HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 7ISEz'T, 1, 1999,
11115 Speeches, teeteins and Lciturt Are
1+hied with nem set apothegms,
Here aro a few a the brightest say -
Inge of the groat agnostic:
Napoleon. -L would rather have been
a l'rcinoh pem5nnt and worn wooden
Oboes. L would rather have lived. in
a brat with a vine groping over the
door, and the grapes (srpwing purple
Iso the nanta•clus kisees of the Autumn
ARIL I would rather have 'been that
Pond pea'sa;nt, with' my loving wife by
mn side, knitting an the day died nut
of the sky --with my children upon
.any kncoa and Choir arms about me -I
would eathsr bave been, that man, and
gone down to the tongueless silence of
the dreamless dust, than,to have been
that imperial ampersonatien of forme
and Y11u'rderer, known as Napoleon the
d.3eforniers,-Shalt we not become
charitable and just, when we know
Matt every aot is but condition's fruit,
that natune, with her countless hands,
.aeatters the seeds a tears and crimes
-of ovary virtue and of every joy; that
.all the base and vile are victims of -,be
blind, and that the ;great and good
have,. he the lottery of life, by chance
or fate, drawn heart and brain ?
A Child's Laugh. -Strike with the
hand of fire, 0 weird musician, thy
harp strung with Apollo's golden
hair ; fill the vast cathedral aisles with
Ieymphonies sweet and dim,. eft iouoh-
nir of the. organ keys; blow, buglers,
allow, u:util the silver notes do touch
and kiss the moonlit waves, and @berm
the. lovers wandering midst the vine-
elad hills; but know, your isweolest
strains aro :discord, all, compared with
childhood's happy laugh -the laugh
that fills the oyes with light and every
:heart with' joy I
Selfishness. -1 dlo not see how it is
possible for a moo to die worth mil-
lions of dollars in a city full of pain,
Where every day he sees the wither-
ed hand of want, and the white lips of
famine 1 1 do not see -how leo can do it,
any than he could keep a pile of
lusnber on the shore where hundreds
and thousands were drowning.
J?oehion-J3oauty.-1 am a:believer in
fashion. 1L is the duty of every wo-
man, to make herself as beautiful and
attractive as she possibly can. "Hand-
some is, as handsome does," but she is
much haadsomer if well dressed. Every
mons should look Lia very best. 1 am
a believer In good clothes. The limp
never ought to cane in this country
when you can tell a farmer's daughter
simply by the garments she wears. I
say to every girt, anal woman, no mat-
ter what the material of your dreiss
may he, no matter how cheap and
coarse% it is, oat it and make it in the
fashion, 0 daughters and wives, if
you would be loved, adorn yourselvea-�
Lf you would be adored, be beauti-
Right and Wrong. -Everything is
right that tends to the l appinesa of
mankind, and everything is (wrong
.that Increases' the sum of human mis-
ery, What can increase the bappinesa
of this world more than to do away
with! every Corm of -slavery, and with
all war? What can Increase the mis-
ery of mankind snore than to increase
wars and put chains upon more human
limbs? What is annsaence'0 1f masa
were incapable of suffering -if man
could, not feel pain -the word "eonsci-
en•ce" never would have pulsed his
Fear, -Year pnrely zes the brain.
Progress is born of courage. Fear be-
lieves, courage doubts. Year falls up-
on the earth and prays, courage stands
erect and thinks. Fear retreats, cour-
age advances. Fear is barbarism, cour-
age is oivilizat(on. Fear believes in
witchcraft, in devils and ghosts. Fear
Let religion, courage is science.
Pdwer, Gela.-it is better to be the
emperor of one loving and tender heart
-and she the empress of yours -thou
to be the emperor of the world. Gold
impoverishes, Daly the other dray 1
,was Where they wvrauon it tram the
miserly, clutch of the rocks. When I
saw the muuaiaius treeless, slirubless,
fd.owenlesa,-withotgt even a spear at
grass -it seaaae'A to me that gold has
the same effect upon the soil that holds
it as upon the ntau who lives and lat,-
ora only for it. It 'affects the land an it
does the man. 11 leaves the heart bar-
ren, without a flower of kindness,
withoutt b1ers0 01 pity.
Love. -Love is the only bow ou life's
darts cloud. 11 is the morning and
evening star. It shines upon the babe
and shells its radiance on the quiet
tomb: it is the mother of art, inspirer
of poet, patriot and philosopher. It
ops the air and light of every heart;
builder ,of every home, kindler of every
Brants every hearth. 11 was the first
to dream of immortality. It file,: the
world with melody -for music is the
voice of love. Love is the magician,
thry enchanter, that changes worthless
Things to joy, and makes right royal
king's and queens of common clay. It
is the perfume of the woflelrous flower,
the heart, and without that sacred
passion, that divine swoon, we are lese
thaw beats but with it earth is hea-
ven; and we ase gods .
I should like some evidence, young
man, that your intentions are serious,
said the old gentleman.
Evidence demoa I exclaimed the
e yous
Izlvon't7banght three boXes of Bandy
at GO ovate ft pound, pound two matinee tlok-
ata aud six; klatea if toe cream in less
than two weeks? ,flow much evldenue
de you expect from; a man in moder-
ate edreamstances?
Long -Have you forgotion. that $G
that you borrowed of Ina some time
Short -Oh, no; Tel(tll have it In my
Long -Well, don't you think this
would, bra n goad time to relieve your
mired of it
'.Lite principal person at a olu•isteu-
lalg is generally too young to take any
active part in the ceremony beyond
crying loudly-wilhout which, iu some
localities, the ehrlstening is not con-
sidered " lucky," the baby's likeilho,d
of good fortune being measured by
the vigor of bis crying, says It writer
in London Tit-JJILs. But at the very
first service of the kind at whiclh the
writer officiated the recipient of the
baptismal name distinguished himself
and brought confusion on the bashful
and inexperienced young parson of
those long -ago days ; for it was not
until long after that memorable firet
baptism that I lost all fear of drop -
plug the infant and a notion that a
baby is kept together by its clothes
and may al any moment fall to pieces
if not very carefully handled. It was
a double event ; that is to say, two
children of the same family were pre-
sented for baptism together.
In another case well known to me
eight children if ono family had been
saved up, and seven were marched. to
church as an escort to the eighth, and
all wart) baptized together -the fath-
er afterward intimating that the vicar
ought to " knock aummat oft " the fees
on the usual principle of " w reduction
for quantities, like." In any case there
were' only two, ane 1 found one of
them one too many for my peace 01
mind, for he -a buy of some 3 years of
age -started and amused the con-
gregation and confounded me, when in
the act of sprinkling the water on his
brew, by luttly singing Mt, " Here,
drop it, will yer I" Perhaps the pro-
test was natural, but it was highly
Generally, however, the recipient of
the name is quiescent -except in the
mutter of irresponsible yelling -but
tile pnarents occasionally furnish much
amusement; and especially is the de-
mand made to them, "Name this
child,' sometimes provocative of very
queer responses indeed.
I am not now referring to the extra-
or'dinary combinations of high-sound-
ing manses with which some ambitious
parents burden their offspring, though
now and then they are sufficiently
mirth -provoking, particularly when
prefixed to an ultra -plebeian surname.
Florence Bertha Madeleine Victoria
Snaggles "-the incongruous title rings
in my memory after many years -is a
--ease in point. The surname, by the
way, was not " Snaggles,"' but it was
quite as full of pathos as that.
I have it on the authority of an en-
tirely veracious Merited friend that on
one occa"ion he was staggered, on say-
ing " Name this child," by the re-
sponse, "Lucifer "'-as he thought.
"What?" he asked, "Lathy, sir," re-
peated the lisping and now blushing
mother ; and this time my friend grasp-
ed the situation and dealt with the in-
fant Lucy aoaordingly.
One child was actually aheistened and
registered "Robert Hoely," instead of
plain " Robert," on account of his
mother's anxiety to prevent the ad-
dition of a second name. The clergy-
man had not quite caught what she
said, and asked for n repetition. "Rob-
ert," said the permit, " then, fearing
last the parson's defective hearing
should result in error, she hastened to
say "Robert IIonly," The "H" made
all the difference.
One curious case came under my no-
tice in the Midlands many years ago.
When asked for the child's name the
village matron replied, ' Senna -tea,"
or what sounded like it. The aston-
ished cleric asked for a repetition of
the name. Again came, more distinct-
ly than before, " Senna -tea." There
was ause and general a e al bewilderment.Pa g
At length the pew -opener hit on the
solution, and, bending toward the per-
plexed clergyman, she wbisperod. "She
=mine "Sinnetta, sir : " and all went
The explanation was sample -and ro-
mantic. Sinnetta was tee name of a
gypsy buried in a neighbouring ohuroh-
yard. The handsome gypsy girl had
been wooed aud won by an aristocrat,
but had pined away and died. Her
heart -broken hnabnnd had her buried
near his hall and pieced over her a
plain white marble Lomb bearing the
simple name, "Sinnetta." Possibly
moved by the romance, certainly at-
tracted by the unusual name, the good
woman wished her ohild to be so called.
The following is almost too strange
to be believed; it actually happened,
The baby wen proudly borne, amid
admiring relatives and neighbors, to
the font and duly proseuted for bap-
' Name this child." '
"What ?"
"But, my good woman, you oan'i pall
the ohild that."
"It's a Scriptur' name, sir, ain't
Yes, but do you know what it
means? It is impossible to still the
ohild 'Beelzebub,Give him a good
sensible name --call him John, say."
As no protest was immediately made,
"John" the child was duly named;
and the parson congratulated the baby
on having gained a plain, honest name,
and hianself on hwvipg saved the poor
mile from being Saddled with a title
which would have become iutolorable.
But his satisfaction was short-lived,
and he was speedily shakenout of his
congratulatory mood by the hurried re-
turn of the motirer. Hastening down
the aisle, she brought her baby back
to the font before the parson had
time to leave it, and exclaimed in con-
sternation, as if the disconcerting
anomaly had
onlyjust struck her:
1 wona sir."Sure enough,
"Jams a h
Hee baby was a girl, and another name
had tobO found nd end conferred,
Well, any man, what is it you Want?
Rest I only rest I
Step up the road a bit further and
you/11 fund the churchyard,
M7. Vista -Say dear, I nAse my will,
leaving evamylhing to you, to -day,
1Mrs. Viatn-Oh, John, how tilos ea
y8 Arid
dall you
Z bane got to do now
to, ens "holed by the palace
Ilia 111 hole Lite '588 beveled le lib
VoluMtg CnmllelJntlien for Ilia spirit by
I'tmislnng the .11,10, .
Sweatt. Disaskaraaallda, the famoaa
Hindu ascetic, of Bemires, is dead. Thin
devout Brahmin, who kept lsiuhsell
naked and self -immured, was visited
by nearly all the Indian tourists dur-
ing their stay at Renares, including
the. Prince of Walton He spent his life
In a rigid posture, giving no heed to
his visitors and patiently waited fur
death in the holy city which, acCord-
tng to Hindu belief, means lite ever-
Although Swami was a celebrity lit-
tle was learned by' his visitors of hie
actual life or of his beliefs that dic-
tated his peculiar aanotioism. He was
either a Uclasi or Digambar devotee,
more probably the latter. The Lidasi
live in alunaeleries, but they eat in the
houses of Hindus of all castes, and
accept food cooked by other persons. At
the creation of a new 'lldasi they dis-
tribute a aweetnleut called he bua. Some
of them aro called Naga, from nauga,
naked, because they go naked. 'Phis is
also true of 0101310 011ier Hindu soeta, in -
eluding the Gosafns, and Buiragls. The
latter are inordinate beggars. Many of
these sec(uriaa lead immoral and crim-
inal lives, but ,the Digambar devotees,
while .they go naked like the others,
Lead ours lives, They live separately
from society and from all family con-
A Digambar is Gala who has all the
world for a covering. In his manner
of life Swami Illiaskarananda practic-
ed even more than the customary as-
cenlicism of the Digambar and he en-
tirely avoided the greediness and glut-
tony of the Uclasi. Living apart from
alt the rest of Lha world he became a
celebrity in his retirement aud his
palace of retreat became as much an
object on curiosity to tourists as the
historic show places of lienares.
Benares is to the Hindu what Mecca
is to the Mohometan, Jerusalem to the
Jew and Calvary ,to the Christian. It
is the holy city of India. It is so holy
that many distant rajahs always had
delegates living there who performed
for them the requisite services and
ablutions. Its ancient name is Casi,
the Splendid, which the Hindus still
retain. It was the ancient seat of
Brahminical learning and it is still the
home of many of the priests of Brah-
ma and the resort of pious pilgrims
from all parts of India, who come to
make their ablutions lu the sacred
fiver, the Ganges. It has many temples
and holy wells, but the streets are
narrow and unsavory and stenches as-
sail the noses of visitors at every turn.
When ,the Prince of Wales visited
Benarea ;he went to the so-called tem-
ple of the monkeys and the well's of
Shiva and Vishnu as well as to make
a gall upon the devotee Swami Bllas-
Lcarananda. Little was said of the
Prince's visit to the recluse by the spe-
cial correspondents of the London pap-
ers, but his prese.uoe at the shrine of
the monkeys was told with great min-
uteness of detail.
There is good reason for the nickname
that Europeans have applied to this
shrine of Indian superstition -the Mon-
key Temple. There are monkeys every-
where -up in the neighboring trees, on
the walls and roofs and nearby houses,
on the fronts of the shops, in the roads,
and streets that serve as approaches to
the temple. This part of Bemires is a
city of monkeys -mischievous monkeys
that sometimes hurl atones al passers-
by. It is said that a band of monkeys
once did valiant battle for a mythical
berg of Hindu tradition -hence this
temple which is sacred to the simian.
When Wales arrived at the temple
he was supplied with a plata of parch-
ed peas and a number of white sweet-
meats of whichhe was assured the
monkeys heal .many times signified
their approbation. The Prince's ar-
rival was the signal for a gathering
of the simians in whose special honor
this great monkey house is maintain-
od- from every direction Lon naso agree-
sy t
able animals rushed to welcome the
Prince, who will some day become 'Em-
peror of. India. They came running
over and aoross the walks reserved for
the passage of his Royal Highness;
they tumbled down from the minarets
of the temple; they wriggled through
holss and crevices known only to the
monkeys of this Monkey minster ; they
hurried through the doorways. For-
tunately they happened to be peace-
ably iaolined at the time of the
Prinee's visit, and so royalty escaped
becoming the victim of their mis-
chievous pranks. It was observed,
however, that the lace on the Prince's
coat was a great tomprtalion to the
eaored simians of the MonkeyTemple
-they looked at his uniform with glis-
toning oyes. It is probable they had
been well fed In antieipnation of the
Prince's visit and so were restrained
from trying to malts a dinner of the
insignia of royalty,
Swami Bhaskaranande,'s whole life
was devoted to one object -that of ob.
1n n
Cnond rn
tion for the imprison-
ed by snob bodily,austerities as
he believed Would Would an
ei i L'a its e
aL40ua connection with the body and
thin It
with watartal things. He sought for
himsaif such a deliverance as would
result in a state of divine tranquility
oven while he lived. . Believing that
the isassions alone ,were the sources of
pain elle bore bis self-imposstl suffer-
ings as necessary 'to fit his individual
spirit for reunion :with God. Accord-
ing to Hindu ;belief all spirit is Gotl
intangible and connected with mat-
ter. The spirit of pian is isldiyiduatacl
cit imprisoned and da t'ndatl-
, Co
deity, p g Com
plots abstraction and absorption 155555t
he, obtained before the individuated
spirit oat he united with deity, .
'1'o ellafn this end 'Swami Bllaskar-
anelcda forsook his kindred and turned
itis I,aclt upon Society; lived n life of
nakedness end Heil -Immurement, and
set in a painful posture of the body
fur anany years ilhat by these nusteri-
tlen hie spirit ,,might be freed from its
suhjectlon to matter. That there
could be no greater martyrdom than
that which this dev'.tee cheer fair him-
self is attested by the feet that tour-
ists in India ware not content with
viewing the Golden Temple, the shriven
of the monkeys and the cesspools of
the gods, but almost without exeepe
lion directed their footsteps to his
cell of 111e heathen saint: seeking re-
union with God, Even Christian mar-
tyrology tells no more pathetic tale
of the sacrifice of the body to save the
"In eighty years," a I3enares Brah-
min ventured to predict, when Chris-
tianity first attempted to gat a foot-
hold In the holy city, "the worship of
Gunge will vanish, the chains of caste
win be dissolved, and all will have the
true knowledge of God and become
The prediction was made eighty years
ago, but its fulfilment is still eighty
years in the future. The missionaries
at Relearns have been at work during
these four -snore years, but the Granges
is still the sacred river of the Hindus,
the nasty wells of Shiva and Vishnu
are still believed to contain a purity -
Ing element:, the simians still perform
their mischievous pranks about the
shrine of the monkeys.
Caste under English rule is not so
powerful as it once was nand the int -
mora li.les of the Brahminical sects are
restrained by the strong arm of re-
pression, but the ancient religion with
much of its mendisanoy and nastiness
Mill retains its hold upon the people
of India. How ,strong this hold la is
proved by the self-imposed martyr-
dom of Swami Bhaskaranunda.
A young lady of Los Angeles, to
whom the sobriquet "The Queen of the
Fiancees" is most appropriate, has
plough yet in her teens, been engaged
no fewer than aaventoen times. She
maintains that only after he has
plighted his troth can a man's true
character be deciphered, and that from
the expression of his eyes she can
detect the moment she ceases to en-
gross Ids entire thoughts. This acute
penetration she has already exercised
on seventeen occasions.
Last year a Birmingham lady, a Miss
P--, jilted her fianraee for gaining a
stone in weight in six months. She
was a romantic maiden, in whose idea
a lover should conform to the strict
canons of romance -should sigh, lan-
guish, and grown thin. As he clearly
diel not do this he was incontinently
A Brighton girl holds an entirely
opposite opinion. Three years since,
noticing that the man to whom she
was engaged was growing thin, she
declared that, as in her judgment hap-
piness always conduced to embonpoint,
the tie that bound these must be irk-
some to him. With much vehemence
he protested, but all in vain, and the
lady insisted on releasing him from
the compact. Last summer she ac-
cepted the proposal of a rich stock-
broker, and the marriage was fixed
for Christmas. But era the time ar-
rived site herself found she was losing
flesh; and although her inclination ran
contrary to her preconceived theory,
she was true to the latter, and refused
to ratify her promise.
A certain wealthy and eccentric lady
named Smyth accepted the hand of a
poor curate. Shortly afterwards the
latter came into a considerable for-
tune, whereupon the lady wrote say-
ing that all must be over between
them, for although she could feel
herself mistress with a poor husband,
a rich one might be disposed to assert
nn equality, to which she could never
agree. The curate, who, is now a high
dignity, bore his rebuff with philo-
sophic resignation.
A well-known novelist was once jilt-
ed by a girl who took exception to the
inadequate punielhment meted out to
one of his fictitious villains. She de-
clared that as he regarded vino ' with
so lenient an eye, he must himself be
at heart a reprobate and unworthy of
true lova, and that she must request
that their acquaintance should cease.
An etninentQ.C. in his younger days
met with a similar mishap. The lady
to whom he was engaged. chancing to
heat' that he v had styli orad a most
skilful, though futile,
speechin defence
of an.
arrogant mime, wroth sa3Lng
that: she must decline to know anyone
wbocould thus strive to speciously ex-
ousa crime. In return he pleaded the
exigencies of his poafession; but .in
vain. The lady was obdurate, and
soon afterwards, by the ntrangs irony
of fate, married a man wvlho was ulti-
mately convicted of gross fraud, main-
ly through the forensic eloquence of
her former lover.
Some yonrs ago a Curtain shrewd
solicitor was on the point of espous-
ing a rich widow, when he was ap-
pointedto aehief Merin/tip. The pros-
pective bride, to wheat the word clerk
was synonymous with dopendenee and
drudgery, asserted with considerable
heat that she could not marry a man
who submitted tamely to such an in -
salt. What did he purpose to do t
Accept the clerkship, of course,
"What I" screamed the lady; and
casting upon title poor lawyer a look
of withering disdain she bounced from
his presents.
Pudsnlp, Meeting elderly Person -13y
joie I le it possrllle 1 'My old sellout -
Leather. By the way, do you remem-
bell that you. said whoa 1 was in your
(lues that lot due en the gallows?
Elderly Person -Well, you're not.
dead., yet
Revival of Trade.
Report 8 froth the United States SRI).
port the view that trade internals have
vastly improved recently aud, IJaa1 she
Sit-in"sa outlook for Has' future IN en-
couraging, This will be we keine
news to the people of Cu nada, since
our own (rade int (treat. Will be stimu-
lated and improved. In neshirag has
this Inrproveineut been shown in a
more ntarkeed way than in the increas-
ed stile of Pus mines Painless ('ern 1'1x -
tractor. Times being dull every-
thing net absolutely needed Menem a
luxury. and its Sale heroine al ationary.
Now it is diffarenit. Sales hav,t in-
creased vastly, doubtless an it has
Proven the only safe, sure, :and TraLn-
less remedy for yawns, and wise peo-
ple will use nu other,
Some of the modern society novels
wore evidently written with a doeoi-
tete pen.
used by moatrr for , heir children teething. It snotheh
mime, the child, aoftens rho alloys sin, cure wind
collo and 1. the hent remedy for diurrincu 20e a hot.
tie. Sold by all druggist, throughout the ,000ln. Do
sere and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's soothing SYrIp.
Some man who have more money
than brains are on the verge of bank-
at Pharaoh 55 Pa7ne. of Granby. Que
Oo. dt¢ac lfanutaeturer,
Fashionable society in Paris has dis-
carded envelopes, and now folds its let-
ters in the old style, sealing than with
wax or wafers.
La Toscana, 100. Au ox +Adoa°li,
Tho annual average yield of each tea
plant is one pound and a quarter.
L 7,I; ® B q �7 p dime Fill
co oho
LIJ N N 9Y 3 hair. IC maker it prow
C,4r R QaA Fir! asw the color.
Sold by all druggists. son bottle.
The hide of a cow yields about thir-
ty-five pounds of leather.
lnvltorates and Strom6t�he00,
China and Japan furnish more than
one-half of the world's supply of silk,
How's This 2
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for
any cess of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ball's Catarrh Caro.
lr, Jr CHENEEY & 00., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for tbo last ld years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all busiuese transact-
ions, and financially able to parry out any obli-
gation made by their arm.
WEED' & TRUAX Wholesale Druggists. Toledo.
0. WaLnINo li]NNaN & bIa twist, Wholeeaao
Drugggi<ts, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh pure is taken internally, act-
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur.
(loos of the a5'stem. Prue, 75o. per bottle.
Sold by ail ranee eta, Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills aro the beet.
Blue-eyed people are rarely color
blind. The gray -eyed are usually the
best in distinguishing slight variations
in tints.
The a1 Balmoral," creel Bud 'koldp;
Hotel Carslako Enropen0 Pint). Rooms
8 front 81 a day ilii Opp.
G.T.A. Station, Montreal. ciao. CuralakoA Co., t'rop'e,
AVENUE HOUSE--Marna-Donn'„ Avenne
Family Hotel rotes $1.60
per day.
ST. JAMES' HOTEL--wpblOTf4/,1,1)6"V
Railway. Frr-tiess odeal Home. Modern. im
prvemeata-Rates moderate.
The Queen of Madagascar has her
best dresses made in Paris, and some
of them cost several hundred dollars
each; yet she always goes barefoot-
W. P. li. 986
Carbolic Die inicetanls, Soaps, Oint-
lntment, Tooth Poe/acre, etc., have been
awarded 100 modals and dilomas for superior
excellence. Their regular esu pretreat 15150(1.
ous diseases. Ask your 'p5.,er to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed Cr r application.
r ssa
SHORT, BUT STRONG, is this argument—
Lead Packages... , , . , •25, go, 4n 50 & 600.
..8, I .:n,
Are anxio,ln 10 secure the address of every lame mart and 0alnan In Canada whose lawW
IOW cm,.,iate in one limb Luing Aorta than tin other, and ora offering good paying d1 -
duyw,wt to every lame is wile will take t e trouble to write 505 olriula rt ata oar
t Wearing 4t
to net ns atmos. Gut nee of the a Othe ono fur yourself and you will, utter t)0 I q I
n week have 00ne o,strouble for the boa a the ca nature ur value.
'Phis Exteua 01 is a' ler the boat of its pwura aver p:uead m, ,MS 500 04 ordinary
and ynutore
the , 0umr to hulk a rslim, to neck With cath and 0,001001fort n wane euy ordinary poor.
shoe, ars gives them As now terms
t 01,0 1 their more fortunate Moods. Dascriptive
circulars IA to T�. Eek for Uun,u to agents. Address TORONTO,CANADA,
tar:am 170 SAY STREET, - - -
The ORweoq Commission Co., Limited,ECHOOL OF MINING, KINGSTON.
O[r. Woot,Market & Colborne 8t„ Toronto
Affiliated to Queen's Uuiveraiy. Session begins Oe,
Can got 700 hest prices f'.r your Apples' Butter. %%urn, tnntr 0011 I?our yyeoe, fm• detrors (11. So. E.M.) to (1)
Puuary, aud other produce, Il you ship ate chem, M' , 11 ,101 and !'sluing Eu,'r herring, t?l il0001 tool
Three yv re fAasnyiug,as. Billaeaslopecal Ooolo
These yonre for diplomas. Shorter employment Coors
ately. hes have an :ar 110000,1 nnrployu,ont Immodl•
atoty. Por calendar 'I,W. 'Y W
L, (10ODWIN, Cheater,
mite TD Cutting -School offers special advantage.
W all d0..irtme of avenlring o thorough knowledge of
Cutting and Fitting lfenilemeu'a GSrmeato. write for
113 Yonge SL, Toronto.
” DBAVER BRAND" Maoklntoeh
never hardens d 10 guaranteed Water.
proof. Ask 5,T lt,tnku uu other. tion.
ver Rubber Clothing (10., Montreal,
�Pv ETayrs fdcrsm,3D,
wholesale only. Long Distance Tolopbooa1720.
Mills, Mills A Halos,
Barristers, u tc., removed
to Wesley Males., Rich-
mond Bt. W., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer
_ noClofok, R 50 05 er
16os, Statuary. ad Church Orn ,r,
51,l..nCloaal.Wo,ke. Mall orders receive prompt intern
Lion. 0. &J. BAOLIHR & 00„ Montreal
COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed 5i�,jryyg
Bags, Rats and Arica. Sold by all 53'y I!tlar'
Druggists, or 281 Queen W'. Toronto.
1 tea 4. IL to sec 0000000710 Lace 66050•
��rl eat mode to wukr tnoney lu grain ,,a4
stones. 140 of t
ANI,carefullyed ou 4 r,Idol will
carefully investedmt margin wUl
Det yen s:unc groat ea one 6t) fv ;
��� huuamd dollars,•ill r yon per
chow,.ANDERSONht. &'rite foe took ane
Noveatmo lolly, F. G, ANDERSON & ., .,Stook and
Irlveelmant Brokers, 20 Victoria Bt., Toronto.
Cor. Yonge and College 864•, Toronto.
A well equipped tvidel)•. patronised School. High record
for good results Jot iv blue instruetton. Proapettua
moiled to 0,000 n i lreoo [run,
1 R. D. N1Ath.Io and JAS. IIARR160N, Priaoip,ae,
Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
Store Fronts. Mirrors and Plate
Glass. For low prices write
W.ATEHr1'&t Prnoured in nllamnarles nnsiges,
�`a'a't 0 G51 i
4a .grade Marks registered, Oopyrigbte,
Caveats protium,. Write for information.
EGERTON, Ia. CASE, Registered Solicitor of Patents,
Notary Public, 'Temple Building, Toronto, Ona
An Effervescing Phosphate, excellent etc totter for liver,
kidney and stomach, Wreathe place of coal tar prepare.
None In ease of headache, its effect h; Imm,•d'uto. Bold by
all druggists, le 100. 25c 50,' andel .Uc packages.
Queen City Orug Oo,, 271 Wellington•nh E., Toronto.
The only perfect system for keep.
Ing names and addressee83
Sample tray ant fit
The Office Specialty Mfg. 00.,
122 and 121 Bay 8t., TORONTO. &neon,: Newmarket
ROOFING 5510 Shoot Metal Works.
Red or One n. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (t a o, rp y
Public and High Sohoole Toronto). Roofing Pelt, Pitch
,':1.1 Tar, eta. ROOF1N70 TILE (Sao NOW 01cy B,ttld,
Toronto done by marline). Metal Ceiling., 00r.
Mei Noe. Heiimntes furnished for xrrk complete oriel'
materials ,hipped to anyart of the Country. Phone 10:
C. DU TH i E& 80N8, Adelaide &Widmer Sts„Toronto.
32% Prof is for the Month
OF JULY. This Company, after paying the per cent.
monthly coupons maturing August lot, have remaining c
surplus of 28 per cent. Afro: deducting 0xpendes, and the
amount unrried to the reserve fund there reoruine to the
credit of the invest .11 11 sorplus over dividend of 10 4.0
percent Any amount from 880 upwards received for
investment, dellook free, Orlon full particulam,.
Tho Dominion tnve,tment Company of Toronto,
Canada Permanent Clambers, l8 Toronto St.-
The Best Known
For Farmers' Use
on asrioulturnl machinery and for general purposes,
Hardw:ae and General Stores roll it to their beat trade
Mom need than any other meo5lue ell.
ti @'h�k't? lIco.UNITED
99 NN �0 ��YY
IiOVA iii,$JlL
Prom Liverpool, From Montreal
24 Aug.....,., ....BAVARIAN.... ,, .,,. 7 Snot
31 Aug CALIFORNIAN 14 Sent.
7 Shpt 'I'A1NUI.. ........... 21 Suet
14Se,t PARIa1AN,- 28 Sept
21 Sept BAVARIAN 5 Cat,
The new T,vin Screw S. S. Bavarian, 20,C00 tone, alit
nail from Liocrpo,1 Aug. 24, and from Montreal Sept.7
Cabin Ppsnano-85O.O0 and upwards.
Second 0 ,abin-$30.00 Return enri.00.
Str0ro^„0-Liverpool london, 000w, Londonderry
00 4,teenetown, r;03.50,080
For tickets and all Information apply to local agent or
11, BOURLIER, 77 Tonga St., Toronto,
or H.& A. ALLAN, Montreal.
Instruments, Druvis, Uynaforn2:, etc,.
Every town can have a band.
Lowest prions 000r quoted. Fine ,o0slogne 501111un•
trntionn, mailed free. Write us for anything in
Molle or M ,,llnl Instruments.
WHALEY ROYCE & GO., - Toronto, Can.
Catera of the epee, throne, eared.h and
bladder 1ermme0o anti rod. write
to oiroularsCo.,1411S . Jameand81onrbox.
The Indian Catarrh Cure Uo„140 SL Jxmee•sE.,Mpntaenh
ONEImo° N G Com Gttra, Aek yPttr
O `Ci j� !°M 9r,H Y7 dmroG lorttPriaolo1
Ono of Honsohai, novelbloa• rho beet
echos on Lho ,,tro 0t io•tht •, AA, To 'n'i#E V, S,
SL'EOIALTY Co,, 88 AdohikIe 81. E„ Toronto..
Garment ""a wi01t to ln,poson and hent 5p'
(aooto ,,lethoda. 1,101, tis.
Gtattsirs 1 C. W. BUNT &ed.,Toronto.
�L dapaa1allp Lines
•attJ�•' �l @•ate n�p1 �,q �9 Dpa+'a rho havo fnilod
t4 E,gph rn q�rc m,{r Ea nn anroa oleo•
whore, write to
be Arnott, Berlin who will conte°. poU ht one 0000700
W H. SHAW, Principal.
Of Toronto,
YONoe and G
EaltnsD srnEETB,
Th ie excellent wheel In naw closing Ire bon.
uor year and netting special preparation for ttt
which opens on Sept, sot n
FAIT Term, I
Dtrln tha
boot 2Jt
days T111rky•ol ht Toon,
,1 men and women have boon rnnmondtd tor
@` sihuth'un in many of our Hostt bnsineas 1,0111100,
Infer, ellen will be ohoorfully sent to anyone
i,ttol'oeted In
1389110588 EDUCATION,
8HOOTHANO,---Y"a" ”"
Address 1 W. N. SHAW, Principal.
50 icoaioalwivavaievivoriasimomilli
EARN EF.,lg lti
brilliant.; by
StIting a dorso 1000i,n Bele
ik Pine at tri ants snob. They
n tmperls00liia pretty and
sold gall them, returnihe
ling In velv,Flld we nedthis
ense, by re-
turn molt.
iOes,a 7.ne S Toronto, Co.,Io.
®®minion Line STEAMSHIP`S
Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rates of passage, - First Cabin. 550 upwards; Sowed
Cabin, 035; Steerage, $22.50 and 52350.
Por further information apply to local agents, or
DAVID TORRANCE A CO., General Agents,
17 St, Sacrament St., Montreal.
Hotel and Saloon men cannot afford tribe
without the Automatic Faucet Attach.
moat, at it ays foriteelf In one week draw -
tugboat. No drip, no waste, You only needs
one hand to draw beer 0th the Automate
but to ease of rush youa0n bold glnsee.in
each hand, as the Automatic is
always ready. The Automaticy
rawethe finest plan of beeraod
le used for any Made, as Routs
We kind of bead on the beer that
you want. Price Sl OOpre-pnid-
looneyY refunded H not eotiefaa
tory. Hamilton Mfc0o.,Totuato
Michigan Land for Sale.
I0,00. Og0maw• and Crawford Counties. Title ye
feet. On Michigan Central, Detroit A M0ukinao' any
Loon Lake Railroads, at prlcos ranging front 52 to ti
per acre. Those Lands are Close to Esterprlaing New
s• elnes,ScoolsLa, and will be solid on moat
reasonable eta,
R. Ar0IWieao,5OJ.W05is West MI.
n Waterloo 0n„ Wilmot Tp., Ont. • mile north of
New Dundee d 5 miles south of Petersburg, 00
0.5 .R. 1 the land elopes gently towards south and °Asti;
le ,t rich May loom, in a good state of cultivation; there
are 2 acres or orchard and gerlen, about 28 nares of
hardwned hush cede a s, n
e and taco hedge aced/
t c
good 1 0, and 200 bailee le trees bordering building, t r cads gg on form • i an/
and roll. hydraulic
to Ir limple
bre sae, on withburn; farm;
• 0r 50 of wheat, ane; power wheel 00 Pring crop;
50 acres S wheat, 45 tIl 01 i balancespring crop ,00,
fame oaa be ho, ht wwh m• without crop. For tmms,
addreos I3RALL ORLaaALAN, New Dundee. OnE.
ftaluanized Steel
Windmills and
Towers. arse
Steel Flag Staffs,
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood pumps, BRANTFORD CAN.
Boa Supplies.
Send for New Cntalegtte, Mention this paper.
FREE 1000101 hey ondRlrl who sonde Initial
1,111 060.0 andnddresa of floe boys or
glrlo(ovor ll years ultl) end their own address,
we wi 1 award n handsome Maple vadat sus,
We require all who me awarded the waist eat
to distribute 25 pkgs. of our Lemonade Powder
and collect Se per1rkg. Ennh peerage ooptoino
enough for ten glra000. Return the money
to in, b • express, motley order or postal note,
.rel we ,111y
Ivo on to adtitIon to waist tot n0
order W11lono t i pt
fosstfill wha make. returiniTneide twelved
fromrcesieL utg,fiithargo0ioS.
l2 stick nit,. DOMINION 0niL51IiUIIBE,
OL Reg SG. 0., Hamilton, Ont.
Loan and Savings Company.
1.r001t0oloorsn 1352,
The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort-
gage Corporation,
Paid-up ('capital, - • $2,600,000
Reserve trend - • - 1,200,000
Road Moe -Toronto St., Toronto.
Branch Offices -Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 0,0,
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. literate allowed.
DEBENTURES ES ISSUED for 1, B, 3, 4 or 5 yo0rc,
With interest eminent t attached,
MONEY Li•TNT on security of real estate mortgages,
Ooveromeat and Munloilsd Donde, oto,
For further pm'tioularanpply to
Managing Olrectbr, Toronto.
!1[2,k LTII RESTORED wlth070 medicine
LL ig.twD. a re ua hair D tt' U Dd ur. ezp5nao to the.
moat disordered Stomach, Loacm, No 'rot, 'ATM', Blood,
Bladder, 1010010, Brain and Breath by
p� Barry's 'sp. ROValkltte
pEItslkC E gA
r iDa t
A ab
,vkloQh ggOt ea I ovallAs and bbadrou, ,
and nls0
R ora ono•
steed allI other treatments. me I to and , ol,oay oda 105
mated all other 10It It digests 1100 a 1 nLhay
Fond lo rejected, novae DD Elmo rte coat In madlelne.
5( years, I0001nh10 8110500, 100002
Aminal Corea of Ooontipl.
won, 11lttOlnuoy, Dy+popnfa,
Indlgaotloo Consumption Diabetes Rronohlt a zague•
ooze, (Joliette Asthma, Ostorrh Pltieam, Dlnrrl,�0,
lirrvoltg nobilityy,Sleot�lpttae� aiondalniyt ,.,•..0 rel
Dully Y y � l,luliiodl
tis �r- 50115n6
e9 S(tOtt,
London, W., ninon, Paris, 14 Ana do Oantlgllon, Did
et alt Droners Cher trio, od Stored everywhere, in tine,
r n.
Mao Du
q pt n
'SI 1.1. 8n R
' g 9 8d, Oe, 1,. 2
a nl'mttn'Btsold
is In tins,...00. M. Rarry x R
To onto
Y T. Ea'n tat,
Tdnrltad r
Arnett for Oartndnt The � .,.
Ara _.