HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 3SEPT, lea 1599.
The News
riefly Told
The Cataract Power Company syndi-
taLe bun taken pusseselon of the Ham-
ilton Street lluilway, Hamilton Radial
1Gleetrie Railway, and Ilumilton & Dun-
dee. Railway, the business of the street
railway passing into the bands of the
syndicate on payment of about $125,000
or $180,000 for the controlling interest:
in the stook.
The new Westingiluusu quick -outing
brake for ane on pimeenger trains
was given a trial on a Canadian Allan.
do Stanway train, and [,roved very
satisfactory. The brake le designed
,aeoidents. uiets Ration
The train time
which it was tested was run at bo-
tween 57 and 05 miles an hour,
and in every instance when tried the
brakeworked well. The Canada At-
lantie ciRailway authorities de-
cided to 'adopt an theirserfdom.
slain in England has ended a thir-
teen weeks' drought.
Edmund Rutledge, the noted Lon-
don publisher, is dead.
Wellman, the Aretie traveller, has
arrived at hull, Eng.
The Lord Mayor or Dublin has been
invited to New York in connection
with the movement to erect a statue to
Charles Stewart Parnell.
Two new cases of smallpox have de-
veloped at Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Interesting Happenings of Recent Date -The
Latest Nowa o1 Our Own Country -Doings
In the Mother Lund -Whit Is doing on In
the Dame States -Notes From Ibe World
Senator ,Price Is dead.
Lady Melville Parker died at Cooke-
Rev. D. Retch on, of Brantford, has
declined the oil, to Moncton.
Three Ganatatl* Were killed by light-
ning near Siftgn, Man,
The crops of -British Columbia have
been injured by cold and rainy
The Allan Line steamship Parisian
struck bottom' and sprung a slight leak
as elle was leaving Montreal.
Mr; Alexander McLeod of Morden,
has been appointed Land Claims
Commissioner for the Yukon district.
The patients who were bitten by .the
mad dog at Thamesford have gone to
the Pasteur Institute, New York.
The Government has advanced the
eatery of Mr. Wm. Ogilvie, Yukon
Commissioner, from $5,000 to $G,000.
The members of the Winnipeg
Board of Trade are discussing the ad-
visability of Government grades for
The, London Smoot Railway Company
is prosecuting, the drivers of union
busses for neglecting to take out li-
A Northern Pacific/ express train
was derailed near Winnipeg, and Geo,
Johnson, express messenger, of St,
Paul, killed.
Slav, RIchard Edmonds Jones, of
Oundie school, England, has been ap-
Port principal
r Trinity College
SchooJ. le. Taylor, manager of the St.
Thomas street railway, has resigned
and is succeeded by j. R. Still, presi-
dent of the company.
The Irish International .Rugby Foot-
ball Club is about to lake a, tour
through Canada, arriving in Canada
about September 250.
V, W. Powell, chief of the Grand
Trunk Statistical Department at Muni. -
real, has resigned to accept a position
in the Western States.
A rich find of galena has been
reported to have been discovered at the
mines of the Calumet Mining Com-
pany on Calumet Island.
Bert Scott, owner of a rich claim in
the Yukon, was drowned in the Klon-
dike river. Relatives offer 510,000 for
the recovery of his body.
The body of J. H. Gilchrist, missing
at "Ne iota ria, B. 0., has been found off
Macauluy Poiut there with a bag of
stones tied about his neck.
The rain of yesterday appears to have
been general over n,,ar,y tit. whole Pro
Mr. John R. McLean of Cincinnati is
the Democratic nominee for Governor
of Ohio.
There were 175 business failures in
the United States last week, against 172
a year ago.
The transport Sherman has arrived
at San Francisco with the California
regiment from Manila.
A 11108iT N,URDIDIOUS 011,11
Malaga or llutehlu'Ies Carded on by or•
tors ar Shoot and C'ha aollse-Klobb's
dssasaftu+llou Conttrutad.
A deoputeb from Paris, says: -'the
Matin to -day publishes details of the
investigation into the conduct of Cal,
twin Voulet and Captain Chanoine,
charged with barbarous eruellles lu
the ,actives in the French Soudan,
which led to the sending of an ex-
pedition, under Lieut. -Col. Klobb after
them, According to the piper the
two officers mentioned, who were in
command of 11 column of troops, hegan
their work of barbarity by beheading
a native who had declared he did not
know a road about which he was being
Subsequently, it is declared, Voulet
captured 80 natives, of whom he killed
20 of the women and children, shot a
soldier for wasting ammunition, and thousand burned a village of ten in-
Cbanoe, it is added, shot two of his
man without trial for not pursuing a
native who had wounded a soldier. He
also burned a village, and having lost
six men in an engagement, rushed a
village and captured 20 of the inhabit-
ants, of which number he killed Len,
Five mon were killed and seven seri placing their beads on pickets. It is
early injurer] by a bailor explosion at further charged that Cbanoine allow -
the Republic iron works, Pittsburg. e4 his mon to mutilate the bodies of
The transport Grant, from Manila,
the natives who were killed, by cutting
landed at San Francisco 1,619 offieers off their hands. All these fiats, m-
end enlisted men from the Philip cording to Tho Matin, occurred in
January last.
rhe Aceavabie vl)le Watchman Iteclrgu*Zea
Ills Assonant.
A despatch from Ottawa, says! -
John 141,atcalf, the niglctwatchmnn at
the Standard flank, 11owinanviile, who
was bound and gagged the nigh, of the
f:,rn,.us rubbery of that institution,
amt Jtirhard Diiles, shoemaker, of Om
eitloe town, have been in Hull, for the
past two days. They ovate 01 Chief
Genesys suggestion, and after viewing;
Iles piixunaru confined in the gaol and
suspected of robbery, Mot,'.11f positive-
ly identified John Murray, one of the
Over 52,526,000 of the $3,000,000 ap-
surfriated to render d to the Amei cans,aCubasoldiers
distributed. A despatch to the Associated Press
Lumber shipments out of Duluth for front Paris, Aug. 20th, said intelligence
August are estimated at 22,000,000 to had been received from the French
23,000,000 ft. This is the banner month Soudan indica Ling that Lieut, -Col,
for that pore. Klobb and Lieut. ivteunior, who were
At the conclusion of the Dewey tale- sent to take command of a column of
bration, in New York Admiral Sampson troops there, had been assassinated,
will be relieved of the command of the They had been sent out to replace Cap -
North Atlantic squadron at his own re- twin Voulet and Captain Chano'ne, who
quest were reoallecl for cruelty and maltreat -
Duluth coal beavers have received an ing the natives. ,
advance now gettingf 60e. rents
tTper Meng, and day -.—.e—
laborers entbe docks have bean ad- •WRECKED IN A SQUALL.
vanced from $2 to 2.25 per day. `1
The United States contingent of the 11nat Torn out, l( c,eked a Vele In the
Canadian High Joint Commission will 110110111 of Inn ,cont.
bold a meeting at an early date, to A despatch from Halifax, N. S. says:
prepare a report to Congress upon Lha -A terrible accident, resulting in the
state 05 the negotiations undertaken loss of seven lives, occurred off the
by the Commission. harbor, on Monday evening- The vis -
The American Bicycle Company has tiros were members of a plonks party
completed its permanent organization.
For the purchase of the various plants, which loft here i.a the morning in a
which include the oldest and most yacht hired for the occasion. There
prominent biayelq concerns in the destination was McNab's island, a
United States, there will bo issued
540,000,000 stook popular resort about two micas from
gang, as ane of his assailant 0 aln•.I a
patty to the 1ubbery. Miles also
identified "I'.hos. Clifford as 0 roan who
was in his shoe shop they morning pre-
vious in the robbery. 'lh,q fest of the
gang they h.tvo not i,10111uied positive-
ly, although Metcalf feels quite vertain
they were in Bowmanville.
Chief t:enest ha,, not es yet 1 ceiv-
ed word from the Allolncy-Genitors
Department as to what further action
he is to take. Thesday morning be
wired the brink officials, and ie also
awaiting their, reply.
The prisoners in the 'gaol have (evi-
dently learned through an incoming
prisoner of the charge against them,
and they are becoming' exceedingly
troublesome, so 0 strict watch is be-
ing kept over them.
GENERAL. the city. The boat reached its dosti-
Rome will have a univeral exhibi- netters in safety, and the pleasure -
seekers spent an enjoyable days The
party included Robert .Davision,
aged 95; his wife, 28; his .sisters Mabel,
12; Florence, 25; Alice, 24; Bertha, 24
and Louise, 29; Wm. H. Hamilton, of
the city clerk's office, 29; John Han -
took, 80; J. 'Poole and Edward Jude,
officers of H. ,M. S. Talbot.
The Davisions wore children of Rob-
ert Davision, who name here from Naw
York seven years ago, and is one of
the best known residents of this pity,
The young people were also prominent
in society circles, and young Hamilton
tion 111 1901.
tome, and the craps have received Cha Orange Free Sinters reported to
vast benefit from the wetting• be arming.
The Simaoe Peat Fuel Company has Spain rimy sell her African posses -
commenced operations at Barrie. The Bions to Germany.
daily capacity of the machine is fifteen Two fresh cases of bubon-icl plague
tons, have occurred at Oporto.
A son of Mr. George Paterson, lot 4 The Cologne Zeitung, in en inspired
concession 10, Dammer, found and ate article, virtually abandons the cause
some rolled oats that had rough -on -rats of the Beers.
mixed with it. The dose Proved fatal. Six hundred lives have been( lost by
Police Constable Thomas Howie, of the flooding of a copper mine at Bes-
Lundon, is (Merged with maliciously shi, Japan•
assaulting Robert Devine while tholat-, The reoent burricane 10 the Baha -
ter was watching file work of replacing' mats caused the loss of 200 lives and
a derailed street car. wrecked 80 0essels,
The new building fur ,the militia Tho Sultan of Morocco had a narrow
1 stores in Ottawa will be located in escape from death by lightning during and Bertha Davision were to have been
the roar of the armory in Cartier a recent thunderstorm. married in the near future.
square, bat the 860,000 voted by Par-
liament will not suffice.
It is reported that the directors of
La .Banque du Peuple will shortly be
in a position to pay the depositors
the 45 par cent. of the balance still
due, for their claims.
According to reports received at the
Department of Marine and Fisheries
a number of captains of ocean vessels -
lately leaving Montreal harbor have
bean overloading their steamers.
The Department of Militia and De-
fence at Ottawa has decided to allow
members of the Canadian militia who
aro possessors of Royal Humane So-
ciety medals to wear them with their
The difficulties between the boot and
shoe manufacturers and the Tasters of
Quebec have apparently dome to an
end. A modified scale of prices has
bean submitted to the men, which they
have accepted.
The London, Ont„ papers aro dis-
cu,ssbig the, purchase of the street rail-
way property and its operations by the
city as the best Means of putting an
end to the present unfortunate con-
dition of affairs.
The, Ontario Government has passed
an order in Council appointing Prof.
Day, at present lauturer on agricul-
ture all the Guelph College, to the posi-
tion at Farm Superintendent, which
has just been vacated by Sir, William
.1 Power Through the Splrlt ' Z.e11. 4. 1-A'I
Golden. 'Teat. Zed'. 4, 0.
Verse 1. IPlie. angel, This divine trles-
senger repeatedly appear, to Zechar-
iah, to introduce a vision and to explain
U. Came again and waked me. The
earlier vieiuns 110101,11 we have recount-
(ri had conte fit n rapid aeries, after
which Zechariah, utterly weary, had
2. \Wattrepot thou t As lids question
was asked the vision slowly unfolded.
itself. As the seer peered into the
misty darkness there monied forth e
candlestick all of gold, a gulden lamp-
stand, rather, such an that made for
the tabernacle of Moses, with a cen-
tral stoat upholding a lamp, and three
branches upholding, lamps on each side.
The golden "candlestick" of Solo-
num's temple, may have 1)0011 somewhat
different in design, but that of Herod
the form of which is made familiar to
us by .sculptures on the Arch of Titus,
was similar to that here described.
With a bowl, upon the top. For a reser-
voir of oil. Seven lum.pn thereon. One
lamp on the central shaft, and one on
each of the six branches. Seven pipes
to the seven lamps. Or, as the Revis-
e.l Version bas it, "seven pipes to each
The - 0. P. E. lli,e 11„(10 Extraordinary
l'l t'pOl'allllns.
A despatch, from Montreal, says: -
Owing to the large grain crop in the -
North-West and Manitoba the Cana-
dian Paoffic Railway Company have
this season made arrangements for rol-
ling stock with a oapacityof some two
hundred thousand bushels greater
than the trolling stock used last sea-
son, to carry grain from the West.
Last season the company used some-
thing like 4,500 box ears in carrying
east the grain crop of that year. This
season they have added to their equip-
ment for this purpose 2,000 new thirty -
ton oars, which were constructed in
the oar shops at Perth during the past
These cars have a capacity of some-
thing like one tnousand bushels of
grain each. Of this complement of 6,-
500 oars which it is proposed to use
in moving the year's crop, some 5,500
empty cars have already peen trans-
ferred to the Western division of the
road, and are ready tor immediate use.
The locomotive power for this addi-
tional rolling stock will be taken from
the other divisions of the road, with
the exception of a few new locomotives
which have been built in anticipation
of the extraordinarily largo traffic ex-
pected in handling the crop this sea-
Two men full fifty feet by the col-
lapse of a staging on which they
were working in the Interoolonial ele-
vator building at St. John, Herbert
Hartle of Truro fell on Itis head and
his brains were dashed out. '.The oth-
ers will recover.
A man named Bergeron makes affi-
davit to the effect that hu borrowed
95900 atlthe instance of Liouienant For-
tin of, the Montreal Pollee Force to pay
for his appointment to the force, do-
pesiod the money in the Banque Villa
Maria and the bank- suspended. He
lost his money, and lemafn refused to
help him.
A representative of a largo United
States milk condensing firm has been
In Woodstock for some days looking
over the ground with aa view of es-
tablishing a branch 'either in Ingersoll
or Woodstock. About seventy hands
would be employed, half, of them girls.
The United States Consul at Ottawa
snakes a report showing an enormonss
increase in the valise of exports from
the Ottawa dlstrlet. Up to June 80
the total value of the exports for 11309
has been $2,1138,201.,35, as connparoct With
$1,30,1,$00.1:1 ;n 1808. The ,acre se is,
therefore, 5972,13114.
Maurus joke', the Hungarian novel-
ist 70 years old, is to: wed the Hunga-
rian aotress, Arabella Nagy, aged 18.
The Netherlands Woman's Disarm-
ament League has petitioned Queen
Victoria to avoid war with the Boors.
The Japanese Government is said, to
be intending to effoot a suspension of
sales of camphor grown in Formosa.
An Englishman named Hill and three
Alpine guides have been killed while
mountain climbing near Zermatt,
General Ludlow, military Governor
of Havana, hal official imformaii.on of
thirteen cases of yellow fever in the
A seeped conference between Sir Al-
fred Milner and President Kruger is
talked of, this time within the bound-
aries of Cape Colony.
,Weng-79ni-Loa, one of the Korean
Royal Fam'ly, an exile, returned to
Seoul, and tried to seize the throne,
but was arrested and decapitated.
In a collision between 1100 river
steamers on the North Sea Canal one
of the vessels sank, and, nine persons,
including two woman, were drowned,
Anarchists in Rio de Janiero have
sent a girl Anarchist to Paris to
dynamite buildings of the Paris Expo-
sition. Several of the conspirators
have been arrested.
Fraulien Johannnstein, a teacher,
started La climb the Planica, in the
Julian Alps, without a guide, and her
mutilated body was found at the foot
oC a rook 200 metros high. '
The New Zealand House of R,epre
senkaaives in oommittoe has agreed to
the. resolutions authorizing the Gov-
ernment to join in de:raying the cost
of the proposed, Pacific cable. •
A Johannesburg paper describes the
Boer women as vary warlike, They are
forming rifle clubs in many districts,
end petitioning the Transvaal Govern-
ment against
overn-ment:aga.inst granting thefranohise to
the ULtlaulers.
Trusted Ilionisyc Implicated hi a (:rinse
Involving }WWI.
A despatch from Mnn•treel, says: -
11 was disobvered on Tuesday that a
trusted employe of the Illolsons :Bank
had omnmilled a forgery which .in-
volves nbettt11,400,
The bank officials pare reticent about,
the matin,, and neilhee Mr. '.Chomus,
the general Manager, not Mr l+llliolt,
the I,eonl manager, would give any par-
ticu'Inre beyond saying that tY forgery
had been committed.
About five o'clock the party started
to return home, with a strong wind
blowing from the north. The breeze
freshened until it assamed the propor-
tions of a gale, and heavy squalls fol-
lowed one after the other in quick suc-
cession. It was .one of the most clan-
gorous sailing days •that has been ex-
perienced here for soma time, and when
the boat was in a most dangerous part
of the eastern channel a tremendous
gust of wind stauck them with all sail
set, and tore this mast from its pocket.
A second gust -'forced the heavy tim-
ber back, and striking, knocked a gap-
ing hole through the bottom.
In a moment the party, were face to
face with death, and the twelve were
battling for their lives. Poole and
Jude, who are both excellent swim-
mers, caught Bertha and Louise
Davision in their arms and started for
shore. The others were left to their
fate. Mrs. Davision was the first to
disappear beneath the waves, and one
after the other her companions follow-
ed her. For nearly a quarter of an
hour the brave offlears fought against
terrible odds, and were at length pick-
ed up by a passing steamer. The wo-
men werealmost dead, and it was only
after careful medical attention that
they were resuscitated.
The news was telephoned to the -city,
and Mayor Hamilton at once detailed
a squad of policemen to proceed to the
scene of the disaster and endeavored to
recover the bodies. At 10,80 p.m., the
body of Alice Davision was brought to
the surface.
of the lumps. Probably the candlestick
as seen in the vision was very large.
It may be taken as the type of the
Church of God, It was made of the
cnslliest materials. In its parts it was
diverse and yet equal. Its purpose
was to give light, bull it was not the
light in itself, only the bearer of the
light, and 11 needed often to be re-
plenished and trimmed afresh. Two
olive trues by it. The oil burned for
light in ancient times was pressed from
olives. In this vision the trees grew
up close to the candlestick, as an indi-
cation that the course of replenishment
is at hand and inexhaustible; a sym-
bol that the supply of power does not
come through human ministrations,
but directly from on high, from the
great God.
4. What are these, my lord? The
divine teachings are not always under-
stood, even by inspired men. It is
wise to ask questions.
5. Knowest thou not. The angel
seems to be surprised that the prophet
did not understand the symbolism.
Even to -day heavenly powers must
think it strange that we are not able
to read the signs of God's providence.
Doubtless much of the vision was plain
to Zerubbabel, but there was depths
in it that required angelic revelation.
No, my lord. We should never be
ashamed to acknowledge our ignor-
ance of the divine mysteries if we
would receive instruction ooneerning
0. This is the word of the Lord. Here
is a message of plain words; can you
understand it? But before we study
this word of the Lord let us back up-
on the symbolism of the candlestick.
The Jewish nation was the candlestick
of the world, set in its plane to *bed
abroad the light of the world. The
Christian Church is the candlestick of
Christ. We are to let our light shine.
The sources of supply near the an-
afent Jews are nearer us. The Holy
Spirit flows through our hearts as
the oil to the lamps. "My God is
able to supply all your needs accord-
ing to his riches in glory by Christ
Jesus." Not by might nor by power.
Neither the Persian monarch, nor the
governor descended from David, nor
the high priest, nor the aggregated
wealth or the little nation can do this
thing. No earthly power is sufficient
for the task. What good would a
lama be without Dill Even though the
temple be as beautiful as a candlestick
made of pure gold, it will shed no light
into the dark places of the earth with-
out the oil of my Spirit, saith the
Loral of hosts.
Canadian Pacific Employe lint'ned to
Dcalh at Schreiber, Ont.
A despatch from Montreal says: -
Wm, B. Morgan, a Montrealer who
was employed as coppersmith at the
0, P. R. round -house) at Schreiber, On-
tario, was burned Ito death on Sunday
morning. The round -house caught
fire during the night, and was burn-
ing fiercely when ietorgan reached the
scene. He sprang into the building
to endeavor to aave his tools, and was
overcome ,by flames and smoke. Be-
fore he could to rescued the walls fell
in on him, crushing and burning him
almost to a crisp. Morgan's charred
trunk was subsequently taken from
the ruins.
Mr. Morgan was well and favorably
known in Montreal, and had been in
the 0. P. 15. emiploy at Schreiber for
the past eight •months. He leaves two
sisters, Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Mat-
thews, in this city. His wife has been
dead dor some time, but four sons sur-
vive. These all;residq in this city.
Fire Perseus Bitten Arrive at Ilia fasten,
Institut o,
A despatch from New York, says: -
A. family of five persons arrived in this
city to -night from their home in
Thainesford, Ont., anis went to the
Pasteur Institute to take the
treatment there, all having been bitten
by a pat dog on August 15. The father
is George Holmes, 51 years old, and
wife, Mary, and their three children,
Evia 7, Annie 11, and Maud 3 year's old.
The fathers hand is laaot'ated oonsiil-
erably, and ell the others were bitten
either on the hand or leg, Nosymp-
Cams bavo yet been exhibited of hydro
Phobia, The dog that bit the Holmes
family is known to have been bitten
on July 80th by a dog which sub-
sequently wont mad. •
HEIR TO $500,000 WANTED.
Engilslmlalt Who Went to 011300011 Call.
not be bbnad.
A despatch from Montreal, says: -
In March, 1897, a young English-
man, named Geo, Edward Harncaurt
arrived in Montreal, and stayed for
some days in the city with a friend,
He was supposed to start for Dawson
Oity, but about a year ago Mayor
Prellontaine renewed a letter tremble
father, asking his whereabouts, as he
had never written a line Mime to his
family in Liverpool, All trate of the
young man was lost, and despite most
careflul enquiries made by the de-
tectives, he could not bo found.
few months ago Mr. Itarncourt, Cr.,
died, and tho missing young man is
heir to a very large fortune, estim-
ated at £100,000. It has been learn-
ed quite recently that young Harn-
court reached Dawson, and there form-
ed a partnership in which he mane
a lot of money,. Ile want to Van-
couver for some purpose, end ,.hen
left to return to Dawson. Since that
time there is no titlingd of his where-
Free Slate Troops Ago Rattle With Relives
-.Total BONA Over lli()1il'1,.
A. despatch from Brussels, says: -
News has been received hero oC sharp
fighting between the Congo Free
State troops, under Baron d'Hanis,
and the Batotla natives beyond Son-
gotO. The rebels warn driven baok
after euffaring the loss of 100 men.
The Congo troops lost 25 'native
The rebels wm'o not followed, be-
cause they retreated oval' famine and
smallpox -devastated treats.
The country is now reported to be
7. O great mountain. A figura repro -
around Zerubbabel in his endeavors to cognized as workers together with
restore the temple. The Samaritans
hall ,t bend in these difficulties; so had
the traitors et home; so had the Per-
sian empire, so had Satan. Before
Zerubbabel Governor of Jerusalem.
Thou shalt become a plain. That is, be
totally obliterated. God WaS already
eontrollina the hearts of men so as to
favor Zsrubbabels plans. The bead -
senting the Vficullies which arose
Men the Nerve Centres bead NatritioL4
A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating tbo
Quick Response of a Depleted N'ery is
System toa Treatment Which,
Replenishes Exhausted
Nerve Forces.
Perhaps you know him? In Water-
loo he is known as one of the most
popular end successfulbusiness men of
that enterprising town. As .,nanag-
ing executor of the Kuntz estate, he is
at the head of a vast business, repre-
senting an investment of many thous-
ands of dollars, and known to many
people throughout the Province.
Solid financially, Mr. Frank Bauer
also bas the good fortune of enjoying
solid good health, and if appearances
indioato anything, it is safe to predict
that there's a full half century of
active life still ahead for him. But
it's only a few months since, while
nursed as an invalid at the Mt.
Clemens sanitary resort, when his
friends in Waterloo were dismayed
with a report that he was at the point
of death
as There's no telling where I would
have been had I kept on the old treat-
ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a merry
laugh, the other day, while recounting
his experiences as a very sink man.
Ic 1111. Clemens," he continued, "was
the last resort in my case. For
months previous I had been suffering
indescribable tortures. I began with
a loss of appetite and sleepless nights.
Then, as the trouble kept growing, I
To os getting weaker, and began losing
flesh and strength rapidly. My
stomach refused to retain food of any
kind, During all this time I was
under medical treatment and took
seemed most hopeless, I heard of s
wonderful cure effected in a case
somewhat similar to mine, by the
Great South AmericanNervine Tonic,
and I finally tried that. On the first
day of its use I began to feel that it
was doing what no other medicine
had done. The first dose relieved 02
distress completely. Before night I
actually felt hungry and ate with an
appetite such as I had not known for
months. I began to pick up in
strength with surprising rapidity,
slept well nights, and before I knew
it I was eating three square meals
regularly every day, with as much
relish as ever. I have no hesitation
whatever in saying that the South
American Nervine Tonic cured me
when all other remedies failed. I
have recovered my old weight -over
200 pounds -and never felt better
in my life."
Mr. Frank Bauer's experience is
that of all others who have used the
South American Nervine Tonle. Its
instantaneous action in relieving die -
tress and pain is due to the direct
effect of this great remedy upon the
nerve centres, whose fagged vitality
is energized instantly by the very first
dose. It is a great, a wondrous curs
for all nervous diseases, as well as
indigestion and dyspepsia. It goes
to the real source of trouble direct,
and the sick always feel its marvel-
lous sustaining and restorative power
everything prescribed, but without at once, on the very first day of its
,Tust about when my condition uaa
Sold by GI% A. Deadman.
him, and sure to have his abundant
--mss --
Average Height or the Alen Is Seven Deet
-Ail wear Their ihslr Long..
A despatch from Cairo, says: -Capt.
stone thereof. The last stone which Welby, who recently made a journey
completed the (ample, the
crown- through Abyssinia, and
ing grace, Shootings. Aof cclamations ofexplorationg
joy. Grana, grace unto it. A suppltea-
tiorrfoe divine grace to rest upon the
9. His hand shall also finish it. A
promise of immeasurable eneonrngr'-
mont to Zeruobabel. It is not sl range
that the people were dissatisfied( with
this prince. Though descended from
David, he was born and had - been
bou hL up to Baby was not
r g fon Ile
king, only governor, and that by the
grana of the proud tyrant, of Perste.
A sorry contrast he made to Solomon
in all his glory, Nevertheless, "Ms
hand," sailh God, "shall finish the through and no trouble was experienc-
temple," Zerubbabel had to watt ed with any of there.
eeven years longer for the fulfillment One tribe, the Tirltamt, was of bra -
of this promise. God rewards tvi•b mens, stature, most of the mon being
suroess those who work for UM, 7 feet in height. They had long hair
Those who the not witness the success extending to the waist, and matted like
of their endeavors here may yet he- felt. This they generally wear turn -
]told it hereafter. ed up in such ll manner a4 to form a
10. Who hath despised the day of receptacle for smolt articles and nick -
small things. Many e person had des- nooks, the ends being finally twisted
piled fi. as he looked et the contempti- into a tail with a thin stick, about
bl ro onY• T 'se is which they are very particular.
the regions to the south-west of that
country, has arrived at Cairo on his
Starting from Berbera, Somaliland,
last September, Capt. Welhy proceed-
ed to Narrar, and thence to Adis Ababa,
11:Ienelik's capital, where he collected
a caravan and struck south, skirting
the western shores of the Abyssinian
Altogether' 20 tribes were passed
e . I . Ise rest of 11110 verse
not easy of explanation in Query
perticular, but the thought. to that, the
plumb lino, the symbol of an architect
or builder, in the hand of Zerubbabel
received notice and fever from the
saves eyes at the Lord, which, run-
ning to 1 end fro through. ilia whole
earth, indicate the omniscience of
11, 12. Whet aro these' . what
be these, Zerubbabel piles question
on 'question, for he desires to under-
stand every dotal( o.t the vision.
1.4, These a.re the two anointed ones.
The two sons of oil, literally; the two
conspicuous sons of Jehovah. Tliat
stand' by the Lord of the whole earth,
7110!; is to any, the despised 'horub-
bobel and Joshua, the mantel and the
priest the State and rho Church,
,tendnight and day before 'the Lord
oethe whole earth, are in his ?aver, re -
Broom et First 8tofnsed/ lilt Was Won by
Horse mid ihaYlry.
A despatch from Evansville, tail.,
says: -A romantio wedding was that
of lltrs, Elizalxsth Englehart to Charles
Umbach, in this city. It is claimed
that Mrs. Englehart proposed to Dm -
boob and at first ho refused. Site
then offered him a horse and buggy
if he would hem= her husband and
ho aocedited.
'l'lie bride is fifty-five years old and
owns a Hue farm in the northern part
of the country. The groom is fifty-seven
and has lived in this city all his life.
IIo has been marded four times.
Hearing of 111s Dnugister'a Death the
Sheriff or Donegal 11(11s Himself.
A despatch from Dublin says: -J. lilt
Sinclair, high sheriff of Donegal, Dome
milted suicide by shooting himself on
Tuesday on receipt of the announcer
meat that his daughter, 18 years or
ago had ,been drowned In another pare
of the country.
The latter story now turns out to
be false, and has caused an immense
sensation in the country, whare the
family is most prominent. The author
of the falsehood which caused the faro
thee to commit suicide is unknown.
10untnc Is Also. Marina India to the
A despatch from Bombay says: -Lord
Sandhurst Governor of Bombay, in
the coarse of a speech at Poona, said
the plague was spreading, and that,
owing to the failure of the monsoon,
not only the plague was in the midst
of the people, but grim famine was
staring at them. Ile expressed the
hope that the September rains would
come to their relief, and stated that
in the meantime arrangements would
be made, to open relief routes. •
Tierce Gale on Labrador Coast- tinny
!'easels Wrecked.
A despatch from St. John's Nfld.,
says; -A fierce gale along the Labra-
dor coast has wrecked eleven vessels,
which were driven ashore at different
Points while. Coking.
'Che extent of the clamage done on
the, east of Northern Labrador, which -
is more rugged, is not yet, known, but
ii, is feared that the results there are
more serious and aro accompanied with
large loss rof life.
! Curiosity has a peculiar way of
Icing the better of "discretion.