The Brussels Post, 1899-9-7, Page 44
%7E 11?il, ssti t'5: ,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1899.
Nitta BODY, ot Danlos, One, is a Slee
ab rifle shooting and oan locate the
bull's eye on an andel target with the
beat of em.There
are many
work that a lady may do wttb propriety
bub we are not too erre that the rifle
range in e nubile oompatition is one of
the number.
I>• the Guelph and Goderiob promoters
of the C. P. R. oonneotion would deoide
what the proposed route would be the
people along the expectant line wonld
have a little chance to enthuse but as it
there is every appearance of both of the
above named planes playing two strings
to their bow and as a cousequenae noth-
ing paxtioular is being accomplished. . A.
central public meeting ie likely to be
called but if it is oompoeed;of,persons ad-
vooating two dialled routes it will be
held in vain. Between two stools the
scheme will fall to the ground without
doubt, and those interested should take
this fact into their serious ooneideration
forthwith and deoide on the future
Cucaae CeaT,-11. Holmes, M, P„ and
wife are away to the Paoiaio Coast on e.
pleasure tour. --Tho ratepayers of Clinton
are taxed at the rate of 23 mine on the
dollar this year.--Mre. Walter King,
Base line, had the mieforttue to break
one of her arms a few daye ago. By
careful nursing ebe will have full use of
it again in a few weeks.---"Aemon Jim,"
owned by I. lletbeubury, of town, won
est week in
!ort Heron !
the 2.20 Diose, --Ur. Fowler, ot hewn, has
been appointed owe of the lecturers at the
ga is subjeot is on
• 10 H e b
rid 'et. College. Oita \ l
amatomy..—The Model aeboola for the
County of Huron opened in Godsrieh and
Clinton on Sept. 5th, The number of
pupils for both schools is 34 whish is
considerably lees than In former years.—
Robt. Mennen was unfortunate enough to
lose a horse the other day. He was sur-
prised, however, a few days later on being
made the recipient of another one (and
a better one at that) of which W. J.
Paisley was the means of seaming for
him by kind friends.—Prior to his enter-
ing the benediotine ranks his Meade tools
Jame Mealurabie
resent Ja a
be occasion to preeent
with a alight token of their esteem and
friendship for him. On Monday evening
of last week the party of gentleman
friends gathered at the club room and
after a few introductory remarks gave
him a remembrance in the shape of a
valuable and handsome silver lined out
glass salad bowl. A few hours were
spent by the party in a lunoheon (prepay
ed by R. MoLeooan) and speeches in
which Mr. Melefurabie made a very suit-
able reply to the boner done him and the
kindneee of his friends. Dr. Shaw made
an exoeilen chairnau.—G. A. Pbippen,
of Windham, who is around re -painting
the county bridges, lost a brown macs
valued at $00. Ile was coming up from
the depot, and was in front of J. W.
Irwin's, when the animal became oan•
tankeroas, evidently from the noise at
the depot, it being train time. John
Ford, of Holmeaville, happening to come
along, assisted Mr. Phippen to try to
manage and subdue the animal, but this
only made things worse, ;Between being
released and kicking herself loose and
Mr. Ford's team becoming affrighted,
matters were somewhat complicated.
Mr. Phippen'e horse in some manner lay
on its bunk on the tongue pole of Mr.
Ford's waggon between the horses, and
was thus carried for a disbanoe, finally
being thrown off, resulting in the mare
having her neck broken. The 'team ran
up Victoria et., turning into the stable of
the Commercial Hotel, and °soaped un-
hurt. The animal was buried by one of
the draymeo.
A News item intimates that a move-
ment is on foot in Toronto to establish a
new paper in couneotion with the Metho.
diet church. In our humble judgment
there is no necessity for suoh a paper,
the "Guardian," the official organ of the
oburob, is quite competent to fill the bill.
If it is not maintaining the high standard
desired, the management should see that
the weak place is strengthened. The
object of a religious as well as a neuter
newspaper should be •to give a good abare
of newe and also to remember that long-
winded essays and homilies, editorial or
otherwise, are not considered up•to•date,
Short, sharp, orisp, well peeked sentenoes
is the desirseum. The "Guardian" might
profitably take a few poiutere from the
Epworth Era in its get-up. There is no
long felt want to be filled by foisting a
new weekly on Methodism and as the
publication of the "Guardian" involves
osrtain financial obligations on the
oburob the oonntenaooingof a competitor
should not be taken into the serious con-
sideration of loyal members.
Tam foreign trade of Canada from 180S
to 1895 rose from 9131,000,000 to 9224,-
000,000, an increase of $92,000,000 in 27
years. From 1895 to 1890 oar trade rose
from $224,000,000 to 8319,500,000, an in.
crease of 995,000,000 in 3 years. Can•
adieu commerce, it will be Been, indent.
ed as much in the last 3 years ae in the
previous 30 years, Io 1895 the revenue
was in round figures, 834,000,000 ; in
1899 it will be 46 million. In 1895 the
expenditure was 988,132,005. In 1808 it
was a million dollars lees, owing to speoial
reoeipte from the Yukon, from the Inter.
oonanuai, from sinking fend investments
and other sources. In 1897 the fixed
chargee for interest amounted to 52.11
per bead. The present Government have
added 805,000 a year, but, allowing for
the inoreaee of population, the fixed
charges per head in 1900 will be only $2.
In 1894 95 there was a deficit of 94,158,-
875, and in 1895 96 tbere was a deficit of
9880,551. In 1898.99 there was a sur-
plus of 95,000,000. From 1894 to 1896,
both years inclusive, the national debt
increased 515,750,000. In the 3 following
years the increase has been $5,528,000,
and during that time the Government
have appropriated 89,048,205 for canals.
The Demoeretie Leader Illscusses Trusts
and the Philippines.
Hon. William J. Bryan, on passing
through Winnemucca, Nev., on his way
to California, delivered an address to a
large crowd. In part he said :—"I be-
lieve the outlook for diocese in 1900 was
never better than at present. Oo the
old questione of the campaign of 1890 we
are stronger than we were during that
campaign. On the new questions we are
gaining steadily. The Obicago platform
at the 000vention next year will be
affirmed entirely. In fact, I doubt
whether any opposition to the platform
will manifest itself in the convention at
ail. Two of the greatest of the new
issue that are before the country are :—
Firer, the trusts ; second, the Philippine
question. Many methods have been aug•
treated for the extermination of the trusts.
The moat feasible, it seems to me, is to
require every corporation to obtain a
license from the Federal Government
before it is permitted to do business out-
side the State in which it is organized.
This license man be granted under condi-
tions which will squeeze the water out
01 the stook and prevent the monopoliza-
tion of any industry. This nation tend
choose between a repel:Mc or an empire.
An imperial policy cumuli be defended
on anyground. From a financial stand-
point it will be an expense to a large
majority of the people and a profit only to
the capitalists who would organize syndi-
oates to develop the Philippines. From
a religious point of view, it cannot be
defended. A deapobiom at Manila ie not
0Oneietant with a free government in the
United Steten. This nation aannot en-
dure while half its people are citizens and
belt venal')."
S. J. Radoliffe baa been appointed
Prinoipal of the London, Ont„ Collegiate
Bush fires aro raging around Dresden,
Penoee and farm houses havofallen before
the flatnee,
The Great Eastern Railway was Bold
by the Sheriff et Sorel for 9905, to Mr,
l,'retpntaine,of Montreal,
Sia l'tireee Front flay Fever.In an article on hay fever in the Ameri-
can Angler, January 1490, a ooreepond-
etlb writes :—.01 pewee tbolteunde of
remedies have been offered end tried, but
the time end money spent in the trial
has generally been waned, for a parbiel
relief, if any, uonld only be obtained, and
the eating yet remained. Therefore, in
plana of remediee, aurgloal operations and
hernia s
ut k,
leriu a the only toured for
subjeot of hay fever to pursue if relief le
•o t f feo
desired, is to ileo from the flintier)
atnmephere and deleberioue 1,11150058 to
regions where the air and surroundings
are free from the sources of this trouble."
The Muskoka lakes, riagnelawen river
region, Lake of 13aye end Georgian Bay
dinner. are totally exempt from the
mates of the tremble and immediate relief
and a decided care is tenured all who
visit this beautiful tonality. The main
considerations in ohuoelte these regions,
in preference to other localities, are :-
1. Relief and Intel immunity front bay
fever ; 2, elesy aceeseability and moder-
ate hotel rates ; 3. Good postal 9ervi0',
i ad Ind
s rasa
railroad p
steamboat faoilitiea ; 4. Be,ntifnlly
oeolud,•d and oherming camping gin tads ;
5. Goad hotel aorommodatien on ell
priuoipal lakes ; li. The adapbabiliry of
the surrouudinge to meet the various or
varying 'code of invalids, tourists or
sportsmen ; 7. The wooded shores of the
lakes and rivers, principally balaam and
pine, is also one of the accountable teas
1 one for the curative and healing pr per•
ties in the atmosphere. Deam4ptive
matter sent free by applying to M. 0.
Dickson, D. P. A., Toronto,
t :it reatlli:I LL lel 4, veW.
James Chapman, a fit. Thomas cooper,
dropped dead at hie work.
Mra. Catherine Parr•Traill, the well-
known Canadian authoree+,died etLake-
At Smith's Falls two little gir's named
Menagh end Gallipean were drowned
while bathing.
Sir Charles Tapper is to return to
London from Buxton on Thursday next,
and will sail for Canada on Sept. 7.
Willie Houston, of Chatham, is charged
with manslaughter in commotion with
the death of young Lyell Stephens.
Police Constable Thomas Howie, of
London, Ont., has been arrested oa a
charge of using bis club on citizens.
A Northern Pacific expresa tram was
derailed near Winnipeg, and George
Johnson, express messenger, of St. Peal,
was killed.
The provincial assay office received 277
samples for assayer determination this
mouth from the Hastings, Sudbury and
Seine River districts. The fees aggre-
gated 9130 05.
It is stated on reliable authority that
the Federal Government intends pur-
ahaeiog the Plaine of Abraham from the
Urenline, and establishing a great park
there, when the property would be hand•
over to the atty.
The Departmeut of Militia and De-
fence at Ottawa has decided to allow
members of the Canadian Militia who
are poeeeseors of Royal Humane Sooiety'e
medals to wear them with their
The London, Oat., papers are disoua-
sing the purchase of the street railway
property and ire operations by the city
as the best insane of putting an end to
thep resent unfortunate condition of
The work of repairing the piers and
dredging the channel at Rondeau her.
bor will be proceeded with immediately.
Parliament voted 910,500 last session for
the , V. E, of the
work. Major Gra
w 7 �
pablio works department, was at Chat.
ham Friday, in oonneotion with the
At the meeting of the Dominion Medi.
oal Association, Thursday of last week,
Sir Jae. Grant, of Ottawa, in the coarse
of a discussion on tuberculosis, urged
that the Government be requested to
appoint an inapeotor to examine inmates
of public institutions and isolate any
found with symptons of the disease.
Tbureday night the members of the
aesooiationwere the guests of the Toron•
to directors at a mooulight excursion on
the lake.
The ladies of Knox oburob, Gait, seem
to be tiatted to death over that baby born
in Knox oburob manse. The Reformer
says : The ladies of Knox oburob will
procure a silver bowl and spoon, the
former suitably engraved for presentation
to Elizabeth Ellie Knox Koowlea. daugh-
ter of the Rev. R. E. and Mee. Knowles,
and the first child born in Knox manse
in the bietory of the °heroin, sixty year's.
The Board of Managers approves the
euggeetion and will defray the oast.
Wm. Miller, son of John Miller, of the
10th oon. of Markham, and two obildren
of the late Wm. Beattie, of Stouffville, a
boy and a girl aged respectively 10 and
12 years, were crossing the railway track
at Markham, in a buggy, when they were
struck by the "Sutton flyer." The two
children were hurled into the air some
20 feet. The boy sustained a bad scalp
wound and internal injuries front which
there is little hope of hie recovery. The
girl is badly bruised about the head and
body, bot is expected to remover. Miller
was drawn over the dashboard by the
lines and ouatained a number of bruises.
b drive home after resting
HB was able CO drly g
a few hours,
The pretty little Sommer resort of St.
Agabhe, near Montreal, was greatly see
cited over an incident that happened on
Sunday daring the clinch service. Rev.
Mr. Garth, who is at present the reotor
of the ProteetantEpiacopai ohuroh at Nee.
raganeett Pier, and an eminent to Rev.
Dr. Rainsford, being on a visit to Mon -
treat, was invited to preach at the service.
Rev. Mr. Garth, in the oouree of his ser.
mon, created a sensation by declaring
the Bible was not an inspired book in the
ordinary meaning of the word. It was
inspired, he said, in just the same man•
ner as Shakespeare was, or George EI.
liotb might have been. Touching upon
the story of Adam and Eve, the Rev.
Mr, Garth de0lared'it to bo legend, pure
and simple. It must nob ba imagined
for a moment that these temarke were
allowed to go unchallenged. One of the
leading membere of the congregation
name to hie feet and declared that he for
one believed the Bible from Dover to
clover, and be protested against the re.
marks which had been made by the
olergyman. To eay that there was ex-
oitement within tltoee fottr walls de.
Borihell it but mildly. People whose
voioos had never been heard above a
whisper in the edifice, talked load end
openly protested against the statements
which had been made.
0!ioalot t1L.
SCATTERED SHOT: The Public school
opened on Wednesday, while the Col.
leginte Institute commenced work on
Tuesday.—Miss A. Heys, daughter of T.
E. Hays, left last week for Midland,
where she has neared a position on the
Pob'fo school staff.—The Snoday school
of St. Thomas' church will be held at 2..
80 in the afternoon, commencing last
Sunday.—The annual Henan Thanks-
giving service in St. Thomas' ehorob has
been arranged for Sunday, Sept. 17th,
Rev. Rural Dean MoCosh, of Chatham,
will be the preaoher.—Mr. Gadke, of the
Seaforth roller mills, bas completed the
various improvements in the mill.—Os
Monday, A.09. 21st, a man giving his
name as Leech hired a horse and bogey
from A. Forbes' livery °Gable to go to the
big drain in Grey. Nothing has been
seen of the cattle The man was short
and stoat, dark oompl, xion, with a lump
on the left cheek, being about 5 feet 7
inohea, dressed in grey olothee and wore
a brown hat. The horse was a small
chestnut, 6 years old, about 15 hands
high, had a white stripe on its face and
two white ankles behind. The harness
wee old, a ratbec large black boggy with
a new top completed the outfit, which
would be worth about 5150. A reward is
offered for the recovery of the horse and
baggy.—Thos. F. Green, of Victoria,
Texas, private eeoretary for superintend-
ent D. T. Forbes, of the Soetbeco Paoifio
Railway, is visiting his friend, A. E.
Forbes, ab present.—Rev. Rural Dean
Hodgins will read a paper ab the Huron
College regalar meeting in London on
Sept. 20 and 21st.—Loftus Stark has
moved his tailoring establishment to the
store formerly occupied by Caoeey Cbm Oo.,
one door North of the poatotlioe.—Ohne.
Reid, of Stanley, shipped from here the
other day 21 bead of cattle which he had
purchased from John Dale, Hulled.
These cattle averaged 1,466 pounds each
and were bought for 5 oeote per pound,
thus netting Mr. Dale the snug sum of
$1,588.—W. E. Caldwell, near Constance,
met with a painful and what might have
proved a fatal accident early Wednesday
morning of last week, He was stopping
at the Commercial hotel here, and was
sleeping in one of the front bedrooms on
the seoond floor, He got up in his sleep
and walking towards the window, which
wag open, be fell out, striking 0n his
bead on the board platform in front of
the hotel, a diatanoe of about 20 feet.
After the accident he got np and waken-
ed the people in the bowie. He received
some opts in the face and a severe shale.
ing np, but no bones were broken. Apart
from the aggrivating of an old internal
trouble, he was not very much the worse,
although itis a mystery that he was nob
killed.—Robert McMillan, eon of Jobo
McMillan, M. P., met with a very pain.
fol aeoident on Wednesday of last week.
Jest how the accident happened will
never be known, as no person was with
him at the time, and Mr. McMillan him•
self does not remember anything of it.
He bas gone to the atebles and had sp•
parentty been kicked in tbefaoe by, one
of the borne and rendered unoonaeous,
and while in this condition the animal
must have trambed on him. After
partially recovering consoiousnese, he re-
turned to the hoose not knowing he bad
been injured, and when asked what hap-
pened be was unable to tall. His lower
Jaw was fractured and hie neck and arm
badly out. The fraoture of the jaw must
have been caused by the kink, and the
other wounds were undoubtedly caused
by the animal tramping en him, Medi•
oal aid wag promptly summoned and the
wounds, while very painfnl, though not
dangerous, were epeedily dressed, and
Me. MsMilian is doing ae well as could
be expeoted under the airawestanooa.
Roger Bropp, of Bayham Township,
was shot and seriously wounded in the
leg by a men named Hatob, who caught
him stealing fruit.
Rev, Rioberd Edmund Jones, of
Oundle School England, has been ap-
pointed Principal of Trinity College
Bohool, Port dope,
Since July let the manage on news-
papers in limeade bee been doubled,
&nue Janu-try let last, postage has
ibeen paid on many 0opiee of Trim
Bnoeslcts PosT mailed to eobeoribsre. •
Tint postage ie now doubled, ao than
Ihencefortli all such papers abuald hepe
paid ler in advance. The publisherj,
cannot send thepap er on credit andq
ales pay the postage eaob week front
hie own pookot. Will the hundreds of
our subeoribera living at a distance,
who read THE PosT weekly and ap•
preciuta our efforts in furnishing an papar, kindly give us their
assistance in this matter, Bend in
their subscriptions early and see that
their labels are marked well in ad•
vanoe. qq'FF
A eon of Rev. Mr. Orr, of Mono Mille,
wee drowned at Alliston while bat
hie .
Rev. Dr. Austin, the deposed Metbo
df,t miuieter, lectured in Montrael in de-
fence of Spiritualism.
The patients who were bitten by the
mad flog at Thameeford have gone to the
Pasteur Institute, New York.
B. e1. Britton, 114, P., and Hon, Mr.
Harty hive each given a matrioulalion
scholarship to Queen's Deliver -Re,
Major J. J. Mason, Health ct, wits
reoently, at Ottawa, re elected President
of the Canadian Military It lie League.
The Canadian Pacific Railway bas
made extraordinary additions ie ate roll.
ing stock to handle the Western grain
The death of Senator Price, of Que-
bec, makes the sixth vacancy in the
Upper House. When the se have been
filled the Liberal strength in the Senate
will be '29
Tuesday meriting, about 7 o'clock, the
house "1 .1. Joubenville, 2 miles from
Letellier, Man., °eught fire. Ilia wife
and '2 obildren, aged 2 and 4 years, who
were in the house at the time, were un-
able to get out and were burned to death.
The Cataract Power Company syndi-
cate has taken po=session of the Mamie
ton Street Railway, Hamilton Bellied
Lleetric Railway and Hamilton S Dun•
des Railway, the business of the stieet
railway passing into the hands of the
syndicate on payment of 9125,000
or $130,000 for the controlling interest in
abs coat,
A man named Bergeron makes affi-
davit to the effect that he borrowed 9300
et the instaooe of Lieltenant Fortin of
the Montreal Police Foroe to pay for hie
appointment to the foroe, deposited the
money in the Banque Ville Marie and
the bank suspended. He lost his money,
and Fortin refused to help him.
Western dairymen now epray their
oowe with ooal oil to keep off the flies.
A writer in Hoard's says :—"A pint of
kerosene will spray thirty cows three
times. In years past, long before the
middle of August, we have darkened the
stable in order to milk without danger of
being kinked by the infuriated cows.
This year the doors and windows are
wide open and the cows stand quietly
after being sprayed."
The Ontario Government has passed
an order in Council appointing Prof.
Day, at present lecturer on agriculture at
Il a to the o
0 of
the Guelph h oo e
p g+ p
Farm Superintendent, which hoe just
been vacated by William Rennie. The
latter has been vary suooesstul in his
work, having during the past few
years brought the farm into a high state
of prodoutivity. Mr. Rennieretiree into
private life, taking up bis residence in
Toronto. The changes will take effect
about the end of September.
At the meeting of the Dominion Med-
ical Asaooiation Friday moraine, the
following officers were elected :—Presi-
dent, Dr. 14. W. Powell, Ottawa ; Vioe•
Presidents, P. E. I., Dr. J. S. Jenkins ;
Nova Sootia, Dr. W. J. Putman ; New
Bronswiek, Dr. Myers ; Quebec, Dr. A.
Marsailala ; Ontario, Dr. A. Jukes, John-
son ; Manitoba, Dr. W. 3. Neilson ;
Northwest Territoriss, Dr. Hugh Bain ;
British Columbia. 0. M. Clones. Local
Secretaries :—P. E. I., Dr. H. J. D. John.
don ; Nova Scotia, Dr. G. M, Campbell ;
New Brunswick, Dr. G. A. Buddy ;
Quebec, Dr, J. A, Hutchinson ; Ontario,
Dr. W. A. Klock ; Northwest Territories,
D. M. el. Layman ; General Secretary,
D. F. G. Starr ; Treasurer, Dr. H. B.
Small, Ottawa. It wua decided to hold
next yoar'e meeting in Ottawa.
One night reoently au attempt was
made to hold up Andrew Falk, Reeve of
North Eaethope, but fortunately the in•
tended victim evaded hie pursuer and got
off with nothing more than the rather
uncomfortable sensation of being chased
by a highwayman. Mr. Falk had been
at the Clerk's office at Amalree on busi-
ness, end was returning home at the
hour of midnight. The night was not
very dark, at least not eo dark but that
objects on the road could be easily seen.
Mr. Falk was passing by Wettlaufer'e
wood on lot 20, con. 7, when a man
whose identity the Reeve oould not die-
oern, came out of the forest and abruptly
demanded a ride, Mr. Falk had a rather
epirited animal in the rig and he felt
confident that he could soon leave the
easpioione oharaotar behind, so without
any worde he applied the whip and the
distance between the two grew greater,
until the man was lost sight of in the
distance. Mr. Falk verily believes thee
bad be stopped for a minute the fellow
would have attempted to take any valu-
ables he might bave had. The place is
a lonely enough one, but it has never had
the reputation of being a don of highway-
01 Woman. lung
Around her husband'e unit anti
begged him to go to
to get their FamilyGroup
Groups taken with grout !woman. Views
taken on the shortest nott0°.
Platino J!iniel a amenity.
Copying and Enlarging dons, from
any old Photo. or taken from Oronps
with all changes desired.
All work guaranteed.
Gall and e00 our Samples.
H. R, D "EWER,
Apple Bllyiilg.
Any quantity of Fall and Winter
Apples, tit for packing, will be purchae•
ed by the nndereigned at the Highest
Market Pries. Will cover the same
ground as last season with new territory.
Am proepeoting now and will etant buying
as soon as fruit is ready.
Apple Buyer, BRUSSELS.
And Apple Butter.
Have everything ready for the
Fall tade in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
W. F. Stretton is the agent for
this district for D. Cantelon, On-
tario's largest exporter of apples.
Am buying now, at the very
highest market price, any quan-
tity of Fall and Winter varieties,
also culls and large crab apples.
Before selling please call on
nae, it Will pay you.
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
M. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for
4 and upwards.
t'Shop in Garfield Block.
Our Grocery.0*.
is Up -to -Date.
8Ber, 7, 1899
E ]:.,YTS.
Ff 6v
People with deal koro Itnow that they can depend on finding evarythe g
exactly ae advertised. We never Advertise anything °penial without hawing a fair
ev rG'aed
quantity in stook and as long ns it !ante it gone n at the d e 1 prin.
Bring the ad. along with you and prove this.
We are in a position to supply the wants
of the general pablio with up to•dabe
Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas,
Coffees, Meals, Spices
and General
Household Necessaries.
Oar aim is to sell only the Beet and
Freshest Goods on the market at the
lowest living profit on a Oath basis.
Those who deal with us will come
Farm produce taken and the very
best value given,
Call and aaoertain what we oan do
for you, "Your money's worth all the
year round," is our motto.
fa -Choice Confectionery.
O. I/o Baartl ff,
314000114 and OONL'50TIONPII,
We lhr shers the
TI ey ereleaeilysome
w nth 91,good,
liut we macltedng lthemtn700 st the thing tor
We will Wear oat the balance of our stook of 1fueline, regular 120. to 20o,, for
5e, a yard,
Shirt Weiets, regular 85e. to 91.25, for 50o.
Shirt Waiele, regular 50e. to 708•, for 25o.
Posse's, Silk and Linen, steel rod, regular 81,25 bo $176 for $1.
its Duck and Linen Skirts, $
Boys' Sailor Snits, regular $1 60, for 91.
When tbioltieg of but ing your new Fell snit don't forget that we carry a full range
of Ih Shorey ,C Co.'s fully guaranteed clothing.
A. Choice Stock of
on hand and sold at
Reasonable Prices.
"THE TIN TEA crrLe."
We have a fine stock of best Owen Sound Portland
Cement that always gives satisfaction A. ear and a half
sold already this season for cellars, stable floors, &c., &e.
It is the same grade as is being used in the new walks in
Call and get Places.
IL Grocery y Department
retains its hold on the Public
for Fresh Goods guaranteed to
be all that is represented.
A call will convince the most
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
gay gate
Last Longest and get
They Modern are and
Ask for our Catalogue "Leight Draft Ideals ;" it is free.
W. Ht Humphries & Son, Dr Al Orden,
t"We also handle all other lines of Implements.
Brussels Carriage Works.
—.e 0.0 ves--
Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods :
Top and Open Buggies with a and 9 inch
wheels. In color—Blaok, Green,
Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of
bodice, 20, 22 and 24 in, Also Jump
Seat Buggies with 1 in. wheels.
Democrats •
With two and throe seats.
Road and Speeding Carte.
Farm Wagons oomplete, 2 and 2e in. tires
with malable arms 3e and 4 in.
Wagon gear only if so desired. Parra
Truoke, 2e and 3 in tine. One-horse
Wagon, with or without box. Also
Gr000r's Delivery Wagon.
Wheelbarrows with steel or wood wheels.
As we handle the above line of geode
by the oar int perchance will get the
benefit by buying from ue.
V V A I\ C.X.a I.L-V I E Sy
Carriage Works, Brussels.
Repairing and Painting iii i,h:e above linen a specialty.