HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 3SEPT. 1, l99.
The News
Hefty Told
Interesting Mapponings 01 Recant Otite-Ths
Latest NaW8 of Our O'n Country -Doings
In the Mother Land -What Is °Ging on In
tho United States -Notes Prom tho World
Manitoba elevator firms have com-
The inland revenue for July totalled
The North Atlantic squadron will
visit Quebec next month.
The project to construct an electric
railway at Chatham is revived.
The tortioth anniversary of Grimsby
Park was celebrated on Saturday.
The house at Bay. ux. Lyle, of Ham -
Mon, was robbed during the family's
Mr. James 13. Secord of Niagara-on-
the-Leke, grandson of Laura Secord,
is dead.
Chief Rogers, of the Winnipeg fire
brigade, has resigned, owing to dissen-
sions in the brigade.
Commissioners sent to Fort St. Sohn
in July have not yet made a treaty
with the Beaver Indians. •
101ull city council wilt give 00,000
bonus towards the erection of railway
shops -if the people vote for it.
The Glitegow Tramway Committee the official Russian revisionnow reads:
has accepted the tender of an Maori- "Ifonor thy father and thy mother,
cull firm for engines to supply oleatria the, Emperor and his officials, that thY
ditye may be long, etc."
power. The figure was $570,000.
;Rt. Men, Ale. Chaplin, President of A. Russian remeripli has been issued
the/ Local Government Board in Greet declaring that Talien-Wita„ near Port
Britaitelies suggested that an old age Arthur, China, ire a free port, and Im-
re/mien. fund be provided by a tee of nounaing that Russia will build a 11eW
u ',shilling a quarter on wheal. oily in the ineighlorhood of that place.
Signor 'Marconi, in his experiments Some rale has Innen in India, but
with wireless telegrap•hy at Dover on the condli tone of the erops is very cm
Weitneaday made a complete success nalisincL„ry, especially
the mesenges passing through Several distriCt. The enlliVatorS in Guerra
miles of Miffs, mem which Dover ease and Kathiaway tare selling their cattle
the stands, and 12 miles across the sea. at two euvem, 75a., a h„ack,
Comment has. been aroused in Cape ma plawai, 1./0„,„ daily beemee
'Town by that shipping or 1,000,000 cart ing more viruleel, The natives are
ridges !to Bloemfontein. It was charged
the( these were destined for the Trans-
vaal. Mr. Bchreiner, the Cape Pre,
mier, states that they belonged to the
Orange Free State, which is on friend-
ly terms with Great Britain.
The Edinburgh Sootsman says that
trade between: Great Britain and the
United Slates appears to be very
flourlehing, and that in consequence
de the increase, a regular fortnightly
steamship service will seem be estab-
lished between the Tyne and New
York, instead. of the present occasion-
al service,.
Forest fires etre doing greati damage
in Northern New York,
Admiral :Dewey will arrive at New
York between September 25 and 80.
1?eter Jlantler, aged 2, is dead at
Waterbury, Conn., by a bite from a
kiting bug.
'rwu American lieutenants wore kill-
ed in a skirmish near Angeles on Sat-
urday eveniog.
Cramp & Sons, shipbuilders, Phila-
Because the City cif lianalton neglect- delphla, are discharging men, being un -
cad to pay a rebate of §22.314. to a rate- able to get supplies of icon and steel.
prayer, he has had a bailiff atom three
The Hamilton Board of health has
been asked to compel the meditation
of all children attending the Pulite°
Derr Prof. Oscar, a well-known Ger-
man petrographical geelogist, joined
the staff al the Geological Department
at Ottawa.
Farm lands 011 the eighth concession
of eVestminster have been devastated
by a bush fire, which has been raging
The Erie Rallawy has cut the rate
for round trip liekets between Chicago
and. New York to 818.45, where lbe
faro was VA, and a rate war is
At a session of the Irish Catholic
Benevolent Union convention in Phila-
denahia, the proposition to drop the
word ' Irish' from the unicin's title
was defeated by an overwhelming ma-
Five highly -respectable white wo-
men were brutally assaulted by ne-
panic-stricken, and are fleeing (1(3'
country all direetione. The stet -km
are deranged. The relative.; and friends
or the dead leave hurriedly the mo-
men,1 the funeral pyre Is lighted.
In excavating for a sewer In Stras-
burg workmen uncovered large quan-
tity of Romano remairee some of them
of great value, a depth of 15 feet
Wile diecovered an, old Roman mint.
ery movement of the builders perliona,
t Permian cermet. LYN! %Jule Ce rus
king of Persia lived, although he dope
not seem ever to have changed hie at -
1 11 11 110,, Sonic, cif the subordinate relent
interfered with the lime; and %Allen
Darner king ef Persia had born on the
throne two yea re the buildirtic Was
eenlpelled 10 cense. 1,0 that for near -
germ'. 1O. Title builders. josima the 1V, forty Years the tefultie skotal lncettl.
priest anti iierubbabel the prince. Laid 140).e.
the feundation of the temple of the
Lord. Or, SR We Woulti Hay, I Ile "core
ner etone." have detailed dewlap -
thine of Solomon's temple, though pos-
sibly no two etholitrs would draw from
them diagrams extielly the eaters: We
have full deeerietione tif Iletiod's tem-
ple ; bat or Lbw second temple we
know little, and oun only guess its
general eimilstrity In design to the
others. The priests in their apperee
Of pure while linen. Priesely tenni-
f1113 SliJNI)A1( SCHOOL and utterly adseepreseuted them at
ilteb nil d nig Ilie Teninle." Ezra, 3.10 10
4.0. Golden nod, 1 ar. 1.10.
Poultry C11111110.1 to be
IP tole liegularly.
A deepateli frete Ottawa sayso-Mr.
Iludden, of 311,inehester, one of the
In l'groit poultry importers in England,
and who Iran year handled most of
the erica shipment sent by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, is here making
arrangement:a to ship quantities of
some of the previous metal remaining petta stood. almost in place of modern cixiekens and turkeys regularly from
as it had nooled in the melting. pots ehureti bells as musical inviters to holy Canada.
when the mint. was abandenere serviem The eons of Asaph. A body • Prof. Robertson has just received a
Jet ter trine another lenglish i inport-
Reports from the French treaty (if musieiann, Same/ISOM of, and Ler- er asking to be put in ,'•onituunieution
coast of Newfaundland indicate that haps descended from, the famous med- with Canadian poultry exporters, and
the results of the seamen a operations elan of David's 11.1ne, The ordinances announcing that he will be here next
thus far are very unfavorable to the
French cod fishers and lobster packers. of David. The order of regulation. 1unnth.
The Department of Agriculture is
The catch in, both these staples ts far These people were intent on reproduc- going on with ittl preperations to mart
below the average, and altogether in- ing genuine worship of Sehrevale and chicken fattening stet ions in the Mari -
adequate to emnunerate the leveret with it accepted all the little rituals time Provineee, the intention lielag to
for i he expense of maintaining fishery have two etetions in each province east.
operations in that quarter. and orders that tradition told them • •
the bele men of God in former limes of the Rockies, where instruetion will
also Ite given in the proper methods of
had kept. David seems to have been killing, packing and shipping of pout -
the originator of choirs and Tannic in i rY• An appropriation Was Volcd for
thin purpose last session,
the temele.
heineniug steamer, nom. the Klostillw
Bring And New, 01 Pioneers.
A. despatch from Seattle, Washe
says: -Out. of 1,000 men who went Into
the Kotzebue country, Alaska, last
fall, more than '70 have died from dis-
ease or accident. This is the stetement
of J, K. Jones, of Syeatuore, 111., broth-
er-in-law of the Rev. W. S. Harrington,
of Seattle. 31r. Jones arrived on the
Roanoke, which also brought 35 men
who have been afflicted with disease.
A despatch from Santa Barbara,
some days. gross in Little. Rock, Ark., Weilnes- Cal., says that ex -Supervisor W. Al -
F. W. Thompson, Maeitoba, ntana- day. There is intense excitement end sten B. tree, whe with 0, party of Santa
ger for Ogilvie's mill, thinks the wheat race trouble of a serious character is
crop of the Northwest will exceed fifty imminent.
million bushels. The Northern Steamship Co. will
Prof. Omani, of the University "f build two more vessels the duplicate
leffmchausen, is at Ottawa to make a of Hee Northland and Northwest, which
speweal report on phosphate anal other ply between Buffalo and Duluth, The
minerals in the Ottawa district. Northland and Northwest cost each hue sound, gives a list of 42 miners
Mr. John Kettles, secretary or the about 8250,000. t elm perished of scurvy and f tom other
Ottawa Children's Aid Soeiety, is au Mrs. Fronk Whitloek, who died at en,u'''''''.
• -1. I be lest. does nut include 33 wise were
advocate al the establishment of tua her home in Batavia Township, Mut 1., . . June eta .
industrial schpol for boys in that city. Wls reputed, to be the heaviest woman drmt mut +Amen the u - y was test,
Mr. F. W. Merchant has resigned the no 3 the last reported deal hs f row
principalship of the London, Oni., Col-
legiate Institute, to take the positiou
of Principal of the new normal school
in that city.
The first automobile carriage will
'mike its appearance in Ottawa's
streets in a fortnight. ft is being im-
parted from Chicago by the Ottawa
Car Compuny.
13arbartt people has been in the Kotze-
bue sound region all winter, has writ-
ten. very discouraging news Wane,
ills 181 13413, dated July 21, on the Arc -
tie circle, 603 tulles inland. from Hintze -
in the ei)untry. Her weight woe 04
peuede. Her coffin is 40 inches wide
and 37 inches deep.
Delauci Wood, a lad of 15, was
caught by an alligator at Trout Creek,
Panama Perk, Florida, while in bath-
ing, end so badly mutilated and bit-
ten that he died 50013 after being re-
scued by an older brother.
At Washington, Ind., a carriage con-
taining six persons was preeipitated
int o W hit e River, as it eves being driye
en aboard n ferry bent, and all were
drt.wned. The dead are: Mrs, Albert
Hensel, four Hensel children and Miss
Eight hundred cloakmakere employ-
ed in 16 shops in New York joined the
reeks of the strikers Tuesday, in-
creasing the number on strike to a
total of 8,000. The strikers demand
better wages and a reductien in the
working hours.
President McKinley, to the students
of the Catholic Summer School, at Cliff
Eleven, near where the President is
spending a vacation, said the Philip-
pine rebellion may belay but cannot
defeat "its blessed nitration of liberty
and humanity."
Dalt a Lon of dynamite, being used
by contractors, exploded on the plot of
ground at the corner of 135th street
and Willis avenue, New York, Thurs-
day night, with terrific effect. Several
persons were injured and a number of
buildings badly damaged.
The by-law to accept the Govern-
ment. grant of 800,000 annually fur ten
years Was given its first reading at
the meeting, of the Ottawa City -Coun-
cil Thursday night.
Genest, of Quebec, and Mr. Harry
Bain, of Ottawa, have been appoint-
ed to the departmental staff in the
Yukon, the former as geographer and
the latter as draughtsman.
Tbe Customs iespectur at Montreal
discovered in vessels leading lumber
for U. 5. ports on the lakes quanxities
of tobacco, cigars and fruit. Tito seiz-
uree are valued at 815,000.
The honey crop of Canada will not
amount to above oee-fourth the yield
of last year. This is attributed to the
late spring, whiell resulted in the hives
being weaker than usual.
A. traction engine broke through a
wooden bridge in Westminster Town-
ship and fell fifteen feet. The owner,
C,e,n•ge Arthurs, fell with the engine,
and was seriously injured.
A st met railwity car al London, Ont.,
was thrown off tbe track by some ob-
struction in nu eastern suburb of the
city. The ear Was wrecked and sat on
fire by a mob, which was dispersed by
the police,
Mrs. A. E. Hastings, of Kingston,
hue issued a writ against the Mont-
real Transportation Company to re-
cover $20,000 as dtunages for the loss
of her husband, drowned off the tug
Bronson at Alexandria Bay on June
22. John Dianne father of the other
young man drowned at the name time,
will also take proceedings against the
The prospectus of the Quebec, Ham-
ilton &, Fort William Navigation Coen -
puny, whose provisional directors aro
Hamilton capitalists, has been issued,
It states Ithat ret present it 10 only in-
tended to build two large vessels to
carry grain iron ore and coal be-
tween Fort' William, Or Duluth, Mont-
real and intermediate parts. It: is es-
timeted that them vessels will each
cost from 8120,000 to 8180,000.
A great log jam, containing newly
100,000 logs, has been piled Up itt the
Cascades, about fifteen miles up the
Gatineau. The. jam has been allowed
to accumulate to its present propor-
tions, because there ere already too
many logs at the Goverement boom
at the mouth of the Gatineau, where
the alerting out of the various firms'
logs is clone. The question is: "Bow
is the jam to be broken'?" Four years
ago dynamite was used.
The Countess of Warwick has ern -
United the Soelatist faith.
Lord Pau:ace-fete's 11037, title will be
Lord Pauncefote of Preston,
.A. London despatch says that this:
has been the driest summer in England
on record.
Sir Thomas Lipton has done ted 4100
to the Lard Maymes West 101)105 10101
The cable mine between Smith Alma
and England will be reduced to 4s n
word In SepteMber.
An explosion occurred a colliery
at Durham, Tuesday, in which two
men Were killed and seven others se-
riously injured.
A. Lanarkshire firm hes secured an
order for tee thoesand tons of steel
veils for the United.States Other or -
dere are expeeted.
Tho Lord Mayor of Tionden Ima
opened a rued at the Mansion House
for the relict sufferers from the
Wont Indian hurrimee.
.dlarge proportion of Northern New
York, including the Counties of Jeff-
erson, St. Lawreure and Lewis, is be-
ing swept by fierce forest tires, that
have already destroyed thousands of
dollars worth of valuable timber land,
end threaten to do more serious dam-
The foot-and-mouth disease has in-
fected Egypt.
The bubonic plague has appeared at
Oporto, Portugel.
Portugal is suffering from earth-
qnakes and storms.
of the men who left llolham
inlet for Cape N01110.
'rhe Roan he reports that the steam-
er Portland was to have sailed for San
Praneisco shortly after the Roanoke
left. ThPortland was to have about
$1,000,000 in gold, belonging to the
Alaska Commercial Company.
11. They snag together by ocuree.
Aie• musical tolk weed say, they sang
hn ant i ma 1 choruses ; one soot ion
sang, Mi,1 the other eespencled. Prais-
ing' and giving thanks unto the Lord.
A. sacred dtily, emphasized by the epos -
tiers even more, if pessible, than by the
01(1 Testament. Because be is good,
(neve: Kt? 1.3 (111 Price or clown and Wool.
len Clouds or From 3(313 ta Vilteen Per
41. despetoh trent Montreal says: -
The consumers of the better class of
cotton goode and uf woutlen will have
Lo pay a IiiLlo more for their eluthing
this vinter. Prices have gone up, in
some lines Lo a considerable extent, and
this will be felt in the retail trade
very speedily. The increase will affect
the euperior lines of goods most, le
laacy cottons there has been an ad-
vance or from 2 3-2 to 7 1-2 Leer cent
nutria by the milia in consequence of
the advance in the peice of raw ea-
ten. This increase will affect quite a
number of lines of manufactured cot-
ton goods, dress cottons, ele, Worst.
0(111 have gone up all the way from 6
to 15 mer cent. in pi•ice consequent up-
on the prevailing scarcity in the wool
market. This will increase the cost of
all lines of underclothing, soaks, and
other woollen goods. Those engaged in
the trade expect thnt these advances
will continue eor some months,
The Nile is low and Egyptian cot-
ton crops are threatened.
There were 8,1511 deaths from t be
plague, in the Bombay presidency last
There were 22 deaths from the
plague 1(3. 11(110) Kong and 25 new epees
during the pest week.
The German Government's canal
sehemes have been defeated in tote by
the Prussian Lower Muse.
The New South Writes Govet•nostent
budget shows rt eurplus of erainiated
receipts over ettegesied expen Mures
amounting to /2140,000,
The Nathorst eepedition, fitted out
by King Oseter of Sweden, to search
for Andeee, has not yet found any
team of the Aretie explorer,
Samilton Smith, a young English
tourist, was killed while attempting
Lo mooed Mount °lamina, au the lint -
inn frontier, wi a guide.
The 0*ar, Rraperor Will ittln, and the
genperor of Austria will go 011 a bunt
in Poland in Mabee, and incidentally
aiseues "grave, politico' matters."
The terrine gales and heavy floods
in Chili continuo. Neer Santiago a
train fell bite a river from a railway
bridge and fifty persons were drowned.
A, Paris locksmitb, named Bonnet
hes been shot by an anknown assailant
03110 Saw, hint in a Street, and ealled
out: "He looks like ono of Mum dirty
It is reported from Celculta that:
the surveying steamer 'Resolute has
hepar wank in collision with the Bri-
tish steamer Scindia, with the leas
of several lives, •
August Mosettg, the Austrian Gov-
ernment railroad ofeicial, charged with
stealing, emergency mobilization planet
andi selling them 10 (10)01)119 of laYanee
tuted Ilu,ssitt, hes tioufessed.
The fifth oomniandment, according to
Water Dashed Into she Cashion ta
313','' at 3.311311.
A. despatch frinn N.S., says:
-In a life and death struggle to es-
cape from the water, which broke into
for his mercy eadureth forever, tuward
the caisson, neer of u gang of 10 en -
Israel. Thie was it well-knownI re -
gaged laying the foundetiun of a pier
frain or doxology.
Tha war" (1341'e of the Midland railway bridge acruss
have) dated from the bringing back of I the chulientleadia river, were drowned
like rats in it trap Sunday morning,
found, in several psalms, and seem to
1.11.4 ark to Jerusalent in David's Gine.
The people shouted withe 538111 shout,
whom they pratsed. the Lord. That is,
their holy enthusiasm broke through
the program. Because the foundation
of the house of the Lord Was laid. A
prone, Lo thorn that alt of God's prom-
ises •woutd! be surely kepi.
12. Many 02 the priests and Leviles
Many Deaths Are Reporte.1 From the Til-
lage of atcreeetionece.
A despateh from. Moscow, says: -
The bubonic+ plague has atlast reach-
ed European Ruesia. Tte Government
hes reeeived an official report that
the village of Kolobohoffka, in the
government of Aetrakhan, South- east-
ern Ruesia, is intented, and tbat
twenty-one deaths have oecurred•
Energetic measures are being taken
in isolate stutpeeted, as well as un-
doubted 0(11051 sanitary and medical
detachments have ben sent out from
Oldenburg, and Gen, FaseMilitch has
arrieed with troops! to enforee the
quarantine that is being established.
Second Shantnent Ap11103 (431(5 roars
tor England.
end chiefs of the ratherS, :Men of
prominent 1(1.1311 1011, whose ma niliest a -
tions of joy or sorrow tvould influ-
ence many. •senetent men, that. had
&eon the first house. infiy-twe years
before tine the "first heuse" had been
destreyet 'Wept with a teed (voice.
Their memoriee of the past almost
crowded baok their hopes fur the fu-
ture. The new sanetuary 11115 larger
than &Amnon's, but not nearly so
mei gnifitient, n ed then -a fact that t he
old meu mulct feel aeutely-it was
net Solomon's; no traditions) of great
kings could linger ermine this build-
ing, and the most sacred treasures /if
the old temple had been cost. Many
shouted aloud for joy. To have any
temple at all wee to their eimple souls
mime enough for joy. Both expres-
sions of emotion were amply justified
by the oreasien-eurrowful tears und
joyful songs, memories of the past and
hopes for the future.
18. The people could not discern the
shout of joy from the noise. of the
weeping of the people. People at a
distener were unverta:n as to whether
the, noise was a demonstration of glad-
ness or of sorrow,
1, The adversaries of Judah and
B•njamin, The mixed foreign popu'a-
lion of neighboringt towns, especially
the Semaritane. The children of the
captivity. So the returned, exi!es are
anted bemuse most of them were been
in Chaldea. The temple men the Lord
God of Israel. IL „was hard to gee out
or the minds or Jewe and pagane the
thought that the dominions uf gocie
were limited by geographical bound-
aries, awl it was witheut hypocrisy,
but with al siweere deaire to secure
their own temporal prosperity, that
these ottani waked permission to join
in glorifying the lair..1 God of Israel.
Since they (wedeln his territory they
felt they should enmpitiate his favor.
2.. The ehief of the fathers. Head
men of elle various subdivisions of the
tribes. Let us build with you, for we
seek your elocl as ye du. Their motives
were probably mixed, They had for n
long limo really worshiped Jehovah am
one of many gods, but already their
hostile attitude had caused fear, Ezra
3. 0, 5311 they bad no ree1 friendship
for the Jews, We clo saerifice unto
him since the days of Esna-haddon.
"They feared the Lord, and served
their own gods," 2, Kings 17, 33, Beep
the Hebrew religion, so far as they
had learned it Irian pricks ef the,
northern tribe, taught them to rever-
enee a bull, and if they had baen per-
mitted by nerubbabel and his coun-
selors, to (join them, it would, human-
•ly speaking, have mental the fete of
pure religion. Esarhaddon had exiled
these people tfrom their homes just as
the Sews wore taken from Palestine.
8. Jeeinta, we:( chief of the religious
A despatch frone Ottawa, 8113'°:-, activities of the nation, as Zerubba,
The second shipment this season of bel weetof its secular affairs. Ye have
nothing to clo with us to build, We
cannot work together. As king Cyrus
the king of Persia bath monmanded
as. Apart from all other rea-
sons, it would have been a
political blunder' to have joinedwith
these people at this time. They were
not mentioned in the deeree or Cyrus,
which wan the Sews warrant for what
they were doing,
4, 5. The people of the land. The
pagan 1301001118. Weakened the hands
of the people of Judith. Thee Was done
in tWO ware ati ilillinated in this end
the following 1, They treuble.d
them in building. By slanders and
by threatening attacks, and by every
petty injury they wend infliet. 2,
They hared eounselors ngainst therm
Those men, or woniten, for it is Probable
that favorites of the herein Were used
tiO3 well ea' courtiers, made slanderous
representations to the govern -
t1301)11 end eeriously hindered
the Sews. Such favorites ere
oe sale 111 every oriental court,
To frustrate their purpose. They dee
lnyed the material that was sent, to
Wen from a distaine. They eneele
The caisson was sunk to the bottom
the r. It was supposed to be air-
tight, the pressure of air from a plant
un shore keeping the water out,
Through some blunder the Safety val-
ves 11T.e0 opened, and the air rushed
out, and the water rushed in to take
its place. The men scrambled for the
ladder in th • narrow air shaft. Twelve
aseemled in safety and four perished in
the rising flood. Their names are
Luke Peters, jas, Wilkes, William
Donegan, an‘l Jas. Donahoe, all of NEW
York, brought here by the bridge con-
apples and pears ire (told storage from
Grimsby for Menchestee is now going
forward by the Manchester Enter-
prise, a vessel or the Manchester
Linees, Limited, which was organized
this year to develop trade between
that oily and Menterial. Prof. Robert-
son, who has been in Grimsby supervisi-
ng; the shipment, found the fruit crop
of that district, a, good one, but not so
heavy as last year.
Iiingston Mao Perishes of Surra' 130(11813
Ing Prom the Ittondallte.
A deemateh from Kingston, seys 1 -
Jahn Turney, of A.dolplaustown, who
left Wee a year ago for the Riondike,
died last March on his way home, Ilis
party endured greet hatedships, going
by tam Edmonton route. Me. Tierney
was Bret taken down with peemmonia,
and on his recovery, scurvy set in,
which mused his death, Ho was over
60 years 102 3150), muct a highly respeeted
farmer of Adolphuntoten,
Their litthresSIOns or the Island
Tantr on ea Me.
A despatch 3130171 Channel, Nfld.,
says: -The party of Finlanders, cOn-
sisting of Arthur Ilorgestrom and
wife, Nonni Zillaccions, and C. Mirsten,
have arrived here. They have been
through part of the interior of the
island, under escort of Chief Engineer
Massey. Their impression of New-
foundland as a place for an agricul-
tural settlement of fifty to sixty
thousand Finlanders are unfavorable.
While they saw some arable land in
the bottotas, in Bay Doctroy valley, the
Bay islands and other places, there are
not sufficiently large areas to war-
rant them in recommending any con-
siderable emigration of Finlanders to
They will proeeed forthwith through
Canada to British Columbia and may
visit the United States before return-
ing home.
Letter Told I:er That Der Husband Dad
Another 3211e 1.1rIng.
A despatch from St. Thomas, Ont.,
says :-The death of Mrs. Belle James,
which aceurred on Thursday 1115111 at
her residence, 18 a very sad affair.
Four or Live years ago she married
a man named James. One day a let-
ter came to James and she opened it,
and was surprised to find it signed,
"Yee]: loving wife and children," Mrs.
James asked her husband when lie
came home if de already had a wife, He
acknowledged that be had a wife and
several children in Virginia. A cou-
ple of days later he disappeared, leav-
ing wife No. 2 to look out for hereelf,
Thursday night the woman was tak-
en ski: and dled, the physteian in at-
tendance giving hemorrhage as the
cause of her death. Deceased was
about 30 years of age.
"Situ the 4081 " 1,112.11713'thi 111141 111111(011
Released Veinal Custody.
A despatch from Dublin says t-Tritze
'merle and Hanlon, the last of the
Phoenix park prisoners, were released
from the alaryborough goal on Tues-
day evening. Both look healthy,
Fitalearris wore spectacles.
Filzharris, aline "Skin the Goat,"
who in May, 1883, Wile sentenced to
penal servitude as Mt actemplice Ill
the murder of Ltd Frederick Cavell -
dish, and Mr. T. 11 Burke, was son-
teneed to penal servitude for attempt-
ing to murder members of a jury en-
gaged in the trial of persons charged
with murder, Nevember, 1882.
Montreal Pollee fluid One or the 'Princi-
pal Mouses.
A deseatch from Montreal says: -
The members of the Montreal Chinese
colony are inveterate gamblers, and
several times mithy of them have been
arrested and, heavily fined Lor gratify-
ing their gambling propensities. The
lemon has been lost, and finding that
the gambling -houses ware again in
fttll swinge Chief Deteetive Carpenter
raided tree of the principal ones Fri-
day niglet, and arrested ten of the in-
mates, and tionfiseated their gambling
James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont.,
brother of the Rev. John 10 esley
prostrated by nervous headaches
A victim of the trouble for several
South American Nervine effected a
.•01nplete cure.
In their awn particular field few men
are beter hnoren than the Rev. John
Wesley Bell. B.D., and his brother Mr.
James A. Bell. The former wm be re-
cognized by lila thousands of friends all
ewer the country as the popular and able
missionary superintendent of the Royal
Tempters or Temperance. Among the
20,000 members of this order 111 Ontario
his counsel is sought on all sorts of ors -
meiotic Ou the public platform he is one
of the strong teen of the clay, nettling
eeeinst the evils of intemperance.
well knewe is Mr. Bell in other
provinces of the Dominion, having boon
or years a member of the Manitoba
elethodiet Confereeee and part ot this
time was stationed in Winnipeg. Ms
brotber, Mr. James A, Bell. is a. tughly
respected resident of Beaverton, ws re
his influence, Dimwit eerhais more air-
etunscribed Ctan that of his eminent
orother, Is none the less effective and
productive of good. Of tweet years,beev-
ever. the working al illty of elr. Ja.MPS
A. Bell has been sadly marred by severe
attacks of nervous heedaehe. aecom-
[muted by indlgestior. Who can do fit
work when this trouble takes hold of
them and especially when it becomes
chronic, as was, seemingly, the case w.th
Mr. Bell? The troub.e reached sum in-
tensity that lad June be was compete'
ly prostrated. In thie coed:ton a triend
recommended South Am eletue NervIne.
Ready to try anything and evotyLuing,
though he thought he had covered the
list of proprietary 'mod:eines, he seem. a
a bottle of this great discovery.
second bottle of the me.lieine was taken
and the work was den:'. Employing his
own language: "Two bottles of South
American Nervine immediately relieved
my headaches and have bunt up my
system in a wonderful manner." 1,330 Ile
not deprecate the good cier mergymea
and social reformers are cluing In the
world, but how ill -fitted they would 1,a
for their work were it not the relief
that South American Nervine brings to
them when physical ills overtake
them, and when the system, as a re -
suit of hard, earnest end continuous
work, breaks down. Nervine treats the
system as the wise retortner treats the
pens he is battling lig/drat. It strews et
the root of the trouble. All dias
ease comes from clisergauization of the
nerve centers. This is a scientific tact.
Nervine et once works on these nerve
meters; gives to them health and Tig-
er; and thee there Mir we through the
eyatem strong, healthy, life-maintainine
blood, and nervous troubles of every
variety aro things of the past.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
London Again Panting as Degrees In
the !diode.
A despatch from Ldndon says:. -Lon-
don is again panting at niety de-
grees in the shade, but even that is
stale. Nearly three months have pass-
ed since the beginning of this remark-
able weather-reenarkuble, at any.
rate, for England -which still main-
tains its sway over these isles.
It ie,serious, all the eame, being both
the harveett and the ,holiday season. Of
course must people would like to see
a prolongation at the dry eveather, but
for sanitary end other mescals rain
wits never more sorely needed. The
volley is getting, into an 0W -
Foreign visitors are often heard to
complain about tbe climate or England,
but old King Sol has just been having ,
too muchl bis own way lately, and has
been making the beet, or rather the I
svorst, or his opportunities, Last. meek,
etome fields of wheat, were fired
by the Sall, with results mare dimastr-
cue to the ripe crape, for when the fire
got started it could not be stopped, and
simply burned itself out. In London,
it is seriously announeed in some staid
and steady journals, the leads on the
roofs of houses have been melted end
have dimmed into areas shapeless
MaSeeS. In one case; eve are likewise
told, the melted lend ignited the wood-
wcirk and set a house on fire. As far
north as Secitland, Booth bowie, a large
mansion at Falkland narrowly esciaped
destruction from the same muse.
• --
Dail Service 3'oW isda tO be Softsibetory
A despatch front Ottrtwa, says: -
Replying to critietems in the press of
the inadequaen of the Yukon mil
Service, the leant :representative of the
Canadian Development Company, Mr.
W. .13, Allan, will have n letter in Sat-
urday's Citizen setting forth the im-
provement that has taken place sinee
his company undertook the service. Ile
makes the announcement that Mr.
Mulock has signed a four -years' con-
tritet with the coMpany, and that
Mails from Dawson now reach Ottawa
in 101-2 days.
Measures for improvement and inereatla
A, despatch from Melbourne, says:
-.0, conference of naval officers, re-
presenting Queensland, New South
Wales, South Australia, andeVictoria,
held hers on' Tueeday, adopted resolu-
tions rece»nmending an increase in
the naval reserve under conditions
suitable to the colonies, and an am-
alga/110,nm of the existing naval per-
manent establishments, the latter to
be an instructional staff and a nueleue
for the reserve.
It was also recommended that the
form should bo maintained and eon -
trolled by the Federal Government, the •
-Admiralty to provide ships, effective
in time of IN'ar; to be stationed at the
principal ports for training the local
forces in time of peace.
The Went% Adore Dispute Das Mean ,
Proccleally A.rranged.
IA despatch from $t. John's, Nfld.,
says: -The Colonial Government has
been informed by the Imperial Secre-
tary of State for the Colonies, Joseph
Chamberlain, that negotiations for the
, settlement of the French shore tits,
pule are in progress between Great
Britain and. :France, and that he is
hopeful of sme.edy and satientetory ale
rangement. It is believed that tufa-
t33(14 nre going well, because the Trench
warships are to withdraw from. 'the
west at the close of August, two
months earlier than usual. '
Egidindini in a Welsh Colliery 121113 1115
11511.0110 50401 34.
despatch from London, says: -By
anexplosion on Friday in the blest
colliery, in G I amorganach Ere, WA les, .26
persons were killed. The explosion oc-
curred during the 015111 511121 when
there were only fifty Mete In thedn. All
the living have been rescued.' Thou..
Dandn of parsons gatleererl around. the
Month Of the mine- Many pereont
1 Weire injuired. by 11113 expteeion.