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The Brussels Post, 1899-8-18, Page 6
•C 1?r, 0J i 1liii• i F , '�i ?"r'. $5Tfrs PER PAIR. Double Tubes, give food cervico -Send lo early -woo E Inst lotlg, -Headquarters for -Goodrich Single Tubes, - G. & J, Detachable, -Morgan & Wright, -Bicyole Sundries, Sad- dles, Tubes, &o, Donlon' prleee on application, American Tire Co., 164-(68 King St. West, TORONTO TEB 13RUS13ELS PO QUEER REMEDIES FOR DISEASE. Polluter 1 lar Vtt]ler alas .4sn. bet tat( tort 1 1 e Rlu- ar./' Powers to Certain Jee'td». In the old medieval days 1b8 strang- est and most remarkable things were FURS RISING IN PRICE, marked newts o1 ' the Decrease ec , t( cep !n the world's supply '`sea ttttesuultt. An emerm0us lnore848 in the price of furs is one of the results of the de - Ta �.aa....- - o o On the Farm. 0 used as drugs for the amelioration odd Grease in the supply brought by the THE TREATMENT OF EARTH our, cf disease. One a the strangest Montagne,le Indians from the wilds of ROADS. . in this latter category, Is the use of Labrador and northern Quebec. Iasi Drainage is of the ullnost imp0rt- pleoious stones for the cure of disease, winter's catoh was exoeedingly boor, mace to an earth road, writes G. 1e. Tho diamond is considered one of the anal but for the higher inose saeue.„1 Mesh. Water 1s the greatest foe to most useful of all gems 01111 is especial- there would be a vast amount of sue- alt roads, and espet'ia.ly se of earth ly indicated in certain diseases of the feeing among the Indians. roads, for if these are not dry they nervous system, Its successful appli- The advanced(11i (5'11 dined tuts year have 1wb:'tlom at all. Thorough drain- oettion in long-standing eases ort feint- by the Indians is nut due to any sue_, ager fust be provided for laking away nine irritability has long been known den outbreak of generosity 0.11 the part the water which falls upon the sur - to the average husband and lover, but of the Hudson's tiny Company, whirls ' face and also that which would rise to Me prosaic use as a substitute for as- for year's has had 8 praetieal monopoly the top from underlying springs, If eafetida or other objectionable sub- of this trade, but rather to the feet' 111e subsoil is of a springy nature it stances will no doubt come as a sur - that in consequence of the reduction , will be necessary to run a line of prise to everybody. Novel as is the 1 in the world's supply of furs 4h, mom- Cita down the ceptor of the roadbed AUG, 26, 1800 A good spraying pump is very uses j NOT DEPENDI1INT ON NOMI, Cul to got the wash in the tlaulrs. A 1 ;,paid was111 isibeneficial. Gives the inside of � !ilhatl s(an,s a gooddd al fora dog the house a good drenching but don't I lilt' that. attempt to do this with your iunday' pet the dog 1188 a wonderful L'tdl- olothes on or any suit worth wear-• gree, tag outsido, et is hard on t11a mites HOW far hack do they trace It 1 To and clothes al the same time, the dog that Noah look In the ark. This dog's ano8slor, didn't go on the A �7 A �(p p �It�7 p�(�{ arkWhy zot . .Li (1UJt1,11tI,1 SUFFERING (Ile had a4 bark of his owns, teas Troweled 1t•114 J'alpl(nymt or the Football Championship for 1895, Uenrl, 1:'A'lreine WOnI(nass and Nerveeo The knowing ones are a erulatint- Etradarhes. on the footi(ba11 possibilities of the sett - Ie' 111e little hamlet of Moatroee, 11(331, Ottawa is 1101 likely to retain Welland County, resides a lady who the honors of the c1l.unptunsbip, as gives m:uele praise to the curative Queen's well put in a teem Burs to pawed of Dr, Willialns' Pink Villa, dash all re0ords. It is 01ten the ease The subject of this 188tlmony is Mrs. that very alight Ca11488 will loss u vic- ltu.hard Hanna, au estimable lady who tory. It is stat:+df that a painful corn has ;(resided in thateleete ity Lor many made useless one of the best Americans et• lepor•tet seeking an Inter- players. It 10llosva that leo team eau idea, it, however, finds a parallel in the PrhY 1a 1uea1'ng with competition, A r if the expense is no objection, two view with Mrs, Hanna found her hope to win this year that neglects to saes of certain nations, who believe Boston dealer' 1111med Williams made; On sect1 aide of the roadbed. Some will wilting• togivo full details, which are Aupply its mewbars with I:'utnam-s that a diamond placed in. a glass of his appearance 0n the Labrador coast I say a the drain is of no use beoause given lnher own words. (five years Painless Corn Llxtractar, aha only water oommuuloates man virtues to this spring about the time that the In- the surface will bedews so hard Lhnt ago 1 MIS taken 1!.! I ntLributed tris sots, euro, and painless remedy for Y diens arrived there from their hunt-' the water cannot find its waydown sustained by ai1811. 'le Wane ime W80 unjqud soars the fluid, making it exceedingly vale -o _ able in the cure of diaoase. In lama- int; grounds in the interior of the to the drain. It is not such water we I did n0tget better, The sy1Dptoms Governors Steno has a hietorieai lib - ion the natives believe resolutely (hat cpun157, and cause(1 lively eemieeiiLiou wish to remove by tiles, but the bot- t41 41yese mextret 8vere palpitation of eery aE 2,000 volumes, devoted entirely 1n the local fur market. 14Ir. Williamstam water which if not removed would ;troubles and treznblas he da a es t mach to Pen8eylvnnia. people with warts can gat rid of them h I was provided they use a piece of pork fat . secured some $30,000 worth of furs work its way up to the surface by very nervous, beano appetite and ex- from the Indians, Local traders on the pans of the capillary attraction and Pprtonead much 1valtefUlneas at night, FOR OYER FIFTY YBARs to rub the excrescences and then bury Uinail' i was code erred to take tam' the fat immediately after using it, a coast b„ught as much mors and resold keep the surface Soft and springy so 3 P MRS tYtNRLOwR 800TXTT.1`6 aYRUP hoe been bird bei;nig too R'Oak to sit u used , IMIL r for thole children t0 5p432,,, I ail be on new piece being used for each appli- their furs to dealers In Quebec. Skills that nssin it will cut up easily into ruts, 1 Langer, In than coedit ion I was treat- collo 1404'10 lathe hgetiremady (0, diorrtlwa. 2ioB0u ;;oil, cation. For the cure of warts, indeed, . of the otter, for which file Indiana by p g wagons. When these ruts edat different Limos by th,reo doctors, Bnle etre 441orl' 115), Winaihowiigsooihiages� or a, 110 a somewhat similar remedy is in vogue sometimes get only $0 to $8 yielded' aro filled by rains the evil is inten- � 0111 1 took a great quantity 04101(44(18108 In certain art them this ear a v o sifted. but realized no be beet ane- BUT STRONG, ON SHORT, U fi is r O!� R this si. e . r 4110111 Ill$ .-• ReE 54710x1 MA HAS THE FLAVOR AND QUALITY Lead Paeliti(ee. . . , , . , ,2$, 30, 404 So & 60p, 11.1.1100.1.111000.14.41.1,411 A BOON FOR ThE LAME I THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHOE SO.,' Aro sextette to (metre the nddr3(e or every. Mom man slid wom4n 10 Conan whoa 1596 be,8 een,.lste lu 0ue 1.1112 be ug 41105101 thou the other' end are offering good paying ea . piuyoo 0t to every tante p' roe who will take the tr00(80 to write for 0(0001e., and 1011 to 002 as »ointk, (int 050 of 1ho EMen01o103 for yourself wad 90,88111, after wearing 1 a week, have n0 trouble to warp= alhera of its raloo, This 1%xten0lmr is by far the toot of 116,1»Euro aver p'ocod on Els mark04, nod enables the » ra„ +r to walk cen5hl, to walk with save and mongrel to wear 409 054(110 y stern bion, 8811 glrna thew ler sante appearance es their Mors fortunate h9onM, Amerlptlra circulate Geo to all. Ask far terms to ag01110, Andrea Daman wrest. 170 BAY STREET, - TORONTO, CANADA, . Ladies' S$. Tfll©P11b'19y ,dfp� �JJ College, La,nada5 Nineteenth Year Begins September 7. Among Cana(liait Colleges Alma affords highest advantages ; five railroads and trolley ; best health record ; location in beautiful park in cenkre 0f southerly Cana. FOR CATALOGUE ADDRESS dian city ; large measure of social attention froth citizens; Collegiate Institute work covered by qualiIled staff; tnosbthorough and successful Music Conservatory ; lead; ing Fine Art departm,nt-beck studio ; course in Oratory very successful In volae development ; practical business college course ; only Domeslie Science Sehooi usingg the in system 1 patronized by till the churches and b best families ; evnngo`. teal spirit ; finest buildings, modern facilities, good board, largest average number of students, and exceptionally moderate rates. Principal. parts of England, the ex -y s much as 51., to 5-0, neighbors thought I would 'if m7 2114317 Atlantic ]leers burn as much • creseena811 being rubbed with apiece Boar skins have, oommanded from $15 In caring for the surface (1 is im-'In (.hs, ,,,,na r,,:..,.. r.,-_.. _,-,. ..-get well, as i()!1 ttyna n4 rant n tine. of beef, which must, however, be stolen to $25 in flet hands, and the skinsportant to see that the yself that ditches ere death would soon end in suffer• beeore It is used and must then be of the marten, which ordinarily bring carefully buried. Breathing on a wart about $5, have run up to e20 and even nine times at the time of the new moon M. Black and allver gray fox skins of suffietent depth to carry off 511 the , One day Mrs. Smith, of Port Robinson. i "Pharaoh 10o." . 'cameetlar Maee,teoturdr. - banal to 21roo'u "0 for me some of Dr. test ram storm. The culverts must be Williams' Piny_ pills, and 11e purchas- Geologists say that the natural gas la also declared to ba very affeotua2 have realized upon the coast as high in working orderso that there will ed sit boxes, After Laking the six supply of Indiana will be exhausted in - in removing them, as $120. The rapidly increasing scarcity be no ponds beside the road soaking boxes 1 bad improved very much and side of five years. Among other remarkable methods of of these fine Canadian furs is mak ng into and through the roadbed, allow-' was able to bo up, though yet too weak ,1• am boxes to walk. I sent fpr note ' ourittg must certainly be mentioned out itself felt in the Old World, as a deal- ing it to cut and spring with every and as a result consider my euro La Toscana, 100. lalui'OaliMooitreiE w111ch,18 much used in certain parts ex i11 Quebec has ad.ein00 of a resent Passing load. This is a very import- ' complete. I can relish food better ' of the Tyrol for saner- This consists trade sale at Litigate, where the rep - in decapitating and skinning lizards, the flesh of which Is out up into pieces and swallowed by the patient without cooking or any modification. After -esentmite of a I. enema fur house paid $360 for a prime silver fox skin from Labrador. This remarkable in- crease in value lends importance to the few doses of this "drug" have been mew project of Mr. Menier of raising few doses they are said to produce a blaok and silver foxes upon his island profuse perspiration and gradually a '--Anticosti.. Ho now has at least fifty sloughing off of the cancerous growth, families of them in captivity, and as which is repaired by perfectly healthy Masao. Scarcely less potent is a mode of healing which is much vaunted in certain quarters of India. This may be called " color healing." It con- sists in administering water is glasses of different colors, from which color the draught obtains its properties, which are magical in their effect -Pro- vided the patient is endowed with suf- ficient faith. Water in a real glass will cure epilepsy, insomnia, nervous diseases, the plague, fevers and agues and half a score of the other diseases which mortal flesh is heir to. In a blue glass it Is a sovereign remedy fox the parley, for failing sickness, for ty- phoid and for numerous other allied Arid non -related complaints, while in a green glass it is a specifio for oth- er complaints and in a yellow for yet another batch. PREHISTORIC MAN. 8i41d to RIM Brad n 'third Eye on the Top of 014 Mend. Deep researches as to the strucLure of the human body have recently furn- ished some startling facts regarding o'hanges which man 1s at present un- dergoing physically. It is believed that man was former- ly endowed with more teeth than he possesses now. Abundant evidence exists that, ages and ages ago, human teeth were used as weapons of defense. Unintentionally, traces of such use are often revealed by a sneer. The teeth ,are sornet11mes bared, doglike, ready, as it were, far action. The practice of eating our food cook- ed and disuse of teeth as weapons are said to be responsible for the degen- eration that le going on. Tbe wisdom teeth, In fact, are disappearing, Hu- man jaws, found in reputed Paleeo- litill deposits, 'have wisdom teeth with crowns as large as, if not larger than, the remaining molars. In ancient times a short-sighted sol- dier o1' hunter was almost an impos- sibility ; to -day, a whole nation is af- flicted with defective vision. It is al- most certain that man once possessed a third eye, by means of which he was enabled to see above 'his head. The human eyes frmerly regarded the world from the two sides of the head. They are even now gradually shifting to a more forward position. Da dim the im past the aur -Clap was of great service In ascertaining the dir- vetion of sounds, and operated large- ly in the play of the features. But the =moles of the ear have fallen into 'Rause, for the fear of surprise by enemies no longer e1ist. Again, our sense of smell is mark- epdly Inferior to thee of savages. That 1t is still decreasing is evidenced by ab8ervattoas of the olfactory organ. But the nose still inflioates a tendency to becomemorn prominent. LONDON'S WATER SUPPLY. To London, as to almost every large WY', the question 01 a water supply has been a serious problem. London - tea now see a way to solve it. The Engineer of the County Council hes nLormod that body that underneath London ' is an immense lake, in a yyl1l1alk basin 2,5000 square miles In ex- bent.'rho annual rainfall that sinks to this lake, 100 feet below the 8ur- faee of the ground, amounts to 280,- D00,000,000 gallons, 'which would give a daily yield of 707,000,000 gallons, An artesian well 1 as already read Y a t ethe lake at'ClapbaM, end it is pointed t ed out. that allthat is necessary to insure a water supply is to Sink a suffielent number of wells. The wonder is that Y,ondee should bavo existed for more Shan 2,000 years and never discovered tihat the great lake was beneath it, VALUE OF VEGETABLES. Vegetables are like fresh air-'-1nd.ls- sa 0e n, blefor our hearth; they cool and parity the blood and Add a .necessary. Old to if, . t they are kept in large inclosures,they are thriving and increasing with great rapidity and promise exceedingly luc- rative returns. PHILOSOPHY OF THE EYES, Upturned eyes are typical of devo- tion. Wide open eyes are indicative of rashness. Side -glancing eyes are always to be distrusted. Brown eyes are said by oculists to be the strongest. Small eyes are commonly supposed to indicate cunning. The downcast eye has in all ages been typical of modesty, The proper distance between the eyes is the width of one eye. People of melancholic temperament rarely have clear blue eyes. Eyes with long, sharp corners, indi- cate great discernment and penetra- tion. The white of the eye showing beneath the iris is indicative of nobilty of char- aoter. Gray eyes turning green in anger or excitement are indicative of a chol- eric temperament. When Lee upper lid covers half or moreof the pupil the indication is of cool deliberation. An eye tee upper lid of which passes horizontally across the pupil indicates mental ability. Unsteady eyes, rapidly jerking from side to aide, are frequently indicative of an unsettled mind, It is said that the prevailing colors of eyes among patients of lunette asylums are brown and black. Eyes of any color, with weak brows and long, concave lashes, are indica- tive of a weak constitution. Eyes that are wide apart are said by physiognomists to indicate great in- telligence and a Leuaoious memory, Eyes of whish the whole of the iris is visible belong to erratic persons, often with a tendency toward insan- ity, Wide open, staring eyes in week countenanoes indioate jealousy, bigo- try, intolerance and pertinacity with- out firmness. Eyes placed close together in the head are said to indicate pettiness 01 disposition, jealousy and a turn for fault-finding. When the under arch of the upper eyelid is a perfect semicircle it is in- dioative of goodness, but alae of tim- idity, sometimes approaching coward- ice. A11 men of genius are said to have eyes clear, slow moving and bright. This is the eye which indicates men- tal ability of some kind, it does not matter what, Blue eyes are generally considered et- feminate, but this is a mistake, for blue eyes are round only among tlau- caaian nations, and the white races rule the world. EXTINCTION Ole GREAT NAMES. Neither Baeon, Newton, Locke, Da- vy nor Stuart Mill left a son to in- herit hie fayre, while of historians Hume, Gibbon and Macaulay were newer married. Among our, great painters Reynolds, Lawrence and the great Lord Leighton Were bnebelors. Hogarth Perpetrated a romantic love match which was fruitless, and Turn- er, itl1�e great magician of color and canvas, twine enured by early disap- pointments, never married. Henden,' who may almost ba 0.11108d as an Eng 118531300, bad no wife but his art. B3ra- hiam, perhaps our greatest singer,' wheat daughter we some of us remora - her as Lady Walclograve, we believe left tee son, Meats! of the giants of the eeetegeite Davy Gnrric Y k and John lEegnb a died childless, and the dirt male Leslie of Edmund Mien ended with the death tef bis son Mattes, ant point, as It is impossible Lo main- isleep soundly, and stand more fatigue' An American advertiser paints post - fain a firm, roadbed where water ' thltan I could for years previous, era re3 cows in fields near the railroad, 4hou h I ha ve passed t stands 10 ponds in the ditches during of'life I feel asbealthy ashwhenlIw us' X' �,¢ wet weather. The surface should be in my twenties. With great pleasure R ' Ghee new life to tko •ST. JAMES' ICOTEL..ge ie,io a•iro 1Do°.pr ]I Hnlr. It muk0e it row R,.•+.. _ graded smoothly from the bottom of and a grateful h0ar1 I give this Sold by all druggists. edea aabottlefor provamentt-Rn4v5modeiute, the ditches to the center of the road, testimony. gg 5 The Springfield Republican gravely COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed urges the abolition of t be Fourth of Bugs, Aute and SHOO. Sold by all duly celebrations. Druggists, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. MONTREAL NOM DIRECTORY. The tJ Balmoral," Free Bun 81.fiA'n• P'a^'up, 0A Hotel Carslake, elan. aoomB 1 ern,,,darnup pep. O.T.lt. Htntian, Mo,n•enL Oen. Onrslike&. Loa Praire. AVE NOE ROUSE-1,%14Avenue. Pnm119 Hotel ranee $1.60 so that in passing a wide load you can i The public i t' a 430 turpentine distilleries ter will be carried off the surface at only in pills. -the genuine are sold leather goods ]las quadrupled to five once into the ditches, peer around years• which bears the words "Dr. `erilliams' A road of this kind should be care- !pink P1I15 for Pale people." If your 1 t LI trin fully watched through tea season. All dealer does not have them they wilt be I KE S 111 1'. o8 MALI" ruts and holes should be filled immedi- sent postpaid at 50 coots a box or six atony, as every passing wagon only bores for 952,50, by addressing the Dr. makes them deeper, and the old adage, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, "A stitch in time saves nine," is as Ont, true in road building as in aoything else. Ruts formed by travel if taken -_______ea_____ before the road gets baked too hard DOWN IN A SEWER. and dry can be filled by running the drive into the ditch without danger of ierous 1c s cautioned against num- ---- There ar uisottin B. g Pink colored imitations of theses American trade with Australia In in Florida, g• y this modus all rain u'a- famous nl (lick harrow over them, and then roll- Jlrave(y Of TY! Mint Mugrorti at Torquay Mg with a heavy roller, or better still, by means of a cheap and easily con- Eugenia.structed road leveler, It Is made by aro pick out the bravest and most taking a single plank 4 or 5 inches thick and 15 or 17 inches wide. A piece of iron or steel 2 or 3 inches wide is bolted onto the bottom of the front side of the plank, while a couple of long iron braces will strengthen the tongue. This machine will cut the sur- face better le the tongue is put in at a slight angle so as to draw the cut- ting edge somewhat in the slant of the road grader. The use of this last named machine is to be highly recom- mended, especially for earth roads, for by its use the surface can be kept at all times oval and smooth with little labor. Unfortunately such machines are expensive, and where only one or two are owned in a township they are likely to be in use or at the further end of the township when most need- ed. The nee of the roller should not be neglected; a heavy roller should fol- low the 5011.d grader at all times. MILKERS AND MILHING, There seems to be a great deal of discussion among the farmers in dif- ferent localities nowadays in regard to the subject of good milkers. The re- mark that it is now almost impossible to find good milkers, is quite frequent- ly heard among dairymen. This is a great mistake, says a writer, I thor- oughly believe that there are just as good milkers, in this, and other lo- calities, as there ever were, if not bet- ter. The farmer who depends on day hands for his help, as a general rule, Is the one who complains most bitLerly in regard to this matter, The average man who is hired by the day will not milk even if he can. Wherever or whenever I find a good month hand, one who stays on the farm continually one who is not constantly listening for the sound of the six o'clock whistle, one who does not go to town every night, I find a good milker. A cow ebould be milked as quickly as possible. A good milker can milk 12 cows an hour. The muaales of the fore- arm, wrist and hands of a good milk- er must be well developed; therefore, as a rule,10001031 are poor milkers. They require too much time to milk a 00W. ('11e evil resulting Pram this practice is that the cows do not read- ily give down their milk. Some farm- ers expect a man to do too much of this work. The number of cows that a man milks 81101110. depend on the amount and nature of other labor that he per- forms. As a rule, I do not believe that n man 811001(1 be allowed to milk more than six cows. TO FUMIGATE A POULTRY HOUSE, Remove everything, nest, perches, and all. Put a pound of sulphur in an iron kettle, set it in the middle of the hello% put a shovelful of hot Coale into I1, close the house up tight and don't t open it for two or throe hours. Burn all the nest straw, paint the nest boxes inside aed out with hot coaltar., and also the roosts. White- wash tee house thoroughly inside and outside and you are ()tear of the mites. When these poets get a start, only the most heroic measures will rid a place of thele, Whon the 310082 is once clean, 11 Is easy t0 keep lana if properly eel Y attended to when necessary. e Fsaary. Thn man who whitewashes his poultry hoose once a month In bummer will never oomplain of mites in the house. IDvl crams and 8treogtlene, W. LLOYD 470051, remote, 0E27ERAL AGENT. Chicago ie about to spend $10,000,000 an street improvements. ROWS This 2 any easeeo tCatarrhthat cannot Rewardforby Halite Catarrh Cure. F. 7.00118Nh1Y & CO.,Props, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. T. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him Self-sacrificing deed that has been perfeotiy honorably In ell bueineea transaot• done Within twelve 1 d 0 financially tele to carry out any obit• task. This, however, ,a what the Roy -get Tsuax -h 1 1 Druggists. VV Toledo. al Humane O. WALniRp, 11rNNAN 8t llfaaYlN Wh010ha10 do every year before awarding the ing directly upon the blood and muooaa aur• Stanhope Medal. Few would question fnooa of the system. NrWn Tao per bottle ons an n monthslt no easy anion mads t their firm, o ersa a Society of England has to Dtug isle, Toledo, O. ' Half's CAtarrh Cure ie taken internally; act. kir le free. the justice of the award that was made HalsFamilygt'lllsa are beat In 1894. The medal of that year went' to a Cornish sewer -foreman, William i The latest test far sobriety is a Mugford by name. In darkness and word of 23 le, ttera. It le eleetropho- sudden danger be performed the act 'tmlf¢rography, and the meaning a8 there given's: "photographing by elec.- that justly wpn him distinction. I trio light objects magnified by the Torquay, a favorite winter resort on 1°101:°°"1"°*" the south ooaet of .'England, had em- We P. C. 985 played a gang of men to work in the town sewer, Mugford was the fore. man of the gang, and on a certain day in October he was working with his men In the drain when the water be- gan to rise. lVfugford realized the danger, and at once ordered his men up, but the wa- ter was too quick for them. A heavy storm of rain had 00.17143 071, and the water rose three feet in a few minutes. Three men started for the manhole, the fersman remaining behind to se- cure the staging on which they bad 11 1130lwork, floodcame Before downewith could areach wild rush„ One man was dragged into satety by means of a life -line, but another was carried away and drowned. A man named Milton was theown down, and would have been drowned had not 11lugIOrd coma along. 11e foreman had retained his oalmness during all the confusion and horror of the mom- ent. He was possessed of exceptional strengths and after a short struggle he s0oceeded in half -dragging, half - carrying the man to the staging. Farther up the drain was another against the flood. The water was rising higher, and running with ever IVst)'umef2ts, Druyl:s, Un fovmas, etc• Increasing velocity, and ilea horrors of Every town o l ID de , 11'10(40 or 110,1001 T,,hvmente -I workman, struggling desperately rass Elle sewer were augmented b the have a Din knowledge y Low)oopriomovor.uu�oG,d, Pingoat8lagae 600 illus. that the outlet ',' direct- tratlona uta0,,1(roo. Writs Eft fm 5n. titin n ly into the sea on a rocky coast. In spite of this knowledge, Mugford WHALEY ROYCE & CO., . Toronto, Gan, ante More left his place of comparative safety upon tibe staging and went far- tip q� adRp of 1:hanoao, throat, stomaolt and then into the Catarrh W h �of Mor rorth throat, awed,tonne Write lin Wo drfun t0 assist the strug- ! ,i os Dmitra4i,are he. 00o Andel hnrbox, g l with the After an got him to -it cede Catar_h_Cu_re Co„14094 rmno5•Bt,hiontres4 heal, wrath the flood ho him to ONE 8» It-� � q'1r Dorn o3ra Oak ymw Lhe staging, and tion completed his ®gi (1. J'ONIGH A 450551' forl1prlcslOo task by helping the two men to climb by Means of foot irons and chains to ;ATENT Pens,8teol 4811Almmtnum 4 Twit ed fox th ly re, they lay and wait, the upper part of the stage, where for ,,, ed1rtlN D12ITAMPON(70It Biook 111x, Ott fe several wear' 11eu e food to exhaust 11581f. aanearnnytnone Only those who know the h ( tyn who hav4failed d (10 '.0 Of Stammerers a t l u 11 1 darkness in the slimy depths of n where. wrlEo k sewer, wits! Chs rushing eaund of Eva, � Dr, Arnett, Bolin who Will eenrino,y0u rattan aurdy0a tar filling all 111w space, ban appreciate the borofslu .of the man who twice' The OaWeoq Commission CD., I.ilgifed, plunged into the flood to rescue the i dQ1• 011 bbaarkoe f ryour p les, Toronto, 01811 under bile clrarg0. Can got yon pbeE prices lar your 00 )111, !444Better, Legge, Por+ltry, dna other protium, If you chip it to theta, oma le a ere 4/. (/y epvtit,tai etfrAh . e J U ®O 410S- 6.14-44,edone CAL 9f ERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soapa, 0lnt. nrent, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 need els and diplomas fur depot for excellence, Their regular use prevent Leteeti- ouu diseases, Aek your ''paler to obtain a 'supply, Lists mailed Cr , application. R C. CALVEnt & CO., MANCHESTER, . • ENGLAND, Q±-, "BEAVER BRAND'r Mackintosh never burden, 0 to guaranteed Woks. tri• 1,001, ABk Iv It,t8hs uo other, 23em ear Rubber clothing CO., 12000o04), 8-1 P"i 6^6 R Itea EAD, COPPER, :01 1' :^'.Y<oar-w4g). Wholesale only, Long D(4t4 00 SOl Phone 71 2055, WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. Mille, Mills & Hales, • 1 '•r.t Barristers, eto., removed ,1'•"? I1 ,y to Wesley H1dp0. Rioh, mond Bt. VP., Toronto, Catholic, Prayer Rooks, Roearli0, (Iru. olflxce, Scapulars, liallglouL',luagIo ?intorno, Stc,dary, and Church Ornu,uent,, Educational works. Mull ordeal reserve prompt erten. Sow D, & d, EARLIER & 00e Montreal. pATEHTS Procured to all0ou0trle,. Doo r7 mrndu Mnrke mgixtored, Oopyrightn, 0808»ts proanrm, write forinformation. 501115018, R, 0ASE, R,544(0red Rolloitorot 10814544, Rohe, Publlo, lbmalo Hullding, Toronto, Out, WHITE'S PHOSPHO SODA An Effervescing Phosphate, excellent °teet oal. for livor, kidney and stemma, takes the olio, of coal tar prepare. Sono in ease aofheadache, It) aged is immediate. Sold by allQueen 'lumens, ltyDrugoo 27A Welllnyto11.00 et package,. ,, Toronto. BUSINESS SCHOOL. ALBERT COLLE0I, 8838 env 1 o:lE1'n°N ins Eton, eta„ for ono t4nn of 10 waokm 9054 Ar s{moimad of pml10noeldp, mm. 1V, P. DYER, P800ipo(, SCHOOL OF MINING; KINGSTON. A®liated to Queen'', Vnivoraitr• SeseloEbMinsa O b- tohsr4th: houdyyanrenforFdn meosring. So1i), Anslytloal oterasnn4PpdlllelW;Three yerfor dlnnn,Shorter (polaCor Graduates have 00 lar sectored employment immedi• atony. For oaleuder npily to W. le GOODWIN, Director. Wheat I St ie lib; necessary to have thous - node to 1144410 money In /rola and AND etoQko, 116, to ono undreddolnm onrefuily invested an margin will stockI not you come groat no Ove d9 thousend sgtir.. fence It you pot, xhh,rning nilly, F, p ANDERSON &r 00 to Stook wind (80800ment Seekers, 30 Viotm•ta 8t„ Toronto. Boer WI kers Fitters 1 Lathe 11eHa,a Hands 1 :91 We can give good mechanics steady work, good wages, cool, well.ligltbecl,well•hented shop, best modern conveniences. Brantford i8 a healthy, progressive city. Living cheap. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. 1057 THE VERY BERT MACHINE OIL Yell KNOW N0W IT WAS LAST YEAR? "PEERLESS THE E BEST. 84 Por Formers' F00 nu agricultural machine , ,11111 for gem meal purpu0,8. '360,09 ,e111t U choir bast redo, Don't take anyother-got�11EESSLESS. '�a 0 XuS71- tt9 t'�F,: 5Ati9 L,,�,�ROfFRSPRE��S�4�_ 3r� • ALLAN Li it4DYAL MAil, 5T, Lir,/ uee�loE 511➢ ill 1 IES Rt vk-TRPOOLre EVERY 1NURODAY train Liverpool, From Mont, 17 Ang BARi81tN 81 Angureal00 24 Aog BAVARIAN,-LN,T.. ,,,. 0 Oopt 31 An CiALIFORN1AN 14 Coot, 7 ebet TAINU0 , 21Soot, 148ept.,.,,,t ,,,,'„PA1(185AN 188opt, Tho now Twin 8gra*L98, 8, Hnvanon, 10,0)0 tons, will �C a6i Oat I tloo g10 00 SSA p 5wnr48, MonErool BOpt, 7. � ,00Rton 90.00. tear 77 # $ 8 ,l0Cher lLondon, ag o 61 raw Eon ro ,t',g dandorr QuoeneEbw,� $'79.fid, Y, , For 1(0(14(0 and all Information apply to tonal ogoat or N, 80011LIER, 77 Yonge St,, Toronto, I or Il. &, L. ALLAH, Maltreat. yr CARD INDEX... Tho only rattled system for keep. Ing manna and oddr, Bees, Semple tray outfit �•. The 017100 Specialty Mfg, Do., 122 and 1208.14 Bt„ 5ORONTO. Factory: Nowmark4)0 SHOW CASES. WALL CASES Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern Store Fronts, Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., 92 ADELAIDE W,, TORONTO, CAN. EARasp, gold beautiful ii-3811gt:6u rolled1beau ring 11112%,"7; t w Jth theta 00(10)0» by 80)001 r dozen Auntri. oma etlak mpe l4 1 (,l, U each. 7.100 Ara 1.021. 5atlih pretty and 40000,r, 000 ro,,o4 554, vn, ,1 nDlo tIng ire. vel9o(.5 ,ed i:t9a, by ro- um waft. 8Deoe(DOileums 'reroute, Tn. Dominion Lane ROYAL r;lAtl STEAMSHIPS Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cainbroman, Rate, of passage 1 -Pleat Oohln, 850 upward.; Second Drain, 835; Steerage, 822.50 and 823 Ga. Dor further Information apply to 1090.1 agents, or DAVID TORRANCE k 00„ General Agents, 17 at. &tornment St„ 111001,5. Hotel end 8nloon men o0n0ot afford bobs without the Automatto Pelmet Attach. '' " went, no it pe aforlt8altinonewmw eekd- Ly, 1' �' Ins boor. No drip, no waste, 'ronanlyueed' 4 nnhandtodraw beer with theAutomotte �{•' 1br.t In Dacne ohf bruanhdl, sit" ttae bAuldtogmldastes1 01d alwaye ready. The 401014811, d need any trade, e, as It urs to uksd for any trudd, beer that �f tiv'd'.k6iY the kind of rice on the b -paid t you wont, Pried 81.60 pre-D1,iid- 10o0a7refunded U not satiates. wry. Hamilton Mfgeo.,Toronto 32% Profits for the Month Oh' JULY. This 1 mnpany, after paring rho 4 per cont, mutably couponsm0tnring August let, halo romnlnin8 a surplus of 48 par cent, Ates, deducting expenses, and the 010000( curried to the 50emve fund there M11111115 to uh99 oredlt of the inveetu,n n earplug over dividend of 30 0.0 per cent, Auy amount from $00 upwards received for investment, t0'Oooly fres, gh'ing tail meticulous. The Dominion Investment Company of Toronto, Canada Permanent Ohamboro, 18 Toronto 81, Michigan Land for Sale. B 000 A0RES (1000 FARMING LANDB-ARTNAC, 1 Iosco Ogenw and Crawford Counties. Title per fent. On lrnmchigau Central, Detroit 2 Mealtime, end Loon Lnko I80l1ronde, et prlcos miming ham $2 to $5 bar two. These Lands ore Close to Eoterprising Nei lawns, Chnrolee, 80ho08, one„ and will Imelda on mod ron000able tonne. Apply to R.M. PTEROE A est, WooO Hay 0(1, Mioh, Or J, W. 01711138, Whittemore, flab, SUMMER SESSION NIIYIMO & HARRISON OU81NE85 AND 8110RTHAND MILLERS, 10.0.P. Handing, Oor. Yoogo nod College Ste„ Toronto, Thorough and medical Instruction In all eveiieeee pen tnl0ing to a thorough Ruttiness or 8horthona ed0oatiora Thor 0 u6h Proparation for Inland Reverainue01,11vice enone Open enonye4r, dey and evening, nodal for free Information. FARM FOR SALE, 198 CORES 01T03A?8D in Waterloo Co., Wilmot Tp„ Out,; 3! mile north of New Dooder. mod G miles south of Petersburg, 00 011.5.11,; the Irani sloOm gently towards south and cost 1 10 n rloh stay loam, Ina good state of cultivation ; them aro 7 00ru0 of 0501011 l cod genlen, about 28 notes of gg4,•d hnrdrvnud hasty oednr nncl a 1'tlgn. hedge around butldin .' and 200 emote treeo born su h,5�t on form) 1 4158 and eat 100000 0E 110uso; lira h 0(4010,1 wltll tprla enter by hyof whet,lid rams allow, wheal on ance barn ; (0114(0 farm dun of tbought with or without mop ler proe terms oeldr00s DMA EL UR1080)0AN, Now Dendou, Ont, FREE to 00 *2 boy end gqirl who sends us the anal uml,) and eddy se of five boys or girlsl0ver 14 years old) and their ore whitens, Ivo Mil awned n hnw0eom0 bl,,yole walet 002, Wo (404(11(50 all who aro awarded the wtet,44 rot to diatrihttte25 picks. of our LomnadePowder and oalloot de per,kg, 12achp tokogo timbal,* enough fon' ben granites. Return the looney 10 be, by express mummy order or 110,1,31 MU), and we will giv0310411n addition to weh:t ect nu elegantbrnoolet, 10 order to Indium u'ampt• 4,Cea frwnrruclet oft nut1wo will P,rthe Welt Ione 1,y etiuk;1n, 1)0MtN10N.SUP7'LR 1100844, 92 King 21. WV„ liem11los, Ont. HEALTH RESTORED `01`1,;',;400,1;010 009,a no 4,1,,, rdo ud8tensoh, La 0, Naeeon, Livor, HloOd, (llntitior, Xtit�ury4. Hmbt and r{rcuth by ihkrayia Rtaslalenta Arabloa Food, niter, Sarno invalids and Children, and also Roars 0440• 8,6 0011 r infants whose 4tanent4 and D011110 y Rave re• slated all other trentma0(0 It Minnie039hon 811 abet Dead 10 retested, ear0100 time lin cost to 1200101,,. 5® Yc,yt, rs Xnverltl 324(4 nen f . 11 (04; ii nrtt�n Cmros at yneoppa, e, intnleey, 111epopxia, I000, 0lon Co,to1h ot, (DInLAtns 05*,, bltla, ]mda, 44th, Cotlglm Aethmo, oolnooh, oopsndo ninrxhm¢, Nnrvo2s DObiltty, 81Aeptdaonsex, Deeisondancy, fi1m1 i tea �� Ra 7 7 Xtoannt �N IP y Co,e yyErOi'k 00(30 l3, tit'„ naso In Parte, 14 tit ds tf(81(00 , 40 100, at 011 Om000., Chemist", and store40verywhart+, 90 040 4e, 0 811; 008 ,tui, 0( 8,11E ,toe t a,1, 8 Alae On Hnrryts lferai0nta'E( 8T�n, (Eros S., )a, )too, Atonia for Canndo; 1SR4 T.Raton fid., X;inNtnd,Tm•onta t!,