HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 88 P!ekliug SUices. We keep a full nue of pure Spices for Pickling and Table use as follows :— White Pepper, whole or powdered, Blank Pepper, " Cayenne Pepper, i i powder or pods, Allapiee, whole or powdered, Jamaica Ginger, whole or powdered, Cinnamon Bark, " Cloves, " .. Mace, whole or ground, Coriander Seed, whole or ground, Curry Powder, our own make, Turmeric in powder, Celery Seed, White Wine Vinegar. You can depend on getting the above good and at regular prides. Threshers and Dust If you want to protect your Eyee from the dust when Threshing come and buy a pair of Goggles. We have them with Glass Fronts or all Wire, We have everytbiug required for The Eyes So if requiring Glasses of Guy kind or if there is anything wrong with your Eyes Come and see us. It will not met yon anything to find out if we 040 help you, G. A. Deadman, G. A. DEADMAN, Agent for Crescent Bicycles. Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. eOOTHEEN EXTENSION w. O. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING 80OTn, GOING'NORTo, Express 7:10 a.m, Mail 2.10 p.m eon. I Express ....,.10:17 p.m Komi pixis J .ems, A ohiel'e among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. LrenT frosts. POTATOES are a good orop. RATS are ehortening perceptibly, THE POST will holiday next week. Emma Division Court Aug. 28rd, Examines to the Falls next Wednes- day. Bosom Board Friday evening of this week. THE cool evenings are bard on the ice cream baaineee. Bay. R. Perm is laying down a oement walk to the aloe door of Victoria Cottage. A ells load of corn was received last week by Wm. Ross and another by W. F. Stewart. A DooiLa decked ear of bogs was ship- ped last Monday by Messrs. Ferguson, McDonald & Best. BUGGY lap duster found. Owner may bave it by proving property and paying for Ibis notioe. THE POST. Fauces are disappearing on a number of the streets on which the new cement walk has gone or is going. Own, of Revision on the Assessment in oonoeotion with the new cement aide. walks on Monday evening, 21et inst., at the Council Chamber. Blesses. LoWRY are still waiting for the hydrants and the sewer on the Weet side of Main street oaonot be filled in mobil they come. The firm from which they were ordered mast be '+daoke. " Bausszes factory sold the first half of July make of cheese to T. Ballantyne & SOD for 9i Dente per pound. It was ship. ped on Friday. The outlook for im- provement in Fall prices ie good which will be good news to the many patrone in tbie section. EAST Boson Fail Fair will be held on the Exhibition ground here on Thursday and Friday, Oct. Oth and 6th. The prize lists will be mailed to membere next week and non.membere may eeonre a oopy by application to D. Stewart or W. H. Karr, Secretaries. WHO 19 THE BEET BOWLER 7—To settle the question H. L. Jackson will present the winner with a fine book thorn walk- ing etiek. The oinb will arrange a series of matches to decide wbo ie entitled to win Mr. Jaokson'e gift. There are a number of good bowlers in town bet that dose not say that any of them may win. A dark horse may capture the prize. THE Base ball matab at Wingham on Tbureday evening of last week was a sort of Waterloo. Oor nine got it where the chicken gat the axe. It odours to us that the citizens who eubaoribed 040 or 050 last Spring toward baseball have received very little for their money so far. This subscription business should be called off unless some effort is made to keep whatever organization the money is gathered for running for the season, Tem Clinton New Era pine te baguet on THE Pose' after the following fashion :— In July tbe BEESSELs Pose entered upon its 28th year of successful publication. For about 10 years the proprietor, W. R. Kerr, has been at the helm and today TSE Pose is as neat, newsy end shines ae bright, if not more so, than ever. The people of Brussels and neighborhood are proud of THE BRUSSELS POST. Brother Kerr is a live and sound writer. May THE Pose continue to succeed for years to come. Serer! THEY Go.—This week a 4 foot cement walk has been laid on the West side of john street from Ellen street to King. The new walk on Church 'street from Tornberryto James street was oom. pleted last week, Primes's, Ellen, Alex- ander and Thome streets are to have new walla also. When these are finished, Main street 10 foot walk down and the crossings in Brueeele will about have done ibe share in this line for one year. Neat Season will mete resumption of these important improvements on several etreete, Tam POST believes 11 would pay the corporation to grant rem190lon of texas to the Coleman Ifstete if they would erect a new salt block at the G. T. R. ED the constant hauling of salt, to say noble. ing of Wood and Goal, noes lop more road than the taxes collected would keep in shape owing to the fact that the present Enterprise Works are located on the South Westerly limit of Brumsele while the G. T. R. depot f8 fa the North East• erly part. 4 representative of the Estate should weft on the Coenoil and dieous! the question and there should be no diffionity over the matter. Bruesele eelt is excelled by no other so there is a certainty that the manufaotere will be onntinaed, if not by the present firm by abate who are not doubtful of 6880181 an investment.n T haHestia a q » location ie an importstat one for both Meads. Cole. man and Bruesele from a linahoiai stand. paint. BODE talk of a skating rink being built this Pall. R. Oeuasot and Bleeds, Basket & Van. atone shipped a car of baled wool this week. F. ADAM' shop, Mill street, is con. eiderably improved this week by the painters' brush. A large consignment of tub batter was shipped this week by Robt. Thomson tD the Eastern markets. He handles a large quantity of butter and eggs. A proportion of the cost of the new sewers will have to be met in this year's looal tax rate but the sidewalks will not be included this year. Rune schools will reopen on Monday, Aug. 'Met, and urban Schools on Tuesday, September 5th. Thin givee the former seven weeks and the latter nine weeks of a vacation. GEORGE EDWARDS LSE his aider and apple batter factory, on Mill street, Brus- sels, in running shape and ie prepared to attend to the wants of the farmers or others in this line. KEEP a sharp look oat on any silver money tbat comae iota your hands these days. A nnmber of U. S. trade dollars are in circulation in Ontario, the value of the coin being only 40e. Some of the bueineee men are com- plaining of the inconvenience experienced by the sewer on the Weet side of Taru• berry etreet being kept open so long. They have the weeks figured oat. H. FVILLIAns & So* are increasing the size of their livery stable. The new por. Mon wi11 be brink veneer and built to the rear of their present barn. It is 2Gx86 feat and will make their building 86x102 feet NEwH e — W E x, The first new wheat of the season was delivered at Wm. Ross' flour mill last week by Jas. Moore and Wm. Stephenson, bath Morrie farmers. The sample Wae good. Wheat will pan ont better then many predicted. Fans LADon*ne' EXCURSION. — The annual Farm Laborers' Excursion to Manitoba and the Northwest will ran on Tuesday, Aognst 22nd. 010.00 is the fare going and the return ticket will coat 018.00. The return trip must be made on or before Nov. 10th. Stop over is allowed at Wiunipeg going West. LIaToWEL Busxegee COLLEGE.—Ae will be observed by card elsewhere in this leans, H. L. Hertt, late private Secretary for General Manager Hays, of the Grand Trunk Railway, has opened a Business College in the rooms over the Poet Ofiiee, Listowel, where be is prepared to give a thorough, practical, oommeroial coarse similiar to that given in the best business colleges of the province. Appli- cations for Fail berm, commencing Sept. 4th,ebould be in not later than Augnet net. ENTERED 1NT0 REST.—After a brief 111. est of lees than a week Jno. Downing, a ell known and highly esteemed resident, aid Nature's debt on Wedueeday morn - g et 6 o'clock, passing away peaoefally. hureday of last week he was working in is shoe (bop and store and was taken ith cramps whioh were thought to indi- ate cholera morbus and a pbyaioian was aremoned. The trouble turned out to e append/alba and peritonitis. All that as possible to be done for the patient oteide of an operation, wbioh was fear - owing to Mr. Downiog'e years) was of o avail and he gradually sank until his frit departed ae stated above. Re re. toed consciousness until within an hour hie death, with short spells of delirium hie strength felled, The subjeot of is notice wag bora in Devonshire, Eng- nd, and served hie time to the shoe - eking trade with his uncle, ouming to merioa when through. He worked in rooklyn and other cities before going to odsay, Ont., where he assumed the remanehip of a shoe faatory. From ere he moved to Goderioh and went lo. partnerabip with hie mein, Ephraim owning, a well known citizen of the Co. WU, which existed for 7 years, after fah he came to Bruesele where he idea for the past 12 years'. Mr. Down. g Was a fine workman and had worked a good business in his boot and shoe re, in which he was assisted by his 8, Len. and Fred. While living at dsrioh he was converted to God in a alvation Army meeting and was a sin. e, faithful follower of the Master, ding connection with the Methodist arch here and filling the offioes of a8- tent stage leader and repreeentative on Offoial Board. He was a thorough tleman and hie ever present politenee's d good nature was remarked by all o knew him, Mr. Downing is sm.ed by Mrs, Downing, wbo was a Mies ere, of Lindsay, 5 sons (Will., in the S. ; Lea„ Fred. and Harry, in Brno. , and Eph, in Portage.ia.Prairie, n.) and 2 daughters (Misses Lizzie and die et home) who abate in the wide. earl sympathy of relatives and friends, Downing was a great man for home his kindly genial manner Will be long pleasantly remembered. When be e to realize that life would goon ornate he said "It'e all right, it's all 6" and through 1118 very great suffer. at timee, he was most patient. The eral toak plane on Thursday afternoon was largely attended. Interment Made in l3rnseele cemetery. The Me was meditated by Rev, an°. Mee aeeisted by Rev. R, Paul. The n ems will he continued by Len, and di Downing, n w rn T 11 W b W 0 ed n sp to of as th la m A B Li fo th to D to wh tee in tip sto eon Go Sr bol oh ere the gen an wh viv M U. sale Ma Aa apt Mr. and and earn ter righ in fen' and Was gory Rl bbus Fre TLI 13 tI!'0 I'UsT h0 Ir.tPR1t 7061:0$' it ESE. Next week Tag Pear Will take ite annual holiday a! cin and a d a sarmee u e YGuo August 25th will be the data of the next teem. The elfin will be open for job work and the receipt of subeoriptione. Our oorreepondsote will be kind enough to note the above and reserve their high- ly valued budgete until the fourth week of August, Sone of our citizens will visit Niagara Flute next Wednesday an the excursion. Dome the past season Thos. Curry handled over 6,800 baskets of strawberries for a Blyth grower. 0HAoLIL^ Geow,n oepbured a 4 pound baee at the mill dam on Tuesday, It measured 22 incense in length. J, G. SEENE hae a hedge of aweet peas in his garden, 6 feet high, containiug 22 varieties of these very pretty flowers. Mies L. A. lawns, organizer for the Lady Maeoaha° Order, is in towu this week giviug a little boom to Brussels Hive. A. COWWLEY disposed of au E. & D. bfoyole to Don. Mo1eozie, teaolter, lest w13e101.ek, tie will take it to Manitoba with A Mg of cattle was Shipped by Meseta. Clegg & Dames on Thursday and another by Mseere. Watson & Emigh from Brus• sale. B. Germy wise uhoeen lay representa• tive to the Wingham District meetie's of the Methodist ohure1, to be held at Blue - vale [shortly. Ds. SUITE purposes opening a drug store in the Small block, Brueeele, which is now about ready for occupation. He will have his office in connection. IT is reported that Sam. Beattie has disposed 01 his livery bueineee in Clinton to Mr. MoCool. The former has gone to Manitoba with a oar of horses and will have a look round m the Western rep Wonroofu ie in progress at the sewer from the G. T. R. to Roes street and when completed a danger plaoe will be re. moved as the deep, open ditch was always a menace to public safety. When the pipe is laid the ditch will be covered in. Tug runaway on Wednesday should he taken as a hint by the authorities to see hat the roadway le cleared of all impedi• menta ea soon ae possible. The street has been in anything but a safe noudition and tis fortunate that aooidente have not sen more frequent. Hnmao life is too minable to take risks almost unavoidable oder present oonditione. THE New G. T. R. DEPOT.—Work is regressing favorably at the new depot nd the carpenter gang of 10 men, under o88 carpenter Hasson, will aomplele heir part of the labor by the end of next eek and will band the building over to he painters, It will be ready for oaou. ation about the let of September. From to 7 care of gravel have been hauled oto the yard each day, over 60 having sen placed already, and from 40 to 60 ore are expected. Roadmaeter Dallis looking after this department and akiog a good job of it. When the work oompleted everything will be tidy and onvenient. A few oar loads of Madera n the oattle pens would do a lot of good. QnenranLY AT Home —The first of a ries of quarterly "A1 Homes" was held t W. F. Stewart's! on Tknreday evening last week, under the auspices of the adiee' Aid of the Methodist oburoh. efreebmente were served an tables set n the lawn and consisted of bread and utter, coffee, cake, &o. Ice cream was so on Bale. Rev. Jno. Holmes preeided chairman and a ohoioe program of ueio wee given by a gbartette orchestra missing of Bleeds. Stewart, Zan/1 and okson on violin, covet and oiarionet, eepeotively, and Mies Lizzie Sample at e piaoo. The selections were capitally ndered. Short remarks were made by . Gerry and W. H. Kerr. Net proceeds' out 014.00. The evening was fine and r, and Mre. Stewart made A 1 hoot and steel. b u p a m is ism ee of L R al aa m 0o Ja th re B ab M ho DEAD HOT NOT FonooTTEN,—The mem- here of Weetera Star Lodge No, 149, L 0. 0. F„ Brussels, to the number of 40, held their annual decoration Barytes at the oemetery last Friday evening. The procession was beaded by the town Band, eaoh Odd Fellow carrying a baguet or wreath of flowers. At the silent city of the dead the interesting ceremony pre- eoribed was taken part in by Bros, A. McGuire, F. Lambie, A. Rose and G. A. Deadman. The following are the names of deceased Odd Fellows and their wives remembered ;—A. Webster, P. Thomson and wife, A. Stewart, D. Soott senior and junior, D. A. Sande, A. Hamilton, W. Cornish, W. Roddiok, A. Good, Mre. J. Leokie, Jas. Wilson, Miss Addie Beet, G. and Mrs. Bayoroft, Jno, Parker and Mre, J. M. O'Connor, 18 in all. Flowers were sepplied in abundance for which bbl Odd Fellows were grateful, ACCIDmNT.—Mre. John Seed, of ROx• born', met with a very painful accident on Monday evening of last week. She was milking a cow when the animal, in game way, got frightened, and kioking, knocked her off the stool on wbioh abs was slitting and then trampled on her. Fortunately Mr. Scott was near by, and Dame to her assistance, or she might have been killed, me she waft unable to help hereelf or get away from the terrified animal. She was taken to the house and mediaai aid promptly tenured, whet it Was found that her ankle was dielooated and her leg broken a little above the ankle joint. The injuries aro serious and very painful, and she will likely be laid np for a long time. The accident is all the more dietresaing, as it is only about a year ainoe Mr. Scott had a similar ea. cldent, and has not yet fully reoovered from the effects of it, Mrs. Scott is e daughter of John Thomson, of Broseele Egg E mporinm. Kearns° nr HIS REPOLITION,—This week Thee. MoLauohiin the well known horseman, arrived home from the 010 Land with 2 excellent heavy draught en- tire horses, a 8.year-old and a 2.year.old, that are attraotiog a good deal of atten. tion. Mr. MaLaoohlin has imported a number of well bred animate, but none that excelled "3ranoisao" and "Bursar," the fresh arrivale, and if nothing hap• penothem the owner hopes to prove the correetnese of this statement to lovers 06 good horseflesh. He ig quite a horse fancier and has fitted up a well arranged stable for their oonvenienoa. The neve borne were purchased at the Highland Society's Show, Edinburgh, Scotland, where they were on exhibition. "Fran. eisoo was bred by Jno. McDonald, "Boqu. baeran," Dalmeny, ,'Dunbartonshire, Scotland, Re f8 a bay ho color, with white blaze on hie facie dna forefoot and two hind feet white, we ight 2,000 emends Ria etre le "Lord "Efopetoan" ohantpion bores of Giaagow for a yearn,"femme was bred by Riohard Storer, of FifeBhire, ' —. mmante Scotland. He is a dark bay, etripe on facie, and Imo white feet, 'Mayfield Chief" ie 118 elre. Lovers of good horses should see them, Isla, MsLauoblin went ou the "Lake Ontario" end returned on the ",Lakonia," Good passage both ways. Ile Wan aivay 7 weeks. LATssr reports state that the depart- mental examinations for Porma I, and II. will he out either on Saturday or Monday next. Beeultsof Forms III. and IV. will appear the following day, The Educational Commit meet on Friday to Pule a final judgment as to the fate of tbe thousands of etudente who are anx. Musty waiting to hoar their doom, Business Locals, Fon Bale cheap. two set eeoond-hand single harness. I. 0. Richards. Ewe* & INNE9 Will sell the balence of this year's buggies at a large rednotion, TREMBLE elaugbter fu prices of buggies at Ewan & Innes'. The beet buggies in the market. Tim biggest bargaioe ever offered in Brussels at Ewan & Ione(' for the balance of 1899. WANTED, --Batter and eggs, etill the same price, 14c, The eels still goes.— Everything goes. G. E. 3INe, Wingham, 8. NUMMI of buggies, new and old, must be sold at Ewan 8c Io nee'. Call and see. Prime away down, SORN- OLlvaa,—In Grey, on Aug. 1st., the wife of Mr. Jno. R. Oliver, of a eon. ANwuS,--Io Wingham, on Aug. 8rd, the wife of Mr, F. Angus of a eon. HAsnlg,—On Saturday, slog. 16th, the wifa of Mr, Geo. Harrie, jr., of a daughter. axfirerYM= SHEAREu—BAegoA4.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's mother, Belgrave, on August 2nd, by Rev. F. 3. Oaten, Ph. B.,nitlr. W. G. Shearer, of London, to Mies Luoy Barkley, of Belgrave. WYLIE—JOHNETON, — At the Parsonage, Wingham, on Aug. 20d, by Rev, J. W. Gomo, Mr. Hugh Wylie, of Howlett township, to Mieo Maggie Johnston, of Turnberry township. Warmer—GRAY.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, on August 2nd, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. G. W. Wright of Rawkesbary, to Mies Belau Robertson, eldest daughter of Mr. Mark Gray, of Wingham. MCCDLL en—HIectes.—At tbe reeidenoe of the bride's mother, Blyth, on Aug. let, by Rev. A. McLean, Mr. David McCulloch, of East Wawaooeh, to Mies Marion B., eldest daughter to the late Robert Higgins. DowNINa.—In Braude, on Augnet 9th, John Downing, aged 67 years, 8 months and 22 days, Ioduetrial Fair, Toronto, Aug. 28- Sept. 9 Western Pair, Tnir, Lgndon, Sept. 7-16. Central, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23. Strathroy, Sept. 18-20, Clinton, Sept. 19-20. Oolliogwood, Sept, 19-22. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 19-20. Listowel, Sept. 19-20. Oentral, Guelph, Sept. 19-21, Port Elgin, Sept, 21-22 Woodetook, Sept, 21-23. North Brant,Paris, Sept. 25-26. Center Brace, Paisley, Sept. 26-27. South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26-27, Guderich, Sept. 26-28. Waterloo South, Galt, Sept. 28-29, Luoknow, Oot. 3-4 Stratford, Oct. 8-4 Brussels, Oct, 5-6. Kincardine, Oct. 10-11 Dungennon, Oat. 11-12. Fat Stock Show, Guelph, Dec. 6-8 Mme VSSHZ..: Fall Wheat Barley Peso Oats Butter, tubs and rolls .. Eggs per dozen ... Flour per barrel........ Polatoee (per bus) Apples (per bag)! Hay per ton Rides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb eking each. ...... Hoge, Live Wool • 65 66 85 40 55 60 29 30 12 14 11 12 4 00 4 00 60 so 50 50 5 00 6 00 57 75 1 00 70 80 65 25 25 5 00 500 8 18 INaEemee, Am. B —Cheese—Offeriuge 1,040 boxes ; no sales bid ; 9113 bid ; salesmen holding for higher prioee.—New York—Butter firm ; western creamery, 15}a to 1880 ; do. western factory 110 to 1.480 ; imitation oreamery, 18o to 140 ; State dairy, 18o to 17o ; do. creamery, 158e to min, Cheese quiet ; large Dolor. ed 9}o to 134c ; small do., 98o, Tonor*o, Aug. 8. --Wheat steady; fair demand ; offerings light ; oars of red and white wheat west, 68o to 6880, and goose at 800. Manitoba wheat steady ; No. 1 bard, west, ie quoted et 79o. Flour steady ; care of straight r011er in barrels, Toronto freights, are quoted at 08.15. Millfeed quiet ; oars of shorts are quoted at 014 to 014,50, and bran at $11 to 911.- 50 west. Rye steady, at 50o, east, Sep. temb er delivery. Corn firm ; oars of No. 2 Amerioan west, 42,}0. Oats are steady, oars of white west et 28o to 2880. Peas firm ; new peas east, September delivery, 51o, ToaoNTo, Aug. 8.—Receipts 55 ear loads of cattle, 1,784 sheep and lamb's, 1,960 hogs and 25 calves. Export cattle. 4 nnmber of sales Were effected, but the prime realized were somewhat at pari. once ; Coe choice lot Bold at 08.75 per cwt., and others somewhat higher. Butchers' Cattle.—The demand was not good and nothing but the beet' grades are wanted, One photos lot brought 04 per owt., but that Gould not be taken as a standard+ Sheep and iambs,—The mar. kat wag good, prime remaining about the same, with a alight inclination to taiga. Export sheep brought as high as 08.80 per owl„ but the prevailing 'Enloe wee 08.75 per cwt. ];togs,—An unusually large !Shipment was received bn notw it . (tending that, he prime rose slightly ; first quaiity boon bogs sold tot 95.50 per cwt„ end light batten hogs for 04,75 per cwt, ST,IXD✓ RD 21,d,AIC OF 04X4D.4, RS2' eiM R»3 SS=M117 14,72. HEAD OFFIOE, ^ TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (Ono Million Doliare) - 91,000,000 1tBSE1iVE FUND , •. 0000,000 Agencies in crit principal points in Ontario, Quebee,Manitoba, United States rORnptand, ORf i6J3ZS Artaxe @'. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dismounted, Drafts Issu.d and polleotions made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on. deposits of $1.00 and upwards, S11100L ATTENTION oIWIN To THE COLLECTION of FANNERS' SALE NOTES, Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distanoe. J, N, CORDON, AoTINo AGENT. EAST BDFFALO, N. Y., Apg. 8.—Cattle. —There were no fresh sale cattle, and about the usual Tuesday inquiry which was about steady ; the calf market Wag steady and unchanged. Sheep sod lembe —The offerings were light—only 8 leads, 2 of which were left over ; not enough on sale to affect the market ; prices ruled unchanged, Hoge—The market was somewhat slow, and the offerings moder. ate ; 10 loads ; heavy bogs sold at $4,75 to $4.80 ; heavy grassers quotable at $4.70 ; mixed, $4.85 to $4.90 ; Yorkers, 04.90 to 54.95 ; grass Yorkers, $4 80 ;. pigs, $4.90 and slow, there being only a few sold, and not many here ; the close Wee easy. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE 8 yearn bid andefoal for sale, or a tidy farm horse saute age. Your choice, Apply to THOS. M00RE, Brussels. Ott T OST. -0N SATURDAY, AUG. 1 6th, 1899, a Waterproof float with cape, check a gray or by Toronto color ; plaid 11018*, Manufactured by leavisO Rubber P00'P. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street, Brussels. The house is a comfortable one, well fitted up, with cellar, hard and soft water, &e. There to also s good stable. Fruit trees in'gerdeu trone-quarter terirempyoH, 1INN, oprto, or W. H. KERB of Tan Pon, 18.81 Notice of Transfer. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the signed have applied Soria iransferhto :neaof the Hotel License granted to Joseph Queri es and a the sand transfer ill be complied and assigned to by the Commissioners lterShe second publication of this notice, a as re- quired by law. PHILIP GOR0NF,B, Dated at Ethel, let day of August, 1899. Local Improvement Court of Revision! Pt7BLIc N011011 is hereby given of the Bitting of the Court of Revision at the Town Ha11,Bru0eele,. on Ooendsy, the 2150 day or August, 1899. at the hour of eight P m. for the homing of appeals pursuant to the S'tat- utee in that behalf respecting the proposed cement sidewalk on 'the West side of Turn- berry street from Mill street to the Southern Boundary Of the Village, and ou the Beet aide of Turnberry street from the River Maitland to a paint oppoatte the Southern boundary o1 Village on West Bide, and the special assessment of the that thereof upon the lands immediately benefitted pursuan t to the report of the Engineer, dated the fifth day of June, I890, now on file in the Clerk's otlloo. The estimated emit o1 the said improvement ie edoe.00, payable in fifteen equal annual iustalmeote of principal and interest combined, interest being at4per cont, per annum and the lands proposed to bo e11e01o/1y aeseased therefor oonslet of as shown on assessed schedule hereto attached, Brueeele, July Blab, 1800. F. S.800TT, Clerk, Assessment Schedule, WEST SIDE TURNBERRY STREET. Lot or part of lot Turnberry Street. Descrip t'n of property by name of owner. Fraetfoual part of Total Ase't 9&Opt pkl,..Mre Walker 2 & pt pk 1{ D Moore pb pt Pk Ti. Fog Slaelair J Jabn McCrae Maee D Ronald 400 400 D 0 Ross 401 R Johnston 409 W Thomson 402 Mre Jeokeou 1 E SniderJohn 19 19 P Bomereet 87 pt I0 8 Beatty N pt 10 B Ooohrane pt 14 T Farrow pbe 14 10 I and D Small pt 18 3.2 Wm Stratton pt 10 Sinal° Bros p111 John Roddick Pt 1f I 0 Biehards pt 11 Samuel Laird pt 11 T Fletcher pt 10 pi 10 pt 00 7t 98 W J R Holmes Atro Hayoroft Geo Thomson 700/84238 J G Shone 001/84208 Mrs Strachan 478/04000 John Ament 87184200 Loan Company 826/84209 EAST SIDE TURNBERRY STREET. pt pk 0 Mrs Kelly 300/04206 IA pit 5) Misses Belly 830/84208 2t k0 Fred McCracken 800/84080 27228 E Lanford 111 110 114 110 118 112 pt III ifo111 108 109 pt 107 011000es 107 pt 108 600/84200 880/84200 980/04280 728/89206 000/04208 076/84950 090/04200 800/04200 990/&4206 080/94206 419//84200 800/84266 422/84208 408/84200 480/94266 084/34200 270 84256 18803 84206 202/34200 217/94260 141/84260 270/84206 201/88200 413/84208 05,/84"00 H Dennis Mrs Griffith J Oliver John Wynn Samuel Walker A J Lowry Robb Barna M Iferr Episcopal Chinch 880/89200 :as T Bose 080/84200 W lance 217/04260 D Ewan 1100/84260 Fred Fray 080/84280 854 T�1 100 108 0 10111iax GOO Backer 240(84206 10 1200/04200 1311111 W P Stewart 488/84208 pt 102 3 It Smith 157/84200 pt 102 Win Graham 088/84080 it 101 .,..,.,,,18 O Struthers 420/84208 pt 101 H Dennis 100/84006 pt 101 R Leathardale 940/34200 pt 100 W Jit Holmen 422/84200 IA 100 Hobbs Brog 210/94206 pt 08 B Gerry 122/8/200 pt 08 Wm )31 hi 1(34/04260 89 pt 100 John Leckie 000/08100 pt58 Mocaughey Iletnta 41m 0 4200 t SJR 9 pPori/mon 40.1/34200 pt 818 Howe & co 411/34800 pt 812 Mre Bruce480/84200 pt of B 0 Jon Of t 408/84206 ,Maolaipal Corporation Of ttie Vie. lags Of 13rttesWe , „ ,,0000„ 084/84200 880/81205 8/10/84008 000/04208 000/84200 804/84280 170/84280 182/84200 REAL ESTATE. T1ARNI FOR SALE.—THE TTN_ Lot No 08, Coo. 4,, Croy,lfarms neontaiuig 60 acres, West more or less. For particulars all to priee and terms aptly to Brussels P. 0lrOH. 710B ou hep premises, IMINE FARM FOR SALE.—RE- ,L ma Lot 20, N 4 Oon. 0. Morris township, containing 98 neves of 0006.0la8s laud. There is a house, barn, Oreliard and good ware- house, and farm f8 Noll fenced. Tbore are 85 acres to Pali wheat ; 10 acres in hay and 96 nomas posture. poseeealon could be given at 0008. berm adf018e the village Of Brue- 001e. For fu1•I:Ler partiOuIara as to price, terms, &o., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, M.P., Baden. 22.10 r 1ARlti FOL1 SALE.—THE 1� Th. undersigned offers his farm, be- ing A k not 7, Con, 17, Grey, eentaiuine 00 acres, 3 acres being good hardwood bush, for barn BUBO, orchardw&frame m Possession 8vould be given at any time, with this season's Drop if desired. Farm is two miles from Village Of Walton, For further particulars as to price, terms, 40., aptly on the promises or to TILOS. JOHNSTON, Walton 1'. O. FARM FOR SALE.—THE uuderefgued offers his fine 100 acro farm cleared and he remainder) ie in barn nd soft wood bush. There is a good veneered house, 20x21, with frame kitchen, 14x20 ; a good bank ham -with stone stabling, 44*00; also a never falling well and a young orch- ard ou the premises. Possession given after harvest. Tenn( to stilt purchaser. For further particulars apply to 8.801 WM. SO000010, Oranbrook P. 0, FARM FOR SALE. —THE undersigned odors hie 100•aore farm, being S d Lot 27, Oon. 6, Morris, for sale, All cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. House, hank barn, orchard, &o„ 14 miles front Brussels, and only } tette to school. Possession given after harvest. If not sold by Sept, tot will b8 leased for a term of years. For prloe, terms, &o., npp]y On t 310mi r0 see p 1 by ]attar, to JAaiEB�or Y PETOH, Brussels P. 0, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 100 ¢ore farina tor sale atreaeonahle prices. The tote aro Nos, 10 and 11, Oou, 0 (Suua}iine), the eideroad between thele. Good brink house and barn on lot II, and house and 2 barns on lot 10, Orchards and all neeeseary aouven- ieuoes. Well watered and ani table for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass. Will be Bold either separate or together to snit pur- chaser. Terme of payinsat reasonable, Im- mediate Poeeeesiot. For fnrtherpartioulars apply to J08E PH OLEGG, Brueeele P. 0„ or E. L. 0IOlgIN 80N, Barrister, Wiugbam, 155 Alru, 11, 1894) 111 a Pickle You want the very best Spices,_. ,..` ..We haps them,. Ginger, Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Mustard, Turmeiric, Curry Powder, Mace, Mustard Seed, ■i -Strictly Pure AT----....~ 11 ox's Drug Store. N000 AORES OF TIMBER LANDES& eAL13,--The n8de1•nigoed offers for sale 0,009 acme of timber laude in Osooda Co., with hardwood low price. 2000 Well torr sale (heap for notual sobtlement, lying on the Oeooda & North Western railroad, Several Improved farms (heal. Apply to 01.201 SAS, AI:r10EN, Big Rapids, Mich, FARM FOR SALE, -150 AOREB of the North 3 of Lot 80, the Oon 3 Best Wawa- Wawa - nosh. This Is un excellent stook farm, being well enpplled with g0odepring Water. 11is 91ttated-&boot 8 miles from the thriving Vil. lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a !air atate of repair. Easy terms of payment w111 be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. The T11Ontario Busyness Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete and praatioal train• ing in all branches of Oommeroial work, at considerably leve than regular rate. For full information apply deems of College over Post 011lee. L. HARTT, LISTOWEL, .PRINCIPAL. Fall Term opens Sept. 5 CENTRA. 1 _ rl is l Surat'f©r [LOit Write today for our new Catalogue. It's the finest Beninese College Oatalogue in Canada and represents the most pro. greseivo and best school. 5Y. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. AND ONE IS THE WELL KNOWN POLICY OF THIS STORE. We don't demand cash because we're afraid to trust people, but because it is a direct benefit to all who buy goods here. To prove that we do sell cheaper, compare our prices with other stores in Brussels, Pay Cash and Save the Difference. Scotch gess Ginghams 8c., 10e. and 12ie., all new and fanny designs and,gnaran- teed fast colors. English Prints 8c., 10e. and 1*. A great variety of new patterns. Shirt' Warsts 1 85e. for it good Print Shirt Waist. Well made and new patterns. Men's and Boys' Soft Felt Hats for 25c, regular price $1,00 Boys' and Men's Stiff Hats for 50c, regular price $2.00 Highest Price Paid e Paid for Butter and. Eggs. Ib R. Smith, CHAMPION CLOTHIER.