HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-14, Page 1• Vo1.28. No. 10 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1899 W. H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements, Qoming—T, P. Smith. Looale—H. R. Brewer. Get the beat—Jag. Fox, Looale—Ewan & Innes. Baby day -1I. R. Brewer, Terms Cash—A. E. Smith. Fall stook—L 0. Richards: Looal—Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, AU ready -3. Ferguson & Go. Oome quick -G. A. Deadman. Traneeoatinental ronbe—G, T. R. Sheep strayed—Fletcher Sparling. Double header sales—Maliinnon & Co. Farm for sale—Wm. Cameron and Jno. 13. Hyde. • 0 AI LWAY RAND p Ei' NKR .:SYSTEM THE GREAT,' Transeon iyln f+entalRoute t .,.. TO a ---- CBIaA(}0, ST. LOUIS, ` 1IAHA, DENIM It, LOS ANGELES, -- SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, s and other pointe in California, Arizona. New Mexico, and other Pacifo Coast Pointe.. If you are contemplating a trip for Health, Pleasure or Business. Through tickets to all Foreign Points Por Descriptive Guides, Time Tables, els., apply to Agents of the Grand Trunk Railway System, R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels. l" t"tiCt . Cab L/ Cruet Itarotllc. Rev, D. B. McRae ie away from home at present. Mise Lizzie IltoKay has gone to Sea. forth to attend High school. Joe. Curry preached in the Presbyter. inn obarnh here lash Sunday. Mies Silva Seel has gone to Seaforth to attend the Col egiate Inetitnte. Some have gone from the village to attend the Western Fair thio week. Hartwell Speiran and sietere, of the 14th con., were in the village on Sunday last. Mies Ida DIlling, who has been in Wingham for the past few months, baa returned to the home of her parents here. Rev, Mr. Yelland preached in the. Methodist ohorob here last Sunday in hie usual good style from Nelms 49 : 6- 8. Our football team played a game with Walton team last Saturday night in Bruesele. Snore was 1 to 0 in favor of Cranbrook. CIDEa.—The Cranbrook Cider Mill has rommenoed operations, Apple butter will also be manufaotared for those desiring it. CAHOON Baoe., 9.4 Proprietors. Bola -rave. Norns 3. and Mre. Gregg are both very ill.—Many took in the Industrial at Toronto last week and more are at Lon- don tbie week.—Rev. Mr. Perrie, of Wingbam, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last.—Mre. (Rev.) Slew, of Bayfield, was renewing ao. quatutanoes last week. — The Garden Party at E. Wightman'e on Tuesday evening was chilled to the marrow by a Northwest breeze, but it was a pleasant affair all the same. Why Glasses are -Vern Coming I Coming T. P. SMITE, EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday,Sept.et27th faa'Call early and avail yourself of hie valuable eervioes. ES.tUIINATION FREE. lior a long time Glaeeee were need only to aasdet in reading or near work, but witb increased knowledge of the eye, we are able to adjust Glasses to im• prove the eight, thereby oaring chronic headaohee, neuralgia and many nervous afflictions caused by eyestrain. The thousands who wear properly adjusted Glasses aro the living testimonials to the truth of it. Examination Tree. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. The ladies of the Belgravo Methodist ohurol intend holding a lawn social on Thursday evening, Sept. 21et, at the resi• denoe of John Conites, gr., 70 oon„ East Wawanosh. Tea to be served, also a good program. Fasts :e.—This 10 our busy season. Apple pulling, wheat sowing, I#'aII plow. ing and threshing time. The ,Gall wheat on many forme already looke green. Some fields of oats are still in the stook. The recent rains have delayed the draw- ing in but have quiokened up the grass and root °rope. Bownrxcl.—The Trustees of the Meth. odiet church find the bnildere too busy to tender for the renovation of their ohurob this Fall. It has been decided to wait until Spring to do the work, which will be a stone foundation and veneer and the Tsintin and papering of the interior. enders are being paled for to be in by Nov. let. Mre. Geo. Hogarth is ependlug a few weeks here, Quito a few from this locality are away at London fair. The bleokernitb shop of W. Pollard is being improved in its exterior. Mee Dowdell, of 'Toronto, 18 visiting relatives and friends in Ethel and looality. A gentleman from Wbiteohuroh is an- nounced to preach in the Methodist ohurob next Sabbath evening, W. E. Sanders has been quite poorly with a thinning down of the blood. He is improving now and resumed work tbie weak. A telegram was received by Mre. S. Ames last week containing the sad in- formation that her brother, Mr. Foerster, of Peterboro', bad bean killed. We are sorry to report that William Elliott is not improving in health, and se he is well advanced i0 years the ohanaes are against him. Rev. J. D. Stewart, formerly of Ethel, is now supplying for Rev. Joseph Edge, President of the Oonferenoe, at Well ing- ton street, London. Rev. Mr. Edge is laid up with pleurisy. Tuesday of last week, W. H. New. oombe, merchant of Clinton, well known bere, was united in marriage to Mies Della H. Broneoombe, of Petrolia. May joy go with them is the Peeling of old Ethel friende. Wednesday forenoon Judge Masson held Voters' List Court in the Township Hall. The appeals were all in the inter- est of the Liberals. Eleven names were added and nine attack off. G. F. Blair, of Brussels, aonduoted the appeale. The old blacksmith shop of Jno. Eok- mier has been torn down this week by Foga! Bros., preparatory to the erection of a new briok veneer to replace it. A temporary shop bae been put up on the street for Mr. Balmier. Mise Kennedy, the teaober, is very ill. It is a brain trouble and but alight hopes are entertained for her recovery. Her mother is here from Stanley township nursing here. The patient is at S. Chem. bars' where ebe boarded. Everything is being done for her that is possible. Strictly One Price. am wee loam 0. t4Zzvays the Lowest. II All Departments of our store are ready fur Fall business, months of prepara- tion have brought forth their fruit, and we are ready with the biggest stocks, the finest range of New and Stylish Materials ttnd the best Values we've ever gathered together for a season's selling. There's no standing still here ; past successes have but nerved us to greater efforts ; there has been no time, no trouble, no expense spared to get the best in every way, and it is here—Bright, Attractive New Goocls are to be seen all over the store. New Ribbons New Gloves New Hosiery Ji ew Corsets .New Waist Silks .New Black Dress Goods ,New Colored Dress Goods New Dress Trimmings Nezv Plaid Dress Goods ✓Yew Mantles New Shirtings ,New Cottonades .New Table Linens New Sheetings New .Flannelettes IV[ost of them our own direct importation, are fresh out of the cases, and you are welcome to come and look at any time. Here are some of our Fall values which will do to judge stocks by Two Specials in Flannelettes. Two lines in good Flannelettes that are underpriced. Values you will not find elsewhere. 86 inch heavy Flannelette, fast colors, etripes of pink, blue and white, good value at 120, we sell it at sofa. 80 loch Flannelette, heavy weight, in light and medium dark aolore, most. ly pink and greys, real value 7o, epeoial at 6a, A Bargain in Dress Goods. A sample of the values of our New Deese Goods stook. No such col• leotion of high ol'ase Dress Goode as ie here can be Been anywhere in these parts, and from the lowest to the highest prioed valuatelare bard to equal, Judge them by this :- 44 inch all pure wool Serge, fins French finial), good weight, in Navy, Cardin- al, Myrtle, Grey and Brown, tote of stores would gall it at 40o and would be good value anywhere at that price. Ws gall it at 25o. Table Linen Bargain. A bargain in Table Linen yon cannot afford to paee, bought direct from the maker. We pass it on to you at a small advance on his prioe. 70 inch fine Satin Damask Table Linen, good value at 760 per yard. We will sell it at..., el O0 DON'T be afraid to look and compare because you feel that yotl are not one of our Customers. We want NewCustomers C u tomers and we want to sell more to Old Custom- ers and we're going to sell goods so cheap that we'll accomplish both. J. FERGUSON & Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. I, Gill and wife are away elle week on a holiday trip to St, Louis, Columble. villa and North 13ranah, U. S., where they will visit relatives for the next three or four weeks. Mr. Gill's health has not been good for some time and the trip le Espen with the hope of improving it, LYtfter•reet+. A wedding is on the program. Farm property is ou the move. Township Oounoll will be held next Monday. Geo. Turvey, we are glad to say, is able to be about again. Mrs. G. A. Lowry and Master Leslie are visiting on the 3od stn. A tea meeting is on the program at Ebenezer, Particulars later. Miss Cora South was holidaying at Toronto during the past week. Millard Cardiff is quite poorly and may have to undergo an operation. Mr. Beatty and wife were viaiting le. McMurray and family, 4th line, last week. Harry Mooney and Mies Jennie were visiting friends at Blyth last Saturday and Sunday. With Taylor, 9th line, has been making a big improvement in his premises by new fenotng, &o. Wm. Easom, 6th line bae been trout• led with an Aberass in his throat. He is some better as the trouble is disappear- ing. Mre. Thos. Miller and Mre. Skimmons, of bbe 5th line, were at Toronto Iast,week and took in the Fair. They carne book on Monday. Folks say Will. Sellers, 3rd line, is a proud man since the arrival of th,t won• detful baby but in the slang language "there are others." Robert MoMarray, 4th line, was on the used up list for a few daye.from a blow he received from a pole while working on a mow scaffold in his barn, Brussels Fall Fair, Oot. 6th and 6th. The attractions will draw a big arced from Morris and not a few of our reel• dents will take a baud in the sports. Miss Annie Budd, Brd line, who has been ill for some menthe, is improving and is able to sit up now. We hope the improvement will be permanent and that ebe will soon be all right. The question of the day—Will the Towaohip fathers bave a good driving abed pat up at the Township Hall for the comfort, oonvenienoe end safety ' of the electors' horses and rigs 7 Some patbmaetere are not doing their duty in leaving deep boles in the road which will become much worse when the Fall rains come. Fill them, gentlemen and have the thanks of the public, H. Mooney and wife, of Weyburn, Ansa, expect to come bank to Morrie and spend the Winter here. Tbey will retnrn about December. Mr. Mooney bas been appointed a Juetioe of the Peace and we have no doubt but higher offices will be bie before many yeare elapse. James Robertson, of Blnevale, has par. chased the 100 acre farm on the 2nd line belonging to Robert and Wesley John• eton, paying the sum of $3,450 for it. Mr. -Robertson gate possession next Spring but lute the privilege of doing Fall plowing. F. S. Soott, of Brussels, engineered the sale. We weloome Mr. Robertson to this oommunity and expect ha will do well. Walton. Mies Jennie MoGavin left town this week. Merman M:Lenoan left for Toronto on Monday. Mies Jennie Ferguson is visiting friends in Hallett. Miss Jennie McDonald was in Walton for a few days. Dan. McKay, of Seaforth, was visiting in Walbon last week. Mre. MoVittie and Alioe, of Hallett, were in town this week. Reuben Grimoldby is renewing old aognaintanoee in Walton. Dave Farquharson has returned from the Klondike, where has been since early Spring. Mr. Kilgour, of Dundee, has been en- gaged by W. H. Humphries & Son as blacksmith. Mrs. Geo. McTaggart, of Benridge, is visiting relatives and friends is Walton and vicinity. Next Sabbath Rev. 0, M. Filer will enpply the pulpit of Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, who will preach in Fordwiah, Revivalservioee will be begun at the Bethel appointment, Mo;iillop, of the Methodist church, next week. Sobool is again under elarge of Mise Simpson, who bae returned from ber Summer voyage with fresh energy. The excursionists to the Old Country haus returned. They report a pleaeaat vieit to the mother country but a stormy peewees homeward. OnITUAUY.—Leet week we referred briefly to the sudden demise of Mies Jessie Sage. She was been in Stanley township and bae always lived at home. On the 12th of last July she first felt a smothering sort of feeling bat it passed away shorty alter, Two weeks ;prior to her death there was a re•000urrenoe of it, and a pain in the region of the heart rendering it imposeible for her to lie down. About 6o'olook on the Tuesday morning that she died she spoke about her feet being cold and while Meg. Sage was down stairs heating a couple of brick Jessie spoke to her eider Annie of the terrible pain in her heart and also up her bank and almost immediately ex- pired. Dropsy of the heart was said to be the cause. Mies Sage Wes quite fleshy and eons&:Montly a At subject for each it trouble. Deoeaebd was widely known and reepeoted. She was of a mild, generous disposition with a kind word for everybody. Rev. Me, Abey, who oondnoted the funeral service, ad. mini9teeed the saoramont to her a few days prior to her dloeaeo and elle was quite happy and cheerful over the out- er were J. Nolan look. The all bearere p Dr, Ryan, D. Roller, Goo. Hamilton, Geo. McDonald and W. Murray. Mrs. Webling and Mr, Ash, relatives from Brantford, attended the funeral, There was a large turn out at the inteement which wag made at Brassele oemotbry on Thursday afternoon of last week, Jos. Harvey removed from Walton to his former home in Waterloo. Lewis and Mies Ida McDonald have returned to the Seaforth Collegiate lime. tute. Eli McLaughlin had the stonework built under hie blarlfemith shop this week. The A. 0, U. W Organizer was in town for a few days, and as a result that Society ie booming, having initiated 6 applioante last meeting. Mora are ex- peoted. It is reported that the brook yard will have to suspend active oporatious in Walton owing to the supply of proper clay having run out. However there 1.1 a lot of tile and briok on band yet, The Ladiee' Aid of the Methndiet church will hold it box social at the real. deuce of George Grigg Friday eveuing of this week. A. good program of inetru. mental and vocal music and speaking has been prepared and there's a girl for everybody, The foot ball team played a aloes and interesting match witb the Cranbrook team in Brussels on Saturday evening and were defeated by a score of 1 to 0. The foot that the last half of the game was played in darkness detracted emus. what from the interest and it ishoped that another metal will be arranged. THE LATE Mus. DloxeoN.—Another of the pioneers of MoKillop baa gone to ber sternal rest in the person of Mary Bell, re'iot of the late John Dloksou, who died at the borne of her son, W. J. Diokeon, on Wedneeday of last week, aged 74 years and 0 months, Deoeased was a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and was married to her late husband in 1816, They name to Canada in 1800 living at Paris for a year ; to Wroxeter, Huron Oo, for 8or 9 months and then to Ma- Killop township where they porcheeed their fine 100 acres from the Canada Oo., then a bath lot. Mr. Dickson died on May 14, 1882, aged 02, of a canner of the stomach. The subject of this notice was an invalid for the past 9 years from a fall in the yard in which her hip was fractur- ed. She had to be aided by :irritates in getting about, Three months ago she fell again and since that time was con- fined to her bed. Mre. Danesou was a great but patient sufferer and folly realized that "these light afflictions work out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory," and was quite prepared to say good bye to earthly concerns in Mae hope of enjoying sweet rest in heaven. She was the youngest of 18 children but bad no relatives in Canada, Her child. ren are :—Robert, of Toledo, Ohio ; Thos., of Seaforth ; W. J., on the home- stead ; Andrew, in the Wesbero States ; Ohristopher and Jae., deceased ; Geo., on the homestead ; and Mre. W. Scott, of Minnedoaa, Man. Tbe funeral took pleas on Saturday afternoon, Revde. Messrs. Reid and Tiffin conduobiug the service. There was a large attendance. The pall bearers were :—Jas. and Jno, Horton, of Usborne ; Oho. Swallow, Alex. ,Gardiner, and Wm. Pollard, of MOKillop ; and W. M. Smith, of Walton. Mrs. Diokson will long be remembered in the oommunity for her kind and neighborly deeds. She was among the oldest residents of Ma- Killop, ( re s . Gel something ready for Brassele Fall Fair. Fall wheat begins to show above the ground. Oouooil meeting on Saturday of next week at Ethel Mre. T. McBee visited for a few days in Gerrie last week. Hy, Grainger went to Toronto this week with a load of sheep. A. Hielop, M, P. P., WaS in Toronto for a than visit last week. The acreage of Fall wheat put in will not equal that of last year it is said. Alex. and Mre, McKay, of Elmo., spent Sunday with friends on the 17th oon. Mies Aggie M. Turnbull is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. McFarlane, on the 2nd. Alex. Mo$ay, loth con., has been vis. icing hie daughter at Toronto for a week. Miss Marion McKay, of the Oth con., le vieibing friends on the 16th and 17th cons.. R. Maunders had charge of the Hen- fryn aide of the Ethel oirenit Iaet Sab - bath, Mise Lizzie Ross, of Brussels, is visit- ing the Misees Strachan and Taylor, erd oon. Mies Mary McDonald, of the 2nd oon., is taking in the sights at the London Fair this week. Mre. Thee, Driver, of Blanshard, was spending a few days under the parental roof, on the 10th oon. Hartwell and Mrs. Sperain and Robb. Robe:aeon, of the 16th oon., book in the Toronto Fair last week. Mies 13, Miller, who bag been visiting Mende on Berlin and Shakespeare, re- turned home on Tuesday, Miss Maggie Bozell left on Thursday for Toronto where she purpoaee malting her home for some time. John 13. MoLauohlin, who has been on the siok list, is able to get about again and is regaining his usual health. It is said that D. Kellner had the mis- fortune to fall in the barn and injure his Moe. We hope be Will soon be better. Miasea P. Jaokeon, S. Pearson, 0. Mo• Quarrie and Robb. Pearson returned to Listowel on Monday to resume their studies at the High school. A timber of the young men of the 8rd and 4th are suffering with a eevere cold. Wonder where did yea catch it, boys 2 Looks bad tbie time of year. Roberti Bell, of the Bed oon., who went Weed a few weeks ago, had the mfsfat. tune to nip a piece off one of hie fingers in the gearing of a harvesting machine, Ole is able to work again however. Master John T. Strachan, of the 8rd, ie now attending the Brnesele Public School to prepare for the Primary exam. of 1900. He is a bright youth and will matte hie mark wherever be goes. May enaoeg0 be pure, John. A Dominion upright piano Itas been 1)urohaeed by Duncan Taylor, 8rd non„ from Juo. Walker, agent, Bruseele, At) both Mr, and Mise Taylor are love of maim good time should be put in boom this date, Mica Belle Strachan has taken a mil- linery situation In the town of Petrolia, going there from London. We are pleased to hear that Mre, Tilos, Strachan is improving in health, and we hope the will goon be convaleeeent, Ltet Nook Fletober Spading had a horse quite seriously gored by a eow but the animal is getting around all right. Among those who took in the Toros. to Exhibition are Mr. and Mrs. Doig, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharpie, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Robartaun and Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott. H. J, Fulton, of Golly, Wyoming, U. S., WEE visiting at James Ferguson'a last week. Ile le engaged he ranching la company with T. A. Ferguson, formerly of this locality. Mr. Fulton was on hie way to Maine where he will visit relit. tvea and friends ds at his old home. He has been in the West about 16 years. The following item was mislaid and should have appeared some time ago :— During a thunder storm on a Sunday night some weeks since lightning streak the reeidenoe of Alex. Roes, Gorrie. It came down the chimney and shattered one room pretty badly. Fortunately there was no one in the room at the time or the reaalt might have been serioaa. The inmates reooived a severe &book. It was a close call Smyth Commis Auoau.—We eongratn• late N. S. MoLauoblin, of the Silver Corners cheese factory, upon bis signal suaceas at the Industrial Fair, Toronto, this year, he having won the Windsor Salt Co'e prize of 650, or a gold medal, for the beat lot of cheese at the Exhibi- tion. Considering the keen competition from all parts of Canada our young friend bas reason to feel elated. This is the second Windsor Salt Co. sweepstakes prize that bas come to Elmo., the Newry factory having won the distinction in 1897. During the three seasons Mr. 1110. Lau:dein has had obarge of the Silver Corners factory he bas continued to make improvements in the equipment of the plant and in the quality of the product turned out, uutil today this fac- tory ranka among the very best butter and cheese faotories in the country. In addition to the skill and oarefaloeas of our makers, there appease to be some. thing in the grass and purity of the water that makes the oheese of this lo- cality of superior quality compared with that of other dietriate. Prominent cbeeeemen readily admit this fact. A. FOE)MER RESIDENT PASSES AWAY.— The subject of this notice, John J. Mo. Lublin, was born in the township of Malahiie on the 20th of July 1824 and at the age of 10 he swore eternal allegiance to the King of Kings and obese that good part never to be taken away. Of hie adolescent days we have no knowledge but doubt not that they were rightly spent. About 35 yeare ago he moved to the 4th con. of Grey where the writer be• name intimately and profitably acquaint. ed with him. After a short stay on the 4th he moved to the 12th con., occupying lot 3. Mr. MoLaohlin was a Methodist and one that had the old time ring in him and he did all be his power to aid the cause both spiritually and financially that he so moth loved. He Wae a man whose piety was not of the superficial kind but of deep rooted character, Re made religion the main business of his life and attended to it energetioally from day to day. Mr. MoLaohlin was a man who believed, and anted out bie belief, that the Christian Life did not °oueiet so moth in a glowing profession as in a true, heartfelt possession ; not so much in a high Bounding talk as a lowly Christ - like walk. After severing bie connection with that part of the oounbry he entered the tanning business in Exeter for a short tame, moving from there to Manitoba where be again took np farming. He succeeded in gathering, by honest iodize. try, a fair share of this world's riches, but at the same time was not unmindful of the Scriptural injunction "Lay up for yourselves treasure in Heaven." Having been in poor health for some time his physician advised a change of climate, so he decided to visit friende and relatives in Michigan and Ontario. On arriving in Michigan be took worse and passed triumphantly away on the evening of the following day. He leaves to mourn bie departnre a widow, two sons and one daughter in Manitoba, two esters in Michigan, and two sisters and one brother in Ontario, "Yet again we hope to see him face to face, And tell the story, saved by grace." Mr. MaLauohliu was uncle to Miss Laura Smith, People We Know. Joo. Wynn is at London. Sam. Beattie is bank from the West. Mrs.. Bleadows, sr., is visiting in Lou- don. Mies Maud Hoggard is visiting at Gerrie. Geo. Howe spent several lays in To. ronto. Mrs. Mooney, John street, is still very poorly. Postmaster and Mrs. Farrow are at London. Mies Maud Peebles, of Detroit, is here on a visit, Mrs, G. A. Deadman is visiting at Woodstock. Will. Forbes, of Ripley, was in town over Sunday. J.11. Spatting, of Whiteohurab, San- dayed in town. Miss Maggie Beattie is holidaying at the Forest City. Will. Griffith line taken a position in 0, 0. Rose' store. Mies Lizzie Sample WAS visiting in Loudon this week. Miss l3eoty and George were visiting at the Queen Oity, Garfield Vanatone and Ivan Crooke Sandaled in Wingham. Robert Pergueon has taken a situation with Robb, Rose in Kincardine. Mies Blakeman is book from a five - weeks' visit. with Mende at Ayton. Mrs, W. H. Donnelly, of Oasoade, B. C., is visiting the Lowry families in town. Miss Annie Lowry and Ashley and Eddie are renewing old friendships in London. Fred. Adams is attending Boodon Fair. D. A. Crudsn le fleeing the eights at London Fair, Mies Fannie Sample ie holidaying with London friends. Mrs. Dr. MoOullough left for bar home in Detroit on Tharedsy. Won. Kueohtel took a well earned holt. day to London this week, Mrs.13. Gerry wee eating her dangh. ter in Seaforth tbie week. James Walker and wife, of Wingham, were in town last Monday. Harry Moore, sou of 111. H. Moore, V, S., is gradually improving. W. Jamas and bride arrived home from Toronto on Wednesday night. Mrs. David Moore has been on the siok list but le improving nicely now, t is J. J. Gilping to able a about on orntobos but his leg is alit] galla sore. W. Blashill and wife were visiting ab London and vicinity during the paid week. Mrs. Mitchel MEII street arrived home on Friday from a three -weeks' visit at Belmore. Mrs. George Edwards is dangerously ill. We hope she may have a speedy recovery. Jas. Thomson and Rab. MoOraoken were doing the London Fair during the past week. Miss Gratia, daughter of Dr. Kalb. fleieoh, has been serlouely ill but is now improving. Mr. May, of Mitchell Collegiate Inati- tate, spent a few days at the Methodist Parsonage. Mre, T. B. Keyworth, of Emily City, Mich., Ie visiting her sister-ia-law, Mre. J. Y. S. Kirk. Mrs. MoGee and daughter, of Bayfield, were visiting ber sister, Mre. Jerry Slash - this week. Mise May Shaw, of Teeewater, former- ly of Brueeele, ie Ailing a millinery posi- tion at Woodstock. Misses Maggie and Bella Oliver, of Queen Street, are visiting friends in Strat. ford, and Shakespeare. Mies Armstrong, of Listowel, has re. turned to her millinery eituation in Miea Roddlok's store, Brueeele. Alby Robinenu, representative of Com- fort Soap, was in town on Tuesday. He is well known in Brussels. W. F. Scott is home after an athletic tour among the Caladonian Societies of Canada and the United States. Miss Maggie Burgess left on Thursday for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., after a visit of a few months in this locality. Mrs. Barbara Strachan is not enjoying very good health this Sommer but we hope a change for the better will soon set in. E. 0. Doolord left on Monday for a ba aiuess trip to Winnipeg and the West where be annually dose quite a trade in ordered clothing. Mr. Miller, of Hibbert, ie visiting at George McMillan's thio week. He buried bis wife last month. Mrs. Dither and Mre. Mo5lillon were sisters. Mre. Cberrie, of Brooklyn, N. Y., fg the gueet of Mrs. George Thomson. The ladies pot acquainted in the first instance on shipboard crossing the Atlantic. Mre. Williamson is here from Winni- peg and about used up with inflammatory rbeutnatiem. She is a daughter of Walter Smith's. We hope she will soon be better. Last weelc Walter Innes, of Messrs. Ewan & Innes, visited the Carriage faotory at Brookville, and spent a few days in studying the ins and outs of that moving institution, The law partnership of Holt & Holmes, Goderioh, has been dissolved by mutual 000aent. Mr. Holmes bas opened an office on West street. Mr. Holt continues bis praotioe in the old stand. Mies Mabel Hayaroft, of town, was visiting at G. Stewart's, Olinton, and was also the guest of Mr. and Mre. Lovett, Summerhill. Mise Shepherd, of Sommerhiil, came beck with Miss Hay - croft. Mies Clara Howell, who bas been visit. ing Mre. S, T. Plum, returned to New Hamburg on Tburoday. Mre, Howell, Mre. Plum's mother, went away the same day and will visit her daughter, Mre. Green, at Bright. Mrs, Holmes, of the Askin -at. Maths. diet parsonage, London, formerly of Mitchell, is confined to her room owing to the dislocation of a small bone in the instep, and it may be several weeks be- fore she will be able to walk. Tho Kingston Whig gays of a former Brusselite t—J. Smillie, formerly of Toronto, who has spent nine years in Australia on the staff of Beldon Bros., publishers, is in the city for a week, on business and pleasure bent. He is author of "Descriptive Australia" and "Rustle Rhymes." Juo. Shaw, formerly Principal of Bras - eels Ptiblio School, is teaching for the Fall term at Collingwood, although the family is residing in Teeewater. Mr. Shaw met with great emcees in the Teeewater sobool last term, having 10 out of 11 pase the Eatranoe and 9 out of 10 win in the Leaving. Brussels Seltool Board, The regular meeting of the Pabli° Sobool Board was held in the Board room last Friday evening All members present, The minutes of the last regular meet.' ting were read and passed. The following aoaoante were read, and on motion of S. G. Skene, seconded by D. 0, Roes, were ordered to be paid :— Royal Arti$oial Paving Co,, 6511b.a66 10 A. Sample, kaleomining, 9 60 Amount foe earubbing wheel, 2 60 Moved by W. O'.'Vanetone, eenondedby 7. G. Skene, that the Board borrow the sum of 1850,00 from the Standard Bank for three months to pay presehb note and quarter salaries,—Carried. Moved by W. P. Vanetone, geootded by D. O. Roes, that the Beata request the MMoioipal Council of the village of Brut. bele to logy aad celled the earn of 61,400.00 to pay °arrant expeneee of the whoa' for the year x.899. parried. Board then adjourned.