HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 5Ano, 11, 1899 BUSINESS CARDS, 1%/IfONTY TO LOAN AT 6.PER LTA- pout, lr, N. 80e'1'T, lirnesele, @�T H. Mc01tA0K1tN, ' Y . Lesuroranlnrgt0gal,loonsus, Oaloo at his Grocery, itrubw'1'Y 021'000, Brusa011. N, BA1 RETT, JLII • 'teousorigtiArtist. Hhop-Next .door 8 1(112110 61 0 !rely ou�ttingp pecia1I', oa' and n, ROSS, DENTIST, OF Wieglutul, will be aU the Amorlean 2lolal Brussels every other There day, aorn- Waug(ngJuly lJtb, for the prnotise of dela. i,6ry In ell its branches, in the most modern 0U ern and np.to-data style, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, • --TEACHER OE - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 73MAT,SS 7S.,Z, 07zTCA. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INaORANOE, FIRE. AND MARINE. GUELPH. T; FL.ETCHER !seal of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. U 'No Witness Regnirod, T. FLPTCUPR, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., Aoademlcgraduate of London Conserva- tory or Meath, also Member of the Assooiatsd Musicians of Ontario, Is prepared to receive a limited number ofpupils for lus2rnatlou on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for the Prineipal'a Form is the Cousetvatory o1 Music. Brussels, Ontario. y - MISS CARRIE MOORE, Of London Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Violin and Guitar, Will reooive a limited number of pupils for ee ttember•.nEFor furtherOinformation apply to September. S. L. Mooreon tulle teacher. ALEX. HUNTER, Clark of the Fourth Divtelou 0onr Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public invested and n to loan. InsuranceAgent. made 011loc 10 Graham's B tock, B ru8sole AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER, LIO.GNSED ATJO• • TIONBER. Money 10 loan. Farms to sell. � i1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . EER, will sell for better prices, to better men, in ass time and lees charges than any other Auotioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and 0rdere can •always bo arranged at this ofaae or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College: is prepared to treat all 211000800 of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid tyyylyy at- tended to. Office and InfrrmarrFonrdoor, north of bridge 'rurnbeny st„Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT M. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER • 8olioitor,Conveyancer ,NotaryPub- h rbono'so enortof Central KoeSoitor for the 8tandmtd Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER F. 8olioitor, da. (late of Garrow de tiesn,rs011oe overG Gillian& Smitth''hak,Busels Money t0 Loan. 42 i /1- G'•. CAMERON, tl:L • (Formerly of Cameron, Solt & Cameron J Barrister and Solicitor, Go21erfoh, Ont. 061100 -Hamilton Fit„ Opposite Col borne Rotel, MEDICAL CARDS. LIJNDN'S Bill!. Pruopeot le groat fora hoot 82000geful Fair, Notwithstanding the enlargement of bniidings, giving hutch more space, entries are pouring in at mob a rate that before Sept, 0, the plate of Mooing sante, rill departments will be crowded to over. flowing. Ib does Beam impoFsible to inset the demand made by exhibitors at this truly great show. The usual ploaaaut time may he looked forward to, MB ample a00mnmodation will 1(s provided to convey vlaitore to and from the groumla, and for their oeintort while there, 13e ours and mite advantage Outinof Weog.” torn Ontario's "Great Holiday The spacial altraotions will form a whole show in themselves, and will be a surprise to everybody. The 'mortuary i0• forme ne that at no time in the history of the Fair hoe there been snob a great list of attractions. There will be exciting speed events every day, The Fireworks Dieply, inolndiug the "Bombardment of Apia" by the British and American fleet, will be moat beautiful and realistic). No cue Dao attend the "Western" with. out deriving some benefit. There is al- ways eomelhing for everybody to learn, eujoy and remember. No One should really mita this show. It is a pleasure trip to a veritable Fairyland -en object lesson depicting the progress of o century. We would advise our reader° to take it in, We understand that prize lasts and pro. grams aro still to be had. WINTER WHEAT. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, N. D.. O. 64., Trinity Uniyereity, Follow Trin- ity Medioal Oollogo, Member College of Phy- eiaiane and 8urgeous, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. t..- Tolophoue No.14. Redeonoe, Mill 8t„ BTueseIs. E. T. SNIDER, M. D;, 0. M., successor to Dr. A, ltfollelVey Liooutiato of Royal 0011808 of Physicians and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians mud Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a epeoialty, blight years' exporienoe, alrOtlloe and res- idouoo that formerly ooenpied byDr.M0- ltolvey,Turnborry street, Bru00818. 20 - DR. F. W. KAL6FLEISCH, rnxeIMAN, BDn0EON AND Aa00D0l11ln3, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Mites Honor Graduate o1 the Univorel- tiee of Trinity (Toronto), Queou o (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical 00(1010; Fellow of Trinity Medioal College and member of the olleautraleoouOntar- io. s'Physicians in De rot Obieago,1808. Bpecial attention paid to dis- eases and Nose and r pees et Eye, Dar Acs e y, n�vAv• enitatio 1 Women, 1'Oou 8, eases of W BM anti German. Telephone ab residence. STOCK FOR SERVICE Results of '1'408(4 nu1(1e by Oi,lario l+Armee% Eighty varieties of Winter wheat have been grown in the Experimental Depart. mens of the Ontario Agricultural College for at least five years in eaooession, and the power to withstand the oold weather, strength of elraty, amount of .net, yield of grain, weight per meaenred bushel, etc„ of each variety have been carefully determined each year. The results of these pre.o6iea1 field experiments at the College form the baeie for the seleotion of a few of the very best kinds, for teat• log on the forme throughout the Province. The co-operative experiments of the past few years show that those varieties wht0b have given the beet average in succession have early always given good satisfaction on the farms of the Province. In the Autumn of 1898, seven varieties of Winter wheat were aged for the 00• operative teats. These were divided into three sets with Three varieties in each set ; the Dawson's Golden Chaff being used in all the sets as a basis by wbioh the results of ail the varieties should be compared with ma another. The past Winter was exoeptionally macre on the Winter wheat orop through• out Ontario, ooneequently the number of complete tests ie not so large as usual. Reports of successfully conducted the. operative experiments with Winter wheat were received from seventy-two experi. mentere before the 19th inst., at which time we started to work up the summery respite in order to plane the information before the wheat growers atas earlya date as possible. It le interesting to know that these seventy-two good reports came from no less then twenty.seven emunties and distrlats in Ontario, including Dna in the West, Carleton in the East, and the Diebriot of Algoma in the North. As we sow about one million sores of wheat in Ontario each Autumn, the resulteof the Winter wheat experiments conducted on the different farms throughout the Prov• ince are of inestimable value to those interested in wheat grooving. The following table gives the oompara• tive yield of straw end grain per acre of the varieties of Winter wheat tested on eeventy•two farms in 1809 : Straw Grain IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. Tbenuderalenedwill'koop for service on Lot 20 Con, 0 Morrle, the Cleve. -bred Im- provedYorkshiire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," N0.6(403, bred by 1.10. Brahma, Bur- lord, to which n 11 lied number of Bowe w11l be taken, Terms, $1,00,0 bo paid at alma of servior+ with preetlogo of i 12uening if nec- essary. A number of ehof00 young sows for sale for breeding purposes which will be sold at prions to suit the tim00. 21- 11011T, NI00106,, Proprietor, TJiE BEUSt3ELS FOIST !ariner5 who have been tmelnoling these large number from Perth County took Or+ nperntive rxperinlentd throughout advantage 01 the exouraiuu for Mauituba Ontario. 'Tuesday of last weak. Agent Iloyd tick- peera11111'010.0 OF REND 1'411 'therm °ted the following from Atwood e6ation 1 -lire. T. Whiting!, for Carroll, Dian. 1 rcuraaus• flugh A'fulfa ' Virden,Man. • Mies The following two eels of Winter wheat v.iri06100 will bo eat free, by 1111111 in pee -halt pound lots of each variety, to (armee applying for them, who will carefully Gest the three kinds in the set which theyoh0080, and will report 6630 restate after hermit next year, The seed will bo ant out in the order in Which the appllualimw Are received as long tie the oupply Mets. see 1. Do -weenie Golden Chair. EarlyGBn00ee Giant, Early Red Clawson. Harr '2. Daweou'e Golden Chuff. Diamond Grit. Golden Ooiu. Each person wishing one of these sets should apply as early as possible, men- tioning which Bet be Ceaires •,(31121 the grain, with Inetruobiooe for testing, and the blank form ou which to report, will be furnished free of coat to his Redress, until the supply of grain for dielribulion ie exhausted. All communications ohould be athlete - sed to C. A. 9tvrrz, Experimentalist. Agricultural College, Guelph, Aug. 17th. per acre. per acre. (tong) (bushels) Dawson's golden chaff 1.3 22.5 Stewart's champion....1.1 22.4 Early red olaweon....1.8 22.1 Early gene0see gient..1.2 21.3 Imperial amber 1 3 20 4 Bearded Winter Life 1 1 19.4 Golden Drop 10 10.2 Three of the foregoing varieties have been need in the oo.operative tests over Ontario for eaoh at the past six years. The next table gives the average results of the six yeare experiments with eaoh of these varieties at the Agricultural College and alao tbroughout Ontario A. 0. 0. testa Ontario teats average 0 years average 0 years (bus per acre) (bus per pore) Dawaon'e golden chaff 47.5 50.4 Early geneseo giant -43.5 27 0 Early red olaweon....43.5 27.0 OONCLn0I0N0. 1. In the average yield of Winter wheat per acre, the Dawson's Golden 063.41 Mtood63ig11001 among 11 Varieties tested over Ontario in the year 1893, among 9 varieties in each of the years 1804, 1895, and 1890, and among 7 vor. fades in eaoh of the years 1897, 1898 and 1899. 2. In the oo.operative experiments for 1899, the Stewart's Champion, Beard- ed Winter Fife, the Dawson's Golden Chaff came through the winter the beet, and the Golden Drop the poorest. 8. The Darby Red Claweon and In1• perial Arnbee were the first and the Bearded Winter Fife and Stewart's Champion were the last to mature in 1899. 4. Daweon'e Golden Chaff and the Early Genesee Giant possessed the otroog- est straw and the Bearded Winter Fife the weakest straw in the tests of this year. 5. Stewart's Champion and the Bearded Winter Fife produced the long. eat and the Goldou Drop the shortest straw in 1899. 6. In the no -operative experiments of snob of the past six years, the Dawson's Golden Chaff hall was one of the leas t and G the Early Genesee Giant was one of the most affected by rust. 7. In 1809, all varieties were greed• oally free from smut wbioh is nearly always the ease when no smut is sown with the wheat. 8. The Stewart's Champion and Dawson's Golden Chaff produced the plumpest and Imperial Amber and Early Red Clawson the moot shrunken grain in alit year's tests, 0, The Stewert'a Ohnmpion and Dawson a Golden Ohaff were the most Meier varieties and the Golden Drop wag the levet (10(1181026 variety with the experimenters in 1890. 10. During the past seven years, the Dawson's Golden chaff has bon an exceedingly popular vnrioty with the Varieties allUt'I'IONAt. I,IIL'2.L NEWS. Sri 01.1 ..' Co1T80xe: -'1'630 following epeoding cuntoate will Lake plea at the Fair 1 Farman' trot or patio, half mi10 u 1 y, heats, 101, 115.00, 2nd, $3,00, 3rd, Fanny Horn, Delorains, Man. ; Oboe, 3•Ininut8 rase, mile heats, let, $155.00, McKenzie, Oak Lake, Man. ; 'lh00. Ilam• 2nd, $10.00, 3rd, 141.00,-• Free•for•all, ilton, I'labevan, Asa. ; Louie Wilson and , mile bents, 1st, „120,011, 2nd, $1:3.00, 8rd, Wm. Johnston, Brandon, Men. ; N. 1.'3.00. Mules. -In Verniers' Rae Oom• Ward and Alfred Ward, Neopawo, Man. matter+ to name horses that are eifgfbla ; It is estimated that 0,500 started for no entrance fee ; for other raa0e entrance Manitoba and the Northwest during the fee 5'r., of purge. All competitors must day from Toronto repairing six spsoial be members of the Agriounural Soolety. trains. -We still have some hears in tide •-ltao0e 2 fu 8, linieh the 3rd heat,-- louality. A largo black one wee 0een a American A80°00.tion 00)00 to govern. -- short time ago 631 Elam swamp, about Botsee eligible on Sept. let ; 4 to enter two miles Eat of Monkton, by a party and 8 to start.--Bpeedlug to take plana at of burry philters, and you may be owe 2 o'olook. his premium ue put tbern la flight In short Ida -'1' IlvnoN I'A1.1 lArs.-The attrac order, and Mr. Broin is still et large,- tions at the Plast Iluron Fall Fair will be Christian Strlukort, of the 10th eon., ea follows Beat lady driver, the cow Elmo, has since about the first of May teetant to harness horse, hatch to baggy loot seven head of cattle through some and drive mum around the half mile mysterious cause, either poison or an truck ; horses to trot or pea ; full set of unknown dioease. On Tueeday of last harness, let, $2.50, 2od, 111.50, Brd, $1.00. week he told a complaint before 0, 1-I. --Foot race, 100 yards, beet 2 in 3, (Pro. Merrvlteld, J. P., for asenalt against hie 100 10na10 barred,) let, $2.00, and, $1.00. son, Fred, also laying a complaint of -Boy's rano, under 12 years, SU yards, poisoning the rattle against him. The let, $1.00, 2od, 75o„ 3rd, SUo., 41h,2 4.- oaeesame up for hearing in the hotel Girls' race, Under 14 years, 50 yards, let, sitting room. Several witneeeee were 75o., 2nd, SOo., 3rd and 4th, 25o.-Lediee' heard ou both sides. In the poisoning rats, 50 yarde, let, $1.00, 2nd, Soo. -fall ease the evidence was not euflicient to Show Directors' race, let, leather medal, uonviot the sou. The assault charge was 2nd, diploma. -Old mania _rasa, over 50 olearly proven agaiaat him, and for the years, 100 yards, let, $1.00, 2nd, 500. - grave offense of using threatening and Beet trained collie dog (exhibition to be abusive language against hie parent. given on Fair ground) let, $2.00, 2nd, His Honor imposed a flue of $2 and ante $1.00 ; three entries or no prize. --Bi• of the court wbioh amounted to $10 1 5. cycle rum, open to East Huron, mile heats, beet 2 in 3, lot, $:i 00, 2nd, $3.00, 3rd, $2.00. No entrance fee. --Foot and bicycle reties at 3 p. m., and lady driving at 4 o'clock sharp. Snow. Pmwna.•--The following special prime willbe given at the Fall Fair 00 October 511 and 0th : Geo. Thomson, grocer, offers for beat 2 year-old roadster, in harness, style and speed ooneidered, let,$2.00 ; 2nd, $1.00.-G. A. Deadman offers 50 Dents for the best 1 dozen tea bioouits made with Deadman's Baking Powder ; bieonits to become hie property: -W. H. Kerr will give Tun PosT for one year for the beet two loaves of borne made bread ; and Tnr POST for a year for the best five pound roll of butter ; both articles to become his property. -W. H. McCracken offers t0 purchasers of Beed from him, as follows, eix.Swede turnip0, let, 50a., 2od, 25o. ; six long red mangele, let, 50o., 2od, 25o.1 six yellow Globe mangele, 1st, 50o., 2nd,25o.-Oil painting, original sketch, not lase than lOx20 in., from spot selected by the Secretary, to be limited by metes and bounds. Intend- ing competitors can get full information from the Secretary. let, $3, 2nd, $2. - Beet are of Swede turnips, 1st, $3 00, 2nd, 82.00, 3rd, $1.50, 4th, $1.00. -Best half acre of mangele, 1st, $3.00, 2nd, $2.00, 3rd, $1.50, 4th, 81.00. An entrance fee of 50o. to be made at time of making entries. Entries to bo made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not later than Oct. 20th. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard street, Philadelplttn, Pa., when she found that De, King's New Discovery for Consump- tion bad oolnpletely oured her of a bait- ing Dough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no hely, but she says of this Royal Cure :-"It soon re• moved the paiu in my cheat and I an now sleep soundly, something I can namely remember doing before. I feel like Bounding its preiee8 throughout the Universe." So will everyone who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Cheat or Lunge. Pelee 50e. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Deadman'° Dreg Store ; every bottle guaranteed. 131 e.tee. BRIEFLY. Tor.. -The anniversary ser• vines in connection with Trinity church, Blyth, lab Sunday, were very enticement. Ray. Mr. Abey, of Brussels, was the preacher and did his part well. The collections amounted to about $170 wbioh will be applied on the oburob debt. Floral deooratione added to the pleasure of the aongregatione.-Dr. J. N. Perdue has returned from hie trip to Manitoba. -W. W. Taman hag left for a trip tip the lakes as far as Mackinaw nod the Soo. -A. Taylor was taken suddenly ill with a severe pain in his side Tuesday morning of last week and was confined to his hoose. -P. J. McCaughey and young eon, of London, visited the parents of the former here. Mr. McCaughey now bolds a good position in the Grand Trunk freight department at London.-Wabaou 31 Emigh made shipment of export cattle on Monday, the amount paid to farmere that day being $12,000. -John Bell spent a few days with his father. J. W. Bell. The former left last week for Manitoba to reside.-Robt. Medd, of West Wawa - nosh, delivered 18 head of cattle to Messrs. Watson di Lmigb, the average weight of eaoh being 1350 pounds. -Post. wester and Mrs. McKinnon are away oa a holiday to Detroit and other pointe. - Wedding bells will Boon be (loping in our midst. -Blyth cooper simpers very buoy et present. -The total receipts at the pardlawn ewere $57.10 Atter paying all g aarex- pensee the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church have $58.85 to the good. -W. W. Sloan has returned from the South- ern States. He is a member of a syndi• Date that is conducting a large lumber business in Louisiana and Mississippi, and reporto business booming wilh his company. The weather in the Bath, ile says, has been exceedingly warm. - Thirty exoareionists left Blyth station for Manitoba and Northwest pointe on Tuesday morning of Met week. Among the number were W. and Mre. Critten- den and family, who purpose making their future home at Neepawa, Manitoba. A large number of their friends were at the station to bid them farewell. Reeve Lockhart, of East Wawanosh, was also one of the excursionists. Thal '1'itrobis( 11e111LtOhe World quickly leave you if you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. 'Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merir for Sick and Nervous Hoadaohee. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Bay to take. Try them. Ooly 25 Dents. Money back if not cured. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. 11111111111 1 Ile 01•(161'. A startling incident, of which kir. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the sabjeot, is narrated by him as follows :- "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, longue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite -gradually grow- ing weaker clay by day. Three physicians had given me U. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle matte a decided improvement. I continued their nee for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another vintim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 Me., guaranteed, at Doadman'e Drug store. Factory on Fire. THE BRIGADE'S GOOD WORK. Another Testimonial for the. Ronald Fh'o Engine. Froin the Durham Review of June 29th, 1809. Friday last, a few minutes before 5 o'clock, p. 164., ernolte and flame were Been issuing from the S. W. corner of McKeohnio's wood working factory, promising with a breeze that was blow- ing, to develop into a disastrous fire. The whistle sounded, the tannery bell rang, and in a few minutes the olang of the big bell let all the town know that the fireman had a run before them. And they were equal to the occasion, for engine and reale were out with praise• worthy celerity and in 12 minutes from the first alarm water was playing on the flames. To do this, travelling the dis- tance, with some awkwardness in setting on the river bauk, Was very good work. Mention should be made of the wild race of Campbell's team driven by John Shultz. He was at the stable when the bell rang ; the harness was on in a jiffy and clinging to this he went up tho street at break neck speed, to the wonder and admiration of the spectators. Once hitched on, an ovally wild rush was made with the engine to the river bank, where hose was soon in position and the work begun. The flames by thio time were careering over the roof and dense volumes of smoke bespoke the destruction going 011. Scarcely one in a hundred but thought that the building, a frame one, filled with dry inflammable rnatorial, was doomed. There ova no moralizing however, the firemen got to work, and with many wit. ling helpers from the crowd, soon began to show that all hope wasn't gone. Some effective pail work was done in spots. For about half an hour the chances of the fire and the fighters seemed about even, bot at last the floods of well directed water began to tell and victory was as• cured. Not a particle of the thousands of dol. tars worth of machinery in the ground flat wan injured, the walla are intact to the first story, and though the roof is burned off, the plates and poets are still in position. Of course much of the ma• ohinery and stock of the upper flab is de- stroyed, but when the lose, that is, com- pared with what might have been there 13Ltwootd. is reason to be gratified. APPLE I1Loseoaae.-Word has been Officers and men of the Fire Brigade - received from the Government that the the town ie delighted with you. There can not levo the mean wretch Atwood Public Library grant will be Who would sneer at Coosa who voluntarily take upon them a dangerous duty and sometimes a thankless one. Our Ronald engine is a daisy ; there wasn't a single burst in the hose and, but for this equipment and the capable boys who handle it, there would have been left only smoking ruins of several buildings and perhaps it large part of Lower Town. The engine has paid, for itself several times over. forthcoming in a few days. 'Phe amount is $100, -The last half of July choose was shipped Tuesday of last week from Atwood by Silver Corners, (127 boxes), Newry, (178 boxes), and Donegal, (200 boxes). -George Loohhead 1100 purchased W. IL Ilrekino'e stook, store and dwelling. We are Gorey to lose Mr. hreklne, who has long been oonneoted with the mercantile interests of the pleas, Hie health has not been good of late and he anticipates going out West in the Spring in the hope of benefitting his health. --The local milk dealers would eave themselves and their customers a lot of misunderstanding and confusion by having milk Collets printed fbr their ouetomere.-Louts Buehler, of eon. 10, Elmo, threshed from 248 sheaves of the Red Clawson variety of Fall wheat, 22 bushels, or alittle lees than 12 sheaves to the bushel. -Cecil Vogon, of Woodstock, while visiting his grandparents, Alex, and Mrs, Forrest, took ill from the effects of sunstroke. He was not expect- ed to live, bet is now improving. -The family of John Hamilton, who have been afllioted with typhoid fever, are naov0r- ing.-Wm. Turnbull, 0011 of J. L. Turn- bull, of the 4th line, has seared the agency at Palmerston for the Massey Harris Co. -There is a great need of rain throughout 111e township. The ground is paroled and a great many wells have gone dry, -Tho regular annual 'nerved thankegiving eervials in oonnootion with St. Alban'eofmroh will be hold on Friday, Sept. 15th, The Rev. J, C. Farthing, M. A., of Woodetook, will preaoh. Other clergymen will alto tape part in the ger- eta, whiob bogiue at 7:80 p, m.--Cnito It A feeling of confidence hoe been crone - ed in town by the splendid work done. Let's got up an exoursion in aid of the Fire Brigade and put it on a Civic Holi• Clay. Honor to whom honor is due. Meaero. N, G. cls ,J. Molfoobnie very generously recognized the services of the firemen by a donation of $20 to their Blunder A Trichina Will often canes a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve, the beet in the world, will kill the pain and promptly ileal it, Ouree Old Sores, Fever Sores, Veers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Ernptaone. Beet Pile are on earth. Only 25 dente a box. Care guaranteed, Sold by G. A. Dead. mon, Druggist. TheBusiness Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train• fog in all branches of Commercial work, at oousiderably less than regular ratee. For full information apply etoem0 00 (1010061 over fest Oilloe. L. HARTT, LI8'lOWEL, PRINCIPAL, General Hutton opened the Toronto exhibition. Mrs. James Innen, wife of James Iona, ox•bl,P., Guelph, died at her residence Monday afternoon of last week. John Walker, of Guelph, has been ep. painted stenographer in the Government office in the Yelton, Hart's ART GALLERY It the beet plane to have your Photo. taken. 1.1/0 guarantee all our work to be FIRST GRADE. Complete eatiefaotion given to all. WE DO NOT ADVERTISE OUR MODESTY. Neither ie it necessary for as to Brag. Ono Wenn enema us the trouble. Large work of all kande promptly attended to, and finished to the beet eatiefaction. Don't forget to call and gee our work and also get our prices. A kind weloome to all. E, HART, ARTIST, Stretton Block, Brussels. Woman 'lung Around her husband's neck and begged him to go to BREWER'S PHOTO. STUDIO to get their Family Group taken. Groupe taken with great 000000e. Vfewo bakeu on the shortest notioe. Platino Finish a specialty. Copying and Euiaegin dono from any old Photo. or taken from Groups with all changes desired. AiI work guaranteed. Call and see onr Samples. H. R, BREWER, -- J ARTIST. AuMe0 1 ! Y Any quantity of Fall and Winter Apples, fit for peeking, will be purebee- ed by the undersigned at the Bigheot Market Price, Will cover the game ground as last fifteen with new territory. Am prospecting now and will start buying he 00011 as fruit is ready. As it When the human foci; first introduced to shoes it was exactly as nature 1164(1 made it, strong–symmetrical–handsome. 11 has been revolutionized froth what it Was to the foot of today by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish Styles. " Slater Shocs' are made to fit feet as they are to -day, couifen t first, but good appearance (sever lot gott, Twelve shapes, six 'Malts, :.;1 sizes leathers and colors. • Goodyear welted, nave and tttamped on the soles, $3.50 and $,g.00, HE_T/I:ATER SHO_ O - t.'" o AKiiie • -'tMfoverM.. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent Bar �`M, r •rv; a During August. ns Reduced Prices on all Lines of Prints, Ginahams and Colored IVIuslinst Our stock of these is not Large, but at the same tithe is well assorted and we will let thein go very cheap. If you can do with anything in the above lines you are the gainer by 05 per cent. Inning the month of August. Our stock throughout is well assorted in all lines, including :— WM. JEW!TT, Apple Buyer, BRUSSELS. �7 Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Groceries, Clothing, &c. New Fashion Sheets and Standard Patterns to hand. EVERYTHING CHEAP. NO FANCY PRICES. tra BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS All orders for new Pumps or Repairs promptly attended to. Contracts taken for new wells and Cistorns. r131..iawn Mowers sharpened and repair. ed. Pruning Shears end Sufasore groaud. All work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. MeLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND aTIIER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE F01 Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeoess,;Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. Eagle, Loee of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. I1;foLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jas, Fox, Drng(3itt, Brnseo(0. Spectacles -OF ALL KINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, 13RUBBBLS, The Standard Bank of Canada. lt.Toney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under iesued by this Bank, payable at par at any obartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Bronobeein the Yukon Dia. triot. /RATES : Under $10 . $lO to 20 . 20 to 30 . 30 to 50 . $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 J. 1t, GORDON, Agent, BIIUSSE1,S CLEVELAND 1899 IDEAS are found on no Bicycles but CLEV E LANDS. We originate the idea and make every detail of every part in our own factory. SEE THE New Ball and Roller Bearing, The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, wbioh cannot break except by accident, The New Skeleton Gear Case, whiob de absolutely deet.proof. The New Special Light DeeTTn Roadsters which weigh 25% less than anyothere of equal strength, and many other new featuree. PRICES FROM $40 UP. A. COUSLEY, AGleNT, BEIM/MS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND• - North Shore ]"due and C ed's , Galrlrl POR SALE 4/0 THE Brussels Planing Mills Moo Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Botimatee ,Furnished for all kinde of Buildiuge. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. A M„6+.f .LV T ,