The Brussels Post, 1899-8-18, Page 3AVG. 26,1 5390.
The News
the convoy, supported to be from Can- beak -mot, and will save al most $8000,-
ada, If in' e Milford Haven eluding 000 from the wreck.
tri C1oat w,1.c•h represent oil: France, Emperor William of Geri -flatly has
Klee Mnud b:l;eneer al Leeds, 1Snge conferred upon Count Von vfuneter-
has reouvered $260 cl nagee to u suitlecelenburg, the German Androsidol' el INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG, 27
for breach or promise eget/lst George Parte, lIle tllle of Prince, in rncogni- ---
Arundel, a youlig engineer,- Ile lock tion ur hie 1eeee,e s he:1d er 111e(lee- „1U1hlralr,aPr,lnt eesm,113,." ens. 1.011.
000/114011 to ourreet the !melting, in her man delegn(ton to the I'enoa Confer- Collie.' Text. Pete 111. cs.
lettere• mire at TheA-muu,
A balloon from the Cryelab Pnla^e, In n meltdon of Irain1, during a PRACTICAL NOTES.
London, estending on Monday, role thunderstorm, at. luvivy. ler Inde, Set- Verse 1, Ira the first year of Cyrus
]alsced 01314 foil Ince It 1LGnit In the urday night, about 10 paesenge Is were
'tateroatieg Nappontnee °I Recent Date—The erese'nce of a vast crowd, but Ih0 killed, and 73 Injured. One train was
Lateen Now. of Our Own Country—Doings (invite a naught. en a hnul4e and the standing and the other ern111ed Site it.
la the Mother Land -.What to Mainz 011 in four oectepa'tlts escaped with a severe at 50 mile,•g fan 110111, telescoping three'
ih0 —
Vatted states Notea Prom the World shaking up• ptwsengt1r acetates.
—� House of Collimte, condemned the
Ovar, Sir Alfred Ilie'1nlnn in 11113 1 3ril inh
(� o
chasing railway material in the United HIS CAME ONE OF BLUE
Winnipeg has raised 1110 salary of its
engines cosi. more, they were better KRUGER'S WAR PREPARATIONS
chief of police to $2,1100.
T. H, Pod& 'millionaire merchant of andlasted longer,
practice of the- Indian aulhuritb+w pUr-
States, declaring that whlie English
Victoria, is dead. The fifty-third annual report of the
Samples of new Wheat, eats and British Commission"rlt of. Lunacy
rye 'Mown at Hanr41t0n aro unusually shows an appalling increase of road-
good. mos, the number of lunat.ies in Eng -
The telegraph line to Dawson will land Wltlee being 150,01411, an in -
Nicely be eomipleted by the end of next crease of 3,114 in of year. 'I'lhe spread
atoatth. is largest among paupers,
The Great North -wast Central Rail Britain hoe arranged a convent ion
way [w to be extended 25 miles this with the United Status on behalf oP Preeld,ont Kruger /3 playing !t greet
stammer. Trinidad, 33c11011ting certain United gam°) or n1 uff at Peet 0110. lie held a
Brantford may snurtly have- a file- Stales products duty free into 'l'rin't- long session on letund11y with the Sec -
tory for the manufacture of bog goat eacl, and redacting United :tales duties retary of State and the Attorney -Gen -
on fuel. Aisles 12 1.-2 'per cent.,
note tome teem Irani mietenal Irorwards
1appNes tad Orders 'troops 10 be In
or 000 hcse.
A.despatch from London, says:—Tho
prevalent opinion in England le thin
on aertran a enol at the telegraph office. Ho was
Dr. Howard Sedby the
u young deo- while granting the e United States Inv- apparently communicating with the
3.311, was drowned by 1'1113 upsetting of Ored .nation trealmrnt,
his canoe at Winnipeg. I The scheme of Lor i e'urzan of heel- Or,rnge Free State,
• Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smyth, of 311d- 1 lesion, Viceroy of Veit a, respecting The British tiovornmenl, on its rade,
ford, Muekolca, oelebrtLed shear golden frontier defouco has been approvede by is making counter prepal'alione. Quan-
let contracts Lurit.1 Portage laPruirle many frontier garrisons and. the sub•: ed Lo llechuanalund, and the North
branch of Lake 3lan!lobe , slilutJn11 of tribal militia, which WI''
The water in the St. Lawrence River result in largo economy.
near Kingston has gone down twelve UNITED STATES.
Inches within the poet tan oat's. would melte a dash for Kimberley 'in
Hilda Blake, the Brandon murder- A dotaehm°nt of 100 marinas have
ens, takes her confinement in jail very been sent to Manila. order to out off the Cape from Rodesia
molly. tape is now engaged on her ; Four young men drank wood alcohol the British are preparing to guard the
autobiography. , al a picnic, and died in 'L++'lkland, Tioga railway bridge- acmes the Vaal river
The Wentworth County authorities `cauniy, Pa. 1
1 h le The Red Star steamer Kensington at'hburteen Streams, where rho Boors
edd'ang last week. for Imperial Government, It
provide., titles of war stores have been forward -
Tho Northern P3311110 Railway has for the withdrawal of the regulars fr m
Lancashire Regiment is under Orders
to proceed there ata moment's name.
Sings it is reported that the Boers
aro after a racing poo room, vv w is quarantined at New York. It has have a field battery.
has been operated for some time just
outside of Hamilton. i a can. or smann
lbs Canadian Development Com- ,iRegular and volunteer U. S. troops,
pang has landed passengers dn. Daw•-
nam n six da
in a riot et Port McPherson on Monday at Cape Town for Captain
t i d f • Vancouver and Ga., and eight soldiers were wounded. Bedea Pnnell's mounted infantry, Lo
man a J
to d halfs from from Ottawa Americans are alarmed. that a eon -i servo ,on the tromtlar. The first batch
signment of shot and sheet lead for: hasleft for the rendezvous. The
Ferdinand Lemieux, ex -accountant, 1
Si F c eco is intended'
for the Philippine- insurgents. u
against Fred. W. false
Smith and the Ville Nearly 20,000 additional troops will Maxim guns.
Marie Bank for false arrest.
A conservative estimate of the be sent to Mantle up to Oct. 23, and I The Daily Mail correspondout learns
kon output plates it as low as ten Gana Otis will have a force of about, that $000,000 has been placed to the
millions, but other estimates place it 46,000 men when the. dry season opens, credit of the paymaster of the Imperial
at from twelve to fifteen. millions. At the Mazet investigation in New forces.
Oiobert Hunter and Herman Rein- York a detective gave evidence to I It ds slated the Government will not
holt, two Hamilton Klondi11:1 are 511nw t11at pool rooms, gambling dens, %undertake the campaign with less
tomo again, without a cent to show and opium joints were flourishing Ln, than 40,601 meat• The military activity
for 1hetr long trip of two years over'ehe city. 1 must not: be exaggerated, it being
the Edmonton trail. I Robert O'Shea, 46 years old, aporter,merely a part of the strong policy or
Drill books for the cavalry, artillery at the Union. Hotel, Niagara Falls, N. Uhe British Government.
committed suicides, by jurnning � The cable last week to the Stand -
has taken out an notion for $10,000 Tapas from San
rant i Bulawayo cars have been fitted with
and Lnfanlry have been issued to dis-
trict officers commanding for free die
the' gorge. He was intoxicated at the
tribution to militia units. One copy lime.
goes to eachofficer and sergeant.ghree soldiers of the 84th Infantry,
The old Musk: Hall of Dundas stationed nt Fort Logan, Colorado,
street, Laindon, formerly the Meehan- raised n distrubance in a saloon,. Two
los' Hall, has been turned into a hand -
named Thomas Clifford and
same, ulrto da:° theater, Che,inlerior W. De. Griffin, were shot and instantly
having been tem3Jletfsly remodelled. killed by one oC the soldiers for at-
TwoFrenclmz'en 1.n the employ of the tempting to arrest him.
Montreal Transportation Company A report at Cleveland says the bi-
have been captured In Kingston smug- cycle trust of the United States will
gling dress goods, tobacco and cigar- not only reduce selling and manufac-
ets. They were acting for a party in Luring expenses, but will set out to
Montreal. capture the world's markets. Methods
A carriage containing Col. Leys, M. ivill be changed, but the names and
P. P., and Mr-Chittiok of Doroheslor
was struck bye trolley oar at London
on Saturday. The horse ran away and
the occupants of the carriage were yet, has disappeared, after confessing
thrown um. and 813vereiy hurt. that he had misappropriated about
Mr. Jabal Baird, private banker of 38,000 of the funds of an estate en -
Lyndon, teas met with a peculiar and trusted to his care. Several months
serious experience. Au tngrowing toe- ago Newbrook's father made good a
nail led to blood -poisoning, and the shortage of $5,000 in his son's accounts
amputation of the toe, and naw it is but refused to do so a. second time.
feared, as thee wound is not healing GENERAL,
styles of the various wheels now made
will be retained.
William G. Newbrook, a Buffalo law -
satisfactorily, that the foot will have
to come off. Bulgaria is financially embarrassed.
Mr. George Brown, a photographer, The bubonic plague has reappeared -
was chtargcd at 'Winnipeg police court in Calcutta.
with following his business on the Fierce rioting has oeourred in Salz-
Lord's Day, when asked to guilty or burg, Austria,
not guilty, said he would plead guilty Four additional fatalities are report -
to working on Sunday, but not on the ed from the Alps.
Lord's Day, as that was not Sunday.
$e is a Seventh Day Adventist. Russia may take steps to expel ex-
Kingh biggestbb but Dawson Milan from Servia,
The o robbery
t The French Government 1101 prohi-
has nettedknonvn for several months was bited further fights between bulls and
uomtnttted two weeks ago Sunday, n g
well 'known Victorian IOeing the vie- wild beasts.
tem. While Gowan, of King and The Americans have captured San
Gawan's saloon, was dozing in the Mateo, ten miles from Manila, after a
bar some one came in and stole 41,500 stiff fight.
in gold dust and cash. It is said that 80,000 Finlanders are
Ward was reooived in Woodstock considering the question of settling in
Monday of the death) in Natal, South Newfoundland.
Africa, of Mr. W. G. Boyes, who A carpenters' strike has noosed the
previous to nine years a -go, was a pro- grenteel labour crisis in the history
minent book and stationary merchant of Denmark. '
In Woodstoolr. Deceased was about Filipinos have captured and burned
70 yeatrs of age, and died of paralysis. the United States steamer Saturnas.
He was a major in the British army, Her. o`eW are missing.
and had seen active service in the Af-Seventeen cases of poisoning figure
given war. in a murder trial now being heard at
GREAT .i3,RITAIN. Temesvar, in Hungary.
The Prtnee of Wales has lett Lou- The report that China and Japan have
doe far DJnrienbed, to return in Sop- concluded an alliance is confirmed by
tem1er. a despatch from Rome.
Andrew Carnegie bee donated $.50,- It is asserted that the Filipinos de -
000 to fotnlnd a public library at Ke gh- mend $7,000,000 for the release of the
ley, Yorkshire. Spanish prisoners in their hinds.
Motor wagons are being put en Herr Wolf, the German Liberal De -
severe foals 0.L 1..ivarPool, and Liver- pity to the' Au',trtan li,ei.chsrath, W115
pool city has adopted motor dueL severely wounded in a savage dual.
wagons. The Czar, has decorated M. Deleasse,
Lightning sLr•uak a murc111ng a'egi- French Midister of Foreign Affairs,
matt at Limerick, Troland, Saturday with the order, of St. Alexander New -
'seriously injuring two officers and ski.
seven privates, Many lives are reported to have
There has bean a revival of day- been lost and great damage caused to
light robberies in the Strand and other property by the hurricane in the West
outrages which terrorized Louden a Indies. -
few ldlanths ago. Germany has begun a- new type of
Naturalized aliens aro not eligible torpedo boats, larger than the old
for peerage in England, and Mr. Wm. style, which have bees found unsea-
Astor, therefore, cam only become a worthy.
baronet or a knight., In co 501106nee of the killing of a
The French schooner Pauebote wee French fisherman by the .Lelia a nem
sunk by the steamer Hercules off the bar of I]nglish visitors at Boulogne
English coast on Saturday, and nine were mobbed last week,
persons Were drowned. The Spanish court martial has, by
The secretary of Str Thomas Lipton's ,a majority of 0311, acquitted Gen. Toral
company, hes been committed for ?trial and other officers ,tried for surrender -
al) Londpn charged with being in -pass- ing Santiago to the Americana.
session of fruit unfit for use. itlmariitan delegates to the Peace
The Marquis of Londnnd'orry has Conference will commelnoraLe the con-
announced,. the engagement of his. son ferencg by the English
of a piece
and heir, Viscount Castlereagh, to Miss chapel. near the Englis11 church at Tho
Edith Chaplin, eldest: daughter of, the lingua.
Ant. Hon', Henry Chaplin. The starveslg peasantry of Bossar-
!She London Times has beth grant-
esd, am injunction restraining n pub-
lisher uetnod Lane from re -printing,
ripeet:bee of Lerd 1105ehory hdmitted- h the failure of vonl:uros by
l taken from the limes. iXhroug
yThe BOOM% naval manoeuvres Nava his agent, Pee Van Derviss, a young
resented in the British fleet ;getting Russian, Worth -818,500,000, has became
abia, a place tit Russian country tort
of the Danube end the 13 Ick Sea, have
revolted, and had several eneotntere
with Leonine
wised Version is "whosoever ie left."
Not who mover is iltapused, is spite of
the royal permission, to remain in
Babylon, hue whesuever has survived
the dangers and ;Amine of the years
or exile. 1.11 any plum where he eii-
iuurneilt, let the )nen of los plats kelp
h'u1 'l'bis appeal for friendly 4115151-
;uiru uuist 1,5 interpreted 111 bnr111nrt7
with the. 00aditi0ns of thu1. day. An.
tient ea thane, no nett ter how bud
they were, were all religion+, and
Icing of Persia. a 1?rtiettbly the first there was 1144 necessary 1m:witty 1,0.
year of hie reign in lhal,ylun. Ile be. tweet followers id &fret toe fa;ih.4.
ne, .e dl: ninue lame itnd (Sired Mil',
name king of Peraia by his defeat or 'rii"I 410114X11 ••1ruggloe belwieen Urah-
AetYag'es, and perllnps twenty-one i 1 11111'rn twee haus se elle, ed pus
years after (bat he conquered Babylon.
The word of the, Lord by the mouth of
J'erd11 33i. Joe 25, 11, 12;;Se 10. T1is
peophet had promised the return trona
captivity and haul giveai a dale—"sev-
enly years." But a year might mean
ti. 300 I y 8t ayttand its
ard, telling of the threatened deSerua-
tion of Johannesburg, was a pure in-
vention for English readers. fit wee
cabled back to the Transvaal, and
caused amusement, being recognized
as ameans of intimidating money In-
A Dalziel despatch is printed in Lon-
don of the same sort. 11 says the
early construction by the Boers of
fortified camps on the frontier is in-
tended There is grave anxiety among
those Afrikand�ers who are bound by
the Naturalization Act to take up
arms against the British.
Dalziel quotes the Volksstem assay-
i11g that the military activity on the.
British side has quite a contrary ef-
fect on the Boers from what is intend-
ed. They only become more stub-
born. They prefer honorable death in
battle to yielding to Chamberlain's de-
mands. All this is cabled by Dalziel's,
owe of the agenotesiin the pay of the
Boar Government. It is merely in-
tended to intimidate the British. It
cannot have much effect.
The Mail says in an editorial, that
the time for talking of firmness is
past. It is now necessary to practice
tic updni0n ihnb r. would be regnrde,l
One .',11 as a- sin fur one to
to the 33,(1.41 of 11 temple, 11,rrsyae, or
11101011 for a rival wurehlp. But
.hreughout the ancient world, wi111
perhaps -a few exceptions, rival ''eerls
were not neeeesarily unfriendly. It is
re the very nature of polyteerrun 10
either 3311 s of '° !` - - 1 iel"IIP.Ufhet• •,rh. - \fiithsilVdr',:111F1
td 3.33 413
lakln Lu N ata h and I yduenay be
f11 -L, years the e„mmeeeeutent or h Y 1411 Y 1!3'
y 1 I
1PFa els fl Jn I! en lulu uBing
ll 4
thrr,r were tawny relays of eapl1ae1 wilt gold, and wlih goads, 111
i moved%
lob'l:,n do 3,•,133134. to Order• thirl tutu' 1
indexed b 1.011 ur ,' n ,e 1111111 "t
the exile might be dated 11010 any one 1 f t 1 f' " ' 1 g the bend
of r'niigraUlts and starling cul on their
lbes0 "captii'ities." The Lord s1.ur return to Jeruvalem, i;t'et7 such gift
rod up the Spirit of Cyrus king of Per- would 1e rega riled as a sacred decd
tin. That God frequently works dire sura Uu 111 rewarded by the god in
ecttly on rho minds of misn whom ha whose honor it w,Is <la113. Beeidl13 Wo
freewill offering. C`ynus, h3esid: waB
has chosen to be his chief instruments sanding as a1 "farewell offering•' many
In lho development of hit cause 011 vessels of 330L1 and silver. Doui,tless
soured history attests. The stories oL olhera in high position would tallow
Abtmelech, Balaum, and Neluchadnez- h:s example: J31 Ile exhorts his sub-
jects to tacaitale Lha enterprise ill this
ear are iu111111008 of these, and now :we very practical fashion (1180.
have Cyrus similarly stirred up 1.0 5. Ths chief of elle faah,trs 0f Judah
carry out Gad's plans. We do not and B •njamin, Tho Jewish nation in
know what instruments, if any, God I its highest devetopuient w"ts framed
upon something Sit -e the elanship of .
used 3101
o Sway
the king's mind. He Scotland. These "chiefs ' were the
may have given 'to his servant Daniel heads of the clans. The priests and
"favor'' in the eyes of Cyrus, or he
may have simply pressed home on the
king's muso40nm this great duty. See
the note on verse 2. Ito made a
proclamation throughout all his king-
dom, and put it also in writing. The even of Judah and Benjamin were will_
kingdom of Cyrus included most offing to undertake the tong and perilous
contract Arrangeel fur a. Direct Stenmslip
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
Hon. Donald Farquharson, Premier of
Prince Edward Island, is in Ottawa
arranging with the Minister of 3rar-
ine for the establishment of a direct
steamboat service between Charlotte-
town and Liverpool. The contract is
es good as closed. It provides for e,
fortnightly selling from the Island by
a steamship of about 4,000 tons, to be
equipped with cold storage for the
transportation of butter, cheese, and
other perishable freight, the service to
commence about the sixth of Septem-
ber. The subsidy voted by Parliament
lastl session for this service was 37,-
000. It Ivi11 give island shippers the
advantage of cold sti'rago accommo-
dation -at freight rates as low, an pre-
vail from Montreal. A3ae. Mr. Farqu-
harson estimates that 5vi111 the- en-
hanced output of dairy produce and
excellent: yield of crops in general this
year, suffiolent will be 0ffere0 fon ex-
port to give the steamer a full, cargo
on each outward trip. The vessel
will, of course, have the Denton of tak-
ing eargas- to and frim Montreel, so
long, as the requirements of the Island
trade ere amply met. The lobster
catch of P,rinee Edward Island, the
Premier says, has been a very satis-
factory one this season.
the Levitos had been for centuries
nl0yel• retelea to the tribes of J udsb
ir1.1 Benjamin, for the northern King-
dom had ignored the Mosaic rut13, and
had taken its priests indiscriminately
from all tribes. All them whose spirit
God had raised up. Nol 'nearly all
what are in modern limes called Tur-
key in Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, and
Beloochistan. Writing is supposed to
have been but recently introduced in-
to the Persian empire, and it is pro-
bable that this proclamation was is-
sued in both Persian and Chaldean,
Copies of it were given to couriers who
journey. Many of the most prosper-
ous preferred to remain in Bibytonta,
but it was fair to assume that no one
went to Palestine from selfish moLives.
11. was the divine touch that raised this
enthusiasm, at once earnestly patriotic
and profoundly religious. The house
of the Lord which is in Jerusalem. A
similar phrase ends the preceding
verse. In each case the thought is
rode on fleet steeds from city to city that the deserted hilltop of Moriah was
to the remotest points of the empire, still tottered; it was Je11ova11 s place of
2. Here comes the proclamation; and residents, and though the building in
it does nottake away from its force to which his service had been maintained
was in ruins, the 'very site was his
discover that its phraseology and form 'house."
are Hebraic rather than Persian. What
we have here is evidently the Hebrew hands. Tilped thein. The rest 'of the
transoript of the decree. Thus sailh; verse is a catalogue of the help given
Cyrus king of Persia. With some individually to pilgrim Jews, besides
similarity the famous Behistum in -
he offerings made directly for the
scription begins. "I am Darius the temple. 3Che motives of these givers,
great king, the king of kinga, the king though mixed, were mainly good.
of Persia." The Lord God of heaven In the first place, where the king
bath given ma all the kingdoms o#Che 1Bads many would naturally fol -
0. All they that were about them.
Their neighbors. that,
earth. This sentence is remarkabl
in many ways. "God of heaven" was
a recognized title of the Supreme Be-
ing among the Persians, who. as we
have already seen, believed that the
moral universe was dual,and that there
was a god of the infernal regions hard-
ly less powerful than the heavenly god,
"The Lord" here, as always when
printed in small capitals, stands for
Jehovah, the Hebrew name for the sup-
reme divinity; not Ormuzd, which
low- In the seoond place, as we have
seen, all religions were reverenced to
some degree by all pe.pie. Thirdly, the
3011'51 had shown a high morality and
had won the respect of their neigh-
bors, and much was probably given
from genuine friendship and kindness.
Fourthly, it was the habit of the Jews
to pray for all who,' contributed to their
worship; and all men valued, prayer.
7, Cyrus the king broughtt+forth the
vessels. It was the ordinary custom of
name Cyrus would doubtless use in oriental conquerors to carry off the
direct communication with his own sacred vessels from the temples of their
people. A striking contrast is made subject nations., This was done partly
Thensmtda of Tons of Reek pati, lett No
One Is ICllled-
A despatch from Kingston, Ont.,
says;—Webster Re Company's big mina
mine, known as the Eel Lake mine
near Sydenham, oavod in at six o'olook
on Tuesday evening, and the miners
had a miraculous escape from a hor-
tibla death. The last man to Dome up
was climbing the top ladder when. the
crash came-, so all were sale. This mine
is neatly three hundred feet deep, and
has some long drifts through it, so the -
amount of fallen rooks amounts to
thousands of tone. It was the first
mita mine Worked in Canada, and for
many years was the richest in Amer-
ica, 1lnving an almost unlimited otitpnt:,
and from it the trade in amber mica
between the God of heaven and the
kingdoms of the earth which that god
bestows upon his chosen ones. Such
reverences as this, such disposition to
refer to the supreme God Its the giver
of earthly power, is usual in the royal
proclamation of Persia. The pow-
er that Cyrus inherited was
small compared with the majestic
empire which God had built up for
him by the conquest of neighboring
kingdoms. Cyrus is called, in Isa.45,
the "Anointed of Jehovah," and is giv-
en God's promise to subdue nations,
end open doors, and make rugged
places plain before him, to destroy
doors of brass and bars of iron, and
bring forth the treasures of darkness
and the hidden riches of secret places,
so that Cyrus may know that Jehovah.
is the supreme God. He hath charged
me to build him a house at Jerusalem.
In what form (this charge same we do
not certainly know. Isa. 44•28 quotes
God as saying of Cyrus, "He is my
shepherd, and shall perform all my
pleasure; even saying to Jerusalem,
Thou shall he built ; and to the tem-
ple, Thy foundation shall be laid."
The precise date of this remarkable
sentence we cannot give, but it is
generally assumed that it had been
shown in writing to Cyrus, and that
he accepted it as a command. Cer-
tainly without his support the temple
could not at this time have bean built.
The Phrase, which is in Judah, hero
and in verse 3, points to the small re-
lative importance of the rtitned capi-
3, Who is thdre among you of all
his people, That is, of all the wor-
shipers of 3011034013. They were scat-
tered in nearly every part of his do-
mir.lon8. -Tuthill and Benjamin, being
%serest to the °antro of imperial
power were naturally most affsated
by this peoclamntion, but many from
the northern tribes also accepted its
conditions and returned. His God be
with him. A bonediation from a man
who, according to Plutarch, "in wis-
dom and virtue and greatness of soul
excelled other kings," and of whom
Horodolus writes that he ruled his sub -
Sias like a father. Go up, This phrase
may mean no more than our idiom
e'uudorLnke." Nevertheless, as soon
118 the deeert was crossed, the caravan
Lo Teruselem would have steep moun-
tain climbing before it, Build the house
of the Lord God of Ismael. The auth-
orization and much of the treasure nee-
essary to build the temple comes from
Cyrus; the work and Cho responsibility
for details rest upon the returning
Tows. Ile is the God, whieh is in Jer-
usalem. The Revised Version omits the
article before God, as if Cyrus Rete
touches for the divinity of Jehovah,
The Greek melon, Septuagint, and the
Latin, Vulgate, do not throw this
clause into parenthetie form, but make
it road, "Tie is the God who is in Toru -
Wean," (Hardly enough is known of
Cyrus, apart from this brief record,
to ,justify a positive 1101emellt 118 133
which be intended to Say,
4. Whosoever remaineth, The R:e-
in reverence for, partly in contempt cS,
the gods oft hose oattons.' Nebuchad-
nezzar had thus taken the valuable
articles from the temple service and
placed them in the temple, of 'his gods
in Babylon. To this cunt m. as follow-
ed by the Romans, we aro indebted for
our knowledge etthe sh)llle of the
seven -branched candle -stick, which, af-
ter having been paraded in triumph
through Rome, was carved in the
triumphal arch of Tituee.
8. Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.
This was the Chaldean name of Zerub-
babel, who, although net directly' de-
sponded from Jeboiaohin, seems to have
become by inheritance his legal heir.
Cyrus was evidently not 'afraid of any
rebellion on the part rt the Jove when
he thus chose their hereditary ruler to
be their leader.
9-11, Cherges. Basins or bowls. The
rest of the lesson is a continuation of
the catalogue of the treasures contri-
buted by Cyrus.;
9'WVe, Tho Wined Persons Ir'O3netl In I' nee
list 3'133
A despatch from Pence, Porto 'Rico,
says:—The terrific wind which ac-
companied the recent storm dostioyed
the crops and demoralized a number
oe houses on the higher ground, while
the floods destroyed bridges and houses
and caused great loss of human life.
Three hundred bodies have been buried
in the City of Ponce, and it is esti-
mated that 2,600 persons were drown-
ed in t110 Ponce dtstrict. The 'number
of people of the lower class lost is not
known, but it 4s certain that there
were few fatalities among the, portions
of the bettor class and none among the
Americans. During the erngress of the
storm the municipal tospital was
wreaked, and its patients were removed
to the military, hospital. Yabuoon,
Adjusta and Humacao were devastat-
ed, and in some instances entire vB-
lagels were swept out of existence.
Ono hundred persons are reported to
have been killed on a coffee Plante time
Pestilence threatens, and money and
work are needed.
68106 11113 \Vera Tn•10r, lint. Sol. Pabtib'.
Thep 4Ytnnttlf ted Sule1ele.
A despatch from Winnipeg, Man„
sayie Snndny eifeht at Carnduff, M. L,
J. Short attempted to murder his wife
and then commit tett suicide. A domes-
tic quarrel Was the 0111.150 of the iron-'
tele, Shot rlrod two shots a1 his wife
both taking effect, and thee placed the
revolver in ilia 1)53(1 month and fired,
drnth taking place instant a timely.
Mrs, Short will probably remover,
.i?I'LL 01? E,N UU U !)1A r, lV1 T".
M.Ele;r7Z, 21%4 3:111.71C411 NI"/TTC:Vroatre3=611
In Bed 5 May .the IInd Given Up All Hope
of Getting Well—A Remedy Found at
t t0 which " $ Owe My Life."
Iloience has fully established the
fact that all the nervous energy of our
bodies is generated by nerve centres
located near the base of the brain.
'Moen the supply of nerve force bas
been diminished either by excessive
physical or mental labours, or owing to
a derangement of the nerve centres,, we
are first conscious of a languor or tired
and worn-out feeling, then of a mild
Form of nervousness, headache, or
stomach trouble, which is perhaps suc-
ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic
indigestion, and dyspepsia, and a gen-
eral sinking of the whole system. In
this day of hurry, fret and worry, there
are very few who enjoy perfect health;
nearly everyone has some trouble, an
ache, or pain, a weakness, a nerve
trouble, something wrong with the
stomach and bowels, poor blood, heart
disease, or sick headache 3 all of which
are brought on by a lack of nervous
energy to enable the differentorgansof
the body to perform their respective
South American Nervine Tonic, the
marvellous nerve food audhealth giver,
is asatisfying success, awoudrous boon
to tired, sick, and overworked men
and women, who have suffered years
of discouragement and tried all manner
of remedies without benefit, It is a
modern; a scientific remedy, and in its
wake follows 'abounding health.
It is unlike all other remedies in
thstitis not designed to act on the
different organs affected, but by its
direct action on the nerve centres,
which are nature's little batteries, it
-muses an increased supply of nervous
energy to be generated, which in its
Sold by G.
turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the
machinery of the body, thereby en-
abling it to perform perfectly its dif•
ferent functions, and without ,the
slightest friction.
If you have been reading of the re•
markable cures wrought by South
American Nervine, accounts of which
we publish from week to week, and
are still sceptical, we ask you to,in-
vestigatethem by correspondence, and
become convinced that they are true
to the letter. Such a 0011r58 may save
you months, perhaps years, of suffer-
ing and anxiety.
The words that follow are strong,
but they emanate from the heart, and
speak the sentiments of thousands of
women in the United Statesand Can-
ada who know, throngh experience, of
the healing virtues of tire South
American Nervine Tonic,
Harriet E. Ball, of Waynetown,
prominent and much respected lady,
writes es follows :-
11 I owe my life to the great South
American Nervine Tonic, I have
been in bed for five months with a
scrofulous tumour in my right side,
and suffered with indigestion and
nervous prostration. Bad given up
all hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors, with no relief. The
first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved
me so much that I was able to walk
about, and a few bottles cured me en-
tirely. I believe it is the best medi'
Dine in the world. I cannot recom•
mend it too highly."
Tired women, can yon do bate`
than become acquainted with this
truly great remedy 1
A. Deadman.
Great Ilrittltt will Build a New and Won-
derful Fighting 3lnehtne.
A despatch from London, says: — At
the moment Emperor William was
tolling Congressman Foss that the
best peace conference is a strong navy,
plans had just passed the British Ad-
miralty for an entirely new class of
warship. Great interest is taken in
the 0014 vessel, w11i011 was designed by
Sir William White, director of naval
construction, who has given a repro,
mutative of the Associated press the
following particulars: i
"We believe she will be'the greatest'
triumph in naval architecture, both for
speed and fighting. She will cost, ready
for sea, about a million and a quarter;'
her speed will be a knot in exoess of
any British battleship, and her guns.
turrets torpedo tubus, nets and booms
will embody ideas which experience and
experiment have proved far beyond
anything yet attempted in this conn -
try or any other country, Her guns
will be, generally, of eiaaller calibre
than those of the bulwark, nOW build-
ing. She will be the longest and
broadest warship aver laid down in a
elovernmeut dock yard, while her draft
will be shallow, Her breadth is de-
signed Lo attain the maximum steadi-
ness uuder fire, and from her now
steering gear very excellent results
are certain. Forward viii be circular
tops mounted with rtipid fire guns.
Her total armament will be fifty -Iwo
guns, '.l'he details as to their calibre for
the present must be kept secret. Six
torpedo tubes will complete her equip -
meet. Her protection of Alnrveyieed
steel will be lass than on the ships now
building. The Spanish-American war
directed our attention 10 coal capacity
Sind nothing will be wantig in ante re-
enact. Tier displa1etnent will be 18,000
ions. The new vessel, which 1,411 be
lsid dawn in November at Davenport,
immediately atter the bulwark Is oft:
the ship, should he reedy withina year,
IShe will be the nearest approach yet
attained to a perfect combination of
the fighting specify of a battleship
with the mobility of a cruiser of that
advocated by one of the highest naval
authorities in the world, Captain'
John IluWiddcu wits Going to Mud
Sparrows and 53306 Matson
A despatch from Cornwall, bays:—.
New:( has reached Cornwall friends of
the sad aireumstanoes attending the
death of John 3loCadden of Connaught
in Finch towuship. 3be [00)117 Stere
Saga naive esteem= anal at Stumm
heard the report at a gun, and on
their return to tee house Sound Mr,
McCaddonlying on tho'tloor dead with
a charge or bird shot in bis head, while
the discharged shot gun lay beside
h 111, It is supposed that followleg lens
usual 0ustonl he was going out to
s11co11 sparrows whoa the gun was aa-
cidentally discharged with fatal re-
sults. Deceased was about 95 years of
age, and was favorably known
throughout Dundas and Stormnnt.
llysterlous Seven 'l'honsend Dollar De
mhtloa Pxer4'34 nebecow. .
A despatch from Joliette, Quebeo.,
nays:—Seven thousand dollars came by
the Dominion Express Company on
11Ion1ny night to the credit of the -loom
branch of the Banque Nationale, as the
eafe in the lural express effiee had been
out of ordo` for several days, the com-
pany sent an inspector aL• 011113 to 'Open
the safe andarrange for the sale seer -
age of the looney. After working until
nearly midnight the inspector 534115
forood to give up the (ask, and the $1,-
000 were handed over to the C.P.K.
agent: here, who put it ln the ahinenoy
in the .cellar, Tuesday morning he
found the chimney vacant and the
money gone. Detectives are investigate
bog the robbery,