HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 44 '' TELE BRUSSELS" POST
(i $rozstio
FRIDAY, AVC. 11, 1899.
Maws): Belem -Wilbur Cudmoro lofb
for Windsor where be has attempted a
position as dry•goode olerk,••a%lmtuu
MoCallotn, dentist, of Buffalo, is home
speeding ie abort vocation. -W. 141. hl •tr•
tin, B. A., graduate of Toronto Univet'.
stay, and On of Rev. W. M. Marlin, of
thie place, has received the appointee ut
of Olaoeioal Master of the Bennet, I l„h
Sahooi,- Wilbur Handford left for Tur.
onto weave he bee nooepted a poeittou 0e
photographer. - Mrs. P. Hall left for
Gederich where her husband is engaged
io mercantile baeineee,-'there died at
the family residence, on the 203 emcee -
Bion, 'Osborne, Ettie Woods, beloved
wife of Won. M. Blatobford, at the ego
of 30 years, 9 months and 11 days, The
deceased was a victim of consumption. -
Geo. Davie fell from a step ladder and as
a result sprained hie ankle badly. -E.
Howard, who met with the runaway
accident, is able to be around again, but
ie obliged to Carry hie arm in a sling.
Bar orTa.-Dr. Tait, who has been
studying in the New York hospitals for
the past Pix weeks, returned borne Wed-
nesday of last week. The Dr. wilt now
make a speoial(y of the nose and throat,
and all diseases of woman. -A. H. Plum-
mer, who recently resigned the Prinoipal.
ship of Blyth eobool, owing to ill health,
was very kindly remembered by his for.
mar pupils. He was presented with two
easy ohairs, a Dopy of Longfellow'a poems
and a copy "Beautiful Gems," snore.
paned by an address. Miss Lottie
Bentley read the address, and Miss Edna
Carder Frank
OAnderson made the
presentations. -The voters' list for the
village has been issued. There is a
total of 32.1 voters on tbe list, and of
these 78 are eligible to serve as jurors, -
Chief Somers received a telegram from
Chicago conveying the sad intelligence of
the d.owuing of bio eldest son, James. -
Fred. Toll and John Denholm eaoh ship-
ped a oar of horses teem Blyth to Mani•
toba on Friday,-Tbere were 94 tickets
sold Wednesday of last week, at Blyth
station for Goderioh.-Jno. W. Bell has
been appointed collector of taxes for
1899 at a ealary of $40. -The abairman
of the street committee was instructed to
advertise far 70 cords of gravel.
Nzwex FLUTTERS.-Fordwiob cheese
faotory sold the July make of cheese for
the handsome sum of 9j~c, per lb. -Dur-
ing the month of July, Jae, Rowe, who
is in partnership with Peter Hepinstall
iu the insuranne business, and who has
charge of the outside work for the How•
ick Mutual Fire Insurance Company for
tbe township of Howiok. received 60 am
plications for that Company. -Word was
received by Peter Hepinetall of the death
of hie sieter•in law, Mrs. Robt. Hepin•
Mall, at her borne in Poseyvid, Mich., on
Friday, July 28th. Death was doe to an
attack of typhoid fever, and she bad
reached the advanced age of 65 years.
She was a woman who was very much
loved and reepeoted.-Richard Hamilton,
sen of John Hamilton, left Harrieton on
Monday of laet week with Mr. Halliday
of that town, for London, England. Mr.
Halliday takes with him a shipment of
cattle, and Richard goes to enjoy the
balmy breezee of the Atlantio.-Miss
Eva Lindsay, of Mankato, Mion,, is
spending a Couple of weeks Calling on
friends here before leaving for her home
where she will resume her deities as
teacher. -Mrs. B. S. Cook has been on
the sink list but we hope to soon hear of
her complete recovery, -Mrs. McPhail,
of Palmerston, bad the misfortune to
break her arm. It eeeme the old lady
went out to close the gate and it being
dark, eba stumbled and fell with the
above result. She was brought to her
daughter's, Mrs. Jae. Yoaog, sr., of ilia
place, 0. S. Oook bad the roof of the
stable at the Arlington block recovered
with a meat of tar and gravel.-Ieaao
Wade is out among the farmers now bay.
ing apples. -The regular quarterly eervioe
of the Methodist church on the Ford.
wish circuit was conducted at Mayne on
Sunday morning. -A literary meeting
was held by the Epworth League, the
priooipal part of the program being a
debate on the enbjeot "Resolved that the
employment of women has proved detri-
meotalto the intereate of the general
public." It was won by the negative.
De. BAUR AT Lrerowmn,-John Scott,
a Lietowel drover, has Ioot seven head of
cattle within the past week or two, the
supposed cause of their death being
anthrax. The cattle were paetoxiog on
the Livingstone and Olimie farms, near
the river on the Soath.weet side of Listo-
wel. Last year Mr. Scott lost five head,
and the year beton two bead, apparently
from the same dinners. The late William
Dickson, of Elam, also lost a number of
cattle a year ago from the anthrax, these
being the only oases of this disease re.
ported in the province as far as is known.
Fobbunately the disease appears to be
local eo far as these casae are concerned,
no other Cattle in the neighborhood has.
ing contracted it. The disease, it ie
said, is liable to mar in the neighbor.
hood of tanneries or wollen mills, and
is supposed to be due to the game from
diseased hides or wool. While there is
no proof that the outbreak of anthrax in
Mr, Scott's cattle is due to this Cause, it
is a fact that hie pasture ie not far die.
taut from the tannery, where foreign
bides are oonetantly being handled, and
also nob snob a great dietanoe from the
woollen mill, bat in the latter it is tinder,
stood very little, if any, imported wool ie
used. Dr. Bryne, secretary of the Provin-
oial Board of Ennio, visited Lietowel ob
Thursday to make enquiries ocncerning
the reported outbreak, and bad an inter.
view with Mr. Soots. The oaroaseee of
the dead cattle, with one exception, had
been hurled. One of them had been
burned. Dr. Bryne suggested that the
burial plane be fended off and the earth
over and around the dead animals be
covered.wfth qutok lime, fele. Scott had
8 more (fettle that showed symptoms of
anthrax poisoning, but after dootoring
Ibom liberally with Melte they have gob
better. While in Listowel Dr. Bryne
bad on interview with the Mayor and
some members of the Council and Board
of Health regarding the pollution of the
01080. After basing examined the rivet~
bed he gave it oe hie opinion that 0 trunk
Bawer (Mould be putt, in, commetoing in
the vloieity or the brewery and oontina•
fog down tbe river to the railway bridge
below the tannery, and that land amulet
be parahaeed below the bridge eofiieient
for a filtering basin, and advised that the
work be uuderteken without deiey, as
the town was nettle to have an notion
entered against It any time for permit-
ting the pollution of the stream, Dr.
Sryee recommends a 12.bnoll sewer, but
the Standard sage it eeeme somewhat
doubtful if that would be large enough
for a thorough drainage of the main por-
tion of the town.
keteetectliitn 1'Si a evil.
North Perth Liberals want a canyon.
tion galled,
Jamie Allen, a teamster in Hamilton,
was found dead in lois room.
The Maritime Provinoee stove mann•
feeturers will increase their price 6 per
W. W. Banning, a former resident of
Chatham, was murdered at Republic,
Senator Balinese le reported to be dan-
gerously 111 at ilia house at St. Vincent de
Arthur Davie, of Mitchell, had a oblate.
eu oome out of the shell recently with
2 beaks and 8 eyes.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier hoe ooneented to
address a few pubiio meetings in the
Provtnoe of Ontario in the Fall.
Au eleotric light wire fell upon the 0.
P. R. telegraph line at Brantford, and
burned ell the wires running East, to
One of the Canadian Atlantic shops at
Ottawa was destroyed by tire Tbureday
of last week. The loos is estimated at
about $10,000.
The Alvioaton Free Press has changed
hands, and ie now under the management
of A, E. hatch, formerly of the Oil
Springs Ohroniole.
Burglars entered tbe Sarnia Post print.
ing office on Tuesday evening, between
and 8 o'clock, eeattering things generally,
and extracting $5 from a drawer.
The 0. P. R. Oompany announces that
tbey are advised by agents along the
Western division that 6,000 harvesters
will be required to handle the crop thlo
season. 'Tie estimate is based on the
splendid outlook of the enormous yield.
The Ottawa Citizen thinks thet if
aldermen were paid, a greater number of
first -elan men would ober for election,
Perhaps so, though a sense of duty ehoald
attract first-class men to the public ser
vice, without a financial stimulus.
Galt city council are trying to effect an
arrangement with tbe gee company
whereby tbey may have an all night
eleotric light service. The offer made by
the council is 21 cents a light per night,
The Galt cinder path was formally
opened ou Wednesday evening of last
week. It is six miles long and omit $300.
It is now finiebed with the exoeptioo of
putting on a coating of powdered atone at
o Cost of about $60.
0. W. Thomas, a prominent resident
and ex•reeve,of Anderou township, was
severely burned by the explosion of a
lamp, and owing to extreme age and
shook to the system failed to rally, and
died in great agony.
Mies Jana, aged 15, youngest daughter
of John MoNab, governor of the Guelph
jail, is rather seriously ill from blood
poisoning brought au by running tbe
point of a pin into the eeoond joiut of
the middle finger of the right hand.
The Machinists' Union, of Stratford,
have asked the oounoil and cibleens to
put up 9600 nab, end aid with a trades'
prooession for a demonstration on Labor
Day. A citizen's committee will see bow
muoh they oan raise for the day.
.Herr Fieoher, of the Orange Free State,
arrived in Pretoria to ooneult with the
Transvaal Governmeut, presumably with
regard to Mr. Chamberlain's proposal for
e joint commission over the Trauevaal
franohise proposition.
The African Methodist Epieoopal
Elders' Council of Georgia and Alabama
propose to ask the United States Govern.
menb for a grant of $100,000,000 to start
a line of steamers to Africa to enable the
Southern negroee to emigrate.
The Evening Citizen, of Ottawa, states
that J. B. Herbert, the alleged defaulter
of the Banque Ville Marie, was in town
Thursday of last week, and that he aeeur•
ed Detective Carpenter, of Montreal,
whom be to said to have met on the ebreet,
that he bad oommitted no offence.
Berbert was well supplied with money,
Bertha, the 0 year•old daughter of M.
Corriere, of the firm of Oarriere, Caron &
Co., merchants, Hall, fell out of a win.
dow of the living apartment above the
store to the pavement below, a dietanoe
of 25 feet, on Wednesday evening of last
week, and sustained fatal injuries.
Some of the Christian Scientists die.
covered 105 poundsof honey in their new
quarters, the old St, JamesPresbyterian
ohurob, London. Bees had hived under
the eaves of the Sunday School at the
East end, and when the savee.board was
removed three sections between the oaf•
tere were found to be packed with honey
in the oomb.
The ratepayers of Victoria, B. 0., have
adopted a bylaw authorizing a 50•year
leaee of the James Bay mud Hate to an
Englieb syndicate, which propoeee to
convert the Bata into pleasure grounds
end an athletic park, and in return for
the lease will place a eubetantial bridge
morose James Bay. On one side of the
bridge, which will be 200 garde long,
they will erect kiosks for meroaatile par•
poses, and these will be the main source
of reaenae.
At half -pad nine o'clock Friday morn.
ing there passed away at his residence on
Huron street, Stratford, James bladed.
den, who, until a abort time ago, was
local Registrar, Clerk of the County
Court, and Surrogate Registrar of bbe
ooanty of Perth. Mr, Maofadden has
been more or lees ailing for the past two
yeare. A week ago be was suddenly
stricken with a parelytio etroke, which
affected bis throat. Singe that time he
had been unable to take any nourish•
went, death being in hie ease a merciful
A Cow belonging to Mr. Baynes, of
Granton, bad a rather novel experience
early the other morning; While stand.
lag on the G. T, R. owning, an °ngine
pinked leer up, slammed bet through a
board fence and about 15 or 20 feet be-
yond. Mr. Baynes Cleared sway the
debris of the broken feriae, in the mean-
time sizing np the situation preparatory
to having her drawn out with a team of
horses, when the enimet epreng to lee
feet and started for bone, apparently he
if nothing find happened, Just te year
age Mr. Baynes had a cow take the same
Dudes will give Dr. Thomas A. Bert.
ram a reception on his return from
Two lingliahnten Dante amen n fox'e
den at Guelph the other day end deter.
mined to dig the aulmal tont 1 and they
did, but it turned opt to be a 81(011k, The
000kneye wanted home in borrowed
Woodsl. eh Titnea, John A. Baio Paid
title morning that the Bain Company had
estimated to turn out 0,000 wagons tole
year. Their trade extends from Nova
Bootie to British Columbia, nod is nob
year inoreasiog.
The Ottawa and Gatineau Railway
Oompauy will extend he line a part of
the way from Graoefieid to afauikawe
this Sumpter. Already a stuff of men
is engaged in the p.eliminary worst.
It is proposed to oouetruot fifteen miles
this Beason as far as Blue plea Lake.
The following Board of Examiners hoe
been appointed by the Council of Plier•
lacy of Ontario - Dispensary, W.
Murchison, Toronto ; Prescription, ,1. T.
Popper, Woodetook i Materia Medina, D.
S. Sager, Brantford ; Botany, 0. R,
Smith, Toronto •, i'berntacy, le. J. Barri•
son, Loodou ; Chemistry, G. A. Beane,
Toronto ; Practiced Chemistry, Prof, W.
H. Ellie, Torouto University.
13 C1101.'1.11 IN OWN.
The directors of the Ville Marie Bank
have decided to appoint another Inspect-
or, L. A. Ment, to act with Mr. Caned.
It is reported from Nooses City that
thousands of Texas goats are killed in
that City and their earce.ses sold es mob.
It is reported that Dlr. Fawcett, late
gold commiaeiouer iu the Yukon, has
pnrobased a controlling letterset iu the
Niagara Palls Record,
The Johannesburg correspondent or
the Times relates bow PresidootKfrtuger's
son whoithe a
s head uE the secret service
d to induce one of the
witoeesee forhe e
t pro eoutiou to do hie
utmost to prove the Rase against the al.
leged (Aeer to be one of oonepir0cy on
the part of the British Government.
Ohne. Yager, a cbairmaker, 40 years
old, cut the throats of hie three children
and his own with a razor at Brandt, five
miles from Soequehanue, Pa., on Aug.
4th. He was a widower, and lived alone
with the children, whose ages ranged
hum 5 to 12 years. The four bodies were
found by nei9hhore. Be is supposed to
have been ineaae.
ta 5
W. F. Stratton is the agent for
this district for D. Cantelon, On-
tario's largest exporter of apples.
Ain buying now, at the very
highest market price, any quan-
tity of Fall and Winter varieties,
also culls and. large crab apples.
Before selling please call on
tne, it will pay you.
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
"'rile Tourist Route of
vestibule trams daily between Hamilton,
Buffalo, Niagara Palls, Detroit and Chicago,
and the beat eerviee is also via this route to
Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Portland, -eta. A
great variety of tours, embracing the charm.
Ing Muskoka, Midland and Nipiseing Lakes,
Georgian Bay, Maelnao, Duluth, Thousand
Islands, St. Lawrence River, Montreal. Que-
bec. Saguenay River, Sea Coast resorts,
Europe, eta.
Illustrated publications, maps, and full
and reliable information may be obtained
from aur agent Grand Trunk Railway
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Bruseele.
T. Fletcher's
Another orate of those Beautiful
Souvenir Goode with photo. of Main
street Publ'
So oolandMeiville;ohuroh,
Call for a Souvenir before all are gone.
A full stook of Ladies' and Gents'
Gold Watobes always kept. A beautiful
assortment of Gold Rings, made to our
order, direst from mannfaoturer.
Repairing of Watohee promptly at.
tended to and guaranteed.
It you require Speotaoles ask for
Hart's Art Gallery
When you want the beet eatisfaotion and
a Photo. that yen aro not aohamed to
ehow your friends, We do no eeoond•
oleos work, whatever. Every Photo, that
we turn out is strictly flreb.olaes and
right np•to•date. Oompare our work
with others and judge for yourself who
does the best work. Our Work is all
Bruussele finished. Call god give us a
trial and I Cam ears you will be wolf
pistoled with our work for it ie by farethe
beet you oan get lin town. Our posing,
ifgbtfng, retonabiog and toning ie mush
in the l�lead,Come up and try ug.
1C. ,1 APT, ART/ST,
StI'ettoit tfloek,l Brussels.
Sign of the "bison," •
Good opening for smart apprenbiee,
crop AT ..
Don't make any mielake AS we are far
ahead of any in town and oan satiety you,
We are up•to•date. My studio is open
for the boueiit of the pubiie (i dive in the
week, holiday's inoiuded. We don't wa.It
on Sunday, We aro far better than we
say as we are modest and don't like to
Now is the time to get a view of your
reeldenoe, eto. Brewer does tits work.
Step in and eye 1e, Always weloome,
And Apple Butter.
IIave everything ready for the
Fall tads in the manufacture of
Cider and Apple Butter.
Factory on Mill street.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
LU -Io -Dare.
A. Choice Stock of
on hand and sold at
Reasonable Prices.
lz Grocery Department
retains its hold on the Public
for Fresh Goods guaranteed to
be all that is represented.
A call will convince the most
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Str'iatty One Price.
AUG, 11, 1899
410 o
✓l. t auto?/,s Ielirc7�la.
You Cann Afford
To be indifferent to the news of' this store. It is full of
goods, a splendid aggregation of stocks. All that can be told of them here are mere '
hints. One thing you must relneniber that we are leaving on
August Clearing Sale of Summer Merchandise
and it is the buyer's opportunity to get Genuine Bargains such as we offer below.
Bargains in
At l5o per yard-
') Pieces Panoy Tweed Drees Goode
in dark ehadee, very suitable for
obildren'e dresses, real vales 250 per
At 20e par yard-
10 pieces Tartan Plaid Dress Goo9e
worth at regular prise 30e.
Plain and Fancy
At 373o per yard -
u pleces Fancy Plaid Dress Geode,
very suliable for Ladies' Weide,
bright new goods, our regular 50o.
At 25o per yard -
10 pieces 44 Moll Pure Wool Drees
Serge, ehadee Green, Blue, Cardieel,
Brown and Grey, real value 40o.
DJ,on Goods.
A. splendid array of Bargains on sale this month,
buy them will be the Special Prices. .
At Ila per yard -
50 pieces best quality 32 ieab Eng•
lieh Prints, all this season's goods,
regular price 1230.
At 83o per yard -
25 pieces 80 ioob English P. into in
light and dark shades, real valus loo
and 123o per yard.
At 120 per yard -
5 pieces of Zepra Gingham, abnioe
patterns, regular prise Ida and 20e.
At 190 per yard -
6 pieoes Oottonede for Overalls,
heavy weight, marked prioe 22e and
25o a yard,
At 69a eaoh-
20 only, Targe eine, Whits Mantilla
At 90 per yard- Bed Speeds, real value $1 25 each.
we clear the balance of oar fancy At 125s per yard -
colored Dress Muslim, real values 5 pieoee 72 inch 'Twilled Sheeting,
123o and 15o per yard. would be good value at 200.
At 373e per yard -
4 pieoee Panay Brocaded Dress
Goods, shades Black and Rad, Brown
and Torquoise, Green and Elects,
real value 60o,
the inducements to
5o per yard -
20 pieces 30 lush Flannelette; in
light and dark Colors, real value
75 a yard.
500 per yard -
2 pieoee 61) inch Satin Damask Table
Linen, real value 750 per yard.
123o per pair -
5 doz. Men's Heavy Wool Sooka, r,•al
value 180 per pair.
All our 75e, 90o, and $1.00 Shirt Waiste, good style and colors, for•50o.
Those that bave been selling at $1.25 and $1 50 each to dear at 750.
Special Prices on all lines Summer Vests, Cotton Stockings and Ladies' Gloves
To the careful economical buyer, to the bargain seeker, in fact to all buyers of Dry Goods, the
Goods are confidently offered in the knowledge that they will be readily appreciated and quickly pur-
chased at the low prices at which they are offered.
J. Ferguson & Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
We have in stock over 10 tons of the Celebrated
Deering Twine -the Standard of the World. Every ball
of Deering Twine is what the tag represents it to be -
smooth and strong, even and long.
Pure Manila, 10ic. per ib.
Standard Manila, . . . 10c, r'
Standard, ..... .
-Waterproof Binder Covers, $8.00.
-A. 10 inch Monkey Wrench for 25e.
-Machine Oil from 25e. per gallon up.
-A large stock of Harvest Tools, Harvest Mita,
Paris Green, tato.
McKay & Co.'s
°H „ Last Longest and get
Every Wisp of Hay,
They are Modern and
Yi IL llum,phrios 86 Son, Dr ..t Crude'',
We also handle all othor lines of Implements.
Bargains I
During I
Reduced Prices on all
Lines of
Prints, Ginghams
Colored }1uslinst
Our stook of these is not
large, but at the same time
is well assorted and we will let them go very cheap. If you Pan do
with anything in the above lines you are the gainer by 25 per cent.
during the month of August.
Our stock throughout is well assorted
in aII lines, including :-
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Groceries, Clothing, &c.
New Fashion Sheets and Standard Patterns to hand.
A. Strachan.
Brussels Carriage Works.
-40 eee.-
Has now on eland and for sale the following line of goods :
Top and Open Buggies with 3 and s inch
wheel°. In color -Bleak, Green,
Carmineand Natural Wood. Size of
bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Mao Jump
Seat Baggies with 1 in, wheels.
With two and Throe Beate.
Road and Speeding Garbs,
Farm Wagohe Complete, 2 and 24 in. tires
with malable arms 83 and 4 in.
Wagon gear only if eo desired. Parra
Trnoka, 2i and 3 in tires. One-horse,
Wagon, with et without box. Also
Gr000r'e Delivery Wagon.
Wheelbarrows with eteel or wood wheels.
As we handle the above line of goods
by the oar lot purohasere will get the
benefit by buying from us,
""\7C7"A T & T1 "Nis,
Carriage Works, Brussels,
Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty.