HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 44
ra't ' i3 AIMIS
THURSDAY, AVG. 81, 1899.
IN Premier Laerier'o Western tour of
this Province it le expected that he will
visit Wingbam and address a meeting.
He will be accompanied by a couple of
the Oabiuet Ministers, The Premier
haft favorite wherever he goes and be is
sure of a royal reoeptionin Huron. Date
and other partieulare will be annonnoed
De. MODONALn, M. P., will hold a
short series of meetings in East Huron
in the near fatnre at whish he will dis-
cuss the work of the session of Perlia -
anent just closed, and answer questions
relative toG;overnmental affairs. This
is a very proper thing to do and no doubt
the electors generally will avail them.
selves of this opportunity to better
acquaint themselves with the doings of
our rulers.
11'fANITORA and the Norbbweet ie being
blessed with a rich and bountiful har-
vest and the thousands of Outarione who
bave gone West, to aid in gathering io
the golden grain, cannot fail to have
favorable impressions of that wonderful
land. The Dominion of Canada is highly
favored from ocean to ocean and there is
abundant reason for thanksgiving. Tbie
hem been a great year for materis' pros.
parity and on all sides may be Been many
evidences of it. Daring this Fall oppor-
tunity will be given people to exprees
their tbankfulnese in a praotioal manner
in connection with the 20th Century
Thanksgiving Fund and the expectations
are that a hearty reponse will attend the
Now that the little system of water.
workt le completed 'and has proven so
satisfactory by the experimental taste,
we would advise the Council anotber year
to extend the water pipes a oonple of
blocks further South on Turnberry street,
and thou with an arrangement made
with the electric light proprietor, con.
nection could be made with the engine
at his power house and an effective plan
completed that could be ready at any
hour to reach a large portion of Bruseels
located South of the Maitland river.
The water pipes can be put in cheaper
than new fire hose out be purchaeed and
the former is a permanency while one
lire or teet may buret from $10 to $25
worth of the latter. With sash an ar.
raugement as outlined above, the Fire
Engine could be permanently located at
some point et the river where it would
be ready for operation without the neces-
sity of a long haul in rase of emergency.
With the present efficient fire protection
and the eolidity of the business portion
of Brants the e rate of tics luau
should come down and thereby save the
pockets of every ratepayer. A penny
saved is a penny gained,
P sx a r yea
0givings helping
PP P g
hand to industries kept going and em-
ploying a fair share of hands at remuner-
ative wages and therefore stated a few
weeks ago the desirability of meeting the
Coleman Estate in some business like
proposal iu rare'enoe to the rebuilding of
the Enterprise Salt Works at the G. T.
R,, or some better plan if feasible. There
is another side to the gaestion, bowever,
and it is this :—A large proportion of
table and dairy salt, if not all, handled
by this firm is masufaotured io and
shipped from Bruesele yet we ars not
recognized in any shape or form by label
or advertisement an bag, box or barrel,
in many instances Seaforth having the
credit for the output. This may appear
e, email matter to the firm, whose head-
quarters are Seaforth, but it has a detri.
mental efface, upon our town in the ayes
of the outside world and should in fair.
nese to Brussels be rectified. E. 0. Cole-
man, one of the firm, expeote to attend a
meeting of our Oonnoilebortiy, we under-
stand, and it would not be out of plaee
for the Reeve to call his attention to this
point. If the article exported were in•
ferior or second grade there would not be
the carne olaim but in view of the super.
iority of the salt and the large and 000-
etant shipments it becomes a matter of
some importance to Bruese'e to have its
goad name established among the dealers
at a dietanoe.
TRE West Huron Dominion election
'enquiry is rapidly degenerating into a
mud-elinging bee between the party news-
papers. "Oireumstancee alter oases" is
an old and well established maxim and
has proven true in this partioolar, The
evidence of Deputy Returning Officer
Farr was all that was required, from an
Opposition standpoint, to place the moat
crooked kind of work on the Liberals and
he was quoted fat and near as a man
willing to do anything to aid the election
of R. Holmee, the nominee of the
Government party, Well, Mr. Farr sees
fit to speak and says he voted for Mr,
McLean, the Conservative candidate and
allowed his ballot to town Clerk Mitcbe)l,
of Godetioh, also a well known Coneerva-
tiVe. Now the sugar is turned into salt,
the bogey bsoomes vinegar and Mr. Parr
is marked down as a wicked ptevarioator.
It aserrre to ne that the investigation at
lttawaueneerning West Egret) wag a duo
,picas 6f "rot," garlanded with tbOneanda ins
of,dollarg ot.elfpense, and proved virbuelly pri
uothing. The country has no business to
be saddled with these holidaying outings
for West Huron electors or those 0f any
other Riding, If there le evidence of
wrong doing the election oonrte are open
to those who feel aggrieved where ample
opportunity would be afforded to laveeti•
gate but the necessary cash deposit has to
be made. West Huron electors naw the
capital, lived high and had all their ex•
pensee paid and whet the most of the
witnesses didn't know w0uldlill a big book.
The promoters of the so mulled inveett-
gahion might well sing,
"There is n happy land
Farr, Farr away ;
It seemed so near at band
Now Farr away,
We told our story true
Did our beet to melte it blue
Bro. Farr gave us the slew
Farr !Farr away."
We don't condone crookedness on the
part of Liberals in West Huron or else.
where bat British law says before a man
San be hung he must be proven guilty,
benne we say it is time enough Inc R.
Holmes, M. P., to tender bis resignation
when the Courte have declared that be or
hie agents have transgressed,
1.M1'ORTAN l' AUTaOltl%gl)
1, li t N U Ibi.
Important ohanges in the °curses of
etudy in the high schools and higher
forms of the Public schools of the
Province will talcs place. In aoaordanoe
with the amended regulations issued
recently by the Education Department,
agricaltnre is made an obligatory sabjeot
in Forms IV. and V. of the rural schools,.
and book-keeping'must be taught in the
High schools, Agriculture and manual
training become optional eabjeote with
High aohool pupils. The examination
for Pahlio Soboo! Leaving will hereafter
be the same as that Eur the first part of
the junior leaving course. The examin-
ation for Form T. of the High sohoole is
aboliebed. The following are the amend
meats in detail :—
The Public eehool course of study is
amended so as to include Apiculture
among the obligatory subjects in all
rural soboole for Forms IV. and V, ; for
the latter form the text books are to be
used by the pupils, but for the former the
instruction is to be by conversation only.
Agriculture will remain optional for all
Public school in urban muuioipelities.
Needlework, domestic economy, and
manna! training may be taken up is
urban schools with the approval of the
trustees. In poetical literature, the
course for Form V. will embrace such
selections from the High school reader
as are reoommended by the teacher. No
special selentions are prescribed by the
department. Where the trusbeee have
provided books for supplementary read-
ing, such works as are recommeaded by
the teaoberr, under the direction of the
inspector, may also be read.
The High school course of study is
amended ,by making bookkeeping obli-
gatory, and by adding agriculture and
manual training to the list of optional
subjects. In poetical literature for
Forms I. and II. no special texts are pre-
bythe department, mint but the pupils
p p pia
hell e R study such selections from the Iligh
school reader as may be recommended by
the prinoipal,together with such books
for supplementary reading as he may
recommend, and which may be obtained
from the library of the school. In the
case of pupils s Ce sting
p p preparing for university
metrionlation or taking the course for a
commercial diploma, or where the board
introduces mannal training or any other
branch of teobuical education, on the
recommendation of the principal less
time may be given by the pupils eon•
corned to one or more of the obligatory
subjects of the High school attune so as
to meet as Inc as pracbicable the aims of
the pupils.
At the High school eetranoe examina-
tion the paper iu aritbmetio will inninde
such questions as will specially test the
aosuraoy of the candidates iu the simple
rules, as well as their knowledge of the
eobjeot, and the paper in dictation will
call for lube study of the authorized spell-
The Public school leaving examination
will hereafter be identical with the ex-
amination prescribed Inc Part I. of
junior leaving standing. Public eobool
Leaving certificates will be issued by the
Public school inspector to all pupils of
Public eohoole in his inspectorate who
pass the examinations of Part I. of
junior leaving standing. The present
holders of Public; school leaving earth,
fixates will be entitled to certifioates of
having panted the examination of Part L
of junior leaving standing by passing the
examinations in arithmetic and monsur•
[tion, grammar and history, the pre-
soribed percentage en the total of these
subjects being also exacted.
There will no imager be held examin•
atiane Inc the 'High aohool Form I., but
holders of Form S, certificates will be en.
titled to oertifioates of having passed the
examination of Part I. of junior leaving
Mending do bya '
g p saing in two subjects of
arithmetic and mensuration, grammar
and bistory,tbe prescribed peroeotage on
the total of these subjects being also re-
Hereafter junior leaving standing will
be obtained only by paesiog in the pre.
scribed subjects at one examination or in
two parte (I. and II.) as defined below,
whiob may be taken in different years.
The subjects prescribed Inc Part I. of
junior leaving standing are the follow-
ing — Reading, drawing, geography,
botany (rat agriculture), writing with
bookkeeping and commercial transact-
ions, English grommet, English litera.
tore, arithmetic and mensuration, Beg•
lieb composition sad biatory. The course
in agriculture will inolude what is taken
up in the authorized textbook as far sr
page 78. The course in the other sub•
jests will be based 08 heretofore upon the
work preeoribed in the regulations for
Forms I. and II. subject to requirements
for exeminabione hereinafter mentioned.
For 1900 no examination will be held in
reading, English literature, drawing,
bookkeeping, botany or agriculture, but
no Dame of a student who has not given
attention to these subjeote is to be
Med in the eonffdontial report of the
Balussew Public School Building,
Ail ail u11Wii��mu°°umisi
tl�IllllIlf�+I1 Ii�rl°I' _Q al�l�� ,11n
Uriv ,rte T -- .
. =',..-�-.. -,.-- -,„, : a--a—
Erected in the Year 1895
The Public School of Brussels will re-
ennme operations after the Summer veleta
tion on Tuesday morning of neat weak
at 9 o'clock for the Wall and Winter term
with the following staff :—J. H. Cameron,
Tba enhjeots prescribed for part II. of
junior leaving standing are the follow-
ing :—English grammar and rhetoric,
English composition, English literature,
ancient history, arithmetic and maneec.
avian, Algebra, geometry, physics and
Latin and one of the following groups :
—(e) French and Greek, (b) German and
Greek, (o) French, German and chemis-
try, (d) French, physios and chemistry,
(e) German, physics end chemistry, (t)
botany, physios and chemistry. A candi-
date who has already obtained a cacti•
Oasts of having passed Part I. of Form
II. will not be required to take the papers
in arithmetic and mensuration, English
grammar and rhetoric and the obligatory
In order to obtain senior leaving stand-
ing a candidate must pass the examin-
ation of Part I. of junior leaving standing
and in addition the eabjeote herein pre-
scribed for parts I. and 11. of senior leav•
ing standing, which way be taken at one
examination or different examinations.
Unsaoa,aaful candidates at any previous
senior leaving examination will be allow-
ed to write in 1,900 for senior leaving
standing by selecting the same op'i,na in
the course as they were allowed to take
in 1890.
The aubjaots of Part I. of senior leav-
ing standing are the following :—English
composition, i
oa En'ii
h literature, Algebra,
geometry, trionoRehry, Eo 1tsh and
ancient history. Thesubjeote
of Part
2 of senior leaving standiug are the fol-
lowing t—Pbyeios, Leath, and one of the
following groups :—(e) French and
Greek • (b)
German and
Greek ;(e)
F'ranah and German ; (d) French and
chemistry ; (e) German and chemistry ;
(1) biology and ohemistry.
The papers in Pt, I for junior leaving
standing will be differeut from those
set for matriculation. The examiners,
will be expected, moreover, to set papers
for the purposes of candidates who desire
to become teachers, bah it is not intended
that the questions shall be more 'difficult
than the regulations have called for shies
1896. The papers in arithmetic and
mensuration and grammar and rhetoric,
as bereiobefore mentioned, shall be sub-
mitted to oandidatea when writing on
Pt. II. of the junior leaving course, in
addition to the papers in these subjects
taken by candidates when writing ou Pt.
I. For the optional groups, the examin-
ations+ will be equal in difficulty, as near
as may be, in order that candidates who
begin the optional subjects at the same
time during their High aohool bourse may
have equal advantages in preparing for
the examinations.
Eaob question paper will hereafter be
valved at 100. Candidates for junior and
eenior leaving standing will be required
to make 50 per cent. of the aggregate
marks prescribed for eaob of the flails
into which the examinations are divided,
as well as 88?-, per cent, en each paper.
75.per tient. of the aggregate will be re.
glared for honors. If, after all the aus•
web papers are read; any question paper
should be found by the Board of Examin-
ere easier or more difficult than intended,
the minimum on the paper atoll be nor.
respoodingly raised or lowered, and the
total ba number a of marks o r
or eepondfngly
increased or diminished. Each Candi•
date who makes the required aggregate
may be awarded aoertifioate, even though
be ebould fail to obtain the minimum in
a eubjeot, provided he was regarded as
fit to pass in that subject by the staff, as
shown from the confidential report Bent
to the department before the examin
The 000rse for a commercial diploma
will, as heretofore, consist of two parts
(I, and II.) Part I. will be the same rte
Pb. I. of the junior leaving. Part II.
will embrace the ooinmeroial eabjeote
mentioned in regulation 50 viz. :—Book•
keeping and writing, oommeroial trans -
notions, business farms and usages ;
stenography (theory) ; stenography (die
The abolition of the primary examin.
ation will not afloat the rigbts of holders
of primary atanding obtained in 1808 or
a previous year to attend, county model
schools. it should be understood that
County Boarde of Examiners; are not
allowed to award tbird•olaes oertifieatee
to oandidatee who do not make the high.
Sr percentage required by regulation 08.
A dietrlot certificate shall not be granted
Mader thfe Section of the regulatione an.
Principal ; Mist; Brook, Mies Downey and
Mise llitrhie, A noticeable improvement
at the School during the holidays is the
putting dow•i ni the oetnent sidewalk and
the removal of the front fence,
less there is a scarcity of leader'', and
Irntll the oonsent of the department has
been first obtained. Renewal., granted
ander regulation 87, are valid only in the
county where farmed. Beginning with
the examinations of the Model soh ols of
1000, an addilional paper in methods will
be submitted to test the ability of the
etudente in training to teach drawing,
writing, bookkeeping and elementary
sotence (botany or agrinolture). Thera
will also be an examination reading.
Petrolfa is to have a dug shote, the
entries for which cloys Sept, 2.
The Weet Ontario Liberal convention
to nominate a successor to Sir Jaime
Edgar in the Commons will be held on
September 13, .
Mrs. Struthers, Stratford, hes ramie.
ed a letter from Fred. Struthers who is
is at present at Dawson City. [Fred. is
getting along nicely and is apparently in
the best of health and spirits.
Local Improvement
Court of Pevision
PIIBLIO NOTIOE is hereby given of who
sitting of the Comt of Revision at the Town
Hall Brussels, 9 on Monday, tbe 4511 dal' of
September latit) -at the p of
8, m for
p � 1
the hearing
of pursuant to the sa
ate in that behalfappeals reenacting the proposed
cement etf the West aide of -John
a s between Rin
weenRig Church streets ; o
hNorth side of Thomas street between
Tnrnberry and Alexander streets ; on the
Westside of John street betweenMural
and rlisstreets ; the West aide ofAlex-
ander street between Morenaand [Ti
streetson North side street between
Tnrnbe;rry and John streets ; or
North auto
of Thomas street and between Alexander
street and West Boundary of Mary street;
on the South slde of Catherine street be.
tween Tur'nberry and Elizabeth streets ; and
on the West side of Princess street between
the North boundary of Lot 220 and Queen
street, and the special assessment of the coat
thereof upon the lanais immediately bete -
fitted pursuant to the reports of the. En-
gineer, dated for the first two above men-
tioned streets, Aug. 7011, 1800, and for the hal-
000e Aug, 14E11,1800, now on file in the Olerk'e
o03ee. The estimated coat of the saidim-
o'rovements is as follows t—Soublr side
Thomas street, 331300; Weet aide John
street between Sing and Church, 3067.80, and
between Church and Ellen, 810000 ; on Weet
side Alexanrler,3280.00; on North side Ellen,
0126.00 ; on South side Thomas, 3107,00 ; on
North side Oath erine, 5110,00; on West side
Prineees street, 3123.00; payable in fifteen
equal annual luebalmente of principal and
Interest combined, interest betng 514 per
cent per annum and the lands proposed to
be specially assessed therefor consist of as
set out In schednlos hereto attached.
Brussels, August 14th, 1800.
P, 8, 800TT, Clerk,
Assessment Schedule.
'(Peet side John Al rout between King
and 4lhetrell,
Lot or part
or lot
of property
by name
of owner.
Total Ase't
131 8122 Currie, Andrew 000/8278
128 y(Itiax, Chris 880/8278
124 Moore, 111: 11 880/8278
12.5 Ewan, ban 816/3278
106 Roee, Jae T 820/8278
]27 Creighton, 3 A 004/3278
328 - Grieve, Mrs J 830/8278
Municipal Corporation 0f Brussels 082/3278
300th side Tommie street.
Pt t 11 Raldio oho
k J 10ur 2
Pt 11 Williams,ell ablaut 810/2847
Pt 26 MONeB Laahlau 270/2847
Ps 28 Plum, 106.S;llgannet T 1702847
Ph 28 Garrnets,17dwards, G 176/2847
40 Bryan, Wm 088/2847
PG 42 Honig, W W 928/2847
Pb 42 Orange Lodge 200/2847
Municipal Corporation o1 Brussels 788/2847
West side or tenon street between
OInlnch and Itllel,,
120 &W j 180 Cameron, Wm 284/1441
8 d 00 Olvar, George 100/1441
131 Patton, Adorn080/1441
13'' Mooney Gordon 330/1448
Municipal Corporation of Bruesele 312/1441
West side Alexander street:
78 R: 7•i Norton, William 000/2040
s d 72 Fereuson,Mory 100/2040
- 7' Iiolmea, Bobooea 150j2040
00 Broadfoot, Jam 900/2640
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 1200/4040
North side Ellen street,
113 Wynn ,John 288/1184
100 Mooney, Gordon 288/1194
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 068/1184
Sunih aide Timmins street.
401 Aldridge, Mrs W 028/1312
309 Bar'nbfll,John 028/1012
Ballantyne, s10//2Muoloipai Corraion f Brussels 751
North side Catherine street,
t0 Snider, 10 T 288/1000
Municipal Corporation E31tesole 240/11060
West aide Princess street.
N 220 McLean, Margaret 174/1110
31'220.. ,....,Vincent Robtet 144/1112
hlnnialpat Corporation
John Blemsele 004/1110
a'MR-0 ]3 L r T . .
W. F. Stratton is the agent for
this district for D. Gantolen, On-
'tario's largest exporter of apples,
Am buying now, at the very
highest market price, any quan-
tity of Fall and 117inter varieties,
also culls autl largo crab apples.
Before selling please call on
me, it will pay you,
Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
T. Fleteher's
Another orate of those Beautiful
iouvei,ir Goods with photo. of Main
[trent, Public School and Melville church.
Call for a Souvenir before all aro gone,
A full [took of Ladies' and Gents'
Gold Watches always kept. A beautiful
aesortment of Gold Rings, made to our
order, direot from manufacturer.
Repairing of Wretches promptly at-
tended to and guaranteed.
If you require Speotaolee eek for
And. Apple Butter.
Have everything .ready for the
tade in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
IL G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and .
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits madeand for $4 a d u11 wards.
1E5'Shup in Garfield Block.
is Up -to -Date.
We are in a position to supply the wants
of the general public with up to•thtte
Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas,
Coffees, Meals, Spices
and General
Household Necessaries.
Our aim is to sell only the Beat and
Freshest Goods on the market at the
lowest living profit on a Cash basis.
Those who deal with ne will come
Farm produce taken and the very
best value given.
Sall and ascertain what we can do
for you. "Your money's worth all the
year round," is our motto.
t' 'Choice Oonfectionery.
C. I. Bartlift ,
sato CER and OON0'iTOTIONE1t,
H nae
o �.
A. Choice Stock of
on hand and cold at
Reasonable Prices.
I Grocery - Department
retains its hold on the Public
for Fresh Goods guaranteed to
be all that is represented.
A call will convince the most
doubtful, '
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
f"1 G. v 9/ T J .
People who dual hm•e !theta blunt they Can depend on 11 t i1og eveeybhiag
exnobly an advertised. We gavel• adrertiae anything sprain) without having it fele
quantity in afoot anrd ns long Ca it twits it goes at the advertised price.
Bring the ad. along with you and prove this,
We got a snap the other day in Boma good, strong smootws, just the thing for
threshers, They aro easily worth $1, but we marked them 750.
We will mtear out the balance of our stook of Mailing, regular 1210, to 200„ for
ea, a yard,
Shirt Waists, regn'ar ens. to $1,25, for Nu.
Shirt Waists, regular 60e. to 75o,, for 20e.
Parasols, Silk anti Linen, steel rod, regular 131.25
White Duok and Linen Skirts, $1.
Boys' Sailor Suits, regular $1 50, for 131.
When thinking of buying your new Fall suit don't forget that we carry a full range
of II. Shorey .& Co.'s fully guaranteed) ready-to-wear olobhing.
013170 for $1,
"Tf@E Ti
We have a fine stook of best Owen Sound Portland
Cement that always 'gives satisfaction A. car and a hall'
sold already this -season for cellars, stable floors, &e., &e.
It is the same grade as is being used in the new walks in
Call and get Prices,
.Witte Turnbull
Last Longest and get
livery Wisp of Hay.
rrhE fire Mode117 'l]]Deerin
1 Y 0./(fir, aye
Ask for our Catalogue "Light Draft Ideals ;" it is free.
W. He Humphries 86 So D ^ PU ell
1 n, Lw A. c11AdU11,
1 We also handle all other lines of Implements.
Brussels Oarria .e -Works.
Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods :
Top and Open Buggies with and 11 inch
wheels, In oolor—Blaok, Green,
Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of
bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Also Jump
Seat Buggies with 1 in, wheels,
With two and three elate.
Road and Speeding Carts.
.Farm Wagons complete, 2 and 2a in. tires
ivith mailable arms 8 and 4 in.
Wagon gear only if so desired, Farm
Trucks, 2a and 8 in tires. One-horse
Wagon, with or without box. Also
Grocer's Delivery Wagon,
Wbeelbarrowe with steal or wood Wheels,
As we handle the above line of goods
by the oar lot purchasers Will gat the
benefit by Maytag from ue,
W A N & 11V :N r IIS,
Carriage Works, Brussels.
Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty,