HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 8SCHOOL BEGINS. . Everything toy use in Schools nap be had at our Drug and Book telo re, Boys and Girls Yon will find our assortment of Boribblers and Exercise Books ap• to.date. See oar Historic Series of Lxeroise Becks of the Flims arta Queens of Eogland. They will please and in8arnot you. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Bicycles, ftejeni We have purchased an extra aappiy of Blneetone whl°lh ie an a0• knowledgod prevention of mut in Fall Wheat. It yon are troubled with omit let u9 supply you. Speoial price in quantitiee for this purpose, Keep away . . . , The Dust when threshing by using Wire Goggles and a Sponge, We have both, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, 'DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN RUTEN0ION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brneaele Station, North and South, asfollows : Gorse Soma. i}GING NORTH. 6i urese 7:18 a.m, i Mail 2:10 p.m sexed.,..,,... 9:46 a.m. i Express ......10:17 p,m vocal Pays Vats. A. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'lI prent it, Dns. DUSTY. Earraslnan, Borraa is scare. MONDAY will be a pnblio Holiday. THE Sohool bell will ring next Tuesday. CoMMIL meeting next Monday evening. KEEP off the new walks until they are dry. Board Friday evening of next week. A. FIUNTEe bas put down a cement walk from the street to hia residence on Alexander street. A can of arab apples and Alexanders was shipped iaet Tuesday to Exeter, for Mr. Jones. He is making np several one for shipment to Manitoba, THE Blyth Standard has entered neon another year of its exietenoe. Bro. Bradwin keeps the prow of hie journal- istic craft turned up etream and we wish him oontinaed 0000089, A anima has been handed in for e Eve foot cement sidewalk on the North side of King street, from Tarnberry to Jamea etreete, and the work will be done forthwith. The walk will also be extend- ed in to the doors of the Methodist oburoh. A matrimonial knot was tied at the Methodist Parsonage, here, on Wednes- day evening, by Rev. Jae. Holtnee. Tha contracting parties Were Holton C. Par- ker, of Elm, Perth Oo., and Mise' Lillian R. Bolton, of Midland, Mich. May joy go with them. W. H. Kenn disposed of the house and lot,formerly a sac red y byA. Crozier P , h AA Br t eta to Tho a. Bona Ord line, MorYie, for $380 cash. The new proprietor comes int possession at once rodwillmove to it this Fall having leased hie farm to hie eon, Mr. Bone will make a number of improvements to the property. A. R. S1mTH finished Ole buying in London for the present. As we stated fuel week about bio taking the cheap ex- cursion and buying large lots of boots and shoes and reedy.made clothing et big discounts in Hamilton and Toronto. On Monday A. R. Smith went to Lon• don and ('eared targe lines of dress goods tbat be nam sell at wholesale prices• Beautiful shades in skirt lengths, pretty dress geode in dreke lengths, Eret.alaee quality. A. R. Smith is agent for the new Ideal patterns. NOTICEABLE progress has been made this week on the new sidewalks the West aide of Turnberry street being completed and a good job done. The Queen's Rotel have replaced their front platform with Dement and will put the same material along the North aide of the Hotel. It ie a caution the Graze there ie to get on the new walks in many ones before they are hardly set. J3oarde, canvas, &c„ do not appear to be visible to the naked eye of some people as they walk over all barriers and sometimes run the risk of doing no small amount of damage. NET AND RAOQ0ET.-A contingent of Wingham tennis club played a match with a few of our racquet wielders last Tuesday afternoon on W. M. Slnolair'e 'awn, Brunets, the home team winning everything excepting one set of doablee, The soon wee a8 foliowe :-Doubles.- Sinclair and Fox, Brussels, beat Camp. bell and Ceaear, 6 3, 6 3 ; Campbell and Clank, Wingbam, beat Blair end Duman, 6 8, 6.2. Singlee,-Blair beat Clark, 6 2, 9 7; Duncan beat Romnth, 6 3, 7 5; Fox beat Campbell, 6 0, 6 4 ; Sinclair beat Celasar, 0.0, 6 4. A return match will likely be played before the 8ea8on is over. Brussels tennis (iib has bad a very anaaeeafal season so far. Kin ns. - Bruesele and Cranbrook footballers played a friendly match on Victoria Park, Brussels, on Wedneeday, and for a while made thinge lively. Oraubrook snored the first goal; the home boys evened it up shortly after and before many minutes the visitors, who were playing a fast game, spored again. The game was suddenly brought to a ifnieh by the bnretiog of the ball and no other being at hand play ceased, Fol. lowing were the respective teams :- 10005008 1')9rTIoN 00,08300011 M()Laughlin' ....Goal Peareon Semple Ferguson,P. B;oke Oster Ma � / Nair Gerry. ,, lJ Hollinger } Backe . „ Calder oKgay .6,0 a a at Lewr ,.Gauer l„ o r Y • e.,. McRae ilicilobatd.,1 Banns Thomson ,,1Ii,Wing Cameron itodhd ) L Wit, I..... ..... Oeter 11;0ndall,.,,) On Friday eve001nq ear boys expeot to go to Cranbrooltto play the return metoh, 11 Ferguson refereed,Wedeespay o6901ng's guile, - - A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of th week. RETURN fare to Torouto next Tuesday 82.05. Mae. FRANK OLrvnn, Queen street, will baan additional story added to the kitchen of her home. THERE are 80 appeals entered for the Judge'e Gogrtof Revision in 000000 - tion with Brussels Voters' list for 1899. Toxon. MoLarafero, Tarnberry street, bas let the oontraet for a new frame kit0hen to be erected to the rear of bis residenoe. BRUSSELS Maccabees have placed a 6- octave solid oak need organ in their Lodge room. The pnrohaee was made from R. Leatberdaie. Form deoke of hogs were shipped by Mesere. Baeker and Vanetone this week and a double deck of lambs was forwar. dad by Sao. Roddick on Thursday. Exoanoxon,-Single fare retire ticket will be issued on the G. T. R. in oon• notion with Labor Day. Good going on Sept. 2nd, Ord and ebb, and returning on the 5th inst. CODIBLAINT ie made about persons re. moving plank and cedar curbing, and stakes from new sidewalks, The oon- tractor is the man to attend to this busi- ness and knows when they should be removed. A GREY farmer informed THE PoeT that no leas than 11 apple buyers were to see him about his fruit. 8e got $75.00 for bis orohard, with reservations enough to supply his own needs, and has nothing to do with either pulling or packing. Tag ex-Mayor'e wife of London bought a dress off the very same piece of dress geode that A. R. Smith leas now in stook. A. R. Smith has other shades of the same class of goods, and we think they are good enough tor you. Yon cannot get as good or as pretty goods, as A. R. Smith took the lot. WgerwARo Ho t -The Brussels 0. P. R. agency sold tickets to the following persons for last Tuesday's excnreion :- Geo. Somerville, Boieeevain • Peter A. McArthur, Brandon ; Duno. McDonald, Virden ; Simon Forsyth, john Forsyth, Jelin M00atoile00 and Jae. Petah, Dam phin ; Mrs. Wm. Robb and Alex. Walker, Lauder ; Joe. Budd, Gienboro'. DON' D T o rr.-' he J? tobacco chewer should remember me ter th t the he new gement walks are not put down that he may apeceanyldeoorate them. A little common sense should be exercised as these walks octet 10 dente per square foot and are too expensive to be discolored by this pare- leeeneee. The names of a couple of parties ere given who have bean lead pencilling the walks and a watch has been set to trap them and thereby teaob them a lesson. Men To BRAT. -A good public school is a great blessing to a community and its value cannot be estimated. Brussels enjoys this boon and it is a matter of esti/denten to the ratepayers that the record of past years ie continued in 1899. This Summer 12 wrote at the Entranne and 10 passed ; 10 tried the Public School Leaving and 9 were eaooeaeful ; and for the Primary there were 10 oandidatee and 9 received oertifioates, or out of 81 writing 28 suooeeded. This should be an inoentive to the pupils of this term and also a etimnlns to the teaching staff to continue the good work. Principal Cameron and his staff are to be oongrata• lated. J. H. OAl0E0ON GETS THE OANE,-Some weeks ago H. L. Saokaon, jeweller, offer. a baokborn cane to the beet bowler in maneotion with the Brussels club, owner- ebip to be settled by a series of matches, in which 17 .playere were interested. The finale were played on Tuesday even. ing when J. H, Oameron Dame off via• torioue, and oonaegoently mares the walking etiok. In the first draw R. Leatherdale had the bye, the play result. ing as follows :- is THE ERUISSELS POST PoerOVVICR h0nre next Monday (Labor Da • will be t tut 8 to 1 n a. m. 9.20t 3.30, and 6 to 0.30:p. in. o MRS, JAS,WILKINSON, 41 L unsex, ltih line, Morrie, treated Tiin Poem 10 a baekat of floe apples for which she hate our beat thauke, 26 oeata,in edveues, will assure Trig 9091 for the baleen of 1090. Tell your neighbor. ft to 0110aper than borrowing an Jaeger. 0ouNarLLoet JNo, Wagon, of Lietowol, has quite an exhibit of horses at the Industrial Fair. elle fine r8atlat01 teeth, dere Ile t DUS rd Y ga ng 10 Illg hit ted Dae ell 111 he be ug of he air he to be rid re. is b, a. le ak be ed res i1g 08 it ed ek bo r. 81 • s. m re rt ae 7 a of d • n A 0 A a ll 0 u 11 • a e • r 0 m e purchased from Comer Green, in inaln in the number, The blaake von cin a m in li tlo over vat 3 minutes, and aro f a ai pair. Dustman= or Taxma,—One evellin little boy in town was watching a ga of Tennis being played by four you Jeanie, When be went home he said hie mother, "I eery my reseller knock a base ball over a wire fence wit a hovel." LAST ween Mies Ruby Plum preaen us with a beautiful boquet of sweet p and "Ghost" flowers, The latter is b shaped and highly perfumed, opening the evening and remaining so during t the night, when ghosts are supposed to round, and closing up in the moral when ghosts are supposed to go out business. PAIR or Bowes,. -J. N. Gordo», of t Standard Bank, intends offering a p of bowls far competition among t Bowling Glob members, the winder become the men. The matobes will handicap as that the experts will eta no better chance then the poorer playa A good deal of sport bee been had th seaman on the bowling green. AccrnaNT.-Last Sandfly David S. rub blacksmith, waa Plaiting McKillop friend In passing behind his horse in the stab the animal kinked. Beth feet arra kir. Strubb, one in the stomach and t other over the heart. Be was knock oat for a time, lint was able to get ho that evening, although still suffer' from the blow. It was a miracle be w not killed, ManuaroNIAL.-By notice elsewhere will be observed that Mies Lily Holten a former resident of Brussels, was unit in marriage oa Wednesday of Ian we to Cyrus Gee, both of Port Huron, Alio Che ceremony was performed at the hom of the bride by Rev. Mr, Martin. AT and Mrs, Gee will make their home i Oleveland, Ohio. The bride is a grand daughter of Mrs. S. Pearson, of Brussel TUB POST extends congratulations, FIRE Lrlumg.-The following item fro be London Free Prete of last week rete o a former resident of Brussels :-Robe Wilson, of 757 Richmond street, w afore the Pollee Magistrate, ()barged h ity Lngineer Graydon with erecting rams barn within the fire limits. Th am was built in February, 1898, node permit whiob, the Engineer &alma acted for a brink veneer instead rime, but the breach of the by-law di of Dome to the notice of the authoritie ntil three months ago, when complain as made by the neighbors. Mr. Wile° Omitted the offence, but be said the by aw bad been broken by other people i be same locality. "And tbey are also t e summoned," Added the Magietrat real every person alike." Mr. Wileo greed to have the building veneered an he Magistrate adjourned the one for tw ens. FooT BALL. The Wingbam Time 'vee the following partioulare of a Poo all match played tbere recently :-"Tb tueeels and Wiugbam junior footba ams played a friendly game on th cone grouade on Friday evening, result g in a tie, each team scoring two goals begamewas i t r n e e9tltl from g start t Mali. The visit re took oke o he first goal i uiok time and then the home team wen to even things np, bet.it was not Onti early half time that they auomeeded i eating the goal. The second half start with a rush by the Wingbam forward at they failed to snore. The pig skin owever, was kept in the vicinity of th russets goal and in about ten minute e home team added another to then ore, The play from this out was also Wingbam'e favor, but just before eime was up the Brussels boys made a moment I rush and evened the score. Wingba ied hard to break the tie before time as nailed, but were ana0oaeseful. Th oma lined up as follows : 11'1NG1AOt PosaTroN 111108008 01n11ane011 Goal Vaneton 11fnn 0 Banks 1 Irwin axon H�endat ing • } West Aikens 0 4 Backs .Mo1ay times 1 MoDonorgh Centro MoOrae uxiehotdor t B, Win { Peebles hamberla1n fL g Cameron lleepie f L Wing 1000011 Aikens g Lowry Befereo—Ira Gerry, 0f Brussels. FURTHER PARTIOULAR5. — Last week E Poe made reference to the sad nth of John Ritchie at Fort Francis, Monday of Inst week, Along with hie fe and several Keewatin residents tbey t to Fort Francis on Saturday and re to attend the Fall Fair on Monday d take part in a concert in the evening. told his wife if elle would go with her ends to the Fair he would take a walk wn the river to see the Palls located ere and would be back in an hour. Not urning at the time nothing particular a thought of it but after the expiration another hour a search was instituted d kept up all night with lanterns and cine but the body was not discovered til Tenthly morning. It was lying on me driftwood in the river entirely out the water but his fade was in the water d of octane life wag extinct, It was pposod he went out on this timber to cure a better view and slipped, striking head and rendering bim anoonsoious, 005 an expert swimmer and an active n. It was a vary sad ane trying nation for his wife and sympathy and p were not lacking. Mr, Bitobie was at 30 year9 of age and wee married to es Maggie, daughter of D, Stewart, of assets, 5 years ago last February, ey went to Keewatin in April, 1898, d were publishing the lieewatin "Mins. i." Mr. Ritohie's parents reside at met Forint, Oot., and are well adveno. in life, Re hoe a brother at Kewatjn. ceased woes w a bright man, cheerful g 4u in ositi n o a great of P , g mesio and Ped by all who knew him. It is be was l eitl "Just break the he now e mother at the concert. Mrs. Ritchie daughter are OBI at Keewatin. Two her brothers live in that notion. p sympathy ie exproeeed for the avail in their grief. a G 0 0 0 u w 0 b w B to n T fi uiok ed b h B tb ea fn fn tr w to 6t Co W B B 0i 13 Ta de on wi We Wa an He fri do til ret wa of an for no e0 of an BD 9e his He Ma, sit hel abo Mi Br '2h an tri Mo ed De die bels and t0 and of Dee bete Cameron beat Fox 17- 8 Hewitt " Robb 17- 3 Ooasley " Blair 12-10 Gordon " Farrow 13.- 7 Donnan " MoNeughtou 14- 8 D. C. kteee " A. Roes 12-11 McClellan " Kerr 15- 6 Irwin " Binolair 13-11 D. 0. Rose got the bye in the 2nd draw, the score being :- Leatherdale beat Conley 17- 6 McLellan " Duncan 10- 8 ()ammo " Gordon 14-11 Irwin " Hewitt 10- 9 There were 6 bowline in the Srd Erie). Their namee were Leatherdale beat D. 0. Boss 14- 7 McLellan " Duncan 10- 8 Cameron " Irwin 10- 9 Mr, Leatherdale was too much far Mr. McLellan in the 4th draw, score being 16-8, Mr. Cameron bolding the bye. The 6th and final eompebitlon found J. 10.mr n Ca e o and 10.e b L at erdale Pibted against one another, and each with 8 viotories to their credit. The sohool- master lioke d by 14 to 6the conalud)ng part of the game beingplayed in the twilight. Bach player was his own akip and played 4 bowls, 18 ends oonstftuting a game. Considerable interest 009 mum heated and a lob of good bowling done. A third element wag added to the late Sir Jobn A, MaoDonatd'e list of anoer- taintieo-an election and a hetes race - viz,, a 1owlint, tournament, ae 00019 of the? 'oraoker'Jacks" of the cldb went to gran its the early stages of the pia', While raisitg one of the trainee for tbo reef of the new Melville ohuroh building at Forges on Monday, Jobe Moffat, joint oontra00or for the Wood Work, was almost inOtttnt)y kiliod, The trim, a heavy one, wee beiugbaisted with Mock b and tackle and wee almost at the required height when 000 of the guy ropes broke. Mr. Moffat atm whet bed happened and Was running to avoid the falling timber, when he was atruok be. tween the shoulders and expired almost immediately, Business Locals, Trrcorllr seed at MoCraoken'e, (10.10110 to rent. Apply to 3, 3, Gilpin. A y»LL assortment of Lletowei yarns just/ t t Tenni' ed a Mrs, Kl rk a, Fon gale aha aP . two set gond-hand ainsle heroeee, I, 0, Riobarde. Leval & Inas will sell the balance of this year's baggies at a large rednotion. TERMSLE slaughter in prides of buggies at Levan & Innes'. The beet buggies in the market. Tun biggeet bargains ever offered in Bruesele at Ewan & Innes' for the baleen of 1899. WANTeD,-Batter and eggs, still the same pride, 14a, The sale still goee,- Everything goee. G. E. KING, Wingha M. A 08011000 of bgggies, new and old, must be sold at Ewan as 'ones'. Call and see, Prins away down. a3 0 R N ST0TIE118.--In Blyth. on Aognst 18th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Stothere of a daughter. Loxomm10 a --In Benfryq, on A»'. 20th, the wife of Mr, JIM. Longin •te of a daugbter. +e•RR21 0::, GEE -HOLLAND, -At Port Huron, Mich„ on Aug. 28rd, 1890, at the home of the bride'e pareute, Riehardeon et., by Rev. T. Marvin, Miss Lillian, eldest daughter of Mr, Merles Hol. laud, formerly of Brussels, to Mr. Oyrne Gse, eldest son of Air. Fred. Gee. Paeans -Boman. - At the Method let Parsonage, Brussels, on Aug. 29th, by Rev. J. Holmes, Mr. Nolton C. Parker, of Elms, Perth County, to Miss Lillian R. Bolton, of Midland, Wiob. RUBSELn-BToNEnouao, -At the Met.h°. dist Parsonage, Wingham, on Aug, 80, by Bev. R. Robbs, Mr. Tbos, Russell to Miss 0. St0uellons+', both of Belgrave. MoLAclmlx.-In Grey, on Aug. 26, Robert MoLaahlin, aged 47 years. MaDoNALn,-Iu Grey, on Aug. 26, Peter MoDonald, aged 84 years, 6 months and 28 days. Jooce, In Brussels, on Aug. 24, John Jones, aged 80 years. RoToniE.-At Fort Franoie, on Aug. 21, John Ritchie, of Keewatin, formerly of Brussels, aged 30 years. Indusbrlal Fair, Toronto, Aug, 28 - Sept. 9, Western Fair, London, Sept. 7-16. Oentrel, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23, Strathroy, Sept. 18-20, Clinton, Sept. 19-20. Oollingwood, Sept. 19-22. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 19-20, Listowel, Sept. 19-20. Central, Guelph, Sept. 19-21. Port Elgin, Sept. 21-22 Woodetook, Sept. 21-23, North Brant, Poria, Sept. 25-26. Center Brnae, Paisley, Sept, 26-27. South Grey, )aria m Sept. B E.2G- 27. GUaerlOh' Sept, . 28- p 28, WaterlooSanaa, Galt, Sept. 28-29. ' Luohuow, Oot. 3-4 Stratford, Oot. 3-4 Bruesele, Oot..5-6. Kincardine, Oot, 10-11 Dungannon, Oot, 11-12. Fat Stock Show, Guelph, Dec. 5-8 Fall Wheat 60 66 Barley 80 86 Peas 60 61 cabs 23 24 Butter, tubs and roils 14 15 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 00 Potatoae (per bus) 40 50 Apples (per bag) 50 60 Hay per ton 5 00 5 00 Hides trimmed 7 Hides rough 6 75 Salt per bbl., retail' 1 00 70 Sheep ekine,each 80 65 Lamb eking each 26 25 Hogs, Live 4 50 4 60 Wool 8 18 Toronto, Aug..29.-Too live stock re- ceipts this morning were 47 oara, or 1,000 cattle, 800 sheep and lambs, 50 cows, 26 calves and 1,000 hogs. There Wee but little ohango to note in the general scale of values today, but the vitality of the cattle and hog trade was still alow, the demand for the former being especially 'weak and uncertain, with bide showing a slight decline at the oloee. Export cattle A000rding to cable maniacs, the English markete remain firm for choice cattle, but the local market was inclined to be a little easier, owing to the heavy supply of inferior gradee, whichproved a burden on the market ; choice and desirable grades were quoted at 84.25 to 95 per owe., and light were steady at 93.75 to 84.50 per cwt. Butchers' cattle -Trade was still quiet, with elle tendency of prices rather toward weakness than strength ; choice selections were quoted at $4 per owt., another bunch fetching 84.10 per cwt. ; medium and common grades, wheoh were in large supply, were not wanted, and sellers had some trouble in disposing of them, even at lower prices than suob fetched on Friday, being g0ot• able at 88.75 to 93.50 per owt. Stockers and feeders .-•- Trading in Canadian stockers for Buffalo was sluggish, owing to the weaknese of the Buffalo markets ; choice stockers were quoted 25e per cwt. lower, or $2,50 to $8.25 per cwt. ; a few inmates of good fenders ore in good de. mood and fetched firm prides, or $8,40 to $3.75 per cwt. Sheep and lambs -Good butohere' sheep were a little firmer, being quoted from 16o to 25o per owt, higher, or $3 to 68.50 Gook; eheep for export were quotable at 88,50 to $8.76 per cwt., and lambe were quiet at $4 to $4:85 per owt.; a few bunches of milled lambs were in slow demand at 8o to Bio per lb. ; leucite fetched. $2.76 to $8 per net Hogs -Trading in this line showed a decline 900.8.0 op7er ;10. ohoioe00900!ee,leatioBs,or$6 Woreperowlqu,oted;lattigh and thick fate Were slap easier, being ArDO1RD .13.1 NE O.,ii' C A011D..1, =Err.4.73ffiT x= HEAD 00610E, - TORONTO OAPITAL PAID UP (One Million I]ollara) $1,Q00,000 BISHTUVia FUND, • • 8000,000 Agencies in All principal points fn Ontario, Quelled, Manitoba, United States c6RllIIlend. OVSSIMS A General Banking Business '1'ransaoted. Fermm'e' Notes Dlsoaunbed, Drafts lamb d anti Collections made on all pointe, AV 8 INC,S BANK DF .PARTMEN'P, Interest allowed on dermas of $1,00 and upwards, BYROCAn ATTENTION GIVEN TO 1911 00000000011 Or RIMERS' SALE NOTES,. Every facility afforded Customers living at 10 dietanoe, J. N. GORDON, Aa'INo AGENT. MEOW MISNISSAIDER6181119011MIMMS16, quoted $o per lb., or 84.50 per cwt. ; soave were steady at $8 per cwt., and stags fotohed $2 per cwt. Bast Buffalo, N, Y„ Aug., 20. -Cattle -The offerings were quite liberal, but the demand Wee fair, at a shade 1olver than yeeterday's close 'on the most aeeir. able of the cattle offered. Oalvee were in light supply ; fair demand at yesterday's prices ; ohoioe to extra 'Ws, $6.75 to $7 ; good to ohoioe 96 60 to 96.75. Sheep and lambs -The offerings were 10 loads ; all were closed up, and the market was in a little better position on Iambs ; lambs, choice to extra, were quotable at 85.50 to 95.75. Canaclas Bold at $5.35 to $0.60 ; sheep, choice to extra, $4 to $4.25. Hogs -The market opened 50 lower, with a total of 24 loads on sale ; heavy were quotable at $4.90 ; mixed, $4.90 to 84.05 ; Yorkers, $4.90 to $4 95 ; pigs, $4.05 to 94,75 ; grassers, $4.70 to 94 80 ; roughs, $3.90 to $4.10 ; stags, 98.25 to 98.50 ; the market closed easy, on the bade of the bulk of the sales, whiah was $4 00. Toronto, Aug., 29. -outside wheat markets are easy, and toast prices steady ; Ontario, red and white, sold at 08o to 880o outside ; new No. 2 red gold at 68e ; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, sold at 79a. Tor- onto and West, and at 8190. g. f. t. Flour easier, export agents bid $2.05 per bbl. for etraight roller, is buyer's hags, middle freights, and holders ask $2.75 for same in wood, for local rise, $3 to $0.10. Mill - feed scarce ; bran, $11.00, and shorts, $14 at Weetern mills. Peas steady ; oar lots, immediate shipments, sold at 651, North and West ; October shipment, 530. Oats unchanged, in moderato demand ; old white, North and West, offered al 270. and 26o is bid ; exporters are now bidding 240 to 2490 for new oats, and 25o ie asked North and West. Corn Blow : oar lots of No. 2 yellow, Amerioan track, Toronto, 4190. Rye -Car Iota Bast, 51,10 and West, 50c. Barley -Feed barley, North and West, is selling at 32o. Ingersoll, Ont., Aug. 29.-Ofieriuge of cheese, 1,733 boxes; first:half August make -1,233 colored and 500 white. Sales, 250 at 149 ; 149 bice all round for colored, and lla for white. Large attendance, market brisk. New York, Aug. 29. -Butter steady ; Western oreamery, 17o to 210 ; do. fac- tory, 1290 to 15a ; imitation creamery, 14o to 210 ; state dairy, 15o to 190 ; do. creamery, 17o to 190 ; do. creamery, 17c to 21o. Cheese strong ; large, white, 10. n ; small, white, 1090 ; large, colored, 1090 ; small colored, no. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. YOUNG oo w supposed in calf, for r sale. amityto JAMBS GIH pp ySON, IIreasels, LOST. -Two boxes of KIonnike Mitts on the OM eon. of Grey, between Brussels reward by leaving teem hat receive American Hotel, Brueeols, 7.1 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE 8 years 01d andifoa1 for sale, or a tidy farm horse same age. Your ohoioe. Apply to 11800. 14100RA, Brussels. 6tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 0n Mill street, Brussels, The house is a comfortable ono, well sand up, with cellar, hard and soft water, 40, There le also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden : over ono.quaiter acre of land. Per pride, Orme, 40., apply to H, FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. HERR of Tan Poor, 18.01 D. F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., Graduate of MoGill Collage, Montreal, do., 40, Ail epeoialty work satisfactorily treat- ed, Bogdan 0e, Elizabeth street, late Smale re91denae, Office in rear of Drug Store, Smale Bleck, Brussels, Out, Voters' List Court. N otioo is hereby given that a Court will be hold, pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' List A00,1600, by his Honor, the Judge of the Oounty Court of tbo Oounty of Huron, at the Township Hall on the 18th day of septom- ber, 1800, at 10,850 o'olook in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of more and omissions in the Votere'Liet of the Municipality of Grey for 1800, All per- sona having Business at the court are m- oulted to attend at the said time and place, ,dated Aug, 80, 1800, WM, 0 01erk 00 Grey, Notice to Creditors, In the Surrogate Court of the Oounty of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Robert MaLnuohlio, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, NoticeIs hereby given, pgreuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1808, hoe. 08, that all creditors and others having any lin,e' late of the the nebipp of Ogre ,MoLanoh. he County of Huron 800100r, doomed, who died on or about the 20th day of August, A, D„1800, in the Township of Grey, in the Oounty of Huron, are hereby 1900Oete 51 to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to John B,Hyde 0401 William Cameron, of Clue• brook Executors of the said estate Or to 0, P. Mair, of the Village of Brusaol's, their Solicitor, on ofbefore o hthe 18tH clay of trop- tomboy e, ). oripti,theird 1 names,fffil ortioe- 898,.at their and the full partiou- lareeftheir olafine (Verified by affidavit) and the nature of the eeorrittee, if any, bald by tram. and notice is iurtbor given that after 1110 said last mentioned date the said A0eeutore will proeeod to distribute the assets of the acid deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having ragged only 00 the olaim0 of which notice shall have been given w above trnbo eeponeiblu for 0110 said or guy part thereof, to any per0on of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of ;mob dlatributioe, G. F. BLAla,Brhsaol�g, One. Solieltor for 7.axecuters, Dated at 1811010016 August 6tel, 1688, AaaaalianidaftlatalaieotaeSMOVINILIIII Tenders Wanted. soalod Tenders will be 100018ed by the un- Ooreigned up to noon on Sept. 840 1800, on Ohutoh rlii01gravo adTheu wo 16 oonsf tediof atone brink mud 00rp00tel' work, plastering, Piloting and papering an oburoh and base. went, All work to be iraluded lu each tau. dor. Work to be 0empleted this Pali, Plana and apoollloajloue may be seen at the reel. dense of Wm. BonCough, lielgrave, on and after August Sett. The lowest or any tender not necoeearlly amend, of Trustee 0WM. B19NG01laU, B0lgravo REAL ESTATE, �i1ARMS VOR SALE. -THE UN- mlRererntD has several good Parma for Bale and to rout, easy berme, in lbwushipe DI Morris and Grey, P 8, SO OTT, Brussels ''ARIA FOR SALE.—THE The undersigned oilers his form, be- ing H trot7, Con, 17, Grey, containing 60 acres, acme being good hardwood bush, for sale. Thorn is a. now frame house 180.8, now bare, 80x60, oioharcl 40, Possession would be given at any time, with this Panaon's env if desired. Farm is two smiles from Village of Walton. For further particulars as to pries, terms, tee , apply on the promises or to TR 08, JOHNSTON, Walton P. 0. T IAR1 FOR SALE.—THE A. undersigned offers hie 100 acre farm, being 8 4 Lot 27, (Mu. 0, Morris, for We, All cleared and to a good state of cultiva- tion. House, bank barn orchard, 40„ It miles from Bruseele, flue{ only I mile to school. Possession given alter harvest. If not sold by limn, 1st will be leased for a term of years. For price, terms, 40., apply ou the promisee, or if by letter, to JAMES P11TC10, Brussoler. d. 000 GORES OF TIMBER el LAND FOR BALE, -The undersigned offers for sale 8,000 acres of timber Mende in Osooda 00., Michigan, at a low price, Well timber- ed with hardwood, Also 2,000 mares for sale °heap for actual settlement, lying on the Oseoda ,C North Western railroad. Several improved farms °heap. Apply to JAS. AITS580, 61.21n Big Rapids, Mich, 11AR11I FOR SALE. -150 AORES Consisting of the South 1 and South 4 of the North d of Lot 10, Con.2, Raab Wawa - nosh. This is an 000elleut stook tarm,boing well supplied with good entitle, water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of itis under grass. Buildings and femme aro in a falx state of reuair. Rosy tonne of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-21 G. F. B LAI10, Barrister, Brussels. AUG, 31, 1899 Scdool Books Sb'en1 Suijpliiis We have f1 most com- -jlete line for the Sohool Opening Fox's Drag Store, T5lARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- f Lot No. 10, Don, offers, ry loouta sit g 60 00100, more or lase. Por por(iculare es to price and terms apply to Brussels P. 0. ROB 0u the p remises, II INE FARM FOR SALE.—BE. INo Lot 20, N t Oon, 0, Morris 00wnehip, containing 08 acne of 0101-olaes laud, There is ahouse, barn, orchard and good ware' house, and farm is well fended, There are 80 uoree in Pall wheat ; 10 agree in hay and 16 acme pasture. Poeaeselon could be given at once. Farm 011±01us the village of Erne - sole, For farther particulars as to Jrrica, terms, 40., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, M, P„ Baden. 22.01 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The nnderslgned otter two 100 acre farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lots are Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 0 (6truebiae), the eldero d n between them. Good brick barna and barn ,o tot Il, and 1 nec and 2 barns on lot 10. Drell watered and all suitable o grain 01000. Well watered and cul11090, ' grain sold grazing, 100 acres now a ger to will r- eohl oi4her separate or together to snit par - chaser, Tereus of payment reasonable. Im- mediate.LL,ossession. Por farther partionlars apply to J08EPH CLEGG, Brussels P. 0•, or L. L.18101180118014, Barrister, Wingbam. 110 Fall Term opens Sept. 5 Write to -day for our env Catalogue, It's the finest Bueinesa College Catalogue in Canada and represents the most pro. greseivo and best sobonl. OY..T, 112600Tr, Principal. ipa1. S Isn't all confined to the News Columns of the Paper. Fre- quently you will find - the most Interesting and Important things in the Advertising d ertisng Go1- um,ns. A careful reader of the Paper through willgive � you no more important fact, , as far as your Pros erjt is p Y concerned, than our mention of the fact that we are selling the most LOVELY DRES 0000& Read Carefully next Week the number of Dress Lengths and Prices,