HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 2TE BRUSSELS
Sar,IST, 16, 1899'
As before mentioned, Dora rode a
llttlo'i i! front, with Ashley beside iter,
pointing out the beauties of the wild
scenery tltrmugii which we passed, and
oeoasionally Laying a hand upon her
br(dle iso guide Lhe mule over some
unusually rugged portion of the almost
trackless mountain. leleDermot and 1
were walking behind, a little puffed by
the steepness of the ascent; aur guide,
whose name was Cadet, a name an-
awered to by every eeaond man one
meets in that part of Prance, strode
along beside us, like a pair oe com-
e/eases with leathern Image. Presently
the last-named individual turned to
oto -
" Cm messieurs veulent-its vote le
Sant de Lou Contrebandietel" said•he,
in the barbarous dialect of the dis-
trict, half French, half patois, with a
email dash of Spanish.
" Le Sant du Contrsbandier, the
Smuggler's Leap -what is that?' ask-
ed Dora, twho had overheard the ques-
tion, turning round her graceful head,
and dazzling us -me at least -by a
sudden view of her lovely face, now
glowing with exercise and the moun-
tain air.
The smuggler's leap, so Cadet in-
formed us, was a narrow Mete in the
rock of vast depth, and extending for
a considerable dietance across a flank
of the mountain. It owed its name to
the following incident: -Some five
years previously, a smuggler, known
by nee name of Juan le Negre, or 131aek
Juan, bad, for a considerable period,
set the customhouse ofeioers at defi-
ance, and brought great discredit on
them by his success in. passing contra-
band goods from Spain. In vain did
they lie in ambush ands set snares for
him; they could never Dome nearim,
or if they did ib 'cvaa where he was
backed by such a force of the hardy
desperadoes carrying on the same law-
less traffic, that the douauiers were
either farcedt(to beat a retreat, or got i
fearfully mauled in Lha contest that
ensued. One day, however, three of
these green -coated guardians of the
French revenue caught a sight ofeemn
alone and unarmed. They pursued him,
and a rare rare he led them over cliff
and crag, across rook and ravine, until
at last they saw with exultation that
he made 'right for tho chasm in ques-
tion, and there they made sure of se-
curing him. It seemed as if he had
forgotten the'position of the cleft, and
only remembered,it when he got with-
in a hundred yards or thereabouts, for
then he slackened his pace. The due.-
aniers gained on him, and expected
him to. desist from his flight, and sur-
render. What was their surprise and
consternation when they saw him, on
reaching the edge of the chasm, spring
from the ground with lizard -like agil-
ity, and by one bold leap clear the
yawning abyss. The douaniers utter-
ed a shout of rage and disappointment,
and two of them ceased running; but
the third, a man of great activity and
courage, and who had frequently sworn
to earn ,the reward sot ore the head of
Juan, dared the perilous jump. He fell
&hart: his head was dasher' against the
opposite rock, and his horror-struck
companions, gazing down into the dark
depth beneath, saw his body strike
against the crags on its way to the
bottom or the abyss. The smuggler es-
capee, and, the spot where the tragical
incident ocenrred was thenceforward
known as "Le Saut du Coutrebandier."
Before our guide had finished his
narrative, we were unanimous in our
wish tot visit its scene, which we reach-
ed by- the time he had brought the
tale to a conclusion. It was certain-
ly a meet remarkable chasm, whose ex-
istence was only to be accounted for
by reference to the volcanic agency of
which abundant traces exist in South-
ern France. The whole side of the
mountain wasaracked and rent asun-
der, forming a narrow ravine of vast
depth, in the manner of the famous
Mexican barrancas. In some Places
might be traced ce sort of correspond-
ence on, the opposite sides; a recess on
one tide into which a projection on
the other, would have nearly fitted,
could some Antaeus have closed the
Omura. This, however, was only here
and there; generally speaking, the
rooky brink. was worn by the) notion of
time and water, and the rock com-
posing it sloped slightly downwards.
The chasm was of various width, but
was narrowest at the spot at which
we reached it, and really did not ap-
pear so very terrible a leap as Cadet
made it cwt to be. On looking down,
a confusion of bush -covered crags was
visible; and now that the sun was
bigh, a narrow stream was to be seen,
flowing, like a line of silver, at the
bottom, -)the ripple and rush of the
water, repeated by the echoes of the
ravine ascending to aur ears with a
noise like that of a cataract, On a
large fragment of rock, a few yards
from the brink, was rudely carved a
date, and below it two letters. They
were the initials, so our guide inform-
ed us, of the unfortunate douanier who
had there met his death.
We had remained tor half a minute
or so gazing down into the ravine,
when Ashley, who was on the right
of the party, broke silence.
"Pshaw le said he, stepping back
tram the edge, " that's no leap. Why,
I'll jump across it myself.'
'For heaven's sake!' cried Dora.
" Ashley!" I exclaimed, " dant be a
fool 1"
But it'was too late. What mad im-
pulse possessed him I cannot say; but
certain I am, from my knowledge of
his charaeter,'that it was no foolish
bravado or schoolboy desire to show
oft, that seduced him to so wild a freak.
The Meta was, but for the) depth below,
the leapt did not look ebb all formidable,
not above four or five feet„ brut in real-
ity it was a deal wider. It was prob-
ably this deceitful ap'pearanoe, and Per-
haps the, feeling which Englishmen are
apt to entertain, that for feats of
strength and agility, nn man surpass
them, that "convinced Walter of the
ease with' whieh he could jump across.
Before we mould stop him, be took a
short run and jumped.
A scream from Dora was echoed by
an exclamation of horror from M'Der-
mot and myself, Ashley had cleared
the chasm and alighted on the oppn-
site edge, but it was ehelving and slip,
gory, and hie feat slipped from under
Mee, For ono moment it appeared as
If be would instantly be dashed to
places, but in falling he managed to
catch the edge of the rock, which et
that pvlaae formed an angle. Therehe
hung by, his lamas, bis whole body 111
the air, without a possibility of rais-
ing himself ; for below the edge the
tock was smooth and receding, and
even could•he hove reaolted it, he wuuld
have found no foot -hold. One heeler -
ate effurb he made to grasp a stunt-
ed end leafless sapling that grew
in a crevice art not more than a foot
from ibe edge, but it failed, and near
ly caused his Instant destruction. De-.
sisting further effort, he hung mo-
tionless, his hands convulsively cramp-
ed to the edge of rock, which afforded
so slippery and diffiault a hold, that
his sustaining himself by it at all
seemed a miracle, and could only be
the result of uneommon muscular pow-
er. It was evident that no human
strength could possibly maintain him
for more than a minute ar twa in that
position; below was au abyss, a hun-
dred or more feet deep -to all appear-
anes his last boor was come.
M'Dermot and I stood aghast and
helpless, gazing with open mouth and
strained eyeballs at our unhappy
friend. \\Mat could we do? Were
we to dare the leap, which one far more
active and vigorous than ourselves had;
unsueoessfully attempted? It tyonl.d
have been courting destruction, with-
out a chance of saving Asbley. But
Dora )rut us to shame. One scream,
and only one, she uttered, and then,
gathering up her habit, she sprang un-
aided from her mule. Her cheek was
pale its the whitest marble, but her
presence of mind was unimpaired, and
she seemed to gain courage and decis-
ion in the moment of peril.
"Your cravats, your handkerchiefs!"
cried she, unfastening, as she spoke,
her long cashmere scarf. Mechani-
cally. M'Dermot and myself obeyed,
dexterity, she knotted together her
scarf, a long silk cravat which I gave
her, %%Vermin's handkerchief and
mine, and securing -how, I know not-
a stone at either extremity of the rope
thus formed, she threw one end of it,
with sure aim and steady hand, across
the ravine and round the sapling al-
ready referred to. Then leaning for-
ward till I feared sbe would fall into
the chasm, and sprang forward to hold
her bank, she let go the direr end.
Ashley's hold v,as alreudy. grtu[tviug
feeble, his fingers were toru by the
rock, the blood started from under his
nails, and he turned his face toward
us with a mute prayer for succour. At
that moment the two ends of the shawl
graspedtherm 11 wasa momentof
fearful suspense. Would the knots
su hastily made resist the tension of
his weight ? They did so; he raised
himself by strength of wrist. The
sapling bent and bowed, but his hand
was now close to ie. He grasped it;
another powerful effort, the last ef-
fort of despair, and he lay exhausted
and almost senseless upon the rocky
brink. At the same moment, with ce
cry of joy, Dora fell fainting into her
brother's arms,
Of that day's adventures little re-
mains to tell. A walk of a nine
brought .Ashley to a place where a
bridge, thrown over the ravine, en-
abled him to cross it. I omit his
thanks to Dora, his apologies for the
alarm he had 'caused her, and his ad-
miring eulogy of her presence of mind.
Her manner of receiving them, and the
look she gave him when, on rejoining
us, he took her hand, and with a na-
tural and grateful courtesy that pre-
vented the action from appearing the-
atrical or unusual, pressed it to his
lips, were anything but gratifying to
me, whatever they may have been to
him. She seemed no way displeased
at the freedom. I was most confound-
edly, but that Walter did not seem to
The incident that had occurred, and
Dora's requeet, brought our excursion
to an abrupt termination, and we re-
turned homeward. 11 appeared ns if
were doomed to be a day of disagree-
ables, On reaching the inn, Ifound a
letter which, thanks to my frequent
change of place, and to the dilatori-
ness of continental post -offices, had
been chasing me from town to town
during the previous three weeks. It
was from a lawyer, informing me et
the death of a relative, and compelling
me Instantly to return to England to
arrange some important business con-
vening a disputed will. The sum at
stake was too considerable for me to
neglect the summons, and with the
worst possible grace I prepared to de-
part. 1 made some violent attempts to
induce Ashley to aeoampany me, talk-
ed myself hoarse about fox-hunting
and pheasant -shooting, and other de-
lights of the approaching season; but
all in vain. His passion for field -sport
seemed entirely cooled; be sneered at
foxes, treated pheasants with con-
tempt, and professed to be as much
in Iove with the Pyrenees as I began
to fear he was with Dora. There was
nothing for it buil: to set out alone,
which I accordingly did, having pre-
viously obtained from M'Dermot the
plan of their route, and the name of
the place where he and his sister
thought of wintering. I was determ-
ined, so soon as I had settled my af-
fairs, to return to the continent and
propose for Dora,
Man proposes and God disposes, says
the proverb. In my case, I am pre-
pared to prove that the former part
of the proverb lied abominably. Instead
of a fortnight in London being, as I
had too sanguinely hoped, sufficient.
for the settlement of the business that
took me thither, 1 was detained sever-
al menthe, and compelled to make sun-
dry journeys to Lbe north of England.
I wrate several Limes to M'Dsrmot, and
bad one letter from him, but no more.
Jack Was a notoriously bad dories-
pendent, and I scarcely wondered at
his silence,
Summer same -my lawsuit was de -
ceded, and sick to death of briefs and
barristers, parchments and attorneys,
I once more found myself my own mas-
ter. An application to M'Dermot's
London flanker procured me hie ad-
dreas. He was then in Switzerland,
but was expected down the Rhine,
and letters to 1,Vtesbeclen would find
him. That was enough for me; my
head and heart were etill full of Dora
M'Dermdt; and two days after I had
obtained information, the "Antwer-
pen" steamer deposited me on Belgian
"Mr. M'Dermct is stopping here?" 1
inquired of, or rather affirmed to, the
head waiter et the Four Seesons betel
at Wiesbaden. If the fallow had told
me he was eat, I believe I should have
knocked him down.
He 1s, sir. You will find bine In
the Cursaal gardens with Jilulume as
Off I started to the gardens. They
Were in full biome and beauty, crowd-
ed with flowers and frauleins and fur-
eignors of all nations. The Iletle lake
sparkled in lee sunshine, and the wa-
terfowl skimmed met' it in all direc-
tions. But it's little 1 oared for such
mattere. 1 was looking for Dora,
sweet Dora -Lora lerDermut.
At the corner of a walk 1 met bar
"J'auk 1" a osclutmed, grasping its
hand with the moat vehement afeee-
time, "I'm delighted to see you."
"And I'm glad to see you, my boy,"
was the rejoinder. "1 was wondering
you did not auewer my last letter, but
1 suppose you thought to join us a000 -
"Your last letter 1" 1 exclaimed, "1
have written three limos since I hoard
from you."
"The devil you have 1" cried Mich-,
"Do you mean to say you did not get
the letter I wrote you from Paris a
month ago, announcing—"
1 did not hear another word, for
just then, round a corner of the shrub-
bery, came Dora herself, more charm-
ing than ever, all grace and smiles and
beauty, Fut I saw neither beauty
nor smiles nor grape ; all I saw was,
that she was leaning on the arm 0f
that provokingly handsome dog, Wal-
ter Ashley. For tt moment I stood petri-
' fied, and then extending my hand,
"Miss M ilermot 1—" I exclaimed.
i She thew back a little, with a smile
and n blush. Her companion stepped
ally dear fellow," said he, "there is
no such person. Allow me to intro-
duce you to Mrs. Ashley."
If any of my friends with to be pre-
sented to pretty girls with twenty
thousand pounds, thea had better ap-
ply elsewhere than to me, Since that
day I have foresworn the practice.
the End.
mhos o1' the &Icy People Who Are Now In
R0)6110 71. Again.
The Yaquis, with whom Mexico is
now fighting, are a people who have
long resisted civilization and persist-
ently sought to exclude from their
mountain fastuesses the whites, and
espeoiaily the officials of the Mexican
Government, Especially grievous to
the Yaquis' is the Mexicaru law requir-
ing all men to wear trousers. When
the Yaquis visit a civilized village
to sell their rude pottery, their woven
mitts and the few other things they
manufacture they do not put on their
trousers until they are about to en-
ter the corporate limits, and on their'
journey home they take off their hat-
ed garments as soon as they are clear
of the village and put them in lit-
tle bundles on top of their heads.
.At ordinary times the Yaquis are
reserved an.d exclusive rather than hos-
tile, They sometimes desert their vil-
lages at the approach of strangers,
leaving behind them nothing that ean
give aid or comfort to the invaders.
When the attempt is made to pene-
trate their enotmtain retreats, then
the Yaquis take mesisnres of resist-
ance, but even in this case they often
do no more than block the paths by
which the strangers must advance.
A traveller who attempted to pene-
trate into a part of the Yaqui coun-
try some years ago met with these
tactics. As he and his companion ap-
proached a Yaqui village at the foot
of the mountains they could see the
natives scurrying off through the
brush. Wheel the travellers reached the
village they, found it empty. Eventhe
food and, some of the utensils had: been
carried off, The tietie thatched huts
with earthen floor standing in the
midst of small bean patches, contain-
ed nothing to excite the cupidity of
the least civilized visitor.
No violence was offered to the ex-
plorers, but as they began to ascend
the mountains they found evidence of
the peauuiar resistanoe of the Yaquis.
Great rocks and trees were thrown
across the marrow trail. Front time to
time they could see the Yaquis p'eep-
ing out at: thiem from behind a tis-
tont rock, or in the act of throwing
obstructions across the trail The re-
sistance became no determined and ef-
fective at the end of two days that
the explorers turned their backs up-
on the mountain heights and retreat-
ed to the valley, watched narrowly by
the Yaquis.
Much of 'the Yaqui country is al-
together unknown to the civilized
Mexicans and has never been surveyed
by the government engineers, There
are extravagant traditions of miner-
al wealth in these unexplored lands
and one belief, current in Mexico is
that the Yaqui country hides the ruins
of ane ancient and splendid capital. This
city, according to tradition, ocupies a
mountain heightlnot to be approached
save by trails which the Yaquis jeal-
ously guard against intrusion.
The only strangers with whom bbe
Yaquis are an friendly terms are
stray members of the murderous Ape
ache Indian tribe.' Apaches outlawed
from United States territory, have
found an asylem in the Yaqui (1000 -
try. They are likely to prove effec-
tive aids 'to the Yaquis in the present
The art of self-defense is incuteat-
ed early among some of the wilder
tribes of the Caucasus, who instruct'
their obliterate as soon es they can
walks in the use at the dagger. i'irst,
the little ones are taught to stab ent-
er without milking a splash, and, in
the ooiarse of time, incessant practice
gives them en extraordinary cmmmand
over the weapon.
Where aro you going?
To o have my picture taken.
Don't go to that artist; he'Il melee
you look reelaneboly,
know IL That's why I'm going to
bn; I'm going to send the picture
to my wife -she's away' and threatens
to &arae home,
u•i�yvlYrY la�F2Rb'--
era on .a plata or In a deal dish,
pour over them boated milk, seasoned
with Halt, pepper and butler, This may
lathe the plume of a cooked vegetable.
Corn stuich puddings or rice are eas-
be Mlle
Tomatoes for Iireserving, picking,
eta., should be perfectly ripe and free
from decay; those that are overripe or
Immature should be rejected. Towne
teem are In their prime the last of Au-
gust and early In September, Never
cook tomatoes in tin or brass; the acid
of the fruit will dissolve the motal,
dwiscolorholesomthe,e fruit and render it un -
Tomato 13uLter: ,Seald, heel and slice
firm, ripe tomatoes, Measure them in
a quart ltow1 and place them in apre-
serving kettle and cook slowly for 00
minutes; then to every 4 qts, toma-
toes, add 2 qts, granulated sugar, 2
teaspoons ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
ground ginger and two large lemons.
Peep the ,lemons and remove the white
akin, slice and remove all the seeds,
130i1 all. together another 30 minutes,
stirring and skimming whoa necessary.
I'ut in small jars or molds and keep in
a cool, dry, place,
Tomato Preserves, -Select firm, ripe
little yellow tomatoes; place them in
a wire 'basket, immerse in fast boiling'
water for three minutes, then plunge
into cold water, Peel and welgh and
allow 1 lb. granulated sugar to every
pound of fruit. Put a layer of toma-
toes in a preserving kettle and sprin-
kle IL' with soine of the sugar, then add
another layer of tomatoes and more
sugar; when all is used, heat very
slowly and boil until the tomatoes are
tender; then skim them out and boil
down the syrup until as thick as de-
sired, return the fruit to the syrup
and bringing to the boiling point. Put
in small jars, When filling the jars
distributefruit. slices of lemon Through each
jar. using ane lemon to every Pint of
Green Tomato Preserves, -To every
peck of green tomatoes allow'6 lbs su-,
gar, (3 large lemons and 1 tablespoon
ginger, Cover the tomatoes with boil-
ing water and let stand five minutes
then drain and slice. Place the toma-
toes, sugar' and sliced lemons in a pre•
serving kettle with Lhe ginger sprin-
kied over, and thou acid half pint wa-
ter and, boil very slowly for 1 1-2 hours.
Keep the kettle covered and sit and
skim when necessary. Remove from the
fire and; allow the fruit to become cold,
then return to Lee fire and boil gently,
for another hour.
Street Pickled Green Tomatoes. Thick-
ly slice a peek of green tomatoes, not
peeled and place a layer in a willow
basket and sprinkle with salt, add
more tomatoes, then more salt, using
one cup of salt to ono peek of toma-
toes. Lot stand 24 hours and drain,
The next day peel 2 qts. small, white
onions. Weigh 2 lbs light brown su-
gar, 1 az whole cloves and 2 oz cinna-
mon bark. Place the tomatoes, and on-
ions in a preserving kettle in layers
and sprinkle the sugar and condiments
between and nearly oover with good
aider vinegar µand boil very slowly un-
til the tomatoes and onions are ten-
Green Tomato Soy -Wash a peck of
green tomatoes, cut out the stem end
and part of the seeds and ohop fine.
Wash' and chop fine one dozen medium-
sized onions, Place these in a porce-
lain kettle and add 2 lbs. sugar and
1 qt, good eider vinegar and mix all
together. Mix thoroughly 2 table-
spoons each ,of salt, black pepper,
ground mustard a}nd one of allsptoe;
add these condiments to the tomato
mixture and 'mix all together, then
place on the fire and cook slowly un-
til the tomatoes and onions are tender.
Put away In wide-mouthed jars.
Tomato Catsup. -Scald, peel slice and
core a peck of firm, ripe tomatoes ;
place ire a porcelain kettle and boil un-
til tender, then rub through a colan-
der and than through a sieve to make
the pulp) fine i return to the kettle and
add 3 large onions chopped very fine,
2 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon each
of ground black pepper, groundoloves,
and celery seed in a bag, 1 teaspoon
cayenne pepper and b tablespoons
ground mustard; place ou the fire and
simmer for six hours. Stir often to
prevent burning; add a pint of good
eider vinegar, 15 minutes before remov-
ing from the fire. When cold put into
bottles. Soak the eerie; in boiling wa-
ter, drive them' into the bottles as far
as possible then cover with sealing -wax
ar beeswax, over this tie two thick-
nesses of ,cloth' saturated with the
wax, The bottle should be kept in a
dry, cool place resting on their eider.
The food enlace of eggs is great, and
when fresh their digestibility is al-
most perfect. The many dishes easily
prepared. of them make them a team -
silly to the cook. The farmer is the
only man wh Maas a chance to enjoy
this Iuxur(pn in safety, for eggs begin
to deteriorate alLer the first 24 hours.
]'litter raw, or cooked the egg is easy
to like. ):taw egg beaten to a foam,
then mixed with milk, a little sugar
and flavored with nutmeg or jelly is
unsurpassed as! a drink. Keep the eggs
and milk' cool and serve in a cool Pitch-
er, Served wLthtvegetables, eggs have
their full nutritive power, but not
when lased in cakes and puddings,
where they are mixed with more an-
ger and eat than the velem can take
up in any quantity. Bread amslet,
egged bread, potato omelet, rias ome-
let, flour omelet and tomato omelet are
quiekly prepared and with fresh eggs
are the best of dishes,
Soups sound warm and are usually
emaciated with an all -day fire, but
these two are menhir made and most
delicious as well as restful to a tired
parson, Milk soup; .heat the milk,
season with ;Meitor, salt and pepper.
Tomato aoup iS,tow one or two ripe
tomatoes a few minutes, add dluarLet
spona soda, then as math milk, bat -
tee, salts and pepper, as you. like. An-
other minute dish is to plow Meech -
Aunt llitty;s Crullers. -One cup su-
gar, Into lwliioh beat one tablespoonful
of butter ; then add cute egg, one cup
of sweet milk, two teaspoons of baking
powder and flour enough to roll out.
Roll in' sugar before cutting out/ if you
like thew "extra,"
Delicious Creamed 1'utetues,-T•tke a
email piece oe butter, put it in Lha
frying pan' and when it begins to bub-
ble add a .little salt, a teaspuoaful of
flour and a sprinkle 01 white pepper ;
stir well together, then add a pint of
milk, Lot cook a few minutes, then
add the potatoes cul evenly W slices
and meek Lill they aro creamy, and till
the liquid'seems absorbed. Then stir in
a generous pieee of butter and serve.
Coosa Pudding. -Oce pint of rich
milt, one half pint of water, three-
fourths eup of fresh bread, crumbs,
one email cup of sugar, one and a
half tablespoonfuls of bather, five beap-
ing tablespoonfuls of cocoa, one table-
epoonful of corn starch, one egg, van-
illa Lo taste. Put the milk, on the
stove to simmer while the corn starch
is mixed with ' .a little of the water.
When smooth add Lite comae, then the
wateur, starch, eta., to the hot milk,
then elm bread erum,bs stirred in. The
butter, sugar and egg, beaten togeth-
er, are added next and the puddling
baked thirty-five minutes. A.meringue
is an addition, Eat with a aaace.
ily prepared and molded in cups. If
these are flavored by having a few
berries stirred in them, then served
with sugar and milk they make very
attractive dishes. Our vegetable diet
may be early prepared, as all vege-
tables should b inched 'aked i vh n e the sun
is not shining on them. :they are al-
ways improved by standing for stav-
e hours in salt water, tvheeh again
makes the correct way labor saving.
Such vegetables, ee lettune, cucum-
bers, radishes and tomatoes can also
be prepared hours before using. If
served with a salad dressing it can be
made to keep for several days.
If you want to heat something
(quickly and. haven't an oil stove, place
a lamp' in the cook stove, under one of
the lids, and put over it your kettle
or basin. .But it is better to have an
oil stove which will saes you many
times its most in fuel and lime, not to
mention discomfort.
To preserve sausage meat, says an
exchange, pao1d ib firmly in, stone jars
till within two inches of the top, put
in the oven until covered with melted
grease. Remove and press an invert-
ed plate firmly down over the meat
and bola in place until the grease hard -
ons, when it will be air -tight, This Is
superior as well as less troublesome
than the old way of frying and put-
ting down. One caution is necessary
the meati in the •center of the jai -must
be cooked or it will not( keep.
Owing to the frequent rains in
soma parts, mosquitoes have been
numerous andt savage this summer. An
exchange says that an attentive way
to banish, them is to close all the doors
and windows just before retiring; put
a Small' piece of camphor gum on a bit
of tin••and hold it over the lamp while
it burns slowly'. In a short time the
doors and; windows may 'be opened, and
the mosquitoes will not enter, We have
never tried this and eannot vouch for
it, bat give Lt for what it may be
Kerosene as a cleaning agent has its
limitations, It should never be need
on hardwood floors, as in time in will
injure tbetwax or varnish. This is also
true of hot water and soap.
Olives should not be washed or rinsed
in water under any consideration, as
it destroys the flavor almost entirely.
They should be served with a small
eWantity of tie brine in which they
are preserved, and the dish should be
shaken every (tow and then so that
the olives will be kept more or less
wet at the time. If an olive remains
on a plate without any brine it dries
up quickly andits original flavor dis-
appears to some extent. It should be
somewhat head, but not too much so,
When bitten the mouthful should be
entire, leaving tilts stone visible, which
should be pinkish in color. Do not eat
olives that are soft and mushy, that
do not smell perfectly sweet or that
eliow a purplish' or dark colored stone.
hbayonnaise made by stirring olive
oil into the beaten yolks of eggs will
never "turn" it the on has beenplao-
ed on ice for some time before using
Boarded eels Savings tot Yeats -A Pori
Workingmen Nearly 0,,S1 Them 1n 1110
A Paris workingman, living in the
Rue Perceval, has been the victim of
a disagreeable misadventure. Uui-
known to,bts wife, be had eoonomized,
after ten ,years of saving, nearly £1100,
To put this sum, as he thought, in
safety he had sewn it up in a Math
bag, and teen hidden the bag in a
His wife, who was unaware of the
existence of the hoard, decided that
the mattress needed cleaning, and to
this end undid it et both ends, pre-
,paratoey to tatting out the stuffing.
She hung the mattress thus opened,
out of, alto Window, with the result that
the precious' bag fell into the street,
It Wade piaked up by a little girl, who
ignorant of 'the value of Its contents,
was indtuced to part with it to two
young .rogues to whom she bad con-
fided, her" find.
For tires days the • boys were busy
spending the unexpected windfall as
fate; es they could,d; the workman,
wile hes at Inst , learned what had
happened, told the police of his lase,
and th'elltwo lads were arrested,
On the Farm -
-l3,,,, eeee
Much Is written about pure air in
mow aiables, and Loa much pain cannot
be taken in that direction, writes Mr.
J( Wilder.
eVe, have a herd of 75 Jersey mind
ltigb grades, The stables ere made to
hold a hundred, and we, bare Young.
Meek to fill them in the spring, ,and
e good si•niting-fund 10 weed 001 sorb
an are not paying, when we close the
yeas in Tannery, 1000, when tbe year-
ly account is made up. Our stables are
well ventilated. 1 The droppings are
reanovoch every day ; none left around
the bare or yards
The drop behind the cows istwo Beet
wide and seven inches deep. The stalls
are emir feet six inches from the feed-
Ing trough, with the exaeption of s
few for the largest cows, which are
four inches longer. Back of the drop
is a walk six feel. wide. 'This walk is
covered with sawdust, so that any filth
getting, an it will not touah the floor
l0 stain it, and eau be cleaned wet at
once. Attar the droppings are remov-
ed, the drop is partly filled with some
dry absorbents. Gypsum is sifted en
and in the stalls fox a foot, This had
the effect of almost entirely.destroy-
ing all bad odors; yet e little could bo
defeated, and our next move was to
gieli ridof Lhis, Otu' success to doing
so js the ocoasion of my writing thus.
Years ago., when the epizootic was
abvna,, and all horses had it and neem
Mee/ 1 bud a stable in which imy son
kept, a harse, and.aunther man anoth-
er They mixed up a barrel of cop-
peras water --about 10 ib. of copporaa
to the barrel of water. They tiucod
4hat freely, and both of those horses
were used daily, mingling with other
horses, yet neither horse had the least
symptom of the disease.
.Unum this tact I suggested using
copperas miter, by sprinkling the drop
daily with it. We have tried it, rand
the stables have no more Dad odor than
a house that is kept clean,
We ars sitaeled about lour miles
from the village, where there is a
large summed' hotel, well filled with
city hoarders, and it has heoome one
of the drives for ladies and gentlemen
to come up and see the cows take their
places in their stalls when they come
from Lhe pasture, each knowing their
place. Saab visits as these are fro-
queet-,the city people arriving about
half -past four, when the cows come
in. Thea the old bull is another at-
traction, when,he walks into the pow -
e11 to run the separaLor, which Is run
wthile mik(ng is going on. Ws have
six milkers; each has a milking-sltaeL,
ante regards the weight of each cow's
milk, aright and morning. These sheets
are urranasd for a week, a uety one is
given out overt' Me-0day morning. The
weekly pounds oe milk of each cow are
reeoeded is a book enade especially
for the purpose, entering up each
quarter. Then these four quarters are
added, and that gives the total quan-
tity each cow peoduees in iweivs
months. These caws are tasted every
total of
butter giving
onhcow. hen
the weeding out.
Ladies often oxolaim: "How can you
keep the etables so insane 1 don't
smell the least bad oder!"
Oar butter goes to one person at
thirty aenba per pound, ,9, twoaald ask
dairymen to try the copperas water. et
is, very inexpensive and•little trouble;
barrelful goes a good way.
If a person who knows anything
about! hog feeding was given 11 chance
between a hog that would gain 29
pounds in six weeks and one 'that
would gain 90 pounds in ehe same
biuret cen the same feed, he would not
be tang in choosing. During the past
ten mottle the Kansas experiment sta-
tion has fed 100 hogs that were thought
()Lithe farmers la the vicinity, without
regard to breed or breeding, weigh-
ing in the neighborhood of 100 or sen
pounds. This )class of hogs is used be-
cause these experiments are al the
bighesb benefit to the farmers, and by
taking the stook they raise we stay
withind their conditions. A few ccnalu-
sions may be drawn from the following
feats Laken from observations of feed-
ing 60 head of hogs which were ;just
finished. These hogs wens nearer the
wane age than size, and ranged from
the long, big -boned bacon hog to the
short, fine -boned chunk, aocording to
the care or carelessness oe the farmer
wbq raised them,
Hirst,. as to the point of gain: The
ecmpar.isons are between hogs fed the
same In every respect. The best and
poorest, five out of 20 have the follow-
ing showing:
Thee best five, weighed at beginning
e,1 oast, 500 lbs.; gained ales 1bs., or 70
per sent. Tee ttaorest five, weighed at
beginnittgv of teat. 570 lbs. and gained
285 lbs,, 40 per cent.
This was for a period of 42 days.
Thie difference of gain from a little
over one pound to preottcatly two
newels a clay was largely due to l,be
A slutrt, small -boned ehunk will
make good gates for a taw weeks anci
then stop. It will 'meat end ready for
market, while a well-bred, t'a'ngy hog
wile fatten and continue to grow and
make good gains for It much longro
period, , 1
Theo as to the demand of the ,mar-
1raL'¢ the three -Mb shoulder is now one
of flee most profitable out thatg is
made for export trade. ;'[logs from
Which these cuts are made must be
large and member, long end rangy,
The abort, small -boned (hunk will not
anlswot the purpose. The bacon hog
in also of the latter description, and
brings the best prion on the markets.
Wall-bredt rangy Mugs make the most
profitable pine, ere bha most ready
men and bring the best prim on the
The 034 Policy to Ile Pnvsued Icy the
^.M l�<ilttIolte Stihl.
Medical acienao nes taken Ire the
foal questi[ot NO closely during renege
years and gone. to such trouble lurid o.•
parse to' find' oust every deletereoue
quality in ut Llcles of every -day eon-
surnption that the man who studies
hygiene attentively can mein eat -If
he believes all he reads -at the great
risk of contemning-' disease or poison-
ing himaelf, •
Broad is ant to be thought of 'ae
an, article of ,diet, et is a create e'raus
compound, consisting largely of alum
sad ) olatoss, and, canoeist in some
insanitary cellar, it ie teeming with
microbes and totally unfit for food.
No careful man will touch beef owing
to the number of tuberoulous mime-
ses winch are constantly being plac-
ed upon the market. Mutton and
lamb are also to be tabooed on' strain
lar grounds, ante no one would think
of -touching pork for fear the late -
lamented piggy might have died of
swine fever.
The vegetarian chortles) in bis joy•,.
and points otit. that -none of. these .•
things,, except bread, ((Heat his style,
of dinging, fiat his triumph is short-
lived. Root vegetables are to be dread-
ed because of pt•ire worm, tomatoes in
duce cancer, cabbhgesd airy become
poisonous by °the application' of im-
proper fertilizer's, anelathorefore are'
best left alone, while, in addition to
the disease microbe, which devotes le
attention to the potato, tiara is al-
ways the risk be damage to the digest'
tivo organa,
Butter and milk aro poisoned with
boraeic acid and other noxious preserv-
atives, to say nothing of the artificial,
coloring manner which is frequenl1N
added. Eggs aero dangerous, beoause
so many of them are packed in liras
to kelp them goad, and recently, too,
a ].`reach bacillus has found his way
in through the sbell. In addition to
other drawbacks, cheese helps to ruin
Raw fruit helps along cholera to a
at extent, It pu
sgreie acid round alta skinalso, pipscontains anci stronee-
When cooked it induces dysentery.
01 tinned and potted stuffs little
need be said, except that the solder
of the tint's makes fur lead putsoning,
and potted meats have recently been
shown to be simply a mass of spiced
rotten filth and garbage.
fish, although possessing highly
nutritious qualities, should be avoided,
owing to the large quantity which is
sold in an unfit stale for human, con-
sumption, and the 'difficulty of obtain-
ing it really fresh.
With beverages the same difficul-
ties present themselves to the careful
feeder. )3oer, wines or; spirits are apt
to be thought of. They affect the.
brain and eyes, and apt injuriously
upon the coating of the stomach. Tee.
and coffee may sot up insanity, but at
the least Lhen are sure to indeed dys-
pepsia. 'Water Is full of disease germs,
and, if distilled, becomes dangerous
by reason of ile leak of mineral meteor
in solution.
Poultry, if fresh, appears to be the
most wholesome sort of dish, as there
is only a vague, undeeid.ed sort of mie-
hobo to its =omit. Therefore, duck
and green peas! appear to be the dish
to make a ,stand upon ; but let the
peas be fresh, as the tinned sort axe
poisonous, owing to a solution of sul-
phate of copper being employed to
give them a .resb, bright color.
AI feature to be recommended in
Improving farms ornamentally is to
have! the tress and shrubs distributed
over bio grounds in a simple manner.
This is best accomplished ay arranging
Lavin La clumps or masses. The cen-
ters of the plats, as a rule, are kept
open, affording a viewing ground of
the trees and shrubs as seen in per-
It will be conceded by all that
parts near the highway and about
the house are the ones most neces-
sary to keep in handsome trim.
Give several acres here close atten-
tion and Ohs impression will be
conveyed that the mere distant
parts, which may be sear, buJ
which aro not likely to be traverse
ed, are kept equally well. It
would be a great mistake not to
Wive some regard to the distant
efface in the planting. Let there
be a mass of trees as a itr'cminating
Point to the lane, whatever its
length, ' 11 there are one or more
knells in the different 1loldis, sttr-
inournt each with a olunip, el trees,
say deciduous kinds on one and
pines or other evergreens on the
others. To surround such by wire fend
iarg' its a protection against animals is
and inexpensive matter.
Judicious improvements of thia
kind sh.elld not be looked upon as
a mere source of expense without
oompeesaLi,n, Quite alis reverse, if
entered, upon with good tante and Ms.
Mme, Liosu. Bonheur, Bose stood for
Rosalie, was not without a sense al
humor, eo it is told of Iver that while
presiding over a sehool of design in
Paris, the pupils being girls, the tart-
ish was disgusted with the 'elms, be -
mese, imitating thole teacher, the
young women had out. their hair ahurt,
" Grand Dieu 1" cried Rosa Bnnheur,
" how horrid you all look 1 This is not
a plass oe boys. You silly armatures,
let your hair alone and do, your best
ea as to retain all thu advantages' of
your sex,"
Lottie -,We
had corn to as
house to -day. t a t our
Tottle-That's nothitte We feed our
sow 5010 all the thug.