HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-9-7, Page 7xP'r. 1999.T1HF BRIISS11LS POST- _,. _--___---__...__ ---_. -� - ^- ^. " "' "'- r milled ill 15din1)ur his progressing anti- rr- BEAUTIFUL lY[AII$LE, The British Treasury hats decided to ANNUAL. BfPORT OF 'I'dE g l g ;y['�®���' BUT .r�TR.'Ol`1(3, fe this ta,M°gUt�p�#7 ;�`:° IN MERRY ULD ENGLAND, givo grant of 4320,000 towards the � I [Hfuamily, and the board bope tllat ) - construction of it light railway from Tpy I IFG `1 the cont annual gtile bol mooting le d� ll ,-1 - "1'Iuk la Lybstor, 1`lla est.itrt:tL{]rl tm,st �TAN��Q 211 LUsulll��l Co. I}zu coyllpatny alas bc+ hotel within rho& 11 1:,'Hadi From Iv4,Irllied 01'19,04• Irttd Vi eA....... board room of Lhe new office, CUs[,r er tae Lang• THE DOINGS OF 'CHI; I.NGLISH PEO of the line is about ;1870,00(1, Of this 'The soveal. -th{rd annual general to moving Ute aico tion ut t.he. report, 1'!}irC Ua!uaCiful transparant stone PLE RL^PUItTI D BY MAIL. Sum Ilia Duke of Portland, the Callh- 1n0utlnlri tf Lhe oonipany was held at Wllith wua uuan[mously wirriad, Iho called Tal,riz marble, much used in .,-_ oBes County Connell, Anel clic burgh Edinbur 'h ,441 Tw!Sdu the 20th April, [ Lm L'A of 1i'it,k each contribute. 16,1100, and g Y, wits v ran. JT.r. A.R.C. know , at, it Of Purs[a and Ln RecordoflIts iireets 'taking Ill leo III 1144, the burp�h of Poultonnvluwn !;1,000, IVUP. A, It. C. Pitman, !•Jsq., "VlS•, In nate very gratifying lO know Lha( ilia CEYLON TEA WAS THE FLAVgR AND QUALITY. the burial places the Chair. The results ootowuulcated .. .zs, 30, 40, so &boo, their grandest edifices, consists 0,, l 1 Imud or els [eesn Intrrehu,ig Ounar• firq timc,!a of ilia yeflT• had, for ,1110 Lead i'awkagus... _ . _. _,.. ._. _" mnr,e)n, A donkey, by laking rile law into [is` -Ln .rho report:- fire( limo in the ltist:ory of the ram- w.•�.. _._ ---""�`�` Iiietrified water of ponds in ceratin Lho own hands, or ratbBr into its Own' Amam,t,d mur.a,w•, acn,•p+•d durlto pnrly, exreadod telt loillions of dollars, - ,�ppp a�p�pqg�, iticra- A Proposal is on foot tiro stunk b9cCa, put a speedy end ilia other d. y rhoy,ar 139 afar with•b 1;.zi l'.d,,,.a and Crnua y, nr I') wtr it was growing, � � ��`� �N 611/il C I pnz'Ls of ,lite ctyuniLry. 0.'hiS pets rivlyr Thames with snlyuon• to it prosecution al. Chelmsford, Tho were „urwd) $ lar2114!1210 ut I 3' 1 hsnOe- e- re 1 n kndekur a'rrntiu,us uu lww •7;rillo'ru i44,d....,.,, Kbowlw no Signs of HI.,Inding still. He tr I1�1 tion may he traced from I. 8 cum n The, at eases of Lho t�uoeal's boas dofen.rinnl., James Co Lal , , Pur.bu•,,j,',,of792n,u mmmthl, ..., 7as..w ala„ reG>rretl to the very sarlafmntoyy THE Al)EY IbA"tEfdT LX1fEFi610N :iN6iE pH•y p k- �• aCURed ut Ill- rlalum by d,u,h un bo Ltl.t pnl:rlelSur- 1-'Ara,:uvlmin to gr,ury t,n udarsau ul ororY lama in4u and wmrinn lu Ummas rehape lamp manL tit i,'s termination. In ane part I hold "i s est[maLud at J:1.7L,00U a year. of L rcat 1i ,tiiham, wits a lire rho yew. 108. matures nr l,ornra itn'l vuun:l condition of Lhe 11 Y, 1. Lus +ivs, but he wars unable Lo g, ', .. lAL"".,3541 h iLan,lln nava rnum4t „n,^u•lln l,hb,gehnrtrrtly1rho ntlur. anAar,tar,r, gis'd pn Ing oar Cl ar.' Ln a aeDURd 'it 0.p-� ❑ OUdOP th aPO la neitrly a❑ huU1 treating: 1 n Iin,u . , nbtah g'rVe id a .r..ly hlg. g, Iduymmlt W, cru, 3' mmep•rhunwlawltl tots,thktreubla to srrita'rar iroulnlouo Aarrho water Is o L a) )oar bemuse, on the soma day, the Ohd,,,, uoaor L•i,d»Im)t ,:,»?ecus! I pq• ' r 1at mid-aummGr than in LI mat naddur;n rho yv.nr i8:r8, Ut poll- While its invostmOnts were of the Rai- tuaeFa,.grncr. e;utune•or d,N:xteuplone Aurymapalf and yon will, uftur wonrllR l� aiearm, thiekor, and (stagnant, !n ¢third less day ight anbn:tl had ai,l hill, with bltorest, In I ao'r4r,invan„er„urau to a.,,rinaeenters oelt,ral,ov n, l nu•,,inolrl-n,. ,xt buuua nrbhWaup....., 1d3,G15 0gt rh;trn,ltBr. 1 ,}'1'1d,L... t,a,rh.0 in t>y far the• ben, of i° noun, ever3•nnrd vntho murltoG,,rltd mmllptell. 0 ge lila ant, [n Its Ifla:t stage Lt 33 htH own coin, giving him sari, 4 trick Rnh:.I,iWaeenwunee.,,I ,,Aucc,aborre )o' 1 int ,,f r. WiLliaja tr w,11 pwalkupright,tr,walkwith ea nuuA,uudorL to .vaoY any crams-ripuyqulL Olt 7.'he little daughters of thO Duka of Ls ilo like frost. enema that. be had hBon Llid up' for three 18'34 .................................. u9,su,, p; Jh upl m m } unigi„po„n,rl,axanlaunpaoranepuethvirw,eufU,'tunaWhdends. DaarlPUly rh Fife are said to be thu youngest f Annum rrvrnuc...,,..,..,.•,,., ffi a,Cag,oSs Younger as an ad4litinn'1t director was iWllerh the operation is Oomplete airc,d,wa xr oe t,, ,,ti. Ask for u:rtnp to ngpnte. Adareen weeks. The animAl having theta'LveLjl t,,cnnalrnelwt fnxA,.............. t1,t37s,0s: approved nf. 770 DAY 8TREET - • - TORONTO, CANADA, sicca thrown on its surfacomakesno in the kingdom.BEFORE arrars r oil itself, lhG Inspector representing u+vrxl,ur•ni ]n r,uan,ln ... ... Aa.”) 0.0 SPENCER C. THOM SON, it withoult WoCLing one'a shoes. The prAhiu has been free from influenza ilia RcyuI Society for the Prevention FIRST SCHI;OUf,E. :4l,tasger, �- -- ' - impression and one may ,Valk over forty -throe years, when it reappeared of Cruelty, nsked permission to with- Revonuo urennnt of The Standard Mont reaI: An insurance risk Is a chance of it C`X` `. SENSE .1LLti. Soldby I substance thus, Zrrodutied Is'bri.ttle and abouL tau years ago, draw the sunimons, and Che bench, allLife Assurance Company, for tbo year , W, M. RAMSAY, lifetime, 1 sure Tante and Mica, sold by all , , i Drugglele, or Sol Queen W. Tetpnto, transparent, and sometimes rlahlY A London omnibus Darns on an avar- parpnlly 4 ow4doring that it was alx from 10th November, 1897,'to 150t Nov- ; Stanger for Canada. "" NCE OIGAIt - __' striped withlred, green and copper oat- age Its Iter day from passengers, and of the kna leer anti half a dozen of ember, 13108. Prepared in accordanca J. BUTTON' BALFOUlt. Secretary. LR T'OSOana 100. I FLIA CARD INt)EX... or. So much Is this maxblet, which 1s per day from advertisers. the ass, granted the application with "The Life A,ssuranat ,Com )nnies' - ► _bid C't'URY,MontxeaL may hall cut ir1L•o large slabs, looked uP- Diekons is ilia =oat popular of Eng- Messrs, lirkcrs, Sons, anti Maxim, A;otfl 83 and 34 'Victoria, Cap, tat, HIS E 'TP,it HALF, TOO, A yuan has Organization; a woman ��qa,. TLp" only w un i qAlanal, �� on nal it luxury thatnone but the King, lish uuLhors, anti the'boom" to hisiLirn3Cerl, BJietfl:ld, and Barrow -On- AmauatntlWdxurtimhe,u,:nimgutLit. If B 1 mnpletroy -atfit.,...... u his sons and persons espeaialiy privi. novels is still on the Increase. liurnays, have purobaaBd thtl Atlantic s�eor.}ath v v reh"Y tt 7........ ..S 42,17Lf,do it Th,+ro oes a nrtu Whds half dead, has management. and .ala Is- r,dn, n i , a vur• g - The Offloo RIJOOIaity Mtg. Co., lsged acre 'p'er'mitted to take it, SLr Jm-thua Reyuolda woll-known PIC-, liner Ahlskit, built by Jahn Lader ti antra prnd feet ,,. ac v1,+2,222 WI lie doesn`t lour i . 11 Parne,ofaradaY,Q"" t+3mitnd -- (UTO of L•tdy I3Amiltun Iles rcalizad'Co., for {.Ile Quinn line, i1❑•1 [n bar da Cnnnmentnooln' umnlltm, gruuh4...... '7J,,,i g6:i GA 122 and 121 nal Ht„TURONT'rO.• Fuatary: Nervmarkay y No, mn be not; bur: lila wit'( died FFB&ail°�tY69 ,CRI. CoalXproutuaturnr, 4,300 Ru[uBua ¢t a sale in Lun tour the re,•hound of the AllanLiu, with littered, dnjdeRdn.....I—, L%y'.4 b 11, ” -- DON'TEAT ALONE. g i lineaantilree............................ 6.6116 41, last week. f�°o Profits for the MRI�Yt91 __ owing to, the diiferencu in Lha aver- +t view of utilizing her, moored in the g 4r,r; 3.4ti4a -' Its a poor epigram that won't Work or JULX. TIA.(.. P,,ny, +ift •r puyiug :he4por sen ago deutil roto iC may bo acid (bat1docks at Barrow, as a floating home NOW WILL YOU STOP? boll] ways, reautbty ronlnoa m,,r,rrt„a Aug,,., l,.,,l,avere,natwn I ALWny'R llnve Courprury tilt Your 111e4JR AC '+'l itsimuen live as long as five for about four' handrail of Chair work- fq.dmeh, death under life Patsies, b)• eurptu. of 24 par cent. AE W, dudlmtWgaxpouaco,cud t((po Litres, L tg eluding I , , t hlittuus (after deduo• --.� i Cigarette afilolior sends into til0 h 1 Tail NVIAh to Avtld Dyspepsia. man. There La it great scarcity Df house �' a �. �• DB7 amount tit. bull t the aiurvu fm,ic, aro romaine 16 Cur yq Rwssians, Wan of nm ren.=uu+,p... ........ $ a,2d7,88a ')l air about 4,Ot}f1,gU0 particles OI daHt alt credit atthu by at esaeurplua uror aaridand oClfor If business mon would only remOm- 1 T, S UI' ill tat BAI Lal- accommodation at. lin l'rOW, grid a1- Uo. un,,L,1ua1 n 1.1.q ane cul uement - -,�,®d .o,.�........ + lrcent. Any' umamrofram oi) ul,wurda ree I. for Lieut: Lo . B P g though private t>uildalR ora busy in Nnnn.,,ra.l ,n,tturea..,,,,, _18 1. 9u every pull, according to Dr. Atkins'a "`"' -"� "'per �;, nahnonn, cd7 nnoh 9904•, giriagrwl ,ruaumm, bar how deadly, it is to take one amid- ion Snots fusiliers, vacated the tom- Pu tt Ln up now property, ty, 1t28nRra, _ investigations. ' The Dominlon Investment company of Tor°ntGo day' meal alone they Wouldalwa always mand of that batLalion Oil lot July. g P S Jtlr,142g8 CALVERI Canaaal rnanantI----,n,l6TciroutoHt. Y y VicJtars. ora about to ei'eatc a new Hnrrrndere ............................... ..gn9i st -- Liv aampnny, Tho solLtary oatBr is al- ThC London County Council has de- colony ton Walney Island within ens3o;;;";;; i6a ;;:'; ::::::..:............ 21[,3;4 a Failure and Saecass. carBonc Dlsinfcct,xnts, Scapa• Dint - • tided to purchase n site in HLgh Street, roach of t.hair works, and build a thou- Axponsmefllu°agement................ 51x+,41 i 85 .w,,rd Tooth PuwaerD• 41-6 l- hocn THE NIMMQ(tl!��&s,, HARRISON �gfA Rr,ORrr---1r�,59]11iwR �� I. ways L.elm.pled to take too large mouth ( Dn•i,1^ud an"=It'u,hu„Jml•l.ra,,,, (4.234 JI I It 1H OftenLall the little things that +•Warded tea made regu err uie tae fur lot .tat• BUSINESS � ND 1a✓LP @��A-.J� H -J k! and'Poplar, with a view to the erection of,sanrl houses there forthwith. Tho need nmunm tux ............. .......... .••.. oa,5m99L orcolloueu. '1h lr regui,u•uaa prevent intact(• fuls and swallow them loo quickly, constitute the wile difference between 9 IL Technical institute. lot temporary accommodation to Very Amount, (If nund3ucndae. A!t Your dealer to obtain 8HW0�� _ �oltbsr, td eat too much Or too little. London's neat II0W Raman Catholic (yremt in the meantime, and hence the 19th November, Milt, as ptT penmri ,13 749 992 86 1 sUeeess and failure. Some men, earn- supply. Llxtatnai!o-dfreuonappljontion. Cor.YnllgeandCollege His.,Ti llto. Z 6 uclednt........I.....,., .., _ E14L Ln )urPaan, capable in many ways, P, 9 p Ti1GS0 W110 Ont LII company have t0 eA Lhodral Lai BxpOClOd t0 p0 BUffl((lent-I nareSsity Of arqu[3•u1g rho Al:take. The _ "•• -=--1-- I - F. .) CALVERT tgL �iQ.g CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION A SPEOIALTY. $ 48,053;14444 9eP.m unable to di.scorn the import Of _ gygLAND, Jeogn3pped,a,dely patronized School. High rcaard d'090LB A CBTtaIII amount of time in ly finished to allow of it being official idea is very popular amongst 110 mon, MANCHESTER, Jewellr gaud ruaulta. In niduul iw,truatiud. Pmapaat is talking, and attending to each other's ly opened in September, WOO. __ SECOND SCHEDULE. minor, nevertheless nollartrnl ere- � _ mat)ea w yyour ndarold lruh. the period be- Miss Florence Nightingale resides at Balance sheet of Tho Sttandard Life nlentsI anti neglrr.L in cmisequ•nse. to tnpooml:yruoua R.n. IvtMdtO cud JAH. 13ARILISON, Frinolpals. wan Co. This makes p Embss toren a Nightingale where she i Assurance Company, on 15th Novem- grasp the opporturiDws that if nec,!pOd � ...�R�1� er�gyef� g� 6hecuredeiea y t I bar, 1898 Prepared an ilia basis Of would carry them on Le victory, In � l$,�E S a e he sK 8 t� `�+ .bar., writ. to i tween the mouthfuls longer, and gives was born In May, 1820; Ebb is now Gun- Weak and Nervous. more time for digest.[on. Conversation sequently in her 84th year. "The Li f of 1895, in accordance Whit the acme wily people. are imposed ill upon Dr, Arnett, Harlin wbowlll aoo.tnoeyou he osooureyou , at meta[ times usually takes a cheer fifty thousand pounds is the. sum "Thar 34 Assurance Companies' Act," by mercenary druggists, who, l„ gain _ fill turn, and the tone of both mind Which the Ebbow Vale Iron and Coal TI'IC CONDITION OF A YOU:V"C LADT 33,wad 34 Victoria, Gap. , :'hooladditional od loflSubstitut. onit Call- L The it so 4'at oolbon CD,r rontitedr a❑d heti is raised, the heart and car- Company has oat down as its Loss over LIABILITIES, oar. Wast -market & oolhorne st„ Toronto y 1 y i1 WELLAND. Shnrrlukhae'eap(tnlpnhl,yp,.: S fi?M1,Op. ing for Putnam'8 Painless Corn Fox- Oo-a gat you bent prteraf4ryourApplee nutrnr,>}gso vouS aysaen(t oat better' 10 rte r, Lhe flout Of di- Ansunt.opi ldaulal yatn�a . „ 42,796,513A3 Fouitry, and other pxodnco, if Yuu shin it to Lhem, the great Walsh coal strike. -_. ituam'vn cora.......Ity fu s89,393 33 Lractor, they accept some ,worthless g��tivo juices Is stimulated, And a It is announced that the Westing Hnnfrm t0 Frruuent AArndpuhCs, {Yax rut Irnluece e,nrLd tot"m tl .,::,::::,..,,,, 41,140 di fIBRh-ant.ing substitute. only u) be ��W'" ss=was,y�, large amount of actual nourishment. ill ' ]louse Electric and Manufaeturyng ----. di y njnted or suffer injury. Put- [[t�.,,,�� !� R LEAD, COPPER, BRAS . obtained from a smaller quantity of anti nueteoned ova Grew he Ill 5h •rot,d faults its per first prhodulo........$ 43,749,992 85 T P J Y• �'lf P"t 1"13 food. Comp'Lny, of Pittsburg, ]Pa., will build Could $erely 'Valk. Clotmsuuderpoaotaaadmittod, but not ntims Corn Cara is Clio Only reliable Wholeu°leonly. Long Distance Tolelhone1720. work At ManahesLBr and employ 5,000 u,S..................... .... 815,706,07 ono. WILLIAM BT., TORONTO. In short, a small daily dose of aloes- men, ul,,k sot, to '1 ,oprtaters (d 110 at a, a anti ,' but deadly poison would be no From the Trilruno, Welland, Out., p,.;„,.w1LrhNuvendia)anesWmdingl., 4a,a4a5a All old woman namBd Itacnel Green, ilTles Hatte Arobar, of WBltaad, an enfiiil;'•.,n....`odndtng•::..:::::,:.:::::: iE:YSISi 00` Some folks are as changeable as a / , :9 '4nEAVER BRAND” Mo.ed NVoeh snare injurious than the overage bus,- n widow, of White Horse Yard, "Wake estimal,lo Dung ].std callose ac suint carerhordaaa6,sgnurauteedwutor- neLQs mans midday Iuuch is. 3' y, q Hums deposited with ill emopnny 9,698 fi7 �5 bill. t` ver RubberAllOlot ,tnk4 no other. neo• field, committed Sate[de by. hang[ug ante extended amt,ng a large number of $4a,a78,9e1 sa 1 1tI� ver Rulr Olotling 00., siontrcat, harsulf with a towel, which she fasten- e1.izensof the town, has the following ASSN'rS. Pop OVER FIFTY YEARS ---- Bd to a boom. to say regarding the virtues of Dr. J[°rtgnec,m.pmpertyWitlenthaUnitcd 1 nolle• M1 of ae i4ame, OIPr GLOVES. I "Williams' Pink I llis for Pale People: — if}ng' "o-.,..1..•. ^$ 9,95$,236 67 l AIR$. WINSLOW's SOUTRINC SYRUP has been q�@q Barriatera,ota., romcvod AB D'iasCora and men of the South Wales no, out, of the (.Mill King lite........... usG2,:4a 7o used by motherr for their children teetmog. Itsoothe4 ya, to W0BIBY S1, s., Rich- The foot that a bridal party oeca.a- tinplate undo decider! to recommend' Ln 4th fall of 1807 Iwas (Akan vary'111, Lonna on LLB anu,peny'a paliaioa within the ohlltl softens the grn,a o-114ya pcan, urea hot! LAW mead 9h TY.• 1'Ok0nt0. i I was nervous, weak and debilitta Led, took snrrendr„ wnh............. 2,13IA7699 collo, 4nd t+ the beatrereedy tm dinrtne, .60, 4 bot. Lonnlly goes to the altar ungloved must the acceptance of a 10 per cent. re- lhvaAnents-_ tin. sem by or druggiatI Wnrouglout the world. Be , d❑CplOn Sorin 1210 months Of August I Al Lhls time 1110 least axC1'ti011 Caused R,ILisb Corrruliteu, s,aarlEh R,.......... 431,082 16 sura sod ask for IViesiow's aootldng Syrup. Books, R09aYIds, OrU• not mialaad4tnybndy (ilio thinking that g great fatigue. Aly appetite w'ns p[n1' tndhurm,d oolonba guv°enmauoseaurl-s{d91��8G Pf a�%r wflzea, 8oapuiare, 'Lila September. and Iw•as attacked with frequent sick iii llan ,,,,,,,.. 8sI.098 77 Reaatons Pictures, S«e,uary, end Ohnrch Orn.mants, i -Laky A not nttun- glovBs are "going coli" as Lhe'snying A situ in a lest aCreet, near Cho Lud- y , ,. !When a wise man makes a m A F.dueattoual works. Mall nr,b•rs nee n r is. For all occasions of ceremony heartaches. I gradually grew ricrac Folicut gm•°rmntai secnrlWea........... 7ad,728 72 Lt teaches him something, tion. D, &J. 9ADLIER & OD., Montrani. Y gate Circus London, has been let by 11.11w unrad othr.I dcbenturb, ,, d do- I; 1p1; 11095 11111 211 I was so Weak 1 could barely itaihsuy'and other debm,tnros and aa• 4 708 170 65 gloves are imperative as a part of full auction at a ground rent Of -21,700 a I w¢lk throe h the house. I WAS very banture•tock..............••••••••••• -- g .,..,. 72'3,27973 Pramwed in 411 oanuiriea. Desigus, Bar, equivalent Co about ! 8'2,300 per, Do. ahuroslprorernneel.....ATE6�TS dross, and for most luneeremouious Y q pale and emaciated snit finally became all for Axed periods.,,..,,.,. 4M,07475 9 ah Clvos new Ino to atm IX^ Trod, Marks ro t red, r!onyrights, here, per annum. entire! inia7Aeitated. Various me- llutts,nraporty- L a N Nair. Itm the collar. R 'a^ occasionv they are WOTn a9 A PTOLee- y t Fraaluld..................•.$8,170.31397 �m L4P and rooters do°Dior. RTUNu racured. ,Ville enrmearmattnn. Mormonism is gaining ground in diMnee wers resorLed LD hat gave no Leuaehola. ....:............. sil 45 Sold by all druggists. son. a bottle. AGAATUN ii'. CASE. Rogn,tgola °1'monto ontauts, Lion. A pretty hand is quite too pre. England to such an extent that Me' relief . Later I was treated by two 4256,29792 voter]tubile Temple n c[ous a possession to be sacrificed, and - advisability of introducing n Prohibi-� of thB best physicians of the town. One Stoapoul'i ottiehol...... chartered banks ,1,5t913G - _ -' g said my blood was -poor and ,votary. t'inedutonasnm.................41• i .,, 15,92' 30 nothing ruins it so quickly as constant Live measure in Parliament is being Gained little ....... $02.15646 The straight rule of Lo -day may be 1 s E i e a y e to wind and sun. For sum- seriously considered. , I followed his advice far some bifs•r,nhsaudreva,elw,pi,urWwaod.,,., 0(H,93282I{I a .I �b 0,p0• Loons Vicon personal esaurity with pot- I sadly warped to -morrow, _ the English greatly Affect At Nonmouth Fredsriok Nuttall, n' time buil did not improve.. Then totes Vice. ,,payable, by la- -_ e L ' mer wear g g carpenter, Was chugged with intimida-; Clic second doctor was called and aminmma ......................•••••,•• I,oa5,a222a, ~:fit.• 1 ��� fabric loves. Many Ol these or fin- tion in connection with the building' he snot, he, could help me, but after Agents' balance$tningin c ulso f o t, &40,933 84: }mayg� t LiwD[n ��• t - '= g g Premiums auL,teuding in noneae of col• 'lar Ifo,.. IIS if',I °-a t;XT. OF est thread are loo expensive to find strike. Thh bench imposed a fine of thoroughly 'testing his medicines teatIon............:..................... 505,1a21a tWoli .Toric o,(IMStr,tudMRA WHE1,Eys PHQ��H® SODA Any nate here. ,For oul-Of-door Sports £0 or three months, without blvaefit, I gave it up, Lind '(Is- bitera.te°m'1t°d, but cat ens.,....,,,,,, s99,997 9 LLOYD \vOOD, Tarm-do,CrNLRAL AOt NT. Do. tone, but not Dnid......... ., 8,997 93 exculle the F4IIghall a1,vlLyS wear g10V1S, a Tench bttT ix0 WhiOh:ap0.1C0a OC eVm'getting }\'01.1. 1"ly grand- Cnsb au daponl.............. .$19 2861 'll kidna°ria sEomnchtle ken theplhopnoPyunnl tar pronara• On June 2U, the L q special sort of ventilated gulf glove be. ran ashore on Christchurch Road, i mother. clad besot rending at Lbat time no. un current nocavuta and A detective says: In way c e y ao Ing universal, For shopping there hAs much about Ur. Williams' Pink Pills m lmua^'•••••:•••'^•^••,. 541,67430 720,966 6o transgressor Is hard to find." °Ip°oiia:assn,R`inaia ; o�GA000 oa Loan ak»x ;lduy Bournemouth, in Fobruary last, was; '-- g been a revival of the comtorljublo blown up by gun Catton exploded by °'nil persuaded me to try them. That Deadnutlrecelntatumpsinland........ 91700 �.., queenOltbD1'ugOo.,271VfellinSton•sLE.,Taronto• Biarritz or seek glove, but castor and ivatl abouts Jeaulary, 1598. Frohn the $44,678,681 electricity, .set in operation by Lady; �s67 _ Deafness CRnnot be Cured chamois aro still in great favor. For first the results were really marvel- SCHOOL OF MINING, KINGSTON. Morriak. by bled) applicat.inns, ns they cannot reach the driving the gauntlet style is at pre- lour, being fax beyond my friends' ex- (tome 1. tile fir.61i.ohlolalae lnoludod to thoemvc,nmlding 3d portion of bile ear. Thero is eulY one Affiliated to Queen's IIvivm•nity, Rcealon begins Oc• sant n great favorite, and for visit- At Bournemouth Albert Cox, mos-Ipeotations. After tatting five boxes I " talar4tb, Foar enrgforaagraeain.Ho. R.M.tinU� g _ Car printer, was fined £5 Lnaluding', cant stand more fatigue than I aanlld A. R. C. PITMAN, Chairman. 0 euro daafne>s, anti tl,ltt Se b7 aonatitu' Mc niLnrgy, end �Snung PnI:.ineenng. If) Analoin int; the glove par OXCollanoe is undres g W, T, 1)UNDAS, Director. tionA romodl°4. UeornessiRcaused by nn i 0 Olound tryand/vA^yI g, and (3)h rte'r o nand Courses. kid to (110 maud uetah'e 'or clasp costa, for breach of the Customs Act, for,tw'o years. I3have gained weight Limited condition of ilio rnuehns lining of the Three soon for d(phnnas. Shorter sPcalul Courses. Rod L q ,T, H. DAVIDSON, Director, g Orndu to s here so lar s4cured onlployment tmmedb styles, Society With the big S, Is by destroying a pint bottle of uncus-, splendidly; eau take my food wLAh a ed, )oclian Tulle. mblin , Lnle Bmperam y 11 mused at 2710 idea that a lady coned brandy which had been seized delightful rolLsh, and again feel cheer- SPENCER O, TBOIYTSON, ed yon have cl ecd iewfliesa "tuts, Tor nnleuanr apr,ty� COODWIN, Director. Simply a Ma❑pgor and Actuary, locridg• tv nos about ungloved at tiny time or art by Custom house Officers. `fol, healthy Aad aLroing. I' would ysthoi'h9ujr.eLndanlons the InHnmmaticm can g g to t+ken coil and this talo root orad to 1t., nor- �yq��� It le not lose eeaary to lova thole• oOs[OD. A young white sparrow has been fun•Lher stay that the at ie wholly Edimbur h, 10Ch April, 1800' mal condition, hearing Will be destroved for- 9VN �� slide to tuake money in grata and anptured by Mr, G. D. Scotto Who Was due,: to DT, �WLllfams' Pink PLlla. I EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT• over; Hina casae out of ten ore eau sd by C¢- n a clause, Ten to onolunctro,tdollnrn b the bird's Chirping in a, IIIDpa that my testimony WILL prove he above fig- tarell, w))jah is nothing tout tilt inflamed condl- AND nnrufldly inv,aod on margin will ALIL'ACted y ;P' g af- At, WILL be aeon frOfm t l ` ficin( Co oLhar lila similarly ion of the mucous surfaces. nut ion auma pro0t us one to Aro RED HAIR AND BALDNESS row of beans in his garden In Marlen- bane ga the ro ross or the company { uI'Os that t progress iCa will give one Bundled Dollars for any Stocks � thousand dollmw ,,Ill if You par• Statistics allow that persons with red don- fliaLad' y rase of 1luarnesA (oaused n • omtarrh) I time CRn ohs,o , utriy•ht. Write for pntnPfilet• The, Arcpbisho }s of Canterbury rind The experience of soars has proved gods on uninte, and uninterruptedly. The new ? p, o. ANDERSON & CO., Steele and 1 'a become bald t r is abSO noel no disease duo pOhoisas issued, and the a.mUumta aa- not bn caroti ly Iia�tk Cmtau rl Cure. Scud for Investmeent Drafters, 20 Vlotorla at„ Toronto. hair aro Ear Lasa likely t that thea y r„nl+re, ri ao. York have issued a declaration Chat F. J. CALM T S CO., Toledo, O. than those who have hair of any other candles and incense in to a vitiated, collditton of the blood or surod under them, exceed those of any r gnarl nn<l air•on mru cannot naurd (circ b the use of cl nerves that Dr. "Villiams' previous year. ,-;,Id by Lhnl glat3, 784. i The Hvornge number of red church ceremonies is illegal and for- .ahatteve The amowat received for the pur- Hall's Family I'i11a are the best. .*I ,.:., u-ittl ,It the A ton,at.r Faucet Atrxeb- oolor Pink PLlls3 will not promptly euro, and 0 n b the Church of England. se C anuwitios is Also groatur Lhnn mwtL asap,.yahritse$mounwm;kdraw• hairs on the humlun skull is 29,200. bidden y g are sufforin from such chs p tu4bear.NoSvrtp,oaw°sta.Ymtnalyared these whog reports The Same I elamea slow, )tat °net cud tadn•w boonsith Wlo Automntto i generally much At Surrey Quiet Ler Sessions recent- y Would avoid much misery and ever previously 1 p t ,Linaineae is sem vi lu, as anew rn.l you cm, halo giu,tea ll Hair ❑E a dark color s g Y trouble, wo in death claims arc Considerably the resignation of Captain Bast- resorting to padcompound interest iS double quick, loth h:.nd, as the Aatomaata is and three dark �y B p cavo moues by promptly z g ,a oudin amounts i” always ready'. The Autclumb, f[nejr than rad hair, ¢ In ,%, chief constable of the county,a is excess of the Cori ap g - _ __� as mwah space as a single 6 this treatment.rtime nil do o t be p t Pink hairs cover t was reported. He had held Che position. �• drmvatheflnest gluesuf lour, an, reel hair. As a rule, a dark-haired per- pills evoke: lima and do not be porsuad- Dor the previous w seat, but the dant, ;i 11 Ill. It 1 fbexd°nthoberrtl1_ lzud; 105000 hairs on ilio sOnlp, fol, nearly ,101E a Cenpury ed td take au imitation, or soma other rates ore still well ,y[tbhn (110 exp �`" MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. �h�la teed Carnoy Lradu, an ,(pars son has ab Tho Quasn's maids -of -honour aro al- reined from a dealer, Who for Cha (,otos ou whish the suvcral tablas of �® 48 Balmoral," ¢r0> Di0l0 nm Plan ysu1.a� acorn if net A1 Isle- Fnir-httlxed persons, on alto other hand y premiums are based. 7.__ _... s1.5bd:up: to 9�}I n`uxii nlegen4l oenit to -mein as well a's wemhu-have from ways chosen as being clever pianists sake of extra profit to himself, may ! ' irr phare Plan. Ramne 140090 to 100,000. The. strongest hairs, Bad good readers of music at sight, may is "just As good." Dr, Williams Nwl,viihstanding Cllts greater outgo, Hotel �'yftl•I3laitt'.l fr n, ata d4>• c,. Opn. are triose of a red actor, and and Princess Henry of Battenburg is Pints Pills cure when Aher mediaices. the total funds have largely !tic sed G,TR station, NI0u.re:tl, ti,.o c ,,l,ke&RO %rape, ��� � ��u" fie �.�t95R! RPG a�d�R3, however, a__ __ ],cines they enduore Lila longest. IL may vary fond of playing dusts ,villi them fall, darbng Lhe year, and now Aggregate . - ils ICloicig rateev l a' d 000 A11 E 00UD FARMIYa LANIyS-Ali1CNAC1 that red-bafrod persona are for her Majesty's entertainment. _.--._ - -___.__. oonsiderably more than O4I,000,UO. i AVENUE HOUSE -t"'( , Title ,er t e' , altos, 1 be addedl per any. y Ice 04rmpw nViA a r4wiux t n 1 swsrally at n sympathetic an([ pills- Lord Kitchener loft London an Aug- THE' SUN EA'C5 THEM. WhiLtt not neglecting ilia important ! ,, t On 1lse•'u.an Cm,tv:a Dol ll xron,. and g ,' Cip Ito G_ —T Depot' far a Bpll for Omdurman, t0 1BSame his home CUII13eUto119, the COn9allilatlOn of (U I, tBAfi�E§ ii®TSL• to litnakn from O. e I ,nn L, k, 3t.,ira"in, at circ a t.j.p fico, 82 to w sionate, nature, a.nil are, as a rule, Got believe the eon Co Bias outside Cho Uuitod KLng s rown=, t In , i__ a„h.,ms, eta., uua.rtu boan3donmaat optimists than cosi- Salle as GUYBrn01'-General of the Sou_ The Flute Indians b Chu agencies Railway, First-alnoaCmnmeraanitlauna. Modernim i,uraare. Yhl•hu Imnde alerleautaLntm•prysing aw more apt' to be ), p - , rusan;u,la ecru,,. Anply to hn,iets. dan. Gordon's palace at Khartoum be the great father of the universe loin goes On Steadily, and the Com prove, La -Rotas moderato, y, lc --_ has been almost entirely rebuilt, and And that the moon table wife. All of party are beginning to reap the fruits' - �n11y men Count distinction, hutthe a ylo,l,w,,vtiitieiis,whiteutore,cvMtell. " will be used as the GDVel'nmonL house•the stars aro his children, and when OE the pulley of careful extension which I wedding day dawns for the few. _••_-_ AN EXTRAORDINARY FOREST. I hey have been working out steadily A bazaar was recently held in con- Gnahar Sun comes around they hurry for many years past- n: " �'"`A-"`am�9 The most extraordinary forest in noction, with the Scottish church, thea world was discovered by, DI, Wel- Crown Court, London. This church (away to hide themBelves As best they In view of ilio company's ark -burn is known to be 200 years old, and is can, for they are in vary grant fear and of the lai'gh amount of Work-bOCh �g filil(Aild �yRwitsnh' and occupies a tableland soma su1)poasd Co hove originally heap rho of ]Lim, because the stars baliove ghat reapunsible anti rounuo memvcan-I �� I,, nil kirk of the Orown of ScoplAnd. Fifty IE the sun eaichoa them he will eat; aetinantly failing u)}on rho msmbars OE d, six miles Lr width, between 800 a ft is phtit ole Flute Indians the board at the boat! office, the direc-I a '3 400 feet abo\ s the sea, near LILB ,vest years ago the Well-known Rev, Dr. them• foo j12SG!'fl)7t lits, Drains, Ertlffor }Ls, a/c.. �y const of Africa. The peculiarity of the Cumming, of prophecy tame, WAS natal, believe that when the sun Comes up in tors think is desirable to i grease the N'ar5`� town � tt� �Ia�i!® hand. . ,stet• there. the morning and the stars are lost to numbers on the board throe h the ad- I r. trees of this forest s 11 that, though Qu[La a shoal: Was caused in Falkirk vow the Run has dome his best to get dition of another member, l.awsetmtaon aver Scales. Flnhontnl ogee 606 illna• thslr (rooks; are as much( as (four feat r•ecenitly w11en aha ¢nnauueement w¢e oma of them for breaLkfasC• But just Thu company have now already Lr;.tinnatct' o°or Miiatoalilnvirlimei,"tithingtn 11 t In dinme'ter, they attain the height made that Dr. Campbell, rector of the es soon As tile goes to rest• in the peaaud the middle period towards an -I WHALEY R010E&, Cq., - Toronto, Can. I L Of only one foot. No tree bears more nigh) school, had passed away. He was West in the tape afternoon than the O{,bay. Investigat[on and division of Pro- t ____-_ - 11 thnn two leaves, and these attain a a well-known figure in the educational stars hurry out again for a good time Pita, And• although the rate of interest p�� a i� Corncr ro. Aelc your y length of six and a breadth of two world, and wars prosidelnt of the Edu- with Bach Other and Chair mother, the oil phe invested funds has necessarily I ONE p�ralIGHTaruggls ;a, 'P; �iy fast. The flowers make gorgeous Orlin•• oat'Lonal Institute of Scotland last moon, whom they lova very much in fallen of late Years circum t the --- -- -r % ; son olustevs, year, deed. The moon, too, thinks a very which cannot be without Its effect -the �i�l'ItV ffh iNilBala Catarrh irlAS. , -- oz sTL aehoolmas groat deal of her children, but $Vex'y board have, thus far, every reason Co� y Saldhy,alrcllnl.leDruga3-,s�ts. / David GPLO'TrI[I, E n1 Y _ month she holes Der fano Erom view _ F ' Druntr white walking was slid hope that the final results of the quit. — tel at Y, nil goes into mourning because of the nntuan will be satisfactory to all _AGHSTS Foil AN EXT1IttO NEW / // ANTIQUE SHAWLS. dents attacked by a parol tic soizwrh n g qua WANTED lbe.oe Nousohold uovalWaa• hobo t y _ stars, hat Children, which her cruel ooncevixod• eouo1 A0 aha ,cork,° tn•da . Address Title M S. / �� Laos and China crape shawls are be- aind diad almost immediately. lDeO8RS 9141 alae sun haat oaten. �% ing used again for the new tuni.e ed''was about eighty years Of age, and husband, Tho rebuilding of the cempany'a PTFI HPPOIALlX00.G9 Adalni tv, St. A., Taronta. skirts, Ladies who have one of these had been employed as schoolmaster for On this accoun�, the d to o Indiana are afraid of the sun, and loop upon it `""" W. H. SHAW, Prinotpah among their o.nticiuities will find that forty yentas. TWO years ago lu0 had exsou=tor?+•*m�'±s�o � � �- they have quite a treasure, a trealsure been pensioned off byths School Board to a most wonderful power, but it to OHIO, BU3I ESS VU1,GLUL which modern coin connot always se- oft East Kilpatrick. to the moon that they toll Chair many p l S [ UPJ G Care. They ]Hake lovely tunics, double Propornicaately, there is no great accrete, betulas alts is (hotter, Shoals �g , .. i?✓ Of YoronCe, ekirta and PUlonaiSOS. and beautiful, just evening a mother should 7/ city iu the ovlLzed world that ]hoe Ile, V'e�nus, the evoninR star, they "-..�.,..,r--� MONDE hod QERRARD STREETS. �— so few morning 'papers as London, look upon as the bravest of all of the be. - THE SKD?FF.R'S RnBUKE. This is due to the largo expenditure moonts c1t11dron, and that is because Thl.it,an can aolloot ie Sow astral, lea Involved Ln starting a Papel' in til0 'r %a f / /�/.,� ,�"' .or yo°rand hieb pens 00 Sept.tit fordo The skipperers at a salHag-Ve hal lied every evening bar she is the first the come L V �i e r �[v Felt Torte, cast opens oil rae, ht next. n$ passengers an est{maple, bwC not, metropolis. Any one contemplating sunk from her biding Place as the sun ® ®® Dnringwo an a drays Thlrtyatgladed for very courageous pn Gnister, and two this moat be prepared a to lose many sinks in the West. mon do woman have been tceommadded for thousands of pounds a year for two As for 'the comet's, thD Pintos believe eau°Nonatmmany becheerf lly$oattah°uane, Oareloss yOu4tg man gluon to Little but or three years, and than, perhaps, to torotedtinuwill be OhoorfntlY aunt to anyaui malstlh'iet' tn[l, Blom to be atom a was the sun has latoroutod to ,A severe Storm came up, and, at- caught, but whllo he was oaring them BUSINESS EDUCATION, tdhaugh the youlwg meat were frightened The Duke of Albany, who is a - they in some way got away, and the ` . oJnou:gh, tbair LOrTor WAR nothing to the acespted hair -apparent of the reign- long Ce[1 of light which follows ape ,• /. 4�40.yr pL 0 BNORTHANO, I that lot Lila poor minister, Who was yin- Ing house at Coburg -Gotha, is in his comet is the star's blood Vomiting from �!/' TYPEWRITING OP dooed( a pL'tiabla object, fifteenth year, having boon born in Its body as it flies away, from its fatb- a • TELEGRAPHY, C Soo 01ere, eir, said'tbD Skipper atlast, 1885, four months after his father's Or, the sun. When the comet at last Address E {II. H, SHAW, Prinolpal. With, kindly severity, do you want mo death. At prevent• he is at Tilton, but is seen no more then it La that the �n[.��� i L h ;it t 1 ow that the aun has at teat ./% Kms/ 1/ vlf ,HOW CASES. WALL CASES Qffice and Bank Fixtures, Modern Stole Fronts. Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write 'ORONTA SHOW CASE CO., 02 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. Pon. Won dine. ROYAL @HAIL STEAMSHIPS Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. arge and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. bin, Of; steeeege, ad" 58 stili $28 50 pwurds; aoaonA par further inf^rmatinn apply rolceaingents, or DAVID TORRA7 SED. & COilt nC 64., f Int 1, Solid Go1d....S2.83! sloaab " , . Best Gold Fill 1.50 5 rsGoldFill1.00-yI' Bost Glasses- 100 .'� We guarantee Perfect satisfaction- e a;�,0BE OPTICAL Gen, 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. BEE Tour ohoaco of a Viotan. BEE Guitar or Autoharp for xlling only 3 dozen 51.14 • tToapp,d Lover Collor Huk• r AdAnaoli Ooi Hnuio ice 0'1. —� - insg 4 dozen. No money Ye�av yuired, Just write us an 10 wo will send the butane poatpnid, Bell them. IsW,'% Lila nion,y end the ieib,nl moot las °hoose scall he promntty forte wardadby ' expraas, alt chargespailL LOveII $Mutate Co., Dept _E,Toronto. Get Agei OY I Pfiaho Money I I Fence P -1a ''���� ���® With 7o0 Rods, License Free. Ware only 2i cet^•,ranae in bitr...Iew n, las Din moud Grip Doti t hove to twist wt,ce amend curb other, like of from wen hl r. n Cnn uoNu ToitPs nr urnnka F ao tipiaa to etrmla, au,] (nate inn Eamon as Imlg es may +rovou feuo ,m4rin. C:m ane Plain, Cuaed Bpriup, S'waat or limb N']rei Oheappest w,ro Fence nn aver iaventaa. ,FrIN OuioklY to CANADA FANON OU., Landon, C.n,.— r§E to every l+oy and ggtri who aendsu, the '� h111 uaa,a nndndareax oe Avbbnys or girla(overli soon ni,a nu�i their awn add• pee, .vo win nwurd n haudecme I yy In wuiflt sal. we rcluh m,111vho Hili ;.w•,.r tt t tht wniet 4ao to ,Uatribmo2,, pka,. of •rail n rulel'ga•,ior and cutlect5c Psrffkg• 1SueLpaalragaooptains enough for tell ata`sa,. Return ala ,nonny v, to us by ex,raas, al mudor or.po.+tel nate, and wo willgivayou an addition to warxtoot an ' l elegantbraaotot In or ler to lmlocr Vemnt- .en:tosilwhonu,ker L,t'nsmeldet",l!taye fymmrideftuof9ea,biwi, els further "re. 11e• ,212 lr 81St' V., 11um 1E u. UZA, IrLY NovBA, 5" PRLEE"9 Machine I ft" THIS OIL is adapted toM�AlR t •et h ' 1s of«ifwt R.,.t all card speed, steam pressure, rb`.ARLI`.S4 ill till and !stmospher{c changes, 'coat (mown fol FnrulorA esu. centers sell it. D LILAITED 1, ILG�.•o. ��,�rssnr'srajsa ftmae b R5 P �� IRA to llli-ak you're More afraid of going ,to under the now arlaugoanon. a wt Pau as .n i 5,�'®� 'lli �,`,��,"* heaverh, than Lha)'la young Inca aro of have, to go to Germany and be turn- caught up with the wounded star and 4f . not 00ing Cham 1 ed into n Gorman pr[noe. , 1148 eatea It. . 0 ALLAN9 ]I);.0ltl.'i1 i%'�1,QaAA ST. LROUYd Cf~ . MONTREAL TO ,�,"] EAL211Ca1Ri°J I LIVERPOOL. EVERY THURSDAY From Ltvorpool. Froin Montreal 21 Aug......., ... BAVARIAN, 7 Solt 91 Aug..........,CALIF(1RNIAN El Belli. G 7 Sopt..... .........TAINUL' 28.sopt 14 sort.........•I A1tialAN,. 21 sont............BAYARIAN.. ,....,f5 Uct. Tho now Twin Serew s. S.. Bavarian 10,000 tans wilt deli front Llv^rbooi Ang• 24 and front MOntran aaPt,lo Cable Poe sane—bbil en upwards. second Colyte—$3h,00 Return '06.60, Bteoraga— Jverpcol ,',codon, lasgaw, Londonderry or QaeonetoNny $29.61,. - Ivortickets and all lntormntion apply to local agontq H. BOURLIER, 77 Yonge Sol Toronto; or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal //po p��t .p,gA g�pp�f �7p�gr� with,,,( m,ltitein liK AL H RESTYRpn t.® a, al ana6 o Cq Alost dlaa3'.rliarod Rtmdaoh, Ian1&a, Nerves, that, 11102 ntcdt or, k donl'aya�Binh, uud.art by ma �7�,6i lls Reva alma Arabloa Voodi, y