HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-7, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST SEPT. 7, 1899 When Children should wear glasses t. When their eyes are not straight. 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 3. When reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily of reading or studying. All sure signs that great, benefit will be derived from wearing glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. G. A. Deadman, Druggist and Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. PIbevelit S�ut We have prebend au extra supply of Bloeatone which le an 00• hnowledged prevention of smut in Fall Wheat. It you are troubled with smut let uo supply you. Spatial pride in quantities for this purpose. Keep away . . . • The Dust when threshing by uaing Wire Goggles and a Sponge. We have both. G. A. DEADM AN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. RRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. S0OTBBBN ESTENSION W. e. & B. Trains leave Braesele Station, North and South, as follows ; Goma SOUTH. GOING NonTH, 0 =MSS 7:16 0.m,Mail ........... 2:10 p.m {fixed 0:45 a.m, 1 Express 10:17 p.m Nn cal Ettas kerns. A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. GET ready for Fall. CoA, has advanced in price. FINE rain Tuesday and Thursday morn - loge. A GOOD Fan trade is predicted on all sides. I21PRovE1ENTS are being made in the Orange Hall. Tus big pumpkin and log cabin quilt now take their innings. Da. Surma has had the inoandeeoeut eleotrfc light plaoed in hie drag store. A GREAT many Brueeelitee are used up with bad oolda owing, no doubt, to the changeable weather. be added to the DITIONAL bOOke will AD already splendid oolleotion at Brussels Public Library. LAST Saturday the oid baggage and oil houses need at the depot were loaded on a fiat car and hauled away from Brussels. 25 Dente, in advance, will snare THE Pon for tha balance of 1899. Tell your neighbor. Itis cheaper than borrowing any longer. THE telegraph lineman was here on Wednesday land made some necessary changes in the poise and lines opposite T. Fletober's office. HARVEST Excursion will be run on Tuesday of next week, 12th inst., to the West, good to return until Nov. 11th. See advt. in this issue as to fares. JNO. Waaaos, of Listowel, received 4th o prize for life roadster team at the In• dnstrie! Fair last week in a clan of 10. He was also awarded 4011 for a 2 year old with 19 competitors in the ring. FAR1tiR8' ATTENTION.—L. S. Town & Co. have ranted the Brussels evaporator amt want 10,000 baebele of apples for whicb they will pay the highest market price. Also a quantity of wood. Call at the evaporator and get prides or en• quire of S. E. Lyman at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, 9 3 Ten sidewalk gang is at work at prep. eat on Princess etreet having completed the walk and aroesiogs on King etreet. A vigorous effort should be made to finish the crossings on Main etreet and get the banking to the several walke well and carefully done before the Fall rains set in. Some necessary filling in around the new oatoh basins should also be seen after promptly. Tun COUNTY BRIDGEe.—Tbeae structures are generally repainted every eix pima or so. They are receiving a general coat now by G. A. Phippen, painter and door. ator, of Wingham, who also had the eon. trent the previous 6 years. They are to be resplendent in bright red thio time, elate being the late color. In all there are some .16 bridges, and Mr. Phippen and his assistants have completed those at Wingham, Wroxeter, Brussels, Blyth, Manebeater, Goderioh and Clinton. Those remaining are et Kippen, two at Exeter, Ohieelbaret, Kirkton, Grand Bend, Londeaboro, Grieves (Seaforth,) and at Egmondville. Saxon Board Friday evening of thie week. A. J. LowoY and staff are at work on the foundation of Fred. MoOraoken'e new residence, D. A. Lowry will do the brink work. THE EVAPORATOR WILL RCN —Messrs. Town & Co. have leased the Mahler Evaporator at the G. T. R. and will operate it this season. They are prepar- ed to bay any quantity of apples for which they will pay the beet price going. Smoot, opened on Tuesday for the Fall term with all the teaohera in their planes. The only new face on the staff ie Mies Brook, of Sandridge, Ont., wbo comes highly recommended. She nomads Mr. Welsher who went to Wallenberg to assume the Principalship of the Separate R. C. school. THURSDAY evening `of this week the Lady Maaoabees of Brussels will give an At Home in their Lodge room in the Stewart block. Mise Irwin, the organ• izer, will deliver an address on the work of the Order and maeioal and literary eelectioae will also be rendered after which a lunch will be served, AFTER THE KITTY.—Labor Day our bowlers made a trip to the good town of Clinton to have a friendly oonteet with the expert bowl trnndlere of that plane. They found en elegant lawn ; a hearty welcome, en's 1 me and had a most enjoyable able time. Two matches were played, the first resulting in Clinton winniog by 5 shote and a tie game in the afternoon with play- ers layere reversed, The teams were :— JUST So.—If you expect t0 oongner in shuttle of today, yon bave to blow your trumpet in a firm, determined way. If you toot your whistle only, and lay aside your born, there to not a living soul will know that you were ever born, Tbe man who owns hie sore is the man who plows all day, and the man who keeps a bum. ming is the man who hi there to stay. Bnt the man who advertises with a Bort of Bodden jerk, is the man who blames the printer man because it doesn't work. The man who gets the business nese lots of printers' ink—nof a clatter, not splat- ter, but an ad, that melee you think— and plena hie advertising as he plane his store and stook, and the future of his bueinese is solid aa a rock. BRUSSELS. Jas. Ballantyoe, Jno. Hewitt, D. O. Ross, J. N. Gordon, skip Manumit= —The banns of marriage were Solemnized Wednesday morning, at 6 o'clock, this week, by Rev, G. J. Abey, reotor of St, John's church, Brussels, at the residence of the bride'e parento, Tarnberry street, between Will. James, a well known young man of. the town, and Mies Alice, eldest daughter of Robt. Watt, of Brunets, travelling salesman for the Waterone Co„ Brantford. Wrn, Watt,brother of the bride, of Toronto, was groomsman, and Miss Hannah Hewitt, of Paris, bridesmaid. The bride was neatly attired in a travelling costume. A large number of valuable and useful wedding gifts were made. After hearty congratulations the company eat down to a well prepared wedding breakfast after whiob the happy twain took the train at 7.113 for Toronto on a wedding tour. Mr. and 112en. James will take up their reoidenoe On 3chn street on their return, Where they begin housekeeping on their Own ao00nnt with the swoon wishes of their malty friends for a happy and prosperous f00are. THN POST nhroWe an editorial slipper after them, A. D. Daman, Jae. Irwin, A. Ooneley, J. H. Cameron, Lack Kennedy, skip 14 skip 39 Totals 29 84 CLINTON, Dr. Shaw, B. Coombe, F. Fair, W. P. Spaulding, - 15 skip 15' T. Jackson, T. Leokie, D. L. McPherson, B. Cocoeoo o Wae at Fergie putting up a inonam950 thie week. Paseaffiemne are tiling made to lay down uew Dement walks on the \Peet side of Elizabeth street, WANTED, au apprentice, at mute, to learn the drag Women. Uhl or boy. 1',xoellent ohanoo. Apply at the Peopled' Drug Store. Dr. 1). F. Smith, Brue,eie, 25 OWN, in advanoe, gets Tam POST for the balanoe of 1899. For 86 oente we will mail you THE POST and Weekly Globe to Jan, let. Now is the time to eubsoribe. 11MEoeii , CocnnANE & JOHNSTON, maybe dealers, have pttrohaaed the half more fronting on Josephine St,, Wingbalu, and lying South of Be'l's factory, oocnpiod by the perchance as snarl ie works. We uuderatand the price paid was betweeu 9800 and 9900. Duncan McPuoneoc, of Wiugham, who has been iuepeotor of the new cement walks in Brnssels for the past 2i menthe, has returned to hie home to pteh the apple taneiuees. He is a good man and gives careful attention to bis work. Ile will be aaooeeded here by 9'. S. Sonat who is also the Engineer in laying out the walks. WILLI.AM KNEONTEL, of the 14th Don„ McKillop, formerly of Brussels, has 0180 of the beat orope of peas we have heard of for some time, and one which will be hard to beat. From 10 aoree were threshed 152 bags, whicb, when weighed, averaged 23 buebe'e to the bag. Thie is a yield of 38 bu•hele tetne acre, and they were all olean and free from huge. That 10 aoree has certainly done its duty this year. FOOT BALL.—A foot ball match between the juniors of Brussels and Blyth was played on Viotoria Park here on Monday afternoon, the borne team winning by 1 to 0, A eeoond goal was claimed by our boys but not allowed. The teams lined up as follows t— EMSTH POSITION BRUBBELO BaughGoal....... ........... Stephenson F Srwio n B030 Soaker Naito 13 artliff }Swing{ Thomson Tilnm eon ......... J P n bl n Rhone Dennison Watson Smith Metttllan Grist Taman } 1, 0 Wing { oe 00 Haynes00.0110 Tony Sample was the Referee. Blyth was Due player short so Brussels dropped one off also to balance. } Backs .1�4Books { The Olintoniane have promised to ,live e rattan matoh this Fall if can be ar- ranged. SAWYER & Mreoex GnananPuaoaasen.— In keeping pace with the times in the up-to-date manner of street and road making, Brussels Connell asked the Sawyer & Moesey people and the Good Ronde Machinery Go. to give a public teat of their respective road graders, agreeing to parobase the one that gave the best satisfaction to them. Friday, Sept. 100, was the date chosen and John etreet, Bruseele, the plaoe,reaoh machine having a block allotted to them, Rod be. fore a big crowd of spectators the ma. chines were set to work with two teams on nob. General Agent Calder took charge of the Sawyer & Massey and work- ed between Church and Ellen streets, doing a very neat and satisfactory pieoe of work tbat pleased the Oonnoil, who were the judges. John Saunders, of At- wood, and an outside agent handled the other machine between Church and Market streets, the grader being the property of the former. They proved that their machine was 'competent to do good work too. Both of these taste being on angravetled streets it was agreed to see what they could 80 on the hard gravel road, and were taken to Tarnberry street where in the hardest hard -pan they both made a number of rounds, and proved their metal to no small degree. Whioh grader would the Gounoil Dur. obese after the afternaon'e display of their capability 7 was the question ask. ed by many. The Council settled the matter the same evening by giving an order to Masers. Cardiff & Best, the local agents, for the Sawyer & Massey, and the machine that wee tested that day became the property of the town. Saha- day forenoon Mr, Calder took the grader to John street and put the finiebing touches on the two blocks graded the day before and left them in fine shape. The Sawyer & Massey people claim theft maohine to be strong, durable, simple in oonetruetion, easy of operation, and to excel in adaptability to do all kinds of road work and road ditching, They call it the beet beoaneelthe draft is direct the floating eoraper blade outs evenly and smoothly and yet is not so rigid as to break machine ; the wheels passing 0000 rough plains do not affect the evening of the out ; frame ie beat channel steel and adapts Resit to the motion of the wheels in rough work ; the positive means of reversing scraper blade ; it has a circle within a oirole ; the height of maohine gives ample elevation to eoraper blade and enables operator to always see his work, and the extensible axle pre - ()Indite npeete ; all adjnetmenta are made by operator from his place on machine ; all adjastmente are easy. These and other reasons have proven so satisfactory to municipalities and private individu• ale that saloe are an almost daily occur- rence and along with their atone orothers and road rollers are giving the boat of satiefaction. On Labor Day, at the instance of Councillor Warwick, the grader was taken to the half.mne tracts On the Grey Branch Agrionitural Park, t s at the the hand of new men eeint wh r baoinese, the track wee put in a tidy shape. Bruesele, with its new walks and the grading and gravelling of the etreete, will not be =paned, if equalled, by any other place of las eine in the rL'rovin00, C11U1O011 CHLllh�. Junior rally ; at the latter meeting there will be a display of young Canadian patriotism in oonneotiou with the ohild• ren'e exertion whioh are being prepared. Bus}ness Locals. Tooior0[Y coed at MoOraoken'e. COTTAGE 00 rent, Apply to J. 3. Gilpin. Coaaon'anLE helms to rent. Apply to John 1t. Smith, Brunets. 9.01 Fou sale ohoap. two set second•band single harness. I, C. Rioherde. Ewan & INNEe will sell the balance of this year's buggies at it large reduotion, TEmtmLE elaugbter in prises of buggies at Ewan & Innea'. The beet buggies in the market. Tuc biggest bargains ever offered in Brussels et Ewan & Innes' tor the balance of 1899. WANTED, Batter and eggs, still the name price, 14a. The sale still goes.— Everything goes. G. E. KING, Wingham. A xeuooen of buggies, new and old, must be sold at Ewau & Innes'. Call and see. Prime away down. , =OR=. BALL—In Grey, on Aug, 17th, the wife of kir, Wm. Hall of a eon. MILLs.—In Hallett, on August 28th, the wife of Mr, Wm. Mille of a eon. WILxi/smN.—In Morrie, on Ang. 80th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Wilkinson of a daughter. 2.6.A.RR2=L JASIEe—WATT: At the residence of the bride's parents, o0 Wednesday, Sept. 0th, by Rev. G. J. Abet', air. Will. James, to Mies Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Watt, all of Brunetti. MOMuoouoe-000080.—At St. Andrew's church, Bluth, on Augoet 30th, by Rev. A. McLean, Mr. James Mc- MaMurohie to Mise Edna Curtis, both of Blyth. DAY—Iouttion —In Wingham, on Aug. 24 h, by Rev. W. Freed, MizeMinnie ee Ireluud to Mr. Jae. Day, both Wingham. Sitars—MOIIARDY.—Io Toronto, on Thurs- day, Aug. 17th, by Rev. A. E. Caseen, Mr. S. H. Smith, of Toronto, to M toe N. MaHardy, daughter of Mr. T. H. MaHardy, of Clinton. 'Our own Sooiety" will be next Sab- bath evening's topic at Melville Endeavor. Maitland Presbytery will hold its next regular meeting in Wingham on Wedoes• day, 27th inst. Rev. R. Paul oocupied the pulpit of Roe's church,3rd con., Grey, last S nb. bath mornin. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Holmes will preach a discourse on "Ingereollism vs. Christianity." Rev. J. Holmes and B. Gerry repre- sented Brunets Methodism at Wingham Dietriot meeting at Bioevale on Wedoea. day. Moe. Thornley, of London, Provincial President of the W. 0. T. U., will lecture in the Baptist ;March, Stratford, on Sept. 12th. Harvest Home aervioee in the Metho. diet °burab, Brussels, on Sabbath, 24th inst. Tea meeting Monday evening fol. lowing. Rally Sunday will be observed in the Methodist Sabbath school on the let Bab. bath of Outober. Further announce. ment' be made. will Rev. J. Bali, of Kirkton, formerly of Atwood, who has been laid up with ty piloid fever, is somewhat better and is improving very slowly. Rev. Jos. Edge, pastor of the Welling- ton Street Methodist church, London, and President of the London Oonferenoe, ie seriously ill, and his physioiane say he will be confined to his bed for several months, Rev. Joo. Holmes preaobed Iaot Sab- bath morning in the Methodist ohurob from the text "If we confess oar Bios Ha is faithful and just to forgive c0 our eine, &o." "Exaltation" was the theme in the evening. Rev, Mr. Abey's morning text last Sunday was Gen. 32 and 11 and Gen. 33 and 4. "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain," was the passage of Scrip - tura chosen as the foundation of the evening discourse. Arrangements are completed for the program for the anneal Provincial Oon• volition to be held in Galt on Oot. 24th, 25th and 260h. The principal speaker of the Convention will be B. F. Jacobs, a prominent Sunday school worker of Chicago. Last Sabbath moroing Rev. Juo. Ross, B. A„ preached a Missionary sermon from the words found in St. Matthew 13:87.38. In the evening the subjeot was "The Gospel Net," Matt. 18:47.50, from whioh an excellent discourse was preach. ed. SAGE.—In Walton, on Sept. 4, Jessie, daughter of Mrs. Chas. Sage, aged 39 years, 1 month and 25 days. Cool:,—In East Wowanoeh, on Sunday, Aug. 2701i, Joseph Cook, need 83 years. MoDoNAan,—In Stratford, or Sept. 6, Margaret Miller, wife of Rev. W. MoDooagt, and mother of Mrs. W. 6Din ham Stratford, aged 87 years. Draltsoc.—In MoKillop, on Wednesday, Sept. 6, Mary Bell, relict of the late John Dickson, aged 74 years and 9 months. Funeral will leave the residence of ber son, W. J. Dickson, near Walton, on Saturday at 2 p. m. Service at 1.30 o'olook. Interment at Brussels ceme- tery. CnnIBTIAtt ENDEAVOR.—The firet Do. minion Christian Endeavor Convention will be held in Montreal, beginning Thursday evening, Dot, 5th, and closing Monday night, Ont. 9th, 1899. The meetings will be held in the elegant and commodious Bt. James Methodist oharcb, St. Catharine street, Single first -oleos fare for round trip, from all stations in Canada, is the rate granted to delegates by all the railway companies. Aoaommo• dation in the homes of citizens or in boarding bousee during the Convention, eau be secured at the uniform rate of 50 canto per night for lodging and 25 Dente each for meals, by applying at once to the chairman of the Hotel Committee, J. H. Oayford, 267 St. James etreet, Montreal. Hotel accommodation may be had by those who prefer it, in good re. speotable plane, at from 91.50 to $3,50 per day. Tho program, which ie arrang- ed by the Canadian Gounoil of Christian Endeavor, is very inviting and promisee to be full of interest and profit to all who attend, and very praotloal and help. Int to C. E, workers. 'Various topica, under the heads bf Christian Citizen. ship, Missions, Bible study, Junior work, &o„ will be discussed. Spealtero are ex. peoted from every province, and at least two :from the United States, namely, Rev. J. Wilber Chapman, D. D„ of New York pity, and J. Willis Baer, Searelary of the United Society of Christian En• deavor, of Boston. Both of these gentle. men are distinguished leaders in the 0. E. movement, able and eloquent, and very much beloved by Endeavorere. The former ill conduit it rQolt Hour" " 0.0 the opening 00001on oil Tbaroday, Fri- day and Saturday. Muth promiuenoo will be given to Jan}or Christian En. deavor, On Saturday there will be a Junior Workers' breakfast and a grand EXOSSS2Q'S071-S, Western Fair, London, Sept. 7-16. Central, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23. Strathroy, Sept, 18-20, Clinton, Sept. 19-20. Oolliogwood, Sept. 19-22, l Wingham, Sept.p-20. 9 Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 19-20. Listowel, Sept. 19-20. Central, Guelph, Sept. 19-21. Port Elgin, Sept. 21-22 Woodstock, Sept. 21-23. North Brant, Poria, Sept. 25-26. Center 'Bruce, Paisley, Sept. 26-27. South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26-27. Atwood, S4 pt. 26-27. Ripley, Sept. 26-27. Harriatou, Sept. 27-28. Teeewater, Sept. 27-28. Goderioh, Sept. 26-28. Milverton, Sept. 28-29. Belgrave, Sept. 28-29. Waterloo South, Galt, Sept. 98-29. Luoknow, Oat. 3-4 Stratford, Oot. 3-4 Brussels, 000. 5-6. Gorrie, Oot. 7. Blyth, Oat. 9-10. Kincardine, Dot. 10-11 Dungannon, Oot. 11-12. Fat Stook Show, Guelph, Deo, 5-8 STA ND 0.'.i .7z D RINE OF C,.l N 4 D,.2 , 9S'S'ATTMI-M 3D 1E72. HEAD OFFIOE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (Ono Million Dollare) • 91,000,000 R1h1$1IRVE FUND , 9000,000 Agenoies in all principal points itt Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States if England. mY4Nr all'2 s . 'e.$aVeire A, General Banking nosiness Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dleoonnted, Drafts Ismail and Golleotiona made on all po' nto. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEM'r. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards. SPECIAL ATTENTION MEN TO THE GOLLE0TI0N or Francine' SALE NOTES, Every faoility afforded Gnetomere llviug at a diotanoe. J. N. GORDON, ACTINO AGENT. $4 to 94.25 per own. Sheep and Lambe -- Trading in this line had a lively tone ; values underwent no quotation change and sheep for export and butobere' nee were quotable at 95.50 to $3,76 per own. ; good butobere' sheep bought at 92,75 to 98 eaoh, and a few bonobee of extra ohoioe lambs, $4 to $4.25 per cwt. Hoge —The quotations took another slum to- day, and the market was very irregular ; ohoioe seleotione were quoted do per Ib. lower, or $4.75 per owt„ and light and think fats were also quoted to per lb. easier, or $4.60 per own. ; eowe remained unchanged, at $5 per cwt., and stags were quiet at $2 per cwt. East Buffalo, Sept. 5.—Cattle—The only offerings were a few bunches left over yesterday. There was a fair demand at a shade envier than yesterday's prices. Calves nominally unebanged in the absence of quotable offerings. Sheep and Lambe —The offerings were abort six loads, including two loads of Canada lambs. There were no changes in the features of the market. Extra lambs in good de• mend and quotable, 95,25 to 95.50 ; good to choice, $5 to 95.25. Sheep, choice to extra, 94.50 to 94 76 ; good to ohoioe, $4.25 to 94.50. Canada lambs were quotable, 96.15 to $6.38. Hoge—Tbe offermge were 30 loads. The market Wile slow and fully 5o lower than yester• day. Heavy were gnotable, 94.60 to 94.• 65 ; mixed, 94.70 ; Dorn Yorkers, 94.70 ; pige, $4 56 to 94.65 , grassers, 94.40 to 94.60 ; roughs, 93.65 to 93.75 ; stags, 92.- 75 to $3.25. Toronto, Sept. 5.—Wheat, inactive ; continues unchanged ; Ontario red and white, 08o ; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, Toronto and West, 78io and G. I. T. at 81a. Flour—Quiet ; straight roller in buyere' bags, middle freights, is quoted at 92.65 bid, and 92.75 asked. Mill Peed ted at 911 t0 11: Bran ie quoted $ roe. _Baa q i hie and shorts 94.00. 60 ; middle !reg Peas—There is some demand of peas for immediate shipment at 55c North and West ; same October shipment, 520. Oate—Weak, owing to low cables ; new white, North and West, 23e, and mixed, 22e. Rye—Quiet ; oar lots, East, 510 and West 490. Corn—Dull; No. 2 American, track, Toronto, 40o. Ingersoll, Sept. 5.—Obeeee offerings to• day, 1,050 boxes ; no Bales ; lido bid ; small attendance ; market quiet. Gampbellford, Sept. 5.—At to•day'e market, 1,125 boxes of cheese were board• ed. Watkins bongbt 345 boxes at 11 18/16o ; Hodgeoo, 60 boxes at 11. 13/16o ; Brenton, 100 boxes at 11 13/16o ; balance unsold. M",.., -00=2..,S a.0:AR2ifr-'Ts. Fall Wheat 65 66 Barley 80 85 Peas 50 62 Oats .. 22 28 Butter, tube and rolls ., 14 14 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Flour per barrel4 00 4 00 PoOetoee (per bus) 50 60 Apples (per bag) 50 50 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Hides trimmed 67 76 Hides rough Balt per bbl., retail 1 3000 70 05 Sheep Ocilla, each Lamb skins each 25 25 Hogs, Live 4 00 0 4 25 18 Wool Voters' List Court. N ()Bee is hereby given that a Court will be 11018, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1840, by his Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the county of Huron, at the Township Hall, on the 18tl1 day of Septum. Mir, 1899, at 10.80 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear nod determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Grey fur 1800, All per. sons having bueinees at the Court are re- quired to attend at the said time and plane. WM, SPIONCE. Dated Aug. 80, 1800. Clerk Of Grey. Toronto, Sept. 6.—The arrivals were 72 carloads, composed of 1,000 cattle, 1,080 sheep and lambs, 30 miloh mows, 150 calves and 1,206 hogs ; although the mar. kat experienoed unfavorable weather at the opening, the trading in each branch was of a very brick character, consider. ing the oironmotan0ea ander which it was laboring, The market showed more life in every respeot and prices, if anything, were a little steadier for ohoioe tattle ; for export cattle an exceptionally brisk feeling prevailed ; choice exporters were quoted at $4.60 to $5 per cwt., and light, wbi0h were in ample Ripply, Moiled firm prices of 98,75 to94.60per rivet. Butohere Cattle—Tbore was nothing of nominal in- terest; to note in this branch ; ohoioe seleo- Mona were quoted at 98,50 to 94 per oast ; medium and common grades, whioh made up the bulk of the offerings, met with a briek demand at prices ranging from 92.60 to 98,76 per own. ; a few choice heavy bulls sold readily at steady prices, or 93.50 to 94.25, quiet at $2 to 99.25 per cwt. Stockers and Feeders—There was very little trading in Canadian eteckers for Buffalo ; a few bunches of extra good grades of 'dodoes found ready salt at a slight advance in prides, but common stook were unsalable, and a largo numbet were atilt in the pens at the ohne ; Obeiee were quoted' at $8 to 98.60 per own. ; a few bunohoo of extra good feeders fetobod AUCTION SALE I1 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. EAVYY DRAUGHT MARE 8 years old and foal for sale, or a tidy farm horse same age. Your choice, Apply to THOS. M00RE, Brussels. Ott TOT ANTED AT THE BRIJS. ails Evaporator, 10,000 bushels of Apples, for whish the highest market price will be paid. L. S. TO WN & Co. 0.3 ORSES FOR SALE.—THE undersigned -bas 1 spoil of mares cora- lug 4 years, and. 1 mare coming 8 years for sale. All sound. Apply o0 lot 10, con, 5, Grey. JOHN Lawn. 0-2* of Valuable Property IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. tTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on 00111 street, Brussels. The house is a comfortable one, well fitted it 1, with oellar, hard and soft water, &o. There is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden ; over ono. quarter a0re of laud. For pelma, terms, the., apply to H. NN, Proprietor, or W. H. IF1 ERIt of THE PoeT. 19.00 REAL ESTATE. VIRUS FOR SALE.—THE UN- romuneNED has Several good Farms for aerie and to rout, easy terms, 10 Towuabipe 01 Morrie and Grey. F S. SCOTT,Bruoeele FARM FOIE. SALE.—THE The eudersigued oilers his farm, be- teg E 4 Lot 7, Cou. 17, Oroy, oo0taiong 50 emus, Siteree being good hardwood bosh, for sale- There is anew frame house 18x28, new bort,taiwiis0tneoopven aany time, the01i0o'r if desired. Farm i0 two miles from Village of Walton. For further particulars as to ps or ries, terms, OS. JOHNSTON, theWalton P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. —THE undersigned offers his 100 acre farm, being 8 t Lot 27, Con. 0, Norris, for Bale, 4.11 cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. House. bank barn, orchard, &o., 14 miles fromBruseele and only mile to school. Possession gluon after harvest. If uot Bold by Sept. 1st will bo leased for a term of fears For price, terms, &o., apply • 1r byletter, on aha premises, m toetAMES PRTOH, Brussels P. J0to . 'Under Power of Bale contained 10 a car• tain mortgage to the winters, made by one Jane Howe, now in default, and to be pro- riuoed at the time of sale there will bo offer- ced for ale bPuitn at an Hotel, inythe Village off Bruesele onmoll Thursday. Tho 28th day 0f September, 1809, at the 110011 of one o'clock in the after- noonA1l and singular, LotsL and N, and numbers 884 and 885, according to Halliday', survey of part of lot number 80 in the sixth Ooneeaeion of Morrie and registered plan of Brussels made by Thomas WetteraldP. L. S. The property to eligibly situated in the best n are ea d to the as good and two-storey dwelling, also a two-storey brick veneered dwelling -hones. The property will be offered for ealo Bub - loot to a reserved bid. Terms : 10 per Dent. of purchase money will be required to be paid at the time of Dale and the balanus ao- oordiug to favorable terms and conditions to be thou made known. For further portion. lore apply to E. M. CHADWICK, of BEATTY, BLAoxoTOOE, NEBDITT, 00Anwlax & BIDDELL, 58 Wellington et. fleet, Toronto, Solicitor for 9Vendors. Notice to Creditors. tARM FOR 'SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South f and South 4 of the North t of Lot 98, Oen %, East Wawa - nosh. This Is an excellent stock farm, being well supplied with good spring water. It ie ettnated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it Is under grass. Buildings aYYnd fences are in a fair be given. of For alllinformationterms f apply to will 11-01 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Bre nein. Iu the Surrogate Omni of the County of Huron, in the matter of the eotate of Robert MaLanohlin, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deemed. Notioeie hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1808, Bee. 88, that all ereditore and others having any claims against the estate of Bobt. MaLauch- lin, late et the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of August, A, 0,1800, in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, are hereby minuted to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to John B. Hyde and William Cameron, of Oran - brook, Executors of the said eetato, or to G, F. Blair, of the Village of Bru0eols, their Solicitor, On or before the 18th day of Sop- temberA, 33, ADO, their full 000100, addres- ses, and descriptions and the 1011 partiou• lora oftheir elaime (verified by affidavit) and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And uotioo is further grveu that after the said last mentioned date the said Exeoators Will proceed to diotributo the aeaete of the said deoeaeoil among the per - eons entitled thereto, having regard only to the olalme of which notice Shall have boon given as above moulted, and the said lea• for the aeaots t 10 responsible rtno 1 utore will e0 person of whose root to an arc tool y or any of him -been Modred at claim a of nob distribution, G. F, BLAltiti , Ont. Executors Dated at Brunetti Aileen 81St, 1e00, School Books Sdilool Supplies We have a most com- plete line for the School Opening A T Fox's Drug Store. VARA,' FOR SALE.—THE TJN- doreigood offers his farm, West Half Lot No. 10, Oon, 4, Grey containing 00 acres, more or lees. - For parlioulars 0.e to price and terms apply to ARCH, ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0. on the premises, 17INaRMoOoSALE.-13E- 1_ N aee containing 08 norms of nrst-class land. There is a House, barn, orchard ted good ware- house, and farm to well fenced. Time aro 30 soros in Pall wheat ; 15 aoree in hay and 45 aoree pasture, Possession oould be given at once. Form adjoins the village of 113rue- Bele, For further partioniare as to price, te1m0,&o., write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, M,P„ Baden. 9841 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 100 acre arm fl for sale at reasonable prieee. The tote aro Nos. 10 and 11, Oon. 0 (Suoehine), the el darned between them. Good brink house and barn nu lot 11, and house and 2 barns of lot 10, Orchards and all noaoaoary oonveu- iouoes. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 norma now fu groes. Will be sold either separate or togoiher to suit pm - (Maser. Terme of payment reasonable. Tot' mediate possession. For further particulars 0.pplt' to JOSEPHBOOLEGG, Brnaeola P. 0., •n• E. L. LIUIiIN N, Barrister, Wfnghare. lit Term Te m of lenB Sept. 5 CENTRAL i- E q s :J 5ht'f it t L Olt it Write to -any for oar new Catalogue. It's the finest Boeineee College Catalogue in Canada and represents the most pro• greeeive and beet school. R'. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WS Isn't all confined to the News Columns of the Paper. . Fre- quently you will find the most Interesting and Important things in the Advertising Col- umns. A careful reader of the Paper through will give you no more important fact, as far as Prosperity is concerned your p 7 y , than our mention of the fact. are thu,t�r'eselling the most LOVELY DRESS GOODS. Read Carefully next Week the number of Dress Lengths and Prices. TH'S. -...._..sane_onortays.vessanemseammenemewonaveammor•megeraveherioalemes....