HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-18, Page 5AUG. 24, 1599 A All E B AL U Irl S N I4 S POST BUSINESS CARPS, MONEY To LOAN AT 5 PEE oouh F,R. SOO!f7.', Brueaols. Me0RA.OKEN, r • learn'Oi'orfdnrr'lagaL1oonaoe. Olites at his Grocery, Yurnborry atroot, li meals. N. I311RRETT, • TouaorlalArtiet• Shop -Noxa door .NaTtit of the Standard Bank. Ladies' mud Ohlldrunehair cutting aspeolalty, IR. ROSS, DENTIST, OF -wiugbatn, will be at the American lintel Brus0Ole, every other Thursday. 00m. 1n aiming July lath, for the praetis() of don - and iii to dgte'atria boa, lu the moat 1110a0113.3 M. NIORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses,. WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— PIANO — AND - ORGAN, 75mvssas,0, Dove. CUNNINGHAM E ROB RT INODRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFIOE AT JEWEIAv STORE. t. No Witness Required. T. FLl'tTOHEI1, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserva- toryof Muni°, oleo Member of the Aeaoctated Musicians of is prepareto rooeive a limited number Ontario,of pupils for�linstruction on the piano. Qualified to impure pupils for the Principal's Form iu the OouOOiVOtory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. MISS CARRIE MOORE, Of London Ceiservatory of Music. Teacher of Violin and Gaiter, Will receive a limitednumber of pupils for September. For For further Cleat! nation apply to alias S. L. Moore, music teauh or. ALES.. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Dlvlelon Cour Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public investedoand to d leen. nOolleotiOne made OOlee in Graham's Blook, Brancid AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER, LICENSED AUC- • TIONELTR. MODey to loan. Farms to sell. h. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to better moss in ens time and lass charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or 11e won't eltarg0 anything. Dates and orders Dan 'always be arranged at this 051oe or by personal application VETERINARY. Anvo1n1inna is the moat important thing about any bns(neea. It le the vital spark. What, geed dean it do you to have the very beat thing or the very greeted bargain on earth if people do not know II? Srunnnww OONTESTe.--The following speeding aonteete will talto place at the Fair : Farmer°' trot or pane, half mile Nate, let, $5 00, 2nd, $8 00, 8rd, $2 00.— 8.minute race, mile heats, let, $15.00, 2nd, $10.00, 3rd, $5 00,. Freo.for all, Milo heats, 101, $20.00, 2nd, $12 00, Std, $0,00. hulas. --In Farmers' Race Com- mittee to name home that aro eligible ; no entrance fee ; for other 14teee entrance 5g� of purse. All oompetitore meet fee be members of the Agricultural Society. -Races 2 in 3, fenieb the grd heat.— American Aseooiation rules to govern,— Horan eligible on Sept. let ; 4 to enter and 3 to start.—Speeding to take plat, at 2 o'olook. OnAN°E IN TELEPHONE Reevs.—The Bell Telephone Company have announced a change in the rated whioh makes a material reduction in message rates between 0 o'olook p. m. end 8 o'clock a. m. Formerly the rates were exactly the same for night meeeagos, but under the cents order all messages over 26 new g shall go at half rate, provided the half rate is not under 25o. Io other words, a subscriber could talk for five minutes with a Maud le Toronto between 6 p. m• $86 furnishing entiafaotory moiety to and 8 a. m. for 25 cents instead of 60 theamount of $12,000. On motion of acute, Ute regular rata. Supposing the pods and Shaw By laws No. 6, 7 and 8, rate is 35 ciente, it is rearmed to 95 cents. The rates below 20 ciente are not affected by the change, The change practically 'only applies to long dietanoe rates, TonA000 Onewene.—In the State of Indlena there is a law iufifoting It heavy penalty upon anyone guilty of [pitting on the ,-ideweelre or hallways of any public building. Notices are posted up in pub- lic planes giving warning to all concerned, This law was put on the statute books for two reagens. First, on the ground of Public health, and secondly, the staining of the walk and floors and consequent dig. fienretnent of the same. Now that the new sidewalks are being put down in Brussels it would be an aot of common eenee on the part of those who uee the weed to see to it that they will observe the acme rule as the Indianan[ and thereby aid in keeping the walks in the beet possible oondilioo. People are not paying out good money for the sake of having their walks marred by the thougbtlessnese of others. EAST H11a0N FALL FAIR.—The attract. tions at the East Huron Fall Fair will be as follows : Best lady driver, the 000• testant to harness horse, hitoll to buggy and drive once around the half mile treolt ; horses to trot or pane ; full set of harness, let, $2.50, god, $1.50, 3rd, $1.00. —Foot race, 100 yards, beet 2 in 3, (Pro- feseionale barred,) let, $2.00, 2nd, $1.00. —Boy's race, under 12 years, 50 yards, let, $1.00, 2ud, 75o., Brd, 50e., 4th, 25o.— Girle' race. under 14 years, 60 yards, let, 75c., 2nd, 50e., 8rd and 4th, 20o.—Ladies' race, 50 yards, 1st, $1.00, 2nd, 500.—Fa1l Show Directors' race, let, leather medal, 2nd, diploma.—Old man's race, over 50 years, 100 yards, let, $1.00, tad, 60o.— Best trained collie dog (exhibition to be given on Fair ground) 1st, $2.00, Ind, $1.00 ; three entries or no prize.—Bi- cycle race, open to East Huron, mile heats, best 2 in 3, let, 55.00, 2ud, $8,00, 3rd, $2 00. No entrance fee.—Foot and bioyole recce at 8 p. m., and lady driving ut 4 O'olools sharp. Wm 1900 Is NOT A LEAP YEAtt.—In answer to the query "Will there be a 29th toD. WARWIOK, ' of February in the year 1900; and if not, • Honor Graduateof the Ontario why not ?" the New York Sun ear :— Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat all The year 1890 was a leap year, and the dieoaees of domesticated animals 1n a cora- next one will be 1904, eight years later. patent manner. Particular attention paid This to On account Of the ingenious device to veterinary dentietr Calls promptly at- tended to. Mee and Infirmary—Faux Moore for maintaining, as nearly as can be, oon• north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. oordaooe between the oivil or Gregorian calendar and the solar or aetronomioal calendar. Everybody knows that the time required for the earth to make a revelation around the ern is the true solar year. It is easy to gee why men, in their ordinary affairs, do not give the year its exact solar time value, but ern - ploy the civil calendar they have devised instead of the solar calendar. The length of the solar year, expressed precieely, is 365.242216 days, or a little less than 364 Clays. It is obvious that in the bneineae affairs of life it would be very inoonven- Gillies & Smith's Sank, Bretools.d7 lent to nee a time division called a year Money to Loamoontainiog so many day[ and a fraction of a day. For ordinary purposes the year must be counted as so many days. The ordinary year is, therefore, counted at; 365 days, wbioh is nearly a fourth of a day shorter than the true year. BreammI, PRIZES.—The following special prizes will be given at the Fell Fair on Ootcher 5th and 013: Geo. 'Thomson, grocer, offers for beet 2 year-old roadster, in harness, style and speed considered, 181,$2.00 ; 2nd, $1.00.—G. A. Deadman offers 50 cents for the best 1 dozen tea biscuits made with Deadman's Baking Powder ; biscuits to become his property. —W. H. Kerr will give Tum Pose for one year for the beet two loaves of home made bread ; and THE Pm for a year for the best five pound roll of butter ; both articles to become his property.—W. H. McCracken offers to porobasere of eeod 6 from him, ae follows, sax Swede turnips, i let, 50o., 2nd, 250, ; six long red mange's, d 'hit h • v a e,eoialty. let, 500„ 2nd, 25e. ; six yellow Globe mangele, 1st, 50o,, 2nd,25o.—Oil painting, original Blotch, not lees than 16x20 in,, from spot selected by the Seoretary, to be limited by metes and bounds. Intend• ing competitors Can get full information from the Secretary. 1st, $8, 2nd, 02,— Beet aore of Swede turnips, let, $8.00, 2nd, §2.00,81d, $1.50, 4th, $1.00.—Beet half acre of mangelo, let, $8.00, 2nd, $2.00, 3rd, $150, 4th, $1.00. An entrance fee of 500. to be made at time of making entries. Entries to be made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not Met than Oot. 20131. Morrie Council Wresting,'. The 00uno11 not in the Council room, Morrie, op August 7th, according to ad• jqurnment 1 all members present except Mr. Cardiff. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. On motion of Code and Jaokeon the Reeve was inetruoted to expend $•f0 in nutting down Maxwell's bill on 3rd line. On motion of Jaokeou and Shaw Mr. Code wag Mistreated to have road et lot 4, eon, 7, put in proper state of repair. On motion of Jaokeon and Shaw the oontraob for digging the Garniea drain wae awarded to A. elm Oorm(alc, of Dashwood, hie tender being the lowest, and the clerk was inetruoted to forward ugr0entent for eignalure, satisfactory eocurIty to be given, On motion of Shaw and Linde Mr, tebieter was appoiotod inspeutor on Garnisedraiu, 05 per cont. to be paid as the work pro greseee, On motion of Jackson and Shaw the clerk wars mistreated to notify the owners of lot 0, on con. 6, to have their fence and other obstructions re. moved from sideline adjoining their property within 80 clays, otherwise it will be removed all their expense. On motion of Code and Jaoksou the rove and treucurer were instruotod to borrow six hundred dollars to moat ourreut oxpon- ReM. On motion of Coda and Shaw the yearlystatement was ac• er e halfmo treaeur a uepted as satiefeetory and filed. On motion of Jaokeon end OudeJohn Mooney was app 'Meed collector at a salary of LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. YVM. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER • solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPnb- Ile, &u. OfIIoe—Vaust0ne's Block, 1 door north of Central Bete Solicitor for the Stan dead Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, •Solicitor, &o. (late of Gamow & Proud(oot'e Oillce, Goderieh.( 00100 over jf G. CAMERON, I :& • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderi011, Out. Olnce—linrailton St., Opposite Ooh borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, O.Trinity Uni. erect Fellow Trin- ity di M.,lo y Y C, 1 College, Mambos College of Phy- sicians a it Mod en g , y f the eioia l and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate o Roya10o1loga.oiPhyyeialats and Licentiate of Midwifery, Ddinburgb. ta-Telephone N0.11, Residence, Mill St., Brussels, E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0, M., successor to Dr. A. Mulielvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Burgeons, Kingston • Member of the 001. loge of Physicians and Snrgeon0 of Ontario, Diseases Of women an a ire ti Eight years' experience, t:SY•0(100 and r00- idenoe that formerly °coupled by Dr. Me- KelVey,'rurnberry, street, Brnssets. 25. DR. F. 11 KALRFLEISCH, MHY8r0IAN, 0000808 AND 80001J0116011, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lot Class Honor Graduate of the ',Univers!. ti ea of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Mediae' College and member of the UAloge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Oeur0o in Detroit and Chicago,1000. Spordel attention paid to die (weal of Rye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and die - macs of Woman, t'Oonsnitation iu tang• ieh and Gorman, Telephone at residence, STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will 'keep for service on Lot 25Con, 5 Morris, the thora'•bred nu - waved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow,. NO, 2480, bred by 3,11, Brpt11000, Bur. ford, to which a.limitcct number of sevum will be taken.. Toxins, $1,00, to b0 paid e t time 010mvlee with privilege of rotmniu8 truce. e0nary. A number of choice young gore fee bale for brooding purposes wealth will lie sold at prima; to salt IRblar �N1013011, Prtptiotor, Discovered • by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened Be clutches upon her abd for seven years she withstood its severest teeth, but her vital organs were uudermined and death seemed imminent. For three menthe she coughed incessant• ly, and could not sleep. She finally die - covered a way to recovery, by purohae- ingof ns a bottle of 11r, Xing's New Die. oovery for Ooneumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that eho slept all night ; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name ie Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writhe W. 0. Stam. nick & Co., of Shelby, N. 0. Trial hot. gegen, attending to scarlet fever 00008 Bee free at Deadman a Drug Store. re Board of Health, $4 ; Robert Docket, Regular sive 50o and $1.00. Every bob. Ouleert e toe side toed 5, oon. 6,1ot 25, $12 ; do guaranteed, 1, g vollingo9i side road 6, 1890, were duly read and passed. Ao- oouott were ordered to )30 pad as follows :—R, B. Warw(ok, repairing scraper, 50 cents ; Beatty Bros., grovel - link, $10.38 ; J. Colley, grave', $7.14 ; J. Gulley, inspecting, $3 70 ; R. B. War- wick, inapeotieg, $6.00 ; John McKinnon, gravelling, $72 92 ; G. Maxwell, gravel and lumber, $2 85 ; Dnfl & Stewart, gum• bar, $19 22 ; Duff & Stewart, repairing bridge, $21 ; Dui? & Stewart, rebuilding bridge, $102 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber for culvert, $20.12 ; 11. Ookridge, repairing waeboet, $40.37 ; H• Richmond, repair- ing bridge, $18.00 ; D. Laidlaw, timber and work on bridge, $5; Snell and James, nutting hills, $10 ; J. Brown, culvert, $4 ; T. Reuel, gravel and repairing oulvert, $6 ; Geo. Sauvby, aide ditoh on West boandery, $1 ; W. Farrow, culvert, $7 ; John Bell, $4 ; Wm. Duff, tile, $2 ; Shaw and 1MIeager, ditoh and culvert, $11 R. Shaw, oulvert, $9.50 ; A. Modell, under• bruebing, $7; L. Wheeler, inspecting, $2; R. Nioholeon, gravelling, $11 ; R. ?Allier, gravelling, $15.88 ; D. H. Moffat, in. spiriting, $2 ; Jae. Irwin, printing, $20 ; R, Stubbs, culvert, $1.50 ; A. Howlett, oulvert, $2 50 ; P. Jackson, gravel, $9.26 ; Wni. Jackson, gravelling, $20 ; Jae. Kearney, lumber and repairing, $4.00; Jae. Sherrie, fouoeviewere fees, $2 ; P. Oanlelon, ditoh and culvert, $1; C. Pollard, gravelling, $52.85 ; Jas. Bolger, inspecting, $0 ; Ira Etcher, damage, $1 ; Wm. Garners, spikes, 20 omits. For gravel -0. G. Campbell, $7.18 ; Wm. Forrest, 75 ciente ; Wm. Wray, $3.20 ; E. Irving, $4.80 ; Geo. Grigg, $3 65 ; P. Belly, $15 40 ; H• Jackson, $4.40 ; 0. Stokoe,$9.75 ; J. Breokeoridge, $3 04', Wm. Sboldice, $3.00 ; W. Turvey, $12.- 28 12:28 ; Wm. Little, $6.80 ; J. Smith, $4 ; F. Keys, $1.85 ; Geo. Kirkby, $2 10 ; It. Blair, $1.92; Jae. Sherrie, $5.52( J. King, 70 Dente ; A. B, Jackson, $5.76 ; B. Wilkineon, $5.65 ; Wm. Little, $2.85 ; A. Proctor, $4.80 ; Jae. 'rhuell, $6 30 ; J. Leech, $8.16 ; Geo. Proctor, $1.80. On motion of Jackson and Shaw the Connell then adjourned to meet again on the 18th September next. War. Orem, Clerk. I.lorlona Nowe Comes from Dr. D, B. Oargile, of Waehtta, I. T. He writes :"Four bottles of Eleotrio Bitters humoured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which has paused her great eufferiug for years. Terrible three would break out on her head and facie, and the beet doctors oonld give no help ; but her mire is oomplete and her health is excel. lent." This chows what thoueande have proved,—that Electric Bittere is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eozema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boile and running sores. Itstimu- late° liver, kidoeye and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Guaranteed. Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Counnoil'of the Town- ship of Grey met in the Township Hall on August 1601, pursuant to adjournment. Members were all present, Reeve in the ohmic. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. Moved by Adam Turn- bull, seconded by Isaac Lake that Geo. Oliver bo paid the sum of $1,625.00 on account of Government Drain No. 2 eon. tract as per Engineer's report—Carried. byJas. MoDonald, seconded Movedby Reeve and ' in eev Robb. Livingston that the v g Clerk bo authorized to sign the agreement with the G. T. R. Company for the deep ening of the oulvort across the railway track at lot 8, oon. O—Oarried. Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by Jae. McDonald that the Clerk be authorized to notify Mrs. Robb. McKee and Samuel Sangster to remove choir fences at once off the road allowanoo on side road at lobe 40 and 41, con. 1.—Oarried. Mov. ed by Jae, McDonald, seconded by Ieaao Lake that Bylaw No. 139, as read, be provisionally adopted, and bo printed and served in manner set out in 5th para. graph of the enacting portion of said By- law, and that a 00001 of Revision 011 the essesement fu said Bylaw be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Saturday, the 23rd day of September next, at 1.0 o'olook a. m.—parried. Moved by Robt. Living- ston, seconded by Teem Lake that Mee. see. Turnbull Dud McDonald bo author - Med to go and examine Clark's and Logan's bridges with a view to having them repaired—Oarried. The following accounts were presented, viz, :—Jae. Logan, part payment for cleaning out Silver Corners drafu, $90 ; Donald Mc- Donald, repairing bridge on hide road 1, eon. 2, 7.00. ; Joseph Shaw, culvert on side road 3, oon. 4, $7.85 ; David Duke, The 'Western Fair, London SEPTEMBER 7th to I6th, 1899. Bntriee aloe° September 6th. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Exhibits will be enthroned, attraoti0ne bettor than ever. Hippodrome, Ober - lot Raaoe, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Jape, Famous Lady ltilere, World Renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artiste Were, Fireworks emelt .evening, "The Britieh and Americana 1n Samoa," and all ring and 916010rm attrac1ione. Speolal expansion trains will leave London moll evening after the fireworks, Grounds will bo beautifully illuminated, Send for Prize Lista and Programa, Ilr. COT,, W, hf. OA13'1'SU010E, PRESIDENT, J. A. NI:LLI'1S, Sh1CRwtART. 0011, 0, $750 ; Joseph Savage, ditch at lots '25 and 20, con, 0, $12.911 ; John Mo. Nabb, gravel and gravelling at lots 20 and 21, Don. 14, $18 ; Alex. Brown, out - ting brush on road at lots 20 and 21, con. 15, $8 ; Wm, Pollard, gravel, $0.24 ; Henry Bateman, gravel, $11.04 ; Itobt, Coutts, gravel, $8.00 ; Frank Miller, gravel, $13 53 ; John hose, grading and culvert at lob 24, oon, 0, $10.40 ; Geo. Oliver, part payment on Government Drain No. 2 contract, $1,025 ; John Hanna, g ra dingan and gravelling on bou nd• *fry Grey and Elma, Greyshare $14 rJohn Hanna,ravel$2 80 ; Treasurer township of MoXillop, Clerk's fees and publishing By-law re Government Drain No. 2 and outlet, $44 ; Treas. G. T. Be proposed deepening of • culvert across rail- way track at lot 8. con. 9, $175. Moved by Isaac Lake, seconded by Robb. Liv- ingston that the above accounts be peid— Carried. Counoil then adjourned to meet again on Saturday, the 23rd day of September next at the Townellip hall as Court of Revieion on the assessment of By law No. 139. WU. SMUK.I., Clerk. Brussels Council. A meeting of the Council take held on Monday evening of last week ; all the members being present. The engineer's reports on six sidewalk petitions were presented and accepted. They were No.11, on the West aide of John street between ()Mown etreet and Ellen etreet ; No. 12, on the West side of Alexander etreet between Thomas and Mill etreet[ ; No. 13, on the North side of Ellen etreet betweeu John and Turnberry streets ; No. 14, on the South side of Thomas etreet between Alexander and Mary streets ; No. 16 on, the North side of Oatherine etreet between Turnberry and Elizabeth etreet[ and No. 111 on the West aide of Princess street between Queen and lot 229. A court of revision on the frontage aeeesement on all these etreet[ will be held on September 4111. The following a0000nte were ordered to be paid : F. S. Scott, Maumee $25 00 1t. Henderson, freight 12 00 Bylaw No. 15 was finally passed. The question of buying a road grader was then taken up and the agents for the Sawyer•Meeaey and the Champion were beard. On resolution it was decided to buy a machine and the two competing firma were ask to give an exhibition of the working of their machines and the one proving most eatiefaotory would he purchased. Tbie will be done and the oompetition will take place on September let. 11IoB iilop, TosvoonIP 00uNoIL.— Council met in Jonoe' Hall, Leodbury, on Monday, Aug. 7th ; members and Treasurer all present. A000unte were paesed for lumber, gravel, gravelling, repairing enlverte, bridges, and eng�gineer's fees amounting to $421.11. A By•iaw was passed for levying Oonnty, Township, Township sobool rate' and the different eohool section rates. Union notions 1, 2, and 12 sent iu no requests for sohools. Half of the trueteee do not notify the Clerk in January of their tames nor their Secretary's name and seem to think they should get their money without requesting at all. The total tax without school eeotion rates le 4 63/100 mills on the dollar, The town• ship is 2e mills as they are building two steel bridges that will Dost about $1,800 or more when finished. Sobool eeotion rates run from 3/10 mills to 1 8/10 mills. Scheele receive $702.88 interest this year. Council adjourned to meet in Jones' hall, Leadbury, on Monday, Sept. 4th, at 1 o'olook p. m , JNo. 0. MonmsoN, Clerk. Be Fooled the Su 0eene. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rental Fistula, he would die union a costly operation wag per- formed ; bat he oared himself with five boxes of Buoklen'e Arnica Salve, the aux. eat Pile oure on Earth, and the beet Salve in the World. 25 ciente a box. Sold by , Druggist. ist Deadman G. A. gg 131.v telt BRIEFLY Toxn,—Speoial prizes are to be given for triale of speed at Blyth Fair. —Division comb was held in Blyth Mon. day.—Blyth Fair—Ootober 0131 and 10111, —At the meeting of Court Morning Star, Canadian Order of Foresters a resolution of sympathy was passed to Bro. R,iohard Sonora, over the decease of his son,—A very enjoyable afternoon was [pont in tbo basement of the Presbyterian obnroh on the 10131 feet„ when a number of the members of the Women's Foreign Mie. eionary society met to quilt eeveral qullte which bad been prepared by the ladies to be coot to the Indiana in the Northwest, besides whiob a number of garments were finished which were previously begun and which will be a very creditable addition to the bales wbioh are annually sent to the different mission etatione by the W. F. M. S. of that'thumb. A pleaein0 nett of the pr000edinge was the very tempting lunch and "cup of tea" which was pre. pared and served by a few of the young ladies and it is needless to say woe very much enjoyed.—Jamee B,trr received a bad out in hie tight hip from an axe while working in the woods Monday afternoon of last week.—Mrs. W. H. grading et lot 35, con. 4, $88 ' Joseph , Irwin and two children, of White Cloud, Raynard, putting atone at end of oulverb, Michigan, are visiting under the parental lot 15, con. 4, $1,25 ; Joseph Coombe, roof.—The 1317th roller milia, whioh were repairing road on tide road 1, con. 2, closed down for a couple of weeks under. $8 ; Jas. Smith, gravelling on West going extensive improvements, resumed gravel road, $62,87 ; Thos. Aicook, ani- operation° last week.—Mre.Fred. Ilaggitt vert on side toad 2, lots 10 and 11, cru. wag called to Ypsilanti, Michigan, to 14, $7,75 ; Sae. Utley, gravel, $5.60 ; attend the Marital of a niece who bad John Barr, gravel, $8,84 ; Wm• Steven, died euddonly after a tow days illness. eon, burying dead sheep, 50o. ; M. Fee- no young lady, who was exceedingly clever, had graduated from the State Normal sohool ab Ypsilanti one month ago and her sudden death under the elroilmttatioes ie very end, --Thorn is a by-law in Blyth against riding bieyoloa on tbo sidewalk,- -Tire annual lomat thanitegiving services in Trloity church, Blyth, will be held ou Sunday, August '27tb. Servioee will be oonduoted at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. by Rev. G. J. Abay, incumbent of St. Jelin's °bereft, Brea - seta, A epe0ial thttnkegiviog offertory will be taken at each service.—Thome[ ItioOreight, brakeman, le home nursi„g hie left hand, which he had the nliefor• tone to haat run over by a freight Dor in the Grand Trunk yards at Stratford.— From the Britton (South Dakota) Sen. finalwe take which retere . e the follotvine to the death of a rimer young resident of Blyth :—Died : June 201h, Sarah Ivlary Smith, daughter of Robert and Rachel Smith, aged 17 years and 11 months. Sarah wits born in Blyth, Canada. She came to Britton with her mother and family in the Pell of 189.1. About eight months ago her health began to fail and soon consumption let its Beal upon her. Her mother passed away three years ago with the acme disease. Sarah was a gentle and affectionate daughter, sister and friend. A faithful attendant upon the ohuroh services where ate was a consistent member. She will be greatly missed alike in the school, the Sabbath school and the social circle, but upon the home will fall moot heavily the shadow of this sore bereavement. But not ea those without hope do the stricken Mende mourn. Calmly and serenity in the triumph of Ohiietian faith she passed out of this life to the joys of the life eternal, "Beoauee Ilive ye shall live also," is the promise wbioh eaetaiue the sorrow. ing friends in their previous affliction. The funeral held on Saturday at the Presbyterian (Murch was largely attended and the earthly frame was laid to rest beside the mother in the Britton ceme- tery. The Appetlle or a Goat h Is envied by all poor dyspeptic's w ose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All snob should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and °regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Ouly 250. at G. A, Deadman'e drug store. Lightning caused a Dumber of fires in different parte of the Province. The Michigan Central freight sheds at Petrolea we,e destroyed by fire. An express package containing $7,000 was stolen from the 0. P. R. station at Joliette. Serious bush fires are reported from the Indian township of Tueoorora. A whole concession of bush land is re- ported on fire. The Westbound Imperial limited, on the C. P. R., which left Montreal 011 Monday of last week, collided with an Eoetbound tea train jnet Weet of Sud- bury, and the engineer on the Imperial limited was killed and several otbere in• jnred. n Vfro .ai Around her hneband'e nook and begged him to go to BREWER'S PHOTO. STUDIO to get their Family Group taken, Groups taken with great 000008[. Views taken on the ehorteet notice. Platiuo Finieb a specialty. Copying and Enlarging done from any old Photo. or taken from Groupe with all changes desired. All work guaranteed. Call and see our Samples. H. R. BREWER, ARTIST, ppie BilyluL Any quantity of Fall and Winter Apples, fit for packing, will be percbas. ed by the undersigned at the Highest Market Price. Will Dover the same ground as last season with new territory. Am proepeoting now and will etart buying as soon as fruit is ready. friI . LIE I T r Apple Buyer, BRUSSELS. Al -WAYS GO TO Hart's Art Gallery When you want the best 'satisfaction and a Photo. that you are not ashamed to ebow your friends, We do no seoond- olase weds, whatever. Every Photo. that we turn out is strictly flret•olaee and right up•to•date. Compare our work with othere and judge for yourself who does the beet work. Our work ie all Brpnseele finished. Call end give ne a trial and I "am thee you will be well pleased with our wont fol it ft by ferithe best you can get tin town. Our porting, lighting, retouching and toning is much in the load. Comeupa�oa try ue. • HART„ r ARTIST, Stt'eltoa .iBIoChi,1 Brussels, Sign of the "Unlit." Good opening for rimed apprentice. ,stiny ..hhangede The "Slater 81100" is closely watched der; . ing the process of manufacture, livery shoe undergoes a careful examination after 'env.. ing the hands t 1 c cll operator. 'file slight,° t fl .tv in the leather or work- lnaaship—a ;;tit( It missed—a slip of the knife, only discernible t" .111 expert condemns the // ' sll''e tliat :atom(! 1 .ard the " $later'' goal to lhti orclm lrs Tlat. SLATER 5N0C =- nameless, unwarranted au luv of footwear f.'fsw • sold to whoever will bay them. p The ''Sinter Shoe" is load, in twelve r shapes, all leathers, colors, widt,l , . t ti t,l and styles (,very pair Goodyear Welt- ed, name and price stamped on til: soles. $3,80 AND $8,00, v1AKCR$: - L461'fGtiAbV• Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent Ttechleei1 Prices on ail Bar•. ciis ,I Line's Of i 1 Dunn II Prints, Gi112hams 010(1 Colored IYIus1insl August. _ _ Our stookof these is not large, but at the same time is well assorted and we will let them go very cheap. If you can do with anything in the above lines you are the gainer by 25 per cent. during the mouth of August. Our stock throughout is well assorted in all lines, including :— Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Groceries, Clothing, &c. New Fashion Sheets and Standard Patterns to hand. EVERYTHING CHEAP. NO FANCY PRICES. A. StrA :7i til Vie'. +s. ✓R r ��P"•, ''"� lYt«n. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS All orders for new Pompe or Repairs promptly attended to. Contracts taken for new Wells and Oieterne. 'Lown Mowers sharpened and repair- ed. Pruning Shears and Soieeore ground. All work guaranteed. Agent For "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, MILE+ LID'S System Renovator —AND 0 THER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness,;Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronobitis, Con - gumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney and Urinary Dioceses, St. Vitae' Dance, Female Irregularities end General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manutaotnror. Sold by Jac, Fox, Drn""Rlet, Brussels, Spectacles —OF ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correctall Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested runts by latest Optical methods at Division Oourt Office, B1t51(3S17L3. The Stand.ara Bank of Canada. liloiey Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollen and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any °bartered Bank in Canada, with tele exoeption of Branabee in the Yukon Die. triot. RATES Under $10 $10 to 20 20 to 80 80 to 50 $0.08 0.10 . 0.12 0.14 J. N. (1011DON, Agent, BRUSSELS CLEVELAND 1899 IDEAS are found on no Bioyolee but °L V' E LANDS. We originate the ideas and make every detail of every part in our own factory. SEE THE New Ball and Roller Bearing, The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, wbioh cannot break except by accident.. The New Skeleton Gear Case, which is absolutely dust -proof. The New Special Light Deoign Roadsters wbioh weigh 25% lees than any others of equal strength, and many other new features. PRICES FROM $40 UP, A. COUSLEY, ACIiNT, BR-05813LS. SHh'UILES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Troy Brussels Planing Mills rU,. Also Doors and Saab of all Pat term on band or made to order at Short Notice. Eetimatee Furnfahed for ell kinds of Buildfnge. Workman, ship and 1331110rial Guaranteed, P. AM 1.M T,