HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 6B 13 8, S 8 E 1.4 8 LESSONS PROM THE ORM REV, DR, TALMAGE SPEAKS OF THE EXECUTION OF JESU8. r•••••••• kettles ei"rhat WjNI Day -110 la Jeered at 'White sitneriag aeons -The Mote. Haim cress tee. need% for elm am* tn. Coma sa tatigst nag be saved. at despatch from Washington, says: -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from, the following text :-"And when they were etaine to the place, whieh is called Cal- longer tu these eona ur Uod, these ed.If We thiuld See the true eondi- uf itiv,h;it Jringing, hands there would malefactors, one on the right hand and '1Tf Pl:tbSoutT ?Gut" Was rum to point met its birthplaces Tell I are a einner, )R01, 3. unLortue just. outside of Jerusalem is a swell me, thou item that thou debit put thy the person who sits next to you, hut 1Ile bid thee 'lectit. you are a sinner. All the of ground, toward which a crowd are ,!Tiellir rt!thlYnileiP whri • t time What a mighty assemblage I • the midsheaven, .who for him didet anY moment it may slip from the cliffs stmel tram cariosity to bear what the vulL down over thy face the yell of and crush you forevee. May the Lord ai lepers, who were rAelte, ighty, by His gran, help us to malefactora will say, and to see how ! clenn-neetist ye:legal:1r se ,11+, et, r rp tcl,du m of our Sins while repentance is they will act. The tbree persons to be He the- Son of God 'vo. Hbas That right-hand cross, with its long beans overshadows all the earth. Ie tplanted in the beart of the thee. Wilee will the Uwe come that the Sidelt or °on, shall with its ;tee, hew Mere that rig•let-hand cross, until it shall fall at the testi a that middle ers, nolc, that._ kettle souls Mar live. I Muss, Emil Unbelief, the railing male- lieve you ever.mniced the,,allniax le showed you the eight-hind.eroas, faker of the NVOrld, perish from thet passage of ,Yraipture: the heart eider that you might see what an all 133 our hearts. Away front me 1 1 1100 01 deveitful." that sosala sinungh: awful thing it hi to be Unbelieving, epittli of unbelief I I hete thee I 1\ ith Litt t the Passage ntoee tal ema neYn' I showed yon elm left -Mind cross that this sword of clod thruet time back "lho heart Ali deeenful above all tual thrtot thee through. Down to things 1:' M you not. say, that, 1.13 You, might gee what it is to repent, Ntav Iehow yuu the middle erase; that hell; down, Most atieursed monster of enough e 0.,,pas"p, goey co.fot,, the earth, axid talk to the tuilliens ther and says: ' ihe loam is deeeztful meY see what; Christ done to save your soul. Poeta have sung its thou beet already damned. Telk no above all Gunge and desperately wick- P OS T. beeet, or hear the hiss of a serpent. So tbe world I:Meals in the sunligbt, of worldlinees; bat as 1 Ware the tont of (Mats truth, and go down into. the deep cavern the heart-tilaa I fer the Masi ling horrors end the rattling fangs. Merl. oriel) out, !Woke way. for Ilia redemption of the world." All the weapons of Infernal wrath struck Him, LW! th9 I he3' strut* Hint our 113101001011 - ed out free. To this middle croes, my dying hear - titan of the unpardoned before clod vary, there they crucified Him, and the heire heaven. 11 hhe other oa left." -Luke xxiii, ! thou star, that in robe of lifelldir:Iset*. 111 1311.:tunadaatilet.14-v°'llid arirlek 0!( aseeading ; for it is the day of execu- to see 'Thu 'aerl th!ilt(i.) gilathel-eecissUot:lait(1)tloa„InfagnilLiliVe be I" saw the universe. The flowers breathe it this left-hand cress was a believing executed are already there. the spectators are rue a lip and b1lte '110 redeeluecleele- Moody of cheek. Some look up wite thrones to anenuoilren:s revenge, hardly able :to keep their ; thee enieerable malefaetor's " i? r ' bands off the sufferers. Same tear !tina shill be wracked for all eternity. their OW11 hair in a frenzy of geed. wliv(thaslittele " if " 110 little tweet offeuing the hand to take what Christ cross. 'there was 130 glleSe work in that prayer. no "if" in tint supplica- teem The left -ha ud cross flung itself t. at the linof the middle cross, ex- pecting mercy. Faith is only just, ous. The work is all done, the Some %stand in 1411000 horror. Some to c'ou.set1;emiduegal;t1 hveorntheinsoituseting br ge is built strong enough for all of us to walk over. Tap not at the break out Pato uncontrollable weeping. NO "IF" ABOUT IT, door of God's merest with the tip et Some clap their bands in delight that I know it. Etce, Deus I I feel it thur- 5;turfeleeinpimiej but as a warrior, with the offenders are to be punished at . onehly-through eveM ry uscle of mygumtA th all the aroused energies c sts beat at the castle body, and throgate so ugh every faculty of l last. The soldiers with drawn weedsniy mind, axid thruugli every 01)14195 of of out 500 10, idt us pound at the gate drive back the mob, which press on SD my :mud. Living, 1 10111 preach it ; dy- of heaven, hard. There is fear that the proceed- ing I will pillow my head upon its 1 HE GATE, 15Loc.KDD. Inge may be Interrupted. Let the Ger_ eineolation. Jesus the God! man Le,gion now etationed at Jerusa- eway. then from this right-liand Tell go to it with a honeh of keys, . , erose. The red berries of the forest as a ,You try Philosophy; that will not open tem, en horseback, dash along the line, ore 1191 to be uisunous and around, lt . Yeu try good works; that open is. A large door generally, will not h and; force back the surging multitude, this tree of carnage grow the red,' "l3ark with you I" is the cry, "have ' Poieonous berries of wInch millions ponderous key. I take the Cross and you: never seen a man die before 1e , 'nave toted and died. I can see rio 1 Place the foot of it in the soettet of the se for this ri ht -hand crosie exeent it and ItY the two arms of the cross Fly t as a Igerar with, which to. up - Three erasses in a row. An upright I turn the lock aad the door o iningliiletlififa of ethe world. Here: This left-hand eross Wits a1.10.tinise.ton- piece and Iwo transverse pieces -one tueiusell 130 naiithe toP. 011 which the hands are ; fv(Snu tar; enrg icir,oss. The crosses were (Ally 'WO left. l'ass clear tgo jrhoteisoi go. to the! ed, and one at the middle, en which yards altars It die not take The vm els • • the' side' I 1" the victim sat. Th for Christ to hoar C • In Let ree trees just plant- tie, teats o twists huneelf upeu • eng might have turned to look et tio centre create_away, and said, praise, and sculptors have attempted to eommemorate it in marble and mar- tyrs have clung to It in the fire, and Christiaum dyinpy quietly In their beds have+ leaned; their heads against it. This night my all our souls em- brace it with an eestaey of affection, bay hold of that emits, 0 dying teenier. Everything else will fail you. With-. Out a strong grip of that, you perish. Pat your hand on that and you are safe, though a world swing from be- oeath your feet, 01 that I might en- grave on your souls ineffneeithly the three crosses, and !that it in your wak- ing moments you1 will not heed, then 111111. 111 your dream to -night you ought. see on the hill back of jerualern the 1 1 en, and he is preparing for it by a three spectacles -the right-hand ernes gradual transfer of all hug interests to showing wlint it) is ,to be pardoned:- the United States. "Mexico is a well - while the centleal, cross pours upon governed country new," says the Don, "thanks to the ability. of ,Diaz, but he cannot last much lunger. Such nem as Diaz are scathe, and I know the Mexican character well enough to understand that revolution and chaos will attend _the efforts of ambitious men who desire to suceeed John." Don Sraidic, has already bought an immense tract of land in Zapata County, Texas, on whech he will erect a magnificent palace. Ills other possemsions he is quietly turning into money as fast as possible, or trading them for ProPeriY in the States. LARGEST LAND HOLDER. THE RICHEST OF ALL liEN HE LIVES IN OLD MEXICO, AND 15 WORTH $5,000,000,000. 01 f'es 113 1' 3)7(0 115 MAIM! ng lifer;', -.1 le Is Werth *13(03333 Woe t 1 13 null Ills Sante IS Plain Jolla MIMS, If reports are true, the riallest man in the world in Mexico, and his name is plain John Smith. The Mexi- cans, in their exaggerated politeness, eall him Don Juan Suildio, but in Dings lisa this means not 11 log more L1111 11 Den John Smith, says the Chicago later - 00000. Mr. Smith's wealth Is estimated at S5,000,000,000. it vonststs of lands, eattle and mines, and treasure vaults containing a supply of ante' and sliver that would run any of the banks in this country. Dan Smiclio does not like the ap- pearance of things political in Mexico. "After Diaz, the deluge," is hia imam - your soul the sunburst of heaven, as it says; "By all these wounde I plead for thy heart. 1 have loved thee with en everlasting love. Bever; eannot quench it. The floods cannot drown 13. 1" White you look, the rip:tit-hand cross will fade out of sight, and then the left will be gone. Nothing well remain but the middle cross, and even Unit in your dream will Ibegirt to change until it becomes a 1131)300, and the WOril lace it becomes 1111110)34', and the worn facie of Calvary will become radiant with g.adness, and Instead a the mad mob at the foot of the cross), wIll lie a mu'letuele kneeletig. eand you and I will be among them. God grant it. HOW THEY MET, Last spring an Oxford street trades- man WCIS me evening walking aloug ed, yet bearing fruit -the one at the yet. net ko scoff. Ie is to worship. He How tiara; thou speak to Me. I eni th the King's Road, Chelsea, when he re - Lord of Heaven and Earth. I hey' e seene right bearing poison, and the one at too would like to get his hand loose, eeived a violent blow from behind, the left bitter noe.e; the one in the not to smite, but to deliver the sttf-'Yeur violence, When ytu struck I il,entivn teotruman in the deal:nets, I saw which knocked his hat into the road middle, apples ch love. Norway pioe, fttreerrgelt.ne, middle cross. lle cries to emeg tiosn is othern,tesn (set e ial.dari+113'esssgettirs 1.011.stevietrretverd and momentarily stunned hina, says and tropical orange, and Lebanon tied- " Silence ! lieutrae• n But London Tit -Bits. Turning round, he Jesus said not so; but rather, "ThM found himself threatened with the inn- ar, would not make so strange a grove tig"117. elaffer for 001 crimes Stie' shalt thou be with lele in Pum- as this orchard of Calvary. Stand, mice I" Gather around this left-hand: dilY matt give a look: at the three crosses. 0 yet people, be not afraid. Bit-j'"as much as to say, zoo you brella of an irate woman, who, how - cross. LheirteetIon't worry, I wilt nut only ever, no sooner saw his face then, drop- herbstiare sometimes a. tonie for the just look at the 00e 0311iutrIleetrreiragh:n.doltilst3 toeitilillsIltretehe.shIltutegrivaeluesstretnba,ttilgixi• yeu'u'rs..i''YF'Oli:utt sWitli;uttheheleit-hY10nUI 31,:.1,V" 91 13 9 lier bellicose attitiude, she stern- al la his physical anguish is his scorn Ole to thy soul. This leftehttalid cross he eine' the abode of eontentrnent.e :Iles liaered a vIctim dies scuffing. peofuse apology, declaring is a repeating (cots, 45 men whe pillow of the malefactor, :malted in that the assault wee attended for a mid hatred of Rim on the middle erase. bee 100. 1:114' ate creutee ephete_ man who had heartlessly trifled with helre beell nearly drowned tell us th•tt • 1.1(1'41, the affeetioaa of her sister, and for whom she had mistaken the unfortun- ate tratteeman. The latter, a good - buttered renew, not only readily ac- cepted lter excuses, but, declaring that This one on the right twists half in one moment; while they were tery of a aang's vouch. \N hen the body beeame awl the surgeons feeling around on the spikes to hiss at the der the water, their whole life 115503 - ed before theta. so r suppose that in the I.Titte said one to another, "Ile is Oae on the middle, lf the scoffer et:111d ! the ,dr5itindshithet 1,0aost. in 411,.._kael ,hnaldo gae get one hand louse, and Ile were with- 11T•teeu,rr eeen.et h(tlYing. 03. in reach, he eeuld etaite the middle that'night 003,1',,hohe awlivaittinti,, a, o on_ his forehead, Peeve- closet/ .1.11s eye's, sufferer in the face. 1 guarded door, And took the silver, the ewe 1. 0,eAl las lips. Now yea see he admired her s i ,. lit , t a . , that RE HATE why there were two tran.sverse pieces . ' p , usteo • S WM I gold, and jewels, and to the eleeper 1 etirred he put a knife thetugh his on the cross, for it has become a lad- their aequahltahes would a" teed eu with a perfect hatred. I think h . heart. Of that clay who, 1„ the der Into the skies. Thee dying head abruptly as it had commenced. The e wishas he were down ma tbe ground, !ianely 10.0) he met the tvayitfrer. and 1%eeasx.rVisitgas hseismrtatilltlisr i GT t Pre- couPle were married last mouth. that he might .epear mat, lie einies ! rsertetim tredateress scntfd tsitterucgrgiric..4s, of iiiisur43;tenrs1: 1 1 1 l'i Paradise.. Y .1.-ou whou1)0 seli'pre thhilVitva Two years age a lady, noted for her been filled with blasphemy, ye whosee beauty and accomplishments, was rid - the mechante.s, echo, with their nails, he flung the mangled corpse into the have nailed Ilitu. fast. A.mlel the settl- :dust of the highway, or heaped upon hands for many years hare wrought Mg in an omnibus, when sbe suddenly ing darkness, and louder then the !it the stones, Re sitys: e 0 1 1010 „ Furighteousneso. ye who have corapan- called mit that she had been robbed guilty evreteh I deserve this, There toned with the unclean, ye who have or h crash of. the rooks, I hear him Jeer Lae " . er •purse, and itemised a middle- , is nti need of my cursing. That wilt eettled every height of transgression, these words: "Ah 1 ah I you .peor !net atop the pain, There is nu need. and fathomed every depth and passed aged man, who was silting next her, wretch, I knew you were an trapostor,l ' of blaspheming Christ, for Ile has done every extreme of iniquity - mercy; or the theft, nor, despite his vehement me no wrong: and yet I cannot die tnereYi Yen pretended to be a God, and yet I yeu let thee:se German ,legtune muster I '' THE 'TORTURES OF MY BODY you." 1.11 was in sente such hate that ; Voltaire, in his death hour, because , are outdone by the tortures of my Its thought he saw Christ in Ine bed- '''all• She Fast is a 000330 d disrlsing. room, gut up on his elbow, aud cried ' Th, present a crueifixion. The rotate cut : "Crush that wretch ! What had an everlueting undoing. Come back, . . . .. ee ray to the muldle Dross We stood at "The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his dity; And(Loire inay as vile as he, • Wash all my sins away." I have shown 500 the right-hand an cross l the left-hand erase, 11 JAV come .t the middle crass da de to rouse 1111 LOIS 1 u 31(011)5 Ihatt e n al so • t right-hand eines? Nothing. 0, Do cheek Artth ane bright ray of eom- the one and found it yielded poison. tensity of the natural heart against. fort, 'What! no help from atiore-110 Wo stood at the other an11. found it Chest 1 The world likes a sentanen- help frem beneath '3 Then I /111181; turn yipldel bitter aloes. Dome now to the tta! atria 01 a pheaothropte Chris, i to my companion in sorrow, the One middle cross, and shake down apples auma ethritit who tomes tu snatch mee on the middle crossf have heard that of love, from their etas, away with Haat On he knows how to !help a man when he UNCOVER YOUR HEAD. tiles right-hand cross to -night, I see ie in troeble, I have heard that He you ,e,,,,.1 ,,,,,, 00 lender a sone as typified the unbelief of the world. alen can cure the wounded. 1 have heard this. You may have seen father, or aay: "Beek with him tem the heart. how Macon pardon rhesinner. Surely, mother, or companion, or child die 'but I will ,nut let tlim ladle my sins. If in all Htswanderingsup and do.wn the never so affecting a scale as thia 'The He, tvin die, let Hen me tee Bemeeje, earth. Ile never eaw one more m need railing thief looked tram one way. and not for nm" Tbere bas always Mien of His forgiveness. Blessed One! I eatv unly the right side of Cbrist's face turn to thee! wilt thou book i th -01' ---e' The penitent thief leeked front the moment away from Thy own pangs to • p115 ,me 1 Lord, it is not to hoth . • y d • ave my ,s ace. Rue where you sit th- i ' aw. fight gees on. 0, if when that hands relieved, or my feet taken from Christntglat 1 11 the. full blaze of Gospel light dying maletucter perishect, tee faith- I the tertute. I can stout all thiet but you see Christ's full face. terseness of men had perisbed, thee that i 0! my sins1 my sinsl my sInsi they lt was a sufferieg cross. If the tree which yields poisen would not I tieree me through and through. They „,„,,„,, of torture .had gone only have budded 41nd hicieeetrned fur all the . I tell me I must die forever. 'they will """ed"e gh the fatty 9001101)43 of tbe world. Look up into 011(1 )listurbecl 1 push me out into the datikness, unless throuthe torture would no1 have been countenance of the sufferer and sea , . Tbou wilt help. I Confess It ell, Hear body, eat, but they went through the a ghaetly thing it is te reject i the cry of the dying thief. "Lord, re- ha nae: luta feet, and temples; the most (311191,foeheia to that alreet raw, in member me when Thou ertmeet into sensitive portiona. It was not only that pitiful limit, in that unbleaeea ; Thy kingdom." I ask no great things. tho ?meal: that went into His side, but death hour, the stings of the sinner's , I seek for 710 throne in heaven -no departure. White a plunge into dark- )eharitit to take mthe atria of MI the 101,0-11 thousande to the skies; but epeart-p tinge alter p g d 1 boss! Standteig bigu upon the cross i ! just think of me when this day's hew - and deeper, until the silica:26'1'ml etyjciltenr- on the Lop el the hill, au that till the ; rots have passed Think of me a ilt- poeure that before chaeacterized 11110 world .may !Sok at him, he says: "Here . tle-ot me, the GOB now banging et gave way in a groan, lorhti;bo A go out of a miserable life into it Thy side -when 1 he shout of heavenly rumbled the tiorrOWS of throughtline wretched etere 1 t y. One I Two I Tbree I ' welcome+ takes 'Thee back into glory, of eternity. Human hate had .tW Listen to the creole of the fall, all ye , 'Thou wilt 110)i ferga 1111,e, wilt Thou 1woos ' s .cirst, and hell heel hurled its „veer le se tuaik„„, dyiteg a f t(i, he hLI Lord, remember me when Thou contest done i 'lit kingdom -only jute remember e"t ntintet aavolia, end devils bad vent - a war 1,11,0.00 this right -band cress and the naddle cross, mud wherever there is an uubelleving heart, there 3-30011113'years le whiely Le Prepere for Isto ed tht•ir hottest rage; when, with every eternity sato i 't('''e I master ot all me'. . eaee clay te.nger," Sir Francis Newport "I have stolen notbing.I reply: We (i:re et Be 1.1)11 11 in eteratiation, Ile hyeeemix eeee the brink cried 001; have all been guilty ot the mightiest cruet out; "Sly Cod, my (loth wily b "Wretch that I 11.111, whither shall 1 felony a the universe, fur we have ast Thou fureaken 1000 fly frem this breast 1 Wbat tvill be- robbed God -robbed Him of our timJt 3355 13 vicarious cross - the right - e ndy a tette eurld, would give it all to live Likewise we must repent; You say; nrve Ilts boin torment nd every robbed Him of our talents, robbed Ilini band cross suffered 1r itself, the left - head cross for itselt; but the middle of our serviees. Suppose you send a man west as an agent of your firm, crude for you. When a king +vas and every month you. pay him his sal- dying, a young man (tried: "Pour ray blood 1013.3hie viens, that he die not." ary, and at the end of ten 50005 you find cut that bit has been serving an- The veine of the young man were (ap- p.:her firm, but taking ynur salary; ped, and the blood transferred: so tibia would you not at onee condemn him as the king lived, but the eoung man dielonest ? God sent us into this died. Christ 81111, tbe race perishing, world to serve Him. He has given us Ile cried: "Pour rey hlood into their wages all the time. Oue-half of lis velts httht na tti itslitiet:tterlineolnvotlees' 11 11,0 been serving another seamier. ause Christ's 111'11011 a man is cenvicited of treasou, 30114 crushed. My brow is eainless bt: is antiot out ; „.catireent, Burt now, because Christ's was torn, round Mtn, and`the eoninvind is given: MY SOUI, ESCAPES, "At ten Men, 0(01 1111,3 I Take aim I Fire!' 130330 015 (11311115 301014 130330)1,I gait Ad the man falle with heaven, bemuse Christ for me endured A HUNDRED BULLETS Um horror,, of hell, When the, Swiss through his heart. 'there comes a, were mana years ago contending time in a (0110 hinery when the I,erd against their enemies, they saw these. calls up ill,. troops of his inlquitiaa, enemies statiding in solid phalanx, and and at God's eammand they pour into knew not how to break their ranks; laim a concentrated volley of torture, IRO MO of their heaoee rushed out ip Yen Mtn °I; tlen'tt feel neYself to be e front of his regiment, anti 7111)1)1110. oeme of me ? 0, that .1 were to he up - tee the tire that never id quenched, ii theastend years, tu purchase, the revue t4G.oti awl to be reconoiled to 11)10 again 1 0 eternity 1 U eternity! What can discove,r the abyss of eternity? Who aan paraptireact upon these words: forever and forever'? 0, the ineuifer- able pangs of hell l" Teat right-hand ;tress-the/mends have perished on IN WORSE AGONIES, For what is physical pain eumpared with .aczneese, at the last, that the has been waeted, aud only a fleeting mos meet, mends between the soul and its everliestizeg overthrow 0 God, 1013)111 die anywhere rather than al the tout tit: that right-hand cross. Let nut one drop 01 1)1111 bleed full upon lny cheek. Rend me. my ear vvith that cry. I see it now as never before -the ,eireatheloenteeeee'horror my un- - t *Het.; litat eying 105101.11151,) was net so/meth to Memo. 33(3 I. Christian- ity was not eetabliehed, and perhaps eat utitil that clay had that man heard at (attest. Bet after Christ bas ted almost nineteen centuries, workt sinner." that may he. Walk along "Melte way for'ii The weapons by the cliffe and. you see surdight anti, t,'.;. the itaigialy were plungee into his flowera at the ot tli11 nat., Vnd heart, but while they were slaying bile, a chandelier!' of stalaceite near the oi courate their ranks were broken, and 09)131(19 of the cave; but take ft torah throefeh thnt gap it the ranks the and ygo in, and befere you have gone Swtes mnrehed to violate+, Christ saw all the powers of darkness aesailing the wonders' uf ills grace, you meat far eti See the flasbing eye of a wild Don Stuiclio is ehe largest holder of land in either Mexico or the United States. He owns more than a million acres in one tract in the State of Nueva Leon, and there is a little less than 100 square miles included under one con- tinuous line of tvire Mime, in his fam- ous Los Floritas ranch, on the Rio Grande. One straigbt string of this fence follows the south shure et the Ilio Grande for more than 100 miles. That is said to be the longest con- tinuous string of pasture fence in the world.. This is riot. only the largest, but it is the best improved, ranch in etexico The rand: dwelling, which is occu- pied jusL at this time by an old don and his family, is said to have cost mere than a1,000,000,000, and it is one of the most striking and beautiful pieces of architecture in the world. The glans of the building were furnished by Belleau, a distinguished French ex- ile, whose genius has made the city of Maxi:to one of tue loveliest cities in the Inuit'. The frieze of the lemma- evable marble columns mid the orna- mentation of the greet front doors and the arches above the have, \'on the admiration a all tourlste and visitors. .3.1 35 evident that the old don gave Inc wife and dnu,ghter free access to his treasure vaults when this wonderful protestations of innocence, was she palace was furnished.. It is said that content until a °unstable had been Senora Snaldio made a trip to Europe summoned. This Ives done, but un the ,sipticiallrtai to intforotti 1;"etsel Li as •IT the arrival of the party at the police eta- )i1'330.1 te a a euaele.' bauliS s t Ydeacatn:)a t flitIlre-. lion the lady to her horror remembered Thaugh she was born and raised on the that she bed left her purse at ber frontier of Texas, where all educational home. Eagerly she offered to melte and social attainments are limited, she bas sbewn that sin possesses excellent any reparatiun in her Dover to the taste andet ct teal eudgment in all ma- mma she had accused, who, In respense, tors pertaining to the onnunentation presented las curd, which was insorib- ed with the name and adthoss of a very wealtey member of a well-known York- .0 t rts an luxuries that' tire placed of a costly home. 51111 COSIFOEtTS AND LUXURIES. stranger1. is amazed at the cum - shire 5131115, with the reaae" that he within easy reach ot all guests who miglit have the honor of calling at are fortunate enough to be welcomed her house. Six months later the lady was the mistress of II— Hall. Not lung since a policeman bad oc- to the Los ?tartlets ranch. There nth over 500 miles of telegeaph wire on the ranch, making eauneetion with a tele- graph hue that places the annuli house casion to arrest a r.lefftan, who receiv- in communication with all plias of El regiment of irregular cavalry, had ed a salutary sentence, while Ms sis_ the world. An ive factory that is eel- not suddenly arrived in the distriet, the must Interesting experiment is ter, who had impeded the 'officer in dit2disitsbut down, supplies cold drinketo Ea was on the march to join his eorps, the attempt that Mr. Buck is making 10100 to hay the tvorld." With all tbeir great weal 113, they are rather 141 1511530 people, or, at lean, they WoUld be Con- aillered that way he the modern title - hunting Millionaire eel ot our vomit- iry. 111 hen titiked by a tax eol Ira or for an esti-Maio of 111H Wealth, tile old don replied; "God alma: eau answer that question," Afterward, while talking With El friend upon this subject, be sa id "Without inaeting, 1 believe myself to he Die eleheet mart in the world, and think 11. is not difficult to demon - :grate that fact, 11113335 made,. it cluee 8110Vey of ruy gold mine called the teca'a Wide, aild find a little mitre SEPT, 1, 1899 THIS MONKEY DAN SPEAK, THE MOST HIGHLY EDUCATED 51111 - IAN IN EXISTENCE. I TO tight 115(1301Y the ttso or a, Pool Prepared the Ordt- miry Way Vieth the enemy or whesit Nee ts a nenneer. As an appropriate ellmax to a series of experiments 111 edueating a monkey taiME're; L3c; teLct. Itne"thite' ninooVinkle4yBtoasIkto,n, will animal Is one of the greatest curtest - than 5.00 feel of the face ef the !ledge tiea Ist the simian lite ever seen, The itt eight' 1 h"ve tt eh"' 'Ma the point) to which Ills education has been carried is wonderful. He rejoieee the name of Sambo, and. hi a Bornean of tbe orang-outang apecies. Samba eats at table with as much complacenoy as a Christian, and, be- haves better at his meals than some Chrietians. In describing his method oa teaching Salnb0 bow to use a spoon Duele explained that he plaoed the toodi in a very deep oup. Sasebo's na- tural intelligence at ones showed hint, the use of a spoon, but he at first made the mistake of bringing his pee - render from the deptb el 1 -bo oup by meant; of the spoon and then laying mountain, following. the ledge for 1,000 feet. The ore averageS about. S1,000 to Auniversal wish to get better ne- the Lem. Clotting my eyes to the hid- den bonanzas and the increase in the thickness of the lode, which measures ten feet ail along the line, 1 have got nwooritaltaanoillaellss5't°hDaD'n°f8)°1 altva tkttailet,Voayroinz see that /am worth about five billions and a trifle over in millions, which is imested ranthee, oattle and horses." tide is 3101. at all the dream of a boasting visionary, for it is a well- kuown Met that the Inca's Bride is Ono of the riehest and most extensive guld-bearing lodes in Maxim), and 11. 18 highly probable that the shrewd old inane er cermet m the conclusion that he bas reached as to the wealtb ill down, on the table to be grabbed in of his wonderful mine. his fingers. , ADD TO TEXAS WEALTH. alfr. Buck ourod Sambe of this hubtt He says that if be lives to complete by plaeing liting:y. Inonkey at the ferring the. hulk of his properly across the Grande, le will add nt leak lay the feed dowe hungry one 009,030,00a 10 the wealth of Totem, would same!: it away, After a while hoilaredmoseatnabotirskuuie t hlials"plat'tht nuttgea'it'e% 1.S.lairefbobyatteWaritiyhIgP°itnlito' aneodeelf °i(Iltdiectthlye Germans, and that 115 W115 left an or- . pban about the time that trubide as- tram, the cup to his mouth by means cended the throue of Mexico, Ile was of the spout). The . aticumplishment old enough to carey muaket at that owe acquired' there was no more lime, though he does not think he wits tronble. more than fifteen yeers old, does TAtUtiffT THE VALUE Ole CLOTII1NG not look to be a very old man, but he eautoo was taught the value et eloi h- io. positive that he leis lived more than hue by being left for a time in a void meat' pare. Ile loved war, and he t his long career to get Into the 0101 of poise and afterward taken in told \vitality clothed. In this way the ad - never missed an opportunity during vantage at wearing clothea semi be - every revolution thee wept. ever the came apparent to his monkey country. He had grown eotriewhat mine, tired of the ceaseless 'turmoil about What: „mead mr. nem, „met 9„. the time the French invaded the wen- plexity was how to gel ettienbo to wear try, and, being a large land aud mine , owner, he began to feel the neeeesity at cap, for he seemed te) have a rooted antipathy to any kind, tof benelgt,ar. of a strong government. 'this feeling led him to support Maximilian, and he The trainer Wari almost on the puint of giving up, wben one warm day be a bis glanS and sutheeds in trans- table beside bian. When Sanibo wottld fought for the unfortunate [emperor noticed that flies were aunoynig the until he got trapped in Um trenches neetkey eery much. When they weie of Queretaro. Partieuluely persistent tumult). les. head. Sasebo would pull up his weal to Mance. his poll. Inspiration eons to Mr, Buelt. 'Daubing a little anolasses 011 Stieuboa head, he left him to be tormented by the flies for a time, and. then placed. a cap over his head to ehow him the use of the covering. Semite realized the utility of a cap at once and. has worn it without protest eeer since. fly these methods, and without the wee an net Perfarmcl im Mght iliascelis°pfensable ley must traluers of thu• whip that is considered so THREE AGAINST SEVENTY. Ile ttrave plod et a Toting 1:10111S11 0111eer detilla. Recklessly brave deeds, done against steel odds that failure seems inevit- able, sometimes by the very brilliancy of their darlog, ond in suecess. Such Ole year 113C8, It WM; in India, alter animalS, Sambles eciucation was ear - the uprising of that titne. The re- ried, on. hellion had been crushed, but many of Ile call dress himself without assist- ance, putting. en his shoes and stook - the mutineers had. gathered into small logs as earetully as an orderly boy, at bands and taken to brigandage, plun- dering the inhabitants of surrounding districts. Having been trained in the use of arms, they soon Overawed the Peaceful traders and oultivators, and someeimes even ventured to fall upon Europeans, who were not in sufficient number to resist. One of the marauding gangs had long infested the Barseath district, and had contrived to escape from the sent in pursuit, it hatmened at last that a village patol, Chumnium Singh by eame, 30315 taken prisoner. lie had given information agninst the rebels, and. in revenge they came down upon him and his family and bore them off to the jungle, there to wreak their vengeance Upon theM. It would have eared ill with the un- fortunate village dignitary if a young English offieer, then doing duty with moat times cerrying bis chair to the table mud sitting up like a regularly recognized member of the family, eat- ing* his Meala dethrously and (Wittily, wi th 1118 napkin tucked under las Mein, and behaviug, in short, with the best of table manners. SLEEPS IN A a3ED. At night Sandie will sedately remove Ole eltallials and climb into the little white enameled bedsteed provided for Mtn, cover bituself tvIch the bedclothes and, dream blissfully of his happy ent- ,amuccoirtetli.usu front tbe ignorance of his Sabo breakfasts, Innehas and. dines on the food that Dir. Buck and 11 s tatt. He relishes vegetables cooked in any matinee andel! kinds of bread, pie, cake, cheese, and, strangest at all, be Ints learned to eat meat, and grown very fond of it. Naturalists essert that the orang-ouLang its a vegetarian, but: Semite has never had a day's ill- neea since he him partaken of a meat diet. .All food giyea 10 hint. is prepar- ed in the same manner us that intend- ed, for the family. 107511 10 the execution of bis duty, got anted- looking (11101' he cattle me1.0) 00W0055 1110), aro lt est term of imprisonment. The con- tee is furnished gratuitously to all the stable, a kind-hearted young fellow, inhabitants of the little village ef Guerrero not far away. There are felt an interest in the girl, believing fifteen sUb-overseers dwelling on dif- her worst fault to ba excess uf zeal foment parts of the reneh, mad they ere 3. or her brutal brother. ou her release connected by telephone with the main offiee. There is no such thing as dark - he sought her aequaintance, and found netts on the Los Morn ranch, for one Lis Bret impeession. so justified as to could leek up a pin at midnight mite warrant an offer 15 marriage, which was tweepted. great lawn 01 10 the corrals miles away from the big ranch house. It. is eer- Two years since tit Hastings a gentle- tain that the old don wishes from the man, while crossing the rued, 30115 run bottom of his heart the the Rio into by a fair cyclist. He was knocilt- ed down but the lady svas hurled from Grande ran on the south side of LOS her maohino, receiving severe Injuries,'F1°1114,5, °r tlt," „ paasSaed, th whereof the memento the shape of power '0 n"" e11n° 1)011811 and "la ranell oven" into t he 'United States, and an ugly soar she will bear Lo her grave. if he lives a little longer he is sure to The gentleman, who was not much burt, rendered 511 the assistance in Ids Nagle 1101) goefeliTexn-4," milllene te the power, and afterwards called daily at For the last ten years Don Juan bas the lady's house to make inquiries as spent large sums et money in Mi- te bar peogress. These frequent visits proving bis stoak, fetv weeks ago resulted in a friendship that culmin- he sent. 2,7S0 head of white-faced two - .5. last July at the hymenal altar. .A. leading Q.C. first met his future wito at the law courts, when, as a junior, he Mid to submit the lady to n searchiug eross-examination. The following day he received a call from his violint, who complained bitterly of Dm indignities she had suffaxed at bis heads, Shainetaceclle, he pleaded the exigeucies of duly, and then, his feel- ings na a man overcoming bis subtle- ties as a lawyer, 111101.0 013 ample apol- ogy, whicli the lady accepted so gra- ciously as ettireately to lure hint on to those more tender advances that lead to matrimony. Bather 31 pathetic tale is told el a tibysician now enjoying a large prae- time As a yeeng men he avail given to drink. One day be was summoned to perform upon a a,oung woman an- ther delicate operation. Unhappily he watt net ether, and the operation, though not wholly utsuccessful, was, owing to his condition, so crudely done its to leave the patient permaeently crippled, Striekett with remorse, be not only became from that hour a striet teetotaler, but insisted on marrying the poet woman, making her the beet of hesbahcle. yeer-old steers aerOSS the Rao Glenda to his Zagora reneh. That WaS re- garded by all stocktnen as the Vilest herd that ever WaS seen in this coun- try, On another pert et his great ranch he has been breeding blaek- polled Angus eau le, and be now hes a he10 of about 99,0110 ot these famous cattle, all of which he expects 10 010330 north 15the Rio Glenda this summer and fall. About 40,000 calves end 11,000 head of colts and young 'mules have been branded on tbe Los Mollies this spring. OWNS A, COLD 1VXINE. Beeides his vast Ineded possessions and his countlees herds of cattle, melee, and. horses: the old gentle:neat owns a gold mine in Claihualma, which has .yielded him many millions, He consicters the Chihunhua bonanza the greatest and moat volunole piece of property in the world.. Ile never tires of talkieg to his son end daughter about this famous gold mine, ntel never it day passes that he does not, worn his sou never to part tvith the inttae; Bride, the name of the miee. "rf I Were Younger." he often enys, "I would. tithe enough gold out 01 11103. and Ives fatigued with a long journey. ILI 110 sooner heard of the outrage, heavever, than he made up his miud to teach the brigands a lesson. .All the force be could collect cousisted of five men of his own regiment, and it italic and six semis of the Bareilly levy, but ha started at 01110 10 pursue the marauders. Night. Was falling, and tor twelve miten he del not collie '.1 11 with them, trainer consetera that even a year of 'They had travelled far out of the way unavailing effort will nut be time to keep in lumina known only to their wasted, Ix he is eaufident that as Sam - followers. At lass 111 the dark wood- ho grows older he will learn the len- ience the Englishavin, saw the glare gungeAt his present age, yeers, of a distant fire. Ilia little ferce was Sambo is very nearly as far advanced , divided. The Bareilty men had lost tte moat babies, al Ile uses the words courage, ancl woulci take no Stirt in "Mamma" end "Come back." Mrs, the lorward nievement, OE there - Buck hoe petted Samba to staita an 021- (001)109 five, three were left in charge tent that if she leaves the room he ef the hems, Ind whit tht) th" 01.0 Arill Cry continually "Mamma," and on the young officer mein through three her reappearance will Ns' distinctly miles of dense vegetation, till 1,10 Ma "Cum back. m" eeehed the bivouac of the robbers, LEARNING TO SPEAK. to develtip Semite s vocal organs. After a careful exaraivation Mr. Buck con- cluded that those were perfect ad capable of the power oE speech. The met hod employed to teaeh the monkey te speak he is not desirous of giving in detail. Ho Bays, however, 1( 001151515 of mutts ot melt of the methods tilted to tecteh birds, feeble-minded children andthe blind, deaf and dumb. 'Althiugh eambo ts hardly of tin age to grasp the advantage of speech, bus ete bay the brigands, fully env- enty in number, ‘vhile agerast them wee the litle band 15 LIMN) determined men. The Englishinan was not &tent- ed. Ile had come to puttiett the brio mends, and he theught nothing of the ot 1 s against bun. 'l'hs small part y fired a vanaY, and followed it by a 1111511 into the blveuac. •J'he robbers, taken completely by Germatis, arid that he tens left an or - surprise, believed that 11 big band had mime tiguited them, for the foe Wart so fearless that they could not think there were not plenty of monitors be - bind. They broke and fled, leaving their plunder, their 11'103 awl their captives. Thus in a few ininuies tem bactee roan pet seventy to sav- ed a loyal subjeat frora torture, and freed a whole distriat from terror, The name of Sir Evelyn Wood, now aajutant-mineral of the British army, has many times eince then been heard of in eannection with England's mili- tary enterprises, hut that effithr nevs or did a brayer deed thali when he at- tacked, almost single-handed, c gang el rift brigandit, and I ring bit, Lholin 10 reepeet the power of Ermined and Tenglieb law. ; Mr. Buck admits it will require time, labor and pit Nonce, to get anytbing like a vocabulary of words, to say no- thing ef teaching Sambo Lo put them together inntelligently. ' Wbtle his trainer does eet hope to make an ae- eoreptiehed orator of Sembo, he feels very sum that within a reasonable imit be will be able to show to the selentific) world a simian who speaks in the Enalitsh tongeo. Seelt sounds as :iamb° is lemming to use aro absolute- ly foreign to the militant guttural sounds a th, cnang-ouLang. Mr. litatit him made arrangementa with an Enst Indian trading hottse 10 bring OVirr a 13311d simian at least once yettr, so that Santbo mny not torget Ida mother (emote. Should the efforts to mineale tbe tnoakey to wink prove euccessful, the lima may Immo when Sarnbo will aet as interpreter between man end Ihe Iniesing link. Sorabo is what is known as a raga - bred aninuti. IBS parents were ono, tercel when young and touted in e rage by the lenjith of Seinnbayet So Semler htts never keowe a wild exiatenee, whlah teny aeeount for UM genial and tvital able disposition,