HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 5A.u6. 11, 1899 BUSINESS CARDS, ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER pont. 1.R.8OOT7+, Brussels, WH. MOO1 AOKEN, Iecurcr ofalarringe Ll0o4000, 0nloo u 1110 Oro000y, Turnberry street. Brussels, N. BARRETT,. r ToneorlaiArtist. Shop—Next door North of 410 Standard Bank, Wiwi' and o1ildroue hair putting a opocialty: TilARMS FOR SALE. THE UN - 1. rimmed/an 1100 several good Farms for sale andto rent, easy terms in Townships of Horde and Groy. Ti S. ;3b OT1',Bruasel0 T)11, ROSS, DENTIST, OF 11 Wtngbam, wn1 be at 6)10 American notal Brusseele, ovary other Thursday, tom• monolog in all its f rouohee to the moat of n and p-to•date style. 00•tf .MISS JEAN M1LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— , PIANO - AND — ORGAN, aFayssa .S, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELliy STORE. larNo Witness Required. T. FL74'1'CHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. C. M.. Academia graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, is prepared. to rooeil% a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on the piano, Walton—Monday, Tuesday ; Brussels —Wedneeday, Thursday ; Searorth—O'rldey, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupils far the Principal% Form iu the Conservatory of Muni(, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron. Conveyancer, 'Notary Publio invtestedOan and and to 1000. Collectioce ns muode Omoe in Graham's Block,Brossele AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUG. o TIo0EER. Money to loan. Farms to sell, Ill S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • Ban, will sell for bettor prices, to batter mon, iu ane limo and less °barges than any other Auctioneer in Met Huron or he won't (Urge anything, Dates and oorders can !always r by personalppliapplication. at this 011100cationn VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases manner, Particularestioated ) attention yP mals in a com- petent to dad t , veterinary and Infirmary—Four -Four ldoors northto, OO north of bridge 'Puxnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. T V • SSINr,OLonAvIR, BrA,RaIrSTPEoR n'oOftloeotone's oororthof Central HoSlttorfor the B Stanched Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (lata of Garrow & Proodfoot'e 011100, Godexloh.) Office over 01111es& Smto ith's auk, Brussels,Mone47 M • G. CAMERON, (POrmorly of 0ameren, Holt & Onex0itont,30Goderioh, Cameron St., borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M.D., O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Modioal College, Member College of Phy eloiune and surgeons, Ont. Lioeutiate of the Royal Collage of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifexy, ltdiobuogb. so -Telephone 040,14. Reoidenee, =1St., Bxuseele. • E. T. SNIDER, M.D., 0, M., successor to Dr, A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Pbyeioians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Pnyeioinns and 80100000 of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty, Eight years' experience. 1.3.-0111oe and res- Kelvoy, Tunberry street, Brussels. y Dx20-e• ✓. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B.. M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000130HEUR, ETC. Special attention given to dt000000 of the Throat and Lunge and diseases of Woman and Children, RIISIDi9NOE—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, 01R0E0N AND 00001001E010, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. let Olnee Honor Graduate of the Univorsi- tiesof T,dnity(Toronto), Qtmen's (lKingston) andotTriuity Modioal College; Follow of TrinitttttyMedlcal College and member of the (Wiese Post Gr eluate BcourBurgeons1troittand Cbiango,1099. Special attention paid to dia- eaees of nye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and die - enema Women, tO'Oonsultation in l9ng- fall and German. Telephone at residence, STOCK FOR SERVICE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The too on :koo for sory ASS. (Mn, 0 Morrie, p LOt*LO Oou.O�Morns, the thm•o'-brad Im- proved YorIOulro Boar, "Oa0 Lodge Long- followJ' No, 2480, bred by x. n, Brethou0, Bur- ford, to whish a limited number of sows will be taken, Terme, X1,00, to be paid at time of oet•vioo with privilege of returning if nee - Woozy. /Lumber of choice remits owe for gala for breeding purposes which will bo gold at pr1o21 to golf IROLUT"N000OG, Proprietor, • G1)see-ice. MINTS Oto NEWS, -- On Wedneeday of lest week the grim reaper death again Visited our village, and the spirit of David Lowrie tool; Ile flight to that better world beyond, aged 74 year( and 2 months. Lilo remain0 were laid to rept in the Garrio cemetery on Friday after- ngon,—A Toronto firm sold over $100 worth of bootie to the Free Public Lib, racy,—Thos. Vittie is able to be out again after his recent severe illness, though in vet very weak.—David Gathers, of the 3rd con., underwent 0 critical operation in Toronto on Monday of teat week.—A couple of Italians were in town on Mom day supplying onr oltizone with soma choice muoia.—The front of Earngey'e barber shop has been repainted.—Mies Edna Bean, of Woodotook, is in town visiting friends. Lift wet. LIVELY LINRO.—Listowel Fall Show on Tuesday and Wedneeday, Sept. 19 and 20.—Vio. Bamford, of the Standard staff, ban been laid off for the poet week with a slight attack of fever..—The interior of the Bank of Hamilton here is about to undergo ooneiderable improvement, a plan of which is being prepared by the Baok'e oontraotor.—Ln uuforbunate er- oident happened to J. S. Kidd, proprietor of the Arlington House here, while at a barn raising at D. MoQuoter'e, town line East, Wedneeday evening of last week. He was standing on the barn floor when a pike pole slipped, and otruck him on the back of the head, the blow knooking him forward. In falling, his faoe came in 0ontaot with the floor and wes badly out, and hie nose wee broken. He was picked up unooneoioue, and it was at first thought that his smartie were vary seri. oue.—Geo. Dunham, who has been a resident ot Manitoba for 18 years, has returned to this neighborhood, and pur- poeee spending several months with his brother near Trowbridge.—At a public meeting the following resolution wan car. ried approving of the principle of aiding and assisting Masers. Foerob, Fleming do Crowe to eetablioh a Furniture Factory upon the linea of the proposition now put forward by them, surrounded by proper safeguards for the continuous wonting thereof for a definite and specified time, and upon an agreement to be carefully considered and presented to the ratepay- ers before asking a vote on the question. Working Night and nay Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every Pill is a auger coated globule of health, that changes weaknee9 iuto strength, listlessness into energy, brain fag into mental power. Tbey're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by G. A. Dead• man, Druggist. 1t Tole also r tla. NEWSY NOTES.—Death has again vieited thio village. Henry Bonnett died on Ju'y 25, at the age of 01 years. The funeral took plane on Wedneeday, when the re mains were taken to the Methodist church, where the services were oondoot• ed by Rev. 0. W. Bristol, assisted by Rev G. Ballantyne. Deceased leaven a widow and five children, four eons and one daughter, to mourn the lose of a kind hatband and loving father. The family have the sympathy of the entire tom• munity.—Rev. G. Ballantyne and wife are visiting friends at Orangeville and other pointe.—Mrd. Springer, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. McKee, has returned to her home at Portland, Oregon.—W. Wood and Master George Wood spent a week with friends at Kia• oardine,—Mr. and Mrs. Winegardner, Parkhill, are visiting Mrs. Winegardner's daughter, Mrs. R. Mitobell.—Mies Susie Terry hes returned home after visiting friends in Milverton and other plum— Reggie Wood is epending a few days with friends in Stratford.—A. M. and Mrs. Patterson, of Galt, were calling on old friends.—The Messrs. Menzies have re- turned after vieitiug in Galt, Hamilton and other places.—Mise Maggie Baird and Mise Mary Elliott, of Bright, re• turned home on the let inst.' after spend• ins n few days with friends here, Mime Baird is anon to leave Bright, where she hoe resided most of her life, for Brad- dock, Pa. --Miss Terry bee returned home after spending a week with friends in Jamestown. yealorth. SUMAC= S>rETooEn.—Josiah Watson has purchased the Coleman naw mill and stavefaotory and intends starting up in the course of a few weeks. -On Tuesday evening of last week Walter Rankin, aged 87 years and 0 months, died at the home of hie brother-in-law, Robt, Haw• theme, Egmondville, after being a severe enfferer from ooneumption for a number of months. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to the Harpnrhey cemetery, and was largely attended by the deceased's numerous friends.—Tues- day of last week woo Seafortb'e Civic holiday. The town seemed to be deserted as there was eoarcely a person to be seen on the streets after the departure of the epeoial exoureion train to Goderioh at 8 B0, Some 50 of our townspeople went to Brantford on the early train and spent the day theca, while over 700 persona took advantage of the band exoureion and went to Goderioh.—On Wedneeday, 2nd inst., between 4 and 5 a. m., a heavy bail storm passed over Seatorth. Those who were up before the storm broke gay that from the appearanoe of the oloude one would judge that a cyclone was hang• ing over this section of the country. The lightning wan very vivid, although distant but it did ooneiderable damage to the telephone system as quite a number of the telephones wore bnrut out. For about a quarter of an hour the wind was very strong and the downfall of rain was heavy, then the hail name with great violence. Some of the hailstones were a0 large as email bene eget. The fruit and leaver were all beaten off the trees, the potatoes, vegetables and grains were Jail on the ground while the window penes on the South side of a great many buildings were chattered. The Methodist and Boman Oatholio °hurtled had a great nntnbar of the colored w indo wa riddled t ' l fared more or ' t different mills al ar while he di lees eevorely. It ft laid that two hundred dollars will not 000101 the loos sustained by either of the ohurebee before mention• ed. The storm was pretty general in this eeotion het no where else did they have much hail. In fact in 0omo per - Hone of that town the hail was more 9eVer0 than in 0there, In Harpnrhey there wee little or rinse, while in the t llaetward nearly every house had win. 1 down riddled, The herdwere merollante were kept hustling for fieveral days alp- plying our oitisons and the farming with window glum. Boma of the (admit rani. dente say that this wee tiro oovereet hall storm that bee vieited this place in the lest forty years, Litco o.aoo'ev. Ramat Lioior 're, -Loyal Legion will not meet until after vaoation.—James MoGregor, of We village, hoe aooepted a si