HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 7i 41W4dYwWw trnt UAMMVIM1VMNYtell W
WIRANAShRA 1w afJ9R91'Iio
Arra. 11;149;1. THE BRUSSELS POST.
lavcnt., That In tort"f Irishmen Through
put Ihl+ FTtik•IA- Chfouleled shimmy t'or
Their Perusal.
Sergeant Daniel O'Neill, who had been
the loading di/Wative'at 6lueeuston for
Mani years, died.reeeutly.
A. giraffe from East Africa and the
Long -armed blank gibbon are amongst
the 'latest addilione to the Dublin
The governing body of Dublin Uni-
versity have Privately resolved 10 con-
fer the dignity of Doetdr of C0u1m013
Laws on Sir Geo. Trevelyan.
It ie supposed that 14Mr. Just lee Mc-
Carthy, will suitplernen1 his Ceceuliy-
publlkheU reminisoenoes with u book
.on the` Ireland of bis early days.
.lit the, owning of the Ennis quarter
sessions ratuenily, Judge Carton was
presented with a pair of white gloves,
' no criminal business being entered.
A mason named Sheehan received a
sunstroke while working at the new
church, Charlevitle, front the effects
To many mothers the warm Season
le frauglit with dread of digestive
troubles for the little ouea. They ford.
that all kinds of intestinal disor'der's
stalk through the land in search of
the younglings of the Hooke. In this
matter pre-eminently, is the prover-
bial ounce of prevention worth vastly
more than many pounds of cure, The
-best way to keep a child's digestive ar-
gene in good condition is by never al-
lowing them to become disordered. In
order to attain to this longed -for state
the utolher herself must regulate the
child's diet.
One of the first precautions needed
is a cnrcful inn's tigutiun of the drink-
ing -water. Country wells and the
water supply at fashionable summer
resorts aro often contaminated. if
there is the least uncertainty about.
the quality of the water it should be
of which he died early next morning, boiled thoroughly before .t is given to
By way of testing the patriotism of children. All water given to a baby
Irishmen a proposal has been made under two years of age must be boiled,
that Irishmen all over the worldshould The "flat taste" of which some poraons
make contributions in shillings to
" save Killarney "
Mr, Carnegie has wired to Ute Chair-
man of the Banbridge Commissioners
intimating his intentiou to present
£1,000 to the Free Library fund being
organized in ,that town,
A Mian named William DfeCann, a
slater, residing al Drogheda, died in
that town on Friday Iasi, utter a few
days' illness from blood poisoning,
caused by cutting et earn on his toe.
In a Belfast police court Kate Byrne,
complain, may be obviated by pouring
the water from one vessel to another
for several minutes before drinking it,
Bottles oontuining boiled water may be
oloeely corked and laid in the refriger-
ator closet to heroine chilled. toed
water must be laboued.
Doubtful milk must be sterilized or
Pasteurized before the little folk in-
dulge in R. This process is not neces-
se.ry when the liquid is to be taken
by children past the lemming age -at -
of Glasnevin, was charged with having ways providing the milk -supply to be
caused the death of the child of her good, and taken from many cattle
daughter, Margaret Byrne, who is at
present a patient in the North Union rather than from one cow.
Haspitnt. fresh vegetables may be eaten by
Mr. al. AIOGann, who has for the the children who are old enough to
have a mixed diet. From this diet ex -
past three year's been occupying the elude eu0030orsnew 1,aties I da b t radish-
es turnips and cabbage.
The little ones mly indulge freely in
fresh ripe fruit, end should be encour-
aged t0 eat this for dessert in perfer-
in Ctstlebar. lance to many sweets.
Mr. \ti alter Arnastreng, upon w'lb,m Hero isa good bill of fare for
a knighthood hes been eunferrecl, is diem. For breakfast, bulled hominy or
a direr/tor of the National Duller 1,1' rice served with an abundance of milk
y or cream, a poached or soft-boiled egg,
Ireland. Ile was burn in Roxburgh- whole wheat muffins or lightly but -
shire in 1850, and was educated at ; lered toast, berries and sugar. Par
Harrow and Oxford. lie is the author noon, which must be the children's
of a number of works.
At Limerick recently, Patriok Cr -
Brien, farmer, was committed for trial,
charged with firing at and wounding
ins brother Christopher at I'allasbeg,
The accused, as the eldest sun, claim-
ed a farm which had been assigned
by his mother to his brother.
A child named Michael Jejell/Isomoa,
' , p,
position of deputy governor of Belfast P 6
Prison, has been appointed by his
Excellency the Lord Lieuteuaut gov-
ernor op 11.,vt. Prison for County Mayo,
dinner hour, mutton broth, rare beef,
baked. potatoes, green peas, and for
dessert, fresh or stewed fruit, with
sponge-oake blade the day before.
Nor supper, breech -and -milk and apple
Suppose you want to begin a collec-
aged eleven months, Eel. on Sunday tion of lilies this full. Now Is the time
from u window of the house i1, Dub- to plant, right away, What bulbs will
Lin, where he resided with his parents, you have? Here are L. eandidum, white
into the area, a distance of thirty feet. as snow ; L. tenuifoltum, brilliant
fie marvellously escaped instantaneous scarlet; L. laneefolium rubrum, white
death, though his head was severely in-
jured, and his right thigh was frac-
A farm of 83 statute acres, held by
Mr, George Musgrave, ac Cabernorry,
in County Limerick, was sold o0 Satur-
day, by Dir. hitt, auctioneer, and rea-
lized a high figure. The price paid for
the interest starting at 415410, went
bat bids of £25 up to £1,100, at which
figure the farm was sold to Mr,. Thos.
A boy named John Gallney, an in-
mate of the St. Vincent de Paul Or-
phanage, Glasneviu, met with ashuck-
i.ctg death. Ho had been sliding down
the balusters of the top staircase, when
he slipped and fell. He struck un the
balustrade of the floor below, and
thence rebounded to the flags, 50 feet
lower down,
At Tralee District Commit a letter
was received from \ era Salisbury's
secretary, stating /hat. tbe Govern-
ment had no funds to buy Killarney
for a national park. The Chief Sec-
retary wrote, acknowledging receipt of
the resolution, and stating that he
had noted it.
An old monument was desired by
au elderly maiden lady who died a
few weeks ago in Athlone, She left
a fortune to be spent in the erection
of a church, provided that her body
should be oonvorted into ashes and
used is making the mortar for build-
ing the edifice,
At Croom Petty Sessions, Constable
Claxton, Adore, was prosecuted for
neglect of duty in allowing a prisoner
(tamed Michael Liston, residing at Bal-
lingarry, to escape from custody. A
fine of 1s, ad, and costs was imposed,
but this penalty was inoreased to per-
mit of an appeal -
At Sltibbereen, during a wedding
feast at Kilelerry, a mile or two out-
side of the town, a farmer named
1VILnihane, of Collauuller, a married
teen, and father of six children, got
ouch a terrible beating that his life
is said to be in danger, and four
young men have been arrested in con-
nection with it.
District Inspector Lsuis 51. Lanyon,
who was in charge of the Dundrum
headquarters district of the Irish Con-
etabulary, County Dublin, for a num-
ber of years past, has retixed from
the force, after 28 years' aerobe. Mr,
Langan Was appointed third-olass dis-
trict. inspector December, 1871; second -
elms, April, 1879, and obtained first-
s y
lass rank m May, 1887.
At Belfast the naso of
was listed for hearing before
Mr. Justice Kenney and a common ,jury.
The plaintiff Is a bartnaid living at
Downpatrick, and formerly at Bally-
money, County Antrim, The defend-
ant le a licensed trader at Ballymoney,
The action was bratu:'bt to recover dem-
Ogee for breach of Promus of marriage.
When the case was celled it was Stal-
itt that a settlement had been arrived
at, the defendant agreeing to pay plaits
tiff £100 The tousout was. made n
rule of the wart,
and rose with crouton spots; L, Kram-
eri, rosy pink, and half a dozen oth-
ers, all good enough for a start, at
fifteen cents each. The five species of
Nervous Dysliepsia.
Site Suffered lint old Agony From Stomach
Trouble and SIClt Headaches - Dr.
VVIIItam6' Pink Pills Cured Her.
FL•om the Courier, Trenton, Ont.
Sonne years ago we reported the case
o.f Wm, Pickering, Trenton, being
cured of locomotor ataxia. He was
not. able to move and was confined to
his bed for weeks. Upon advice he
tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and im-
mediately obtained relief. He is still
free from the terrible exerueiating
affection, and enjoys active, robust
health. D,e have just learned of an-
other positive cure through using Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. It is the case of
Miss Cassie Way, who has been an
acute sufferer from that common foe
of humanity and the foundation
for many other ills, dyspepsia.
For nearly eight years Miss Way
suhfersd untold agonies with sick
headache and pains in the stomach.
whe tried several doctors without any
material benefit, A year ago she came
to live with a friend in Trenton, Mrs.
W. L. Dexbyshire, and was so reduced
that she could not sit up an hour, She
feared her trouble would drive her
crazy, She was advised to try, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. She replied that
she shad used a box before and they
had done her no good. It was urged
that she could not hope for relief
from one box and she comutenaed
thv.m again. She continued using the
Pills throughout the year with the re-
sult that she has completely recover-
ed her health. Her appetite is good
she has gained flesh rapidly, and is
able to attend to all 'her household
duties. She voluntairly offers this
testimony as a tribute
of gratitude for
the benefit sale has derived with the
!nope that otltea's seafaring as she has,
may be induced to try' this heultb re,
storing rg remedy.
rs. Derbyshire
adds hex testimony to the correctness
of the statement of Miss Way.
Allow tae to add tinea for four or five
years the editor of this paper has suf-
fered from an itching rush that attack••
cd thin his joints and all the ointments
within Teach failed to banish it. He
took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills last year
and is nearly well.
Dyspepsia,' rheumatism, sciatica,
neural 1n, partial
Ieral sis,
ataxia, nervous heartache, nerv.,us
prostration, ,kidney trouble and dis-
eases depending upon humors In the
blood, such as scrofula, ehronio ery-
sipelas, .etc., all disappear before a fair
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, They 'give healthy glow to pale
and sallow Complexions and build up
and renew the entire system. Sold by
ail dealers Cr Sant post paid at 50e
a box or six boxes $2.50, by ad-
dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
CD„ 13nockvil.le, Ont. 1)o not be per-
suaded to 'take setae substitute.
C'ANADA'S (11U A'1'l0tiT FAIR,
T lie year will mark the coining of
age of Canada's trent Fair and Indus-'
tris I Exposition, which Will be held In
'1'orunto from Augesl 281.11 to ti•pt, 9th,
11 's just twenty-one years since To -
con o Exhibit Mu {vas established +ls tut
ant nal institution under the premebt
uutlagement. During that time It�
hos inc•rcased five fold in every direc-
tion, and l,, -clay can fairly bay clai,n to
have assumed a national character.;
Le. I year upwards of 300,0110 people al-
ien lad, and Ibis year such arrange-
nt:'nis are being made as will warrant
Clic ,' ut'i,t ion of a still larger at ten-
clan.•e, Dlauy entirely new features
will be presented, while the exhibits,
with an increased amount given in
prizes, totallin=g 335,1)1)10 will undoubt-
edly erowd the six hundred thousand
dollars worth of buildings to their ut-
most. the usual brilliant Inilitary
spueracles will be given, illustrating
meant famous feats of antis on„la id
and sear by both England and America,
+incl arrangements have been made fur
an Illustration of wireless telegi aphy.
wireless telephoning and the Ina.
plover X raya. In skort, Cho Gx
lion will be more than ever up -to -dale,
day lilies oust twenty cents a bulb, an
unusually fine one, of the deep orange
so popular now, coats fifty renes. and
a lavender sung twenty-five cents. But
you can do without these at first.
A fad for iris is much less expen-
sive. Fine named German irises cost
filly -five contra a dozen, five cents
each; the I5empfeel sorts are ten cents,
but oh how rich they aro in their col-
orings and markings! And if you be-
gin with only a hall dozen, the joy of
their first blooming I
For successful bulb culture ouc of
doors the essentials are a well drain-
ed, fertile eon. For lilies, which are to
grow on undisturbed year after year,
throw out the soil for a depth of two
foot, then put in six inches of well
rolled sow manure. Then you want a
foot of good garden soil, an inch of
clean sand on top of it, and then on
this you place the bulbs, Cover them
with sand, and fill up with more good
garden eon. Never let manure of any
kind come in contact with bulbs; it
is sure to rot them.
\Vater will injure the tulip bed more
than treat. Select a well drained spot,
set them three incbes below the surface
if the soil is heavy four blokes of it
is light. The ben should be mulched
after the ground has frozen a little.
The croeae will blossom " any old
place," unless it stands in water.
Chicken Fritters, -One cup of floor
one teaspoonful baking powder, one
half cup of milk, two eggs, That eggs
thoroughly; add the milk. Then pour
on to the flour and baking powder sift-
ed together, beat thoroughly with a
wooden spoon. Cut chicken or veal in-
to thin slices or take the small scraps
and sprinkle with salt. Dip them in-
to the batter and fry in hot fat.
Eggs on Toast. -Brown a slice of
bread nicely oven the coals, and while
doing this break an egg into boiling
water, and let it stand over the She till
the white hardens. Butter the toast,
take up the egg with a skimmer, lay
it on the toast and serve.
Crab Apple Telly. -Nash and cut
out any imperfections; set on the stove
and cover with water ; 000k slowly un-
til soft enough to strain. Then take
off and drain ;through a jelly bag. To
every four pints of juice use three pints
of sugar; heat the sugar very warm
in the oven, pail the juice 14 min-
utes, stir in Ile warm sugar, rind hoil
together three minutes; turn into
mo Ids,
Brandied Peaches. -Put the peaches
in boiling water for a few minutes,
when the skin will peal off easily. Make
a sirup of half a pound of sugar and
half a teacup of water for each pound
of peaches. Skim as the scum rises
in boiling, then put in the peaches and
boil them gently until tender -no
longer. Take them out carefully and
fill your cans or jars. Remove the
sirup from the tire, and add to it half
a pint best brandy to every pound of
Swedish Cake—Oream, one half nap
butter; slowly add tone cup sugar, one
half cup milk, Rha beaten yolks of two
eggs, the beaten whites. Sift in one
hanging cup flour, one teaspoonful bak-
ing powder, and One teblespoouful cin-
Jolly -,Rohs. -Sift thoroughly two and
one half' heaping tablespoonfulsofyel-
low corn meal, two heaping tablespoon-
fuls of time, one tablespoonful of
sugar, one saltepoon salt, and one tea-
spoonful baking powder, Brat one egg
and add to the dry mixture with
enough milk to make a drop batter,
Stir in quickly one half teaspoonful
melted butter. Beat will ''enol drop by
teaspoonfuls into smoking hot lard.
Now just stop and argue it out your-
self, Did you ever see the time when
o r -
i O dmatters anyby{V A
you m t vo
i r. is one o the most use-
r. S \Ver f
g y
less drains that can be put upon the
nervous system, and for that reason,
it is not right to oneself. In legal
affairs an unjust tax is condemned
and it should be the same in the man-
agement of oneself. If the energy
that is lost in worry were used in
eliminating the cause for worry, there
nearly as much nn h'1
would not be neh
ss 9 In the world.-
Extcitement is often the cause of
strange tolitgraans, as well as of other
strange manifestations,
A man who had been one of the pas-
sengers on a shipwrecked vessel was
rescued almost by a miracle. On ar-
riving at a place from which he could
send a telegraphic) Message, bo for -
rt' Ta,IItt ag ,
warded the following despatch to his
I am saved, Try to break It 00 my
The " Balmoral," Free Bus Al",uP'uo:
Hotel Carslake Pu I a" Chun• RODnu
y flie e e d0.y up. Opp.
O.T.R. Station, Mom mot. Deo Carnlnka A Lro., f cop's.
AVENUE HOUSE—Aernr u- Hugn0
Railway. t•elnea OaaeIouso, Modem
p,ovommte-fane moderate. •
In Norway the average length of life
is greater than in any other country
on the Globe.
Poe Over platy Vecra
need by nmthbra for thelr,•hil awn teaching. It sootlbes
the chdd, 00(1000 ate remedy
allayys as lak1, -rage wind
lcollo, and i the beat re ists for dioramas. 250. o bot.
m, 8,1,1 by all Lir gists throughout the world. Bo
euro and ,ak for " airs. 1V(nrtowt Soothing Syme."
Professional etiquette prevents
French judges and judieial nifieiale
from riding in omnibuses,
LL® p E" t ' 0(06, new Ilte W oho
L 11 ib 3; nnir. It mnkae 5 1; ,..•
�m 4mb'' k'sltr lllf cad raatores kea 11 00
Sold by all druggists. sec. a bottle,
During the past fiscal year 1,429 ves-
sels of 320,870 tons, gross, were built in
the United States_
'KEEGFE"'S 1d1`` T of MALT
L,vl ee5tne and Str,egg[�hens.
It Is estimated that one Brow will
destroy 750,000 insects every year.
Washington, D.C.,-. -The possibil-
ity of his party uniting on Mr. Cleve -
hind Inc third term attracts increas-
ed attention here, and his nomination,
despite ids exceptional' character, is
not an impossibility. Reciprocal trade
relations with Canada and the admis-
sion into tbe united States free of duty
of that celebrated Canadian product,
Putnam a Painless Corn Extractor. on
amount of its, painless action and cer-
tainty, would be, a plank in his plat-
form, Use Putnams COVE Extractor,
Sure I safe! painless I
Musio boxes for biopsies are now
manufactured by a firm itt Hamburg,
Germany. -�
The "Scenic Line of the World," the
Denver' & Rio Grande Railroad, offers
.to tourists in Colorado, Utah and
Nett/ Mexico,, the choicest resorts, and
to the trains -continental traveller the
grandest scenery. Two separate and
distinct routes through the Rocky
Mountains, all through tickets avail-
able via either. ' The direct line to
Ortpple Creek, the greatest gold camp
tin earth. Double daily train service
with through Pullman palace and
tourist sleeping cars, between Den-
ver, San Franoisoo, and Los Angeles,
and Denver and Portland. The best
line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon
and Washington via the "Ogden Gate-
way." Write S. K. Hooper, G. P. &
T. A., Denver, Colorado, for illustrated
descriptive pamphlets.
In Manitoba there are 2,500,0110 acres
under crops, of which 1,000,000 is
A wholesome, nourishing prepara-
tion which takes the place of tea and;
coffee oures indigestion, and all own -
plaints caused by tea and coffee which
are poisonous, ' Roeko Health Drink"
is absolutely pure and is used at your
meals instead of coffee, A 10o. pack-
age will maks; 75 cups. Rokoo also
makes a delIelous summer iced drink.
For sale by grocers, Asia for it.
1' ed I1, Cork
syndinat0 is being formed
to insure quirk end cheap transport
of Irish dairy produce to the English
La Tosoana,10o. RFL1ANcs ol(aAR
Only 1 per cent of the telegrams over
seas ere concerned with family or pri-
vate matters. The rest are comuter-
tal, journalistic or official,
Do you make much out of sour ap-
ples? asked the visitor.
OIL pretty considerable, answered the
fautuer; but late. Hol. ,I son tip in the
town who tanker inure uul „f ilia .ip-
pl,a,a tot month thenar 1 melee. ilia whole
A. fanner, is he 1
No ; he s a doelor. Ian tinting
1111001 greed apples now.
Rereuily nee°Vercd unit Identified,
()u the kith of July Ili, 0 body was
found i0 Saloum Luke, Filaments' Cu„
(Int:,, by sputa farmers residing i1, 1111:
vicinity, in a attar: 1,f. decompusil.ion
which made it absolutely impossible to
establish its identity. The parts expos-
ed in contact with the water. he Moe
and the hands, were comphpI.oly denud-
It {Van supposed to be the body of
Mr. decry Thomas ;`1ui,ley a well
known barrister of Kingston, slat„ who
was drowned Ori the :kith of' -October,
18181. 11,' bud gone 41 a hunting and
fishing expedition toIntuit Lake and
a boat partly filled with aupplieswas
washed ashore un the folluwiug day.
A search was made at OTOS and the
lake was dragged fur feu days with-
out result further than the finding
of a portion of the supplies which in-
dicated where the boat was capsized
and the probable drowning of its oc-
Lrpun the band of the shirt collar
were found the initials II. T. S„ but
these letters wore not absolute proof
of the identity of the body, but upset
finding attached to his watch chain
key -check number 3559 of The Iden-
tatealion and Proteorive Company of
Canada, Limited, whrse head nffice is
in the Temple Building, Montreal,
Messrs. Maedonnell and Farrell, Bar-
risters of (Kingston, at once communi-
cated with The Identification and
Protective Crimp -any of Canada, and
their Manager,
a Mr. G. I.
warded them the necessary certificate
to establish the identity and enable
them to complete the chain of proofs
for the collection of the Insurance in
the People's Life, of Toronto, in fav-
or of the deceased sisters whobad been
unable to recover the amount until the
identity of the corpse was established
beyond a doubt.
Over a quarter of a million of peo-
ple have already perished in conse-
quence of the famine in Russia.
1{M®ti. yl Payne, foGranby, Rue"
Phc�r�^ ®I1tl Oi,a Mauutnatnrar.
It is calculated [bat the shareholders
of the United Kingdom outnumber the
railway employes by about 40,000.
Wa F. 8). 988
Double 1!046,, give good nerving
-bond( early -want lent, bag.
-Headquarters for
-Coodrluh Single Tubes,
• C. & >!, Detachable,
-((:organ & Wright,
-Bicycle Sundries, Sad-
dles, Tubes, &o,
Dealers' prioea on nppl Matfett.
American Tire Co.,
164-168 King St. West,
ONEN I �y gJ T Corn 1. fsr Aak your
! ® Ail l,A lt—Irete a to 5510 t'000
LADIES WANTED—Tnreprcemttn4in ibis!:•
tricE, atmldy wages, item•
ant position. 1TALLAN 1)1(1113 00., Montreal,
rtrl®6R64 FOR SALE-1BRUChl 00UNY'Y-
f'PFWSVp.A' sumo Genf Rarigote,. Annls'EodaAtEs
Mol. STEWA.Iff, Drawer 16, Rinoarteno
If Hugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all y:
Druggists, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. t'
Ckth„--Dl9BPrayer aekos ROnrreo0Oer,
Eca00 Pastures, Memory. mei (nu Ornaments,
Educational Warks. Mall orders receive prompt. anon.
tiara 0. & 5. SALIER & 00,, Montreal.
A01EN'rs-Ei1hor sex, to handle our superior line of
Crayon and W iter Color POriralt,, Frame, ate Solar
and Meade Prints supplied to &clan end- the trade,
All goods at wholesale prime.
POWELL is OATH, Torento, Out.
Mille, M111s & Halos.
liarristers,oto., removed
to Wesley Bldgs., Rich-
mond Bt. W., Toronto.
r(1Is honuttA,l
rnhlnd gold rink
brilliants, th by
5,Ilio one been auntri,6 Rano
1,5716, at lemeoh 050(1. Thee
are ,n, ,rleheles. prettyand
easily soli(. Sell thorn, return in
rione' and we sand this valuable
tng In rolv,tOluod 11,', by re•
urn mall.
11out0 le eclnity Co.,
Dept. 7, Toronto, Ina, 1
Fe Ei to every boy and girl who sends Intim
fall int , e and aldreea of dve buys or
girls (over 14 yua,4old) Anil their ownnddrosa,
we 041 award •a halo sono• del71110 fru/xt soc.
We require all Who are (molded the waist set
distribute2, N . f oar Lo, r ,Ida Powder
t,colea Bi a ,1
t per is • En h package contains
and collect Se �
t k, 1
for res 10010 Retool rho lone
enough g t y
to 1,e by oxpree y money' addition
order postal nota,
will el� galo Iditi toinwnipt set 51.1
coo,, tt,l whoti, In order talnduos prompt.
neon, re receipt
100geo, ee,wili erthetwelvedays
fromrerdpt Mfgg 1181,ai Slrt'r,Y >5Aline,
1pp Kink leu. 1., lOoa to SUPPLY }LOUSE,
941 King et. W.. 1}nmiapa, Ont.
464t,fifLiYf, e t4'zs
ted, 1044%, fib° W
AftAce �p,',
� 64
�TF11-p'Fi73Z 1T3.4,N .23313 -Tate Unlf. ,rely IfIRh Quality nt
in o ways malut (Med.
j1>o7on eau itt I not, do ,o.
Lead packages,
250 30, 40, 50 & 60a.
Are noxi r s 10 50our6 the oddrese of every lamp mum cud woman lo. (Moeda Mrs,, clamp'
pitem ro0iw IiYOell
l laMO ,u pbeinu hli whit make (111, i nulrlaRmtolwx+lt afmnuitoulpro 1,5,,1 curra�l
1, 10 act 1 a.e nt q Det ono 0o 1ha 10x1 ,n0tone foo youreoi( and you will, cater wearlas 11
it week,have no trouble to 00100000 other. of Iia 1,1110.
S, l 'rie ttSonainn,e by far rho beat of Ito nature over plead on the market, and enathol ya
01,41 0(0041 tbsn, 11,01u'ntme appearance 00 the r x5011 Ftl tortmm 6. it nyd,rdDea rllatavt
virgule. free to all. Aril( for terms to agents. 0450001
There is n district. In Llvei•pool in-
habited by 08,000 people, where iat.ox-
'ealing liquor cannot be bought.
How's This P
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars steward for
any ease of CsloeCu +hat cannot he cured by
Tial Ai Catarrh, Coro.
F. J. CH bON NY & 00., Propo., Toledo, C.
Wo, 115 anderaigned, have known P. J.
Cheney for the Mai I0 years. and beltove him
perfectiyhonorable to all business transact.
pons, and financially able to carry out any Milt.
gotten made by their firm.
WEST & TRUAXt,, Wholesa'e Druggists. Toledo,
O. WA WING, hnNNAN & MARVIN, Wholoeule
JAIME i 40, Toledo, O.
11a11'N Catarrh Cure 1s taken internally, ant.
Ing directly uponthe blood and 0100004 NM,
t'oog of the system. ('rice, 750. oar bottle.
Sold by all drutg eta, Testimonials free.
Halle Family Pills are the boat.
Among the coachmen of Berlin are
seven retired army officers, threelras-
tors and sixteen nobles.
Carbolic Dleinfoctante, Soaps.int•
ment, Tooth Powders, etc., 111100 bean
awarded 100 medals uud diplomas for dupe, ior
excellence. Their regular use prevent initiati-
ons diseases, Ask your 'paler to obtain a
supply. Lista uutiltd fr , application,
F. C. CALVEIIst' & CO.,
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc.
Every town can have a band,
Lowest prices ever goofed. Fine catalogue, 500 illus•
tretlone, mailed free. Write us for anything in
Music Dr AfuaieLLl 1n,tro,,,c'taa.
WHALEY ROYCE & CO., - Toronto, Can.
CUTTING SCHOOL --11510'° andsend for Dreaont-
slogue. C. & D. SCHOOL CO., Montreal.
a ai'rh_ Va can sure any form of Oaterrb. Prion
50,151 per box. Wrltefor droller and
testimonials. RM. 6,140 at. James St., 5/entreat, Quo,
Hobs Hardware G®.
� I � E.
Rope, Lath Yarn, and Cioyoles.
Dealers, Ask For Quobntloaa. ,-
in Waterloo co., Wilmot Tp., Ont.; 4 wile north of
Now Dundee urn n miles south of Petersburg, on
G.T.0, ; the lend slopes gently towards south cud east
is a rich 010y loans, in x good state of cultivation; there
aro 2 acres of orchard end garden, about 18 sorer o0
go d hardwood bush, eodnr and spruce hedge around
buildings, and 200 n aple trees borderingon tout; , sal
e rin
aro ho, hoed born
gg afar nt house b h n
unit loft n p
orator acresby hydnmat, r46 ; allow whom 00 Orin; Choat
50 asof tboug 46th of without
but cra •+Prhng crop 7
fan, eon h0 bought with or without trop.tennis
address ieILAEL Mt F:eSMAN, New DundO.Ont,
Is the bent -'1104 years of repatntiuu- Hardware,
Drag and U0uorul Shores sell IL
Girt art
ROGERSrri3 pREs.TORO �Li 0 O
nova MAIL fit T.IRO rm CE
TwoA aIIl, uv POO
rdl ER
From Liverpool, From Montreal.
20 July ..,.•,, .•••PAIRISIAN 1Aag,laa
27 Judy....,, ....LAURRNTl M2 10 Anguvt
3 Afloat .,OA11701N1AN..,,..., 17 Amnon
10 Aug..,... TAlNtll 24 August
17 Aug PARISIAN Sl August
The new Twin Screw S. 8. Hevarinn, 10,000 -ons, will
soli from Liverpool Aug. 24 and from Montreal Sept.?.
Cabin P..neo -0055.00 and upwards.
Second 0,1110 411.00 Return 600.50.
Steerage -Liverpool, iondon, Glasgow, Londonderry
Queenstown, 825.511.
For further information apply to
11. HOURLIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto,
or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal.
The Watiur's Holiday 1
Aug. , 28 to Sept, 1'� H '99
illustrated in the World's Inventions -Wire•
leas 'r016Rrenty, Wireless Te,ephoning,
Improved id Rayr.
Famous enamel and American nettles bolded,,
Marvellous bl or aibm eat foalMoe,
Mary '1110 nl p
1'110 Bost Fah', The Cheapest01151FaFair.
The Greatest Annual Fair on !Garth,
Excursions on ALL LINES of TRAVEL.
liar Prize Nets, (Entry leorms, and all particle
tars addroes
5. J. WITHR.OW, 00. J, iiXLI.,
President. Manager, TORONTO,
d0P001Ml3 tt 085
°�'ya l.r, c,. mare �y_pty1oa toMoorefaded
Ma. t t m®Btu et Oi tobea, wrliaa10
whore, write to
Dr Arnott, Huila woe will cony bee you asn swarm
The. Daweoq Commission Co., Lirglted'
Cor, West -Market & Oolborne St., Toronto
a Poultry,, anou dat tlirime er erode., of you ehlp at to RimRem
An INtorveuoiflg t l,oepy to exocllent dimmer for It n,
kidneyand stomach, takes tm
he clone of mat tar propane
Mervicane ofheadvobe, its effect le Immediate. Sold by
ell druggbin, hr 100, 230 Spa and 31.00 intake..
(li(limnun city Drug Up., 513 V1ollington•et. E., Toronto,
�g Sia.,[!® S5arw,78a.
Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephome1713.
pATENTS prepared in all O,natrtet Designs,
Trade Marks registered, Oepytl¢hky
Cav0ate pronueu. Write for Information.
EGERITON. ft. (ABE, RegistWered Ssllnitor of Patent.,
Note,, Public, 'Pamela Building, Toronto, Ont.
ALBERT COLLEGE, RTuaa'y; rlEsoaaxt1�
tion, eta., for one term of 10 werke. Send fors 0,10104
of peumauship, e10, W. P. DYER, Pri,orpt
The only perfect modem for keep.
Ing annum and addressee
Sample trey outfit �3'
The oeftee Opoolalty Mfg. 00.,
1012 and 124 Bay Sl, TORONTO. Factory: Newm0rkek
Ideal Leather Polish
� Sh
WIII keep your shoes soft as velvet
Dominion Loi„ RovAL MAIL
Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rates of pump :-Vint Oabl0 530 upwards; Second
Dubin, 8e0; Steerage, $22.50 and }2S 50,
Vor further information apply to local areata, or
DAVID TORRANCE & 00., General Agents,
17 St. Saoromeut St,. Montreal.
Hotel and Saloon men o0nnot afford toles
without the Antoinette Faucet Attach-
men4as it p& , toritself in Doe we,kdrnw•
ingboor. No drip, beer
wit., Youany nand
mmbnadto draw beer wlbh the AUEomo 1e
but i1, nue of rush you can bold 5metic
each hind, at the Automatic fe
always ready. The Automatic
draws the for anytglase, salt its
lo used for any trade, belt Paan
the kind otbead $1 bit. beer time
youney re Price e1.50prn paid -
tom hIamilnded if uoto,ti,tso-
tory. 7300011105 MfgOo.,Torooto
4/ Por4,1,6„,1,!..r uid Itegularlyun 100,50Unen10,
Sus amount ro4oler dividend dem ed for
quarterly, Any an,0enpfruit 850 upwa,d, he read for
meetsmenr. Th1. Company's WW1 meet, she profit.
meets of Investment,
who are Reeking b soon and pernet
bble inrextmenb, and r0 creating n widonpread 41Eero,stt
Fpmona.• inrestnrn in nil pnrtn t Ito Duudniml• 1100E:
FREL, givesg fun years
b allowing
how 0100 may 4o
com0)1180,(0> oe ton ydnrn se vatIreug eoulata profits 00
compound in ea(0 and cousorvatlre a0eculotlre Invest-
hve,1-Tito Dominion Investment Company of Toronto,
Canada Permanent Oheo,b,ro, 18 Tocsin 8E.
Michigan I and for Sale.
Ioenn. Ogcmaw and Crawford Counties, Tltleper.
real On Michigan Oentral, Detroit A Mackinac and
Loon Lake Railroads, et prices ranging frogqst 82 to
her acre. Theme Laude are Clone to Ent.rprleing Ned
Towns, Churches, Schools, etc, and will humid on meek
reasonable terms. Apply to
O1Se,ty,1.Orr J. W UR, Whittemore,,
1,0.0.7, Handing,
Coe. Yong. and College Sta., Toronto,
Thorough nod practical Instruction In all subt1eote pen
Mining to a thorough Beninese or Shorthand education,
Thorough preyp,rsb,on for Inland Revenue uud OIr11.Ser.
viae examinations. Open entire year, day and eveniao,
Send postal for free Information.
Galvanized Ste&
Windmills and
Towers. 011,0
Stoat Flag Staffs,
drain Mindere,
Iron and Wood Pumps,
Dae Supplies,
Send for New CutotJguo.
00 LD
Montion this moon
Boiler takers o
fitters! Lathe Handal
We, can give good mechanics steady work,
good Wages, cooi,well lighted,well-heated
shop, best modern conveniences.
Brantford is a healthy, progressive city.
Living cheap.
WATEBOUS, Brantford, Canada.
(rtrtv�l. ®vss'tl.•V'A••9►Ao ��+aa,-a®.''.b % +11. 1U
TT -1733 SENO
00(00,,0r, CANOE 00.
1 1
Ontario Canoe Co
Z. ROGERS, Manager.
P0116310080005,ONTARIO, CANADA.
HEALTH RESTORED Orem` nm101106
or e0ponse tb the
0105E lioordor,d Scmm\0h, 61000, Nor, ,, Liver, Bloods
01:,11110,, 1(1,lneys, Benin ons Eraath 11jp
Dui Barry's Rovalanta
Aral�ioa )
which Seven Invalids and Obllden, and also Roars aim
e,,nfpllqInfants whose Alirmaptsand behillty have re,
fated all other treatmante. It di0eete when All other
Pond Is rejected, saves 50 times Its coat Innl5dloln0,
5 years, Invariable Supoess, 100000
ets'k Anneal [lures of ()pristine,
blots, Fletulnnoy, D sevebsla,
Indigestion, Cndnun
ptlon Diabetes,ondn,Douche Mauna, datCatarrh, PrlTelrmun, oh0)
Morons Debility, Seedaeuasa,Daspnndonoy,
OpaB,mN Q, 0
77 Rogan/
A 06reet
n ti lion
01 all
t ber oho In Perla, 14 Rua eo 0 t g atilt
at all er,ben, OibSan Mora
ovoryw.lerA e
0s„ S.1 It 06., Ste 140. Sant cettl ,, l t Also I11�
0 4516 Re 00,ms tai,1aS T, in blame, 0gg. incl, tTarontr
Ara t, fnr 0aaadai tT, afar. „T:ImitAd,