie town on Monday of last week, ;'ttinttrrth. NE30v, SOxns,wl'.-John Weir, who hae for the pits, few months been touring 111 the old country, returned to town last weak. -John Ward hae removed hie bar• nese shop from hie old stand to that late- ly occupied by John Laird. -The Court of Revision wee bold in the Ouuueil Chamblee on Sept. 8th, by Judge Doyle, 17 namee were added, while 25 were struck off the voters' list. -The Corner Grocery will be presented in Oardno'e Opera bowie on Thursday evening, Sept. 21st. -alias Maggie Wilson, daughter of James Wilson, of Seaforth, bas euaooes• fully pained her examination for the prinolpal'e form at the London Conger. eatery of Muria. Mies Wilton was a pupil of Mies S. L. Moore. -The improve. macho for tbe beating and ventilating of the school are nearly completed.-Miaeee Maud Hartray, Oaseie Gillespie and Annie B. Murray are attending the Mitchell Model sobool, and Mise Sadie Phillipe ie attending the Stratford Model sobool.-Labor Day there were 200 tickets for Stratford and 50 for Toronto sold at Seaforth station.-Captaiu Alex. Wilson has returned from Ottawa where he bad been attending the annual meet. ing of the DOIni0ion Rine Aesooiabion. He tools several good prizes and would again have been a member of the Birley ream but for making a mistake in bio last shot. -Mise Annie Brett, daughter Of R. N. Brett, left last week for Hunte• villa where she will be engaged as teacher in 0100 of the departments of the Public eohuol of that town. -Wm. Sleeth has re. tired from the je,nitorehip of the Presby- terian church after faithfully 0000100 for 18 years. His sueees801 is George Hart. An tinterprising Firm. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than G. A. Deadman who spare no pains to secure the beat of everything in their line for their many ou0tomers. They now have the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, whioh surely cures Consumption, Coughs and Oaolde. This is the wonderful remedy that i0 now producing so mnob excite• went all over the country, by ire many ebartliug cures. It absolutely three Asthma, Bronohitie, Nausea and all al Motions of the Throat, Ohoet and Lunge. .You oan test it before buying by calling at the above Drug Store and get a trial Bottle Free, or regular size for 50o and 91.00. Guaranteed to cure, or price re. funded. Atwoori. A Nownn MEDLEY. -A. grand pound will be a feature of our Fell show this year, It will be held in the Hall on Wednesday evening, Sept. ,27th. -The Elea Fair on the 20th and 27th inet. promises to eclipse all former Faire. - The trustees have deoided to pat in a new tnrnaoe in the Publio school, the old cue not being Targe enough, -Gwendolen and Marion, daughters of Rev. S. R. As. bury, of Onondaga, formerly of Atwood, who have been seriously ill of typhoid fever, are now oouvaleeoent, we are pleased to hear.-Mre. John Graham ie confined to bed t1ie week through illneee. -Samuel Luddington, formerly of this locality, but who has been away in the States for the last 20 years, arrived bare Saturday to see his parents, et. and Mre. Luddington, con. 16, Rima. As hie health has been failing of late, he took the trip home with the hope of benefiting it, and hie many friends sincerely tenet that it will, -A meeting of the ;Venters of the Elam Farmers' Mutual Fire In- etiranc] Company was held et Atwood on on August 811]. Applications for incur. twee were received and accepted, amount• ing to 907,500. A claim was presented from Henry Moore, Eima, for horse kill. ed by lightning, valued at 9128. On motion of S. McAllister, eeoouded by W. Hewitt, Mr. Moore's claim wan adjuated $88. Tenders for the company's print- ing were received from the Bee, Atwood; Banner and Standard, Listowel. On motion of S. S. Bothwell, n000aded by Wm. Hewitt, the tender of the Banner was excepted. Meeting adjourned till Tuesday, Sept. 121b,-Mre. Brandenbee- ger is improving nicely and able to get around ; the bones of her pulite have knitted together ae well ae ooald be ex. peoted.-The local Board of Trade are deeirone of obtaining some person or per. sone to matufaotare tile and brink here. -Following ere the newly eleoted oOloere of the Epworth League for the eueaing six menthe; Hon, President, Rev. E. A, Fear ; President, Mies Ida Parker ; let Viae, Mies Mary Graham ; 2nd Vico, Mier Lizzie Switzer ; 8rd Vioe, Bert. Turnbull ; 4th Viae, Miss Maggie 'Tyn- dall ; Beeretary, John Adams ; Trea0uree, Bert, Turnbull 1 Organist, Mies Lottie Adams, editors of "Lanterns," Rev. Fear and Mise Maggie Thompson. Neat topic cards have been printed.-Aooideut of en appalling nature appear almost epidemic] in their 010000noy in this looality of late. The latest unfortunate victim 10 little Mttriol Roo, only ohild of Dr, J. A. and Mre. Roe, who in her childish inp00en00 walked behind the heels of the Dr's horse when the animal Molted 1104 in the Noe and leg, cutting open the face in a fright. fill manner and severely laeoeratfng her log. A dootor was gaiekly 8011110oa011 who drasaed the tvouade, putting the little enflame itudnr autteethetiae during the operation, She le doing ae wolf ea would be bolted fora- Lha Industrial !''air, Toronto, Ghia yens', Miss Morrieon, of the Newry faotory, tooth the following prizes for ohaenn ; Jane and Jely white, 2od prize ; August oolored, 'irti prize; Anguet white, 2nd prig), There were 438 boxes of choose in oompotition at the Fair, being fully 100 more than shown last year. The quality is also above the 01010.17, It ie better all round by prob. ably 25 per cent, above stint of Inst year. It i0 more uniform, and its general Holt. noes land flavor exool that of 18115. In foot the quality i0 pronounood by Snp0r. intendant Lawson to be better then it has been for ten ysara. The ranee le due partly to the favorable therein, but more to the advanced skill of thane who manufacture it. The judgee had dill. oulty io deciding on the prize -winners, In some eaten there being only half a point difference. A. Frightful Blunder Will often Onnee a horrible Burn, Soald, Out or Bruleo. Bnolllen's Arnica Salve, the best in tbe world, will kill the pain and promptly haul it. puree Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Pelona, Corns, all Skin )eruptions. Beat Pile Ours on earth. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. 13'oral wit] h. Fares or Nuwa.-Oliver Rogers, with the 11eei81a000 of M. G. Barrie, repaired that portion of the sidewalk which lies be- tween the corner of Wade ,C Jabneton'e store and the bridge. -Labor Day passed off very quietly in town. Moet of the business places were span and work weut on about ae usual. In the afternoon a number a000mpanied the baseball boys over to Gerrie and witnessed the games. -Mrs.!). D, Fennell and Mies Vilna Jamison left here on Tuesday morning of last week for Toronto and from there they intend going to New Yorkwhere they will remain for some time. -The eaw.mill and adjoining property belong. ing to the Powell estate, was sold by pub• lie auction on Thnreday afternoon of teat week. A, 8, Strome was the purchaser. -Quite it number from this vicinity at- tended the Exposition at Toronto during the peat two weeks. -The members of the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity church met on Thoreday of 'set week at the home of Mre. Murton. The principal busineee transacted wee the packing of a bale of oluthdng, eta., to be sent to the mission at Little Current, Man, The members heartily thank all those wbo oentributed artielee for the bale. It ie valued at about 847. 1�1 en to W el. Jona Limo-smm DEAD. -John Living. stone died at bit home here on Wednee• day night, Sept. 6th, in the 89th year of hie age. Mr, Livingstone was the last surviving member of the family of Dr. Livingstone, the African explorer, and was two years older than hie famon0 brother. There was a strong family re- semblance between the two brothers, and they maintained an intimate 1001000' pnndenoe until the doctor's death, Mr. Livdngetonc bare treasured many lettere and personal mementoes sent him by his brother from Africa. The deoeased, Jno. Livingeto0e, was the eldest eon of Neil Livingstone, of Blautyre, Scotland, where he 1(100 born on the 15th of May, 1811. He was married in Scotland in 1884, to Sara Mackenzie, who predeeeas' ed him, in Listowel, nearly 19 years ago. Ele came to Canada in 1840, and lived in Lanark for 20 years, engaged in meroan• tile business. He came to Perth oounty in 1800, starting a general store in the then email hamlet, He was among the largest merchants of the place, and built up a large and proeperoue trade. Mr, Livingetoue indulged hie fondness for travelling for many years, spending his Summers among hie friends in Scotland, and of late passing the Winters with hie sone on the Pacific ooaet, hie last trip to the tweet being in the Winter of 1898. The surviving members of his family are ;-Neil Livingstone, Rookwood, Out.; Dr. Henry Livingstone, California ; Mre. J. W. Soots, Listowel ; John Liv. ingetone, jr., Listowel ; and Oharlee Livingstone, Seattle. For the past 8 years he has made hie home with his son in Lietowel. He was entirely free from pain or disease of any kind, quietly sleep• ing away and oaneoiotte to the last. He had been a man of vigorous constitution, and, in spite of bis great age, was of active habits until hie strength began to fail him ,hie Spring, aim whioh time he gradually Bank until the end name. His wide reading, hie travels, his fund of anecdotes, hie quiet and genial humor and the kindness of his heart made him a most entertaining and agreeable cora• pauion, and he was held in general eeteem for his honorable and manly ohmmeter. attics, He was a Liberal and an elder of Knox church, Listowel. The funeral took plane on Saturday afternoon at B o'clock to Fairview oemetery. LITTLE LIN1oo: Art. Bamford, E. Kidd and Percy Wilson played with the Tavin- took foot ball team in Hamburg, on Labor Day, -Mise Stevenson and Mies Denbrook have opened n diose and mantle making bnainese in the rooms lately occupied by Mre. J. 0. Kidd.- Lietowel'e rate of taxation for the our. tent year will be 22 tnille on the dollar, being 1 mill leas than teat year. -Duffer - in Campbell, from the bend oflioe of the Bank of Hamilton, is spending hie holi- days in town. -Russell Hayden loft Lown for Paieley, where he bus taken a situ. ation ae clerk in a store. -8. MoKee, of the firm of Carson tut Modee, and his daughter, Mies Lillian, have returned to town from Mitchell, where they have been residing ter the past year. The firm bave withdrawn their Mitchell branob, and will concentrate their atten- tion upon their Listowel bueinoee,-Mr. Hutt, of the Listowel Business College, has had an aro eleotrio light planed at the entrance to his lase rooms on Malts etraet, on the globe of whioh i0 an twitter. ti0ement of the Oollege.-Lloyd Mandan. and hes returned borne from the Guelph hospital in very mutat improved health. He will wait until he has fully regained his etreegth before resuming hie duties in the Bank of Ilamilton,-J, Jaokeon ihast00ontly added a gas engine to his bioyole repair ehop.-Bamford Bros., bullders and oontraotoro, have found it ne0000ary to put in power of their own to keep tip with their largely increased bu0ineeo. Up to the present the maohin- ery in their pinning mill hae been run by a °heft from Idoyer'e mill, They have purohae0d a now power outfit, including engine and boiler, from the Wateroue Company, of Brantford, and are having them placed on it nnnereto and atone fenndation, ttnd wit! tweet a boiler hulas at the Beet aide of the faottry.r.-Tho little non nt Benjamin l nuthrlan, who was 00 eoriously hurt by being ran over by a truck of a tbreshing machine, is doing well, and there le now an tumour. aging prospect of itie recovery, -Another well to being sunk at the intake pips of the waterworks with a view of ineroa,ing the supply of water, Godo rictl.. Mennen GLmtoie,-Paul Turnbull left on Tueeday morning of 11101 tveelt for Chatham, where he lute been appointed olerlt in the Bank of idontreale-The staff at the big elevator lorded 8 oars, the average capacity of each being over 700 bushels of aoru, in about an hour's time Monday morning of last week, 740 bushele passed from the weigh -master's floor into a oar in 1 minute and 45 eeoonde. No trimming whatever is re. quired in loading the oars.-Uuunty At. Gurney Lewis and Mies Lewie bave re. turned from Toronto, While in the Queen Olty Mr. Lewie made a personal mall upon hie old friend, Lien0,•Governor Mowat, and in conversation went bank to the Robert Baldwin period. -ohne. V. Greer left on a two week's trip to New York, Pbilade'phia and other pluses, - Elizabeth McKeown, wife of Edward Moideown, carried on a dry go0de bust. Hess in Toronto, up bo '92, wben she failed with liabililiee amounting to $85,000, of whiob 815,000 was due to W. T. Kiely, of D. W. Thompson ar Co. Mre. Mo - Keown went to Obioago, where she hae now filed a petition in bankruptcy, plac- ing per liabilities at 940,490, and claim• ing to hove no assets. The chief creditor is again W. T. Kiely, whore account is 88,500, so that the pr0000din•s aro evi- dently taken to obtain a dis0hargo on tine old liability. -Toronto Stnr. The oredit- or mentioned is W. T. Kiely, of this town.- ScottDiokeon has left for New York any, Soot. i0 a good pbarmaoiet and a steady, reliab'e follow, and will probably make }lis way up in the metro. polio. -Mrs. J. D. Swanson left for Kam- loope, B. 0., after a visit here. She was a000mpanied by Mre. Geo. Swanson, who will remain out West with bar son until next Spring. -Lewis Stewart, who hae had a severe attack of typhoid fever at his mother's home, Benmiller, is, we are pleased to state, able to be around once more. -The eohooner "Everett" hae ar- rived with 150,000 feet of hardwood lumber for the Goderioh Lumber Co. - The organ factory was ebnt down a few days during the pest week for the pur- poee of etoolt•taking,-We learn with re. gret of the death of the wife of Dr. Alex. Hntahioeon, of Montreal, -Dr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Calumet, Mich., have gone home preparatory to taking a trip to the Holy Land this Fall. -Quite a novel dis- play appeared in the window of W. A. McIiitn's store tbe peat week iu oonneo. tion witb his 50 per cent• off sale. Some of the eaitings that are being offered at this reduced price were draped to form a background, while in tbe foreground stood a blook or stump on which the prioe tickets had been out in two. The hatobet that was used for the purpose remained fastoned in the block just as it was left when the operation wen oom• plated. Attached to Ohs handle of the hatchet wits a oard bearing the following well known words, "We cannot tell a lie, we did it with our little hatchet." Num. arcus prioe tickets were soattered over the floor of the window, each one severed in twain, wbile on another card was iusorib• ed the following : 'Prices literally and praotioally out in two." That Throbbing Headache Would quickly Isere you if you nee Dr. K'ne'e New Life Pills. Thoueande of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Siok and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Eery to take, Try them, Only 25 wants. Money bank if net oared. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. 131v'tii. NEwY8T 13LO11•01ITa,-5 per cent w111 be added to all texas not paid on or before Deo. 14th. -Wm. Shane left last week for Montreal where he will mate an extend. ed visit with his daughter, Mrs. Belfry, -Mile Chamberlain, the very efficient assistant in the Blyth postotfi.oe, is away on a two weeks' vaoation.-85 tiokets were sold at Blyth station on Tuesday morning of last week for 'Toronto.-Mre. Vanes was as Lnoknow last week attend- ing the funeral of a relative. -Mies Amy Elder hae gone to Toronto to attend the Presbyterian Ladies' college. -W. W. and Mrs. Sloan and baby are visiting in Toronto ea are N. H. and Mre. Young.- Geo. McCully went to Stratford and tools part in the Labor Day demonstration there. Ile captured Bed prize in the 100 - yard rape, 8rd iu the barrel race, let in the potato rape, and with G. Sills, of Seaforth, as it partner won 8rd prize iu the throe -legged raoe.-Wm. Shane re. Delved a telegram conveying the gad in. telligenoe of the death of hie sou, Wm., in Winnipeg, Deceased bad been a great sufferer for several months past with brain trouble, whioh the dootore were unable to do anything for. -Albert Curtis, a former resident of our village, but now of Alpena, Mich., reoeived old acquein• tainoes here haat weak.-I-Ienry Ruddell, a prominent citizen of Morden, Man„ has been ohoeen by the Conservatives of the riding to represent them in the pro• vinoial elections. He is a eon of Geo, Rnddal!, a highly reopeoted Hallett farmer. -S. H. and Mre, Gidley are away on a holiday and business trip to Oleve. land and New York.-Mre. Wm. Rdolt• mond, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, Geo. McGowan, for the past six weeks, has returned to bee home in Lon - tion, -On Monday morning of last week Blyth saw the departure of two of its oldest and most respeoled residents, when J. G. and hire, Leigh, e000m• panted by their two daaghtere, Sadie and Ailis, removed from our village to the county capital where Mr. Becigb will open out in the restaurant and eon- feotionery bnaineeo. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh have been 00Bi10000 of Blyth for the past 50 yearn and in that time have won the esteem and goodwill of everyone 8y their kindly disposition and good word for all, The Misses Emigb will be greatly mieood by their circle of young friedde in town, end snore martially by Trinity &Ag nh, whore they were faithful workers and members of the choir for years, lilies Allier being the organist for the past three y8ar0. The municipal coudeli board, of wiltob Mr, Leigh has been a member this year, will mise his genial countenance and good un01000, •- Tho tn"mbere of Capt. ltanoe'a house. hold W0001 all 1311011 auddauly and violent• ly sink on Sunday evening of last week, the runup of having oaten something for enpper tint contained poison. The nick• noes remained with thele during Sunday night and Monday, but we are pleased to state that they are now rally recovered.. 101r, and Mro. Ferran. a ho spent Sunday with Capt. and ,1Iro. Ranee, did not be. Oome (deli until after theyy had rea0bed their home in Clinton, Tbey have fully recovered. The poison cannot be no. counted for, but it le thougiht that a head of cabbage bought it, few daya before, a porton of width wan need on Bentley evening ae a salad, must llaro been sprinkled with parie green. FlAte ter. 1301,11' Eeettrot e, ---Alex. Dow has start. ed a milk wagon on the road. This make, the third milk vendor in town. -- L. [lardy, who hoe been ite Manitoba for the past three months, has returned home. -Rev, W. 11, Martin le taking a two weeks' holiday. His duties in the °buroh ere being filled by Air. Power, of London, -Geo. Ilyndman, who hae 11 et) clerking for Curling 13rne., has accepted a admiller position with J. A. Stewart, while Wilbur Handford will till the vacancy at Carling Broe.-While Mart. Salter was driving on Main street the horee stumbled and threw him out of the cart, The abaft of the rig 1000 broken but he escaped unhurt. IIe, how- ever, !oat a gold ries, whioh dropped off hie linger when be fell ant, and hs has not since Toned it, -Wm. Zinger, who has been conducting the Metropolitan Hotel for some years, has deoided to leave town shortly, he having purchased the American Hoorn, Berlin. IIe will take poasesoion some time in Ootober.- The Epworth League al Mein street Methodist church intends holding an entertainment on the evening of Exeter fair, Sept. 19th. -Titers were 120 oases of appeal dlepoged of at the (Wort of Revie- ion against the voters' list foe the village of Exeter, held in the Town Hall,- Itiobard Treble, taoompanied by II. T. Landon, traveller, of London, while driving one of Mr. Blesett'e livery teams in from the north on Wednesday night of last weep met with quite an unpleao• ant experie0oe. They were nearing D. Braond'e blaokemitll shop when the electric light happened to gu out, than making it ditlionit to travel, and before going far the rig collided with a broken down wagon, loaded with Inge. The horses made adash for liberty and in doing so broke the lines, and tee occu- pants thinking disoretion the better part of valour, got off the rig. The horses dashed on till tbey came to the bridge where they beoame separated and detatobed from the rig wbioia was upset, together with a number of trunks. Otte of the horeee escaped without a scratch while the other reoeived several bad bruises and a serious ant. The rig and harness were also deranged to some exteut, Sp,ti,t's 6,•ealest NOM. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends hie Winters at Aiden, S. 0. Weak nerves had osueed severe pains in tbe back of hie head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pith: soon left him. He Bays this grand medicine is what hie country needs. All &mardot knows that it ewes liver and kidney trouble, pnrdlie0 the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. It wean, tired or ail• iegyon need it, Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Mies Anna Dreyfus, cousin of Oaptain Alfred Dreyfue, arrived at Montreal on the Bavarian. A silk ribbon trust, capital 930,000,000, i0 one of the latest New Jersey "judioioue combinations." es W. F. Stratton is the agent for this district for D. Cantelon, On- tario's largest exporter of apples. Am buying now, at the very highest market pried, any quan- tity of Fall and Winter varieties, also culls and large crab apples. Before selling please call on me, it will pay you. W. F. STRETTON, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. The Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train- ing iu all branohoe of Commeroial work, at oousiderably lane than regular rates. For full information apply Rooms ol'College ever feel Unice. L. HARTT, LLSTOWBL, ;PRINCIPAL, art ART GALLERY .a1 - It the beet place to have your Photo. taken. We guarantee all our wont to be P11101 GRADE. Complete satisfaction given to a11. WE 00 NOT ADVERTISE OUR MODESTY. Neither is it necessary for u0 to Brag. Oun Wosur eaves ue the trouble. Large work of all kinds promptly attended to, and finished to the beet oatieftotlon. Don't forgot to call and see our woik and also got our prime. A kind welcome to all, yyE11A4r ART/St, . Stratton Bock; lir} sets. If -)R ),POSITION Beauty end style without comfort is easily nht.lillable, comfort with. nut al'pr a tn,.e i0 egtuallysimple. Y-11 tic 0,•0 -Iv ;111 ugly veil' of ' ' art many of thou r comfortably most unbovoly • 1, 't. The combination of these two - comfort and beauty -ere only to he bad iu the "Slater Shoe." /T_ lief i AT1 R H& :'axle hl tnelve shapes, on lasts modelled , fr""t actual tart, an lridtlls and nil', 1li0� leathers, st).lt0 mid colors. x,• livery purr Go ulyrnr wcited, name and price stamped rat the su10. $3,80 ANO $G.00, =fJIoM,YItEA. Downing Bros,, - Sole Local Agents Now Constantly Arriving We want your Trade and will Endeavor to serve you. well. • BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS All orders for new Pumps or Repairs promptly attended to. Oontraota token for new Wella and Cisterns. r'Lewn Mowers sharpened and repair. ed. Pruning Shears and Scissors ground. All work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED, ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. 1110N'E' TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk,Brussels. McLEOD'S Systems, Ite1,ovattor -MND WEER - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepopeia, Sleepleeenese, EPalpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Qomplaint,Neur. algia, Lees of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Devoe, Female Irregulnritiee and General Dia bility- LABORATORY, GODERICH, OBIT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, ltrneeeln. Spectacles -OF ALL RINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tooted 'FREE by Wed Optical methods at Division G° Di i. - Court ffiice t Office, BRUSSELS, an. cs� v The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and ander issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branohee in the Yukon Dis- trict. RATES Under x;10 $10to20 cl 20 toI80 80 to 50 . $0.08 0.10 0.12 . 0.14 J..1'' ;:00l11)07, A gent, It liTiSS ELS CLEVELAND 1899 IDEAS are found on no Bicycles but CLEVE E L NDSU We originate the ideas and make every detail of every part in our own factory. SEE THE New Bell and Roller Bearing, The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, whioh cannot break except by aootdont. The New Skeleton Gear Case, whioh is absolutely duet -proof. The New Speoiat Light' Design Roadsters whioh weigh 26% lees than any others of equal strength, and many other new features. PRICES FROM $40 UP. A. COUSLEY, AGENT, Ba-oss ,LS l <, . s��Ls British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles' ANn.--• forth Shorn Pine and Cedar FOR SALT AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of ail Pat! terns 013 hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Fnrniehed for all [hinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Ghtarehteod, P. AMENTJ