HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-25, Page 1Vol, 28. No, 8
W. H. KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements,
Labor Day—G. T, R.
Art Gallery—n, Harts
Card—Dr, D. V, Smith.
The 118w8—A, E. Smith.
Prevent ernut—G. A. Madman.
Notice to Oreditors—G. le Blair.
Vetere' List Court—Wm. Spence.
Do as we advertise—McKinnon & Co.
Cla•sasib rook.
Some boob tires are doing damage In
this miden,
Don't forgot the Foot Ball Concert
Imre on Friday evening, In addition to
Messrs. Bogues andeStapleton, of Diatom],
the best looal talent to being moored for
the °melon.
Conrad Michel was gored by a young
ball on his farm, lith Lion., on Wednee-
day and had rather a mitueulaue escape
from fatal injury. We hope he will soon
be all right again. This is the third
attack so Mr. Bovies will ,be disposed of
FoolliALL.— Our boys Went VO Bruseele
Wedneeday eveniug 'Led gave that town
to friendly, match. Although our boys
were at a disadvantage beteg inferior in
weight and several of their beet playere
failed to appear, yet at the end of the
game the soore aorta 2 to 1 in favor of
Cranbrook. The goal claimed by ftrus-
sole was scoured by foul play ea the Brea.
eels player missing the ball tonight the
goal keeper's hand preventing him from
saving his goal. Therewith matzoh will be
played Friday, evening followed by a
grand concert In life
e lave stye .
Thos. Russell, ath cm, Morris, was
married to Miss 0. Stonehouse, of Bel -
grave, ab Wingbam, on Wednesday of
this week, by Rev. R. Hobbe. The bride
wore a travelling suit of navy blue. The
happy couple went to Toronto on a wed-
ding trip. Mr. and Mre, Russell will
make their home in Belgrave. Their
many friends wieb thorn health, wealth
and happiness.. eesze
Gant= PARTv.-111 Garden Party
underthe auspices of English ohurob,
on Tifilesday evening of fast week, at the
residenbe of R. McMurray, was all that
the management Gould wish. No rain
but a large crowd, plenty of fun and lots
of money. Next, by the way, there will
be another one in September tinder the
direction of the Methodists. Look out
for it.
Noess.—Rev. Mr. and Airs. Hobbs, T.
and Mrs. Hall, of Wingharn, and H. and
Mrs. Hall, of Passadena, Oa., spent Fri.
day afternoon at the Parsonage.—Mr.
Bone is again able to be about—Mr.
Gallagher lost the second babelast week.
—Threshing is the dusty order of the day.
—Rain for the pastures is needed.—The
tenders on the Methodist church will be
opened on Sept. 8111.
011IIROn NOTES.—The pulpits of the
village were occupied last Sunday by
strangers, in the absence of the pastors,
and yet we can soavoely say strangers.
Rev. Mr. Abet°, of Brussels, drew a large
congregation at the English ohurch ; Bev.
A. McLean, an old friend of all, preaohed
in the Presbyterian church ; and the
genial Rev.R. Paul, of Brussels, =opted
the Methodist pulpit in bis usual good
style. Mr, Magma preaches again next
Sondes, and J. Wellwood will officiate in
the Methodist church,
Jno, 11. Wendt spent Sunday with his
parents in Mildraay.
Mies Jemima Willits is spending her
variation at her home bore.
T. Hemphill & Son shipped a oar of
oatmeal to Toronto on Tuesday.
Won. Sandmen shipped a oar of fat
cattle to Toronto on Wednesday.
EL 13. MoSelvie and family visited
friends at (Mosley on &today that.
Misses nib, Hazlewood and Tillie
Gotten are at Torouto 00 lbiillinsry busi.
Wm. Sanderson, Wm. 'Wilson and W.
M. Robinson are taking in the Exhibition
this week.
Mise Saunders, of Toronto, is spending
two weeks' holidays with her unolo, D.
Fisher in town,
Mime Margaret and Mary Hoye, of
Stratford, are vieiting their °mein, Miss
Minnie Hemphill.
Gibson Bros., have started their older
pees again and are open to do all kinds
of work in that She,
Mre. W. M. Robinson, accompanied by
her son Shoff, left for Toronto on Tuesday
morning to take in the Dxhibition.
Miseee Belle and Aegis Elliott, of
Ohealey, who have been 'Welting Miss
Tena Smith, returned borne last week.
Geo. 311. Brown returned to his duties
as teacher at Ottawa after spending two
months' holidays at hie old home here.
Miss Allot Walker, wbo hoe been visit.
ing her gremdmother for the last month,
returned to her home at Niagara on Fri.
day last,
• tkriziAtIfitiV.RAILWAY
Return tioltote will Do isaned at
Single al% Fare
Between all stations in Canada, all Statio00
• in Canada to and from Detteit, Mich„ and
Port Huron,Itiioh.; all stotiOna 01 Canada
to hut not from Buffitlo,Bieols Soak. Niagara
nob, and Stispenelon Bridge, N. Y.
GOOD GOING SEPT, mid, Ord and 400,
valid returning from destitution On or be-
tove Sept, Gth,1220.
For partiallare as to Sokoto, stewing and
'parlor oar t000mmodation, and all informa-
tion apply beany Agent 01 Oto Grand Trunk
hallway System.
11, T. SUTTON, Agent, Betlegele.
Mies Jean Davidson is going to Menke.
ha on holidaya on Friday,
Jno. Gibson, of Teronto, is epeonling a
'hove days with hie sister, etre. 1P, V.
A very pleasant evening was spent at
Mee. 11.. Gibson'e on Wedneeday Met by
the young foils of the village.
A, Paulin is greatly improving the
appearance and comfort of his home by
building a Verandah in front, R. Farrel
has the °entreat,
gentth I8 size, open faced
watch, on the road, a few miles North of
Wroxeter. Owner by stalling at Wendtel
Jewellery tore and giving suffioient
proof as to hie property may Beware same.
Juo. Snell, who has beeu teaching in a
Bobcat North of Gorrie, has decided to
give 11 up end is going baok to his looms
at Goderoch to attend High School. Wm.
Rogers, of Bluevale, will simply bis place.
Jack will be miesed among the base ball
11. Bann is moving into the house
lately vaoated by A, H. Moffitt, who is
moving into hie (R. 3. Rune's) house.
W. S. Iffeleerther will move hie besinese
to Dickson's block and R. 3. Rana will
place hie boot and rhos business in the
shop canted by M. Moleeroher.
The base ball team again got gay and
rem up againstPalmeretonat Aberdeens."
101e a well known fed that without met
Woe the boys can do nothing but stilt
they bave lots of nerve, The game
resulted in a defeat for our boys by a
score a 11 to 3. A return match ie
expected soon.
Wel ton.
Mrs. Neal has returned from Detroit.
M. Morrison has load a well dug on his
leIrs. Forrest entertained a bridaloouple
last week.
James Turnbull left for Wingham cm
Mise Vio. Cooper is visiting at Dr.
Some of our villagers are attending the
Toronto Fair.
Welton cheese was sold and was °hip.
ped on Tuesday.
A. Turnbull and J. McKenzie spent
Sunday in Walton.
Miss Nellie McKenzie, of Brussels,
Sundayed at home.
We regret to learn that Miss Jessie
Sage is seriously ill.
Mies Nettie Pethiek, of Seelorth, ie
visiting at D. Campbell's.
lase Maud Fergnson and T. W. Mor-
rison spent Sunday in Hullett.
Mrs. MoVittie, of Hullett, was visiting
relatives in Walton on Tuesday.
Miss Carrie Moore hae commenced
violin and guitar °lasses in town.
Rev. A. 0. Tiffin will exchange pulpits
next Sunday with Rev. P. Musgrave.
Miss Vera McDonald, who has been
visiting at Seaforth, returned this week.
W. Williams, who has been working in
the cheese factory, left town on Saturday.
Mrs. M. Buchanan, of Brussels, was
the guest of Mrs. M. Morrison for a few
A good time was spent at the Sabbath
&hoe] piifinio in Mr. Sholdioe's grove last
Mies Kate Waugh, of Teeesvaber, who
bas been visiting at Mrs. Turnbull's, re.
turned home on Wednesday.
The Ladies' Guild of St. George's
°hereto will hold their next meeting at
George Kelly's on Wednesday next.
Last Sabbath the outdoes in Duff's
church were held by Mr. Reid, who is
eupplying in the absence of 'Rev. D. For-
Tho ladies of the Methodist ohuroh
purpose having a box social at George
Grigg's on Friday evening, Sept. 15th,
A good time is being prepared for, and an
interesting program may be expeoted.
This week special eervioee are being
held in the U. P. church here. Rev. 0.
M. Filer, the pastor, preached on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock and
Rev. A:C. Tiffin on Thursday. Rev. C.
Lawrence, of Mirada, will preach ma
Pride), evening, Saturday at 2 p. no. and
Sunday at 11.80.
Jatli el.
A double wedding is so the tapis.
Council meeting on Saturday, 28rd
Mrs. Bothwell, of Bay City, Mich., is
visiting at S. Aimee.'
Postmaster Seems has a tidy style of
Axing up hie property.
Our reeidents who were visiting in the
West are back and report a pleasant
In reporting the pries of July cheese
sold it was given as si cents when it
should have been 10 oats. Ethel factory
is a moues and prospects tiptop.
On Wednesday, Sept, 13th, at 10,30
o'clock Judge Masson will hold a ciourt'
for the revision of Grey townebip Vetere'
list for 1899 in the Town Hall here.
There are 28 appeals enteted.
Tuesday of next week Edward Bean.
mont, wbo has been in this oountry for
13 years, and bae been employed by
Baba Dilworth for the past year, leaves
for England on a visit to hie parents.
We are always pleased to reoord the
advancement of our former residente and
in this oonneotion hey° pleaeuro in stet.
ing that Wm. Dilworth, who has been in
Dakota for a year, is engaged to teach at
Orygtal at a eatery of $50.00 par month.
Be is taking a high stand in Iiia examines
Hong, We With him encoees.
Goon RBOottilttnn.--liothing le More
satiefaotory to a community into which a
new man moves than a good recommend
from hie old home, Here is what the
Wingham Times eays about our new
agent at the G. T. IL—"John Smith,
who has held the position Of baggageman
at the G. T, R. station hoes for tile pant
tendon years, has beat promoted to the
position of dation agent at Ethel. Dote.
in Mr. Smithai residence here be hag,
by his kind and obliging dispoeition,
made many Mende. He has been a
faithful employee of the Company and
the promotion mould not be given to sty
one more deserving. Hie many friends
here, although Emery to see him leasze
town, will be planned to heat a his SOO.
oeSS in neourong the more reopongiblo go.
Win, Lake is making it holiday vloib
and luta (good lip Isle home h
ere in the
Quito a number from Ethel attended
the funeral of the late Robt, lefoLueblan
lag Monday afternoon.
ADDISIOSS Ann PftnsinNTAsnON.—A number
of the friends of John Smith met at his
reaidenoe, Winghamon Tuesday nimbi) of
last week, (the eve a bis departure for
Ethel), and presented bit with an ad-
dress, accompanied by an elaborate dln•
iser est and a eat of table linen. Follow.
ing is tit.'„,01'0"4 est •
John, Smith,
Dose Beoeuen,—We, your friends and
°coworkers of the Ningbo= Baptist
allure; and Sunday school, having team.
ed with regret that yourself and family
are about to remove from Wingham, we
desire to express our einoere 'sorrow at
the approaching separation, and to erasure
you that our beet wishes and prayers
shall fellow you ; also to show the esteem
in whioh you are hold for your worbh'e
sake, You have ebown yourself a most
°constant friend, and faithful worker for
the church here. We know that nothing
but intense devotion to the 000S° induced
you to swept the triple duties of Deacon,
church treasurer and Sunday school
ttreasurer. We nth glad that the needed
rength has been Divinely vouchsafed.
our annual etateroents ware always
satisfaotory and the neatly kept books
attested to the fact that your work Was
well done. We believe that both yonr-
self and Mrs. Smith will continue to nee
the talents God bee given you to exalts
His Word and live His teaching in
your new home as you did bete.
Thoughts of the inspiration, wise oouneel
and delightful intereouree will dwell in
our memories when you are gone. In
saying goodbye to your family we again
enrage regret at you departure from ue,
end ask you to accept the dinner set and
Het of table linen as a token of remeon•
beranee end of our appreciation of your
services and our love for you. We enure
you tbat our pre,yere will follow you to
your new sphere of labor, that Gad may
oontinue with you and work through you
unto the end. Signed on behalf of your
friendin the Church and School.
W. J. Cosmos.
Mr. Smith, although taken completely by
surprise, made a feeling reply cm behalf
of lifineelf end wire. He thanked bis
(deeds for the kind words oontained is
the address and for their bandeorae pres-
ents. The evening was then pleasantly
spent in omelet intercourse, sto., and the
party broke up at 10 seasonable hour
again wishing Mr, and Mrs. Smith every
success in their new home.
A. number of wells are dry.
Commit on Saturday, 28rd inst.
Miss Hislop is baok from Manitoba.
Fall wheat sowing is being done in
Toronto Fair la attracting a number of
J. Menzies, teacher at Duke's eohool
house, will attend the Normal wheel
next year.
Messrs. Mitchell & Dark have the eon -
tract of the briok work on Geo. Forrest's
new cottage.
Mrs. Maloolm Fraser, of the 2nd, and
Mrs.Dan. Riohardson, of the4th, recently
visited in Seaforth.
Mktg Lizzie Straohan returned on
Saturday. to Elmwood where she is
teaching in the Public school of that
Reeve Turnbull, Olerk Spence and
John Strachan recently paid an official
visit to the dredge "Sampson" oil the
16th con.
Mise Aggie Id, Turnbull, of the Oh
line, hae been spending the last three
melte with her brother, Jas. Turnbull,
of Brussels.
George Bielby has taken charge of the
Dashwood, Huron Co„ Public eabool,
We expect to see him go to the front in
the profession.
Roberti Meanders preached at Bethel,
Whitfield's and Henfryn lest Sabbath
and did well. The young preacher is yet
an unknown quantity.
Meg. Thos. Straohan is very ill at pea.
ent. She hae been under lbs °are of the
M. D. and there is slow if any improve.
ment. The trouble is with her heart.
Mies Maggie Calder will attend the
Model 'school at Clinton. She bee a 2nd
class eertifiaate. Kies Aggie and Senses
will continue at Seaforth Collegiate.
Miss Maggie Bielby will also attend at
Seaforth, We wieb them moms in
their wovIr.
James Donglas, 16th oon., has disposed
of hie 50 more farm, South lot 5, to
Thos. Connor, whose brother Charles
owne the adjoining 50 sum The prioe
ig said to be 02,800. We have not learn.
ed whet ibir. Douglas purposes doing.
.d. brick veneer house is being erected
by John Askin, lob 10, non. 14, Thos.
N oweome is doing the wood work and D.
A. Lowry will lay the brick. Meseta
Mitchell & Dark Plitt the foundation.
It will bo ready for °nuptial= this Fall.
Onrr.—Latit Saturday evening tbe
spirit of Robert MoLachlan, au old resi•
dent of the 10th cons took the flight,
Mr, kicLaohlan was born in Lanark 00.
47 years ago and moved with his father's
family to Galt and afterward to the
farm on whiob he died. It is 42 years
ginoe they came to Grey. The father of
• deceased passed away 16 rows ago but
Mee:McLachlan survives, reelding with
her daughter, Mrs. 11. K. MoDonald, Ib
Ore,nbrook. The subjeot of this notice
has been in failing health for the past
year but ,was only seriously ill for 8
months. Cancer on covering of stomach
Is said to be the cense of death. Hie wife
wee a Miss Hyde, of Shakespeare, Ont.,
and she and one eon about 6 years of ago
survive, Mr. McLachlan Owned ae fine
a 100 Rates as is to be found in the town•
ship and was a quiet going mad, Liberal
in polities and Presbyterian in religion.
The funeral on Mendel afternoon was
largely altetaled. Rev. D. 13. MoRae
conducted the Bervioe assisted by Rev, R.
F. Clamoton. interplant was made at
Brussels cemetery. The pall Norma
Were Jno. and Teesdale Whitfield, W.
Cameron, W. Slemonon, 11. Barr and
3no. Sentient.
Miss Ethel Ainegrove, of Wingham, is
visitiog at R. Peareon's,
David Clampholl, wbo had hie hip
broken, le recovering slowly.
Postmaster Johnston and wife, of
ameetown, were at Detroit on It holiday
Robb. and Mime Este and Susie
Pearson spat Sandey with friende io
Mee. Duncan Livingston is visiting at
Toronto and looality among the friends
of her youth,
Peter A. MoArthur and Duncan Mo.
Donald are awayto the West on the
Harvest Excursion.
Mrs. Werner and °hold, of Toronto,
are visiting ab Thoe. Straohan's. afro,
Werner is a deughter.
Mise Tillie MoRee, who bas been vieit-
ing at Robb. Poulton's, 4th eon., returned
borne on Saterday amoompanied by Miss
B, Pearson,
Vire. Day and son and Mrs. Gamble
and two ohildren, of tPoronto, are visiting
at John Grainger's and other relatives on
the North Boundary.
Inspector Robb visited U. S. S. No, 10,
Howlett and Grey and No. 10, Sowtok on
Monday and appeared well satisfied with
the progress of both schools tinder Miens
13. Pearson and H. Berne.
Robb. Poems), 1th 000., is veneering
and enlargiog his residence. The brick.
lame and (=pouters are at work, Wat-
son Ainley, of Brussels, is doing the
briok work, and 11, Lang, of Ebbel the
J. B. MoLanohlio and sister returned
last Saturday font a two months' visit
to Manitoba and Dakota. Since Sunday
J. B. has been aonfined to bed with an
ettaok of plenriey brit we hope he will
soon be all right.
Alex. I. MoTaggart, who hae been
home for his holidays, left on Thursday
for Chatham Business College, where
he is taking a course in shorthand and
type writing. He will visit relatives near
London on the road West.
Patrick Blake hag let the oonbraot for
a solid brick residenoe on bis farm, 15th
con. It will be 20x28 feet, le stories
high. The cellar is aboub completed.
Geo. Baker, ot Cranbrook, has the con-
tract for the stone and brick work and
plastering. The carpenter work is not
let yet.
Mrs. Edward Bryan, who was visiting
in Toronto for the past thtee weeks, ar-
rived home last Monday. Her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, of 'Wender, who
underwent an operation at St. Michael's
hospital in that oity, is getting along
nioely bot not able to get looms yet.
George Baird, the veteran school teach.
sr of Stanley, wbo has taugbb S. S. No,
1 in that townebip for the past 89 peen,
paid a visit to his son, R. Baird, of the
Whitfield militia sohool, last Friday while
en roam to the meeting of the Co. Board
of Examiners at Brussels, on Saturday.
Mr. Baird is about 58 years of age yet
he rides a bicycle like a 20.year old.
A Ptoilites Paeans Awev.—A.nother of
the few rernainingpioneers of Sala motion
crossed that bourne from whence no
traveller retnrns on Saturday evening of
last week in the person of Peter MoDon-
all, one of the first settlers in tbis town-
ebip and a man most highly and deser-
vedly respeoted. He was born in Perth.
shire, Sootland, in 1815 and was oonse-
quently in hie 850h year at the time of
hie decease. In 1850 he oame to Caned°,
and spent 2 years in Wellesley township,
Waterloo Co„ before ooraing to Grey,
where he took up 200 acres of land then
a dense forest. About 23 yearg ago he
sold the homestead to Adam Sboldioe
and retired from farming living, with his
daughter, 10 10 comfortable home on the
farm of his son James. Mre. MoDonald
was a Mirth Bella Aitoltheon, of Berwick.
shire, Scotland, wbo departed this life in
1805. Mr. MoDonald was a hearty,
vigorous man, full of life and fond of
social intercourse, especially with Mende
of bis early manhood. He was a, mem-
ber of the firettownsbip Commit, oeoupy-
ing tloe Reeve's ohair for 8 or 10 years,
He was an ardent Liberal and a member
of the Presbyterian church, For the
past three years be has been failing per-
ceptibly, hie memory giving evidenoe of
declining powere, but was only confined
to bed for 2 weeks. Gangrene set in hie
left foot and at timer; he suffered severe
pain. There wore seven obildren in the
family viz ;—rater and Daniel, in Matti.
gen ; Jas., a well known Couuoillor ot
Grey ; John, deceased ; Mrs. Onnoan
Oampbell, of Egmondville ; Mrs. Jae.
Drone, of Detroit, and Mise Maggie at
home. One brotber survives and resides
in North Ditsthope. Tbesday afternoon
the funeral took place), Rev. Mr. Viler, of
Walton, conducting the sorvioe. The
procession was an unusually long ono and
Was a, fibbing tribute to the high redeem
in which Mr. MoDonald Wee beld, Thos.
Straohan, Joo. Robb, 7. Swallow, Andrew
Bloke, T. Moradzsan surf Je Fulton were
the pall bearers. It wee oaenally men.
tioned that Thog. Govenlook, of Seaforth,
and Jno. Wane, of Brussels, are the
only two of the pioteers who settled
along the gravel road who survive. It
may be well and truthfully said of thoee
hardy and industrious settlers "There
were giante in Sion days."
A Goso MAN Goon.—Like a rips shook
of corn John Jones, an old and highly
esteemed resident f Grey, was gathered
into the Eternal garner on Thursday
afternoon of last week in the 81e1 year of
his age. He had been in declining bealth
for the pest year but wag always able to
gob aboot until about a week prior to his
domes° when a stroke of paralysis be.
numbed hie left gide and eventually
canoed death. Mr. Jones was a native of
Sornersetehire, England, hie birth:oleo°
being Sandford, in the Parish of Eine.
oomb, Where on May 7th, 1819, he flret
saw the light of day. In Felanary,il1847,
the light of the Holy Spirit ltai
bis heart) and he was soundly converted
under the ministration of Bev. Thomas
Wooldrige'Wats oirouit, England, and
through the 52 years that have elapeed
be wag often comforted and thoonreged
by his confiding trust in the Almighty
which did not tail him in the bout of his
departure. In December, 1848, deceased
went to Newport, Wales, and on August
8th, 1852, he was united in marriage to
hie now bereft partner, knee Susanna
Dark, of Newport. Sloe was n helpmeet
indeed. 'The day following their mar. PeOp10 KHOW.
ritsge Mr. and Mrs. &ooze lett for BrieWl Mem Dore Shim la away to Toronto.
and from there salted to the new world, 13ert. Johnston was 13°141111m at St.
landing at New York. Alter 10 sojourn
01 7th'oabbuiso New Y°th State they "the 1/.0. Rots la on a bugging trip to
to Perth Co , where they spent Toronto.
2 sense and on into this township whore Rohr Rose and eon, of Kincardine, are
they took up lot 0, non. 10, Grey town.
ebip was largely an unbroken forest, 41
or 45 years ago. lit 1881 they gold tee
homestead end moved to Oral-110.We sur-
vey, Brussels Booth, where they oulbivat.
ad a garden plot, largely devoted to froth
and vegetables. 7 children were born to
Mr. end Mrs, Jones, two sons an 1
daughter dying in their youth.
Bur/iron are Mre. John Jobneton, of
Florida. ; Sere, Richard Mitchell, of
Morris ; Mrs, George Bateman, of Grey ;
and Mee. Darman Dieleay, of Dakota.
The eubjeat of this notice was a kind
hearted, straight going man wbo enjoyed
the reepeot, of all who knew him. He
was a good husband, a kind father and a
most hospitable and accommodating
neighbor, The femoral took place on
Saturday afternoon. liev. Mr. Holmes,
of whose congregation Mr. Jones was a
worthy member, conducted as appro.
priate service, %Belated by Rev. R. Pant
and Rev. W. Norton. The pall bearers
Were four nephews (John, Robert George
and Ben. Dark) fe, floggard and George
Colvin. Last Sabbath evening Iten. Mr.
Hohnee preached a memorial Hermon in
the Methodist °hoorah, Brunie, having
reference to the decimated from the text
"Your heart tibial never die," Psalm 221
26. A quartette entitled "I know that
my Redeemer lives," was song by Mrs.
E. B. Creighton, Miss Kerr, Fred. Gilpin
and A. Rose. Moe. Jones is deeply von.
pathiteid with in her widowhood.
Mrs. John Mooney le visiting relatives
and friends at Detroit.
Mies Kato Ragan, rah line, ie visiting
at Toronto this week.
Rain is badly needed. The root crop
and pastures are suffering.
The threshing machines are keeping
some communities huetling.
Daring the past week Millard Oardiff
hes been on the siok lief but is improving
Miss Maud Paul is viaiting friends in
Grey. Miss Maud is to be congratulated
on passing her resent examination.
Geo. W. Turyey, 2od line, is quite ill
at present with inflammation. His many
friends wish him a speedy recovery.
James Sharp and wife, 5th line, and
Mrs. Day, of Gerrie, left on Thursday
for Toronto where tbey will take in the
eighth at the Industrial Fair.
Ward Caldbiok and sister, Mies
Maggie, and Misses Cora South aud Lola
Agar are among those from Morris who
will visit Tomato this week.
The McElroy farm, Eith line, Morris,
Was offered for eats by 'motion but as the
highest bid was $4,500, while the reserve
bid was $5000, it was not sold.
Councillor M. M. Oardiff ie home after
a ten weeks' tour of the Eastern part of
the Preview in the interests of the
Maseey-Harrie mowers and binders.
Thursday of last week, Thos. Miller,
Mb line, fell from a scaffold to the barn
floor, about 18 feet, and broke a rib in
addition to a regular shaking up. We
hope be will Soon be about as of old.
On Saturday last a horse belonging to
Amos Agar, lst oon„ bad its lag broken
by getting entangled in a rope which had
been used ae a swing in the orchard.
The animal was killed to end its misery.
Mr. Agar's loge is heavy as the horse was
a valuable one.
Lest Tuesday Mrs. Wm. Robb, Jae,
Petah, D. Smith, leo. IdeCutcheon, S.
Forsyth, Alex. Walker, Joss Forsyth,
Joseph Budd and Geo. Sommerville
left Brussels on the early train bound
for Manitoba, Northwest and Dakota
where they will spend the next few
A sad oiroumstemos occurred at the
home of John MeElroy, Mb line, Morris,
when hie two daughters, Mary and
Rachel, become violently insane. Oa
Monday morning of last week Dr. Milne
took them to the Homewood retreat at
Guelph, where it is hoped they will soon
be restored to goad health.
The improvements to the Township
Hall are about completed and the build.
ing looks quite niee. A good driving shed
should bo built, game as they have at
Grey Township Hall, for the oonVenionoe
of the 0ounoil, and the eleotors in attend.
ing Connell meetings, nominations, oleo:
bione, &a. It would nob cost a greab deal
and would prove a decided benefit,
A body was found on the Grand Trunk
tracks Tuesday moruing, near Whitby,
It proved to be that of P. Breen, a cattle
man, 58 years of age, wile left Toronto
Monday night in oharge oE a °ensign.
meat of horses for export, shipped by
Mr. Sheridan. Breen was one of the
best known oattlemen in Ontario, and
was pretty well•to do. It is [supposed
he fell off the train and was killed,
Oue of the most horrible tragedies in
Manitoba's bistory wax committed at
Gilbert Plaine on Sunday in the midst of
the tanning wheat fields. Frederick
Johnston, the =order, was more pros-
perong than the average run of fermata,
but low spirited. Lately he spoils of
hanging hirneelf. Big brother and sister,
Robert and nme, also the hired men,
MoRae, lived with the family. On Sun•
day morning be impend very low spirit.
ed. He was often noticed to gismo at
his wife with an odd look. After dinner
Johnston "got all parties but the wife and
family from the bougie to do the deed. A
eingleharrel booth -loading gun wee used.
Johnston shot hie wife first below the
heart, end she was probably first killed.
Beside her lay her three.day-old babe,
with its head blown completely off.
Artleta, 5 years old, and Clifford, 8 years
old, were abet jeet belew the left ear
with the game weapon, Both heads were
partly blown off. Death was instentext•
sous, Between the box stove and the
trunk ley Johnston, with hie throat out
in two places and a charge of the gun
just below his left ear, the ramie and the
gun lying near. The family were former
Well known eceddente Ilthinoett, Ont,
on town.
J. F. McCrea left on Thursday for
Druggist Fox and wife are away to
Mre. R. K. Ross is holidaying at
Jas, Oliver is under the doetor'S oars
this week.
Mrs. Joo. Ament is visiting at the
Queen City.
Mrs. Div, of Gorrie, was visiting Mrs.
A. J. Lowry.
Eli Moore and wife, of Atwood, Sun.
dayed in town.
Jee. Walker, of Wingluttn, was in town
on Wedneeday,
Miss leranoie is visiting her sister at
Rochester, N. Y.
Miss WhIddon, of Bayfield, is visiting
Miss Fannie Thomson.
Ira Gerry is filling a position la N. F.
Gerty's hardware store.
M. Richardson was on the siok list Met
week but is better again.
Miss °retinue Milloy 10 taking in the
eights at the Toronto Fair.
Gael -141d Vanstone and Garfield Bather
were in Toronto thia week.
Mrs. Tboa, Forbes, of Wingham, is
visiting Mrs. Thos, Maxwell,
Alf. Denny, of Buffalo, N. Y., is holi-
daying under the parental roof,
G. Letter was the guest of Jno. Atnent.
His home is 10 Ypsilanti, Mioh.
Mrs. jamas, of Blytb, wee renewing
old friendships in town last week.
Mies Maggie McClure ie the guest of
her cousin, Mies Mary Rose, John street.
Mrs. A. Walker and daughter, Vern,
are visiting friends at Bartle and looality.
Alex. McKelvey sprained one of hie
arms while making an effort to ride a
Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Campbell, of
Luoknow, were the guests sI Mrs. Will.
Adam Soott and daughter, of Seafurth,
were renewing old friendships in this
S. H. and Mrs. Cameron were visiting
with relottivee and friends at Luoknow
this week.
tire. A. Stritoban and Mrs. (Dr.) David.
eon have gone to Stouffyille and Tomato
for a visit.
Mies Lily Kay len for Stratford and
Drumbo on Tuesday on her way home to
Mies Myrtle Wilson left on Saturday
for a moose of treatment atan hospital in
Mr. Motiteorge, of Ayr, was visiting at
John Tait's last week. Ile is a ootthin to
Mrs. Tait.
Mee. R. J. Olaf and daughter, of Clin-
ton, are the guests of Mrs. 0. H. Bartliff,
Princess street.
Mrs. Bell and Mise Cherr,v of Wood.
stook, are visiting Mrs, G. A. Deadman,
Frederick street.
D. Stewart atteuded the Caledonian
games at Wiarton and was one of the
pipers of the day.
Mrs. Brothers, Muriel and Sydney are
away on a visit with friends et Toronto,
Miltoo and Guelph.
Dr. and Mrs. Snider were visiting at
Toronto. The Dr, is attending the Con.
ventiou of Physiolans.
5, B. Stale has secured a eituation in
Dr. D.P. Smith'e new drug store, in the
Scala blook, Brussels.
Mise Annie Taylor, of Clinton, former•
ly a teacher in Brussels Public School,
wag visiting Mies Mary Rose.
Will. Ellis left town on Thouteday for
Woodstock whore he will resume hie
mourn at the Baptist College.
Mr. Grandine, of Brsatterd, was visit.
ing hie sister, Mrs. S. Pearson last week.
She is much improved in health.
Oleve, Alii, ot Goderich, and Merrick
Thomas, of Amherstburg, were visiting
in Brussels during the past week.
Mrs. D. Stothers and Miss M. McKay,
of Petrolia, are visiting at Diviolon Court
Clerk Hunter's, Alexander street°.
Mise Elsie Jackson, who has been
visiting ab home for several weeks, re.
turned to Newmarket on Thursday.
Mies Madge Aikens'of Ifetiwialr, who
bas been visiting laer G. F.
Blair, returned home on Thursday.
Geo. 8.3.1ogers left last Tuesday morns
ing on a well earned holiday. He will
visit Toronto, Hamilton and the Falls.
Lorne Pringle will return to Stratford
next Tnesday where be will take up
phonography at the Bussineee College.
Mrs. Mooney, Jobe greet, is still very
seriously ill. Everything that medical
skill and good mining can do, obs receives.
Dr. Rutherford, of Listowel, was in
towu Monday in oonsultation with Dr.
Helbfieiseh on the ones of Harry Moore.
Clarke and Arthut$'Allin were in town
for a oortple of cloys while en routs from
Bownoanville to Goderioh on a bicycling
Mabel and Willie Taylor, Of Paris, who
• bave been visiting their grandparents,
Geo. Crooke and wife, returned home on
Mee. Downing and her sister, Mee,
Weadap, of Lindsay, were visiting in
Goderioh last week. The latter returned
to her home on Menders
Geo, B. McClellan, teller 10 the
Standard Bank here tete last Saturday
for a two weeks' holiday to his home at
Whitby and other points.
Mills Garlic Russell, of Wiugham,
formerly of Brothels, left for Manitoba
last Week. Her parents removed to
the Weal seine moutbs ago.
Miss D. Kerr and Mte. Nithol, of Galt,
were visiting at R. Leatherdale's loot
week, They wore neighbors when Mr.
Loatherdale lived at Gale.
Fred. Gilgit was allowed 10 page On hie
recent examination on appeal and will
go to Toronto Sole Fall as a matriculant
to the Ontario Dental College.
Mr. Elliott and wife, o/ Port Elgin,
are in town. The former hating root
health for sionle time has oome to place
himself Moder treatment of Dr, D. F.
Smith, Of this team,
Albert Putito,nol has returned to Chat -
The elitism Purdy arid Miss Eva
Snider took train Tburedity rooming for
Toronto and from that poiet the former
will return to their home at Kingeten.
Miss Gerrie Oesupbell returned 10"
Paris thin week, flee large oirtilof
friends here hope it may not be Wee be-
fore they have the pleasure of her will,
pony again in Brussels.
J. D. Ronald gave one of his thins a
oraok the other day while assistieg in
loading a tire engine at the G. T. 10,, that
was anytbing but pleasant, but lie is able
to get about as usual.
Miss Jo. Roes, who holds a position in
J. Ferguson's dry goods store, was end.
donly taken ill Mot Wednesday end had
to be taken home in a carriage. Sloe is
considerably improved now we are pleas.
ed to state and will goon be all right.
EilterY, son of M. IT, Moore, V. 5., hae
been dangerously ill daring the past week
and is atilt in a very delicate state of
health. Kidney and heart trouble is the
°Huge. A. consultation of physioians wag
held end hopes are entertained that he
will pull through all right. Harry ill a
bright little fellow of 7 yews sud we hope
he will soon be oonvelethent.
011011011 emits.
SI. John's Sunday Sobool will ohange
the hour of meeting from 10 e,. no. to 2.30
p. m. next Sunday.
Rev. jno. Roes, 11. 1., will occupy
Melville church pulpit next Sabbath
having arrived home from his holiday
visit to Clifton Springs, N.Y.
Monthly Missionary oolleotion in the
Methodist Sabbath Solsoot next Sabbath
afternoon, Rev. Mr. Holmes will give a
abort acidness on eMissionary Work."
Last Sabbath morning Ray. it F.
Cameron's text at Melville church wee
"Ye are my witnesses," and in the even.
ing elf emy man thirst let him oome unto
Me and drink."
"Holding up the Pastor's heads" will
be the practical topic at both Melville
Endeavor and the Epworth League meet-
ings next Sabbath evening. How have
yon been belping the pastor ?
Rev. J. Holman' text last Sabbath
morniog was "Arise I let ua go henoe."
In the evening there was a memorial
°mein bearing on the cleanse of John
Jones, an old member of the °burrto,
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Mills of Blyth,
officiated in St. John's elatoreChere. His
morning text was "God is Love," end in
the evening. "And a man shall be as an
hiding place from the wind and a covert
from the tempest." He gave two good
sermons. Rev, Mr. Abey Watt at Blyth,
Harvest Home anniversary Berroone
will be prettobed in the Methodist ohnrOli,
BrUesele, 00 Sebbatb, Sept, 24th, by the
pastor, Rev. Ino. Holmes. On Monday
evening following the annual tea meeting
will be held. Rev. Riobard Hobbs, of
Wingbam, and Rev. S. J. &Inn, of Gods.
riob, are exgeoted to deliver addresses.
Spudsl mum will be prepared for the
oocarlion, and the ohurob will be appro.
prie.tely decorated.
The executive of the Ontario Sabbath
School Association has just appointed
Rev. S. 0. Tibb, pester of Eglington
Presbyterian thumb, oorreeponding Sec-
retary. The appointment is in pones,
quenoe of the resignation of Miee Jessie
Munro, who retires at the end of the pre.
sent month eftsr four and a half years'
occupancy of the pthition. Vie executive
regret Miss Mauro's resizmation, which is
owing to bor intention to eboroly leave
Toronto. Rev. 1 0. Tibb was theschoice
of the executive, owing to the effimeney
with which he discharged the duties of
the cane last year, during Mies leIntirraa
abeenoe on Sabbath School business in
England. He bas ale° for several plan
acted as Secretary of the animal proem. ,
alai aonventions. Ile will assume the
Secretaryship on Sept. 1. The offtoers
as recognized will be : President, Thomas
MoGilliouddy ; Chairman Exeoutive
Committee, John A. Paterson ; Correa -
pending Searetaty, Rev. J. 0. Tibb ;
Gusset &oratory, A. Day ; Totowa,
111. 11, 3. Score.
Inspector David Horne, of the grain
exchange, Winnipgg, bas reoeived 9 oars
of new wheat for inspection from Gretna,
Altoona and Plum Coulee. It was all
No, 1 hard, and nearly good enough fur
extra No. 1 hard. A number of leading
grain men, questioned as to their report
of the yield, were almost unanimotth in
the belief that the Government's orop
est imate was too low.
Among the fortunate passengers on the
steamer "Clutch," which arrived at Van,
oonver, B. C., on Tuesday, from the
North, was Kate Wilson, a variety ext.
rose, who brought out $150,000 in duet
and a quantity of velaable nuggete and
jewelry. 3.111. Robertson, of New Brune,
wick, also brought out several thousand
donate and the body of his brother, who
died en route honse. Returned Dawzion•
ilea report that the Government is won-
reenciug work 0110 10 mile road through
the principal °reeks, at an estimated each
01 930,000. The steamer Conquilam has
also arrived with $6,000 worth of matte
frons Van Anda mine.
Tbe Industrial Exhibition was formal.
lyopened at 2 o'olook on Tuesday meters
neon at Toronto, by Major -Gen. Maoris
in the presenee of a large rinuelthe of
prominene people, ineluding members of
the Dominion and Provinctial Houses of •
Paeliament, Mayor Shim and the Mont.
bare o tlfe fifty ClottnOil and °there.
MajorsGenerel Hutton was presented
with an address on behalf of President
Withrow and the diteotote of the
bitten Assodation, to which be made a
suitable reply, thanking the direotors for
Omit welodree and praising the energy
and enterprise have meds eunit a
almost° of the exhibition, The day was
an ideal ono and attraotee a term crowd
than nstially goes to the first day. Theo
was plenty for theta 00 ow, 'Mammal as
the cligplay ho every lino was away ahead
of former steam The demands Of ex.
hibitore have taken ttp all the extra tiptoe
Provided by the erection naw